From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #259 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Wednesday, July 8 1998 Volume 02 : Number 259 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Libidinous 4/? BUFFYFIC: IOHM (4/?) Cordelia See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 21:27:12 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Libidinous 4/? Title~ Libidinous 4/? Author~ Shani Notes~ in psychoanalytlic theories, the libido is the driving force behind all human actions Summary~ A Buffy/Angel story with a few twists. Involves characters from General Hospital, but yoiu don’t have to watch GH to understand this fic. I did change a thing or two around for you GH fans Disclaimer~ All characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Joss Whendon, Mutant Enemy Productions, Kuzui Enterprises, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. “The Climb” belongs to No Doubt and can be found on their Tragic Kingdom CD. All characters of General hospital belong to ABC. Chapter 4, The Climb “Stefan!” Buffy called. “Wait up!” Stefan and Nikolas both stopped and turned to face her. She looked in a hurry, and they could tell from the expression that something was up. Angel stood behind her, still holding her hand. “Something’s here. I’m not sure what but I could feel it. Even Angel could feel it.” She rushed. “Alright, I must consult my books,” began Stefan. Angel and Buffy both smiled. “You said that you ‘could feel it’, would yo ucare to elaborate?” “It was evil. I could sense that evil even after it left. All I saw was a black shadow and it was gone.” Buffy said. Hmmm...maybe she wouldn’t go back to the Hellmouth as soon as they all thought. He left the room and headed for his private library. Though the private room in the public library held old books, they were only on rituals. The books on Spoon Island talked about demons, horrible evils that people couldn’t imagine. Stefan began his search. Nikolas had never been in a situation like this before. He was frightened, but still would help anyway possible. “Is there anything that I can do?” He asked the Slayer. She nodded slightly. “I need you to be careful, don’t go trying to save the world or anything, ok?” Buffy thought that may sound a bit harsh, but needed him to understand. The lastthing that she wanted was to have to save him on top of killing the demon. Wouldn’t it be nice if ths turned out to be nothing? Right, like *that’s* ever going to happen. Still, she had Angel, which made her stronger. She could face this...if only she knew what “this” was. He hated this, but accepted it. He had no choice. He just wished that his reunion with Buffy could have been demon-free. She’s the Slayer, he knew better than to hope for that, he had known better than to hope for a reunion with her at all. Yet, here he was. She stood close, helping Stefan look through books. He admirred her for focusing on this hellish issue, instead of him. He wished he had more of that control, though she was starting to get a bit bouncy. Finally, she couldn’t seem to take it any more. She stood in front of him, reaching behind her, she grabbed his arms. One in each of her hands. Then she wrapped them around her and locked his hands together. She continued her research. That was more like his Buffy. “I found it.” Stefan said. “Arcanus.” Angel recognized the name. “Arcanus. Hidden, in latin. He hides in shadows watching humans. Then he possesses whomever he likes most, hidding in their body and causing destruction. Not one of the worst demons,” Angel assured. “But he will kill, right?” Buffy asked. Angel nodded, seeing where she was going. “Then he must die. What else do we know about him? Where would he go in this town?” Buffy asked, going into Slayer mode. They would get this. Nikolas had seen Buffy as the determained sort, but not really as a hard worker. He was wrong. Though he could tell she resented her fate, she did what had to be done. From what his uncle had told him, she gets it done well. He felt somewhat helpless, but didn’t want to get in the way. “What happens next?” He asked Angel. “We develop a theory, then a plan, then carry out the plan.” Angel replied. ‘Gee, I could’ve figured that out.’ Nik thought. Well, he answered the question at least. Now all they needed were theories and plans. Angel was hungry, though he had no taste for blood. He found that strange, but ignored it for the moment. They had more important things to worry about, like keeping the people of Port Charles safe from a possessing demon. Oh! “Uh, guys...” ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 20:51:43 -0700 From: (Charity C. T.) Subject: BUFFYFIC: IOHM (4/?) Cordelia TITLE: In Opacitatem Habitant Modo #4 Cordelia AUTHOR: Taygeta E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Pretty please with a cherry on top! DISTRIBUTION: Sure, just tell me first. RATING: PG-13 DESCRIPTION: Buffy is blind, various POVs DISCLAIMER: The characters any such reference to Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series belong to their creator, Joss Whedon, and their owners, Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Productions, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. In other words, they do not belong to me. Copyright infringement not intended. ****************************** In Opacitatem Habitant Modo #4 Cordelia By: Taygeta "Thank you," Mrs. Summers had said to me when I had brought Buffy back home. For some weird reason, I couldn't even bring myself to say, "you're welcome." If she only knew…if *they* only knew… That night…that night was the night when everything went wrong. We were suppose to have the upper hand…we *had* the upper hand… or at least we thought so. Our plan…it seemed so flawless…it seemed so perfect…a little too perfect, come to think of it. That "great" plan was a total failure…we didn't succeed even though we did stop Spike and Druscilla from awaking the century old demon, Roflar, who had enough power to destroy the world a few times over. It would have been a success if we had all gotten out of there without barely a mark, but it didn't happen. By saving the world, we lost our lives…everything we knew of up until then…it didn't seem to matter. Buffy was blind…she's blind…she'll never see again…and it's my entire fault! But they don't know that. "Honk! Honk!" the car behind me wailed and I noticed that the light had turned green and pushed on the gas pedal to move ahead…my thoughts still spinning in my head. If only Giles hadn't gotten caught during the plan…everything could have worked out…not that I blame him…it wasn't his fault. We came up with another plan…a so-called perfect plan…that somehow ended with Buffy, Xander, and I fighting Druscilla and Spike. Most of the Vamp Troop had been done away with the first time we were there and only a few were around the mansion. The leaders of this depleting demon minion were alone…Angelus hadn't been around…Thank God, who knows what kind of a state Buffy would be in if he had been. Druscilla saw us first, she whispered quietly to him, and he stood up with a smile. "Well…well…look who's back…Buffy and her bloody Brigade," Spike had began, but the she interrupted him. "Stuff it, Spike…just give us back, Giles," she said immediately, not wanting to waste another minute. He chuckled softly, "You think you scare me, slayer? Well, you're wrong…you're just like the others…weak…I was sure you were different, but, um, nope…I'm not." "Spike, dear, don't let her take away my new friend," Druscilla said in an attempt to make Buffy more angry. It worked. "Hush, Dru, I could never do that…did you remember to feed your new pet?" he said slyly as he glanced up at her lovingly…an expression that surprised me was in capable of him. I saw her think for a moment and she sighed as she played along, "I suppose I forgot…ah…well…" Although it had only been a few hours since he had been captured, I could imagine him in her demonic hands…starving to death…his thin form turning to bone and to dust right before my eyes. If anything had happened to him…I don't know what any of us would do…he was the Watcher…Giles…our Giles. Then, it happened so quickly, that I couldn't believe it, even though I saw it happen right in front of my eyes. Obviously, Spike was majorly ticking off Buffy, and I saw her clench her fists tightly, but I saw something he didn't. She was clenching a stake that she somehow hid by using her hand and jacket. My heart had rapidly pounded as approached her, but its speed probably didn't even close to how fast hers must have been going. He had just about reached a few feet away from her when she ran towards him with a stake and the demonolatry sustained body we saw crumbled into dust at her feet. Dru went stark raving mad and at first it seemed that she dived towards Buffy, but really she had wanted to take the dust on the floor and hold it. Tears fell down her face as the last remnants of her boyfriend caked her hands. We stupidly stood idly by…watching…waiting when we should have tied her up…killed her. If only…that's all I can saw when I think of this…if only. Suddenly, she screaming, "You killed him! You killed Spike!" Repeatedly, and not just at Buffy, at me and Xander, too, as if we had all killed him. She must have thought so because she lunged towards where Buffy and I stood, throwing Xander against the wall along her way. I screamed when I saw him hit the wall, and almost ran towards him to see if he was okay, but something stopped me before I could. Druscilla had not been going towards Buffy that night…she had been going towards me! I think she wanted Buffy to suffer with another friend dead…like a friend for a friend…something like that…I don't know…I'm not sure I want to know. I could have died…I think I would have died, but Buffy pushed me away and Dru's rage got the better of her as she clawed at her face and at her eyes like a cat would to a tiny mouse. Her screams still ring in my ears…waking me up at night…shocking me at the most impossible moments of the day. I've tried to talk to her…to say I'm sorry, but she wouldn't let me…stopped me the first time I tried to approach her. Something about it being her job…something about it being okay, but it wasn't okay. At least to me. I know she feels what's going on around her…the tension, the fear, the sadness, and sympathy we all have for her, but she doesn't see it…she can't see it because of me. She says it okay, but every time I see their faces, I know that if they knew what she and I knew…they'd hate me. More than they all did before…more than they do now…Xander, maybe most of all. He loves her…I know he does. We all do, but him, maybe most of all. I'll leave that at that. I don't want them to hate me, and I want to help Buffy in any way I can, and maybe it would make living day-by-day a little bit easier if I did. I'd give her my life if I could had to…after all, she saved my life…she's saved us all a hundred times over, and what does she get in return? A life in the dark…shades drawn and never to be opened, again. ****************** End Part 4. 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