From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #265 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Sunday, July 19 1998 Volume 02 : Number 265 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: "Part Two: Angel" (2/2) BUFFYFIC: "Possession" (1/1) BUFFYFIC: Xewitchet. Part 1/1 See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 13:31:41 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Part Two: Angel" (2/2) Note: This is a funky little vignette I wrote before I left home and then I think I forgot to post it. If I did post it already, then I'm sorry and you can all beat me with a wet noodle. 'Cause then Spike can comfort me. Not that he needs an excuse. Disclaimers: All standards apply. Distribution: Not w/out my permission, please. Comments: All of 'em to, thanks! ~ "Angel" //And after I Wipe away the tears Just close your eyes, dear...// "You're a vampire," she said, watching me from across the room. Smiling. "I-- I don't understand," I murmured, the weakness inside me adding to the way my head was spinning, the way it confused me, the way it made me ache. Making it harder by the second to maintain a tight focus on what I was seeing. On the way she watched me. "And you won't," she said, coming to rest by me. She placed one smooth, delicate hand on my forehead. Cold as death, her touch was. She smiled. "Not for a very, very long time." She shook her head. "You'll have to feed soon, love," she murmured, with a simple sort of concern. "I'll find you something to eat." I tried to struggle, I think...but it was too much, and I was too weak. to do anything but continue to sit, motionless, as she left me alone in the darkened room. * "Here, then," said a soft voice as its owner put something warm to my lips. Thirst that had raged inside me grasped quickly for the opportunity to be quenched, and I sucked the warm brew eagerly. She laughed. I imagine it must have been humorous, the sight of me drinking with such reckless greed that which only a day before I would have been loathe to touch. I did not know what it was this woman was giving me until no more liquid came forth, and she took the quickly cooling vessel from me. Again, her hand brushed my forehead, then moved to stroke my cheek, gently, in what I feel almost certain was meant to be a soothing gesture. I found no comfort in it, and no measure of solace seemed able to find me. Instead, I tensed at her touch. "Shh," she soothed, smiling as she bent to kiss my forehead. Her lips were cold. So cold. "Now, you must sleep for a time." I felt myself shiver in her arms, and then there was her tinkling laugh, like chimes in the wind. And then I was unaware. THE END Copyright 1998 Rachel Brody Comments to, please. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 13:43:20 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Possession" (1/1) Note: Again, I wrote this just before I left home, and I don't know if I posted it yet or not. Disclaimers: "Possession" is Sarah McLachlan's, the rest is Joss', I don't make money off it. Distribution: Not without my permission, please. Comments: To, be they good, bad, or anything in between. ~ "Possession" //Listen as the wind blows From across the great divide Voices trapped in yearning Memories trapped in time// -"Possession", Sarah McLachlan I see her sometimes. I catch glimpses. She's breaking. Slowly. I'm wearing her down, over time, like running water wears down the rock beneath. She's like liquid, though, shifting and changing like light patterns in darkness. There are times I wish I could be closer to her. Until I remember the kind of monster I am. And until I remember what she is. And then I have to remind myself I'll never have her. * Angelus snarled at the young Slayer before him, shoving her up against the wall and baring his fangs, in full game face. "Are you ready to die?" he demanded. "Because I'm ready to kill you." The petite girl was shaking, though she was also fighting hard to keep her enemy from seeing the tight fluttering of her heartbeat. She couldn't hide it, of course, because it sounded in Angelus' ears like the striking of a drum, loud and pounding, perfectly in time with her breath, with the way her eyelids fluttered and shifted as she tried to keep her eyes open without letting herself show her fear. He smiled, knowing he would frighten her more if he appeared genial. Then he reached up and gently stroked her cheek. "You're a pretty young lady, you know," he said quietly. She redoubled her efforts at escaping. "Nice," he said. Then he shook his head. "But...not enough. Sorry, honey, but it's time for you to kiss this world--" He snapped her spine quickly, and she went limp in his hands, "--goodbye." He let the body slip from his hands and fall to the ground, not giving the dead Slayer so much as a second glance. The year was 1794, and Angelus was on a slow trip north, making his way home. * I remember the times he killed them, in the past. She's stronger than they used to be. That has to be enough, because I'm too weak to fight him. I can't do anything but rail helplessly against his actions, be the voice in his mind that whispers he's doing wrong, that he's doing what can't possibly be done. That he's hurting her. He laughs. He doesn't care. I wish I could be as callous. But despite the fact that I warned her, that I told her getting involved with me was a bad idea and we'd both be safer if we were apart, I can't make myself believe that I'm not in some way responsible for this. "Show me your world," I told Darla. I only wish I had known of the horrors that filled it. * He drank the warm, sweet blood of another innocent child-- an Italian girl he had seduced and led from the inn where she worked, whose pain he had promised to take away. He had a warm bed, he could comfort her, he had said. She had believed him, the stupid thing. Angelus looked down at the naked body beneath him as he released her and she fell limply against the grass. Slowly, his features melted back into those that had belonged to the one whose body he had taken, that night so long ago in Galway. He stroked the tavern wench's cheek, already cool. His own hand was warm. He marveled at the sensation, the way the blood was working its way through his tissue and the way it made him feel so much closer to alive. He sighed, standing, not bothering to cover the girl's body. Let the villagers find it in the morning, and let them think as they would as far as the circumstances of her death were concerned. The night was young, and he would be miles away before anyone thought to connect the death to the mysterious young man who had come into the inn just after sundown, asking for a bed to stay the night in and a companion to warm it. * It was easier before. Before I came back. I didn't know what he was doing, not the specifics, before. Before, I had been banished from my own body, and I had been able to escape most of the details. He controlled my eyes, my ears, my hands. He guarded those privliges jealously. I think that's something he envied, before I became what I am now. Though I don't know for sure. He never answers my questions on the matter. Sometimes I'm not even sure he can hear me. Now, though, my tie to the Slayer is so close that I'm sure the only reason I haven't shriveled up and died is that I have no body to lose, no way to become less corporeal than I already am. In other words, I'm stuck like this and anchored to a life that would turn my stomach a thousand times over, if I had one anymore. Because of her, and my love for her, and the fact that our souls are intertwined forevermore. * Laughing, Angelus shook his head as the english peasant girl walked out of the church, virtually shaking with relief. *Pathetic,* he thought, *that she would place so much faith in the words of a man she cannot even see.* This intrigued him, though. Her blind faith. He cast a look down on the priest who lay at his feet, barely resisting the urge to spit on the dead man. He closed his eyes for a moment, listening carefully for the sound of anyone else who might be in the church. There was no breathing, no footsteps. He stepped out of the small, dark room, and moved out into the main hall. "Miss!" he called. The girl turned back to face him, looking surprised and then frightened. He chuckled inwardly. Probably afraid he was going to strike her, for whatever reason. He jogged forward, offering her only a smile. After a few seconds, she smiled back at him, though her eyes remained clouded with fear. "What ails ye, miss?" he asked, putting as much genuine concern into his voice as he could. She shook her head, casting her gaze toward the floor. "Nuthin', Sir." Frowning, Angelus reached down and took her chin in hand, delighting in the warmth of her pale, smooth skin as he tipped her head upward. "Nonsense, miss," he said seriously. "Such a pretty thing as yourself can't hardly think she can tell such falsehoods when, why," and he nodded at her eyes, "ye've even got them tears comin' from yer eyes." The dark-haired girl swallowed, then pulled away from him-- though she moved slowly, so slowly. "Thank you kindly, s-- Sir, but I-- I be havin' a chill, me eyes've been a touch, a touch runnin', Sir," she stammered out, obviously nervous. Her gaze moved immediately back to the floor, he noticed. So she was afraid of him. This evoked a smile. Because, he decided then and there, she should be afraid of him. She had every reason to be afraid of him. After all, for all she knew, he might kill her. "Nay, Miss," he said quietly, stooping slightly so he could look up into her beautiful, dark eyes. "Mayhaps ye might be in need of a walk home?" He nodded toward the door. "Tis a bit dark out, for one such as yourself--" He paused, leaning a little closer-- "--one of such beauty to be walking alone in London, this time of night." When her lush, pink lips parted and Angelus knew she was going to try and refuse his assistance again, he shook his head and cut her off. "Come now, Miss," he said, letting his voice trail upward slightly, giving her an opportunity to tell him her name. She looked at him a moment, then swallowed and nodded. "Drusilla, Sir, though I be known as simply Dru to most." "A pretty name for a pretty lass," Angelus said, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, as he took the girl's arm. She was trembling, still. He smiled to himself. He was nearly home. He could certainly afford a few decades' detour, and this child might provide the first real entertainment he'd had in years. * I did some inconsciousable things when the demon was in control of me. I didn't want to, and yet I feel as though I was a party to them all the same. Some things were worse than others. None were worse than what I did to Drusilla, until Buffy. The worst of that, of course, is that it wasn't the demon who hurt her. It was me. After so many years of looking for a way to atone for my actions before the gypsies gave me this curse-- which for a short time, appeared to be more of a blessing than anything else, because it allowed me time to be with the woman I love-- I thought I had found in Buffy someone with whom to share the quest. * "Your lover is _dead_, Slayer." Buffy choked, swallowing back the blood that rose in her throat as Angelus swung the steel pipe toward her again. She barely dodged, feeling the whoosh of the metal over her head. She couldn't take much more of this, and yet it was only a matter of keeping him distracted long enough for the others to get out of the building. She glanced back over her shoulder, toward where Giles' car was parked, to see if they had started its engine yet-- --and that was when Angelus brought the pipe around again, and it rammed into her side. It wasn't until Buffy felt herself slamming into the wall of the alley they were fighting in that she realized what was happening, and she pushed herself upward, to her feet, forcing herself to ignore the pain where the pipe had hit her and praying there would be no broken bones when Giles checked her later. Angelus stood off a bit, grinning at her. "He's dead. You killed him." She swallowed again, the blood in her throat thinning some as the trickle from where Angelus had punched her in the nose slowly began to ebb. "I don't _care_," she snapped back. "Sure you do," he said, shaking his head. "Tears you up inside." Getting ready to take another swing with the pipe, he shifted its weight in his hands. "You hate yourself for it, Buff, just admit that." "I hate myself for a lot of things," she said under her breath as she moved in for another kick, knowing full well that Angelus' preternatural hearing would compensate for the lack of volume on her part. She kicked out, her foot connecting with the steel pipe as it swung downward. She staggered backward, fighting to keep her balance-- but she let a smile of satisfaction slip over her features as the pipe clanged against the building wall, ten meters behind where Angelus stood. Reaching into her boot, she took a step forward, ignoring the scream from deep inside her that said if she used the stake she was pulling out, she would never see her lover again. He truly would be dead, just as Angelus had taunted only moments ago. "You wanna run now, or would you rather be shish-kabob?" The demon looked at her for a split second, then to the stake in her hand, and shook its head. "Later, hot stuff," it snarled, before turning and running away into the night. Barely able to believe Angelus had actually run away, Buffy stood silent and motionless as Giles and the others came out of the building. If her Watcher hadn't grabbed her arm and forced her along, she might have stood there forever. * I have made mistakes. I have paid for them, dearly. I have mourned the losses of those who have gone before me. I have repented my sins, and I have begged forgiveness for actions I know in my heart I should never be forgiven for. What I haven't done, what I will never do, is give up. Because I know that some day, my chance will come. The opportunity to thrust the demon aside and take back the life that once belonged to me will come again, and I will take it. I only pray she will still be here when that happens. THE END Copyright 1998 Rachel Brody Comments to, please. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 08:01:57 -0700 From: Jeff Weitkamp Subject: BUFFYFIC: Xewitchet. Part 1/1 Title: Xewitched, Xothered, & Xewildered Author: Jeff W E-Mail: Feedback: Yes please. Tell me anything. Was is good, bad, or what. Distribution: Please ask and I'll say yes. Spoilers: Definitely Bewitched, Bothered, & Bewildered. Summary: This is a Xander POV story for Bewitched, Bothered, & Bewildered. I know he was pretty much the main character in the story, but I thought it would be fun to get inside his head. Rating: PG Time line: Bewitched, Bothered, & Bewildered. Disclaimer: Most of the characters in this story belong to Joss Wheadon ect. The original story was written by Marti Noxon. The episode was directed by James A. Contner Thank yous: To write this story I used a script transcribed by. AleXander Thompson. Thanks man. You saved a lot of wear an tear on my VCR. ____________________________ Xewitched, Xothered, & Xewildered. Part 1 / 8 =93Buffy?=94 Xander said. =93Xander.=94 Buffy replied. Xander smiled and said. =93Buffy I want your opinion.=94 Buffy smiled and said, =93Go with boxers. They=92re better for the circulation.=94 =93Ha, Ha.=94 Xander said. =93No I want your opinion as a girl.=94 =93Well I guess I=92m qualified.=94 Taking a deep breath Xander reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. Opening it he pulled out the silver heart-sharp locket, and held it up. It lazily twisted back and forth on its chain. Buffy sat there for a moment starring at the necklace but saying nothing. =93So, what do you think?=94 Xander finally asked =93It=92s nice.=94 Buffy said with a shrug. =93Yeah but to you think Cordelia will like it?=94 Buffy took the locket in her hand and said, =93I don=92t know. Does she e= ven know what one of these is?=94 =93Okay, big yucks.=94 Xander said with a chuckle. =93When are you guys g= oing to quit giving my a hard time for dating Cordelia.=94 =93I=92m sorry,=94 Buffy said. =93But never.=94 I=92ll never have any peace in my life again, Xander thought to himself. First just dating Cordelia is quite a challenge. Fun, but challenging. And my best friends will always be riding me about it. Why can=92t people just get along? =93I just think you could find somebody more=85 better.=94 Buffy said som= ewhat apologetically. =93In a parallel universe maybe.=94 Xander said. =93Here the only other p= erson I=92m interested in is, um=85 unavailable. Besides, Cordy and I are reall= y getting along. We=92re not fighting as much, and yesterday we just sat together, not even speakin=92. You know, uh, just enjoying comfortable silence.=94 Then with a weak laugh Xander said, =93Man, was that dull.=94 Buffy similed and said, =93I=92m glad to here you guys are getting along.= =94 Then with a smile in her eyes she said, =93Almost really. And don=92t swe= at over the gift.=94 =93Well,=94 Xander said. =93This is new territory for me. I mean my valen= tines are usually met with heartfelt restraining orders.=94 =93She=92ll love it.=94 Buffy said. Xander began to pace and said, =93I wish dating was like slaying. You know, simple, direct, stake to the heart, no muss, no fuss.=94 Xander turned around to say something, when suddenly the ground in front of him erupted and the vampire that they had been waiting for, rose from his grave. The vampire immediately reached out towards Xander, who was just out of reach. My cross, where=92s my cross? Xander thought, as he instinctively backed away from the demon. However, his retreat is short lived when he tripped and fell on his, on his pride. Before Xander can stand or even react, the vampire is on him. The scream Xander is trying to hold almost escaped, when suddenly the approaching vampire appeared to leap backwards and away from Xander, landing hard several feet away. Xander looked up to see what he already knew. That once again his life had been saved by his petit blond friend. Even after nearly two years of watching Buffy, Xander was amazed to watch her in action. Battling the demon, she makes it all look easy. Xander watched as Buffy leaped and hit the vampire with both feet knocking him back. Then she hits him with a series of punches. Xander almost shouted out when the vampire managed to push Buffy to the ground. But before the words could escape his lips, Buffy kicked out with one foot tripping the vampire. Buffy and the vampire regain their feet about the same time. However, Buffy is faster and with a leaping kick knocks the vampire back to the ground. Buffy reaches inside her jacket and pulls out a stake, as the vampire stands up again. The vampire charges at Buffy. But as he reaches for her, she ducked under his grasp and plunged the stake into the Vampires chest, causing the vampire to explode into a cloud of ash. Acting as if this kind of thing happens to her everyday, which of course it does Xander thought, Buffy walked toward Xander. As she reached down to help him up she said, =93Sorry to say, Xand, slaying is a tad more perilous that dating. Xander stood up and brushed off his pride. As they began to walk out of the cemetery together he said, =93Well, your obviously not dating Cordelia.=94 The next morning Xander was sitting in American Lit. class behind Willow. As usual, he was watching the clock, waiting for the class to end. Finally, the bell rang. =93Papers on my desk,=94 Ms. Beakman said from in front of the class. =93Anybody trying to leave without giving me a paper is looking at a failing grade.=94 Xander smiled to himself as he opened his notebook. He took out his paper he said, =93Ha, ha, ha. This time I=92m ready for you. No =91F=92 f= or Xander today. No, this baby=92s my ticket to a sweat D-Minus.=94 Then he stood up collected his other books and papers. Turing around he saw Willow and Buffy talking to Amy Madison. Xander was immediately reminded of the events over a year ago involving Amy, her Mother, and the Cheerleading squad. The memories were not very pleasant. Especially when Amy=92s mother in Amy=92s body put some kind of magical chokehold on him. But the whole episode wasn=92t a total washout. There was the part with cheerleading squad. As Xander approached the girls he heard Willow say, =93My boyfriend=92s i= n the band.=94 As soon as he realizes that Willow is talking about Oz, Xander decides that instead of getting closer and hearing anymore, It would be more interested to studying the hair on the back of his hand, and keep his distance. Finally, the three girls finish their conversation and headed toward the front of class. First Buffy then Willow handed in their papers, and walked out of class. Xander waited as Amy walked up to Ms. Beakman. Xander watched as Amy stared at Ms. Beakman for a few seconds. Then Ms. Beakman smiled, reached out her hand as if she was taking something from Amy and said, =93Thank you Amy.=94 When Ms. Beakman pulled back her hand, there was nothing in it. Xander stepped up to the desk and absentmindedly handed in his paper. However, he was more interested in Amy. He looked after her thinking, did I just see what I think I saw? After handing in his paper, Xander followed Amy into the hallway and down the stairs. In a moment, Amy passed Buffy and Willow on the stairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs Amy continued straight ahead, while Buffy and Willow turn right. When Xander caught up to the girls he pointed in the direction Amy went and said, =93Did you guys see that?=94 =93See what?=94 Buffy asked. =93In class.=94 Xander said. =93I think Amy just worked some magic on Ms. Beakman. =93You mean like witchcraft?=94 Buffy asked. =93You know,=94 Willow said. =93Her mom=92s a witch.=94 =93And amateur psycho.=94 Buffy said. =93Amy=92s the last person that sho= uld be messing with that stuff.=94 =93Maybe I should go talk to her.=94 Xander wondered aloud. The three friends turn toward the sound of Giles=92s approaching voice as he said, =93Buffy. Might I have a word?=94 =93Have a sentence even.=94 Buffy replied. Xander ignored them as his mind wondered over the possibilities of being able to magically pass all his classes. But that wouldn=92t be right, would it? When Xander=92s attention returned to the others, he noticed that Ms Calendar had joined them, and was talking with Giles. Things were still strained between Giles, Buffy, and Ms Calendar. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Xander found himself wishing he had an elsewhere to be. I, uh,=94 Started Giles. =93Have a matter to discuss with Buffy.=94 =93Right. Let=92s go.=94 Buffy said as the she and her Watcher walk towar= ds the library. Ms Calendar stared at their backs for a long second, then with a shrug of frustration, she turned towards Xander and Willow, looked at them for a second then walked past them heading in the opposite direction. Xander looked at Willow and said, =93That wasn=92t too uncomfortable, was it? Buffy reached into the closet, removed a shirt on a hanger, and said. =93= I think this would look great.=94 Xander looked at the shirt she was holding, wondering why it was better then the one he picked out, he said, =93Works for me.=94 Buffy hung the shirt on the closet door handle. Then looked back into the closet said, =93Okay, now some slacks next.=94 =93Buff, I really appreciate you helping me with this.=94 Xander said. =93Anything for my bud.=94 Buffy said. =93I want you to look nice at the party. Maybe then you=92ll meet someone nice.=94 Buffy pulled a pair of slacks out of the closet, and looked at them with a critical eye. =93You just won=92t give up will ya?=94 Xander asked with a smile. Buffy put the slacks next to the shirt, shook her head, and put them away. Then she looked up at Xander and said very seriously, =93Well, maybe, someday...=94 Then she smiled and said, =93Like when the Hell-mout= h freezes over.=94 =93Well,=94 Xander said. =93I can always pray for a cold spell.=94 Cold spell, Xander thought. Amy=92s into that witchcraft stuff. I wonder if maybe she could get her to help me get Buffy and Willow to accept Cordelia? Something like what she did to Ms Beakman with her homework. Forget that. What I need is for Amy to help me with my homework. Wouldn=92t that be cool? Never again would I have to spend those long nights of intense studying, when I really should be at the Bronze. =93Ohhh, Xanderrrr.=94 Buffy said bringing Xander out of his pondering. =93Oh, I=92m sorry.=94 Xander said. =93What did you say?=94 =93I said, what about socks?=94 Xander walked over to the dresser, opened a drawer, and reached in and without even looking pulled out a pair of socks. Buffy snickered at Xander=92s choice, and said, =93Xander. Someday you mu= st remind me to explain to you the concept of matching.=94 Then Buffy walked to the dresser drawer, looked inside and picked out a pair of socks. =93Perfect. Then add your jacket and you=92ll be set. There=92ll be no wa= y that Cordelia will be able to resist you.=94 =93You really think so?=94 =93Hey. Cute guy, dazzling clothes, excellent gift, and all on Valentines Day. What could possibly go wrong?=94 Yeah, Xander though. What could go wrong? Tonight is gonna be perfect. End of part 1 ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #265 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. 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