From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #273 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Friday, July 24 1998 Volume 02 : Number 273 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Kender Chaos (2/?) BUFFYFIC: Kender Chaos (3/?) BUFFYFIC: My Moira #8 See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 14:12:31 PDT From: "Black Fire" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Kender Chaos (2/?) Title: Kender Chaos Author: Black Fire Email: Feedback?: Yes, please. Summary: This is a crossover with Dragonlance that creeped into my head last week. Somehow, Tasslehoff Burrfoot has found his way into Sunnydale. (Any of you who have read the Dragonlance books can start running now. :P) I haven't decided yet, but I thing Fizban might be in Sunnydale also. It takes place before WML1. Why? Because I can have more fun with Spike in this situation than I can with Angel. (You scared yet?) Rating: PG Spoilers: None, unless you've missed most of this last season. For any of you who have read Dragonlance, Tas is coming in sometime after the Legends Trilogy. Disclaimers: All Buffy characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar, etc. Tasslehoff, Fizban (if he shows up) and any other Dragonlance characters that happen to be mentioned belong to TSR, Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman and all the others who have written for them in the past. I own none of them and can't afford to anyway. Kender Chaos Chapter 2 After introductions were made, Tasslehoff resumed his exploration of the Sunnydale High School library, with Buffy and Giles fast on his heals. He took everything in with the eagerness of a child, although, it was clear from his constant chatter that he could be considered an adult for his race, which he called Kender. None the less, he explored every inch of the library. Giles and Buffy tried to ask him questions about how he got to Sunnydale, but he wasn’t paying attention. He was too busy relating his own fascinating stories and exploring. Occasionally he would pick up an object to study it further and the object would find its way into one of his pouches, despite Giles’ unheeded protests. Consequentially, it didn’t take Buffy long to feel like she was baby-sitting a four-year-old. However, once Tas had finished his exploration, he made his way back over to the table and sat down, arranging his pouches so that he wouldn’t sit on any of them. Eventually, for lack of anything else to do, he emptied every pouch onto the table and began sorting through their contense. There were several gasps and exclamations as he did this, as no one in the room could believe that anyone could carry around that much junk. Never the less, he busied himself with exploring what was on the table. There were pieces of string, rings of all sorts, teeth from indeterminable creatures, mixed in with chicken feathers, moldy food and several things that Giles recognized as his own. The latter, Giles grabbed hastily, receiving a high pitched, “Oh, is that yours? You must have dropped it. Aren’t you glad I was here to find it for you?” as he did. “Where did you say I was again?” Tas asked. “Sunnydale, California,” Willow answered. “Sunnydale, California?” he frowned. “I’ve never heard of a place like that on Kyrnn.” His eyes widened again. “Maybe I’ve been sent to the other side of the world! Or maybe I really *did* make it to one of the moons! This should be quite fun.” “Wait, wait, wait,” Buffy said. “Where did you say you were from?” “Kyrnn,” Tas said. “You *have* heard of Krynn, haven’t you? You must have if we’re on one of the moons. Which moon did you say I was on anyway? It’s too dark to be Solinarri and too bright to be that dark moon Raistlin always talked about. This place is full of books, so this *could* be Lunitari, but then, no one but the black robes an see the black moon, so maybe I really am there after all. Oh I hope so. It always sounded very interesting to me. But then, so did the Abyss until I went there...” “We didn’t say you were on a moon,” Buffy interrupted. “You’re in Sunnydale, California on Earth.” Tas’s eye’s widened. “Reorx’s beard!! You mean I’m in another universe?!?!” He jumped up and down excitedly, “This is so wonderful! Wait until I tell Tanis about this! He’ll never believe it.” “How did you get here?” Giles asked, growing more annoyed. “Well, you see,” Tas began, slowly, “I used this magical device that the wizards of Wayreth gave to Caramon to get him back from the past. Unfortunately, it was only made to transport one person, so when went back, he would have to leave me behind. But I wasn’t supposed to be there anyway, in the past that is. Some rule about Kenders, Gnomes and Dwarfs not being allowed to time travel because they can change history. That’s not really true though, because, when we were in Tarsis, I tried to stop the Cataclysm but it didn’t work, but then Raistlin, that’s Caramon’s twin brother, gave me the wrong instructions for the device and it broke. “Where was I?” Tas paused, “Oh yes! The device! Well the Cataclysm came and I woke up in the Abyss, but the device was broken. I met the Dark Queen and she said that I would be there forever or until I died. Then, when I was in this holding cell, I met his Gnome named Gnmish and he had invented a traveling device that actually worked. Gnome inventions usually don’t work very well, you see. Anyway, the device he invented looked exactly like the device I borrowed from Caramon, so Gnmish fixed it and we left the Abyss. Then Raistlin killed Gnmish. I can’t forgive him for that, even though he sacrificed himself to save the world, I still can’t forgive him for killing my friend Gnmish...” “How did you get here?” Giles demanded. “Oh! That!” Tas exclaimed. “Quite simple, you see. When we Caramon, Tanis and I fixed things so that the world wouldn’t end, Caramon and I spent some time with Tanis and I went with him, Caramon, that is, back to Solace because I told Caramon’s wife, Tika that I would take care of him and that meant making sure he got home. Well, while Caramon and Tika were busy, I found the traveling device in my pouch. Caramon must have dropped it, it’s lucky I found it for him. I used the device and I found myself at home of all places! Well, I hadn’t been to Kendermore in years, so I stopped and visited for a while. I even got myself a new hoopak staff to replace the one I lost at the Temple of Takhisis. Then I got bored, so I used the device again. I wanted to go to a place where no one on Kyrnn had ever been and when I woke up, I was here.” Giles, Buffy, Willow and Angel sat there for a long time after the Kender finished his long and confusing tale. They were speechless and confused. They hadn’t been able to follow half of what Tas had said. Of course, the reason for most of the confusion was that, for the most part, they had no idea what the heck Tas was talking about. He apparently assumed that they already knew the people and places he was referring to. And why shouldn’t they, he thought. Everyone knew about the War of the Lance. And, of course, everyone had heard of Tanis, Caramon, Raistlin and Tika! They, along with himself were all Heroes of the Lance. Everyone knew about them... Didn’t they? “So you’re saying,” Angel spoke up, for the first time since Tas had woken up, “that this magical traveling device brought you here?” “Uh huh,” Tas nodded emphatically. “Where is this device now?” Giles asked. “Well, let me see,” Tas said, riffling through his stuff again. “No.... no.... oh! I was looking for that! No.... no.... I have to remember to give this back to Riverwind. I’m sure he’s been looking for it.” Tas continued searching for a while. Finally, he gave up on the pile of treasures in front of him. He sat there for a minute, thinking. “Oh I know!” He reached into a pocket in his vest and pulled out something that looked like a cross between a miniature staff and a baby rattle. He looked at it and let out a cry of anguish. “Oh no! It’s broken again!! Now I’m stuck here.” Tas put his head on the table and started to cry. Buffy went over and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry,” she said, “I’m sure we can find a way to send you back to your own world.” “Really?” Tas looked up and sniffed. “That would be very nice. I can't be gone for too long you see. I don’t know what Tanis or Caramon will do without me.” "We'll find a way," Buffy smiled. "That would be wonderful," Tas brightened. "But there's no need for too much of a hurry. This place is very interesting. I'd like to see more of it." Buffy and Willow laughed quietly. Giles sighed and silently vowed to find a way to send the Kender back as quickly as possible. Angel just sat there, not sure of what to make of the situation yet. Tas sighed. Then came those two fateful words that would have sent every man, woman and beast on Kyrnn running for their lives. But this group did not know, as yet, the kind of trouble those two words coming from a Kender could find: "I'm bored." * * * * * I'm being very mean, I know. But let me know what you think. The Black Fire | "Don't worry, I'm not here to eat." | -Angel (IG) "But if they all forget me I will be here anyway, like an artifact of some lost civilization" -Vlad Dracula _The Dracula Tape_ "I'll see you there, Jekyll." -Edward Hyde "Jekyll & Hyde" ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 14:14:09 PDT From: "Black Fire" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Kender Chaos (3/?) Title: Kender Chaos Author: Black Fire Email: Feedback?: Yes, please. Summary: This is a crossover with Dragonlance that creeped into my head last week. Somehow, Tasslehoff Burrfoot has found his way into Sunnydale. (Any of you who have read the Dragonlance books can start running now. :P) Fizban has found his way there too. It takes place before WML1. Why? Because I can have more fun with Spike in this situation than I can with Angel. (You scared yet?) Rating: PG Spoilers: None, unless you've missed most of this last season. For any of you who have read Dragonlance, Tas is coming in sometime after the Legends Trilogy. Disclaimers: All Buffy characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar, etc. Tasslehoff, Fizban and any other Dragonlance characters that happen to be mentioned belong to TSR, Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman and all the others who have written for them in the past. I own none of them and can't afford to anyway. Kender Chaos Chapter 3 On the other side of town, Spike paced the floor of his warehouse hideout. He cursed himself for letting the slayer get away again. Cursed himself for making a deal with that "friend" of hers. It had almost gotten Dru killed after all. Well, that bloke... Ford was his name, wasn't it? Yes, Ford. He had gotten his in the end. Spike smiled to himself, remembering how he had made the creep into a vampire and then left him to the mercy of his former friend. He smiled even more as he remembered how he had watched from a distance as that Buffy girl had been forced to kill the newly-risen Ford. He stopped pacing as he remembered that how that kid got his just desserts at the hands of the slayer. But then, thoughts of Buffy creeped back into his mind and darkened his mood once more. He returned to pacing with more determination, trying to figure how to get that bloody slayer out of his hair once and for all. He went over, in his mind, all the other failed attempts. He swore angrily and slammed his fist down on the table with enough force to put a hole in the table and make the thing collapse. Seeing what he had done brought him back to himself. He swore quietly and brought his hand up to look at it. "That actually hurt," he muttered as he stood there, watching the hand bleed from the jagged pieces of wood that had been the table. "Spike?" came Drusilla's soft voice from behind him. Spike turned to look at her, his anger instantly dissolving as she came nearer. She was still growing weaker, he thought, sadly. She wouldn't last much longer at this rate. "Spike, you're hurt," she gasped, taking his bloodied hand. "Mummy will make it all better." She brought the hand to her lips and began licking the blood off. Only once, she stopped with a meek "eep" sound as her tongue found a leftover splinter. His hand all cleaned up, she got him to sit down in one of the large, wing backed chairs in the room. "It's Her," she purred, as she continued to fawn over her as if he were a child. "She just keeps destroying all my plans," Spike complained. "Sshhh..." she whispered as she ran a hand through his short hair. Suddenly, she stopped. She looked up and around at the warehouse. "Someone's here," she said. "Where?" Spike asked, jumping out of the chair. Just then, a strange looking figure stumbled into the room. He was an old man dressed in brown robes and a beat up old had what might have pointed up to the sky at one time. As he stumbled about, he ran into a large box and proceeded to argue with it about it not watching where it was going. By this time, a pair of vampires had caught up with him and taken a firm hold of his arms. This was greeted with more protests from the befuddled old man and threats to turn the two into mice. "What have I told you people about security?" Spike yelled. "I'm sorry, Spike," one of the vampires said as they brought the old man before their leader. "Security's been tight as a drum since that kid found his way in here. I don't know how this old geezer found his way in here." Spike groaned at the feeble excuse and turned his attention to the old man. "Who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing here?" "I am," the old man reared up with dignity, then stopped as if he had forgotten what he was going to say. "I am... What was my name again?" He started looking around wildly, "TASSLEHOFF!! Where is that blasted Kender. He knows who I am." The old man scratched at his long, white beard and continued looking around, shouting for whoever it was he was looking for. The display amused Dru, who laughed at the old man, but eventually even her amusement could not abate Spike's annoyance. "Oh I don't care who he is," Spike finally yelled, throwing up his hands. "Kill him! He's too old to be of any nutritional value." "Wait luv," Dru said, causing Spike and the other vampires to halt. "This one has power. We could use him to help us." "You think so, Dru?" Spike asked skeptically. "Oh yes," she said, making her way over to the old man's side. Her presence at his side caused the old man to stop his yelling and look at her. He sized her up and smiled at her, mumbling something about her beauty. This caused her to smile and she leaned her head against his shoulder. "You would help us," she pleaded, "wouldn't you? We could help you find your friend." "Why," the old man smiled, "that would be very nice, young lady." "Where might this friend of yours be?" Spike asked, reluctantly. "Well, I don't know, exactly," the old man frowned. "He's here, but he's not here. I believe... hmmm... yes. He's somewhere in this town, I believe." "Well, that narrows it down a bit," Spike growled, causing Dru to give him a disapproving look. "What's this bloke look like?" "Well, he's about this high," the old man brought his hand up to his waste. "He has pointed ears, blue leggings and a mass of brown hair at the top of his head." "Odd description," Spike muttered. "But one that probably won't fit too many people in this place." Spike thought for a minute. "Okay, we'll help you. But you have to help us." "Sounds fair enough," the old man said, after some thought. Then he extended his hand to Spike, "By the way, did I mention that my name was Fizban?" * * * * * I haven't finished this story yet, but I'm already having visions of Spike ducking fireballs. :P The Black Fire | "Don't worry, I'm not here to eat." | -Angel (IG) "But if they all forget me I will be here anyway, like an artifact of some lost civilization" -Vlad Dracula _The Dracula Tape_ "I'll see you there, Jekyll." -Edward Hyde "Jekyll & Hyde" ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 18:38:00 -0700 From: (Charity C. T.) Subject: BUFFYFIC: My Moira #8 TITLE: My Moira #8 AUTHOR: Taygeta E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Pretty please with a cherry on top! DISTRIBUTION: Sure, just tell me first. RATING: PG DISCLAIMER: The characters of Moira Summers-Harris, Deidre Lindley, Jacob Ross, and Scott Thomas are my own. Other than that, the characters and any other such reference to Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series belong to their creator, Joss Whedon, and their owners, Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Productions, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. In other words, they do not belong to me. Copyright infringement not intended. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~* My Moira #8 By: Taygeta Moira Summers-Harris listened intently at the strange woman that sat in front of her, not realizing that the others that were in the living room had left for the kitchen. Buffy peered at her daughter through the space between the slightly opened the door and wall. She noted the famous Summers sarcastic smile of "sure…right…" and the twinkling Harris eyes that read, "This lady's crazy!" Although Buffy smiled at this, she couldn't help but worry that starting with these two characteristics wasn't exactly the best way to begin. "You see that look…that smile?" she sighed as she moved way to sit down and Giles, who was looking at the same expression, closed the door and sat beside her, "Familiar?" The former Watcher glanced at her and then to Xander, before his eyes fell back to her, again, "I suppose I know it all too well…always thought at its individual states, it was bad enough, but never is the day did I wish to see it combined." The care-worn parents smiled appreciatively at him, "Thanks, G-man, always thought I was the one to tell the jokes in times like this…that was my role as a slayerette, was it?" "There was a time, Xander, that you would have been, but people grow up and you are no exception," was his reply and he continued humorously, "although there are also times those days, unfortunately, that your unruly ways seemed just like yesterday." " 'When I was a little boy, they called me a liar, but now that I am grown up, they call me a writer,' " he quoted with a grin. "Isaac Bashevis Singer," was his reply, which surprised him because no matter the years that had gone by, he never did get use to Xander quoting beyond pop culture. Willow laughed despite the tension that still clung to the atmosphere of the kitchen, "Now that's the Alexander LaVelle Summers-Harris update of the quote game…hmm and you said *I* gave my baby a long name!" "He does have a long name," retorted their resident author, "And for your information I am, Alexander *L.* Harris to the writing world…and I've been Xander to the rest of you…remember that." " 'Humor is really laughing off a hurt, grinning at misery,' " he quoted to them and he began to wish he had never said anything in the first place. Xander glanced at him, mustering a smile, "Bill Mauldin…" *~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "You don't believe me do you?" Cordelia said with a sigh after she had went through the usual mandatory Watcher speech. Moira contemplated than then said in an oh-so familiar Xander lilt, "It's not that I don't believe you…it's more of the matter that I just think you're CRAZY!" Cordy blinked at her explosion, she had been expecting it…her fellow watchers had a thing or two to say about slayers that were untrained as opposed to those who were. In fact, she had a thing to say about it, but what could they do in this 21st century where monsters were creatures that lurked only in books, movies, games, etc. "I…uh…I'm sorry you think this way…I wanted this to be much simpler, but I suppose that isn't quite possible." "I don't even know why I'm letting you talk to me," the teenager said shaking her head as she stood up. "Wait, Moira…please?" the Watcher tried as she bit her lower lip in hesitation. Her expression softened and she sat back down again and looked at the woman that sat across from her, "What?" "I want to tell you a story, about a slayer," said Cordelia and about this time, Buffy had begun to peer from the door again, feeling the tension in the kitchen a little too much for her to handle. The dark-eyed, blonde-haired slayer looked at her with a look of disbelief, "You want to tell me a story? What am I six?" "Just hear me out, 'kay?" she said getting somewhat tired with this Summerseque attitude, or rather Summers-Harriseque, and wondered how she was going to survive to see this slayer through. "This young woman was about your age when she found out that she was chosen…destined to fight the forces that dwell in the darkness. This slayer grew up in the popular crowd…thinking that that was her goal in life, but when she found out her duties, that all changed. All of the things that she thought were so valuable to her became frivolous…meaningless, except for the objective of love. Growing up, having courage to battle demons, especially vampires, was the last thing on her mind, but she realized her role. Didn't want it…hated it at times, but in the heat of battle, when she had killed her first vampire, she felt her importance…she knew that this was what had to be done." "Oh, and now I suppose you're going to tell me that she saved the world and I should do the same," Moira said with raised eyebrows. "She did save the world a few times over, but it took her awhile to make the sacrifices necessary to do that. As for me wanting you to save the world, I'd rather prefer it if world-threatening situations did not occur, but if it did, I'd want to you to try your best to save the world. Going on still, she moved from LA to a new place that inadvertently sat on top of a Hellmouth. She had thought that her days of slaying were over…she had wanted them to be over, but by moving here, danger was far from gone and she was far from retirement. It is there she met her new Watcher and she met friends that accepted her…helped her." "But why did she let them help her? You told me a slayer has strength to the extreme, and they couldn't have possibly fought off those vampires…not that I believe they exist or anything." Cordelia nodded her head, "Yeah…you're right, and it wasn't as if she had asked them to help her. They came on their own accord…they wanted to help her…after all, they loved her, as she loved them, and they didn't want her to die." Both Watcher and slayer alike turned when they heard the kitchen door close, "And I wasn't about to let them die…" _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. 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