From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #274 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Sunday, July 26 1998 Volume 02 : Number 274 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Chronicles (21/?) BUFFYFIC: IOHM (5/?) BUFFYFIC: Who's on First. Part 1/1 See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 12:58:12 -0700 From: (Charity C. T.) Subject: BUFFYFIC: Chronicles (21/?) TITLE: Chronicles of the White Knight #21 Return and Remembrance AUTHOR: Taygeta E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Pretty please with a cherry on top! DISTRIBUTION: Sure, just tell me first. RATING: PG DESCRIPTION: Buffy/Xander fanfic series DISCLAIMER: The characters any such reference to Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series belong to their creator, Joss Whedon, and their owners, Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Productions, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. In other words, they do not belong to me. Copyright infringement not intended. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Chronicles of the White Knight #21 Return and Remembrance By: Taygeta Peering through the porthole glass from the outside, Xander saw the orb of Thesula illuminate and disappear. Hesitantly, he entered the tense atmosphere of the library, where their eyes rose and fell at the noise of the door closing behind him. So the deed was done…the spell cast, but whether it worked or not…despite the cool glowing orb thing…was another matter entirely of itself. He wondered what it was going to be like with Angel no longer Angelus…as he saw it, even with the soul encumbered him, he was still a walking, talking time bomb. He hadn't wanted this and he had spoke adamantly about it, but he had given in eventually and there wasn't anyway his mind and reason would have been transferred to them. Xander disliked Angel and knew that that feeling would continue throughout, despite anything that might occur in between. Buffy took Xander's hand when he stood beside her and she glanced at Giles, "So, what are we going to do? Just wait?" "Well, a flaw in our plan is that we haven't the slightest idea where, he might - " Giles began as they heard the door open and close. All eyes rose, again, to a figure at the door, but this time, it was a while before they strayed away…if at all. "Angel," Xander heard Buffy's voice say in a hush whisper as she let go of his hand and stood up, "Is it really you?" The figure clad in black backed away slightly as she approached him but stationed his ground when she was a few feet away from him, "Buffy…I feel really…really strange…what happened?" "You mean you don't remember?" she said as her forehead wrinkled in thought. "N-not really…sort of…I remember feeling pain and then turning back to…oh, God, and then…" Angel struggled with the memories that were coming into light in his shadowed mind and he fell to his knees as they gripped him with their ugliness and their evil. Buffy knelt down beside him, "It wasn't your fault…it wasn't you…it was that demon that took over…and it was my fault that that happened." He looked up at her and grasped her shoulders so that as he stood, she stood too, "No…it wasn't your fault…it could never be your fault. Don't say that." "But Angel…I…" she tried, but he held her close. "I love you…" Xander swallowed hard and he felt his heart beat accelerate in wonderment of what she might say. He knew she loved Angel, but in a different manner, she had told him that much. He trusted her…he believed her… Buffy was taken into the magic of his eyes and replied, "I love you, too…" …But that was until he heard the tone of her voice. His fingers dug into the wood of the table he gripped as her words ripped through him like a stake in the heart…and echoed in his mind in the remembrance of words that were once his… _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 00:35:03 -0700 From: (Charity C. T.) Subject: BUFFYFIC: IOHM (5/?) TITLE: In Opacitatem Habitant Modo #5 Oz AUTHOR: Taygeta E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Pretty please with a cherry on top! DISTRIBUTION: Sure, just tell me first. RATING: PG-13 DESCRIPTION: Buffy is blind, various POVs DISCLAIMER: The characters any such reference to Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series belong to their creator, Joss Whedon, and their owners, Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Productions, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. In other words, they do not belong to me. Copyright infringement not intended. ****************************** In Opacitatem Habitant Modo #5 Oz By: Taygeta "Hey," I said as I walked into the library and saw Xander sitting beside a glowing lamp, apparently waiting for us. He looked up and mustered a smile…if you can call it that, "Hey, back from patrolling already?" "Pretty much…yeah," I said as I placed my bag full of crosses, holy water and stakes on the table - now that's weird…never would I ever even owning a bag full of vampire-related stuff, let alone having it. "So…vampire content?" he questioned as he stood up with a sigh. "One…that's an upside since we bagged three the night before, but what makes it an even bigger upside, we saw a really cool glow worm," I replied. "Must have been fascinating, Oz," he said as he walked passed me, "I'll see if Giles and Willow need help." "Uh…yeah…sure," I said as he left without another word and I looked around me, "I'll just keep an eye on the - the books." I'm not sure what Xander has against me…I get the feeling he thinks I'm violating on Willow's innocence. I'm far from violation…all I've done is kiss her…liked it extremely, but all the same, that's as far as we've gone. Still, I'm getting more of his cold shoulder than I did before, but I think I know the answer to that one. He isn't the type of guy to disregard or forget that I was the one that was suppose to get Giles to safety, but I couldn't and so Spike and Druscilla caught him. I'm surprised that everyone - well, except for Xander - hasn't called me on it in anyway, but most of all, I'm surprised at Giles…he hasn't said a word. But just because they haven't said anything, doesn't exactly mean they haven't thought it. Although everything's okay between Willow and me, once in awhile, when Buffy or Giles is especially around, I catch her giving me these looks. I'm not sure what to read out of them, were they of disappointment…sadness…what if thoughts… I don't think I'll ever know…any of the looks they give me from time to time. If only I had paid more attention to the surrounding situation and maybe then he would have been behind me as he was supposed to have been. I was so sure that he had been so the whole time…but he wasn't. Somehow, we lost him in the winding corridors, and it had been my job to keep an eye on him since he had a pretty nasty blow to the head only a few minutes earlier. I could still hear Buffy's voice calling back to me, "Oz, look after Giles…make sure he gets out okay." These words echo to me at the strangest times…waking me in the black of the night to glimpse into her world, sitting in front of the television set, it even catches me in the midst of playing a song. It's like a shadow that hangs over me and then drapes over my head whenever it pleases to make me remember pain that I try to forget…to make me feel the pain that I can't forget if I tried. I hadn't executed that singular request and because of my failure to do so, Giles got caught, and because he got caught we had to come a second time around, and although we got him back, Buffy lost her sight. How was it that I ended up leaving him in a dank corridor of the mansion to be taken by those innate evil cretins where God only knows what happened to him in there? He has yet to tell us about his experience, and I'm not sure he will. He's a quiet and more complex than I think any of us can believe, and even if he did tell us what occurred, I'm not sure if I could stomach the explanation knowing that I caused it. I think I'd feel a lot like I do now…seeing Buffy blind, and knowing that if Fate didn't have such twists of power, she could see. The first day I saw her with her blank stare was in the hospital and it made a pretty harsh impression for me. The doctors were having their little conferences about her eyes and they hadn't noticed that I had crept in…just to see her. She was really groggy…probably getting out of her sedative when I saw her open her eyes. It surprised me to see them lacking that twinkle that Willow and I had dubbed "Slayer Shine." The varying gleam I had come to know in the last few months…was gone. All that was left were lackluster eyes that could only reflect the images of the world around her…the world she couldn't see. Eyes that could no longer tell us of the Buffy we once knew, and I wonder, if because of me, that Buffy no longer exists. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 16:27:45 -0700 From: Jeff Weitkamp Subject: BUFFYFIC: Who's on First. Part 1/1 Title: Who's on first. Author: Jeff W (Well maybe Author is an over statement. Let's say adapter.) Feedback. Sure, tell me anything. Rating. Absolutely a G. Distrubtion: Sure just let me know. Spoilers. None. Disclaimer: The characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy prod, ect. The Who's on first comedy routine belongs to... Well I'm not sure actually, Since Bud Abbott and Lou Costello are both dead, maybe their estates. So I'll just say it wasn't my idea. I'm not making any money from this. Summary: You guys know what it's like. You get a silly idea and just have to act on it. Well I acted and I thought I would share it. I think you'll enjoy this one. Or if you want to just think of this as Xander and Willow rehearsing for next years talentless show. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. **************************** Who's on First. Part 1 of 1 Xander: There you are Willow. I=92ve been looking all over for you. Willow: Hi Xand. I thought you were going to meet Buffy and I at the cemetery last night. Xander: Sorry, Cordelia and I got=85 Willow: I don=92t want to here about it. Xander: Then I=92m not telling. Well did anything happen last night? Willow: Yes it did. Buffy and I were attacked by a whole bunch of Nasties. Xander: Really. Do you know their names? Willow: Of the nasties? Of course I do. Remember I=92m the one who looks stuff up. Xander: Great then tell me the names of the vampires that attacked Buffy. Willow: Well, Who attacked first, What attacked second, and I don=92t kno= w attacked third. Xander: You know the vampires names. Willow: Certainly! Xander: Well who attacked first? Willow: Who! Xander: The vamp that attacked first. Willow: Who attacked first! Xander: Now what are you askin=92 me for? Willow: I=92m telling you Who attacked first. Xander: Well I=92m asking YOU who attacked first. Willow: That=92s the vampire's name. Xander: That=92s who=92s name? Willow: Yes. Xander: Well go ahead and tell me. Willow: Who. Xander: The vampire that attacked first. Willow: Who! Xander: The first vampire. Willow: Who was the first vampire. Xander: Have you got a computer file of the first vampire? Willow: Absolutely. Xander: Who is in the computer? Willow: Well naturally. Xander: When you search for the first vampire, who comes up? Willow: Every time. Why not? He=92s the vampire. Xander: Who is? Willow: His wife=92s a vampire too. Xander: Who=92s wife? Willow: Yes. Xander: All I=92m trying to find out is what=92s the name of the first vampire? Willow: Oh, no- wait a minute, don=92t switch =91em around. What is the second vampire. Xander: I=92m not asking ya who attack second. Willow: Who attacked first. Xander: I don=92t know. Willow: He attacked third. Now we=92re talking about him. Xander: How did I get on the third vamp. Willow: You said his name. Xander: If I mentioned the third vampire=92s name, who did I say was the third vampire? Willow: No- Who is the first. Xander: Never mind the first. I want to know what=92s the third vampire=92= s name. Willow: No What was second. Xander: I=92m not asking who was second. Willow: Who was first. Xander: I don=92t know. Willow: He=92s the third. Xander: Aaah! Would you please stay on the third vampire and don=92t get away from him. Willow: What do you want to know? Xander: Now who=92s the third vampire? Willow: Now why do you insist on making who the third vampire? Xander: Why? Who am I putting there? Willow: Yes. But that wasn=92t him. Xander: What=92s the name of the third vampire? Willow: What belongs second. Xander: I=92m not asking you who was second. Willow: Who was first. Xander: I don=92t know. Willow & Xander: THIRD VAMPIRE. Xander: Did you see any demons? Willow: Oh yes! We saw them on the left and right. Xander: The left demon=92s name? Willow: Why. Xander: I don=92t know. I=92d just thought I=92d ask you. Willow: Well I=92d just thought I=92d tell you. Xander: Alright, then tell me who=92s the demon on the left. Willow: Who was the fir- Xander: Stay away from the vampires. I wanna know what=92s the name of the demon on the left. Willow: What=92s the name of the second vampire. Xander: I=92m not askin=92 who=92s the second vampire. Willow: Who was first. Xander: I don=92t know. Willow & Xander: THIRD VAMPIRE. Xander: The left demon=92s name? Willow: Why. Xander: Because. Willow: Oh, he=92s the demon on the right. Xander: Look. Did you see any creepy monsters last night? Willow: Well it just wouldn=92t be a night in Sunnydale with out creepy monsters. Xander: The monster=92s name? Willow: Tomorrow. Xander: You don=92t want to tell me today. Willow: I=92m tellin=92 you now. Xander: Then go ahead. Willow: Tomorrow. Xander: What time? Willow: What time what? Xander: What time tomorrow are you gonna tell me what=92s the monster=92= s name. Willow: What=92s the second vamp. Xander: I don=92t know. Willow & Xander: THIRD VAMPIRE. Xander: Any weird monsters? Willow: Oh Absolutely. Xander: The weird monster=92s name? Willow: Today. Xander: Today and tomorrow are monsters? Willow: Now you got it. Xander: We=92ve got a couple of days for monsters. Willow: Well, I can=92t help that. Xander: Now suppose I=92m the slayer. Now its night and I=92m on patrol.= I see one of the bad guys. Now being a good slayer, I grab my weapons and I slay who? Willow: Now that=92s the first thing you=92ve said right. Xander: I don=92t even know what I=92m talking about. Willow: Well that=92s what you gotta do. Xander: Is to slay the first vampire. Willow: Yes. Xander: So, who=92s dead. Willow: Naturally! Xander: So if I attack the first vampire, somebody gonna be dead. Now who is dead? Willow: Naturally. Xander: Who is dead? Willow: Naturally. Xander: Who? Willow: Naturally! Xander: Naturally. Willow: Yes. Xander: So I take my stake and I slay Naturally? Willow: NO, NO, NO! You take the stake and slay Who. Xander: Naturally. Willow: That=92s right. There you go. Xander: So I take the stake and I slay Naturally. Willow: You don=92t. Xander: I slay who? Willow: Naturally. Xander: THAT=92S WHAT I=92M SAYING. Willow: You=92re not saying it that way. Xander: I said I take the stake and slay Naturally. Willow: You don=92t. You take the stake and slay Who? Xander: Naturally! Willow: Well say that. Xander: THAT=92S WHAT I=92M SAYING! I take the stake and slay who? Willow: Naturally. Xander: Ask me. Willow: You take the stake and you slay Who? Xander: Naturally. Willow: That=92s it. Xander: SAME AS YOU!! I take the stake and slay the first vampire. Now who=92s dead? Willow: Naturally. Xander: Who is dead. Willow: Naturally. Xander: HE BETTER BE! Now that the first vampire is gone. I grab another stake and slay what. Then I kill I don=92t know. Now there are no more vampires Willow: Yes. Xander: But there is still the demons. So I kill Because. Why? I don=92t know. He was the third vampire, and I=92m don=92t care. Willow: What was that? Xander: I said I don=92t care. Willow: Oh, that=92s the name of the stake. End of Part 1 ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #274 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. 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