From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #289 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Tuesday, August 4 1998 Volume 02 : Number 289 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: List rules BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: Subscribing a free email address policy BUFFYFIC: Libidinous 9/? BUFFYFIC: What Just Happened 7/? BUFFYFIC: What Just Happened1-5/? See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 13:01:59 -0400 (EDT) From: sah Subject: BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: List rules Welcome! This list is for fiction related to "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," both the TV series and the movie. To ensure that we all get to enjoy as much fiction as possible, please adhere to the following guidelines, and please save them for future reference. 1. Fiction should have Buffy characters in it and clearly be related to Buffy. Crossovers are great, and expected, but general vampire/monster stories that aren't in the Buffy universe and don't use Buffy characters belong somewhere else. 2. Discussion of posted fiction is permitted onlist. Please put "DISCUSS" in your subject line. Requests for missing story parts should go directly to the author, and not be posted to the list. Discussion that is not related directly to the fiction should go over to the general Buffy list. Discussion of fiction is expected to follow common netiquette guidelines and use PG-13 language. 3. No advertising of items or services, Buffy related or not, and no posting of non-story items such as .gifs, sound files, etc.. No attached files of kind-- if your mailer makes your fiction into attached files, you need to find another way to get it to the list. 4. If you're writing a story and including advance information on a new episode, and you're posting your story earlier than the national viewing time, please: **Mark the post as a "spoiler" in the subject header. **Leave about twelve lines (blank or with non-spoiler info) at the top of the post. This ensures that anyone who doesn't like knowing about an episode ahead of time is "protected." :) The blank space is for people whose mailers automatically open up the next piece of mail, without giving them a chance to see "spoiler" in the header. Spoiler warnings are not necessary after the start of the episode's national viewing time, which is currently set at 9 p.m. Mondays, Eastern Standard Time. Spoiler warnings are not necessary for reruns. 5. This list is absolutely NOT for erotic fiction. stronger than sexually PG-13 material is to be posted to the list under any circumstances. A story may be R rated for violence or language, however. If you have a question about something's suitability for posting, feel free to ask one of the listowners. Sending sexually explicit material will get you immediately and permanently unsubscribed. No exceptions. 6. By subscribing and/or posting to this list, you acknowledge that Buffy the Vampire slayer and all characters associated with either the televised series or the motion picture were created by Josh Whedon and are owned by Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Productions, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. All stories posted to this list are for entertainment purposes only, are not sold for profit of any kind, and are not intended to infringe on any copyrights. 7. When posting stories to the list, please follow the following formatting guidelines - --No story parts longer than 250 lines - --No lines longer than 75 characters - --Turn off your "smart quotes"-- many readers receive these as garbage or weird symbols - --Put the title of the story in the subject header, indicate if it's a multipart story, and if so what part this is. Example: Buffy Meets Godzilla (2/65) indicates that this post is part two of a 65 part story. 8. If a story is rated "R" for language/violence, indicate this in an introduction. For example, "There's a really bloody fight scene at the end of this part" or "if you don't like dismemberment, stop reading now!" If there's chance that someone might be disturbed by something in your story (even if it's not rated R) please include some kind of warning up front. 9. And last, but not least, the listowners reserve the right to deny subscription (new, renewed, or continued) to the list for any individual(s). PLEASE NOTE: not following any or all of these rules will get you the following: **First offense: offender is unsubscribed for one week. **Second offense: offender is unsubscribed to the Buffyfic list for a minimum of three months. **If the offender returns and does it again, they're offlist permanently. As noted above, posting sexually explicit material is the exception -- you go straight to permanent unsubbing. Again, welcome! If you have any questions about these rules, please contact either one of us offlist. If you have subscription problems or questions, the fastest way to get help is to e-mail one of us at the addresses below, at the addy which is the "official" e-mail owner of the list. Jill Kirby ( & Sharon Himmanen ( Listowners, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fiction List - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 13:02:05 -0400 (EDT) From: sah Subject: BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: Subscribing a free email address policy Please read this. It's very important. Effective immediately, anyone who wishes to s*bscribe to any Buffy list on a "freemail" account (Geocities, Hotmail, etc.) will be required to provide us with a "permanent" e-mail address as a backup. We will under any circumstances reveal this permanent e-mail address to anyone. This is for our reference This new policy has become necessary because of the problems we've experienced with freemail accounts. They're too easy to set up and cancel, and there is so little recourse if the individual with the freemail account causes problems, that we have no choice but to enact this policy. The s*bscription information pages will be changed to reflect this policy. IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY S*BSCRIBED UNDER A FREEMAIL ADDRESS: as long as you stay s*bscribed, you do not need to provide us with this information. However, if you uns*b and want to res*b at some point, you will have to give us this information even if you were previously a s*bscriber through a freemail account. If we have to uns*b you for bouncing mail, again, you'll have to provide the information to res*b. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us offlist. Thanks. sah and Jill and - -- sah * * NatPack * BotCoS * Jungle Patrol * BBPGrrl:TGLIL * Bishop * BTVS Listowner Nat's B&B: My homepage: "Armageddon might be thirty seconds after some guy puts his hand down my shirt." --Jill Kirby ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 18:27:59 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Libidinous 9/? Title~ Libidinous 9/? Author~ Shani Notes~ in psychoanalytlic theories, the libido is the driving force behind all human actions Summary~ A Buffy/Angel story with a few twists. Involves characters from General Hospital, but yoiu don’t have to watch GH to understand this fic. I did change a thing or two around for you GH fans Disclaimer~ All characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Joss Whendon, Mutant Enemy Productions, Kuzui Enterprises, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. “One Moment In Time” belongs to Whitney Houston. All characters of General hospital belong to ABC. Chapter 9, One Moment In Time < Each day I live I want to be A day to give The best of me I'm only one But not alone My finest day Is yet unknown> Buffy and Nikolas reached Wyndemere without further insident. Giles and Stefan were engaged in a convorsation on one end of the room, and on the other, sat Xander and Willow. They all looked up when they walked in, then wrapped up their discussions. “What’s up?” Buffy asked anyone that was listening to her. “It seems that there has been another death.” Stefan reported to a shocked Buffy and Nik. “Valerie Easa, age 22, volunteer at General Hospital. The PCPD still says it’s gang related.” < I broke my heart Fought every gain To taste the sweet I face the pain I rise and fall Yet through it all This much remains> Buffy sat down. More deaths. More casualties in her war. She would not let this go on. She had once told herself she could kill Angelus, now she told herself that she would kill Arcanus...even if it meant giving up Angel. She turned to look at Giles. She just watched him for a moment, then finally spoke. “Did you find anything about how to kill Arcanus without killing his host?” “A spell must be performed. Arcanus must be bound to a blessed object, then to ensure that he cannot be freed, the object must be shattered.” Buffy felt her hopes rise, that sounded easy enough. “Good.” Giles shook his head. “Not good? Why is this not good?” “No one here can perform that kind of magic.” The room was silent for a moment. Willow was about to suggest she do it, she had beem able to give Angel back his soul. Someone beat her to it. “I can.” Buffy stated. < I want one moment in time When I'm more than I thought I could be When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away And the answers are all up to me Give me one moment in time When I'm racing with destiny Then in that one moment of time I will feel I will feel eternity> “No.” Giles and Willow said at the same time. “Let me. I performed the spell tio give Angel his soul back.” Willow said. Buffy shook her head. “I won’t let you put yourself at risk again. When I was looking for the book that would get Angel out of Hell, I came across some other books. I’ve read about magic and Merik and I worked on it a little...before he was killed.” She added softly. Giles gave a stiff nod. Willow was about to protest, but was silenced with a look from Giles. He knew his Slayer. He knew her well. He also knew that once she had made up her mind, there was no point in getting her to change. He looked over at her. She was smiling, a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. There was still work to be done. “There are things that we must do to prepare. I think we should get started.” He was surprised when no one argued. < I've lived to be The very best I want it all No time for less I've laid the plans Now lay the chance Here in my hands> The sun had just come up. Nikolas found that he wasn’t even tired. He was watching Buffy and Giles work together, the Watcher trying to prepare his Slayer. Fortunately, Arcanus did not have to be present for the spell to work. He turned away from the pair for a moment. Xander and Willow seemed to be looking for something. He felt completely useless, and decided the least he could do was help them find what they needed. “Is there something that you two need help finding?” He asked them. “Actually, yes. We were given the job of finding some kind of stone cross that your uncle told us was blessed by a Roman priest. I think he said it was given to you as a gift on a trip to Rome. I hope you don’t mind that we use it...” Willow rambled. “Of course not. I think I may know where it is. Come with me.” Nikolas led Xander and Willow to the attic to find the blessed cross. She took a deep breath. She could do this, she’d do it for Angel. Buffy read over the spell again. Giles had gone off to look for candles and herbs and other spell things. Xander and Willow were supossed to be finding some blessed thing. Nikolas was God knows where, and Stefan was watching her from the other side of the room. She could feel is eyes boring a hole into the side of her head. Finally, she stared him straight in the eye. “Can I help you she said.” The annoyance seeping through her voice. Stefan said nothing. “Well are you staring at me for any special reason?” “Just noting your reaction to all of this. You don’t seem to enjoy your work, but I see you have begun to take it seriously.” Stefan said. “It has serious consequences if I don’t. That was something I found out *way* too young.” She turned back to her book. She didn’t want anything to go wrong tonight. < Give me one moment in time When I'm more than I thought I could be When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away And the answers are all up to me Give me one moment in time When I'm racing with destiny Then in that one moment of time I will be I will be I will be free I will be I will be free> ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 22:38:45 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: What Just Happened 7/? TITLE: What Just Happened? AUTHOR: Azziel Savament E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: I need it to live. PLEASE MORE!!!! If I don't get more feed back soon, I'll kill a main character off….HAHAH…I'm out of my mind….so don't put it past me!!!!!!!!!! Xander will Die!!!!!!!! RATING: PG-14 just to be safe. CONTENT: Angst, Confusion, the usual. SPOILERS: The story is set after season two happened SUMMARY: This is a Angel/Buffy what-if story. It starts off the morning after her suprise party. What happens when Buffy wake's up to find out that all that happened from the time of her birthday to the time she sent Angel to hell was just a dream, or was it?????? DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these, they belong to an evil man named Joss Whedon. NOTE: I have no idea what on earth that I am doing, all I know is that the fanfic must go on! Part 7: Sometime You Just Got to Think Location: Library Zeal is wandering the room thumbing threw the shelves. The only other people in the room are Angel and Giles. Giles had sent the gang home to wait for him to call them when they had rescued Xander. "Giles I'm sensing something bad, how do you know Zeal will leave Buffy's body after she defeats the Judge?" Angel was wearing a concerned look on him face, and could not help but repeatedly look over his shoulder at Buffy. There was a feeling inside of him that the spell might have gone wrong. "Angel calm yourself, we will know the out come when it comes. Right now our concern is to destroy the Judge." Giles said as he removed his glasses to clean the again. Anyone who would have seen him would have noticed that he was completely stresses out, and losing faith in the spell that they had used to ensure the return of Buffy. "I hope you both realize that I can here every word that you are saying." Zeal said as she walked between the two. Then turned to Angel and looked into his eyes seemingly peering into his soul. "And every thing that your are thinking. Do you mine if I speak to you for a moment." She never broke eye contact with him. It seemed to unnerved him for a moment, but he still couldn't help to look upon her as if she was Buffy. Finally when she broke eye contact with him, she looked at Giles and spoke. "Alone." Giles gave a concerned look at Angel, but Angel soon waved away Giles doubts about leaving the two alone with a few simple words. "I'll be fine." With that Giles left, and entered his office. "What do you want?" Angel questioned. "A little harsh don't you think. I want to talk about us." "There is no us. There is only me and Buffy, you might be in her body, but your not her." "O but I am. She is still inside here screaming to get control. She doesn't like me very much in here. I don't blame her. I know all of her thoughts, all of her memories, and all about what you two did lasts night. Even that little nightmare she had, or was it. Knowing this helps me greatly, it will make it easier when I make my mark, and change things. But it still seems to piss her off greatly. She knows what I want to do. She knows who I want." With that Zeal cupped his jaw slowly lowering his face to hers. "What do you want?" Angel whispered. "You." Slowly their lips came together, but just as quickly, Angel had a moment of clarity. But before he could respond to his own thoughts the Library doors burst opened and Zeal pulled away for the kiss. Behind the door was Annabel in full game face. Annabel could not help but think as she lunged at Zeal. With one quick movement Zeal slammed her fist into Annabel's face. Zeal could not help but smile at Annabel's thought. This pitiful young vampire was not her goal, and she had no intention to destroy her. "Get up. NOW!" With an amused look on her face she helped Annabel up. "So, you think you have come here to die. You shouldn't worry about that. I'm not going to kill you. Just give me the note and leave. Before I change my mind." Both Annabel and Angel had confused looks on their faces. Angel for the fact that Zeal was never known to be merciful. Annabel because she didn't even had a clue to what was going on. With that Annabel dropped the note on the ground an halled ass in the other direction. Just in case it was a trick she was not going to stick around to find out. Slowly walking over, Zeal kneeled down, and picked up the note. It read: Slayer, so you will be joining us soon. Wonderful, Come to the factory with Angel tomorrow night at Sundown. Fail to come, and your boy Xander will Die. Spike "What does it say?" With that Zeal handed him the note. With a quick glance at the note he had another questioning. "What are we going to do?" "You see they are playing my game now. The sun will be up soon. You should go; I'll come for you right before sunset. We will go there at sundown, and we'll bring them the death that they have asked for." With one more glance into Angel's eyes, then finished her answer. "To all of them." With that she turned her back to Angel, and walked into Giles's office to tell him what was going on. End of part 7 Personal note: You should never suffer for the sins that you have committed, but the good deeds you could have or should have done. Azziel Savament ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 22:40:43 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: What Just Happened1-5/? TITLE: What Just Happened? AUTHOR: Azziel Savament E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Yes, please. RATING: PG-14 just to be safe. CONTENT: Angst. SPOILERS: The story is set after season two happened SUMMARY: This is a Angel/Buffy what-if story. It starts off the morning after her suprise party. What happens when Buffy wake's up to find out that all that happened from the time of her birthday to the time she sent angel to hell was just a dream, or was it?????? DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these, they belong to an evil man named Joss Whedon. NOTE: I have no idea what on earth that I am doing, all I know is that the fanfic must go on! What just Happened? By: Azziel Part 1: What? Buffy awoke suddenly crying. She did not realize that she was in Angel's bed, and that Angel was laying right next to her. All she could do was sit there and sob. Angel quickly sat up and started to confert her. The first words out of Buffy's mouth were. "O my god Angel I thought I had lost you forever." "Don't worry It was just a dream," He said while caressing her hair. "Angel don't ever leave me," She said with tears rolling down her face. She could not shake the feeling that the nightmare that she had just had was real. "Don't worry, I will never leave as long as I live," He smiled lightly at her hoping it would lighten the saddening mood in the room. With all of her strength, she was able to muster up a half-smile, and stopped crying. It felt like an echo through her mind, as all the emotions from her dream came back to her in full force. Then the tears returned as she rested her head on Angel's chest. Angel could not help but feel like that there was something more to this dream, then being a normal nightmare. It was true that Buffy had not been sleeping well the past couple of nights, but he never realized that it was this bad. He knew that when night fell he and Buffy were going to have to go to Giles and the gang to explain what happen to them. They had neglected to call or stop back when they had gone to the factory. They had been a bit tide up, and rather liked the idea of staying with each other. "Tonight we are going to have to talk to Giles," He whispered into her ear. She slowly stopped crying by then, but her eyes were still glazed over as if one wrong word would have caused her to break down again. "OK, tonight" Was all she could manage saying without busting into tears again. Part 2: Where When the sun finally set Angel and Buffy went to the Library to see Giles, and to check in. They both hoped that no one did anything stupid, and went to find them at the factory. The problem was Xander did and now was a the mercy of Spike and Drusilla. The fact remained that Xander still did not trust Angel, even after all the times that he saved his life. He could not just sit there and wait for their return and now he was stuck. Location: Library, an hour after sunset. Buffy enters the Library with Angel right behind her. Everyone was siting around the table, still look for a way to stop the Judge. All except Xander. "What happened to you both, we where all worried, and Xander went after you. "Giles said while cleaning his glasses. "What!! You have got to be kidding me, why didn't you stop him. He is no match for them. The Judge is assembled, and we almost got killed going in there. Xander could be dead!" Buffy's tone was becoming more anger filled as the word came to her."We have to go after him he might be still alive, and I am willing to take that change. "Buffy had to put all of the emotions aside that she was feeling from before. Even if it hurt, right now she could not be concerned with dreams, only with the fact she had to save Xander. From behind Buffy, Angel finally spoke up, "I don't think you should just go storming in there without knowing how to stop the Judge. We nearly got killed when we went in there, and we had a plan. What do you think will happen when we going in there again? "By then Angel and Buffy were looking only at one another, like they where the only to in the room. "Angel, I can't just sit here waiting for something to happened," by then she was whispering. As Angel slowly lowered his head, and was about to kiss Buffy in an attempt to dispel the pain that he knew she was feeling. "Hello Guys!!," Cordelia started. " I don't mean to interrupt your Kodak moment, but we still don't know how to stop the Judge, and if we don't stop him soon everyone will be dead. God you to are acting like you too slept together," with that Buffy and Angel gave her a look that would kill. "O, I see how it is, while you should have been saving the world and stopping Xander from going off and getting killed, you were......"Cordelia was starting to get angary because they were off having their fun while Xander was getting killed. "You what?" Giles was getting a little worried about what they were about to say. He always minded a little that she was with a vampire, even if it was Angel. "That is not important right now, right now we worry about saving Xander and stopping the Judge."Buffy stated firmly, since she really did not want to have to deal with having a talk about sex with her Watcher."Do you have any ideas on how to stop him?" "Well, yes, but I don't think you are going to like it." Giles did not know where to start but he knew that it was the only way to stop the Judge. End of Part 2 Part 3: Who? Location: Factory The Judge is knelling at a makeshift altar gathering his strength for his task at hand. Xander is chain to the adjacent wall struggling to get lose, but is failing miserably. While Spike and Drusilla just sit back watching the show before them. Suddenly Drusilla falls to the ground in pain, and begins talking incoherently. "Dru, luv, what's wrong." Spike knew that it one of her visions coming, but was still a little concerned. Well, as concerned as Spike could get. "My mind is swimming, it's all black, and they are screaming. The sound is so lovely!" "Dru, what do you see?" "Spike she's coming, all of the shadows will come and she will lead them." "Who's coming luv, The Slayer?" Spike had such a questioning; he loved when Drusilla did this. "Yes," Dru slowly stood up, walk over, and took Spikes' hand. "But she will no longer be pure, she will be as evil as we. "I knew she was coming, she'll never be evil, she'll stop you all once and for all," unfortunately for Xander this did not just get the two vampires attention, but also the Judge. "Quiet your whining, I will put you out of your misery and make the world clean of all its goodness." As the Judge got up to burn Xander, Spike stepped in and stopped him. "Why are you stopping me, he must be cleaned." "Don't touch the bate, mate. You don't get to kill. At least not yet." With that Spike grinned widely at the thought of the slayer being evil. He also knew that if she became evil Angel would soon follow. "I have the feeling that the fun has just began." Part 4: Hu? Location: Library Giles is pacing back and forth fumbling with him glasses look for the right words to say. "Well." He wanted to start off slow to let everything that he was going to tell Buffy would sink in. "There is only one way to really stop the Judge without getting burned to death. You have to be able to get close enough to disembowel him, and to do that you will have to have no humanity left in you." He stops to wonder for a moment the idea that he was going to propose, but before he could continue Buffy spoke up. "What are you saying Giles." With a very concerned look on her face Buffy let Giles continue. she could not help but think to herself. "The only person that was able to ever get close enough to the Judge to disembowel his was the leader of the last army that went against him, she was said to be soulless even though she was mortal, and had no attachments to witch craft. She was the one that actually disemboweled him. What I am proposing is that we resurrect her and put her spirit into your body. That way without losing your soul, you can go fight the Judge without being burned." "Your right I don't like this idea. What happens when the Judge is gone an this leader, he wants to stay in my body." By then Buffy was becoming a little upset and from the look on Angel's face he agreed with her. Yet stayed silent like the others in the room. "First of all it is not a he but a she. To the surprise of me she was the only person strong enough to defeat him. At first I though she might have been a slayer, but it mention the reason that she did not get burned was because she was soulless. A slayer can never be that evil without a demon inside of them, but a normal human can. Her name was Zeal. I was able to find a spell of resurrection that would place her spirit into your body until her goal is finished." Before Giles could finish Angel interjected. "I hear of her before, to my recollection she has been resurrected several times. Each time from what I heard she would not leave the host until it was dead. Giles I don't think that you should let Buffy do this, I mean how can you be sure that, that spell of yours will ex spell Zeal before she makes Buffy her new home. I just think it's to risky." To Angel's surprise Buffy was the next to speak up. "Angel, I don't like this idea just as much as you do, but there are really no other choices. While we are sitting here trying to decide what to do their out they're right now killing, and are looking for the easiest way to kill the most people." Buffy could no longer hold back her emotions; tears began to roll down her face. Everyone in the room, except Angel had a confused look on their face. None of the others knew what she had been going through the past few days, and now she didn't really what them to let them know. As soon as Buffy began to cry, Angel went over to her an hugged her close. " Shh it'll be ok," Angel looks up at Giles for some answers that he knew he could give. "How can you be sure this thing won't take over Buffy?" "Well actually we don't. You see Zeal is a very powerful spirit, and has been known to take over its host. But I think I have found a spell that will keep that from happening. It will only resurrect her until her goal is done, after that her spirit will be forced to leave." Giles did not want to show the fact that he also was having doubts about the spell, but he knew he could not let that be known. "We will only have to hope that it works." "OK, I'll do it." Angel could not help but stare at Buffy while she said those words. He was still hoping for her to oppose it, even though deep down inside he knew she had to do it. "Let's get started before I change my mind." Part 5: How? Angel wanted to speak to Buffy in private before she went threw with this. They both decided that Giles's office would be the closest thing to privacy that they would get. Location: Giles's Office "I still don't want you to do this. You could get hurt, I could lose you." Angel did not want to upset her, but he really did not know what to say. So he did the next best thing, he went over to her and hugged her close as he could. "Angel, I love you." That was all that she could say. By then the tear had started to fall again. "I love you." Angel slowly lowered his hand, and their lips began to meet. All of a sudden Buffy collapsed and almost fell to the ground with a small whimper coming from her lips. She would have fell if he had not been holding her so closely. "Buffy! What's wrong?" Angel was a bit shock, and slowly brought her over to the couch. "I-I don't know, It feels like. O god not again. It's the dream. I can't even really remember it, but it feels like if being emotionally fucked." By then she had her arms around him sobbing into his chest. "Why did this come so suddenly?" "It was the way you just said 'I love you' it just trigger something in me, like, I don't know, like in the dream." She was slowly regaining composer. "So you have been dream of me saying that I love you, then the dream can be that bad." Angel grinned lightly hoping that his words would confert her. "It's nothing that I can't deal with. Right now we have to take care of the current problem. Now all I have to do is go out there and say 'Let's do this.' Buffy got up and walked to the door followed by Angel. "Did I happen to mentioned I don't want you to do this." "Ya, but I still have to." Location: Library Buffy sat across from Giles as he handed her a white candle, "Light this when I begin to chant, and blow it out when I stop. That is when Zeal will enter you, you will still be in there, but Zeal will be in control. Ready." "Ready as I'll ever be." As she said this she looked at Angel and her gave her a weak smile. That was the best he could do given the pain he knew she was going through. As soon as Giles was finished casting the spell, Buffy got up as if nothing had happen. But the look in her eyes told a different story. They were expecting Zeal to be a bit confused once she entered Buffy's body, but the looks that she gave every one was not the look of confusion, but of understanding. She slowly walked towards Angel and began to explain. "I should warn you, even though this is not my body I carry with me telepathic abilities. That means you should be careful what you think around me." As soon as she said this she locked her eyes with Angel's. It was the kind of look Buffy gave him when she would not take no for an answer. Once she was standing right in front of him she continued to speak. "A vampire and a slayer together," she paused momentarily to grin, "Kinky." Finally Giles began to speak up when he saw the on Angel's face that was just screaming 'HELP.' "Now what do you want us to call you?" Giles really did not want to piss such a powerful spirit off; past experiences showed him that. "Zeal will be fine," she began to pace the room, as she watched the people in the room encircle her, and then continued. "I already know my propose. Why is that?" "Because as soon as your propose is fulfilled you will be ex-spelled from Buffy's body," Giles answered sheepishly. He knew that the spell would force her to do her task no matter what, and as soon as possible. "Keep hoping." She answered with a large grin. Ends of part Five. Personal Note "You should never suffer for the sins that you have committed, but for the good deeds you failed to commit." Azziel Savament ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #289 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (