From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #292 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Saturday, August 8 1998 Volume 02 : Number 292 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: The Final Battle (1/3) BUFFYFIC: "Starting Over" (11/13) BUFFYFIC: "Starting Over" (10/13) BUFFYFIC: Libidinous 12/? BUFFYFIC: BBETA: this is not a fanfic, just a reguest See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 08 Aug 1998 03:08:13 -0700 From: NightHunter Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Final Battle (1/3) DISCLAIMER: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and its characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar, WB, and Fox.... I'm just borrowing them. Time Line: Her Darkest Hour Parts 1-3 / The Invasion Her Darkest Hour epilog / The News / Buffy & Godzilla Vs. Space Vampire & The Final Battle Feed Back Please: LJEFFERS@HIGHLAND.NET ************************************************************* The Final Battle 1/3 By NightHunter It had been a year since Buffy had given up being the Slayer. She and her husband were now living in New York. They moved there after the destruction of the Hellmouth in Sunnydale. Willow, who was still learning how to control the change into a Werewolf, had moved in with them at Buffy's insistence that she could help her defend the children if Spike ever returned. In a dark underground cavern Spike and Druscilla were planing the death of the Slayer. Spike had found one of the spell books left when Willow had killed the witch. "Spike, miss Edith says that HE'S coming back!" "Who's coming back, love?" "Why, Roller Boy, who do you think she's talking about. Like they said in that old movie; 'I'm back!" Then as the shadows parted an all to familiar form emerged. "You, but I saw Xander shoot you with a crossbow." "Well Spike" replied Angel drawing his chair close to him "In over 200 years I've learn a few things, now meet the down fall of the Slayer" From out of the shadows steps a demon which Spike can sense is old: older then any other that he had ever encountered. Power radiated from him in waves of evil. The stranger places his hand on Angels' shoulder "Soon, my son, this world will once again feel the power of the DRAGON." Watcher HQ, London, England 3:45 A.M., Monday John entered the control room where a network of computers keep track of all possible future Slayers. When alarms started going off he watched in horror as lights on the center board signaled the death of a possible Slayer. In less then 2 minutes over 40 lights had vanished. The Home Of The 1st Watcher, London, England 3:50 A.M. Monday An old hand reaches out pressing a button that causes one of the walls to open the inside walls are lined with the old Watchers Journals. Another button is pushed and the old journals move aside to reveal a large view screen. On the screen is the face of young watcher. "My Lord, forgive me for calling this early, but our satellite monitors are showing the deaths of over 75% of all possible Slayers. What do we do?" "First thing, call me Giles. I always hated that title Lord. Second thing, place the whole Network on call and send everyone we have to locate and protect the other possible Slayers. As of this date, I'm invoking code Black!" Watcher Heli-pad, London, England 4:00 A.M. Monday Giles boards WATCHER 1 (The most powerful Craft in the Watcher Fleet) carrying only one old book. The helicopter takes off. "Lord Giles, it'll take us about 6 hours to reach Watcher Control New York." Said the pilot. As Giles sleeps his dreams take him back to the day that a rebellious young girl came into his library. He wanted to show her the way of the Slayer: instead, she showed him that in this new world all the rules were changing. Then she threw all the rules out by bringing others into the Circle of the Watcher & Slayer. A smile appeared on his face as he remembered the first two who would be come the core group. Something bigger and better than had ever been before. Alexander (Xander) Harris joked about everything to hide his fear, but when he was needed he was always there for Buffy. He became her lifeline, helping her cope with everything that had happened. He became her rock of strength and his love for her never wavered. Then there was Willow, shy little Willow. Who we Sometimes thought would break, but, time and time again she proved that we needed her. She could use those blasted machines like no one else. After these two, more would come, Cordilla, Oz, Miss Calendar, and finally, Joyce Summers. "Sir, we've just got clearance to land. And a car is waiting for you." ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1998 09:07:03 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Starting Over" (11/13) "Starting Over" (11/13) Section 2 by Jaclyn Link TITLE: Starting Over E-MAIL: DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first, but I=92ll probably say yes. RATING: PG-13 SPOILERS: None, but if you haven=92t seen Becoming, you might not want to= read this. SUMMARY: Buffy had left Sunnydale via bus after sending Angel to Hell. On= the=0Abus she met the next Watcher in line, Andrew, and decided to live = with him and=0Ahis Slayer, Shy. After a visit from Drusilla, Andrew was i= njured and in the=0Ahospital. Giles came to bring Buffy back to Sunnydale= , telling her that he=0Aknows how to get Angel back from Hell. They took = Shy with them. When Buffy=0Agoes to the library, she finds out Xander did= n=92t tell her Willow was retrying=0Athe curse. Xander, feeling guilty, d= oes a ritual to retrieve Angel, and passes=0Atwo of four tests, where he = didn=92t let himself get seduced by Buffy and staked=0AWillow in her vamp= form. DISCLAIMER: Joss Wheden, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Telivision, 20th Century= Fox,=0Athe WB, Kuzui Productions, etc. own all the character from the sh= ow Buffy the=0AVampire Slayer. FEEDBACK: Please send it to me. AUTHOR=92S NOTE: This story is in two sections. The second section will b= e a=0Asequal to the first section under the same name. Also, special than= ks to=0AAleXander ( for the use of his wonderful ep t= ranscrips=0Awhich can be accessed at tml. *** =09"Hello?" Mrs. Harris asked. =09"Hi, Mrs. Harris, it=92s Buffy," Buffy spoke over the phone. After Mrs= . Harris=0Adidn=92t say anything, she said, "Buffy Summers." =09"Oh, yes," she said, remembering. "You=92re Xander=92s friend, right? = He=92s not=0Ahere right now. In fact, I don=92t know where he is=85" =09"I know. Willow still isn=92t feeling very well, so he and I are going= to stay=0Aat her house tonight and cheer her up." =09"Why didn=92t Xander call himself?" =09Buffy thought for a moment. "Well, um, he, uh, fell asleep. He was goi= ng to=0Acall before, but Willow needed something, and he never got to cal= l you. So=0Awhen he fell asleep I decided to call you so you wouldn=92t b= e worried," she=0Arambled. =09"Oh, that was very considerate of you. Well, tell Xander I love him an= d that=0AI won=92t be home tomarrow morning to see him." =09"Well, actually, we=92re kinda planning to stay with her until her fol= ks come=0Aback from Pheonix in a few days." =09"Alright then. Tell Willow that I wish her a speedy recovery. Thanks f= or=0Acalling." =09"No problem. Bye." Buffy hung up the phone. Whew, she sighed, covering= her=0Aface with her hands. How did I let him get into this? Better yet, = she thought,=0Ahow am I going to get him out of this? =09"Oh, boy," Willow cried from the computer. Everyone rushed over to whe= re she=0Awas sitting. =09"You found it, Willow?" Giles asked. =09"No, not exactly," she replied, her foice choked with fear. =09"Then what is is?" asked Buffy. =09"=92Once someone enters Hell, they cannot come back unless someone pas= ses the=0Atest and frees them. If he does not pass, then he will live a l= ife of eternal=0Atorment, as well as all those who walk the earth.=92" =09"So," Cordelia said, "what you=92re saying is if Xander doesn=92t pass= the tests=0Athan we all go to Hell? And there=92s no way to stop it." =09All she could do was nod. *** =09Xander pushed the vampire who had jumped on top of him off. Turning ar= ound,=0Ahe saw that it was the vampire. He hit the vamp=92s jaw hard. Unf= ased, the=0Avampire kicked his jaw, knocking Xander to the ground. Xander= kicked his=0Aankle, knocking him down as well. Both got up, and the vamp= threw Xander into=0Aa wall. It took Xander all his strength not to go un= consious. The vamp quickly=0Apulled him up from the back and held him tig= htly. As the vampire tried to bite=0Ahis neck, Xander snapped his head ba= ck. Oh, man, that hurt, he thought as=0Atheir heads collided. Seeing the vampire on the ground, Xander seized the opportunity and kicke= d him=0Ain the stomach. As he looked up, Xander noticed that it was the v= ampire that=0Ahad knocked the book case on Willow. In a fit of rage, he p= icked him up and=0Ashoved him against the wall. His fist clenched, he num= erously hit the vamp.=0AGrabbing a bottle of holy water, he shoved it dow= n his throat. As the vampire=0Achoked on the steaming liquid, he grabbed = a cross and smacked him across the=0Aface. Taking the knife from his coat= , he hacked away at the vampire=92s throat=0Auntil it was beheaded. =09Xander took a deep breath and closed his eyes as the vampire turned to= dust.=0AOpening his eyes, he saw Angel chained up against the wall. One = more test=85 *** End Part 11 "It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passi= on,=0Amaybe we=92d know some kind of peace. But we would be hallow. Empty= rooms,=0Ashuddered and dank. Without passion, we=92d be truly dead." -An= gel, Passion. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1998 09:06:14 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Starting Over" (10/13) "Starting Over" (10/13) Section 2 by Jaclyn Link TITLE: Starting Over E-MAIL: DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first, but I=92ll probably say yes. RATING: PG-13 SPOILERS: None, but if you haven=92t seen Becoming, you might not want to= read this. SUMMARY: Buffy had left Sunnydale via bus after sending Angel to Hell. On= the=0Abus she met the next Watcher in line, Andrew, and decided to live = with him and=0Ahis Slayer, Shy. After a visit from Drusilla, Andrew was i= njured and in the=0Ahospital. Giles came to bring Buffy back to Sunnydale= , telling her that he=0Aknows how to get Angel back from Hell. They took = Shy with them. When Buffy=0Agoes to the library, she finds out Xander did= n=92t tell her Willow was retrying=0Athe curse. Xander, feeling guilty, d= oes a ritual to retrieve Angel, and passes=0Aone of four tests, where he = didn=92t let himself get seduced by Buffy. DISCLAIMER: Joss Wheden, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Telivision, 20th Century= Fox,=0Athe WB, Kuzui Productions, etc. own all the character from the sh= ow Buffy the=0AVampire Slayer. FEEDBACK: Please send it to me. AUTHOR=92S NOTE: This story is in two sections. The second section will b= e a=0Asequal to the first section under the same name. Also, special than= ks to=0AAleXander ( for the use of his wonderful ep t= ranscrips=0Awhich can be accessed at tml. *** =09"Where is he?" Cordelia cried, running into the library. =09"Xander?" Giles asked. =09"Where is he? I need to talk to him," Cordelia said. =09Willow took a deep breath. "Um, you know the ritual that will bring ba= ck=0AAngel from Hell?" =09"Willow, I don=92t have time for your boring little chit-chat. I need = to talk=0Ato my boyfriend. It=92s an emergeny! " =09"Xander=92s in Hell," Willow blurted out. =09"What?" Cordelia asked, her face full of shock, then anger. "I=92ll ki= ll him!=0AHe went to Hell just to make Buffy happy =91cause he loves her?= I=92ll kill him." =09"Cordelia," Giles said impatiently, "I think you are missing the point= .=0AXander is in Hell, and he may never come back." =09She slowly sat down in one of the chairs near the table. "He wasn=92t = always=0Athe perfect boyfriend. I mean, he wasn=92t popular or cool or ha= d a keen fashion=0Asense, but he was a good kisser. He never once cheated= on me, or pressured me=0Ato go further than I wanted to. We really cared= about each other. I love him."=0AFor the first time in her life, Willow = saw Cordelia cry over a guy. "And I=0Anever got to tell him." =09"It=92ll be alright," Giles comforted her. "There=92s still a chance t= hat Xander=0Amay be able to come back and bring Angel along with him. If = not, there must be=0Asome way to retrieve him." =09"What?" everyone turned towards Buffy=92s shaky voice. "He went to Hel= l just to=0Asave Angel?" =09"Buffy," Giles asked, "are you-" =09But Buffy ignored her. "I shouldn=92t have blown up at him like that. = Maybe=0Athen he wouldn=92t have gone. I should be the one in Hell, not hi= m. He, he=0Adoesn=92t deserve that punishment. He was doing what he could= . Like how I=0Acouldn=92t stake Angel in the mall and prevent Ms. Calenda= r=92s murder." =09"You can=92t blame yourself," Willow said. "If anything it was my faul= t. I=0Areally lost it after you left. I think I pushed him over the edge.= " =09"It doesn=92t matter who caused him to do this. We just need to find o= ut how to=0Aget him back. Willow, I want you to go on the internet and fi= nd what you can.=0ABuffy, call Xander=92s mother and make up an excuse wh= y he won=92t be home for the=0Anext few days. Cordelia," she looked up at= him, and he realized she would be=0Ano help, "um, cheer up." *** =09Suddenly, Xander found himself in the graveyard. Looking down, he saw = a fresh=0Agrave. "Willow Rosenberg, 1981-1998," it read. =09"No," cried Xander. "Willow! You, you can=92t leave me. You=92re my be= st friend.=0AI can=92t live without you." Tears started flowing from his = eyes. "Will, you=0Ahave to be alive. I need you, not just to help me pass= trig and talk on the=0Aphone to, but=85" He took a deep breath. "I love = you." =09As he buried his face in his hands, he heard a voice. "I love you, too= ,"=0AWillow hissed in vampire form. =09"Willow?" He looked up and saw her in her vampire form. "Ohmygod," he= =0Amuttered. "This can=92t be you." =09"Why not? Because now you love me? I loved you for years, and you didn= =92t even=0Arealize it. But now you finally have. Well, we can finally be= together." =09"What? We can never be together. You=92re a=85" =09"Vampire, lonely one, undead American. Yes, I know. And it=92s wonderf= ul. Now=0AI=92m not some meak little girl who has to depend on her friend= s to protect her=0Afrom the big, bad demons. Now, I=92m one of them. Oh, = Xander, how do you feel=0Aabout us being together? To have what we never = got to have. Wouldn=92t that have=0Abeen wonderful?" =09"Will, you were my best friend, nothing more. I love you as my best fr= iend. I=0Adidn=92t want anything to change that. Even if you were human, = we couldn=92t be=0Atogether." =09"But we will. For an eternity." =09She grabbed him, pushing his head to one side. Slowly, she lowered her= fangs.=0AXander easily pushed her off of him, grabbing a stake. "Will, p= lease, don=92t=0Amake me do this." =09"You can=92t stake me. I=92m your best friend. You don=92t have the co= urage to do=0Ait." =09"Willow," he said, louder, "I=92m warning you. If you leave Sunnydale = and never=0Areturn, I won=92t have to do this." =09"Come on, Xander," she laughed. "We both know that you won=92t stake m= e, that=0Ayou love me. Plus, even if you tried, I know have ten times the= strength I=0Ahad. So just try." =09"I=92m sorry, Willow," he whispered. Quickly, he grabbed a bottle of h= oly water=0Afrom his jacket and opened the lid. He cringed as the liquid = hit her face and=0Ashe fell to the ground. He seized the moment to grab h= is stake and stick it=0Athrough her back. =09As fast as she could, she turned around and looked at him. "Xander?" s= he=0Aasked before she turned to dust. For a moment he just stood there. Finally, he started to cry. He had kill= ed=0Athe one person he felt like he could talk to. He could depend on her= no matter=0Awhat, through the good times and the bad. No, he thought, re= member everything.=0AI didn=92t kill her. I am in Hell. Buffy and Willow = can=92t be in here with me.=0AAnd since when did Hell seem to be the Sunn= ydale Cemetary and Buffy=92s bedroom?=0AHe thought for a moment. The test= s! It has to be the tests. Well, two down,=0Atwo to go. If I remember cor= rectly, the next one is on strength. Suddenly, from nowhere, something jumped on top of him, knocking him to t= he=0Aground. *** End Part 10 "It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passi= on,=0Amaybe we=92d know some kind of peace. But we would be hallow. Empty= rooms,=0Ashuddered and dank. Without passion, we=92d be truly dead." -An= gel, Passion. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1998 21:25:56 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Libidinous 12/? Title~ Libidinous 12/? Author~ Shani Notes~ in psychoanalytlic theories, the libido is the driving force behind all human actions Summary~ A Buffy/Angel story with a few twists. Involves characters from General Hospital, but yoiu don’t have to watch GH to understand this fic. I did change a thing or two around for you GH fans Disclaimer~ All characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Joss Whendon, Mutant Enemy Productions, Kuzui Enterprises, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. “Forever Home” belongs to Wally Kurth and can be found on the General Hospital CD. All characters of General hospital belong to ABC. Chapter 12, Forever Home < Sleep, baby sleep, While the world passes by I'll be the keeper of your dreams tonight I'll be your eyes until you can see. I'll be your voice until you can speak. In this land of strangers> Angel ignored the stares from the other people in the room. He slowly walked over to where Buffy lay. He had no idea what had happened. All he knew was that Arcanus was no longer inside of him. ‘I’ll get you out of there.’ He promised silently. He took a deep breath and released it slowly. “What happened?” The question was directed to anyone that could answer it, and apparently, no one could. < I'll be the one to love and protect you, guide and respect you, In my arms you will be In my arms you will be forever home.> Giles stepped up next to Angel. He had lost the woman that he loved, and he wasn’t going to let that happen to the man next to him. For the first time, it hit him that the man next to him was not the man that had killed Jenny. Angel finally looked up at him. “She, she performed the binding ritual, to bind Arcanus to a blessed object without risk of destroying you. It, it knocked her unconscious...and then she and the cross were surrounded in that globe of light. We don’t know what it is.” Giles said. “It electrified Xander when he tried to get to Buffy. Before she was in there, we know that she had a faint pulse.” He finished. “I have a pulse too.” Angel said. They stared at him in disbelief. “I don’t understand it. I don’t know how my body could still be alive without the demon’s imortality, but I’m breathing.” Angel turned to Buffy, ‘You hear that? I’m human, but I’m not really alive without you.’ < Sleep, baby sleep, In an ocean of love No way of knowing What you're thinking of Close to the heart That's where you belong You're part of my spirit Part of my song First last and always> Nikolas could not believe this. First she looses him. Then, she gets him back. Then, she looses him. then, he comes back and looses her. This would be all over for Nikolas in a day or two, but for Buffy and her friends it was everyday life. Everyday she puts her life at risk to save people that don’t even know that they’re in danger. He sighed. His uncle wouldn’t let him become very involved. In a way Nik felt relieved, but he also felt helpless. “Are you ok?” Nik asked Angel. They hadn’t really become friends, but they got along. “As soon as she’s ok, I’ll be alright.” Nik gave a nod and Angel turned away. This was definately an expirience he would never forget, it was something that he didn’t want to forget. He would remember this and these people always. < I'll be the one to love and protect you guide and respect you In my arms you will be In my arms you will be In my arms you will be In my arms you will be forever home> Giles forced himself into Watcher mode. Buffy was like a daughter to him. She was his Slayer. She *is* his Slayer. He had read in the Watcher diaries that many Watchers avenge the death of their Slayers, then either choose to provide as much information as possible to new Watchers...or commit suicide. He liked top think that he would be able to go on, but sometimes even thought was too much to bare. He continued to flip through the book that he had been reading. He was chosen to protect her, and that’s what he planned to do. “Angel?” They heard Buffy say. “ told me that you were human...” They stared at her in disbelief. < Have you come to show me what love's all about? To lift up my faith higher than doubt? In my arms you will be In my arms you will be In my arms you will be In my arms you will be forever home. Forever home. Forever home. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1998 22:39:14 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: BBETA: this is not a fanfic, just a reguest This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - --part0_902630355_boundary Content-ID: <> Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII please reply to the following reguest here, - --part0_902630355_boundary Content-ID: <> Content-type: message/rfc822 Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Content-disposition: inline From: Return-path: To: Subject: Fwd: BUFFY: in need of the best fanfic!!!! Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1998 22:35:34 EDT Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="part1_902630355_boundary" - --part1_902630355_boundary Content-ID: <> Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII - --part1_902630355_boundary Content-ID: <> Content-type: message/rfc822 Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Content-disposition: inline From: Return-path: To: Subject: BUFFY: in need of the best fanfic!!!! Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1998 22:25:18 EDT Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit sorry im not as desperate as the subject title sound, but i am looking for the best of the best of the best fanfic out there for my new page My Buffy Fan Fictions , so if you have a fic u written or read of that u think are real good, please email to me if its not on a page or send me the link to that story page. please include the email address of the author if the fic isnt yours so i can get consent to post the story, if u are the author and your story is on someone else's page, please include their email addy too so i can get permission and also include your name, rating of the story with it. If the story is not by you but u thought it was great, please include the author's email addy and whatever other info u can give me. Last of all, if u are emailing the story directly cuz its not on a page, please add the hmtl of the end of the paragraph-"p" to save me alot of trouble. Thanx all, Peggy Buffy the vampire slayer - --part1_902630355_boundary-- - --part0_902630355_boundary-- ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #292 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (