From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #295 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Tuesday, August 11 1998 Volume 02 : Number 295 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: XtVS 2. The Sequel (2/3) BUFFYFIC: XtVS 2. The Sequel (3/3) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 23:19:04 -0700 From: Jeff Weitkamp Subject: BUFFYFIC: XtVS 2. The Sequel (2/3) Title: Xander the Vampire Slayer. Part 2. The Sequel. Author: Jeff W E-Mail: Feedback: Yes please. Tell me anything. Was is good, bad, or what. Distribution: Please ask and I'll say yes. Spoilers: None Summary: Because almost everybody who responded asked that I do a sequel, I did, so you can blame them. Rating: G for general. Time line: Sometime Disclaimer: The characters in this story belong to Joss Wheadon ect. Authors note: 1. Despite the title this is not the second part of a story, it is a Sequel to a previous story But it can stand on it's own.. This may seem to be a contridiction but when you read the stories it will make more since. If you have not read the first part just email me and I will send it to you. 2. Text between vvvvv and ^^^^^^^ is what is being typed by the character. __________________________________ Xander the Vampire Slayer. Part 2. ( 2/3 ) By JeffW =93Thanks a lot Giles.=94 Xander said as he headed out of the library. Ju= st before he reached the doors, they were pushed open allowing Buffy and Willow to enter. =93And here is the man himself.=94 Buffy said. =93Now we can ask him.=94 =93Ask me what?=94 =93Willow and I were talkin=92 about Bronzin=92 it tonight.=94 Buffy said= =93And we wanted to know if you were interested.=94 Xander shook his head and said. =93No thanks. I=92ve had a really bad day= , and I just want to go home and do that veg thing.=94 =93If your day=92s been that bad you need a trip to the Bronze.=94 Buffy = said. =93You can even bring Cordy if you want.=94 Smiling Xander shook his head and said, =93I don=92t think Cordy feels mu= ch like socializing either.=94 =93What=92s the matter with Cordelia? Is she sick?=94 Willow asked. Although Willow was Xander=92s closest and oldest friend he felt uncomfortable answering her question, so he just looked at her. Willow realized immediately what Xander wasn=92t saying. Her face reddene= d slightly as she said, =93Oh.=94 Xander hadn=92t been totally truthful with Willow and Buffy. He was a little tired, and it really had been a rotten day. But the real reason he wanted to go home was to try to write another story. So as soon as he got home he headed up to his room and turned on the computer. Then he sat there for the next twenty minutes starring at the blank screen. =93I don=92t understand.=94 Xander said aloud. =93Why is getting started = so hard?=94 Xander tried to think about what he had done last night to get started. Let=92s see, he thought. First, there was the title. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Xander The Vampire Slayer. Part 2. The Sequel. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Well that=92s a start, Xander thought. =93Oh, I know what I left off.=94 Xander said before he typed the next li= ne. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv By Xander Harris ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Xander liked the look of his name on paper. Then he remembered that the best thing to do is just start typing. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv It was a beautiful morning. The sun rose in the east. Again. The sunshine was warm. It was good that it was sunny. Because this was Sunnydale. So Sunshine was expected. Sunshine is good because it makes the day different from the night. The day was better because it was warm and sunny. Because the sun was out. Sun shine was also good because it hurt vampires. Vampires are bad. And the sunlight was good. So Vampires didn=92t like sun. It hurt them becaus= e it was good and they were bad. And vampires were evil. All vampires are evil. All of them. Even if they do have a soul, they are evil. Because they are vampires. And they are evil. Because they don=92t like the Sun and the sun was good. Many evil vampires lived in Sunnydale. You=92d think that with a name lik= e Sunnydale vampires would stay away. But The Hell mouth was in Sunnydale. It is a major psychiatric place where evil was. It attracted the vampires, demons and other evil things. Because they were evil creatures. And They liked evil places. Even if the place had a nice non evil name like Sunnydale. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sounds like my kinda town, Xander thought as he continued to type. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv But not just evil things lived in Sunnydale. Xander Harris lived in Sunnydale. And he fought against evil. He is the chosen one. To be good and fight evil and kill vampires and demons and all the bad things that are evil. Xander was chosen to be slayer. So he was called Xander the Vampire slayer. Because vampires are the evilest of the evil creatures in Sunnydale. So Xander slayed them because he was good and chosen to destroy evil. Xander liked to live in Sunnydale. Even if had evil vampires in it. Because it was sunny. Maybe that is why they call it that. Because it was sunny and it had a dale. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =93What=92s a dale anyway?=94 Xander wondered aloud as he typed. =93Oh ye= ah. I think Dale was Roy Roger=92s horse.=94 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Xander was driving to school in his Ferrari Testament. He liked his Ferrari. It was a cool car. Everybody looked at him as he drove down the street to school. Like he did on most mornings. He liked to drive in the morning when the sun was out. Xander arrived at school and pulled the Ferrari into a parking space reserved for him. Xander got out of the car closing the door. When he parked the car, many people began to gather around. Some because of the cool car. But most were there because Xander was very popular, and very, very cool. Xander said hello to all the people who came to see him. Then he walked around the car to open the other door for his passenger. It was Willow Rosenberg. His oldest friend. Willow looked at Xander as she got out of the car. She said, =93Thank you so much for the ride to school Xander.=94 Xander bowed and said, =93Happy to be of service to my friend. Did you remember to bring your math homework Willow.=94 =93Yes. I have it right here. And thank you very much for your help with it Xander.=94 Willow said. =93I just don=92t know what I would do with ou= t your help with my classes.=94 =93Think nothing of it willow. I=92m sure that you would do the same for = me if there was something that I needed help with.=94 =93Oh, but Xander. What could I possibly help you with?=94 Willow asked. =93Nothing that I can think of.=94 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =93It=92s so tough to be humble,=94 Xander said to himself. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Mrs. Pelk stood at the front of the Science class saying. =93Don=92t forg= et class the most important thing about mercury is that it break at minus 25 degrees.=94 Xander sat at the back of the class and shaking his head. =93Pardon me Mrs. Pelk. But I believe your mistaken. Mercury breaks as minus 52 degrees.=94 =93Excuse me, mr. Harris. I believe I=92m the teacher in this class. I=92= m sure that I do not need any help from you.=94 Xander ran a hand through his black hair. And Said. =93Yes ma=92am you ar= e the teacher. I just think you need to teach stuff that=92s not wrong.=94 Many in class laughed. Mrs Pelk got mad. She said, =93I assure you that I am a educate teacher. I know my subjects.=94 =93Obviously not very well.=94 Xander said. Many guys and guys laughed an= d laughed. Very hard. Mrs. Pelk got mad and madder. =93Mr Harris do we need to see principal Cider?=94 =93Before we walk all that way don=92t you think you should look at your book of science?=94 Mrs Pelk crossed her arms across herd chest. She stared at Xander very very madly. She had much madness. =93Very, well mr. harris. Just to show you how much wrong you are.=94 Mrs Pelk grabbed a book from the nearest student. She jerked it from his hand. Xander said. =93I believe your looking for page 123.=94 Ms Pelk turned the book open. She looked the page 123. She looked very pale as her face got red with angry. After moment she got a smile on her face. =93Well I see that you passed, my little test Mr. Xander. See what happens when you study students.=94 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As Xander reread the preceding paragraphs he smiled and said, =93Well, we=92re not so smart now are we Mrs. Polk=85 I mean Pelk. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv After Lunch, Xander Harris walked into the Library right after launch. He saw Mr. Giles there. He was the school librarian, who took care of the books in the library. He was also called a watcher. That was somebody who worked for the slayer. Helping him to look things up about evil vampires, nasty demons, and creepy-weird monsters. Also in the Library were Xanders other good friends called Buffy Summers, and Cordelia Chase. They sat at the table with Giles. =93Hello Xander.=94 They said at the same time. =93Good afternoon my friends.=94 Xander said. =93Do I have any messages?=94 =93Cordelia jump up from her seat. She said, =93Oh yes, yes Xander. I hav= e some messages. For you.=94 Xander waited for a few seconds look at Cordelia. Then he said, =93And what would those messages be.=94 Cordelia chase smiled and said, =93Oh I=92m sorry. I forget.=94 Then she picked up a note book. And opened it and said. =93Here are the messages. Would you like me to read them.=94 Smiling, Xander said, =93Please.=94 Cordelia looked at the notebook and red, =93Eddy Van Halen called. He wants to know if you could come to LA one day next week to help the band with their new album. The manager of the dodgers called to ask if he should pitch to McGwire or walk him. The owner of the 49ers called from San Francisco. He wanted to know if they should draft the defensive lineman or the halfback in this years draft. And Steve Spielberg called. He wanted to your opinion about his Idea for a sequel to the Color purple.=94 Xander sat down at the table and said. =93How about Tuesday. Pitch. Go fo= r the wide receiver. Hated it, Do ET instead. Got that?=94 =93Got It Xander.=94 =93Good. Now Giles, did you find anything out about that prophecy I was talking about.=94 Giles pushed his glasses up and said. =93Yes I did Xand= er. You were right. The Evil demon Cinder is going to try to open the hell mouth. I found it in one of my books.=94 =93I was hoping I would be wrong this time.=94 Xander said. =93But Xander your never wrong.=94 Giles said =93Yes i know.=94 Xander said. =93Dose it say when this will happen.=94 =93Well Xander.=94 Giles said, I think it gives a date. But I=92m afraid = I have been unable to translate that part. I thought maybe you could take a look at it for me.=94 =93Oh course I would good man.=94 Xander said. =93Here let me see it.=94 = Xander took the book from Giles. Xander glanced at the book. He said, =93I see why you had problems Giles. This has been translated from Latin, to Greek. Then back into Latin. Very tricky. According to this the Evil demon cinder will try to open the hell mouth on.=94 Xander paused while he sat the book down, then he looked up and said. On April 1st of this year.=94 =93Oh my. That was most impressive translating Xander.=94 Said Giles as h= e began to clean his glasses. Then his mouth fell open and he said, =93My goodness. Today is April 1st.=94 =93Yes, I know.=94 Said Xander. Buffy said. =93Oh dear.=94 Cordelia said. =93What ever will we do Xander.= =94 Xander smiled reassuringly at the too scared girls. Xander said, =93Nothing to worry your pretty heads about ladies. This is something I have to take care of. After all I am the chosen one. Who has been chosen to protect the world from, vampires, demons, and whatever other nasty things that come to Sunnydale.=94 =93Giles began to clean his glasses and said, =93But Xander how will you know the demon when you see it. It could be anyone.=94 =93I=92ve already got that all figured out Giles. Just leave everything t= o me.=94 =93I knew that I could count on you Xander.=94 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =93Humm.=94 Xander said. =93I wonder who the demon is?=94 End of part 2/3 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 23:21:24 -0700 From: Jeff Weitkamp Subject: BUFFYFIC: XtVS 2. The Sequel (3/3) Title: Xander the Vampire Slayer. Part 2. The Sequel. Author: Jeff W E-Mail: Feedback: Yes please. Tell me anything. Was is good, bad, or what. Distribution: Please ask and I'll say yes. Spoilers: None Summary: Because almost everybody who responded asked that I do a sequel, I did, so you can blame them. Rating: G for general. Time line: Sometime Disclaimer: The characters in this story belong to Joss Wheadon ect. Authors note: 1. Despite the title this is not the second part of a story, it is a Sequel to a previous story But it can stand on it's own.. This may seem to be a contridiction but when you read the stories it will make more since. If you have not read the first part just email me and I will send it to you. 2. Text between vvvvv and ^^^^^^^ is what is being typed by the character. __________________________________ Xander the Vampire Slayer. Part 2. ( 3/3 ) By JeffW =93Humm.=94 Xander said. =93I wonder who the demon is?=94 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Xander stood up. He pulled up the Zipper on his incredibly cool leather jacket, so that he looked his most coolest. Then he took his sunglasses from his jacket pockets. And put them on. Then he walked out of the Library saying. =93Don=92t worry about anything. I=92ll take care of everything.=94 =93Oh Xander. Please be careful.=94 Buffy Yelled. =93Don=92t let anything happen to your handsomely good-looking face, Xander.=94 Cordelia said. Xander walked into the hallway. He heard somebody yell. =93Oh no. Please don=92t.=94 Xander ran to where he heard the yelling. He saw principal Ci= der yelling at Larry. Larry said, =93No please principal cider. Don=92t give = me dentition. I=92ll never do it again.=94 Principal Cider pointer at Larry a finger. He said. =93Maybe you=92ll lea= rn not to chew gum in my school. 20 hours detention.=94 =93Oh Nooooooooo!=94 Larry said. =93My life is over.=94 Principal Cider smiled a evil smile. Xander put his hands on his hips and looked at the ugly little man with a bald head, ugly teeth and just plain bad breath. He said. =93Don=92t yo= u think you should pick on someone your own size Principal Cider. Or should I say, Cinder. You know this brings a whole new meaning to the phrase Principal from Hell.=94 The demon turned to Xander and said, =93So you finally figured it out Slayer.=94 Then his body began to shift around. He grew long curly-pointy horns. His teeth grew long ugly fangs. His cloths disappeared and he had ugly brown and grey skin. Xander smiled at the principal from hell. Then he moved his sunglasses to the top of his head. Then he smiled and said. =93This new look of your= s is a big improvement Principal Cider.=94 The demon snarled angrily. =93But you know what?=94 Xander said. =93You=92re still short.=94 Cinder snarled and charged at Xander. Xander easily side stepped the charging demon. As the demon pass by Xander grabbed his arm and swung the demon. Causing it to crash into the wall. The demon stood up shaking it head. Then it look at the slayer and jumped at him. Cinder tried to scratch Xander with his sharply sharp claws. Xander easily blocked the claws with his hands. Then the demon snarled and tried to bite Xander. Xander avoided the teeth. Then he swung up with his fist striking Cider under the jaw. The demon flew up and back. And landed on it=92s back a fe= w feet away. The demon leaped to his feet and charged at Xander. Xander kicked the charging monster in the face. Then he grabbed the creature by the arm and flipped it onto it=92s back. Cinder sat up and snarled at Xander. Then suddenly it reached out it=92s arm. The arm stretched out 20 feet. It grabbed hold of Xander=92s oldest friend Willow. She screamed. Cinder pulled the frightened girl to him. Cowardly using the girl as a shield. Willow screamed. Cinder smiled and said, =93Stay back slayer. Or = I will hurt your little friend.=94 =93Oh, Please Xander.=94 Willow said. Please don=92t let him hurt me.=94 = As Cinder put his hand on her throat. Xander shook his head at Cinder and said, =93All you evil creatures are the same. Always hiding behind some frightened girl.=94 Don=92t worry Willow. I won=92t let this short ugly excuse for a principal with bad breath hurt you.=94 Cinder laughed and said. =93Not so tough now are you Slayer.=94 =93Looks like you got me beat demon.=94 Xander said. =93Sorry Willow.=94 The demon laughed it=92s hellish laugh.=94 Then Xander pointed behind Cinder and said, =93Hey look. It=92s the Bad Y= ear Blimp.=94 Cinder turned to look where Xander was pointing. He said, =93I don=92t se= e anything.=94 When Cinder turned back around, he found himself looking int= o Xander fist hurtling towards his face. The fist hit the demon with the force of a hammer. The demon=92s arms fell to it=92s sides. For a moment the demon stood the= re. Eye=92s dazed and swaying back and forth. When Willow realized that Cinder was no longer holding her, she jumped into Xander=92s Arms. She said, =93Oh Xander. You saved me.=94 Xander looked at the demon. Then he took his finger and gently pushed the demon. Slowly he fell onto his back. Then suddenly in a flash of light the demon disappeared. And where it was just smoke. Xander looked at the smoke and said, =93And don=92t come back!=94 Every body standing in the hall began to clap and cheer for Xander. Xander accepted their applause with a smile. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =93Now that was cool If I do say so myself.=94 Xander said to himself. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Later back in the Library after Xander had told everybody what had happened, Buffy asked, =93Gee Willow. You must have been terrified.=94 Willow smiled at Xander and said, =93Nope. I knew that Xander wouldn=92t ever let anything happen to me.=94 =93Wow.=94 Cordelia said. =93You know. The next time the school principal turns into a demon from hell, I hope that I get captured so Xander can rescue me. You will rescue me, won=92t you Xander?=94 =93Of course I will Cordelia. Nothing would make me happier=94 =93That=92s My Xander.=94 Willow said. =93Always thinking about others. T= hat=92s why I love him.=94 Then Buffy said. =93And I love him because he=92s so brave and strong.=94 =93And I love Xander because,=94 Cordelia said. =93Because, because=85 be= cause he=92s so Xander.=94 Then Giles said, =93And I love you Xander because ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =93Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA!=94 Xander said as he looked around to be sure that no one saw what he just typed. =93What am I typing. Eccchhhh!=94 The= n Xander began to press the backspace key totally wiping out the last line he had typed. =93As a matter of fact,=94 He said. =93It never existed. I = never saw it. There is no way I could have typed, what I didn=92t type. That=92= s my story and I=92m sticking to it.=94 Then Xander typed a new line to replace the one that never existed. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv And Giles was totally in the other room. Looking stuff up. The End. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Xander saved his story to the hard drive. But before he shut down the computer, he decided that he might like to have Willow read his stories. So he copied the story to a floppy. Then he stuck the disk into his book bag. The next morning before classes Xander was in the Library with Buffy, Willow, and Cordelia talking. Several times, Xander almost took the diskette from his bag to show to Willow. But, the more he thought about it, he couldn=92t stand the thought of somebody reading what he had written. He just wasn=92t ready. So he left the disk in the bag. Or so he thought. Towards the end of his last class of the day, Xander went to put his books back into his bag. That was when he realized that the diskette was missing. He started to panic. Where did he lose it? When was the last time he saw it? As he thought about it, the last time he remembered seeing it was in the library when he got a piece of paper for Cordy. =93Oh no.=94 he said soft= ly. =93The library.=94 As soon as class was out Xander raced for the library. He slowed just before he arrived. After pausing for a few seconds, he got his breath under control and walked in. Everybody was there. Giles was pacing back and forth studying a book in his hand. He looked up and absent-mindedly said, =93Oh, hello Xander.=94 =93Hi Giles,=94 Xander said trying to hide his nervousness. =93Anything g= oing on?=94 =93Oh, aaa, nothing pending. We=92re just researching a prophecy.=94 Gile= s said before looking back at his book. Xander knew that the diskette should be near the table so he tried to walk casually in that direction. =93Hi Xand.=94 Buffy said from on the counter as he walked by. Xander jumped at the sound of her voice and said, =93Nothing.=94 =93Nothing what?=94 Buffy asked. =93Nothing, nothing.=94 Xander said. =93Just nothing.=94 Then he smiled, = waved his hand, and said, =93Hi.=94 Buffy smiled and shook her head, before she returned to her book. Xander continued towards the table. Willow sat on one end with her computer open, working away. Cordelia sat on one side looking through an old book. Xander tried to appear calm as he neared the table. =93Hi, Cordy, Willow.=94 Xander said as he reached the table. =93Hi.=94 Echoed the girls. Xander walked over to stand next to Cordelia=92s chair, and kissed her on the top of the head. Then he tried to appear casual as he looked all around the table for the diskette. =93Did you pass your history test, Xander.=94 Cordelia asked. =93Fine.=94 Answered Xander. Then he spotted the Diskette on the floor half hidden by some papers. =93Good.=94 Xander thought, =93Nobody found it.=94 Very coolly Xander smiled at the girls at the table and said, =93My shoe. It=92s come untied.=94 =93Don=92t you just hate it when that happens?=94 Willow asked with a ver= y serious tone. =93Yeah.=94 Xander said. =93I guess I=92ll have to tie it. I think I=92ll= tie it now.=94 Then Xander bent, down, quickly untied, and then retied his shoe. Just before he stood up Xander reached out, grabbed the disk and stuck it in his book bag, hanging from his shoulder, thinking, =93Ha, I got it.= =94 Then Xander stood up and said. =93Well I can see that you are all busy, S= o I=92m going to leave. So, Bye.=94 Xander received a round of farewells from the people in the library. Then he turned and headed for the door, passing Buffy who was heading towards the table on the way. Then he stopped, turned around and said, =93Hey, are we Bronzin it tonight guys?=94 =93Today is Wednesday, calendar boy.=94 Cordelia said. =93The Bronze is closed.=94 =93Oh yeah, Wednesday,=94 Xander said. =93I knew that.=94 Then he turned = to leave. He almost had his hand on the door when he heard Buffy=92s voice behind him say, =93Oh, Xander, one thing before you go.=94 =93Sure. What=92s that?=94 Xander asked. As he turned around, he saw Buff= y, Willow, and Cordelia all standing at the end of the table looking at him. Suddenly Xander had a cold feeling in his stomach. The girls stood there for a moment just smiling. Then simultaneously they smiled and said sweetly, =93We love you, Xander the Vampire Slayer.=94 Then they all began to giggle. Xander rolled his eyes to the ceiling and thought, =93It=92s going to tak= e me a while to live this one down. THE END ****** End of part 3/3 ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #295 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (