From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #319 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Sunday, September 6 1998 Volume 02 : Number 319 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Capeside: the Hellmouth #14 BUFFYFIC: My Moira (10/?) BUFFYFIC: IOHM (8/?) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 17:16:32 -0700 From: (Charity C. T.) Subject: BUFFYFIC: Capeside: the Hellmouth #14 TITLE: Capeside: the Hellmouth #10 Almost Full Moon AUTHOR: Taygeta E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Yes...whatever the complaint DISTRIBUTION: Sure...just tell me where it's gonna go. RATING: PG SERIES: A Dawson's Creek/Buffy Crossover DISCLAIMER: The characters and any other reference to Dawson's Creek are the property of, creator, Kevin Williamson. The characters portrayed and in reference to Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to its creator Joss Whedon, and it's owners Mutant Enemy Productions, Kuzui Enterprises, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. In other words, they do not belong to me and I am just borrowing them. No copyright infringement is intended. ************************** Capeside: the Hellmouth #14 Evil Unfolding By: Taygeta Cordelia peered into the water filled cauldron in front of her and screeched, "Ooh…that slayer makes me so mad." "Oh, relax, darling," Pacey said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek, "This is going to work…we've got it all planned perfectly. Their forces are down…that Jen girl is near death with that demon we loaned the car too, killing the Master Magician got their magic brats out of the way, and I brought you a present." She peered up at him and smiled, "Is a it a new dress?" "Even better," he said. "What can be better than a new dress?" she pouted and crossed her arms as she pulled away from his hold. Pacey smiled, "Oh…so many things…I'm sure you'll love your present, Cordelia. Grant…Larry…bring them in." Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened as her tongue scraped against her sharp incisors, "May I have them?" "No, darling, they're not to eat…at least not yet, anyway," he said as he walked towards their prisoners with a smile, "First, we have to get through a little game of Interrogation…I'm sure there are a lot of things they can tell us, isn't that right, Watchers?" *~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Visiting hours are over, sir," one of the nurses said to Angel as he sat in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs. He looked up at her and mustered a smile, "Um…I know…I'd - I'd just like to sit here for awhile, if that's okay?" "Sure, go right ahead. No harm in doing that," she replied before she walked away. A few moments later he a different voice say to him, "Visiting hours are over." "I know, I - " he began as he looked up and then paused, "Hello, Mrs. Lindley…how's Jen?" The older woman smiled softly as she sat beside him, "She's in critical, but stable condition still. The doctors are prospecting for the best, as they always are, and I'm merely praying that God doesn't take her too." "But what if God wills it?" he asked as he glanced at her. "Then He wills it," she said with a sigh, "but he hasn't yet, and I am holding on to the fact that he hasn't." "As am I," he said and for a moment, there was a peace in the room, as silently old scores and scorns between the two settled almost instantaneously. All of which was due to a shared faith in a higher being and a young woman hanging on to dear life in a room in the hustle and bustle of a hospital…a young woman, well loved. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "The sun's going to come up in a few hours…we, you, especially, better head home," Buffy warned, "I think the vamp threats are over. At least for now." "Yeah, I better go," he said, "If there's any change with Jen, make sure and call me…I'd like to know." She smiled and nodded, "Sure, of course…what is it with you and Jen, anyway?" "What do you mean?" "You two, you guys were always…kinda close…kinda really good friends…" Dawson shrugged, "I suppose it's because we are…I mean before, we used to go out, but that fell into shambles when she fell for Angel. Then we didn't talk to each other for awhile, but when we did…it was like before we had dated, but minus the physical attraction and raging teenage hormones." They continued to the Leery house laughingly beneath the night's sheath, and Buffy turned to him before she left and grinned, "Same bat time, same bat channel?" Frowning he asked, "What?" "Never mind," she said shaking her head as she thought that Capeside sourly lacked in the area of pop culture…at least Sunnydale's version of. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Xander rubbed his eyes sleepily and yawned as he trudged tiredly into the kitchen. He hadn't slept a wink the entire night. Had he really changed among the months that had passed in his stay in Capeside, and if he had, was it so significant that he was no longer who he had been? Then again, how much did Buffy really know about him? When he had told her about digressing and contemplating over who his mother was now, she couldn't have possibly known that he had spent his whole life doing that because he hadn't a clue who his mother was. How was she was suppose to know that the person who he called, Mom, who he knew and loved as, Mom, wasn't even his to call his own. Surely, he cared for her like a son would, but it was because of his lost lineage that they were never close to begin with. The same was said for the father that was never home to begin with. The once-in-awhile father that found himself to Sunnydale every Christmas and some birthdays and bought him something new and extravagant each time. "Quite the home life," he muttered to himself as he shut the refrigerator door, grabbed his backpack, and headed out the door. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Giles, have you - " Buffy stopped mid-sentence to find the room occupied with only Xander standing with a confused expression in what was formerly a neat library, "What happened?" "I came in here a few minutes ago and everything was a mess," he answered as he glanced at her, "D-do you suppose it's…" "Vampires?" she finished as she stood beside him and surveyed the room before meeting his glance, "Definitely." "The minions of Cordelia and Pacey, I presume," Joey said closing the library door behind her as she walked in, "I take it that Ms. Calendar and Giles didn't get out of here." "Most likely? No," the slayer replied as she walked around the room, continuing to eye the job the Undead Americans had left of their library and she passed by Ms. Calendar's laptop, "Hey, this thing's on." Joey and Xander walked towards the computer as Buffy opened it to reveal that it was still on, apparently running on very low batteries. "One of the vampires, probably pulled the plug," Xander said as he found the adapter on the floor and hooked it to the PowerBook. "Apparently not fast enough," Joey said with a smile a she clicked on a file on the desktop, "Um…it says:" "Library taken over by vampires. Informed Willow's Society to take you in so that a plan may be devised. Cordelia and Pacey are initiating their plan to kill you…reasons for all the vampires. Good luck, we are sure you'll survive. Don't worry about us, we can-" "That's it…that's all that was written." "They're going to try and kill you," Xander said looking at Buffy with unmasked concern. "Try's the keyword, Xand, because I'm still alive and kicking, and I intend to stay that way." _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 00:00:17 -0700 From: (Charity C. T.) Subject: BUFFYFIC: My Moira (10/?) TITLE: My Moira #10 AUTHOR: Taygeta E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Very muchly wanted (bad or good...whatever the complaint) DISTRIBUTION: Sure, just tell me first. RATING: PG DESCRIPTION: Buffy's daugher is a slayer. It's about 20 some-odd years after. Buffy's married to Xander. Cordelia's a Watcher. Buffy and Giles retired from the slayer-biz. DISCLAIMER: The characters portrayed in this fanfic and any such reference to Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series belong to their creator, Joss Whedon, and their owners, Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Productions, Sanddollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. In other words, they do not belong to me. Copyright infringement not intended. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* My Moira #10 By: Taygeta Wham! Whack! Crack…crash! Moira winced as the wooden structure broke on her last kick, "Sorry…looked kinda on the side of ancient though, so I suppose damage can be forgiven?" "Why didn't you guys tell me she was a natural?" Cordelia said in amazement at she looked at the broken apparatus. Xander smiled and chuckled, "Depends on what you consider as natural? 10 years of karate, 3 years of gymnastics, 8 years spent studying ballet, tap, modern dance, and soft-shoe…" "Oh and don't forget the year spent figure skating," continued Buffy with a smile. "But how is that possible?" the Watcher asked carefully, "That's a lot of activities for a 15-year-old girl, even if she's a slayer." Buffy explained, "Moira's been taking karate since she was five and that and ballet are the only two she's kept from all of that. She started gymnastics at three when she saw the Olympics for the first time, but I had her quit because she broke her wrist and ankle when she jumped on the balance beam when she wasn't suppose to and fell. Then we get into the dance phase years and she's still doing that with her ballet." "What about figure skating?" she asked. "That went out the window when she found out the coach was getting married," Xander said with a laugh. "Dad…that *so* wasn't like that!" insisted Moira with such an admonished expression that it was obvious that it was "so" like that and she turned to Cordelia, "Is it necessary to have the PU's here?" She wrinkled her forehead, "PU's? What are you - " "Parental Units," the teenager explained exasperatingly. "You heard the slayer…out," Cordelia said as she opened the door, the "PU's" reluctantly exited, and she closed the door behind them. "So, Moira, why don't we get into - " "Hey…now I remember you…" the fifteen-year-old said with a grin, "You used to date Dad!" Cordelia crimsoned under her pupil's grin, but held her composure, "How did you -" "Prom pics," she replied simply and then donned a devious expression, "So, were you and dad serious?" She hesitated and replied, "Um…sort of, but getting back to - " "How did you guys end up in the non-relationship factor?" Moira continued to probe. "It just didn't work out," she said, "Now can we get - " "How so?" the slayer said in a tone imitating innocence, but was obviously far from it's exterior. "If I tell you, do you promise no more questions and you get back to training?" asked Cordelia in a vexatious tone. "Slayer's honor," she said with crossed fingers behind her back. "Hands," she said as she looked at her critically. "Slayer's honor," she repeated with both hands showing, "Now spill." Shrugging Cordelia replied, "There's nothing really to spill. The night those pictures were taken was the night we broke up - " "He broke up with you at the prom?" Moira said with wide-eyes, "That's beyond scale harsh." Smiling, she shook her head, "N-no Moira, you don't understand. *We* broke up…meaning, mutual. It was a long time coming too, I guess both us just didn't want to admit it. See, for the most longest time, your father was in love with your mother." "But Mom was dating someone else, right?" she said, "Some guy…that was a major baddy in the eventual I hear." Realizing that her student hadn't a clue who Angel was, let alone, the identity of Angelus, Cordelia carefully said, "Uh…yeah, ended up being totally not himself. Anyway, despite that she was pretty upset at what he turned out to be that kind of threw your father and your mother together, friendship, wise. I was still his girlfriend, but even before that, I subconsciously knew he had this concept with her. Admittedly, and never tell him this, I was jealous, but I never really let him see that." "Wait a minute, does that mean Mom was the reason you two became non-existent?" she said speculated. "She was one of the reasons, but we wouldn't have worked out in the end, I don't think," Cordelia said, "And now, I think I've said just a little too much about the years of yesterday. So, why don't we get to crossbow training and leave your probing manners to the vamps in case interrogation takes place. Let's just hope you won't use those 'special skills' to interrogate their former 100+ years love lives." *~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Giles watched his breath swirl in the coldness of the California fall night as he eyed the twilight visible above. Turning around he saw Cordelia walk out of the house to join him, holding too hot mugs of coffee. "Thought you might need this," she said handing him a large green mug, "Don't worry, it's decaff." "Not that it matters…truthfully, sleep has been rather, as Xander used to put it, gone, lately," he replied as he took a sip of the warm liquid, "How goes training?" "Physically, the girl is like two Buffies," smiled Cordelia, "Dance and karate training…it's as if Xander and Buffy subconsciously knew their daughter was the next slayer. "Emotionally?" he questioned. "Not too well off," she admitted, "She's not taking any of this very seriously…and I think Buffy's right. She's going to have to patrol and a kill a vampire…fight a vampire, really, if she's gonna survive this. I pray to God, that I'm going to be as lucky as you were Giles…I think that all Watchers do. You're the first to have a retired slayer…and all of us want that." "Sadly, enough, not everyone reaches that," he said, "But I wouldn't say that I was entirely lucky to have been the Watcher of Buffy…not that I wasn't lucky. Headstrong, that girl was…still is to this day, but I think that that's what made her survive. Her adversary ways, her stubborn demeanor, and her want to be normal and knowing that she couldn't be so…perhaps never be so." "Thanks for the complimentary, Giles," Buffy said as she walked out of the kitchen and closed the screen door behind her, "But do you know what really kept me going?" "What?" "I didn't want anyone else to die, knowing that I had the best chance of preventing it," she said, "When Ms. Calendar died…I had a harder time adjusting than you would have thought. To know that in that moment, in the mall, I could of - I could of killed him, but I didn't…I blamed myself for that." "But it wasn't your fault, Buffy…you weren't ready…you can't tell the future," Cordelia replied, "Prophecy and all, it's only a portion of what may be, in reality, all those prophecies we've tried to divert, happened, we've just prevented them from being worse. Is that what I need to teach Moira? She's got stubborn and headstrong stamped over her forehead…I wonder where she gets that from." "Surely not from the guy that ran like a woman," joked Xander as he joined them on the back porch. "At least you came out, non-amphibious," quipped Cordelia with a smile. "Wait a minute, Cordy, I thought you took care of Annie the slayer…how is it that you were able to take charge of Moira?" Giles asked with a frown. "I was actually Annie's replacement Watcher…the one that trained her since birth died at the hands of a vampire and the Watcher's Society gave her to me," she said, "Apparently, I didn't do such a good job." "You mean, I didn't do such a good job," Buffy said softly. "He's not your destiny," Giles said with a comforting glance. Cordelia looked at them and said, "No, he's Moira's." _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 00:01:27 -0700 From: (Charity C. T.) Subject: BUFFYFIC: IOHM (8/?) TITLE: In Opacitatem Habitant Modo #8 Angelus AUTHOR: Taygeta E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Yes...please...whatever the complaint DISTRIBUTION: Sure, just tell me first. RATING: PG SERIES DESCRIPTION: Buffy is blind, various POVs INSTALLMENT DESCRIPTION: A peek into the mind of Angelus DISCLAIMER: The characters any such reference to Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series belong to their creator, Joss Whedon, and their owners, Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Enterprises, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. In other words, they do not belong to me. Copyright infringement not intended. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I think this is not my best all. I find it a little bit better than my Willow, but not too much better. Feedback would definitely be appreciated because I really need to know opinions due to the fact that this is a very hesitant installment. So, if you will...? *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* In Opacitatem Habitant Modo #8 Angelus By: Taygeta The dark, where the forbidden that harbors in the shadows of the day come to play. A place cloaked by the black, by the evil, and lighted only by the moonlight that casts the spells of madness at the fall of the light of day. Where vampires, witches, demons, and wolves seep in through moonlight's rays, and where the slayer will live her last weeks, days, hours, and minutes, before she is mine again. My love. My obsession. My kill. She is all. The chosen one among the rest, the chosen one that I choose to destroy. After all, she is the slayer. She is wanted by the vampires, the undead creatures of the night, by demons, by witches, and even by the hell-lord himself. All want her dead, quick and easy, but not me. Not I. I want her alive to drain her first of those sickly human feelings she gave to me and my counterpart gave to her. I want her first to feel pain and suffering, and then, *then* the very blood that runs its course through her veins will fill my own and take from her that precious elan vital, or at least what is left of it in blood. But as strong as my want to destroy her inside and out, the want…the wrath…of Druscilla, may indeed be the stronger. Spike's ashes litter the floor still where he died, where she sits at shrine through day and through night. Madness has encumbered her again, bound itself to her soul, but insanity is no longer a barrier to her demon's passions, for intent has paved its absurdly sane way. The Creatures of the Dark scoff at our idleness, at our sitting in wait for her to come to us. Ignorant, those undead fools are. She may be without eyes, without sight, but she is strong, stronger than any of those I had faced before, and although he never admitted it, not that he can now, anyway, stronger than Spike had ever killed. Lack of sight will not stop her…I know her too well. And admittedly so, I know the sickness of human love all too well. The bonds that she has with those friends of hers are powerful. So powerful that they will do anything to keep her alive, even if their life must end in the process. From the shadows, I know how guilt ridden they all are over her loss of eyes, but no matter the guilt, it seems that the nauseating feelings of love overwhelm the vice. They think we are only dealing with her, and that is where they are truly the imbeciles because it is far from being that, has never been that, and could never be that. Fighting her means to fight them, and although they are but mere mortals in the game of Good vs. Evil and are treading very slowly on the thin line of life and death, they, with her, are making us walk their very path in this everlasting game. ******End of #8 and my last plea for feedback!!!******* _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #319 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (