From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #322 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Saturday, September 12 1998 Volume 02 : Number 322 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: SpikeFic: King of the World (4/10) BUFFYFIC: SpikeFic: King of the World (5/10) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 22:41:52 -0400 From: ~Ripe Wicked Plum~ Subject: BUFFYFIC: SpikeFic: King of the World (4/10) Title: King of the World (4/10) Author: ~Ripe Wicked Plum~ a.k.a. Goth Spike ( Distribution: Everywhere and anywhere provided my name is left attached and you let me know where it is posted. Description: Spike meets a celebrity on the streets of Sunnydale, wackiness ensues. Rating: Overall, I'd say R for language and violence. Feedback: "Do you like it, Baby?" Disclaimer: Inspired by a thread on the Unholy Allies list. The original idea wasn't mine, but I was the first to do anything with it. The characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer are not my creations. They are the products of Joss Whedon's incredibly vivid imagination. Leo is not mine either. He is the product of our warped society. Spike stepped up to an imaginary mark in the grass and spoke, "Ready. Steady. Go," he said, taking off into the night, "and they're off. It's Prettyboy in the lead with Fangs bringin' up the rear. What's this? Could it be? Yes, folks, it looks like Spike is gettin' a second wind. He's comin' up hard and fast on the young upstart." Spike tackled Leo, finishing his commentary, "Proving, yet again, that old age and experience beats youth and exuberance. When will they learn?" Leo grunted underneath him, trying to throw him off. "What's that, Mate? You want me to get off of you? That wouldn't be much fun, now, would it?" he asked. "You're fucking insane." "No, not anymore. We broke up. Thank you so much for bringin' it up. What is it with everyone and Dru tonight?" "Dru?" Leo asked, confused. "My ex. A real loony, that one. Mad as a hatter. Bloody hell, I miss 'er." "She probably left because she found out you were a monster." "Actually, she left because I helped to kill a guy she was cheatin' on me with," he paused, jerking Leo off the ground, "and kept 'em from destroyin' the world. If you think I'm a monster, you should've seen the other guy." "He had to be better than you. I mean, he was more important than you to her." "You're really startin' t' believe what they write about you in the papers, aren't you? 'Hero', 'heartthrob', all that jazz? Let me tell you somethin' right now, you bloody twerp. You 'aven't a ghost of a clue what real heroes are all about. You don't know the first thing about what makes women tick either. Dru was one of those crazies who like to be treated like an inferior. She wanted someone who would use 'er and abuse 'er. That was Angelus. Me, on the other hand, I couldn't toss 'er aside to chase after someone who hated me. I put Dru up on a bloody pedestal, treated 'er like a goddess. She was my princess." Leo just looked at him. Staring, dumbly, at the beast that held his future in gloved hands. "What the fuck do you care about where I'm wettin' my wick, anyhow?" Spike asked, genuinely curious. "I was just making conversation," Leo said, hoping he hadn't angered him too much. "You were just hopin' I would get so wrapped up in my own concerns that I'd let you go. Not bloody likely, Mate. I'd start prayin' to that god of yours. It's gonna be a long night," Spike said, dragging him back to the car. - -- ICQ UIN=2607806 Goth Spike All hail the Lettuce King! I'm a Spike Girl, ask me how! Spike's Ducks...and proud of it! President and founder of the Leo is a Bloody Whelp Club ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 02:22:39 -0400 From: ~Ripe Wicked Plum~ Subject: BUFFYFIC: SpikeFic: King of the World (5/10) Title: King of the World (5/10) Author: ~Ripe Wicked Plum~ a.k.a. Goth Spike ( Distribution: Everywhere and anywhere provided my name is left attached and you let me know where it is posted. Description: Spike meets a celebrity on the streets of Sunnydale, wackiness ensues. Rating: Overall, I'd say R for language and violence. Feedback: "Do you like it, Baby?" Disclaimer: Inspired by a thread on the Unholy Allies list. The original idea wasn't mine, but I was the first to do anything with it. The characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer are not my creations. They are the products of Joss Whedon's incredibly vivid imagination. Leo is not mine either. He is the product of our warped society. "Home rancid home," Spike said, opening the door to an abandoned church and throwing Leo to the floor. "I'll give you whatever you want. Money, women, fame, anything you--" "'Look, Mate,'" Spike said, recalling Leo's words when they first met, "'I doubt you could be of any help to me.' As for money, I could buy and sell you three times over. As far as women are concerned, the kind of women I like would tear your heart out and shove it down your throat. Fame? Doesn't interest me. Infamy, now THAT is somethin' t' shoot for." "What do you want then?" Leo asked, hoping for a good answer. "We've already covered this, Boy. You. Dead. Are you gettin' a word picture, 'ere?" He looked up through the window and saw the sky growing lighter. It was almost sunrise. Spike grabbed some rope from the altar. Holding it up he motioned for Leo to join him. The boy hesitated and Spike wasted no time in convincing him. "Come on now. We wouldn't want to make the big, mean man angry, would we? Come and take it like a man. The longer you keep me waitin', the longer I keep you screamin'." "What are you going to do to me?" Leo asked, slowly walking in Spike's direction. Spike groaned in exasperation, "I hate it when my meals try to get all chatty with me. Makes me want to rip their throats out," he paused, glaring at Leo, "twice." Dragging Leo with him, he headed to a door across the room. Spike opened it and pushed the boy down the stairs. Leo landed on the concrete floor of the basement with a thud. This stunned him momentarily and Spike took the opportunity to move him over to the wall. Running the rope through a couple of light fixtures, he tied each end to one of Leo's wrists. Slapping the boy to bring him back to reality, Spike crossed the room. Another vampire appeared from the shadows. Spike whispered orders to him and then turned to face Leo. "This here's Stephen. He'll be takin' care of you while I sleep. Give him problems and I'll hear about it," he said, turning to Stephen. "Kill 'im and I'll 'ave your blood for breakfast." "Yes, milord. I'll do as you've instructed. Nothing more, nothing less." Spike touched the vamp's face, tracing the contour of his jaw. He looked into his eyes and slapped him hard. "Thank you, Sir," Stephen said, his undead skin on fire from the blow. Spike looked at Leo, "Good help is so 'ard to find these days. If you need anything, just scream. He won't come runnin'. Night-night, Lad," Spike said, chuckling as he walked from the room. "What are you going to do to me?" Leo asked, trying to see Stephen's face in the half-light of the room. Stephen stepped into the light, his true nature revealed. He licked the side of the boy's face. "Just watch you. He gets to have all the fun. I have to make sure that you're ready for it." "Ready? Ready how?" "You'll see," he answered, turning on a television directly across from where Leo was tied. He put a tape in the VCR and pushed play. The first few strains of "The March for the Funeral of Queen Mary" could be heard as Spike settled in for a day of sleep. - -- ICQ UIN=2607806 Goth Spike All hail the Lettuce King! I'm a Spike Girl, ask me how! Spike's Ducks...and proud of it! President and founder of the Leo is a Bloody Whelp Club ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #322 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (