From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #343 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Thursday, October 1 1998 Volume 02 : Number 343 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: The Invasion (4/5) Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: "Flies to Honey" sequel to "The Necromancer" BUFFYFIC: "Flies to Honey" (01/?) sequel to "The Necromancer" BUFFYFIC: "Flies to Honey" (02/?) sequel to "The Necromancer" BUFFYFIC: "Flies to Honey" (03/?) sequel to "The Necromancer" BUFFYFIC: Midnight Stroll - 1/1 by Tiffany BUFFYFIC: Love's Revival (21/25) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 19:43:31 -0400 From: NightHunter Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Invasion (4/5) Sorry it has been so long between parts. And it may be a while till part 5 the final part But I have just get that evil creation of the Hellmouth Wrighters Block. Any Feedback The Invasion (4/?) Special Note: (From here on to avoid confession the Buffy and Group from the other dimension will have a *after their names) Buffy turned around when she heard the door to the library open. Her face registered surprise at what she seen. It was like looking in a mirror. "So, this is the other me!" Said Buffy* as she walked over to Buffy. Grabbing her by the hair and slamming her head into the library table causing her to fall to the floor unconscious. "Well! that was no challenge. Spike she's all yours drain her dry." Said Buffy* But just as Spike started to sink his fangs into Buffy's throat. He exploded into dust. Buffy* & Xander* turned to see Xander standing beside Willow And Giles Holding a crossbow. Their bofy Language showed that they were ready to fight. "Xander, lets go. Well deal with these rejects later." Said Buffy* kicking the other Buffy before she and Xander* walked out the door. Xander ran across the room using his vampire speed. Then slowly, he lifted Buffy up and lay her down on one of the tables. Giles walked over to check her head as Willow brought out the first aid kit. "Will she be OK?" Xander asked Giles "I think so. The wound is not that deep. Her Slayer strength should speed up the healing process." Replied Giles wrapping a bandage around Buffy's head wound. "Who was that? She looked just like Buffy. Not to mention that her company was the image of Xander. Minus the vamp out." Said Willow who looked over to see that Xander still had on his game face. When Xander heard what Willow had said his face slowly returned to normal. His hand was still holding Buffy's as she started to wake up. "Hey beautiful." Said Xander looking deep into her eyes. "What happened?" Exclaimed Buffy trying to jump up. She was lightheaded and started to fall. Xander quickly grabed her helping her back to the table. Feeling her hand tighten on his. Xander looked into her face to see her smile back at him. She was glad that he was here for her. Meanwhile in another part of town. Willow* pulls the leaver that actives her machine. She sends out a quantum field that intercepts the one from her other machine. This causes the two to exploded with a quantum plasma flash. The two doorways stabilizes and the army of the Slayer begins to march from their world. Hundreds and hundreds poured from the gateway, the invasion of our world had begun. As Buffy* watched she started to laugh. "Soon, this world shall fall and from its ashes I shall create a new order and rule supreme!" Next the conclusion Of THE INVASION ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 20:28:56 -0400 From: (Jaina Solo) Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: "Flies to Honey" sequel to "The Necromancer" Hmm...this is an interesting question. Wherever it is, I'd absolutely *bathe* his body in holy water. What about a greenhouse or something? Something with a lot of windows and skylights? It can't be dark all the time, but this way the vamps couldn't sneak through the sewer systems and retrieve the body without getting burned. -Ania ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 22:55:08 -0700 From: "J. Jericho Born" Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Flies to Honey" (01/?) sequel to "The Necromancer" TITLE: "Flies to Honey" (Part 01/?) AUTHOR: J. Jericho Born E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Please let me know what you think of my fanfic with some feedback. DISTRIBUTION: The author reserves rights on this story. Please do not distribute without expressed permission. RATING: PG-13 Contains violence. SPOILERS: Spoilers to previous fanfic. DESCRIPTION: The sequel to "The Necromancer". Abel is now unconcious, but attracting vampires like flies to honey. Buffy is caught between protecting her enemy and helping her friend Willow find her beloved Oz. Meanwhile, Willow gets deeper into magic and the occult in order to find a way to restore Oz to human form. DISCLAIMER: The writer of this unauthorized fan fiction is not affiliated with any of the parties involved in the making of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The characters are the property of Joss Whedon and whomever else the lawyers may deem fit, they are used without permission. Technically that is not legal, but I'm not anticipating any law suits. This work, the plot line, and the characters introduced that are not already featured on Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the work of Joshua Jericho Born, Copyright 1998. ============== Opening "In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer." Willow Rosenburg sat alone at a bench in front of Sunnydale High. The brightness of the cloudless sky and cheery teenagers didn't bleed into her overcast world. Her beloved Oz had been taken from her. That thought haunted her wherever she went no matter who she was with. As if being separated from her boyfriend wasn't bad enough she had to deal with the fact that Oz was now a werewolf on a permanent basis. She couldn't imagine what he could be doing unwittingly and how it would her tear him up if he knew. "Hey," greeted Buffy as she joined her friend at the bench. Buffy examined Willow's gloomy expression with distaste. "Still thinking about Oz?" Buffy inquired softly. Willow nodded and frowned in acknowledgment. "You don't know what's it's like to lose the one you love under such horrible circumstances. . . oh. . . uh. . . oh, yeah, you do," Willow said, ending apologetically. "Don't worry, we can brood together," Buffy comforted with a dab of humor and an unhealthy dose of sobriety. "Have you figured out a place to store. . . him?" asked Willow. She still couldn't say the name of the person who had caused this terrible situation to come about. The others had developed a curious sort of pet rock affinity to the body of their fallen foe, but she was still apathetic. "Not yet," Buffy answered. Willow looked up and scoured the horizon then quickly she returned to hanging her head. Buffy had noticed Willow do this several times a day. "Are you looking for him?" Buffy queried. "Every now and again I get the sensation he's standing there," Willow explained. "We'll find him and bring him back," assured Buffy. Willow gazed out once more and said, "I just can't believe what he might be doing out there as a werewolf." Many beastly shaped footprints away in another town a group of elementary school children had decided to play hooky that day. They scampered around a couple boxes to arrive at their destination: an abandoned warehouse. "It's in there," one declared. "It's probably just a stray dog," one of his cynical friends replied. "It's not just a dog. I've seen it, it's a huge mother-" a foul mouthed companion affirmed, but his statement was cut short. "Shut your mouth!" the disbeliever interrupted. The group of kids stood there each waiting for someone else to say or do something. "Well," the cynic said. "Well, what?" the one who had led them there asked. "Go inside," said the child with a skeptic heart as he gestured toward a rickety door. "You go inside," replied the lead kid. "You're the one who brought us here. You go in first," bartered the cynic. "Ok," agreed the leader. He took brave hearted step after brave hearted step until his Nikes were within one pace of the warehouse. The hand of the boy reached out and he strained to push the door aside. With a gulp he stepped forward into the run down building. "Is there anything in there?" a cautious friend called out. His bold companion had no chance to reply. A growl and sudden movement brought about his disappearance into the darkness of the wearhouse. The assembled adolescents scattered in hysteria as they all let out terrified screams of horror. No one looked back as they ran with all their speed. ============== ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 22:56:32 -0700 From: "J. Jericho Born" Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Flies to Honey" (02/?) sequel to "The Necromancer" TITLE: "Flies to Honey" (Part 02/?) AUTHOR: J. Jericho Born E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Please let me know what you think of my fanfic with some feedback. DISTRIBUTION: The author reserves rights on this story. Please do not distribute without expressed permission. RATING: PG-13 Contains violence. SPOILERS: Spoilers to previous fanfic. DESCRIPTION: The sequel to "The Necromancer". Abel is now unconcious, but attracting vampires like flies to honey. Buffy is caught between protecting her enemy and helping her friend Willow find her beloved Oz. Meanwhile, Willow gets deeper into magic and the occult in order to find a way to restore Oz to human form. DISCLAIMER: The writer of this unauthorized fan fiction is not affiliated with any of the parties involved in the making of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The characters are the property of Joss Whedon and whomever else the lawyers may deem fit, they are used without permission. Technically that is not legal, but I'm not anticipating any law suits. This work, the plot line, and the characters introduced that are not already featured on Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the work of Joshua Jericho Born, Copyright 1998. ============== Scene 1 Giles looked quite dapper and orderly while he worked away in the Sunnydale High library. His mundane world job would be interrupted once again by the supernatural, however, as Xander peeked his head through the duo of doors that gave entry to the library. "Do you have. . . er. . . Abel?" questioned Giles. Xander nodded quickly before his head disappeared behind the double doors. He reentered backwards with a duffle bag in tow. Giles rubbed his hands together in anticipation as Xander brought his baggage to bear. With a squat and a hefty lift the duffle bag lay on a table. "Hey," Buffy greeted. She, Willow, and Cordelia entered the library together. Willow left the trio in favor of a solitary corner when she saw the item that was on display. "Did anyone see you dragging a body through school?" asked Cordelia. "Just a freshman named Chris," answered Xander. "The kid with the posters of aliens in his locker who thinks the CIA is flying black helicopters over his house?" inquired Buffy. "That's the one. I don't think anyone will be too quick to call the cops when they hear his story," replied Xander. "So you've found a place to store him then?" asked Buffy. "Yes, there's a mausoleum in the graveyard that's missing it's occupant thanks to Abel himself," Giles explained. "Oh, yeah, the one with big iron gate on the south side?" Buffy blurted out. "Ok, I spend way too much time in the graveyard," she added. "As I was saying, the occupant doesn't have any relatives locally so I don't think anyone will mind if we borrow it. It's sort of fitting anyway," Giles continued. He openend the duffle bag to find Abel with a pair of joke glasses proudly seated on his face. All eyes immediately went to Xander. "Hey! I've been looking for those," Xander declared as he quickly retrieved his gag. He inadvertently knocked Abel's head back opening his jaw. "Oops, sorry about that, big guy," apologized Xander. He went about rectifying his mistake by placing a hand top and bottom on Abel's head and performing an exagerrated clamping motion. "His hair is all messed up," observed Cordelia. Now she was the one who began to attend to their comatose enemy. She bumped Xander out of the way and went about fixing Abel's hair. "Cordy, stop grooming the evil arch villian!" facetiously chastised Xander with a laugh. Buffy noticed Willow escape quietly into a side room and went to follow her friend. "They're just coping with the awkward situation. It's not every day you have to handle an unconcious necromancer," offered Buffy. "I know," said Willow, facing the far wall, "It's just. . . I'd rather not be around him even if he is practically dead." Buffy understood and rejoined the conversation in the main room. "I don't get it," Cordelia said, "Why do we need to put him under lock and key anyway?" "It seems that vampires are attracted to his body because of the dark energies it channels, rather like how flies are attracted to honey," explained Giles. "This way we can keep him in a place where vampires tend to hang anyway and where Buffy can check up on him when she's making her rounds," added Xander. ============== ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 22:57:34 -0700 From: "J. Jericho Born" Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Flies to Honey" (03/?) sequel to "The Necromancer" TITLE: "Flies to Honey" (Part 03/?) AUTHOR: J. Jericho Born E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Please let me know what you think of my fanfic with some feedback. DISTRIBUTION: The author reserves rights on this story. Please do not distribute without expressed permission. RATING: PG-13 Contains violence. SPOILERS: Spoilers to previous fanfic. DESCRIPTION: The sequel to "The Necromancer". Abel is now unconcious, but attracting vampires like flies to honey. Buffy is caught between protecting her enemy and helping her friend Willow find her beloved Oz. Meanwhile, Willow gets deeper into magic and the occult in order to find a way to restore Oz to human form. DISCLAIMER: The writer of this unauthorized fan fiction is not affiliated with any of the parties involved in the making of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The characters are the property of Joss Whedon and whomever else the lawyers may deem fit, they are used without permission. Technically that is not legal, but I'm not anticipating any law suits. This work, the plot line, and the characters introduced that are not already featured on Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the work of Joshua Jericho Born, Copyright 1998. ============== Scene 2 Buffy was just slightly glazed over as she patrolled a chilly Sunnydale night with stake in hand. The graveyard was such a lonely place this time in the evening. The vampire that popped up every now and again wouldn't be very much company, well not for long anyway. She came upon two such vampires that snooped and clawed around the crypt that Abel had been stashed in. Stealthily, Buffy snuck up behind the two vampires with ease. It was kind of amusing the way they were drawn to the mausoleum without knowing what they were looking for. One rattled the iron gate on the crypt. He gestured and grunted to the other one to help him pry it open. It was time for the Slayer to make her move. "Didn't you read the sign? No loitering after seven p.m.," sarcastically quipped Buffy. The two turned and snarled simultanously. To her surprise one actually spoke before the melee ensued. "We want to know what's in there," demanded an ugly vampire. "Oh, of course. That's where they keep the Beanie Babies. Which one's your favorite?" replied Buffy. The two vampires looked at each other in mutual disbelief then pounced. Unfortunately for them, one of them pounced right into Buffy's waiting stake and dissolved into ashes. The other one managed to get a claw at Buffy's other arm, ripping a chunk of her jacket off. "Do you know how much this jacket cost me?" questioned an annoyed Slayer. She attacked the remaining vampire with a fierce kick to the stomach. Winded, the vampire couldn't return blows. Buffy followed with a backhand to the head. With her victim on the ground she plunged her stake into his chest. This vampire didn't turn to ashes so quickly, however. Surprised, Buffy soon caught a glimpse of a flailing foot and then a close up of the neatly trimmed grass. The resilient vampire jumped onto Buffy making sure to place his knee painfully into her back. She managed to roll over and put her opponent in the prone position as a counter. This time Buffy made sure to hold the stake in place as she thrusted the new weapon into the vampire's chest. A brief struggle later she was sitting on a pile of ashes instead of a kicking and growling vampire. "You and your new and improved vampires," Buffy yelled toward the crypt as she got up. Abel had a way of being annoying even when unconcious. ============== ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 03:48:34 -0700 From: "Ian and Tiff" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Midnight Stroll - 1/1 by Tiffany Title: Midnight Stroll - 1/1 Author: Tiffany Gregg E-Mail: Distribution: If you like; just let me know, please. Rating: PG-13 Spoiler Warning: Thru B2 Feedback: Would be most appreciated Summary: Buffy and Spike meet up outside the Bronze and he walks her home. Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Joss Whedon, the WB, FOX and Mutant Enemy. I am making no money in writing this and no copyright infringement is intended. Authors note: This piece takes up right where "Masquerade" leaves off. If you haven't read "Masquerade" yet, some of this might not make sense. ========== Midnight Stroll By: Tiffany E-Mail me at: Every ounce of his being longed to hold her in his arms again, to kiss her soft lips. Her pulse had raced when he'd held her close and when he'd kissed her. She had been attracted to him, he had sensed it. But she didn't know who 'he' was at the time. Would that make a difference? Could she ever look past the demon and see the man? The Slayer, that damn bloody Slayer. Her scent was still assaulting his nostrils. He couldn't think straight because he couldn't stop thinking about her. Frustrated, Spike sighed deeply and looked up towards the heavens again. As if the stars held the answer to his troubles. A voice shook him from his reverie. "This isn't exactly a safe place to be loitering this time of night." It was her. The Slayer. "I can take care of myself" he replied "Oh, well, I wasn't implying that you couldn't. I just, well this is a bad neighborhood. And well, there are bad, um, things around." she said hastily "If this is such a bad neighborhood, what are you doing out here alone?" he questioned with a grin, knowing full well that she'd probably come out to hunt. "I, uh, needed some air." came her reply. she added to herself "Can I walk you home, S....Seven?" the question surprised Spike almost as much as it did Buffy. "Okay." She held her hand out to him "My name is Buffy, by the way. What should I call you?" "Zorro, will do for tonight" he countered with a heart stopping grin and shook her hand. They walked in silence. Each sneaking glimpses at the other along the way. Spike could contain his urge to touch her no more and he reached out and grabbed her hand. Buffy jumped a little at first then twined her fingers in his and smiled at him. Spike's thoughts drifted once again to the Slayer as they walked hand-in-hand down the streets of Sunnydale. He thought of the fights they'd had, of their brief alliance to defeat Angelus, of meeting her mom . Buffy silently wondered to herself who this mystery guy was. He seemed so familiar to her, but then the thought would be gone. She was definitely attracted to him. He was an amazing dancer, so light on his feet. She fingered the rose that he'd given her after their 'dance' and smiled. Spike noticed her smiling to herself and wondered if she was thinking of him. "What's so funny" he asked. "Nothing funny. I was just thinking of dancing with you" she replied honestly. Spike's heart soared and he couldn't help the grin that spread across his face as he gave her hand a little squeeze. "Well, here we are. Home sweet home." Buffy stated as they reached her house. "Here we are." Spike repeated "Well, I really had a good time tonight dancing with you...Zorro" she said with a grin and then added "Thanks for walking me home." "My pleasure, on both accounts Luv.....ely lady" "Well, I best get inside before my mom starts turning on the light and peeking out the window." she added to herself. Spike just stood there, a little unsure as to what he should do. Should he just say goodnight, should he hug her, should he kiss her. Buffy thought to herself as she leaned in, stretched to her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss. She said "Goodnight" and turned toward the door. As she turned, Spike caught her shoulder and pulled her into his embrace. He bent his head down and captured her mouth with his in a deep kiss. But this time it was her tongue that swept past his lips. He was a little surprised at her boldness, but none the less pleased. Her hands roamed over his back. Spreading flames every place that they touched. Every fiber of his being tingled at her nearness, her warmth, her scent, her taste. He never wanted this moment to end. Buffy felt the same way. His touch was electric, like little static shocks when he touched her. Once again, her stomach clenched with desire for the man standing before her. She felt a little 'ho-like for getting so personal and not even knowing his name, but she didn't care. He was amazing. Just then, the porch light came on, causing both of them to jump a little and then laugh. "Guess we've been busted" Buffy quipped "Guess I should really be getting inside." "Will I ever see you again?" she added expectantly "If you'd like." he replied with a little smile "I would." she added with a smile of her own "Well, until then..." he said as he bowed and gave her hand a quick kiss. And with that he jumped down from the porch and disappeared into the night. ========= Spike sat on the park bench silently looking back up at the stars. Seemed like he'd been doing that a lot lately. The Slayer filled his mind. She's kissed 'him'. He still couldn't believe it, but it was true. Maybe there was hope yet, maybe she wouldn't run or worse try to kill him when he revealed his true self. But he wouldn't worry about that tonight. No tonight he would bask in the warmth of her memory. The memory of the feel of her lips on his, her hands roaming his back, her scent filling his nostrils. Tonight she was his. ========= The End...? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 14:53:20 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Love's Revival (21/25) Title: Love's Revival (21/25) Author: AnGeL X ( Distrbution: Just Ask & Keep my name attached! Spoilers: Takes place after Becoming Rating: PG/PG-13 Violence. Description: Buffy/Angel Love Story. Disclaimer: Plot Mine. Characters all but Savarah are mine! I own nothing that's really Buffy, never will, don't sue. Feedback: I live for it. I also refuse to write without it! Yes, I finally finished and I'll be slowly putting the final pieces out. But I need feedback. All my recent stories have been what I guess to be flops since I recieved very little feedback. Oh well. ( : I'm posting this without the help of my editor (who's been so wonderful, helping me with the rest of the story), so be nice! If you've never read this story before, or have forgotten what last happened, please check out the rest of the story archived at: ~~~~ "I just love what you guys have done with the place since I've been gone!" Angel said, his dark figure slowly became visible in the moonlight. Buffy followed closely in after. "Doesn't anyone bloody knock anymore?!" Spike was sitting at the table with Dru at his side. They were feasting off a couple of teenagers. "Knocking is so passé Spike." Buffy said as she ran her finger over a dusty crate. "Spike, my boy, you really should up your security. It's pathetic!" "You two wouldn't have a reason for disturbing our dinner, would you?" "Actually, we thought me might join you." Angel said, cockily. Buffy wasn't amused by Angel's attempt to make a joke but she kept it hidden. "Oh, yeah, you draw blood from a human. That I've got to see!" "But really, we've got a little favor to ask of you." "She's not here." Drusilla chimed up from behind the body of one of her victims. She was concentrating on the boy in front of her and refused to look Angel in the eye. "Who pet?" Spike asked. "Where is she, Dru?" Angel said. He placed his hands down on the table and leaned in closer to her. "Savarah's waiting. She's waiting for you." Dru finally looked up at Angel and smiled. "We know that! How can we find her?" Buffy said rushing up to them. Spike stood up to block Buffy from getting any closer. "Am I the only one who sees a problem with this picture?" "Spike, get *out* of my way. Right now, you're not our problem, but you sure are working your way there!" Buffy pushed him aside and made her way to Angel. "Dru, how do we contact her?!" Angel said growing annoyed. "Shhh." Dru placed a finger upon her lips. "It's a secret," she said, her smile widening. Spike began laughing. Drusilla obviously didn't know how to contact with Savarah but she sure did know how to annoy Angel. Angel slammed his hands down on the table and yelled out. He was frustrated with Drusilla's constant games. Without even thinking, Angel flew over the table, knocking Drusilla to the ground. Spike's smile faded as he jumped over to save his lover. Buffy was stunned by Angel's action but still managed to stop Spike from interfering. The two started a battle of their own, throwing eachother across the large room. He threw a few hard punches at her, hopefully getting his message across. Drusilla lashed out with her nails, clawing at anything within reaching distance. She pulled her knees up and putting her strength to good use, she sent Angel flying. He landed painfully on the table. As he rolled of, he landed on a chair, smashing it to pieces. Spike let out a cry as Buffy smashed his knee with the heel of her foot. He crumbled to the ground and Drusilla quickly rose to her feet and started towards Buffy. With her back turned, Buffy lifted a stake from inside her sleeve and plunged it deep into Drusilla's gut as she flew at her. Her eyes opened wide and looked down for a quick glance at the stake protruding from her before she disappeared into ashes. Spike froze for a second, letting the horror sink in. He pushed past Buffy and clawed his way towards his lover's remains. Buffy rushed towards the door but stopped when she realized Angel wasn't following. He was more horrified than Spike. "Angel!" He looked back at her then quickly moved to her. The two ran out of the building not encountering a single vampire on the way out. ~~~~ Don't you just love it when I kill characters? - -Michelle Author of: "The Dark One," "Love's Revival," "Vengeance," "Lost & Found," "Deadly Instincts," "The Soul of Good & Evil," "Sorrowful Regrets," "Can I Love Again?" and "My Past, Your Future." ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #343 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (