From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #356 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Tuesday, October 20 1998 Volume 02 : Number 356 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: SpikeFic: Sister of Night (1/1) BUFFYFIC: "Samhain Intermission" 1/1 See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 00:55:50 -0400 From: ~Ripe Wicked Plum~ Subject: BUFFYFIC: SpikeFic: Sister of Night (1/1) Title: Sister of Night (1/1) Author: ~Ripe Wicked Plum~ a.k.a. Goth Spike E-mail: Feedback: "Fancy it, Pet?" Distribution: Spike's Spike (if sandycat wants it) and Spike Girls. All others please ask first. Rating: PG Summary: Spike/Drusilla song fic. Disclaimer: Spike, Dru, and Angel are all Joss' creatures. I'm just borrowing them to amuse myself. "Sister of Night" is all the work of M.L. Gore. I'm just borrowing his beautiful words to help tell a tale. It can be found on Depeche Mode's Ultra album. Notes: My first Spike/Dru fic. I never thought I'd do one, but this song just spoke to me. Takes place during "What's My Line?" Part two, before Spike wakes Dru up. Told from Spike's point of view, similar to a stream of consciousness. I can hear the radio playing as I walk down the stairs. I drop my captive on the landing and cross over to the bed where she lays. She looks so peaceful. I love to watch her sleep. Her dark hair fanned out on her pillow. My princess. My frail, sick princess. It's been so hard for me to see her like this. I watched her grow weaker and weaker. First she stopped hunting, then she stopped feeding altogether. "Sister of night when the hunger descends and your body's a fire an inferno that never ends an eternal flame that burns in desire's name" She's dreaming, I can tell. Her hands are grabbing at something. Sometimes I try to guess what it is. Maybe she's picking flowers, or catching bubbles, or snowflakes. Dru always loved to catch them on her tongue. Maybe when this is all over we'll go back to England for winter. She'll like that. We'll go back to the old house and forget about SunnyHell or whatever this blasted place is called. The Hellmouth was supposed to help her get strong again, but so far it's only made things worse. It's that bloody Slayer. She's been taking my attention away from Dru. Instead of staying home and taking care of her like I should, I've been fighting that blonde bitch constantly. It's time to put her in the ground and get back to taking care of Dru. "Sister of night when the longing returns giving voice to the flame calling you through flesh that burns breaking down your will to move in for the kill" I can hear her whispering something. Probably bits of an old song or a nursery rhyme. She does that a lot. She might be talking to her family. I've overheard her talk to her mother several times. She usually wakes up crying. She does that a lot, too. Not too much lately, though. She hasn't had the energy to waste on tears. Every now and then I see a bit of the old Dru. That glimmer in her eyes. I know she's still in there somewhere. This ritual has got to work. It's her last hope. I can't lose her. Not now. She's all I've got. "Oh sister come for me embrace me assure me hey sister I feel it too sweet sister just feel me I'm trembling you heal me hey sister I feel it too" I look over at Miss Edith, Dru's favorite doll. I've always hated the damn thing, but I'd never tell her that. No matter how much hair she loses or how cracked her porcelain features become, Dru doesn't seem to mind. She takes better care of that bloody doll than she does herself. Not a day goes by that Miss Edith doesn't have a tea party with cake and scones. Yet, Dru will go weeks without eating. She acts like it doesn't matter whether she lives or dies. She just keeps getting worse. The slightest breeze knocks her over. She can scarcely hold her head up anymore; she's so weak. She has so many bruises on her arms that I'm almost afraid to touch her these days. I'm scared I might break her. "Sister of night in your saddest dress as you walk through the light you're desperate to impress so you slide to the floor feeling insecure" There he sits on the stairs. Angelus the beautiful. Her kind and loving sire. Bastard. Drove her insane before he turned her. It's all his fault she's the way she is. Dru just hasn't been the same since he left us. She's so different now. Her eyes, so sad. Sometimes, when she doesn't know I'm watching, I see her looking at it. The portrait we had painted before he left. The three of us, in our prime. I wanted to burn it, but Dru wouldn't let me. She still loves him. She still loves him more than me. If I didn't need him to cure her, I'd kill him. I'd stake him and dance on his ashes. How dare he make us and then leave us? He just tossed us aside like we were trash. We were his children, not his toys. Did Angelus really think that he could turn his back on us and never pay the consequences? He's going to die and I'm going to be the one to make it happen. It's going to be better than bloody Christmas! "Sister of night with the loneliest eyes tell yourself it's alright he'll make such a perfect prize but the cold light of day will give the game away" Then I'll have her back. My beautiful princess. With her pale skin and dark hair. With those eyes. Oh, those eyes. I swear sometimes I lose myself in them. Then there's the way she touches me. No matter how furious I am she calms me with the slightest touch. Sometimes I wish I could stay mad. Sometimes I wish she didn't affect me so. Sometimes I wish I didn't need her so much. I've never been dependent on anything before. Even my need for blood doesn't control me like she does. One glance and I melt like butter. I know I shouldn't let her have that kind of control, but I can't help it. She is the one shred of humanity left untouched by the demon inside me. The one thing that keeps me from being like the rest of my kind. I just wish that she could make this uncertainty go away. For the first time in my life I'm scared. I don't know what I'll do if the ritual doesn't work. I can't lose Dru. She's my princess. She's my world. "Oh sister come for me embrace me assure me hey sister I feel it too sweet sister just feel me I'm trembling you heal me hey sister I feel it too" I turn the radio off and sit down on the edge of the bed. She's starting to stir. I touch her hair, wanting to let her sleep, but knowing she needs to wake. Dru wakes, moaning a weak, "I was dreaming." "Of what, Pet?" I ask, genuinely curious. "We were in Paris. You 'ad a branding iron." Not feeling very nostalgic, I call her attention to present times, "I brought you something." I cross the room and pick Angelus up, dragging him into the room as Dru mumbles something about worms and a baguette. "Your sire, my sweet," I say, dumping him onto the floor. With some sadness, I see her perk up, "My Angel?" I come back over to the bed, saying, "The one and only. Now all we need's the full moon tonight, and he will die, and you will be fully restored." I take the hand she offers, continuing, "My black goddess." I kiss her hand and work up her arm, tempted to bite her. "My ripe, wicked plum." I want her so bad I can almost taste it. Even after all these years, she still lights a flame in me like no one else ever could. I raise my head and look into those eyes, "It's been--" "Forever," she finishes, kissing me. Every inch of my body is on fire. It always reacts to her touch. It's like a drug. When I get a little taste of it I want more. I have to have more. Every thought that rushes through my brain now tells me to take her. Take her right there on the bed in front of Angelus. Make him watch. We break apart and I start to go back for more, but she stops me. "Spike, let me have him." She's been kissing me and thinking of him? I try to hide my disappointment, but she sees it. She pushes further, making her point clearer. "Hmm? Until the moon." She wants to torture him. I understand now. I suppose I should let her have her fun. She'll be happy, Angelus will be miserable, and it'll give me time to get some sleep. I smile at the thought of Angelus suffering, "Alright, you can play, but don't kill him. He mustn't die 'til the ritual." "Bring him to me," she says, standing up. I go over to the father who abandoned us and yank him off of the floor. He struggles a bit as I drag him over to her. I see that twinkle in her eye. My princess is back, if only for the moment. She grabs hold of his chin, forcing him to look at her. To see the girl that he drove insane. To see the monster he made. "You've been a very bad daddy," she says before slapping him across the face. I smile, quite pleased with her. I wasn't expecting her to want to make him suffer. Maybe this is a good sign. Perhaps she'll be back to her old self after tonight. Then we can hunt together all night and play all day. Like old times. Except this time, no Angelus to spoil the fun. Just the two of us. Like it should be. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~Ripe Wicked Plum~ <---who feels really nervous about this's different from my normal work. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. - -- Goth Spike/ICQ=2607806/Member:Spike Girls/Spike4Sexiest/Spike's Minions/Spuffy/Spike's Sweeties (#2)/SOOA[Major General (#5)]/I'm Spike's Ducks/Pres. and founder of the Leo is a Bloody Whelp Club/Keeper of Spike's terms of endearment and his gloves/Guardian of Spike's humanity, his amusement at Buffy's Hallowe'en costume, and his ability to swallow his pride and help Buffy/Keeper of Dru's spiffy wardrobe and her bruises/ Guardian of Dru's gothness and her fondness for Rasputina. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 11:47:27 EDT From: "The Mistress" Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Samhain Intermission" 1/1 Title: "Samhain Intermission" Author: EA Karras Feedback: I live for it. Distribution: Slayerfanfic, but I'll stick it in the submission box. All others, ask. Rating: PG Summary: Whistler meets a psychic teacher, and brings him to Sunnydale. Disclaimer:Whistler is Joss' creature of demonic beauty. Tom Grissom is mine, and is usually found in my Homicide fic. Notes: There's a fic that comes after this, but it's a Homicide fic. So if you want to read it, email me. It's entitled "Samhain Rain". There's spoilers for Becoming in here, I think. This is part of a series, entitled: "External POV". This is occuring during Buffy's Halloween ep. This fic is also part of a series entitled: "Alt Six", and takes place after two other fics. If you want to know what happened to Tom before this, but don't want to wait for the sequel, email me. Thanks. - ----- October 31, 1997 Catherine Dulgar shook her head, smiling at her brother in a semi-amused manner. She was ten years older than him and never gave up a chance to let him know it. "You look like hell, Tom." She had been out of town when he was shot, and had thrown a fit when she'd come home. "I feel it." Tom had spent most of his sick leave working at his sister's bar. He was due back at Loch Raven after the weekend, and dreading every minute of it. Some might call it fear, he called it progressive paranoia. "But, I'll be fine. I always am." "I worry about you, little brother." She squeezed his shoulder, lovingly. "Would you mind closing up tonight? I know it's short notice, but..." He took her order book, and nodded. "No, it's ok. Mike's working late." The truth was, he had been avoiding Mike, and Mike had been avoiding him. "Taking Julie trick or treating?" She nodded, and hated herself when she saw the sad look in his eyes. "You sure you'll be ok?" He smiled, and nodded. She gave him a peck on the cheek. "Call me when you get home. Ok?" "Yeah." *** He closed up at midnight, not having the energy to stay open any later. Cathy hadn't minded, as she'd said: she worried about him. Checking the lock, he turned around to find someone standing right behind him. His heart practically leapt into his heart. "We're closed..." he blurted out. "The Oracle...huh. I knew one of those once..." The man resembled Brodie in a way, and sounded a lot like him. "Referring to any particular one?" "Um..." Tom was unnerved. "No. It's sort of a family joke...Don't I know you?" "Not yet. You want to?" Grinning, the psychic laughed. "You use that line often?" The man thought. "Hm...not since the '30s..." "You look a little young for the 1930s. What're you, a vampire or something?" The conversationalist's turn to laugh. "No, I'm not a vampire." He looked serious now. "But, my best friend is..." He took a step towards Grissom, who backed up. Tom felt a chill go through him. Something told him this guy was for real. "Yeah? Well, mine's a cop..." Following him out of the entrance, the guy tried to smooth things over. "Relax, guy. Look, I'm not going to hurt you..." "Right." "I need your help." He looked frustrated when Tom wouldn't stop walking. "As a psychic and as a teacher, Mr. Grissom." That got Grissom's attention. He froze to the spot. "How'd you know my name?" He still didn't turn to the other man. "I know a lot about you. Failed marriage. Dead daughter. Love affairs gone horribly wrong. You could be an Shakespearean tragedy. Believe me, I knew the guy. He'd love you..." "You..." "And I know you're dying. And I can help." "You...Who are you?" "Whistler. Call me Whistler..." "Why do you need my help?" "Let me show you..." *** "I did not 'stand him up'," Kellerman said over his beer. Munch and Lewis both stood behind the bar, each had a different degree of annoyance on their face. "I didn't." Lewis rolled his eyes. "You lied to him, then. You told him you were working to avoid seeing him." "Sounds like a stand up to me.." Munch polished a glass. "What'd he do, throw another potato at you?" "He didn't do anything..." Lewis looked at Munch, and grinned. "Uh huh." *** Tom closed his apartment door behind him. "So show me..." Whistler grabbed his hand. "What...?" Maybe he'd been wrong about this guy. "I want you to look into my mind." "I can't..." Whistler shook his head. "You can, I know you can. Do it." Closing his eyes, Tom took in a deep breath. He could see fire...flames...creation...everything... "Oh my God..." He could see everything. Usually the things he saw when connected to someone mind, on the rare occasion he did it, were little snippets. The little things, or bits of the big picture. With Whistler, he could see everything. Everything he'd done, and been. Everyone Whistler had ever known. Creatures he'd never even dreamed existed. When he came out of it, he was being supported by Whistler. His legs threatened to collapse. "Oh my God..." "I think you may have gone a bit overboard..." Whistler helped the psychic to a chair. "Why do you need my help?" Tom whispered, hoarsely. Whistler was obviously a very capable person. Or whatever he was. Whistler pulled over another chair, and sat in front of Tom. "You're a good teacher, and you could be a great psychic if you could always do what you just did. I want you to help me help the Slayer, and I'll help you with your cancer..." "How can you help me?" "The hellmouth has...healing properties..." "The hellmouth?" "Boca de Infierno, baby." Whistler grinned, teasingly. "Come with me to Sunnydale. I'll show you what I mean." Tom shook his head. "I've got obligations..." "Some obligations. A lover who avoids you, and a school you're afraid to go back to..." He grinned, even more sillier. "Nice." *** Mike felt guilty about avoiding Tom, though he was aware Tom had been doing the same to him. He stopped by Tom's apartment to find it almost completely empty. His clothes, and several boxes of junk were gone. There were three notes on the fridge, one for Cathy, one for him, the third a letter of resignation. "Mike, Love you much. Call you soon. Job opened up in Calif., grabbed it up. I'll be back, I promise. Tom" Kellerman stared at the note, unsure of what he was supposed to do, or how he was supposed to feel. - ---- I know...pretty bad... ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #356 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (