From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #366 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Wednesday, November 11 1998 Volume 02 : Number 366 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: The Soul of Good & Evil (6/?) BUFFYFIC: CHALLENGE: Consequences for Christmas Re: BUFFYFIC: Legacy of the Burgunds (2/?) BUFFYFIC: REPOST: Vampires, Pookas, and Universal Amalgamators (1/?) BUFFYFIC: Vampires, Pookas, and Universal Amalgamators (2/?) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 13:25:03 EST From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Soul of Good & Evil (6/?) Title: The Soul of Good & Evil (6/?) Author: Michelle E-mail: Rating: PG-13 (this part: blood drinking, little kissing, but nothing more) Author's Notes: This story follows directly after my two others, "Vengeance," and "Lost & Found." I rewrote the third part with a completely different plot (the story that this is an alternate for is, "Deadly Instincts." Basically, everyone is a vampire, with a soul except Drusilla and Spike. Buffy, Willow, Xander, Angel, Giles, Joyce, everybody. Spoilers: Plot has nothing to do with real series except for characters that are used. Feedback: I know there are people on this list. Too bad no one bothers to send feedback. If you would, I'd appreciate it. I send it to you! They had taken the first flight out of Sunnydale after sundown and traveled across the country to New York where they waited out the sun then snuck into the cargo area of a flight straight to Vienna. They arrived at night, which was better luck than any of them could have asked for. Buffy awoke curled up on the soft white bed in the middle of Spike's Vienna hideaway. The room was just as bare as she remembered it from the last time they were there. Spike was standing in the same place, against a wall staring at her. Only now, Willow and Xander were lying on the floor across the room. "Why is it every time you and I conspire some plan to get our lovers back, I end up in this bed with you staring at me?" Buffy asked, looking at him accusingly. "Luck?" "Who for?" Buffy laughed a bit and swung her feet of the bed to meet the cold floor. Even to her skin, she felt a shiver creep up her spine as she walked over to him. She still wore the black leather pants and skin tight white shirt she'd changed into before they left Sunnydale. Spike only smiled back at her, then quickly glanced and the two others curled up in eachother's embrace beneath one of the covered windows. "Hungry?" He asked quietly. "Three days of traveling without a bite, what do you think?" "Forgot about that soul thing. You must be hungry." "Any good places here where I can get a dead meal? Last time I was here, it really wasn't much of a concern." "Yeah, there's a butcher's shop down the road." "Yum," she said and gracefully danced back over to the bed where her coat sat at the foot of the bed. "You know, you have the strangest taste in decorating." She slipped her feet into her boots then walked--although it sounded more like stomping with the boots--back to Spike. "Well, I don't really live here. I just use it for..." he trailed off not quite sure if he should go into detail and hoping Buffy would get the idea." "I get it." Buffy thought for a second then her face crumbled into a disgusted glare. "Ewww," she said aloud realizing she had been sleeping in that bed. * * * * * "Angel. Where are you pet?" Drusilla flew into the master bedroom of her new mansion, a sexy red gown draped over her body. "Here, love." Angel replied sliding off the bed and meeting her in the middle of the room. "Mummy's going to get something to eat. You want?" Dru smiled innocently and she certainly had a talent for making it look real. "You know I can't Dru." Angel reached for her and wrapped his arms tightly around her tiny waste. His fingers caressed her soft skin at the absence of a back to her dress. "Yes, I know. That pesky soul of your won't let you. I'll bring you some fresh blood." "Thanks, my sweet," he said and placed several gentle kisses on her forehead and down her nose until he reached her lips. She wove her fingers through his hair and kissed his lips deeply. Quickly shoving him away, she forced his arms to let go of her waist. "I won't be long." She called and skipped out of the room. After Drusilla finally left the room, Angel rubbed her taste off his lips and spit, disgustedly to the floor. "I have *got* to get the hell out of here!" His act was working to convince Drusilla, but he didn't know how much longer he could last. If Buffy didn't figure out what was going on soon, he was going to get caught. The last thing he wanted to know is what a newly powerful Drusilla would do to him if she ever found out that he had lied to her and *pretended* to care for her. Her damned spell kept him her prisoner. He couldn't leave her and yet she made not attempt to take away his soul. She wanted him to be hers, and she wanted him to suffer. * * * * - -Michelle ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 00:11:02 -0500 (EST) From: Dalton Spence Subject: BUFFYFIC: CHALLENGE: Consequences for Christmas This reply has also been sent to the newsgroups. After the events of this week's episode, I think my title pretty much explains my fanfic challenge idea, but just in case: It's the week before Christmas, and Joyce Summers is late. Is it just stress (lord knows she has enough) or the result of too much "chocolate"? Given this is the Hellmouth, the rabbit probably WILL die ... but will it come back? (Can you say Bunnicula?) Is Buffy ready for the toughest assignment of all ... BABYSITTING? Go to it! - -- @==================================================@ | Dalton S. Spence, B.Sc. | | Home Page: | | Keeper of Cordelia's Roll of Linoleum | | and Xander's Key to the Utility Closet | | Family Motto: Virtute Acquiritur Honos | @==================================================@ - - Urgent! You must meet a long-lost uncle at Wall Street and get the cummerbund. FNORD! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 09:12:12 -0800 (PST) From: Black Fire Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: Legacy of the Burgunds (2/?) Title: Legacy of the Burgunds Author: Black Fire Email: Feedback: Please? Spoilers: This part comes after Homecoming. I need to see what happens with the next few episodes. For now, this is like a subplot to the current storyline. Disclaimers: I don't own any of the Buffy characters and I can't afford to. (Though, I wish I could, a least afford to.) Wolf and any other characters (I haven't even given them all names yet, how lame) are mine. Please do not use them without asking. Summary: This story is heavilly based in Germanic/Norse mythology, particularly, on the Saga of the Volsungs. Two of the greatest legends of the past have returned, bringing who-knows-what with them. Legacy of the Burgunds Chapter 2 -- A New Friend "So, are you still upset that Scott broke up with you?" Willow asked a few weeks later. "What?" Buffy asked. "Me upset about a *normal* guy breaking up with me? What gave you that impression?" "Oh, I don't know," Willow said, stirring her drink, "maybe the fact that Faith's been complaining of sore muscles after training lately?" "Oh..." Buffy grinned sheepishly. "You'll find someone else," Willow smiled. "Yeah, maybe," Buffy pouted, as her thoughts, once again, turned to the idea of Angel cooped up in that house. He was a wreck, and she wasn't being of much help. "Hello, ladies," an unfamiliar voice interrupted her thoughts. "Oh, hi!" Willow said, "when did you get back in town?" "A few days ago," the voice said. "Buffy," Willow said, getting her attention, "this is Wolf." "Hello," Buffy said as she finally looked up. All thoughts of old boyfriends were instantly erased. The guy standing at their table was gorgeous. He was tall, well built, with short, blond hair. He looked like he could have, easily taken on the entire Sunnydale High football team. But it was the eyes that caught Buffy's attention; a pair of beautiful, golden eyes that seemed to gleam like precious metal. "Buffy Summers," she said, extending her hand. "Wolfgang Wagner," he said, taking her hand, "but, please call me Wolf, all my friends do." "Wolf moved here over the summer," Willow explained. "He was supposed to transfer to Sunnydale High, but you sort of disappeared on us right before school started." "Yes, my Grandmother fell very ill," Wolf continued. "My father and I had to return to Germany to help out the family." "Oh!" Willow frowned, "Is she all right now?" "No," Wolf sighed, "she died. That's why we were gone so long. We were getting her affairs in order." "I'm sorry," Willow said, putting a comforting hand on the guy's shoulder. "It's all right," he said. There was an uncomfortable silence. Wolf then returned his attention to Buffy. "So, you're the infamous Buffy that I've heard so much about this summer!" "Yep," Buffy smiled, "that's me. Known by one and all as a juvenile delinquent." "Oh, I don't know," Wolf laughed, "your friends don't seem to think so." "Well, what can I say?" Buffy shrugged. "I have a few people on my side." "Well," he said, taking her hand, "I hope that I will be one of those. You're friends tell me good things about you. And, from the looks of it, you can't be as bad as other have said." "Thanks," Buffy replied, "I think." "Well, I'll see you two in school tomorrow," Wolf quipped. "Chow!" "Bye!" the girls answered. "So...," Buffy said, after he left. "So... what?" Willow asked. "So why didn't you tell me that there was a hottie like that in town?" Buffy demanded. "Well, I didn't think about it," Willow defended herself. "And, besides, you weren't in much of a talkative mood when you got back." "Oh, okay," Buffy stood down. "You're off the hook." "He had a bit of trouble when he first moved here, though," Willow said. "Really?" Buffy asked. "Yeah," Willow explained. "Apparently, there's some kind of special animal permit he had to get." "Animal permit?" Buffy asked, confused. "Oh! You should see her!" Willow exclaimed. "She's the most beautiful wolf I've ever seen! And she's so friendly! She wouldn't hurt a flea! But the city has problems with someone keeping a wolf, so Wolf had to get a permit for her." "Well, let's just hope that they never find out about Oz then," Buffy laughed as they were getting up to leave. "Hey!!" Willow cried, following her out. == The Black Fire | Vote for me in the Site Fights!! | "But if they all forget me I will be here anyway, like an artifact of some lost civilization" -Vlad Dracula _The Dracula Tape_ "Don't worry. I'm not here to eat." -- Angel (IG) _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 01:13:32 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: REPOST: Vampires, Pookas, and Universal Amalgamators (1/?) Title: Vampires, Pookas, and Universal Amalgamators Author: Northlight email: Summary: Dru is up to something, and Buffy and her friends get a strange ally. Note: This story is based on the events in Generation X #36 to #39 (?). It was an absolutely *terrible* story arc in the comic, but I just had to see how Buffy and her friends would react to the Pooka < g >. I just hope that it doesn't get *too* silly! Disclaimer: Buffy and the gang belong to Joss Whedon. The Pooka and all related silliness belong to Marvel. Vampires, Pookas, and Universal Amalgamators by Northlight Buffy swirled around gracefully, the stake held in her hand with casual familiarity finding it's mark in the heart of her opponent. The vampire gaped at her for a moment, stunned that it's unlife was over mere moments after it had begun. And then, it's body shattered apart, nothing but dust left to mark the undead creature's passing. The vampire and the dust were expected, but the figure revealed by the vampire's sudden departure was most assuredly not. Buffy's eyes widened, and she shook her head in disbelief, trying to clear the strange vision before her from her mind. It didn't work. There was still a giant, seven foot tall weasel lounging against a headstone. A *weasel*, Buffy thought incredulously. Granted, she had seen a lot of strange things during her career as Slayer, but really, this was just too ridiculous! 'What exactly do I do to the weasel?' Buffy wondered as she faced the weasel awkwardly. 'Giles *never* covered anything like this!' Buffy decided that it would be best to stick with tried and true methods. She brandished her stake and glared at the weasel threateningly. "What the hell are you?" Buffy demanded. The weasel smiled suavely, and took a sip from it's martini. 'Oh God!' Buffy thought, her shock level rising another notch. 'A giant, naked, talking weasel with a martini! It must be the stress getting to me...' "Elwood," the weasel said calmly. "Elwood the Pooka." Buffy gaped at him. "Elwood the what?!" Seeing the weasel -- Pooka -- about to explain what exactly a 'Pooka' was, Buffy shook her head, cutting the explanation off before it could begin. "Never mind, I don't want to know!" Elwood merely shrugged and took another sip of his martini. "I'm here to help you, Buffy -- there's something really big going on, and seeing as you're the Slayer and all, I thought that you'd want to be in on it!" Buffy bit back her instinctive urge to demand how he knew that she was the Slayer and nodded. "I think I'd better talk to Giles about this," she muttered, casting a quick glance towards the amused Pooka. The large weasel nodded back to her. "That's fine with me! I haven't had a chance to chat with a Watcher in ages! It should be a real blast." That said, Elwood reached into his pocket of his coat -- the only clothing he wore -- and riffled around. He then proceeded to pull out what looked like nothing so much as a bumper car. "Hop in," he told Buffy, already having settled himself into the rather cramped seat. "What is that thing?" Buffy asked in shock. 'Could this night possibly get any stranger? Pookas and bumper cars pulled from pockets... ugh, I'm getting a headache just thinking about all this!' "It's our mode of transportation to the library. It'll bounce us there within moments," Elwood responded. "I don't think so," Buffy said, casting a dubious glance at the small car. "I'd rather walk, thank you very much!" Elwood shrugged. "If you insist, but my way is much more exciting!" He stepped out of the car and stuffed it back into his coat pocket. "So let's get moving. Time is a wastin'!" They made their way to the library without incident. Buffy rather thought that any vampire that was out that night would have been scared away by the sight of the large weasel at her side. As it was, Buffy felt rather uncomfortable herself. She kept darting nervous peeks at Elwood. 'A weasel!' As usual, Giles was in the library, engrossed in a large leather bound book. Willow and Xander were also there, waiting for Buffy to finish her nightly patrol before they left for the Bronze together. They looked up at her arrival, and Buffy hesitated a moment. What was she supposed to tell them? 'Hey guys, guess what followed me home? A giant weasel!' Buffy gave a small, mental shrug, They'd figure out what he was on their own. "Say hi to Elwood," Buffy told them, gesturing towards her strange companion. Their eyes followed her hand, and then Xander's eyes shifted back towards Buffy. "You've named the door Elwood? I've always rather thought of it as a 'Jasper' myself." "I'm not talking about the door, Xander!" Buffy exclaimed, slightly irritable. How could he have missed the huge weasel? "I'm talking about the weasel!" "Um... Buffy?" Willow said hesitantly, as if worried about upseting her dear and slightly unstable friend any further. "There's nothing there -- especially not any weasels." Elwood snickered softly and Buffy turned to glare at him. "They can't see you! And what exactly do you find so funny about all of this!?" "I love doing that!" he exclaimed. Seeing the deadly look in Buffy's eyes, the weasel quickly calmed down. "Sorry," he said sheepishly. Xander's eyes widened. Obviously, Elwood had fixed things. "Oh man -- it's a giant weasel!" He paused a moment. "Was it just me, or did that sound like something I never thought that I'd be saying?" "Oh my," Giles breathed, staring at Elwood. There was something decidedly uneasy in the Watcher's eyes as he looked at the strange creature in his library. "A Pooka!" Buffy gave a slight sigh of relief. She wasn't going crazy. The others had seen the blasted weasel, and Giles had obviously heard about these 'Pooka' creatures. "That's what he said," Buffy agreed with her Watcher's placement of the weasel in weird creatures family. Willow finally found her voice. She drew her eyes away from the naked weasel and settled on the much more familiar and reassuring Giles. "A what?" Willow asked, unknowingly asking a variation of the same question Buffy had asked upon being informed of Elwood's Pookaness. Noting Giles expression, Buffy realized that the Watcher looked almost sick as he tore his attention from Elwood and towards his young charges. "A Pooka -- A giant weasel that also happens to be a mythical creature that appears only to people that he wishes to see him." Giles explained. "So what's our furry friend doing here?" Xander asked, watching the Pooka with awe. He had never expected that a seven foot tall, martini drinking Pooka would make an appearance in his life, and he was taking full advantage to get in as much amazed gawking as he could. "I'm here to warn you about a grave danger that you'll be facing," Elwood said, basking in the glow of Xander's attention. "I thought that cryptic warnings were Angel's job," Xander said, "but can we keep the Pooka instead?" His comment drew a glare from Buffy. "What, precisely, do you wish to warn us about?" Giles asked, focusing on the matter at hand. And the quicker Elwood delivered his message, the quicker they would be rid of the bloody weasel. The Pooka didn't have the chance to reply to Giles' question, for Angel chose that moment to make his entrance into the library. "Buffy, there's something about to happen tonight--" He came to a sudden halt as the Pooka's presence became evident. "A Pooka!" Angel growled. "A Vampire!" Elwood gasped. Buffy moved towards Angel, placing herself between vampire and Pooka -- just in case there was some sort of blood sucking demon/ talking weasel feud going on. "You've heard of them?" she asked Angel. Buffy knew that there were many things that Angel hadn't told her about his life -- but she figured that his knowledge of the existence of seven feet tall weasels should have demanded at least a brief comment on his part. "Unfortunately," Angel said shortly. "Why is it that nobody ever seems happy to see a Pooka?" Elwood asked while sipping at his martini which didn't appear to have lessened in content at all since the moment Buffy had first seen the glass. "Because you're more annoying than Spike even on his worst days?" Angel snarled. Elwood brushed aside Angel's comment. "You vampires are just annoyed that you weren't admitted into UBEFSGTTP." "UBEFSGTTP?" Buffy echoed. 'Do I even *want* to know what he's talking about?" "United brotherhood of elves, fairies, spirits, gnomes, trolls, tokens and Pookas," Giles answered automatically, his attention focused on the room's two non-human occupants. "Now will one of you please tell us what it is that we're supposed to be worrying about!?" Angel spoke first. "Dru has the --" "Universal Amalgamator," Elwood finished. Xander looked from one creature to the other. "I'm guessing this isn't a good thing?" Giles' voice was strained when he answered. "Not at all." End Part 1 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 01:20:51 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Vampires, Pookas, and Universal Amalgamators (2/?) Title: Vampires, Pookas, and Universal Amalgamators Author: Northlight email: Summary: Dru's messing with reality, and Buffy and company team up with a strange ally in order to stop her. Disclaimer: Half of it is Joss', the Pooka and the Universal Amalgamator belongs to Marvel Comis -- the arc on which this story is based appeared in 'Generation X'. Author's Notes: It's been forever since I posted the first part, and I apologize for that (for anybody who cares, that is :). If you want to read the first part go to: *** "Universal what?!" Xander said blankly. Giles groaned and dropped down into a nearby seat. "The Universal Amalgamator -- one of the single most demented magical devices that has ever been seen." "Details would be nice," Buffy snapped, her nerves frayed. 'Dru, weasels, and demented magic-- just what we need!' Angel was pacing, his brow furrowed in concentration. The Universal Amalgamator was a difficult concept to grasp in even the best of times. "The Universal Amalgamator has the ability to 'join all sentient beings in all the universes into a single all-encompassing awareness." He couldn't help but shake his head at the utter stupidity of the entire notion of that damned Amalgamator. "So Drusilla wants to meld every dimension together?" Willow asked, wide eyed. Giles nodded. "That about sums it up, Willow." The Pooka, who had been calmly sipping at his martini during the question and answer period turned back to the conversation. "The Amalgamator is a nasty little device -- capable of bringing around the total destruction of the world as we know it." "So why would Drusilla want to use it?" Xander asked. "Wouldn't that mean that she'd loose out with the whole blood sucking thing?" "Dru may be a vampire -- but she also enjoys the thought of the end of the world," Angel explained. "It's a demon kind of thing." "That's a great bit of trivia," Buffy cut in, "but what are we going to do about stopping her?!" The room was silent for a long moment as each of them tried to think of the perfect plan to stop Dru from using the Universal Amalgamator. Any plan would have been nice, in fact. Finally, Elwood who had been traipsing across the library made his way back to his new companions. "Fortunately, there's a transdimensional portal in the sports section of this library," he informed the startled Giles. "A transdimensional portal?" Giles echoed, wide eyed. Then he shook his head, shaking off his questions. Stopping Dru from using the Amalgamator was far more important than indulging in his curiosity, at least for the moment. "Where to?" The weasel sipped at his martini before offering an answer. "It will drop us a short distance from the Citadel at the Edge of Reality, the home of the Universal Amalgamator." He gestured for them to follow him into the stacks. The Pooka glanced at the books through his rodent-like eyes and finally withdrew one titled 'The Rules and Regulations of the Game of Hockey'. He flipped through it with remarkable ease considering the size of his brown furred paws as Buffy and her friends watched with confusion. Elwood lay the book on the floor so that they could all see the large illustration of a hockey rink. "Step on in!" the weasel said, waving his arm towards the book. 'This book is a tradimensional portal?!' Buffy thought with disbelief. But after a quick rundown of that night's events, she decided that the location of the portal was no stranger than anything else that she'd seen. With a shrug, Buffy placed one high heeled foot onto the pages of the book. "It didn't wor--!" Buffy began before a bright golden light swirled up around her, sucking her through the pages. She shrieked in surprise as she was deposited none to gently into a snow bank. "It worked!" Buffy gasped, pulling herself out of the snow. She suddenly wished that she hadn't gone for the dress ensemble today. "...I just got sucked through a book!" Buffy looked around curiously. Other than the snow, the only thing that she could see was giant topiary animals and a train. "Strange much?" Buffy muttered as she cautiously examined her surroundings. With a cry, Angel, Giles, Xander and Willow tumbled into the same snowbank Buffy had recently vacated. Angel pulled himself out of the snow with an annoyed hiss and looked around. His eyes narrowed. "I don't like this place!" he growled. "It has a strange feel to it..." "Wow!" Xander gasped as he rolled our of the snow, and brushed it from his hair. "That definitely deserves a notch on the weirdness scale. Where did the weasel go, by the way?" "That... Pooka better not have left us here!" Angel said. "Don't worry, my dear vampire!" Elwood replied, popping out from the snow bank. His unexpected arrival sent Willow and Giles stumbling to their feet. "I'm here until the end!" Willow wrapped her arms around herself, shivering violently. "That's nice. But when do we get out of the cold?" Giles, whose usual tweed uniform was now earning him some degree of protection, second only to the furry weasel, was looking around curiously. "Perhaps we should try the train. Not only will it get us out of the snow, but it may provide useful in allowing us to catch up with Drusilla." "Exactly, my furless friend!" the Pooka exclaimed grandly, traipsing through the snow towards the stationary train and it's giant greenery guardians. With a slight shrug, Buffy followed in the Pooka's rather large footsteps. Inside the train, after a short session of stomping snow from impractical summer shoes, the strange company found themselves studying a list of potential destinations -- thoughtfully listed out and pinned to a wall. Buffy wrinkled her nose as she glared irritably at the list of stops. "Elsewhen, Nonesuch, Laputa, Neverhow, Avalon, Moria, C.O.T.U.A.," she shook her head in disbelief. "Who in the world comes up with these lame names?" "Nobody in your world," Elwood replied suavely, taking an impossibly delicate sip from his martini -- considering the giant snout dominating his face. Angel turned to scowl at the weasel, dislike for the new cryptic messenger shinning out from his narrowed eyes. Seeing the look of pure annoyance on her boyfriend's face, Buffy nudged him. Taking the hint, Angel abandoned his scathing reply for a more diplomatic turn of conversation. "What's C.O.T.U.A.?" he asked. Seeing the weasel-like smirk on Elwood's face, Angel had the sinking feeling that he'd just walked into an utterly obvious answer. "The Citadel of the Universal Amalgamator," Elwood replied, and Angel silently cursed as he realized it had indeed been an obvious answer. Willow's eyes brightened. "So that's where Drusilla's going! We have someplace to start." Giles slipped off his glasses and gave them a vigorous scrubbing as he deflated Willow's excitement. "Yes. But we still have no idea of how we shall stop Drusilla from accessing the Universal Amalgamator before she can meld all realities together." Xander grinned and thumped Giles on the back. "Don't worry about it, G-Man! We'll do the same thing we always do -- make it up as we go along and hope that we don't end up dead in the process." "Very reassuring, Xander!" Willow replied as the train let out a piercing whistle and lurched into motion. "Onwards we go!" the Pooka cried, grinning madly as he tossed back his drink. *** End Part 2 ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #366 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (