From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #367 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Sunday, November 15 1998 Volume 02 : Number 367 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Legacy of the Burgunds (1/?) BUFFYFIC: In My Life See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 17:42:39 -0800 (PST) From: Black Fire Subject: BUFFYFIC: Legacy of the Burgunds (1/?) Title: Legacy of the Burgunds Author: Black Fire Email: Feedback: Please? Spoilers: This part continues right after the prologue, which happens after Faith, Hope and Trick. I need to see what happens with the next few episodes. For now, this is like a subplot to the current storyline. Disclaimers: I don't own any of the Buffy characters and I can't afford to. (Though, I wish I could, a least afford to.) Wolf and any other characters (I haven't even given them all names yet, how lame) are mine. Please do not use them without asking. Summary: This story is heavilly based in Germanic/Norse mythology, particularly, on the Saga of the Volsungs. Two of the greatest legends of the past have returned, bringing who-knows-what with them. For some reason, this didn't seem to have been sent out. I appologize to anyone who gets it twice. Legacy of the Burgunds Chapter 1 -- Troubling Dreams Giles was waiting by the door when Buffy got there. She didn't say a word, just walked into the watcher's apartment and started pacing. "What seems to be the trouble?" Giles asked, confused. "I don't know," Buffy said, still pacing. "I don't know. I was a sleep, well, of course I was asleep, and there was this huge explosion." "An explosion?" Giles asked. "I didn't hear anything." "Not out there," Buffy stopped and made a general sweeping gesture, indicating the outside world, then pointed to her head "in here," "Well, lots of times, people dream of exploding buildings, falling off cliffs and such," Giles explained. "I'm sure it's nothing to be worried about." "No, no, no," the slayer argued, "this wasn't anything like that. It was bigger, terrifying." "Terrifying, how?" the watcher asked. "Like something's coming," Buffy answered with a look of fear in her eyes, "something big. I'm talking end of the world type stuff, Giles." "I'm sure you're just over reacting," Giles replied, trying to maintain a level of calm in the room. "I don't think so," Buffy said, finally sitting down. She cradled her head in her hands and sighed, finally calming down. "Maybe you're right, though." "I'm sure I am," Giles replied gently. "Even so, I'll look through my books tomorrow, see if I can find anything that has to do with large explosions. In the meantime, though, why don't you go back home and get some more sleep. You'll feel better in the morning." "All right," Buffy sighed again. * * * * * No more dreams, such as that troubled her again. Giles was unable to find any plausible correlation's between the dream and any known prophecy. Eventually, as the weeks wore on, Buffy forgot about what she had seen, almost completely. == The Black Fire | Vote for me in the Site Fights!! | "But if they all forget me I will be here anyway, like an artifact of some lost civilization" -Vlad Dracula _The Dracula Tape_ "Don't worry. I'm not here to eat." -- Angel (IG) _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 16:22:52 EST From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: In My Life Title: In My Life Author: Meg R-C E-mail: Feedback: Pretty please with a cherry on top! Spoilers: Becoming Disclaimer: Buffy, and Angel, Willow,etc belong Joss Whedon and the WB. The song "In My Life" belongs to Lennon/McCartney. No copyright infringment intended. Summary: Angel is back from Hell after seven years and Buffy is preparing for her wedding to another man. But of all these friends and lovers There is no on compares with you And these memories lose their meaning When I think of love as something new Though I know I'll never lose affection For people and things that went before I know I'll often stop and think about them In my life I love you more ~Beatles On her dresser is a constant reminder that I am not the first. He is taller than me, handsomer than me, and he has his arms around her. She is leaning against his chest with an intimacy born from love, an intimacy she refuses to share with me. On the back is an inscription: "The Slayer and the Angel. One is home, where is the other? Willow". I had no idea what that meant, who this Willow was, or what the hell a Slayer was. I just assumed that "the Angel" was referring to Angela, but even that I didn't know for sure. Angela, she refused to speak of the picture to me. The first time I asked she grew cold, distant, and refused to speak, staring me the eyes as if daring me to ask again. I didn't. I couldn't. I loved her so much, I couldn't lose her when I was this close to having her. We would be wed in seven days, and after that she will tell me everything. She has too. I wanted to believe it, that once we were married she would grow to love me the way I love her, the way she used to, before the picture came. Ever since that day six months ago she has been distant, her touch has been cold. She seems to be waiting for something, and everyday it doesn't come, she closes off a little more In seven days it will be my wedding day. Every cell in my brain screams at me to marry Jeffrey, to forget Angel. Become Angela once and for all, shed the last remnants of Buffy Summers that exist. He never came for me, I can't wait forever. Jeff loves me, more than I deserve. I can't keep throwing away my life for Angel, I have to move on. The only problem is that I don't love Jeff, not in the way that I love Angel. I used to think that I did, I thought that when I accepted his proposal, I thought that through the two years of courtship prior to the proposal, and for three months afterward. But then that damn picture came in the mail. Why couldn't Sunnydale and everyone in it just remain a memory? Why couldn't all the memories stay where they had been hidden for seven years: in the deepest, darkest corner of my mind, under lock and key? But that picture forced me to remember what I would rather forget: everything about my past, about Buffy Summers, her stupid sacred duty, and her stupid love. The message is what got to me the most. Angel was back, back from Hell, where I sentenced his soul to eternity. Eternity that lasted seven years. And now he was back. But I refused to go back just the same. I was terrified, I'll admit it. Terrified of going back full of hope, only to be squashed by a "We can never be together" speech. I couldn't handle the rejection again, I need to be loved. Jeff loves me, if Angel did he would come after me, and not let me marry someone else. He has seven days to come to me, to tell me that we can be together as long as I live. Unless he does I will banish Buffy Summers and cursed memories to the darkness that lurks in my heart, and I will become 110% Angela damon, married woman and clueless to what lurks in the night. I prayed that he would come. "If anyone has any reason that these two shall not be wed. Speak now, or forever hold your peace." Angela stood beside me more beautiful than I had ever seen her few strands to frame her face. She was clad in a white satin gown my sister Marian had helped her choose, she had no family that she spoke of, or that was present. I loved her so much, with every core of my being. Finally she would be mine, and I would legally be hers, although, truly she had owned me since the moment we first met. She stirred beside me, and I felt her turn her head and look beyond me and down the isle. Turning my heart sank as a group of six people filed into the last row. But their arrival as a whole was not what caused my impending sense of doom, but a single member of the group, him. The man from the photograph, although he didn't seem to have aged a day since it was taken. He was only one that did not sit, standing at the end of the row. And then he smiled at her, my Angela. "Angel," I heard her whisper beside me, startled I glance at her. Every part of her being radiated love, and warmth, all directed towards him. She moved towards him, and in my shocked state I did nothing to stop her. Angel. He was here, he had come. So had Willow and Oz and Xander and Cordelia and Giles. They were all here, they had come for me at last. I felt my feet move towards him, I felt Jeff's shock as they did. But he didn't stop me, he loved me to much to hold me back. I think that even he realized what Angel and I had always refused to believe, but secretly hoped: we were destined to be together. I don't remember how I got there, the moments are all a blur. I was in Angel's arms, for the first time in eight years. For the first time since that fateful morning when he died and Angelus broke free. "I'm so sorry," I murmured. "I'm sorry it took me so long," He replied. "I love you." "I love you too Buffy." And our lips met in a kiss to end all kisses, and for the first time in nine years I was happy just to be where I was, I was where I belonged. In Angel's arms, in his warm embrace of love, with his lips connected to mine. I watched him kiss her, and her kiss him. Every cell in my body screamed for me to do something, not to let her slip away. But I knew that she was already gone, that she had never really been there to begin with. They kissed, and then she fell, and he disintegrated. He disintegrated! His body turned to ashes, which covered her fallen body like a blanket. The entire congregation, all but those remaining five that had come in with him, whose name I now knew to be Angel, gasped as her body fell and his disappeared. Epilogue (Willow's POV) Officially Buffy died of a brain tumor, and Angel never existed. Buffy was twenty- six when she died, the only Slayer to live past the age of nineteen. We all knew it would happen. Angel was living on borrowed time, released from Hell by a God who only allowed him long enough to set right what his demon had wronged. Buffy was his last penance, all else had been righted. It seemed that in the 251 years that he lived Angel amassed quite a large fortune, which was promptly spread about to all the families of all of Angelus's victims. Unbeknownst to us at the time, he also left a rather hefty fortune to each of the Slayerettes, so that we "may once again regain the lives that you all lost so many years ago". Once all was righted with Buffy, once true love was reunited, he had fulfilled all henhad returned for. He had no more time on this earth. Which is why it took him so long to go after Buffy. He was reluctant, to say the least, to tell her how much he loved her, to have her place her love in him again, only to leave her, and break her heart. It wasn't until we learned of her condition that he finally agreed, plus with her upcoming nuptials he had no choice. Buffy's condition, the one stumped the doctors more than they'd like to admit. According to Jeff Hinder, Buffy, or Angela as he called her, had never exhibited any signs of illness or fatigue, and no previous neurological exams had turned up any evidence of a tumor. What they didn't know was that it was physically impossible for a Slayer to live past her twenty-seventh birthday, Buffy's wedding day. Jeff said that he had no idea why Angela/Buffy had insisted on that particular date for their wedding, and that he had never questioned her about it. I know that she was giving Angel one last chance to start where they left off, on the very anniversary of the day they were torn apart. With that reuniting kiss Buffy stopped fighting her body, trusting in Angel to see her through. And he did, and now they're in heaven, forever together. At last. Fin ~Please send feedback. I'm not sure if it makes sense, I tried to explain everything in the epilogue but I'm not sure if I did a good job at it. So feedback, please! ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #367 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (