From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #372 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Saturday, November 21 1998 Volume 02 : Number 372 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 3b: Her Darkest Hour Part 3b BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 6: The Invasion Part 3 BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 2: Her Darkest Hour Part 2 BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 4: The Invasion Part 1 See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 09:33:15 -0500 From: NightHunter Subject: BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 3b: Her Darkest Hour Part 3b Her Darkest Hour 3b Part 4 The Light Shines (What Makes A Real Hero) When the flash of light faded Buffy found herself standing next to wh= at she could identify only as an angel. "My name is Linda, and I'm here to tell you that super powers don't m= ake you a hero. Look!" Linda said. Buffy saw a firefighter running back into a burning building that has started to fall. Just as the building collapsed she saw that the firefighter = had made=20 it out carrying a small crying child. "See Buffy," explained Linda, "A hero puts the safety of others befor= e anything else. The firefighter had no super powers and he knew he mig= ht have died but, still he went back for a little girl." "Like, that=92s his job." said Buffy. "Very well, let's try another approach," replied Linda. The light once again engulfed them both. When it cleared Buffy found herself looking down from a hill. She saw a small boy walking on a frozen pond, the ice broke, and he fell in. She then saw people who had been passing by stop to form a human chain. They pulled the small boy out = of the freezing water to safety. Linda once again appears at her side. "You see Buffy, they didn't kno= w the child. It wasn't their job, but they risked their lives to save a child=92s.=20 That's all it takes to be a hero." Buffy wiped the tears from her eyes and said "I understand now, I'm ready to go back." Linda waved her hand and Buffy found herself back in the alley. She t= hen noticed that on her arm was a crystal band. She then heard a voice in her head, "This crystal band will help you stand against the evil one. Remember that even in your Darkest Hours, when all seems hopeless and lost tha= t the light will always dispel the darkness in which evil grows." Part 5 The Light Shines (Angules) As Buffy started to approach the warehouse where Catherine and others were, a female vampire jumped from out of the shadows, "Well, if it isn't the little Slayer. When I give Catherine your head everyone will know the name of Vik-" the vampire started to say just as a stake is driven in= to her heart. "Girlfriend you talk to much." said Buffy. Buffy entered the warehouse from the roof. Moving from beam to beam= =20 she watched as Angelus stood next to the evil witch, their hands lock= ed together in a lovers embrace. Buffy jumped from the beam she was standing on doing a back flip. She landed in front of two vampires who don't even have time to notice sh= e's there. She then ramed a stake through each of their hearts. Buffy turned to Catherine and said "Ok, this is between you and me. L= et my friends and Angel go!" Buffy then turned to hear Angelus laughing. He looked straight at he= r and said, "You little fool! Did you really think that I loved you. There never=20 was an Angel. It was just a way to get a Slayer to leave me alone. Bu= t, I=20 must admit it was refreshing to find a virgin these days." Buffy yelled, "No! I don't believe it. Angel did love me!" Angelus turned toward Catherine, once again wearing the face of Angel= . "Poor Slayer, I can't believe you are so gullib--" Angelus starts to say, but, is stopped by an arrow that has pierced his heart. Surprise shows on = his face as the turns to dust. The other vampires turn to see Xander standing next to Buffy a crossb= ow in his arms. "No one! makes the girl I love cry!" Xander said as he thre= w another crossbow to Buffy "Just like old times Buffster, lets Rock-N-Roll." When Buffy turned to catch the crossbow she looked at Xander. His dem= on face was showing, but in his eyes, she saw love. "Ok Xand, lock & loa= d=20 lets kick some undead butt!" Part 6 The Light Shines (The Witch) Xander & Buffy started fighting back to back and the vampires began t= o fall. After they had run out of arrows they grabbed a chair, breaking off=20 the legs to use as stakes. As Catherine raised her hands to cast a spell she was grabbed from behind. She spun around to face a very mad Xander. "You hurt Buffy and that makes me mad!" growled Xander. As Xander prepared to kill her, Catherine called out to the red werew= olf to attack. The wolf leaped into the air toward Xander, who was prepared= to fight for his life. When the beast suddenly changed course in mid-air landing on top of the witch. It began to rip the body apart. Xander h= ad to turn his head. The creature ripping the witch apart had once been his best friend. As Willow tore out the throat of the witch there was blood flowing everywhere. With Catherine dead the other vampires fled into the night. Buffy cam= e over to stand by Xander and said "I'm Sorry Xand, I wish there was something that I could do." "Just hold me Buffy, Please!" Said Xander, tears of blood running dow= n his face. Part 7 The Light Shines (Out Of Darkness) Buffy did just that. They both jumped when they heard a familiar voic= e. "Ok after this we really will have to step up your training." Buffy = and Xander both turned to see that Giles had been turned back. "U--uh G-guys has any one got a blanket?" the voice causes the three = to turn around to see a naked Willow. Xander quickly removed his cloak a= nd put it around Willow. "Thanks." she said. "Hey, anything for my best bud," answred Xander. The four heroes walked out of the dark warehouse into the light of a = new day. Buffy heard a cat meow and smiles. She knew that the world would always be safe as long as there were Feline Mages. Next The Invasion Part 1 The Song, The Good Guys & The Bad Guys that Buffy sang came from the movie the Return of Captain Invincible. I don't remember who owns it. The characters of Kal-El and Linda are owned by DC Comics, Peter is owned by Marvel. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 09:43:27 -0500 From: NightHunter Subject: BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 6: The Invasion Part 3 The Invasion (3/?) Disclaimer In Part 1 Buffy and Xander arrived at the library to see Willow crawling under a large piece of machinery. Buffy walks over to it and gives it a kick. Which causes it to tremble. Willow crawls out from under the machine as quick as she can. "Slayer, the device is ready to test." Said Willow "Then show me this other world." Commanded Buffy Willow moves over to the machine and starts to type commands into the keyboard. In just a mater of seconds the machine starts to rumble. The lights all over town begin to flash as the machine draws more and more power. Then a bright beam of light surges from the machince hitting the wall, then, it starts to widen. Then in a flash the gateway is opened. "There you have it using science and magic the first interdiminisonal portal." Stated Willow Buffy turns grabs one of her vampire menions and throws him in the portal. In a flash he's gone, a second later he can be seen on the machines viewing globe. It shows him standing outside of Buffy's house. "You've done good Willow." said Buffy puting her arm around Willow "But, if anything goes wrong, then, well I'll think of something." Buffy turned to Spike "Get everone ready. We have a new world to conquer" A few hours later the largest army of demons, vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of evil stand at the ready. They are about to march through the portal at the command of the Slayer. They would feed good on this new world. "Slayer!" called Willow "We have a small problem!" Buffy reached over grabed Willow around the neck lifting her off the ground. "Problem! what kind of problem!" "UH! Please! Slayer!" Cried Willow causing Buffy to remember that she was the only one who knew how the machine worked. So, she released her hold causing Willow to fall to the ground. "It's just that only five people can pass through the portal. I have to create another one on the other side. Then, we can open the portal all way. Then, that will allow the army to pass through." Said Willow "Very well! You will accompany me to build your machine along with Xander, Spike and Luke." Said Buffy The five enter the portal and find themselves transported to another Earth. The vampire that Buffy had sent through eairler awaited her. Later as Buffy entered the school. With Xander, and her minions she was approached by principal Synder. "So, there you are you little trouble-maker." Said Synder grabing Buffy's arm. "Your coming with me. We'll just see wha..." Before he could finsh his sentence Buffy ramed her hand through his chest. It came out the other side holding his heart. "NO ONE TOUCHES ME!" Said Buffy dropping his heart to the ground. Buffy then walked away leaving the dead body of Synder laying on the floor. She continued toward the library to a meeting with her other self. To Be Continued...The Invasion Part 4 I'll Post The Rest Of The Saga Tomorrow Sunday 22 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 09:26:48 -0500 From: NightHunter Subject: BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 2: Her Darkest Hour Part 2 Her Darkest Hour 2 Darkness Falls By NightHunter DISCLAIMER: In Part 1 Part 1 Darkness Falls (Hospital) Buffy had just entered the Sunnydale Hospital to see Angel. To her surprise he was to be released that day after only 3 weeks during whi= ch=20 she came by every day to talk to him about their future together. As she approached his room she saw that Giles, Xander & Willow were a= lready=20 there, and just like the old days Xander & Angel were fighting. She entered the room to see Angel looking at Xander with murder in his ey= es yelling, "I am not going to leave here in a wheelchair!" Xander in hi= s usual care-free way said "Look for a guy who's over 240 years old, you can= be such a girlie boy. Besides they won't let you leave if you are not i= n the chair. It can be so much fun." =20 "Fun how?" replied Angel.=20 "Trust me." said Xander helping Angel into the wheelchair. Just as Angel sat down in the chair, Xander let out a rebel yell and = tiltes=20 the chair backwards. In one smooth motion he then spun the chair arou= nd and started pushing it out the door. He sped down the hall at break neck= speeds as nurses and doctors leapt out of the way. Buffy stepped out into the hall ready to stop Xander when she caught = the look on Angel's face, which had a smile on it a mile wide. Then she = heard him yelling "Hey Xander you are right this is fun, but is this as fas= t as you can go?" Part 2 Darkness Falls (First Strike) While our group was having fun at the hospital an evil plan was unfol= ding at the Hellmouth. The dark figure had used a powerful spell to bring bac= k life to one of the most evil Vampire that had ever been. When the spell was completed, in the center of the chamber stood a 7'= tall engine of muscle and destruction. When he growled, even the new Spike backed away. "Soon my friend, you will have your first taste of human blood in ove= r 2,000 years." The dark figure stated as it approached the new vampir= e. Spike who had been looking at this new vampire spoke to the dark figu= re. "What's so special about this vampire? And why do you think that he'l= l be able to destroy the Slayer?" The Dark figure approach Spike causing him to move back a step. "He's= not here to destroy the Slayer, only to make her suffer." Then with a wave of its hand the dark figure freed the vampire from = it's holding place it, looked at the Dark Figure and said, "I will not fa= il Master." The vampire moving at a speed that even a Formula - 4 Car would have trouble keeping up with left the chamber. Later that night at Buffy's house, Mrs. Summers answered the door to = see a very tall man wearing a Gas Company uniform. He looked at a clip boar= d in his hands then back to her, saying "Is this the Summer's house?"=20 "Yes!" answered Mrs. Summers "How can I help you?" "I'm with the Gas Company. We've been having reports of gas leaks in = the neighborhood, so, the boss wanted us to go from house to house checki= ng the gas levels. May I come in?" As she turns around to open the door wider she answers "Of course. Co= me in. We don't want to take a chance with something serious like that!= " She missed the evil grin on the man's face. After entering and closing th= e door the screams began. Part 3 Darkness Falls (Mom) Later that night Willow and Buffy arrived at Buffy's house. Willow ha= d been helping Buffy & Giles look up some old prophecies and had arrang= ed to spend the night at Buffy's house. They had just got to the door w= hen Buffy notice that it was ajar. She slowly pushed it open with her left hand while pulling out her st= ake with her right hand. One thing that she had learned in her time fight= ing vampires was that, they could be very sneaky in tricking someone into inviting them in. As the door opened all the way she was almost over powered by the cop= per like stench. She entered the house calling out for her mom. After re= ceiving no answer she slowly entered the kitchen. Her screams caused Willow t= o come running in from the front porch were she had been standing. Soon her screams also joined Buffy's. The sight that confronted them was= =20 that of Buffy's mom with two Stakes holding her to the wall one throu= gh=20 each shoulder. The copper like smell had come from the blood that was= =20 splattered all over everything. Buffy thought that her mom was dead= =20 until she heard her moan. Several minutes later the Ambulance that Willow had called arrived an= d took Buffy's mom to the hospital. Just as the ambulance was pulling o= ut Giles's car pulled up. Giles and Xander jumped out running over to Bu= ffy who was sitting on the front porch not moving, or even acknowledging = the presence of her friends. After Willow had explained what had happened, Giles told her to go to Buffy's room and get a some of her things together. He would take her home with him, and then call the hospital and see what he could find = out about Buffy's mom. Part 4 Darkness Falls (Willow) Willow was walking home when she heard a loud growl from behind her. She quickly turned around to see a werewolf approaching her. She slo= wly moved back saying, "OZ, its me Willow, you know the girl your going o= ut with!" But as the creature approached her she look into its eyes and= could see that no trace of humanity remained within him. Her last thoughts = as the wolf's fangs sank into her throat was that, she really should have to= ld Xander that she loved him, but, now it was to late. The wolf lifted it's blood stained muzzle up to the moon, howling its victory. Having completed its mission for the Master and knowing that= it would soon have a mate. Part 5 Darkness Falls (Xander) Xander had just left Giles house after making sure that Buffy would b= e alright. When he heard a soft voice calling "Xanderrr...Xanderrrr..."= He turned and started to follow the sound of the voice into the tree lin= e, not knowing why, only that he must find out who that lovely voice belong= ed to. He had just entered the tree line when he was grabbed from behind by = a giant vampire. Just as the vampire was getting ready to sink it's tee= th into his throat, a voice called out from the darkness. "Mad Dog, stop! He's mi= ne!" A dark figure steps out of the trees making Mad Dog loosen his hold o= n Xander, but not enough to let him escape. As the figure approached Xander, the hood that had been covering it's face fell back. And upon seeing the face of the one controlling the vampire Xander asked, "Amy= , why I thought that we were your friends?" =20 "Oh Xander, you may have been Amy's friends, but, she's gone now and= =20 this body is mine. I mean, did you really think that you could keep m= e imprisoned in a school trophy?" Part 5 Darkness Falls (Giles) Several days later Buffy has still had no success in trying to find W= illow and Xander. Her mom was still in the hospital in a coma. Buffy she had al= so just found out that her dad had been killed in a car wreck. He had be= en coming to see her mother at the hospital. Buffy was opening the door to Giles house using the key that he had g= iven her. She had been staying with him ever since the attack on her mothe= r since she didn't feel safe in her house any more. She had just opene= d the door to see Giles standing as still as a statue. As she started to get closer, she notice that the mirror in front of = him. It reflected a female head, sitting on the table in front of him, and th= at it had snakes for hair. Buffy quickly recalled the story of Medusas, she qui= ckly grabbed a blanket and threw it over the head. Then using the blanket = she picked it up and quickly (hurled) it all into the fire. The head expl= oded into flames. She turns to see that Giles has been turned into stone. Then she hear= d the window break and turned to see two werewolves enter the room. One of them had red fur. Behind them, was Xander, who's face reflected the demon within him quite well. >From behind Xander stepped Amy. "Well, it looks like you are all alone now little Slayer. You'll neve= r know who that you can trust again. You never should have challenged me. If= I was you, I'd run!" Buffy turned and ran out the door into the night with the evil laught= er of a witch and vampire behind her. When Buffy reached Angels house she raised her hand to knock on the door. It was pulled open to show Spike & Druscilla standing there wit= h Angelus. "Well Buffy, I guess your running out of places to hide. Bu= t keep running you might just get lucky." said Angelus laughing. Buffy turned and ran from Angel=92s house. Tears were streaming down= her face. She ran until out of breath then collapsed. In a dark alley, th= e past few days began to flash in her mind. She relived everything that had hap= pened:=20 Her mother being attacked and put in a coma; her dad dead; Xander now= a vampire; Willow being turned into a werewolf; and Giles getting turn= ed into a stone statue. Then Angel going back to being Angelus. She felt that she had finally hit the bottom of a seemingly bottomles= s pit as everything that she had worked for had been taken from her. She was r= eady to give it all up. Let another be chosen she wearily thought. She th= en felt something rubbing against her leg and looked down into the furry face= of a small black cat. It had a white belly & paws, one of which had a smal= l black spot on it. It made Buffy think of a sock with a hole in it. She reached down picked up the small cat and begin to pet it. When sh= e heard the cat began to purr for the first time that night she felt sa= fe. To Be Continued...Her Darkest Hour 3 The Light Shines ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 09:37:09 -0500 From: NightHunter Subject: BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 4: The Invasion Part 1 The Invasion (1/?) By NightHunter DISCLAIMER: See Part 1 Rating PG NOTE: I Know the characters may look like their not quite their selves but bear with me it will all work out. Time Line: Her Darkest Hour Parts 1-3 / The Invasion / Her Darkest Hour epilog / The News / Buffy & Godzilla Vs. The Giant Space Vampire / The Final Battle ***************************************************** Giles enters the library to find Buffy and Xander in a lip lock. Like usual he grabs her shoulder and spins her around, "Enough! It's time to get to work" he started to say. Buffy, using her slayer strength, threw Giles across the room. The sound of broken bones crunching then, doing a double back flip, lands right in front of his face. (giving him a good view of just how short her skirt was) "Listen G-man, I'm the Slayer and your the Watcher, so unless you have some news about how to help us take over this rat infested town then shut the hell up and watch" Said Buffy as she reached around behind her and pulled Xander back into the kiss. "Remember what I told you Xand. My place tonight. Another damn day of this school, I need a little lover tiger." said Buffy as she walked out the door her hips swaying from side to side in a very provocative way. After she had left Xander reached down to help Giles up "Man I wish she had never seen me. I mean I like sex just as good as the next person but my god eight times in one night! It kinduh makes me wish that she hadn't killed her mother." "Well Xander, I may just have found a way to make her very happy. Said Giles At that moment Willow Walked in the door wearing outfit that was illegal in 49 of the 50 states. Xander ran over to Willow and give her a very passionate kiss. Which she started to return after a few seconds. Willow pushes Xander back "God Xander what if she seen us." Said Willow "I know, but it's so see you everyday and not be able to hold you like I use to." Said Xander tears starting to run down his cheeks Meanwhile in a warehouse across town Spike enters the room to see Angel holding a bottle of blood. "Bloody Slayer she should have just killed me, I mean, I loved her. And she cut off my damn legs" Yelled Angel throwing the bottle across the room at Spike. "Angel, shut up!" Yelled Spike. If she ever hears what you said she may cut off something else that you would really miss. "I don't care if she bloody--" Angel started to say when a arrow flies through the air and into his heart causing him the exploded into dust. Buffy does two back flips from the top of the warehouse landing in front of Spike "Well Spike, it seems you were right, Angel was talking about me. Oh well I will need someone to be in charge of the order. How about you Spike?" Buffy asked turning toward him with an evil gleam in her eyes. "Whatever pleases you Slayer, I am and always will be your humble servant." Spike replied as he lowered his head. When he raised it seconds later Buffy was gone. She arrived home just a few minutes before Xander arrived. When Xander arrived at Buffy's house he slowly opened the door shut and locked it. He started up the stairs, when he reached Buffy's room he opened the door to see her standing there in a tight leather body suit. It hugged her in all the right places, she quickly grabbed Xander and through him on to the bed ripping off his clothes. She started to kiss him, she stopped suddenly and slapped him across the face hard. "Damn you, you've been with her again haven't you. I may just have to get rid of the competition." "No! I'm sorry. I promise I'll never kiss her again, just please don't hurt her!" Cried Xander "Well, that depends on just how good you are tonight." Said Buffy. Two hours later the phone started ringing, after the tenth ring Buffy reached over and picked up the phone. "There had better be a Damn good reason for this call OR!" Said Buffy "We have a problem, Dru has just found a spell that allowed her to located an alternate reality. Your not going to believe this, but it appears that this Earth has a Slayer to and she Miss Goodie Two Shoes." Said Spike "Ok, Get her over to the library. And on the way pick up that Damn Willow girl. Tell her it's time to show if she's worth keeping alive. I'll be there in about..." Buffy turns looking at Xander "Ten minutes. Looks like the Xand man may be good for one more time around the block." Buffy said grabbing Xander and pulling him under the covers. To Be Continued...The Invasion Part 2 ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #372 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (