From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #374 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Monday, November 23 1998 Volume 02 : Number 374 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Twilight (1\?) BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 10: The News See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 17:39:40 EST From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Twilight (1\?) TITLE: Twilight (1/?) AUTHOR: Shadows EMAIL: DISTRIBUTION: E-mail me for permission, ok? RATING: PG SPOILERS: It takes place right after Faith, Hope, and Trick, so . . . SUMMARY: Xander has broken up with Cordelia and hooked up with the girl of his dreams (No, it's not Ampata . . .). But this is the Hellmouth, folks? Can love really beat all vampiric odds? DISCLAIMER: The characters that you don't recognize from the idiot box are mine FEEDBACK: Yes! Yes! Good OR Bad! I really, really, need it! SO MUCH! I'm begging you! - --------- "So then she yelled "It's over!" and the it just . . . was. Cordelia and I have broken up." Xander sat on the edge of Willow's bed, plucking at invisible pieces of dust as he told Willow about the argument Cordelia and he had had just minutes ago. Rather than touch the phone again, Xander had raced over here to Willow's house to unload his tale of woe on his best friend since birth. "Oh my gosh, Xander," Willow said sympathetically, digesting the information he had just given her. "This is terrible. I mean, I knew you two were destined to bomb, but like this?" She could see she wasn't helping Xander climb out of his pit of despair; she was only helping him sink further. "Sorry," she apologized. "It's just sounds like something that Cordelia would do, that's all." Xander mumbled a disparaging remark under his breath and then narrowed his eyes angrily. "Yeah, it does sound a lot like her," he growled. "But I thought maybe she'd grown out of her "Queen Cordy" phase already." "Xander, she'll be superficial 'till the day she dies," Willow said, trying to bite back laughter. A vision of Cordelia with feelings was just too much to behold. "But I gotta admit that when she was with you, she was a better person. Maybe it'll stick on her or something, after you two aren't . . . you know." "Yeah," Xander said, eyes falling to the floor again. He sighed and then got up to leave. "I guess I'll go home and lie to myself that she wasn't worth it." He started to go, but Willow caught on to his shirtsleeve and held him back. He looked at Willow with large, puppy-dog eyes that showed he really did care for one Cordelia Chase. This was really hurting him. "Xander, I'm there for you. You know, whenever you need me, Cordelia or not. And I promise I'm not gonna be superficial or insensitive or whatever. We're bestest friends, remember?" Xander gave a weak smile. "Yeah, I know Will. Thanks." He closed the door gently behind him. Willow stayed on the bed, chewing her lip. There, for one instant, she had felt like giving him a kiss, telling him that it was all right, because she was here now, and that she would take care of him. But no, that would be wrong. Very wrong. "Very wrong," Willow repeated to herself, trying to substitute a mental picture of Xander for Oz. "It was would be a very bad thing." * * * * * * * * * Xander paced briskly down the sidewalk, head hung down and hands stuffed in his pant pockets. He didn't really look or care where he was going, but he tried to go in the general direction of home. All he could think about what the stupid little argument Cordelia had chosen to totally blow up the relationships. Break ups didn't get any stupider or childish. For likes of him, he didn't give a crap whether she got him Krispy Kreme donuts or Dunkin' Donuts. He really didn't care how far she had to freakin' drive for just a dozen. Xander was so deep in his own misery, he didn't notice the soft yet audible footsteps that matched his own, or the evil little chuckles from behind. In fact, he didn't notice any of that until the vampire grabbed his head and twisted it to the side, biting down into his neck, puncturing the flesh and lapping up the rich and delicious blood. The world around him suddenly began to shimmer and glow, melting all together into a puddle of color. He could feel the fangs moving underneath is skin, which caused the hair on his neck to rise. At first, he felt nothing but the pain, but then he was so weak he could feel nothing . . . Then the fangs were ripped out of his neck and the weight holding him up disappeared. Xander's legs doubled underneath him and he fell to the ground, his head smacking loudly against the concrete. , Xander thought sickly. Something flipped him over on to his back, and then Xander saw the most beautiful face. , Xander thought, because suddenly his body felt warm all over from the radiant light shining down from the face. Then, two strong arms were carrying him to safety, but it didn't matter because he was floating high above, away from all worries . . . ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 19:53:11 -0500 From: NightHunter Subject: BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 10: The News The News By NightHunter DISCLAIMER:In Part 1 Time Line: Her Darkest Hour Parts 1-3/The Invasion/Her Darkest Hour epilog/The News/The Final Battle ************************************************************* Buffy was thinking how Sunnydale had been quite for the past few weeks. They had just returned from their honeymoon in Hawaii were she had to fight a ancient Lava God. But now, she had important news to share with her new husband. When he heard Buffy come down the stairs Xander turned away from the show he was watching. Thinking to himself that he was very lucky to have a wife as beautiful as Buffy. As Buffy looked at Xander she wondered how he would take the news. But before she could make it to the bottom stairs she felt herself being lefted up in a strong embrace. Xander had moved across the room faster then she could blink an eye. Buffy thought WoW! there is something to be said for vampire strength. A smile broke across Buffy's face as she wrapped her arms around her husbands neck. She lightly kissed him, then playfully hitting him on the head she said, "Xander Put me down I can walk you know." "Yes I know, but this is a lot more fun." Replied Xander smiling back at her. After kissing they both fell in a tangle of limbs onto the couch. Buffy reached into her pocket and pulled out a test strip. She handed it to Xander and asked, "Do you know what this means?" "Yes!" Replied Xander with a grin on his face "We've got hard water." It took a second for Buffy to realize what Xander had said. She grabbed a cushion and started hitting him over the head saying, "No Dummy it means...." "Buffy, I know what it means. But Giles always said that vampires couldn't father children." Said Xander "Well, that maybe so but, just remember that you are not like other vampires. I mean you never died. And how many other vampires do we know thats had a wooden stake drove into their heart. And simply turned around and pulled it out and went on with their life." Buffy Answered No other words were spoken. Xander grabbed Buffy in a loving embrace. Tears of joy run down his face. Xander thought. As his demon renewed its pledge that nothing and noone would ever hurt his family, never. Next THE FINAL BATTLE ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #374 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (