From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #377 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Thursday, November 26 1998 Volume 02 : Number 377 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: How to (un)s*bscribe BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 11: Final Battle Part 1 BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 12: Final Battle Part 2 BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 13: Final Battle Part 3 BUFFYFIC: discuss-- For Reference See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 12:49:50 -0500 (EST) From: sah Subject: BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: How to (un)s*bscribe Please SAVE this message-- it contains information on how to uns*bscribe from the list or to change s*bscription options. 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TO UNS*BSCRIBE FROM ANY BUFFY LIST send a message to In the body of the message put uns*bscribe buffy (or buffy-digest, or buffyfic, or buffyfic-digest) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 05:58:52 -0500 From: NightHunter Subject: BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 11: Final Battle Part 1 The Final Battle 1/3 By NightHunter Disclaimer In Part 1 It had been a year since Buffy had given up being the Slayer. She and her husband were now living in New York. They moved there after the destruction of the Hellmouth in Sunnydale. Willow who was still learning how to control the change into a Werewolf had moved in with them at Buffy's insistence that she could help her defend the children if Spike ever returned. In a dark underground cavern Spike and Druscilla were planing the death of the Slayer. Spike had found one of the spell books left when Willow had killed the witch. "Spike, Miss Edith says that HE'S Coming back!" "Who's coming back lov?" "Why Roller Boy who do you think she's talking about, like they said in that old movie I'm back!" Then as the shadows parted ,an all to familiar form emerged. "You, but I saw Xander shot you with a crossbow." "Well Spike" replied Angel Drawing his chair close to him "In over 200 years I've learn a few things, now meet the down fall of the Slayer" From out of the shadows steps a deamon which Spike can sence is old, older then any other that he had ever encountered. Power radiated from him in waves of evil. The stranger places his hand on Angels shoulder "Soon My son, this world will once again feel the power of the DRAGON." Watcher HQ London England 3:45 AM., Monday John entered the control room where a network of computers keep track of all possible future Slayers. When alarms started going off he watched in horror as lights on the center board signaled the death of a possible Slayer. In less then 2 minutes over 40 lights had vanished. The Home Of The 1st Watcher London England 3:50 A.M. Monday An old hand reaches out pressing a button that causes one of the walls to open the inside walls are lined with the Old Watchers Journals. Another button is pushed and the old journals move aside to reveal a large view screen. On the screen is the face of young watcher. "My Lord, forgive me for calling this early. But our Satellite monitors are showing the deaths of over 75% of all possible Slayers. What do we do?" "First thing, Call me Giles. I always hated that title Lord. Second thing, place the whole Network on call and send everyone we have to locate and protect the other Possible Slayers. As of this date, I'm invoking Code Black!" Watcher Heli-pad London England 4:00 A.M. Monday Giles boards WATCHER 1 (The most powerful Craft in the Watcher Fleet) carrying only one old book. The helicopter takes off. "Lord Giles, it'll take us about 6 hours to reach Watcher Control New York." Said the pilot. AS Giles sleeps his dreams take him back to the day that a rebellious young girl came into his library. He wanted to show her the way of the Slayer, instead, she showed him that in this new world all the rules were changing. Then she threw them all out first by bringing others into the Circle of the Watcher & Slayer. A smile appeared on his face as he remembered the first two who would be come the core group. Something bigger and better than had ever been before. Alexander (Xander) Harris joked about everything to hide his fear. But, when he was needed he was always there for Buffy. He became her lifeline, helping her cope with everything that had happened. He became her rock of strength and his love for her never wavered. Then there was Willow, shy little Willow. Sometimes I'd think she would break. But, time and time again she proved that we needed her. She could use those blasted machines like no one else. After these two, more would come, Cordilla, OZ, Miss Chalnder, and finally, Joyce Summers. "Sir, we've just got clearance to land. And a car is waiting for you." To Be Continued...The Final Battle Part 2 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 06:00:31 -0500 From: NightHunter Subject: BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 12: Final Battle Part 2 Final Battle (2/3) Disclaimer In Part 1 Giles arrived at the nondescript house in a suburban neighborhood. Who would ever guess that this was the home of the Slayer. As the car came to a stop, the driver, a young girl, came around to the back door and opened it helping him out of the car. "Sir!, do you need any help?" the young girl asked. "No!, I'll be find. These are old friends." Giles replied then using his cane he slowly moved toward the door. < not quite as fast as I once was. > he thought. He arrived at the door and pressed the door bell. After a few seconds the door was opened by a very beautiful girl. She had long flowing red hair. "Yes, may I.... Giles is that you?" shouted the girl grabbing him in an embrace. "Come in! Come in!" she said guiding him into the house to a chair. As he sit down Willow ask, "So Giles, what brings you here from England?" "Willow, I need to speak with Buffy. Do you know where she is?" Ask Giles "Yeah! come on she'll be glad to see you." replied Willow leading Giles to a small sitting room off from the dinning room. Tears started to roll down his eyes. He beheld the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Buffy was sitting in a old rock-n-chair holding two small babies. Each one suckling at her breast. "Buffy you have a visitor." Said Willow Buffy turned around surprise showing in her face "Giles come here let me look at you." She said As Giles came close he noticed that the two babies were both girls. Both with hair as golden as their mothers. And they both had laughter in their eyes just like Buffy "Twins!" Said Giles "Yeah! I guess that some of the things in those old books were wrong." Said Buffy with a smile on her face. Willow came over and took the girls from Buffy. She took them into the house to put them down for their nap. "What are their name?" asked Giles "Sarah & Michelle" Replied Buffy "So Giles what bring you this way?" "I'm sorry Buffy, but, we have a very big problem. There's a new vampire Lord. We have no ideal who he is. But his minions are moving fast. Already the bodies of six possible Slayers have been found. Ripped apart, two of them were no more the six years old." Giles said his voice braking with sadness and tears. Giles sit waiting for Buffy to say something when he heard a voice "Hey G- man, what's up?" Giles turned to see Xander still in his police uniform. Having just came off night shift. Before Giles can answer a loud roar is heard from the house. Buffy and Xander move with their supernatural speed. They reached the door to the children's room just in time to see a red werewolf come sailing through it. "Willow!" Yelled Xander running over to her to see blood everywhere. Her arm was broken. "The Babies!" Yelled Willow thought a half-human half-wolf roar. Xanders face quickly changed allowing the demon to come forth. He and Buffy rushed into the room to find everything destroyed. On the wall written in blood I HAVE YOUR CHILDREN SLAYER, COME AND WATCH THEM DIE. S To be concluded...The Final Battle 3 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 06:04:21 -0500 From: NightHunter Subject: BUFFYFIC: Crystal Arm Band 13: Final Battle Part 3 Final Battle (3/3) Disclaimer In Part 1 Xander lets out an inhuman scream of rage. Someone would dare to take his children. "OK Giles, now what?" Buffy asked holding a cloth to Willows side to try and stop the bleeding. "Now we fight back!" Said Giles taking a communicator out of his pocket. "This Watcher Prime, I need a full Med Evac. And transport at my location NOW!" In less then a minute a loud roar could be heard. As the Watcher Med Carrier, landed in front of the house. The Medwatchers ran into the house putting Willow on a stretcher as they stabalized her, they took her back to the Med Carrier. A young girl in a blue uniform with the insignia of the Watcher Air Core entered the house "Sir, Watcher Sat 1 has traced the teleport signature of the Demon. We have located their strong hold in the carpatheon mountains." "Alright, lets go. Single Watcher HQ to dispatch all units to that location. Its time we fought back." said Giles as he Buffy & Xander boarded the Carrier Shuttle. 15 minutes later at the castle strong hold "Sir, Watcher First Class Stewert reporting, all ground forces are at the ready waiting the orders of a Slayer." "Then move out!" ordered Buffy No sooner was the command out of her mouth when the Watcher ground forces attacked. Loud explosions could be heard from the hand grenades and missiles. The vampires were being blown to pieces and blood flow was everywhere. The ground forces begin to move forward when a loud roar was heard. It came from the back of the castle. A giant Dragon demon stepped out its breath of fire lashing out causing the Ground Troops to scream in pain as the flames burned them to ash. "Pull back!" Yelled Buffy. She then turned to Giles "Now what?" "Watch!" Replied Giles "This is Watcher Airbase, we are now descending, prepare to engage enemy." Came a voice from the communicator. Buffy eyes almost fell out of her head when she looked up to see thw Watcher Airbaset. (It was the size of three super Carriers) descending. Then, she watched as giant weapon batteries moved to target the creature. She could barley blink before twin laser cannons fired powerful beams of light. Which hit the creature, blasting off large chunks of flesh and bone. The blood boiled faster then it could gush from the opens wounds. The creature roar in pain as the weapons fired again and again until only a pool of smoking gore remained. "This is Watcher Airbase. Prepare to receive armored attack core." The Communicator Relayed The Airbase descended closer to the ground as armored men and women jumped to the ground. They formed an armored battle line. They brought their weapons to bear and fired at the castle walls which exploded outward leaving a large hole. Buffy and Xander quickly moved and entered the castle heading right for the Throne Room. They entered to see a large horned Red Demon sitting on the throne. "So, you came to see the little ones die?" said the Demon with blood dripping from its mouth and eyes blazing like fire. "Like Hell you will!" Yelled Xander letting the Demon within have free rain. Buffy watched as Xander changed growing Bat like wings. They burst from his back. His face became demonic, twin horns pushed their way from his head and his teeth became sharp Fangs. Xander Leaped into the air attacking the Red Demon. Only to be thrown back against a wall. The sound of bones breaking moved Buffy into action. She through herself onto the Red Demon. As she fought to get a grip on it. Xander lunched himself once again at the demon. His blood purring from the wounds left by the creatures claws. The Red Demon throw both of them from his person. "Asteroth, Join me once again!" Said the Demon to Xander. "Never! I'll see you returned to Hell, even if it Kills me!" As Asteroth/Xander made to attack once again. Buffy noticed that the crystal arm band she wore started to pulse giving off a bright white light. That exploded, then in as flash a majestic creature with wings like a dove appeared. Itwas holding a blazing sword of Fire in one hand and chains of light in the other. The chains flew from his hands and wrapped themselves around the demon which screamed in rage. "It is the decree of He who sits on high that you be taken from this place. To be chain at the center of this Galaxy and surrounded by a great barrier. There to remain with your demons for infinity" Said the Wing One The Red Demon Screamed as it vanished from sight. Another winged Creature approached Buffy carrying her two children. "Come!" Said the First Creature. As Buffy exited the castle she saw a massive place of light descending from the sky. It was surrounded by thousands of the winged creatures. Asteroth/Xander Turned to the first Creature and dropped to his knees. "I am ready to accept my punishment Michael." "Rise Asteroth, for your time of exile is over. By the decree of He who sits on high your place in the heavenly host is returned to you." Said Michael With that Xander And Asteroth split into two Beings. Everyone watched in amazement as a White Light descended. The white light engulfed Asteroth, when it vanished he once again stood, his proud White Dove like wings flapping. He soared into the sky forgiven. "There is one more thing Buffy." Said Michael Moving over to her. "This world has overcome the evil that was here and no longer needs a Slayer. Go live, love, and be happy." Michael's Wings begin to flap. He returned to the sky and the place of light begins to ascend. Before it vanishes from sight one last beam of light hits the Earth and when it fades they look to see OZ standing alone. Xander runs over clasping his back "OZ, you old dog! There's someone waiting for you" With that, the heroes board the Watcher Carrier. They leave for the Hospital to bring a very special get well gift to Willow. It the place of light a small Black and White cat hops up into the lap of an old man "Fizzgig last of the mages your place has been prepeared." Then in as flash of light they come all the guardion Mages that had even been. And for the first time Fizzgigg knew that he was home, and that the battle was over. Never The End. Always The Begining. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 23:15:48 EST From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: discuss-- For Reference What was the song Spike was listening to at the end of "Lover's Walk", and who was it by? Thanks, Rachel ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #377 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (