From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #384 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Wednesday, December 2 1998 Volume 02 : Number 384 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Twilight (oops) BUFFYFIC: The Soul of Good & Evil (7/?) BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: List rules BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: How to (un)s*bscribe BUFFYFIC: Nobody Will Know 1/1 See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 03:49:22 EST From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Twilight (oops) Um, in regard to a recent post of my story . . . it's chapter 5, not 6. can't count, sorry. every things blurry at four in the morning. unfortuantely, its this time of day when my muse is at it's highest power. darn it, i had to get a nocturnal insomniac for a muse. ~Shadows~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 14:35:55 EST From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Soul of Good & Evil (7/?) Title: The Soul Of Good & Evil (7/?) Author: AnGeL X -- Feedback to: Distribution: Just Ask! (Most parts of this story can be found at my site at: (e-mail me if you want me to send them to you.) Spoilers: This takes place in my own little Buffy world. Rating: Just some minor language, vampire stuff. Nothing really bad. Description: Everyone's a vampire. Willow, Xander, Buffy and Angel all have souls. Drusilla is growing to be the most powerful vampire ever, and she's captured Angel and is keeping him as her prisoner. Buffy, Xander and Willow are working with Spike to free him. Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. So don't sue me! Besides, I'm broke and you won't get anything out of it! Feedback: Desperately needed! Come on, if the story sucks, I want to know! It has been a while since I've sent a part of this, so if you need past parts, first check my webpage, and then e-mail me if you still need them. * * * * "Wakey, wakey." Buffy said quite loudly. They both opened their eyes at the same time and caught a glance of the two cups Buffy held in her hands. Both filled with a sweet red substance that their demonic instincts craved. "Oooh." Willow sat up first and grabbed one of the cups, wasting no time in ripping off the top and drinking. Xander, still half-asleep just reached his hand out for Buffy to hand him the cup. "What do I look like? A waitress?" "Well, you know in this lighting and with those clothes..." Xander reached further for the glass, but still was asking for Buffy to hand it to him. She complied, not feeling up to playing games now. She just glared, while he smiled. "So, do we know exactly *where* Drusilla is?" Willow asked, finished with her breakfast. "Nope." Buffy said plainly and sat down on the floor next to Spike's feet. She gently leaned her head against his legs, trying to make up for the all the time she spent the past night, not sleeping. Xander separated the cup from his mouth for a second to ask, "And we are going to find her how?" "Vienna's a vampire's city, mate. We ask around, and we're sure to find her." * * * * * "Anyone back me up here when I say, 'Eeeeeak!' Xander shivered, looking up at the giant Transylvanian-type mansion in front of them. The plain black walls and hollow windows were covered with dead vines. The flowers that formerly were attached to the vines lay scattered on the ground, impounded into the soft dirt. "I'll back you up on that." Buffy added making a slightly disgusted face at the building. "Me second," Willow agreed, twining her fingers with Xander's. "Well, come on. We're not going to do any good standing out here making funny noises at the big bad building." Buffy laughed, realizing how childish they were acting. They were vampires. Demons. Vicious killers. Scared to death of what waited for them inside that mansion. "Xander, Willow move to position. Don't do anything until we signal you. Clear?" "Ya." Xander pulled Willow's hand and quietly ran off towards the back of the mansion. "Good luck," Xander said quietly over his shoulder. As the two ran off, Buffy stood still for a second, watching them leave. Spike quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her in the direction of the front door. She followed, almost reluctantly and then found herself being pulled down behind a bush. Spike couldn't risk her being seen. The entire place was very much like the villain's secret home in most fairy tales. Right down to the ugly looking knocker on the large wooden front door. "You up to this?" "Not really, but I don't have a choice, pet." Buffy's eyes shot a painful glare his way. "Sorry, habit." "One of many you've gotta kick." "First things first. Once I'm inside, you find your way in, and get to Angel." Buffy nodded and silently whispered, "Be careful." Spike strolled up to the door. After a few hits on the wood, it opened and Drusilla answered it, almost like she was expecting him to show. "Spike!" She screeched and reached for his hand. Before a word could leave his lips, he was pulled inside the house and the door shut loudly behind him. Immediately, Buffy crouched even lower and slowly made her way to the side of the house where her hopefully unnoticed entrance could take place. Inside, Spike stumbled forward from Drusilla's amazing strength then regained control of his balance. "Uh, Dru?" "Shhh. Is she here?" "She? Who?" "My child." "Darling, I told you. There was never anything. My heart belongs to you." The words that he spoke were what she wanted to hear, but Spike found himself questioning his intentions, and their meanings. "Yes, there was. You left me for her." "*You* left me, Dru. But I couldn't live without you. I had to find you." "Oh, my Spike missed me." Dru extended an arm and put it gently behind his head, drawing him to her. Her long nails gently wove through his hair, as she mumbled sweetly reassuring words. Spike winced, ever so slightly as she held him close to her. Her touch was so familiar, and yet so new. He could feel how much more powerful she'd grown. It would take the strength of them all combined with Angel--assuming he was still Angel--to defeat her. That only meant that they'd have to find him first. * * * * * "Three hundred doors, all filled with vampires. Question is, which one is Angel behind?" Whispering quietly to herself, Buffy tried to calm the chill that continued to creep up her spine with every step she took. It wasn't working. As she moved silently down the hall, glancing at each door, Buffy noticed the two large doors at the end of the hallway. "Hmm. Dru's room. Well, let's see what's behind door number three hundred and seventy-two." * * * * * * "So you're not mad?" "Xander, would you be quiet!" Willow hissed, smacking him on the shoulder. She carefully peeked into a back window to make sure they weren't discovered by Dru's minions. "Sorry. So, are you, or not?" He whispered this time, just barely loud enough for Willow's super hearing to catch. "I was never really mad. I just couldn't stand to see you treating Buffy the way you were. You never even gave her a chance. We were both mad--at first--but now things are worked out. Assuming we don't die tonight, we'll be just fine." * * * * * * * "Angel?" The doors creaked open just enough for Buffy to slip through. Quietly closing them behind her, she began to search through the large Master bedroom. Drusilla's large canopy bed was centered under what used to be a window--before she had it covered with boards. The usual red satin and velvet tapestries adorned the room. Besides the bed, the only other objects in the room were a large chest and a table with a small bench in front of it. Covering the tops of the table and chest were Drusilla's dolls, tea set and various small boxes. The entire room just screamed, "Drusilla!" "Angel? Are you in here?" She could barely hear her own voice in the mansion. She kept it low enough for only a vampire to hear. Buffy was so caught up in focusing her senses on finding Angel she didn't hear the footsteps creep up behind her. A strong arm wrapped around her waist, while the other hand clamped down over her mouth muffling any noise she could have made. "Shhh." * * * * * Hmmm, who could it be? - -Michelle I'm really living up to the title of "Cliffhanger Girl." ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 15:46:36 -0500 (EST) From: sah Subject: BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: List rules Welcome! This list is for fiction related to "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," both the TV series and the movie. To ensure that we all get to enjoy as much fiction as possible, please adhere to the following guidelines, and please save them for future reference. 1. Fiction should have Buffy characters in it and clearly be related to Buffy. Crossovers are great, and expected, but general vampire/monster stories that aren't in the Buffy universe and don't use Buffy characters belong somewhere else. 2. Discussion of posted fiction is permitted onlist. Please put "DISCUSS" in your subject line. Requests for missing story parts should go directly to the author, and not be posted to the list. Discussion that is not related directly to the fiction should go over to the general Buffy list. Discussion of fiction is expected to follow common netiquette guidelines and use PG-13 language. 3. No advertising of items or services, Buffy related or not, and no posting of non-story items such as .gifs, sound files, etc.. No attached files of kind-- if your mailer makes your fiction into attached files, you need to find another way to get it to the list. 4. If you're writing a story and including advance information on a new episode, and you're posting your story earlier than the national viewing time, please: **Mark the post as a "spoiler" in the subject header. **Leave about twelve lines (blank or with non-spoiler info) at the top of the post. This ensures that anyone who doesn't like knowing about an episode ahead of time is "protected." :) The blank space is for people whose mailers automatically open up the next piece of mail, without giving them a chance to see "spoiler" in the header. Spoiler warnings are not necessary after the start of the episode's national viewing time, which is currently set at 9 p.m. Mondays, Eastern Standard Time. Spoiler warnings are not necessary for reruns. 5. This list is absolutely NOT for erotic fiction. stronger than sexually PG-13 material is to be posted to the list under any circumstances. A story may be R rated for violence or language, however. If you have a question about something's suitability for posting, feel free to ask one of the listowners. Sending sexually explicit material will get you immediately and permanently unsubscribed. No exceptions. 6. By subscribing and/or posting to this list, you acknowledge that Buffy the Vampire slayer and all characters associated with either the televised series or the motion picture were created by Josh Whedon and are owned by Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Productions, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. All stories posted to this list are for entertainment purposes only, are not sold for profit of any kind, and are not intended to infringe on any copyrights. 7. When posting stories to the list, please follow the following formatting guidelines - --No story parts longer than 250 lines - --No more than three (3) story parts posted per day - --No lines longer than 75 characters - --Turn off your "smart quotes"-- many readers receive these as garbage or weird symbols - --Put the title of the story in the subject header, indicate if it's a multipart story, and if so what part this is. Example: Buffy Meets Godzilla (2/65) indicates that this post is part two of a 65 part story. 8. If a story is rated "R" for language/violence, indicate this in an introduction. For example, "There's a really bloody fight scene at the end of this part" or "if you don't like dismemberment, stop reading now!" If there's chance that someone might be disturbed by something in your story (even if it's not rated R) please include some kind of warning up front. 9. And last, but not least, the listowners reserve the right to deny subscription (new, renewed, or continued) to the list for any individual(s). PLEASE NOTE: not following any or all of these rules will get you the following: **First offense: offender is unsubscribed for one week. **Second offense: offender is unsubscribed to the Buffyfic list for a minimum of three months. **If the offender returns and does it again, they're offlist permanently. As noted above, posting sexually explicit material is the exception -- you go straight to permanent unsubbing. Again, welcome! If you have any questions about these rules, please contact either one of us offlist. If you have subscription problems or questions, the fastest way to get help is to e-mail one of us at the addresses below, at the addy which is the "official" e-mail owner of the list. Jill Kirby ( & sah ( Listowners, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fiction List ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 15:46:39 -0500 (EST) From: sah Subject: BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: How to (un)s*bscribe Please SAVE this message-- it contains information on how to uns*bscribe from the list or to change s*bscription options. IF YOU'RE S*BSCRIBED TO THE REGULAR BUFFY LIST AND WISH TO CHANGE TO DIGEST: You need to uns*bscribe from the Buffy list, and res*bscribe to the digest. Send a message to In the body of the message, put uns*bscribe buffy Then, send a second message to In the body of the message, put s*bscribe buffy-digest You'll go through the same approval process that you got when you subbed to the regular Buffy list. If you're s*bscribed to the digest version, and want to change to regular mail, do the opposite-- unsub from buffy-digest, and resub to buffy. THE BUFFY FICTION LIST To s*bscribe to the Buffy Fiction list, follow the same procedures as listed above-- just substitute buffyfic or buffyfic-digest for buffy or buffy-digest. TO UNS*BSCRIBE FROM ANY BUFFY LIST send a message to In the body of the message put uns*bscribe buffy (or buffy-digest, or buffyfic, or buffyfic-digest) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 12:00:46 PST From: "Leslie S." Subject: BUFFYFIC: Nobody Will Know 1/1 TITLE: Nobody Will Know 1/1 AUTHOR: Leslie Surgento EMAIL: SUMMARY: A Willow/Xander fic DISTRIBUTION: If you want it, just let me know where you put it. FEEDBACK: If ya got a second RATING: G SPOILERS: Homecoming (sort of) DISCLAIMER: I acknowledge that Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all associates characters were created by Joss Whedon. No copyright infringement is intended. (In other words, please don't sue me.) I knew that was I was about to do was wrong. And the fact that it would be in my parent's house made it all the more so. I tried to convince myself that it was innocent, people would understand, but I knew at least one person who I doubted would ever understand. Looking at the clock I realized Xander would be here soon. My breathing was a bit heavy, in anticipation of what was to come, so I tried to calm myself down. I glanced around the room. All the blinds were drawn. Nobody could see in. Nobody would see us. When the doorbell rang, I let out little YIP. A took a deep calming breath, stood up and walked to the door. I opened it to find Xander holding, (well juggling was more the word) a pizza box, a 2-liter of Coke and a bag of Cheese Chips. I grabbed for the Coke before Xander could drop it and ushered him into the living room. I told him that I would be right back as I went into the kitchen for some plates and glasses. A small smile passes over my lips as I thought about what would be happening soon. I pushed a brief wave of guilt aside as I thought of Oz locked in the library cage on this night. It was the full moon. I knew I should have been looking after him, but Buffy had volunteered and tonight was just too important. My reverie was broken as Xander called from the living room. He was growing impatient. I put two plates, to iced glasses and some napkins on a tray and brought it into the living room. Xander was sprawled on the couch looking anxious. I asked him if he was OK. He smiled a bit and shrugged and said that he was excited and just really glad to be with me. I set the plates and glasses down and we dove in. As we ate we made small talk. Nothing too specific, no talk of demons or vampires, and most definitely no talk of significant others. After we were done with the pizza, I took the dirty plates into the kitchen and loaded them into the dishwasher. All the calm I gained while we were eating had left me. I felt a slight tremble over my body I tried a few more deep breaths, but it wasn't helping much. I grabbed the counter with both hands as I tried to remind myself that nobody was going to find out. That thought helped a bit. I took one more deep breath before I turned around and went back to the living room. By the time I got back, Xander had already lowered the lights. I swallowed hard as I joined him on the couch. He looked at me for a moment. Asking permission I guessed. I nodded my consent. I had come this far. It was too late to turn back now. Slowly, gently, Xander placed his hand on….the TV remote and turned on the set. And once again, without Ira Rosenberg knowing, I sat back to enjoy "A Charlie Brown Christmas." ~fin~ Notes: Did I have you guessing? I wrote this on my lunch break, so it was not read over, but due to its timeliness I had to post it today. There actually is a full moon tonight and "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is really on tonight (Dec 2, 1998 8 PM EST on CBS) BTW…I don't really like the title, so if anybody has a better suggestion, I'd love to hear it. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #384 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (