From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #389 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Sunday, December 6 1998 Volume 02 : Number 389 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Twilight (next chapter) BUFFYFIC: Love, vamps, and everything else (1/?) BUFFYFIC: Torn (1/?) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 03:28:34 EST From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Twilight (next chapter) TITLE: Twilight AUTHOR: Shadows ( DISTRIBUTION: Must I BEG? 'Cause I will. (: DISCLAIMER: this'll be teh last time I say this. THEY AREN'T MINE, SO DON'T EVEN THINK IT. Buffy teh Vampire Slayer in all shapes and forms belong to Joss Whedon, teh WB, Kuzui Productions, yadda yadda yadda. Don't sue me, no money. Twilight - Next Chapter "Yes, I do believe there is a violent thing inside of me." -White Men In Black Suits, Everclear Giles had been telling her as far back since the first time that he met her to use her special Slayer senses. Buffy had always disregarded that aspect of training-the physical Slaying abilities worked pretty well, and her regular human senses got along just fine in the job of Vampire Slaying. But now, as she was stalking Xander, those senses stirred deep within her and she just * knew * were they were headed. At first Buffy had thought Spike, Dru, and Angel were awfully stupid to actually put up their new little hangout right next to the one Giles had burned down not-so-long-ago. But as she mulled over it, she realized that it was rather ingenious in a way. Certainly she would never think to look for them in that sagging place of a structure, especially since it was right next to the remains of the factory wreckage. It just seemed very unlikely. So of course they would trudge on over here and set up camp. Buffy was so awed that her sensing powers were working that she ran as fast as she could to the warehouse where she felt the vampire sense the strongest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------- Drusilla spun around several times before coming up behind Xander. She took a long nail and traced it slowly up his side, until it was resting just above his neck. She leaned in, and just brushed her lips alongside his ear. "Ooh, this will be fun," she giggled. "Well, I wasn't sure if it would wok, but I guess it did," Angel said with a devilish smile, standing up from his chair. Spike stuck his legs out in Angel's path, but the vampire simply stepped casually over it. Spike glared at him as Angel went up to Xander. Xander didn't budge as Angel slapped him heartily on the back. He just grinned and watched as Drusilla danced away from the two and into Spike's wheelchair-bound lap. "There will be short times to do many a thing," she told the inhabitants of the warehouse. Angel turned to Xander, still firmly holding onto his shoulder. "So, how's it feel to be evil?" he asked. "Couldn't be better," Xander growled. He morphed back into his human face and let his eyes roam across the large room they were standing in. "You've got quite a place here," he commented dryly. "It'll do for now," Angel said, letting his eyes roam also. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his tight pants. "For now." " * So * ," Spike said in one loud breath, starting to roll towards them. Angel narrowed his eyes, but Xander studied the handicapped demon with curiosity. "I suppose he's on of * us * now?" He jerked his fingers towards Research Boy. "Yup," Xander answered. He wiggled his eyebrows. "Ready for the competition, Spike?" Angel laughed aloud as Spike narrowed his eyes. "I like your new self already," he told the newest member of the Fang Gang. "And I can bet you're gonna like it around here." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------- Buffy was crouched behind several rusted pieces of the decaying catwalk, high above anyone's view. Her fingers wrapped even tighter around the metal sidings as she watched Xander, who was palling around with a Angel, fawned over by Drusilla, and getting evil looks cast by Spike. He was acting just like he had been around the trio forever, and they were readily accepting him. Buffy's eyes teared up. Giles, Willow, and Oz were still in the library, armed with stakes, crosses, and holy water, in case Xander cared to pay a visit. Oz had been comforting Willow when Buffy had closed the back door behind her, but she suspected that the hacker would realize by now that Xander had already died. This demon was not him. Buffy also realized that it was the same case-in-point for Angel. This new demon in his body was Angelus, not the man she had fallen in love with. But she could not realize that-and perhaps Willow would never realize who Xander was. She reached into her coat pocket and grabbed one of her stakes. She planned to jump off the catwalk, knock Xander down, and possibly get him * and * Angel in one strike. Maybe even add Drusilla in, if at all possible. Spike didn't seem like much of a threat at the moment. But plans don't always go as planned. Someone came up from behind and punched her in the head. Dazed, she turned around in time to deflect another blow that would have certainly taken her out. The vampire who was attacking her obviously had brawns but no brain, and she was easily dodging his strong hits, without disturbing the catwalk in the least and without a sound from Clumsy. Meanwhile . . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------- Angel was making some cracks at Spike's condition for Xander and Dru's amusement. Spike was glaring at he world, and Xander didn't blame him. Angel was acting pretty harsh. But god was it hilarious. "" Angel said, laughing uproariously. He turned to Xander. "True, don't you think?" Xander nodded. "" "Hey!" Spike said. " * You * better not make fun of me, you wanker. Just who do you think you are?" "Aw, let him have some fun, Spike," Angel said, patting Xander on the shoulder. "He's one of us, now." Suddenly there was the faintest of all sounds up on the catwalk. All four vampires shot their heads up. "It's * her * ," Dru moaned, putting a fluttering hand up to her head. "She has intentions on destruction . . . again!" "So she * does * ," Angel said, smirking. He put a fatherly hand on Xander's shoulder. "How do you feel about fighting * her * ?" he asked, looking up at the catwalk and watching the oblivious slayer. Xander eyed Angel's hand on his shoulder. Slowly, his face vamped out. He reached into his pant pocket and pulled out a thin stake that fit easily in his hand. "I'd feel fine," he said, right before he moved to plunge in into Angelus' heart. Suddenly Angel whirled around and grabbed Xander's hand, thrusting it over his head. His vampire smile was almost as disgusting as the fleshy ridges sitting on his forehead. "Sometimes," he told Xander, "even a vampire can't trick a vampire." Xander's eyes widened as Angel kicked him hard in the shin, causing him to bend over in pain. Still holding his arm, Angel kicked him in the face, and then used his arm to propel him across the room. Xander howled in pain as he slid to a halt in front of Spike's wheelchair. "Ooh, goody!" Drusilla said happily, clapping her hands together and watching with large eyes as Angel came and picked Xander up off the floor, throwing him back by the catwalk. Spike sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. Xander landed hard on the ground, and the pain that reverberated through him cause him to come out in full vamp-mode. The strength and anger of the demon that only 1/3 inhabited him came out with it's strength and rage, and most of all, it's power to heal itself very quickly. As Angelus came up from behind, Xander jumped to his feet and met his foe with a staggering punch to the chest. Angel was taken aback, but he retaliated with his own demon powers. He punched Xander in the face, bruising the flesh with his hard knuckles. Xander didn't move, and instead knocked Angel to the ground, getting on top of him and pummeling him with his fists. After several good knocks Angel got on top, and the younger, weaker vampire grunted with anger as he tried to get the upper-hand. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------ This vampire was coming on pretty strong. Buffy had to dodge all his well- aimed advances, and she couldn't even understand him because he was grunting in German or something. She had dropped her stake awhile back somewhere she had forgotten, and whenever she tried to reach into her coat for more, the vampire would throw her of completely and she'd end up doing the fisticuffs routine. This vampire was intent on bagging a Slayer. Buffy grunted-quietly-as she finally grabbed one thick arm. She twisted it and watched the vampire fall hard on his back. She had enough time to pull out a stake and plunge it into his heart, and Clumsy was dust before he could even utter a sound of surprise or pain. "You were a good fight," she consoled the setting dust. Then she stepped on it, as to mark her territory. The one thing a slayer should always check is if her shoes are tied, because if they are untied, wackiness can ensue. Such as tripping over them, losing your balance, leaning on a guardrail for support-the guardrail then breaks, causing you to fall about two floors down onto the warehouse floor where four vampires are engrossed in a fight. Which, of course, is exactly what happened to Buffy. Buffy landed cat-like on all fours, not a hair on her head disheveled or one nail broken. She quickly stood up, and even before she had time to absorb her surroundings, she was knocked back down again. Buffy fell on her shoulder, and loudly exclaimed her pain. Angel and Xander, who were still engrossed in the fight, were completely unaware of her. Since the two brawling vampires were almost on top of her, she truly didn't care why there were fighting. All she noticed was that Angel and Xander had broken up for the moment, and Xander was the closest vampire next to her. She quickly grabbed yet another stake and rolled over onto her side until she was right next to him. Rolling up on top, she plunged her stake home. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------- Xander had finally managed to toss Angel off of him. At first, Xander had tried choking him, but quickly realized that vampires didn't breath. Then he concentrated on beating him to a bloody pulp, which had finally made the vampire roll off of him. Now, as he was just about to rise up, he was knocked down again. In a blur, Buffy was on top of him. Dammit, she had found him. He was hoping that they wouldn't come into the office and discover his disappearance before he had annihilated Angel. Now, it seemed, that the Scooby Gang minus a member had indeed, and they had sent the Slayer. Everything was going wrong. Xander opened his mouth to tell Buffy everything was fine when he saw her pull out the stake. Immediately he tried to sit up and get out of the way, but Buffy was steadfast. She pushed him back to the ground and plunged her stake into his flesh. As Xander felt the wood go through him, he looked up into Buffy's sad eyes. His own were cluttered wth anger, pain, and disbelief. She hadn't, she hadn't, she hadn't . . . End of this chapter. look for next one! ~Shadows~ P.S. = All you fanficers out there, listen! While you are writing, burn a yellow candle anoited with heliotrope adn ask Apollo to guide you. It works, even if your aren't Pagan/Wiccan/A member of a magickal religion! ~Shadows~ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 16:15:14 +0000 From: (Jessy Loves David) Subject: BUFFYFIC: Love, vamps, and everything else (1/?) TITLE: Love, vamps, and everything else. AUTHOR: Jessy Wood EMAIL: DISTRIBUTION: Please e-mail me first RATING: PG SPOILERS: none SUMMARY: Pretty much based on what happenes after "Anne", but different than the show DISCLAIMER: Joss owns all the characters FEEDBACK: Yes, please While Buffy is in another town because all that had happened, Angel comes back from hell. He feels a little disturbed, and a little frustrated. He has to go face Buffy and the Scooby gang. But, what he doesn't know is that Buffy is gone. He goes to the library to see if Buffy is there. ANGEL: Hello?? Anyone here? Buffy? Willow? Xander? Anyone? Giles and the rest of the scooby gang other than Buffy are behind the bookshelves. Giles comes out from behind them. GILES: Can I help you? ANGEL: Yeah, actually I'm looking for Buffy. Have you seen her? GILES: Why would you come here to look for Buffy? ANGEL: Where else would she be? I mean she's the Slayer and... Giles interrupts Angel. GILES: Who are you? Angel steps out of the shadows. Giles stops dead in his tracks. GILES: Angel? Is that you?? ANGEL: Yes, have you seen Buffy? GILES: No have you? ANGEL: No, I haven't seen her since... GILES: Since when? ANGEL: SInce she sent me to hell. GILES: What!!! The rest of the scooby gang came out from behind the bookcases.] WILLOW: Angel?? She what?? ANGEL: Sent me to hell, but now I'm back, and I need her... I love her. XANDER: Why should we believe you? We know your tricks. Your just going to kill her. GILES: Xander! ANGEL: He's right. XANDER: Yeah...What?? ANGEL: How would you know if I got my soul back or not. I could tell you, but you wouldn't believe me, Buffy could tell you, you'd believe her. BUFFY: You would wouldn't you? ANGEL: Buffy!!! Buffy and Angel have a long romantic hug. GILES: H-He does have a soul. XANDER: He is good. (says gloomily) WILLOW: Buffy!!!! Where have you been all this time? I've looked everywhere for you. BUFFY: I went somewhere, now I'm back. It doesn't matter anyway. I was expelled if you haven't heard yet. WILLOW: Does your mom know where you are? BUFFY: Oh my god, I haven't even talked to her yet. Why would she care, she kicked me out of the house 'cause I had to save the world from you.(looks at Angel) We won't have that again. I won't get that close to you again. I've learned my lesson. But, I still love you. I always will. There's no doubt about it. WILLOW: (looks at Oz) That's so sweet. ANGEL: Buffy, I'll always love you. I'll never leave you again. Scene changes to Joyce Talking on the phone with Giles. GILES: (talking to the scooby gang) Be quiet. BUFFY: (laughing and trying to whisper) Guys, we have to be quiet. JOYCE: Mr. Giles? What's going on? GILES: Oh, nothing. JOYCE: Have you heard anything about Buffy? GILES: You'd be surprised. JOYCE: What?? (click) Joyce hangs up. JOYCE: What was he talking about? Scene goes back to the library. GILES: Come on. We have to get to Buffys house. You see them leave the library. Then you see them going up Buffys walkway. BUFFY: Do you think she'll care that I'm back? I mean she kicked me out. WILLOW: I'm sure she will. XANDER: Yeah, she calls Giles every ten minutes or so. OZ: Yeah. Everyone looks at him. OZ: I had to say something. CORDELIA: God, I can never use the phone in the library. BUFFY: (sarcastically) Oh gosh, I feel your pain. They are standing in front of Buffys door. BUFFY: Here goes. (knocks on the door) Buffy and Angel hold hands right in front of the door holding hands. Joyce opens the door. ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 22:48:45 EST From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Torn (1/?) TITLE: Torn AUTHOR: Danielle Loughlin E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Why, thank you, I'd love some! DISTRIBUTION: my site. Anyone else, please ask. I will say yes, I just like to know where my work is going. SUMMARY: Willow is forced to choose between Xander and Oz, but neither Oz nor Xander are willing to let Willow go SPOILERS: through Lover's Walk RATING: PG for this part. DISCLAIMER: Willow, Oz, Xander, and the rest of Buffy & Co. are not mine. They belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Twentieth Century Fox, etc. I'm just borrowing them to alleviate my boredom and I'll try to return them with as few dents as possible. Torn Part One Xander Harris lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling, absentmindedly throwing a ball up and down and catching it. Up, and down. Up, and down. Up, and down. The up and down rhythm of his actions was moving to the sound of a reverberating phrase in his head. Get away. From me. Get away. From me. Up and down. Get away. Up and down. From me. In frustration, Xander hurled the ball at a wall. It hit with a thud and fell to the floor, rolling away into the piles of dirty clothes on the floor. He sat up and buried his head in his hands. He couldn't get the words out of his head. "Get away from me," she'd said. That's all. Those four words, and then she'd turned away. He'd waited for a moment, giving her a chance to turn back around, to say she didn't really mean it. She hadn't. He'd left the room, pausing outside her door, listening. He heard her muffled sobs. He'd felt tears come to his own eyes, but he'd wiped them away hastily. He never cried. Xander Harris didn't cry. But he sure was good at moping. King of the Mopers. He had it down to an art form. Go up to his room. Close the door. Turn on the country music. Take the phone off the hook. Flop down on the bed. Dwell on the pathetic state of his life. Eat Twinkies till he felt he was gonna explode. However, there was one more part to his moping technique that he usually did that he couldn't do now. He usually called Willow and complained and whined and vented. And she'd try to help. Point out the good stuff in his life. Reminded him that he still had her for his best friend. But the thing she did best was listen. She was good at stuff like that. Never critical or judgmental. She just listened. Xander was glad she was his best friend. But was she still? Everything had changed. Xander didn't even know what the hell had happened. How it happened. Why it happened. But it did happen. And now look. He'd had a good thing going with Cordelia. He'd cared for her, he really did. Maybe even loved her. And Willow had Oz and things had seemed to be good between them. How did things ever get so complicated, so messed up? He hadn't meant to kiss Willow the night of the homecoming dance. He'd never intended to kiss Willow in his life. She was his best friend, his buddy, his pal, his comrade. But never his girlfriend. But then he'd seen her in that dress . . and all he could think was WOW! And Willow had seemed to think he looked pretty hot in his tux. Then Willow'd started worrying that she didn't know how to dance, so he'd offered to show her how. And they were so close together . . and she'd looked so gorgeous . . he couldn't help himself. He'd kissed her. And she kissed him back. And nothing else had ever felt so right in his life. For that moment, all was perfect in the world. Until the alarm bells had started going off in his head. Warning! Warning! Cordelia! Cordelia! He'd pulled away fast. Willow had the same look in her eyes he imagined he must have in his. Guilt, confusion. . . and desire. He wanted more. So did she. They'd almost kissed again. But they both remembered this time. He'd avoided being close to Willow after that kiss, afraid that if he got too close, he wouldn't be able to help himself again. And it had worked. Sort of. Things had gotten awkward sometimes. But they covered it okay. He was pretty sure Cordy had no clue. But then they were alone in the stacks. Willow had a headache. And something inside him made him lean forward and start massaging her temples, trying to alleviate the pain. He'd felt electric, as if touching Willow sent shocks all through his body. But Willow had said stop. And he managed to pull back, to ignore every nerve in his body that was screaming "Kiss her!". And then, in one of the biggest surprises of his life, she'd grabbed him and kissed him. But at that point he wasn't really caring who kissed who. All he wanted was Willow's lips on his own and to hold her tight. And then Giles had walked in, ruining the moment. They'd broken apart, he rubbed away the incriminating lipstick from his lips, and made a hasty retreat, jumping on the excuse that he had to go find Buffy. By this time Xander was going crazy. He couldn't deny it, or blame it on a clothes fluke anymore. He wanted Willow. He wanted to kiss her. When no one else was around, he flirted with her. And she seemed receptive. Was it possible she wanted him too? That it wasn't just out of control teenage hormones? The thought had first occurred to him then that maybe he should break up with Cordelia so he could be with Willow guilt-free. But Oz. It was too complicated. He'd been mad when he'd discovered Willow trying to do the love spell. At first he'd thought that she was doing it because she wanted to keep him away from her. But then he realized she was doing it because she wanted him too and she needed to stop herself from going after him. The thought made him happy, giddy even. And then Spike came in, and the next thing he'd known he was waking up in the abandoned factory with one hell of a bruise on his head. Willow had been the first thing he'd seen when he opened his eyes. She was leaning over him, looking concerned. His angel. And they'd given in again, ignoring the agreement that they were going to keep their hands off each other. He'd wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her on top of him. Their lips met again, and again. He wound his fingers around her red hair, keeping her face close to his own. And then Cordelia and Oz had walked in. And it was all downhill from there. And now he was sitting alone in his room, dumped by Cordelia. He realized something. He'd been dumped by Cordelia, yes. But he wasn't thinking about Cordelia, grieving over losing her. All he was thinking of was . . . Willow. He was supposed to be thinking about Cordelia. But he wasn't. . .instead . . Willow. Another thought occured to him. Cordelia had broken up with him. In all likelihood, Oz had probably also broken up with Willow. . . meaning both he and Willow were single. Free to date whomever they wanted . . His heart started pounding. He could be with Willow. Willow could be with him. He knew that was what he wanted. He couldn't believe he had been so oblivious all these years. He and Willow worked. They always had. They always would. They belonged together. When he kissed her, it felt right, felt perfect, as if their lips had been custom-made to fit together. Willow was what he wanted. He had to get her. He wasn't going to let her slip through his fingers a second time. ***** Willow Rosenberg reached for the phone, her hand hovering above the receiver. She pulled her hand away. She wanted so badly to call Oz, to talk to him, to hear him talk to her, for him to call her baby. She needed to apologize, to make things right. But she wasn't sure Oz wanted to see her, let alone talk to her. They hadn't spoken since Oz had gone for help when Cordelia had fallen. And "We have to get out of here" hadn't given her much insight into how he was feeling. But she had some idea. Willow felt so incredibly guilty. How could she have done this to him? She'd always prided herself on being a good person. Not the kind of person who would go behind her boyfriend's back and make out with her best guy friend whenever she could. Oh, why had she done it? Oh, you know why you did it, she told herself. It had been Xander. Xander, the guy she'd been in love with for the last twelve years. Twelve years she'd been wishing for the moment he'd finally open his eyes and realize and kiss her. She'd gotten her wish. And all she wanted to do was take it back. Oh, why had it had to happen now? Why not just six months earlier? Before Oz. Before Cordelia. Before everything? It would have been perfect then. But now it was just a huge mess. She cared so much about Oz. Maybe even loved him. She'd thought she'd been over Xander, but the instant their lips had met all the old feelings had come rushing back. It was obvious they'd still been lurking beneath the surface, simply hidden, pushed aside. Xander's lips had unleashed them all. She wanted him. Always had. Always would. But oh, Oz. Oz who was so sweet. Oz who adored her. Oz who gave her animal crackers and witch Pez dispensers. Oz who was just . . Oz. What was she gonna do? Willow'd never thought it was possible to love two men at the same time. But now she was discovering it was possible. Very possible. She wanted both of them. She wanted all of the good things about Xander and all of the good things about Oz rolled up into one package. But she knew that wouldn't happen. She was gonna have to choose. But you might not even get to do that, Willow acknowledged to herself. Oz had every right to dump her, never speak to her again. But she didn't know what he was gonna do. It was the waiting that was driving her crazy. But she was torn at the same time. Did she really want to have Oz back? In the back of her mind lurked the possibility that Xander Harris could actually be her boyfriend if they were both single again. But she was refusing to allow it to come to the foremost of her thoughts. She was so confused. Animal crackers or Twinkies? Werewolf or King of Cretins? She felt like she was being offered two different ice cream flavors, both of them equally delicious, but she could only taste one of them. The phone rang. Willow jumped. She reached for the receiver, hoping it was Oz. And half hoping it was Xander. She picked up the phone midway through the third ring. "Hello?" she asked softly. "Hey, baby." Oz. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "I'm so glad you called," she told him. "I wasn't going to. But then I thought, I should. We need to talk," Oz said. "We do. We definitely do." "Can I come over? I can be there in 10 minutes," Oz asked. "Yeah," Willow said. "That would be . . good." "All right," Oz said softly. "I'll see you then." There was a moment of silence. Willow could still hear Oz breathing on the other end of the line. "Oz?" Willow asked hestitantly. It sounded like Oz had something to tell her. And it sounded like it wasn't good. Oz let out a deep breath. "I miss you, Willow." Willow melted. "I miss you too," she managed to choke out. She imagined Oz giving a tiny smile on the other end. "I'm on my way," he said. He hung up. Willow replaced the receiver in the cradle. She sat for a moment on her bed, exhilarated. She had a chance! Oz wasn't going to shove her away. The doorbell rang. Willow started in surprise. There was no way Oz could have gotten over there so fast. She left her room and padded down the stairs in her stocking feet. She looked out the window and let out a small gasp at the sight she saw on the front stoop. She opened the door slowly. "Hey, Wills." Xander was at her front door. And Oz was on his way over. Nothing good could come from this. End Part One ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #389 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (