From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V3 #8 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Tuesday, January 5 1999 Volume 03 : Number 008 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: "Flies to Honey" sequel to "The Necromancer" (10/16) BUFFYFIC: "Flies to Honey" sequel to "The Necromancer" (11/16) BUFFYFIC: "Flies to Honey" sequel to "The Necromancer" (12/16) BUFFYFIC: "Snowball's Chance" (5/?) by Chase DeKota See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 22:18:26 -0800 From: "J. Jericho Born" Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Flies to Honey" sequel to "The Necromancer" (10/16) TITLE: "Flies to Honey" (Part 10/16) AUTHOR: J. Jericho Born E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Please let me know what you think of my fanfic with some feedback. DISTRIBUTION: The author reserves rights on this story. Please do not distribute without expressed permission. RATING: PG Contains violence. SPOILERS: Spoilers to previous fanfic. If you would like to read the preceding story you can download it at < >. DESCRIPTION: The sequel to "The Necromancer". DISCLAIMER: The writer of this unauthorized fan fiction is not affiliated with any of the parties involved in the making of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The characters are the property of Joss Whedon and whomever else the lawyers may deem fit, they are used without permission. Technically that is not legal, but I'm not anticipating any law suits. This work, the plot line, and the characters introduced that are not already featured on Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the work of Joshua Jericho Born, Copyright 1998. ============== Scene 9 "We're here," announced Giles after carefully parking in a rather cramped motel lot, using the dwindling dusk light and a few tacky neon signs as his only sources of illumination. "Finally," yawned Cordelia. "How about if I drive on the way back and cut down on the travel time," she suggested. "A good idea in all respects except one: I'm sure Oz would appreciate us keeping his prized van in one piece," declined Giles, exiting the vehicle as he spoke. He called out from over his shoulder, "Don't forget the luggage." To Willow's dismay both Buffy and Cordelia began to leave the van, carrying only their own relatively trivial cargo. She looked over the mass of items she had brought with concern. "Guys," pleaded Willow, "What about all of my stuff?" "I think it's only fair if Cordy helped you out this time," reasoned Buffy. "Please," rebuked Cordelia, "Just because Willow is trying to be miss voodoo princess doesn't mean I have to do hard labor." Cordelia marched off following Giles after her selfless declaration. "Will, why don't you get Xander to help you out?" Buffy suggested. She, too, went in the direction Giles had gone. Slightly peeved, Willow leaned over to a snoozing Xander. She prepared her most tender, helpless voice to beseech him with. After a moment's hesitation she opted for another approach. "Xander," Willow said with a couple well aimed pokes to the rib cage. Xander shook himself from his sleep and fought to regain his bearings. "Xander," reiterated Willow. She paused until she thought Xander was listening to some degree and continued, "Giles said you should bring the luggage." Without a moments delay, she scurried off to join the others. Willow found the trio of Giles, Cordelia, and Buffy huddled outside their potential lodgings. It was a rather disconcerting sight; dingy when applied to the motel would be a complement. Broken windows, rotting doorframes, and grimy exteriors were the best features of this establishment. "Ok, Giles, now I know you don't want to waste money, but you're pinching one too many pennies with this," said a disgusted Cordelia. "I was told these were the best accomodations in Weberton," said Giles in reply. "I hate to see what the bad places look like," commented Buffy. "Yeah, I mean, this thing is a star short of being a one star hotel," criticised Cordelia. "Weberton isn't the most affluent community in California," informed Willow. "Well, let's enter, shall we?" sighed Giles. The group of slayerettes entered the check-in office warily. Behind the front desk sat a man who looked like he frequented fast food establishments, clad only in a wifebeater undershirt and beaten-up khakis. A seemingly ancient television set was his only company. "Well look here, you must be the English guy who called," observed the front desk clerk. He introduced, "My name is Eddie." "Very nice to meet you, Mr. . . uh. . . Eddie," greeted Giles. "And how are y'all doing this afternoon?" inquried Eddie with a working man's charm. "Fine, thank you," answered Giles. "How about the classy ladies you got here, how are y'all doing?" Eddie asked while addressing Buffy. "Fine," simply replied Buffy. "Just fine?" Eddie questioned further. Buffy answered impudently, "Just fine." The ill feeling in her stomach continued to grow worse. This was her first major road trip in her Slayer capacity, she was hoping for it to make a better impression. Buffy quickly cut short her train of thought and attributed it to her insatiable need to make her dislike of this ogre behind the counter painfully aware, but deep down she knew it held more signifigance. "Now if I remember right you needed two rooms for the evening," said Eddie, speaking to Giles once again. "That's correct," Giles affirmed. "That'll be thirty-two dollars then," said Eddie. Giles pulled out his wallet and stumbled through it to retrieve the desired amount. "For another twenty I'll make sure the cops don't come by tonight and do the whole vice routine," offered Eddie. Giles looked quite offended and replied angrily, "The only thing we'll be doing in the middle of the night shall be sleeping." "Of course, of course. This is a class establishment," agreed Eddie. "Speaking of being a class establishment, all these gals are eighteen, right?" he appended. "That's of no concern of yours," chastied Giles, he placed a handful of cash on the counter top. "Ok, if you want to play it that way. Far as I know, jack, they're all legal," said Eddie as he handed over a few keys and a receipt. "Thank you very much," said Giles with a touch of sarcasim. The four turned to leave with a colorful first impression of Weberton on their minds. ============== ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 22:19:26 -0800 From: "J. Jericho Born" Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Flies to Honey" sequel to "The Necromancer" (11/16) TITLE: "Flies to Honey" (Part 11/16) AUTHOR: J. Jericho Born E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Please let me know what you think of my fanfic with some feedback. DISTRIBUTION: The author reserves rights on this story. Please do not distribute without expressed permission. RATING: PG Contains violence. SPOILERS: Spoilers to previous fanfic. If you would like to read the preceding story you can download it at < >. DESCRIPTION: The sequel to "The Necromancer". DISCLAIMER: The writer of this unauthorized fan fiction is not affiliated with any of the parties involved in the making of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The characters are the property of Joss Whedon and whomever else the lawyers may deem fit, they are used without permission. Technically that is not legal, but I'm not anticipating any law suits. This work, the plot line, and the characters introduced that are not already featured on Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the work of Joshua Jericho Born, Copyright 1998. ============== Scene 10 "Everyone get decent in there, here come the males," warned Xander through a shotty motel room door. He walked in with a boyish grin that could barely fit in the tiny room. "Disappointed?" questioned Cordelia with a smile that threatend to match Xander's. "I'm only disappointed from the waist down. I'm stoked to get Oz home," Xander replied candidly. "Speaking of which," segued Giles, entering with newspaper in hand. He continued, "According to this, there have been a string of sightings of a 'large feral dog' around an abandoned warehouse here in Weberton. It matches the description of a werewolf." "This is of the good," observed Buffy. "Yes, but, the bad news is there has also been a young boy that has disappeared in conjunction with these sightings," added Giles. Obligatory silenced ensued as the possiblity of a child dying at the hands of their friend sunk in. "Well, it was to be expected. After all, werewolves hunt, it's what they do. It's not like Oz can help it, he's not in control," rationalized Xander with a worried glance towards his best friend. "We're going to go down to the warehouse where the boy disappeared after we unpack, right?" inquired Buffy. "Forget unpacking, let's go now," boldly stated Willow. Mutual agreement was received with the group's common lack of a reply. "Hey, hey," yelled a voice accopanying a palette of exhuberant noises from the outside of the lodgings establishment. Out of force of habit, Buffy quickly found herself poised at the motel doorway. The others peered through a tarnished window to see what was going on. Outside was their beloved landlord Eddie embracing another equally indigent looking man as if he were his long lost brother. The gathered onlookers caught Eddie's attention and he called out happily, "Hey, take a look at my pal Steve here." "Steve," addressed Eddie, "Meet Mr. . ." His sentence tailed off as he searched for a name. "Hey, what was your name again, pops?" hollered Eddie. "Giles," came a shout back. "Meet Mr. Giles, he's a new guy, an English dude with a very lovely vintage in chicks," introduced a still excited Eddie. "Steve just got out of jail," joyfully yelled Eddie with a makeshift dance step and a playful grapple on his reunited aquaintence. "How very sweet," Giles said, bathing in sarcasim. "Let's go, shall we?" he added with grumbled disgust. ============== ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 22:20:32 -0800 From: "J. Jericho Born" Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Flies to Honey" sequel to "The Necromancer" (12/16) TITLE: "Flies to Honey" (Part 12/16) AUTHOR: J. Jericho Born E-MAIL: FEEDBACK: Please let me know what you think of my fanfic with some feedback. DISTRIBUTION: The author reserves rights on this story. Please do not distribute without expressed permission. RATING: PG Contains violence. SPOILERS: Spoilers to previous fanfic. If you would like to read the preceding story you can download it at < >. DESCRIPTION: The sequel to "The Necromancer". DISCLAIMER: The writer of this unauthorized fan fiction is not affiliated with any of the parties involved in the making of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The characters are the property of Joss Whedon and whomever else the lawyers may deem fit, they are used without permission. Technically that is not legal, but I'm not anticipating any law suits. This work, the plot line, and the characters introduced that are not already featured on Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the work of Joshua Jericho Born, Copyright 1998. ============== Scene 11 "So this is the place?" said Cordelia rhetorically, standing before an extremely run down building that dwawfed her in size. It seemed to come straight out of the Depression, complete with peeling paint and roofs decorated with gaping holes. Aparently, the locals had used it as an impromptu dumping grounds; trash in various forms littered its sides, providing visual breaks amongst the weeds that ringed the warehouse obstrusively. The abandoned decor of the warehouse blended right in with the unkept neighborhood, which's reason for being had long since forgotten. If any building in the area had seen use in the past twenty years there was no noticible signs of it. Indeed the warehouse was right a home, its foreboding nature augmented by the still darkness of the lonely Weberton night. "What's up with the soup bowl, Will?" asked Xander curiously. Willow carefully held a small, rough stone bowl between her hands. In it was a clump of hair suspended in a clear, if pungent, liquid. "This is a little something I enchanted the other night. It'll help us find Oz. The clump of Oz's hair will be pulled in the direction that he is in, we can use it like a compass to find him," explained Willow, shifting her feet discretely, half out of anticipation and half out of frustration. "Oh, cool. Wait a minute, where'd you get a clump of Oz's hair?" questioned Xander. Willow shrugged off the question as she examined her apparatus in disappointment. "Darnit, it's not working!" she exclaimed, frustrated. "Maybe he's out of range," offered Buffy. "No, the lady at the shop said it has a range of over a mile. I probably screwed up the incantation," said Willow bitterly. "Willow, don't beat yourself up," Xander comforted warmly. Giles added himself to the group, hauling a burden of a half dozen chains and restraints. "I'm very glad that Eddie fellow didn't have occasion to see these. I don't think I could have tolerated the cracks he would have made," commented Giles. "Well, Buffy, since you're everyone's favorite ass kicker, you get to take the point," wittingly said Xander. Buffy abliged dutifly, walking toward the spooky building with the greatest of ease in her step. She hadn't realized exactly how jaded with abandoned buildings she had become. It felt as though she were right at home in the creepy backdrop that her latest adventure had visited upon her. The behemoth door was no match for the uncommon strength of the Slayer, she easily brought it of its rusted hinges and tossed it to the side. "Flashlight," requested Buffy as she peered into the expansive darkness, reaching out her hand back casually. "Uhhhh," garbled Giles as he searched his pockets. "Don't tell me with all that junk we brought no one bothered to bring a flashlight," said Cordelia disapprovingly. "I could go back to the van and get some sulfur to try to cast an illumination spell," offered Willow in a nervous attempt to mitigate the group's shortsightness. Buffy had noticed her friend had been quick to offer to cast spells like they were going out of season. She decided on making a mental note to mention it later. "How long will that take?" inquired Buffy. "I don't know exactly," replied Willow timidly, avoiding the other's eyes. "Have you ever even tried such an incantation?" asked Giles. "Well, no, but I've always wanted to," Willow answered with a sheepish expression, gripping her bowl insecurely as if hanging on for dear life. "Great, we're looking like such losers right now," commented Cordelia. "Oh, wait, here we go," Xander said as he produced a key chain from his pocket. "Xander, the keys to your hope chest won't help us here," said Cordelia sarcastically. "No, look," replied Xander as picked out a small red cylinder among the assortment of keys and held it between his thumb and index finger. Out of what seemed to be a pinhole came the most insignifigant, pitiful light that all those present had ever laid their eyes on. A wide, if sheepish, grin graced Xander's face while he glanced at the surrounding onlookers expectantly. No one said a word, however. "Stylin' huh?" questioned Xander through his smile. Not a reply was given, all merely stared on in disbelief. The assembled souls that had collectively slayed vampires, vanquished demons, kept the undead in check, and fought an assortment of insect like creatures now found themselves huddled around an underpowered pen light that threatend to exhaust its battery at any moment. The mass of humanity led by an undaunted Slayer made its way through the spacious warehouse, attempting to find their way through the dark and avoid obtructing clutter. "Wait," warned Buffy a few moments before halting in her tracks. Regardless of her warning, the assembly of wary Slayerettes soon found themselves walking into each other's backs. "What's the hold up?" asked Giles with a whisper. "It's the wall," answered Buffy. "Already?" idly asked Xander. "There's a light switch over there," declared Giles. He gave the switch a good flick and much to his surprise a few dusty old lightbulbs hummed to life, causing a rather comprehensive representation of the rodent family to scurry away for cover. The interior of the warehouse lived up to the expectations cast by its exterior. The dirty, yellow tungsten lights caused the entire scene to be made of various shades of brown. A square, hollow box of rotting wood with a few windows was all the warehouse amounted to. The contents were just as plain, a upturned broken crate here, an old magazine there, the inside of the building was the spitting image of inconspicous. A worn out odor cast the scene in an overall pitiful mood. "Well, let's see. One watcher, check. One Slayer, check. Her cold and tired friends, check. One werewolf, nope. On to the next building," said Xander wryly. "Why would an abandoned building be serviced with electricity?" wondered Giles aloud. "If it makes you feel better you can call the electric company and let them know they are wasting all of 40 watts. Come on, we have a werewolf to find," Xander said hurriedly, turning to leave. "No, wait. Is it just me or is the inside of the building a lot smaller than outside?" inquired Willow. "You're right," agreed Buffy, "You think this place has a houdini room?" "Yeah, and I think we're in it," answered Willow. Cordelia a strangled cry, the wall she was casually leaning up against had collaspsed away. Buffy and Willow exchanged looks before running over to survey what was beyond the newly found entryway. "I'm fine, thanks for asking-" facetiously began Cordelia, gazing through the opening she had just created she blurted out, "Whoa, look at that!" ============== ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 22:59:00 EST From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Snowball's Chance" (5/?) by Chase DeKota TITLE: Snowball's Chance AUTHOR: Chase DeKota EMAIL: FEEDBACK: Please. Don't make me beg, 'cause I will. DISTRIBUTION: Just let me know. RATING: PG-14 SPOILERS and TIMELINE: The story pretty much carries itself. Haven't seen "Amends" yet, but I'm pretty sure this is just prior. Or maybe just after. Spoilers all the way through "The Wish" just to be safe. SUMMARY: Thus far - Benefit concert at the museum. The Scooby Gang has bee= n 'volunteered' to help with it. While chasing a strange girl she met during patrols, Buffy discovers that Ethan Rayne is back in town. DISCLAIMER: The world of BtVS belongs to 20th Century Fox, with nods to Jo= ss Whedon and company; I'm only visiting it. 'Mac' and her magick appear cour= tesy of J.J. Benike. A salute to my army of proofreaders (all four). To those who= 've offered feedback on previous parts: Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! An= d please, keep it coming! =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Snowball's Chance By: Chase DeKota Part: 5/? =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Buffy checked her watch and frowned. There should've been a big yellow bus. There should've been a crowd of students milling, avoiding boarding for the trip back until the last possi= ble minute. There should've been Principal Snyder, clipboard in hand, calling off names and daring anyone to be late. There was only the empty curb. < Did I miss it? > she wondered, but quickly decided she hadn't. Her watc= h read 1:34pm, nearly an hour and a half before the scheduled departure time= . The clock inside the museum confirmed she still had plenty of time. Problem was, her watch had read five minutes to three just moments ago. B= uffy was dead certain of this. She was beginning to suspect something terribly wrong with the whole 'big picture.' Also, she was beginning to suspect sh= e was losing her mind. But first things first. Hurrying back to where she'd last seen Ethan Rayne - who *had* to be at fa= ult, somehow - Buffy found the office as deserted as the curb out front had bee= n. Not surprising. The surprise came in the office's state of array. She could recall books scattered across every inch of the small room, volu= mes stacked on every flat surface, more piled precariously on the desk. What = she saw now was a small office neatly organized, with the books in their proper pl= aces on the shelves. A fine layer of dust had begun to settle; it looked like = it hadn't been touched in weeks. Not quite ten minutes had elapsed since she'd made that run for the bus. = It would have taken hours to put all those books back on their shelves. Buffy knew this from experience. She needed a second opinion. Her friends smiled with relief when they saw her coming. "Buffy! Where h= ave you been?" Willow asked. "Snyder noticed you were gone." "But we covered for you." Xander winked conspiratorially, catching the slightly worried look that came over the Slayer's face. "So, where've you been?" Pushing a stack of folded programs aside, Buffy flopped down across from h= er friends. "I'm beginning to think Xander's right," she remarked. "Yes!" The boy grinned wide, then grew confused. "About what?" "Bad things happening every time we come to the museum," she explained, "although, I'm not sure how bad it is this time." The two teens leaned in, curious, as Buffy explained. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Air didn't circulate well in the library. Dust removed from countertops resettled within minutes. That was partially why no one ever bothered to dust. Besides, that was part of what made it 'the library' -- dusty, dimly lit, and smell= ing of old books. And it was quiet. Usually. "Giles! Where are you?" The feminine voice rang out simultaneously as its owner burst into the roo= m. A few seconds later, two more teenagers plowed through the still-swinging doors, out of breath from trying to keep up. "Giles? This is important." How the librarian could not have heard the entrance of the Slayer and comp= any was beyond comprehension. Yet, Rupert Giles stepped out of his office and smiled at the group as if he were surprised to see them standing there. "Oh, you= 're back! How was your, um, community service?" he asked. "I wish the judge had sent us to reform school instead," Xander quipped. Willow stifled a giggle. "Oooh=85like we're a bunch of juvenile delinquen= ts," she said, her voice deepening with a bit of attitude. Her grin faded quickly as she realized something. Many people did, in fact, regard the Slayer and Slayerettes as troublemakers. "We've got a problem," Buffy announced, and the others looked to her expectantly. "Guess who's back in town. Ethan Rayne." That got a noticeable reaction from Giles. "You saw him where?" "At the museum." "Did he give any indication as to what he's up to this time?" Buffy paused. "I didn't get to question him for long but," she paused and took a deep breath. "He said he was looking for a book." She spoke the words as= if they sounded completely ludicrous. For the most part, they did. "A book=85?" Giles was not so much as bothered by this as puzzled. "Tha= t's all?" "Well, it's not like we talked over cappuccino. My watch lost track of ti= me and I thought I was going to miss the bus. By the time I realized it was off, E= than was gone." "Of course. You did the right thing." Giles was drifting off mentally, trying to piece the puzzle together. He was getting that 'look' that said: 'I have a theo= ry about what's going on, but I'm not going to share it with anyone.' Buffy frowned as he retreated into his office. "I need to make a phone call," he said and closed the door. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V3 #8 **************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (