From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V3 #15 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Wednesday, January 13 1999 Volume 03 : Number 015 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Buffy, Giles, Joyce and Faith (1/1) BUFFYFIC: "The Game Played" (1/6) by Mace BUFFYFIC: "The Game Played" (2/6) by Mace See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 09:54:59 PST From: "Leslie S." Subject: BUFFYFIC: Buffy, Giles, Joyce and Faith (1/1) TITLE: Buffy, Giles, Joyce and Faith (1/1) (For lack of a better title-If you got a better one, let me know before I archive it!) AUTHORS: LilS, Shalona, Tay and LeTrek EMAIL: DISTRIBUTION: My pitiful fanfic site. But if anyone wants it, just let me know and it shall be yours!!! RATING: PG SPOILERS: Nothing specific, but takes place this season. SUMMARY: Just an average night in the life of a Slayer DISCLAIMER: Characters are borrowed from Joss Whedon and crew. No infringement is intended. FEEDBACK: is a good thing. But no pressure! NOTE: This round robin fic was spawned one evening due to the fact that our real-time on-line Buffy role playing game was cancelled due to real life happenings. Great literature it ain’t, but we had fun doing it. If you are interested in Buffy chat or want more info on joining our role-playing group, please check out ***** Buffy was finishing the last of her dinner, keeping an eye to the clock. The sun had been down for almost an hour now and Giles had been particularly concerned about a prophesy from the codex he had recently discovered. Joyce noticed Buffy seemed to be concerned with the time. "So…new prophesy?" she inquired." Buffy looked blankly at her mom for moment. It was still hard remembering that she knew about her slaying activities. "Sorry mom. I guess you got me. But yes, Giles has his tweed in a bunch over something. I am supposed to meet Faith in about 20 minutes at the Northpoint Cemetery." Joyce nodded. She really hated that her daughter, her only baby went out night after night to face unspeakable horrors. But she had resigned herself to it. "Well take your time. I’ll give you a lift if you want." "Thanks mom." Buffy had to admit, that although she hated that her mom knew, it could be really handy. After dinner was finished, Joyce dropped her daughter at the cemetery and went home to do the thing she now hated most. She had to wait. Joyce returned home, and went inside the house. She glanced at the clock, noting the time: 9:30 PM......and picked up a book to read after sitting down on the couch. As she continued to read, her eyes grew heavy, and before long, she fell asleep. Buffy strolled around the cemetery for a few minutes, seeing Faith at the other end. She wandered over and exchanged the greetings typically teenagers exchanged. "So what does tweedman got going on tonight?" asked Faith. "Something about the codex. More prophecies, you know," answered Buffy. Faith nodded and idly flipped a stake in her hand. Buffy leaned against a nearby tree and casually surveyed her surroundings. Faith let out a heavy sigh and started to wander deeper into the cemetery. "Where are you off too?" Buffy asked. " know. Looking around, keeping watch. That is why we're out here isn't it B?" Faith turned and offered Buffy a semi smile. She obviously didn't see what had creeped up behind her. Or at least that is what Buffy thought as her eyes grew wide at the sight of the hulking creature looming over Faith. For as Buffy was about to shout a warning, Faith’s arm pulled back and slammed into the vamp. Tall and large just laughed as the stake Faith had tried to impale him with splintered in tiny fragments. He then grabbed her by the neck and lifted her off the ground. Faith flailed about as Tall And Large started squeezing. Buffy came running up into a leaping kick that knocked T&L back and loosed Faith from his grip. "Sooo, not a fan of our local wood products, eh?" Buffy said to T&L. T&L merely growled, baring his fangs. But Faith held up her pocket-cross [tm] and held him at bay. "So what do we do now, B? she asked. "I'm gonna go with kill 'em, F." Buffy yelped. "With mouth that smart you oughta be able to figure out how we do that right Buffster?" She asked. "But of course." Buffy ran over to a nearby grave a grabbed a shovel that was laying nearby. She rushed over to Faith just as TnL lunged forward and knocked the pocket-cross [tm] from Faiths hand. Buffy pressed onward and swung the shovel at TnL's neck. He masterfully dodged and grabbed Buffy by the throat pinning her to a tree. (lotta throat grabbing tonite-Tay) "My turn." He growled and yanked the shovel from Buffy's grip and thrust it forward into her midsection. Buffy yelled just as….. Joyce Summers awoke with a start. "...Buffy..." she whispered. Overcome with a sense of dread, Joyce raced to her car. She was at the gates of the cemetery in 5 minutes flat. She flung open her door trying to decide which way to go. Before she picked a direction, she reached under the driver seat and pulled out the mother of all crosses and one VERY large wooden stake. She took a few cautious steps in the direction of a mausoleum. She remembered a conversation she and Buffy had recently had about certain nocturnal activities that she had shared with Angel on occasion. And that thought made her very mad. Her daughter should be doing "things" with her boyfriend that I shouldn’t approve of . Not risking her life each and every night. As she neared the mausoleum she could hear the sounds of voices. No wait….that was screaming. That was Faith screaming. She quickened her pace and was soon on the scene. She saw Buffy beating frantically at this horrible beast while he had Faith by the throat (poor thing) up against a tree! (gotta love the throat grab-age-LeTrek) Joyce ran toward the group brandishing her Mama-Cross [pat. pend.] "Get the *hell* away from my daughter," she yelled, realizing that sounded too familiar. "And her friend," she added. T&L reeled backward from the large, ornate cross that Joyce had "borrowed" from the gallary. Buffy scrambled over to make sure Faith was okay. "Umm, Buffy," her mother asked. "What do we do now?" Buffy looked between her mother and a very angry, very unhurtable foe and opted for the obvious. "Is the car unlocked?" "Yeah." "Then we run!!" "Run? Slayers never say 'Run'". Faith yelled. "Can't we just lop Ol' Ugly's head off with a shovel or something?" "NO!" Joyce yelled. TnL growled loudly and reached for Faith, scraping her blouse. Joyce stepped forward and kept him at bay. "Okay, well...if you really want to..." The three women made a break for it. Buffy grabbed Joyce's Mama Cross [p.p.] and started racing sideways keeping the cross facing the path behind them. "Oh...fudge." She heard Joyce say. "In so many ways I don't like the sound of that." Buffy said. "I can't find my keys." Joyce cried. "You gotta be kidding me." Faith complained breathing hard. "Well I am not, Faith." Joyce replied equally out of breath. "I must have dropped them back at the mausoleum." "Terrific." Faith wheezed. "Hey! A little less talking and more running." Buffy panted. As the group rounded a grouping of trees, Faith ran right into….. ...the road. "Okay..." Buffy squeaked. "Car is...where, Mom?" "I parked right near the gate. We must have passed it...I..." Joyce stammered. "Well I feel a major 'Who cares?' coming on, seeing as we don't have the keys anyway." Faith sneered. "Point taken Faith." Joyce said somewhat sternly. Buffy grabbed them both. "Can we take this moment to not fight?!" "Why?" Faith retorted. "Not in front of the company." Buffy gestured to TnL who was now standing in the middle of the road. He stalked forward and was about to strike when a rusty old Citroen slammed into him, hurtling him a good 6 ft. Giles threw open the door to his trusty if not rusty car and ran over to TnL who was sprawled in the middle of the road. As the women looked on, they could see that Giles was holding a rather large metal-looking stake. He thrust the stake into TnL’s chest and was moments later rewarded with a cloud of fine ash. "Hello metallic fatality!" Buffy exclaimed as Giles came toward her, Joyce and Faith. He straightened his tie and took off his glasses and cleaned them with his ever present Watcher-Hanky [tm]. "Yes, well that did the trick." Buffy looked between the pile of ash and Giles (played by ASH), "So was this the guy you read about in the codex?" "Codex," he replied, "What do you mean? I wasn't saying Codex...I was saying Kleenex [tm]. I was reading the offer on the back of the Kleenex [tm] box." *sniiiiif* Buffy sighed, "Giles, remind me next time to have someone turn you into a vampire just so I can stake you." Joyce patted Buffy on the back, "It's alright dear. Who's up for some chocolate mousse?" ~end~ ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 11:24:10 -0000 From: "mace" Subject: BUFFYFIC: "The Game Played" (1/6) by Mace TITLE: The Game Played AUTHOR: Mace DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to be affiliated with Joss Whedon, Mutant Enem= y, the Warner Brothers, or Twentieth Century Fox. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or related characters, topics, settings, or personalities. All this is owned by those mentioned above. Avoid suing me. I would appreciate it and so will you. SUMMARY: Buffy/Angel with some Willow/Oz thrown into it. This takes place after "Lover's Walk." Faith didn't like being used by her 'Watcher' or by one Alexander Harris. She decided it was time other people got what they wanted. With Cordelia in the hospital and Willow and Oz having their own problems, Faith turns to the person who wants nothing but happiness for h= er daughter. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I realize some of this might be off-character. I can't yet write for Faith or really Oz. I'll get better. Upon writing this, I reali= ze that there is very little plot, and it is primarily an emotional piece. I think you like it anyway because it's lacking all that **MUSH** and has s= ome substance. FEEDBACK: The phrase here is 'of course.' I really love feedback. Send as much as possible. Bubba, Snake, and Eugene are my biggest fans. They thin= k *everyone* should send feedback. We *know* you're reading this. Don't mak= e my biggest fans ruin their new clothes (and yours) by making them come af= ter you. Send it to ***** PART ONE ***** From being in the room with Angel for barely ten minutes, Faith knew Ange= l wouldn't help her. He loved her more than life itself and wouldn't ever help her. Xander would laugh in her face. Cordelia couldn't even walk. Willow was having her own problems. Giles would tell her to mind her own business. There was still *a lot* of hatred for the vampire from the Watcher. Oz was in the same boat as Willow. That left the undead population of Sunnydale and Joyce. That wouldn't work. "Hi, Faith," Joyce greeted the Slayer. "Hey, Misses Summers," Faith greeted her. "Buffy's not home, Faith, but if you want to wait . . ." "That's what I wanted to talk about. It's about Buffy. You know Angel's back, right?" Faith asked. Horror and trepidation flitted over her eyes, but it was squelched quickl= y. "Yes," Joyce replied. "I found out about that the hard way." "They=97 they aren't seeing each other anymore. I guess I understand tha= t. But, Buffy broke off their friendship earlier. . . ." Faith turned on the innocence. "I was wondering if you knew of anything I could do to make h= er . . . feel better." "Feel better?" Joyce asked, seemingly dumbfounded. "I mean, I feel kinda funny talking about it to her mother," she offered with a smile, "but Buffy and Angel really loved each other a lot. I wasn= 't even here, and I can see that. I *think* Buffy's still in love with him, and I *know* Angel loves her so much it hurts." Joyce frowned. "So, if Buffy does still love Angel, even after all he did, why wouldn't = she want to see him or even be friends, Faith? I think you're reading it wrong," Joyce said. "=91Cause=97 well=97 because of everyone else. Xander practically had me= murder Angel for him. Giles jumped all down her throat. No one was really supportive of her or what she wanted. No one really knows it, but Buffy'= s used to being=97 well=97 walked on. She saved the world and sent her boy= friend to Hell, and no one thanks her. She's gotta be the Slayer even though sh= e might die. She doesn't get a choice, so she gave in to what everyone els= e wanted," Faith said. Joyce absorbed the dark-headed girl's words. "And what do you want?" Joyce asked. "I've never had any real friends, not like this, and I haven't even been here all that long. Xander got involved in someone else's business, and = I got thrown up against Buff. I've never done anything to hurt her, and sh= e defended Angel against me. People, my fake watcher and Xander, used me f= or their own gain. I just wanna make it up to Buffy," Faith said. "It embarrassed you, didn't it? That someone tricked you into thinking something entirely different that what was happening?" Joyce asked. Faith nodded, wondering where all this was going. "Now, you know how I felt when I found out Buffy was a Slayer. That I co= uld be that gullible, it humiliated me. I guess I've been like that again. = I want Buffy to be happy, and I thought sending her to college would do it. You heard about her SAT's?" "Yeah, she did good," Faith said. "She doesn't want college. She wants that boy, Angel, the vampire that's old enough to be my great, great, great, great . . . grandfather," Joyce said with a sigh. She looked at Faith. "So what are you planning?= " Faith smiled. ***** "Buffy, did you know Faith went to see Angel?" Willow asked. Buffy looked up. "Yeah, she told me. Why?" Buffy asked. "I was=97 uh=97 just wondering," Willow replied. "She said she had gone = to apologize, and I was just wondering if you knew." "Yeah, she told me. So, how's everything?" Buffy asked. "Okay, I mean, I haven't really seen Xander or Oz or Cordelia, but I gues= s everything's okay," Willow said. "What was it, Willow, that made you and Xander . . . you know?" "Betray our boyfriends and girlfriends?" Willow asked. "I wasn't gonna say that," Buffy interrupted. "I know, but it's true. . . ." "Willow. . . ." She quickly interrupted. "It was just . . . that I hadn't. I just wonde= red if he was everything I thought he was. If I had said something, I would have been happy. If he was really who I wanted, or if I was just too stu= ck to the dream," Willow said with a wistful look. "And?" Buffy prompted. "It was all just the dream, and I won't even have Xander =91cause I don't really love him. I just had to know," Willow said. "I really . . . I really really . . . love Oz. I love Oz. I do. He's so sweet and just w= hat I wanted. But, there was always this doubt, and it kept growing and grow= ing and growing until I wasn't sure if Oz was a substitution for Xander or if= I wasn't ready to let go of him." "And now you *want* Oz, but can't have him because you made a mistake," Buffy said with a frown. "Maybe you didn't," came a soft voice from the door. Willow felt a hot blush stain her cheeks. "O=96Oz?" Willow asked softly. "Hey, baby," he said. Buffy slipped from the room softly as Oz approached Willow. No one noticed her anyway. ***** Faith barely escaped Buffy's house before Buffy got home. When, Buffy go= t in, Joyce was setting the table for dinner. Joyce had to hand it to the other Slayer, she was clever. Joyce wasn't sure she liked Angel or wante= d him to get back together with her daughter, but still . . . Faith was right. The beginnings of dark circles were under Joyce's daughter's eyes. Her face was marked with a far away look. Joyce could only guess where Buffy was. Dinner was eaten in silence, not uncomfortab= le silence, but the silence of two women who had much on their minds. Joyce observed her daughter slowly, taking in each minuscule detail and compari= ng it with what she had seen only days before. << Oh, Buffy. >> It occurred to Joyce that Angel now had an all-access p= ass to her house. It unnerved her for a moment before she realized he'd been invited into her house almost since they moved to Sunnydale. It was only after Angel lost his soul that he became a threat. He was really a different person. << What if they . . . do it again? >> she asked. << Somehow, I doubt it. The phrase, =91scarred for life' seems appropriate right now. My poor ba= by. >> "So, aren't you gonna ask?" Buffy interrupted Joyce's thought. "Ask what, Buffy?" Joyce asked. "About Angel. How long he's been back. Why I didn't tell you. What happened," Buffy said. She'd heard it second-hand from Faith. It never occurred to Buffy she already knew. "I thought you'd tell me when you were ready," Joyce said. "Are you?" Buffy sighed. "I guess. Angel's been back since before Homecoming, about mid-October. = I didn't tell you because I=97 I know it was hard for you to deal with the slaying=97 to still have to deal with it. I didn't want to pile this on = you too," Buffy said. "I wish you *had* told me, Buffy. I could have helped *you* deal with it. I was in the dark about your Slaying for so long. I don't want to be in = the dark about your life anymore," Joyce said. Buffy half-smiled. "But, we aren't seeing each other anymore. We=97 we can't be =91just fri= ends' like some people manage to do. It would be just too hard on both of us," Buffy said. "Did you discuss this with him?" Joyce asked. "I told him," Buffy replied. Joyce could see the change in her daughter. It was so startling sometime= s that Joyce wanted to just shake Buffy until she was they way she used to = be. Even as the Slayer, those precious few months after the summer she died a= nd before her birthday Joyce remembered her daughter seeming so alive then. "Do you love him?" Joyce asked. "Does he love you?" Buffy looked up from her plate. "He loves me," Buffy said. "Do you love him?" Joyce was practically on the edge of her chair waiting for the answer. Joyce knew if Buffy could forgive, she could too. Everything that Joyce thought about this boy Angel depended on this. If Buffy thought it was *worth* it. . . . "It doesn't matter that I still love him," Buffy said softly. "It's not what's best." "Best for whom, Buffy?" Joyce asked. Buffy was oblivious to the tears in her eyes. And, she shrugged. "Everyone," Buffy said, though it was more than a question than an answer. ***** An hour after Buffy had gone to bed and Joyce was sure she was asleep, Jo= yce slipped into Buffy's room and sat in a chair out of view of the window. Buffy was usually a heavy sleeper. Joyce suspected it was from all the w= ork and strain her seventeen-year-old daughter faced. A shadow covered the moonlight in Buffy's window. Joyce held her breath = as the man slipped through her daughter's window. He silently approached th= e sleeping girl and barely stroked her face with his fingertips. Buffy lea= ned into his touch, even sleeping. He flattened his palm on her cheek and he= ld it there for a moment. "Buffy . . ." he whispered with great pain. He stepped back about a foot. "Hello, Angel," Joyce said softly. Angel whirled around and looked at the Slayer's mother with wild eyes. S= he offered the faintest of smiles before approaching the vampire. He was surprised she wasn't yelling her head off at him, but he was too afraid t= o move. He'd fought some of the most dangerous vampires, Slayers, and demo= ns on earth, yet he was afraid of this mortal woman. The Slayer's mother. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't scream right now," Joyce dared. He was silent for a moment, wondering what answer would express what he w= as thinking. "You would wake her up," Angel replied, whispering. Joyce nodded in understanding. "I want you to understand something," Joyce said. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see her. I=97 I'll go," Angel said as he turned. "Wait, I didn't tell you to leave," Joyce replied almost harshly. << Is she insane? >> Angel wondered. << If she is, it's my fault. >> Ang= el glanced at Buffy as she softly moaned in her sleep. He wondered what she was dreaming or what nightmare she was having. "Did Buffy tell you what happened during the thing with . . . Acathla?" Joyce asked. "Not all of it," Angel said. "I kicked her out of the house because I couldn't accept her being the Slayer. She spent the summer living on her own, taking care of herself," Joyce said slowly. Angel looked shocked and horrified. "She=97 she was alone?" Angel asked. Joyce nodded. "None of us knew it was *you* she sent to Hell and not Angelus. . . ." "We're the same," Angel interrupted. "Did you always interrupt your mother when she was talking?" Angel gave h= er a slight nod and a little half-smirk. "If you and Angelus were the same= , you would have tried to kill Buffy instead of watch her sleep. You must really love her to find some pleasure in watching her sleep," Joyce said. "Maybe some perverse pleasure. . . ." "Maybe I ought to slap you where you stand," Joyce threatened. "Maybe *y= ou* think you *deserve* to be tortured. . . . As I was saying, Buffy doesn't have much. I mean, I like to think I provide for her the material things she needs . . . except a car . . . but there's only so much I can give he= r. "You took a little girl, and you fell in love with her. And you made her fall in love, and you changed her into a woman. I'm her mother. I love = her more than I love myself. But, you, you're *her* Angel. And, I honestly don't know if she can live without you. . . ." "She can do fine without me. She's strong, the strongest person I know. It's not just me, Misses Summers. . . ." "Joyce." "Joyce, it's everything. It's just unnatural. I'm a vampire, and she ki= lls vampires. Everything around us goes against it . . ." "Don't you mean every*one*?" "Everyone too. =97It doesn't matter. We can't. Not again. We thought = we could make it work, and it didn't," Angel said. "I want what's best for her. If that's you, then so be it. It's no one'= s business but yours and hers," Joyce said. "There isn't anything to be anyone else's business. It's over," Angel sa= id as he slipped out his lover's window. "There will be. . . ." ***** END PART ONE. . . ***** ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 11:24:03 -0000 From: "mace" Subject: BUFFYFIC: "The Game Played" (2/6) by Mace TITLE: The Game Played AUTHOR: Mace DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to be affiliated with Joss Whedon, Mutant Enem= y, the Warner Brothers, or Twentieth Century Fox. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or related characters, topics, settings, or personalities. All this is owned by those mentioned above. Avoid suing me. I would appreciate it and so will you. SUMMARY: Buffy/Angel with some Willow/Oz thrown into it. This takes place after "Lover's Walk." Faith didn't like being used by her 'Watcher' or by one Alexander Harris. She decided it was time other people got what they wanted. With Cordelia in the hospital and Willow and Oz having their own problems, Faith turns to the person who wants nothing but happiness for h= er daughter. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I realize some of this might be off-character. I can't yet write for Faith or really Oz. I'll get better. Upon writing this, I reali= ze that there is very little plot, and it is primarily an emotional piece. I think you like it anyway because it's lacking all that **MUSH** and has s= ome substance. FEEDBACK: The phrase here is 'of course.' I really love feedback. Send as much as possible. Bubba, Snake, and Eugene are my biggest fans. They thin= k *everyone* should send feedback. We *know* you're reading this. Don't mak= e my biggest fans ruin their new clothes (and yours) by making them come af= ter you. Send it to ***** PART TWO ***** "Faith . . . This is Joyce . . . He came by last night . . . Yeah, I tol= d him . . . He was reluctant . . . Go to step two. . . . Don't worry about = the curse. I have that taken care of . . ." Joyce hung up just as Buffy came down the stairs. She had orange juice a= nd sticky buns waiting for her daughter. "Ooh=97 sticky buns! . . .These weren't made by a certain psycho boyfrien= d, were they?" Buffy asked suspiciously. "No, of course not," Joyce said with a smile. "Good then," Buffy said as she took a bite. ***** "Hey," Buffy said softly. "Hey," Angel replied. "I couldn't. . . . I couldn't stay away from you," Buffy admitted. "You shouldn't be here. You're right, we can't ever be =91just friends.'= Even Spike could tell that we'd never be just friends," Angel said. Buffy looked up into his eyes and planted perhaps the most chaste kiss of his life on his lips. They weren't even touching. "Maybe I don't want to be just friends," Buffy said. "Maybe?" Angel said slowly with an amused glint in his eyes. Buffy crushed herself against Angel, and Angel crushed himself against Angel. And, they held each other. He didn't care what the Watcher or an= y of her friends wanted. She was his. That's all that mattered. "I love you," he whispered. "Angel, I . . ." Angel shot up in of bed and looked around the room. He couldn't believe = it. << A dream? It was a dream? >> He could still feel the kiss on his lips.= << No! No, why? It . . . >> "Buffy," he whispered, his voice filled with pain. ***** "Hey, Cordy," Buffy said. "Hi, Buffy," Cordelia said weakly. "How are you feeling?" Buffy asked as she set some flowers down. "Like I was stabbed in the stomach by a piece of wood, and someone ripped= my heart and crushed it. Oh, wait, it happened," Cordelia said bitterly. "What about you?" "I'm good. I mean, well, my mom knows Angel's back. I'm not friends wit= h Angel anymore, like we ever could be friends anyway. He'll probably leav= e Sunnydale now if it makes you feel safer," Buffy said. "I'm sorry, Buffy," she said weakly. "And, no, it doesn't make me feel safer. I know you liked=97 loved him." "I did," Buffy admitted. "You don't now?" Cordelia asked. "It doesn't matter," Buffy said, cutting her eyes. "Buffy," Cordelia said, "one brokenhearted girl to another, get what you want. You need a little less =91I'm-the-Slayer-and-save-the-world' and a little more Cordelia Chase Queen Bitca of Sunnydale. Do what you want, Buffy." "Last time I did what I wanted, I left town," Buffy said. Cordelia didn't have anything to say about that. It was obvious the girl still cared about Angel, and everyone had practically stoned her to death when they found out Angel was back. Giles should have understood what Bu= ffy was going through. He'd been understanding *until* Angel had come back. He'd lost someone he loved=97 Miss Calendar, and Giles would have done anything in his power to have her back. Buffy *had* a chance to get her love back, but no one seemed to understand. There was a comfortable silence. "Buffy," Cordelia said. "Yeah?" "Out of all the friends I've ever had, you're probably the best. I mean,= I harassed you, called you names, and been a bitca to you. And, you saved = my life so many times. . . . I've never had a friend like you," Cordelia sa= id. << You've never betrayed me. >> "It's okay, Cordy. You've really turned out to be nice. I mean, there w= as that problem with the Homecoming and all, but you're a good friend," Buff= y said. "Thank you. It means a lot to me. You have to go, don't you?" Cordy sai= d. "Why?" Buffy asked. Cordy motioned to the window. "It's dark," Cordy said. "Oh, yeah, patrol." "You'll come back tomorrow?" Cordy asked hopefully. "Yeah, I will if you want me to," Buffy said. "I do." On an impulse, Buffy leaned over and hugged the injured girl lightly. As Buffy left, Queen C could be seen with tears in her eyes. ***** The Bronze . . . Oz and Willow were dancing to a slow song. The Dingoes weren't playing t= hat night, and so Oz had a free night. That was how Xander found the two of them. Strangely, though, he couldn't bring himself to feel upset about i= t. It only deepened the gash in his heart when his Queen was missing. "Hey, Xander," Faith said. "Hey, Faith, you look nice," Xander said. "Thanks, Xander. I'm going to meet someone," Faith said. "Oh=97 Faith's got a love interest?" Xander teased. "So, is he worthy of= the mighty Slayer?" "I would suppose so, but it's not like that. I'm just going to see Angel= ," Faith said. Xander paled visibly. "Angel? Buffy's ex-honey, Angel?" Xander asked. "Yeah. Why?" Faith asked. "He's dangerous!" Xander declared. << And you know you want to follow me, Harris. C'mon. I might get hurt.= >> Faith thought. "It's not really any of your business, is it? I mean, the worst he could= do is tie me up and carry me to his lair. At least, that would be fun," Fa= ith said as she sauntered out of the Bronze. << She's right. She might get hurt. I'm not letting that freak hurt any= one else. . . . Fun? She thinks it would be fun?!? >> ***** "Angel?" Angel's eyes focused on the woman in front of them. << Buffy's mom. >> He dropped his hands to his sides and straightened up. "Hi," Angel said. "That that you were doing. What was that?" Joyce asked. "Tai chi," Angel answered. "Would you like to go for a walk? I want to know what really went on all this time. I ask Buffy, but I know it hurts her to think about it. Rupe= rt is too hung up on staking you to give an objective view. I want you to te= ll me, in your own words, what =91losing your soul' really was," Joyce said. "It's not really safe to go for a walk in the dark in Sunnydale," Angel said. "You'll protect me," Joyce said surely. "How do you know I won't kill you a drink your blood?" Angel asked, narrowing his eyes. "Because you wouldn't have said anything if you were," Joyce said. "Let me get a shirt," Angel said. ***** Faith could hear Xander behind her about a couple of feet. "Angel?" Faith practically yelled. There was no answer, for Angel and Joyce had left about fifteen minutes prior. Faith moved a Queen Anne's chair facing away from the window, so, when Xander eavesdropped (Faith was sure he would), Xander wouldn't be able to tell Angel wasn't there. And, even if he was, Xander wouldn't have been able to hear Angel because he was facing the wall and a good twenty feet away from the window. She surveyed the room and waited until she heard Xander. << Hurry up, Harris, I don't have time to wait on your slow butt. . . . >= > He stepped on some leaves. << Showtime! >> "Look, Angel," Faith began, "it wouldn't be like a serious relationship. You have a seriously good-looking bod, and you seem like a nice guy. I k= now you're worried about Buffy. . . ." "Even if we did =91do the deed,' I wouldn't cause you a moment of happine= ss. I'm not Buffy. You don't love me, and will always love her. . . . I'm no= t upset or jealous. I don't want a serious relationship, Angel. Just some company," Faith said. << Not that way, Faith? Angel is Buffy's . . . >> Xander felt like he wo= uld spit. << Why do I care who Deadboy dates? >> "I don't really know if Buffy still loves you," Faith lied to the empty r= oom and Xander. "But, it can't really work out. You've said that yourself. = . . . Forget you're a vamp and I'm a Slayer. . . . We can just have some fun=97 keep each other company=97 you know, do friend-stuff." << This is pretty fun. Not only do I get to help Buffy, but I get to get Xander back for using me as his personal hit man. >> Faith though. << I can't believe her! She's double-crossing Buffy! >> "Well=97 that's good," Faith said. "You wanna hit the Bronze tomorrow? = . . .Where, then? . . .I don't like surprises. . . . Don't make me stake you= ! . . .I would so!" There was a pause. "I gotta go, Angie. Patrol and all," Faith said. She leaned down as if she was giving the vampire a kiss and left. ***** END PART TWO . . . (He-he-he-he) ***** ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V3 #15 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (