From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V3 #23 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Monday, January 18 1999 Volume 03 : Number 023 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Best Intentions, (11/18) BUFFYFIC: After the Fire BUFFYFIC: Can't Hide the Past (4c/?) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 10:39:59 PST From: "Andrea Newbery" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Best Intentions, (11/18) Title: Best Intentions Author: Andrea e-mail: disclaimer: These characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB, etc. They are not mine. spoilers: Everything up to the end of season two. distribution: Sure, just let me know. rating: PG-13, I think. There's a little swearing in this part. summary: Xander/Cordelia. This fic is set in the same timeline as Christine's amazing story, 'The Wildest Times in the World' although technically this story takes place before that one. If you haven't read it, e-mail me and I'll send it to you. Feedback: Please. Good, bad, anything. Thanks to Christine, for writing the story that started this, and for helping me when I got stuck and for thinking up the title. And there's still more I could thank you for. :) August 3, 2006 Xander drove aimlessly around town, the knowledge that Cordelia was carrying his child pushing out all other rational thought. He wasn't sure if he was looking for her to talk to her or to kill her. How could she do that to him? Sleep with him on the beach and then run away before morning? His anger built as he realized that she had never had any intention of telling him. If Willow hadn't figured it out, he would never have known his child, never even have known he had a child. The rage was almost spilling out of him when he saw her car parked in front of a run down apartment building. He braked hard, the tires screeching along the pavement. Jumping out of the car he saw Cordelia exiting the building, a large suitcase in each hand. He ran over to her, not noticing the pain in her face or the awkward way she was walking. He was directly in front of her before she saw him, her eyes widening as he grabbed the suitcases from her and threw them towards her car. "Going somewhere Cordelia?" His voice sounded frightening to his own ears as he stared down at her. She made a small sound, somewhere between a gasp and a moan before trying to walk around him. He let her pass him before turning around to speak again. "Ever plan on telling the baby about its father?" She froze for a moment, before beginning to walk towards her car again, her gait slow and wobbly. He caught up with her quickly, spinning her around to face him. "It's my baby Cordelia." She stared up at him, her eyes widening. Shaking her head she backed away from him. "Are you crazy Xander? How could it be your baby?" Her voice struggled to be derisive, but the shakiness was too evident. Xander shook his head, trying to contain his anger. "Don't lie to me. Willow figured it out." Cordelia took a deep breath, then she spoke softly. "I'm leaving town Xander. No one will ever know." "I know." He screamed at her, using all his self-control to keep from shaking her. "This is my baby too." "Xander." She whispered his name, her voice full of pain. "Save the wounded act Cordelia." He spat the words at her, too angry to listen to her try and explain. "I don't know how you did it, but Willow and Buffy are both singing your praises once again." He paced in a circle around her unable to stand still. He stopped suddenly, his voice cold as he interrogated her. "Was it good Cordy?" Cordelia stared at him blankly so he asked her again. "Was it good fucking a drunk man? Did I satisfy you? Or was the thought of my money enough?" "Don't." Cordelia spoke softly, but her voice held none of the fear it had earlier. She considered him carefully before continuing. "I made love to a man that loved me and missed me. A man who gave me more joy in a drunken embrace than I have felt in the last five years." She walked closer to him, and stared him straight in the eyes as she finished. "It wasn't about money, or prestige. It was about love. I know I shouldn't have done it, but I'm not sorry. And I won't let you make me feel guilty for it." She turned then and walked over to where one of her suitcases lay, bending down slowly to pick it up. Xander watched her moving, the anger that had been leading him fading away, leaving only sadness. He walked over to her, gently taking the suitcase from her hand and setting it down beside her car. She said nothing as he collected the other suitcase and brought it to sit beside the first. Xander turned to her, looking at her for the first time without a haze of anger surrounding him. She looked very young standing there, her face pale and gaunt as she waited to see what he would do. He stood transfixed, suddenly wanting to hold her in his arms and tell her that everything would be okay. Instead he cleared his throat; Willow's words reverberating in his head, and asked her the question he truly feared the answer to. "Willow said you loved me. That you always loved me. Is it true?" Cordelia's face crumbled, the tears spilling down her cheeks as she nodded her head. Taking deep breaths she struggled to speak, her voice trembling. "Yes." He closed his eyes as her affirmation washed over him, stumbling backwards until he was leaning against her car. He stood there for a minute unable to speak before he opened his eyes and looked at her. She stood there, her arms wrapped around her stomach as she sobbed. Walking over to her, he touched her arms softly and looked down at her. Speaking carefully he asked the question he had been haunted by for the last five years. "Why then? Why did you leave me?" She stared up at him, her eyes full of pain, but when she spoke her voice was calm, almost cold. "Why didn't you try and stop me?" "Cordelia." Xander whispered, suddenly sure that no answer he could give her would make it right. "I don't know. You seemed so different, so much like the snob I had always hated. Like what we had didn't matter." She sagged against him, only his hands on her arms keeping her upright. She stared at him; her eyes pools of agony and loneliness as she pleaded with him to make her understand. "Why did you believe me? Why didn't you know that something was wrong?" "What was wrong?" He asked her, knowing in his heart that he had been mad at the wrong person all these years. She straightened up, a look of pain crossing her face before she backed away from him. "Just let it go Xander. It was a long time ago, and it really doesn't matter anymore." She moved towards her suitcases, her car keys jingling in her hand. Xander moved towards her, angry that she could walk away. He spoke loudly, the anger back in his voice. "Let it go? I've spent the last five years in misery because you left me for some reason that you don't even think matters?" She spun around, reacting to the anger in his voice with anger of her own. She threw her head back, her eyes glaring as she spoke calmly and coldly. "I left you because I saw you and Buffy kissing in the graveyard. I was a bitch because I thought it would be easier for you and Buffy if you could be together without guilt. I did it because I stupidly thought that you two would have a happy life. I did it because I loved both of you so much that all I wanted was for you to be happy." Xander stood there stunned, his stomach sinking as the depth of the mistake he had made sunk in. How could he not have known? She had began acting strangely on the very night he had kissed Buffy. He stepped forward slightly, wanting to go down on his knees and beg for her forgiveness, but he didn't know what to say. He couldn't even understand why he had never suspected, how could he expect her to understand? So he just watched silently, tears streaming down his face as she fumbled with her car keys and opened the trunk. "Cordelia?" The word was strangled through his throat, his head still spinning. He took a tentative step toward her, not knowing what he would say; just knowing that he couldn't let her leave without at least trying to explain. She was leaning against the car, not reacting to him as he moved closer, his stomach sinking even lower. He touched her shoulder cautiously and she moved slightly, a gasp of pain escaping her lips. He dimly heard another car screech to a stop in front of the apartment building as Cordelia grabbed her stomach and sunk to the ground, crying out in agony. "The baby." Cordelia gasped out, looking up at Xander for help. He leaned down to pick her up, his heart beating wildly and turned to see Willow and Buffy running towards them. He took off towards Buffy's jeep, screaming at them to get back to the car. He ran as fast as he could, the terror in Cordelia's eyes spurring him on. Buffy jumped into the driver's seat as he climbed into the back with Cordelia. "Hospital. Fast." He choked out as he looked down at Cordelia and realized that she was unconscious. He smoothed her hair back from her face, whispering his love to her, promising her that everything would be all right. He looked up once to meet Willow's worried eyes before letting the tears flow freely. "Oh God Willow. What did I do?" His voice was thick with guilt as he stared at the still form in his lap. "What did I do?" "Xander." Willow began, then stopped as she saw the look in Xander's eyes. Buffy drove fast towards Sunnydale General, ignoring every stop sign and red light until she pulled up at the emergency entrance. Xander had the door open before the car was even stopped, running into the hospital with Cordelia in his arms. He quickly explained the situation to the nurse and Cordelia was quickly put on a stretcher and taken away. He stood staring down the hallway they had taken her until Buffy and Willow came to stand beside him. They stood on either side of him, softly supporting him as they led him over to the waiting room and sat him down in a chair. He sat staring at the floor, until Buffy touched his arm and spoke softly to him, her voice frightened. "Xander?" He froze at the sound of her voice, for one moment furiously angry with her, but it passed quickly. His voice was textured with guilt and fear as he spoke. "She saw when we kissed. That's why she left." "I know." Buffy answered softly, her voice sad. "I'm so sorry." He didn't say anything after that; the fear was too pervasive to allow him any words. Willow and Buffy sat beside him silently as the night wore away, neither of them moving. When the first rays of dawn were just beginning to break the nurse came to get him; her expression slightly panicked. She took him down the long hallway explaining as they walked that the baby was gone and that Cordelia was not taking it well. "Where is she?" Xander questioned, his pace quickening. The nurse motioned towards a closed door and Xander sprinted to it, not knocking before he threw himself into the room. He stopped just inside the door, the sight of Cordelia freezing him. She was sitting up in the bed, two nurses holding her down as she struggled to get up. Her hair was plastered to her pale face and she was sobbing hysterically. One of the nurses turned to him, asking him if he was the husband. He opened his mouth to say no, but nodded instead, moving slowly to stand at the foot of the bed. "Cordy?" He whispered, his voice choked with sorrow. She stopped struggling at the sound of his voice, her eyes searching his face. "Xander?" Her voice was terrified as she stared at him. He moved closer to her, the nurses letting go of Cordelia's arms and backing away. Reaching down he touched her face, smoothing the hair back. Whispering her name again, he wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed. Her head pushed against his face as she cried on his shoulder as if she would never stop. He felt his own tears slipping down his face as he kissed her head and murmured meaningless words of comfort. Her sobs finally slowed and she pulled away from him, leaning back against the pillow, her eyes red and swollen. She looked up at him, her voice hoarse as she spoke. "You would have loved the baby." It was a statement more than a question, but he nodded his head anyway, his hand reaching out to cover hers. She stared at him for another minute before speaking again. "The baby was everything to me. It was all I had, all I wanted." "Cordelia." He uttered, feeling totally helpless to comfort her. "I'm here for you." She didn't say anything in response to his words, her expression impossible to read as she stared down at the sheet covering her, her fingers plucking aimlessly at the fabric. When she lifted her eyes again it was only to whisper that she was okay now, and that she wanted to be alone for a while. Xander leaned over and kissed the top of her head before walking away. He moved slowly down the hallway, barely noticing the people who passed him, faces that were blurred by the tears in his eyes. He forced himself to keep moving, to keep the tears hidden, until he could be alone. Willow and Buffy stood up as soon as they saw him enter the room, their faces filling with sorrow as they looked at him. They moved simultaneously over to him, wrapping themselves around him as they cried. He didn't cry though, he couldn't, the guilt he felt overwhelming him. Pushing them away he walked shakily over to the chairs and sat down, feeling the weight of his failure pushing on him. "How is she?" Willow asked, kneeling in front of him, her goodness shining in her eyes. "Sleeping. She wants to be alone." Xander mumbled, before sitting up straight, his hands balled into fists. "I wanted to tell her that she's already been alone too much, but I didn't. What could I possibly have to offer her now, especially after everything I've done, everything I've said?" He posed the question to no one in particular, knowing there was no good answer. "You love her." Buffy offered, her face showing the pain of the guilt she was feeling. "Yeah." Xander laughed bitterly. "I've done a great job of loving her so far." "She needs you now Xander. She'll need all of us." Willow said. "And I'm sure we'll be the first people she turns to." Xander spat out, unable to keep the anger he felt from showing in his voice. He felt as if he would never take another breath without regretting every moment of the past five years. His mind was racing as he remembered every cruel word he had said to her since she had returned, every horrible fate he had wished upon her. "We'll make it up to her." Buffy promised, her face determined. "How?" Xander questioned angrily. "Can you make our baby live?" He stared at Buffy intently, seeing the same guilt that turned his stomach reflected in her eyes. Feeling the tears burning his throat he turned his head from her, covering his face with his hands as he mourned for the baby he had just discovered and lost. A picture flashed in his mind of Cordelia holding their child, her expression full of joy. Sobs finally burst from his body as he thought of the life that could have been, the baby that would have brought them both such happiness. No one tried to stop his tears, they let him mourn for his child as they sat by his side, both of them softly crying. They were silent long after he had finally stilled his tears, knowing that there was nothing anyone could say right now that could make it any better. Xander didn't move from his chair for the entire day, his eyes watching everyone who entered the hallway that held Cordelia. He didn't move when Willow finally went to get something to eat, and he didn't move when she came back an hour later and told him that Cordelia had checked herself out and that she didn't want to see him. He just sat there as another night fell, saying nothing at all. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 13:43:55 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: After the Fire Title: After the Fire Name: Northlight email: Spoilers: Gingerbread (that is the title, isn't it? Whatever. The latest one). Summary: Joyce deals with her guilt. Disclaimer: They don't belong to me... but then, we all knew that already, didn't we? Joyce Summers looked around her living room, trying to hold onto some semblance of control. Wide, horrified eyes swept across the couches where she and her fellow members of MOO had planned their next step in an escalating program of fear and retribution. From there, her eyes shifted towards the stairs, where only hours ago, two children had stood urging her to destroy her own daughter. That memory sent Joyce's eyes snapping down to the floor where she had dropped her drugged and horrified daughter. One trembling hand flew to Joyce's mouth, and she clenched her eyes shut. The darkness behind her eyes offered her no reprieve from the memories swirling around her. Fire danced through her mind, as merciless as she had been. She gagged helplessly as she thought of how close that fire had come to claiming three innocent lives. She had nearly _killed_ three children. She had nearly killed her own _daughter_. A mother was supposed to protect her children, not persecute and hunt them down. Joyce's eyes filled with helpless tears. Buffy had hugged her, whispering reassuring words to her, letting her know that she was alive. Joyce had held her daughter to her desperately, even Buffy's form in her arms seeming unreal. Since discovering her daughter's destiny, Joyce had worried constantly about her falling before some demon. She had never thought that she could be used as an instrument of destruction. Joyce had always believed in non-violence and freedom. And yet, she had turned against those ideals with an ease that terrified her. As if sensing what her mother was thinking, Buffy had repeated earnestly that it hadn't been Joyce's fault. It had been the monster, she had said. It had been using everyone. That didn't, _couldn't_ make the guilt leave. She had roused the entire town into a frenzy of hatred and violence. She had helped to set parents against their own children. 'And what if everyone wasn't saved? What if some people decided to act on their own against the witches?' A low moan escaped her at that thought. What had begun as a quest to help make her home a better place for everyone had deteriorated into yet another burst of violence and death throughout Sunnydale. She had eagerly, joyfully burned books at her daughter's bound feet. She had lashed out at her with hurtful words. She had become as great a monster as those Buffy fought. Joyce's eyes peeled open, latching onto the posters scattered around the room. The two demon children who had led her step by step through the witch hunt stared out at her, mocking smiled on their lips. A low hiss broke through Joyce's clenched teeth. Without conscious thought, she was moving forward, her jaw clenched and her hands balled into fists. She reached out towards the nearest poster, her breaths harsh as she glared down at it. "Never again, indeed!" she growled suddenly, the small faces tearing apart beneath her hands. Joyce watched them flutter down to the carpet before reaching out for a pickets. She hefted it up marched towards her office. With a shout, she brought it down against the desk, the papers, the posters, against everything that had been the woman she had become. *** Buffy approached her house warily, weariness and worry making her steps slow. She and Giles had finished up monster cleaning duty, and now she was coming home to an even more strenuous job. Her mother was an emotional mess, Buffy recognized. It would be a long night of talking and crying before either of them would be able to even seriously consider sleep. Buffy stepped into the house and stopped short. She looked around, blinking rapidly in surprise. Someone had been on one hell of a rampage. "Mom?!" Buffy called out softly, moving deeper into her home. She found Joyce in her office, sitting on the floor surrounded by the remains of her office. Joyce looked up and smiled weakly. "You're right, Buffy. What kind of an acronym was MOO anyway?" ~End~ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 05:46:30 EST From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Can't Hide the Past (4c/?) Title: Can't Hide the Past Author: Anna Perez (Shadows) E-mail: Feedback: Please? Rating: PG-13 to R Disclaimer: Characters seen on the Idiot Box belong to Joss Whedon & the WB Distribution: Just ask for permission Summary: 15 years after my own season 3 finale, the characters of BtVS find themselves thrown back together under unusual circumstances. Note: The last episode that I have seen is "Amends". I will follow the show from up to there, and then it's my playground. ***** Oz was trying to explain to Cordelia that this might be the indirect cause of a spell he, Willow, and Echo where doing the day before, but only so much could enter Cordelia Harris' head at once. She only heard the words "Willow" and "spell." "So this is *Willow's* fault?" she fumed. "Why does everything that happens to me in this Factory has to be because of *Willow*." Oz imagined that there was smoke coming out of her ears, and he tried not to let a smile appear on his face from the comical mental image. "Cordelia, calm down," he soothed. "Listen to e-ver-y-thing I say-" "Oz!" "Cordelia?" The two separate voice rang out in the emptiness of the factory. "Down here- wait, we'll be up there in a second!" Oz called out, recognized the voices of Xander and Willow. He was glad to see them-if they were stuck in Sunnydale and they were alive, then there was a chance of getting out of this town living and breathing and to find a way out of whatever mess they were in. "Oz?" It was Xander's voice, lined with worry. "Is Cordelia down there with you?" "Yes I am!" Cordelia answered for herself, and Oz winced at the volume. "And Alexander Harris, you better explain what the *hell* is going on when I get up there! Both to Oz and me!" "I promise, Cordy," Xander called from up above. Cordelia relaxed at the sound of her husband's voice. "Hey!" Oz yelled up at Xander. "I'll hoist her up there, and you grab her arms, ok? You don't have to crawl up there. And Willow?" "Yeah?" Her voice was small and sounded like bells. "I'll be up right after Cordy, ok?" No answer. "Everything's fine, baby. I'm here." The answer was a very soft murmur of "I know." Oz paused for a moment to mull over Willow's strange comment, and then shrugged it off. He grabbed Cordelia by the waist and lifted her clear over his head. He noticed that Xander had hold of her arms because Cordelia's body went taut. He pushed her up as Xander pulled and didn't let go until his hands slipped off her shoes. Then, making sure the hole was cleared, he bent his leg muscles and then let them loose, jumping out of the hole. The scene before him so stunned him that he practically fell back down again. ***** What was he expecting? It was hard to put it into words. Maybe . . . a taller version of him. Yes, that was one thing that he was expecting-hoping was a more aptly put word, actually. And maybe he'd have gotten his grown spurt, and not be so damn lanky. And maybe he'd be able to keep his hair color just one shade, and maybe he'd have finally grown a real goatee instead of fuzz. Maybe. Sadly, his hopes were dashed. If the gang had thought both Willow's looked alike, past Oz and Future Oz could be mistaken for twins. They both were rather short; They both were lanky, although F-Oz was slightly thinner; Oz's hair a dulled brown (his original color) and F-Oz's a reddish- brown; they both had fuzz that half-passed for goatees or just the inability to shave. Oz was disappointed. F-Oz was floored. "Ok, is anybody *else* seeing double?" F-Oz asked. F-Willow turned towards him and her arm slinked around his back. Needing some sense of security himself, he hung his arm about her shoulders and pulled her close, like they had been doing on the balcony just minutes ago. Except . . . no jacket. Darn, he had liked that jacket, he'd had it forever; but he loved Willow more and was worried more about losing her than a half-replaceable jacket. He noticed that she was shivering, and he wrapped another arm around her. F- Willow hugged him and they looked like one person. It was sweet. "Yeah," F-Xander sighed, holding his own wife in his arms. "You see, seems my younger self decided to transport all of us back to the past as a 'fluke accident', and we're here, so we're stuck here until we can find a way back." He looked at F-Oz, waiting to see what he would say or do. "That's . . . certainly something," F-Oz said, grasping for the right words and finding none. "And who says things change?" Xander muttered under his breath. Buffy overheard him and flashed him grin, which he sent right back. He was watching F-Xander holding what he was pretty damn sure was F-Cordelia. And however elating, it was also strange and confusing. He had the feeling that an explanation wasn't coming his way any time soon. "So, you're saying we're in the past . . . ?" F-Cordelia said, her voice showing a surprising strength. Xander looked down at her, and she tilted his head up. Her nose met with his chin when they stood like that. "Oh. Ohmigod." "We're not in Kansas anymore," Oz noted, shaking his head at what was going on. "Yeah, well, thanks for the brilliant observation, Toto," Cordelia shot back harshly, and Oz flinched. "I'm sorry," she quickly apologized, and then brought a hand to her forehead. "Ohmigod, this is just too much . . ." She turned to look at everyone in the room, and as soon as her eyes landed on Buffy she whipped Xander around and began a heated and muted conversation. Willow and Oz just stared at the almost-identical couple. They were moving their mouths as though they were speaking to each other, but no sound whatsoever came out. They went like this for awhile, everyone explaining what they were going through, and then F-Cordelia let out a long, "Oh, I get it now. But if I get the chance, I'm still gonna claw her eyes out." "If Cordelia gets it, I get it," F-Oz whispered to his wife, and she giggled. "Well," Buffy said, spinning a stake idly in her hands. There were no vampires tonight, and she just wanted to get the next pick-up over with. She knew she was next, and she knew exactly where she was. "Um, so now what?" Oz asked, and they all turned to look towards Buffy, who obviously would take over as the leader of the group. "Well, I know where I am," Buffy said, trying to keep her voice flat and emotionless, like Faith often did. For all she knew, she might not even be alive still. "I definitely know the place I most hate." "The place you most hate? Wait . . ." F-Oz looked between Buffy and F-Willow, and then Oz and Willow. F-Willow's grip tightened and she nodded in affirmation. They traded meaningful looks. F-Xander turned a strange shade of purple, and then looked away from F- Cordelia. F-Cordelia noted his awkwardness and pushed away her own. She grabbed his chin-stubble, jesus, didn't the man ever take time to shave?-and looked unwaveringly into his eyes. "I forgive you," she told him low and sternly, "and don't you dare think otherwise." F-Xander gave her a wane smile, and she kissed him lightly on the mouth. Xander almost let out an audible sigh. {Cordelia and I . . . back together? But if we're back together, how? The only talking she does to me now is to put me down, I can't believe she'd actually forgive me, and I want to be kissing her right now instead of my other self kissing her. It's no fair that I have to wait that long. Even though it's my fault that I have to wait.} "So we go get . . . Buffy, next?" F-Cordelia asked, after she was done making sure her husband knew she held no grudge. She looked towards the younger generation with her typical "So, am I right?" look. "Well, yeah," Buffy said, itching to get out of this Factory and over to where she thought she'd find her future self. "Then what are we waiting for?" F-Oz asked. In his arms, F-Willow made a small shrug. "Then let's go." ***** It was a tight squeeze-true-and it was a bit awkward-true-but the gang and their future selves tried to make the best of it. Meaning no one was speaking. F-Xander and F-Cordelia had claimed the back of the van, and were sprawled in comfortable positions while engaged in a conversation that included doing some strange version of patty-cake that kept sending them into fits of giggles. Xander was leaning on the doors, looking somewhere between falling asleep and gazing with confusion at the couple playing patty-cake. Buffy was on the opposite side of the doors with knees drawn up to her chin, deep in thought. F-Oz and F-Willow were leaning on the back of Oz's seat, F-Willow in F-Oz's lap, his arms wrapped tightly around her slim waist. He was whispering Shakespeare in her ear, and she had a happy and contented look in her face. Oz was in the front seat, trying to cope with the fact that less than a foot away stood, well, himself. In fact, he was so coping with it that it was the only thing on his mind, and he forgot the very much more important thing. "Uh, Buffy?' Oz called into the back. Everyone looked up from their respective thoughts and activities and looked at him attentively. "Where exactly are we going?" Buffy's jaw dropped but said nothing. That was F-Cordelia's job. "You mean you don't know?" she asked, her own jaw dropping. "Where've we been driving for the past, like, fifteen minutes?" F-Oz scooted over to where he could see out the windshield and craned his neck. "Looks like the city limits," he said, a touch of humor in his voice. "Oh, great one," F-Cordelia said, throwing her arms up. One of them hit F- Xander in the face, and he gently grabbed her arms and placed them in her lap. "Twelve steps," he told her sternly. "Twelve steps." F-Cordelia looked at him cluelessly, and then once getting the point, she gave an exasperated sigh, crossed her arms over her chest, and turned away from him. "I *hate* being a better person," she grumbled, an unhappy expression on her face. "That's funny," F-Xander said lightly, "because it seems you don't have much practice at it." F-Cordelia, astonished, turned to look at him, and then slapped him playfully on the arm. "You are such a smartass, Xander! You better be careful, or I'm gonna be serving you divorce papers" Everyone had a good quiet laugh in the van, and Buffy was about to speak up when F-Willow reached over to her and tugged out the hat-thing she had sat on. F-Willow held it up like a trophy and then waved it in front of F-Oz's face. "We still have this!" she proclaimed proudly, and then gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "What *is* it?" F-Cordelia asked, tapping her fingernails lightly on F- Xander's arm, which was slung casually around his wife's shoulders. F-Willow took one look at the hat-thing and shrugged. She looked at Oz, who shrugged in turn. "I don't really care. I just like it a lot 'cause it earned me a kiss." Oz grinned, and the grin grew wider as Willow grinned back. Ah, she had the sweetest smile . . . "I hate to break this moment," Buffy interrupted, a wistfulness evident in her voice-obviously wishing for happier time-"but it seems our ride has stopped." It had indeed. Oz was turned around with one arm draped over the headrest of his chair, looking over at Buffy. "So, where are we going?" he asked calmly. "You're on the right road," Buffy assured him. "But we're almost the to edge of Sunnydale," Willow pointed out, doubt evident in her voice. "Are you sure we're going the right way?" "I'm sure," Buffy said confidently. "We're headed to the mansion." //**\\ ~~~~Meanwhile, back at the library, a place filled with characters the author has been ignoring thus far, and she apologizes for that very fact . . .~~~~ Giles was seated at the table with the Pergamum Codex in front of him, a surefire way of figuring out what in the bloody hell was going on around here. Buffy, Xander, Willow, Oz, F-Xander, and F-Willow had gone out to round everyone else, leaving F-Faith behind to pretend to help him research. And also leaving that bloody dog here to destroy his library. D-Giles was currently nosing his wet muzzle through some very ancient and hard-to-replace books. "Hey, get!" he told the dog. D-Giles lifted his head to look at him for a second, wet brown eyes meeting Giles', and then the dog turned back to "reading" the covers. "Shoo!" Giles tried again, wanting to drive the dog away but not wanting to put any physical effort into it. This time, when he dog looked up at him, D- Giles gave his namesake a who-do-you-think-you-are-ordering-ME-around-like- that looks that reminded Giles too much of Cordelia to give him the power to keep a straight face. "Just call it by its name." Giles turned his head around and saw F-Faith leaning her chair back on two legs, one wicked-looking black boot sitting on top of the table, and the slayer herself giving it a literal spit-shine. "Call it by its name and tell it to fucking stop it. 'Shoo' ain't gonna cut it, gramps." Giles shook his head at her dirty mouth as he turned back to face the dog, who had taken the Malleus Maleficarum by the teeth. "Giles!" he said sharply, feeling extremely ridiculous. D-Giles looked up at, surprised that this impudent stranger was commanding authority. But that's all it took: a sharp glare, the mention of his name, and a "bad dog! Don't do it again!" verse once or twice. D-Giles hung his head and jumped down from the chair in which he had perched upon, slinking away to sulk in a corner. "Um, thank you," Giles said to F-Faith, who ignored him. He sighed and took his glasses off, running a hand nervously through his hair. "You're welcome," F-Faith muttered, trying to see if it was true, that you could see your own reflection in your shoes if they were shiny enough. She snorted. "Bullshit." "Pardon me?" Giles said, surprised. F-Faith took one look at him and shook her head sadly, wondering why she had to stay guard over both helpless puppies. ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V3 #23 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. 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