From: Roger Tawa Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Market Timing Date: 01 Apr 2003 08:01:44 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_xZtlAmlJpWgClKYOEBT2Lw) Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Boundary_(ID_PJBOImkk2zNrsWap9Iwunw)" --Boundary_(ID_PJBOImkk2zNrsWap9Iwunw) Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Hi Harold, Here you go: ================================================= Roger Tawa [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] [You ain't nothing yet.] -----Original Message----- []On Behalf Of Harold Josephson Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 11:19 PM Please point me toward the market timing package offered by one of the group 's subscribers, a former math prof, I think. Thanks. Harold Harold Josephson Tel: 323.850.1333 Fax: 323.512.8968 --Boundary_(ID_PJBOImkk2zNrsWap9Iwunw) Content-type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

Hi Harold,


Here you go:



Roger Tawa

[One thing about paradigms: shift happens.]

[You ain't nothing yet.]


-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Harold Josephson
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 11:19 PM
Subject: [CANSLIM] Market Timing


Please point me toward the market timing package offered by one of the group’s subscribers, a former math prof, I think.






Harold Josephson
Tel: 323.850.1333
Fax: 323.512.8968


--Boundary_(ID_PJBOImkk2zNrsWap9Iwunw)-- --Boundary_(ID_xZtlAmlJpWgClKYOEBT2Lw) Content-id: Content-type: image/jpeg; name=image001.jpg Content-transfer-encoding: base64 Content-disposition: attachment; filename=image001.jpg /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QSqUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+kAAAAAAHgAAwAAAEgA SAAAAAAC2gIo/+H/4QL5AkUDRwUoA/wAAgAAAEgASAAAAAAC2AIoAAEAAABkAAAAAQADAwMAAAAB Jw8AAQABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYAgAGQGQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4 QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEAAQBIAAAAAQABOEJJTQPzAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAA4QklNBAoAAAAA AAEAADhCSU0nEAAAAAAACgABAAAAAAAAAAI4QklNA/UAAAAAAEgAL2ZmAAEAbGZmAAYAAAAAAAEA L2ZmAAEAoZmaAAYAAAAAAAEAMgAAAAEAWgAAAAYAAAAAAAEANQAAAAEALQAAAAYAAAAAAAE4QklN A/gAAAAAAHAAAP////////////////////////////8D6AAAAAD///////////////////////// ////A+gAAAAA/////////////////////////////wPoAAAAAP////////////////////////// //8D6AAAOEJJTQQAAAAAAAACAAA4QklNBAIAAAAAAAIAADhCSU0ECAAAAAAAEAAAAAEAAAJAAAAC QAAAAAA4QklNBAkAAAAAApkAAAABAAAAgAAAAAEAAAGAAAABgAAAAn0AGAAB/9j/4AAQSkZJRgAB AgEASABIAAD//gAnRmlsZSB3cml0dGVuIGJ5IEFkb2JlIFBob3Rvc2hvcKggNC4wAP/uAA5BZG9i ZQBkgAAAAAH/2wCEAAwICAgJCAwJCQwRCwoLERUPDAwPFRgTExUTExgRDAwMDAwMEQwMDAwMDAwM DAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwBDQsLDQ4NEA4OEBQODg4UFA4ODg4UEQwMDAwMEREMDAwMDAwR DAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDP/AABEIAAEAgAMBIgACEQEDEQH/3QAEAAj/xAE/ AAABBQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAADAAECBAUGBwgJCgsBAAEFAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAEAAgMEBQYHCAkK CxAAAQQBAwIEAgUHBggFAwwzAQACEQMEIRIxBUFRYRMicYEyBhSRobFCIyQVUsFiMzRygtFDByWS U/Dh8WNzNRaisoMmRJNUZEXCo3Q2F9JV4mXys4TD03Xj80YnlKSFtJXE1OT0pbXF1eX1VmZ2hpam tsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3EQACAgECBAQDBAUGBwcGBTUBAAIRAyExEgRBUWFxIhMFMoGRFKGx QiPBUtHwMyRi4XKCkkNTFWNzNPElBhaisoMHJjXC0kSTVKMXZEVVNnRl4vKzhMPTdePzRpSkhbSV xNTk9KW1xdXl9VZmdoaWprbG1ub2JzdHV2d3h5ent8f/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APTqPon4/wAAir5X SQGyn6oSXyukip+qEl8rpJKfqhJfK6SSn6oSXyukkp+qEl8rpJKfqhJfK6SSn6oSXyukkp//2QA4 QklNBAYAAAAAAAcABAAAAAEBAP/+ACdGaWxlIHdyaXR0ZW4gYnkgQWRvYmUgUGhvdG9zaG9wqCA0 LjAA/+4ADkFkb2JlAGQAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBwUHCwYGCw4KCAoOEQ4ODg4RFhMTExMTFhEMDAwM DAwRDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAEHCQkTDBMiExMiFA4ODhQUDg4ODhQRDAwM DAwREQwMDAwMDBEMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwM/8AAEQgAAwZAAwERAAIRAQMR Af/dAAQAyP/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ qbnJ2en5KjpKWmp6ipqqusra6voRAAICAQIDBQUEBQYECAMDbQEAAhEDBCESMUEFURNhIgZxgZEy obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo +DlJWWl5iZmpucnZ6fkqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+v/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9N/vv+Lv+SWFhv5/7F37 7/i7/kliu/n/ALFbJ63H/dv0+lTFd/P/AGKj++/y/wDkliu/n/sVa29Tl8fSn7fCn/JPfFIRH/AY GTv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Bi rv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/w GKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3 /AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd /wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFX f8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gM Vd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+ AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8A gMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/ 4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq 7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wAB irv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Bi rv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/w GKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3 /AYq/wD/2Q== --Boundary_(ID_xZtlAmlJpWgClKYOEBT2Lw)-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] M Date: 02 Apr 2003 13:28:34 EST Ian: I could not agree more with your implied suggestion that WON is redefining his distribution days on the fly. He said (in IBD) that the first two dates aren't D-days because, even though the index closed lower on higher volume both days, the fact that it didn't close at its lows (and near its highs) indicates institutional support. This is a tough market, and this 3 year Bear can't have been good to IBD finances (and subscriber rates), but it makes me nervous when ANYONE revamps a tried and true definition because "this time it's different". That very well could be, but WON doesn't say WHY it is different this time. (In my opinion, I think he's right in that the markets are turning into a Bullish mode, but I don't think we are out of the Bearish woods yet. I'd keep my distribution definition intact: Its worked many times in the past, and now-at this juncture-should not be the time to re-define it). jans In a message dated 3/31/2003 4:11:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << Today marks the 3rd distribution day for the NASDAQ in the last 9 trading days: Wed 19th Thurs 27th Mon 31st >> - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jerome Buckmelter" Subject: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be breakout Date: 02 Apr 2003 19:22:33 -0800 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2F94D.37D57810 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Does anyone have an idea how to handle a "breakout" if it doesn't act right on the first day? I got fooled this morning by the huge volume FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day handle). Of course, everything else was surging upwards at the opening of the market! FRX cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the day a little above average. And the price, of course, dropped below my purchase price, but still held above the pivot. Some time ago I devised a strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven't tested it yet, and I hope I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a mistake with it. Here's my strategy: Sell near at the end of the first day if 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase price. Hold if volume does not materialize and stock price closes above the purchase price. Sell at the end of the second day if volume does not materialize, even if the price is up. Sell the second day if the price falls below the pivot. Is this a sound strategy? Does WON address this situation anywhere? Can anyone share their strategy? I would really appreciate some input. Thanks. ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2F94D.37D57810 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Does anyone have an idea how to handle a = “breakout” if it doesn’t act right on the first day?  I got fooled this morning by = the huge volume FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day handle). =  Of course, everything else was = surging upwards at the opening of the market!  = FRX cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the day a little = above average.  And the price, of course, = dropped below my purchase price, but still held above the pivot.  Some time ago I devised a = strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven’t tested it yet, and I hope = I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a mistake = with it.  Here’s my strategy:  Sell near at the end of the = first day if 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase price. = Hold if volume does not materialize and stock price closes above the purchase price. = Sell at the end of the second day if volume does not materialize, even if the = price is up.  Sell the second day if = the price falls below the pivot.  = Is this a sound strategy?  = Does WON address this situation anywhere?  = Can anyone share their strategy?  I = would really appreciate some input.  = Thanks.

------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2F94D.37D57810-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] M Date: 02 Apr 2003 23:05:15 -0500 jans, I remain unconvinced that WON either writes, reads, or even approves each article in IBD such as the one you cite. I do believe that the editors at IBD have considerable license to attempt to redefine CANSLIM and its rules, and not necessarily with implicit or actual consent of WON. Certainly, they will try to put a positive spin on anything that would discourage present or potential subscribers from taking a renewed interest in investing. I do agree with you, the definitions of distribution days are pretty clear, and redefining them is unwise. I like to look at a lot of different stuff in my evaluating and understanding of "M". One of those is a loose impression of investor sentiment, often gleaned from market summaries. Here are some of my observations from today: large cap driven, ratio of up to down volume far surpassed the ratio of up to down stocks; lots of money still sidelined but rushing back in as evidenced by 3-5% moves up on the biggest cap and best known names (INTC, MSFT, DIS, MO, JPM); market shrugging off bad news (e.g. factory orders down 1.5% vs expected decline of 0.7%, yesterday it was worse than expected news on the ISM Index), and there were also several downgrades today that barely declined; sector movement (software, networking, semiconductors all up about 5% or better); movement of oil / gold / US dollar (gold and oil crashed today and back below recent support); and the market's kneejerk reaction to news about the war in Iraq (as if wasting two Iraqi divisions means the war will be over tomorrow). I do agree, and have been saying, that how the markets have behaved in the months since hitting the October lows, and especially since hitting the more recent highs, does suggest strong institutional support. A lot of money is sitting on the sidelines, and the institutional money managers are scared to be left behind even in a short term rally. But that may simply mean that fear is driving many of them to disregard (reinvent) the rules, including on distribution. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 1:28 PM Ian: I could not agree more with your implied suggestion that WON is redefining his distribution days on the fly. He said (in IBD) that the first two dates aren't D-days because, even though the index closed lower on higher volume both days, the fact that it didn't close at its lows (and near its highs) indicates institutional support. This is a tough market, and this 3 year Bear can't have been good to IBD finances (and subscriber rates), but it makes me nervous when ANYONE revamps a tried and true definition because "this time it's different". That very well could be, but WON doesn't say WHY it is different this time. (In my opinion, I think he's right in that the markets are turning into a Bullish mode, but I don't think we are out of the Bearish woods yet. I'd keep my distribution definition intact: Its worked many times in the past, and now-at this juncture-should not be the time to re-define it). jans In a message dated 3/31/2003 4:11:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << Today marks the 3rd distribution day for the NASDAQ in the last 9 trading days: Wed 19th Thurs 27th Mon 31st >> - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be breakout Date: 02 Apr 2003 23:13:40 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0058_01C2F96D.7F99E9E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Jerome, assuming you are accurate in selecting the pivot point, and = bought within 5% of that point, then I would stick to a stop loss of 8 = -10% below your purchase price. This is a very volatile and emotional = market. I would also pay close attention to where such a stop loss price = places you with recent downside support. Depending on that, I might use = a larger or smaller stop loss, so that my selling point is just under = support, especially institutional support. =20 ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 10:22 PM Does anyone have an idea how to handle a "breakout" if it doesn't act = right on the first day? I got fooled this morning by the huge volume = FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day handle). Of course, = everything else was surging upwards at the opening of the market! FRX = cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the day a little = above average. And the price, of course, dropped below my purchase = price, but still held above the pivot. Some time ago I devised a = strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven't tested it yet, and = I hope I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a = mistake with it. Here's my strategy: Sell near at the end of the first = day if 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase = price. Hold if volume does not materialize and stock price closes above = the purchase price. Sell at the end of the second day if volume does not = materialize, even if the price is up. Sell the second day if the price = falls below the pivot. Is this a sound strategy? Does WON address this = situation anywhere? Can anyone share their strategy? I would really = appreciate some input. Thanks.=20 ------=_NextPart_000_0058_01C2F96D.7F99E9E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Jerome, assuming you are accurate in selecting = the pivot=20 point, and bought within 5% of that point, then I would stick to a stop = loss of=20 8 -10% below your purchase price. This is a very volatile and emotional = market.=20 I would also pay close attention to where such a stop loss price places = you with=20 recent downside support. Depending on that, I might use a larger or = smaller stop=20 loss, so that my selling point is just under support, especially = institutional=20 support.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Jerome=20 Buckmelter
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 10:22 PM
Subject: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be = breakout

Does anyone have an idea = how to=20 handle a =93breakout=94 if it doesn=92t act right on the first day?  I got fooled this morning by = the huge=20 volume FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day handle). =  Of course, everything else was = surging=20 upwards at the opening of the market! =20 FRX cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the = day a=20 little above average.  And = the=20 price, of course, dropped below my purchase price, but still held above = the=20 pivot.  Some time ago I = devised a=20 strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven=92t tested it yet, = and I hope=20 I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a = mistake with=20 it.  Here=92s my = strategy:  Sell near at the end of the = first day if=20 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase price. = Hold if=20 volume does not materialize and stock price closes above the purchase = price.=20 Sell at the end of the second day if volume does not materialize, even = if the=20 price is up.  Sell the = second day if=20 the price falls below the pivot.  = Is=20 this a sound strategy?  = Does WON=20 address this situation anywhere?  = Can anyone share their strategy? =20 I would really appreciate some input.  Thanks.=20

------=_NextPart_000_0058_01C2F96D.7F99E9E0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jeff Salisbury) Subject: [CANSLIM] Accessing the discussion canslim archives... Date: 03 Apr 2003 08:00:01 -0700 From time to time, CANSLIM members may wish to browse the discussion archives. This posting provides instructions on how to access the archives. Thanks to David Cameron for compiling the essentials of this message. Here are the two ways to access the archives: 1. The best way is to use your web browser. To browse the archives, point your browser to: 2. (Not as convenient) via email: Send an email to with the following as the body of your message: "index canslim". Then send a follow up email to request an old email from either the "archive" or "latest" directory. Note that your request must be in the body of your email. For example: "get canslim latest/001" will retrieve file "001" from the "latest" directory. "get canslim archive/v01.n066" will retrieve file "v01.n066" from the "archive" dir. Best Regards, Jeff Salisbury - CANSLIM list owner/admin - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jerome Buckmelter" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be breakout Date: 03 Apr 2003 08:04:12 -0800 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2F9B7.A428BDA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Tom, Thank you for your input. I value your insights and opinions. Is it not true that if volume does not reach 50%, a breakout has not occurred by definition? Therefore shouldn't I view the action I described with FRX as not a breakout, and think about treating the buy differently from a genuine breakout, i.e., setting the loss at 7% or 8%, etc.? I -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 8:14 PM Jerome, assuming you are accurate in selecting the pivot point, and bought within 5% of that point, then I would stick to a stop loss of 8 -10% below your purchase price. This is a very volatile and emotional market. I would also pay close attention to where such a stop loss price places you with recent downside support. Depending on that, I might use a larger or smaller stop loss, so that my selling point is just under support, especially institutional support. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 10:22 PM Does anyone have an idea how to handle a "breakout" if it doesn't act right on the first day? I got fooled this morning by the huge volume FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day handle). Of course, everything else was surging upwards at the opening of the market! FRX cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the day a little above average. And the price, of course, dropped below my purchase price, but still held above the pivot. Some time ago I devised a strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven't tested it yet, and I hope I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a mistake with it. Here's my strategy: Sell near at the end of the first day if 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase price. Hold if volume does not materialize and stock price closes above the purchase price. Sell at the end of the second day if volume does not materialize, even if the price is up. Sell the second day if the price falls below the pivot. Is this a sound strategy? Does WON address this situation anywhere? Can anyone share their strategy? I would really appreciate some input. Thanks. ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2F9B7.A428BDA0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Tom, Thank you for your input.  I value your insights and = opinions.  Is it not true that if volume = does not reach 50%, a breakout has not occurred by definition?  Therefore shouldn’t I = view the action I described with FRX as not a breakout, and think about treating = the buy differently from a genuine breakout, i.e., setting the loss at 7% or 8%, = etc.?   I<= /p>


-----Original = Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley
Sent: =
Wednesday, April 02, = 2003 8:14 PM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] = Bailing out of a would-be breakout


Jerome, assuming you are = accurate in selecting the pivot point, and bought within 5% of that point, then I = would stick to a stop loss of 8 -10% below your purchase price. This is a very volatile and emotional market. I would also pay close attention to where = such a stop loss price places you with recent downside support. Depending on = that, I might use a larger or smaller stop loss, so that my selling point is = just under support, especially institutional support.


----- Original Message = -----

To:<= /font> CANSLIM LIST

Sent: Wednesday, April 02, = 2003 10:22 PM

Subject: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be breakout


Does anyone have an idea = how to handle a “breakout” if it doesn’t act right on the = first day?  I got fooled this = morning by the huge volume FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day = handle).  Of course, everything else was = surging upwards at the opening of the market!  FRX cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the = day a little above average.  And = the price, of course, dropped below my purchase price, but still held above = the pivot.  Some time ago I = devised a strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven’t tested it = yet, and I hope I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a mistake with it.  = Here’s my strategy:  Sell near at the = end of the first day if 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase price. Hold if volume does not materialize and stock price = closes above the purchase price. Sell at the end of the second day if volume = does not materialize, even if the price is up.  Sell the second day if the price falls below the pivot.  Is this a sound strategy?  Does WON address this situation anywhere?  Can anyone share = their strategy?  I would really = appreciate some input.  Thanks. =

------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2F9B7.A428BDA0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Katherine Malm" Subject: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly Posting Date: 03 Apr 2003 10:47:50 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0023_01C2F9CE.78F6BAD0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit This FAQ is also available at: or (zipped version for those who are having trouble displaying the document within their browser) Scope of discussion, Etiquette: Here are a couple of quotes from the welcome email that Jeff Salisbury, the list owner and host, sends to each new member: "This is an unmoderated discussion group whose purpose is to provide a forum for individuals to: 1.. Discuss the ideas and concepts of CANSLIM. 2.. Add to the concepts of CANSLIM from personal experience. 3.. Exchange sources of information on the internet and software that can be used to select stocks using the CANSLIM methodology. 4.. Discuss specific equities and how they may or may not meet the CANSLIM criteria. " "Anyone who resorts to rudeness, flaming, and personal attacks will be removed from our group." “By signing up for this list, you agree to the following: This list is a private list. All information that you take from this list is for your private use only. Commercial use of this information is forbidden.” Commonly used (misc) abbreviations: BO or B/O = Breakout DD= Due Diligence dMA = days Moving Average (a simple moving average unless otherwise specified) FTD = Follow Through Day HTMMIS = "How to Make Money in Stocks" by William J. O'Neil IBD = Investors Business Daily ( IMHO = In My Humble Opinion sometimes used as IMO or JMO or my $0.02 LOL = Laughing Out Loud M = Market ( the "M" in CANSLIM) MA = Moving Average N = New (the "N" in CANSLIM) VR = Virtual Reality fund (Fund where “everything’s real except the money”…see WON = William O'Neil, originator of CANSLIM IBD/CANSLIM Proprietary Rankings: A/D = Accumulation/Distribution EPS = Earnings per Share Rank GRS = Group Relative Strength RS = Relative Strength SMR = Sales/Margins/ROE Comp = Composite Ranking Accounting/Finance Abbreviations: BS or B/S = Balance Sheet cflo = Cash Flow D/E = Debt to Equity IS or I/S = Income Statement PE or P/E = Price to Earnings ratio Pro Forma earnings = Accounting 101: Commonly discussed technical patterns: 2B=Double Bottoms A Base = Ascending Base C&H or CwH = Cup and Handle ( FB=Flat Base HTF = High Tight Flag LLUR = Lower Left Upper Right (a stock on the rise, channeling in a tight range) For general discussion of chart patterns: Commonly discussed software/tools: AAII Stock Investor Pro - money back guarantee DGO= DailyGraphs Online ( ) – 7 day trial $19.95 HGSI = High Growth Stock Investing ( – 60 day paid trial $49 QP2 = Quotes Plus ( TC2000 = Worden Brothers TC2000 technical analysis software ( -30 day free trial VV= VectorVest ( – 5 week trial $9.95 If you are new to CANSLIM investing (or just need a refresher): Take advantage of the excellent learning center at the IBD site-- Free sites for stock scanning: Free sites for charting: Due diligence sites: Company's web site (limited to 5 stocks per person per day) (Requires subscription-look for the stock checkup feature) &session=TMP.JEFFREY&type=100 (This is the “Whole Enchilada” report) Free sites for viewing industry information: Free resources for real time tracking: Tools provided by members: -CANSLIM Evaluator provided by Mike Gibbons: A tool that evaluates a stock against each of the CANSLIM criteria except M. ( -Charts for CANSLIM provided by Mike Gibbons: A straightforward chart showing the price/volume action, pivots, % off 52 wk high, RS Line relative to the S&P500, RS Rank plotted over time, U/D ratio over time. Displays daily for 3, 6, 9, or 12 months (daily) or 1, 2 or 3 years (weekly). Updated with delayed intraday pricing as well. ( -CANSLIMLinks provided by Katherine Malm: An Excel spreadsheet that contains macros for creating links to sites useful for evaluating CANSLIM stocks. Allows you to list stocks of your choosing. Full functionality only available with Excel 2000 for Windows. Limited functionality in prior versions. ( -Favorite Resources provided by Katherine Malm: A Word document listing various sites I find useful in CANSLIM investing. ( List FAQ compiled by Katherine Malm. If you have suggestions for additions and/or revisions, please contact me at Rev 4/2/03 ------=_NextPart_000_0023_01C2F9CE.78F6BAD0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
This FAQ is also available at: = http://WallStre= or  http://Wall= (zipped version for those who are having trouble displaying the document = within=20 their browser)


Scope of=20 discussion, Etiquette:

Here are a = couple=20 of quotes from the welcome email that Jeff Salisbury, the list = owner and=20 host, sends to each new member:


"This is an = unmoderated=20 discussion group whose purpose is to provide a forum for individuals to: =

  1. Discuss=20 the ideas and concepts of CANSLIM.
  2. Add=20 to the concepts of CANSLIM from personal experience.
  3. Exchange=20 sources of information on the internet and software that can be used = to select=20 stocks using the CANSLIM methodology.
  4. Discuss=20 specific equities and how they may or may not meet the CANSLIM=20 criteria. "

"Anyone who resorts to rudeness, flaming, and personal attacks will = be=20 removed from our group."

=93By signing up for this list, you agree to the following:  = This list is=20 a private list.  All information that you take from this list is = for your=20 private use only.  Commercial use of this information is = forbidden.=94

Commonly used = (misc)=20 abbreviations:

BO or B/O =3D = Breakout

DD=3D Due = Diligence

dMA =3D days Moving = Average (a=20 simple moving average unless otherwise specified)

FTD =3D Follow = Through Day .com/primer.htm

HTMMIS =3D "How to = Make Money in=20 Stocks" by William J. O'Neil

IBD =3D Investors = Business=20 Daily  (

IMHO =3D In My Humble = Opinion=20 sometimes used as IMO or JMO or my $0.02

LOL =3D Laughing Out = Loud

M =3D Market ( the = "M" in=20 CANSLIM)

MA =3D Moving = Average

N =3D New (the "N" in = CANSLIM)

VR =3D = Virtual=20 Reality fund (Fund where =93everything=92s real except the = money=94=85see=20

WON =3D William = O'Neil, originator=20 of CANSLIM


IBD/CANSLIM = Proprietary=20 Rankings:

A/D =3D=20 Accumulation/Distribution

EPS =3D Earnings per = Share Rank

GRS =3D Group = Relative Strength

RS =3D Relative = Strength

SMR =3D = Sales/Margins/ROE

Comp =3D Composite = Ranking


Accounting/Finance=20 Abbreviations:

BS or B/S =3D Balance = Sheet

cflo =3D Cash = Flow

D/E =3D Debt to = Equity

IS or I/S =3D Income = Statement

PE or P/E =3D Price = to Earnings=20 ratio

Pro Forma earnings = =3D http://www.sec= .gov/investor/pubs/proforma12-4.htm


Accounting = 101:

http:= //
http= ://


Commonly = discussed technical=20 patterns:

2B=3DDouble=20 Bottoms

A Base =3D Ascending = Base

C&H or CwH =3D = Cup and=20 Handle  ( N_cwh.htm.)

FB=3DFlat Base

HTF =3D High Tight = Flag

LLUR =3D Lower Left = Upper=20 Right (a stock on the rise, channeling in a tight range)

For general = discussion of chart=20 patterns: h= ttp://<= /P>


Commonly = discussed=20 software/tools:

AAII Stock Investor = Pro - money back = guarantee

DGO=3D DailyGraphs=20 Online  ( ) =96 = 7 day trial=20 $19.95

HGSI =3D High Growth = Stock=20 Investing ( = =96 60 day=20 paid trial $49

QP2 =3D Quotes Plus = (

TC2000 =3D  = Worden Brothers=20 TC2000 technical analysis software ( -30 day free=20 trial

VV=3D VectorVest ( =96 5 week = trial=20 $9.95


If you are new to = CANSLIM=20 investing (or just need a refresher):

Take advantage of the = excellent=20 learning center at the IBD site--


Free sites for = stock=20 scanning:

htt= p://




Free sites for=20 charting: ymbol=3Dcsco


Due diligence = sites:

Company's web = site .html CSCO = (limited=20 to 5 stocks per person per day) (Requires=20 subscription-look for the stock checkup feature)

h= ttp:// C5&ticker=3DSBUX&session=3DTMP.JEFFREY&type=3D100=20 (This is the =93Whole Enchilada=94 report)


Free sites=20 for viewing industry information:

h= ttp://


ht= tp://


Free resources = for real time=20 tracking:


Tools provided by = members:

-CANSLIM Evaluator = provided by=20 Mike Gibbons: A tool that evaluates a stock against each of the CANSLIM = criteria=20 except M. ( m)

-Charts for = CANSLIM provided=20 by Mike Gibbons: A straightforward chart showing the price/volume = action,=20 pivots, % off 52 wk high, RS Line relative to the S&P500, RS Rank = plotted=20 over time, U/D ratio over time. Displays daily for 3, 6, 9, or 12 months = (daily)=20 or 1, 2 or 3 years (weekly). Updated with delayed intraday pricing as = well. (http://www.cwhcharts= .com/charts/kmchart.php)

-CANSLIMLinks = provided by=20 Katherine Malm: An Excel spreadsheet that contains macros for creating = links to=20 sites useful for evaluating CANSLIM stocks. Allows you to list stocks of = your=20 choosing. Full functionality only available with Excel 2000 for Windows. = Limited=20 functionality in prior versions. (htt= p://

-Favorite Resources = provided by=20 Katherine Malm: A Word document listing various sites I find useful in = CANSLIM=20 investing. (http:/= /



List FAQ compiled by = Katherine=20 Malm. If you have suggestions for additions and/or revisions, please = contact me=20 at

Rev=20 4/2/03

------=_NextPart_000_0023_01C2F9CE.78F6BAD0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Sonnie Oratokhai" Subject: [CANSLIM] Off-Topic: Best brokerage house for Margins and low priced stock Date: 04 Apr 2003 01:15:36 +0000 Hi All - I currently have Quick and Reilly as my broker but they just raised my trade commission to $19.95 for on-line trades. Any suggestions of a good brokerage house. My priorities are margin and I trade mainly low priced stocks Thanks _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE* - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Off-Topic: Best brokerage house for Margins and low priced stock Date: 03 Apr 2003 20:51:25 EST --part1_163.1e65290d.2bbe3f1d_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Try BROWN & CO. Kris --part1_163.1e65290d.2bbe3f1d_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi


--part1_163.1e65290d.2bbe3f1d_boundary-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be breakout Date: 03 Apr 2003 23:48:11 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_001C_01C2FA3B.7C104250 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable for a correct ("proper") breakout, I would certainly want to see volume = at least 50% over ADV (and preferably at least 100%). Problem with that = is for those trying to catch a breakout during the day, when the price = may have broken the pivot, and volume up to that point looks like it = will reach these levels, but then volume slows way up in the afternoon. I rarely have the time to try to catch b/o's during the day, so normally = can consider the full day's trading with some leisure at night, or early = the next morning. But if I was to buy during the day, and volume up to = that point indicated double or better day's average (assuming I was at = least an hour or two into the day), then a slowdown in the afternoon = would not by itself cause me to sell out. Once I am in a stock, I rely = much more on the chart pattern, where it closes in terms of that day's = trading range, and whether it is up or down on more or less than ADV. One of the principles of CANSLIM, in addition to being able to read the = charts, is to buy on a breakout within 5% of the pivot, then use an 8% = stop loss from your purchase price. This means you could slip below the = pivot, and still not feel obligated to sell. The closer to the pivot you = buy, the further below the pivot you could ride it.=20 In the case you mention with FRX, one point I would emphasize, which I = suspect you are already sensitive to, is that you saw a b/o with only a = 4 day handle. The cup itself was well formed, including a capitulation = day on 2/14/03 on 2X ADV. However, the shortness of the handle, combined = with the lack of time for volume to dry up, suggests to me that the b/o = that enticed you was far too immature, especially given the state of = "M", and the market susceptibility to emotional reaction to the war in = Iraq (which has nothing to do at least directly to either "M" or the = state of the economy, but is nonetheless the most current overwhelming = and overriding influence on "M"). Sometimes you can get away with buying too quickly, or too early, but = normally you want the trend ("M") already in your favor when you do so. = With the economy continuing to weaken, emotions still very high over the = war with Iraq, and a lot of uncertainty still remaining, I think I would = be unlikely to buy a breakout intraday unless it had already traded = twice a normal ADV, regardless of just how far it is in the trading day. Should you now sell (if you haven't already)?? I can't answer that, even = with today's drop below the pivot, and on 1.5X ADV. Certainly today was = not encouraging. But your investment time frame, risk tolerance, whether = you bot the entire intended position or just a portion, etc. all affect = what you should do now. The stock has not broken down, the fundies = remain quite healthy, forecasts are strong for the longer term.=20 ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:04 AM Tom, Thank you for your input. I value your insights and opinions. Is = it not true that if volume does not reach 50%, a breakout has not = occurred by definition? Therefore shouldn't I view the action I = described with FRX as not a breakout, and think about treating the buy = differently from a genuine breakout, i.e., setting the loss at 7% or 8%, = etc.? I =20 -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 8:14 PM =20 Jerome, assuming you are accurate in selecting the pivot point, and = bought within 5% of that point, then I would stick to a stop loss of 8 = -10% below your purchase price. This is a very volatile and emotional = market. I would also pay close attention to where such a stop loss price = places you with recent downside support. Depending on that, I might use = a larger or smaller stop loss, so that my selling point is just under = support, especially institutional support. =20 ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 10:22 PM =20 Does anyone have an idea how to handle a "breakout" if it doesn't act = right on the first day? I got fooled this morning by the huge volume = FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day handle). Of course, = everything else was surging upwards at the opening of the market! FRX = cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the day a little = above average. And the price, of course, dropped below my purchase = price, but still held above the pivot. Some time ago I devised a = strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven't tested it yet, and = I hope I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a = mistake with it. Here's my strategy: Sell near at the end of the first = day if 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase = price. Hold if volume does not materialize and stock price closes above = the purchase price. Sell at the end of the second day if volume does not = materialize, even if the price is up. Sell the second day if the price = falls below the pivot. Is this a sound strategy? Does WON address this = situation anywhere? Can anyone share their strategy? I would really = appreciate some input. Thanks.=20 ------=_NextPart_000_001C_01C2FA3B.7C104250 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
for a correct ("proper") breakout, I would = certainly want=20 to see volume at least 50% over ADV (and preferably at least 100%). = Problem with=20 that is for those trying to catch a breakout during the day, when the = price may=20 have broken the pivot, and volume up to that point looks like it will = reach=20 these levels, but then volume slows way up in the = afternoon.
I rarely have the time to try to catch b/o's = during the=20 day, so normally can consider the full day's trading with some leisure = at night,=20 or early the next morning. But if I was to buy during the day, and = volume up to=20 that point indicated double or better day's average (assuming I was at = least an=20 hour or two into the day), then a slowdown in the afternoon would not by = itself=20 cause me to sell out. Once I am in a stock, I rely much more on the = chart=20 pattern, where it closes in terms of that day's trading range, and = whether it is=20 up or down on more or less than ADV.
One of the principles of CANSLIM, in addition to = being=20 able to read the charts, is to buy on a breakout within 5% of the pivot, = then=20 use an 8% stop loss from your purchase price. This means you could slip = below=20 the pivot, and still not feel obligated to sell. The closer to the pivot = you=20 buy, the further below the pivot you could ride it.
In the case you mention with FRX, one point I = would=20 emphasize, which I suspect you are already sensitive to, is that you saw = a b/o=20 with only a 4 day handle. The cup itself was well formed, including a=20 capitulation day on 2/14/03 on 2X ADV. However, the shortness of the = handle,=20 combined with the lack of time for volume to dry up, suggests to me that = the b/o=20 that enticed you was far too immature, especially given the state of = "M", and=20 the market susceptibility to emotional reaction to the war in Iraq = (which has=20 nothing to do at least directly to either "M" or the state of the = economy, but=20 is nonetheless the most current overwhelming and overriding influence on = "M").
Sometimes you can get away with buying too = quickly, or too=20 early, but normally you want the trend ("M") already in your favor when = you do=20 so. With the economy continuing to weaken, emotions still very high over = the war=20 with Iraq, and a lot of uncertainty still remaining, I think I would be = unlikely=20 to buy a breakout intraday unless it had already traded twice a normal = ADV,=20 regardless of just how far it is in the trading day.
Should you now sell (if you haven't already)?? I = can't=20 answer that, even with today's drop below the pivot, and on 1.5X ADV. = Certainly=20 today was not encouraging. But your investment time frame, risk = tolerance,=20 whether you bot the entire intended position or just a portion, etc. all = affect=20 what you should do now. The stock has not broken down, the fundies = remain quite=20 healthy, forecasts are strong for the longer term.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Jerome=20 Buckmelter
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:04 AM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be=20 breakout

Tom, Thank = you for your=20 input.  I value your = insights and=20 opinions.  Is it not true = that if=20 volume does not reach 50%, a breakout has not occurred by = definition?  Therefore shouldn=92t I view = the action I=20 described with FRX as not a breakout, and think about treating the buy=20 differently from a genuine breakout, i.e., setting the loss at 7% or 8%, = etc.?=20   I


-----Original=20 Message-----
From:=20 = []=20 On Behalf Of Tom=20 Worley
Wednesday, = April 02,=20 2003 8:14=20 PM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bailing = out of a=20 would-be breakout


Jerome, assuming you are = accurate in=20 selecting the pivot point, and bought within 5% of that point, then I = would=20 stick to a stop loss of 8 -10% below your purchase price. This is a very = volatile and emotional market. I would also pay close attention to where = such a=20 stop loss price places you with recent downside support. Depending on = that, I=20 might use a larger or smaller stop loss, so that my selling point is = just under=20 support, especially institutional = support.


----- Original Message = -----=20

From: Jerome=20 Buckmelter


Sent:=20 Wednesday, = April 02,=20 2003 10:22=20 PM

Subject: [CANSLIM]=20 Bailing out of a would-be = breakout


Does anyone have an idea = how to=20 handle a =93breakout=94 if it doesn=92t act right on the first day?  I got fooled this morning by = the huge=20 volume FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day handle).  Of course, everything else was = surging=20 upwards at the opening of the market! =20 FRX cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the = day a=20 little above average.  And = the=20 price, of course, dropped below my purchase price, but still held above = the=20 pivot.  Some time ago I = devised a=20 strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven=92t tested it yet, = and I hope=20 I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a = mistake with=20 it.  Here=92s my = strategy:  Sell near at the end of the = first day if=20 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase price. = Hold if=20 volume does not materialize and stock price closes above the purchase = price.=20 Sell at the end of the second day if volume does not materialize, even = if the=20 price is up.  Sell the = second day if=20 the price falls below the pivot.  = Is=20 this a sound strategy?  = Does WON=20 address this situation anywhere?  = Can anyone share their strategy? =20 I would really appreciate some input.  Thanks.=20

------=_NextPart_000_001C_01C2FA3B.7C104250-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jerome Buckmelter" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be breakout Date: 03 Apr 2003 23:28:40 -0800 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2FA38.D8BB47A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Tom, Thanks again for your input. I was surprised to read that you generally buy into a breakout only after closing on the breakout day. I always thought that one needed to monitor the market very closely in order to buy as close to the pivot as possible to be successful in this business. In the past three years I purchased stocks that were 3 to 5 percent above the pivot and got shaken out of most of them. But that could very well have been the market. In better times I guess buying at 3 to 5 percent above the pivot might work better. What you do (buying after the market closes) certainly makes sense. At least you know conclusively that the volume materialized. I especially was intrigued with your comment that you would not buy during the first hour or two. Why is that? Also, you were right about the 4-day handle. I bent that rule. The reason is -- the other day I passed on HITK which broke out after forming a 4-day handle. And it is doing great. That was still fresh in my mind. I didn't want to miss out on a similar breakout. It seems that a lot of stocks breakout that do not meet all the fundamentals and technicals, few probably do. I guess the trick is to bend the fewest rules as possible and know why you're doing so. And, of course, the main thing may be to just stay in the game and keep swinging. You're bound to get a big hit sooner or later. I'm still waiting for mine. Thanks again. -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 8:48 PM for a correct ("proper") breakout, I would certainly want to see volume at least 50% over ADV (and preferably at least 100%). Problem with that is for those trying to catch a breakout during the day, when the price may have broken the pivot, and volume up to that point looks like it will reach these levels, but then volume slows way up in the afternoon. I rarely have the time to try to catch b/o's during the day, so normally can consider the full day's trading with some leisure at night, or early the next morning. But if I was to buy during the day, and volume up to that point indicated double or better day's average (assuming I was at least an hour or two into the day), then a slowdown in the afternoon would not by itself cause me to sell out. Once I am in a stock, I rely much more on the chart pattern, where it closes in terms of that day's trading range, and whether it is up or down on more or less than ADV. One of the principles of CANSLIM, in addition to being able to read the charts, is to buy on a breakout within 5% of the pivot, then use an 8% stop loss from your purchase price. This means you could slip below the pivot, and still not feel obligated to sell. The closer to the pivot you buy, the further below the pivot you could ride it. In the case you mention with FRX, one point I would emphasize, which I suspect you are already sensitive to, is that you saw a b/o with only a 4 day handle. The cup itself was well formed, including a capitulation day on 2/14/03 on 2X ADV. However, the shortness of the handle, combined with the lack of time for volume to dry up, suggests to me that the b/o that enticed you was far too immature, especially given the state of "M", and the market susceptibility to emotional reaction to the war in Iraq (which has nothing to do at least directly to either "M" or the state of the economy, but is nonetheless the most current overwhelming and overriding influence on "M"). Sometimes you can get away with buying too quickly, or too early, but normally you want the trend ("M") already in your favor when you do so. With the economy continuing to weaken, emotions still very high over the war with Iraq, and a lot of uncertainty still remaining, I think I would be unlikely to buy a breakout intraday unless it had already traded twice a normal ADV, regardless of just how far it is in the trading day. Should you now sell (if you haven't already)?? I can't answer that, even with today's drop below the pivot, and on 1.5X ADV. Certainly today was not encouraging. But your investment time frame, risk tolerance, whether you bot the entire intended position or just a portion, etc. all affect what you should do now. The stock has not broken down, the fundies remain quite healthy, forecasts are strong for the longer term. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:04 AM Tom, Thank you for your input. I value your insights and opinions. Is it not true that if volume does not reach 50%, a breakout has not occurred by definition? Therefore shouldn't I view the action I described with FRX as not a breakout, and think about treating the buy differently from a genuine breakout, i.e., setting the loss at 7% or 8%, etc.? I -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 8:14 PM Jerome, assuming you are accurate in selecting the pivot point, and bought within 5% of that point, then I would stick to a stop loss of 8 -10% below your purchase price. This is a very volatile and emotional market. I would also pay close attention to where such a stop loss price places you with recent downside support. Depending on that, I might use a larger or smaller stop loss, so that my selling point is just under support, especially institutional support. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 10:22 PM Does anyone have an idea how to handle a "breakout" if it doesn't act right on the first day? I got fooled this morning by the huge volume FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day handle). Of course, everything else was surging upwards at the opening of the market! FRX cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the day a little above average. And the price, of course, dropped below my purchase price, but still held above the pivot. Some time ago I devised a strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven't tested it yet, and I hope I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a mistake with it. Here's my strategy: Sell near at the end of the first day if 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase price. Hold if volume does not materialize and stock price closes above the purchase price. Sell at the end of the second day if volume does not materialize, even if the price is up. Sell the second day if the price falls below the pivot. Is this a sound strategy? Does WON address this situation anywhere? Can anyone share their strategy? I would really appreciate some input. Thanks. ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2FA38.D8BB47A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Tom, Thanks again for your = input.  I was surprised to read that = you generally buy into a breakout only after closing on the breakout day. =  I always thought that one needed = to monitor the market very closely in order to buy as close to the pivot as possible to be successful in this business.  In the past three years I = purchased stocks that were 3 to 5 percent above the pivot and got shaken out of = most of them.  But that could very = well have been the market.  In better = times I guess buying at 3 to 5 percent above the pivot might work better.   What you do (buying after = the market closes) certainly makes sense.  At least you know conclusively that the volume materialized.  I especially was intrigued with = your comment that you would not buy during the first hour or two.  Why is that?  Also, you were right about the = 4-day handle.  I bent that = rule.  The reason is -- the other day = I passed on HITK which broke out after forming a 4-day handle.  And it is doing great.  That was still fresh in my = mind.  I didn’t want to miss out = on a similar breakout.  It seems = that a lot of stocks breakout that do not meet all the fundamentals and = technicals, few probably do.  I guess = the trick is to bend the fewest rules as possible and know why you’re doing so.  And, of course, the = main thing may be to just stay in the game and keep swinging. You’re bound to = get a big hit sooner or later.  = I’m still waiting for mine. Thanks again.      


-----Original = Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley
Sent: =
Thursday, April 03, = 2003 8:48 PM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] = Bailing out of a would-be breakout


for a correct = ("proper") breakout, I would certainly want to see volume at least 50% over ADV = (and preferably at least 100%). Problem with that is for those trying to = catch a breakout during the day, when the price may have broken the pivot, and = volume up to that point looks like it will reach these levels, but then volume = slows way up in the afternoon.


I rarely have the time to = try to catch b/o's during the day, so normally can consider the full day's = trading with some leisure at night, or early the next morning. But if I was to = buy during the day, and volume up to that point indicated double or better = day's average (assuming I was at least an hour or two into the day), then a = slowdown in the afternoon would not by itself cause me to sell out. Once I am in = a stock, I rely much more on the chart pattern, where it closes in terms = of that day's trading range, and whether it is up or down on more or less than = ADV.


One of the principles of = CANSLIM, in addition to being able to read the charts, is to buy on a breakout = within 5% of the pivot, then use an 8% stop loss from your purchase price. This means = you could slip below the pivot, and still not feel obligated to sell. The = closer to the pivot you buy, the further below the pivot you could ride it. =


In the case you mention = with FRX, one point I would emphasize, which I suspect you are already sensitive = to, is that you saw a b/o with only a 4 day handle. The cup itself was well = formed, including a capitulation day on 2/14/03 on 2X ADV. However, the = shortness of the handle, combined with the lack of time for volume to dry up, = suggests to me that the b/o that enticed you was far too immature, especially given = the state of "M", and the market susceptibility to emotional = reaction to the war in Iraq (which has nothing to do at least directly to either "M" or the state of the economy, but is nonetheless the most = current overwhelming and overriding influence on = "M").


Sometimes you can get away = with buying too quickly, or too early, but normally you want the trend ("M") already in your favor when you do so. With the economy continuing to weaken, emotions still very high over the war with = Iraq, and a lot of = uncertainty still remaining, I think I would be unlikely to buy a breakout intraday unless = it had already traded twice a normal ADV, regardless of just how far it is in = the trading day.


Should you now sell (if you = haven't already)?? I can't answer that, even with today's drop below the pivot, = and on 1.5X ADV. Certainly today was not encouraging. But your investment time = frame, risk tolerance, whether you bot the entire intended position or just a = portion, etc. all affect what you should do now. The stock has not broken down, = the fundies remain quite healthy, forecasts are strong for the longer term. =


----- Original Message = -----

Sent: Thursday, April 03, = 2003 11:04 AM

Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be = breakout


Tom, Thank you = for your input.  I value your = insights and opinions.  Is it not true = that if volume does not reach 50%, a breakout has not occurred by = definition?  Therefore shouldn’t I = view the action I described with FRX as not a breakout, and think about treating = the buy differently from a genuine breakout, i.e., setting the loss at 7% or 8%, etc.?   = I


-----Original = Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley
Sent: =
Wednesday, April 02, = 2003 8:14 PM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] = Bailing out of a would-be breakout


Jerome, assuming you are = accurate in selecting the pivot point, and bought within 5% of that point, then I = would stick to a stop loss of 8 -10% below your purchase price. This is a very volatile and emotional market. I would also pay close attention to where = such a stop loss price places you with recent downside support. Depending on = that, I might use a larger or smaller stop loss, so that my selling point is = just under support, especially institutional support.


----- Original Message = -----

To:<= /font> CANSLIM LIST

Sent: Wednesday, April 02, = 2003 10:22 PM

Subject: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be breakout


Does anyone have an idea = how to handle a “breakout” if it doesn’t act right on the first = day?  I got fooled this morning by = the huge volume FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day handle).  Of course, everything else was = surging upwards at the opening of the market!  FRX cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the = day a little above average.  And = the price, of course, dropped below my purchase price, but still held above = the pivot.  Some time ago I = devised a strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven’t tested it = yet, and I hope I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a mistake with it.  = Here’s my strategy:  Sell near at the = end of the first day if 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase price. Hold if volume does not materialize and stock price = closes above the purchase price. Sell at the end of the second day if volume = does not materialize, even if the price is up.  Sell the second day if the price falls below the pivot.  Is this a sound strategy?  Does WON address this situation anywhere?  Can anyone share = their strategy?  I would really = appreciate some input.  Thanks. =

------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2FA38.D8BB47A0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be breakout Date: 04 Apr 2003 07:05:52 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01C2FA78.A14E06A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi Jerome, One of the important things about CANSLIM is knowing the rules, and = recognizing when you are bending (or even breaking) them. Any time you = do so, it must raise an extra caution flag. To be honest, because I rarely can watch the market closely during the = day, I usually buy prior to the b/o, then wait for it to happen. Since I = invest for long term (1-2 years), I can afford to be more patient. It = also often permits me to buy close to strong support, so if the b/o = fails, it still will often leave me with a small profit. Unlike many = CANSLIMers, who search for c&h patterns, my personal favorite is a flat = line base with a very tight trading range that has lasted for a month or = two at least. I will also buy a c&h pattern while still forming the = handle if I see volume drying up without much decline in the handle. In = both cases, I am usually buying below the pivot, and close to support, = at the expense / risk of tying up capital for an indefinite time period. = I cannot emphasize too much the importance of "M". When it is bearish, = as it is still today, it becomes more risky to bend any rules. Making a = buy decision after the close at least means you are not rushed into that = decision, and can help take away the sense of missing something if you = don't act immediately. The trade off is that by the close, it may be = well past the pivot. In those cases, I may enter a limit buy back in the = area of support in case the b/o fails, or gives a second entry = opportunity. Even tho I typically do an hour of more of "market evaluation" on a = global scale each morning, I still try to avoid making any buys or sells = in the first hour. The market can be very volatile in this period, and = can completely reverse itself by 10:30 or 11. If by midday the trend is = consistent since 9:30, then I have a little more confidence in the day's = trend continuing on to 4 PM. If I am doing a trade in the first hour, it = is because of what went on the prior day, I have already made a = decision, and set a price for action. The best way to "stay in the game" is to preserve capital. That means = being in cash for most people, or only taking small positions with a = limited portion of your investment dollars, when "M" says to be on the = sidelines. Admittedly I personally will typically be fully invested, but = I consider myself both very aggressive and a high risk taker. I thrive = on stress, and take great delight in gaining a few percentage points in = my portfolios especially when the markets are down. I do my best work = when the markets are weak or declining, and small caps are being = ignored. I break a lot of rules in what I do, including holding some = stocks for a year or more. But that has also permitted me a number of = 100% or more profits. ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 2:28 AM Tom, Thanks again for your input. I was surprised to read that you = generally buy into a breakout only after closing on the breakout day. I = always thought that one needed to monitor the market very closely in = order to buy as close to the pivot as possible to be successful in this = business. In the past three years I purchased stocks that were 3 to 5 = percent above the pivot and got shaken out of most of them. But that = could very well have been the market. In better times I guess buying at = 3 to 5 percent above the pivot might work better. What you do (buying = after the market closes) certainly makes sense. At least you know = conclusively that the volume materialized. I especially was intrigued = with your comment that you would not buy during the first hour or two. = Why is that? Also, you were right about the 4-day handle. I bent that = rule. The reason is -- the other day I passed on HITK which broke out = after forming a 4-day handle. And it is doing great. That was still = fresh in my mind. I didn't want to miss out on a similar breakout. It = seems that a lot of stocks breakout that do not meet all the = fundamentals and technicals, few probably do. I guess the trick is to = bend the fewest rules as possible and know why you're doing so. And, of = course, the main thing may be to just stay in the game and keep = swinging. You're bound to get a big hit sooner or later. I'm still = waiting for mine. Thanks again. =20 =20 -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 8:48 PM =20 for a correct ("proper") breakout, I would certainly want to see volume = at least 50% over ADV (and preferably at least 100%). Problem with that = is for those trying to catch a breakout during the day, when the price = may have broken the pivot, and volume up to that point looks like it = will reach these levels, but then volume slows way up in the afternoon. =20 I rarely have the time to try to catch b/o's during the day, so normally = can consider the full day's trading with some leisure at night, or early = the next morning. But if I was to buy during the day, and volume up to = that point indicated double or better day's average (assuming I was at = least an hour or two into the day), then a slowdown in the afternoon = would not by itself cause me to sell out. Once I am in a stock, I rely = much more on the chart pattern, where it closes in terms of that day's = trading range, and whether it is up or down on more or less than ADV. =20 One of the principles of CANSLIM, in addition to being able to read the = charts, is to buy on a breakout within 5% of the pivot, then use an 8% = stop loss from your purchase price. This means you could slip below the = pivot, and still not feel obligated to sell. The closer to the pivot you = buy, the further below the pivot you could ride it.=20 =20 In the case you mention with FRX, one point I would emphasize, which I = suspect you are already sensitive to, is that you saw a b/o with only a = 4 day handle. The cup itself was well formed, including a capitulation = day on 2/14/03 on 2X ADV. However, the shortness of the handle, combined = with the lack of time for volume to dry up, suggests to me that the b/o = that enticed you was far too immature, especially given the state of = "M", and the market susceptibility to emotional reaction to the war in = Iraq (which has nothing to do at least directly to either "M" or the = state of the economy, but is nonetheless the most current overwhelming = and overriding influence on "M"). =20 Sometimes you can get away with buying too quickly, or too early, but = normally you want the trend ("M") already in your favor when you do so. = With the economy continuing to weaken, emotions still very high over the = war with Iraq, and a lot of uncertainty still remaining, I think I would = be unlikely to buy a breakout intraday unless it had already traded = twice a normal ADV, regardless of just how far it is in the trading day. =20 Should you now sell (if you haven't already)?? I can't answer that, even = with today's drop below the pivot, and on 1.5X ADV. Certainly today was = not encouraging. But your investment time frame, risk tolerance, whether = you bot the entire intended position or just a portion, etc. all affect = what you should do now. The stock has not broken down, the fundies = remain quite healthy, forecasts are strong for the longer term.=20 =20 ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:04 AM =20 Tom, Thank you for your input. I value your insights and opinions. Is = it not true that if volume does not reach 50%, a breakout has not = occurred by definition? Therefore shouldn't I view the action I = described with FRX as not a breakout, and think about treating the buy = differently from a genuine breakout, i.e., setting the loss at 7% or 8%, = etc.? I =20 -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 8:14 PM =20 Jerome, assuming you are accurate in selecting the pivot point, and = bought within 5% of that point, then I would stick to a stop loss of 8 = -10% below your purchase price. This is a very volatile and emotional = market. I would also pay close attention to where such a stop loss price = places you with recent downside support. Depending on that, I might use = a larger or smaller stop loss, so that my selling point is just under = support, especially institutional support. =20 ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 10:22 PM =20 Does anyone have an idea how to handle a "breakout" if it doesn't act = right on the first day? I got fooled this morning by the huge volume = FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day handle). Of course, = everything else was surging upwards at the opening of the market! FRX = cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the day a little = above average. And the price, of course, dropped below my purchase = price, but still held above the pivot. Some time ago I devised a = strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven't tested it yet, and = I hope I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a = mistake with it. Here's my strategy: Sell near at the end of the first = day if 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase = price. Hold if volume does not materialize and stock price closes above = the purchase price. Sell at the end of the second day if volume does not = materialize, even if the price is up. Sell the second day if the price = falls below the pivot. Is this a sound strategy? Does WON address this = situation anywhere? Can anyone share their strategy? I would really = appreciate some input. Thanks.=20 ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01C2FA78.A14E06A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi Jerome,
One of the important things about CANSLIM is = knowing the=20 rules, and recognizing when you are bending (or even breaking) them. Any = time=20 you do so, it must raise an extra caution flag.
To be honest, because I rarely can watch the = market=20 closely during the day, I usually buy prior to the b/o, then wait for it = to=20 happen. Since I invest for long term (1-2 years), I can afford to be = more=20 patient. It also often permits me to buy close to strong support, so if = the b/o=20 fails, it still will often leave me with a small profit. Unlike many = CANSLIMers,=20 who search for c&h patterns, my personal favorite is a flat line = base with a=20 very tight trading range that has lasted for a month or two at least. I = will=20 also buy a c&h pattern while still forming the handle if I see = volume drying=20 up without much decline in the handle. In both cases, I am usually = buying below=20 the pivot, and close to support, at the expense / risk of tying up = capital for=20 an indefinite time period.
I cannot emphasize too much the importance of = "M". When it=20 is bearish, as it is still today, it becomes more risky to bend any = rules.=20 Making a buy decision after the close at least means you are not rushed = into=20 that decision, and can help take away the sense of missing something if = you=20 don't act immediately. The trade off is that by the close, it may be = well past=20 the pivot. In those cases, I may enter a limit buy back in the area of = support=20 in case the b/o fails, or gives a second entry opportunity.
Even tho I typically do an hour of more of = "market=20 evaluation" on a global scale each morning, I still try to avoid making = any buys=20 or sells in the first hour. The market can be very volatile in this = period, and=20 can completely reverse itself by 10:30 or 11. If by midday the trend is=20 consistent since 9:30, then I have a little more confidence in the day's = trend=20 continuing on to 4 PM. If I am doing a trade in the first hour, it is = because of=20 what went on the prior day, I have already made a decision, and set a = price for=20 action.
The best way to "stay in the game" is to = preserve capital.=20 That means being in cash for most people, or only taking small positions = with a=20 limited portion of your investment dollars, when "M" says to be on the=20 sidelines. Admittedly I personally will typically be fully invested, but = I=20 consider myself both very aggressive and a high risk taker. I thrive on = stress,=20 and take great delight in gaining a few percentage points in my = portfolios=20 especially when the markets are down. I do my best work when the markets = are=20 weak or declining, and small caps are being ignored. I break a lot of = rules in=20 what I do, including holding some stocks for a year or more. But that = has also=20 permitted me a number of 100% or more profits.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Jerome=20 Buckmelter
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 2:28 AM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be=20 breakout

Tom, Thanks = again for=20 your input.  I was = surprised to read=20 that you generally buy into a breakout only after closing on the = breakout day.=20  I always thought that one = needed to=20 monitor the market very closely in order to buy as close to the pivot as = possible to be successful in this business.  In the past three years I = purchased=20 stocks that were 3 to 5 percent above the pivot and got shaken out of = most of=20 them.  But that could very = well have=20 been the market.  In = better times I=20 guess buying at 3 to 5 percent above the pivot might work better.   What you do (buying after = the=20 market closes) certainly makes sense. =20 At least you know conclusively that the volume materialized.  I especially was intrigued = with your=20 comment that you would not buy during the first hour or two.  Why is that?  Also, you were right about the = 4-day=20 handle.  I bent that = rule.  The reason is -- the other day = I passed=20 on HITK which broke out after forming a 4-day handle.  And it is doing great.  That was still fresh in my = mind.  I didn=92t want to miss out on = a similar=20 breakout.  It seems that a = lot of=20 stocks breakout that do not meet all the fundamentals and technicals, = few=20 probably do.  I guess the = trick is=20 to bend the fewest rules as possible and know why you=92re doing = so.  And, of course, the main thing = may be to=20 just stay in the game and keep swinging. You=92re bound to get a big hit = sooner or=20 later.  I=92m still = waiting for mine.=20 Thanks again.      


-----Original=20 Message-----
From:=20 = []=20 On Behalf Of Tom=20 Worley
Thursday, = April 03,=20 2003 8:48=20 PM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bailing = out of a=20 would-be breakout


for a correct ("proper") = breakout, I=20 would certainly want to see volume at least 50% over ADV (and preferably = at=20 least 100%). Problem with that is for those trying to catch a breakout = during=20 the day, when the price may have broken the pivot, and volume up to that = point=20 looks like it will reach these levels, but then volume slows way up in = the=20 afternoon.


I rarely have the time to = try to=20 catch b/o's during the day, so normally can consider the full day's = trading with=20 some leisure at night, or early the next morning. But if I was to buy = during the=20 day, and volume up to that point indicated double or better day's = average=20 (assuming I was at least an hour or two into the day), then a slowdown = in the=20 afternoon would not by itself cause me to sell out. Once I am in a = stock, I rely=20 much more on the chart pattern, where it closes in terms of that day's = trading=20 range, and whether it is up or down on more or less than=20 ADV.


One of the principles of = CANSLIM, in=20 addition to being able to read the charts, is to buy on a breakout = within 5% of=20 the pivot, then use an 8% stop loss from your purchase price. This means = you=20 could slip below the pivot, and still not feel obligated to sell. The = closer to=20 the pivot you buy, the further below the pivot you could ride it.=20


In the case you mention = with FRX,=20 one point I would emphasize, which I suspect you are already sensitive = to, is=20 that you saw a b/o with only a 4 day handle. The cup itself was well = formed,=20 including a capitulation day on 2/14/03 on 2X ADV. However, the = shortness=20 of the handle, combined with the lack of time for volume to dry up, = suggests to=20 me that the b/o that enticed you was far too immature, especially given = the=20 state of "M", and the market susceptibility to emotional reaction to the = war in=20 Iraq (which has nothing to do at least directly to either "M" or the = state of=20 the economy, but is nonetheless the most current overwhelming and = overriding=20 influence on "M").


Sometimes you can get away = with=20 buying too quickly, or too early, but normally you want the trend ("M") = already=20 in your favor when you do so. With the economy continuing to weaken, = emotions=20 still very high over the war with=20 Iraq, and a lot of = uncertainty still=20 remaining, I think I would be unlikely to buy a breakout intraday unless = it had=20 already traded twice a normal ADV, regardless of just how far it is in = the=20 trading day.


Should you now sell (if = you haven't=20 already)?? I can't answer that, even with today's drop below the pivot, = and on=20 1.5X ADV. Certainly today was not encouraging. But your investment time = frame,=20 risk tolerance, whether you bot the entire intended position or just a = portion,=20 etc. all affect what you should do now. The stock has not broken down, = the=20 fundies remain quite healthy, forecasts are strong for the longer term.=20


----- Original Message = -----=20

From: Jerome=20 Buckmelter

To: =20

Sent:=20 Thursday, = April 03,=20 2003 11:04=20 AM

Subject: RE:=20 [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be=20 breakout


Tom, Thank=20 you for your input.  I = value your=20 insights and opinions.  Is = it not=20 true that if volume does not reach 50%, a breakout has not occurred by=20 definition?  Therefore = shouldn=92t I=20 view the action I described with FRX as not a breakout, and think about = treating=20 the buy differently from a genuine breakout, i.e., setting the loss at = 7% or 8%,=20 etc.?  =20 I


-----Original=20 Message-----
From:=20 = []=20 On Behalf Of Tom=20 Worley
Wednesday, = April 02,=20 2003 8:14=20 PM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bailing = out of a=20 would-be breakout


Jerome, assuming you are = accurate in=20 selecting the pivot point, and bought within 5% of that point, then I = would=20 stick to a stop loss of 8 -10% below your purchase price. This is a very = volatile and emotional market. I would also pay close attention to where = such a=20 stop loss price places you with recent downside support. Depending on = that, I=20 might use a larger or smaller stop loss, so that my selling point is = just under=20 support, especially institutional = support.


----- Original Message = -----=20

From: Jerome=20 Buckmelter


Sent:=20 Wednesday, = April 02,=20 2003 10:22=20 PM

Subject: [CANSLIM]=20 Bailing out of a would-be = breakout


Does anyone have an idea = how to=20 handle a =93breakout=94 if it doesn=92t act right on the first day?  I got fooled this morning by = the huge=20 volume FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day handle).  Of course, everything else was = surging=20 upwards at the opening of the market! =20 FRX cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the = day a=20 little above average.  And = the=20 price, of course, dropped below my purchase price, but still held above = the=20 pivot.  Some time ago I = devised a=20 strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven=92t tested it yet, = and I hope=20 I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a = mistake with=20 it.  Here=92s my = strategy:  Sell near at the end of the = first day if=20 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase price. = Hold if=20 volume does not materialize and stock price closes above the purchase = price.=20 Sell at the end of the second day if volume does not materialize, even = if the=20 price is up.  Sell the = second day if=20 the price falls below the pivot.  = Is=20 this a sound strategy?  = Does WON=20 address this situation anywhere?  = Can anyone share their strategy? =20 I would really appreciate some input.  Thanks.=20

------=_NextPart_000_000C_01C2FA78.A14E06A0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Harold Josephson Subject: [CANSLIM] Katherine or Mike re Chart Evaluator Date: 04 Apr 2003 12:38:23 -0800 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_004B_01C2FAA7.17EC74D0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_004C_01C2FAA7.17EC74D0" ------=_NextPart_001_004C_01C2FAA7.17EC74D0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I tried to access the Evaluator for the first time today for the first of my 5 free, daily evaluations. I received this message . . . You must be a subscriber to our Platinum service to use this tool. Please subscribe to the Platinum Service to access this tool more frequently. I accessed it via What am I doing wrong? Thanks Harold Josephson Tel: 323.850.1333 Fax: 323.512.8968 ------=_NextPart_001_004C_01C2FAA7.17EC74D0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I tried to access the Evaluator = for the first time today for the first of my 5 free, daily evaluations.  I received this = message . . = .


You must be a subscriber to our Platinum service to use this tool.
Please subscribe to the Platinum Service to access this tool more = frequently.


I accessed it = via<= /a>


What am I doing = wrong?




Harold = Josephson
Tel: 323.850.1333
Fax: 323.512.8968
 <= /font>


------=_NextPart_001_004C_01C2FAA7.17EC74D0-- ------=_NextPart_000_004B_01C2FAA7.17EC74D0 Content-Type: image/jpeg; name="image001.jpg" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QSqUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+kAAAAAAHgAAwAAAEgA SAAAAAAC2gIo/+H/4QL5AkUDRwUoA/wAAgAAAEgASAAAAAAC2AIoAAEAAABkAAAAAQADAwMAAAAB Jw8AAQABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYAgAGQGQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4 QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEAAQBIAAAAAQABOEJJTQPzAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAA4QklNBAoAAAAA AAEAADhCSU0nEAAAAAAACgABAAAAAAAAAAI4QklNA/UAAAAAAEgAL2ZmAAEAbGZmAAYAAAAAAAEA L2ZmAAEAoZmaAAYAAAAAAAEAMgAAAAEAWgAAAAYAAAAAAAEANQAAAAEALQAAAAYAAAAAAAE4QklN A/gAAAAAAHAAAP////////////////////////////8D6AAAAAD///////////////////////// ////A+gAAAAA/////////////////////////////wPoAAAAAP////////////////////////// //8D6AAAOEJJTQQAAAAAAAACAAA4QklNBAIAAAAAAAIAADhCSU0ECAAAAAAAEAAAAAEAAAJAAAAC QAAAAAA4QklNBAkAAAAAApkAAAABAAAAgAAAAAEAAAGAAAABgAAAAn0AGAAB/9j/4AAQSkZJRgAB AgEASABIAAD//gAnRmlsZSB3cml0dGVuIGJ5IEFkb2JlIFBob3Rvc2hvcKggNC4wAP/uAA5BZG9i ZQBkgAAAAAH/2wCEAAwICAgJCAwJCQwRCwoLERUPDAwPFRgTExUTExgRDAwMDAwMEQwMDAwMDAwM DAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwBDQsLDQ4NEA4OEBQODg4UFA4ODg4UEQwMDAwMEREMDAwMDAwR DAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDP/AABEIAAEAgAMBIgACEQEDEQH/3QAEAAj/xAE/ AAABBQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAADAAECBAUGBwgJCgsBAAEFAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAEAAgMEBQYHCAkK CxAAAQQBAwIEAgUHBggFAwwzAQACEQMEIRIxBUFRYRMicYEyBhSRobFCIyQVUsFiMzRygtFDByWS U/Dh8WNzNRaisoMmRJNUZEXCo3Q2F9JV4mXys4TD03Xj80YnlKSFtJXE1OT0pbXF1eX1VmZ2hpam tsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3EQACAgECBAQDBAUGBwcGBTUBAAIRAyExEgRBUWFxIhMFMoGRFKGx QiPBUtHwMyRi4XKCkkNTFWNzNPElBhaisoMHJjXC0kSTVKMXZEVVNnRl4vKzhMPTdePzRpSkhbSV xNTk9KW1xdXl9VZmdoaWprbG1ub2JzdHV2d3h5ent8f/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APTqPon4/wAAir5X SQGyn6oSXyukip+qEl8rpJKfqhJfK6SSn6oSXyukkp+qEl8rpJKfqhJfK6SSn6oSXyukkp//2QA4 QklNBAYAAAAAAAcABAAAAAEBAP/+ACdGaWxlIHdyaXR0ZW4gYnkgQWRvYmUgUGhvdG9zaG9wqCA0 LjAA/+4ADkFkb2JlAGQAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBwUHCwYGCw4KCAoOEQ4ODg4RFhMTExMTFhEMDAwM DAwRDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAEHCQkTDBMiExMiFA4ODhQUDg4ODhQRDAwM DAwREQwMDAwMDBEMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwM/8AAEQgAAwZAAwERAAIRAQMR Af/dAAQAyP/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ qbnJ2en5KjpKWmp6ipqqusra6voRAAICAQIDBQUEBQYECAMDbQEAAhEDBCESMUEFURNhIgZxgZEy obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo +DlJWWl5iZmpucnZ6fkqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+v/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9N/vv+Lv+SWFhv5/7F37 7/i7/kliu/n/ALFbJ63H/dv0+lTFd/P/AGKj++/y/wDkliu/n/sVa29Tl8fSn7fCn/JPfFIRH/AY GTv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Bi rv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/w GKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3 /AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd /wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFX f8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gM Vd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+ AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8A gMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/ 4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq 7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wAB irv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Bi rv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/w GKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3 /AYq/wD/2Q== ------=_NextPart_000_004B_01C2FAA7.17EC74D0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gene Ricci" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Katherine or Mike re Chart Evaluator Date: 04 Apr 2003 14:56:38 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0050_01C2FABA.64E07D50 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0051_01C2FABA.64E07D50" ------=_NextPart_001_0051_01C2FABA.64E07D50 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Harold, why not contact them at their site? ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Harold Josephson=20 To: CANSLIM DISCUSSION GROUP=20 Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 2:38 PM Subject: [CANSLIM] Katherine or Mike re Chart Evaluator =20 I tried to access the Evaluator for the first time today for the first = of my 5 free, daily evaluations. I received this message . . . =20 You must be a subscriber to our Platinum service to use this tool. Please subscribe to the Platinum Service to access this tool more = frequently. =20 I accessed it via =20 =20 What am I doing wrong? =20 Thanks =20 Harold Josephson Tel: 323.850.1333 Fax: 323.512.8968 =20 =20 ------=_NextPart_001_0051_01C2FABA.64E07D50 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Harold, why not contact them at their site?
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Harold=20 Josephson
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 = 2:38=20 PM
Subject: [CANSLIM] Katherine or = Mike re=20 Chart Evaluator


I tried to access the = Evaluator for the=20 first time today for the first of my 5 free, daily evaluations.  I received this=20 message . . .


You must = be a=20 subscriber to our Platinum service to use this tool.
Please subscribe
=20 to the Platinum Service to access this tool more=20 frequently.


I = accessed it=20 via<= /A>


What am I doing=20 wrong?




Harold=20 Josephson
Tel:=20 323.850.1333
Fax: = 323.512.8968


------=_NextPart_001_0051_01C2FABA.64E07D50-- ------=_NextPart_000_0050_01C2FABA.64E07D50 Content-Type: image/jpeg; name="image001.jpg" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: <004f01c2faec$af703ef0$6401a8c0@desktop> /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QSqUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+kAAAAAAHgAAwAAAEgA SAAAAAAC2gIo/+H/4QL5AkUDRwUoA/wAAgAAAEgASAAAAAAC2AIoAAEAAABkAAAAAQADAwMAAAAB Jw8AAQABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYAgAGQGQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4 QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEAAQBIAAAAAQABOEJJTQPzAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAA4QklNBAoAAAAA AAEAADhCSU0nEAAAAAAACgABAAAAAAAAAAI4QklNA/UAAAAAAEgAL2ZmAAEAbGZmAAYAAAAAAAEA L2ZmAAEAoZmaAAYAAAAAAAEAMgAAAAEAWgAAAAYAAAAAAAEANQAAAAEALQAAAAYAAAAAAAE4QklN A/gAAAAAAHAAAP////////////////////////////8D6AAAAAD///////////////////////// ////A+gAAAAA/////////////////////////////wPoAAAAAP////////////////////////// //8D6AAAOEJJTQQAAAAAAAACAAA4QklNBAIAAAAAAAIAADhCSU0ECAAAAAAAEAAAAAEAAAJAAAAC QAAAAAA4QklNBAkAAAAAApkAAAABAAAAgAAAAAEAAAGAAAABgAAAAn0AGAAB/9j/4AAQSkZJRgAB AgEASABIAAD//gAnRmlsZSB3cml0dGVuIGJ5IEFkb2JlIFBob3Rvc2hvcKggNC4wAP/uAA5BZG9i ZQBkgAAAAAH/2wCEAAwICAgJCAwJCQwRCwoLERUPDAwPFRgTExUTExgRDAwMDAwMEQwMDAwMDAwM DAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwBDQsLDQ4NEA4OEBQODg4UFA4ODg4UEQwMDAwMEREMDAwMDAwR DAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDP/AABEIAAEAgAMBIgACEQEDEQH/3QAEAAj/xAE/ AAABBQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAADAAECBAUGBwgJCgsBAAEFAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAEAAgMEBQYHCAkK CxAAAQQBAwIEAgUHBggFAwwzAQACEQMEIRIxBUFRYRMicYEyBhSRobFCIyQVUsFiMzRygtFDByWS U/Dh8WNzNRaisoMmRJNUZEXCo3Q2F9JV4mXys4TD03Xj80YnlKSFtJXE1OT0pbXF1eX1VmZ2hpam tsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3EQACAgECBAQDBAUGBwcGBTUBAAIRAyExEgRBUWFxIhMFMoGRFKGx QiPBUtHwMyRi4XKCkkNTFWNzNPElBhaisoMHJjXC0kSTVKMXZEVVNnRl4vKzhMPTdePzRpSkhbSV xNTk9KW1xdXl9VZmdoaWprbG1ub2JzdHV2d3h5ent8f/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APTqPon4/wAAir5X SQGyn6oSXyukip+qEl8rpJKfqhJfK6SSn6oSXyukkp+qEl8rpJKfqhJfK6SSn6oSXyukkp//2QA4 QklNBAYAAAAAAAcABAAAAAEBAP/+ACdGaWxlIHdyaXR0ZW4gYnkgQWRvYmUgUGhvdG9zaG9wqCA0 LjAA/+4ADkFkb2JlAGQAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBwUHCwYGCw4KCAoOEQ4ODg4RFhMTExMTFhEMDAwM DAwRDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAEHCQkTDBMiExMiFA4ODhQUDg4ODhQRDAwM DAwREQwMDAwMDBEMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwM/8AAEQgAAwZAAwERAAIRAQMR Af/dAAQAyP/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ qbnJ2en5KjpKWmp6ipqqusra6voRAAICAQIDBQUEBQYECAMDbQEAAhEDBCESMUEFURNhIgZxgZEy obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo +DlJWWl5iZmpucnZ6fkqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+v/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9N/vv+Lv+SWFhv5/7F37 7/i7/kliu/n/ALFbJ63H/dv0+lTFd/P/AGKj++/y/wDkliu/n/sVa29Tl8fSn7fCn/JPfFIRH/AY GTv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Bi rv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/w GKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3 /AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd /wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFX f8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gM Vd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+ AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8A gMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/ 4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq 7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wAB irv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Bi rv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/w GKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3 /AYq/wD/2Q== ------=_NextPart_000_0050_01C2FABA.64E07D50-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gene Ricci" Subject: [CANSLIM] Chart of ENE Date: 04 Apr 2003 17:48:26 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0022_01C2FAD2.6526E840 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable A while back someone asked for a chart of ENE. I found a weekly chart (9-1999 to 10/12/01). If still interested let me know, Gene ------=_NextPart_000_0022_01C2FAD2.6526E840 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
A while back someone asked for a chart = of=20 ENE.
I found a weekly chart (9-1999 to=20 10/12/01).
If still interested let me = know,
------=_NextPart_000_0022_01C2FAD2.6526E840-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gene Ricci" Subject: [CANSLIM] Amateur Investors Weekend Market Analysis Date: 05 Apr 2003 15:04:25 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_00DD_01C2FB84.A5844880 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable For the folks that have expressed an interest in this site, Gene=20 Our latest Weekend Market Analysis is at Amateur-Investors.Com --- ------=_NextPart_000_00DD_01C2FB84.A5844880 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
For the folks that have expressed an = interest in=20 this site,

Our latest Weekend = Market=20 Analysis is at


--------------------------------= ------=_NextPart_000_00DD_01C2FB84.A5844880-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?S=E9bastien_Derks?= Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Amateur Investors Weekend Market Analysis Date: 06 Apr 2003 00:45:29 +0200 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2FBD5.DCF736F0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hey =20 Where could I find a site that has the industries mentioned in this weekend market analysis and see the stocks with their performances in these specific industries. =20 Since when I look at for example yearly industry ranking I get different industries then the one mentioned below (even though some match but these seem more specific) =20 I am referring to this part of the web site: =20 Top Yearly Performers (2003) Total Return =20 2003 Communication-Fiber Optic Equip 58.4% Internet-Services 24.0% Medical-Drugs Generic 23.8% Computer-Networks 23.2% Computer-Security 18.0% Computer-Memory Devices 17.8% Transportation-Heavy Trucks/Parts 17.1% Commercial Services-Education 15.4% Household-Audio/Video 13.1% Computer-Graphics 13.0% =20 Cheers, =20 =20 S=E9bastien =20 =20 =20 -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Gene Ricci Sent: zaterdag 5 april 2003 23:04 =20 For the folks that have expressed an interest in this site, Gene=20 =20 =20 Our latest Weekend Market Analysis is at Amateur-Investors.Com ---- ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2FBD5.DCF736F0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



Where could I find a site that has the industries mentioned in this weekend = market analysis and see the stocks with their performances in these specific industries.


Since when I look at for example yearly industry ranking I get different industries then the one mentioned below (even though some = match but these seem more specific)


I am referring to this part of the web site:


Top Yearly Performers = (2003)




Communication-Fiber Optic Equip




Medical-Drugs Generic






Computer-Memory Devices


Transportation-Heavy Trucks/Parts


Commercial Services-Education














---= --Original Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of Gene Ricci
Sent: zaterdag 5 april 2003 23:04
To: =
Subject: [CANSLIM] = Amateur Investors Weekend Market Analysis


For the folks = that have expressed an interest in this site,

Gene =



Our latest = Weekend Market Analysis is at



------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2FBD5.DCF736F0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gene Ricci" Subject: [CANSLIM] Stocks In Top 2003 Industries Date: 05 Apr 2003 18:27:23 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0191_01C2FBA1.008C0D00 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0192_01C2FBA1.008C0D00" ------=_NextPart_001_0192_01C2FBA1.008C0D00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Sebastien, HGSI (paid site) has a match for all of the industries. Here = are the stocks within the top industry (attached) ... I can send you the = stocks within the other 9 industries off line. Gene ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 4:45 PM Hey =20 Where could I find a site that has the industries mentioned in this = weekend market analysis and see the stocks with their performances in = these specific industries. =20 Since when I look at for example yearly industry ranking I = get different industries then the one mentioned below (even though some = match but these seem more specific) =20 I am referring to this part of the web site: ------=_NextPart_001_0192_01C2FBA1.008C0D00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Sebastien, HGSI (paid site) has a = match=20 for all of the industries. Here are the stocks within the = top industry=20 (attached) ... I can send you the stocks within the other 9 = industries off=20 line.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: S=E9bastien = Derks
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 4:45 PM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Amateur Investors Weekend Market=20 Analysis



Where=20 could I find a site that has the industries mentioned in this weekend = market=20 analysis and see the stocks with their performances in these specific=20 industries.


Since=20 when I look at for example yearly industry ranking I get = different=20 industries then the one mentioned below (even though some match but = these seem=20 more specific)


I=20 am referring to this part of the web=20 site:

<= /HTML> ------=_NextPart_001_0192_01C2FBA1.008C0D00-- ------=_NextPart_000_0191_01C2FBA1.008C0D00 Content-Type: image/gif; name="Attachment.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Attachment.gif" R0lGODlhPwFkAfcGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABUAACEAADUAACIAABUAAS1iujBo xTBoxTBoxTBoxTBoxTBoxTBoxTBoxTBoxTBoxTBoxTBoxTBoxTBoxTFpxTFpxTFpxTFpxTFpxTFp xTVpv0NqqU9qmFtrhmVsd2tsbm9sZ3FsZHJtZHJtZHNuZXVwZ3t3bYuHfKCdkKqmmaypm6ypm6yp m62qnK2qnK6rnbSxo8C8r9fTxuzp2+7q3e7q3e7q3e7q3e/r3u/r3u/r3u/r3u/r3vDs3/Pt4vTt 5PXu5fbu5Pbv4Pfw1vfxxPjzpfn0nPn0o/nzt/nzwPn0zfr13fv49P7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+ /v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+ /v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+ /v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+ /v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+/v7+ 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Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [CANSLIM] Re: Stock Quote- Definition Date: 05 Apr 2003 22:20:48 EST Tom: Would you tell me what "size 1x4 "means when in stock quote vernacular. I'm in>delayed stock quotes, and the quotes include: bid, ask, size, and volume. One of the quotes I'm looking at has "size 1x4". What does this mean? jans - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Re: Stock Quote- Definition Date: 06 Apr 2003 08:32:05 -0400 if you are looking at a stock quote, it means one hundred shares (one lot) are being bid at the bid price shown, and 400 shares (4 lots) are being offered at the price shown. If you are looking at an option quote, it means one contract bid and 4 contracts offered. This information shows support and resistance on a momentary basis, useful with live quotes if you are about to place an order. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 11:20 PM Tom: Would you tell me what "size 1x4 "means when in stock quote vernacular. I'm in>delayed stock quotes, and the quotes include: bid, ask, size, and volume. One of the quotes I'm looking at has "size 1x4". What does this mean? jans - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] Worley's Weekend Weeview Date: 06 Apr 2003 22:11:29 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_008C_01C2FC89.795B9780 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_008D_01C2FC89.795B9780" ------=_NextPart_001_008D_01C2FC89.795B9780 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ECONOMICS In a forewarning of what was to come later in the week, the Chicago NAPM = Index contracted sharply in March to 48.4 from 54.9. Expectations were = for a drop to 50.7. On the National level, ISM reports that = manufacturing activity fell to 46.2 from 50.5, first time back into = contraction in five months. Expected was 48.6.=20 Spending on new construction dropped 0.2% in February, but beat = expectations of a 0.7% drop. Residential construction climbed to a new = record, however. February's manufacturing orders fell 1.5%, expected was a 0.6% decline. = Durable orders were down 1.6%. Inventories are starting to inch up, up = 0.4% for the month. ISM's March service index also declined to 47.9 from 53.9, lowest since = the 9/11 attacks, and well under expectations of 52.3. New jobless claims popped up to 445K last week, expected was only 410K. = Last time it was this high was mid April 2002. The economy may have = recovered in the past year, but if so it's doing it without creating = jobs. The 4 week average rose in tandem to 426,250 from 423,750, and = continuing claims grew another 110K to 3.61 million. As if revising last month's shocking loss of 308K jobs even higher to = 357K wasn't bad enough, another 108K jobs were lost in March. Expected = was only a loss of 27K jobs, and without the huge upward revision for = February. The headline number of 5.8% unemployment remained unchanged, = but that merely reflects the mass exodus of people from the labor pool = after exhausting benefits, and giving up even trying to find a job. We = now have the longest stretch of negative reports on private payrolls (21 = months) since the 1944-46 period (wow, that's even older than I am, and = I am OLD!!). The biggest loss of jobs came from the service sector, = maybe because there are so few manufacturing jobs left?? ------- WORLEY'S WATCHLIST WANNABES=20 This list is in no way intended to recommend any stocks to the group. It = is a part of my regular personal assessment of the health of CANSLIM's = "M" and, as the name implies, only intended to identify some stocks with = constructive chart patterns that may be worth WATCHING and learning from = (and of course doing your own due diligence). I am employed in = Operations by a US Broker Dealer, however everything presented by me is = strictly my own ideas and in no way should be taken to reflect the views = or opinions of my employer. I typically list stocks with both RS and EPS ranking of 80 or better, = and try to exclude stocks undergoing any merger / acquisition / buyout = scenario. I look at all charts that meet this general RS/EPS criteria, = focusing on ones at or close to a new 12 month high. I consider all = industry groups and prices, even those I will not consider for my = personal investing. I no longer will actively consider earnings forecast = for this year and next due the confusing data presented by DGO. I do no = due diligence, that is your responsibility. I will note any CANSLIM = patterns I see, such as c&h, double (or triple) bottoms, or flat bases = (shown as Bx where "x" is the # of weeks, IMO). I will also note LLUR = (Lower Left Upper Right) even though it is not exactly a CANSLIM = pattern. Rarely are any of these stocks of interest to me for my = personal investing due size, price or industry group. I will note any = stocks in which I have a current personal financial interest, whether = real money or virtual reality (VR). The population of stocks I am reviewing this weekend continued to grow, = although not as much as I was expecting. ACL - handle forming AET - handle forming on a 9 month cup AMGN - LLUR DF - LLUR DNEX - B7 ERES - LLUR STN - secondary base? Happy hunting, God Bless America Tom Worley AIM: TexWorley ------=_NextPart_001_008D_01C2FC89.795B9780 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
In a forewarning of what was to come later in = the week,=20 the Chicago NAPM Index contracted sharply in March to 48.4 = from=20 54.9.  Expectations were for a drop to 50.7. On the National level, = ISM=20 reports that manufacturing activity fell to 46.2 from 50.5, first time = back into=20 contraction in five months. Expected was 48.6.
Spending on new construction dropped 0.2% in = February, but=20 beat expectations of a 0.7% drop. Residential construction climbed to a = new=20 record, however.
February's manufacturing orders fell 1.5%, = expected was a=20 0.6% decline. Durable orders were down 1.6%. Inventories are starting to = inch=20 up, up 0.4% for the month.
ISM's March service index also declined to 47.9 = from 53.9,=20 lowest since the 9/11 attacks, and well under expectations of = 52.3.
New jobless claims popped up to 445K last week, = expected=20 was only 410K. Last time it was this high was mid April 2002. The = economy may=20 have recovered in the past year, but if so it's doing it without = creating jobs.=20 The 4 week average rose in tandem to 426,250 from 423,750, and = continuing claims=20 grew another 110K to 3.61 million.
As if revising last month's shocking loss of = 308K jobs=20 even higher to 357K wasn't bad enough, another 108K jobs were lost in = March.=20 Expected was only a loss of 27K jobs, and without the huge upward = revision for=20 February. The headline number of 5.8% unemployment remained unchanged, = but that=20 merely reflects the mass exodus of people from the labor pool after = exhausting=20 benefits, and giving up even trying to find a job. We now have the = longest=20 stretch of negative reports on private payrolls (21 months) since the = 1944-46=20 period (wow, that's even older than I am, and I am OLD!!). The biggest = loss of=20 jobs came from the service sector, maybe because there are so few = manufacturing=20 jobs left??
This list is in no way intended to recommend any = stocks to=20 the group. It is a part of my regular personal assessment of the health = of=20 CANSLIM's "M" and, as the name implies, only intended to identify some = stocks=20 with constructive chart patterns that may be worth WATCHING and learning from (and of = course doing=20 your own due diligence). I am employed = in=20 Operations by a US Broker Dealer, however everything presented by me is = strictly=20 my own ideas and in no way should be taken to reflect the views or = opinions of=20 my employer.
I typically list stocks with both RS and EPS = ranking of 80=20 or better, and try to exclude stocks undergoing any merger / acquisition = /=20 buyout scenario. I look at all charts that meet = this general RS/EPS=20 criteria, focusing on ones at or close to a new 12 month high. I = consider all=20 industry groups and prices, even those I will not consider for my = personal=20 investing. I no longer will actively consider earnings = forecast=20 for this year and next due the confusing data presented by DGO. I do no due diligence, that is your = responsibility. I will=20 note any CANSLIM patterns I see, such as c&h, double (or triple) = bottoms, or=20 flat bases (shown as Bx where "x" is the # of weeks, IMO). I will also = note LLUR=20 (Lower Left Upper Right) even though it is not exactly a CANSLIM = pattern. Rarely=20 are any of these stocks of interest to me for my personal investing due = size,=20 price or industry group. I will note any stocks in which I have a = current=20 personal financial interest, whether real money or virtual reality=20 (VR).
The population of stocks I am reviewing this = weekend=20 continued to grow, although not as much as I was expecting.
ACL - handle forming
AET - handle forming on a 9 month = cup
STN - secondary base?
Happy hunting, God Bless America
Tom Worley
AIM: = TexWorley
------=_NextPart_001_008D_01C2FC89.795B9780-- ------=_NextPart_000_008C_01C2FC89.795B9780 Content-Type: image/gif; name="Waving Flag.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: <008b01c2fcab$006ac680$6500a8c0@TOMSBOX> R0lGODlhZAA3AMcAAAAAAAAAMwAAZgAAmQAAzAAA/zMAADMAMzMAZjMAmTMAzDMA/2YAAGYAM2YA ZmYAmWYAzGYA/5kAAJkAM5kAZpkAmZkAzJkA/8wAAMwAM8wAZswAmcwAzMwA//8AAP8AM/8AZv8A mf8AzP8A/wAzAAAzMwAzZgAzmQAzzAAz/zMzADMzMzMzZjMzmTMzzDMz/2YzAGYzM2YzZmYzmWYz zGYz/5kzAJkzM5kzZpkzmZkzzJkz/8wzAMwzM8wzZswzmcwzzMwz//8zAP8zM/8zZv8zmf8zzP8z /wBmAABmMwBmZgBmmQBmzABm/zNmADNmMzNmZjNmmTNmzDNm/2ZmAGZmM2ZmZmZmmWZmzGZm/5lm AJlmM5lmZplmmZlmzJlm/8xmAMxmM8xmZsxmmcxmzMxm//9mAP9mM/9mZv9mmf9mzP9m/wCZAACZ MwCZZgCZmQCZzACZ/zOZADOZMzOZZjOZmTOZzDOZ/2aZAGaZM2aZZmaZmWaZzGaZ/5mZAJmZM5mZ ZpmZmZmZzJmZ/8yZAMyZM8yZZsyZmcyZzMyZ//+ZAP+ZM/+ZZv+Zmf+ZzP+Z/wDMAADMMwDMZgDM mQDMzADM/zPMADPMMzPMZjPMmTPMzDPM/2bMAGbMM2bMZmbMmWbMzGbM/5nMAJnMM5nMZpnMmZnM zJnM/8zMAMzMM8zMZszMmczMzMzM///MAP/MM//MZv/Mmf/MzP/M/wD/AAD/MwD/ZgD/mQD/zAD/ 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TDBHIDFBMA0KQ0FOQURBLg0KDQpUaGlzIGNvbW1lbnQgYmxvY2sgd2lsbCBub3QgYXBwZWFyIGlu IGZpbGVzIGNyZWF0ZWQgd2l0aCBhIHJlZ2lzdGVyZWQgdmVyc2lvbiBvZiBHSUYgQ29uc3RydWN0 aW9uIFNldAAh/wtHSUZDT05uYjEuMAIIAA4MAAIAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAxmbGFnMXdyLkdJRgAODAAC AAUAAAAAAAAAAAAMZmxhZzJ3ci5HSUYADgwAAgAHAAAAAAAAAAAADGZsYWczd3IuR0lGAA4MAAIA CQAAAAAAAAAAAAxmbGFnNHdyLkdJRgAODAACAAsAAAAAAAAAAAAMZmxhZzV3ci5HSUYADgwAAgAN AAAAAAAAAAAADGZsYWc2d3IuR0lGAA4MAAIADwAAAAAAAAAAAAxmbGFnN3dyLkdJRgAODAACABEA AAAAAAAAAAAMZmxhZzh3ci5HSUYAADs= ------=_NextPart_000_008C_01C2FC89.795B9780-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harold Josephson" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Katherine or Mike re Chart Evaluator Date: 08 Apr 2003 00:08:37 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2FD63.0484B1F0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0002_01C2FD63.04863890" ------=_NextPart_001_0002_01C2FD63.04863890 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks, I've done so. I don't seem to have received any emails since last Friday. Am I still on your active list. Harold Josephson Tel: 323.850.1333 Fax: 323.512.8968 -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Harold Josephson Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 12:38 PM I tried to access the Evaluator for the first time today for the first of my 5 free, daily evaluations. I received this message . . . You must be a subscriber to our Platinum service to use this tool. Please subscribe to the Platinum Service to access this tool more frequently. I accessed it via What am I doing wrong? Thanks Harold Josephson Tel: 323.850.1333 Fax: 323.512.8968 ------=_NextPart_001_0002_01C2FD63.04863890 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Thanks, I’ve done = so.


I don’t seem to have = received any emails since last Friday.  Am I still on your active list.


Harold = Josephson
Tel: 323.850.1333
Fax: 323.512.8968

-----Original = Message-----
From: =
owner-canslim@lists.xmissio= = [mailto:owner-canslim@lists.xmissio=] On Behalf Of = Harold Josephson
Sent: Friday, April 04, = 2003 12:38 PM
To: =
Subject: [CANSLIM] = Katherine or Mike re Chart Evaluator


I = tried to access the Evaluator for the first time today for the first of my 5 = free, daily evaluations.  I received = this message . . = .


You must be a subscriber to our Platinum service to use this tool.
Please subscribe to the Platinum Service to access this tool more = frequently.


I accessed it via<= /a>


What am I doing wrong?




Harold Josephson
Tel: 323.850.1333
Fax: 323.512.8968
 <= /font>


------=_NextPart_001_0002_01C2FD63.04863890-- ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2FD63.0484B1F0 Content-Type: image/jpeg; name="image001.jpg" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QSqUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+kAAAAAAHgAAwAAAEgA SAAAAAAC2gIo/+H/4QL5AkUDRwUoA/wAAgAAAEgASAAAAAAC2AIoAAEAAABkAAAAAQADAwMAAAAB Jw8AAQABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYAgAGQGQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4 QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEAAQBIAAAAAQABOEJJTQPzAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAA4QklNBAoAAAAA AAEAADhCSU0nEAAAAAAACgABAAAAAAAAAAI4QklNA/UAAAAAAEgAL2ZmAAEAbGZmAAYAAAAAAAEA L2ZmAAEAoZmaAAYAAAAAAAEAMgAAAAEAWgAAAAYAAAAAAAEANQAAAAEALQAAAAYAAAAAAAE4QklN A/gAAAAAAHAAAP////////////////////////////8D6AAAAAD///////////////////////// ////A+gAAAAA/////////////////////////////wPoAAAAAP////////////////////////// //8D6AAAOEJJTQQAAAAAAAACAAA4QklNBAIAAAAAAAIAADhCSU0ECAAAAAAAEAAAAAEAAAJAAAAC QAAAAAA4QklNBAkAAAAAApkAAAABAAAAgAAAAAEAAAGAAAABgAAAAn0AGAAB/9j/4AAQSkZJRgAB AgEASABIAAD//gAnRmlsZSB3cml0dGVuIGJ5IEFkb2JlIFBob3Rvc2hvcKggNC4wAP/uAA5BZG9i ZQBkgAAAAAH/2wCEAAwICAgJCAwJCQwRCwoLERUPDAwPFRgTExUTExgRDAwMDAwMEQwMDAwMDAwM DAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwBDQsLDQ4NEA4OEBQODg4UFA4ODg4UEQwMDAwMEREMDAwMDAwR DAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDP/AABEIAAEAgAMBIgACEQEDEQH/3QAEAAj/xAE/ AAABBQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAADAAECBAUGBwgJCgsBAAEFAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAEAAgMEBQYHCAkK CxAAAQQBAwIEAgUHBggFAwwzAQACEQMEIRIxBUFRYRMicYEyBhSRobFCIyQVUsFiMzRygtFDByWS U/Dh8WNzNRaisoMmRJNUZEXCo3Q2F9JV4mXys4TD03Xj80YnlKSFtJXE1OT0pbXF1eX1VmZ2hpam tsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3EQACAgECBAQDBAUGBwcGBTUBAAIRAyExEgRBUWFxIhMFMoGRFKGx QiPBUtHwMyRi4XKCkkNTFWNzNPElBhaisoMHJjXC0kSTVKMXZEVVNnRl4vKzhMPTdePzRpSkhbSV xNTk9KW1xdXl9VZmdoaWprbG1ub2JzdHV2d3h5ent8f/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APTqPon4/wAAir5X SQGyn6oSXyukip+qEl8rpJKfqhJfK6SSn6oSXyukkp+qEl8rpJKfqhJfK6SSn6oSXyukkp//2QA4 QklNBAYAAAAAAAcABAAAAAEBAP/+ACdGaWxlIHdyaXR0ZW4gYnkgQWRvYmUgUGhvdG9zaG9wqCA0 LjAA/+4ADkFkb2JlAGQAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBwUHCwYGCw4KCAoOEQ4ODg4RFhMTExMTFhEMDAwM DAwRDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAEHCQkTDBMiExMiFA4ODhQUDg4ODhQRDAwM DAwREQwMDAwMDBEMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwM/8AAEQgAAwZAAwERAAIRAQMR Af/dAAQAyP/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ qbnJ2en5KjpKWmp6ipqqusra6voRAAICAQIDBQUEBQYECAMDbQEAAhEDBCESMUEFURNhIgZxgZEy obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo +DlJWWl5iZmpucnZ6fkqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+v/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9N/vv+Lv+SWFhv5/7F37 7/i7/kliu/n/ALFbJ63H/dv0+lTFd/P/AGKj++/y/wDkliu/n/sVa29Tl8fSn7fCn/JPfFIRH/AY GTv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Bi rv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/w GKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3 /AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd /wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFX f8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gM Vd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+ AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8A gMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/ 4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq 7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wAB irv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Bi rv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/w GKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3/AYq7/gMVd/wGKu/4DFXf8Birv8AgMVd/wABirv+AxV3 /AYq/wD/2Q== ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2FD63.0484B1F0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gene Ricci" Subject: [CANSLIM] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Stock_Selection_in_Today's_Market._Part_2_in_a_Two-Part_Se?= Date: 08 Apr 2003 22:38:59 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_016E_01C2FE1F.A56CFDE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable =,,8= 64|6073,00.html?orig=3Datebulletin&dest=3Dkentowerapr&pos=3Dmain&ebmk=3Da= cquisition=20 Just in case, here's Part 1 (posted a couple of weeks ago) =,,8= 64|5937,00.html?orig=3Datebulletin&dest=3Dkentowermar&pos=3Dmain&ebmk=3Da= cquisition=20 =20 Gene=20 ------=_NextPart_000_016E_01C2FE1F.A56CFDE0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Just in case, here's Part 1 (posted a = couple of=20 weeks ago) /SNLib123/SN123EmailArticle/0,,864|5937,00.html?orig=3Datebulletin&de= st=3Dkentowermar&pos=3Dmain&ebmk=3Dacquisition 
 = ;
------=_NextPart_000_016E_01C2FE1F.A56CFDE0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gene Ricci" Subject: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War Date: 08 Apr 2003 23:05:42 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_01FF_01C2FE23.60D7EFB0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Story from =,,8= 73|6057,00.html=20 =20 Gene=20 ------=_NextPart_000_01FF_01C2FE23.60D7EFB0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Story from 23/SN123EmailArticle/0,,873|6057,00.html=20
------=_NextPart_000_01FF_01C2FE23.60D7EFB0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harold Josephson" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War Date: 08 Apr 2003 22:25:55 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0044_01C2FE1D.D62C2840 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Gene, Thanks for the historically illuminating study. I wonder what other even more weighty factors were in play at the war's end? How did the economic outlook then compare with the present? I believe that though war sentiment is a powerful determinant of investors' behavior now, it will be quickly replaced by more typical influences when over. If the economy is forecast to be lousy, and earnings expected to be poor, the recent war will not be a conceptually meaningful determinant of stock prices. Harold Harold Josephson Tel: 323.850.1333 Fax: 323.512.8968 -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Gene Ricci Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 9:06 PM Story from,, 873|6057,00.html Gene ------=_NextPart_000_0044_01C2FE1D.D62C2840 Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi = Gene,


Thanks for the historically = illuminating study.


I wonder what other even more = weighty factors were in play at the war’s end?  How did the economic outlook then compare with the present?  I believe that though war = sentiment is a powerful determinant of investors’ behavior now, it will be = quickly replaced by more typical influences when over.  If the economy is forecast to = be lousy, and earnings expected to be poor, the recent war will not be a = conceptually meaningful determinant of stock prices.




Harold = Josephson
Tel: 323.850.1333
Fax: 323.512.8968

-----Original = Message-----
From: =
owner-canslim@lists.xmissio= = [mailto:owner-canslim@lists.xmissio=] On Behalf Of Gene Ricci
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, = 2003 9:06 PM
To: =
Subject: [CANSLIM] = History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War


Story from =

------=_NextPart_000_0044_01C2FE1D.D62C2840-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War Date: 09 Apr 2003 06:33:21 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C2FE61.EA095C40 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I think we have already seen pretty much all of the "post war rally" and = the market is already refocused on the economy and current earnings = being released. And judging by daily reports over the past few months, I = expect very little positive surprises for this earnings reporting cycle, = and much higher than usual reports either "in line" with expectations, = or failing expectations. The question now shifts to whether the final stages of the war in Iraq = encourages consumers to resume spending, driving up corporate activity, = and boosting expectations for future earnings reports, with focus now = looking into 2004 economic and earnings forecasts. There is also the short term question whether the Feds will cut rates = another 50 basis points, and if so, will they do it before the next = meeting in May. ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 1:25 AM Hi Gene, =20 Thanks for the historically illuminating study. =20 I wonder what other even more weighty factors were in play at the war's = end? How did the economic outlook then compare with the present? I = believe that though war sentiment is a powerful determinant of = investors' behavior now, it will be quickly replaced by more typical = influences when over. If the economy is forecast to be lousy, and = earnings expected to be poor, the recent war will not be a conceptually = meaningful determinant of stock prices. =20 Harold =20 Harold Josephson Tel: 323.850.1333 Fax: 323.512.8968 -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Gene Ricci Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 9:06 PM =20 Story from =,,8= 73|6057,00.html=20 =20 Gene=20 ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C2FE61.EA095C40 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I think we have already seen pretty much all of = the "post=20 war rally" and the market is already refocused on the economy and = current=20 earnings being released. And judging by daily reports over the past few = months,=20 I expect very little positive surprises for this earnings reporting = cycle, and=20 much higher than usual reports either "in line" with expectations, or = failing=20 expectations.
The question now shifts to whether the final = stages of the=20 war in Iraq encourages consumers to resume spending, driving up = corporate=20 activity, and boosting expectations for future earnings reports, with = focus now=20 looking into 2004 economic and earnings forecasts.
There is also the short term question whether = the Feds=20 will cut rates another 50 basis points, and if so, will they do it = before the=20 next meeting in May.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Harold = Josephson=20
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 1:25 AM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound = After=20 War

Hi = Gene,


Thanks for the historically = illuminating=20 study.


I wonder what other even more = weighty=20 factors were in play at the war=92s end? =20 How did the economic outlook then compare with the present?  I believe that though war = sentiment is a=20 powerful determinant of investors=92 behavior now, it will be quickly = replaced by=20 more typical influences when over. =20 If the economy is forecast to be lousy, and earnings expected to = be poor,=20 the recent war will not be a conceptually meaningful determinant of = stock=20 prices.




Harold=20 Josephson
Tel:=20 323.850.1333
Fax: = 323.512.8968

-----Original=20 Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of Gene = Ricci
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 = 9:06=20 PM
Subject: [CANSLIM] History Shows = Markets=20 Tend to Rebound After War


Story from 23/SN123EmailArticle/0,,873|6057,00.html=20
 Gene =

------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C2FE61.EA095C40-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeff Salisbury Subject: [CANSLIM] Test only -- please do not reply Date: 09 Apr 2003 07:43:22 -0600 Test only -- please do not reply - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gene Ricci" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War Date: 09 Apr 2003 10:50:32 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_034E_01C2FE85.D7DFD070 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi Tom, are you saying that 'if' the consumer resumes spending and the = FED lowers rates the ''post'' war rally will continue? I think the real = intangible will be the passing of the 'tax-free' dividends... if that = happens much money will flow into the market and into those old 'value' = plays. ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Tom Worley=20 To: Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 5:33 AM Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War I think we have already seen pretty much all of the "post war rally" = and the market is already refocused on the economy and current earnings = being released. And judging by daily reports over the past few months, I = expect very little positive surprises for this earnings reporting cycle, = and much higher than usual reports either "in line" with expectations, = or failing expectations. The question now shifts to whether the final stages of the war in Iraq = encourages consumers to resume spending, driving up corporate activity, = and boosting expectations for future earnings reports, with focus now = looking into 2004 economic and earnings forecasts. There is also the short term question whether the Feds will cut rates = another 50 basis points, and if so, will they do it before the next = meeting in May. ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Harold Josephson=20 To: Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 1:25 AM Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War Hi Gene, =20 Thanks for the historically illuminating study. =20 I wonder what other even more weighty factors were in play at the = war's end? How did the economic outlook then compare with the present? = I believe that though war sentiment is a powerful determinant of = investors' behavior now, it will be quickly replaced by more typical = influences when over. If the economy is forecast to be lousy, and = earnings expected to be poor, the recent war will not be a conceptually = meaningful determinant of stock prices. =20 Harold =20 Harold Josephson Tel: 323.850.1333 Fax: 323.512.8968 -----Original Message----- From: = [] On Behalf Of Gene Ricci Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 9:06 PM To: Subject: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War =20 Story from =,,8= 73|6057,00.html=20 =20 Gene=20 ------=_NextPart_000_034E_01C2FE85.D7DFD070 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi Tom, are you saying that 'if' the = consumer=20 resumes spending and the FED lowers rates the ''post'' war rally will = continue?=20 I think the real intangible will be the passing  of the 'tax-free'=20 dividends... if that happens much money will flow into the market and = into those=20 old 'value' plays.
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Tom=20 Worley
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 = 5:33=20 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] History = Shows=20 Markets Tend to Rebound After War

I think we have already seen pretty much all = of the=20 "post war rally" and the market is already refocused on the economy = and=20 current earnings being released. And judging by daily reports over the = past=20 few months, I expect very little positive surprises for this earnings=20 reporting cycle, and much higher than usual reports either "in line" = with=20 expectations, or failing expectations.
The question now shifts to whether the final = stages of=20 the war in Iraq encourages consumers to resume spending, driving up = corporate=20 activity, and boosting expectations for future earnings reports, with = focus=20 now looking into 2004 economic and earnings forecasts.
There is also the short term question whether = the Feds=20 will cut rates another 50 basis points, and if so, will they do it = before the=20 next meeting in May.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Harold = Josephson=20
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 1:25 AM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to = Rebound After=20 War

Hi = Gene,


Thanks for the historically = illuminating=20 study.


I wonder what other even more = weighty=20 factors were in play at the war=92s end? =20 How did the economic outlook then compare with the = present?  I believe that though war = sentiment is=20 a powerful determinant of investors=92 behavior now, it will be = quickly replaced=20 by more typical influences when over. =20 If the economy is forecast to be lousy, and earnings expected = to be=20 poor, the recent war will not be a conceptually meaningful determinant = of=20 stock prices.




Harold=20 Josephson
Tel:=20 323.850.1333
Fax: = 323.512.8968

-----Original=20 Message-----
From: = []=20 On Behalf Of Gene=20 Ricci
Sent: = Tuesday, April=20 08, 2003 9:06 PM
[CANSLIM] History = Shows Markets=20 Tend to Rebound After War


Story from 23/SN123EmailArticle/0,,873|6057,00.html=20

------=_NextPart_000_034E_01C2FE85.D7DFD070-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War Date: 10 Apr 2003 00:05:14 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01C2FEF4.DC4749D0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable the consumer never really stopped spending, or even slowed up that much = until the past several months, despite recession. So there never was a = "pent up" spending binge once the recession ended (assuming it did, in = fact, end, and I don't make that assumption). The Fed has lowered rates = a dozen times so far, and what it achieved was preventing an even deeper = slide into recession. Another cut would be intended to do just that, = either make a current recession more shallow, or prevent a "double dip = recession" (assuming we are not still in one). The overhang on the market for months has been the uncertainty of all = the issues surrounding a war against Iraq. There was little focus on = fundamentals (economy and corporate earnings, to be specific). Now that = focus begins to return, and the picture is not pretty. The past few = months of daily reports I get on corporate commentary / forecasts on = their earnings has been more neutral to negative than I have seen in at = least a year or more. I don't think the issue of tax free dividends will change market = fundamentals, or trend direction. While I strongly feel the double = taxation should end, I don't think the shareholder should get a free = ride on this form of income anymore than they get to avoid income tax on = bond interest. I do think the taxation at the corporate level should = have been eliminated, and I think that would have done far more to = inspire fresh buying of stocks that began to pay a dividend, or = increased the dividend, once it could be deducted as a business expense = instead of a direct reduction of after tax profits. ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 11:50 AM Hi Tom, are you saying that 'if' the consumer resumes spending and the = FED lowers rates the ''post'' war rally will continue? I think the real = intangible will be the passing of the 'tax-free' dividends... if that = happens much money will flow into the market and into those old 'value' = plays. ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Tom Worley=20 To: Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 5:33 AM Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War I think we have already seen pretty much all of the "post war rally" = and the market is already refocused on the economy and current earnings = being released. And judging by daily reports over the past few months, I = expect very little positive surprises for this earnings reporting cycle, = and much higher than usual reports either "in line" with expectations, = or failing expectations. The question now shifts to whether the final stages of the war in Iraq = encourages consumers to resume spending, driving up corporate activity, = and boosting expectations for future earnings reports, with focus now = looking into 2004 economic and earnings forecasts. There is also the short term question whether the Feds will cut rates = another 50 basis points, and if so, will they do it before the next = meeting in May. ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Harold Josephson=20 To: Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 1:25 AM Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War Hi Gene, =20 Thanks for the historically illuminating study. =20 I wonder what other even more weighty factors were in play at the = war's end? How did the economic outlook then compare with the present? = I believe that though war sentiment is a powerful determinant of = investors' behavior now, it will be quickly replaced by more typical = influences when over. If the economy is forecast to be lousy, and = earnings expected to be poor, the recent war will not be a conceptually = meaningful determinant of stock prices. =20 Harold =20 Harold Josephson Tel: 323.850.1333 Fax: 323.512.8968 -----Original Message----- From: = [] On Behalf Of Gene Ricci Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 9:06 PM To: Subject: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War =20 Story from =,,8= 73|6057,00.html=20 =20 Gene=20 ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01C2FEF4.DC4749D0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
the consumer never really stopped spending, or = even slowed=20 up that much until the past several months, despite recession. So there = never=20 was a "pent up" spending binge once the recession ended (assuming it = did, in=20 fact, end, and I don't make that assumption).  The Fed has lowered = rates a=20 dozen times so far, and what it achieved was preventing an even deeper = slide=20 into recession. Another cut would be intended to do just that, either = make a=20 current recession more shallow, or prevent a "double dip recession" = (assuming we=20 are not still in one).
The overhang on the market for months has been = the=20 uncertainty of all the issues surrounding a war against Iraq. There was = little=20 focus on fundamentals (economy and corporate earnings, to be specific). = Now that=20 focus begins to return, and the picture is not pretty. The past few = months of=20 daily reports I get on corporate commentary / forecasts on their = earnings has=20 been more neutral to negative than I have seen in at least a year or=20 more.
I don't think the issue of tax free dividends = will change=20 market fundamentals, or trend direction. While I strongly feel the = double=20 taxation should end, I don't think the shareholder should get a free = ride on=20 this form of income anymore than they get to avoid income tax on bond = interest.=20 I do think the taxation at the corporate level should have been = eliminated, and=20 I think that would have done far more to inspire fresh buying of stocks = that=20 began to pay a dividend, or increased the dividend, once it could be = deducted as=20 a business expense instead of a direct reduction of after tax=20 profits.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Gene Ricci =
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound = After=20 War

Hi Tom, are you saying that 'if' the = consumer=20 resumes spending and the FED lowers rates the ''post'' war rally will = continue?=20 I think the real intangible will be the passing  of the 'tax-free'=20 dividends... if that happens much money will flow into the market and = into those=20 old 'value' plays.
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Tom=20 Worley
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 = 5:33=20 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] History = Shows=20 Markets Tend to Rebound After War

I think we have already seen pretty much all = of the=20 "post war rally" and the market is already refocused on the economy = and=20 current earnings being released. And judging by daily reports over the = past=20 few months, I expect very little positive surprises for this earnings=20 reporting cycle, and much higher than usual reports either "in line" = with=20 expectations, or failing expectations.
The question now shifts to whether the final = stages of=20 the war in Iraq encourages consumers to resume spending, driving up = corporate=20 activity, and boosting expectations for future earnings reports, with = focus=20 now looking into 2004 economic and earnings forecasts.
There is also the short term question whether = the Feds=20 will cut rates another 50 basis points, and if so, will they do it = before the=20 next meeting in May.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Harold = Josephson=20
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 1:25 AM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to = Rebound After=20 War

Hi = Gene,


Thanks for the historically = illuminating=20 study.


I wonder what other even more = weighty=20 factors were in play at the war=92s end? =20 How did the economic outlook then compare with the = present?  I believe that though war = sentiment is=20 a powerful determinant of investors=92 behavior now, it will be = quickly replaced=20 by more typical influences when over. =20 If the economy is forecast to be lousy, and earnings expected = to be=20 poor, the recent war will not be a conceptually meaningful determinant = of=20 stock prices.




Harold=20 Josephson
Tel:=20 323.850.1333
Fax: = 323.512.8968

-----Original=20 Message-----
From: = []=20 On Behalf Of Gene=20 Ricci
Sent: = Tuesday, April=20 08, 2003 9:06 PM
[CANSLIM] History = Shows Markets=20 Tend to Rebound After War


Story from 23/SN123EmailArticle/0,,873|6057,00.html=20

------=_NextPart_000_000E_01C2FEF4.DC4749D0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mike Gibbons" Subject: "M" as affected by dividend tax reductions- was - RE: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War Date: 09 Apr 2003 21:28:25 -1000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0019_01C2FEDE.F439D1E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id h3A7SCB5024657 Tom, kudos for raising a little discussed issue. Your last paragraph highlights an issue that has received little focus in= the popular media, probably because the issue is too arcane to be captured in a sound-bite. As you rightly draw attention to, = corporations pay interest on their debts out of their profits before taxes, while dividends must be paid from profits after tax= es. Thus the tax code gives companies an incentive to finance their activities by borrowing money rather than by selling stock,= which would spread the risks and rewards of the enterprise among the community of stockholders. In other words, the present tax code= in this respect is actually anti-capitalistic and the proposed changes would do nothing to redress this. There would be an ince= ntive for companies who don't currently pay dividends to start doing so, because there would be a one-time jump in their stock pri= ce, but once this initial stimulus (which is its purpose) is past, the benefit to the economy as a whole would seem negligible. You also refer to the preference given to dividend income from stocks rat= her than from bonds, or other interest income, and that too introduces a distortion. While stock investors may applaud it, why are th= ey more deserving than other forms of investor? When and if enacted, the dividend tax cut will probably achieve a short t= erm stimulus, although that may already be built in, but it is unlikely, of itself to transform "M" from bull to bear. Aloha, Mike Gibbons Proactive Technologies, LLC -----Original Message----- From: [mailto:owner-canslim@lists.xmis=]On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 6:05 PM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War the consumer never really stopped spending, or even slowed up that much= until the past several months, despite recession. So there never was a "pent up" spending binge once the recession ended (assuming i= t did, in fact, end, and I don't make that assumption). The Fed has lowered rates a dozen times so far, and what it achieved was = preventing an even deeper slide into recession. Another cut would be intended to do just that, either make a current recession more s= hallow, or prevent a "double dip recession" (assuming we are not still in one). The overhang on the market for months has been the uncertainty of all t= he issues surrounding a war against Iraq. There was little focus on fundamentals (economy and corporate earnings, to be specific). N= ow that focus begins to return, and the picture is not pretty. The past few months of daily reports I get on corporate commentar= y / forecasts on their earnings has been more neutral to negative than I have seen in at least a year or more. I don't think the issue of tax free dividends will change market fundam= entals, or trend direction. While I strongly feel the double taxation should end, I don't think the shareholder should get a fr= ee ride on this form of income anymore than they get to avoid income tax on bond interest. I do think the taxation at the corpora= te level should have been eliminated, and I think that would have done far more to inspire fresh buying of stocks that began to = pay a dividend, or increased the dividend, once it could be deducted as a business expense instead of a direct reduction of after tax= profits. ----- Original Message ----- From: Gene Ricci To: Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 11:50 AM Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War Hi Tom, are you saying that 'if' the consumer resumes spending and the = FED lowers rates the ''post'' war rally will continue? I think the real intangible will be the passing of the 'tax-free' dividend= s... if that happens much money will flow into the market and into those old 'value' plays. ----- Original Message ----- From: Tom Worley To: Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 5:33 AM Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After Wa= r I think we have already seen pretty much all of the "post war rally" = and the market is already refocused on the economy and current earnings being released. And judging by daily reports over the pa= st few months, I expect very little positive surprises for this earnings reporting cycle, and much higher than usual reports either = "in line" with expectations, or failing expectations. The question now shifts to whether the final stages of the war in Ira= q encourages consumers to resume spending, driving up corporate activity, and boosting expectations for future earnings reports= , with focus now looking into 2004 economic and earnings forecasts. There is also the short term question whether the Feds will cut rates= another 50 basis points, and if so, will they do it before the next meeting in May. ----- Original Message ----- From: Harold Josephson To: Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 1:25 AM Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After Wa= r Hi Gene, Thanks for the historically illuminating study. I wonder what other even more weighty factors were in play at the war= =92s end? How did the economic outlook then compare with the present? I believe that though war sentiment is a powerful determinant o= f investors=92 behavior now, it will be quickly replaced by more typical influences when over. If the economy is forecast to be lous= y, and earnings expected to be poor, the recent war will not be a conceptually meaningful determinant of stock prices. Harold Harold Josephson Tel: 323.850.1333 Fax: 323.512.8968 -----Original Message----- From: [mailto:owner-canslim@lists.xm=] On Behalf Of Gene Ricci Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 9:06 PM To: Subject: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War Story from /0,,873|6057,00.html Gene ------=_NextPart_000_0019_01C2FEDE.F439D1E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Tom,=20 kudos for raising a little discussed issue.
Your=20 last paragraph highlights an issue that has received little focus in the = popular=20 media, probably because the issue is too arcane to be captured in a = sound-bite.=20 As you rightly draw attention to, corporations pay interest on = their debts=20 out of their profits before taxes, while dividends must be paid from = profits=20 after taxes. Thus the tax code gives companies an incentive to finance = their=20 activities by borrowing money rather than by selling stock, which would = spread=20 the risks and rewards of the enterprise among the community of = stockholders. In=20 other words, the present tax code in this respect is actually = anti-capitalistic=20 and the proposed changes would do nothing to redress this. There would = be an=20 incentive for companies who don't currently pay dividends to start doing = so,=20 because there would be a one-time jump in their stock price, but once = this=20 initial stimulus (which is its purpose) is past, the benefit to the = economy as a=20 whole would seem negligible.
You=20 also refer to the preference given to dividend income from stocks rather = than=20 from bonds, or other interest income, and that too introduces a = distortion.=20 While stock investors may applaud it, why are they more deserving than = other=20 forms of investor?
When=20 and if enacted, the dividend tax cut will probably achieve a short term=20 stimulus, although that may already be built in, but it is unlikely, of = itself=20 to transform "M" from bull to bear.
Mike = Gibbons
Proactive = Technologies,=20 LLC
-----Original Message-----
From:=20 []On Behalf Of Tom=20 Worley
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 6:05 PM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] History = Shows=20 Markets Tend to Rebound After War

the consumer never really stopped spending, or = even=20 slowed up that much until the past several months, despite recession. = So there=20 never was a "pent up" spending binge once the recession ended = (assuming it=20 did, in fact, end, and I don't make that assumption).  The Fed = has=20 lowered rates a dozen times so far, and what it achieved was = preventing an=20 even deeper slide into recession. Another cut would be intended to do = just=20 that, either make a current recession more shallow, or prevent a = "double dip=20 recession" (assuming we are not still in one).
The overhang on the market for months has been = the=20 uncertainty of all the issues surrounding a war against Iraq. There = was little=20 focus on fundamentals (economy and corporate earnings, to be = specific). Now=20 that focus begins to return, and the picture is not pretty. The past = few=20 months of daily reports I get on corporate commentary / forecasts on = their=20 earnings has been more neutral to negative than I have seen in at = least a year=20 or more.
I don't think the issue of tax free dividends = will=20 change market fundamentals, or trend direction. While I strongly feel = the=20 double taxation should end, I don't think the shareholder should get a = free=20 ride on this form of income anymore than they get to avoid income tax = on bond=20 interest. I do think the taxation at the corporate level should have = been=20 eliminated, and I think that would have done far more to inspire fresh = buying=20 of stocks that began to pay a dividend, or increased the dividend, = once it=20 could be deducted as a business expense instead of a direct reduction = of after=20 tax profits.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Gene Ricci =
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to = Rebound After=20 War

Hi Tom, are you saying that 'if' the = consumer=20 resumes spending and the FED lowers rates the ''post'' war rally will=20 continue? I think the real intangible will be the passing  of the = 'tax-free' dividends... if that happens much money will flow into the = market=20 and into those old 'value' plays.
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Tom=20 Worley
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, = 2003 5:33=20 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] = History Shows=20 Markets Tend to Rebound After War

I think we have already seen pretty much all = of the=20 "post war rally" and the market is already refocused on the economy = and=20 current earnings being released. And judging by daily reports over = the past=20 few months, I expect very little positive surprises for this = earnings=20 reporting cycle, and much higher than usual reports either "in line" = with=20 expectations, or failing expectations.
The question now shifts to whether the final = stages of=20 the war in Iraq encourages consumers to resume spending, driving up=20 corporate activity, and boosting expectations for future earnings = reports,=20 with focus now looking into 2004 economic and earnings=20 forecasts.
There is also the short term question = whether the Feds=20 will cut rates another 50 basis points, and if so, will they do it = before=20 the next meeting in May.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: = Harold = Josephson=20
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 1:25 AM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to = Rebound=20 After War

Hi = Gene,


Thanks for the historically=20 illuminating study.


I wonder what other even = more weighty=20 factors were in play at the war=92s end? =20 How did the economic outlook then compare with the = present?  I believe that though war = sentiment=20 is a powerful determinant of investors=92 behavior now, it will be = quickly=20 replaced by more typical influences when over.  If the economy is forecast = to be=20 lousy, and earnings expected to be poor, the recent war will not be = a=20 conceptually meaningful determinant of stock=20 prices.




Harold=20 Josephson
Tel:=20 323.850.1333
Fax: = 323.512.8968

-----Original=20 Message-----
From:=20 []=20 On Behalf Of Gene=20 Ricci
Sent: = Tuesday, April=20 08, 2003 9:06 PM
[CANSLIM] History = Shows=20 Markets Tend to Rebound After War


Story from 23/SN123EmailArticle/0,,873|6057,00.html=20

------=_NextPart_000_0019_01C2FEDE.F439D1E0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mo Subject: [CANSLIM] OFF TOPIC, OptionsXpress Date: 10 Apr 2003 00:48:42 -0700 (PDT) Any opinions pro or con on the broker OptionsXpress? If you have an account, have you ever used their OCO (one cancels other) orders? __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gene Ricci" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] History Shows Markets Tend to Rebound After War Date: 10 Apr 2003 16:30:45 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0385_01C2FF7E.89773B90 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Not sure how you consider getting a tax free dividend from a company = that one invested in a 'free' ride. Nor do I see the 'tie' between a = dividend and an interest payment from a loan. The major 'houses', supporting the eliminatiion of taxes on dividends, = see a clear delineation between loaning money and getting a fixed rate = of return and investing in a company through the purchase of the = company's stock. I agree with them and also feel that paying dividends = will force the company to be more deligent in funding programs that only = have a minimal chance of success. I don't think the issue of tax free dividends will change market = fundamentals, or trend direction. While I strongly feel the double = taxation should end, I don't think the shareholder should get a free = ride on this form of income anymore than they get to avoid income tax on = bond interest. ------=_NextPart_000_0385_01C2FF7E.89773B90 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Not sure how you consider getting a = tax=20 free dividend from a company that one invested in a 'free' = ride. Nor=20 do I see the 'tie' between a dividend and an interest payment from a=20 loan.
The major 'houses', supporting the = eliminatiion=20 of taxes on dividends, see a clear delineation between loaning = money and=20 getting a fixed rate of return and investing in a company through the = purchase=20 of the company's stock. I agree with them and also feel that paying = dividends=20 will force the company to be more deligent in funding programs that only = have a=20 minimal chance of success.
I don't think the issue of tax free dividends = will=20 change market fundamentals, or trend direction. While I strongly feel = the=20 double taxation should end, I don't think the shareholder should get a = free=20 ride on this form of income anymore than they get to avoid income tax = on bond=20 interest.
------=_NextPart_000_0385_01C2FF7E.89773B90-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rear Admiral" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] OFF TOPIC, OptionsXpress Date: 11 Apr 2003 09:04:14 +0100 I've been using them 4 a couple of months now & found their service 2 B excellent so far. Admittedly it's early days but a friend of mine back here in Blighty has had the same experience. Haven't tried the OCO tho'. Steve H Give food to those who need it, it'll cost you no more than two mouse clicks (i.e. free!). -----Original Message----- []On Behalf Of Mo Sent: 10 April 2003 08:49 Any opinions pro or con on the broker OptionsXpress? If you have an account, have you ever used their OCO (one cancels other) orders? --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.467 / Virus Database: 266 - Release Date: 01/04/03 - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ted Kozek" Subject: [CANSLIM] Tax Free Dividends Date: 10 Apr 2003 22:40:08 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_005D_01C2FFB2.235DB300 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Would someone like to comment on the effect tax free dividends will have = on corporate, treasury any municipal bond rates ------=_NextPart_000_005D_01C2FFB2.235DB300 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Would someone like to comment on the effect tax free dividends will = have on=20 corporate, treasury any municipal bond rates
------=_NextPart_000_005D_01C2FFB2.235DB300-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Tax Free Dividends Date: 13 Apr 2003 22:42:55 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_00E8_01C3020E.0677AD50 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I would not expect any effect ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 10:40 PM Would someone like to comment on the effect tax free dividends will have = on corporate, treasury any municipal bond rates ------=_NextPart_000_00E8_01C3020E.0677AD50 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I would not expect any effect
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Ted = Kozek
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 10:40 PM
Subject: [CANSLIM] Tax Free Dividends

Would someone like to comment on the effect tax free dividends will = have on=20 corporate, treasury any municipal bond rates
------=_NextPart_000_00E8_01C3020E.0677AD50-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harold Josephson" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be breakout Date: 13 Apr 2003 22:28:17 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0019_01C3020B.FE1A7B30 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Tom, You mention that you may "enter a limit buy back in the area of support in case the b/o fails". How do you protect against getting filled as the stock plummets south and keeps going. On another subject, do you know of any broker whose online trading software is powerful enough to enter a limit order when a stock reaches x, immediately put on a trailing stop of, say, 3% and increase the trailing stop to, say 5% when the stock reaches, say, 110% of your purchase price. Thanks, Harold Harold Josephson Tel: 323.850.1333 Fax: 323.512.8968 -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 4:06 AM Hi Jerome, One of the important things about CANSLIM is knowing the rules, and recognizing when you are bending (or even breaking) them. Any time you do so, it must raise an extra caution flag. To be honest, because I rarely can watch the market closely during the day, I usually buy prior to the b/o, then wait for it to happen. Since I invest for long term (1-2 years), I can afford to be more patient. It also often permits me to buy close to strong support, so if the b/o fails, it still will often leave me with a small profit. Unlike many CANSLIMers, who search for c&h patterns, my personal favorite is a flat line base with a very tight trading range that has lasted for a month or two at least. I will also buy a c&h pattern while still forming the handle if I see volume drying up without much decline in the handle. In both cases, I am usually buying below the pivot, and close to support, at the expense / risk of tying up capital for an indefinite time period. I cannot emphasize too much the importance of "M". When it is bearish, as it is still today, it becomes more risky to bend any rules. Making a buy decision after the close at least means you are not rushed into that decision, and can help take away the sense of missing something if you don't act immediately. The trade off is that by the close, it may be well past the pivot. In those cases, I may enter a limit buy back in the area of support in case the b/o fails, or gives a second entry opportunity. Even tho I typically do an hour of more of "market evaluation" on a global scale each morning, I still try to avoid making any buys or sells in the first hour. The market can be very volatile in this period, and can completely reverse itself by 10:30 or 11. If by midday the trend is consistent since 9:30, then I have a little more confidence in the day's trend continuing on to 4 PM. If I am doing a trade in the first hour, it is because of what went on the prior day, I have already made a decision, and set a price for action. The best way to "stay in the game" is to preserve capital. That means being in cash for most people, or only taking small positions with a limited portion of your investment dollars, when "M" says to be on the sidelines. Admittedly I personally will typically be fully invested, but I consider myself both very aggressive and a high risk taker. I thrive on stress, and take great delight in gaining a few percentage points in my portfolios especially when the markets are down. I do my best work when the markets are weak or declining, and small caps are being ignored. I break a lot of rules in what I do, including holding some stocks for a year or more. But that has also permitted me a number of 100% or more profits. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 2:28 AM Tom, Thanks again for your input. I was surprised to read that you generally buy into a breakout only after closing on the breakout day. I always thought that one needed to monitor the market very closely in order to buy as close to the pivot as possible to be successful in this business. In the past three years I purchased stocks that were 3 to 5 percent above the pivot and got shaken out of most of them. But that could very well have been the market. In better times I guess buying at 3 to 5 percent above the pivot might work better. What you do (buying after the market closes) certainly makes sense. At least you know conclusively that the volume materialized. I especially was intrigued with your comment that you would not buy during the first hour or two. Why is that? Also, you were right about the 4-day handle. I bent that rule. The reason is -- the other day I passed on HITK which broke out after forming a 4-day handle. And it is doing great. That was still fresh in my mind. I didn't want to miss out on a similar breakout. It seems that a lot of stocks breakout that do not meet all the fundamentals and technicals, few probably do. I guess the trick is to bend the fewest rules as possible and know why you're doing so. And, of course, the main thing may be to just stay in the game and keep swinging. You're bound to get a big hit sooner or later. I'm still waiting for mine. Thanks again. -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 8:48 PM for a correct ("proper") breakout, I would certainly want to see volume at least 50% over ADV (and preferably at least 100%). Problem with that is for those trying to catch a breakout during the day, when the price may have broken the pivot, and volume up to that point looks like it will reach these levels, but then volume slows way up in the afternoon. I rarely have the time to try to catch b/o's during the day, so normally can consider the full day's trading with some leisure at night, or early the next morning. But if I was to buy during the day, and volume up to that point indicated double or better day's average (assuming I was at least an hour or two into the day), then a slowdown in the afternoon would not by itself cause me to sell out. Once I am in a stock, I rely much more on the chart pattern, where it closes in terms of that day's trading range, and whether it is up or down on more or less than ADV. One of the principles of CANSLIM, in addition to being able to read the charts, is to buy on a breakout within 5% of the pivot, then use an 8% stop loss from your purchase price. This means you could slip below the pivot, and still not feel obligated to sell. The closer to the pivot you buy, the further below the pivot you could ride it. In the case you mention with FRX, one point I would emphasize, which I suspect you are already sensitive to, is that you saw a b/o with only a 4 day handle. The cup itself was well formed, including a capitulation day on 2/14/03 on 2X ADV. However, the shortness of the handle, combined with the lack of time for volume to dry up, suggests to me that the b/o that enticed you was far too immature, especially given the state of "M", and the market susceptibility to emotional reaction to the war in Iraq (which has nothing to do at least directly to either "M" or the state of the economy, but is nonetheless the most current overwhelming and overriding influence on "M"). Sometimes you can get away with buying too quickly, or too early, but normally you want the trend ("M") already in your favor when you do so. With the economy continuing to weaken, emotions still very high over the war with Iraq, and a lot of uncertainty still remaining, I think I would be unlikely to buy a breakout intraday unless it had already traded twice a normal ADV, regardless of just how far it is in the trading day. Should you now sell (if you haven't already)?? I can't answer that, even with today's drop below the pivot, and on 1.5X ADV. Certainly today was not encouraging. But your investment time frame, risk tolerance, whether you bot the entire intended position or just a portion, etc. all affect what you should do now. The stock has not broken down, the fundies remain quite healthy, forecasts are strong for the longer term. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:04 AM Tom, Thank you for your input. I value your insights and opinions. Is it not true that if volume does not reach 50%, a breakout has not occurred by definition? Therefore shouldn't I view the action I described with FRX as not a breakout, and think about treating the buy differently from a genuine breakout, i.e., setting the loss at 7% or 8%, etc.? I -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 8:14 PM Jerome, assuming you are accurate in selecting the pivot point, and bought within 5% of that point, then I would stick to a stop loss of 8 -10% below your purchase price. This is a very volatile and emotional market. I would also pay close attention to where such a stop loss price places you with recent downside support. Depending on that, I might use a larger or smaller stop loss, so that my selling point is just under support, especially institutional support. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 10:22 PM Does anyone have an idea how to handle a "breakout" if it doesn't act right on the first day? I got fooled this morning by the huge volume FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day handle). Of course, everything else was surging upwards at the opening of the market! FRX cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the day a little above average. And the price, of course, dropped below my purchase price, but still held above the pivot. Some time ago I devised a strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven't tested it yet, and I hope I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a mistake with it. Here's my strategy: Sell near at the end of the first day if 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase price. Hold if volume does not materialize and stock price closes above the purchase price. Sell at the end of the second day if volume does not materialize, even if the price is up. Sell the second day if the price falls below the pivot. Is this a sound strategy? Does WON address this situation anywhere? Can anyone share their strategy? I would really appreciate some input. Thanks. ------=_NextPart_000_0019_01C3020B.FE1A7B30 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi = Tom,


You mention that you may = “enter a limit buy back in the area of support in case the b/o fails”.  How do you protect against = getting filled as the stock plummets south and keeps = going.


On another subject, do you know = of any broker whose online trading software is powerful enough to enter a limit order = when a stock reaches x, immediately put on a trailing stop of, = say, 3% and increase the = trailing stop to, say 5% when the stock reaches, = say, 110% of your purchase = price.






Harold = Josephson
Tel: 323.850.1333
Fax: 323.512.8968

-----Original = Message-----
From: =
owner-canslim@lists.xmissio= = [mailto:owner-canslim@lists.xmissio=] On Behalf Of Tom Worley
Sent: =
Friday, April 04, = 2003 4:06 AM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] = Bailing out of a would-be breakout


Hi = Jerome,


One of the important things = about CANSLIM is knowing the rules, and recognizing when you are bending (or = even breaking) them. Any time you do so, it must raise an extra caution = flag.


To be honest, because I = rarely can watch the market closely during the day, I usually buy prior to the b/o, = then wait for it to happen. Since I invest for long term (1-2 years), I can = afford to be more patient. It also often permits me to buy close to strong = support, so if the b/o fails, it still will often leave me with a small profit. = Unlike many CANSLIMers, who search for c&h patterns, my personal favorite is a = flat line base with a very tight trading range that has lasted for a month or = two at least. I will also buy a c&h pattern while still forming the handle = if I see volume drying up without much decline in the handle. In both cases, = I am usually buying below the pivot, and close to support, at the expense / = risk of tying up capital for an indefinite time period. =


I cannot emphasize too much = the importance of "M". When it is bearish, as it is still today, = it becomes more risky to bend any rules. Making a buy decision after the = close at least means you are not rushed into that decision, and can help take = away the sense of missing something if you don't act immediately. The trade off = is that by the close, it may be well past the pivot. In those cases, I may enter = a limit buy back in the area of support in case the b/o fails, or gives a = second entry opportunity.


Even tho I typically do an = hour of more of "market evaluation" on a global scale each morning, I = still try to avoid making any buys or sells in the first hour. The market can = be very volatile in this period, and can completely reverse itself by = 10:30 or 11. If by = midday the trend is consistent = since 9:30, then I have a little = more confidence in the day's trend continuing on to 4 = PM. If I am doing a trade = in the first hour, it is because of what went on the prior day, I have already made a decision, and set a price for action.


The best way to "stay = in the game" is to preserve capital. That means being in cash for most = people, or only taking small positions with a limited portion of your investment = dollars, when "M" says to be on the sidelines. Admittedly I personally = will typically be fully invested, but I consider myself both very aggressive = and a high risk taker. I thrive on stress, and take great delight in gaining a = few percentage points in my portfolios especially when the markets are down. = I do my best work when the markets are weak or declining, and small caps are = being ignored. I break a lot of rules in what I do, including holding some = stocks for a year or more. But that has also permitted me a number of 100% or more profits.


----- Original Message = -----

Sent: Friday, April 04, = 2003 2:28 AM

Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be = breakout


Tom, Thanks = again for your input.  I was = surprised to read that you generally buy into a breakout only after closing on the = breakout day.  I always thought that = one needed to monitor the market very closely in order to buy as close to = the pivot as possible to be successful in this business.  In the past three years I = purchased stocks that were 3 to 5 percent above the pivot and got shaken out of = most of them.  But that could very = well have been the market.  In better = times I guess buying at 3 to 5 percent above the pivot might work better.   What you do (buying after = the market closes) certainly makes sense.  At least you know conclusively that the volume materialized.  I especially was intrigued with = your comment that you would not buy during the first hour or two.  Why is that?  Also, you were right about the = 4-day handle.  I bent that = rule.  The reason is -- the other day = I passed on HITK which broke out after forming a 4-day handle.  And it is doing great.  That was still fresh in my = mind.  I didn’t want to miss out = on a similar breakout.  It seems = that a lot of stocks breakout that do not meet all the fundamentals and = technicals, few probably do.  I guess the = trick is to bend the fewest rules as possible and know why you’re doing = so.  And, of course, the main thing = may be to just stay in the game and keep swinging. You’re bound to get a big = hit sooner or later.  I’m = still waiting for mine. Thanks again.      =


-----Original = Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley
Sent: =
Thursday, April 03, = 2003 8:48 PM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] = Bailing out of a would-be breakout


for a correct = ("proper") breakout, I would certainly want to see volume at least 50% over ADV = (and preferably at least 100%). Problem with that is for those trying to = catch a breakout during the day, when the price may have broken the pivot, and = volume up to that point looks like it will reach these levels, but then volume = slows way up in the afternoon.


I rarely have the time to = try to catch b/o's during the day, so normally can consider the full day's = trading with some leisure at night, or early the next morning. But if I was to = buy during the day, and volume up to that point indicated double or better = day's average (assuming I was at least an hour or two into the day), then a = slowdown in the afternoon would not by itself cause me to sell out. Once I am in = a stock, I rely much more on the chart pattern, where it closes in terms = of that day's trading range, and whether it is up or down on more or less than = ADV.


One of the principles of = CANSLIM, in addition to being able to read the charts, is to buy on a breakout = within 5% of the pivot, then use an 8% stop loss from your purchase price. This means = you could slip below the pivot, and still not feel obligated to sell. The = closer to the pivot you buy, the further below the pivot you could ride it. =


In the case you mention = with FRX, one point I would emphasize, which I suspect you are already sensitive = to, is that you saw a b/o with only a 4 day handle. The cup itself was well = formed, including a capitulation day on 2/14/03 on 2X ADV. However, the = shortness of the handle, combined with the lack of time for volume to dry up, = suggests to me that the b/o that enticed you was far too immature, especially given = the state of "M", and the market susceptibility to emotional = reaction to the war in Iraq (which has nothing to do at least directly to either "M" or the state of the economy, but is nonetheless the most = current overwhelming and overriding influence on = "M").


Sometimes you can get away = with buying too quickly, or too early, but normally you want the trend ("M") already in your favor when you do so. With the economy continuing to weaken, emotions still very high over the war with = Iraq, and a lot of = uncertainty still remaining, I think I would be unlikely to buy a breakout intraday unless = it had already traded twice a normal ADV, regardless of just how far it is in = the trading day.


Should you now sell (if you = haven't already)?? I can't answer that, even with today's drop below the pivot, = and on 1.5X ADV. Certainly today was not encouraging. But your investment time = frame, risk tolerance, whether you bot the entire intended position or just a = portion, etc. all affect what you should do now. The stock has not broken down, = the fundies remain quite healthy, forecasts are strong for the longer term. =


----- Original Message = -----

Sent: Thursday, April 03, = 2003 11:04 AM

Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be = breakout


Tom, Thank you for your input.  = I value your insights and opinions.  = Is it not true that if volume does not reach 50%, a breakout has not occurred = by definition?  Therefore shouldn’t I view the action I described with FRX as not a = breakout, and think about treating the buy differently from a genuine breakout, i.e., = setting the loss at 7% or 8%, etc.?   = I


-----Original = Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley
Sent: =
Wednesday, April 02, = 2003 8:14 PM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] = Bailing out of a would-be breakout


Jerome, assuming you are = accurate in selecting the pivot point, and bought within 5% of that point, then I = would stick to a stop loss of 8 -10% below your purchase price. This is a very volatile and emotional market. I would also pay close attention to where = such a stop loss price places you with recent downside support. Depending on = that, I might use a larger or smaller stop loss, so that my selling point is = just under support, especially institutional support.


----- Original Message = -----

To:<= /font> CANSLIM LIST

Sent: Wednesday, April 02, = 2003 10:22 PM

Subject: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be breakout


Does anyone have an idea = how to handle a “breakout” if it doesn’t act right on the = first day?  I got fooled this = morning by the huge volume FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day = handle).  Of course, everything else was = surging upwards at the opening of the market!  FRX cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the = day a little above average.  And = the price, of course, dropped below my purchase price, but still held above = the pivot.  Some time ago I = devised a strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven’t tested it = yet, and I hope I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a mistake with it.  = Here’s my strategy:  Sell near at the = end of the first day if 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase price. Hold if volume does not materialize and stock price = closes above the purchase price. Sell at the end of the second day if volume = does not materialize, even if the price is up.  Sell the second day if the price falls below the pivot.  Is this a sound strategy?  Does WON address this situation = anywhere?  Can anyone share their = strategy?  I would really appreciate some input.  Thanks. =

------=_NextPart_000_0019_01C3020B.FE1A7B30-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be breakout Date: 14 Apr 2003 06:55:57 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01C30252.E6C9BB20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi Harold, I only do this where the support (often in the form of a tight flat = line, with declining volume) suggests to me institutional support at = that level with a breakout soon to happen). Of course, unexpected bad = news ruins this strategy. I don't know of any firm where you could enter orders as you describe, = unless you used a full service broker where human intervention could = perform your orders. ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 1:28 AM Hi Tom, =20 You mention that you may "enter a limit buy back in the area of support = in case the b/o fails". How do you protect against getting filled as = the stock plummets south and keeps going. =20 On another subject, do you know of any broker whose online trading = software is powerful enough to enter a limit order when a stock reaches = x, immediately put on a trailing stop of, say, 3% and increase the = trailing stop to, say 5% when the stock reaches, say, 110% of your = purchase price. =20 Thanks, =20 Harold =20 Harold Josephson Tel: 323.850.1333 Fax: 323.512.8968 -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 4:06 AM =20 Hi Jerome, =20 One of the important things about CANSLIM is knowing the rules, and = recognizing when you are bending (or even breaking) them. Any time you = do so, it must raise an extra caution flag. =20 To be honest, because I rarely can watch the market closely during the = day, I usually buy prior to the b/o, then wait for it to happen. Since I = invest for long term (1-2 years), I can afford to be more patient. It = also often permits me to buy close to strong support, so if the b/o = fails, it still will often leave me with a small profit. Unlike many = CANSLIMers, who search for c&h patterns, my personal favorite is a flat = line base with a very tight trading range that has lasted for a month or = two at least. I will also buy a c&h pattern while still forming the = handle if I see volume drying up without much decline in the handle. In = both cases, I am usually buying below the pivot, and close to support, = at the expense / risk of tying up capital for an indefinite time period. = =20 I cannot emphasize too much the importance of "M". When it is bearish, = as it is still today, it becomes more risky to bend any rules. Making a = buy decision after the close at least means you are not rushed into that = decision, and can help take away the sense of missing something if you = don't act immediately. The trade off is that by the close, it may be = well past the pivot. In those cases, I may enter a limit buy back in the = area of support in case the b/o fails, or gives a second entry = opportunity. =20 Even tho I typically do an hour of more of "market evaluation" on a = global scale each morning, I still try to avoid making any buys or sells = in the first hour. The market can be very volatile in this period, and = can completely reverse itself by 10:30 or 11. If by midday the trend is = consistent since 9:30, then I have a little more confidence in the day's = trend continuing on to 4 PM. If I am doing a trade in the first hour, it = is because of what went on the prior day, I have already made a = decision, and set a price for action. =20 The best way to "stay in the game" is to preserve capital. That means = being in cash for most people, or only taking small positions with a = limited portion of your investment dollars, when "M" says to be on the = sidelines. Admittedly I personally will typically be fully invested, but = I consider myself both very aggressive and a high risk taker. I thrive = on stress, and take great delight in gaining a few percentage points in = my portfolios especially when the markets are down. I do my best work = when the markets are weak or declining, and small caps are being = ignored. I break a lot of rules in what I do, including holding some = stocks for a year or more. But that has also permitted me a number of = 100% or more profits. =20 ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 2:28 AM =20 Tom, Thanks again for your input. I was surprised to read that you = generally buy into a breakout only after closing on the breakout day. I = always thought that one needed to monitor the market very closely in = order to buy as close to the pivot as possible to be successful in this = business. In the past three years I purchased stocks that were 3 to 5 = percent above the pivot and got shaken out of most of them. But that = could very well have been the market. In better times I guess buying at = 3 to 5 percent above the pivot might work better. What you do (buying = after the market closes) certainly makes sense. At least you know = conclusively that the volume materialized. I especially was intrigued = with your comment that you would not buy during the first hour or two. = Why is that? Also, you were right about the 4-day handle. I bent that = rule. The reason is -- the other day I passed on HITK which broke out = after forming a 4-day handle. And it is doing great. That was still = fresh in my mind. I didn't want to miss out on a similar breakout. It = seems that a lot of stocks breakout that do not meet all the = fundamentals and technicals, few probably do. I guess the trick is to = bend the fewest rules as possible and know why you're doing so. And, of = course, the main thing may be to just stay in the game and keep = swinging. You're bound to get a big hit sooner or later. I'm still = waiting for mine. Thanks again. =20 =20 -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 8:48 PM =20 for a correct ("proper") breakout, I would certainly want to see volume = at least 50% over ADV (and preferably at least 100%). Problem with that = is for those trying to catch a breakout during the day, when the price = may have broken the pivot, and volume up to that point looks like it = will reach these levels, but then volume slows way up in the afternoon. =20 I rarely have the time to try to catch b/o's during the day, so normally = can consider the full day's trading with some leisure at night, or early = the next morning. But if I was to buy during the day, and volume up to = that point indicated double or better day's average (assuming I was at = least an hour or two into the day), then a slowdown in the afternoon = would not by itself cause me to sell out. Once I am in a stock, I rely = much more on the chart pattern, where it closes in terms of that day's = trading range, and whether it is up or down on more or less than ADV. =20 One of the principles of CANSLIM, in addition to being able to read the = charts, is to buy on a breakout within 5% of the pivot, then use an 8% = stop loss from your purchase price. This means you could slip below the = pivot, and still not feel obligated to sell. The closer to the pivot you = buy, the further below the pivot you could ride it.=20 =20 In the case you mention with FRX, one point I would emphasize, which I = suspect you are already sensitive to, is that you saw a b/o with only a = 4 day handle. The cup itself was well formed, including a capitulation = day on 2/14/03 on 2X ADV. However, the shortness of the handle, combined = with the lack of time for volume to dry up, suggests to me that the b/o = that enticed you was far too immature, especially given the state of = "M", and the market susceptibility to emotional reaction to the war in = Iraq (which has nothing to do at least directly to either "M" or the = state of the economy, but is nonetheless the most current overwhelming = and overriding influence on "M"). =20 Sometimes you can get away with buying too quickly, or too early, but = normally you want the trend ("M") already in your favor when you do so. = With the economy continuing to weaken, emotions still very high over the = war with Iraq, and a lot of uncertainty still remaining, I think I would = be unlikely to buy a breakout intraday unless it had already traded = twice a normal ADV, regardless of just how far it is in the trading day. =20 Should you now sell (if you haven't already)?? I can't answer that, even = with today's drop below the pivot, and on 1.5X ADV. Certainly today was = not encouraging. But your investment time frame, risk tolerance, whether = you bot the entire intended position or just a portion, etc. all affect = what you should do now. The stock has not broken down, the fundies = remain quite healthy, forecasts are strong for the longer term.=20 =20 ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:04 AM =20 Tom, Thank you for your input. I value your insights and opinions. Is = it not true that if volume does not reach 50%, a breakout has not = occurred by definition? Therefore shouldn't I view the action I = described with FRX as not a breakout, and think about treating the buy = differently from a genuine breakout, i.e., setting the loss at 7% or 8%, = etc.? I =20 -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 8:14 PM =20 Jerome, assuming you are accurate in selecting the pivot point, and = bought within 5% of that point, then I would stick to a stop loss of 8 = -10% below your purchase price. This is a very volatile and emotional = market. I would also pay close attention to where such a stop loss price = places you with recent downside support. Depending on that, I might use = a larger or smaller stop loss, so that my selling point is just under = support, especially institutional support. =20 ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 10:22 PM =20 Does anyone have an idea how to handle a "breakout" if it doesn't act = right on the first day? I got fooled this morning by the huge volume = FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day handle). Of course, = everything else was surging upwards at the opening of the market! FRX = cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the day a little = above average. And the price, of course, dropped below my purchase = price, but still held above the pivot. Some time ago I devised a = strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven't tested it yet, and = I hope I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a = mistake with it. Here's my strategy: Sell near at the end of the first = day if 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase = price. Hold if volume does not materialize and stock price closes above = the purchase price. Sell at the end of the second day if volume does not = materialize, even if the price is up. Sell the second day if the price = falls below the pivot. Is this a sound strategy? Does WON address this = situation anywhere? Can anyone share their strategy? I would really = appreciate some input. Thanks.=20 ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01C30252.E6C9BB20 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi Harold,
I only do this where the support (often in the = form of a=20 tight flat line, with declining volume) suggests to me institutional = support at=20 that level with a breakout soon to happen). Of course, unexpected bad = news ruins=20 this strategy.
I don't know of any firm where you could enter = orders as=20 you describe, unless you used a full service broker where human = intervention=20 could perform your orders.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Harold = Josephson=20
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 1:28 AM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be=20 breakout

Hi = Tom,


You mention that you may = =93enter a limit=20 buy back in the area of support in case the b/o fails=94.  How do you protect against = getting=20 filled as the stock plummets south and keeps = going.


On another subject, do you know = of any=20 broker whose online trading software is powerful enough to enter a limit = order=20 when a stock reaches x, immediately put on a trailing stop of,=20 say, 3% and increase the trailing stop to,=20 say 5% when the stock reaches,=20 say, 110% of your purchase=20 price.






Harold=20 Josephson
Tel:=20 323.850.1333
Fax: = 323.512.8968

-----Original=20 Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of Tom = Worley
Sent: Friday, April 04,=20 2003 4:06=20 AM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bailing = out of a=20 would-be breakout


Hi=20 Jerome,


One of the important = things about=20 CANSLIM is knowing the rules, and recognizing when you are bending (or = even=20 breaking) them. Any time you do so, it must raise an extra caution=20 flag.


To be honest, because I = rarely can=20 watch the market closely during the day, I usually buy prior to the b/o, = then=20 wait for it to happen. Since I invest for long term (1-2 years), I can = afford to=20 be more patient. It also often permits me to buy close to strong = support, so if=20 the b/o fails, it still will often leave me with a small profit. Unlike = many=20 CANSLIMers, who search for c&h patterns, my personal favorite is a = flat line=20 base with a very tight trading range that has lasted for a month or two = at=20 least. I will also buy a c&h pattern while still forming the handle = if I see=20 volume drying up without much decline in the handle. In both cases, I am = usually=20 buying below the pivot, and close to support, at the expense / risk of = tying up=20 capital for an indefinite time period. =


I cannot emphasize too = much the=20 importance of "M". When it is bearish, as it is still today, it becomes = more=20 risky to bend any rules. Making a buy decision after the close at least = means=20 you are not rushed into that decision, and can help take away the sense = of=20 missing something if you don't act immediately. The trade off is that by = the=20 close, it may be well past the pivot. In those cases, I may enter a = limit buy=20 back in the area of support in case the b/o fails, or gives a second = entry=20 opportunity.


Even tho I typically do an = hour of=20 more of "market evaluation" on a global scale each morning, I still try = to avoid=20 making any buys or sells in the first hour. The market can be very = volatile in=20 this period, and can completely reverse itself by = 10:30 or 11. If by midday the trend is consistent since=20 9:30, then I have a little more confidence in = the day's=20 trend continuing on to 4 = PM. If I am doing a trade = in the first=20 hour, it is because of what went on the prior day, I have already made a = decision, and set a price for action.


The best way to "stay in = the game"=20 is to preserve capital. That means being in cash for most people, or = only taking=20 small positions with a limited portion of your investment dollars, when = "M" says=20 to be on the sidelines. Admittedly I personally will typically be fully=20 invested, but I consider myself both very aggressive and a high risk = taker. I=20 thrive on stress, and take great delight in gaining a few percentage = points in=20 my portfolios especially when the markets are down. I do my best work = when the=20 markets are weak or declining, and small caps are being ignored. I break = a lot=20 of rules in what I do, including holding some stocks for a year or more. = But=20 that has also permitted me a number of 100% or more=20 profits.


----- Original Message = -----=20

From: Jerome=20 Buckmelter

To: =20

Sent:=20 Friday, = April 04,=20 2003 2:28=20 AM

Subject: RE:=20 [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be=20 breakout


Tom,=20 Thanks again for your input.  = I was=20 surprised to read that you generally buy into a breakout only after = closing on=20 the breakout day.  I = always thought=20 that one needed to monitor the market very closely in order to buy as = close to=20 the pivot as possible to be successful in this business.  In the past three years I = purchased=20 stocks that were 3 to 5 percent above the pivot and got shaken out of = most of=20 them.  But that could very = well have=20 been the market.  In = better times I=20 guess buying at 3 to 5 percent above the pivot might work better.   What you do (buying = after the=20 market closes) certainly makes sense. =20 At least you know conclusively that the volume materialized.  I especially was intrigued = with your=20 comment that you would not buy during the first hour or two.  Why is that?  Also, you were right about the = 4-day=20 handle.  I bent that = rule.  The reason is -- the other day = I passed=20 on HITK which broke out after forming a 4-day handle.  And it is doing great.  That was still fresh in my = mind.  I didn=92t want to miss out on = a similar=20 breakout.  It seems that a = lot of=20 stocks breakout that do not meet all the fundamentals and technicals, = few=20 probably do.  I guess the = trick is=20 to bend the fewest rules as possible and know why you=92re doing = so.  And, of course, the main thing = may be to=20 just stay in the game and keep swinging. You=92re bound to get a big hit = sooner or=20 later.  I=92m still = waiting for mine.=20 Thanks again.     =20


-----Original=20 Message-----
From:=20 = []=20 On Behalf Of Tom=20 Worley
Thursday, = April 03,=20 2003 8:48=20 PM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bailing = out of a=20 would-be breakout


for a correct ("proper") = breakout, I=20 would certainly want to see volume at least 50% over ADV (and preferably = at=20 least 100%). Problem with that is for those trying to catch a breakout = during=20 the day, when the price may have broken the pivot, and volume up to that = point=20 looks like it will reach these levels, but then volume slows way up in = the=20 afternoon.


I rarely have the time to = try to=20 catch b/o's during the day, so normally can consider the full day's = trading with=20 some leisure at night, or early the next morning. But if I was to buy = during the=20 day, and volume up to that point indicated double or better day's = average=20 (assuming I was at least an hour or two into the day), then a slowdown = in the=20 afternoon would not by itself cause me to sell out. Once I am in a = stock, I rely=20 much more on the chart pattern, where it closes in terms of that day's = trading=20 range, and whether it is up or down on more or less than=20 ADV.


One of the principles of = CANSLIM, in=20 addition to being able to read the charts, is to buy on a breakout = within 5% of=20 the pivot, then use an 8% stop loss from your purchase price. This means = you=20 could slip below the pivot, and still not feel obligated to sell. The = closer to=20 the pivot you buy, the further below the pivot you could ride it.=20


In the case you mention = with FRX,=20 one point I would emphasize, which I suspect you are already sensitive = to, is=20 that you saw a b/o with only a 4 day handle. The cup itself was well = formed,=20 including a capitulation day on 2/14/03 on 2X ADV. However, the = shortness=20 of the handle, combined with the lack of time for volume to dry up, = suggests to=20 me that the b/o that enticed you was far too immature, especially given = the=20 state of "M", and the market susceptibility to emotional reaction to the = war in=20 Iraq (which has nothing to do at least directly to either "M" or the = state of=20 the economy, but is nonetheless the most current overwhelming and = overriding=20 influence on "M").


Sometimes you can get away = with=20 buying too quickly, or too early, but normally you want the trend ("M") = already=20 in your favor when you do so. With the economy continuing to weaken, = emotions=20 still very high over the war with=20 Iraq, and a lot of = uncertainty still=20 remaining, I think I would be unlikely to buy a breakout intraday unless = it had=20 already traded twice a normal ADV, regardless of just how far it is in = the=20 trading day.


Should you now sell (if = you haven't=20 already)?? I can't answer that, even with today's drop below the pivot, = and on=20 1.5X ADV. Certainly today was not encouraging. But your investment time = frame,=20 risk tolerance, whether you bot the entire intended position or just a = portion,=20 etc. all affect what you should do now. The stock has not broken down, = the=20 fundies remain quite healthy, forecasts are strong for the longer term.=20


----- Original Message = -----=20

From: Jerome=20 Buckmelter

To: =20

Sent:=20 Thursday, = April 03,=20 2003 11:04=20 AM

Subject: RE:=20 [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be=20 breakout


Tom, Thank=20 you for your input.  I = value your=20 insights and opinions.  Is = it not=20 true that if volume does not reach 50%, a breakout has not occurred by=20 definition?  Therefore = shouldn=92t I=20 view the action I described with FRX as not a breakout, and think about = treating=20 the buy differently from a genuine breakout, i.e., setting the loss at = 7% or 8%,=20 etc.?  =20 I


-----Original=20 Message-----
From:=20 = []=20 On Behalf Of Tom=20 Worley
Wednesday, = April 02,=20 2003 8:14=20 PM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bailing = out of a=20 would-be breakout


Jerome, assuming you are = accurate in=20 selecting the pivot point, and bought within 5% of that point, then I = would=20 stick to a stop loss of 8 -10% below your purchase price. This is a very = volatile and emotional market. I would also pay close attention to where = such a=20 stop loss price places you with recent downside support. Depending on = that, I=20 might use a larger or smaller stop loss, so that my selling point is = just under=20 support, especially institutional = support.


----- Original Message = -----=20

From: Jerome=20 Buckmelter


Sent:=20 Wednesday, = April 02,=20 2003 10:22=20 PM

Subject: [CANSLIM]=20 Bailing out of a would-be = breakout


Does anyone have an idea = how to=20 handle a =93breakout=94 if it doesn=92t act right on the first day?  I got fooled this morning by = the huge=20 volume FRX displayed as it zoomed by its pivot (on a 4-day handle).  Of course, everything else was = surging=20 upwards at the opening of the market! =20 FRX cooled off as the day progressed, and its volume ended the = day a=20 little above average.  And = the=20 price, of course, dropped below my purchase price, but still held above = the=20 pivot.  Some time ago I = devised a=20 strategy for myself for such occasions, but I haven=92t tested it yet, = and I hope=20 I could get some feed back from fellow CANSLIMers before making a = mistake with=20 it.  Here=92s my = strategy:  Sell near at the end of the = first day if=20 50% volume does not materialize and stock closes below purchase price. = Hold if=20 volume does not materialize and stock price closes above the purchase = price.=20 Sell at the end of the second day if volume does not materialize, even = if the=20 price is up.  Sell the = second day if=20 the price falls below the pivot.  = Is=20 this a sound strategy?  = Does WON=20 address this situation anywhere?  = Can anyone share their strategy? =20 I would really appreciate some input.  Thanks.=20

------=_NextPart_000_000C_01C30252.E6C9BB20-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Bailing out of a would-be breakout Date: 14 Apr 2003 08:10:52 -0400 --=====================_89295049==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed Datek now Ameritrade, in addition to the graphical order window has the feature; Rapid Entry. This is a command line where if you want to buy (b) 100 shares (100) of XYZ (xyz) with a stop or activation price (act) of 21 (21) and then open a trailing stop of 3% (t3%) The Rapid Order command is b 100xyz act21 t3% and the system responds with a more verbal description of the order confirming it understands. It looked to me like all of the individual commands work but not when combined as above, like when it activated it failed to open trailing stop. I haven't traded Ameritrade in 6 months and assume that was just a bug they've fixed. Might worth asking them for confirmation if the system will work the way you want it to. Mike >> At 4/14/2003 01:28 AM, you wrote: Hi Tom, You mention that you may "enter a limit buy back in the area of support in case the b/o fails". How do you protect against getting filled as the stock plummets south and keeps going. On another subject, do you know of any broker whose online trading software is powerful enough to enter a limit order when a stock reaches x, immediately put on a trailing stop of, say, 3% and increase the trailing stop to, say 5% when the stock reaches, say, 110% of your purchase price. Thanks, Harold --=====================_89295049==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Datek now Ameritrade, in addition to the graphical order window has the feature;  Rapid Entry.  This is a command line where if you want to buy (b) 100 shares (100) of XYZ (xyz) with a stop or activation price (act) of 21 (21) and then open a trailing stop of 3% (t3%)
The Rapid Order command is
b 100xyz act21 t3%
and the system responds with a more verbal description of the order confirming it understands. 

It looked to me like all of the individual commands work but not when combined as above, like when it activated it failed to open trailing stop. 

I haven't traded Ameritrade in 6 months and assume that was just a bug they've fixed.  Might worth asking them for confirmation if the system will work the way you want it to.


At 4/14/2003  01:28 AM, you wrote:
Hi Tom,

You mention that you may “enter a limit buy back in the area of support in case the b/o fails”.  How do you protect against getting filled as the stock plummets south and keeps going.

On another subject, do you know of any broker whose online trading software is powerful enough to enter a limit order when a stock reaches x, immediately put on a trailing stop of,
say, 3% and increase the trailing stop to, say 5% when the stock reaches, say, 110% of your purchase price.



--=====================_89295049==_.ALT-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Edward W. Gjertsen II" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Tax Free Dividends Date: 14 Apr 2003 09:11:18 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_013F_01C30265.CF2867B0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0140_01C30265.CF2867B0" ------=_NextPart_001_0140_01C30265.CF2867B0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Here are comments from an article I authored: President Bush has stirred up a maelstrom of debate. No, not whether or not the double taxation of dividends is fair, or which societal class will benefit most, but how much money will be sucked out of the bond market and reallocated into dividend paying stocks. If your financial advisor suggests to liquidate your bond portfolio to purchase dividend paying stocks to take advantage of tax-free income, gather all your assets and run for the exit. The difference between a bond and a stock is much more than an interest rate or dividend yield. Interest is not a dividend and dividends are not interest. The IRS in their wisdom even categorizes these payments differently. While they both are reported on Schedule B in tax returns, bond investors generally receive a 1099-INT for interest payments where common stock holders receive a 1099-DIV for dividend payments. A bond is a loan made by investors to a corporation, the U.S. Government, or a municipality in which that entity is obligated to pay interest at a stated rate and pay back principle at a stated time. Conversely, common stock provides ownership of a corporation. Dividends are a promise made by a corporate Board of Directors to pay shareholders a specific amount of money for each share of stock held. For example, a 10-year Treasury bond may pay a current yield of 3.85%. A $100,000 purchase of the 10-year bond will create $3,850 of interest payment every year for 10 years. At the end of the 10-year period, the investor will receive back $100,000 of principle payment. A common stock whose price is $40 and pays a dividend of $1.54 has a dividend yield of 3.85%. The dividend yield is calculated by dividing the dividend by the stock price. A $100,000 purchase would involve 2,500 shares and create $3,850 of dividends per year. At the end of a 10-year period, no one can know where the stock price will be. This wherein lies the problem with the debate on just how much money will shift from bonds to dividend paying stocks. Bonds and stocks represent a completely different risk-reward scenario. While today many wish this were true, common stocks do not pay back principle at a stated time in the future. The reallocation debate requires one to disregard an important risk; Market Risk. The one lesson most investors hopefully learned is that market risk is not to be ignored. Three consecutive years of declines, a dubious performance not seen in over 60 years, may provide an enticing argument to invest in dividend paying equities. Besides how much worse can the stock market get? With interest rates so low, why not take advantage of yield and possible growth. Popular pundits will discuss how the risk reward scenario should be in favor of equities. Don't be fooled. One item I am confident of. Wall Street investment firms are very imaginative and resourceful. Should President Bush's proposed tax cut on dividends become law, look for these firms to create investment vehicles to generate badly needed underwriting fees. For the near future, don't be seduced to sell your bonds in anticipation of buying dividend paying stocks. Make sure recommended transactions will benefit you and not your broker's pocketbook or wallet. Ed Gjertsen II Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Ted Kozek Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 9:40 PM Would someone like to comment on the effect tax free dividends will have on corporate, treasury any municipal bond rates ------=_NextPart_001_0140_01C30265.CF2867B0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Here are comments from an article = I authored:


President Bush has stirred up a maelstrom of debate.  No, = not whether or not the double taxation of dividends is fair, or which societal class = will benefit most, but how much money will be sucked out of the bond market = and reallocated into dividend paying stocks.  If your financial advisor suggests to = liquidate your bond portfolio to purchase dividend paying stocks to take advantage = of tax-free income, gather all your assets and run for the exit. =


The difference between a bond and a stock is much more than an = interest rate or dividend yield.  Interest is not a dividend and dividends = are not interest.  The IRS in their wisdom even categorizes these payments differently. = While they both are reported on Schedule B in tax returns, bond investors generally = receive a 1099-INT for interest payments where common stock holders receive a = 1099-DIV for dividend payments.


A bond is a loan made by investors to a corporation, the U.S. Government, or a municipality in which that entity is obligated to pay = interest at a stated rate and pay back principle at a stated time.  = Conversely, common stock provides ownership of a corporation.  Dividends are a promise = made by a corporate Board of Directors to pay shareholders a specific amount of = money for each share of stock held. 


For example, a 10-year Treasury bond may pay a current yield of = 3.85%.  A $100,000 purchase of the 10-year bond will create $3,850 of interest = payment every year for 10 years.  At the end of the 10-year period, the = investor will receive back $100,000 of principle payment.


A common stock whose price is $40 and pays a dividend of $1.54 = has a dividend yield of 3.85%.  The dividend yield is calculated by = dividing the dividend by the stock price. A $100,000 purchase would involve 2,500 = shares and create $3,850 of dividends per year.  At the end of a 10-year = period, no one can know where the stock price will be.


This wherein lies the problem with the debate on just how much = money will shift from bonds to dividend paying stocks.  Bonds and stocks = represent a completely different risk-reward scenario.  While today many wish this were = true, common stocks do not pay back principle at a stated time in the future.  =


The reallocation debate requires one to disregard an important = risk; Market Risk.  The one lesson most investors hopefully learned is = that market risk is not to be ignored.  Three consecutive years of declines, a = dubious performance not seen in over 60 years, may provide an enticing argument to invest in dividend paying equities. Besides how much worse can the stock market = get?  With interest rates so low, why not take advantage of yield and possible = growth.  Popular pundits will discuss how the risk reward scenario should be in = favor of equities.  Don’t be fooled. 


One item I am confident of.  Wall Street investment firms = are very imaginative and resourceful.  Should President Bush’s = proposed tax cut on dividends become law, look for these firms to create investment vehicles = to generate badly needed underwriting fees. For the near future, don’t be = seduced to sell your bonds in anticipation of buying dividend paying stocks.  = Make sure recommended transactions will benefit you and not your broker’s pocketbook or = wallet.




Ed Gjertsen II



Confidentiality Notice: This = e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged = information.  Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is = prohibited.  If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply = e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.


-----Original = Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of Ted Kozek
Sent: Thursday, April 10, = 2003 9:40 PM
To: =
Subject: [CANSLIM] Tax = Free Dividends


Would someone like to comment on the effect = tax free dividends will have on corporate, treasury any municipal bond = rates

------=_NextPart_001_0140_01C30265.CF2867B0-- ------=_NextPart_000_013F_01C30265.CF2867B0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="image001.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: R0lGODdhQAAuAHcAACH+GlNvZnR3YXJlOiBNaWNyb3NvZnQgT2ZmaWNlACwAAAAAQAAuAIcAAAAb GxsVFRUNDQ0eHh4HBwcZGRkPDw8dHR0CAgIMDAwWFhYSEhIUFBQREREEBAQFBQUaGhoLCwsICAgO Dg4GBgYYGBgQEBADAwMXFxcfHx8TExMJCQkBAQEKCgolJSU1NTU6OjokJCQnJycoKCgpKSkyMjIw MDAiIiI2NjYxMTEtLS0mJiYjIyM+Pj4hISEvLy8rKysqKio8PDw4ODg3Nzc9PT1eXl5VVVVTU1NX V1daWlpKSkpMTExfX19WVlZZWVlCQkJHR0dGRkZdXV1NTU1QUFBLS0tcXFxERERDQ0NPT09ISEhJ SUlBQUFbW1tAQEBOTk5sbGxzc3N3d3d1dXV4eHh/f399fX10dHRoaGhmZmZtbW1xcXFvb292dnZu bm5jY2N6enp5eXl+fn58fHxhYWFqampiYmJlZWVkZGSNjY2MjIyJiYmBgYGSkpKWlpaHh4eDg4OG hoaRkZGYmJiFhYWbm5uKioqOjo6Xl5eZmZmampqLi4uQkJCCgoKdnZ2AgICTk5OUlJSVlZW/v7+q qqqsrKygoKC0tLSioqKxsbG4uLi6urqvr6+2tra5ubmzs7Orq6ulpaWjo6OysrK+vr63t7e7u7u9 vb2urq61tbWmpqaoqKipqamwsLCtra2kpKTCwsLd3d3U1NTKysrc3NzY2NjFxcXe3t7b29va2trS 0tLJycnX19fR0dHT09PHx8fV1dXGxsbBwcHW1tbZ2dnAwMDLy8vQ0NDExMTPz8/+/v7v7+/s7Oz6 +vr39/fk5OTr6+v4+Pj09PTn5+f5+fnl5eX29vbj4+P19fXh4eHi4uLx8fHz8/Py8vLm5ubo6Ojw 8PDq6ur9/f3p6en7+/v8/Pzt7e3u7u7g4OD///8BAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMB AgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMB AgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMI/wB5CRxIsKDBgwgTKlzIsKHDhxAjSpxIsSKvbRgzGtRo 0WJGjL18FRL1a5vAjx87QkQJLJihGx8CAAAwKqOwQ1Jw5NCxpqTKhR+HkWKzA4SAmTMH8CC2rVcb AgAKhOAhAsANYCZ/EkQpzNCUEQUMID3Qw00pUxcRIUjgI1ExjMbeKDiW9edHZKfg7FjAoMEPRXEc kJBTM2MyIACCoEK5TVmJZXUrfmS26AaJAgNMzHl7SsgCKsFQjioBgA7Hk4xANIssMWOqOkMeADBQ pRHkbcMcEbGiiuO2U1XrYCy4zdmJN6xXbjP2qAgEACTsiHqGchUkZae3sYqAItLwrduMpP9Alrwh xmZ1VMw0cj3lQPcnW4k44Or7+211JJgqz3DbrzsrAHBAG6/AB1QwLABgiH0nbdPGAd5RtI0kUV0B DWMYbmTMDwBMwuBF28QxAR4fPrQNJQA4wEY0xUBTjDTQxAjNMdIYeFEeAGDx4TbIZKFAJSWaOM0R MxWggAQUEFBABRBAUEALOPzg4VasFDCEMZFhRIoLLTQS5ErUOKLFBwYYYMELPCCxBRc9XDATBrBk tQ0wMEAQS5bbGJJBCnTxF1FGvwADzDAfVaNHDAAkkEQycuoBQBZ1YTRNFw94YY2fEn5kjSxvKDGT CFVYco2cwIwgAl0gAkOJBSRc8qVkGA3/M8sXMgBwgQxgYIKVfds4usdHmcAwwRXTvNraeZpIQdoB M7RR2GkXPTMCCbvSsoQDSZRi7J8Y1WKFBrPloAijNp60CQB8bCNKERjQsNi2JmKECQ8YPBAGJ9jY iGEPAFgxRAUgSDIqpsptUwgTAFDgRi0pYciYJgkkikMllxL8py1LAPBAH2999xE2y9yihx5d6GAy EDxIAAAPuEBr1yUbAADEKdn9UooYSTDAAQQUkOAmUgB0EEGfWm2VClR3QLsNJDPMRMMYnXjyCRye JoyEHw7U4FPR7+EBwB8MYlRMzE2AkoskX9iAAQATABGKLNuoAgEQ13C9lR0AzILhMIDM7lSCekg5 wUacGcECQSAWS0hhCY/ogokjiVRhGQAeSCBbBk/0obdvtCSgo93vZWME0EEDIAIPe+TCyiu5MIPS VmwAcEXiElLDiCCDDEIILauQl+FB2yjSARm0Z+qwia88UEbxoDu0zS4PIN4819tkg4IZ8E7v/DZQ xECo9lptE3uE4Ku0TTIb2HDR9uUj1CsAP2BZHmPNtA+8NWEAEAUq1GB4jS/LuMMZ4KAN5hVtG9aY gtPQkAY8KIIKangCDFDAAxywYT/2c982MIEGBQCtSSAggiT6ZEDQZSQaq4jEIT7BjAuVK4PAc1gJ YdiRgAAAOw== ------=_NextPart_000_013F_01C30265.CF2867B0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Tax Free Dividends Date: 14 Apr 2003 10:17:35 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_00BB_01C3026F.11D51AF0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_00BC_01C3026F.11D51AF0" ------=_NextPart_001_00BC_01C3026F.11D51AF0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Ed, the only point on which I might disagree is using "IRS" and "wisdom" = in the same sentence, seems like an oxymoron to me. "IRS in their wisdom" ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 10:11 AM Here are comments from an article I authored: President Bush has stirred up a maelstrom of debate. No, not whether or = not the double taxation of dividends is fair, or which societal class = will benefit most, but how much money will be sucked out of the bond = market and reallocated into dividend paying stocks. If your financial = advisor suggests to liquidate your bond portfolio to purchase dividend = paying stocks to take advantage of tax-free income, gather all your = assets and run for the exit.=20 The difference between a bond and a stock is much more than an interest = rate or dividend yield. Interest is not a dividend and dividends are = not interest. The IRS in their wisdom even categorizes these payments = differently. While they both are reported on Schedule B in tax returns, = bond investors generally receive a 1099-INT for interest payments where = common stock holders receive a 1099-DIV for dividend payments. A bond is a loan made by investors to a corporation, the U.S. = Government, or a municipality in which that entity is obligated to pay = interest at a stated rate and pay back principle at a stated time. = Conversely, common stock provides ownership of a corporation. Dividends = are a promise made by a corporate Board of Directors to pay shareholders = a specific amount of money for each share of stock held. =20 For example, a 10-year Treasury bond may pay a current yield of 3.85%. = A $100,000 purchase of the 10-year bond will create $3,850 of interest = payment every year for 10 years. At the end of the 10-year period, the = investor will receive back $100,000 of principle payment. A common stock whose price is $40 and pays a dividend of $1.54 has a = dividend yield of 3.85%. The dividend yield is calculated by dividing = the dividend by the stock price. A $100,000 purchase would involve 2,500 = shares and create $3,850 of dividends per year. At the end of a 10-year = period, no one can know where the stock price will be. This wherein lies the problem with the debate on just how much money = will shift from bonds to dividend paying stocks. Bonds and stocks = represent a completely different risk-reward scenario. While today many = wish this were true, common stocks do not pay back principle at a stated = time in the future. =20 The reallocation debate requires one to disregard an important risk; = Market Risk. The one lesson most investors hopefully learned is that = market risk is not to be ignored. Three consecutive years of declines, = a dubious performance not seen in over 60 years, may provide an enticing = argument to invest in dividend paying equities. Besides how much worse = can the stock market get? With interest rates so low, why not take = advantage of yield and possible growth. Popular pundits will discuss = how the risk reward scenario should be in favor of equities. Don't be = fooled. =20 One item I am confident of. Wall Street investment firms are very = imaginative and resourceful. Should President Bush's proposed tax cut = on dividends become law, look for these firms to create investment = vehicles to generate badly needed underwriting fees. For the near = future, don't be seduced to sell your bonds in anticipation of buying = dividend paying stocks. Make sure recommended transactions will benefit = you and not your broker's pocketbook or wallet. Ed Gjertsen II Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, = is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain = confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, = disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended = recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all = copies of the original message. -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Ted Kozek Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 9:40 PM Would someone like to comment on the effect tax free dividends will have = on corporate, treasury any municipal bond rates ------=_NextPart_001_00BC_01C3026F.11D51AF0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Ed, the only point on which I might disagree is = using=20 "IRS" and "wisdom" in the same sentence, seems like an oxymoron to=20 me.
"IRS in their wisdom"
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Edward W. = Gjertsen=20 II
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 10:11 AM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Tax Free Dividends

Here are comments from an article = I=20 authored:


President Bush has stirred up a maelstrom of=20 debate.  No, not whether or not the double taxation of dividends is = fair,=20 or which societal class will benefit most, but how much money will be = sucked out=20 of the bond market and reallocated into dividend paying stocks.  If = your=20 financial advisor suggests to liquidate your bond portfolio to purchase = dividend=20 paying stocks to take advantage of tax-free income, gather all your = assets and=20 run for the exit.


The difference between a bond and a stock is = much more=20 than an interest rate or dividend yield.  Interest is not a = dividend and=20 dividends are not interest.  The IRS in their wisdom even = categorizes these=20 payments differently. While they both are reported on Schedule B in tax = returns,=20 bond investors generally receive a 1099-INT for interest payments where = common=20 stock holders receive a 1099-DIV for dividend = payments.


A bond is a loan made by investors to a = corporation, the=20 U.S. Government, or a municipality in which that entity is obligated to = pay=20 interest at a stated rate and pay back principle at a stated time.  = Conversely, common stock provides ownership of a corporation.  = Dividends=20 are a promise made by a corporate Board of Directors to pay shareholders = a=20 specific amount of money for each share of stock held.  =


For example, a 10-year Treasury bond may pay a = current=20 yield of 3.85%.  A $100,000 purchase of the 10-year bond will = create $3,850=20 of interest payment every year for 10 years.  At the end of the = 10-year=20 period, the investor will receive back $100,000 of principle=20 payment.


A common stock whose price is $40 and pays a = dividend of=20 $1.54 has a dividend yield of 3.85%.  The dividend yield is = calculated by=20 dividing the dividend by the stock price. A $100,000 purchase would = involve=20 2,500 shares and create $3,850 of dividends per year.  At the end = of a=20 10-year period, no one can know where the stock price will = be.


This wherein lies the problem with the debate = on just=20 how much money will shift from bonds to dividend paying stocks.  = Bonds and=20 stocks represent a completely different risk-reward scenario.  = While today=20 many wish this were true, common stocks do not pay back principle at a = stated=20 time in the future. 


The reallocation debate requires one to = disregard an=20 important risk; Market Risk.  The one lesson most investors = hopefully=20 learned is that market risk is not to be ignored.  Three = consecutive years=20 of declines, a dubious performance not seen in over 60 years, may = provide an=20 enticing argument to invest in dividend paying equities. Besides how = much worse=20 can the stock market get?  With interest rates so low, why not take = advantage of yield and possible growth.  Popular pundits will = discuss how=20 the risk reward scenario should be in favor of equities.  Don=92t = be=20 fooled. 


One item I am confident of.  Wall Street = investment=20 firms are very imaginative and resourceful.  Should President = Bush=92s=20 proposed tax cut on dividends become law, look for these firms to create = investment vehicles to generate badly needed underwriting fees. For the = near=20 future, don=92t be seduced to sell your bonds in anticipation of buying = dividend=20 paying stocks.  Make sure recommended transactions will benefit you = and not=20 your broker=92s pocketbook or wallet.




Ed Gjertsen II



Confidentiality Notice: This = e-mail=20 message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended=20 recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged = information.  Any=20 unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is = prohibited.  If you=20 are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply = e-mail and=20 destroy all copies of the original = message.


-----Original=20 Message-----
From:=20 = []=20 On Behalf Of Ted = Kozek
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 = 9:40=20 PM
Subject: [CANSLIM] Tax Free=20 Dividends


Would someone like to comment = on the effect=20 tax free dividends will have on corporate, treasury any municipal bond=20 rates

------=_NextPart_001_00BC_01C3026F.11D51AF0-- ------=_NextPart_000_00BB_01C3026F.11D51AF0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="image001.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: <00ba01c30290$98df8f00$6500a8c0@TOMSBOX> R0lGODdhQAAuAHcAACH+GlNvZnR3YXJlOiBNaWNyb3NvZnQgT2ZmaWNlACwAAAAAQAAuAIcAAAAb GxsVFRUNDQ0eHh4HBwcZGRkPDw8dHR0CAgIMDAwWFhYSEhIUFBQREREEBAQFBQUaGhoLCwsICAgO Dg4GBgYYGBgQEBADAwMXFxcfHx8TExMJCQkBAQEKCgolJSU1NTU6OjokJCQnJycoKCgpKSkyMjIw MDAiIiI2NjYxMTEtLS0mJiYjIyM+Pj4hISEvLy8rKysqKio8PDw4ODg3Nzc9PT1eXl5VVVVTU1NX V1daWlpKSkpMTExfX19WVlZZWVlCQkJHR0dGRkZdXV1NTU1QUFBLS0tcXFxERERDQ0NPT09ISEhJ SUlBQUFbW1tAQEBOTk5sbGxzc3N3d3d1dXV4eHh/f399fX10dHRoaGhmZmZtbW1xcXFvb292dnZu bm5jY2N6enp5eXl+fn58fHxhYWFqampiYmJlZWVkZGSNjY2MjIyJiYmBgYGSkpKWlpaHh4eDg4OG hoaRkZGYmJiFhYWbm5uKioqOjo6Xl5eZmZmampqLi4uQkJCCgoKdnZ2AgICTk5OUlJSVlZW/v7+q qqqsrKygoKC0tLSioqKxsbG4uLi6urqvr6+2tra5ubmzs7Orq6ulpaWjo6OysrK+vr63t7e7u7u9 vb2urq61tbWmpqaoqKipqamwsLCtra2kpKTCwsLd3d3U1NTKysrc3NzY2NjFxcXe3t7b29va2trS 0tLJycnX19fR0dHT09PHx8fV1dXGxsbBwcHW1tbZ2dnAwMDLy8vQ0NDExMTPz8/+/v7v7+/s7Oz6 +vr39/fk5OTr6+v4+Pj09PTn5+f5+fnl5eX29vbj4+P19fXh4eHi4uLx8fHz8/Py8vLm5ubo6Ojw 8PDq6ur9/f3p6en7+/v8/Pzt7e3u7u7g4OD///8BAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMB AgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMB AgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMI/wB5CRxIsKDBgwgTKlzIsKHDhxAjSpxIsSKvbRgzGtRo 0WJGjL18FRL1a5vAjx87QkQJLJihGx8CAAAwKqOwQ1Jw5NCxpqTKhR+HkWKzA4SAmTMH8CC2rVcb AgAKhOAhAsANYCZ/EkQpzNCUEQUMID3Qw00pUxcRIUjgI1ExjMbeKDiW9edHZKfg7FjAoMEPRXEc kJBTM2MyIACCoEK5TVmJZXUrfmS26AaJAgNMzHl7SsgCKsFQjioBgA7Hk4xANIssMWOqOkMeADBQ pRHkbcMcEbGiiuO2U1XrYCy4zdmJN6xXbjP2qAgEACTsiHqGchUkZae3sYqAItLwrduMpP9Alrwh xmZ1VMw0cj3lQPcnW4k44Or7+211JJgqz3DbrzsrAHBAG6/AB1QwLABgiH0nbdPGAd5RtI0kUV0B DWMYbmTMDwBMwuBF28QxAR4fPrQNJQA4wEY0xUBTjDTQxAjNMdIYeFEeAGDx4TbIZKFAJSWaOM0R MxWggAQUEFBABRBAUEALOPzg4VasFDCEMZFhRIoLLTQS5ErUOKLFBwYYYMELPCCxBRc9XDATBrBk tQ0wMEAQS5bbGJJBCnTxF1FGvwADzDAfVaNHDAAkkEQycuoBQBZ1YTRNFw94YY2fEn5kjSxvKDGT CFVYco2cwIwgAl0gAkOJBSRc8qVkGA3/M8sXMgBwgQxgYIKVfds4usdHmcAwwRXTvNraeZpIQdoB M7RR2GkXPTMCCbvSsoQDSZRi7J8Y1WKFBrPloAijNp60CQB8bCNKERjQsNi2JmKECQ8YPBAGJ9jY iGEPAFgxRAUgSDIqpsptUwgTAFDgRi0pYciYJgkkikMllxL8py1LAPBAH2999xE2y9yihx5d6GAy EDxIAAAPuEBr1yUbAADEKdn9UooYSTDAAQQUkOAmUgB0EEGfWm2VClR3QLsNJDPMRMMYnXjyCRye JoyEHw7U4FPR7+EBwB8MYlRMzE2AkoskX9iAAQATABGKLNuoAgEQ13C9lR0AzILhMIDM7lSCekg5 wUacGcECQSAWS0hhCY/ogokjiVRhGQAeSCBbBk/0obdvtCSgo93vZWME0EEDIAIPe+TCyiu5MIPS VmwAcEXiElLDiCCDDEIILauQl+FB2yjSARm0Z+qwia88UEbxoDu0zS4PIN4819tkg4IZ8E7v/DZQ xECo9lptE3uE4Ku0TTIb2HDR9uUj1CsAP2BZHmPNtA+8NWEAEAUq1GB4jS/LuMMZ4KAN5hVtG9aY gtPQkAY8KIIKangCDFDAAxywYT/2c982MIEGBQCtSSAggiT6ZEDQZSQaq4jEIT7BjAuVK4PAc1gJ YdiRgAAAOw== ------=_NextPart_000_00BB_01C3026F.11D51AF0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Edward W. Gjertsen II" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Tax Free Dividends Date: 14 Apr 2003 10:37:28 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0013_01C30271.D861BD70 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0014_01C30271.D861BD70" ------=_NextPart_001_0014_01C30271.D861BD70 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Come on now Tom, things are improving. I believe E-File has been a terrific improvement. Ed Gjertsen II Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 9:18 AM Ed, the only point on which I might disagree is using "IRS" and "wisdom" in the same sentence, seems like an oxymoron to me. "IRS in their wisdom" ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 10:11 AM Here are comments from an article I authored: President Bush has stirred up a maelstrom of debate. No, not whether or not the double taxation of dividends is fair, or which societal class will benefit most, but how much money will be sucked out of the bond market and reallocated into dividend paying stocks. If your financial advisor suggests to liquidate your bond portfolio to purchase dividend paying stocks to take advantage of tax-free income, gather all your assets and run for the exit. The difference between a bond and a stock is much more than an interest rate or dividend yield. Interest is not a dividend and dividends are not interest. The IRS in their wisdom even categorizes these payments differently. While they both are reported on Schedule B in tax returns, bond investors generally receive a 1099-INT for interest payments where common stock holders receive a 1099-DIV for dividend payments. A bond is a loan made by investors to a corporation, the U.S. Government, or a municipality in which that entity is obligated to pay interest at a stated rate and pay back principle at a stated time. Conversely, common stock provides ownership of a corporation. Dividends are a promise made by a corporate Board of Directors to pay shareholders a specific amount of money for each share of stock held. For example, a 10-year Treasury bond may pay a current yield of 3.85%. A $100,000 purchase of the 10-year bond will create $3,850 of interest payment every year for 10 years. At the end of the 10-year period, the investor will receive back $100,000 of principle payment. A common stock whose price is $40 and pays a dividend of $1.54 has a dividend yield of 3.85%. The dividend yield is calculated by dividing the dividend by the stock price. A $100,000 purchase would involve 2,500 shares and create $3,850 of dividends per year. At the end of a 10-year period, no one can know where the stock price will be. This wherein lies the problem with the debate on just how much money will shift from bonds to dividend paying stocks. Bonds and stocks represent a completely different risk-reward scenario. While today many wish this were true, common stocks do not pay back principle at a stated time in the future. The reallocation debate requires one to disregard an important risk; Market Risk. The one lesson most investors hopefully learned is that market risk is not to be ignored. Three consecutive years of declines, a dubious performance not seen in over 60 years, may provide an enticing argument to invest in dividend paying equities. Besides how much worse can the stock market get? With interest rates so low, why not take advantage of yield and possible growth. Popular pundits will discuss how the risk reward scenario should be in favor of equities. Don't be fooled. One item I am confident of. Wall Street investment firms are very imaginative and resourceful. Should President Bush's proposed tax cut on dividends become law, look for these firms to create investment vehicles to generate badly needed underwriting fees. For the near future, don't be seduced to sell your bonds in anticipation of buying dividend paying stocks. Make sure recommended transactions will benefit you and not your broker's pocketbook or wallet. Ed Gjertsen II Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Ted Kozek Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 9:40 PM Would someone like to comment on the effect tax free dividends will have on corporate, treasury any municipal bond rates ------=_NextPart_001_0014_01C30271.D861BD70 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Come on now Tom, things are = improving.  I believe E-File has been a terrific improvement.



Ed Gjertsen II




Confidentiality Notice: This = e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged = information.  Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is = prohibited.  If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply = e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.


-----Original = Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley
Sent: Monday, April 14, = 2003 9:18 AM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] = Tax Free Dividends


Ed, the only point on which = I might disagree is using "IRS" and "wisdom" in the same = sentence, seems like an oxymoron to me.


"IRS in their = wisdom"

----- Original Message = -----

Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 10:11 AM

Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Tax Free Dividends


Here are comments from an article I authored:


President Bush has stirred up a maelstrom of debate.  No, not whether or not the double taxation of dividends is = fair, or which societal class will benefit most, but how much money will be = sucked out of the bond market and reallocated into dividend paying = stocks.  If your financial advisor suggests to liquidate your bond portfolio to = purchase dividend paying stocks to take advantage of tax-free income, gather all = your assets and run for the exit.


The difference between a bond and a stock is = much more than an interest rate or dividend yield.  Interest is not a = dividend and dividends are not interest.  The IRS in their wisdom even = categorizes these payments differently. While they both are reported on Schedule B = in tax returns, bond investors generally receive a 1099-INT for interest = payments where common stock holders receive a 1099-DIV for dividend = payments.


A bond is a loan made by investors to a = corporation, the U.S. Government, or a municipality in which that entity is obligated = to pay interest at a stated rate and pay back principle at a stated time.  Conversely, common stock provides ownership of a corporation.  = Dividends are a promise made by a corporate Board of Directors to pay shareholders = a specific amount of money for each share of stock held.  =


For example, a 10-year Treasury bond may pay = a current yield of 3.85%.  A $100,000 purchase of the 10-year bond will = create $3,850 of interest payment every year for 10 years.  At the end of = the 10-year period, the investor will receive back $100,000 of principle = payment.


A common stock whose price is $40 and pays a = dividend of $1.54 has a dividend yield of 3.85%.  The dividend yield is = calculated by dividing the dividend by the stock price. A $100,000 purchase would = involve 2,500 shares and create $3,850 of dividends per year.  At the end = of a 10-year period, no one can know where the stock price will = be.


This wherein lies the problem with the debate = on just how much money will shift from bonds to dividend paying stocks.  = Bonds and stocks represent a completely different risk-reward scenario.  = While today many wish this were true, common stocks do not pay back principle at a = stated time in the future. 


The reallocation debate requires one to = disregard an important risk; Market Risk.  The one lesson most investors = hopefully learned is that market risk is not to be ignored.  Three = consecutive years of declines, a dubious performance not seen in over 60 years, may = provide an enticing argument to invest in dividend paying equities. Besides how = much worse can the stock market get?  With interest rates so low, why not take advantage of yield and possible growth.  Popular pundits will = discuss how the risk reward scenario should be in favor of equities.  = Don’t be fooled. 


One item I am confident of.  Wall Street investment firms are very imaginative and resourceful.  Should = President Bush’s proposed tax cut on dividends become law, look for these = firms to create investment vehicles to generate badly needed underwriting fees. = For the near future, don’t be seduced to sell your bonds in anticipation = of buying dividend paying stocks.  Make sure recommended transactions = will benefit you and not your broker’s pocketbook or = wallet.




Ed = Gjertsen II



Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole = use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information.  Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or = distribution is prohibited.  If you are not the intended recipient, please contact = the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original = message.


-----Original = Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of Ted Kozek
Sent: Thursday, April 10, = 2003 9:40 PM
To: =
Subject: [CANSLIM] Tax = Free Dividends


Would someone like to comment on the effect = tax free dividends will have on corporate, treasury any municipal bond = rates

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Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gene Ricci" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Tax Free Dividends Date: 14 Apr 2003 14:34:48 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0585_01C30293.00926CB0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0586_01C30293.00926CB0" ------=_NextPart_001_0586_01C30293.00926CB0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Ed, excellent stuff. I would like to see the entire article if I may = (please send offline). I think we face several issues with bond portfolios: a) ongoing credit ratings of the companies b) to harvest or not to harvest the profits gained through appreciation=20 c) maturities I know I bought most of my bonds to protect capital ... never dreamed of = the extent of their appreciation over the past couple of years. However = (greedy) if I wait 'too' long and the interest rates start to rise, and = some think that may happen in the second half of the year, the market = value of my bonds may drop. My goal is to start harvesting the profits = of these bonds and buy others with shorter maturities, wherever = possible. For those that are for income, I really don't care what their market = value is as long as I won't have to redeem them prior to maturity.... = and of course if the company remains solvent. Gene =20 ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Edward W. Gjertsen II=20 To: Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 9:11 AM Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Tax Free Dividends Here are comments from an article I authored: President Bush has stirred up a maelstrom of debate. No, not whether = or not the double taxation of dividends is fair, or which societal class = will benefit most, but how much money will be sucked out of the bond = market and reallocated into dividend paying stocks. If your financial = advisor suggests to liquidate your bond portfolio to purchase dividend = paying stocks to take advantage of tax-free income, gather all your = assets and run for the exit.=20 The difference between a bond and a stock is much more than an = interest rate or dividend yield. Interest is not a dividend and = dividends are not interest. The IRS in their wisdom even categorizes = these payments differently. While they both are reported on Schedule B = in tax returns, bond investors generally receive a 1099-INT for interest = payments where common stock holders receive a 1099-DIV for dividend = payments. A bond is a loan made by investors to a corporation, the U.S. = Government, or a municipality in which that entity is obligated to pay = interest at a stated rate and pay back principle at a stated time. = Conversely, common stock provides ownership of a corporation. Dividends = are a promise made by a corporate Board of Directors to pay shareholders = a specific amount of money for each share of stock held. =20 For example, a 10-year Treasury bond may pay a current yield of 3.85%. = A $100,000 purchase of the 10-year bond will create $3,850 of interest = payment every year for 10 years. At the end of the 10-year period, the = investor will receive back $100,000 of principle payment. A common stock whose price is $40 and pays a dividend of $1.54 has a = dividend yield of 3.85%. The dividend yield is calculated by dividing = the dividend by the stock price. A $100,000 purchase would involve 2,500 = shares and create $3,850 of dividends per year. At the end of a 10-year = period, no one can know where the stock price will be. This wherein lies the problem with the debate on just how much money = will shift from bonds to dividend paying stocks. Bonds and stocks = represent a completely different risk-reward scenario. While today many = wish this were true, common stocks do not pay back principle at a stated = time in the future. =20 The reallocation debate requires one to disregard an important risk; = Market Risk. The one lesson most investors hopefully learned is that = market risk is not to be ignored. Three consecutive years of declines, = a dubious performance not seen in over 60 years, may provide an enticing = argument to invest in dividend paying equities. Besides how much worse = can the stock market get? With interest rates so low, why not take = advantage of yield and possible growth. Popular pundits will discuss = how the risk reward scenario should be in favor of equities. Don't be = fooled. =20 One item I am confident of. Wall Street investment firms are very = imaginative and resourceful. Should President Bush's proposed tax cut = on dividends become law, look for these firms to create investment = vehicles to generate badly needed underwriting fees. For the near = future, don't be seduced to sell your bonds in anticipation of buying = dividend paying stocks. Make sure recommended transactions will benefit = you and not your broker's pocketbook or wallet. Ed Gjertsen II Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any = attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may = contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized = review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not = the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and = destroy all copies of the original message. -----Original Message----- From: = [] On Behalf Of Ted Kozek Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 9:40 PM To: Subject: [CANSLIM] Tax Free Dividends Would someone like to comment on the effect tax free dividends will = have on corporate, treasury any municipal bond rates ------=_NextPart_001_0586_01C30293.00926CB0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Ed, excellent stuff. I would like to see the entire article if = I may=20 (please send offline).
I think we face several issues with bond=20 portfolios:
a) ongoing credit ratings of the companies
b) to harvest or not to harvest the profits gained through = appreciation=20
c) maturities
I know I bought most of my bonds to=20 protect capital ... never dreamed of the extent of their = appreciation=20 over the past couple of years. However (greedy) if I wait 'too' long and = the=20 interest=20 rates start to rise, and some think that may happen in the second half = of the=20 year, the market value of my bonds may drop. My goal is to = start=20 harvesting the profits of these bonds and buy others with shorter = maturities,=20 wherever possible.
For those that are for income, I really don't care what their = market=20 value is as long as I won't have to redeem them prior to maturity.... = and of=20 course if the company remains solvent.
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Edward = W. Gjertsen=20 II
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 = 9:11=20 AM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Tax Free = Dividends

Here are comments from an = article I=20 authored:


President Bush has stirred up a maelstrom of = debate.  No, not whether or not the double taxation of dividends = is fair,=20 or which societal class will benefit most, but how much money will be = sucked=20 out of the bond market and reallocated into dividend paying = stocks.  If=20 your financial advisor suggests to liquidate your bond portfolio to = purchase=20 dividend paying stocks to take advantage of tax-free income, gather = all your=20 assets and run for the exit.


The difference between a bond and a stock is = much more=20 than an interest rate or dividend yield.  Interest is not a = dividend and=20 dividends are not interest.  The IRS in their wisdom even = categorizes=20 these payments differently. While they both are reported on Schedule B = in tax=20 returns, bond investors generally receive a 1099-INT for interest = payments=20 where common stock holders receive a 1099-DIV for dividend=20 payments.


A bond is a loan made by investors to a = corporation,=20 the U.S. Government, or a municipality in which that entity is = obligated to=20 pay interest at a stated rate and pay back principle at a stated = time. =20 Conversely, common stock provides ownership of a corporation.  = Dividends=20 are a promise made by a corporate Board of Directors to pay = shareholders a=20 specific amount of money for each share of stock held. =20


For example, a 10-year Treasury bond may pay = a current=20 yield of 3.85%.  A $100,000 purchase of the 10-year bond will = create=20 $3,850 of interest payment every year for 10 years.  At the end = of the=20 10-year period, the investor will receive back $100,000 of principle=20 payment.


A common stock whose price is $40 and pays a = dividend=20 of $1.54 has a dividend yield of 3.85%.  The dividend yield is = calculated=20 by dividing the dividend by the stock price. A $100,000 purchase would = involve=20 2,500 shares and create $3,850 of dividends per year.  At the end = of a=20 10-year period, no one can know where the stock price will=20 be.


This wherein lies the problem with the = debate on just=20 how much money will shift from bonds to dividend paying stocks.  = Bonds=20 and stocks represent a completely different risk-reward = scenario.  While=20 today many wish this were true, common stocks do not pay back = principle at a=20 stated time in the future. 


The reallocation debate requires one to = disregard an=20 important risk; Market Risk.  The one lesson most investors = hopefully=20 learned is that market risk is not to be ignored.  Three = consecutive=20 years of declines, a dubious performance not seen in over 60 years, = may=20 provide an enticing argument to invest in dividend paying equities. = Besides=20 how much worse can the stock market get?  With interest rates so = low, why=20 not take advantage of yield and possible growth.  Popular pundits = will=20 discuss how the risk reward scenario should be in favor of = equities. =20 Don=92t be fooled. 


One item I am confident of.  Wall = Street=20 investment firms are very imaginative and resourceful.  Should = President=20 Bush=92s proposed tax cut on dividends become law, look for these = firms to=20 create investment vehicles to generate badly needed underwriting fees. = For the=20 near future, don=92t be seduced to sell your bonds in anticipation of = buying=20 dividend paying stocks.  Make sure recommended transactions will = benefit=20 you and not your broker=92s pocketbook or wallet.




Ed Gjertsen = II



Confidentiality Notice: This = e-mail=20 message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the = intended=20 recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged = information. =20 Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is = prohibited. =20 If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by = reply=20 e-mail and destroy all copies of the original=20 message.


-----Original=20 Message-----
From:=20 = []=20 On Behalf Of Ted=20 Kozek
Sent: = Thursday, April=20 10, 2003 9:40 PM
Subject: [CANSLIM] Tax Free=20 Dividends


Would someone like to comment = on the=20 effect tax free dividends will have on corporate, treasury any = municipal bond=20 rates

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Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Pritish Shah" Subject: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? Date: 14 Apr 2003 15:49:58 -0400 Hi, STAA broke out at 15x average volume. I am trying to figure out if it is a good buy candidate or not? It seems that it is not making money but there is a huge potential to make money with their new product. Regards, Pritish - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? Date: 15 Apr 2003 23:36:41 -0400 chartwise, the volume on Friday was a signal to watch carefully on Monday. Doing so might have permitted getting in at the low range Monday and riding it to a new high, enjoying the continued ride today on a 7X ADV day. fundamentally, though, I just don't get it. Yes, forecasts call for essentially a break even year, with real profits showing up next year. However, examining the year over year, or sequential quarter, sales figures, much less the (earnings) (read as losses since in ()), I don't see the kind of fundamental growth that would convince me that real growth is there sufficient to drive earnings, and share price. Maybe their market is too limited for the kind of growth I seek, but aside from a momentum play, I don't feel attracted to this one. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:49 PM Hi, STAA broke out at 15x average volume. I am trying to figure out if it is a good buy candidate or not? It seems that it is not making money but there is a huge potential to make money with their new product. Regards, Pritish - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: dlawson Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? Date: 16 Apr 2003 09:40:45 -0400 Not to mention it's not a CANSLIM stock !!! EPS= 10 , last Q negitive. Dave ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:36 PM > chartwise, the volume on Friday was a signal to watch carefully on Monday. > Doing so might have permitted getting in at the low range Monday and riding > it to a new high, enjoying the continued ride today on a 7X ADV day. > > fundamentally, though, I just don't get it. Yes, forecasts call for > essentially a break even year, with real profits showing up next year. > However, examining the year over year, or sequential quarter, sales figures, > much less the (earnings) (read as losses since in ()), I don't see the kind > of fundamental growth that would convince me that real growth is there > sufficient to drive earnings, and share price. Maybe their market is too > limited for the kind of growth I seek, but aside from a momentum play, I > don't feel attracted to this one. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Pritish Shah" > To: > Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:49 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? > > > > Hi, > > STAA broke out at 15x average volume. I am trying to figure out if it > is a good buy candidate or not? It seems that it is not making money but > there is a huge potential to make money with their new product. > > Regards, > Pritish > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Date: 16 Apr 2003 11:01:04 -0400 Does anyone have an opinion on TBL and MATK=2E New at this Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- Not to mention it's not a CANSLIM stock !!! EPS=3D 10 , last Q negitive=2E= Dave ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:36 PM > chartwise, the volume on Friday was a signal to watch carefully on Monda= y=2E > Doing so might have permitted getting in at the low range Monday and riding > it to a new high, enjoying the continued ride today on a 7X ADV day=2E > > fundamentally, though, I just don't get it=2E Yes, forecasts call for > essentially a break even year, with real profits showing up next year=2E= > However, examining the year over year, or sequential quarter, sales figures, > much less the (earnings) (read as losses since in ()), I don't see the kind > of fundamental growth that would convince me that real growth is there > sufficient to drive earnings, and share price=2E Maybe their market is t= oo > limited for the kind of growth I seek, but aside from a momentum play, I= > don't feel attracted to this one=2E > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Pritish Shah" > To: > Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:49 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? > > > > Hi, > > STAA broke out at 15x average volume=2E I am trying to figure out if it > is a good buy candidate or not? It seems that it is not making money but= > there is a huge potential to make money with their new product=2E > > Regards, > Pritish > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gene Ricci" Subject: [CANSLIM] Asset Allocation: Raising Bonds Recommendation Date: 16 Apr 2003 14:23:45 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_035D_01C30423.C9AFBD50 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Ed, most of the 'big' houses support your thoughts on bonds versus = stocks: Asset Allocation: Raising Bonds Recommendation Merrill Lynch Chief U.S. Strategist Richard Bernstein has increased the = weighting for bonds in his recommended asset allocation. Course they might not own TSCO today {:>) Gene ------=_NextPart_000_035D_01C30423.C9AFBD50 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Ed, most of the 'big' houses support = your=20 thoughts on bonds versus stocks:

Asset=20 Allocation: Raising Bonds Recommendation
Merrill Lynch Chief U.S. = Strategist Richard Bernstein has increased the weighting for bonds in = his=20 recommended asset allocation.

Course they might not own TSCO today {:>)



------=_NextPart_000_035D_01C30423.C9AFBD50-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Date: 17 Apr 2003 01:27:12 -0400 TBL is already way extended after beating earnings estimates, MATK is trading with a market cap something like 12 times sales, which is way too rich a premium for my blood (or money). What do you like about them, Roger? ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 11:01 AM Does anyone have an opinion on TBL and MATK. New at this Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- Not to mention it's not a CANSLIM stock !!! EPS= 10 , last Q negitive. Dave ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:36 PM > chartwise, the volume on Friday was a signal to watch carefully on Monday. > Doing so might have permitted getting in at the low range Monday and riding > it to a new high, enjoying the continued ride today on a 7X ADV day. > > fundamentally, though, I just don't get it. Yes, forecasts call for > essentially a break even year, with real profits showing up next year. > However, examining the year over year, or sequential quarter, sales figures, > much less the (earnings) (read as losses since in ()), I don't see the kind > of fundamental growth that would convince me that real growth is there > sufficient to drive earnings, and share price. Maybe their market is too > limited for the kind of growth I seek, but aside from a momentum play, I > don't feel attracted to this one. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Pritish Shah" > To: > Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:49 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? > > > > Hi, > > STAA broke out at 15x average volume. I am trying to figure out if it > is a good buy candidate or not? It seems that it is not making money but > there is a huge potential to make money with their new product. > > Regards, > Pritish > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. mail2web - Check your email from the web at . - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Date: 17 Apr 2003 01:53:00 -0400 Tom Thank you for a prompt reply=2E That isa good question I really don't kno= w what I would like about them=2E I was just getting my feet wet with this list and was just trying to see if I could understand=2E I am really a novice and don't know anything but trying to learn=2E Thanks for your ins= ight Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- TBL is already way extended after beating earnings estimates, MATK is trading with a market cap something like 12 times sales, which is way too rich a premium for my blood (or money)=2E What do you like about them, Roger? ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 11:01 AM Does anyone have an opinion on TBL and MATK=2E New at this Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- Not to mention it's not a CANSLIM stock !!! EPS=3D 10 , last Q negitive=2E= Dave ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:36 PM > chartwise, the volume on Friday was a signal to watch carefully on Monda= y=2E > Doing so might have permitted getting in at the low range Monday and riding > it to a new high, enjoying the continued ride today on a 7X ADV day=2E > > fundamentally, though, I just don't get it=2E Yes, forecasts call for > essentially a break even year, with real profits showing up next year=2E= > However, examining the year over year, or sequential quarter, sales figures, > much less the (earnings) (read as losses since in ()), I don't see the kind > of fundamental growth that would convince me that real growth is there > sufficient to drive earnings, and share price=2E Maybe their market is t= oo > limited for the kind of growth I seek, but aside from a momentum play, I= > don't feel attracted to this one=2E > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Pritish Shah" > To: > Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:49 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? > > > > Hi, > > STAA broke out at 15x average volume=2E I am trying to figure out if it > is a good buy candidate or not? It seems that it is not making money but= > there is a huge potential to make money with their new product=2E > > Regards, > Pritish > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Date: 17 Apr 2003 06:40:16 -0400 this is a good place to learn and try out ideas, and your understanding of CANSLIM. You should read, then study, O'Neil's "How To Make Money In Stocks" (HTMMIS) and his 24 Lessons to get the main concepts of CANSLIM, and principal rules. Learning how to apply them after that will be easier to understand, especially if you try out your understanding here before risking real money. The list has been unusually quiet for some time now, often a bearish signal. But when the market picks up you will see a lot more postings and participation. By the way, welcome to the group ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 1:53 AM Tom Thank you for a prompt reply. That isa good question I really don't know what I would like about them. I was just getting my feet wet with this list and was just trying to see if I could understand. I am really a novice and don't know anything but trying to learn. Thanks for your insight Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- TBL is already way extended after beating earnings estimates, MATK is trading with a market cap something like 12 times sales, which is way too rich a premium for my blood (or money). What do you like about them, Roger? ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 11:01 AM Does anyone have an opinion on TBL and MATK. New at this Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- Not to mention it's not a CANSLIM stock !!! EPS= 10 , last Q negitive. Dave ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:36 PM > chartwise, the volume on Friday was a signal to watch carefully on Monday. > Doing so might have permitted getting in at the low range Monday and riding > it to a new high, enjoying the continued ride today on a 7X ADV day. > > fundamentally, though, I just don't get it. Yes, forecasts call for > essentially a break even year, with real profits showing up next year. > However, examining the year over year, or sequential quarter, sales figures, > much less the (earnings) (read as losses since in ()), I don't see the kind > of fundamental growth that would convince me that real growth is there > sufficient to drive earnings, and share price. Maybe their market is too > limited for the kind of growth I seek, but aside from a momentum play, I > don't feel attracted to this one. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Pritish Shah" > To: > Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:49 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? > > > > Hi, > > STAA broke out at 15x average volume. I am trying to figure out if it > is a good buy candidate or not? It seems that it is not making money but > there is a huge potential to make money with their new product. > > Regards, > Pritish > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. mail2web - Check your email from the web at . - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. mail2web - Check your email from the web at . - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Date: 17 Apr 2003 10:54:32 -0400 Tom Thanks for being patient with me=2E I tried my first real buy last month = I bought 2000 sh of HITK for 21=2E75 sold on Tue for 29=2E64 made a nice 15,= 000 ++ profit in less than a month so I was happy with that but I guess I was lucky and still learning Roger Original Message: ----------------- this is a good place to learn and try out ideas, and your understanding of= CANSLIM=2E You should read, then study, O'Neil's "How To Make Money In Sto= cks" (HTMMIS) and his 24 Lessons to get the main concepts of CANSLIM, and principal rules=2E Learning how to apply them after that will be easier to= understand, especially if you try out your understanding here before riski= ng real money=2E The list has been unusually quiet for some time now, often a bearish signa= l=2E But when the market picks up you will see a lot more postings and participation=2E By the way, welcome to the group ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 1:53 AM Tom Thank you for a prompt reply=2E That isa good question I really don't kno= w what I would like about them=2E I was just getting my feet wet with this list and was just trying to see if I could understand=2E I am really a novice and don't know anything but trying to learn=2E Thanks for your ins= ight Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- TBL is already way extended after beating earnings estimates, MATK is trading with a market cap something like 12 times sales, which is way too rich a premium for my blood (or money)=2E What do you like about them, Roger? ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 11:01 AM Does anyone have an opinion on TBL and MATK=2E New at this Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- Not to mention it's not a CANSLIM stock !!! EPS=3D 10 , last Q negitive=2E= Dave ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:36 PM > chartwise, the volume on Friday was a signal to watch carefully on Monda= y=2E > Doing so might have permitted getting in at the low range Monday and riding > it to a new high, enjoying the continued ride today on a 7X ADV day=2E > > fundamentally, though, I just don't get it=2E Yes, forecasts call for > essentially a break even year, with real profits showing up next year=2E= > However, examining the year over year, or sequential quarter, sales figures, > much less the (earnings) (read as losses since in ()), I don't see the kind > of fundamental growth that would convince me that real growth is there > sufficient to drive earnings, and share price=2E Maybe their market is t= oo > limited for the kind of growth I seek, but aside from a momentum play, I= > don't feel attracted to this one=2E > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Pritish Shah" > To: > Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:49 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? > > > > Hi, > > STAA broke out at 15x average volume=2E I am trying to figure out if it > is a good buy candidate or not? It seems that it is not making money but= > there is a huge potential to make money with their new product=2E > > Regards, > Pritish > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [CANSLIM] sell rules and chart reading Date: 17 Apr 2003 12:34:41 -0500 Hi all, I have a position in Marvel (MVL) and currently am sitting on a profit of 20% +. I am tempted to sell at least part of my position, since I have been burned recently when a breakout stock gets hit hard and falls back. (I do have a 10% trailing stop in place). But, since the 20% gain had occurred within first 3 weeks of my purchase, my reading of WON says that I should hold on for at least 8 weeks. Also, with the upcoming movie releases of X-men 2 and the Hulk, I would certainly think that the upside for further gains in the near future looks good. Does anyone see anything on the chart that would lead them to any yellow or red flags for selling now? Thanks for any help Mike Mike Niemotka , PE Sr. Principal Engineer Baxter Healthcare Corporation Route 120 & Wilson Road Round Lake, IL 60073 Tel (847) 270-4075 Fax (847) 270-4525 - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jonathan Lobatto" Subject: [CANSLIM] This rally/AVID? Date: 17 Apr 2003 16:36:16 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_01F6_01C304FF.777F2A20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Based on past experience with this list, it's a bit odd to me that there = isn't more activity here as there have been decent stocks breaking out = for a while now. Prior rallies have brought a good deal of comment. If = one can conclude from the relative silence that everyone is so disgusted = with a couple of years of false breakouts and as such, so skeptical of = this current rally, is it possible this one may be for real?? BTW, one stock I bought recently (on the 4/2 breakout) is AVID. AVID = announced earnings this morning and the stock instantly tanked around = 10%. I was just about to sell it as it was right around an 8% loss for = me when the stock began to recover. It basically climbed the rest of the = day and actually ended the day closing up a fraction! Odd = behavior....I'm tempted to say this shows big underlying demand for the = stock. One clue may be that it has a large short interest and when the = shorts came to the conclusion that the earnings were not that = horrendous, they may have been covering today. Could be a short squeeze = in the making (although now having said that, watch it sink like a = stone!) Jon ------=_NextPart_000_01F6_01C304FF.777F2A20 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Based on past experience with = this list,=20 it's a bit odd to me that there isn't more activity here as there have = been=20 decent stocks breaking out for a while now. Prior rallies have brought a = good=20 deal of comment. If one can conclude from the relative silence that = everyone is=20 so disgusted with a couple of years of false breakouts and as such, so = skeptical=20 of this current rally, is it possible this one may be for = real??
BTW, one stock I bought = recently (on the=20 4/2 breakout) is AVID. AVID announced earnings this morning and the = stock=20 instantly tanked around 10%. I was just about to sell it as it was right = around=20 an 8% loss for me when the stock began to recover. It basically climbed = the rest=20 of the day and actually ended the day closing up a fraction! Odd=20 behavior....I'm tempted to say this shows big underlying demand for the = stock.=20 One clue may be that it has a large short interest and when the shorts = came to=20 the conclusion that the earnings were not that horrendous, they may have = been=20 covering today. Could be a short squeeze in the making (although now=20 having said that, watch it sink like a stone!)
------=_NextPart_000_01F6_01C304FF.777F2A20-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Date: 18 Apr 2003 12:48:36 -0400 Roger, I won't try to guess at how much luck played a part, looks to me like you bought a stock with strong fundies, and just as it broke out for a second time (I am guessing April 2). Bear in mind we are all "still learning" and should learn from every trade we do, or don't do. A 35% profit in one month is certainly motivation enough. Aside from that, however, what prompted you to sell it when you did? ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 10:54 AM Tom Thanks for being patient with me. I tried my first real buy last month I bought 2000 sh of HITK for 21.75 sold on Tue for 29.64 made a nice 15,000 ++ profit in less than a month so I was happy with that but I guess I was lucky and still learning Roger Original Message: ----------------- this is a good place to learn and try out ideas, and your understanding of CANSLIM. You should read, then study, O'Neil's "How To Make Money In Stocks" (HTMMIS) and his 24 Lessons to get the main concepts of CANSLIM, and principal rules. Learning how to apply them after that will be easier to understand, especially if you try out your understanding here before risking real money. The list has been unusually quiet for some time now, often a bearish signal. But when the market picks up you will see a lot more postings and participation. By the way, welcome to the group ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 1:53 AM Tom Thank you for a prompt reply. That isa good question I really don't know what I would like about them. I was just getting my feet wet with this list and was just trying to see if I could understand. I am really a novice and don't know anything but trying to learn. Thanks for your insight Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- TBL is already way extended after beating earnings estimates, MATK is trading with a market cap something like 12 times sales, which is way too rich a premium for my blood (or money). What do you like about them, Roger? ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 11:01 AM Does anyone have an opinion on TBL and MATK. New at this Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- Not to mention it's not a CANSLIM stock !!! EPS= 10 , last Q negitive. Dave ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:36 PM > chartwise, the volume on Friday was a signal to watch carefully on Monday. > Doing so might have permitted getting in at the low range Monday and riding > it to a new high, enjoying the continued ride today on a 7X ADV day. > > fundamentally, though, I just don't get it. Yes, forecasts call for > essentially a break even year, with real profits showing up next year. > However, examining the year over year, or sequential quarter, sales figures, > much less the (earnings) (read as losses since in ()), I don't see the kind > of fundamental growth that would convince me that real growth is there > sufficient to drive earnings, and share price. Maybe their market is too > limited for the kind of growth I seek, but aside from a momentum play, I > don't feel attracted to this one. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Pritish Shah" > To: > Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:49 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? > > > > Hi, > > STAA broke out at 15x average volume. I am trying to figure out if it > is a good buy candidate or not? It seems that it is not making money but > there is a huge potential to make money with their new product. > > Regards, > Pritish > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. mail2web - Check your email from the web at . - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. mail2web - Check your email from the web at . - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. mail2web - Check your email from the web at . - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gene Ricci" Subject: [CANSLIM] TBl and MATK Date: 18 Apr 2003 12:00:46 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0892_01C305A2.25180D80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Roger, congratulations.... that was quite the first real buy !!! Happy Holiday, Gene Tom Thanks for being patient with me. I tried my first real buy last month = I bought 2000 sh of HITK for 21.75 sold on Tue for 29.64 made a nice = 15,000 ++ profit in less than a month so I was happy with that but I guess I = was lucky and still learning Roger ------=_NextPart_000_0892_01C305A2.25180D80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Roger, congratulations.... that was = quite the=20 first real buy !!!
Happy Holiday,


Thanks for=20 being patient with me.  I tried my first real buy last month = I
bought=20 2000 sh of HITK for 21.75 sold on Tue for 29.64 made a nice 15,000
++ = profit=20 in less than a month so I was happy with that but I guess I was
lucky = and=20 still learning
------=_NextPart_000_0892_01C305A2.25180D80-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] sell rules and chart reading Date: 18 Apr 2003 13:01:58 -0400 Hi Michael, I see no reason to be a profit taker right now. Granted, after seven straight days of gains, a correction is overdue, but could easily take the form of a sideways move for a week or so, rather than an inversion of price gains. Fundies already look strong, yet market cap/sales ratio still only about 3. The trailing PE is high at 42, but much more moderate using forward PE, which must be the focus. Volume has remained high, and funds ownership is low (6%) suggesting there is a lot of room for funds to jump on the bandwagon, especially if they get excited about upcoming product releases. Likewise, last short position report showed 4 days volume as short, and was up 8%. So the shorts may be already getting squeezed and could be a part of the recent rise in price / volume. But a determined shorter will also be selling more now, at the new, higher prices. Since this is a highly liquid stock trading with a tight spread, and you are already up over 15%, what I would be doing is maintaining a trailing 15% hard stop loss, adjusted up daily as long as it continues to rise. Whether you use intraday high, or closing price, for this adjustment is your choice. This would protect your profit to a degree, and absent a major gap down guarantee you escaping with something to show for taking the risk. My simple indicators I use for target price for exiting (1.5X the 50 DMA and 2X the 200 DMA) suggest a target price short term of the very high teens to low 20s. If it continues to rise over time, a trailing stop loss regularly adjusted will increase your profit potential and hopefully give you enough slack to stay in the stock despite short term corrections. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 1:34 PM Hi all, I have a position in Marvel (MVL) and currently am sitting on a profit of 20% +. I am tempted to sell at least part of my position, since I have been burned recently when a breakout stock gets hit hard and falls back. (I do have a 10% trailing stop in place). But, since the 20% gain had occurred within first 3 weeks of my purchase, my reading of WON says that I should hold on for at least 8 weeks. Also, with the upcoming movie releases of X-men 2 and the Hulk, I would certainly think that the upside for further gains in the near future looks good. Does anyone see anything on the chart that would lead them to any yellow or red flags for selling now? Thanks for any help Mike Mike Niemotka , PE Sr. Principal Engineer Baxter Healthcare Corporation Route 120 & Wilson Road Round Lake, IL 60073 Tel (847) 270-4075 Fax (847) 270-4525 - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] This rally/AVID? Date: 18 Apr 2003 13:18:35 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_004C_01C305AD.03EF4780 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Jonathan, I have also been very surprised at the lack of activity in the group, = usually by now I would expect to see a lot more postings and = discussions, both of individual stocks breaking out, or setting up for a = b/o, as well as implications of "M". I have an excuse, overwork, = averaging better than 80 hours/week for some time. Perhaps others have = the same problem.=20 On AVID, I note that the short position of 6 days ADV increased 21% on = the past report, so your guess as to the shorts covering may be = accurate. I would be more concerned at the lack of sales growth on a = sequential quarter basis. Otherwise, fundies look strong, and the = company appears to be in good position to reach this years earnings = forecasts of over 200% growth. I would also note that on a weekly chart this is a high handle scenario, = which by experience means greater risk of a break down. =20 ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 4:36 PM Based on past experience with this list, it's a bit odd to me that there = isn't more activity here as there have been decent stocks breaking out = for a while now. Prior rallies have brought a good deal of comment. If = one can conclude from the relative silence that everyone is so disgusted = with a couple of years of false breakouts and as such, so skeptical of = this current rally, is it possible this one may be for real?? BTW, one stock I bought recently (on the 4/2 breakout) is AVID. AVID = announced earnings this morning and the stock instantly tanked around = 10%. I was just about to sell it as it was right around an 8% loss for = me when the stock began to recover. It basically climbed the rest of the = day and actually ended the day closing up a fraction! Odd = behavior....I'm tempted to say this shows big underlying demand for the = stock. One clue may be that it has a large short interest and when the = shorts came to the conclusion that the earnings were not that = horrendous, they may have been covering today. Could be a short squeeze = in the making (although now having said that, watch it sink like a = stone!) Jon ------=_NextPart_000_004C_01C305AD.03EF4780 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I have also been very surprised at the lack of = activity in=20 the group, usually by now I would expect to see a lot more postings and=20 discussions, both of individual stocks breaking out, or setting up for a = b/o, as=20 well as implications of "M". I have an excuse, overwork, averaging = better than=20 80 hours/week for some time. Perhaps others have the same problem. =
On AVID, I note that the short position of 6 = days ADV=20 increased 21% on the past report, so your guess as to the shorts = covering may be=20 accurate. I would be more concerned at the lack of sales growth on a = sequential=20 quarter basis. Otherwise, fundies look strong, and the company appears = to be in=20 good position to reach this years earnings forecasts of over 200%=20 growth.
I would also note that on a weekly chart this is = a high handle scenario, which by experience means greater risk of a = break=20 down.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Jonathan = Lobatto=20
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: [CANSLIM] This rally/AVID?

Based on past experience with = this list,=20 it's a bit odd to me that there isn't more activity here as there have = been=20 decent stocks breaking out for a while now. Prior rallies have brought a = good=20 deal of comment. If one can conclude from the relative silence that = everyone is=20 so disgusted with a couple of years of false breakouts and as such, so = skeptical=20 of this current rally, is it possible this one may be for = real??
BTW, one stock I bought = recently (on the=20 4/2 breakout) is AVID. AVID announced earnings this morning and the = stock=20 instantly tanked around 10%. I was just about to sell it as it was right = around=20 an 8% loss for me when the stock began to recover. It basically climbed = the rest=20 of the day and actually ended the day closing up a fraction! Odd=20 behavior....I'm tempted to say this shows big underlying demand for the = stock.=20 One clue may be that it has a large short interest and when the shorts = came to=20 the conclusion that the earnings were not that horrendous, they may have = been=20 covering today. Could be a short squeeze in the making (although now=20 having said that, watch it sink like a stone!)
------=_NextPart_000_004C_01C305AD.03EF4780-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris Jones" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Date: 18 Apr 2003 10:25:31 -0700 Roger - How did you initially come accross HITK so early? I never seem to find the real winners until after they've already made a big move and everyone (IBD) is talking about it, by then I figure it's too far extended. Where did you first see HITK, and did you buy the day of the breakout on 3/26, or did you buy a few days later on the pullback? Thanks Chris ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 7:54 AM Tom Thanks for being patient with me. I tried my first real buy last month I bought 2000 sh of HITK for 21.75 sold on Tue for 29.64 made a nice 15,000 ++ profit in less than a month so I was happy with that but I guess I was lucky and still learning Roger Original Message: ----------------- this is a good place to learn and try out ideas, and your understanding of CANSLIM. You should read, then study, O'Neil's "How To Make Money In Stocks" (HTMMIS) and his 24 Lessons to get the main concepts of CANSLIM, and principal rules. Learning how to apply them after that will be easier to understand, especially if you try out your understanding here before risking real money. The list has been unusually quiet for some time now, often a bearish signal. But when the market picks up you will see a lot more postings and participation. By the way, welcome to the group ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 1:53 AM Tom Thank you for a prompt reply. That isa good question I really don't know what I would like about them. I was just getting my feet wet with this list and was just trying to see if I could understand. I am really a novice and don't know anything but trying to learn. Thanks for your insight Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- TBL is already way extended after beating earnings estimates, MATK is trading with a market cap something like 12 times sales, which is way too rich a premium for my blood (or money). What do you like about them, Roger? ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 11:01 AM Does anyone have an opinion on TBL and MATK. New at this Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- Not to mention it's not a CANSLIM stock !!! EPS= 10 , last Q negitive. Dave ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:36 PM > chartwise, the volume on Friday was a signal to watch carefully on Monday. > Doing so might have permitted getting in at the low range Monday and riding > it to a new high, enjoying the continued ride today on a 7X ADV day. > > fundamentally, though, I just don't get it. Yes, forecasts call for > essentially a break even year, with real profits showing up next year. > However, examining the year over year, or sequential quarter, sales figures, > much less the (earnings) (read as losses since in ()), I don't see the kind > of fundamental growth that would convince me that real growth is there > sufficient to drive earnings, and share price. Maybe their market is too > limited for the kind of growth I seek, but aside from a momentum play, I > don't feel attracted to this one. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Pritish Shah" > To: > Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:49 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? > > > > Hi, > > STAA broke out at 15x average volume. I am trying to figure out if it > is a good buy candidate or not? It seems that it is not making money but > there is a huge potential to make money with their new product. > > Regards, > Pritish > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. mail2web - Check your email from the web at . - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. mail2web - Check your email from the web at . - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. mail2web - Check your email from the web at . - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Date: 18 Apr 2003 19:23:36 -0400 Tom As I told you earlier I am a novice=2E The only thing that motivated me t= o sell was the $15,000+++ profit and nothing else=2E I have been burned so many times in the past (nonCANSLIM) seeing a stock go up and waiting for more profit or not wanting to sell becuz of taxes that I decided this time= I would take my profit and run=2E There maybe more money to be made but I= was scared=2E Again thanks for the help=2E Do you see something in the st= ock that tells one not to sell yet Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- Roger, I won't try to guess at how much luck played a part, looks to me li= ke you bought a stock with strong fundies, and just as it broke out for a second time (I am guessing April 2)=2E Bear in mind we are all "still learning" and should learn from every trade we do, or don't do=2E A 35% profit in one month is certainly motivation enough=2E Aside from tha= t, however, what prompted you to sell it when you did? ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 10:54 AM Tom Thanks for being patient with me=2E I tried my first real buy last month = I bought 2000 sh of HITK for 21=2E75 sold on Tue for 29=2E64 made a nice 15,= 000 ++ profit in less than a month so I was happy with that but I guess I was lucky and still learning Roger Original Message: ----------------- this is a good place to learn and try out ideas, and your understanding of= CANSLIM=2E You should read, then study, O'Neil's "How To Make Money In Sto= cks" (HTMMIS) and his 24 Lessons to get the main concepts of CANSLIM, and principal rules=2E Learning how to apply them after that will be easier to= understand, especially if you try out your understanding here before riski= ng real money=2E The list has been unusually quiet for some time now, often a bearish signa= l=2E But when the market picks up you will see a lot more postings and participation=2E By the way, welcome to the group ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 1:53 AM Tom Thank you for a prompt reply=2E That isa good question I really don't kno= w what I would like about them=2E I was just getting my feet wet with this list and was just trying to see if I could understand=2E I am really a novice and don't know anything but trying to learn=2E Thanks for your ins= ight Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- TBL is already way extended after beating earnings estimates, MATK is trading with a market cap something like 12 times sales, which is way too rich a premium for my blood (or money)=2E What do you like about them, Roger? ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 11:01 AM Does anyone have an opinion on TBL and MATK=2E New at this Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- Not to mention it's not a CANSLIM stock !!! EPS=3D 10 , last Q negitive=2E= Dave ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:36 PM > chartwise, the volume on Friday was a signal to watch carefully on Monda= y=2E > Doing so might have permitted getting in at the low range Monday and riding > it to a new high, enjoying the continued ride today on a 7X ADV day=2E > > fundamentally, though, I just don't get it=2E Yes, forecasts call for > essentially a break even year, with real profits showing up next year=2E= > However, examining the year over year, or sequential quarter, sales figures, > much less the (earnings) (read as losses since in ()), I don't see the kind > of fundamental growth that would convince me that real growth is there > sufficient to drive earnings, and share price=2E Maybe their market is t= oo > limited for the kind of growth I seek, but aside from a momentum play, I= > don't feel attracted to this one=2E > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Pritish Shah" > To: > Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:49 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? > > > > Hi, > > STAA broke out at 15x average volume=2E I am trying to figure out if it > is a good buy candidate or not? It seems that it is not making money but= > there is a huge potential to make money with their new product=2E > > Regards, > Pritish > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Date: 18 Apr 2003 19:29:26 -0400 Chris 3/26 is exactly when I bought it=2E I am thinking it was luck becuz I am = a novice at CANSLIM=2E I first ran across it on Investors=2Ecom (IBD's web = page) Where the big money flows daily listing=2E=20 Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- Roger - How did you initially come accross HITK so early? I never seem to find th= e real winners until after they've already made a big move and everyone (IBD= ) is talking about it, by then I figure it's too far extended=2E Where did = you first see HITK, and did you buy the day of the breakout on 3/26, or did yo= u buy a few days later on the pullback? Thanks Chris ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 7:54 AM Tom Thanks for being patient with me=2E I tried my first real buy last month = I bought 2000 sh of HITK for 21=2E75 sold on Tue for 29=2E64 made a nice 15,= 000 ++ profit in less than a month so I was happy with that but I guess I was lucky and still learning Roger Original Message: ----------------- this is a good place to learn and try out ideas, and your understanding of= CANSLIM=2E You should read, then study, O'Neil's "How To Make Money In Sto= cks" (HTMMIS) and his 24 Lessons to get the main concepts of CANSLIM, and principal rules=2E Learning how to apply them after that will be easier to= understand, especially if you try out your understanding here before riski= ng real money=2E The list has been unusually quiet for some time now, often a bearish signa= l=2E But when the market picks up you will see a lot more postings and participation=2E By the way, welcome to the group ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 1:53 AM Tom Thank you for a prompt reply=2E That isa good question I really don't kno= w what I would like about them=2E I was just getting my feet wet with this list and was just trying to see if I could understand=2E I am really a novice and don't know anything but trying to learn=2E Thanks for your ins= ight Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- TBL is already way extended after beating earnings estimates, MATK is trading with a market cap something like 12 times sales, which is way too rich a premium for my blood (or money)=2E What do you like about them, Roger? ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 11:01 AM Does anyone have an opinion on TBL and MATK=2E New at this Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- Not to mention it's not a CANSLIM stock !!! EPS=3D 10 , last Q negitive=2E= Dave ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:36 PM > chartwise, the volume on Friday was a signal to watch carefully on Monda= y=2E > Doing so might have permitted getting in at the low range Monday and riding > it to a new high, enjoying the continued ride today on a 7X ADV day=2E > > fundamentally, though, I just don't get it=2E Yes, forecasts call for > essentially a break even year, with real profits showing up next year=2E= > However, examining the year over year, or sequential quarter, sales figures, > much less the (earnings) (read as losses since in ()), I don't see the kind > of fundamental growth that would convince me that real growth is there > sufficient to drive earnings, and share price=2E Maybe their market is t= oo > limited for the kind of growth I seek, but aside from a momentum play, I= > don't feel attracted to this one=2E > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Pritish Shah" > To: > Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:49 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? > > > > Hi, > > STAA broke out at 15x average volume=2E I am trying to figure out if it > is a good buy candidate or not? It seems that it is not making money but= > there is a huge potential to make money with their new product=2E > > Regards, > Pritish > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission=2Ecom" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim"=2E Do not use quotes in your email=2E mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Norman Boyd" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Date: 18 Apr 2003 18:39:24 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_00AA_01C305D9.D5A924E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi Roger, Using my best WON-O-Meter hindsight just like our hero, you picked the = perfect CANSLIM time to buy. A great BO on big volume with high EPS and = RS. Congrats, that's what we all look for. We should all have that = kind of "luck". Don't worry about when you sold, making that kind of = profit is never a bad thing. Take your significant other out to eat:-) Norm ----- Original Message -----=20 From: To: Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 6:29 PM Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Chris 3/26 is exactly when I bought it. I am thinking it was luck becuz I = am a novice at CANSLIM. I first ran across it on (IBD's web = page) Where the big money flows daily listing.=20 Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- From: Chris Jones Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 10:25:31 -0700 To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Roger - How did you initially come accross HITK so early? I never seem to = find the real winners until after they've already made a big move and everyone = (IBD) is talking about it, by then I figure it's too far extended. Where = did you first see HITK, and did you buy the day of the breakout on 3/26, or = did you buy a few days later on the pullback? Thanks Chris ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 7:54 AM Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Tom Thanks for being patient with me. I tried my first real buy last = month I bought 2000 sh of HITK for 21.75 sold on Tue for 29.64 made a nice = 15,000 ++ profit in less than a month so I was happy with that but I guess I = was lucky and still learning Roger Original Message: ----------------- From: Tom Worley Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 06:40:16 -0400 To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK this is a good place to learn and try out ideas, and your = understanding of CANSLIM. You should read, then study, O'Neil's "How To Make Money In = Stocks" (HTMMIS) and his 24 Lessons to get the main concepts of CANSLIM, and principal rules. Learning how to apply them after that will be easier = to understand, especially if you try out your understanding here before = risking real money. The list has been unusually quiet for some time now, often a bearish = signal. But when the market picks up you will see a lot more postings and participation. By the way, welcome to the group ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 1:53 AM Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Tom Thank you for a prompt reply. That isa good question I really don't = know what I would like about them. I was just getting my feet wet with = this list and was just trying to see if I could understand. I am really a novice and don't know anything but trying to learn. Thanks for your = insight Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- From: Tom Worley Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 01:27:12 -0400 To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK TBL is already way extended after beating earnings estimates, MATK is trading with a market cap something like 12 times sales, which is way = too rich a premium for my blood (or money). What do you like about them, Roger? ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 11:01 AM Subject: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Does anyone have an opinion on TBL and MATK. New at this Aloha Roger Original Message: ----------------- From: dlawson Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 09:40:45 -0400 To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? Not to mention it's not a CANSLIM stock !!! EPS=3D 10 , last Q = negitive. Dave ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Worley" To: Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:36 PM Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? > chartwise, the volume on Friday was a signal to watch carefully on = Monday. > Doing so might have permitted getting in at the low range Monday and riding > it to a new high, enjoying the continued ride today on a 7X ADV day. > > fundamentally, though, I just don't get it. Yes, forecasts call for > essentially a break even year, with real profits showing up next = year. > However, examining the year over year, or sequential quarter, sales figures, > much less the (earnings) (read as losses since in ()), I don't see = the kind > of fundamental growth that would convince me that real growth is = there > sufficient to drive earnings, and share price. Maybe their market is = too > limited for the kind of growth I seek, but aside from a momentum = play, I > don't feel attracted to this one. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Pritish Shah" > To: > Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:49 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach? > > > > Hi, > > STAA broke out at 15x average volume. I am trying to figure out if = it > is a good buy candidate or not? It seems that it is not making money = but > there is a huge potential to make money with their new product. > > Regards, > Pritish > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web - Check your email from the web at . - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web - Check your email from the web at . - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web - Check your email from the web at . - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web - Check your email from the web at . - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------=_NextPart_000_00AA_01C305D9.D5A924E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi Roger,
Using my best WON-O-Meter hindsight just like our hero, you picked = the=20 perfect CANSLIM time to buy.  A great BO on big volume with high = EPS and=20 RS.  Congrats, that's what we all look for.  We should all = have that=20 kind of "luck".  Don't worry about when you sold, making that kind = of=20 profit is never a bad thing.  Take your significant other out to=20 eat:-)
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 =
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 = 6:29=20 PM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] = (CANSLIM) TBl and=20 MATK

3/26 is exactly when I bought it.  I am = thinking=20 it was luck becuz I am a
novice at CANSLIM.  I first ran = across it on=20 (IBD's web page)
Where the big money flows daily = listing.=20

Original = Message:
From:=20 Chris Jones
Date: = Fri, 18=20 Apr 2003 10:25:31 -0700
Subject:=20 Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK

Roger -

How did = you=20 initially come accross HITK so early?  I never seem to find = the
real=20 winners until after they've already made a big move and everyone = (IBD)
is=20 talking about it, by then I figure it's too far extended.  Where = did=20 you
first see HITK, and did you buy the day of the breakout on = 3/26, or did=20 you
buy a few days later on the=20 pullback?


----- Original Message = -----
From:=20 <>=
To:=20 < >
Sent:=20 Thursday, April 17, 2003 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) = TBl and=20 MATK


Thanks for being patient with me.  = I tried=20 my first real buy last month I
bought 2000 sh of HITK for 21.75 = sold on Tue=20 for 29.64 made a nice 15,000
++ profit in less than a month so I = was happy=20 with that but I guess I was
lucky and still = learning
Original=20 Message:
From: Tom Worley
Date: = Thu, 17=20 Apr 2003 06:40:16 -0400
Subject:=20 Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK

this is a good place = to learn=20 and try out ideas, and your understanding of
CANSLIM. You should = read, then=20 study, O'Neil's "How To Make Money In Stocks"
(HTMMIS) and his 24 = Lessons=20 to get the main concepts of CANSLIM, and
principal rules. Learning = how to=20 apply them after that will be easier to
understand, especially if = you try=20 out your understanding here before risking
real money.

The = list has=20 been unusually quiet for some time now, often a bearish signal.
But = when=20 the market picks up you will see a lot more postings=20 and

By the way, welcome to the = group

-----=20 Original Message -----
From: <>=
To:=20 < >
Sent:=20 Thursday, April 17, 2003 1:53 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) = TBl and=20 MATK

Thank you for a prompt reply.  That isa = good=20 question I really don't know
what I would like about them.  I = was just=20 getting my feet wet with this
list and was just trying to see if I = could=20 understand.  I am really a
novice and don't know anything but = trying=20 to learn.  Thanks for your = insight

Original=20 Message:
From: Tom Worley
Date: = Thu, 17=20 Apr 2003 01:27:12 -0400
Subject:=20 Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK

TBL is already way = extended=20 after beating earnings estimates, MATK is
trading with a market cap = something like 12 times sales, which is way too
rich a premium for = my blood=20 (or money).

What do you like about them, Roger?

----- = Original=20 Message -----
From: <>=
To:=20 < >
Sent:=20 Wednesday, April 16, 2003 11:01 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl = and=20 MATK

Does anyone have an opinion on TBL and MATK.  New = at=20 this

Original = Message:
From:=20 dlawson
Date: = Wed, 16=20 Apr 2003 09:40:45 -0400
Subject:=20 Re: [CANSLIM] Breakout STAA out of reach?

Not to mention = it's not a=20 CANSLIM stock !!! EPS=3D 10 , last Q = negitive.


-----=20 Original Message -----
From: "Tom Worley" <>
To= :=20 < >
Sent:=20 Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Breakout = STAA out=20 of reach?

> chartwise, the volume on Friday was a signal = to=20 watch carefully on Monday.
> Doing so might have permitted = getting in at=20 the low range Monday and
> it to a new high, enjoying = the=20 continued ride today on a 7X ADV day.
> fundamentally, = though, I=20 just don't get it. Yes, forecasts call for
> essentially a break = even=20 year, with real profits showing up next year.
> However, = examining the=20 year over year, or sequential quarter, sales
> much = less the=20 (earnings) (read as losses since in ()), I don't see = the
> of=20 fundamental growth that would convince me that real growth is = there
>=20 sufficient to drive earnings, and share price. Maybe their market is=20 too
> limited for the kind of growth I seek, but aside from a = momentum=20 play, I
> don't feel attracted to this one.
> = -----=20 Original Message -----
> From: "Pritish Shah" <>
> To: = < >
>=20 Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:49 PM
> Subject: [CANSLIM] = Breakout STAA=20 out of reach?
> Hi,
> STAA = broke=20 out at 15x average volume. I am trying to figure out if it
> is = a good=20 buy candidate or not? It seems that it is not making money but
> = there=20 is a huge potential to make money with their new = product.
>=20 Regards,
> Pritish
> -
> -To = subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""
>= ; -In=20 the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
> -"unsubscribe=20 canslim".  Do not use quotes in your=20 email.
> -
> -To = subscribe/unsubscribe,=20 email ""
>= ; -In=20 the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
> -"unsubscribe=20 canslim".  Do not use quotes in your email.

-To=20 subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""
-In= the=20 email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe = canslim".  Do=20 not use quotes in your=20 = email.

-----------------------------------------------------------= ---------
mail2web=20 - Check your email from the web at = .

-To=20 subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""
-In= the=20 email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe = canslim".  Do=20 not use quotes in your email.

-To = subscribe/unsubscribe,=20 email ""
-In= the=20 email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe = canslim".  Do=20 not use quotes in your=20 = email.

-----------------------------------------------------------= ---------
mail2web=20 - Check your email from the web at = .

-To=20 subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""
-In= the=20 email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe = canslim".  Do=20 not use quotes in your email.

-To = subscribe/unsubscribe,=20 email ""
-In= the=20 email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe = canslim".  Do=20 not use quotes in your=20 = email.

-----------------------------------------------------------= ---------
mail2web=20 - Check your email from the web at = .

-To=20 subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""
-In= the=20 email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe = canslim".  Do=20 not use quotes in your email.

-To = subscribe/unsubscribe, email=20 ""
-In= =20 the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe = canslim". =20 Do not use quotes in your=20 = email.

-----------------------------------------------------------= ---------
mail2web=20 - Check your email from the web at = .

-To=20 subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""
-In= the=20 email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe = canslim".  Do=20 not use quotes in your email.

------=_NextPart_000_00AA_01C305D9.D5A924E0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Asset Allocation: Raising Bonds Recommendation Date: 18 Apr 2003 21:23:05 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_00BF_01C305F0.B38B8120 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable note that they are not reducing their weighing of the stock portion of = the model portfolio, they are increasing the bond portion by cutting the = cash portion from 20% (which was pretty high) to 10% (which is fairly = normal). The goal is to extend the duration of the fixed income portion = (cash essentially having zero maturity compared to bonds). ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 3:23 PM Ed, most of the 'big' houses support your thoughts on bonds versus = stocks: Asset Allocation: Raising Bonds Recommendation Merrill Lynch Chief U.S. Strategist Richard Bernstein has increased the = weighting for bonds in his recommended asset allocation. Course they might not own TSCO today {:>) Gene ------=_NextPart_000_00BF_01C305F0.B38B8120 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
note that they are not reducing their weighing = of the=20 stock portion of the model portfolio, they are increasing the bond = portion by=20 cutting the cash portion from 20% (which was pretty high) to 10% (which = is=20 fairly normal). The goal is to extend the duration of the fixed income = portion=20 (cash essentially having zero maturity compared to bonds).
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Gene Ricci =
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 3:23 PM
Subject: [CANSLIM] Asset Allocation: Raising Bonds=20 Recommendation

Ed, most of the 'big' houses support = your=20 thoughts on bonds versus stocks:

Asset=20 Allocation: Raising Bonds Recommendation
Merrill Lynch Chief U.S. = Strategist Richard Bernstein has increased the weighting for bonds in = his=20 recommended asset allocation.

Course they might not own TSCO today {:>)



------=_NextPart_000_00BF_01C305F0.B38B8120-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Date: 18 Apr 2003 22:53:36 EDT --part1_64.2f1dc641.2bd21430_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 4/18/2003 6:25:24 PM Central Daylight Time, writes: > As I told you earlier I am a novice. The only thing that motivated me to > sell was the $15,000+++ profit and nothing else. I have been burned so > many times in the past (nonCANSLIM) seeing a stock go up and waiting for > more profit or not wanting to sell becuz of taxes that I decided this time > I would take my profit and run. There maybe more money to be made but I > was scared. Roger, Congrats on your gains. You comments are interesting about being scared as I think it was Jesse Livermore who said people are "scared when they should be hopeful and hopeful when they should be scared". (I believe it was cited in HTMMIS also.) The question I have is are you going to put that original investment plus the $15,000 into another good looking stock any time soon? If you take the profits and pay off a auto loan or something like that then you did the right thing. If you buy a different stock next week with that money then your logic is flawed. Your money was much more safe in a proven winner than in an unproven stock just breaking out. It doesn't always feel that way but those who let their winners run make out better than those who constantly take partial profits and try to find a stock as good as the one they just sold. Again, I believe it was Jesse Livermore who said he made the most gains while sitting and waiting instead of always getting in and out. Andy --part1_64.2f1dc641.2bd21430_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In a message dated 4/18/2003 6:25:24 PM Central Daylig= ht Time, writes:

As I told you earlier I am a no= vice.  The only thing that motivated me to
sell was the $15,000+++ profit and nothing else.  I have been burned so=
many times in the past (nonCANSLIM) seeing a stock go up and waiting for
more profit or not wanting to sell becuz of taxes that I decided this time I would take my profit and run.  There maybe more money to be made but=20= I
was scared.


Congrats on your gains.  You comments are interesting about being scare= d as I think it was Jesse Livermore who said people are "scared when they sh= ould be hopeful and hopeful when they should be scared".  (I believe it= was cited in HTMMIS also.)

The question I have is are you going to put that original investment plus th= e $15,000 into another good looking stock any time soon?  If you take t= he profits and pay off a auto loan or something like that then you did the r= ight thing.  If you buy a different stock next week with that money the= n your logic is flawed.  Your money was much more safe in a proven winn= er than in an unproven stock just breaking out.  It doesn't always feel= that way but those who let their winners run make out better than those who= constantly take partial profits and try to find a stock as good as the one=20= they just sold.  Again, I believe it was Jesse Livermore who said he ma= de the most gains while sitting and waiting instead of always getting in and= out.

--part1_64.2f1dc641.2bd21430_boundary-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Date: 19 Apr 2003 01:17:14 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0142_01C30611.691A7C60 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Andy, I am not sure what you mean by a "proven winner" or an "unproven = stock just breaking out". Many of the stocks viewed by the majority of = money managers and private investors alike as "proven winners" are down = 60 to 90 percent in the past year or so. Putting money there in no way = assures one of increasing their capital.=20 By the time a stock is a "proven winner" it is often too late to capture = most of the potential gain. Every stock purchase is a risk, buying one = as it is breaking out lessens that risk, and it has nothing to do with = whether the stock is a "proven winner" or not. Three stocks come to my = mind without thinking, EPIQ, DOCC, FWHT. Each of these have given me a = 100% return or better in approximately one year, yet none were household = names, or proven winners, when I first purchased them. Even WON encourages newcomers to CANSLIM to take profits early, because = he found that far too many investors simply don't know how to take = profits. Thus, he set a 20% threshold for profit taking. As you gain = experience, eventually you begin to learn when and how to hold onto the = few that can make huge profits. One thing Roger should do with that quick $15K profit is set a third of = it aside in a nice quiet secure money market or one year CD, so he has = it to pay short term capital gains taxes next year. ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 10:53 PM In a message dated 4/18/2003 6:25:24 PM Central Daylight Time, = writes: As I told you earlier I am a novice. The only thing that motivated me = to sell was the $15,000+++ profit and nothing else. I have been burned = so many times in the past (nonCANSLIM) seeing a stock go up and waiting = for more profit or not wanting to sell becuz of taxes that I decided this = time I would take my profit and run. There maybe more money to be made but = I was scared.=20 Roger, Congrats on your gains. You comments are interesting about being scared = as I think it was Jesse Livermore who said people are "scared when they = should be hopeful and hopeful when they should be scared". (I believe = it was cited in HTMMIS also.) The question I have is are you going to put that original investment = plus the $15,000 into another good looking stock any time soon? If you = take the profits and pay off a auto loan or something like that then you = did the right thing. If you buy a different stock next week with that = money then your logic is flawed. Your money was much more safe in a = proven winner than in an unproven stock just breaking out. It doesn't = always feel that way but those who let their winners run make out better = than those who constantly take partial profits and try to find a stock = as good as the one they just sold. Again, I believe it was Jesse = Livermore who said he made the most gains while sitting and waiting = instead of always getting in and out. Andy ------=_NextPart_000_0142_01C30611.691A7C60 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Andy, I am not sure what you mean by a "proven = winner" or=20 an "unproven stock just breaking out". Many of the stocks viewed by the = majority=20 of money managers and private investors alike as "proven winners" are = down 60 to=20 90 percent in the past year or so. Putting money there in no way assures = one of=20 increasing their capital.
By the time a stock is a "proven winner" it is = often too=20 late to capture most of the potential gain.  Every stock purchase = is a=20 risk, buying one as it is breaking out lessens that risk, and it has = nothing to=20 do with whether the stock is a "proven winner" or not. Three stocks come = to my=20 mind without thinking, EPIQ, DOCC, FWHT. Each of these have given me a = 100%=20 return or better in approximately one year, yet none were household = names, or=20 proven winners, when I first purchased them.
Even WON encourages newcomers to CANSLIM to take = profits=20 early, because he found that far too many investors simply don't know = how to=20 take profits. Thus, he set a 20% threshold for profit taking.  As = you gain=20 experience, eventually you begin to learn when and how to hold onto the = few that=20 can make huge profits.
One thing Roger should do with that quick $15K = profit is=20 set a third of it aside in a nice quiet secure money market or one year = CD, so=20 he has it to pay short term capital gains taxes next year.
----- Original Message -----=20
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK

In a message dated 4/18/2003 6:25:24 PM Central = Daylight=20 Time, writes:

As I told you earlier I am a novice.  The only thing = that=20 motivated me to
sell was the $15,000+++ profit and nothing = else.  I=20 have been burned so
many times in the past (nonCANSLIM) seeing a = stock go=20 up and waiting for
more profit or not wanting to sell becuz of = taxes that I=20 decided this time
I would take my profit and run.  There maybe = more=20 money to be made but I
was scared.=20


Congrats on your gains.  You = comments=20 are interesting about being scared as I think it was Jesse Livermore who = said=20 people are "scared when they should be hopeful and hopeful when they = should be=20 scared".  (I believe it was cited in HTMMIS also.)

The = question I=20 have is are you going to put that original investment plus the $15,000 = into=20 another good looking stock any time soon?  If you take the profits = and pay=20 off a auto loan or something like that then you did the right = thing.  If=20 you buy a different stock next week with that money then your logic is=20 flawed.  Your money was much more safe in a proven winner than in = an=20 unproven stock just breaking out.  It doesn't always feel that way = but=20 those who let their winners run make out better than those who = constantly take=20 partial profits and try to find a stock as good as the one they just = sold. =20 Again, I believe it was Jesse Livermore who said he made the most gains = while=20 sitting and waiting instead of always getting in and = out.

------=_NextPart_000_0142_01C30611.691A7C60-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Roger Tawa Subject: [CANSLIM] cansl*I*m Date: 19 Apr 2003 09:32:31 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_veyZdZqxCfjW+XXEIU7BYw) Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Hi all, The list seems a little quiet these days, so let me ask a newbie question about the 'I' in CANSLIM. From what I understand, there seems to be two basic reasons why WON included 'I' as one of the seven criteria: 1. when institutions move into or out of a stock, this creates tremendous pressure on the stock's price, either up or down. You want to buy a stock when its institutional sponsorship is not too high but increasing. 2. sponsorship by the "better quality" institutions is like a sanity check for fundamental analysis of the stock. These large institutions spend a lot of time looking at fundamentals before they buy, so watching what they have been buying recently can give you an idea of stocks that probably have strong fundamentals. Msn seems to be a good source for #1. Not sure about good sources for #2. For the more experienced CANSLIMers on the list, how much do you use 'I' for #1 and/or #2? Thanks. ================================================= Roger Tawa [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] [When you stop, you're done.] --Boundary_(ID_veyZdZqxCfjW+XXEIU7BYw) Content-type: application/ms-tnef; name=winmail.dat Content-transfer-encoding: base64 Content-disposition: attachment; filename=winmail.dat eJ8+Ih8NAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEGgAMADgAAANMHBAATAAkAIAAAAAYAIAEB A5AGAHASAAAlAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAADADYAAAAAAB4AcAAB AAAACgAAAGNhbnNsKkkqbQAAAAIBcQABAAAAFgAAAAHDBnggv0KCvNqSZ05IjBsiVvMolPIAAAIB HQwBAAAAGgAAAFNNVFA6Uk9HRVJUQUBWSURFT1RST04uQ0EAAAALAAEOAAAAAEAABg4ASCoOeAbD AQIBCg4BAAAAGAAAAAAAAADYgkB07BfyR7qjdFWfyrp8woAAAAsAHw4BAAAAAgEJEAEAAAAKDgAA Bg4AAHspAABMWkZ1rWGP8gMACgByY3BnMTI18jIMYGMxAzABAgBQAQFFC2BuDhAwMzMPFmY+ZQ+S AfcCpANjAgBjaBEKwHNldALRcHJxSjIAACoKoW5vElAgFjAB0AHQNg+gMDUwzjQUIQHQFBA0fQdt 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"" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Date: 19 Apr 2003 09:36:01 -0400 Andy Thanks for the info=2E No car loan to pay not bills to pay=2E So I am no= w looking for another investment=2E Got any ideas ;=3D-) Roger Original Message: ----------------- In a message dated 4/18/2003 6:25:24 PM Central Daylight Time,=20 gagnonr001@hawaii=2Err=2Ecom writes: > As I told you earlier I am a novice=2E The only thing that motivated me= to > sell was the $15,000+++ profit and nothing else=2E I have been burned s= o > many times in the past (nonCANSLIM) seeing a stock go up and waiting for= > more profit or not wanting to sell becuz of taxes that I decided this ti= me > I would take my profit and run=2E There maybe more money to be made but= I > was scared=2E=20 Roger, Congrats on your gains=2E You comments are interesting about being scared= as I=20 think it was Jesse Livermore who said people are "scared when they should be=20 hopeful and hopeful when they should be scared"=2E (I believe it was cite= d in=20 HTMMIS also=2E) The question I have is are you going to put that original investment plus the=20 $15,000 into another good looking stock any time soon? If you take the=20= profits and pay off a auto loan or something like that then you did the right=20 thing=2E If you buy a different stock next week with that money then your= =20 logic is flawed=2E Your money was much more safe in a proven winner than = in an=20 unproven stock just breaking out=2E It doesn't always feel that way but those=20 who let their winners run make out better than those who constantly take=20= partial profits and try to find a stock as good as the one they just sold=2E= =20 Again, I believe it was Jesse Livermore who said he made the most gains while=20 sitting and waiting instead of always getting in and out=2E Andy mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] cansl*I*m Date: 19 Apr 2003 09:51:46 -0400 Roger, I am still old fashioned when it comes to "I", and just stick to small cap stocks, many of which have little or no institutional involvement (so your #2 doesn't enter the equation for me). I do take conscious note of mutual fund ownership, and whether it is increasing or decreasing, but the lack of funds ownership has never stopped me buying a stock I otherwise liked. I do get nervous when I like a stock with a large funds ownership (over 20% or so), unless there is a very large piece of the issue held by Management (50% or more). While in theory I would agree that it's best to be buying stocks also held by / being bought by the best performing mutual funds, I have such a low opinion these days of funds managers that I never even consider the quality of funds in the stock. I have four different growth funds in my 401K, and I routinely and easily outperform them both with my personally managed accts (IRA & margin) as well as with my VR Fund. So, for me, my judgment is sufficient, I don't need it validated by the presence of funds, in fact generally prefer they stay away until I have my full position. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2003 9:32 AM Hi all, The list seems a little quiet these days, so let me ask a newbie question about the 'I' in CANSLIM. From what I understand, there seems to be two basic reasons why WON included 'I' as one of the seven criteria: 1. when institutions move into or out of a stock, this creates tremendous pressure on the stock's price, either up or down. You want to buy a stock when its institutional sponsorship is not too high but increasing. 2. sponsorship by the "better quality" institutions is like a sanity check for fundamental analysis of the stock. These large institutions spend a lot of time looking at fundamentals before they buy, so watching what they have been buying recently can give you an idea of stocks that probably have strong fundamentals. Msn seems to be a good source for #1. Not sure about good sources for #2. For the more experienced CANSLIMers on the list, how much do you use 'I' for #1 and/or #2? Thanks. ================================================= Roger Tawa [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] [When you stop, you're done.] - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK Date: 19 Apr 2003 14:09:06 EDT --part1_159.1e76ee19.2bd2eac2_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 4/19/2003 8:38:31 AM Central Daylight Time, writes: > Thanks for the info. No car loan to pay not bills to pay. So I am now > looking for another investment. Got any ideas ;=-) > Roger, Well, a few weeks ago I would have suggested HITK :) Actually, if I had sold like you, I would be looking for a pullback position to buy. The middle Bollinger band (20dma) around 25.50 would be a place I would give it a look to see how it was doing technically. The only negative I see is the RSI is rolling over which suggests a pull back or at least a pause. If it is a pause then it is really bullish and I would buy a breakout of the pause. This would put you back in about where you sold but keep you out while the short term risk of a pullback favors more gain. If it does pullback on low volume then I would buy it near the middle Bollinger band. This isn't discussed in WONs CANSLIM books, but it really is a lower risk way of "holding" during a correction. Andy --part1_159.1e76ee19.2bd2eac2_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In a message dated 4/19/2003 8:38:31 AM Central Daylig= ht Time, writes:

Thanks for the info.  No c= ar loan to pay not bills to pay.  So I am now
looking for another investment.  Got any ideas ;=3D-)


Well, a few weeks ago I would have suggested HITK :)  Actually, if I ha= d sold like you, I would be looking for a pullback position to buy.  Th= e middle Bollinger band (20dma) around 25.50 would be a place I would give i= t a look to see how it was doing technically.  The only negative I see=20= is the RSI is rolling over which suggests a pull back or at least a pause.&n= bsp; If it is a pause then it is really bullish and I would buy a breakout o= f the pause.  This would put you back in about where you sold but keep=20= you out while the short term risk of a pullback favors more gain.  If i= t does pullback on low volume then I would buy it near the middle Bollinger=20= band.  This isn't discussed in WONs CANSLIM books, but it really is a l= ower risk way of "holding" during a correction.

--part1_159.1e76ee19.2bd2eac2_boundary-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK now FWHT Date: 20 Apr 2003 19:49:16 EDT Tom, How did you run across Findwhat (FHWT)? I first ran across it in the stocks making new highs listing back in the low 7s. I bought it and than it dipped a bit and I ended up selling out with about a 5% gain. I was a little wary of selling it since it had only gone down in low volume but none the less, sold it was. Oh well. I think there are a few lessons there. Roger - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (CANSLIM) TBl and MATK now FWHT Date: 20 Apr 2003 20:09:30 -0400 I first bought it Jan 30, 2002, as I recall spotted it because it was hitting a new high. Bought more about a month later when it dipped, ended up with an average of just under $4.00. First six months or so were a little bumpy, but I liked the concept and business model, and was impressed with the growth of both sales and profits. I would have bought more along the way, but it was my only true "dot com" stock I ever bought, so was more cautious than my usual nature. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2003 7:49 PM Tom, How did you run across Findwhat (FHWT)? I first ran across it in the stocks making new highs listing back in the low 7s. I bought it and than it dipped a bit and I ended up selling out with about a 5% gain. I was a little wary of selling it since it had only gone down in low volume but none the less, sold it was. Oh well. I think there are a few lessons there. Roger - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Frank Mulack Subject: [CANSLIM] whi Date: 20 Apr 2003 22:30:58 -0700 (PDT) --0-705475433-1050903058=:31119 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hello, I am new to the group and will like to say hi. I have a position in whi ( a canslim stock) and am looking for sell signals. Does anyone see any? Frank Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. --0-705475433-1050903058=:31119 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
I am new to the group and will like to say hi.  I have a position in whi ( a canslim stock) and am looking for sell signals.  Does anyone see any?

Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. --0-705475433-1050903058=:31119-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] whi Date: 21 Apr 2003 06:39:06 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C307D0.B515E990 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Welcome to the group, Frank. Fundies look good, I see nothing obvious = there that would concern me. The past two days of declines were on = lesser volume than the spike up, but volume was still over ADV. I would = probably keep a tight stop loss in place around 19, in case the decline = continues.=20 ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 1:30 AM Hello, I am new to the group and will like to say hi. I have a position in whi = ( a canslim stock) and am looking for sell signals. Does anyone see = any? Frank=20 ------- Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C307D0.B515E990 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Welcome to the group, Frank. Fundies look good, = I see=20 nothing obvious there that would concern me. The past two days of = declines were=20 on lesser volume than the spike up, but volume was still over ADV. I = would=20 probably keep a tight stop loss in place around 19, in case the decline=20 continues.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Frank = Mulack=20
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 1:30 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] whi

I am new to the group and will like to say hi.  I have a = position in=20 whi ( a canslim stock) and am looking for sell signals.  Does = anyone=20 see any?

Do you Yahoo!?
T= he New=20 Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C307D0.B515E990-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Don Canfield" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] whi Date: 21 Apr 2003 09:04:00 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_007D_01C307E4.F31603B0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I surely don't have the experience that Tom has, but I wonder....Sell = signals? I see a breakout from a base with an expected pull back. = Break out was on 4/15 on volume as it took out the July high. FUndies = are good, but M is not tended to be kind to breakouts recently, ergo a = possible explaination for the pullback. As Tom suggested, a stop at = about 19, just below the very short "handle" would not be a bad idea. I = might even make it 17.5 - 18, below the previous "congestion". Or at a = break of the uptrend line marked by the late January and late march = lows. All depends on your risk tolerance. Don ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Tom Worley=20 To: Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 6:39 AM Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] whi Welcome to the group, Frank. Fundies look good, I see nothing obvious = there that would concern me. The past two days of declines were on = lesser volume than the spike up, but volume was still over ADV. I would = probably keep a tight stop loss in place around 19, in case the decline = continues.=20 ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Frank Mulack=20 To: Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 1:30 AM Subject: [CANSLIM] whi Hello, I am new to the group and will like to say hi. I have a position in = whi ( a canslim stock) and am looking for sell signals. Does anyone see = any? Frank=20 ----- Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. ------=_NextPart_000_007D_01C307E4.F31603B0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I surely don't have the experience that = Tom has,=20 but I wonder....Sell signals?  I see a breakout from a base with an = expected pull back.  Break out was on 4/15 on volume as it took out = the=20 July high.  FUndies are good, but M is not tended to be kind to = breakouts=20 recently, ergo a possible explaination for the=20 pullback.    As Tom suggested, a stop at about 19, just = below the=20 very short "handle" would not be a bad idea.  I might even make it = 17.5 -=20 18, below the previous "congestion".  Or at a break of = the=20 uptrend line marked by the late January and late march lows. All = depends on=20 your risk tolerance.
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Tom=20 Worley
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 = 6:39=20 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] = whi

Welcome to the group, Frank. Fundies look = good, I see=20 nothing obvious there that would concern me. The past two days of = declines=20 were on lesser volume than the spike up, but volume was still over = ADV. I=20 would probably keep a tight stop loss in place around 19, in case the = decline=20 continues.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Frank = Mulack=20
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 1:30 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] whi

I am new to the group and will like to say hi.  I have a = position in=20 whi ( a canslim stock) and am looking for sell = signals.  Does anyone=20 see any?

Do you Yahoo!?
T= he New=20 Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. ------=_NextPart_000_007D_01C307E4.F31603B0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] whi Date: 21 Apr 2003 09:34:53 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0071_01C307E9.435F9DA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I never "expect" a pullback, I always assume a breakout will go for 15% = to 20%, then consolidate. So catch it right, or wait for a new valid = entry point. The only signal I see is that the b/o didn't go that far, = and then is declining close to the pivot on above average volume. = Otherwise, looks strong and stable, and I would want to try and stay in = if possible, especially if I only bought a half position. And it's = opened up today, tho volume looks light, which is encouraging. ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 9:04 AM I surely don't have the experience that Tom has, but I wonder....Sell = signals? I see a breakout from a base with an expected pull back. = Break out was on 4/15 on volume as it took out the July high. FUndies = are good, but M is not tended to be kind to breakouts recently, ergo a = possible explaination for the pullback. As Tom suggested, a stop at = about 19, just below the very short "handle" would not be a bad idea. I = might even make it 17.5 - 18, below the previous "congestion". Or at a = break of the uptrend line marked by the late January and late march = lows. All depends on your risk tolerance. Don ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Tom Worley=20 To: Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 6:39 AM Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] whi Welcome to the group, Frank. Fundies look good, I see nothing obvious = there that would concern me. The past two days of declines were on = lesser volume than the spike up, but volume was still over ADV. I would = probably keep a tight stop loss in place around 19, in case the decline = continues.=20 ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Frank Mulack=20 To: Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 1:30 AM Subject: [CANSLIM] whi Hello, I am new to the group and will like to say hi. I have a position in = whi ( a canslim stock) and am looking for sell signals. Does anyone see = any? Frank=20 ----- Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. ------=_NextPart_000_0071_01C307E9.435F9DA0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I never "expect" a pullback, I always assume a = breakout=20 will go for 15% to 20%, then consolidate.  So catch it right, or = wait for a=20 new valid entry point. The only signal I see is that the b/o didn't go = that far,=20 and then is declining close to the pivot on above average volume. = Otherwise,=20 looks strong and stable, and I would want to try and stay in if = possible,=20 especially if I only bought a half position. And it's opened up today, = tho=20 volume looks light, which is encouraging.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Don=20 Canfield
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] whi

I surely don't have the experience that = Tom has,=20 but I wonder....Sell signals?  I see a breakout from a base with an = expected pull back.  Break out was on 4/15 on volume as it took out = the=20 July high.  FUndies are good, but M is not tended to be kind to = breakouts=20 recently, ergo a possible explaination for the=20 pullback.    As Tom suggested, a stop at about 19, just = below the=20 very short "handle" would not be a bad idea.  I might even make it = 17.5 -=20 18, below the previous "congestion".  Or at a break of = the=20 uptrend line marked by the late January and late march lows. All = depends on=20 your risk tolerance.
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Tom=20 Worley
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 = 6:39=20 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] = whi

Welcome to the group, Frank. Fundies look = good, I see=20 nothing obvious there that would concern me. The past two days of = declines=20 were on lesser volume than the spike up, but volume was still over = ADV. I=20 would probably keep a tight stop loss in place around 19, in case the = decline=20 continues.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Frank = Mulack=20
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 1:30 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] whi

I am new to the group and will like to say hi.  I have a = position in=20 whi ( a canslim stock) and am looking for sell = signals.  Does anyone=20 see any?

Do you Yahoo!?
T= he New=20 Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. ------=_NextPart_000_0071_01C307E9.435F9DA0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Frank Mulack Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] whi Date: 21 Apr 2003 07:42:08 -0700 (PDT) --0-1421727725-1050936128=:53158 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii thanks all, I see things the same way. In looking at a weekly chart the breakout looks good. On the dailys I see what could be a possible correction and am watching it closely. I am considering a stop price around $19 Tom Worley wrote:I never "expect" a pullback, I always assume a breakout will go for 15% to 20%, then consolidate. So catch it right, or wait for a new valid entry point. The only signal I see is that the b/o didn't go that far, and then is declining close to the pivot on above average volume. Otherwise, looks strong and stable, and I would want to try and stay in if possible, especially if I only bought a half position. And it's opened up today, tho volume looks light, which is encouraging. ----- Original Message ----- From: Don Canfield To: Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 9:04 AMSubject: Re: [CANSLIM] whi I surely don't have the experience that Tom has, but I wonder....Sell signals? I see a breakout from a base with an expected pull back. Break out was on 4/15 on volume as it took out the July high. FUndies are good, but M is not tended to be kind to breakouts recently, ergo a possible explaination for the pullback. As Tom suggested, a stop at about 19, just below the very short "handle" would not be a bad idea. I might even make it 17.5 - 18, below the previous "congestion". Or at a break of the uptrend line marked by the late January and late march lows. All depends on your risk tolerance. Don----- Original Message ----- From: Tom Worley To: Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 6:39 AMSubject: Re: [CANSLIM] whi Welcome to the group, Frank. Fundies look good, I see nothing obvious there that would concern me. The past two days of declines were on lesser volume than the spike up, but volume was still over ADV. I would probably keep a tight stop loss in place around 19, in case the decline continues. ----- Original Message ----- From: Frank Mulack To: Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 1:30 AMSubject: [CANSLIM] whi Hello, I am new to the group and will like to say hi. I have a position in whi ( a canslim stock) and am looking for sell signals. Does anyone see any? Frank Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. --0-1421727725-1050936128=:53158 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
thanks all,
I see things the same way.  In looking at a weekly chart the breakout looks good.  On the dailys I see what could be a possible correction and am watching it closely.
I am considering a stop price around $19

Tom Worley <> wrote:
I never "expect" a pullback, I always assume a breakout will go for 15% to 20%, then consolidate.  So catch it right, or wait for a new valid entry point. The only signal I see is that the b/o didn't go that far, and then is declining close to the pivot on above average volume. Otherwise, looks strong and stable, and I would want to try and stay in if possible, especially if I only bought a half position. And it's opened up today, tho volume looks light, which is encouraging.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] whi

I surely don't have the experience that Tom has, but I wonder....Sell signals?  I see a breakout from a base with an expected pull back.  Break out was on 4/15 on volume as it took out the July high.  FUndies are good, but M is not tended to be kind to breakouts recently, ergo a possible explaination for the pullback.    As Tom suggested, a stop at about 19, just below the very short "handle" would not be a bad idea.  I might even make it 17.5 - 18, below the previous "congestion".  Or at a break of the uptrend line marked by the late January and late march lows. All depends on your risk tolerance.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Worley
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 6:39 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] whi

Welcome to the group, Frank. Fundies look good, I see nothing obvious there that would concern me. The past two days of declines were on lesser volume than the spike up, but volume was still over ADV. I would probably keep a tight stop loss in place around 19, in case the decline continues.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 1:30 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] whi

I am new to the group and will like to say hi.  I have a position in whi ( a canslim stock) and am looking for sell signals.  Does anyone see any?

Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. --0-1421727725-1050936128=:53158-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] sell rules and chart reading Date: 21 Apr 2003 16:07:23 -0500 Tom, I appreciate the response. I went back and read WON this weekend, and started looking at using the % above the 50 or 200dMA as a possible exit point, for at least part of my position. Some of the chart signs that he gives as sell signals seem a bit subjective, and that is why I wanted to ask the group for some help on the chart analysis. Interestingly enough, I also had a position in OVTI that I was up 20% on, and it got hammered one day, and by stop at a 5% gain got me out. And of course, it corrected and has continued to move up since! That is why I waffle back and forth. Take the sure thing 20% profit today, or hold out for more.... At least for today it was good, up another 4.5% on MVL. Mike Mike Niemotka , PE Sr. Principal Engineer Baxter Healthcare Corporation Route 120 & Wilson Road Round Lake, IL 60073 Tel (847) 270-4075 Fax (847) 270-4525 "Tom Worley" cc: Sent by: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] sell rules and chart reading owner-canslim@lists.xm 04/18/2003 12:01 PM Please respond to canslim Hi Michael, I see no reason to be a profit taker right now. Granted, after seven straight days of gains, a correction is overdue, but could easily take the form of a sideways move for a week or so, rather than an inversion of price gains. Fundies already look strong, yet market cap/sales ratio still only about 3. The trailing PE is high at 42, but much more moderate using forward PE, which must be the focus. Volume has remained high, and funds ownership is low (6%) suggesting there is a lot of room for funds to jump on the bandwagon, especially if they get excited about upcoming product releases. Likewise, last short position report showed 4 days volume as short, and was up 8%. So the shorts may be already getting squeezed and could be a part of the recent rise in price / volume. But a determined shorter will also be selling more now, at the new, higher prices. Since this is a highly liquid stock trading with a tight spread, and you are already up over 15%, what I would be doing is maintaining a trailing 15% hard stop loss, adjusted up daily as long as it continues to rise. Whether you use intraday high, or closing price, for this adjustment is your choice. This would protect your profit to a degree, and absent a major gap down guarantee you escaping with something to show for taking the risk. My simple indicators I use for target price for exiting (1.5X the 50 DMA and 2X the 200 DMA) suggest a target price short term of the very high teens to low 20s. If it continues to rise over time, a trailing stop loss regularly adjusted will increase your profit potential and hopefully give you enough slack to stay in the stock despite short term corrections. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 1:34 PM Hi all, I have a position in Marvel (MVL) and currently am sitting on a profit of 20% +. I am tempted to sell at least part of my position, since I have been burned recently when a breakout stock gets hit hard and falls back. (I do have a 10% trailing stop in place). But, since the 20% gain had occurred within first 3 weeks of my purchase, my reading of WON says that I should hold on for at least 8 weeks. Also, with the upcoming movie releases of X-men 2 and the Hulk, I would certainly think that the upside for further gains in the near future looks good. Does anyone see anything on the chart that would lead them to any yellow or red flags for selling now? Thanks for any help Mike Mike Niemotka , PE Sr. Principal Engineer Baxter Healthcare Corporation Route 120 & Wilson Road Round Lake, IL 60073 Tel (847) 270-4075 Fax (847) 270-4525 - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Pritish Shah" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] sell rules and chart reading Date: 21 Apr 2003 17:28:24 -0400 Michael, I have been going back and forth too. I still have not been able to make up my mind as to where to put the sell point. I have kind of worked up the courage of putting a stop at 8% below the highest price of the day (or my purchase price -- whichever is higher) with the hopes that any stock that goes 8% down from any point is a potential target for further corrections because of potential lack of support from institutional buyers. Have people played with the above kind of stop? And doing that what kind of success/failures have they gotten? Regards, Pritish >>> 04/21/03 05:07PM >>> Tom, I appreciate the response. I went back and read WON this weekend, and started looking at using the % above the 50 or 200dMA as a possible exit point, for at least part of my position. Some of the chart signs that he gives as sell signals seem a bit subjective, and that is why I wanted to ask the group for some help on the chart analysis. Interestingly enough, I also had a position in OVTI that I was up 20% on, and it got hammered one day, and by stop at a 5% gain got me out. And of course, it corrected and has continued to move up since! That is why I waffle back and forth. Take the sure thing 20% profit today, or hold out for more.... At least for today it was good, up another 4.5% on MVL. Mike Mike Niemotka , PE Sr. Principal Engineer Baxter Healthcare Corporation Route 120 & Wilson Road Round Lake, IL 60073 Tel (847) 270-4075 Fax (847) 270-4525 "Tom Worley" cc: Sent by: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] sell rules and chart reading owner-canslim@lists.xm 04/18/2003 12:01 PM Please respond to canslim Hi Michael, I see no reason to be a profit taker right now. Granted, after seven straight days of gains, a correction is overdue, but could easily take the form of a sideways move for a week or so, rather than an inversion of price gains. Fundies already look strong, yet market cap/sales ratio still only about 3. The trailing PE is high at 42, but much more moderate using forward PE, which must be the focus. Volume has remained high, and funds ownership is low (6%) suggesting there is a lot of room for funds to jump on the bandwagon, especially if they get excited about upcoming product releases. Likewise, last short position report showed 4 days volume as short, and was up 8%. So the shorts may be already getting squeezed and could be a part of the recent rise in price / volume. But a determined shorter will also be selling more now, at the new, higher prices. Since this is a highly liquid stock trading with a tight spread, and you are already up over 15%, what I would be doing is maintaining a trailing 15% hard stop loss, adjusted up daily as long as it continues to rise. Whether you use intraday high, or closing price, for this adjustment is your choice. This would protect your profit to a degree, and absent a major gap down guarantee you escaping with something to show for taking the risk. My simple indicators I use for target price for exiting (1.5X the 50 DMA and 2X the 200 DMA) suggest a target price short term of the very high teens to low 20s. If it continues to rise over time, a trailing stop loss regularly adjusted will increase your profit potential and hopefully give you enough slack to stay in the stock despite short term corrections. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 1:34 PM Hi all, I have a position in Marvel (MVL) and currently am sitting on a profit of 20% +. I am tempted to sell at least part of my position, since I have been burned recently when a breakout stock gets hit hard and falls back. (I do have a 10% trailing stop in place). But, since the 20% gain had occurred within first 3 weeks of my purchase, my reading of WON says that I should hold on for at least 8 weeks. Also, with the upcoming movie releases of X-men 2 and the Hulk, I would certainly think that the upside for further gains in the near future looks good. Does anyone see anything on the chart that would lead them to any yellow or red flags for selling now? Thanks for any help Mike Mike Niemotka , PE Sr. Principal Engineer Baxter Healthcare Corporation Route 120 & Wilson Road Round Lake, IL 60073 Tel (847) 270-4075 Fax (847) 270-4525 - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] sell rules and chart reading Date: 21 Apr 2003 19:56:48 -0400 I think any stop loss price should be selected after studying the chart, and considering your entry point. When I use hard stops, I like to put them just under where I see support, figuring if it goes thru short term support then it could go down a lot further. When I really don't want to be stopped out, and especially when I already have a nice profit, I tend to use looser stops. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 5:28 PM Michael, I have been going back and forth too. I still have not been able to make up my mind as to where to put the sell point. I have kind of worked up the courage of putting a stop at 8% below the highest price of the day (or my purchase price -- whichever is higher) with the hopes that any stock that goes 8% down from any point is a potential target for further corrections because of potential lack of support from institutional buyers. Have people played with the above kind of stop? And doing that what kind of success/failures have they gotten? Regards, Pritish >>> 04/21/03 05:07PM >>> Tom, I appreciate the response. I went back and read WON this weekend, and started looking at using the % above the 50 or 200dMA as a possible exit point, for at least part of my position. Some of the chart signs that he gives as sell signals seem a bit subjective, and that is why I wanted to ask the group for some help on the chart analysis. Interestingly enough, I also had a position in OVTI that I was up 20% on, and it got hammered one day, and by stop at a 5% gain got me out. And of course, it corrected and has continued to move up since! That is why I waffle back and forth. Take the sure thing 20% profit today, or hold out for more.... At least for today it was good, up another 4.5% on MVL. Mike Mike Niemotka , PE Sr. Principal Engineer Baxter Healthcare Corporation Route 120 & Wilson Road Round Lake, IL 60073 Tel (847) 270-4075 Fax (847) 270-4525 "Tom Worley" cc: Sent by: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] sell rules and chart reading owner-canslim@lists.xm 04/18/2003 12:01 PM Please respond to canslim Hi Michael, I see no reason to be a profit taker right now. Granted, after seven straight days of gains, a correction is overdue, but could easily take the form of a sideways move for a week or so, rather than an inversion of price gains. Fundies already look strong, yet market cap/sales ratio still only about 3. The trailing PE is high at 42, but much more moderate using forward PE, which must be the focus. Volume has remained high, and funds ownership is low (6%) suggesting there is a lot of room for funds to jump on the bandwagon, especially if they get excited about upcoming product releases. Likewise, last short position report showed 4 days volume as short, and was up 8%. So the shorts may be already getting squeezed and could be a part of the recent rise in price / volume. But a determined shorter will also be selling more now, at the new, higher prices. Since this is a highly liquid stock trading with a tight spread, and you are already up over 15%, what I would be doing is maintaining a trailing 15% hard stop loss, adjusted up daily as long as it continues to rise. Whether you use intraday high, or closing price, for this adjustment is your choice. This would protect your profit to a degree, and absent a major gap down guarantee you escaping with something to show for taking the risk. My simple indicators I use for target price for exiting (1.5X the 50 DMA and 2X the 200 DMA) suggest a target price short term of the very high teens to low 20s. If it continues to rise over time, a trailing stop loss regularly adjusted will increase your profit potential and hopefully give you enough slack to stay in the stock despite short term corrections. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 1:34 PM Hi all, I have a position in Marvel (MVL) and currently am sitting on a profit of 20% +. I am tempted to sell at least part of my position, since I have been burned recently when a breakout stock gets hit hard and falls back. (I do have a 10% trailing stop in place). But, since the 20% gain had occurred within first 3 weeks of my purchase, my reading of WON says that I should hold on for at least 8 weeks. Also, with the upcoming movie releases of X-men 2 and the Hulk, I would certainly think that the upside for further gains in the near future looks good. Does anyone see anything on the chart that would lead them to any yellow or red flags for selling now? Thanks for any help Mike Mike Niemotka , PE Sr. Principal Engineer Baxter Healthcare Corporation Route 120 & Wilson Road Round Lake, IL 60073 Tel (847) 270-4075 Fax (847) 270-4525 - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] "M" - nice day Date: 21 Apr 2003 22:12:18 -0400 looks like the small caps are benefiting the most from this current sideways market. Majority of the over 100 new highs today on Naz were all small caps. Even my small cap growth fund in my 401K managed to eke out a few pennies gain, while the mid and large cap growth funds all slipped southward again. Tom Worley AIM: TexWorley - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [CANSLIM] thoughts on a couple of stocks Date: 21 Apr 2003 22:42:47 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_OdrX1hb66gAG6wmx2HVSgQ) Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT What does anyone out there think on the following 2 companies. DRL - has great rating from IBD OPTC - has good rating and its group is 4th in INDUSTRY Rating in IBD. I am still trying to learn more with CANSLIM methods. Thanks in advance, Joe Clark --Boundary_(ID_OdrX1hb66gAG6wmx2HVSgQ) Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
What does anyone out there think on the following 2 companies.
DRL - has great rating from IBD
OPTC - has good rating and its group is 4th in INDUSTRY Rating in IBD.
I am still trying to learn more with CANSLIM methods.
                                                        Thanks in advance,
                                                        Joe Clark
--Boundary_(ID_OdrX1hb66gAG6wmx2HVSgQ)-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Pritish Shah" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] thoughts on a couple of stocks Date: 22 Apr 2003 00:31:32 -0400 I was looking at THOR as a potential breakout candidate. It seems that it is in good company and its projected earnings growth seems to be good. Though it is not a small-cap stock what does the outlook look like. Regards, Pritish >>> 04/21/03 22:56 PM >>> What does anyone out there think on the following 2 companies. DRL - has great rating from IBD OPTC - has good rating and its group is 4th in INDUSTRY Rating in IBD. I am still trying to learn more with CANSLIM methods. Thanks in advance, Joe Clark - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] BCGI and SSYS Date: 22 Apr 2003 01:03:11 -0400 Aloha Does anyone have an opinion on BCGI or SSYS thanks Aloha Roger mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gasta, Jeff" Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ Noted in IBD Big Picture Today Date: 22 Apr 2003 12:58:31 -0400 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C308F0.674A80D8 Content-Type: text/plain Hello all. I bought EPIQ on 28 Mar 03. That day it broke out of a base with a big spike in price on high volume. After that, the break out stalled, however I did not see a clear sell signal, so I held the stock. Yesterday it spiked up again and today is looking good also. IBD mentioned the stock in today's Big Picture column. I'm puzzled by their comment and hope to get some feedback on IBD's "take" on the chart pattern. "Epiq Systems, No. 39 on this week's Investor's Business Daily 100, broke out of an eight-month base. The bankruptcy software stock jumped 1.57 to 21.56 in triple its normal trade." First of all, I thought EPIQ isn't a CANSLIM stock because the ADV is less than WON recommends. Not that I'm complaining about IBD's coverage - it can only help improve the price. Second, I wonder way IBD picked 21 Apr as the BO day versus 28 Mar. Thanks, jg Jeffrey Gasta Telecommunications Engineering Marriott International Voice: 301.380.6204 Fax: 301.380.8649 This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C308F0.674A80D8 Content-Type: text/html

Hello all.  I bought EPIQ on 28 Mar 03.  That day it broke out of a base with a big spike in price on high volume.  After that, the break out stalled, however I did not see a clear sell signal, so I held the stock.  Yesterday it spiked up again and today is looking good also.  IBD mentioned the stock in today’s Big Picture column.  I’m puzzled by their comment and hope to get some feedback on IBD’s “take” on the chart pattern.


“Epiq Systems, No. 39 on this week’s Investor’s Business Daily 100, broke out of an eight-month base.  The bankruptcy software stock jumped 1.57 to 21.56 in triple its normal trade.”


First of all, I thought EPIQ isn’t a CANSLIM stock because the ADV is less than WON recommends.  Not that I’m complaining about IBD’s coverage – it can only help improve the price.  Second, I wonder way IBD picked 21 Apr as the BO day versus 28 Mar.  Thanks, jg


Jeffrey Gasta

Telecommunications Engineering

Marriott International

Voice:  301.380.6204

Fax:  301.380.8649


This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law.


------_=_NextPart_001_01C308F0.674A80D8-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Norman Boyd" Subject: [CANSLIM] FCN Date: 22 Apr 2003 18:26:01 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_005C_01C308FC.A08ECDC0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Anyone know why FCN cratered today? I understand they report tomorrow = evening. I am not holding, just a past holder and follower. Norm ------=_NextPart_000_005C_01C308FC.A08ECDC0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Anyone know why FCN cratered today?  I understand they report = tomorrow=20 evening.  I am not holding, just a past holder and follower.
------=_NextPart_000_005C_01C308FC.A08ECDC0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] "M" - the trend Date: 22 Apr 2003 23:05:46 -0400 worth noting that virtually every index still looks alike, but now are all in a several week uptrend. In each case, they moved above on today's trading, on above average volume, both of the recent high spikes of 3/21 and 4/7, and are approaching the calendar year highs set back in mid January. RS lines are trending up, as are the 50 dma. The 200 dma appears to be bottoming, a continuation of the short term trend will also have this line trending up. The increase in trading volume is likewise significant to me, as I believe a large amount of cash has been, and continues to be, on the sidelines. I also suspect a lot of buying power is still tied up in short positions. Earnings reports so far appear to be muted, most meeting lowered expectations, which suggests to me the "real expectations" were far worse. Tom Worley AIM: TexWorley - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tomas Subject: [CANSLIM] Hello from TX Date: 22 Apr 2003 20:34:36 -0700 (PDT) Hi Everyone, Just subscribed to the mailing list and want to introduce myself. I first read WON's book a few years ago after I graduated. I started investing about a year before the market went downhill. I tried canslim and was only semi-successful. I was pretty much on my own. I did not discover this mailing list until recently (wished I had). I was not as discipline as I would have liked, and lost lots of money when the market went downhill beginning of 2000. After that, I was pretty much inactive in the market. I guess I needed to learn that lesson the hard way. I am sure I will learn lots of more "hard" lessons as I progress. However, I am hoping this group will decrease the "hard" lessons I will learn. So, now I am ready to get back in the market. Now that I have introduced myself, I will sit back quietly and listen. Regards, tomas __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] EPIQ Noted in IBD Big Picture Today Date: 22 Apr 2003 23:37:25 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_002E_01C30928.20DDBB50 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi Jeff, Since EPIQ is one of my known favorites, guess everyone is waiting for = me to comment :)) I am currently on my 6th trip in about 3 years on this = favorite, currently up just over 50% with today's close, and every trip = so far has been profitable ranging from 20% to over 400%, so understand = I am biased in my view. First, IBD has a long history of killing a rally by mentioning a stock = so today's performance surprises me now after learning they commented on = EPIQ. Past mention on many CANSLIM quality stocks have often led to = short term traders buying it for a quick hit figuring on CANSLIMers = breaking it out after IBD mentions it. I hope this will be the = exception. Second, I disagree on your perception of volume being insufficient to = qualify as a CANSLIM stock (but then again I am biased, having owned = EPIQ at times when its daily average was well under 10,000 shares a = day). It is still a small cap stock, with only 11.2 million shares in = the float, so averaging over 100K shares a day is very good volume. As far as the date that IBD picked, it would appear that they are using = 8/26/02 as the left rim of the cup. Given that, then 4/21 would be the = b/o as it both moved over that high point as well as having volume. = Personally, the steady decline down from 4/21 to the price spike of = 10/22 would have me count 10/22 as the left cup, making your entry = correct for a breakout. In any case, congrats on a quick two buck profit, and we both can hope = for it to get even better. =20 ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 12:58 PM Hello all. I bought EPIQ on 28 Mar 03. That day it broke out of a base = with a big spike in price on high volume. After that, the break out = stalled, however I did not see a clear sell signal, so I held the stock. = Yesterday it spiked up again and today is looking good also. IBD = mentioned the stock in today's Big Picture column. I'm puzzled by their = comment and hope to get some feedback on IBD's "take" on the chart = pattern. "Epiq Systems, No. 39 on this week's Investor's Business Daily 100, = broke out of an eight-month base. The bankruptcy software stock jumped = 1.57 to 21.56 in triple its normal trade." First of all, I thought EPIQ isn't a CANSLIM stock because the ADV is = less than WON recommends. Not that I'm complaining about IBD's coverage = - it can only help improve the price. Second, I wonder way IBD picked = 21 Apr as the BO day versus 28 Mar. Thanks, jg Jeffrey Gasta Telecommunications Engineering Marriott International Voice: 301.380.6204 Fax: 301.380.8649 This communication contains information from Marriott International, = Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended = recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who = receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, = distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication = in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly = notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate = as an electronic signature under applicable law. ------=_NextPart_000_002E_01C30928.20DDBB50 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi Jeff,
Since EPIQ is one of my known favorites, guess = everyone is=20 waiting for me to comment :)) I am currently on my 6th trip in about 3=20 years on this favorite, currently up just over 50% with today's = close, and=20 every trip so far has been profitable ranging from 20% to over 400%, so=20 understand I am biased in my view.
First, IBD has a long history of killing a rally = by=20 mentioning a stock so today's performance surprises me now after = learning they=20 commented on EPIQ. Past mention on many CANSLIM quality stocks have = often led to=20 short term traders buying it for a quick hit figuring on CANSLIMers = breaking it=20 out after IBD mentions it. I hope this will be the = exception.
Second, I disagree on your perception of volume = being=20 insufficient to qualify as a CANSLIM stock (but then again I am biased, = having=20 owned EPIQ at times when its daily average was well under 10,000 shares = a day).=20 It is still a small cap stock, with only 11.2 million shares in the = float, so=20 averaging over 100K shares a day is very good volume.
As far as the date that IBD picked, it would = appear that=20 they are using 8/26/02 as the left rim of the cup. Given that, then 4/21 = would=20 be the b/o as it both moved over that high point as well as having = volume. =20 Personally, the steady decline down from 4/21 to the price spike of = 10/22 would=20 have me count 10/22 as the left cup, making your entry correct for = a=20 breakout.
In any case, congrats on a quick two buck = profit, and we=20 both can hope for it to get even better.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Gasta,=20 Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 12:58 PM
Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ Noted in IBD Big Picture = Today

Hello all.  I bought = EPIQ on 28=20 Mar 03.  That day it broke out of a base with a big spike in price = on high=20 volume.  After that, the break out stalled, however I did not see a = clear=20 sell signal, so I held the stock.  Yesterday it spiked up again and = today=20 is looking good also.  IBD mentioned the stock in today=92s Big = Picture=20 column.  I=92m puzzled by their comment and hope to get some = feedback on=20 IBD=92s =93take=94 on the chart pattern.


=93Epiq Systems, No. 39 on = this week=92s=20 Investor=92s Business Daily 100, broke out of an eight-month base.  = The=20 bankruptcy software stock jumped 1.57 to 21.56 in triple its normal=20 trade.=94


First of all, I thought = EPIQ isn=92t a=20 CANSLIM stock because the ADV is less than WON recommends.  Not = that I=92m=20 complaining about IBD=92s coverage =96 it can only help improve the = price. =20 Second, I wonder way IBD picked 21 Apr as the BO day versus 28 = Mar. =20 Thanks, jg


Jeffrey = Gasta

Telecommunications=20 Engineering

Marriott=20 International

Voice: =20 301.380.6204

Fax: =20 301.380.8649


This communication = contains=20 information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. = Except=20 for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized = by the=20 sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from = disclosing,=20 copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this = communication=20 in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly = notify the=20 sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an = electronic=20 signature under applicable law.


------=_NextPart_000_002E_01C30928.20DDBB50-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Hello from TX Date: 23 Apr 2003 00:05:00 -0400 Welcome to the group, Tomas. And you thought tuition stopped when you graduated, didn't you!!! But don't sit back and be quiet, if you want to learn, the best way is to ask questions. Present a stock you think is a good CANSLIM candidate, tell us why you like it, how you read the chart, where you find the pivot point, then sit back and study the feedback. The group has been pretty quiet lately, but seems to be starting to pick up. I would be disappointed if you didn't get at least a few opinions and comments to consider. ----- Original Message ----- Cc: Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 11:34 PM Hi Everyone, Just subscribed to the mailing list and want to introduce myself. I first read WON's book a few years ago after I graduated. I started investing about a year before the market went downhill. I tried canslim and was only semi-successful. I was pretty much on my own. I did not discover this mailing list until recently (wished I had). I was not as discipline as I would have liked, and lost lots of money when the market went downhill beginning of 2000. After that, I was pretty much inactive in the market. I guess I needed to learn that lesson the hard way. I am sure I will learn lots of more "hard" lessons as I progress. However, I am hoping this group will decrease the "hard" lessons I will learn. So, now I am ready to get back in the market. Now that I have introduced myself, I will sit back quietly and listen. Regards, tomas __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tomas Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Hello from TX Date: 22 Apr 2003 21:55:50 -0700 (PDT) Tom, Thanks for the welcome. You are right, I will be active with this mailing list. I have discovered the archive. There is such a huge wealth of knowlegde in the archive. I have lots and lots of questions. But I am sure I can find the answers to a lot of my questions in the archive. One question though, in regards to EPIQ, you said that you personally would start the left side of the cup at 10/22 and thus your BO would be 4/28/2003. So, a BO does not have to be a new price high? Another question, I read your comment about where to put the stop-loss depending on the chart. Do you put always use a stop-loss order? Or do you manually sell the stock (whether you constant monitor your stock during the day or check it (and make a decision) at the end of the day). Thanks, tomas --- Tom Worley wrote: > Welcome to the group, Tomas. And you thought tuition > stopped when you > graduated, didn't you!!! > > But don't sit back and be quiet, if you want to > learn, the best way is to > ask questions. Present a stock you think is a good > CANSLIM candidate, tell > us why you like it, how you read the chart, where > you find the pivot point, > then sit back and study the feedback. The group has > been pretty quiet > lately, but seems to be starting to pick up. I would > be disappointed if you > didn't get at least a few opinions and comments to > consider. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Tomas" > To: > Cc: > Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 11:34 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] Hello from TX > > > Hi Everyone, > > Just subscribed to the mailing list and want to > introduce myself. I first read WON's book a few > years > ago after I graduated. I started investing about a > year before the market went downhill. I tried > canslim > and was only semi-successful. I was pretty much on > my > own. I did not discover this mailing list until > recently (wished I had). I was not as discipline as > I > would have liked, and lost lots of money when the > market went downhill beginning of 2000. After that, > I > was pretty much inactive in the market. I guess I > needed to learn that lesson the hard way. I am sure > I > will learn lots of more "hard" lessons as I > progress. > However, I am hoping this group will decrease the > "hard" lessons I will learn. > > So, now I am ready to get back in the market. Now > that I have introduced myself, I will sit back > quietly > and listen. > > Regards, > tomas > > > __________________________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email > "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your > email. > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email > "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Duane Runnels" Subject: [CANSLIM] 50dma & chart reading Date: 23 Apr 2003 00:19:58 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0069_01C3092E.129C88E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I've been looking at a lot of charts recently and have a 50dma question, = that's not expressly canslim, but I wonder if any canslimers pay = attention to it. Can anyone comment on the importance of the 50dma, = especially when it crosses above the 200dma? Does this represent a = reliable buy signal in any system? Does anyone here give it any = importance? Would crossing below the 200dma represent a sell signal or = would it be too late? Thanks. ------=_NextPart_000_0069_01C3092E.129C88E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I've been looking at a lot of = charts=20 recently and have a 50dma question, that's not expressly canslim, but I = wonder=20 if any canslimers pay attention to = it.  Can anyone comment on the importance of the 50dma, = especially=20 when it crosses above the 200dma?  Does this represent a reliable = buy=20 signal in any system?  Does anyone here give it any = importance? =20 Would crossing below the 200dma represent a sell signal or would it be = too=20 late?  Thanks.
------=_NextPart_000_0069_01C3092E.129C88E0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Hello from TX Date: 23 Apr 2003 07:06:27 -0400 Hi Tomas, No, a b/o does not have to be from a new high, just from a proper basing formation. Especially during a lengthy bear market such as we currently have, will often form below the 12 month high (or even longer periods). You do still need to be aware of past highs, and where overhead resistance is likely to occur. In the past I have rarely used hard stop loss orders, primarily because most of my investments were in thinly traded small cap stocks (almost always on NASDAQ), and Schwab would not accept the order. So I gave up even trying. I do identify my mental stop when I purchase a stock, and will also evaluate points of support and stop loss and fresh upward targets on stocks moving up. Because I am buying higher priced, more liquid small caps on margin, I have occasionally used hard stops when I felt "M" was changing direction downward. I did that late last year, and it took me out of every stock on margin very nicely. But I like to have control on my trades, so usually rely on mental stops instead. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 12:55 AM Tom, Thanks for the welcome. You are right, I will be active with this mailing list. I have discovered the archive. There is such a huge wealth of knowlegde in the archive. I have lots and lots of questions. But I am sure I can find the answers to a lot of my questions in the archive. One question though, in regards to EPIQ, you said that you personally would start the left side of the cup at 10/22 and thus your BO would be 4/28/2003. So, a BO does not have to be a new price high? Another question, I read your comment about where to put the stop-loss depending on the chart. Do you put always use a stop-loss order? Or do you manually sell the stock (whether you constant monitor your stock during the day or check it (and make a decision) at the end of the day). Thanks, tomas --- Tom Worley wrote: > Welcome to the group, Tomas. And you thought tuition > stopped when you > graduated, didn't you!!! > > But don't sit back and be quiet, if you want to > learn, the best way is to > ask questions. Present a stock you think is a good > CANSLIM candidate, tell > us why you like it, how you read the chart, where > you find the pivot point, > then sit back and study the feedback. The group has > been pretty quiet > lately, but seems to be starting to pick up. I would > be disappointed if you > didn't get at least a few opinions and comments to > consider. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Tomas" > To: > Cc: > Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 11:34 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] Hello from TX > > > Hi Everyone, > > Just subscribed to the mailing list and want to > introduce myself. I first read WON's book a few > years > ago after I graduated. I started investing about a > year before the market went downhill. I tried > canslim > and was only semi-successful. I was pretty much on > my > own. I did not discover this mailing list until > recently (wished I had). I was not as discipline as > I > would have liked, and lost lots of money when the > market went downhill beginning of 2000. After that, > I > was pretty much inactive in the market. I guess I > needed to learn that lesson the hard way. I am sure > I > will learn lots of more "hard" lessons as I > progress. > However, I am hoping this group will decrease the > "hard" lessons I will learn. > > So, now I am ready to get back in the market. Now > that I have introduced myself, I will sit back > quietly > and listen. > > Regards, > tomas > > > __________________________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email > "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your > email. > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email > "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] 50dma & chart reading Date: 23 Apr 2003 07:10:05 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0014_01C30967.5D7F2140 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Duane, for over a year, and not long after I began trying to learn and = use CANSLIM, I watched for stocks where the 50 was crossing the 200 to = the upside, and evaluated that as a buy point over the next six months = or so. I did not find it to work for me, altho that was over a decade = ago, and there are probably far more technical traders today, as well as = ones just looking for a quick trade. I have consciously noted points = where the 50 crossed the 200 to the downside, but didn't find that was a = reliable sell signal. CANSLIM has many rules and indicators for both buy and sell points, I = found as a "system" that they were a better set of rules. ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 1:19 AM I've been looking at a lot of charts recently and have a 50dma question, = that's not expressly canslim, but I wonder if any canslimers pay = attention to it. Can anyone comment on the importance of the 50dma, = especially when it crosses above the 200dma? Does this represent a = reliable buy signal in any system? Does anyone here give it any = importance? Would crossing below the 200dma represent a sell signal or = would it be too late? Thanks. ------=_NextPart_000_0014_01C30967.5D7F2140 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Duane, for over a year, and not long after I = began trying=20 to learn and use CANSLIM, I watched for stocks where the 50 was crossing = the 200=20 to the upside, and evaluated that as a buy point over the next six = months or so.=20 I did not find it to work for me, altho that was over a decade ago, and = there=20 are probably far more technical traders today, as well as ones just = looking for=20 a quick trade. I have consciously noted points where the 50 crossed the = 200 to=20 the downside, but didn't find that was a reliable sell = signal.
CANSLIM has many rules and indicators for both = buy and=20 sell points, I found as a "system" that they were a better set of=20 rules.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Duane = Runnels
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 1:19 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] 50dma & chart reading

I've been looking at a lot of = charts=20 recently and have a 50dma question, that's not expressly canslim, but I = wonder=20 if any canslimers pay attention to = it.  Can anyone comment on the importance of the 50dma, = especially=20 when it crosses above the 200dma?  Does this represent a reliable = buy=20 signal in any system?  Does anyone here give it any = importance? =20 Would crossing below the 200dma represent a sell signal or would it be = too=20 late?  Thanks.
------=_NextPart_000_0014_01C30967.5D7F2140-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] thoughts on a couple of stocks Date: 23 Apr 2003 08:44:28 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0051_01C30974.8CD7B8F0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Joe, both have very strong and consistent fundies, both sales and = profits showing large growth on year over year and sequential quarterly = basis. both charts are way extended for an entry, may still have momentum for = the mo mo traders, but not an entry for CANSLIMers. Disclosure: I have OPTC in my VR Fund, up now 114%, second best = performer (behind only FWHT). ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 10:42 PM What does anyone out there think on the following 2 companies. DRL - has great rating from IBD OPTC - has good rating and its group is 4th in INDUSTRY Rating in IBD. I am still trying to learn more with CANSLIM methods. Thanks in = advance, Joe Clark ------=_NextPart_000_0051_01C30974.8CD7B8F0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Joe, both have very strong and consistent fundies, both sales and = profits=20 showing large growth on year over year and sequential quarterly=20 basis.
both charts are way extended for an entry, may still have momentum = for the=20 mo mo traders, but not an entry for CANSLIMers.
Disclosure: I have OPTC in my VR Fund, up now 114%, second best = performer=20 (behind only FWHT).
----- Original Message -----=20
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 10:42 PM
Subject: [CANSLIM] thoughts on a couple of = stocks

What does anyone out there think on the following 2=20 companies.
DRL - has great rating from IBD
OPTC - has good rating and its group is 4th in = INDUSTRY=20 Rating in IBD.
I am still trying to learn more with CANSLIM=20 methods.
        =    =20             =    =20             =    =20             Thanks in=20 advance,
        =    =20             =    =20             =    =20             Joe=20 Clark
------=_NextPart_000_0051_01C30974.8CD7B8F0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] thoughts on a couple of stocks Date: 23 Apr 2003 09:25:31 -0400 Pritish, fundies look good. However weekly chart looks like a double bottom that lacks conviction (RS line trending down while both 50 and 200 dma head up). Latest earnings were good on a year over year basis, but lousy on a sequential qtr basis. I don't understand why their business would have a seasonal slowdown, which appears to be the case. I also note that funds already have 38% of the float, and there are over 20 million shares unaccounted for by Management ownership (presumably held by "outsiders"). I would want to know more about that ownership and likelihood of selling. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 12:31 AM I was looking at THOR as a potential breakout candidate. It seems that it is in good company and its projected earnings growth seems to be good. Though it is not a small-cap stock what does the outlook look like. Regards, Pritish >>> 04/21/03 22:56 PM >>> What does anyone out there think on the following 2 companies. DRL - has great rating from IBD OPTC - has good rating and its group is 4th in INDUSTRY Rating in IBD. I am still trying to learn more with CANSLIM methods. Thanks in advance, Joe Clark - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Joe McCall" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly Posting Date: 23 Apr 2003 08:48:55 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_004E_01C30975.2C932410 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Katherine, It has been a while since we heard from you (20 Days). We all miss you. Joe ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Katherine Malm=20 To: Canslim@Lists.Xmission.Com=20 Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:47 AM Subject: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly Posting This FAQ is also available at: = or = (zipped version for = those who are having trouble displaying the document within their = browser) =20 Scope of discussion, Etiquette:=20 Here are a couple of quotes from the welcome email that Jeff = Salisbury, the list owner and host, sends to each new member: "This is an unmoderated discussion group whose purpose is to provide a = forum for individuals to:=20 1.. Discuss the ideas and concepts of CANSLIM.=20 2.. Add to the concepts of CANSLIM from personal experience.=20 3.. Exchange sources of information on the internet and software = that can be used to select stocks using the CANSLIM methodology.=20 4.. Discuss specific equities and how they may or may not meet the = CANSLIM criteria. " "Anyone who resorts to rudeness, flaming, and personal attacks will be = removed from our group."=20 "By signing up for this list, you agree to the following: This list = is a private list. All information that you take from this list is for = your private use only. Commercial use of this information is = forbidden." Commonly used (misc) abbreviations: BO or B/O =3D Breakout DD=3D Due Diligence dMA =3D days Moving Average (a simple moving average unless otherwise = specified) FTD =3D Follow Through Day HTMMIS =3D "How to Make Money in Stocks" by William J. O'Neil IBD =3D Investors Business Daily ( IMHO =3D In My Humble Opinion sometimes used as IMO or JMO or my $0.02 LOL =3D Laughing Out Loud M =3D Market ( the "M" in CANSLIM) MA =3D Moving Average N =3D New (the "N" in CANSLIM) VR =3D Virtual Reality fund (Fund where "everything's real except the = money".see WON =3D William O'Neil, originator of CANSLIM IBD/CANSLIM Proprietary Rankings: A/D =3D Accumulation/Distribution EPS =3D Earnings per Share Rank GRS =3D Group Relative Strength RS =3D Relative Strength SMR =3D Sales/Margins/ROE Comp =3D Composite Ranking Accounting/Finance Abbreviations: BS or B/S =3D Balance Sheet cflo =3D Cash Flow D/E =3D Debt to Equity IS or I/S =3D Income Statement PE or P/E =3D Price to Earnings ratio Pro Forma earnings =3D = =20 Accounting 101: =20 Commonly discussed technical patterns: 2B=3DDouble Bottoms A Base =3D Ascending Base C&H or CwH =3D Cup and Handle ( FB=3DFlat Base HTF =3D High Tight Flag LLUR =3D Lower Left Upper Right (a stock on the rise, channeling in a = tight range) For general discussion of chart patterns: = Commonly discussed software/tools: AAII Stock Investor Pro - money back guarantee DGO=3D DailyGraphs Online ( ) - 7 day trial = $19.95 HGSI =3D High Growth Stock Investing ( - 60 = day paid trial $49 QP2 =3D Quotes Plus ( TC2000 =3D Worden Brothers TC2000 technical analysis software = ( -30 day free trial VV=3D VectorVest ( - 5 week trial $9.95 =20 If you are new to CANSLIM investing (or just need a refresher): Take advantage of the excellent learning center at the IBD site-- = Free sites for stock scanning: Free sites for charting: = o Due diligence sites: Company's web site = (limited to 5 stocks per person per day) (Requires subscription-look for the stock checkup = feature) = ticker=3DSBUX&session=3DTMP.JEFFREY&type=3D100 (This is the "Whole = Enchilada" report) =20 Free sites for viewing industry information: =20 Free resources for real time tracking: Tools provided by members: -CANSLIM Evaluator provided by Mike Gibbons: A tool that evaluates a = stock against each of the CANSLIM criteria except M. = ( -Charts for CANSLIM provided by Mike Gibbons: A straightforward chart = showing the price/volume action, pivots, % off 52 wk high, RS Line = relative to the S&P500, RS Rank plotted over time, U/D ratio over time. = Displays daily for 3, 6, 9, or 12 months (daily) or 1, 2 or 3 years = (weekly). Updated with delayed intraday pricing as well. = ( -CANSLIMLinks provided by Katherine Malm: An Excel spreadsheet that = contains macros for creating links to sites useful for evaluating = CANSLIM stocks. Allows you to list stocks of your choosing. Full = functionality only available with Excel 2000 for Windows. Limited = functionality in prior versions. = ( -Favorite Resources provided by Katherine Malm: A Word document = listing various sites I find useful in CANSLIM investing. = ( =20 =20 List FAQ compiled by Katherine Malm. If you have suggestions for = additions and/or revisions, please contact me at Rev 4/2/03 ------=_NextPart_000_004E_01C30975.2C932410 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
It has been a while since we heard = from you (20=20 Days).  We all miss you.
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Katherine=20 Malm
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 = 11:47=20 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List = FAQ-Monthly Posting

This FAQ is also available at:=20 http://WallStre= or  http://Wall= (zipped version for those who are having trouble displaying the = document=20 within their browser)


Scope of=20 discussion, Etiquette:

Here are a = couple=20 of quotes from the welcome email that Jeff Salisbury, the list = owner and=20 host, sends to each new member:


"This is an = unmoderated=20 discussion group whose purpose is to provide a forum for individuals = to:

  1. Discuss=20 the ideas and concepts of CANSLIM.=20
  2. Add=20 to the concepts of CANSLIM from personal experience.=20
  3. Exchange=20 sources of information on the internet and software that can be used = to=20 select stocks using the CANSLIM methodology.=20
  4. Discuss=20 specific equities and how they may or may not meet the = CANSLIM=20 criteria. "

"Anyone who resorts to rudeness, flaming, and personal attacks will = be=20 removed from our group."

=93By signing up for this list, you agree to the following:  = This list=20 is a private list.  All information that you take from this list = is for=20 your private use only.  Commercial use of this information is=20 forbidden.=94

Commonly used = (misc)=20 abbreviations:

BO or B/O =3D = Breakout

DD=3D Due = Diligence

dMA =3D days Moving = Average (a=20 simple moving average unless otherwise specified)

FTD =3D Follow = Through Day .com/primer.htm

HTMMIS =3D "How to = Make Money in=20 Stocks" by William J. O'Neil

IBD =3D Investors = Business=20 Daily  (

IMHO =3D In My = Humble Opinion=20 sometimes used as IMO or JMO or my $0.02

LOL =3D Laughing = Out Loud

M =3D Market ( the = "M" in=20 CANSLIM)

MA =3D Moving = Average

N =3D New (the "N" = in=20 CANSLIM)

VR = =3D Virtual=20 Reality fund (Fund where =93everything=92s real except the = money=94=85see=20

WON =3D William = O'Neil,=20 originator of CANSLIM


IBD/CANSLIM = Proprietary=20 Rankings:

A/D =3D=20 Accumulation/Distribution

EPS =3D Earnings = per Share=20 Rank

GRS =3D Group = Relative=20 Strength

RS =3D Relative = Strength

SMR =3D = Sales/Margins/ROE

Comp =3D Composite = Ranking


Accounting/Finance=20 Abbreviations:

BS or B/S =3D = Balance Sheet

cflo =3D Cash = Flow

D/E =3D Debt to = Equity

IS or I/S =3D = Income=20 Statement

PE or P/E =3D Price = to Earnings=20 ratio

Pro Forma earnings = =3D http://www.sec= .gov/investor/pubs/proforma12-4.htm


Accounting = 101:

http:= //
http= ://


Commonly = discussed=20 technical patterns:

2B=3DDouble=20 Bottoms

A Base =3D = Ascending Base

C&H or CwH =3D = Cup and=20 Handle  ( N_cwh.htm.)

FB=3DFlat Base

HTF =3D High Tight = Flag

LLUR =3D Lower Left = Upper=20 Right (a stock on the rise, channeling in a tight range)

For general = discussion of chart=20 patterns: h= ttp://<= /P>


Commonly = discussed=20 software/tools:

AAII Stock Investor = Pro - money = back=20 guarantee

DGO=3D DailyGraphs=20 Online  ( ) = =96 7 day=20 trial $19.95

HGSI =3D High = Growth Stock=20 Investing ( = =96 60 day=20 paid trial $49

QP2 =3D Quotes Plus = (

TC2000 =3D  = Worden Brothers=20 TC2000 technical analysis software ( -30 day = free=20 trial

VV=3D VectorVest = ( =96 5 week = trial=20 $9.95


If you are new = to CANSLIM=20 investing (or just need a refresher):

Take advantage of = the excellent=20 learning center at the IBD site--


Free sites for = stock=20 scanning:

htt= p://




Free sites for=20 charting: ymbol=3Dcsco


Due diligence=20 sites:

Company's web = site .html CSCO = (limited=20 to 5 stocks per person per day) (Requires=20 subscription-look for the stock checkup feature)

h= ttp:// C5&ticker=3DSBUX&session=3DTMP.JEFFREY&type=3D100=20 (This is the =93Whole Enchilada=94 report)


Free=20 sites for viewing industry information:

h= ttp://


ht= tp://


Free resources = for real=20 time tracking:


Tools provided = by=20 members:

-CANSLIM Evaluator = provided=20 by Mike Gibbons: A tool that evaluates a stock against each of the = CANSLIM=20 criteria except M. ( m)

-Charts for = CANSLIM provided=20 by Mike Gibbons: A straightforward chart showing the price/volume = action,=20 pivots, % off 52 wk high, RS Line relative to the S&P500, RS Rank = plotted=20 over time, U/D ratio over time. Displays daily for 3, 6, 9, or 12 = months=20 (daily) or 1, 2 or 3 years (weekly). Updated with delayed intraday = pricing as=20 well. (http://www.cwhcharts= .com/charts/kmchart.php)

-CANSLIMLinks = provided by=20 Katherine Malm: An Excel spreadsheet that contains macros for creating = links=20 to sites useful for evaluating CANSLIM stocks. Allows you to list = stocks of=20 your choosing. Full functionality only available with Excel 2000 for = Windows.=20 Limited functionality in prior versions. (htt= p://

-Favorite Resources = provided by=20 Katherine Malm: A Word document listing various sites I find useful in = CANSLIM=20 investing. (http:/= /



List FAQ compiled = by Katherine=20 Malm. If you have suggestions for additions and/or revisions, please = contact=20 me at

Rev=20 4/2/03

------=_NextPart_000_004E_01C30975.2C932410-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Katherine Malm" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly Posting Date: 23 Apr 2003 09:02:48 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_00B1_01C30977.1CF321C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit LOL...thanks for noticing, Joe.... playing catchup and still reading the many CANSLIM postings since returning from my latest rim to rim hike in the Grand Canyon! Now *there's* a place that always puts the market in perspective. :)) Katherine -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Joe McCall Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 7:49 AM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly Posting Katherine, It has been a while since we heard from you (20 Days). We all miss you. Joe ----- Original Message ----- From: Katherine Malm To: Canslim@Lists.Xmission.Com Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:47 AM Subject: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly Posting This FAQ is also available at: or (zipped version for those who are having trouble displaying the document within their browser) Scope of discussion, Etiquette: Here are a couple of quotes from the welcome email that Jeff Salisbury, the list owner and host, sends to each new member: "This is an unmoderated discussion group whose purpose is to provide a forum for individuals to: 1.. Discuss the ideas and concepts of CANSLIM. 2.. Add to the concepts of CANSLIM from personal experience. 3.. Exchange sources of information on the internet and software that can be used to select stocks using the CANSLIM methodology. 4.. Discuss specific equities and how they may or may not meet the CANSLIM criteria. " "Anyone who resorts to rudeness, flaming, and personal attacks will be removed from our group." “By signing up for this list, you agree to the following: This list is a private list. All information that you take from this list is for your private use only. Commercial use of this information is forbidden.” Commonly used (misc) abbreviations: BO or B/O = Breakout DD= Due Diligence dMA = days Moving Average (a simple moving average unless otherwise specified) FTD = Follow Through Day HTMMIS = "How to Make Money in Stocks" by William J. O'Neil IBD = Investors Business Daily ( IMHO = In My Humble Opinion sometimes used as IMO or JMO or my $0.02 LOL = Laughing Out Loud M = Market ( the "M" in CANSLIM) MA = Moving Average N = New (the "N" in CANSLIM) VR = Virtual Reality fund (Fund where “everything’s real except the money”…see WON = William O'Neil, originator of CANSLIM IBD/CANSLIM Proprietary Rankings: A/D = Accumulation/Distribution EPS = Earnings per Share Rank GRS = Group Relative Strength RS = Relative Strength SMR = Sales/Margins/ROE Comp = Composite Ranking Accounting/Finance Abbreviations: BS or B/S = Balance Sheet cflo = Cash Flow D/E = Debt to Equity IS or I/S = Income Statement PE or P/E = Price to Earnings ratio Pro Forma earnings = Accounting 101: Commonly discussed technical patterns: 2B=Double Bottoms A Base = Ascending Base C&H or CwH = Cup and Handle ( FB=Flat Base HTF = High Tight Flag LLUR = Lower Left Upper Right (a stock on the rise, channeling in a tight range) For general discussion of chart patterns: Commonly discussed software/tools: AAII Stock Investor Pro - money back guarantee DGO= DailyGraphs Online ( ) – 7 day trial $19.95 HGSI = High Growth Stock Investing ( – 60 day paid trial $49 QP2 = Quotes Plus ( TC2000 = Worden Brothers TC2000 technical analysis software ( -30 day free trial VV= VectorVest ( – 5 week trial $9.95 If you are new to CANSLIM investing (or just need a refresher): Take advantage of the excellent learning center at the IBD site-- Free sites for stock scanning: Free sites for charting: Due diligence sites: Company's web site (limited to 5 stocks per person per day) (Requires subscription-look for the stock checkup feature) &session=TMP.JEFFREY&type=100 (This is the “Whole Enchilada” report) Free sites for viewing industry information: Free resources for real time tracking: Tools provided by members: -CANSLIM Evaluator provided by Mike Gibbons: A tool that evaluates a stock against each of the CANSLIM criteria except M. ( -Charts for CANSLIM provided by Mike Gibbons: A straightforward chart showing the price/volume action, pivots, % off 52 wk high, RS Line relative to the S&P500, RS Rank plotted over time, U/D ratio over time. Displays daily for 3, 6, 9, or 12 months (daily) or 1, 2 or 3 years (weekly). Updated with delayed intraday pricing as well. ( -CANSLIMLinks provided by Katherine Malm: An Excel spreadsheet that contains macros for creating links to sites useful for evaluating CANSLIM stocks. Allows you to list stocks of your choosing. Full functionality only available with Excel 2000 for Windows. Limited functionality in prior versions. ( -Favorite Resources provided by Katherine Malm: A Word document listing various sites I find useful in CANSLIM investing. ( List FAQ compiled by Katherine Malm. If you have suggestions for additions and/or revisions, please contact me at Rev 4/2/03 ------=_NextPart_000_00B1_01C30977.1CF321C0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
LOL...thanks for noticing, Joe.... = playing=20 catchup and still reading the many CANSLIM postings since returning from = my=20 latest rim to rim hike in the Grand Canyon! Now *there's* a place that=20 always puts the market in perspective. :))
-----Original Message-----
From:=20 []On Behalf Of Joe=20 McCall
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 7:49 AM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM = List=20 FAQ-Monthly Posting

It has been a while since we heard = from you (20=20 Days).  We all miss you.
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Katherine=20 Malm
Sent: Thursday, April 03, = 2003 11:47=20 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM = List=20 FAQ-Monthly Posting

This FAQ is also available at:=20 http://WallStre= or  http://Wall= (zipped version for those who are having trouble displaying the = document=20 within their browser)


Scope=20 of discussion, Etiquette:

Here are a = couple=20 of quotes from the welcome email that Jeff Salisbury, the list = owner=20 and host, sends to each new member:


"This is an = unmoderated=20 discussion group whose purpose is to provide a forum for individuals = to:=20

  1. Discuss=20 the ideas and concepts of CANSLIM.=20
  2. Add=20 to the concepts of CANSLIM from personal experience.=20
  3. Exchange=20 sources of information on the internet and software that can be = used to=20 select stocks using the CANSLIM methodology.=20
  4. Discuss=20 specific equities and how they may or may not meet the = CANSLIM=20 criteria. "

"Anyone who resorts to rudeness, flaming, and personal attacks = will be=20 removed from our group."

=93By signing up for this list, you agree to the following:  = This list=20 is a private list.  All information that you take from this = list is for=20 your private use only.  Commercial use of this information is=20 forbidden.=94

Commonly used = (misc)=20 abbreviations:

BO or B/O =3D = Breakout

DD=3D Due = Diligence

dMA =3D days = Moving Average (a=20 simple moving average unless otherwise specified)

FTD =3D Follow = Through Day .com/primer.htm

HTMMIS =3D "How = to Make Money=20 in Stocks" by William J. O'Neil

IBD =3D Investors = Business=20 Daily  (

IMHO =3D In My = Humble Opinion=20 sometimes used as IMO or JMO or my $0.02

LOL =3D Laughing = Out Loud

M =3D Market ( = the "M" in=20 CANSLIM)

MA =3D Moving = Average

N =3D New (the = "N" in=20 CANSLIM)

VR = =3D Virtual=20 Reality fund (Fund where =93everything=92s real except the = money=94=85see=20

WON =3D William = O'Neil,=20 originator of CANSLIM


IBD/CANSLIM = Proprietary=20 Rankings:

A/D =3D=20 Accumulation/Distribution

EPS =3D Earnings = per Share=20 Rank

GRS =3D Group = Relative=20 Strength

RS =3D Relative = Strength

SMR =3D = Sales/Margins/ROE

Comp =3D = Composite Ranking


Accounting/Finance=20 Abbreviations:

BS or B/S =3D = Balance Sheet

cflo =3D Cash = Flow

D/E =3D Debt to = Equity

IS or I/S =3D = Income=20 Statement

PE or P/E =3D = Price to Earnings=20 ratio

Pro Forma = earnings =3D http://www.sec= .gov/investor/pubs/proforma12-4.htm


Accounting = 101:

http:= //
http= ://


Commonly = discussed=20 technical patterns:

2B=3DDouble=20 Bottoms

A Base =3D = Ascending Base

C&H or CwH = =3D Cup and=20 Handle  ( N_cwh.htm.)

FB=3DFlat = Base

HTF =3D High = Tight Flag

LLUR =3D Lower = Left Upper=20 Right (a stock on the rise, channeling in a tight range)

For general = discussion of=20 chart patterns: h= ttp://<= /P>


Commonly = discussed=20 software/tools:

AAII Stock = Investor Pro - money = back=20 guarantee

DGO=3D = DailyGraphs=20 Online  ( ) = =96 7 day=20 trial $19.95

HGSI =3D High = Growth Stock=20 Investing ( = =96 60 day=20 paid trial $49

QP2 =3D Quotes = Plus (

TC2000 =3D  = Worden=20 Brothers TC2000 technical analysis software ( = -30 day=20 free trial

VV=3D VectorVest = ( =96 5 = week trial=20 $9.95


If you are = new to CANSLIM=20 investing (or just need a refresher):

Take advantage of = the=20 excellent learning center at the IBD site--


Free sites = for stock=20 scanning:

htt= p://




Free sites = for=20 charting: ymbol=3Dcsco


Due diligence = sites:

Company's web = site .html CSCO (limited to 5 stocks per person per day) (Requires=20 subscription-look for the stock checkup feature)

h= ttp:// C5&ticker=3DSBUX&session=3DTMP.JEFFREY&type=3D100=20 (This is the =93Whole Enchilada=94 report)


Free=20 sites for viewing industry information:

h= ttp://


ht= tp://


Free = resources for real=20 time tracking:


Tools = provided by=20 members:

-CANSLIM = Evaluator provided=20 by Mike Gibbons: A tool that evaluates a stock against each of the = CANSLIM=20 criteria except M. ( m)

-Charts for = CANSLIM=20 provided by Mike Gibbons: A straightforward chart showing the = price/volume=20 action, pivots, % off 52 wk high, RS Line relative to the = S&P500, RS=20 Rank plotted over time, U/D ratio over time. Displays daily for 3, = 6, 9, or=20 12 months (daily) or 1, 2 or 3 years (weekly). Updated with delayed = intraday=20 pricing as well. (http://www.cwhcharts= .com/charts/kmchart.php)

-CANSLIMLinks = provided by=20 Katherine Malm: An Excel spreadsheet that contains macros for = creating links=20 to sites useful for evaluating CANSLIM stocks. Allows you to list = stocks of=20 your choosing. Full functionality only available with Excel 2000 for = Windows. Limited functionality in prior versions. (htt= p://

-Favorite = Resources provided=20 by Katherine Malm: A Word document listing various sites I find = useful in=20 CANSLIM investing. (http:/= /



List FAQ compiled = by=20 Katherine Malm. If you have suggestions for additions and/or = revisions,=20 please contact me at

Rev=20 4/2/03

------=_NextPart_000_00B1_01C30977.1CF321C0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly Posting Date: 23 Apr 2003 10:07:54 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0147_01C30980.34AB6EE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Katherine, I hope you can teach us something new now about correct = identification of the left rim!! Where is the handle on the Grand = Canyon? Seems like the travel industry has survived the Iraq war, now = has to contend with SARS and airline bankruptcies (go EPIQ), but looks = to be showing some strength despite all that, cruise line companies have = been surprising me, as well as a few airlines (Mesa and Blue among = others). ----- Original Message -----=20 Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 10:02 AM LOL...thanks for noticing, Joe.... playing catchup and still reading the = many CANSLIM postings since returning from my latest rim to rim hike in = the Grand Canyon! Now *there's* a place that always puts the market in = perspective. :)) Katherine -----Original Message----- From: = []On Behalf Of Joe McCall Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 7:49 AM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly Posting Katherine, It has been a while since we heard from you (20 Days). We all miss = you. Joe ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Katherine Malm=20 To: Canslim@Lists.Xmission.Com=20 Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:47 AM Subject: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly Posting This FAQ is also available at: = or = (zipped version for = those who are having trouble displaying the document within their = browser) =20 ------=_NextPart_000_0147_01C30980.34AB6EE0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Katherine, I hope you can teach us something new = now about=20 correct identification of the left rim!!  Where is the handle on = the Grand=20 Canyon? Seems like the travel industry has survived the Iraq war, now = has to=20 contend with SARS and airline bankruptcies (go EPIQ), but looks to be = showing=20 some strength despite all that, cruise line companies have been = surprising me,=20 as well as a few airlines (Mesa and Blue among others).
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Katherine Malm=20
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 10:02 AM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly = Posting

LOL...thanks for noticing, Joe.... = playing=20 catchup and still reading the many CANSLIM postings since returning from = my=20 latest rim to rim hike in the Grand Canyon! Now *there's* a place that=20 always puts the market in perspective. :))
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-canslim@lists.xmis= []On Behalf Of Joe=20 McCall
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 7:49 AM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM = List=20 FAQ-Monthly Posting

It has been a while since we heard = from you (20=20 Days).  We all miss you.
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Katherine=20 Malm
Sent: Thursday, April 03, = 2003 11:47=20 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM = List=20 FAQ-Monthly Posting

This FAQ is also available at:=20 http://WallStre= or  http://Wall= (zipped version for those who are having trouble displaying the = document=20 within their browser)


------=_NextPart_000_0147_01C30980.34AB6EE0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Katherine Malm" Subject: RE:Leisure Industry( was: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly Posting) Date: 23 Apr 2003 09:51:47 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_00B9_01C3097D.F469EB10 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hah...good one, Tom. I've got the leisure industry listed as a "macrotheme" worth noting. Shortly after 9/11 I heard Herb Kelleher speak and he made a comment that the new generation of competitors was far smarter than the first generation and that they would have to be particularly savvy about fending them off. Even since that time, its been rare for any Southwest flight I've taken to be less than 100% full, though on my most recent trip, the pilot did suggest that we move to the window seat as we taxied so that the Continental pilots would think we were full. I certainly see the stress and restucturing in industries such as cruise lines and airlines to create some super growth opportunities as you noted. For example, I saw that Princess and Carnival just completed their merger this week. Despite a new world order, the notion of travel is much ingrained in people's mind and I think this is going to be an industry to harvest as the wheat is separated from the chaff. Katherine -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 8:08 AM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly Posting Katherine, I hope you can teach us something new now about correct identification of the left rim!! Where is the handle on the Grand Canyon? Seems like the travel industry has survived the Iraq war, now has to contend with SARS and airline bankruptcies (go EPIQ), but looks to be showing some strength despite all that, cruise line companies have been surprising me, as well as a few airlines (Mesa and Blue among others). ----- Original Message ----- From: Katherine Malm To: Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 10:02 AM Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly Posting LOL...thanks for noticing, Joe.... playing catchup and still reading the many CANSLIM postings since returning from my latest rim to rim hike in the Grand Canyon! Now *there's* a place that always puts the market in perspective. :)) Katherine -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Joe McCall Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 7:49 AM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly Posting Katherine, It has been a while since we heard from you (20 Days). We all miss you. Joe ----- Original Message ----- From: Katherine Malm To: Canslim@Lists.Xmission.Com Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:47 AM Subject: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly Posting This FAQ is also available at: or (zipped version for those who are having trouble displaying the document within their browser) ------=_NextPart_000_00B9_01C3097D.F469EB10 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hah...good one, Tom.
I've got the leisure industry = listed as a=20 "macrotheme" worth noting. Shortly after 9/11 I heard Herb Kelleher = speak and he=20 made a comment that the new generation of competitors was far smarter = than the=20 first generation and that they would have to be particularly savvy about = fending=20 them off. Even since that time, its been rare for any Southwest flight = I've=20 taken to be less than 100% full, though on my most recent trip, the = pilot did=20 suggest that we move to the window seat as we taxied so that the = Continental=20 pilots would think we were full. I certainly see the stress and = restucturing in=20 industries such as cruise lines and airlines to create some super growth = opportunities as you noted. For example, I saw that Princess and = Carnival just=20 completed their merger this week. Despite a new world order, the notion = of=20 travel is much ingrained in people's mind and I think this is going to = be an=20 industry to harvest as the wheat is separated from the = chaff.
-----Original Message-----
From:=20 []On Behalf Of Tom=20 Worley
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 8:08 AM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM = List=20 FAQ-Monthly Posting

Katherine, I hope you can teach us something = new now=20 about correct identification of the left rim!!  Where is the = handle on=20 the Grand Canyon? Seems like the travel industry has survived the Iraq = war,=20 now has to contend with SARS and airline bankruptcies (go EPIQ), but = looks to=20 be showing some strength despite all that, cruise line companies have = been=20 surprising me, as well as a few airlines (Mesa and Blue among=20 others).
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Katherine Malm=20
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 10:02 AM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM List FAQ-Monthly=20 Posting

LOL...thanks for noticing, = Joe.... playing=20 catchup and still reading the many CANSLIM postings since returning = from my=20 latest rim to rim hike in the Grand Canyon! Now *there's* a place that = always puts the market in perspective. :))
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-canslim@lists.xmis= []On Behalf Of Joe=20 McCall
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 7:49 = AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM = List=20 FAQ-Monthly Posting

It has been a while since we heard = from you=20 (20 Days).  We all miss you.
----- Original Message ----- =
From:=20 Katherine=20 Malm
To: Canslim@Lists.Xmission.Com= =20
Sent: Thursday, April 03, = 2003 11:47=20 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM = List=20 FAQ-Monthly Posting

This FAQ is also available = at:=20 http://WallStre= or  http://Wall= (zipped version for those who are having trouble displaying the = document=20 within their browser)


------=_NextPart_000_00B9_01C3097D.F469EB10-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gasta, Jeff" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] EPIQ Noted in IBD Big Picture Today Date: 23 Apr 2003 11:10:48 -0400 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C309AA.618036CE Content-Type: text/plain Thanks Tom! Jeffrey Gasta Telecommunications Engineering Marriott International Voice: 301.380.6204 Fax: 301.380.8649 This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law. -----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 11:37 PM Hi Jeff, Since EPIQ is one of my known favorites, guess everyone is waiting for me to comment :)) I am currently on my 6th trip in about 3 years on this favorite, currently up just over 50% with today's close, and every trip so far has been profitable ranging from 20% to over 400%, so understand I am biased in my view. First, IBD has a long history of killing a rally by mentioning a stock so today's performance surprises me now after learning they commented on EPIQ. Past mention on many CANSLIM quality stocks have often led to short term traders buying it for a quick hit figuring on CANSLIMers breaking it out after IBD mentions it. I hope this will be the exception. Second, I disagree on your perception of volume being insufficient to qualify as a CANSLIM stock (but then again I am biased, having owned EPIQ at times when its daily average was well under 10,000 shares a day). It is still a small cap stock, with only 11.2 million shares in the float, so averaging over 100K shares a day is very good volume. As far as the date that IBD picked, it would appear that they are using 8/26/02 as the left rim of the cup. Given that, then 4/21 would be the b/o as it both moved over that high point as well as having volume. Personally, the steady decline down from 4/21 to the price spike of 10/22 would have me count 10/22 as the left cup, making your entry correct for a breakout. In any case, congrats on a quick two buck profit, and we both can hope for it to get even better. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 12:58 PM Hello all. I bought EPIQ on 28 Mar 03. That day it broke out of a base with a big spike in price on high volume. After that, the break out stalled, however I did not see a clear sell signal, so I held the stock. Yesterday it spiked up again and today is looking good also. IBD mentioned the stock in today's Big Picture column. I'm puzzled by their comment and hope to get some feedback on IBD's "take" on the chart pattern. "Epiq Systems, No. 39 on this week's Investor's Business Daily 100, broke out of an eight-month base. The bankruptcy software stock jumped 1.57 to 21.56 in triple its normal trade." First of all, I thought EPIQ isn't a CANSLIM stock because the ADV is less than WON recommends. Not that I'm complaining about IBD's coverage - it can only help improve the price. Second, I wonder way IBD picked 21 Apr as the BO day versus 28 Mar. Thanks, jg Jeffrey Gasta Telecommunications Engineering Marriott International Voice: 301.380.6204 Fax: 301.380.8649 This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C309AA.618036CE Content-Type: text/html

Thanks Tom!


Jeffrey Gasta

Telecommunications Engineering

Marriott International

Voice:  301.380.6204

Fax:  301.380.8649


This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Worley []
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 11:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] EPIQ Noted in IBD Big Picture Today


Hi Jeff,


Since EPIQ is one of my known favorites, guess everyone is waiting for me to comment :)) I am currently on my 6th trip in about 3 years on this favorite, currently up just over 50% with today's close, and every trip so far has been profitable ranging from 20% to over 400%, so understand I am biased in my view.


First, IBD has a long history of killing a rally by mentioning a stock so today's performance surprises me now after learning they commented on EPIQ. Past mention on many CANSLIM quality stocks have often led to short term traders buying it for a quick hit figuring on CANSLIMers breaking it out after IBD mentions it. I hope this will be the exception.


Second, I disagree on your perception of volume being insufficient to qualify as a CANSLIM stock (but then again I am biased, having owned EPIQ at times when its daily average was well under 10,000 shares a day). It is still a small cap stock, with only 11.2 million shares in the float, so averaging over 100K shares a day is very good volume.


As far as the date that IBD picked, it would appear that they are using 8/26/02 as the left rim of the cup. Given that, then 4/21 would be the b/o as it both moved over that high point as well as having volume.  Personally, the steady decline down from 4/21 to the price spike of 10/22 would have me count 10/22 as the left cup, making your entry correct for a breakout.


In any case, congrats on a quick two buck profit, and we both can hope for it to get even better.


----- Original Message -----

From: Gasta, Jeff

Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 12:58 PM

Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ Noted in IBD Big Picture Today


Hello all.  I bought EPIQ on 28 Mar 03.  That day it broke out of a base with a big spike in price on high volume.  After that, the break out stalled, however I did not see a clear sell signal, so I held the stock.  Yesterday it spiked up again and today is looking good also.  IBD mentioned the stock in today’s Big Picture column.  I’m puzzled by their comment and hope to get some feedback on IBD’s “take” on the chart pattern.


“Epiq Systems, No. 39 on this week’s Investor’s Business Daily 100, broke out of an eight-month base.  The bankruptcy software stock jumped 1.57 to 21.56 in triple its normal trade.”


First of all, I thought EPIQ isn’t a CANSLIM stock because the ADV is less than WON recommends.  Not that I’m complaining about IBD’s coverage – it can only help improve the price.  Second, I wonder way IBD picked 21 Apr as the BO day versus 28 Mar.  Thanks, jg


Jeffrey Gasta

Telecommunications Engineering

Marriott International

Voice:  301.380.6204

Fax:  301.380.8649


This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law.


------_=_NextPart_001_01C309AA.618036CE-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Patrick Wahl" Subject: [CANSLIM] RE:Leisure Industry( Date: 23 Apr 2003 10:10:35 -0600 On 23 Apr 2003 at 9:51, Katherine Malm wrote: > I've got the leisure industry listed as a "macrotheme" worth noting. I noticed a few stocks in the education business performing very well lately (actually they've held up well for over a year) - CECO, COCO, APOL, UOPX. I heard a stock market guy suggest that these sorts of schools may replace college for at least some people as a way to pick up just the technical skills needed for a job without the time and expense required for a college education, so there is a possible macro theme. Any thoughts, anyone? (the rim to rim thing sounds like a good one. if you like that place, try canyonlands and arches n.p. up near Moab sometime.) - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gasta, Jeff" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] EPIQ Noted in IBD Big Picture Today Date: 23 Apr 2003 12:39:13 -0400 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C309B6.DF9DB19C Content-Type: text/plain Hi Tom, I just realized the EPIQ was also mentioned in IBD's Tuesday NASDAQ stocks in the news. Here their comment makes more sense. "Epiq Systems cleared a 31-week base March 28. It quickly pulled back, but found support at its 50-day moving average and never dropped more than 5% below its pivot point. It confirmed its earlier breakout Monday with a nearly 8% move on triple normal trade..." So 28 Mar was the BO day after all. Jeffrey Gasta Telecommunications Engineering Marriott International Voice: 301.380.6204 Fax: 301.380.8649 This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law. -----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 11:37 PM Hi Jeff, Since EPIQ is one of my known favorites, guess everyone is waiting for me to comment :)) I am currently on my 6th trip in about 3 years on this favorite, currently up just over 50% with today's close, and every trip so far has been profitable ranging from 20% to over 400%, so understand I am biased in my view. First, IBD has a long history of killing a rally by mentioning a stock so today's performance surprises me now after learning they commented on EPIQ. Past mention on many CANSLIM quality stocks have often led to short term traders buying it for a quick hit figuring on CANSLIMers breaking it out after IBD mentions it. I hope this will be the exception. Second, I disagree on your perception of volume being insufficient to qualify as a CANSLIM stock (but then again I am biased, having owned EPIQ at times when its daily average was well under 10,000 shares a day). It is still a small cap stock, with only 11.2 million shares in the float, so averaging over 100K shares a day is very good volume. As far as the date that IBD picked, it would appear that they are using 8/26/02 as the left rim of the cup. Given that, then 4/21 would be the b/o as it both moved over that high point as well as having volume. Personally, the steady decline down from 4/21 to the price spike of 10/22 would have me count 10/22 as the left cup, making your entry correct for a breakout. In any case, congrats on a quick two buck profit, and we both can hope for it to get even better. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 12:58 PM Hello all. I bought EPIQ on 28 Mar 03. That day it broke out of a base with a big spike in price on high volume. After that, the break out stalled, however I did not see a clear sell signal, so I held the stock. Yesterday it spiked up again and today is looking good also. IBD mentioned the stock in today's Big Picture column. I'm puzzled by their comment and hope to get some feedback on IBD's "take" on the chart pattern. "Epiq Systems, No. 39 on this week's Investor's Business Daily 100, broke out of an eight-month base. The bankruptcy software stock jumped 1.57 to 21.56 in triple its normal trade." First of all, I thought EPIQ isn't a CANSLIM stock because the ADV is less than WON recommends. Not that I'm complaining about IBD's coverage - it can only help improve the price. Second, I wonder way IBD picked 21 Apr as the BO day versus 28 Mar. Thanks, jg Jeffrey Gasta Telecommunications Engineering Marriott International Voice: 301.380.6204 Fax: 301.380.8649 This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C309B6.DF9DB19C Content-Type: text/html

Hi Tom,


I just realized the EPIQ was also mentioned in IBD’s Tuesday NASDAQ stocks in the news.  Here their comment makes more sense.


“Epiq Systems cleared a 31-week base March 28.  It quickly pulled back, but found support at its 50-day moving average and never dropped more than 5% below its pivot point.  It confirmed its earlier breakout Monday with a nearly 8% move on triple normal trade…”


So 28 Mar was the BO day after all. 


Jeffrey Gasta

Telecommunications Engineering

Marriott International

Voice:  301.380.6204

Fax:  301.380.8649


This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Worley []
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 11:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] EPIQ Noted in IBD Big Picture Today


Hi Jeff,


Since EPIQ is one of my known favorites, guess everyone is waiting for me to comment :)) I am currently on my 6th trip in about 3 years on this favorite, currently up just over 50% with today's close, and every trip so far has been profitable ranging from 20% to over 400%, so understand I am biased in my view.


First, IBD has a long history of killing a rally by mentioning a stock so today's performance surprises me now after learning they commented on EPIQ. Past mention on many CANSLIM quality stocks have often led to short term traders buying it for a quick hit figuring on CANSLIMers breaking it out after IBD mentions it. I hope this will be the exception.


Second, I disagree on your perception of volume being insufficient to qualify as a CANSLIM stock (but then again I am biased, having owned EPIQ at times when its daily average was well under 10,000 shares a day). It is still a small cap stock, with only 11.2 million shares in the float, so averaging over 100K shares a day is very good volume.


As far as the date that IBD picked, it would appear that they are using 8/26/02 as the left rim of the cup. Given that, then 4/21 would be the b/o as it both moved over that high point as well as having volume.  Personally, the steady decline down from 4/21 to the price spike of 10/22 would have me count 10/22 as the left cup, making your entry correct for a breakout.


In any case, congrats on a quick two buck profit, and we both can hope for it to get even better.


----- Original Message -----

From: Gasta, Jeff

Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 12:58 PM

Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ Noted in IBD Big Picture Today


Hello all.  I bought EPIQ on 28 Mar 03.  That day it broke out of a base with a big spike in price on high volume.  After that, the break out stalled, however I did not see a clear sell signal, so I held the stock.  Yesterday it spiked up again and today is looking good also.  IBD mentioned the stock in today’s Big Picture column.  I’m puzzled by their comment and hope to get some feedback on IBD’s “take” on the chart pattern.


“Epiq Systems, No. 39 on this week’s Investor’s Business Daily 100, broke out of an eight-month base.  The bankruptcy software stock jumped 1.57 to 21.56 in triple its normal trade.”


First of all, I thought EPIQ isn’t a CANSLIM stock because the ADV is less than WON recommends.  Not that I’m complaining about IBD’s coverage – it can only help improve the price.  Second, I wonder way IBD picked 21 Apr as the BO day versus 28 Mar.  Thanks, jg


Jeffrey Gasta

Telecommunications Engineering

Marriott International

Voice:  301.380.6204

Fax:  301.380.8649


This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law.


------_=_NextPart_001_01C309B6.DF9DB19C-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ian Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] "M" - the trend Date: 23 Apr 2003 14:42:45 -0700 Hi all: I'll add a couple of more 'M' trends - strictly personal observations: 1. Revenues are weak this quarter, in spite of generally solid earnings. I use daily IBD earnings reports as the basis of assembling a stock universe, and one of my key criterias is 20%+ revenue growth. I am finding fewer qualified candidates this quarter than I have in a long time, in spite of the abundance of great EPS growth. 2. The nanocap and microcap CANSLIM candidates that I follow really seem to be the flavour du jour of this market. I have seen many huge runs over the last 6 weeks. 3. IBD's own recent publication of the 'IBD 100' confirms my personal belief that WON"s volume and price minimums are arbitrary, and in fact are an obstacle to low-risk market-beating returns. The IBD 100 is chock full of stocks that started showing great revenue and EPS growth while the share price was still in the single digits, and ADV was low. Some examples of stocks that first made my personal radar screen as single-digit midgets over the past few years (I'd wager that many of the other issues that I do not follow, started from similar humble beginnings): (The Number is IBD's ranking in the IBD 100) 1. HITK - Was a nanocap when great earnings started hitting in the spring of '01. Volume was non-existant. The most recent 400% surge started last September as HITK saw a quantum gap up in ADV. 4. SSYS - Was a low single digit 'invisible' stock just 6 months ago. 9. TARO - I believe it was $8 pre-split, when I first noticed their great earnings in the summer of 2000 11. BCGI - was in the sinlge digits just last fall. 12. GSOF - a $7 no-volume stock when it broke out last September on great EPS growth. 20. QSII - I remember trading it from $10 in the summer of '01 21. CEDC - Tom can attest to the fact that I sent him an email in real-time when it broke out on volume at $5.20 in July '01. CEDC was so illiquid at the time that I would have risk being laughed off of the list just for bringing it up. 29. JOSB - Nifty little clothier had a qunatum volume jump early last year when it was at $8 85. USNA - A dubious industry kept me away - but great earnings kick-started volume from just $2 early last year. I'm still kicking myself on this one, as I was watching the ticker as it jumped to $3 in a heartbeat. It exhibited the same kind of tremendous ' never look back' characterstic that WON always expects from winners - even from $2! 88. JCOM - The quantum change in volume hit just 1 year ago, at $7. Cheers, Ian ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 8:05 PM > worth noting that virtually every index still looks alike, but now are all > in a several week uptrend. In each case, they moved above on today's > trading, on above average volume, both of the recent high spikes of 3/21 and > 4/7, and are approaching the calendar year highs set back in mid January. > > RS lines are trending up, as are the 50 dma. The 200 dma appears to be > bottoming, a continuation of the short term trend will also have this line > trending up. The increase in trading volume is likewise significant to me, > as I believe a large amount of cash has been, and continues to be, on the > sidelines. I also suspect a lot of buying power is still tied up in short > positions. > > Earnings reports so far appear to be muted, most meeting lowered > expectations, which suggests to me the "real expectations" were far worse. > > Tom Worley > > AIM: TexWorley > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ken MacFarlane" Subject: [CANSLIM] Education Date: 23 Apr 2003 18:54:31 -0700 Would someone please take a moment to discuss the price action and volume behavior over the last four or five days of SINA. there something there as a learning tool for the future? Can you separate the market action from the fact that there will be an earnings announcement tomorrow? Thanks in advance. Ken - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tomas Subject: [CANSLIM] Read on EDMC Date: 23 Apr 2003 20:26:19 -0700 (PDT) Hi everyone, What do yall think of EDMC and its price action? Looking at the graph, would you consider a cup and handle formation from beginning of Jan 2003 to mid March? (left side of cup at about 1/6, right side at about 2/5 and BO at 3/21). Or from mid Oct of 2002 til now is a big cup? Depending what formation you can consider, today's big volume could be a entry point(later formation) or the price is extended (first formation). Did I interpret it semi-right, or am I total off? tomas __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris Jones" Subject: [CANSLIM] April CANSLIM Hunting List? Date: 23 Apr 2003 23:50:34 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0018_01C309F3.21A1F170 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Katherine - Just wondering if I missed the CANSLIM Hunting list this month, or if it = is yet to come. I know that we all appreciate the great work that you = do. Thanks So Much! Chris ------=_NextPart_000_0018_01C309F3.21A1F170 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Katherine -
Just wondering if I missed the CANSLIM = Hunting list=20 this month, or if it is yet to come.  I know that we all appreciate = the=20 great work that you do.
Thanks So Much!
------=_NextPart_000_0018_01C309F3.21A1F170-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Triffet Subject: [CANSLIM] Speaking of lists... Date: 24 Apr 2003 09:19:59 -0700 (PDT) For those of you that don't read IBD these days, they now have a list of their best 100 stocks to follow every Monday edition. It's a computer generated list btw. Many of these issues are followed here (being canslim and all...). I just wonder how this may affect those issues - either short term or long? Myself and several others here consider the "IBD Curse" as a point to consider when looking for breakouts. Ex: Many times the momentum/swing folks buy at the base then sell immediately into the break out for a quick gain - especially when memtioned in IBD. -- Bill - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eddie Garratt Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Speaking of lists... Date: 24 Apr 2003 09:39:07 -0700 IBD Curse. I play the 'Curse' differently. I try and buy the best companies after the breakout fails and ride it back up. It doesn't always work. I got out of GRMN ($34?) and ERES ($22) after breaking out, only to be left way behind. Sometimes it does work. I picked up APPX early this week under $17 (it might have been late last week), it's now over $22. IBD points out great stocks, and there are different ways to profit from it. Good luck all. -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 9:20 AM For those of you that don't read IBD these days, they now have a list of their best 100 stocks to follow every Monday edition. It's a computer generated list btw. Many of these issues are followed here (being canslim and all...). I just wonder how this may affect those issues - either short term or long? Myself and several others here consider the "IBD Curse" as a point to consider when looking for breakouts. Ex: Many times the momentum/swing folks buy at the base then sell immediately into the break out for a quick gain - especially when memtioned in IBD. -- Bill - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gene Ricci" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Speaking of lists... Date: 24 Apr 2003 12:30:35 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0044_01C30A5D.4E5EAE50 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Bill, what criteria is used to select the IBD best 100? Thanks, Gene ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Bill Triffet=20 To: canslim=20 Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 11:19 AM Subject: [CANSLIM] Speaking of lists... For those of you that don't read IBD these days, they now have a list = of their best 100 stocks to follow every Monday edition. It's a computer = generated list btw. Many of these issues are followed here (being canslim and all...). I = just wonder how this may affect those issues - either short term or = long?=20 Myself and several others here consider the "IBD Curse" as a point to = consider when looking for breakouts. Ex: Many times the momentum/swing = folks buy at the base then sell immediately into the break out for a = quick gain - especially when memtioned in IBD. -- Bill=20 - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------=_NextPart_000_0044_01C30A5D.4E5EAE50 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Bill, what criteria is used to = select the=20 IBD best 100?
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Bill=20 Triffet
To: canslim
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 = 11:19=20 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] Speaking of=20 lists...

For those of you that don't read IBD these days, they = now have=20 a list of their best 100 stocks to follow every Monday edition. It's a = computer generated list btw.

Many of these issues are followed = here=20 (being canslim and all...). I just wonder how this may affect those = issues -=20 either short term or long?

Myself and several others here = consider the=20 "IBD Curse" as a point to consider when looking for breakouts. Ex: = Many times=20 the momentum/swing folks buy at the base then sell immediately into = the break=20 out for a quick gain - especially when memtioned in = IBD.


-To subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""
-In= the=20 email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe = canslim".  Do=20 not use quotes in your email.
------=_NextPart_000_0044_01C30A5D.4E5EAE50-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gasta, Jeff" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Speaking of lists... Date: 24 Apr 2003 17:36:08 -0400 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C30AA9.84947B20 Content-Type: text/plain Here is what a little box of text next to the IBD 100 says. The IBD 100, which runs each Monday, is a computer-generated ranking of the leading companies in America. Rankings are based on a combination of each company's recent earnings growth record; IBD's Composite Rating, which includes key measures such as return on equity, sales growth and profit margins; and relative price performance in the last 12 months. "Quarters of Rising Sponsorship" counts quarters in a row with more mutual funds owning the company. A company's inclusion in the ranking should not be viewed as a recommendation. Jeffrey Gasta Telecommunications Engineering Marriott International Voice: 301.380.6204 Fax: 301.380.8649 This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law. -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 1:31 PM Bill, what criteria is used to select the IBD best 100? Thanks, Gene ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 11:19 AM For those of you that don't read IBD these days, they now have a list of their best 100 stocks to follow every Monday edition. It's a computer generated list btw. Many of these issues are followed here (being canslim and all...). I just wonder how this may affect those issues - either short term or long? Myself and several others here consider the "IBD Curse" as a point to consider when looking for breakouts. Ex: Many times the momentum/swing folks buy at the base then sell immediately into the break out for a quick gain - especially when memtioned in IBD. -- Bill - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email " " -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C30AA9.84947B20 Content-Type: text/html

Here is what a little box of text next to the IBD 100 says.


The IBD 100, which runs each Monday, is a computer-generated ranking of the leading companies in America.  Rankings are based on a combination of each company’s recent earnings growth record; IBD’s Composite Rating, which includes key measures such as return on equity, sales growth and profit margins; and relative price performance in the last 12 months.  “Quarters of  Rising Sponsorship” counts quarters in a row with more mutual funds owning the company.  A company’s inclusion in the ranking should not be viewed as a recommendation.


Jeffrey Gasta

Telecommunications Engineering

Marriott International

Voice:  301.380.6204

Fax:  301.380.8649


This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gene Ricci []
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Speaking of lists...


Bill, what criteria is used to select the IBD best 100?




----- Original Message -----

From: Bill Triffet

To: canslim

Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 11:19 AM

Subject: [CANSLIM] Speaking of lists...


For those of you that don't read IBD these days, they now have a list of their best 100 stocks to follow every Monday edition. It's a computer generated list btw.

Many of these issues are followed here (being canslim and all...). I just wonder how this may affect those issues - either short term or long?

Myself and several others here consider the "IBD Curse" as a point to consider when looking for breakouts. Ex: Many times the momentum/swing folks buy at the base then sell immediately into the break out for a quick gain - especially when memtioned in IBD.


-To subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""
-In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe canslim".  Do not use quotes in your email.

------_=_NextPart_001_01C30AA9.84947B20-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gene Ricci" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Speaking of lists... Date: 24 Apr 2003 17:11:15 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_031B_01C30A84.83420A50 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Thank Jeff! Gene ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Gasta, Jeff=20 To: ''=20 Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 4:36 PM Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Speaking of lists... Here is what a little box of text next to the IBD 100 says. The IBD 100, which runs each Monday, is a computer-generated ranking = of the leading companies in America. Rankings are based on a = combination of each company's recent earnings growth record; IBD's = Composite Rating, which includes key measures such as return on equity, = sales growth and profit margins; and relative price performance in the = last 12 months. "Quarters of Rising Sponsorship" counts quarters in a = row with more mutual funds owning the company. A company's inclusion in = the ranking should not be viewed as a recommendation. Jeffrey Gasta Telecommunications Engineering Marriott International Voice: 301.380.6204 Fax: 301.380.8649 This communication contains information from Marriott International, = Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended = recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who = receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, = distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication = in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly = notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate = as an electronic signature under applicable law. -----Original Message----- From: Gene Ricci []=20 Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 1:31 PM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Speaking of lists... Bill, what criteria is used to select the IBD best 100? Thanks, Gene ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Bill Triffet=20 To: canslim=20 Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 11:19 AM Subject: [CANSLIM] Speaking of lists... For those of you that don't read IBD these days, they now have a = list of their best 100 stocks to follow every Monday edition. It's a = computer generated list btw. Many of these issues are followed here (being canslim and all...). I = just wonder how this may affect those issues - either short term or = long?=20 Myself and several others here consider the "IBD Curse" as a point = to consider when looking for breakouts. Ex: Many times the = momentum/swing folks buy at the base then sell immediately into the = break out for a quick gain - especially when memtioned in IBD. -- Bill=20 - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------=_NextPart_000_031B_01C30A84.83420A50 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Thank Jeff!
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Gasta,=20 Jeff
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 = 4:36=20 PM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Speaking = of=20 lists...

Here is = what a little=20 box of text next to the IBD 100 says.


The IBD = 100, which=20 runs each Monday, is a computer-generated ranking of the leading = companies in=20 America.  = Rankings are=20 based on a combination of each company=92s recent earnings growth = record; IBD=92s=20 Composite Rating, which includes key measures such as return on = equity, sales=20 growth and profit margins; and relative price performance in the last = 12=20 months.  =93Quarters of  Rising Sponsorship=94 counts = quarters in a row=20 with more mutual funds owning the company.  A company=92s = inclusion in the=20 ranking should not be viewed as a recommendation.


Jeffrey=20 Gasta

Telecommunications=20 Engineering

Marriott=20 International

Voice: =20 301.380.6204

Fax: =20 301.380.8649


This = communication=20 contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be=20 confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as = expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this = information=20 is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. = If you=20 have received this communication in error, please immediately delete = it and=20 all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this = communication is=20 intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable=20 law.


-----Original=20 Message-----
From: = Gene Ricci=20 []
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 = 1:31=20 PM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Speaking = of=20 lists...


Bill, what=20 criteria is used to select the IBD best = 100?




----- Original Message = -----=20

From: Bill=20 Triffet

To: canslim=20

Sent:=20 Thursday, April 24, 2003 11:19 AM

Subject:=20 [CANSLIM] Speaking of lists...


For those of you that don't = read IBD=20 these days, they now have a list of their best 100 stocks to follow = every=20 Monday edition. It's a computer generated list btw.

Many of = these=20 issues are followed here (being canslim and all...). I just wonder = how this=20 may affect those issues - either short term or long?

Myself = and=20 several others here consider the "IBD Curse" as a point to consider = when=20 looking for breakouts. Ex: Many times the momentum/swing folks buy = at the=20 base then sell immediately into the break out for a quick gain - = especially=20 when memtioned in IBD.


-To=20 subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""
-In= the=20 email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe = canslim".  Do=20 not use quotes in your=20 email.

------=_NextPart_000_031B_01C30A84.83420A50-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Education Date: 25 Apr 2003 10:02:00 -0400 perhaps an expectation / anticipation of them benefiting from more people staying home due to the SARS threat. Certainly well extended now, only a momentum play, but fundies look strong, recent volume shows "discovery" interest, and only a 3% ownership by funds as of last quarter. Expectations have been far higher, however. It was well into the 50s in price in mid 2000. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 9:54 PM Would someone please take a moment to discuss the price action and volume behavior over the last four or five days of SINA. there something there as a learning tool for the future? Can you separate the market action from the fact that there will be an earnings announcement tomorrow? Thanks in advance. Ken - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Read on EDMC Date: 25 Apr 2003 10:31:39 -0400 Tomas, I see the left rim of the cup forming (a thick rim) from 9/30/02 thru 10/21/02 (and use the latter date as the "edge" of the rim for determining a current pivot). So current action looks to me to be building the handle and worth watching. On the fundies, I note that year over year they look good, but make most of their money in only two out of four quarters. One "strong qtr" is already reported, and the other is done and should be reported soon, so I don't see what will drive it higher for the next six months or so. I also note 36% ownership by mutual funds already, so not much room left for them to add more and drive it higher, more room for them to become major sellers if the earnings fail expectations both present and future. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 11:26 PM Hi everyone, What do yall think of EDMC and its price action? Looking at the graph, would you consider a cup and handle formation from beginning of Jan 2003 to mid March? (left side of cup at about 1/6, right side at about 2/5 and BO at 3/21). Or from mid Oct of 2002 til now is a big cup? Depending what formation you can consider, today's big volume could be a entry point(later formation) or the price is extended (first formation). Did I interpret it semi-right, or am I total off? tomas __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harold Josephson" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] "M" - the trend Date: 25 Apr 2003 11:01:30 -0700 Hi Ian, Would you consider sharing how you mine for the small caps? Thanks, Harold -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Ian Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 2:43 PM Hi all: I'll add a couple of more 'M' trends - strictly personal observations: 1. Revenues are weak this quarter, in spite of generally solid earnings. I use daily IBD earnings reports as the basis of assembling a stock universe, and one of my key criterias is 20%+ revenue growth. I am finding fewer qualified candidates this quarter than I have in a long time, in spite of the abundance of great EPS growth. 2. The nanocap and microcap CANSLIM candidates that I follow really seem to be the flavour du jour of this market. I have seen many huge runs over the last 6 weeks. 3. IBD's own recent publication of the 'IBD 100' confirms my personal belief that WON"s volume and price minimums are arbitrary, and in fact are an obstacle to low-risk market-beating returns. The IBD 100 is chock full of stocks that started showing great revenue and EPS growth while the share price was still in the single digits, and ADV was low. Some examples of stocks that first made my personal radar screen as single-digit midgets over the past few years (I'd wager that many of the other issues that I do not follow, started from similar humble beginnings): (The Number is IBD's ranking in the IBD 100) 1. HITK - Was a nanocap when great earnings started hitting in the spring of '01. Volume was non-existant. The most recent 400% surge started last September as HITK saw a quantum gap up in ADV. 4. SSYS - Was a low single digit 'invisible' stock just 6 months ago. 9. TARO - I believe it was $8 pre-split, when I first noticed their great earnings in the summer of 2000 11. BCGI - was in the sinlge digits just last fall. 12. GSOF - a $7 no-volume stock when it broke out last September on great EPS growth. 20. QSII - I remember trading it from $10 in the summer of '01 21. CEDC - Tom can attest to the fact that I sent him an email in real-time when it broke out on volume at $5.20 in July '01. CEDC was so illiquid at the time that I would have risk being laughed off of the list just for bringing it up. 29. JOSB - Nifty little clothier had a qunatum volume jump early last year when it was at $8 85. USNA - A dubious industry kept me away - but great earnings kick-started volume from just $2 early last year. I'm still kicking myself on this one, as I was watching the ticker as it jumped to $3 in a heartbeat. It exhibited the same kind of tremendous ' never look back' characterstic that WON always expects from winners - even from $2! 88. JCOM - The quantum change in volume hit just 1 year ago, at $7. Cheers, Ian ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 8:05 PM > worth noting that virtually every index still looks alike, but now are all > in a several week uptrend. In each case, they moved above on today's > trading, on above average volume, both of the recent high spikes of 3/21 and > 4/7, and are approaching the calendar year highs set back in mid January. > > RS lines are trending up, as are the 50 dma. The 200 dma appears to be > bottoming, a continuation of the short term trend will also have this line > trending up. The increase in trading volume is likewise significant to me, > as I believe a large amount of cash has been, and continues to be, on the > sidelines. I also suspect a lot of buying power is still tied up in short > positions. > > Earnings reports so far appear to be muted, most meeting lowered > expectations, which suggests to me the "real expectations" were far worse. > > Tom Worley > > AIM: TexWorley > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim Katona" Subject: [CANSLIM] Investor 3000 and CANSLIM? Date: 26 Apr 2003 20:06:53 -0700 I just saw this web site, does anybody have experience with this service? The text below refers to CANSLIM. Thanks, Tim "There are over 18,000 stocks on the market. Each company releases earnings 4 times a year. When a company beats earnings expectations, the stock has a good chance of rising. The Investor3000 monitors every single company that beats earnings expectations, on a daily basis, and selects only the best of these stocks, based on momentum, volume, and earnings growth. It is set to automatically scan for stocks with positive earnings surprises. It starts with the "C" in CANSLIM. It then digs deeper, filtering for stocks with volume at least 50k or higher and quarterly earnings growth of at least 20% over a three quarter period. All stocks that are not currently moving up are kicked out. It continually monitors the market and displays a short list of stocks that match this criteria. As soon as a stock not longer qualifies, it drops from the list. You can choose the frequency of the updates from every minute to every hour, and set the Search Level to go back as far as 4 days. " - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Roger Tawa Subject: [CANSLIM] market bottom Date: 27 Apr 2003 22:35:17 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_2jG6bbg1OqAZd8/DweNfdQ) Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Hi all, I'm studying lesson 14 in WON's 24 essential lessons, and I have a question about the first day of any attempted rally. On page 78, WON says that oct 8th represents the start of a new rally. However, this day's volume is down quite a bit from the previous day. Does this mean that a rally can start when an index is up 1% or more, regardless of volume? Is it only a follow through day that needs to be up 1% or more *and* have increased volume? Thanks. ================================================= Roger Tawa [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] [When you stop, you're done.] --Boundary_(ID_2jG6bbg1OqAZd8/DweNfdQ) Content-type: application/ms-tnef; name=winmail.dat Content-transfer-encoding: base64 Content-disposition: attachment; filename=winmail.dat eJ8+IhECAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEGgAMADgAAANMHBAAbABYAIwAAAAAAMgEB A5AGAFANAAAlAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAADADYAAAAAAB4AcAAB AAAADgAAAG1hcmtldCBib3R0b20AAAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABww0uzi3BWA0RmltE2Jc0mjo3JaSv AAACAR0MAQAAABoAAABTTVRQOlJPR0VSVEFAVklERU9UUk9OLkNBAAAACwABDgAAAABAAAYOAGK7 wy4NwwECAQoOAQAAABgAAAAAAAAA2IJAdOwX8ke6o3RVn8q6fMKAAAALAB8OAQAAAAIBCRABAAAA 5wgAAOMIAAAGFQAATFpGdbFsuxMDAAoAcmNwZzEyNXIyDGBjMQMwAQcLYG6RDhAwMzMPFmZlD5JP AfcCpANjAgBjaArAc4RldALRcHJxMgAAkioKoW5vElAgMAHQhQHQNg+gMDUwNBQh8wHQFBA0fQdt AoMAUAPU+xH/EwtiE+EUUBOyGPQU0I8HEwKDD7ERnTIzOBdUoiAHbSBDRRoENBp/pxRAG68ctXly GgQ2EY5cMTYWMR7/A4JHCdFrdRoENyDvNg5QIi8Dc1TvCHAaBBuRIQ03JDElnwOCkChIZWIJcHcp GgT6OSePNxufKbYHEAGgDeB3KpQUUCsfOCDRLG8DgkL9B0B0DeAuNBY/G3gHEx0GvjQlYTI9Hrcz tSBVNB2RzxZsIegztCOINDU3TyVX+zO0JuY0INE3bSiXM7QqK/40JDE8zjM8LbwsMTdtL7evM7Qx RgKRCOY7CW8wRb/6ZQ4wNUbqSAFHv0jJRtT/SPJHX0svSu1Kb0ifRu8QYPwyOFC6UdFRj1KZRtRS wr9RL1T/VL1UP1JvVjQ5DlAfWYRa4VMDWuACgnN0eapsB5BoCeB0AABxAyE8bGkBQAUQAUAD8GRj 7HRsCrEAYHMKsF4gFuARXmJudW0CAGFhdcR0bwBgZGp1XFAFEHhnaHRdgQoBXVAKAWn5AZBwMAMx MgIMAQ9XEBjPCNAJwF3gYiNucGJ5ZBThAzBzbmV4FzAHsAWw5wDAAnMTEGNzD5ADMF/g0mRhQGl2 E4BEARBfkGkxYCBQCsBhCcBhYGhsIEYCIVwTMTnwXRJm9GktD5A4YNJp012cKlC8ZHIJUGtyFqBr cnc54f8qUF6AAdBm0V6PX59gpmnT72FPYl9jb2R+Ym0wCYACIJ9wcWVjaTBn8GChdC1okBUDYTow MG92MFN1YgpqBZB0djBEYXRl/jpo5CDQaW9qf2uPbJ9tr/9uv2/MXKB9MAuADhJwcQwwf3CkDlBx L3I/c090X3VnUvZlZ1AXASAqMH0wBJBo5P8kMHf/eQ96H3svfD4IYF4Q7QuAZVyAZ1BsAUB9P35P LX9UMI9wCNBiCrB0OPt/6HEGMh2QEBaRMYHkE1DxF3Bvb2aCP4NPhFeQAPOFcAtQeS9ooInQCxGF 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AABlAAAASElBTEwsSU1TVFVEWUlOR0xFU1NPTjE0SU5XT05TMjRFU1NFTlRJQUxMRVNTT05TLEFO RElIQVZFQVFVRVNUSU9OQUJPVVRUSEVGSVJTVERBWU9GQU5ZQVRURU1QVEVEUkFMTAAAAADxZw== --Boundary_(ID_2jG6bbg1OqAZd8/DweNfdQ)-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tomas Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Read on EDMC Date: 27 Apr 2003 22:01:05 -0700 (PDT) Tom, Thanks for your feedback. I appreciated it very much. tomas --- Tom Worley wrote: > Tomas, > > I see the left rim of the cup forming (a thick rim) > from 9/30/02 thru > 10/21/02 (and use the latter date as the "edge" of > the rim for determining a > current pivot). So current action looks to me to be > building the handle and > worth watching. > > On the fundies, I note that year over year they look > good, but make most of > their money in only two out of four quarters. One > "strong qtr" is already > reported, and the other is done and should be > reported soon, so I don't see > what will drive it higher for the next six months or > so. I also note 36% > ownership by mutual funds already, so not much room > left for them to add > more and drive it higher, more room for them to > become major sellers if the > earnings fail expectations both present and future. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Tomas" > To: "canslim canslim" > Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 11:26 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] Read on EDMC > > > Hi everyone, > > What do yall think of EDMC and its price action? > Looking at the graph, would you consider a cup and > handle formation from beginning of Jan 2003 to mid > March? (left side of cup at about 1/6, right side > at > about 2/5 and BO at 3/21). Or from mid Oct of 2002 > til now is a big cup? > > Depending what formation you can consider, today's > big > volume could be a entry point(later formation) or > the > price is extended (first formation). > > Did I interpret it semi-right, or am I total off? > > tomas > > > __________________________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email > "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your > email. > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email > "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Katherine Malm" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] market bottom Date: 28 Apr 2003 08:12:11 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01C30D5D.DEDE8330 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Roger, The beginning of an "attempted" rally is simply a close up from the prior day. Volume isn't a concern, because all you are looking for in a day like this is the ability of the index to close on an "up note" after a string of down days. Once that attempted rally starts, you are *then* in the 3rd through 10th day following that first attempted "up" day, you are looking for an up day on 1-2% more volume than prior day (the FTD) . That "confirms" that the first day of the attempted rally (regardless of the volume) wasn't a fluke, but the beginning of a new underlying trend/direction for the index. See also for Bill Lee's explanation of the attempted rally/follow through day. Katherine > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] > Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 8:35 PM > To: CANSLIM > Subject: [CANSLIM] market bottom > > Hi all, > > I'm studying lesson 14 in WON's 24 essential lessons, and I have a > question about the first day of any attempted rally. > > On page 78, WON says that oct 8th represents the start of a new rally. > However, this day's volume is down quite a bit from the previous day. > Does this mean that a rally can start when an index is up 1% or more, > regardless of volume? Is it only a follow through day that needs to be up > 1% or more *and* have increased volume? Thanks. > > ================================================= > Roger Tawa > > [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] > [When you stop, you're done.] > ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01C30D5D.DEDE8330 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef; name="winmail.dat" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="winmail.dat" eJ8+IgsNAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEGgAMADgAAANMHBAAcAAkADAAAAAEAEAEB A5AGAJAJAAAkAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAADAC4AAAAAAAMANgAA AAAAHgBwAAEAAAAOAAAAbWFya2V0IGJvdHRvbQAAAAIBcQABAAAAGwAAAAHDDS7OLcFYDRGaW0TY lzSaOjclpK8AFgzFgAACAR0MAQAAABkAAABTTVRQOktNQUxNQEVBUlRITElOSy5ORVQAAAAACwAB DgAAAABAAAYOAPhkIpANwwECAQoOAQAAABgAAAAAAAAAX0odaOc1T0CNMwGQn69VMcKAAAALAB8O AQAAAAIBCRABAAAAQAUAADwFAACNCAAATFpGdeJ+1t0DAAoAcmNwZzEyNRYyAPgLYG4OEDAzM/kO xmZlD0IB9wKkA2MCAARjaArAc2V0MCAfB20CgwBQA9QCAHBycX8OUBG4BxMCgxRhE88SBGE2aANx AoB9CoAIyCA7LQlvMAKACoF2CJB3a2kLgGQ0DGBjAFALA2NDE4ILwzQgSGkH8WcdBJAsCqIKhAqA VGhlcCBiZWcLgAMADyAgSG9mIAORImECQGVGbQUwCYAiIHIHQGx0eSAEACAAkB8AH6FhDCBjCQAS ACB1cCBZA1IgdB2BFDBpBbFkoGF5LiBWBvB1B4C5H8FuJwVAIHECIGMEkWIsHaFjYXUgwR+BIK55 CGAecBjQIAkAbxpxfx4wAhAFwAuAIGEiESUQaf5rHZAhcB/RH9EhcgGgAxA8aXQfsB5RIXIagWV4 PSFgbyCFAiAecyDxbm87HuAfUGEBgASQIGFzdGMFEB4kZG93A6AiEXP9IkBPI3EhYR7AHnAe1h9l syrgCsB0cyPAJKYqIXHsbiol0iFyMwsgIWEDYPB1Z2ggD0AhcCYjAhDPH5ArkB4SLINmaRHwLLr/ KcEfUCIRLjglGwORIPEmMsEpYTEtMiUgBGAk8Z52InQsgQOgIbcgKCFy4EZURCkgIkAdcCyh5iIj UTHxbXMfUCx0IXKvMfQ1QygULN4oGNBnCxE+bAeQBCAoBTZUODB3Ydsi5Q7wdSaQI8F1ObQdvOsp 8AfRdSiBch+gMWMY0NkakC9kMgAFkHQh0AOguyWiKDcuHLoGYCRCcyjggmgCQHA6Ly93RNDKLgDA ciaQdC0e4CrgZQSQLgWgbS9AQQGALrdEYCFQJaJCAxADIEwJ4O4nBCAooAtRbh7AQfI6v70fcy8x BC/nIhIcuksewDs/ICsBZRy6CvQmcDM2/wFAG2ABQBQwKhFB0BNxNAAPTYAPExvwFaQxNiAtfVAS TwUQHdEHQAXQPKFhfxxwUBMctk5EThELE05GaTAtMTQ0AUAmcDE4bjABQAzQU7NiN/ADYTq7AzAM kmISMCuRBJAtJABzAIAmcG1AJnAq4CwAeM5tBAFB8UXiIFsAwAMQ7SjQOlXvVv1dCuMKgVTgawZg AjA6VWZTQIEzUkFzIbEDIDI3I8AB0A9QIIA4OjM1IFBNWpcGVFhQVWZDQU5TTGZJXchb8GJqQcFb Z1u/XxVacEUUHaAqECjQbUx8/1I/TnJNlgBQDwcTgwHQHBLLH4Ecq0kAEHF1KhE18Pkq0XVkQOM8 kjWCHAAl4fhXT05npgQgG/E8oVsxXwcxaMUuIQBwLVBJRFBh+nYkQSBnwEWRQfIBoAhg/zm/HmIg USzsQwssMCGgUTH4IDc4I8BpoR/wK+EsdOZvQdBdUFxzIPAqkSFwvlwqAHKjcqBU4B9gZRQwfweQ WzEnJC3TP+hvhDQASP0rkGVsUByQJrQiEWnYNlX/dwIrkmfAJ8BsYieQMdEhOI92gCHQJCAiBCBE bweRfybDB4ADkSyEH2VY0XTVd98u8R5yKHQf0SDxMTXgBbGvNgIjwDw8NlQ/NABJJvH9ciFuIENJ /x+wLINAQAmA/ychKOAdsH6cLsBU0WvRVaL/LyBsMwuABQB74BIALVCAdzk4cW5rLABMe08GID3/ iR+KL4scHLQcUxdBPdActL9EZQGQPdAjgAIwH3EuQED0dC8ctFssMCajHiFtNLUKsWFBkGc5MFVA cybQmwGAbCFwcsAAgC5djvVOV32iJKIq4G9wLjMnfyTxK4BAQJHmZUgcwxfRAAGVwB4AQhABAAAA NAAAADxQQ0VITEtLREtNTkhOUExPRkdHTEFFQ01DRkFBLnJvZ2VydGFAdmlkZW90cm9uLmNhPgAL AAGACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAADhQAAAAAAAAMAA4AIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAABCF AAAAAAAAAwAHgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAUoUAAH1uAQAeAAmACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAA RgAAAABUhQAAAQAAAAQAAAA5LjAACwANgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAgoUAAAEAAAALADqA CCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAAOhQAAAAAAAAMAPIAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAABGFAAAA AAAAAwA9gAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAGIUAAAAAAAALAFKACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAA AAAGhQAAAAAAAAMAU4AIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAAAGFAAAAAAAAAgH4DwEAAAAQAAAAX0od aOc1T0CNMwGQn69VMQIB+g8BAAAAEAAAAF9KHWjnNU9AjTMBkJ+vVTECAfsPAQAAALIAAAAAAAAA OKG7EAXlEBqhuwgAKypWwgAAUFNUUFJYLkRMTAAAAAAAAAAATklUQfm/uAEAqgA32W4AAABDOlxE b2N1bWVudHMgYW5kIFNldHRpbmdzXEthdGhlcmluZSBNYWxtXExvY2FsIFNldHRpbmdzXEFwcGxp Y2F0aW9uIERhdGFcTWljcm9zb2Z0XE91dGxvb2tcTWljcm9zb2Z0XE91dGxvb2tcb3V0bG9vay5w c3QAAAADAP4PBQAAAAMADTT9NwAAAgF/AAEAAAAzAAAAPEVQRUFJTkRERk9OS0lDTUhMQ0FFRUVO RkNMQUEua21hbG1AZWFydGhsaW5rLm5ldD4AAAMABhBIEceeAwAHEO4EAAADABAQAAAAAAMAERAD AAAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAASElST0dFUixUSEVCRUdJTk5JTkdPRkFOIkFUVEVNUFRFRCJSQUxMWUlT U0lNUExZQUNMT1NFVVBGUk9NVEhFUFJJT1JEQVlWT0xVTUVJU05UQUNPTkNFUk4sQkVDQVVTRUFM TAAAAADHkQ== ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01C30D5D.DEDE8330-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ian Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] "M" - the trend Date: 28 Apr 2003 08:41:42 -0700 Hi Harold and Rolf: My 'mining' technique is actually very, very simple, although it does take up a lot of time during earnings season. I manually look through every reporting companies earnings data within IBD's daily 'Earnings Ups' section. (During the peak of earnings season, there can be up to 340 entries a day. Perhaps the average is about 100.) I have found this to be the most comrehensive list of reporting companies - including all the nanocaps that might just be starting a great earnings trend. I am looking for traditional CANSLIM fundamental criteria - high revenue growth, higher EPS growth and good margins. I can then follow up on these by reading individual company press releases to see if the stated outlook warrants continued optimism. Then I can look at basic price-volume charts to see strength, and resistance/support levels. Although I personally filter against excessive high valuations, I wouldn't worry about it as much if we were in a powerful secular bull market. But apart from that, I don't worry about price or volume or market cap. I do like to see RS of 60 or better starting out, (60 is all I need, as often it takes very little movement for a nanocap to jump from 60 to 80+). I put all of my interesting tickers into an alert system that primarily is looking for a big jump in average daily volume. When I get an alert, I re-examine the chart to see if there is a sustained (4 days seems to be enough) jump in ADV, and/or moves through resistance levels. Hope this helps. Cheers, Ian ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 11:01 AM > Hi Ian, > > Would you consider sharing how you mine for the small caps? > > Thanks, > > Harold > > > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] On Behalf Of Ian > Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 2:43 PM > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] "M" - the trend > > Hi all: > > I'll add a couple of more 'M' trends - strictly personal observations: > > 1. Revenues are weak this quarter, in spite of generally solid earnings. > I > use daily IBD earnings reports as the basis of assembling a stock > universe, > and one of my key criterias is 20%+ revenue growth. I am finding fewer > qualified candidates this quarter than I have in a long time, in spite > of > the abundance of great EPS growth. > > 2. The nanocap and microcap CANSLIM candidates that I follow really seem > to > be the flavour du jour of this market. I have seen many huge runs over > the > last 6 weeks. > > 3. IBD's own recent publication of the 'IBD 100' confirms my personal > belief > that WON"s volume and price minimums are arbitrary, and in fact are an > obstacle to low-risk market-beating returns. The IBD 100 is chock full > of > stocks that started showing great revenue and EPS growth while the share > price was still in the single digits, and ADV was low. > > Some examples of stocks that first made my personal radar screen as > single-digit midgets over the past few years (I'd wager that many of the > other issues that I do not follow, started from similar humble > beginnings): > > (The Number is IBD's ranking in the IBD 100) > > 1. HITK - Was a nanocap when great earnings started hitting in the > spring of > '01. Volume was non-existant. The most recent 400% surge started last > September as HITK saw a quantum gap up in ADV. > 4. SSYS - Was a low single digit 'invisible' stock just 6 months ago. > 9. TARO - I believe it was $8 pre-split, when I first noticed their > great > earnings in the summer of 2000 > 11. BCGI - was in the sinlge digits just last fall. > 12. GSOF - a $7 no-volume stock when it broke out last September on > great > EPS growth. > 20. QSII - I remember trading it from $10 in the summer of '01 > 21. CEDC - Tom can attest to the fact that I sent him an email in > real-time > when it broke out on volume at $5.20 in July '01. CEDC was so illiquid > at > the time that I would have risk being laughed off of the list just for > bringing it up. > 29. JOSB - Nifty little clothier had a qunatum volume jump early last > year > when it was at $8 > 85. USNA - A dubious industry kept me away - but great earnings > kick-started > volume from just $2 early last year. I'm still kicking myself on this > one, > as I was watching the ticker as it jumped to $3 in a heartbeat. It > exhibited > the same kind of tremendous ' never look back' characterstic that WON > always > expects from winners - even from $2! > 88. JCOM - The quantum change in volume hit just 1 year ago, at $7. > > > Cheers, > > Ian > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Tom Worley > To: CANSLIM > Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 8:05 PM > Subject: [CANSLIM] "M" - the trend > > > > worth noting that virtually every index still looks alike, but now are > all > > in a several week uptrend. In each case, they moved above on today's > > trading, on above average volume, both of the recent high spikes of > 3/21 > and > > 4/7, and are approaching the calendar year highs set back in mid > January. > > > > RS lines are trending up, as are the 50 dma. The 200 dma appears to be > > bottoming, a continuation of the short term trend will also have this > line > > trending up. The increase in trading volume is likewise significant to > me, > > as I believe a large amount of cash has been, and continues to be, on > the > > sidelines. I also suspect a lot of buying power is still tied up in > short > > positions. > > > > Earnings reports so far appear to be muted, most meeting lowered > > expectations, which suggests to me the "real expectations" were far > worse. > > > > Tom Worley > > > > AIM: TexWorley > > > > > > > > - > > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. > > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Roger Tawa Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] market bottom Date: 28 Apr 2003 20:25:58 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_7EGZFdc2KNqvk+mpgvMPmA) Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Hi Katherine, Thanks for the explanation. Below when you say "you are looking for an up day on 1-2% more volume than prior day" about the FTD, you mean the price should be up 1-2% and volume should be up (no percent requirement). Is that correct? On a related note, while looking at the recent bottom we had in March, I noticed something curious (at least to me anyway). I was using yahoo finance to look at charts for the DOW Jones Industrial (^DJI), S&P 500 (^SPX) and NASDAQ composite (^IXIC). What was curious was that the daily and weekly volume for the ^DJI and ^SPX were identical. Exactly. After a few email exchanges with yahoo and csi data (who provide the historical information to yahoo), I discovered that csi does not provide index volume. They either provided total NASDAQ composite volume or total NYSE volume, depending on the index. ^DJI and ^SPX seem to use total NYSE volume, while ^IXIC seems to use NASDAQ composite volume. Does this mean that csi data is invalid for looking for DDs or FTDs? I'm not sure what csi is doing is what WON intended when he explains how to look them. Thoughts anyone? So this could mean that anyone using csi data to look for DDs or FTDs may need to be wary of the results. This might explain why Bill Lee states himself on his market-tester website that his tool seems to work better for the NASDAQ then the rest. ---start email exchange with yahoo and csi data--- (KMM6629457V53884L0KM)] Close Print Date Tue, 25 March 2003 11:14:04am From Ron Franz To Thanks for you email. The reason for the same volume is we only provide the NYSE volume for these index. We do not at this time provide the index volume. > Subject: Fwd: Re: Feedback - Inaccurate Data (KMM6629457V53884L0KM) > Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 21:09:57 -0500 > From: Roger Tawa > To: > > hi there, > > i am considering a subscription to your "us stock and indices" service for > personal and private use. however, while using yahoo finance, i encoutered > some problems which they claim originate with you (please see email thread > below). > > can you confirm or deny this problem? are there any specific issues or > limitations with indices? > > thank you. > > Roger Tawa > [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] > > ________________________________________________ > Get your own "800" number > Voicemail, fax, email, and a lot more > > > ---- Yahoo!Finance wrote ---- > > > Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2003 09:25:44 -0800 > > To: Roger Tawa > > Subject: Re: Feedback - Inaccurate Data (KMM6629457V53884L0KM) > > From: Yahoo!Finance > > Reply-To: Yahoo!Finance > > > > > > Hello, > > > > Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Finance. > > > > This data is provided and maintained by CSI Data. We have brought this > > problem to their attention. CSI Data will verify the record and make any > > necessary changes (after which Yahoo! will be sent the updated > > information). > > > > > > Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care. > > > > > > Regards, > > > > Yahoo! Customer Care > > > > For assistance with all Yahoo! services please visit: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Original Message Follows: > > ------------------------- > > > > Yahoo! ID: sherritawa > > > > Subject: Inaccurate Data > > > > Ticker Symbol: ^spx > > > > Company Name: > > > > Type your feedback here: > > hi there, > > > > i am using the historical prices > > feature of yahoo finance. i noticed > > that for two indices, ^SPX and ^DJI, > > the daily volume is exactly the same. > > > > this is a little strange since these > > two indices are not the same. note > > that the price information is not the > > same, and seems to be correct. > > > > is there a problem with the volume data > > for indices? thanks. > > > > > > While Viewing: > > > > Yahoo ID: sherritawa : no amt link > > Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461) > > REMOTE_ADDR: > > REMOTE_HOST: unknown > > Date Originated: Friday March 21, 2003 - 17:24:20 > > ------- > > > > ---end email exchange with yahoo and csi data--- ================================================= Roger Tawa [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] [When you stop, you're done.] -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 9:12 AM To: Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] market bottom Hi Roger, The beginning of an "attempted" rally is simply a close up from the prior day. Volume isn't a concern, because all you are looking for in a day like this is the ability of the index to close on an "up note" after a string of down days. Once that attempted rally starts, you are *then* in the 3rd through 10th day following that first attempted "up" day, you are looking for an up day on 1-2% more volume than prior day (the FTD) . That "confirms" that the first day of the attempted rally (regardless of the volume) wasn't a fluke, but the beginning of a new underlying trend/direction for the index. See also for Bill Lee's explanation of the attempted rally/follow through day. Katherine -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 8:35 PM To: CANSLIM Subject: [CANSLIM] market bottom Hi all, I'm studying lesson 14 in WON's 24 essential lessons, and I have a question about the first day of any attempted rally. On page 78, WON says that oct 8th represents the start of a new rally. However, this day's volume is down quite a bit from the previous day. Does this mean that a rally can start when an index is up 1% or more, regardless of volume? Is it only a follow through day that needs to be up 1% or more *and* have increased volume? Thanks. ================================================= Roger Tawa [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] [When you stop, you're done.] --Boundary_(ID_7EGZFdc2KNqvk+mpgvMPmA) Content-type: application/ms-tnef; name=winmail.dat Content-transfer-encoding: base64 Content-disposition: attachment; filename=winmail.dat eJ8+IjoAAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEGgAMADgAAANMHBAAcABQAGQAAAAEAKAEB A5AGAEAcAAAnAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAADAC4AAAAAAAMANgAA AAAAHgBwAAEAAAAOAAAAbWFya2V0IGJvdHRvbQAAAAIBcQABAAAAIAAAAAHDDS7OLcFYDRGaW0TY lzSaOjclpK8AFgzFgAAU3n4gAgEdDAEAAAAaAAAAU01UUDpST0dFUlRBQFZJREVPVFJPTi5DQQAA AAsAAQ4AAAAAQAAGDgCW+8TlDcMBAgEKDgEAAAAYAAAAAAAAANiCQHTsF/JHuqN0VZ/KunzCgAAA CwAfDgEAAAACAQkQAQAAAIUXAACBFwAAgzsAAExaRnUv31FxAwAKAHJjcGcxMjVyMgxgYzEDMAEH C2BukQ4QMDMzDxZmZQ+STwH3AqQDYwIAY2gKwHOEZXQC0XBycTIAAJIqCqFubxJQIDAB0IUB0DYP 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AAMA/g8FAAAAAwANNP03AAACAX8AAQAAADQAAAA8UENFSExLS0RLTU5ITlBMT0ZHR0xDRUNPQ0ZB QS5yb2dlcnRhQHZpZGVvdHJvbi5jYT4AAwAGEIlBe0MDAAcQ/hIAAAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAIAAAAe AAgQAQAAAGUAAABISUtBVEhFUklORSxUSEFOS1NGT1JUSEVFWFBMQU5BVElPTkJFTE9XV0hFTllP VVNBWSJZT1VBUkVMT09LSU5HRk9SQU5VUERBWU9OMS0yJU1PUkVWT0xVTUVUSEFOUFJJT1JEAAAA AJzI --Boundary_(ID_7EGZFdc2KNqvk+mpgvMPmA)-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Katherine Malm" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] market bottom Date: 29 Apr 2003 08:39:15 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0016_01C30E2A.D0DEBF20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Roger, Thanks for pointing that out... careless editing on my part and you are correct. The FTD looks for a day where price is up 1-2% on volume higher than the previous day (and on volume >= 50 day avg daily volume for the index). In other words, a FTD is an "accumulation" day with particular % increase in price. O'Neil states that a FTD can occur on any of the major indexes. My understanding from talking with Bill Lee is that after doing extensive backtesting on the O'Neil signals (in and out of the market), that the signals were far more reliable on the NASDAQ than on other indexes. He also concluded from that same backtesting that the original definition of a FTD (1% vs. 2%) was a better signal. I see a macro level signal like this to be somewhat secondary to the action in the individual stocks, so I don't think the distinctions are particularly troublesome. Katherine > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] > Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 6:26 PM > To: > Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] market bottom > > Hi Katherine, > > Thanks for the explanation. Below when you say "you are looking for an up > day on 1-2% more volume than prior day" about the FTD, you mean the price > should be up 1-2% and volume should be up (no percent requirement). Is > that correct? > > On a related note, while looking at the recent bottom we had in March, I > noticed something curious (at least to me anyway). I was using yahoo > finance to look at charts for the DOW Jones Industrial (^DJI), S&P 500 > (^SPX) and NASDAQ composite (^IXIC). What was curious was that the daily > and weekly volume for the ^DJI and ^SPX were identical. Exactly. > > After a few email exchanges with yahoo and csi data (who provide the > historical information to yahoo), I discovered that csi does not provide > index volume. They either provided total NASDAQ composite volume or total > NYSE volume, depending on the index. ^DJI and ^SPX seem to use total NYSE > volume, while ^IXIC seems to use NASDAQ composite volume. > > Does this mean that csi data is invalid for looking for DDs or FTDs? I'm > not sure what csi is doing is what WON intended when he explains how to > look them. Thoughts anyone? > > So this could mean that anyone using csi data to look for DDs or FTDs may > need to be wary of the results. This might explain why Bill Lee states > himself on his market-tester website that his tool seems to work better > for the NASDAQ then the rest. > > ---start email exchange with yahoo and csi data--- > > Subject: Re: [Fwd: Fwd: Re: Feedback - Inaccurate Data > (KMM6629457V53884L0KM)] Close Print > Date Tue, 25 March 2003 11:14:04am > From Ron Franz > To > > > Thanks for you email. > The reason for the same volume is we only provide the NYSE volume for > these > index. We do not at this time provide the index volume. > > > > > Subject: Fwd: Re: Feedback - Inaccurate Data (KMM6629457V53884L0KM) > > Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 21:09:57 -0500 > > From: Roger Tawa > > To: > > > > hi there, > > > > i am considering a subscription to your "us stock and indices" service > for > > personal and private use. however, while using yahoo finance, i > encoutered > > some problems which they claim originate with you (please see email > thread > > below). > > > > can you confirm or deny this problem? are there any specific issues or > > limitations with indices? > > > > thank you. > > > > Roger Tawa > > [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] > > > > ________________________________________________ > > Get your own "800" number > > Voicemail, fax, email, and a lot more > > > > > > ---- Yahoo!Finance wrote ---- > > > > > Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2003 09:25:44 -0800 > > > To: Roger Tawa > > > Subject: Re: Feedback - Inaccurate Data (KMM6629457V53884L0KM) > > > From: Yahoo!Finance > > > Reply-To: Yahoo!Finance > > > > > > > > > Hello, > > > > > > Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Finance. > > > > > > This data is provided and maintained by CSI Data. We have brought this > > > problem to their attention. CSI Data will verify the record and make > any > > > necessary changes (after which Yahoo! will be sent the updated > > > information). > > > > > > > > > Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care. > > > > > > > > > Regards, > > > > > > Yahoo! Customer Care > > > > > > For assistance with all Yahoo! services please visit: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Original Message Follows: > > > ------------------------- > > > > > > Yahoo! ID: sherritawa > > > > > > Subject: Inaccurate Data > > > > > > Ticker Symbol: ^spx > > > > > > Company Name: > > > > > > Type your feedback here: > > > hi there, > > > > > > i am using the historical prices > > > feature of yahoo finance. i noticed > > > that for two indices, ^SPX and ^DJI, > > > the daily volume is exactly the same. > > > > > > this is a little strange since these > > > two indices are not the same. note > > > that the price information is not the > > > same, and seems to be correct. > > > > > > is there a problem with the volume data > > > for indices? thanks. > > > > > > > > > While Viewing: > > > > > > Yahoo ID: sherritawa : no amt link > > > Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461) > > > REMOTE_ADDR: > > > REMOTE_HOST: unknown > > > Date Originated: Friday March 21, 2003 - 17:24:20 > > > ------- > > > > > > > > ---end email exchange with yahoo and csi data--- > > ================================================= > Roger Tawa > > [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] > [When you stop, you're done.] > > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] > Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 9:12 AM > To: > Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] market bottom > > Hi Roger, > > The beginning of an "attempted" rally is simply a close up > from the prior day. Volume isn't a concern, because all you are looking > for in a day like this is the ability of the index to close on an "up > note" after a string of down days. Once that attempted rally starts, you > are *then* in the 3rd through 10th day following that first attempted "up" > day, you are looking for an up day on 1-2% more volume than prior day > (the FTD) . That "confirms" that the first day of the attempted rally > (regardless of the volume) wasn't a fluke, but the beginning of a new > underlying trend/direction for the index. > > See also for Bill > Lee's explanation of the attempted rally/follow through day. > > Katherine > > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] > Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 8:35 PM > To: CANSLIM > Subject: [CANSLIM] market bottom > > Hi all, > > I'm studying lesson 14 in WON's 24 essential > lessons, and I have a question about the first day of any attempted rally. > > On page 78, WON says that oct 8th represents the > start of a new rally. However, this day's volume is down quite a bit from > the previous day. Does this mean that a rally can start when an index is > up 1% or more, regardless of volume? Is it only a follow through day that > needs to be up 1% or more *and* have increased volume? Thanks. > > ================================================= > Roger Tawa > > [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] > [When you stop, you're done.] > ------=_NextPart_000_0016_01C30E2A.D0DEBF20 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef; name="winmail.dat" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="winmail.dat" eJ8+Ig8NAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEGgAMADgAAANMHBAAdAAkAJwAAAAIALQEB A5AGAGAWAAAkAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAADAC4AAAAAAAMANgAA AAAAHgBwAAEAAAAOAAAAbWFya2V0IGJvdHRvbQAAAAIBcQABAAAAJQAAAAHDDS7OLcFYDRGaW0TY lzSaOjclpK8AFgzFgAAU3n4gAB47KRAAAAACAR0MAQAAABkAAABTTVRQOktNQUxNQEVBUlRITElO Sy5ORVQAAAAACwABDgAAAABAAAYOABpnEl0OwwECAQoOAQAAABgAAAAAAAAAX0odaOc1T0CNMwGQ n69VMcKAAAALAB8OAQAAAAIBCRABAAAAAxIAAP8RAAD1JAAATFpGddKK2NsDAAoAcmNwZzEyNRYy APgLYG4OEDAzM/kOxmZlD0IB9wKkA2MCAARjaArAc2V0MCAfB20CgwBQA9QCAHBycX8OUBG4BxMC 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AAAAMwAAADxFUEVBSU5EREZPTktJQ01ITENBRU9FT0NDTEFBLmttYWxtQGVhcnRobGluay5uZXQ+ AAADAAYQ0GUkPgMABxB+FgAAAwAQEAAAAAADABEQAwAAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAAEhJUk9HRVIsVEhB TktTRk9SUE9JTlRJTkdUSEFUT1VUQ0FSRUxFU1NFRElUSU5HT05NWVBBUlRBTkRZT1VBUkVDT1JS RUNUVEhFRlRETE9PS1NGT1JBREFZV0hFUkVQUklDRUkAAAAAwKw= ------=_NextPart_000_0016_01C30E2A.D0DEBF20-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: dlawson Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] EPIQ Date: 29 Apr 2003 11:21:13 -0400 Hey Tom, You out there dumping all your EPIQ today ? Just kidding, but are you? Dave - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Katherine Malm" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM Hunting List 04/25/03 Date: 29 Apr 2003 10:42:54 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0023_01C30E3C.175949A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks for the reminder, Chris! Hi All, I've uploaded the latest CANSLIM Hunting list to: ( quite slow to load) ( a zipped version for download) *Please note that these spreadsheets were prepared with Excel 2000 for Windows. If you have older versions of Excel or use a Mac version, you will not be able to view them properly. If you do not have Excel, see for a free viewer. If you'd like to look at last month's hunting list, you will find it at: In order to make it to the list, the stock had to have a forward growth rate of at least 15%, Price at least 6, Avg Daily Vol at least 30K, RS at least 60, no more than 15% below the 50 day SMA, and at or above the 200 day SMA. This is what I consider to be "bare bones" requirements for CANSLIM quality stocks. (Note that if you follow stricter CANSLIM guidelines, you can use the autofilter feature in each column and view only Price>=$12 (or 15) and AvgVol>=100000.) Other information included is industry name (slightly different than DGO's names, but close), price, avg vol, and links to graphs and due diligence sites on the internet. You'll find a column for the % change in price since the market FTD 3/17/03 and another column which shows the direction of the RS Line since the 3/17 FTD. If the RS Line (RS compared to S&P500) has been going up since that date (indicating outperformance relative to the market), it is indicated with a "+". Be sure to note that there are 4 sheets in the workbook. The first sheet has the listed stocks; others include a list of stocks dropped from the list, a summary of stocks by sector, and a sheet with misc. links for free info on the web. This month there are 664 (wow) names, up 189 names from the list I posted last month. This month, only 92 names fell from the list, 280 names are new and 384 names are repeats. The persistence I've seen in the list since the October market low continues. Growth sectors such as Heatlhcare, Retail, Internet, Computer, Business Services, Electronics, Software and Telecom continue to demonstrate strength . Happy Hunting, Katherine -----Original Message----- []On Behalf Of Chris Jones Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 12:51 AM Katherine - Just wondering if I missed the CANSLIM Hunting list this month, or if it is yet to come. I know that we all appreciate the great work that you do. Thanks So Much! Chris ------=_NextPart_000_0023_01C30E3C.175949A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Thanks for the reminder, = Chris!
Hi All,
I've uploaded the latest CANSLIM Hunting list to:
http://<= SPAN=20 class=3D906271822-11012003><= SPAN=20 class=3D906271822-11012003>042503.xls = ( quite slow to load)
http://<= SPAN=20 class=3D906271822-11012003><= SPAN=20 class=3D171303916-23022003>  ( a zipped version for=20 download)
*Please note that these spreadsheets were prepared with Excel 2000 = for=20 Windows. If you have older versions of Excel or use a Mac version, you = will not=20 be able to view them properly. If you do not have Excel, see http://= for=20 a free viewer.
If you'd like to look at last month's hunting list, you will find = it=20 at:
http= ://
In order to make it to the list, the stock had to have a forward = growth=20 rate of at least 15%, Price at least 6, Avg Daily Vol at least 30K, RS = at least=20 60, no more than 15% below the 50 day SMA, and at or above the 200 day = SMA. This=20 is what I consider to be "bare bones" requirements for CANSLIM quality = stocks.=20 (Note that if you follow stricter CANSLIM guidelines, you can use the = autofilter=20 feature in each column and view only Price>=3D$12 (or 15) and=20 AvgVol>=3D100000.) Other information included is industry name = (slightly=20 different than DGO's names, but close), price, avg vol, and  links = to=20 graphs and due diligence sites on the internet.=20 You'll find a column for the % change=20 in price since the market FTD = 3/17/03=20 and another column which shows the direction of the RS = Line since=20 the 3/17 FTD. If the RS = Line (RS=20 compared to S&P500) has been going up since that date (indicating=20 outperformance relative to the market), it is indicated with a = "+". Be sure to note that there are 4 = sheets in the=20 workbook. The first sheet has the listed stocks;=20 others include a list of stocks dropped from the list, a summary = of=20 stocks by sector, and a sheet with misc. links for free info on the = web.
This month there are 664=20 (wow) names, up 189 names from the list I posted = last=20 month.  This month, only 92 names = fell from the=20 list, 280=20 names are new and 384 names = are=20 repeats. 
The persistence I've seen in the list since = the October=20 market low continuesGrowth=20 sectors such as Heatlhcare, = Retail,=20 Internet, Computer, Business Services, Electronics, Software and Telecom = continue to demonstrate strength=20 .
Happy Hunting,
 -----Original Message-----
From:=20 = []On=20 Behalf Of Chris Jones
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 12:51 = AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] April CANSLIM = Hunting=20 List?

Katherine -
Just wondering if I missed the = CANSLIM Hunting=20 list this month, or if it is yet to come.  I know that we all = appreciate=20 the great work that you do.
Thanks So Much!
------=_NextPart_000_0023_01C30E3C.175949A0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gasta, Jeff" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] EPIQ Date: 29 Apr 2003 12:37:21 -0400 Sure glad I sold my EPIQ on 23 Apr at $22.37. Strange that it is dropping today after they reported big profits yesterday. I was almost tempted to buy some last night in anticipation of a rise today. Go figure... Jeffrey Gasta Telecommunications Engineering Marriott International Voice: 301.380.6204 Fax: 301.380.8649 This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law. -----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 11:21 AM Hey Tom, You out there dumping all your EPIQ today ? Just kidding, but are you? Dave - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Triffet Subject: Re: Re: [CANSLIM] EPIQ Date: 29 Apr 2003 09:41:31 -0700 (PDT) -------Original Message------- Sent: 04/29/03 08:21 AM > > Hey Tom, You out there dumping all your EPIQ today ? Just kidding, but are you? Dave Looks like a hard "sell on the news" kind of pullback. Looks like even though we're in a "confirmed rally" folks are still looking for any reason to take a quick profit. Earnings reports are just that opporturnity. This one is typical of most breakouts lately. A lot of eyes on it now. That said, maybe one to keep an eye on once the excitment dies down (or IBD stops mentioning it ). -- Bill - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM Hunting List 04/25/03 Date: 29 Apr 2003 14:10:12 EDT --part1_75.fdaf31d.2be01a04_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Katherine: Have you noticed that since you started publishing your hunting list, IBD now publishes the Top 100 List? Coincidence? Charley --part1_75.fdaf31d.2be01a04_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Katherine: Have you notic= ed that since you started publishing your hunting list, IBD now publishes th= e Top 100 List? Coincidence?

--part1_75.fdaf31d.2be01a04_boundary-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Edward W. Gjertsen II" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] EPIQ Date: 29 Apr 2003 13:16:08 -0500 Jeff - what was the trigger you used to sell EPIQ? Ed Gjertsen II Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Gasta, Jeff Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 11:37 AM Sure glad I sold my EPIQ on 23 Apr at $22.37. Strange that it is dropping today after they reported big profits yesterday. I was almost tempted to buy some last night in anticipation of a rise today. Go figure... Jeffrey Gasta Telecommunications Engineering Marriott International Voice: 301.380.6204 Fax: 301.380.8649 This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law. -----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 11:21 AM Hey Tom, You out there dumping all your EPIQ today ? Just kidding, but are you? Dave - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gasta, Jeff" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] EPIQ Date: 29 Apr 2003 14:56:30 -0400 Hi Ed, I confess that I did not use CANSLIM rules in deciding to sell, other than the general guideline to take profits quickly in a volatile market. On 13 Mar I bought OVTI at just about 20.00. It then rose to about 24.00 but quickly fell. I ended up selling OVTI at 21.25 making a 3% profit. But if I had sold it at 24.00 I would have made 15%+ profit. I bought EPIQ on 28 Mar at 19.90. When I saw it dropping quickly on 23 Apr, it reminded me of OVTI so I decided to sell and lock-in some profit. These are my first two CANSLIM purchases, so I appreciate any comments on mistakes I made. But hey, I'm up 14% since 13 Mar which I'm happy with. Sure beats the return I got before learning about CANSLIM and joining this fine message board. Jeffrey Gasta Telecommunications Engineering Marriott International Voice: 301.380.6204 Fax: 301.380.8649 This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law. -----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 2:16 PM Jeff - what was the trigger you used to sell EPIQ? Ed Gjertsen II Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Gasta, Jeff Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 11:37 AM Sure glad I sold my EPIQ on 23 Apr at $22.37. Strange that it is dropping today after they reported big profits yesterday. I was almost tempted to buy some last night in anticipation of a rise today. Go figure... Jeffrey Gasta Telecommunications Engineering Marriott International Voice: 301.380.6204 Fax: 301.380.8649 This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law. -----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 11:21 AM Hey Tom, You out there dumping all your EPIQ today ? Just kidding, but are you? Dave - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gasta, Jeff" Subject: [CANSLIM] New Article in AAII April Journal Date: 29 Apr 2003 15:28:49 -0400 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C30E85.8F733B1E Content-Type: text/plain IBD has a link on their page to this article. One does not have to be an IBD subscriber to access this link. I haven't read the whole article yet, but it has a nifty chart on the second page summarizing all the CANSLIM rules. It looks like it also gives guidance on how to screen for CANSLIM candidates. Jeffrey Gasta Telecommunications Engineering Marriott International Voice: 301.380.6204 Fax: 301.380.8649 This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C30E85.8F733B1E Content-Type: text/html

IBD has a link on their page to this article.  One does not have to be an IBD subscriber to access this link.


I haven’t read the whole article yet, but it has a nifty chart on the second page summarizing all the CANSLIM rules.  It looks like it also gives guidance on how to screen for CANSLIM candidates.


Jeffrey Gasta

Telecommunications Engineering

Marriott International

Voice:  301.380.6204

Fax:  301.380.8649


This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law.


------_=_NextPart_001_01C30E85.8F733B1E-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Roger Tawa Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] market bottom Date: 29 Apr 2003 20:58:17 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_1cSRCs/gxENBAYazWiU7YQ) Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Hi Katherine, Thanks again, I think I got it now. As for the market tester, I'll discuss it with Bill off list. ================================================= Roger Tawa [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] [When you stop, you're done.] -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 9:39 AM To: Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] market bottom Hi Roger, Thanks for pointing that out... careless editing on my part and you are correct. The FTD looks for a day where price is up 1-2% on volume higher than the previous day (and on volume >= 50 day avg daily volume for the index). In other words, a FTD is an "accumulation" day with particular % increase in price. O'Neil states that a FTD can occur on any of the major indexes. My understanding from talking with Bill Lee is that after doing extensive backtesting on the O'Neil signals (in and out of the market), that the signals were far more reliable on the NASDAQ than on other indexes. He also concluded from that same backtesting that the original definition of a FTD (1% vs. 2%) was a better signal. I see a macro level signal like this to be somewhat secondary to the action in the individual stocks, so I don't think the distinctions are particularly troublesome. Katherine -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 6:26 PM To: Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] market bottom Hi Katherine, Thanks for the explanation. Below when you say "you are looking for an up day on 1-2% more volume than prior day" about the FTD, you mean the price should be up 1-2% and volume should be up (no percent requirement). Is that correct? On a related note, while looking at the recent bottom we had in March, I noticed something curious (at least to me anyway). I was using yahoo finance to look at charts for the DOW Jones Industrial (^DJI), S&P 500 (^SPX) and NASDAQ composite (^IXIC). What was curious was that the daily and weekly volume for the ^DJI and ^SPX were identical. Exactly. After a few email exchanges with yahoo and csi data (who provide the historical information to yahoo), I discovered that csi does not provide index volume. They either provided total NASDAQ composite volume or total NYSE volume, depending on the index. ^DJI and ^SPX seem to use total NYSE volume, while ^IXIC seems to use NASDAQ composite volume. Does this mean that csi data is invalid for looking for DDs or FTDs? I'm not sure what csi is doing is what WON intended when he explains how to look them. Thoughts anyone? So this could mean that anyone using csi data to look for DDs or FTDs may need to be wary of the results. This might explain why Bill Lee states himself on his market-tester website that his tool seems to work better for the NASDAQ then the rest. ---start email exchange with yahoo and csi data--- Subject: Re: [Fwd: Fwd: Re: Feedback - Inaccurate Data (KMM6629457V53884L0KM)] Close Print Date Tue, 25 March 2003 11:14:04am From Ron Franz To Thanks for you email. The reason for the same volume is we only provide the NYSE volume for these index. We do not at this time provide the index volume. > Subject: Fwd: Re: Feedback - Inaccurate Data (KMM6629457V53884L0KM) > Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 21:09:57 -0500 > From: Roger Tawa > To: > > hi there, > > i am considering a subscription to your "us stock and indices" service for > personal and private use. however, while using yahoo finance, i encoutered > some problems which they claim originate with you (please see email thread > below). > > can you confirm or deny this problem? are there any specific issues or > limitations with indices? > > thank you. > > Roger Tawa > [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] > > ________________________________________________ > Get your own "800" number > Voicemail, fax, email, and a lot more > > > ---- Yahoo!Finance wrote ---- > > > Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2003 09:25:44 -0800 > > To: Roger Tawa > > Subject: Re: Feedback - Inaccurate Data (KMM6629457V53884L0KM) > > From: Yahoo!Finance > > Reply-To: Yahoo!Finance > > > > > > Hello, > > > > Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Finance. > > > > This data is provided and maintained by CSI Data. We have brought this > > problem to their attention. CSI Data will verify the record and make any > > necessary changes (after which Yahoo! will be sent the updated > > information). > > > > > > Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care. > > > > > > Regards, > > > > Yahoo! Customer Care > > > > For assistance with all Yahoo! services please visit: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Original Message Follows: > > ------------------------- > > > > Yahoo! ID: sherritawa > > > > Subject: Inaccurate Data > > > > Ticker Symbol: ^spx > > > > Company Name: > > > > Type your feedback here: > > hi there, > > > > i am using the historical prices > > feature of yahoo finance. i noticed > > that for two indices, ^SPX and ^DJI, > > the daily volume is exactly the same. > > > > this is a little strange since these > > two indices are not the same. note > > that the price information is not the > > same, and seems to be correct. > > > > is there a problem with the volume data > > for indices? thanks. > > > > > > While Viewing: > > > > Yahoo ID: sherritawa : no amt link > > Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461) > > REMOTE_ADDR: > > REMOTE_HOST: unknown > > Date Originated: Friday March 21, 2003 - 17:24:20 > > ------- > > > > ---end email exchange with yahoo and csi data--- ================================================= Roger Tawa [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] [When you stop, you're done.] -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 9:12 AM To: Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] market bottom Hi Roger, The beginning of an "attempted" rally is simply a close up from the prior day. Volume isn't a concern, because all you are looking for in a day like this is the ability of the index to close on an "up note" after a string of down days. Once that attempted rally starts, you are *then* in the 3rd through 10th day following that first attempted "up" day, you are looking for an up day on 1-2% more volume than prior day (the FTD) . That "confirms" that the first day of the attempted rally (regardless of the volume) wasn't a fluke, but the beginning of a new underlying trend/direction for the index. See also for Bill Lee's explanation of the attempted rally/follow through day. Katherine -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 8:35 PM To: CANSLIM Subject: [CANSLIM] market bottom Hi all, I'm studying lesson 14 in WON's 24 essential lessons, and I have a question about the first day of any attempted rally. On page 78, WON says that oct 8th represents the start of a new rally. However, this day's volume is down quite a bit from the previous day. Does this mean that a rally can start when an index is up 1% or more, regardless of volume? Is it only a follow through day that needs to be up 1% or more *and* have increased volume? Thanks. ================================================= Roger Tawa [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] [When you stop, you're done.] --Boundary_(ID_1cSRCs/gxENBAYazWiU7YQ) Content-type: application/ms-tnef; name=winmail.dat Content-transfer-encoding: base64 Content-disposition: attachment; filename=winmail.dat eJ8+IhEAAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEGgAMADgAAANMHBAAdABQAOgAAAAIASwEB A5AGAJgfAAAnAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAADAC4AAAAAAAMANgAA AAAAHgBwAAEAAAAOAAAAbWFya2V0IGJvdHRvbQAAAAIBcQABAAAAKgAAAAHDDS7OLcFYDRGaW0TY lzSaOjclpK8AFgzFgAAU3n4gAB47KRAAF/4VIAAAAgEdDAEAAAAaAAAAU01UUDpST0dFUlRBQFZJ REVPVFJPTi5DQQAAAAsAAQ4AAAAAQAAGDgBckYuzDsMBAgEKDgEAAAAYAAAAAAAAANiCQHTsF/JH uqN0VZ/KunzCgAAACwAfDgEAAAACAQkQAQAAANIaAADOGgAAQkMAAExaRnVOCFjaAwAKAHJjcGcx MjVyMgxgYzEDMAEHC2BukQ4QMDMzDxZmZQ+STwH3AqQDYwIAY2gKwHOEZXQC0XBycTIAAJIqCqFu 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+b+4AQCqADfZbgAAAEM6XERvY3VtZW50cyBhbmQgU2V0dGluZ3NcQWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvclxMb2Nh bCBTZXR0aW5nc1xBcHBsaWNhdGlvbiBEYXRhXE1pY3Jvc29mdFxPdXRsb29rXG91dGxvb2sucHN0 AAADAP4PBQAAAAMADTT9NwAAAgF/AAEAAAA0AAAAPFBDRUhMS0tES01OSE5QTE9GR0dMQ0VEQkNG QUEucm9nZXJ0YUB2aWRlb3Ryb24uY2E+AAMABhAlSI9LAwAHEBYYAAADABAQAAAAAAMAERACAAAA HgAIEAEAAABlAAAASElLQVRIRVJJTkUsVEhBTktTQUdBSU4sSVRISU5LSUdPVElUTk9XQVNGT1JU SEVNQVJLRVRURVNURVIsSUxMRElTQ1VTU0lUV0lUSEJJTExPRkZMSVNUPT09PT09PT09PT09PQAA AAC+xg== --Boundary_(ID_1cSRCs/gxENBAYazWiU7YQ)-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Roger Tawa Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] cansl*I*m Date: 29 Apr 2003 22:00:53 -0400 Thanks Tom. ================================================= Roger Tawa [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] [When you stop, you're done.] -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2003 9:52 AM Roger, I am still old fashioned when it comes to "I", and just stick to small cap stocks, many of which have little or no institutional involvement (so your #2 doesn't enter the equation for me). I do take conscious note of mutual fund ownership, and whether it is increasing or decreasing, but the lack of funds ownership has never stopped me buying a stock I otherwise liked. I do get nervous when I like a stock with a large funds ownership (over 20% or so), unless there is a very large piece of the issue held by Management (50% or more). While in theory I would agree that it's best to be buying stocks also held by / being bought by the best performing mutual funds, I have such a low opinion these days of funds managers that I never even consider the quality of funds in the stock. I have four different growth funds in my 401K, and I routinely and easily outperform them both with my personally managed accts (IRA & margin) as well as with my VR Fund. So, for me, my judgment is sufficient, I don't need it validated by the presence of funds, in fact generally prefer they stay away until I have my full position. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2003 9:32 AM Hi all, The list seems a little quiet these days, so let me ask a newbie question about the 'I' in CANSLIM. From what I understand, there seems to be two basic reasons why WON included 'I' as one of the seven criteria: 1. when institutions move into or out of a stock, this creates tremendous pressure on the stock's price, either up or down. You want to buy a stock when its institutional sponsorship is not too high but increasing. 2. sponsorship by the "better quality" institutions is like a sanity check for fundamental analysis of the stock. These large institutions spend a lot of time looking at fundamentals before they buy, so watching what they have been buying recently can give you an idea of stocks that probably have strong fundamentals. Msn seems to be a good source for #1. Not sure about good sources for #2. For the more experienced CANSLIMers on the list, how much do you use 'I' for #1 and/or #2? Thanks. ================================================= Roger Tawa [One thing about paradigms: shift happens.] [When you stop, you're done.] - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Katherine Malm" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM Hunting List 04/25/03 Date: 29 Apr 2003 22:40:02 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0019_01C30EA0.457ECD00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit LOL, Charley! I have 2 favorite quotes: "Originality is nothing more than judicious imitation" (Voltaire) and "Everything has been thought of before, but.the difficulty is to think of it again." (Goethe) I think it goes both ways when it comes to what we all do day to day based on O'Neil's work. ;)) Katherine -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 12:10 PM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM Hunting List 04/25/03 Katherine: Have you noticed that since you started publishing your hunting list, IBD now publishes the Top 100 List? Coincidence? Charley ------=_NextPart_000_0019_01C30EA0.457ECD00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
LOL, Charley!
I have 2 favorite = quotes:
"Originality is nothing more than = judicious=20 imitation"  (Voltaire) and
"Everything has been thought of = before,=20 but.the difficulty is to think of it again." (Goethe)
I think it goes both ways when it = comes to=20 what we all do day to day based on O'Neil's work. ;))
-----Original Message-----
From:=20 []On Behalf Of=20
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 12:10=20 PM
Subject: Re: = [CANSLIM]=20 CANSLIM Hunting List 04/25/03

Katherine: Have you noticed that = since you=20 started publishing your hunting list, IBD now publishes the Top 100 = List?=20 Coincidence?

------=_NextPart_000_0019_01C30EA0.457ECD00-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ian Subject: [CANSLIM] M Date: 30 Apr 2003 09:50:05 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_dllZX3aS9uZ7mji3/UU7eg) Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Morning all: I have to admit, I'm very surprised at the inactivity on our CANSLIM board for the past month, given the powerful nature of the rise, and the number of breakouts. I'm curious, does it mean that the majority are not trusting this 'rally'? Or are people not finding individual stocks? Or are the rallying stocks too 'small'? I must admit that longer-term, the ugly continued fall of the US greenback sure leads me to believe that this is just another bear-market rally (as opposed to the beginning of a secular bull), but the micro and smallcap breakouts are so strong right now, it doesn't seem to matter. What are folks up to? Cheers, Ian --Boundary_(ID_dllZX3aS9uZ7mji3/UU7eg) Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
Morning all:
I have to admit, I'm very surprised at the inactivity on our CANSLIM board for the past month, given the powerful nature of the rise, and the number of breakouts. I'm curious, does it mean that the majority are not trusting this 'rally'? Or are people not finding individual stocks? Or are the rallying stocks too 'small'?
I must admit that longer-term, the ugly continued fall of the US greenback sure leads me to believe that this is just another bear-market rally (as opposed to the beginning of a secular bull), but the micro and smallcap breakouts are so strong right now, it doesn't seem to matter.
What are folks up to?
--Boundary_(ID_dllZX3aS9uZ7mji3/UU7eg)-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [CANSLIM] stock price movement Date: 30 Apr 2003 12:12:33 -0500 All, It you buy a stock on a breakout, and within the first 3 weeks, it just so happens that earnings come out, and because they are good, the stock jumps up a good bit, do you discount that jump at all when considering whether or not to sell for 20% profit, if the one day jump moved it above 20% in the first weeks of holding? Thanks Mike Mike Niemotka , PE Sr. Principal Engineer Baxter Healthcare Corporation Route 120 & Wilson Road Round Lake, IL 60073 Tel (847) 270-4075 Fax (847) 270-4525 - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris Jones" Subject: [CANSLIM] How does Earnings Release affect short term stock price? Date: 30 Apr 2003 10:18:35 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000B_01C30F01.DC0058A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi All - As I watch GRMN gain $3+ on 400% ADV because of an excellent earnings = release, I began to wonder if there is any general trend/rule to this. = When a company releases excellent earnings, (correct me if I'm wrong), = it seems that the stock usually goes up considerably. What usually = happens after the first big day of earnings? Does a typical pullback = occur? Or do institutions suddenly see it as a buying opportunity, = because of the great earnings, and then propel the stock higher? Is = there any general trend (or examples) of how earnings release may affect = the stock price beyond the first big day? Thanks! Chris ------=_NextPart_000_000B_01C30F01.DC0058A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi All -
As I watch GRMN gain $3+ on 400% ADV = because of an=20 excellent earnings release, I began to wonder if there is any general = trend/rule=20 to this.  When a company releases excellent earnings, (correct = me if=20 I'm wrong), it seems that the stock usually goes up considerably.  = What=20 usually happens after the first big day of earnings?  Does a = typical=20 pullback occur?  Or do institutions suddenly see it as a buying=20 opportunity, because of the great earnings, and then propel the stock=20 higher?  Is there any general trend (or examples) of how earnings = release=20 may affect the stock price beyond the first big day?
------=_NextPart_000_000B_01C30F01.DC0058A0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kent Norman Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] M Date: 30 Apr 2003 10:49:12 -0700 (PDT) Hello Ian I have noticed that when things get interesting, people are too busy digging through charts and data to take time to post. Regards Kent --- Ian wrote: > Morning all: > > I have to admit, I'm very surprised at the inactivity on our > CANSLIM board for the past month, given the powerful nature of > the rise, and the number of breakouts. I'm curious, does it > mean that the majority are not trusting this 'rally'? Or are > people not finding individual stocks? Or are the rallying > stocks too 'small'? > > I must admit that longer-term, the ugly continued fall of the > US greenback sure leads me to believe that this is just > another bear-market rally (as opposed to the beginning of a > secular bull), but the micro and smallcap breakouts are so > strong right now, it doesn't seem to matter. > > What are folks up to? > > Cheers, > > Ian > > > ===== An IDEA is a dangerous thing when it is the only one you have. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fred Richards" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] M Date: 30 Apr 2003 13:50:14 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0021_01C30F1F.706F48D0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Maybe, it is because we've all been burnt in the past with bear trap rallies. Some might be taking a "show me" attitude this time around. -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Ian Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 11:50 AM Morning all: I have to admit, I'm very surprised at the inactivity on our CANSLIM board for the past month, given the powerful nature of the rise, and the number of breakouts. I'm curious, does it mean that the majority are not trusting this 'rally'? Or are people not finding individual stocks? Or are the rallying stocks too 'small'? I must admit that longer-term, the ugly continued fall of the US greenback sure leads me to believe that this is just another bear-market rally (as opposed to the beginning of a secular bull), but the micro and smallcap breakouts are so strong right now, it doesn't seem to matter. What are folks up to? Cheers, Ian ------=_NextPart_000_0021_01C30F1F.706F48D0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message
Maybe,=20 it is because we've all been burnt in the past with bear trap = rallies. =20 Some might be taking a "show me" attitude this time = around.
-----Original Message-----
From:=20 = []=20 On Behalf Of Ian
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 = 11:50=20 AM
Subject: = [CANSLIM]=20 M

Morning all:
I have to admit, I'm very surprised at the = inactivity on our=20 CANSLIM board for the past month, given the powerful nature of = the rise,=20 and the number of breakouts. I'm curious, does it mean that the = majority are=20 not trusting this 'rally'? Or are people not finding individual = stocks? Or are=20 the rallying stocks too 'small'?
I must admit that longer-term, the ugly continued = fall of=20 the US greenback sure leads me to believe that this is just another=20 bear-market rally (as opposed to the beginning of a secular bull), but = the=20 micro and smallcap breakouts are so strong right now, it doesn't seem = to=20 matter.
What are folks up to?
------=_NextPart_000_0021_01C30F1F.706F48D0-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] M Date: 30 Apr 2003 15:19:25 -0600 (GMT) ------=_Part_6184_1610077.1051730365725 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Work's been busy and days are getting longer so the outdoors beckon. Neither is a valid excuse..... Here's a question for you, Tom, and maybe some others that don't shy from small caps. WON says that 3 of 4 (I think that's the right ratio) stocks follow the market up or down. In your experience, do small caps follow the market with a similar ratio? My qualitative feel is that they tend to do their own thing and are more independent of the general market, but I have no numbers. Rolf Original message attached. ------=_Part_6184_1610077.1051730365725 Content-Type: TEXT/HTML; name=MESSAGE.HTML; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=MESSAGE.HTML
Morning all:
I have to admit, I'm very surprised at the inactivity on our CANSLIM board for the past month, given the powerful nature of the rise, and the number of breakouts. I'm curious, does it mean that the majority are not trusting this 'rally'? Or are people not finding individual stocks? Or are the rallying stocks too 'small'?
I must admit that longer-term, the ugly continued fall of the US greenback sure leads me to believe that this is just another bear-market rally (as opposed to the beginning of a secular bull), but the micro and smallcap breakouts are so strong right now, it doesn't seem to matter.
What are folks up to?
------=_Part_6184_1610077.1051730365725-- - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] How does Earnings Release affect short term stock Date: 30 Apr 2003 14:55:07 -0500 Chris, I have seen everything happen, and it always seems to define reason. I happen to have bought GRMN a couple of weeks ago, so am happy to see today's progress, but I have seen other companies announce good earnings report for the quarter, but because they do not expand the full year outlook, the stock gets hit. Or a company could miss the current quarter, but announce that they will not downgrade full year projections, and the stock will rise..... I will be curious to see what other have to say on the matter, and in fact, there is a website that uses earnings announcements to predict future performance, I think it is called Mike Mike Niemotka , PE Sr. Principal Engineer Baxter Healthcare Corporation Route 120 & Wilson Road Round Lake, IL 60073 Tel (847) 270-4075 Fax (847) 270-4525 "Chris Jones" > cc: Sent by: Subject: [CANSLIM] How does Earnings Release affect short term stock owner-canslim@lists.xm price? 04/30/2003 12:18 PM Please respond to canslim Hi All - As I watch GRMN gain $3+ on 400% ADV because of an excellent earnings release, I began to wonder if there is any general trend/rule to this. When a company releases excellent earnings, (correct me if I'm wrong), it seems that the stock usually goes up considerably. What usually happens after the first big day of earnings? Does a typical pullback occur? Or do institutions suddenly see it as a buying opportunity, because of the great earnings, and then propel the stock higher? Is there any general trend (or examples) of how earnings release may affect the stock price beyond the first big day? Thanks! Chris - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: " Bob Hodes" Subject: [CANSLIM] Question about MRGE Date: 30 Apr 2003 18:56:06 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C30F4A.279E7B00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I have a question about the chart for MRGE. Would today's price and = volume action be considered a break out (since the handle has repeatedly = bumped up against the $8 range but broke through that range today on v. = high volume) or is this not a techinical breakout b/c their was a high = point in the handle in early Jan around $9. The 5 month handle had been range bound between $6 and $8 and I bought = shares at $6 planning to sell if it broke below $5.50. I liked the = fundies, EPS and revenue growth rate, growing margins, and I live in WI = (company is in Milw). Heck I'm human so I have emotional reasons too. = Anyway, would today's action signal a time to add more shares if so = inclined or would one wait for a breakout above the $9 level. Thanks. ------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C30F4A.279E7B00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I have a question about the chart for = MRGE. =20 Would today's price and volume action be considered a break out (since = the=20 handle has repeatedly bumped up against the $8 range but broke through = that=20 range today on v. high volume) or is this not a techinical breakout b/c = their=20 was a high point in the handle in early Jan around $9.
The 5 month handle had been range bound = between $6=20 and $8 and I bought shares at $6 planning to sell if it broke below = $5.50. =20 I liked the fundies, EPS and revenue growth rate, growing margins, and I = live in=20 WI (company is in Milw).  Heck I'm human so I have emotional = reasons=20 too.  Anyway, would today's action signal a time to add more shares = if so=20 inclined or would one wait for a breakout above the $9 = level.  =20 Thanks.
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