From: (Jeff Salisbury) Subject: [CANSLIM] test Date: 31 Oct 1996 15:52:28 -0600 test ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jeff Salisbury) Subject: [CANSLIM] The list has moved... Date: 31 Oct 1996 16:43:45 -0600 Fellow CANSLIM'rs, At the request of my employer, the canslim list has been moved from their computers to a commercial ISP. The new address of the list is: Best Regards, Jeff Salisbury PS The digest version of the list will be available to those who want it after a few days of testing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (David F. Cameron) Subject: [CANSLIM] Re-introduction Date: 31 Oct 1996 17:47:00 -0600 With our new server for canslim, I just got our listguy's intro sheet. I've been on this group pretty much since inception, but because of this paragraph: >I would encourage you to introduce yourself to the people on list. It doesn't >have to be long and fancy -- unless you want to be. Tell us who you are, and >where you live, and any other information you would like to share. To post >... My name is Dave Cameron I've tried various different systems over my 8 years of investing, including "combining" systems. I find that what works best for me (these days) seems to be a blend of O'Neil and Peter Lynch. By that I mean that the CANSLIM methodology makes a great tool for narrowing down stocks - then Lynch's style of knowing your company, understanding what makes it tick so that "you can describe it with a crayon to a child" tells me whether to buy or sell and some idea of when. I've made some really smart moves, and really dumb moves. I've used CANSLIM to make 50% on a trade in 3 weeks - and lose %70 on a trade in 2 days. I'm determined that there has to be a way to somewhat consistently make decent money, and hope I can learn from this group and share my insights. I do get IBD. I don't get Daily Graphs. It cost more than I feel I can make from it. AND,my pet peeve is I need LOG graphs - not straight line numbers. This way when a stock goes from 10-13 vs. 30-33 - a log chart shows the 10-13 move as significantly greater than the 30-33. The straight line graphs I've seen in DG show them as equal :-( I live in the Chicago Area. I respect well-thought out opinions even if I don't agree. I realize we have to find a system that suits our personality, and what works for one person won't work for all - but hopefully CANSLIM can serve as a base for me (and you), but not the be-all and end-all Cheers, Dave Cameron ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tom worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Re-introduction Date: 31 Oct 1996 20:06:22 -0500 Two comments: first, if you followed the rules on stop losses, you could never suffer a 70 percent loss over any time period unless the stock gapped down severely like Carrington Labs did today (thank god I hate biotechs). Second: I agree strongly with the log vs linear charts. Aside from the NSMI charts I don't know of any source of log based charts. Anyone got a source otherwise? tom ---------- > From: David F. Cameron > To: > Subject: [CANSLIM] Re-introduction > Date: Thursday, October 31, 1996 6:47 PM > > > > With our new server for canslim, I just got our listguy's > intro sheet. I've been on this group pretty much since > inception, but because of this paragraph: > > >I would encourage you to introduce yourself to the people on list. It doesn't > >have to be long and fancy -- unless you want to be. Tell us who you are, and > >where you live, and any other information you would like to share. To post > >... > > My name is Dave Cameron > I've tried various different systems over my 8 years of investing, > including "combining" systems. > > I find that what works best for me (these days) seems to be a > blend of O'Neil and Peter Lynch. By that I mean that the > CANSLIM methodology makes a great tool for narrowing down > stocks - then Lynch's style of knowing your company, > understanding what makes it tick so that "you can describe > it with a crayon to a child" tells me whether to buy or > sell and some idea of when. > > I've made some really smart moves, and really dumb moves. > I've used CANSLIM to make 50% on a trade in 3 weeks - and > lose %70 on a trade in 2 days. > > I'm determined that there has to be a way to somewhat > consistently make decent money, and hope I can learn > from this group and share my insights. I do get > IBD. I don't get Daily Graphs. It cost more than > I feel I can make from it. AND,my pet peeve is I need > LOG graphs - not straight line numbers. This way when > a stock goes from 10-13 vs. 30-33 - a log chart shows > the 10-13 move as significantly greater than the 30-33. > The straight line graphs I've seen in DG show them as equal :-( > > I live in the Chicago Area. I respect well-thought out > opinions even if I don't agree. I realize we have to > find a system that suits our personality, and what works > for one person won't work for all - but hopefully CANSLIM > can serve as a base for me (and you), but not the be-all > and end-all > > Cheers, > > Dave Cameron > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeff Salisbury Subject: [CANSLIM] Log-scale charts Date: 31 Oct 1996 18:23:07 -0700 Tom, You asked if anyone knows of a log charting service. Eventhough you may be refering to a "hardcopy" service, I will mention this web site. It is my charting site of preference. They have log-scale charting: Best Regards, Jeff Salisbury ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tom worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] O'Neill's Mutual Fund Date: 31 Oct 1996 20:22:30 -0500 Am sending this via new server, so hope delivery is OK Decided it was time to check my memory and perceptions, despite being old and gray. The New USA Fund was opened April 1992 with the symbol NUSFX. There is only one, repeat one, fund run by Ryan/ONeill and it is this one. It was subsequently renamed the New USA Growth Fund and is the one mentioned in other postings. It is not a year old, it is over 4 years old. It can, unlike most funds, be up to 50 percent in cash (most funds must be under 5 percent at the end of a qtr). It cannot short, however, typical of most funds except arbitrage or hedge funds. The symbol remains NUSFX. PERFORMANCE (per persons at the fund, I do not vouch for accuracy, altho chart suggests are good numbers): Year to date - 17 percent up 1995 - 43.1 percent up inception (4/92) to 9/96 - 16.5 percent up annualized last 18 months - 55 percent up Currently Ryan/Oneill are "being cautious" and are at 15 percent cash. The chart shows the fund tracking with the market lately thru the early summer correction and subsequent rally. If you want to contact the fund directly, the nr is 800-222-2872. Hope this clears the air. Certainly nice for me to know my memory hasn't completely failed me. For short term, this fund is beating a lot of other, very good, growth funds. BTW, past comments on the ability of a fund to trade like an individual investor are VERY much on the mark. This fund is also specifically prohibited from "front running" O'Neill's institutional clients on the NSMI adds and deletes. tom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Hoelscher Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Re-introduction Date: 31 Oct 1996 19:16:57 -0800 Great list! I'll introduce myself when I get a chance... The first Daily Graphs Log Chart Discussion ended like this: >From: tom worley[] >Sent: Thursday, October 10, 1996 4:58 PM >To: >Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Problem with O'Neill's charts > >If you buy the weekly (shows five year history by week vs one year by day) >you get log charts > >---------- >> From: David F. Cameron >> To: >> Subject: [CANSLIM] Problem with O'Neill's charts >> Date: Thursday, October 10, 1996 10:00 AM >> One advantage to using some of the charts off the internet comparted >> to O'Neill's charts - is that several of the internet services use >> log-tables instead of linear. >> >> What this means, is that O'Neill's chart show a move from 10 to 12 >> as the same as a move from 20 to 22. In reality, almost all >> of us would prefer the first move (20% vs. 10%). The log tables >> (, for instance) show all percentage moves > as the same length >---------- >From: tom worley[] >Sent: Thursday, October 31, 1996 5:06 PM >To: >Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Re-introduction > [stuff removed] >Second: I agree strongly with the log vs linear charts. Aside from the NSMI >charts I don't know of any source of log based charts. Anyone got a source >otherwise? >tom > >---------- >> From: David F. Cameron >> To: >> Subject: [CANSLIM] Re-introduction >> Date: Thursday, October 31, 1996 6:47 PM >> [stuff removed] >> IBD. I don't get Daily Graphs. It cost more than >> I feel I can make from it. AND,my pet peeve is I need >> LOG graphs - not straight line numbers. This way when >> a stock goes from 10-13 vs. 30-33 - a log chart shows >> the 10-13 move as significantly greater than the 30-33. >> The straight line graphs I've seen in DG show them as equal :-( >> [stuff removed] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Hoelscher Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] ESOL Date: 31 Oct 1996 19:32:55 -0800 > >> From: Zoran Mitrovski[] >> Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 1996 8:53 AM >> To: >> Cc: >> Subject: [CANSLIM] ESOL > >[stuff removed] >> Anyways, ESOL is #2 in the industry. Who's #1 in leasing employees? [more stuff removed] According to BASELINE (which is provided free to E*Trade customers) Manpower (MAN) is the world's largest and ESOL is #2 in the US. It does not mention the rank of Manpower in the US or of ESOL in the world. >