From: Dave Cameron Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Market Indicators Date: 24 Dec 1997 14:24:54 -0600 Tom Worley wrote: > > Looking at the charts for NYSE and NASDAQ this AM, looks to me like we are > either effectively bottoming, or ready for a MAJOR correction, esp in > NASDAQ. The overbot/sold indicator (per DG Online) for NASDAQ is as bad as > it was following the mid-Oct correction, as is the ten day moving avg of > up/down vol. The big difference between now and then that I see is that the > up vol is not picking up at these levels, as I have been mentioning. The new > highs/lows moving avg is also uglier, which is to be expected since we never > fully recovered like NYSE. The picture on NYSE is not much better either. I > am starting to see some strength in small caps as shown by the Russell 2000 > (down only 0.2% yesterday compared to about 1.5% on most major indexes). > Ho, Ho, Ho... Merry Christmas :^) > WARNING: because of the holidays, a lot of mainstream investors are out of > the mkt, including many institutionals. Some will return next week briefly, > so could be very active. And, of course, once the tax year ends, there could > be further selling of profitable positions that was deferred to book the > profits in 1998 rather than 1997. I am seeing increasing confidence in Asia > that their economys will survive and make the necessary changes, while still > seeing excessive overselling of US corps with Asian exposure (example: > Lattice Semi - LSCC - down 8.375 for a 15.4% drop, putting it at a trailing > PE of 20.3 and trailing earnings of $2.26, all because several houses cut > their earnings forecasts - Cowen & Co for example lowered their 1998 > estimate from $2.48 to $2.38, which still represents a small growth over the > past year, unlike a year and a half ago when we saw excess capacity and > inventory creating major price cuts and huge drops in earnings). > I'm glad you put in this disclaimer. I think there is another factor at work here: end-of-year window dressing. I've noticed in my 10 years of investing that end-of-year trends tend to be meaningless unless there is a VERY strong move with a lot of volume. This usually doesn't happen (between the holiday effect, and end-of-year). Now if we just eliminated personal taxes on gains, life would be some much easier here... > I'm not suggesting anyone forget CANSLIM and become a value shopper, but I > am seeing an excess of illogic behavior in the mkt (not that it was ever all > that logical). But I suspect a lot of the selling frenzy could be coming to > an end, and buying start picking up after the holidays or even sooner, so > time to sharpen your reviews and pay attention more closely to your > favorites. > Tom, I'm not convinced about the "even sooner" part. I think more likely after 1/2/98 mainly for reasons stated above. > Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. > My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am > a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do > their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on > the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all > investors. Hmmm.... I don't have a disclaimer like this. Of course I work for the phone company (regulated pseudo-monopoly). They're kinda new to the free enterprise game, much less investing . Happy Holidays, Dave Cameron > tom w > > - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Divergence. Date: 24 Dec 1997 16:53:51 -0500 Connie, does fresh buying to create (or add to existing) long positions have any different effect than does buying to close out a short position? Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >Members-- > >A few have asked me about an observation they have seen: Why [and how] >does stock volume and money flow diverge from price. This is one of the >on a year chart, that OBV and money flow correlate positively. The >price rises as OBV and money flow rises. Nothing surprising here. > >Pull up a year chart on ZTEC. Notice how in the last 2-3 months that >price has significantly retreated while OBV and money flow have risen >and remained strong. This is a bullish divergence that implies that >there is internal pressure for the stock to increase in price. > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Market Indicators Date: 24 Dec 1997 17:03:23 -0500 I predicated my "my sooner" primarily on the oversold conditions of both NYSE and NASDAQ, as well as the fact that those that sold a losing position for tax reasons early (say mid Nov) are now in a position to buy it back if they still really like it, and don't want the hassle of a "wash sale". This could potentially create net buying, along with the fact that both NYSE and NASDAQ reported increased short totals for mid Dec (NYSE was another record, and both showed increased days to cover needed). What may also aid the stock mkt is the financial events in Asia where S. Korea will be getting $10 bil from IMF plus more from G-7 over the next several months, but Japan is still having problems and there are concerns of them selling US Treasuries, reducing the attaction as a safe haven unless yields rise back up around the 6.25% level. Thus money may start flowing out of the bond mkt back into equities at any time, both to lock in profits as well as to "bottom fish" the stock mkt. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >Tom Worley wrote: >> >> Looking at the charts for NYSE and NASDAQ this AM, looks to me like we are >> either effectively bottoming, or ready for a MAJOR correction, esp in >> NASDAQ. The overbot/sold indicator (per DG Online) for NASDAQ is as bad as >> that logical). But I suspect a lot of the selling frenzy could be coming to >> an end, and buying start picking up after the holidays or even sooner, so >> time to sharpen your reviews and pay attention more closely to your >> favorites. >> >Tom, I'm not convinced about the "even sooner" part. I think more likely >after 1/2/98 mainly for reasons stated above. > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: mgw Subject: [CANSLIM] unsubscribe Date: 24 Dec 1997 16:33:10 -0800 unsubscribe canslim - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: mgw Subject: [CANSLIM] remove Date: 24 Dec 1997 16:33:52 -0800 remove - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ming wu Subject: [CANSLIM] unsubscribe Date: 24 Dec 1997 16:34:37 -0800 unsubscribe - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SACADS Subject: [CANSLIM] Happy Holidays to all Date: 25 Dec 1997 00:08:15 EST Just a short note to wish all the best of holidays and a happy and profitable new years. Thanks for all the wisdom and direction over the last couple of month. Greg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Miller Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Happy Holidays to all Date: 25 Dec 1997 00:24:00 +0000 Likewise to all. Merry Christmas and a prosperous and happy New Year! Brad SACADS wrote: > Just a short note to wish all the best of holidays and a happy and > profitable > new years. Thanks for all the wisdom and direction over the last > couple of > month. > > Greg > > - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] unsubscribe Date: 25 Dec 1997 08:03:20 -0500 I keep seeing people wanting to unsubscribe by posting to the entire group instead of following Jeff's instructions on how to do so. In my innocence, I am hoping these are all members converting to the digest version so they don't get so much email, rather than ones giving up entirely on CANSLIM. If so, it troubles me particularly that most often they come from members who have not been posting comments or questions. This is one of the very few forums I have found on the net where a true novice can ask a "dumb" question, and get a mature, adult answer instead of a flame. Very little is asked of members of this group, simply read O'Neill's book, and introduce yourself. The archives are available to browse, and contain vast and valuable info from past discussions. Even when a question is asked that has been answered many times before, some group member is usually courteous enough to answer it yet again, and politely. If someone has joined this group thinking CANSLIM is right for them, or at least wanted to try it out, and engaged in discussions and questions, and found it just doesn't suit them, then I could understand. But I keep seeing "unsubscribe" from lurkers and other non-active members. Don't be bashful, if you are serious about directing your own investment portfolios instead of being led by a broker, then the way to learn is to ask questions, suggest stocks you think are good CS candidates, look at charts of stocks others suggest (and express your opinion about them), etc. We all learn the most when our opinion (esp mine) is challenged. CANSLIM is not right for everyone, but one thing that I have learned from it is that it sharpens your investment skills no matter what investment approach you use, including day trading, value shopping, or even penny stocks. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >unsubscribe canslim > >- > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Viv Tansley Subject: [CANSLIM] Second Intro Date: 25 Dec 1997 21:38:33 +0800 Hi, My name is Viv Tansley, I am 24 yrs old and am working in the hospitality industry. I currently reside in Perth, Western Australia. I learnt of canslim two years ago in America when i saw my first (and last) copy of the IBD and brought WON´s HTMMIS. I introduced myself a couple of days ago but it appears i did something wrong!. I have been "lurking on the sidelines" and i have to say that it is a great group and a great help for outsiders (overseas, no IBD). I use Daily Graphs Online for canslim as i gather there is no other canslim-related research tool on the internet. One stock that i have been watching over the last couple of weeks is UVSGA, in my Novice eyes it appears to be a almost perfect canslim candidate (except the N) I think it is in a base?and the industry (Media -Radio-tv) has been steadily moving up. Does anyone have any comments on it?. I am Looking forward to be more involved with this group (instead of Lurking) Merry Christmas Viv Tansley - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Second Intro Date: 25 Dec 1997 08:56:25 -0500 Merry Christmas, Viv, and glad you are enjoying the group. And thanks for the intro, glad to see we have another member from "Down Under". On UVSGA, definitely has a nice base, doesn't appear overvalued, and like= ly to meet its full year projections. I note the 1998 earnings forecast (already up 26% over this year) was increased on the latest change, which bodes well. I do note an up/down vol ratio of only 0.7, which along with = the low RS of 81 compared to the strong earnings growth suggests its not in f= ull favor right now. Needs to show some vol increases before it becomes a buy= , but well worth watching meanwhile. I like the strong management ownership (52%), but do note that revenues are not increasing anywhere near what earnings are doing. This may account for the relatively low RS compared t= o EPS. I also note the new CEO 6/97, almost always a plus as well. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employe= r. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I = am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should= do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about = on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >Hi, My name is Viv Tansley, I am 24 yrs old and am working in the >hospitality industry. I currently reside in Perth, Western Australia. I >learnt of canslim two years ago in America when i saw my first (and >last) copy of the IBD and brought WON=B4s HTMMIS. I introduced myself a >couple of days ago but it appears i did something wrong!. >I have been "lurking on the sidelines" and i have to say that it is a >great group and a great help for outsiders (overseas, no IBD). I use >Daily Graphs Online for canslim as i gather there is no other >canslim-related research tool on the internet. >One stock that i have been watching over the last couple of weeks is >UVSGA, in my Novice eyes it appears to be a almost perfect canslim >candidate (except the N) I think it is in a base?and the industry >(Media -Radio-tv) has been steadily moving up. Does anyone have any >comments on it?. >I am Looking forward to be more involved with this group (instead of >Lurking) > >Merry Christmas > >Viv Tansley > > >- > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Dan Musicant) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Divergence. Date: 25 Dec 1997 14:03:08 GMT On Wed, 24 Dec 1997 09:30:16 -0500, you wrote: ...OBV and money flow... : :Connie Mack What is OBV? -Dan Musicant - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SACADS Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Divergence. Date: 26 Dec 1997 02:13:43 EST Seems like only yesterday I was asking Connie the same thing. Wow I'm aging. I hope Connie won't be offended by my trying to answer this for you. OBV= On Balance Volume. It is an indicator that relates volume to price change. OBV shows if volume is flowing in or out of a stock. To learn more about this and other indicators study One of my favorite interactive chart places. There is a lot you can learn in the interactive charts. Once you've assigned a symbol and the indicators you desire the chart appears. On the bottom of the chart click on chart help. It will give you an explanation of the indicators you have chosen. Keep changing you indicators and learn about them all. Hope this helps. Thanks Connie. I did pay attention. Greg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SACADS Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Second Intro Date: 26 Dec 1997 02:44:01 EST For the most part I agree with Tom's observations. I might add that the OBV and Moneyflow look very favorable. 20/50/100 day MA's are intertwined. Whether CANSLIM or not stock looks as though could move up in near future. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Fisher Subject: [CANSLIM] USVGA Date: 26 Dec 1997 12:45:28 -0700 At 09:38 PM 12/25/97 +0800, you wrote: >One stock that i have been watching over the last couple of weeks is >UVSGA, in my Novice eyes it appears to be a almost perfect canslim >candidate (except the N) I think it is in a base?and the industry >(Media -Radio-tv) has been steadily moving up. Does anyone have any >comments on it?. On my watch list for months, waiting like you for something N to come along and break it out of its base. A little M wouldn't hurt either. According to my scoring system it ranks in the top 20, all from Zacks freebie DB - Nov 30 data. All are relative to the industry sector except RS which is relative to all stocks in Zacks database. 0Q is EPS change 0Q/-4Q; -1Q is EPS change -1Q/-5Q. EPG Growth is % change of linear fit 5-year trend. EPS GR % 0Q % -1Q % GRS RS Avg. Score 92% 68% 71% 80% 78% 78% These numbers are sure to be different than what you would get in a current IBD. Tim Fisher, 1995 President, Pacific Fishery Biologists Ore-ROCK-On Rockhounding Web Site PFB Information WWW -- See naked fish and rocks! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] USVGA Date: 26 Dec 1997 16:02:15 -0500 Per DG Online, RS 81, EPS 97, GRS 97, Growth 74%, Trailing PE 25, historic 5 yr PE 15-49, up/down 0.7, Timeliness and A/D both B. Also earnings stability 45, ROE 45%, debt 32%, alpha 2.57, and beta 0.69. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >At 09:38 PM 12/25/97 +0800, you wrote: >>One stock that i have been watching over the last couple of weeks is >>UVSGA, in my Novice eyes it appears to be a almost perfect canslim >my scoring system it ranks in the top 20, all from Zacks freebie DB - Nov >30 data. All are relative to the industry sector except RS which is relative >EPS GR % 0Q % -1Q % GRS RS Avg. Score >92% 68% 71% 80% 78% 78% > >These numbers are sure to be different than what you would get in a current IBD. > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: PPNewell Subject: [CANSLIM] Question about Tradestation? Date: 26 Dec 1997 19:15:21 EST Can anyone tell me what's available on tradestation as far as fundamentals, and also how well the backtesting function works. Thanks, Peter Newell - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Subject: [CANSLIM] Stocks that make up indexes Date: 27 Dec 1997 00:16:07 -0500 I'd like to load up data to chart for a number of stocks within some of the more popular indexes. Particularly the SPX (S&P 500) OEX (Nasdaq 100), DOW Transports and Utilities index and the SOX and the Philidelphia Technology index. My daily download of data already includes more than 1200 stocks and indexes, but I'd like to monitor these as groups. My question is this. Does anyone know where I can find any complete listings on the web, for the stocks that make up these (and other) indexes? Any url's would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Chris H - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Viv Tansley Subject: [CANSLIM] UVSGA Date: 28 Dec 1997 01:53:50 +0800 --------------7D3CB94817DF01237E8720D7 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks for the comments on UVSGA. Could someone explain what the Alpha/Beta ratings are. On DG-Online what is R&D a % of ?.I heard the other night on MSNBC that UVSGA has 0 debt but DG states 32% who should i belive? Thanks Viv Tansley --------------7D3CB94817DF01237E8720D7 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks for the comments on UVSGA. Could someone explain what the Alpha/Beta ratings are. On DG-Online what is R&D a % of ?.I heard the other night on MSNBC that UVSGA has 0 debt but DG states 32% who should i belive?

Viv Tansley --------------7D3CB94817DF01237E8720D7-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Fisher Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] UVSGA Date: 27 Dec 1997 12:17:13 -0700 At 01:53 AM 12/28/97 +0800, you wrote: >Thanks for the comments on UVSGA. Could someone explain what the >Alpha/Beta ratings are. On DG-Online what is R&D a % of ?.I heard the >other night on MSNBC that UVSGA has 0 debt but DG states 32% who should >i belive? For once I believe the data since Zacks has the exact same 32% debt/equity ratio. That's a minor miracle that the two databases agree exactly on a number. Maybe they are figuring debt differently... Tim Fisher, 1995 President, Pacific Fishery Biologists Ore-ROCK-On Rockhounding Web Site PFB Information WWW -- See naked fish and rocks! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Lucero Subject: [CANSLIM] IBD says downtrending Date: 27 Dec 1997 21:44:01 -0800 Friday's IBD seems to say we should have gotten out of the market the week of 12/8, and since been waiting for an up day as day 1, and a follow-through day on days 4-7. The topping signs are: 1. The DOW rallies, but on contracting volume 2. The DOW stalls, but trading stays heavy in a churning pattern 3. The DOW then declines on expanding volume I have a couple questions. What do you all think? 1) How far out of the market would you get when you sees the signs, and how quickly? I was scared that week, and got out almost 100%, not counting my mutual funds. But, then I got 100% back in the next week - too early. I didn't like being totally out. Now, I'm thinking perhaps getting out more slowly, just getting stopped out of a few, and selling the weaker stocks. 2) How would you treat S&P Depository Receipts (SPY), like a stock or a mutual fund (which WON recommends buy-and-hold)? I treated them like stocks and sold and rebought them. I think the market is about to rebound, since volume has been shrinking, but I'm a little afraid that the holidays are obscuring things. Thanks, Mike - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JANSI1AUG1 Subject: [CANSLIM] Re.USVGA and R&D Date: 28 Dec 1997 00:55:02 EST Tom and Tim (& et. al), Doesn't USVGA's volume look suspect. It's true, it has a relatively long base, but as I understand a base is only as good as its relation to volume, and USVGA seems to be showing a lot of volume even as its price stays level. To me this means there is a lot of sellers (distribution). Any responses? Viv, R&D is the ratio of Research and Development to Total Sales. (In case you want to check WON's definitions of DG's stats yourself: At top of screen of DG click onto Help>click on to Datablock in the Help screen>click onto the bottom of the screen. DG will then display a help screen of the Datablock screen;every area of Datablock that has a stat you can click onto, and the help screen will explain the terminology of the stat that is used.) jans (Funny. I always thought Australians had an accent) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] IBD says downtrending Date: 28 Dec 1997 06:40:22 -0500 I have not been impressed with the major index charts for some time. However, I have stubbornly refused to give up on small caps, and this past week's gain by Russell 2000 when all other major indexes lost ground is an example why. I don't believe in making a "cash or invest" decision, however, solely on how the "market" is doing. Even in a bear mkt, there will be some select stocks that will make you money on a long position, just as you can make money on short positions even during a raging bull mkt. Use stops, charts, nearby support, 50 and 200dma, etc guide you to selectively going to cash on those stocks not performing properly. I think there is some economic evidence to suggest the mkt is getting ready for a rebound once the year ends and everyone is back at work. The big fear of a Fed rate hike has been lessened recently by several reports (Q3 GDP revised down 0.2%; consumer confidence dropped 5 pts in a month; durable goods (less Transportation) decreased instead of increasing as expected). Meanwhile the estimate of corp profits was sharply increased from up 1.7% to up 4.2%, still down from recent levels, but a nice improvement still. Much of the correction to date, esp in tech stocks, is from a lowering expectation of earnings growth. That is reasonable, given all circumstances including the "Asian flu", however the reaction to this "lowering of expectations" has oversold the market in general, NASDAQ in particular (and esp tech stocks) and put share prices at attractive valuations and low end of historic trailing or projected PE ratios. The key, for me, is to see the buy side volume start picking up, that's when I will start to believe in a mkt wide rebound. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >Friday's IBD seems to say we should have gotten out of the market the week >of 12/8, and since been waiting for an up day as day 1, and a >follow-through day on days 4-7. The topping signs are: > >1. The DOW rallies, but on contracting volume >2. The DOW stalls, but trading stays heavy in a churning pattern >3. The DOW then declines on expanding volume > >I have a couple questions. What do you all think? > >1) How far out of the market would you get when you sees the signs, >2) How would you treat S&P Depository Receipts (SPY), like a stock or a >mutual fund >I think the market is about to rebound, since volume has been shrinking, >but I'm a little afraid that the holidays are obscuring things. > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Asian woes and tech stocks Date: 28 Dec 1997 06:55:50 -0500 With the expected slowdown in growth of corp profits, I am not convinced that we will see 10,000 in 1998. However, I do expect an improving mkt for at least the first qtr of 1998. After that, it will likely depend on further economic trends combined with corp profits. WON does tend to focus primarily on US corps, but that doesn't stop him from looking at decent foreign cos in the same CS fashion. I did note an article this weekend pointing out that many S. Korean cos are considered likely takeovers by foreign (primarily US) corps due to the decline in the price of their stock, their heavy debt (or even bankruptcy), as well as the huge devaluation in the won (not the same as WON). That could cause the S. Korean mkt to start outperforming most of the world from its present very depressed levels. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >CNBC did extensive reporting yesterday on the Asian deflation dissertation. >I was wondering if this is a base that will push the DOW upward to 10,000 >as many analysts had hoped for, or will investors pile into Japanese >software companies and Korean chipmakers in '98 before Intel releases I understand that O'Neil is >not only Irish, but focuses on American companies; but in light of - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] UVSGA Date: 28 Dec 1997 06:59:16 -0500 Best way to find out who is right is go to the sec site and examine a recent financial report. Possibly they have some outstanding convertible bonds that are "in the money" and MSNBC is treating that as if it is already converted (which would raise the question whether they increased the nr of shares outstanding as well!). Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >At 01:53 AM 12/28/97 +0800, you wrote: >>Thanks for the comments on UVSGA. Could someone explain what the >>Alpha/Beta ratings are. On DG-Online what is R&D a % of ?.I heard the >>other night on MSNBC that UVSGA has 0 debt but DG states 32% who should >>i belive? > >For once I believe the data since Zacks has the exact same 32% debt/equity >ratio. That's a minor miracle that the two databases agree exactly on a >number. Maybe they are figuring debt differently... > >Tim Fisher, 1995 President, Pacific Fishery Biologists >Ore-ROCK-On Rockhounding Web Site >PFB Information > >WWW -- See naked fish and rocks! > > >- > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Peter Newell Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] IBD says downtrending Date: 28 Dec 1997 09:29:27 -0600 Mike, IMOH if October didn't take you out 100% Dec should have. The defensive stocks are going up sharply. Compared to May the rally was indecisive, ie in May you barely had time to get back in this rally took much longer. And, when 8000 was hit we sold of really hard, ie with 800 mil days we should be hitting all time highs not dropping 1-2%. Friday's comeback did show some signs of strength but its still to early. I'd wait for the rally thru days and see what happens at the 8000 level and see if the NASDAQ pulls off the 1500 mark. Happy hunting, Peter Newell Mike Lucero wrote: > > Friday's IBD seems to say we should have gotten out of the market the week > of 12/8, and since been waiting for an up day as day 1, and a > follow-through day on days 4-7. The topping signs are: > > 1. The DOW rallies, but on contracting volume > 2. The DOW stalls, but trading stays heavy in a churning pattern > 3. The DOW then declines on expanding volume > > I have a couple questions. What do you all think? > > 1) How far out of the market would you get when you sees the signs, and how > quickly? I was scared that week, and got out almost 100%, not counting my > mutual funds. But, then I got 100% back in the next week - too early. I > didn't like being totally out. Now, I'm thinking perhaps getting out more > slowly, just getting stopped out of a few, and selling the weaker stocks. > > 2) How would you treat S&P Depository Receipts (SPY), like a stock or a > mutual fund (which WON recommends buy-and-hold)? I treated them like stocks > and sold and rebought them. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] IBD says downtrending Date: 28 Dec 1997 10:15:22 -0500 I would not trust any volume, price, chart or index indicators for either last week or the upcoming week due the lack of volume and absence of many investors and institutional managers. Too many people are on holiday. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- Friday's >comeback did show some signs of strength but its still to early. I'd >wait for the rally thru days and see what happens at the 8000 level and >see if the NASDAQ pulls off the 1500 mark. > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Cameron Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] IBD says downtrending Date: 28 Dec 1997 11:19:08 -0600 Mike Lucero wrote: > > Friday's IBD seems to say we should have gotten out of the market the week > of 12/8, and since been waiting for an up day as day 1, and a > follow-through day on days 4-7. The topping signs are: > > 1. The DOW rallies, but on contracting volume > 2. The DOW stalls, but trading stays heavy in a churning pattern > 3. The DOW then declines on expanding volume > > I have a couple questions. What do you all think? > I know that Tom and Peter already added their comments, but I will add my two cents as well. That's part of the advantage of a discussion group (one gets differing opinions). > 1) How far out of the market would you get when you sees the signs, and how > quickly? I was scared that week, and got out almost 100%, not counting my > mutual funds. But, then I got 100% back in the next week - too early. I > didn't like being totally out. Now, I'm thinking perhaps getting out more > slowly, just getting stopped out of a few, and selling the weaker stocks. > I went from being about 20% margined to about 25% cash. I have a hard time psychologically getting totally out. FWIW, some of my stocks are still close to their highs. A recently mentioned one was STRL. Its only about 7% off its high - and above where I bought. But I am: 1. Not good at telling market turns; I let my individual stocks tell me when to get out. 2. I am psychologically unable to be out completely. I'm afraid I'll miss a 300-point up day on the Dow. I can really only enter orders during off hours, so I'd miss the whole move. This isn't the ideal way to make money, but one can not trade against one's personality. I also agree with Peter & Tom on some points. Peter indicated if you didn't get out in October, you should have in December. If I could trade solely on rules, I'd agree. But... this is not really a help to you now, just in future situations. At this point, I'd go along with Tom. Hang on at least until Jan 5. Then see what happens after the year-end is over, everyone is back to trading, etc. I do have a stock which has dropped 20% in the last month and I'm still hanging on. I wouldn't do this if it were June. The down volume has been small. My (hopeful) guess is that someone is unloading for tax purposes. If it starts to drop again after Jan 5, I will swallow the loss though. > 2) How would you treat S&P Depository Receipts (SPY), like a stock or a > mutual fund (which WON recommends buy-and-hold)? I treated them like stocks > and sold and rebought them. > No opinion.... I'm not good at stuff like this. > I think the market is about to rebound, since volume has been shrinking, > but I'm a little afraid that the holidays are obscuring things. > Obviously I concur. Dave Cameron - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Frank V. Wolynski" Subject: [CANSLIM] Household Durables? Barrons list them as a Sector. Date: 28 Dec 1997 14:47:05 -0500 Would anyone have a list of stocks that belong to the household durables sector as Barrons interprets them? Barrons at one time listed the stocks in the sectors it published volume and price data on, but I haven't seen it recently. Thanks if you can help. Frank Wolynski - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jerry & Tonia Joldersma" Subject: [CANSLIM] Intro: Jerry Joldersma Date: 28 Dec 1997 12:33:09 -0800 I am 57 years old, own a movie theater, and have had mutual fund investments over many years. Twice I tried to trade futures with mechanical trading systems; I lost a few thousand dollars each time before withdrawing. Recently, I was introduced to CANSLIM; I have just finished O'Neil's book. I find the openness of this discussion group to be invigorating. Unlike futures trading, trading in stocks in not a zero-sum game: we can all benefit if we spot a stock about to break out. My beginner's question is this: If any one of the group has a list of several potential candidates, is it not to their advantage to share this list with the group? For two reasons: First, feedback and Second, to encourage other potential buyers to watch for the same breakout, encouraging more buying volume. Do suggestions of potential candidates exist in the past files of this group? How do I find them? Do any members of this group compile and share such a list from time to time? Or is this another naive question? Unless I am hopelessly naive, I intend to begin researching candidates this coming week and sharing names with the group. (I have seen 1 or 2 suggestions in the past week, i.e. UVSGA.) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Fisher Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] IBD says downtrending Date: 28 Dec 1997 13:20:20 -0700 At 09:29 AM 12/28/97 -0600, you wrote: >Mike, > >IMOH if October didn't take you out 100% Dec should have. The defensive >stocks are going up sharply. Compared to May the rally was indecisive, >ie in May you barely had time to get back in this rally took much >longer. And, when 8000 was hit we sold of really hard, ie with 800 mil >days we should be hitting all time highs not dropping 1-2%. Friday's >comeback did show some signs of strength but its still to early. I'd >wait for the rally thru days and see what happens at the 8000 level and >see if the NASDAQ pulls off the 1500 mark. > Well I guess I'll tell my portfolio to stop performing so darn well. Like Tom said, there are select stocks that are doing quite well in spite of general market trends. I'm up 4% in Dec. If I would have stayed out I'd be even for the year, which is where I was after the Oct debacle. There were plenty of signs to get out before that correction which I shouldn't have ignored. If you follow a group of the best CANSLIM/LLUR stocks you'll see the trends in how many make the grade and drop out. Dropping out was tres chic for the first 3 weeks of Oct, while almost no new candidates appeared. Those trends are all reversed and moving upward through Dec. They were flat to slightly positive in Nov. E.g. I was down to 4 good LLUR/CANSLIM stocks after the debacle from 20+ in Sept; right now I've got 17 on my watch list. Tim Fisher, 1995 President, Pacific Fishery Biologists Ore-ROCK-On Rockhounding Web Site PFB Information WWW -- See naked fish and rocks! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Fisher Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Intro: Jerry Joldersma Date: 28 Dec 1997 13:38:26 -0700 At 12:33 PM 12/28/97 -0800, you wrote: >benefit if we spot a stock about to break out. My beginner's question is >this: If any one of the group has a list of several potential candidates, >is it not to their advantage to share this list with the group? For two >reasons: First, feedback and Second, to encourage other potential buyers to >watch for the same breakout, encouraging more buying volume. > OK, I'll bite. I have a list that I track on a monthly basis for technicals and weekly for price behavior. It'll be updated after the first but here's the cream of the crop. My principle is that I only look at LLUR stocks (lower-left-upper-right charts) that have a 3-month history of good behavior and meet CASLI. N and M you have to look up for yourself. I use Zacks free dataabse which ain't the greates for the fundamentals and various sources for candidates. Screens are a big part of ti so I know I miss a bunch cause Zacks has N/A in fields like last quarters earnings which sucks but it's free. They all meet rather strict insider & institutional, EPS growth, ADV standards. Capitalizatin is a sore point with me so I don't limit it. I've made my biggest gains in doublers that are big caps according to WON btu CANSLIM otherwise, i.e. DELL MSFT INTL. Numbers are: GR% = 5 year linear EPS historical trend compared to industry sector 0Q% = last quarter EPS/-4 Q EPS compared to sector -1Q = quarter before last EPS/-5 Q EPS compared to sector GRS = price relative strength compared to sector over last 24 weeks RS = price relative strength compared to Zacks database of 6000 issues Total Score = Average of all 5 scores Tick GR % 0Q % -1Q % GRS RS Total Score IMP 97% 89% 76% 99% 97% 92% COO 96% 83% 82% 96% 96% 91% AWIN 80% 88% 98% 89% 87% 88% EQ 95% 90% 82% 83% 84% 87% CXP 89% 79% 86% 88% 89% 86% SFSK 75% 83% 76% 98% 98% 86% TUES 84% 97% 96% 74% 77% 86% CTI 100% 78% 75% 88% 87% 85% NRVH 70% 93% 79% 92% 92% 85% CCE 95% 77% 85% 89% 78% 85% RXSD 91% 76% 73% 89% 87% 83% ANLT 73% 74% 58% 99% 98% 81% UVSGA 92% 68% 71% 80% 78% 78% NYT 91% 60% 72% 76% 67% 73% MTG 83% 75% 74% 46% 62% 68% WSFS 54% 10% 83% 93% 91% 66% WPSN 79% 58% 58% 40% 39% 55% Tim Fisher, 1995 President, Pacific Fishery Biologists Ore-ROCK-On Rockhounding Web Site PFB Information WWW -- See naked fish and rocks! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "K Strauss" Subject: [CANSLIM] Canadian info Date: 29 Dec 1997 01:07:17 -0500 There does not seem to be any parallel in Canada to the SEC 10K/10Q reports (see on EDGAR. However, are there *any* frequenty updated online sources of information on the financials of Candadian corporations? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Canadian info Date: 29 Dec 1997 03:49:30 -0500 If the company is listed on a US exchange NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ) then they still file 10Q and 10K reports, which can be found at I usually go there via so that I can enter the symbol rather than having to spell out the co name (if you don't spell it the same way as SEC, you won't find it). Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >There does not seem to be any parallel in Canada to the SEC 10K/10Q reports >(see on EDGAR. However, are there >*any* frequenty updated online sources of information on the financials of >Candadian corporations? > > >- > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Intro: Jerry Joldersma Date: 29 Dec 1997 04:08:25 -0500 Welcome to the group, Jerry. Glad to have someone older than me, at least by a little, in the group. Depending on how long you have been a member, you may not have seen many stocks being suggested. For the past three months, there have been few candidates. When the mkt direction is confirmed positive, and CS type stocks start performing well, you will again see member's favorite picks showing up. However, keep in mind that this group encourages CS based investors whether novice or expert, so you still need to do your own homework on any stock mentioned here. It's a safe forum for even a total novice to test out his interpretation and application of CANSLIM, and a lot cheaper than actually buying it. Right now I have only one stock that is behaving well, that is Electronic Processing (EPIQ) which does software for administering bankruptcy trustee accts. Real growth industry. Currently I am nearly fully invested, on margin, and with the exception of my 401, all are small or microcaps. Jeff Salisbury, who owns this list, regularly posts instructions on unsubcribing, changing between the digest and full version, and on accessing the archives. I will forward the instructions on archiving to you shortly. New picks are welcome, preferably with the CS data included. If someone doesn't think they are a good candidate, they will usually let you know. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >this: If any one of the group has a list of several potential candidates, >is it not to their advantage to share this list with the group? For two >reasons: First, feedback and Second, to encourage other potential buyers to >watch for the same breakout, encouraging more buying volume. > >Do suggestions of potential candidates exist in the past files of this >group? How do I find them? Do any members of this group compile and share - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "bamend" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] USVGA Date: 29 Dec 1997 07:24:54 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0079_01BD142A.DBC2CA80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Tim wrote: At 09:38 PM 12/25/97 +0800, you wrote: >One stock that i have been watching over the last couple of weeks is >UVSGA, in my Novice eyes it appears to be a almost perfect canslim >candidate (except the N) I think it is in a base?and the industry >(Media -Radio-tv) has been steadily moving up. Does anyone have any >comments on it?. How do you find these CANSLIM stocks? I've looked through IBD's graphs, = charts, and tables but never seem to find the same stocks you do. Where = do you begin to look? How about looking for accelerated earnings. = Sometimes these stocks have low RS and EPS's. Any help would be = appreciated. Bob Amend ------=_NextPart_000_0079_01BD142A.DBC2CA80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Tim = wrote:
At 09:38 PM 12/25/97 +0800, you wrote:
>One stock that i have = been=20 watching over the last couple of weeks is
>UVSGA, in my Novice = eyes it=20 appears to be a almost perfect canslim
>candidate (except the N) I = think=20 it is in a base?and  the industry
>(Media -Radio-tv) has been = steadily moving up. Does anyone have any
>comments on = it?.
How do you = find these=20 CANSLIM stocks?  I've looked through IBD's graphs, charts, and = tables but=20 never seem to find the same stocks you do.  Where do you begin to=20 look?  How about looking for accelerated earnings.  Sometimes = these=20 stocks have low RS and EPS's.  Any help would be=20 appreciated. 
Bob=20 Amend
------=_NextPart_000_0079_01BD142A.DBC2CA80-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] Some new ideas Date: 29 Dec 1997 08:00:11 -0500 Been a busy weekend but got a lot done, including finally scanning my way thru several hundred NASDAQ stocks that hit new highs in the past three trading days. Will try to do NYSE tonight. Here are the ones I will be adding to my watch list: Data is in the order: symbol, RS, EPS, A/D, Timeliness, Up/Down, GRS, name. My standard disclaimers apply: no bank stocks, no drug stocks, around or less than $20/share, must be profitable (which knocked out several telecom stocks that otherwise looked good), within a reasonable buy point, mostly small or micro caps (which means thin trading in many cases), etc. TWMC, 99, 59, A, A, 5.8 (yeah, that's right, 5.8), 61, Transworld Entertainment NOBH, 92, 91, A, A, 1.7, 90, Nobility Homes NSCF, 96, 88, C (no data block), Northstar Computer Forms ABTX, 99, 58, A,. C, 2.1, 62, Agribiotech THQI, 99, 65, A, A, 1.6, 55, THQ Inc. EDAC, 99, 74, A, B, 1.6, 82, EDAC Tech You will notice that several have low EPS nrs, I have given more weight to more recent earnings over what WON's formulas give to historic (5 year) results after looking at recent financial results and chart formations. Remaining on my watch list (none were dropped this weekend) are (in no particular order): FTIC, MFAC, KEA, EFTC, LAKE, SRCL, SCSC (getting close to dropping this one), VIDE, TSRI, MTIC, and EQNX. If I didn't already own it, EPIQ would also be listed here. Comments welcome, hope this gets some brain juices moving again after the holidays (and hopefully some buy side vol as well). Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] Market Opening Date: 29 Dec 1997 08:06:30 -0500 Over the past five or so hours, looks like Asia has improved, and NASDAQ 100 futures went from down half a percent to up over half a percent, while the S&P500 futures went from up a half percent to up nearly 3/4 percent. Europe also looks solidly up for the day, so am looking for a positive opening and some improved volume. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "WILLIAM DANIELS" Subject: [CANSLIM] Finding CANSLIM candidates Date: 29 Dec 1997 07:51:18 -0600 With the recent threads about posting our CANSLIM candidates or watch lists, I have a couple of questions for the list members. I get overwhelmed trying to find CANSLIM candidates using the IBD. Even trying to wade through the 200 or so stocks listed in each Friday's "Your Weekend Review" is a bit daunting since every stock listed meets 4 or 5 of the C-A-N-S-L-I-M criteria. So here goes, do you fellows that are serious about discovering CANSLIM stocks rely upon a more automated method of scanning the universe of stocks to narrow down the potential list to something a bit more managable? If so, what computer based tools do you use? Do tools like Telechart 2000 allow searches for reasonable facsimiles of the IBD proprietary info, ie. are RS/GRS/EPS rankings/AD indicators available through the databases used by your favorite software? Please share your recommendations for tools to buy or subscribe to. I'm sure this will help a lot of us "newbie" CANSLIMers. I know a few that have shared the same frustration I feel in discovering stocks to watch for purchase. Thanks, Bill Daniels - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Connie Mack Rea Subject: [CANSLIM] Stock comments: Canslim & Otherwise Date: 29 Dec 1997 09:49:05 -0500 --------------F2BE70C931B41BFDB2AEE409 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Members-- A couple of general comments. First, there are some tech stocks that are worth looking, for they have been beaten up pretty bad. Four, not of my own screening, are: SEG, XLNX, QNTM, and ALTR. XLNX seems the least attractive. SEG is just off a 52-wk low of 18 or so. Second, overall, the techs have some momentum that looks to be carrying over from Friday. This is how a trader would look at Tom's suggestions. TWMC: Has been running the 20MA nicely for almost two months. OBV and money flow is strong. Had I not already set up some buys for this morning, TWMC is at an enter point. NOBH: OBV and money flow are strong. 3|7|10MAs gave buy at 17. Stochastics strong. NSCF: Strong across the board. My indicators gave a buy after Friday's close. ABTX: My indicators gave a buy over two months and the buy has remained intact ever since. As expected, OBV and money flow are strong. The stock is nearing the top of its Bollinger band and the stochastics might be getting ready to roll over. THQI: OBV and money flow obviously strong. Stochastics not impressive. Indicators gave buy six days ago. EDAC: OBV and money flow as expected. Stochastics leveling off at high side. Indicators gave buy 6-7 days ago. I will be trying to buy TTNP. Nice divergence here: Price down, OBV and money flow up. ACOL has nice OBV and money flow. I will close out my MU at 25.5 and look for a re-entry at a lower price. Connie Mack --------------F2BE70C931B41BFDB2AEE409 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Members--

A couple of general comments.  First, there are some tech stocks that are worth looking, for they have been beaten up pretty bad.  Four, not of my own screening, are: SEG, XLNX, QNTM, and ALTR.  XLNX seems the least attractive.  SEG is just off a 52-wk low of 18 or so.

Second, overall, the techs have some momentum that looks to be carrying over from Friday.

This is how a trader would look at Tom's suggestions.  TWMC: Has been running the 20MA nicely for almost two months.  OBV and money flow is strong.  Had I not already set up some buys for this morning, TWMC is at an enter point.

NOBH: OBV and money flow are strong.  3|7|10MAs gave buy at 17.  Stochastics strong.

NSCF: Strong across the board.  My indicators gave a buy after Friday's close.

ABTX: My indicators gave a buy  over two months and the buy has remained intact ever since.  As expected, OBV and money flow are strong.  The stock is nearing the top of its Bollinger band and the stochastics might be getting ready to roll over.

THQI: OBV and money flow obviously strong.  Stochastics not impressive. Indicators gave buy six days ago.

EDAC: OBV and money flow as expected.  Stochastics leveling off at high side.  Indicators gave buy 6-7 days ago.

I will be trying to buy TTNP.  Nice divergence here: Price down, OBV and money flow up.

ACOL has nice OBV and money flow.

I will close out my MU at 25.5 and look for a re-entry at a lower price.

Connie Mack
  --------------F2BE70C931B41BFDB2AEE409-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: PPNewell Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Finding CANSLIM candidates Date: 29 Dec 1997 10:58:19 EST Bill, IBD likes to highlight top stocks in their INSIDE THE MARKET and NASDAQ/AMEX market sections. I just started looking at this a month ago look for stocks that have (cleared a 50/200 dma on x volume), cleared a x week base. And usually the best will say and have an IBD RS and EPS of xx and yy. If anyone knows their criteria for doing this please let us know. Peter Newell - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Connie Mack Rea Subject: [CANSLIM] A market site for members. Date: 29 Dec 1997 12:42:24 -0500 --------------F2D1374DE8ED732B9FE1F755 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Members-- I posted some time ago that a few faculty members had asked me to start a stock club. Out of 20 or so who inquired five were serious and anted up a few bucks to get started. Since then, four more have joined. I hold "class" once a week and sometimes more if we've time. We discuss stocks, market theory, etc.--much the same as members do here. I love to teach teachers. Wish I could make them takes tests. They are, however, faithful to do their homework, for they've given me their money to play with. Thus far, they've agreed to do most of the selecting and buying on their own. What they've asked me to do is to keep them from making major bad choices. I love to shoot down their bad choices: just like they shoot down their students' bad intellectual choices in class. The group is up about 10%--and getting just a bit cocky. Would it be nasty of me to let a real stinker selection get through on purpose? My point in recounting this is that I search the web much more than I did before because I need to find sites for them to monitor. I am grateful for members who have suggested their favorite site; often I steal your suggestions and give them to my group. May I suggest a site that I've taken a liking to. Forgive me if one of you've already suggested it. I don't get to read all the Canslim mail; usually I've time only for two or three days. The site is Take a look particularly along the left column. Under "Articles" check out "Momentum Investing," "Stock Evaluation," and "Shorting 202." Further down, you will find some good reading under "Technical Analysis" and "SteveH--TA Stuff." The latter is a bit technical; if it is too much for you now, footnote it anyway for a time when you've learned more. Believe that the "Research" section on down uses BigCharts, which is probably the best free interactive charting anywhere. See Another called "Stocktools" is very good. It is being sold and unavailable momentarily. Its URL: There is much free and freeware stuff on Sorry to go, but I've a few stocks check on. Connie Mack --------------F2D1374DE8ED732B9FE1F755 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Members--

I posted some time ago that a few  faculty members had asked me to start a stock club.  Out of 20 or so who inquired five were serious and anted up a few bucks to get started.  Since then, four more have joined.

I hold "class" once a week and sometimes more if we've time.  We discuss stocks, market theory, etc.--much the same as members do here.  I love to teach teachers.  Wish I could make them takes tests.  They are, however, faithful to do their homework, for they've given me their money to play with.

Thus far, they've agreed to do most of the selecting and buying on their own.  What they've asked me to do is to keep them from making major bad choices.  I love to shoot down their bad choices: just like they shoot down their students' bad intellectual choices in class.

The group is up about 10%--and getting just a bit cocky.  Would it be nasty of me to let a real stinker selection get through on purpose?

My point in recounting this is that I search the web much more than I did before because I need to find sites for them to monitor.  I am grateful for members who have suggested their favorite site; often I steal your suggestions and give them to my group.

May I suggest a site that I've taken a liking to.  Forgive me if one of you've already suggested it.  I don't get to read all the Canslim mail; usually I've time only for two or three days.

The site is

Take a look particularly along the left column.  Under "Articles" check out "Momentum Investing," "Stock Evaluation," and "Shorting 202."

Further down, you will find some good reading under "Technical Analysis" and "SteveH--TA Stuff."  The latter is a bit technical; if it is too much for you now, footnote it anyway for a time when you've learned more.

Believe that the "Research" section on down uses BigCharts, which is probably the best free interactive charting anywhere. See

Another called "Stocktools" is very good.  It is being sold and unavailable momentarily.  Its URL:

There is much free and freeware stuff on

Sorry to go, but I've a few stocks check on.

Connie Mack --------------F2D1374DE8ED732B9FE1F755-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Ziegler Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] A market site for members. Date: 28 Dec 1997 13:32:14 -0600 ------ =_NextPart_000_01BD1395.0D8C5F40 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Connie Mack, Please resubmit the stockman site URL. I can't get to it w/ or w/o www. Thanks, Mike Z -----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, December 29, 1997 11:42 AM << File: ATT00000.html >> Members-- I posted some time ago that a few faculty members had asked me to start a stock club. Out of 20 or so who inquired five were serious and anted up a few bucks to get started. Since then, four more have joined. I hold "class" once a week and sometimes more if we've time. We discuss stocks, market theory, etc.--much the same as members do here. I love to teach teachers. Wish I could make them takes tests. They are, however, faithful to do their homework, for they've given me their money to play with. Thus far, they've agreed to do most of the selecting and buying on their own. What they've asked me to do is to keep them from making major bad choices. I love to shoot down their bad choices: just like they shoot down their students' bad intellectual choices in class. The group is up about 10%--and getting just a bit cocky. Would it be nasty of me to let a real stinker selection get through on purpose? My point in recounting this is that I search the web much more than I did before because I need to find sites for them to monitor. I am grateful for members who have suggested their favorite site; often I steal your suggestions and give them to my group. May I suggest a site that I've taken a liking to. Forgive me if one of you've already suggested it. I don't get to read all the Canslim mail; usually I've time only for two or three days. The site is Take a look particularly along the left column. Under "Articles" check out "Momentum Investing," "Stock Evaluation," and "Shorting 202." Further down, you will find some good reading under "Technical Analysis" and "SteveH--TA Stuff." The latter is a bit technical; if it is too much for you now, footnote it anyway for a time when you've learned more. Believe that the "Research" section on down uses BigCharts, which is probably the best free interactive charting anywhere. See Another called "Stocktools" is very good. It is being sold and unavailable momentarily. Its URL: There is much free and freeware stuff on Sorry to go, but I've a few stocks check on. Connie Mack ------ =_NextPart_000_01BD1395.0D8C5F40 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IiETAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYA1AEAAAEAAAAQAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAAUwAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGNhbnNsaW1AbGlzdHMu eG1pc3Npb24uY29tAFNNVFAAY2Fuc2xpbUBsaXN0cy54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AAB4AAjABAAAABQAA AFNNVFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAAbAAAAY2Fuc2xpbUBsaXN0cy54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AAAMAFQwBAAAA AwD+DwYAAAAeAAEwAQAAAB0AAAAnY2Fuc2xpbUBsaXN0cy54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20nAAAAAAIBCzAB AAAAIAAAAFNNVFA6Q0FOU0xJTUBMSVNUUy5YTUlTU0lPTi5DT00AAwAAOQAAAAALAEA6AQAAAB4A 9l8BAAAAGwAAAGNhbnNsaW1AbGlzdHMueG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAACAfdfAQAAAFMAAAAAAAAAgSsf pL6jEBmdbgDdAQ9UAgAAAABjYW5zbGltQGxpc3RzLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQBTTVRQAGNhbnNsaW1A bGlzdHMueG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAADAP1fAQAAAAMA/18AAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAAAAAAAgltAQSA AQApAAAAUkU6IFtDQU5TTElNXSBBIG1hcmtldCBzaXRlIGZvciBtZW1iZXJzLgAqDQEFgAMADgAA 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MB9G9tEib9uQfTJ9ILYwbsrQNBJnkiwAgCJT9gNFdoGg/yuANOJgEfmyYED30FqhHeHReyAyLiK9 HEb9kLTR/ylE2/BF4RmBUYE+FPGC8iC+b/nQTuId0jiAXPNU4eD+aKwwgZHdgMOhVdAD0GKm12GE d3DK0Ejv4FTjsGBQ/nWF8GKQEwMLwHdgd3CzsP8h0TB0d3BnBUSAApG0oSHT/m8MHw0vDj/tUwmD 5JJkcj9uEf1Sg0BuEFdC8oFuef92YFSElFDxw/fAF5FOVbPh/nL+kWzPbd9u72/0/dH+zf5CyuCA sEdTIDQAENCwOeR/AICHEjTyHsEmMz0x+ZBC/ejQQ/Jg/EAIAffAhhARANsD0PVlcIUAI/BiU4G0 0v8x4BzRItBVgSryQOAdsRux/xBQWpId43JAC0TaUAwGV6X/fDGAA+UwWK9ncSYAY9JnQe/KsGij YHFskWwAcSHRFGH/SBFlsQuCbEMx4B3S95D/8f/5sfpGw6BgwFKQfhFNAV8D//WgUpAxEoaw+ZC1 8SeQV6X/hQiC3y2TAmICIXBTVXL5sr9+8nJQ+QJpkh6yV6VUCZB3ddCLn/WhU+SghhH7om//2/D7 QEr18qQHtF3UAJH+zX+yqa3gwYascPnQwmi5ln0GAJfAl/ADABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAAwCAEP// //9AAAcwYAv3IccTvQFAAAgwYAv3IccTvQELAACACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAADhQAAAAAA AAMAAoAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAABCFAAAAAAAAAwAFgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAA UoUAALcNAAAeACWACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAABUhQAAAQAAAAQAAAA4LjAAAwAmgAggBgAA AAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAAYUAAAAAAAALAC+ACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAAOhQAAAAAAAAMA MIAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAABGFAAAAAAAAAwAygAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAGIUA AAAAAAAeAEGACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAA2hQAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAHgBCgAggBgAAAAAA wAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAN4UAAAEAAAABAAAAAAAAAB4AQ4AIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAADiFAAAB AAAAAQAAAAAAAAAeAD0AAQAAAAUAAABSRTogAAAAAAMADTT9NwAAY84= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BD1395.0D8C5F40-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Connie Mack Rea Subject: [CANSLIM] URL for resubmitted. Date: 29 Dec 1997 16:34:58 -0500 --------------0B4EE07497C1B4D8401A8041 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Members-- Three of you have said that you were unable to bring up the Stockman URL. Try this extended URL: Connie Mack --------------0B4EE07497C1B4D8401A8041 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Members--

Three of you have said that you were unable to bring up the Stockman URL.  Try this extended URL:

Connie Mack --------------0B4EE07497C1B4D8401A8041-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Finding CANSLIM candidates Date: 29 Dec 1997 19:58:48 -0500 I hate to sound like a heretic, but it's been a while since I even read an IBD, just had too little time much as I enjoy it. However, rather than just concentrate on the Weekend Review, I would suggest looking (glancing) at the 20 or so charts that appear every day for each exchange. It will take a while to be able to start spotting the stocks that are most attractive to your style (and budget) of investing, but I personally like to look at a chart first, then study the fundamentals (mostly because it helps me fight/balance my natural bias for fundamentals over technical analysis). I can usually look over 20 or so charts in a matter of just a few minutes. As far as my own style goes, it should be well known by now. I like to check charts of stocks hitting new highs, esp those under $20 and most esp NASDAQ tech stocks. If I had more capital, I would raise this price threshold. Because I always have more stocks on my watch list than I can afford to buy, I don't check new highs daily, but do like to check on strong down days (looking for esp strong performers). Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >With the recent threads about posting our CANSLIM candidates or watch >lists, I have a couple of questions for the list members. I get >overwhelmed trying to find CANSLIM candidates using the IBD. Even >trying to wade through the 200 or so stocks listed in each Friday's >"Your Weekend Review" is a bit daunting since every stock listed meets 4 >or 5 of the C-A-N-S-L-I-M criteria. So here goes, do you fellows that >are serious about discovering CANSLIM stocks rely upon a more automated >method of scanning the universe of stocks to narrow down the potential >list to something a bit more managable? If so, what computer based >tools do you use? Do tools like Telechart 2000 allow searches for >reasonable facsimiles of the IBD proprietary info, ie. are RS/GRS/EPS >rankings/AD indicators available through the databases used by your >favorite software? Please share your recommendations for tools to buy >or subscribe to. > >I'm sure this will help a lot of us "newbie" CANSLIMers. I know a few >that have shared the same frustration I feel in discovering stocks to >watch for purchase. > >Thanks, > >Bill Daniels > >- > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jerry & Tonia Joldersma" Subject: [CANSLIM] Software Date: 29 Dec 1997 19:45:22 -0800 Do any of you have experience with Power Investor, produced by Investor's Alliance? Is it a serviceable tool to scan and select CANSLIM stocks? If not, which software do you recommend? (beginning with the lowest price level and working upwards) Thanks for any suggestions -- Jerry - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jerry Buchheit" Subject: [CANSLIM] Any holiday cheer? Date: 29 Dec 1997 19:37:28 -0600 I am shifting from lurker to poster in the hopes of seeking some encouragement and perhaps some advice concerning my dismal venture into CANSLIM territory. I've been investing for about 12 years with mixed, but overall positive results. I've subscribed to IDB for about 3 years and have seen WON at his seminars (the free ones) twice. I bought CHSE after it was featured in IBD and its CEO made page one (right side column). I also bought FACO based on its strength, both RS and EPS. To me, everything seemed right...until I bought. Being so sure of my reasoning, I made the big blunder of ignoring the stop-loss discipline. CHSE is now down almost 50% and FACO is down about 25%. Don't bother to chastise me for my errors. I'm doing a good job of that already! Is there any sage advice out there? I feel the companies are still good, so should I hang on? Their numbers aren't as good as they were, of course. Over the years I've spent a fortune on investment books. I must say that losing a small fortune is a much quicker learning experience! Jerry B. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Any holiday cheer? Date: 30 Dec 1997 07:54:27 -0500 Welcome to poster status, Jerry, wish you had made the transition sooner with the same questions (THAT GOES FOR ALL YOU OTHER LURKERS OUT THERE THAT DON'T WANT TO ASK A QUESTION, DON'T BE BASHFUL, WE KNOW YOU'RE OUT THERE! IT'S REALLY A FRIENDLY GROUP AND ALL ARE WELCOME TO POST OR COMMENT). Sorry, just had to get that out of my system. Anyway, back to your questions, Jerry. CHSE - I have followed this one off and on the past several years. My main problem with it (aside with the chart, which isn't pretty) is that revenues are growing much faster than earnings. I expect the opposite as increased sales improves cost efficiency. It looks to me like it will miss Q4 estimates by a considerable margin, which is probably mostly or completely factored in. RS of course is terrible at 35, Accumulation/distribution can't go lower at E, up/down equally poor at 0.5. Chartwise may be finally bottoming out, but no nearby support for insurance. At least trailing PE is low at 13, but last year's Q4 is a tough qtr to compare to and I would expect them to fall behind it this year judging from recent qtr's results. I would suggest a call to the company and ask the CFO if he is comfortable with analyst's full year estimates and see what kind of reaction you get. Judging by all the refinancing and home equity loan ads I get in the mail every day, I would have to think FACO is in a very competitive mkt with high marketing expenses for a small growth in mkt share. The CS elements are only slightly better than CHSE, however it looks like it might meet full year earnings forecasts. The question I would ask this company is how they have been affected by the increasing rate of refinancing, esp since they are working the "nonconventional" portion of the mkt. With time and the lower present rates, they may have been losing loans that can now refinance under conventional terms (and lower rates). Bear in mind on both of these that the past week's performance is no guide to the next month, as many are on holiday and volume is down. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >I am shifting from lurker to poster in the hopes of seeking some >encouragement and perhaps some advice concerning my dismal venture into >CANSLIM territory. I've been investing for about 12 years with mixed, but >overall positive results. I've subscribed to IDB for about 3 years and have >seen WON at his seminars (the free ones) twice. > >I bought CHSE after it was featured in IBD and its CEO made page one (right >side column). I also bought FACO based on its strength, both RS and EPS. >To me, everything seemed right...until I bought. Being so sure of my >reasoning, I made the big blunder of ignoring the stop-loss discipline. > >CHSE is now down almost 50% and FACO is down about 25%. > >Don't bother to chastise me for my errors. I'm doing a good job of that >already! Is there any sage advice out there? I feel the companies are >still good, so should I hang on? Their numbers aren't as good as they were, >of course. > >Over the years I've spent a fortune on investment books. I must say that >losing a small fortune is a much quicker learning experience! > >Jerry B. > > > >- > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] Economic Calendar week of December 29, 1997 Date: 30 Dec 1997 08:06:55 -0500 MONDAY Existing Home Sales, for November, was essentially in line with expectations, down 0.2% from a revised October report. A further small decline is expected over the winter months. Money Supply, M2, for week to 12/15, down a coupla billion instead of up 7 bil TUESDAY Consumer Confidence, for December, was 128.3, expected to decline to 126.0 WEDNESDAY Leading Indicators, for November, was up 0.2%, expected is up 0.1% Initial Jobless Claims, for week to 12/27, last was 307,000, no estimate available FRIDAY Purchasing Mgrs Report (the major one for the week), for December, was 54.4, expected is 53.5, which would suggest a further slowing of the economic growth rate, altho seasonal factors weigh in here as well as many companies take addl time off during the holidays. Money Supply, M2, week to 12/22, no estimate available. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] Intl Mkts Date: 30 Dec 1997 08:16:22 -0500 Asia had a good night, and Europe is up across the board except for United Kingdom, down 0.12%. Futures also indicate a decent to strong opening. Commentators are also talking about a bounce, year end rally, etc. so I am expecting follow thru from yesterday. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Dan Musicant) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Any holiday cheer? Date: 30 Dec 1997 13:17:46 GMT On Mon, 29 Dec 1997 19:37:28 -0600, you wrote: :I am shifting from lurker to poster in the hopes of seeking some :encouragement and perhaps some advice concerning my dismal venture into :CANSLIM territory. I've been investing for about 12 years with mixed, = but :overall positive results. I've subscribed to IDB for about 3 years and = have :seen WON at his seminars (the free ones) twice. : :I bought CHSE after it was featured in IBD and its CEO made page one = (right :side column). I also bought FACO based on its strength, both RS and = EPS. :To me, everything seemed right...until I bought. Being so sure of my :reasoning, I made the big blunder of ignoring the stop-loss discipline. : :CHSE is now down almost 50% and FACO is down about 25%. : :Don't bother to chastise me for my errors. I'm doing a good job of that :already! Is there any sage advice out there? I feel the companies are :still good, so should I hang on? Their numbers aren't as good as they = were, :of course. : :Over the years I've spent a fortune on investment books. I must say = that :losing a small fortune is a much quicker learning experience! : :Jerry B. : Jerry, Chastise? We are not peas in a pod, but your story reminds me of mine more than any I remember seeing. I rode a couple down for 20% and 25% losses, disbelieving. I can explain (the first, anyway), but won't bother. Maybe I needed the upbraiding. Anyway, vis a vis stoplosses: WON appears to pretty religiously and absolutely draw the line at 8%. I saw quite a bit of discussion in these circles about whether or not that was efficacious in the choppy markets of some months back. Some advocated loosening up to 15%. I don't feel inclined to do so. I have been on the sidelines for a few weeks, but will continue to look and consider, and probably establish position(s) at some point if conditions merit.=20 I believe WON would ask you if you would buy the stocks at the present time. Try to take a dispassionate look at them, distancing yourself. The ability to do that on a consistent basis is undoubtedly one of the most valuable ones you could develop as a CANSLIM stock investor.=20 One more thought: I have been thinking about the adage that the *Market is right*. Ultimately it is the market that are telling you where it is going, not your prognostications. It's been tough for me. I have found myself thinking like a day-trader, and I don't have the time for that. Dan - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Dan Musicant) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Software Date: 30 Dec 1997 13:45:52 GMT ----=_34a8fb1035616770a9d2909.MFSBCHJLHS Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable On Mon, 29 Dec 1997 19:45:22 -0800, you wrote: :Do any of you have experience with Power Investor, produced by = Investor's :Alliance? Is it a serviceable tool to scan and select CANSLIM stocks? = If :not, which software do you recommend? (beginning with the lowest price :level and working upwards) :Thanks for any suggestions -- Jerry : :- Jerry, I am not speaking from experience here, but I have followed discussions. I have a friend who uses TC2000, have heard a lot of good things about Quotes Plus. Have also heard good things about Metastock. I think TC2000 is relatively cheap.=20 While DG Online is in beta, it's the cheapest (zero).=20 I encountered what I thought to be a very in depth discussion of the relative merits of Quotes Plus and TC2000, and saved it. I am pasting it in below *AND* attaching it, in case it gets garbled. It's from 4/97. Dan ---- | Previous | Next | Respond |=20 To: Clarence Mason (212 )=20 From: Douglas Schneider=20 Dec 29 1996 11:00AM EST Reply #215 of 774=20 Hi Clarence, Derek is away for a bit, so I will try my hand at answering your question. I have used (and am still using) both programs, but since getting mswin6 my use of tc2k has been minimal.=20 Both packages have good basic charting abilities with moving averages and a good basic array of indicators (tc2k has 11; qp has 8), and multiple screen layouts. Both allow overlay of a comparison chart. Updating of charts is very easy in both. Both allow custom scans to be run, although qp is much more versatile in this respect.=20 Advantages of tc2k over qp:=20 --ability to plot ma's of the indicators.=20 --ability to plot multiple indicators within a single indicator panel. --ability to flag securities during chart review, producing a subset of the charts being reviewed.=20 --identification of industry group for each security.=20 --ability to zoom in on the chart for a clearer view.=20 --ability to plot ma's and other indicators as dotted lines. This sounds picky, but beginners (and others) need clean, uncluttered charts for clarity, and multiple solid lines can get very confusing if you want more than 3 or 4.=20 --inexpensive, provided your database remains small. Advantages of qp over tc2k:=20 --large database (10000+), updated daily. --much more versatile scanning facility. --updates automatically correct for stock splits and symbol/name changes. --has qrs, which is comparable to IBD relative strength factor (NOT the same as the usual RS indicator). --has fundamental data for each security, updated daily.=20 --available on-line or by telephone. --inexpensive. If you are just starting out in your TA addiction, my advice without any hesitation at all, would be to get tc2k as a first package. I think that it is imperative for beginners to start with a small (100 or so) database and have charts which are simple to use and understand, but which are also sufficiently versatile and powerful to be effective as basic TA tools in the market itself. TC2k is very inexpensive and offers that in spades. However, once you have developed a little more comfort in the art of TA, you undoubtedly will want to expand your research environment to more than a few hundred securities and obtain better scanning/indicator building/testing capabilities. At that point, you will need a large database, a daily updating facility and a more sophisticated TA program (I currently use mswin6). Your choice will be to continue to use tc2k as your data source (in this case you will want the "pro" version which gives you both a large db and daily updates for a flat monthly fee), or look for a new data source. At this point, because of its more versatile scanning abilities, and its low cost, I think qp wins hands down. There are many others on these threads, however, who will disagree with me. Let's hear from them.=20 doug - - - - From: andrew gabor=20 Dec 29 1996 7:49PM EST Reply #220 of 774=20 Jim: Upon Doug's prompting I wil try to answer you. I used TC2000 for about 11 months. I used the PRO version because you are always adding securities. It seems cheap but at 39 cents apiece per year with 2 years data needed, you can only add 1.27 charts per day. Now this may seem like a lot but it comes out to 317 new charts in a year. Now if you follow the TA boards and Richard's buy buy buy scan, you will easily exceed that in no time. So it is cheaper in the long run to use the PRO version. The PRO at 1,95 a day comes to about $41 per month vs $11.66 for QP. It does allow you to download 1 and 1/2 hours earlier each day which may be worth it to you. Not to me. I switched to QP mainly for the cost. The scanning in QP is quite extensive, you can scan for most things you would think of but nothing too fancy. The scanning beats TC2000 hands down. The automatic conversion of data to MS format is also a great plus. As for 2 - there is no system testing but there is one of sorts. You can scan a prior period and then manually calculate the return on the scan into the future. You can also run a scan for a designated number of days in the loop function. Believe me I beat the Heck out of TC2000 and did my own system testing which the old Prodigy gang can attest to. But since I began using WOW, I needed a data source for raw data and quick "cut down the population" to your basic needs scanning. QP does this quite nicely and for much less. On question 3- I have not used the dll functions and would love to learn about them. Since I focus mostly on WOW for my review process QP is my data source. It works out quite well I believe. I hope this has helped yt andy - - - - ----=_34a8fb1035616770a9d2909.MFSBCHJLHS Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Qp__tc2k.txt | Previous | Next | Respond |=20 To: Clarence Mason (212 )=20 From: Douglas Schneider=20 Dec 29 1996 11:00AM EST Reply #215 of 774=20 Hi Clarence, Derek is away for a bit, so I will try my hand at answering your = question. I have used (and am still using) both programs, but since getting mswin6 my use = of tc2k has been minimal.=20 Both packages have good basic charting abilities with moving averages= and a good basic array of indicators (tc2k has 11; qp has 8), and multiple = screen layouts. Both allow overlay of a comparison chart. Updating of charts is very easy = in both. Both allow custom scans to be run, although qp is much more versatile in = this respect.=20 Advantages of tc2k over qp:=20 --ability to plot ma's of the indicators.=20 --ability to plot multiple indicators within a single indicator = panel. --ability to flag securities during chart review, producing a subset = of the charts being reviewed.=20 --identification of industry group for each security.=20 --ability to zoom in on the chart for a clearer view.=20 --ability to plot ma's and other indicators as dotted lines. This = sounds picky, but beginners (and others) need clean, uncluttered charts for clarity, = and multiple solid lines can get very confusing if you want more than 3 or 4.=20 --inexpensive, provided your database remains small. Advantages of qp over tc2k:=20 --large database (10000+), updated daily. --much more versatile scanning facility. --updates automatically correct for stock splits and symbol/name = changes. --has qrs, which is comparable to IBD relative strength factor (NOT = the same as the usual RS indicator). --has fundamental data for each security, updated daily.=20 --available on-line or by telephone. --inexpensive. If you are just starting out in your TA addiction, my advice without = any hesitation at all, would be to get tc2k as a first package. I think that it is = imperative for beginners to start with a small (100 or so) database and have charts which are = simple to use and understand, but which are also sufficiently versatile and powerful to= be effective as basic TA tools in the market itself. TC2k is very inexpensive and = offers that in spades. However, once you have developed a little more comfort in the art of = TA, you undoubtedly will want to expand your research environment to more = than a few hundred securities and obtain better scanning/indicator = building/testing capabilities. At that point, you will need a large database, a daily updating facility= and a more sophisticated TA program (I currently use mswin6). Your choice will = be to continue to use tc2k as your data source (in this case you will want the "pro" = version which gives you both a large db and daily updates for a flat monthly fee), or = look for a new data source. At this point, because of its more versatile scanning = abilities, and its low cost, I think qp wins hands down. There are many others on these threads, = however, who will disagree with me. Let's hear from them.=20 doug - - - - From: andrew gabor=20 Dec 29 1996 7:49PM EST Reply #220 of 774=20 Jim: Upon Doug's prompting I wil try to answer you. I used TC2000 for= about 11 months. I used the PRO version because you are always adding = securities. It seems cheap but at 39 cents apiece per year with 2 years data needed, you = can only add 1.27 charts per day. Now this may seem like a lot but it comes out to= 317 new charts in a year. Now if you follow the TA boards and Richard's buy buy buy scan, you = will easily exceed that in no time. So it is cheaper in the long run to use the = PRO version. The PRO at 1,95 a day comes to about $41 per month vs $11.66 for QP. It does allow you to download 1 and 1/2 hours earlier each day which = may be worth it to you. Not to me. I switched to QP mainly for the cost. The scanning in QP is quite = extensive, you can scan for most things you would think of but nothing too fancy. The = scanning beats TC2000 hands down. The automatic conversion of data to MS format is = also a great plus. As for 2 - there is no system testing but there is one of sorts. You = can scan a prior period and then manually calculate the return on the scan into the = future. You can also run a scan for a designated number of days in the loop function. Believe me I beat the Heck out of TC2000 and did my own system = testing which the old Prodigy gang can attest to. But since I began using WOW, I needed= a data source for raw data and quick "cut down the population" to your basic needs = scanning. QP does this quite nicely and for much less. On question 3- I have not used the dll functions and would love to = learn about them. Since I focus mostly on WOW for my review process QP is my data = source. It works out quite well I believe. I hope this has helped yt andy - - - - ----=_34a8fb1035616770a9d2909.MFSBCHJLHS-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Peter Newell Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Any holiday cheer? Date: 30 Dec 1997 10:25:29 -0600 Jerry, > CHSE is now down almost 50% and FACO is down about 25%. Note: I don't know your position size and selling partial postitions can help. CHSE may be basing around 15 I'd hold unless it breaks below this say 14 7/8 and I'd be out and 13 7/8. Raymond James(a brokage co) follows this stock and may be able to help. FACO is not so pretty closed down at its lows on 5x volume, I'd seriously consider either selling or easing out of this stock. I've done the same thing and decided to never do it again, it's to expensive to watch a stock go down or drift while others go up. I buy on increased volume/increased trading range off a tight handle, near a new high with the close withing 75% of the trading range preferably the top. If the stock goes below the low for that day I sell. If the stock doesn't hit a new high in 10 days I sell. Winning stocks take off they don't look back. Spent some time looking at the winners and finding their breakout points, and false breakout points(try correlating these to your market indicators). This has been very hard for me to learn, I'm a reformed bottom trader. But the results are fantastic 70% stocks go up 20-30% in one month 30% are sold in 5-10 days and a 4% loss(note these losses would have been 30% or more). 1 out of 10 times you should hit a Jabil, Dell etc and double/triple your money. But you can't do that if you're stuck in a bad trade or picked up a stock with weak characteristics. Don't make the mistake of thinking you must be in the market all the time. The doubles and triples usually come after a correction. Happy hunting, Peter Newell - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jimmy Sorrells Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Software Date: 30 Dec 1997 09:45:10 -0600 I have used Power Investor for over a year. The biggest problem with it is that they do not let you use any volume parameters for scanning, so you cannot search for stocks breaking out on increased volume, which is one of the fundamental chart patterns CANSLIMers are looking for. Also their technical support is zero, I never got any response when I tried to ask questions or get information. The positive is that it is inexpensive, ~$100 per year for the software with free daily downloads, and you can scan using fundamental information (EPS, Price/Sales, Debt, etc.). Hope this helps. Jimmy Jerry & Tonia Joldersma wrote: > Do any of you have experience with Power Investor, produced by Investor's > Alliance? Is it a serviceable tool to scan and select CANSLIM stocks? If > not, which software do you recommend? (beginning with the lowest price > level and working upwards) > Thanks for any suggestions -- Jerry > > - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SACADS Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Any holiday cheer? Date: 30 Dec 1997 11:07:31 EST Sounds to me like you've gotten too close to these stocks. Ask yourself if you would buy them today if you didn't already own them. If not dump the dogs. You've already learned how valuable stops can be. Stick to ALL the rules. If in doubt ask the group. Advice is free and though you've got twelve years experience the groups got hundreds. Take heart, we've all done something similar. Holding a stock that we just knew had to go back up. Don't ask me about SCES. I'd still be holding it if not for the group. I assure you I'm much better off without it. Remember the market rarely lies, if ever. Greg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Software Date: 30 Dec 1997 12:01:16 -0500 Jerry, I guess I'll stop learking here for a bit, since this is a subject i may be able to add some value to. I've been actively investing for about 8 years now, and over the past year have been actively on the learning curve of using technical analysis to analyze and scan stocks for buy and sell indications. I'll admit I have discovered that I am more of a trader than a long term investor, but as my TA skills have improved my profits have to - betting the S&P and RUS with much less market exposure (and hence risk). I currently use Metastock which is in many TA'ers opinions is the best mid cost package. As another response to you already pointed out, TC2000 and Quotes Plus are good low cost products. I started out with TC2000 and quickly moved to metastock. TC2k was very expensive to buld up a good size database, particularly if you want more than 2 years of history, which is good for backtesting indcators and systems. I currently use Dial-Data as my data provider, and am not really very happy with the cost, speed, or data integrety. As soon as Quotes-plus ver 2 comes out, I may well switch to it (5 years of data and then get a CD of historical data). Qoutes plus allows scans across most stocks and indexes, even for the funimentals so loved by Canslim. My philosophy moved to this: Find out what the market is doing (Trend up, Trend Down or moving sideways) and then find stocks moving up or down more than the market, but in sympothy with the broad trend. ( For sidewase markets options spreads seem to be the most sympothetic strategy I've found so far, but finding trending stocks is still good in that market environment, so long as you stay on top of them). For the up trending market we had over the past couple of years up to july or october, CANSLIM was the way to go, and when the market trends up again, will be again. Even in a sideways market, CANSLIM helps find strength which beats the averages. I normally wait to buy these stocks on pull-backs in there price - stalls in upward movement after a strong burst up, shich allows for consolidation and base building for the next jump. I then wait to buy when it starts moving up again on above average volume, indicating accumulation. I like to see confirming indicators of my buy decisions looking at indicators like stockastics, MACD, Money Flow and some other systems. If your interested in learning more on the TA approach to entry and exit, Silicon investor has the best site around to learn and sak questions. It's where I got my start and still use the info now. (it's at the URL You have to register, but it's free and well worth it. I think it's one of the top 5 free stock sites on the net! I've babeled long enough, and probably more than you or anyone wanted, and because of carple-tunnel will stop here. All the best, Chris Hyde - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Fisher Subject: [CANSLIM] TUES Acquired Date: 30 Dec 1997 09:08:07 -0700 Embarrassment. I didn't do my homework. TUES was bought today in a deal that has been in the works for quite some time. I wondered why it was trading so thinly! Tim Fisher, 1995 President, Pacific Fishery Biologists Ore-ROCK-On Rockhounding Web Site PFB Information WWW -- See naked fish and rocks! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Fisher Subject: [CANSLIM] ANLT Date: 30 Dec 1997 09:11:36 -0700 Good news. ANLT was featured in the Motley Fool today, Daily Double report. Should create buying as I have seen the influence of these guys on stocks I held or followed in the past. Tim Fisher, 1995 President, Pacific Fishery Biologists Ore-ROCK-On Rockhounding Web Site PFB Information WWW -- See naked fish and rocks! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Fisher Subject: [CANSLIM] CCE, WPSN Date: 30 Dec 1997 09:17:22 -0700 Both at a new high today on a bit less than avg. volume as of noon eastern. Anyone care to comment on buying on an average volume breakout during what is traditionally a vey light volume day? Tim Fisher, 1995 President, Pacific Fishery Biologists Ore-ROCK-On Rockhounding Web Site PFB Information WWW -- See naked fish and rocks! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Anindo Majumdar Subject: [CANSLIM] MCCO and ENGL Date: 30 Dec 1997 11:10:49 -0800 (PST) Hi Any opinions on MCCO and ENGL ? They seem to be insulated from Asia and should do well in a robust economy. Thanks Anindo - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Nash Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] MCCO and ENGL Date: 30 Dec 1997 11:27:26 -0800 ENGL (83/95/A) is a homebuilder, #2 sector overall, has done 4x its ADV so far today. Don't know if I'd call +3/8 a breakout, but almost all of these have very nice charts. I own CROS (93/96/A) and LEN (83/96/A) in this sector. I like LEN better on fundies because it's in 4 of the 6 most active new-home real estate markets. Lots of these are doing strong volume today - for example DHI (83/86/B) is on pace to do 10x, TOL (73/78/A) has already done 2x, BZH (58/46/B) is doing 6x, and a couple of others are doing +50%. > -----Original Message----- > From: Anindo Majumdar [] > Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 1997 2:11 PM > To: > Subject: [CANSLIM] MCCO and ENGL > > Hi > > Any opinions on MCCO and ENGL ? They seem to be insulated from Asia and > should do well in a robust economy. > > Thanks > Anindo > > - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jimmy sorrells Subject: [CANSLIM] PAYX Date: 31 Dec 1997 03:56:28 -0600 Have not seen anyone mention Paychex yet. Recent move is very strong 96 EPS 90 RS very good recent volume. Most will probably say too extended, but I thought that two weeks ago at 45-46. What do you think? Jimmy Sorrells - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CCE, WPSN Date: 30 Dec 1997 19:10:12 -0500 Obviously, you can temporarily adjust the "avg daily vol" to account for seasonal reduced vol, and still apply the actual vol to show that it is trading heavily. However in the two cases you cite, CCE did about 140% of adv and WPSN nearly 200%, so looks like you hit them right. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- Cc: >Both at a new high today on a bit less than avg. volume as of noon eastern. >Anyone care to comment on buying on an average volume breakout during what >is traditionally a vey light volume day? > >Tim Fisher, 1995 President, Pacific Fishery Biologists >Ore-ROCK-On Rockhounding Web Site >PFB Information > >WWW -- See naked fish and rocks! > > >- > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] MCCO and ENGL Date: 30 Dec 1997 19:37:11 -0500 The RS 68 and A/D of D would likely keep MCCO off my list. I also don't have a lot of confidence in them reaching $2.25 for the full year. ENGL is too extended for an initial buy (up about 15% from the short recent base and about 25% from the longer older base) however if I already owned it I would certainly want to hold on and hope it keeps on going. BTW, read one report that, despite the record sales of existing homes this year, some analysts expect the home sales to be considerably weaker in 1998. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >Hi > > Any opinions on MCCO and ENGL ? They seem to be insulated from Asia and >should do well in a robust economy. > >Thanks >Anindo > >- > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] PAYX Date: 30 Dec 1997 20:10:36 -0500 I agree with you, Jerry. The place to have found it (and set up a buying strategy) was as it based around $40. Despite the great CS elements it currently has now, it is too extended and an initial buy would need some basing first. It is way too extended for CS (altho might work for a straight momentum play or day trading). BTW, we use Paychek at work for both payroll and our 401K plan. From what I've seen, they do a good job and same small cos a lot by not having to duplicate their services in house at a high admin cost. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >Have not seen anyone mention Paychex yet. Recent move is very strong > >96 EPS >90 RS > >very good recent volume. Most will probably say too extended, but I >thought that two weeks ago at 45-46. What do you think? > >Jimmy Sorrells > >- > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Dan Musicant) Subject: [CANSLIM] Watching these Wednesday Date: 31 Dec 1997 04:24:13 GMT cce keg uti sfam=20 alnk iece cbr atmi mdcc sotr Virtually all of these showed good gains today (a good day) on above average volume. Some are breaking out. Ideas? Dan - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Fisher Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CCE, WPSN Date: 30 Dec 1997 20:23:43 -0700 At 07:10 PM 12/30/97 -0500, you wrote: >Obviously, you can temporarily adjust the "avg daily vol" to account for >seasonal reduced vol, and still apply the actual vol to show that it is >trading heavily. However in the two cases you cite, CCE did about 140% of >adv and WPSN nearly 200%, so looks like you hit them right. > Well, I hit CCE right. Didn't have enough cash for two ;) Get this the spread was ZERO. I checked twice. It traded right up through my buy price and finished up 1/8 from there, +1-9/16. Wow. Now I'm getting scared. Tim Fisher, 1995 President, Pacific Fishery Biologists Ore-ROCK-On Rockhounding Web Site PFB Information WWW -- See naked fish and rocks! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Joe J." Subject: [CANSLIM] 12 days of Christmas... Date: 30 Dec 1997 23:14:18 -0700 I know it is a little late for this but, a friend of mine heard this on the radio and was kind enough to pass it along to me in an e-mail. I thought all of you might get a kick out of it. I heard this on the radio over the Christmas (sung to the tune of "The 12 Days of Christmas")... On the first day of Christmas, my broker gave to me, a promise that the Dow would go up. On the second day of Christmas, my broker gave to me, 2 shares of Disney, and a promise that the Dow would go up. On the third day of Christmas, my broker gave to me, 3 free trades, 2 shares of Disney, and a promise that the Dow would go up. On the fourth day of Christmas, my broker gave to me, 4 weeks of Barron's, 3 free trades, 2 shares of Disney, and a promise that the Dow would go up. On the fifth day of Christmas, my broker gave to me, Michael Eisner's bonus, 4 weeks of Barron's, 3 free trades, 2 shares of Disney, and a promise that the Dow would go up. On the sixth day of Christmas, my broker gave to me, 6 Intel warrants, Michael Eisner's bonus, 4 weeks of Barron's, 3 free trades, 2 shares of Disney, and a promise that the Dow would go up. On the seventh day of Christmas, my broker gave to me, 7 Korean puts, 6 Intel warrants, Michael Eisner's bonus, 4 weeks of Barron's, 3 free trades, 2 shares of Disney, and a promise that the Dow would go up. On the eighth day of Christmas, my broker gave to me, 8 stocks a rising, 7 Korean puts, 6 Intel warrants, Michael Eisner's bonus, 4 weeks of Barron's, 3 free trades, 2 shares of Disney, and a promise that the Dow would go up. On the ninth day of Christmas, my broker gave to me, 9 real-time stock tips, 8 stocks a rising, 7 Korean puts, 6 Intel warrants, Michael Eisner's bonus, 4 weeks of Barron's, 3 free trades, 2 shares of Disney, and a promise that the Dow would go up. On the tenth day of Christmas, my broker gave to me, 10 NASDAQ winners, 9 real-time stock tips, 8 stocks a rising, 7 Korean puts, 6 Intel warrants, Michael Eisner's bonus, 4 weeks of Barron's, 3 free trades, 2 shares of Disney, and a promise that the Dow would go up. On the eleventh day of Christmas, my broker gave to me, 11 bank take-overs, 10 NASDAQ winners, 9 real-time stock tips, 8 stocks a rising, 7 Korean puts, 6 Intel warrants, Michael Eisner's bonus, 4 weeks of Barron's, 3 free trades, 2 shares of Disney, and a promise that the Dow would go up. On the twelfth day of Christmas, my broker gave to me, 12 million dollars, 11 bank take-overs, 10 NASDAQ winners, 9 real-time stock tips, 8 stocks a rising, 7 Korean puts, 6 Intel warrants, Michael Eisner's bonus, 4 weeks of Barron's, 3 free trades, 2 shares of Disney, and a promise that the Dow would go up. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CCE, WPSN Date: 31 Dec 1997 07:18:28 -0500 You can get "zero spreads" on listed stocks typically when some third mkt isn't paying attention to how the stock is trading. Moves up or down on the primary market and crosses right thru some bid or ask on the Pacific or Midwest or whatever. Oftentimes they are only good for one or two hundred shares, tho, if they even honor that. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- >At 07:10 PM 12/30/97 -0500, you wrote: >>Obviously, you can temporarily adjust the "avg daily vol" to account for >>seasonal reduced vol, and still apply the actual vol to show that it is >>trading heavily. However in the two cases you cite, CCE did about 140% of >>adv and WPSN nearly 200%, so looks like you hit them right. >> >Well, I hit CCE right. Didn't have enough cash for two ;) Get this the >spread was ZERO. I checked twice. It traded right up through my buy price >and finished up 1/8 from there, +1-9/16. Wow. Now I'm getting scared. > >Tim Fisher, 1995 President, Pacific Fishery Biologists >Ore-ROCK-On Rockhounding Web Site >PFB Information > >WWW -- See naked fish and rocks! > > >- > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Watching these Wednesday Date: 31 Dec 1997 07:25:40 -0500 I would add KEA and EPIQ, both hit new highs, altho vol on KEA was only average (I hate AMEX stocks!) but EPIQ was double daily average. Remember on microcap thinly traded stocks you don't have to eat the typically large spread. You can try to go in between with a limit order and under the new rules they have to show you unless you complicate it with special conditions like all or none (AON). Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w -----Original Message----- cce keg uti sfam alnk iece cbr atmi mdcc sotr Virtually all of these showed good gains today (a good day) on above average volume. Some are breaking out. Ideas? Dan - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] Int'l Markets Date: 31 Dec 1997 08:30:05 -0500 With much of Europe closed today, and some of Asia (including Japan) last night, I suspect today will be more that of consolidation. NASDAQ 100 indicating off 1%, but S&P showing up, and what trading there is in Europe is positive so may not be a terrible day, altho likely to show light vol again. Remember, if you have any last minute tax related decisions to make, do it early as this will be a shortened session (I get to go home EARLY for a change!!!). Will likely close by 1PM. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Connie Mack Rea Subject: [CANSLIM] Stocks to learn from. Date: 31 Dec 1997 09:18:52 -0500 --------------D12CC488E94C01E941E2F82C Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Members-- Should any member have taken a position in TTNP, he should be sitting nicely. I doubled down from 5.25 to 5 and sold one half of my position at 5.625. I hope to sell one quarter at 6 and the remaining quarter at 6.25. Did you notice the action in the last 15 minutes. Shorters frequently cover in the final minutes I hope to get back in on a retreat. You might wish to pull up my initial comments on TTNP. There is no reason to let loose of any stock that you may still hold. There would seem to be resistance at 6.25 or so. See what the stock does at that level. This morning there are two stocks with characteristics that can benefit the trader|investor. The first is LOGN. I have day traded this stock three times this month. Note how price is being controlled by someone. If you can rely on the control, there is easy money for the trader. Before I trade the stock again, I want to see what it will do at the new level. Further points: [1] Notice how the stock has held to the 20MA. [2] The OBV continued to rise while the stock held in place. [3] The Money Flow also rose while the stock held. The divergences between [2] and [3] and price is what you are looking for; these are powerful indicators even when they are not in divergence. But when they show bullish divergence, as here, they are still more powerful. TTNP had a similar chart. The second stock is VSAT. Here is another stock that has very short term divergence between price and OBV|Money Flow. The divergence occurs only in the last 3-4 days. If the stock rises today, my 3|7|10 indicator will probably give a buy. My strategy this morning is anticipatory: I will guess that the stock will advance and will try to buy a bit at yesterday's close and double down for a half point or so. I rarely double down on any stock that does not show a divergence [as mentioned above]. I presently own MU, ORCL, AMD, VECO, and AWIN; I am modestly up in each. With the exception of VECO and AWIN, I bought the others on the come. I have one short that is going no where. I hope to close it out at break-even this morning. Remember that I always take a look at the market at the opening before I make any final decisions. I will relax my concern some when I try to buy VSAT. I have already commented on TTNP. Investors can view VSAT and TTNP as legitimate longer term buys. If you get a profit, tell yourself that you'll never take a loss. Sell some part of your lot when you have profit; then let the other be free to advance still further. You never go broke taking a profit. Connie Mack --------------D12CC488E94C01E941E2F82C Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Members--

Should any member have taken a position in TTNP, he should be sitting nicely.  I doubled down from 5.25 to 5 and sold one half of my position at 5.625.  I hope to sell one quarter at 6 and the remaining quarter at 6.25. Did you notice the action in the last 15 minutes.  Shorters frequently cover in the final minutes

I hope to get back in on a retreat.  You might wish to pull up my initial comments on TTNP.

There is no reason to let loose of any stock that you may still hold.  There would seem to be resistance at 6.25 or so.  See what the stock does at that level.

This morning there are two stocks with characteristics that can benefit the trader|investor.  The first is LOGN.

I have day traded this stock three times this month.  Note how price is being controlled by someone.  If you can rely on the control, there is easy money for the trader.  Before I trade the stock again, I want to see what it will do at the new level.

Further points: [1] Notice how the stock has held to the 20MA. [2] The OBV continued to rise while the stock held in place.  [3] The Money Flow also rose while the stock held.  The divergences between [2] and [3] and price is what you are looking for; these are powerful indicators even when they are not in divergence.  But when they show bullish divergence, as here, they are still more powerful.  TTNP had a similar chart.

The second stock is VSAT.  Here is another stock that has very short term divergence between price and OBV|Money Flow.  The divergence occurs only in the last 3-4 days.  If the stock rises today, my 3|7|10 indicator will probably give a buy.

My strategy this morning is anticipatory: I will guess that the stock will advance and will try to buy a bit at yesterday's close and double down for a half point or so.  I rarely double down on any stock that does not show a divergence [as mentioned above].

I presently own MU, ORCL, AMD, VECO, and AWIN; I  am modestly up in each. With the exception of VECO and AWIN, I bought the others on the come. I have one short that is going no where.  I hope to close it out at break-even this morning.

Remember that I always take a look at the market at the opening before I make any final decisions.  I will relax my concern some when I try to buy VSAT.  I have already commented on TTNP.  Investors can view VSAT and TTNP as legitimate longer term buys.

If you get a profit, tell yourself that you'll never take a loss.  Sell some part of your lot when you have profit; then let the other be free to advance still further.  You never go broke taking a profit.

Connie Mack --------------D12CC488E94C01E941E2F82C-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tim Fisher Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CCE, WPSN Date: 31 Dec 1997 08:47:59 -0700 At 07:18 AM 12/31/97 -0500, you wrote: >You can get "zero spreads" on listed stocks typically when some third mkt >isn't paying attention to how the stock is trading. Moves up or down on the >primary market and crosses right thru some bid or ask on the Pacific or >Midwest or whatever. Oftentimes they are only good for one or two hundred >shares, tho, if they even honor that. > Now it makes sense since my trades are executed on the Pacific Exchange and it was trading up 1/16th at a time with zero spread every time I updated my real-time quote. If I would have been 10 minutes faster I think I would have gotten 1/2 pt. off it. Looking at the 5-minute chart I can see how the movement actually started on Monday, sputtered late in the day, and really went vertical Tuesday morning. Now I'm sounding like a day-trader. Tim Fisher, 1995 President, Pacific Fishery Biologists Ore-ROCK-On Rockhounding Web Site PFB Information WWW -- See naked fish and rocks! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ken Davidson" Subject: [CANSLIM] Dow 33%, 26%, 1997 look inside!! Date: 31 Dec 1997 13:29:53 -0800 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_021B_01BD15F0.2D733060 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable The market made a new record today! For the first time the market has = made over 3 consecutive 20% plus years. We have seen another incredible year = go by as we started the year in an upward tilt and ended it with some = incredibly volatile days the last few months! Most of the gains this = year were made into August when the Dow hit a new record high of = 8259.31. The S & P 500 also made a new high hitting 983.11. Since = then, they have basically gone sideways. The S & P 500 made a slight = new high earlier in the month at 983.76. The Dow closed the year at = 7908.25. Down -7.72 for the day. The S & P 500 closed the year at = 970.42. Down -.42 for the day. We are very excited here at the Agora = Outlook as we expect the overall market to be relatively flat for 1998 = with a little more volatility. Our yearly summary and outlook for 1998 = comes out next week but for now we would like to wish you all a Happy = and Prosperous 1998!! The exact changes for the indexes are listed = below: Index Dec 31st 1996 Dec 31st 1997 = Percentage Change Dow 6448.27 7908.25 +1459.98 = +23% S & P 500 740.74 970.42 +229.68 = +31%=20 S & P 100 719.98 split 459.94 +199.90 = +28% Nasdaq 1291.04 1570.35 +279.31 = +22% 30 year Bond 6.63% 5.92% Ken=20 The information contained in this commentary is based upon data that is = believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed, and subject to change = without notice. All projections, forecasts, opinions, and track records = cannot be guaranteed to equal our past performance. Persons reading = this are responsible for their actions. Officers and employees of this = publication may at times have a position in the securities mentioned, or = related services. ------=_NextPart_000_021B_01BD15F0.2D733060 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

The market made a new record today!  For the first time the = market has=20 made
over 3 consecutive 20% plus years.  We have seen another = incredible=20 year go
by as we started the year in an upward tilt and ended it with = some=20 incredibly volatile days the last few months!  Most of the gains = this year=20 were made into August when the Dow hit a new record high of = 8259.31.  The S=20 & P 500 also made a new high hitting 983.11.  Since then, they = have=20 basically gone sideways.  The S & P 500 made a slight new high = earlier=20 in the month at 983.76.  The Dow closed the year at 7908.25.  = Down=20 -7.72 for the day.  The S & P 500 closed the year at = 970.42.  Down=20 -.42 for the day.   We are very excited here at the Agora = Outlook as=20 we expect the overall market to be relatively flat for 1998 with a = little more=20 volatility.  Our yearly summary and outlook for 1998 comes out next = week=20 but for now we would like to wish you all a Happy and Prosperous = 1998!! =20 The exact changes for the indexes are listed below:
Index           = Dec 31st=20 1996            = Dec 31st=20 1997           &nb= sp; =20 Percentage=20 Change
Dow          =        =20 6448.27           =            =20 7908.25 +1459.98          = +23%
S=20 & P 500         =20 740.74           &= nbsp;           &n= bsp;=20 970.42 =20 +229.68           = +31%=20
S & P 100         =20 719.98           &= nbsp;=20 split     459.94 =20 +199.90           = =20 +28%
Nasdaq          = ; =20 1291.04           =            =20 1570.35 =20 +279.31           = =20 +22%
30 year = Bond         =20 6.63%           &n= bsp;           &nb= sp; =20 5.92%

The information contained in this commentary is based upon data = that is=20 believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed, and subject to change = without=20 notice.  All projections, forecasts, opinions, and track records = cannot be=20 guaranteed  to equal our past performance.  Persons reading = this are=20 responsible for their actions.  Officers and employees of this = publication=20 may at times have a position in the securities mentioned, or related=20 services.
------=_NextPart_000_021B_01BD15F0.2D733060-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "sboone" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Stocks to learn from. Date: 31 Dec 1997 18:46:45 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0037_01BD161C.71C25B20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable You never go broke taking a profit. I like that connie, one bite of = the apple at a time. -----Original Message----- From: Connie Mack Rea To: canslim Date: Wednesday, December 31, 1997 9:28 AM Subject: [CANSLIM] Stocks to learn from. =20 =20 Members--=20 Should any member have taken a position in TTNP, he should be = sitting nicely. I doubled down from 5.25 to 5 and sold one half of my = position at 5.625. I hope to sell one quarter at 6 and the remaining = quarter at 6.25. Did you notice the action in the last 15 minutes. = Shorters frequently cover in the final minutes=20 I hope to get back in on a retreat. You might wish to pull up my = initial comments on TTNP.=20 There is no reason to let loose of any stock that you may still = hold. There would seem to be resistance at 6.25 or so. See what the = stock does at that level.=20 This morning there are two stocks with characteristics that can = benefit the trader|investor. The first is LOGN.=20 I have day traded this stock three times this month. Note how price = is being controlled by someone. If you can rely on the control, there = is easy money for the trader. Before I trade the stock again, I want to = see what it will do at the new level.=20 Further points: [1] Notice how the stock has held to the 20MA. [2] = The OBV continued to rise while the stock held in place. [3] The Money = Flow also rose while the stock held. The divergences between [2] and = [3] and price is what you are looking for; these are powerful indicators = even when they are not in divergence. But when they show bullish = divergence, as here, they are still more powerful. TTNP had a similar = chart.=20 The second stock is VSAT. Here is another stock that has very short = term divergence between price and OBV|Money Flow. The divergence occurs = only in the last 3-4 days. If the stock rises today, my 3|7|10 = indicator will probably give a buy.=20 My strategy this morning is anticipatory: I will guess that the = stock will advance and will try to buy a bit at yesterday's close and = double down for a half point or so. I rarely double down on any stock = that does not show a divergence [as mentioned above].=20 I presently own MU, ORCL, AMD, VECO, and AWIN; I am modestly up in = each. With the exception of VECO and AWIN, I bought the others on the = come. I have one short that is going no where. I hope to close it out = at break-even this morning.=20 Remember that I always take a look at the market at the opening = before I make any final decisions. I will relax my concern some when I = try to buy VSAT. I have already commented on TTNP. Investors can view = VSAT and TTNP as legitimate longer term buys.=20 If you get a profit, tell yourself that you'll never take a loss. = Sell some part of your lot when you have profit; then let the other be = free to advance still further. You never go broke taking a profit.=20 Connie Mack=20 ------=_NextPart_000_0037_01BD161C.71C25B20 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
You never go broke taking a profit.   I like that connie, one bite of the apple at a = time.
-----Original = Message-----
From:=20 Connie Mack Rea <>
To: = canslim=20 < t;
Date:=20 Wednesday, December 31, 1997 9:28 AM
Subject: = [CANSLIM] Stocks=20 to learn from.


Should any member have taken a position in TTNP, he should be = sitting=20 nicely.  I doubled down from 5.25 to 5 and sold one half of my = position=20 at 5.625.  I hope to sell one quarter at 6 and the remaining = quarter at=20 6.25. Did you notice the action in the last 15 minutes.  = Shorters=20 frequently cover in the final minutes=20

I hope to get back in on a retreat.  You might wish to = pull up my=20 initial comments on TTNP.=20

There is no reason to let loose of any stock that you may = still=20 hold.  There would seem to be resistance at 6.25 or so.  = See what=20 the stock does at that level.=20

This morning there are two stocks with characteristics that = can=20 benefit the trader|investor.  The first is LOGN.=20

I have day traded this stock three times this month.  = Note how=20 price is being controlled by someone.  If you can rely on the = control,=20 there is easy money for the trader.  Before I trade the stock = again, I=20 want to see what it will do at the new level.=20

Further points: [1] Notice how the stock has held to the 20MA. = [2] The=20 OBV continued to rise while the stock held in place.  [3] The = Money=20 Flow also rose while the stock held.  The divergences between = [2] and=20 [3] and price is what you are looking for; these are powerful = indicators=20 even when they are not in divergence.  But when they show = bullish=20 divergence, as here, they are still more powerful.  TTNP had a = similar=20 chart.=20

The second stock is VSAT.  Here is another stock that has = very=20 short term divergence between price and OBV|Money Flow.  The = divergence=20 occurs only in the last 3-4 days.  If the stock rises today, my = 3|7|10=20 indicator will probably give a buy.=20

My strategy this morning is anticipatory: I will guess that = the stock=20 will advance and will try to buy a bit at yesterday's close and = double down=20 for a half point or so.  I rarely double down on any stock that = does=20 not show a divergence [as mentioned above].=20

I presently own MU, ORCL, AMD, VECO, and AWIN; I  am = modestly up=20 in each. With the exception of VECO and AWIN, I bought the others on = the=20 come. I have one short that is going no where.  I hope to close = it out=20 at break-even this morning.=20

Remember that I always take a look at the market at the = opening before=20 I make any final decisions.  I will relax my concern some when = I try to=20 buy VSAT.  I have already commented on TTNP.  Investors = can view=20 VSAT and TTNP as legitimate longer term buys.=20

If you get a profit, tell yourself that you'll never take a=20 loss.  Sell some part of your lot when you have profit; then = let the=20 other be free to advance still further.  You never go broke = taking a=20 profit.=20

Connie Mack

------=_NextPart_000_0037_01BD161C.71C25B20-- -