From: To: Subject: canslim Digest V1 #90 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: canslim Digest Friday, 21 February 1997 Volume 01 : Number 090 In this issue: [CANSLIM] Re: Volume tables (fwd) Re: [CANSLIM] ESOL Re: [CANSLIM] ESOL Re: [CANSLIM] A quickie [CANSLIM] Re: PEGA [CANSLIM] SCH [CANSLIM] new lister [CANSLIM] SCH Re: [CANSLIM] new lister Re: [CANSLIM] A quickie Re: [CANSLIM] A quickie Re: [CANSLIM] A quickie re: [CANSLIM] new lister Re: [CANSLIM] new lister [CANSLIM] New site for financial data Re: [CANSLIM] A quickie Re: [CANSLIM] A quickie Re: [CANSLIM] new lister [CANSLIM] My market comments RE: [CANSLIM] My market comments [CANSLIM] HDCO Convertible Notes See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the canslim or canslim-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Zoran Mitrovski Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:51:20 -0500 (EST) Subject: [CANSLIM] Re: Volume tables (fwd) Perhaps some of you have already received a similar response but for the general audience here's what I got Forwarded message: > From: Marketing Associate > To: > Subject: Re: Volume tables > > Thanks for writing. I have forwarded your email to a person of power :) > here at IBD so that your comments might be addressed. I know that you and > those on your mailing list are upset by the removal of the volume tables--I > would be too. Unfortunately, the mandate to remove them is based on some > very complicated issues about IBD's future on the internet, things which we > need to resolve before proceeding further. I hope you'll have patience > with us as we sort this out. > > Have a great day. Cheers, Zoran ------------------------------ From: "Fred J. Sabour" Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 18:28:10 -0800 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] ESOL Cup formed from late October 96 to late Jan. 97 - ---------- > From: Dave Dubinsky > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] ESOL > Date: Wednesday, February 19, 1997 1:17 PM > > ESOL looks good. > > Where's the base? ------------------------------ From: Craig Griffin Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 15:28:52 -0500 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] ESOL Jeff, The following post can be found in the archives. It and another were sent 5 hours ago as of this writing and I have not received them in my mailbox. I checked with Johan a few minutes ago and he had not seen them either. But, I know has had them for quite a while because they have been in the archives for hours. I have received other posts that received after these. Just some more info for you re: missing posts. Here is the archive containing the original of the post below, which apparently never sent out: Original post follows >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Johan, Here's a synopsis of what I see. Formed base beginning around 11/01 at 24 1/2. Cup with handle, but handle was only 2 or 3 days long (a bit too short, like at least a week). Broke out on about 150% vol. but with not follow through in weak NASDAQ mkt. Formed a "ledge" above the base (got this term from the Stock Farmer). Broke out of ledge yesterday on 150% vol. Stock is sort of hovering and waiting for earnings news due 03/07. Correct buying is as close to 24 1/2 as possible (of course). But for instance when the price action in the ledge dipped down to 23 1/2 and then came back out past 24 1/2 again was a good time. Relative strength line has also formed cup with handle. In a way the "ledge" is really a "high handle" for a cup that did not have one. Main negative is low GRS at 32. Best regards, Craig ------------------------------ From: Zoran Mitrovski Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 15:59:55 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] A quickie OK, I did it... Shorted HDCO with a pilot at 45 and then with a larger amount at 43 1/6. I kept tight protective buy stops of course. Not that I needed them, cause it never really looked back upwards. I feel bad cause I helped my baby go down but ... Strange feeling. Then again, I'm with my baby wherever she goes. It took me from 37 to 46, now it takes me down the way back. Coincidentally I was reading a text on japanese candlesticks and in the HDCO case it all worked fine, even in retrospect. Also I feel like a foreigner doing something wrong to this country's economy or something, cause shorting can hardly be described as any sort of investing. Strange feeling. Cheers, Zoran P.S. Craig, sincerely thanks for the warning on shorting but I just had this strong feeling, and I had to do it once to experience the adventure. ------------------------------ From: Dave Dubinsky Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 16:21:12 -0800 Subject: [CANSLIM] Re: PEGA Dave Dubinsky wrote: > > Anyone guess on the pivot point? PS: Last trades today: 50K @ 35 7/8 21K @ 36 30K @ 36 ------------------------------ From: Dave Dubinsky Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 17:10:31 -0800 Subject: [CANSLIM] SCH Does anyone think that O'Neil's selling rule #3 applies to SCH today? ------------------------------ From: Steve Shepherd Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 21:00:21 -0500 Subject: [CANSLIM] new lister Hi Johan and listers: I was surprised to read that you can't get IBD in Belgium. How in the world can you use thecanslim method if you don't have access to the Daily Stock charts? I'm legally blind, and for several years have been frustrated not to have a way to search the tables for companies that looked good according to the canslim method. I'm new on this list, and was hoping to find out ways of accessing IBD's information using a computer. With a screen reading program and a voice modulator, I can do pretty much anything I want to do on the computer, whereas the printed newspaper is useless to me. There is of course the IBD home page, and that is interesting and informative. I don't know however where one can find the proprietary IBD stock tables and graphs. Is Daily Graphs a complete, though expensive answer to my problem? I have no real experience in the market. It's not my vocation, but I've wanted very much to make investing with the canslim method a major pursuit. Any information that you or any other list members could share will be greatly appreciated. ------------------------------ From: Dave Dubinsky Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 20:27:47 -0800 Subject: [CANSLIM] SCH ...never mind my question about SCH and rule #3. It doesn't apply. ------------------------------ From: Jonathan Polito - Lucent ASCC Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 21:46:24 -0500 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] new lister You can still apply CANSLIM without IBD. Good Grief! O'Neil was using CANSLIM before he ever found IBD. All you really need is access to fundamental data (like quaterly reports), some basic charting, news and market info. I think Daily Graphs leds itself better to CANSLIM than IBD simply because you get more data in a easily understood form. For instance, I would like to see accelerating earnings over the past several quarters (which you can see in Daily Graphs) more than a simple EPS Rank which doesn't tell you if earnings are accelerating, deaccelerating or what. There are a couple of technologists from Daily Graphs/IBD on this list so perhaps they can reiterate your needs. I've been on the Internet (ARPANET, CSNET for you old timers) for more than 12 yrs (and I'm only 30!) and it still amazes me how good the internet can be for meeting particular information needs -- like your need for voice synthesization of text, or Johan's need for nonlocal info...It is at least a little comforting to me, when I bemoan the sometimes intolerable noise on the net. - - Jonathan. ------------------------------ From: Zoran Mitrovski Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 21:58:06 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] A quickie I am reposting this again. Some of my post make it the first time but more and more of them don't. I waited 7 hours for this one to show up and it didn't. So her it goes again. OK, I did it... Shorted HDCO with a pilot at 45 and then with a larger amount at 43 1/6. I kept tight protective buy stops of course. Not that I needed them, cause it never really looked back upwards. I feel bad cause I helped my baby go down but ... Strange feeling. Then again, I'm with my baby wherever she goes. It took me from 37 to 46, now it takes me down the way back. Coincidentally I was reading a text on japanese candlesticks and in the HDCO case it all worked fine, even in retrospect. Also I feel like a foreigner doing something wrong to this country's economy or something, cause shorting can hardly be described as any sort of investing. Strange feeling. Cheers, Zoran P.S. Craig, sincerely thanks for the warning on shorting but I just had this strong feeling, and I had to do it once to experience the adventure. ------------------------------ From: Zoran Mitrovski Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 22:00:39 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] A quickie Also on HDCO... The space between 34 and 44 was the strongest runup back in November on very high volume, and I don't see any technical support point before 34 except the 200 dma which was somewhere above it (don't have it in front of me). Opinions? Cheers, Zoran P.S. I also had sent out this message 7 hours ago. I sure hope it gets through now. This majordomo is really begining to act weird. ------------------------------ From: Craig Griffin Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 22:15:28 -0500 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] A quickie This second copy of your post arrived at 10:09 in my email inbox. Never did see the first one. Maybe things are getting back on track. I think the "major" has dropped about a half dozen of my recent posts. Oh well, some of them are on the archives. Anyway, I agree with your assessment re: HDCO. First support is around 34. At 10:00 PM 2/20/97 -0500, you wrote: >P.S. I also had sent out this message 7 hours ago. >I sure hope it gets through now. This majordomo is >really begining to act weird. > > ------------------------------ From: Michael A Langston Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 22:59:37 -0500 Subject: re: [CANSLIM] new lister jonathan polito writes: > I've been on the Internet (ARPANET, CSNET for you old timers) for > more than 12 yrs (and I'm only 30!) and it still amazes me how youch, 30!>2.65E32 -- and i thought methuselah was supposed to have lived to a ripe old age! sorry, in a naughty mood, just couldn't resist btw, old arch crawford has made some serious money for his believers the last coupla days -- heck, maybe we should consider astrology instead of canslim :) mike ------------------------------ From: Johan Van Houtven Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 12:11:07 +0100 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] new lister First of all, welcome to the list. Hope you enjoy it. wrote: >I was surprised to read that you can't get IBD in Belgium. Theoretically I could get it. I could have them send it to me by UPS or DHL overnight delivery. One issue would cost me approx $150. A bit steep, for me. ;^) >How in the world can you use the canslim method if you don't have access to >the Daily Stock charts? Beats me. ;^) CANSLIM can be done without IBD or DG, but it is a lot more difficult that way. I used the IBD site and read the high vol % list everyday. That was my number one source of 'easily acquired' CANSLIM numbers. Then there is the CANSLIM Coast to Coast thread on were I sometimes got some CANSLIM numbers. And last but not least some people have been willing to look up the numbers for me when I asked them via email. Currently I have most of what I need because I'm beta testing Daily Graphs online. >I'm legally blind [snip] >Is Daily Graphs a complete, though expensive answer to my problem? It currently does not have the stocks tables like you find them in IBD. It does have the graphs, the data blocks, market indicators (graphs) and some tables. You can contact them at >I have no real experience in the market. It's not my vocation, but I've >wanted very much to make investing with the canslim method a major pursuit. Is O'Niels book available in braille (sp?) or on tape? If so, have you read / listened to it yet? >Any information that you or any other list members could share will be >greatly appreciated. Hope this helped you a bit. Let me know if you have any further questions. - --- Johan Van Houtven / Belgium ------------------------------ From: "tom worley" Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 06:06:10 -0500 Subject: [CANSLIM] New site for financial data Money manager Wright Investor's Service, which manages $4 billion in mutual funds and private accounts, is opening up its website for those seeking financial data on approx 4,000 domestic and 9,000 foreign companies. Until June 30, access is unlimited, after that a free signin may be required. The address is I haven't tried it yet, but for those who like foreign stocks, this may be useful. tom w As always, just OMHO any opinions expressed, recommendations made, or advice given are strictly my own and do not represent my employer ------------------------------ From: "tom worley" Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 07:09:38 -0500 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] A quickie Zoran, I give you credit, you got guts and are willing to learn, even if it costs you. On the other hand, you may have made a good move for short term as yesterday's drop is taking HDCO below its support, leaving it with room to fall further. Will be interesting to see where this one can find support until the secondary is completed. Because of the "convertible" nature of the subordinated notes being sold, they may be a good play for long term holders. I am trying to get details on the conversion feature and availability and will post when I get them. Zoran, if the notes are favorable, then you may want to buy some and you can then also be an "arbitrager", using them to hedge a periodic short position while gaining income from them. BTW, you may want to talk to your ISP about your posting problems, mine appear to be going thru OK and rapidly (I am getting them back in less than 15 minutes or so usually). As to shorting being a form of investing, actually it is, since at some point you will likely do a buy to cover, thus you represent a potential, future support level. tom w - ---------- > From: Zoran Mitrovski > To: > Cc: Zoran Mitrovski > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] A quickie > Date: Thursday, February 20, 1997 9:58 PM > > I am reposting this again. Some of my post make it > the first time but more and more of them don't. > I waited 7 hours for this one to show up and it didn't. > OK, I did it... > Shorted HDCO with a pilot at 45 > and then with a larger amount at 43 1/6. > I kept tight protective buy stops of course. > cause shorting can hardly be described as > any sort of investing. > > P.S. Craig, sincerely thanks for the warning > on shorting but I just had this strong feeling, > and I had to do it once to experience the adventure. > ------------------------------ From: "tom worley" Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 07:13:23 -0500 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] A quickie Concur on support level, frankly I expected it to hold in the mid 40s, and was surprised to see it keep dropping, or else I might have shorted as well until the secondary was nearing completion. Don't agree with the problem being at majordomo, he's been treating me real well, and I haven't been feeding him as much lately. tom w - ---------- > From: Zoran Mitrovski > To: > Cc: Zoran Mitrovski > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] A quickie > Date: Thursday, February 20, 1997 10:00 PM > > > Also on HDCO... > > The space between 34 and 44 was the strongest runup back > in November on very high volume, and I don't see any technical > support point before 34 except the 200 dma which was somewhere > > P.S. I also had sent out this message 7 hours ago. > I sure hope it gets through now. This majordomo is > really begining to act weird. ------------------------------ From: "tom worley" Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 07:22:04 -0500 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] new lister Welcome to the group, Steve. About the only suggestion I have is regarding being legally blind. Does this mean you have some vision? I ask this as the company where my wife worked hired several people who were legally blind, but had some vision with assistance and they installed new computer monitors and equipment which blew up the screen so they got really large characters altho they were only seeing about a fourth of the screen at a time. I would have found this very difficult but they apparently could use it well enough to do their job. tom w - ---------- > From: Steve Shepherd > To: > Subject: [CANSLIM] new lister > Date: Thursday, February 20, 1997 9:00 PM > > I'm legally blind, and for several years have been frustrated not to have a > way to search the tables for companies that looked good according to the > canslim method. ------------------------------ From: "tom worley" Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 07:38:46 -0500 Subject: [CANSLIM] My market comments OK, now that earnings reports have slowed down, I am considering bringing my periodic mkt comments back to the full CANSLIM group. Currently there are 48 subscribers, counting myself, of which 47 are presumably members of the group. That is a large percentage. I know many of them would prefer, and presumably most have no objection, to my posting these mkt comments within the entire group. For those who have already expressed their opinion on this issue, I have a copy and you don't need to respond again, it would just clog up the group. I would like to hear from those who are familiar with my past postings on this topic and choose not to subscribe, I need feedback why you were not interested. For those who were aware of this but not familiar, I would be interested also in why you didn't want them, as least as a trial to familiarize yourself and see if it was useful. For those new to the group and not aware, I have been posting during this past earnings cycle a nearly daily mkt comment attempting to explain what the mkt did that day and why. Generally I include brief coverage of the statistical nrs, bond mkt, gold mkt, dollar, summary of earnings, significance of economic reports, and other influences on the stock mkt. Recently I added cash flows into mutual funds and effects of program trading. Occasionally, as I did today, I will include coverage of an event that may have longer term significance on an industry group. Every now and then I will be so bold as to suggest the future, but mostly I am trying to help others understand the day to day activity so you can better form your own conclusions on the future of this bull. Each post runs several pages (I love to talk and type about the mkt). The subj line of each is "Market Comments (date)" so they are easy to identify if you just want to skip and delete. And, of course, they are free. My concern is that they are not necessarily CANSLIM even tho I attempt to address the "M" factor, I am mostly dealing with one day, not the broader meaning of "M". And they are lengthy. Voting booth is open, you can send comments, suggestions and responses to me directly at or to the entire group. If there are no major objections and the concensus is to post to the entire group, then I will start next week, so vote by Sunday if you want to be heard. I would anticipate probably only two to three a week until we get into the next earnings cycle or events otherwise dictate. tom w As always, just OMHO any opinions expressed, recommendations made, or advice given are strictly my own and do not represent my employer ------------------------------ From: "KNOWLES, RICHARD" Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 07:45:15 -0500 Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] My market comments Tom, You have my vote. Fire away, your insights are welcome here. Rich Knowles >---------- >From: tom worley[] >Sent: Friday, February 21, 1997 7:38 AM >To: CANSLIM >Subject: [CANSLIM] My market comments > >OK, now that earnings reports have slowed down, I am considering >bringing my periodic mkt comments back to the full CANSLIM group. [snip] ------------------------------ From: Zoran Mitrovski Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 08:58:24 -0500 (EST) Subject: [CANSLIM] HDCO Convertible Notes Tom wrote: [...] > Because of the "convertible" nature of the subordinated notes being > sold, they may be a good play for long term holders. I am trying to > get details on the conversion feature and availability and will post > when I get them. Zoran, if the notes are favorable, then you may want > to buy some and you can then also be an "arbitrager", using them to > hedge a periodic short position while gaining income from them. [...] Tom, could you please explain what these convertible notes are? Are they some kind of bonds that you can then convert into stocks whenever you want? Thanks for the initiative to check out the details. I also need more explanation on your last sentence. I thought arbitrageurs were guys who go for a clean no-risk profit by getting into positions that equalize some temporary market anomaly between highly correlated financial instruments. So, if that is true, how does that apply here in this case? Would it improve the reward/risk ratio of the naked short/long position? Thanks a bunch. Cheers, Zoran ------------------------------ End of canslim Digest V1 #90 **************************** To subscribe to canslim Digest, send the command: subscribe canslim-digest in the body of a message to "". 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