From: (canslim Digest) To: Subject: canslim Digest V1 #302 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: canslim Digest Saturday, September 27 1997 Volume 01 : Number 302 In this issue: [CANSLIM] Telescan and Dave Isbell Re: [CANSLIM] Economic Calendar week of 9/22/97; some Mkt comments [CANSLIM] BDR Breakout [CANSLIM] ALNK Breakout Re: [CANSLIM] Telescan and Dave Isbell [CANSLIM] Wrong Website [CANSLIM] Market Comments Re: [CANSLIM] Telescan and Dave Isbell [CANSLIM] Re. PEG Re: [CANSLIM] ALNK Breakout RE: [CANSLIM] Telescan and Dave Isbell [CANSLIM] SI Thread CXP [CANSLIM] CREAF (sigh) [CANSLIM] SCOR [CANSLIM] MSON - bad news probably [CANSLIM] Breakout? Re: [CANSLIM] Breakout? [CANSLIM] Fw: Misonix (their reply to my email) Re: [CANSLIM] Re. PEG Re: [CANSLIM] MSON - bad news probably Re: [CANSLIM] MSON - bad news probably Re: [CANSLIM] Re. PEG See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the canslim or canslim-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 18:46:31 -0700 From: "John R. Allen" Subject: [CANSLIM] Telescan and Dave Isbell Dave, while your on the Telescan free trial could you keep this group posted on how its going as far as using Telescan? Is it easy to use, logical, can you set up easily what your looking for, that type of thing. I believe many on the group would appreciate your experience with it as you use it over the month. Thanks, John R. Allen ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 21:01:50 -0500 (CDT) From: (Dave Cameron) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Economic Calendar week of 9/22/97; some Mkt comments Tom posted on Monday a few economic prognostications. At this point, it is worth a few comments. > General concensus right now is there is about zero chance the Feds > will hike the rate next week at the FOMC meeting on Tuesday. There Gee... how 'bout that. Ya notice that long bond rates continue to fall, but the stock market had already fully valued this inevitability... > is already speculation that there will be no further hikes this > year (altho I am withholding judgement at this time). And some Aw come on Tom, put your neck on the line... > chatter has even started about the possibility of the Feds easing > the rate (I see no chance of this at this time). The dollar remains Me neither, but as long as bond prices stay at their current levels, I see this as a good thing. > strong, which will slow the growth in exports and increase the > level of imports, hurting the trade deficit but helping to slow the > economic growth overall. The inventory buildup appears to have > slowed, which may mean the Durable Goods report on Thursday may > come in slightly under expectation, which would be bullish. I have > seen one report so far suggesting that the long bond may be down to > 6.0% by the end of this year (hope so, I've got an ARM mortgage!). I'd be thrilled. I have a 5-yr ARM, so no adjustment, but I'd probably lock in a 15-yr and hope to have my house paid off by the time I'm 50 (I'm 34 now). > While the trade deficit, particularly with Japan and China, > recently showed sharp increases, it was not apparently of major > concern at this past weekend's G-7 meeting. The emphasis on Japan > continues to be to open up its restrictive market to more imports, > and create a consumer demand based economy vice an export based > one. There also does not appear to be worldwide concern in the > strength in the dollar vs the yen or German mark. Certainly it aids > the Feds in bringing the economic growth rate within their target > range. I also suspect the Feds are raising the rates tolerated in > their "model" based on the past year's experience. This suggests to Wonder why.... > me they may tolerate higher growth rates so long as inflationary > indicators don't appear. > > In the bond mkt, excessive new supply coming from corporate issue > was well absorbed, and despite current high prices (low yields) the > upcoming Treasury auction on Tuesday and Wednesday of $15.5 bil two > year notes (Tues) and $11.5 bil five year notes (Wed) does not seem > to be causing heartburn or excess supply. > As it certainly didn't (so far). > Gold remains in a low trading range, still managing to stay over > $320, but just barely. There continues to be talk of Central > European govts selling off more of their stockpile. Meanwhile, > Russia has apparently resumed exporting platinum and palladium, but > consistency of supply, and quantity, seems still to be in doubt > causing a lot of volatility. > It still amazes me that I couldn't afford a class ring in 1979 because the price of gold was nearly $800/oz at the time. > Big caps are still doing their catchup, with the NYSE Composite > Index hitting its first new high today in a long while. However, > the S&P500 and Dow 30 still remain some distance away from records. > Meanwhile, NASDAQ hit its third consecutive high, while Russell > 2000 hit its seventh straight new high and 18th in the last 20 > sessions. One point to remember is that between now and 9/30 all > the mutual funds are "squaring their books" and doing window > dressing of the portfolio. Among other things, this means that they > must bring their cash position down to within their limits, which > is 5% for many. They may also be booking paper profits, and taking > other steps to dress up their overall ranking and qtrly > performance. I had 6 out of 7 stocks drop today.... I haven't seen the RUT, but I doubt it hit a new high. > > I remain bullish, esp on small caps. They have been showing a prior > pattern of producing more positive earnings surprises, and fewer > negative ones (and those tended to be less severe) than the big > caps, which are more affected by currency exchange rates due the > strong dollar impacting the multinationals). They also, as a class > compared to their revenue and earnings growth rate, still appear to > me to be trading at relatively low PE (trailing as well as > projected) rates. Me too... even if I was right about today. Dave Cameron ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 03:21:23 GMT From: (Dan Musicant) Subject: [CANSLIM] BDR Breakout Blonder Tongue Labs broke out today: BDR - BLONDER TONGUE LABS INC Exchange: AMEX comp Delay: at least 20 minutes Last Price: 14 at 15:44 Change: Up 1 1/4 (+9.80%) High: 14 at 15:44 Low: 12 1/2 at 9:22 Open: 12 1/2=20 Previous Close: 12 3/4 on 9/23 Volume: 68,000 30-Day Avg. Volume: 29,000 Shares Outstanding: 8,243,000 52-Week High: 15.62 52-Week Low: 6.12 Beta: Not Available Yield: Nil P/E Ratio: Not Material EPS: 0.00 S&P Comstock =46loat is 2.5 million shares Stock finished at the top for the day. PE is 22 EPS 93, RS 92, GRS 94 Timeliness B, A/D A Blasting out of recent weakness, could continue up tomorrow. Currently 7% off high. Any opinions? Dan ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 03:35:04 GMT From: (Dan Musicant) Subject: [CANSLIM] ALNK Breakout ALNK - AMERLINK CORP Exchange: NASDAQ Delay: at least 15 minutes Last Price: 31 at 16:00 Change: Up 2 5/8 (+9.25%) High: 31 1/2 at 12:29 Low: 28 at 9:27 Open: 28 3/8=20 Previous Close: 28 3/8 on 9/23 Volume: 95,400 30-Day Avg. Volume: 76,000 Shares Outstanding: 3,482,000 52-Week High: 31 1/2 52-Week Low: 4 3/4 Beta: Not Available Yield: Nil P/E Ratio: 43.7 EPS: 0.71 S&P Comstock They broke 10 at about July 1st and never looked back. Alltime high today. 1.1 million float. EPS 84, RS 99, GRS 91. Opinions? Dan ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 22:18:53 -0700 From: Dave Isbell Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Telescan and Dave Isbell John, I am having mixed results with Telescan but overall I like it. I have to keep checking my results with DG. This software will deliver a list of stocks based on my search criteria. The learning curve is not too steep and I am finding my way around without too much trouble. The software itself is native 16 bit so it is a little bit like Windows 3.1 It does however work with my current internet connection and I like that (no need for a separate dialer). Telescan is releasing a 32 bit version next month. Also included in the monthly fee is access to all areas of their web site, I need to tweak my CANSLIM search to get better candidates. Yesterday I ran a search using my best CS criteria in the top industry groups and it delivered the following ten stocks... DISCLAIMER: These are not all CANSLIM stocks! VTSS DELL UTR MCRL CBR UTEK JBIL STBI PRMS ANLT I created a portfolio in Yahoo of these ten stocks on Monday. Today I was down 0.95%. I will keep working at it and keep you posted. Is anyone else in SZA? How sweet it is! Dave Isbell John R. Allen wrote: > Dave, while your on the Telescan free trial could you keep this group > posted on how its going as far as using Telescan? Is it easy to use, > logical, can you set up easily what your looking for, that type of > thing. I believe many on the group would appreciate your experience > with it as you use it over the month. > Thanks, > John R. Allen ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 22:36:51 -0700 From: Dave Isbell Subject: [CANSLIM] Wrong Website The web site that I referred to in my previous post should be ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 06:42:44 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] Market Comments First, the auction on Wednesday of the five year notes went much better than expected, in fact apparently the mkt was initially quiet and caught some shorters in a squeeze early. As they rushed to cover, apparently some hedge funds and bond funds came into the mkt in a big way, both on the open mkt and at the auction, further squeezing them. Then the Treasury announced they are reducing the size of the November refunding due to the much reduced deficit, thus supply is dropping. This could start impacting liquidity, and we may see further volatility in the bond mkt. This comes just as the options on the Dow Industrial Index will start trading, could be an interesting fall. Short Interest: The latest report shows that total short interest on NYSE dropped by 0.5% while increasing on AMEX and NASDAQ (both NMS and small cap). September's short interest on NASDAQ represents 2.53 days vs August's 2.29. The short interest on the small caps only was 1.0 days vs 0.92 days in August. Today, the durable goods report is issued and may set the tone for early trading. The forecast is for an increase of 0.8%, I am expecting up 0.6% however I also expect last month's report to be revised upward from the original report of down 0.3%, so I guess I am about in line with the concensus. Considerable talk continues over what Japan must do to both boost its economy and reduce trade deficits. Comments from both Japan and Germany managed to knock the US dollar down against both currencies, but I think this is temporary (remember a strong dollar helps slow our economic expansion, thus reducing inflationary pressures). Japan still seems to be resisting opening up its domestic markets to a more "free trade" environment such as the US has been following for some years, which I believe has contributed to our vibrant economy today. I suspect that much of the Japanese industry may need to do some significant downsizing to get on track, and this is a major cultural issue, as historically the Japanese are guaranteed jobs for life, and are also very productive workers. Concerns over various currencies in the Asian mkt continue as well, with the possibility of some being devalued. There is also one country creating quite a stir by attempting to prevent effective international trading of its stocks and currency. First they placed major restrictions on the stocks in their major index (which apparently resulted in many large holders threatening to dump their stock - the restrictions were quickly cancelled), and now they are claiming that currency trading is criminal. This disruption will continue to affect the multi-national corps with sig business operations in the Asian mkt. That's about all my grey matter can churn out on this topic this early in the AM. Gotta leave early for a meeting with the soon-to-be new owners of my firm. Hope they got a bonus and raise in their budget for all my hard work! Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 13:05:27 GMT From: (Dan Musicant) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Telescan and Dave Isbell On Wed, 24 Sep 1997 22:18:53 -0700, you wrote: :John, : :I am having mixed results with Telescan but overall I like it. I have to :keep checking my results with DG. This software will deliver a list of :stocks based on my search criteria. The learning curve is not too steep :and I am finding my way around without too much trouble. The software :itself is native 16 bit so it is a little bit like Windows 3.1 It does :however work with my current internet connection and I like that (no = need :for a separate dialer). Telescan is releasing a 32 bit version next :month. Also included in the monthly fee is access to all areas of their :web site, I need to tweak my CANSLIM search to get :better candidates. Yesterday I ran a search using my best CS criteria in :the top industry groups and it delivered the following ten stocks... : :DISCLAIMER: These are not all CANSLIM stocks! : :VTSS :DELL :UTR :MCRL :CBR :UTEK :JBIL :STBI :PRMS :ANLT :I created a portfolio in Yahoo of these ten stocks on Monday. Today I = was :down 0.95%. I will keep working at it and keep you posted. :Is anyone else in SZA? How sweet it is! : :Dave Isbell : Took a quick look at all of these. My favorite from what I see is ANLT, which has been basing very nicely. The evident pivot point would be a tad over the witching $24 line. Volume has been easing off lately. Watch for a breakout. Just my opinion. Dan :John R. Allen wrote: : :> Dave, while your on the Telescan free trial could you keep this group :> posted on how its going as far as using Telescan? Is it easy to use, :> logical, can you set up easily what your looking for, that type of :> thing. I believe many on the group would appreciate your experience :> with it as you use it over the month. :> Thanks, :> John R. Allen : : : ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 11:16:34 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: [CANSLIM] Re. PEG I read that a few of you would like a site that gives good but concise info. If you are on AOL look at The Online Investor (Keyword-Online Investor). Go to Company Research>Archives. You'll discover a lot of pertinent info there (including what PEG is and why some consider it important). For charts go to KEYWORD: Decision Point. jans ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 09:11:08 -0700 From: (Craig Weirens) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] ALNK Breakout > ALNK - AMERLINK CORP > EPS 84, RS 99, GRS 91. Opinions? Hmmm, interesting pattern. Looking at the two year map, we have a long flat period at about 7. A cuplike pattern for four months from Oct 96 to Jan 97. It looks like it forms a handle, but it lacks volume. The whole formation lacks volume. So it wasn't a cup & handle. Then in July 97, it spiked. Volume was 600K. Volume afterwards was less. Indicates solid belief in the new price. A concern would be that the price in the shakeout didn't drop a decent amount below the new high. I wonder if a shakeout occurred. One month consolidation. This may be a high tight flag pattern. The pivot point may have been around Sept 4 @ ~$24. I'd be interested in others readings. I wouldn't consider it becuase it has decreasing annual revenues as late as Nov 96. - -Craig ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 12:16:41 -0700 From: Mike Lucero Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Telescan and Dave Isbell - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCC9AD.69B31340 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I started my 30-day trial of the Wall Street City (Telescan) site = yesterday, so I could give ProSearch a try. It seems expensive at = $35/month, but we'll see. I'm also subscribing to DG and using DG = Online, which would be hard to give up. I also started a 30-day trial of InterQuote, which I really like. It = gives you a spreadsheet linked to delayed ($20/month) or realtime = ($70/month) quotes. You can put your own formulas in it. I've got it = alerting for stocks that seem to be >150% average volume and within 5% = of the pivot.=20 Mike - -----Original Message----- From: Dave Isbell [] Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 1997 10:19 PM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Telescan and Dave Isbell John, I am having mixed results with Telescan but overall I like it. I have to keep checking my results with DG. This software will deliver a list of stocks based on my search criteria. The learning curve is not too steep and I am finding my way around without too much trouble. The software itself is native 16 bit so it is a little bit like Windows 3.1 It does however work with my current internet connection and I like that (no = need for a separate dialer). Telescan is releasing a 32 bit version next month. Also included in the monthly fee is access to all areas of their web site, I need to tweak my CANSLIM search to get better candidates. Yesterday I ran a search using my best CS criteria in the top industry groups and it delivered the following ten stocks... DISCLAIMER: These are not all CANSLIM stocks! VTSS DELL UTR MCRL CBR UTEK JBIL STBI PRMS ANLT I created a portfolio in Yahoo of these ten stocks on Monday. Today I = was down 0.95%. I will keep working at it and keep you posted. Is anyone else in SZA? How sweet it is! Dave Isbell John R. Allen wrote: > Dave, while your on the Telescan free trial could you keep this group > posted on how its going as far as using Telescan? Is it easy to use, > logical, can you set up easily what your looking for, that type of > thing. I believe many on the group would appreciate your experience > with it as you use it over the month. > Thanks, > John R. Allen - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCC9AD.69B31340 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+Ih0TAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYA0AEAAAEAAAAQAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAAUQAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGNhbnNsaW1AbWFpbC54 bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUABjYW5zbGltQG1haWwueG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAAAAB4AAjABAAAABQAA AFNNVFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAAaAAAAY2Fuc2xpbUBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAAAMAFQwBAAAA AwD+DwYAAAAeAAEwAQAAABwAAAAnY2Fuc2xpbUBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbScAAgELMAEAAAAf AAAAU01UUDpDQU5TTElNQE1BSUwuWE1JU1NJT04uQ09NAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAHgD2XwEA AAAaAAAAY2Fuc2xpbUBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAAAIB918BAAAAUQAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQ GZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGNhbnNsaW1AbWFpbC54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUABjYW5zbGltQG1haWwu eG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAAAAAMA/V8BAAAAAwD/XwAAAAACAfYPAQAAAAQAAAAAAAACwWgBBIABACcA AABSRTogW0NBTlNMSU1dIFRlbGVzY2FuIGFuZCBEYXZlIElzYmVsbABtDAEFgAMADgAAAM0HCQAZ AAwAEAApAAQAPwEBIIADAA4AAADNBwkAGQAMAAYAKAAEADQBAQmAAQAhAAAANEVGRUE5Mzk5QjM1 RDExMUFBOUI0NDQ1NTM1NDAwMDAAAwcBA5AGAFAKAAAiAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAA AAAACwApAAAAAAADAC4AAAAAAAMANgAAAAAAQAA5AGBE6o3nybwBHgBwAAEAAAAnAAAAUkU6IFtD QU5TTElNXSBUZWxlc2NhbiBhbmQgRGF2ZSBJc2JlbGwAAAIBcQABAAAAFgAAAAG8yeeN4Tmp/k81 mxHRqptERVNUAAAAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAQAAAAbWlrZWx1QGluZXQu Y29tAAMABhA6WSClAwAHELIGAAAeAAgQAQAAAGUAAABJU1RBUlRFRE1ZMzAtREFZVFJJQUxPRlRI RVdBTExTVFJFRVRDSVRZKFRFTEVTQ0FOKVNJVEVZRVNURVJEQVksU09JQ09VTERHSVZFUFJPU0VB UkNIQVRSWUlUU0VFTVNFWFBFAAAAAAIBCRABAAAAFgcAABIHAADRCgAATFpGdUFWRT13AAoBAwH3 IAKkA+MCAGOCaArAc2V0MCAHE4cCgwBQDvZwcnEyD/YmfQqACMggOwlvMjVmNQKACoF1YwBQCwNj AwBBC2BuZzEwMzPhC6YgSSBzAZAAIAmAACBteSAzMC1kimEXEHQHIiBvZheQsGhlIFcHQAMgUxeg IwngBUBDaXQXEChU1GVsB5BjAHApFnAZQL0YUHkHkBbACyAXcCwWcCZvFlEFoHVsFuBnaXp2GFBQ A2AGYArAD3AgcmEXkXkuFlAFQA+wZeJtBCBleHAJ8ACQHAHCYQVAJDM1LwRgAjASaBsQYnUFQHdl J6cYkR1xHSEnbRzAbBsxqHN1YgTyYguAZxeQqRtAREccwG4W4HUAkKMhYSHBT25sC4BlGxCod2hp HKF3G5NiGFCPD4EW4CGRG+N1cC4Kon8KhAqAFmAghBaVHNAXPknjAjAEkFF1bxbAIyYWYO8JcBiB FxAi4GsgEgVAG+JtBCB5CGAcwXMRQBxwZP5zGEAZASLhKdAkYwEAC2DzGoAW4CgkAdAe1BoQBbGt KUJ0B3Es0TctF3EoYppzHSBZKrEZ4SBwH2EzKqEFwG93A6ACEHJt3RugYQQgC4AxcHQgIhwB/mco cDGhIHEEkC4QIWEw8fEWcW9jawQgGDAecR1ygyGCJAE+MTUwJRzAURwAcmFnGFB2BvB13y4xIfID 8BgwMYE1NTAYBd5wG/AocB0gJTpNKcElOvMK9CLgMzYBQBUQAUARQAkocWN0EIQxNiAtrTvCTwUQ G+BuF9FNB5D+czWRO8MlNjrUOqELEzrWYGktMTQ0AUAi4DEcODABQAzQP2NiIEbVA2E6DINiD+BE NVEWUAZzJAAYkVtTTVRQnjo80A+AGJAIkEBnFsDyLiMAdF0lNUCQBmACMO1A91cJgCMAcxrjBmAF MCcdkCQABcAyNBsQMTlkOTdGkDA6RqAcIE1ZQ7dUb0D3GeFzIuBtRkAAwAMQLnhtBAFptQIgLgWg bUO4IOBqOwERQPdSZTpCMENBTuBTTElNXUfwGaUh4z9BiT1vPno6JAu2JUNKb7hobiwlPSBgD4B2 IVL9SZB4FtEJcCDQLgAEIDaC+0yoH1JvNWIYkRZgKbIxpP9SghhQIZAlNCnQRdAbcBhA/zOwUsMX EFNrIcAdIEfwI1D3BCAbMAGAdwrAGFAD8BiR/yxhG/EFwBzQIuAWgBfxJTT9M4ViMVAW0QIgFvIP sByD/wUBGrEHMB0gWVAYUBmwCsC7AwAhYWMIcBwBWXFuMlH/IZAmQlcxJTQh8lJDPzAiAP9XxVng FxAKwAhgNlUIYF+0/zEgHKEXoAhgAmAgEV4yWab3JTQZQA+wbBgQX2IecBvy/zuRIUAdURtAMoFZ cVsCAkB3GbBmo1WjV2FhMLAEIDP8LjEdMmjQB5AlNGLgH5DzWsIjoHJrU9QXAV8BCXDfAjAxcRqx Q3EbcW4jADsQ70nRIeNVhTPzKF+QX4AJ4P8LMSVSM0Iq4UXQCsAecBhQ+2GAMrIpXhFMxllxCXBe cX8iQybhEXBmsjVhScJucXhvOyAlQx7jHSBBIJILgGN/CkABABbgMYEYMh7jKYFm8wngZ0NjYzyx IYIYglnx8zFRGARpciU0H5BAkBoy+yMheSAuFsAgkBnhSgJWEv9ugiGCWdAccGrgFwFMJV0W/ySC D8AlNCQAAkBGMRnhYYD/F2AvVBqWKRJNEl0WIjQXAfskAFtBQwXwXZYxcSU0GDJ/IZBXUGFhIjAc 8RvQYlFw/2dhIgEygVqFLAIYQQIQGJBvMLAhUwnwM3UuhgAlOkQgSVNDTEFMcEVS/0vwXjEPsHcy X4MYgntnM5NCISU6VlRTU4aVRURMTCU0VVRSOGVDMlKLVUNCi+WLwEVLyVDVQkmLVVNUjjAlNJxQ UgXgJTRMMExUJZb3BQAccCakcAkRhMFJ0DFyfllCsF/hGASH4YVoXLJN/wIgF2FeEQRwfrNZ4GnF aNHxA6AwLjk28FYSWjNXI/9qsnHDMmQiAVcjKqKRYBqh/mQlJUHQIeEqoCMAHcAgkANV0QOgU1pB PyBI/zCwFnAfkBkBZyOJu02PUNjvB/B0AhmwA6B3OtJA8CVJ/j5BcyMjZ+EwZHUUTLcDUP92ARek G4QqolcjNqEEIIMDv5/WmMRcsmoxMaGkMW9xw/0EIGYKwTFRIjQZlprgQcH/MnJxkReBG0AiMCMQ n9YJAPsb4BngbBsQL+Iqog+xJPG/qKIDEGHhNAIwYwkAb1ez/zDxGxAz8xlQHfBbZ6AwNqL+Z1kh FmBB8QiQHAEDgRcQp6FlgwMjlWFwKxFjBzD/GlIwch3SCIF0gDj1oDBT4/8ygiqEqTEyclUCdSgl JaAw/1lQAHAzwKlnnjs5DriMEgECALoAAAADABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAHgBCEAEAAAABAAAAAAAA AAMAgBD/////QAAHMAApoCfmybwBQAAIMAApoCfmybwBCwAAgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAA A4UAAAAAAAADAAKACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAAQhQAAAAAAAAMABYAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAA AABGAAAAAFKFAAB0EAAAHgAlgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAVIUAAAEAAAAFAAAAOC4wMgAA AAADACaACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAABhQAAAAAAAAsAL4AIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAA AA6FAAAAAAAAAwAwgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAEYUAAAAAAAADADKACCAGAAAAAADAAAAA AAAARgAAAAAYhQAAAAAAAB4AQYAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAADaFAAABAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAe AEKACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAA3hQAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAHgBDgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAA AEYAAAAAOIUAAAEAAAABAAAAAAAAAB4APQABAAAABQAAAFJFOiAAAAAAAwANNP03AAB92w== - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCC9AD.69B31340-- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 16:50:08 -0400 From: Hemant Rotithor Subject: [CANSLIM] SI Thread CXP For those of you who are interested in CXP or have bought it, I have started a discussion thread on SI (silicon Investor) at: Please join there with your coments. Thanks - -- Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this document are those of the author. Core Technology Group, C/C++ Compilers, Digital Equipment Corp., 110 Spit Brook Rd, ZKO2-3/N30, Nashua, NH 03062 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 10:38:45 -0500 From: "Ricardo Bekin" Subject: [CANSLIM] CREAF (sigh) From Creative Technology Ltd. (CREAF) 25 15/16 +2: Goldman Sachs ups rating on developer and marketer of advanced multimedia solutions for PCs to a "trading buy" from a "market outperform" recommendation..... Can you say "sold too soon"? Congratulations to anyone who held on... Ricardo ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 12:06:07 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: [CANSLIM] SCOR This company showed up on my scan last night. It's a drug/pharmacy company that seems almost obscenely cheap. If anyone has noticed this company as well, would appreciate your thoughts. My apologies if it's been mentioned before. What's interesting about the chart pattern is the upcoming squeeze between the 50d and 20d EMA. If it's going to do anything, it'll probably be soon. Thanks. - ----Db ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 20:15:33 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] MSON - bad news probably Well after the close, starting about 6:13PM, Misonix (MSON) released a story that they will be restating their Q4 and fiscal year results. Apparently they discovered a one time charge of over $180K that they will book in Q4, dropping that qtr's earnings from 53 cents to 33 cents and also reducing the fiscal year net to about $110K after taking the multi-million dollar non-cash charge for options exercise. The full story had not been printed by the time I left the office, but this (assuming it had already previously leaked) may help explain the past several days of trading on the stock and the extremely low volume. I suspect this decision to take this charge now came from the annual audit and was inspired by the auditors. Hopefully, since it is essentially historical and focus should be on the current qtr, it won't damage the stock too much on Monday. I intend to try and hang on long enough to see if the upcoming 3:2 split will still move it higher, but next week will tell the tale. You may be able to pick up the full story on the net this weekend. I will try the site later to see if they posted it. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 20:50:18 -0800 From: "Patrick Wahl" Subject: [CANSLIM] Breakout? Maybe someone can give me their read on Coherent Communications (CCSC). It made a new closing high today, but not on great volume. EPS number is high, but my several week old RS number looks low. Earnings growth looks good. I dug this one out of Fortune magazine's list of the 100 fastest growing companies from a few weeks ago. Patrick Wahl ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 21:58:24 From: bob gibson Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Breakout? At 08:50 PM 9/26/97 -0800, you wrote: >Maybe someone can give me their read on Coherent Communications >(CCSC). It made a new closing high today, but not on great volume. >EPS number is high, but my several week old RS number looks low. >Earnings growth looks good. I dug this one out of Fortune magazine's >list of the 100 fastest growing companies from a few weeks ago. > >Patrick Wahl From IBD Fri. (Thur figures) EPS 95, RS 63, A/D B, Ann Earn Gro +113% Q eps +33% Q sls +35%, Ann est Earn .85, pe on est 30. Close 25.75 NH, vol +163% vol 180.9K Grp rnk A, earnings report due, optionable. If you want news reports, Pointcast is pretty good. There are 6 articles about CCSC including the last 10Q (Management Discussion). The news articles are usually PR from the co's and come with the quotes (w/graphs) selected. I've noticed the news usually precedes mkt action, the 10Q can also give you a bit of a jump on the mkt. I got KEG at 22.88 that way and watched it go up the rest of the day. Also, news just gave CREAF a nice boost. free Bob ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 11:13:52 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] Fw: Misonix (their reply to my email) I went to the website last nite, no surprise, the Investor Relations area did not have Friday's release, latest still was the Jan earnings report, so I sent off a blast. What follows is the reply I got, and I must say, I am impressed getting an answer on a Saturday morning. I am also pleased to hear they are hiring a PR firm, possibly this week, as well as working on a NMS listing, altho they apparently don't meet all the requirements yet (I will try to find out why). Only thing I don't like is for the CFO to leave on a "much deserved vacation" the day before the co releases the announcement that they are restating the Q4 and fiscal year results downward. No matter how much he may deserve a vacation, he should be there to take the heat in both his capacity as CFO as well as the IR person. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w - ---------- > From: > To: > Subject: Re: Misonix > Date: Saturday, September 27, 1997 8:06 AM > > Dear Thomas: > > We are in the process of updating our web site. The sites primary function > is to produce sales leads for the Scientific, Industrial and Air Pollution > Control Groups. We put a button on for Investor relations to see what we > would get. We soon realized that investors wanted more information than just > press releases. This week we had our web group in to update our site > including the IR section. It will soon include stock tables, instant PR > information, history new developments, etc. > > Peter Gerstheimer, CFO, is in charge of investor relations. He went on a > much deserved vacation on Thursday, and he will be returning in a week. We > are in the process of hiring a PR firm. I believe they will be retained > starting this week. > > I am sorry that your call was not returned, that is not acceptable. You will > find with the new PR firm and dedicated investor relations person things will > improve. > > We are a growing small company that is expanding in all directions. The > addition of the PR firm was something we had to do but it needed to be put in > the proper priority. > > I can not answer your investor relations questions beyond that. My function > is VP Sales and Marketing. I do know we are pursuing a national Nasdeq > listing but we don't meet all the requirements yet. No, I dont know what > they are, but you can call us on Monday and I will try to get you in touch > with someone who can answer that. > > While I was writing this to you AOL dropped me, and I lost your email to me. > Can you please resend it so that I could bring it to the proper peoples > attention? > > Thanks for your interest in Misonix. > > Sincerely, > > Bob Lee ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 11:50:32 +0400 From: MacMama&theLooneyTunesGang Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Re. PEG Just joined in and like what I see. Don't know much yet but I'm working hard to learn. This was my first encounter with the term PEG but later I saw what I think you're looking for on the Motley Fool's sight. Under "The Place to Start" click on "Valuing Stocks" Or go direct at: Could you guru's recommend ways to develop chart reading skills? Thanks. Gail ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 11:00:44 -0500 From: "Ricardo Bekin" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] MSON - bad news probably Tom, they originally reported $2293K net income on 4.318 million shares, or $0.53 EPS. Now they are showing $2108K net income on 6.477 million shares (reflecting the upcoming split), or $0.33 EPS. Depending which number of shares you use (pre or post split) the impact of the charge is a reduction in EPS of just $0.03 or $0.04. Most of the change from 53 cents to 33 cents is simply the result of using the higher number of shares. I think they could have done a better job at presenting this, people may just focus on the 38% reduction in EPS and think it is due to the charge. As you said, I hope it won't damage the stock too much on Monday... (I am still holding) Ricardo - ---------- > From: Tom Worley > To: CANSLIM > Subject: [CANSLIM] MSON - bad news probably > Date: Friday, September 26, 1997 7:15 PM > > Well after the close, starting about 6:13PM, Misonix (MSON) > released a story that they will be restating their Q4 and fiscal > year results. Apparently they discovered a one time charge of over > $180K that they will book in Q4, dropping that qtr's earnings from > 53 cents to 33 cents and also reducing the fiscal year net to about > $110K after taking the multi-million dollar non-cash charge for > options exercise. The full story had not been printed by the time I > left the office, but this (assuming it had already previously > leaked) may help explain the past several days of trading on the > stock and the extremely low volume. I suspect this decision to take > this charge now came from the annual audit and was inspired by the > auditors. Hopefully, since it is essentially historical and focus > should be on the current qtr, it won't damage the stock too much on > Monday. I intend to try and hang on long enough to see if the > upcoming 3:2 split will still move it higher, but next week will > tell the tale. You may be able to pick up the full story on the net > this weekend. I will try the site later to see if they > posted it. > > Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my > employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation > of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active > investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any > investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully > my comments will better inform and educate all investors. > > tom w > ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 12:01:02 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] MSON - bad news probably Ricardo, understand I have yet to see the full release, just the headlines. However, they should not be able to count the split shares in the Q4 result since they don't exist till October. Judging solely from the headlines I saw before leaving work on Friday, there is a true drop of 20 cents a share for the Q4 results. Additionally, the net for the year is barely above a breakeven, altho I am not so concerned about that since they took a huge non-cash charge. Unless the full release tells me something I have not already guessed or assumed, my intention is to try and hang on, and buy some more on Monday if the price is right. I got a good feeling about this company, which so far the CS nrs have helped reinforce, along with the timely response I got from the company today. On the other hand, wouldn't be the first time I saw a company not real sophisticated with being publicly owned try to present things in the worst possible light (e.g. reporting earnings on shares that don't even exist yet rather than using more favorable and correct accounting procedures). Will try to sort it out this weekend so can be sure what to do on Monday. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w - ---------- > From: Ricardo Bekin > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] MSON - bad news probably > Date: Saturday, September 27, 1997 12:00 PM > > Tom, they originally reported $2293K net income on 4.318 million shares, or > $0.53 EPS. Now they are showing $2108K net income on 6.477 million shares > (reflecting the upcoming split), or $0.33 EPS. Depending which number of > shares you use (pre or post split) the impact of the charge is a reduction > in EPS of just $0.03 or $0.04. Most of the change from 53 cents to 33 cents > is simply the result of using the higher number of shares. I think they > could have done a better job at presenting this, people may just focus on > the 38% reduction in EPS and think it is due to the charge. As you said, I > hope it won't damage the stock too much on Monday... (I am still holding) > > Ricardo > > ---------- > > From: Tom Worley > > To: CANSLIM > > Subject: [CANSLIM] MSON - bad news probably > > Date: Friday, September 26, 1997 7:15 PM > > > > Well after the close, starting about 6:13PM, Misonix (MSON) > > released a story that they will be restating their Q4 and fiscal > > year results. Apparently they discovered a one time charge of over > > $180K that they will book in Q4, dropping that qtr's earnings from > > 53 cents to 33 cents and also reducing the fiscal year net to about > > $110K after taking the multi-million dollar non-cash charge for > > options exercise. The full story had not been printed by the time I > > left the office, but this (assuming it had already previously > > leaked) may help explain the past several days of trading on the > > stock and the extremely low volume. I suspect this decision to take > > this charge now came from the annual audit and was inspired by the > > auditors. Hopefully, since it is essentially historical and focus > > should be on the current qtr, it won't damage the stock too much on > > Monday. I intend to try and hang on long enough to see if the > > upcoming 3:2 split will still move it higher, but next week will > > tell the tale. You may be able to pick up the full story on the net > > this weekend. I will try the site later to see if they > > posted it. > > > > Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my > > employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation > > of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active > > investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any > > investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully > > my comments will better inform and educate all investors. > > > > tom w > > ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 12:19:13 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Re. PEG Welcome to the group, Gail. If you have not already done so, then the first step in understanding chart reading would be to read (several times) Wm O'Neill's book, "How to Make Money in Stocks" which you will see referred to as WON's HTMMIS periodically in this group. Additionally, if you haven't already taken a free two week trial to Investor's Business Daily (IBD) or the cheap, five week trial to Daily Graphs (DG), then I would recommend both for starters (both are WON publications). The DG charts in particular are valuable as they contain so much information based on CANSLIM and can save you time searching around for other sites on the net that will give you some of this, but not the same way necessarily as WON would calculate it. Feel free to provide your investing experience and professional background, along with some stocks that you like from CS standpoint. The group is amazingly friendly, so you will likely get some opinions if you ask for them. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w - ---------- > From: MacMama&theLooneyTunesGang > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Re. PEG > Date: Friday, September 26, 1997 3:50 AM > > Just joined in and like what I see. Don't know much yet but I'm working > hard to learn. This was my first encounter with the term PEG but later I > saw what I think you're looking for on the Motley Fool's sight. > > Under "The Place to Start" click on "Valuing Stocks" > > Or go direct at: > > > Could you guru's recommend ways to develop chart reading skills? > Thanks. > > Gail > ------------------------------ End of canslim Digest V1 #302 ***************************** To subscribe to canslim Digest, send the command: subscribe canslim-digest in the body of a message to "". 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