From: (canslim-digest)
Subject: canslim-digest V2 #1099
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canslim-digest Thursday, January 25 2001 Volume 02 : Number 1099
In this issue:
[CANSLIM] BigEasy Investor Screen
[CANSLIM] Website touting stock analysis based on guru's books
[CANSLIM] Thoughts on KSS?
Re: [CANSLIM] Thoughts on KSS?
[CANSLIM] Greenspan
[CANSLIM] Please Disregard This Email Test
Re: [CANSLIM] Greenspan
Re: [CANSLIM] Thoughts on KSS?
Re: [CANSLIM] Website touting stock analysis based on guru's books
RE: [CANSLIM] BigEasy Investor Screen
Re: [CANSLIM] Any Such Program to Download?
Re: [CANSLIM] Greenspan
Re: [CANSLIM] Any Such Program to Download?
[CANSLIM] how long till CA kills the market?
[CANSLIM] Chapter 13 in HTMMIS, Re: IRA/401K
Re: [CANSLIM] Any Such Program to Download?
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 08:11:27 -0500
From: "Tom Worley"
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] HOTT
current base is way, way too high to be part of the cup
formation. I see a brief (1 week) handle that tried to form just
under 20. Too short to have been buyable unless you were real
quick. The current base forming just under 25 needs at least 3-4
more weeks to be considered real.
Tom Worley
ICQ # 5568838
- ----- Original Message -----
From: Fanus
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 8:46 PM
I am watching HOTT for the last couple of days now and was
wondering what the
group's thoughts on it is? It look like it is forming a handle.
Can this be
considered as a Cup with Handle, or was the correction to steep
and too much
V-like? IBD ratings look ok, but EPS growth seem to be slowing
down a little,
but still look good. Any thoughts would be appreciated?
- - Fanus
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- -
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 23:08:38 -0500
From: Surindra
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Hi CANSLIMers
it is indeed very nice to hear from you peter again.
i remain fully invested despite all the warnings and canslim guidelines.
lost a lot in last six months of y2k...
welcome back. please keep posting on this list.
- -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Peter Christiansen
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 10:11 PM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Hi CANSLIMers
I bought ESA on 1/9, and more yesterday. I was promptly stopped out of
everything today. This market is a real bxxch.
- -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Tim Fisher
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 1:29 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Hi CANSLIMers
You are in the same position as myself and I suspect the majority of this
list, namely 100% (or nearly so) cash, stung by last year, and debating
whether any of these breakouts have a snowball's chance in hell. I too
watched ESA yesterday but didn't like the lack of a base; the correct time
to buy would have been the day it broke 14 on heavy vol. I'm sitting here
watching SPF charge onto new highs after stopping me out twice. Ditto with
SHFL. Also SKX "base, we don't need no stinking base!" Sketchers. Never did
catch that one. And to boot all the homebuilders mini-corrected and are now
mostly within 10% of their highs again (without me, except LEN which
somehow failed to stop me out). It's a strange market, I don't even know
what to watch right now, so I'm staying out for lack of nerves.
Oh yeah and my wife's huge glob of MCD is tanking again due to Mad Cow. Go
figure. After being up close to 50% she is now negative; even her options
would cost money to cash in!
Welcome to the jungle!
- -
- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 08:18:34 -0500
From: "Tom Worley"
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Hi CANSLIMers
Don't blame the market. Buying on 1/9, even at the low of the
day, put you already nearly 10% extended over the consolidation
base that formed under 14. If you had used an 8% stop from your
entry, you would not have been stopped out even on the volatility
yesterday (limit would have been about 13.80). Adding to the
position would have averaged up your cost basis, and your stop
limit, as well.
I would say your entry point was too late, and a tight stop from
there was too tight, although reasonable given the too high
Tom Worley
ICQ # 5568838
- ----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Christiansen
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 10:10 PM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Hi CANSLIMers
I bought ESA on 1/9, and more yesterday. I was promptly stopped
out of
everything today. This market is a real bxxch.
- -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Tim Fisher
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 1:29 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Hi CANSLIMers
You are in the same position as myself and I suspect the majority
of this
list, namely 100% (or nearly so) cash, stung by last year, and
whether any of these breakouts have a snowball's chance in hell.
I too
watched ESA yesterday but didn't like the lack of a base; the
correct time
to buy would have been the day it broke 14 on heavy vol. I'm
sitting here
watching SPF charge onto new highs after stopping me out twice.
Ditto with
SHFL. Also SKX "base, we don't need no stinking base!" Sketchers.
Never did
catch that one. And to boot all the homebuilders mini-corrected
and are now
mostly within 10% of their highs again (without me, except LEN
somehow failed to stop me out). It's a strange market, I don't
even know
what to watch right now, so I'm staying out for lack of nerves.
Oh yeah and my wife's huge glob of MCD is tanking again due to
Mad Cow. Go
figure. After being up close to 50% she is now negative; even her
would cost money to cash in!
Welcome to the jungle!
- -
- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 06:37:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Kent Norman
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Hi CANSLIMers
I am surprised you are trading simply because you
heard one person speculate on a future event. What
happened to letting the chart tell you when to sell?
- -----
I saw an extremely bullish analyst (Lehman Bros.?) on
PBS Nightly Bus. Report last night who said that if it
is .25 and not .50, there will be a vicious sell-off.
I don't want any part of that and jumped out of the
only position I've had in a couple of months, CTXS,
purchased last Thursday. I liked the chart with its
long base and very gradual rise and the breakout
Thursday morning was something I couldn't resist.
- --- Dan Musicant wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 21:06:52 -0500, you wrote:
> :Unlike most, I remained fully invested in my IRA
> (mostly because
> :of neglect due lack of time), and fully invested in
> my 401 as
> :well (unfortunately done the day the Feds cut the
> rates, should
> :have waited several days). But before that I was
> over 90%
> :invested in my 401K. My gains in January for my IRA
> already made
> :up all my losses for 2000, and I am ahead just for
> 2001 about
> :30+%, so glad I remained fully invested there. In
> my 401K, I am
> :up just over 3% as of yesterday's close (3 growth
> mutual funds),
> :and happy about that since I was down over 8% for
> the year by
> :January 8. So even a small net gain for the year
> feels pretty
> :good right now.
> :
> :Ultimately, this has so far been a good time to be
> fully
> :invested. Next week may prove critical with what
> Greenspan tells
> :the Senate Budget Committee regarding tax cut
> wisdom vs reducing
> :the national debt (tomorrow) and the FOMC meeting
> on Tue and Wed
> :(qtr pt vs half pt cut).
> :
> :C U
> :
> :Tom Worley
> I'm worried about the 1/2 point versus 1/4 point
> scenario next week that
> you point out, Tom. Sometimes I have a gut feeling,
> but not this time.
> Maybe it's because I haven't been paying close
> enough attention. I saw
> an extremely bullish analyst (Lehman Bros.?) on PBS
> Nightly Bus. Report
> last night who said that if it is .25 and not .50,
> there will be a
> vicious sell-off. I don't want any part of that and
> jumped out of the
> only position I've had in a couple of months, CTXS,
> purchased last
> Thursday. I liked the chart with its long base and
> very gradual rise and
> the breakout Thursday morning was something I
> couldn't resist. The
> brutal selloff some months ago is an ugly omen, but
> I thought perhaps
> the broad base that followed would propel the stock
> upward, especially
> after good news and analyst upgrades sparked the
> rally late last week. I
> bailed this morning before the stock dipped during
> the day and am now
> glad. Last time I sold CTXS was less than 24 hours
> before it jumped from
> about 80 to 105 or so on its way to 120-ish numbers
> end of 1999!! Well,
> in this market, I'm happy enough to get out with a
> couple of points. I
> certainly don't expect a run like there was at the
> end of '99.
> Note, the ^VIX (volatility index) today was around
> 25, admittedly less
> than the 30ish numbers we were seeing a week or two
> ago, but still well
> above the 20 or so you've pointed out to be the
> range where CANSLIM
> stocks do well.
> To all: IBD's Big Picture almost daily is lamenting
> the lack of evident
> leadership. The only stocks that are behaving like
> leaders are in
> sectors that historically have not provided
> leadership in bull markets.
> That's not to say that this rally will fail like all
> the others that
> we've been seeing 2nd half of 2000. Indeed, this
> rally has been very
> well behaved for 3 weeks now, as duly pointed out in
> the Big Picture the
> last couple of days. What makes this one different,
> besides the telling
> volume versus index action? Only the Fed action, as
> far as I can see.
> However, a very big change (hope it holds) is that
> the market is not
> going south every time some bad news crops up.
> PS. I know that CTXS is hardly a CANSLIM stock. RS
> around 80 just makes
> it, but the EPS is around 60.
> Accumulation/Distribution is A now though,
> I think. Couldn't resist that chart.
> - Dan
> -
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Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 06:58:51 -0800 (PST)
From: May Ed
Subject: [CANSLIM] BigEasy Investor Screen
Here's some screens I created for finding CANSLIM
candidates using BigEasy Investor charting software
( If you've never used
BigEasy you really should check it out. I've been a
TC2000 user for the past year and I'm really thinking
of dumping my TC2K data subscription in favor of using
BigEasy. It's completely free and I can't find much
TC2000 can do that this software can't do--at least
for my purposes. Anyway, I hope this doesn't come off
as spam, I'm not affliated with BigEasy or anything.
Just an introduction to the software for those
unfamiliar with it.
Here are links to some screens I created with the
software that you can import. One is called CANSLIM
Base Setups and the other is called CANSLIM Breakouts.
Both use the same fundamental criteria to screen (EPS
chg last qtr > 25%, profit margin > 5%, ROI > 10%) as
well as some minimums for price (> 15), volume
(>100K), and RS (>75). The Base Setup picks up stocks
within 15% of 52wk high. The Breakout screen picks up
stocks at NHs on 150% 1-month volume.
Base Setups -
Breakouts -
These were posted on Jon Markman's SuperModels board,
where I sometimes post. You should be able to access
them directly from these links.
Please let me know what you think and what
improvements might be made. Looking forward to your
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Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 09:34:11 -0600
From: "Wayne Pagot"
Subject: [CANSLIM] Website touting stock analysis based on guru's books provides stock analysis based on several guru's books, including WON's.
Has anyone compared the analysis provided at this website to their own CANSLIM analysis? What do you think of
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Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 16:47:44 +0000 (GMT)
From: (Dan Musicant)
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Hi CANSLIMers
On Thu, 25 Jan 2001 06:37:55 -0800 (PST), you wrote:
:I am surprised you are trading simply because you
:heard one person speculate on a future event. What
:happened to letting the chart tell you when to sell?
I wouldn't say I sold strictly on that guys words. He did alert me to
the danger of a sell-off if the Fed didn't cut 1/2 percent, and I was
already vaguely aware of that. Why did I sell yesterday morning? Well,
the runup had seemed to run out of steam. CTXS had been charging ahead,
although not with overwhelming strength, on very good volume (about
double ADV) for a few days, and it pulled back the day before on
slightly less than ADV. When I saw it gain back almost what it had lost
the day before in early trading, I felt that my odds were better (at
least short term) if I sold the position right then. So far, it's proved
to be true. The market has made me look stupid plenty of times and it
may this time too, and in short order! Like I said, I lost a lot of
money very quickly (winnings) last time I sold CTXS.
- -
:I saw an extremely bullish analyst (Lehman Bros.?) on
:PBS Nightly Bus. Report last night who said that if it
:is .25 and not .50, there will be a vicious sell-off.
:I don't want any part of that and jumped out of the
:only position I've had in a couple of months, CTXS,
:purchased last Thursday. I liked the chart with its
:long base and very gradual rise and the breakout
:Thursday morning was something I couldn't resist.=20
:--- Dan Musicant wrote:
:> On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 21:06:52 -0500, you wrote:
:> :Unlike most, I remained fully invested in my IRA
:> (mostly because
:> :of neglect due lack of time), and fully invested in
:> my 401 as
:> :well (unfortunately done the day the Feds cut the
:> rates, should
:> :have waited several days). But before that I was
:> over 90%
:> :invested in my 401K. My gains in January for my IRA
:> already made
:> :up all my losses for 2000, and I am ahead just for
:> 2001 about
:> :30+%, so glad I remained fully invested there. In
:> my 401K, I am
:> :up just over 3% as of yesterday's close (3 growth
:> mutual funds),
:> :and happy about that since I was down over 8% for
:> the year by
:> :January 8. So even a small net gain for the year
:> feels pretty
:> :good right now.
:> :
:> :Ultimately, this has so far been a good time to be
:> fully
:> :invested. Next week may prove critical with what
:> Greenspan tells
:> :the Senate Budget Committee regarding tax cut
:> wisdom vs reducing
:> :the national debt (tomorrow) and the FOMC meeting
:> on Tue and Wed
:> :(qtr pt vs half pt cut).
:> :
:> :C U
:> :
:> :Tom Worley
:> I'm worried about the 1/2 point versus 1/4 point
:> scenario next week that
:> you point out, Tom. Sometimes I have a gut feeling,
:> but not this time.
:> Maybe it's because I haven't been paying close
:> enough attention. I saw
:> an extremely bullish analyst (Lehman Bros.?) on PBS
:> Nightly Bus. Report
:> last night who said that if it is .25 and not .50,
:> there will be a
:> vicious sell-off. I don't want any part of that and
:> jumped out of the
:> only position I've had in a couple of months, CTXS,
:> purchased last
:> Thursday. I liked the chart with its long base and
:> very gradual rise and
:> the breakout Thursday morning was something I
:> couldn't resist. The
:> brutal selloff some months ago is an ugly omen, but
:> I thought perhaps
:> the broad base that followed would propel the stock
:> upward, especially
:> after good news and analyst upgrades sparked the
:> rally late last week. I
:> bailed this morning before the stock dipped during
:> the day and am now
:> glad. Last time I sold CTXS was less than 24 hours
:> before it jumped from
:> about 80 to 105 or so on its way to 120-ish numbers
:> end of 1999!! Well,
:> in this market, I'm happy enough to get out with a
:> couple of points. I
:> certainly don't expect a run like there was at the
:> end of '99.=20
:> Note, the ^VIX (volatility index) today was around
:> 25, admittedly less
:> than the 30ish numbers we were seeing a week or two
:> ago, but still well
:> above the 20 or so you've pointed out to be the
:> range where CANSLIM
:> stocks do well.
:> To all: IBD's Big Picture almost daily is lamenting
:> the lack of evident
:> leadership. The only stocks that are behaving like
:> leaders are in
:> sectors that historically have not provided
:> leadership in bull markets.
:> That's not to say that this rally will fail like all
:> the others that
:> we've been seeing 2nd half of 2000. Indeed, this
:> rally has been very
:> well behaved for 3 weeks now, as duly pointed out in
:> the Big Picture the
:> last couple of days. What makes this one different,
:> besides the telling
:> volume versus index action? Only the Fed action, as
:> far as I can see.
:> However, a very big change (hope it holds) is that
:> the market is not
:> going south every time some bad news crops up.
:> PS. I know that CTXS is hardly a CANSLIM stock. RS
:> around 80 just makes
:> it, but the EPS is around 60.
:> Accumulation/Distribution is A now though,
:> I think. Couldn't resist that chart.
:> - Dan
:> -
:Do You Yahoo!?
:Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.=20
- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 16:36:23 +0000 (GMT)
From: (Dan Musicant)
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Hi CANSLIMers
On Thu, 25 Jan 2001 07:50:56 -0500, you wrote:
:Hi Dan,
:I am already seeing some comments indicating that expectations
:are being scaled down to 25 bp, including some yesterday
:regarding how the bond mkt is trading. May be too little, too
:late to avoid a selloff, but this kind of sentiment changes
:quickly. Today's comments will hopefully be clear enough to set
:the tone.
:Tom Worley
:ICQ # 5568838
::Tom Worley
Then my feeling wasn't wrong: we cannot depend on a 1/2 point cut. The
market today is confirming this and I'm glad to be in cash again. Mr. G
could utter a couple of words to change all this, of course... What
power. Of course, that guy doesn't own any stocks.
- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 11:22:25 -0700
From: "Ziggy"
Subject: [CANSLIM] Thoughts on KSS?
Hi All,
KSS is breaking out to a new high on what looks like decent
The IBD #'s are 98 91 BAB.
I would appreciate comments as to how others read the chart
on this one.
A B/O from a double bottom that occurred on the 1st trade
day of December?
A B/O from a cup w/handle that occurred on the 1st trade
day of January?
Today's B/O from a cup with a high handle?
- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 10:38:42 -0800
From: Tim Fisher
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Thoughts on KSS?
I turned this up from TSC. Seems there is a hot debate over there as to
whether KSS can deliver. Personally, it doesn't make my cut for GRS (68).
That said, the retail - big discount group made a huge move last week, so
this may be a group-driven breakout. Also, it's a high handle, therefore
extended, vol is so-so, it isn't a strong breakout (only up 2% now).
More Warning Flags on Kohl's By Whitney Tilson Special to
Originally posted at 9:17 AM ET 1/22/01 on
I've been enjoying the thought-provoking debate between Arne Alsin and
James Cramer on Kohl's (KSS:NYSE - news), and thought I'd weigh in with
some numbers that raise real warning flags for me.
Kohl's has been expanding rapidly -- and, I might add, appears to be
executing superbly, as same-store sales were up a remarkable 14.8% in
December . But I always worry when I see a high-growth company --
especially in the highly competitive, fickle retail industry -- that has
negative and declining free cash flow and rapidly rising debt. Here are the
numbers that give me pause.
Free Cash Flow
Kohl's free cash flow (defined as operating cash flow, excluding the tax
benefit from exercise of stock options, minus net capital expenditures) was
only slightly negative for the 12 months ending in the third quarter of
1998, but worsened significantly over the next two years -- despite a rapid
rise in net income -- as the following table shows.
The Riskier Financials of Kohl's Category Trailing 12 months ending Q3 98
Trailing 12 months ending Q3 99 Trailing 12 months ending Q3 00 Net income
$170,802 $231,628 $314,230 Operating cash flow* $162,584 $185,377
($196,577) Net cap expend. $222,303 $543,296 $495,474 Free cash flow
($59,719) ($357,919) ($692,051) Source: company reports * Excluding tax
benefit from exercise of stock options
Negative free cash flow is not unusual for a rapidly growing company,
especially in the retail sector, because new stores are costly (e.g., capex
rises) and inventory levels increase to stock them, which hurts operating
cash flow. As long as the new stores thrive and generate high returns on
capital, rapid growth -- even at the expense of current free cash flow --
is a good thing for shareholders.
But the negative free cash flow has to be paid for somehow, typically by
taking on debt or issuing stock. At modest levels, neither of these things
is troubling, but if severely negative free cash flow makes it necessary to
issue a great deal of stock, this triggers meaningful dilution for existing
shareholders. Or, if the company issues debt, this increases risk should
the company encounter difficulties. I can't even begin to count how many
retailers have gone out of business by taking on too much debt and then
seeing their fortunes decline.
While Kohl's has raised some capital by issuing stock ($328.5 million over
the past three years), its primary method of financing these free cash flow
deficits has been via issuing debt. This graph shows Kohl's net debt (total
debt minus cash and short-term investments) since the first quarter of 1997.
Over the past six quarters, Kohl's net debt has increased 264%, from $292
million to $1.063 billion. For perspective, that's equal to 3.4 years of
Kohl's trailing 12-month net income. Both the magnitude of this debt and
its rapid rise are very worrisome.
I think Kohl's is a very well-run company with bright prospects. But
there's a big difference between liking the company and liking the stock.
At Friday's closing price of $65.94, Kohl's is trading at 50.3 times
analysts' consensus estimated earnings for fiscal 2001 (ending next month)
of $1.31 a share. That's pricey any way you look at it. With so many
undervalued stocks representing solid companies, it doesn't make any sense,
to me at least, to buy a stock that is clearly fully valued -- if not
significantly overvalued.
I agree with Cramer, however, the Kohl's is a lousy short. As he points
out, there's always the chance -- however small -- that Kohl's could turn
out to be this decade's version of Wal-Mart (WMT:NYSE - news) in the 1980s
or Gap (GPS:NYSE - news) in the early 1990s. In this case, those who are
short Kohl's could have their heads handed to them many times over.
On 10:22 AM 1/25/01, Ziggy Said:
>Hi All,
>KSS is breaking out to a new high on what looks like decent
>The IBD #'s are 98 91 BAB.
>I would appreciate comments as to how others read the chart
>on this one.
>A B/O from a double bottom that occurred on the 1st trade
>day of December?
>A B/O from a cup w/handle that occurred on the 1st trade
>day of January?
>Today's B/O from a cup with a high handle?
Tim Fisher
Ore-Rock-On and Pacific Fishery Biologists WWW Sites
See naked fish and rocks!
- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 11:58:21 -0800 (PST)
From: Dave Cameron
Subject: [CANSLIM] Greenspan
Yes, Greenspan has a lot of power. To me, it is evident
that we won't get a .50% rate cut; but we probably will get
a 0.25% one. He's jawboning a bit in agreeing with Bush
that a tax cut would be more beneficial.
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- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 14:20:50 -0600
From: "BW Smith"
Subject: [CANSLIM] Please Disregard This Email Test
This is an email test.
- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 12:26:36 -0800 (PST)
From: Kent Norman
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Greenspan
Last week a lot of "experts" were saying a tax cut
would be too slow.
- --- Dave Cameron wrote:
> Yes, Greenspan has a lot of power. To me, it is
> evident
> that we won't get a .50% rate cut; but we probably
> will get
> a 0.25% one. He's jawboning a bit in agreeing with
> Bush
> that a tax cut would be more beneficial.
> __________________________________________________
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> Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great
> prices.
> -
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- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 13:58:32 -0700
From: "Patrick Wahl"
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Thoughts on KSS?
On 25 Jan 01, at 11:22, Ziggy wrote:
> A B/O from a double bottom that occurred on the 1st trade
> day of December?
> A B/O from a cup w/handle that occurred on the 1st trade
> day of January?
> or
> Today's B/O from a cup with a high handle?
Closest to number two - looks like it gapped out (broke out) of a
cup-like pattern, whatever you want to call it, it was a sideways
basing action that had gone on for nearly 7 months. Then it
consolidated at the newer price level, I suppose you could have
bought in there.
- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 15:05:50 -0600
From: "BW Smith"
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Website touting stock analysis based on guru's books
Yes, I use the stock analysis based on WON's books. Actually,
at the present I am sitting on the sidelines paper trading until M becomes
more favorable to using the CAMSLIM method discussed within this forum.
Anyway, much of WON's criteria is utilized to select the few stocks that
show up on the O'Neil Guru List. Interestingly, a few of those
selected stocks are found on Tim's DGO list, or they are stocks mentioned by
other folks on this forum.
However, the stocks on the O'Neal Guru List usually do not meet the expected
chart patterns nor volume changes recommended by WON. Some charts are much
too choppy or they lack a sufficient base prior to breaking out. Many of
the selected stocks have LLUR stock patterns, but that is not bad in itself.
Anyway, the O'Neal list is another good source to check to
possibly further evaluate and add a few stocks to your personal watch list.
All in all I place more confidence in the ideas, discussions, and suggested
picks that come from this CAMSLIM forum.
On the current O'Neil Guru List at are AC, APOL, BRN, CANI,
Bill Smith
- ----- Original Message -----
From: Wayne Pagot
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 9:34 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] Website touting stock analysis based on guru's books
> provides stock analysis based on several guru's books,
including WON's.
> Has anyone compared the analysis provided at this website to their own
CANSLIM analysis? What do you think of
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------
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> -
- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 17:12:18 -0500
From: Rakesh Sanghvi
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] BigEasy Investor Screen
I have downloaded the application, now ...
How do I run it?
- -----Original Message-----
From: May Ed []
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 9:59 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] BigEasy Investor Screen
Here's some screens I created for finding CANSLIM
candidates using BigEasy Investor charting software
( If you've never used
BigEasy you really should check it out. I've been a
TC2000 user for the past year and I'm really thinking
of dumping my TC2K data subscription in favor of using
BigEasy. It's completely free and I can't find much
TC2000 can do that this software can't do--at least
for my purposes. Anyway, I hope this doesn't come off
as spam, I'm not affliated with BigEasy or anything.
Just an introduction to the software for those
unfamiliar with it.
Here are links to some screens I created with the
software that you can import. One is called CANSLIM
Base Setups and the other is called CANSLIM Breakouts.
Both use the same fundamental criteria to screen (EPS
chg last qtr > 25%, profit margin > 5%, ROI > 10%) as
well as some minimums for price (> 15), volume
(>100K), and RS (>75). The Base Setup picks up stocks
within 15% of 52wk high. The Breakout screen picks up
stocks at NHs on 150% 1-month volume.
Base Setups -
Breakouts -
These were posted on Jon Markman's SuperModels board,
where I sometimes post. You should be able to access
them directly from these links.
Please let me know what you think and what
improvements might be made. Looking forward to your
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Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 17:07:13 -0600
From: "BW Smith"
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Any Such Program to Download?
Got a question. Has anyone found a data screening download with the ability
to recognize a Cup-With-Handle or other patterns mentioned by WON? It
appears that some of those patterns are sometimes a bit difficult to be
recognized by some of us on this forum.
There is one site that discusses such a program. I have neither the
background nor any idea how to write such a program. Anyway, for those who
may be interested in reading about such a computerized program have a look
at At least that discussion may be
helpful to some of us by its explanation of Cup-With-Handle.
PS, sorry about misspelling CANSLIM on my prior post. Immediately added the
correct spelling to my spell checker. LOL. do not wish for anyone to think
there is a new O'Neil method to follow. Although Market Direction may be
double important to consider at the present, we cannot forget about New
Products, New Management, or New Price Highs!
Bill Smith
- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 13:05:08 -0800
From: Bill Weliky
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Greenspan
I didn't get that from his testimony. reported that Greenie
said "Q1 growth will be close to zero and that there has been a dramatic
economic slowdown"; this is a mixed bag for investors as it reaffirms the
seriousness of the downturn, but it does argue for a 50bp rate cut next
Additionally, Fed Funds Futures jumped back up to over 80% chance of 50bp
cut during his speech. The equity mkt has priced in the 50bp and is selling
off on profit taking (Look at the charts of the big caps from Jan 3) and the
optical sector confirmation of the telecom and capex slowdown. Do not
discount the CA ute and national power grid crisis and the bad loans
involved nationwide. Greenie isn't.
Everything else I have seen or heard lately has said that the mkt's will be
in big trouble if the Fed only goes 25bp as it will send a new message to
the mkt that the Fed is still behind the curve.
- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Cameron"
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 11:58 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] Greenspan
> Yes, Greenspan has a lot of power. To me, it is evident
> that we won't get a .50% rate cut; but we probably will get
> a 0.25% one. He's jawboning a bit in agreeing with Bush
> that a tax cut would be more beneficial.
> __________________________________________________
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> Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.
> -
- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 16:32:32 -0800 (PST)
From: Kent Norman
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Any Such Program to Download?
Very interesting reading. It confirms some of the
difficulties I have been experiencing. I just about
have to monitor the prices all day long to catch the
fleeting window of opportunity. Perhaps some day I
will have that luxury.
It looks like we need one program to screen the end of
day data for prospects and another to monitor
candidates during the day for breakout. With an 5% -
10% window, the price could zoom out of range in a fe
This feels too much like day trading.
- --- BW Smith wrote:
> Got a question. Has anyone found a data screening
> download with the ability
> to recognize a Cup-With-Handle or other patterns
> mentioned by WON? It
> appears that some of those patterns are sometimes a
> bit difficult to be
> recognized by some of us on this forum.
> There is one site that discusses such a program. I
> have neither the
> background nor any idea how to write such a program.
> Anyway, for those who
> may be interested in reading about such a
> computerized program have a look
> at At least
> that discussion may be
> helpful to some of us by its explanation of
> Cup-With-Handle.
> PS, sorry about misspelling CANSLIM on my prior
> post. Immediately added the
> correct spelling to my spell checker. LOL. do not
> wish for anyone to think
> there is a new O'Neil method to follow. Although
> Market Direction may be
> double important to consider at the present, we
> cannot forget about New
> Products, New Management, or New Price Highs!
> Bill Smith
> -
Nobody cares about your money as much as you do.
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- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 16:37:56 -0800 (PST)
From: Kent Norman
Subject: [CANSLIM] how long till CA kills the market?
What does the group think about how long till the CA
power problems ripple into corporate earnings and kill
the stock market?
I have heard the CA economy is about 25% of the US
economy. Seems a bit too high to me, does anyone have
better numbers?
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Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 20:05:39 -0800
Subject: [CANSLIM] Chapter 13 in HTMMIS, Re: IRA/401K
Hey Tom,
In contrast to stock investing, doesn't WON suggest a buy-and-hold strategy for all mutual fund investing [15
years as an ideal minimum hold time or at least 5 years]? Instead of selling during bears, WON suggests even
borrowing money to add to mutual funds when they're down. Personally, I hope to not touch my (Roth IRA) mutual
funds until close to retirement time (except to rebalance).
- -Jim
P.S. For any scoring at home, I'm still 100% cash [except for mutuals]--partially because I still think we're not
out of the woods Market-wise, and mostly because I am just starting a new job and don't have enough investable
- -
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 17:29:34 -0800 (PST)
From: rolatzi
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Any Such Program to Download?
As for a program to scan cup and handle patterns, Quotes
Plus ( has some success at identifying them. It
can also pull out stocks satisfying pretty much any
criteria you want.
With regard to notifications during the day, I use medved's
quote tracker ( a free program that runs
in the background of your computer and will give you
notification either on your computer or send you an e-mail.
hope this helps,
- --- Kent Norman wrote:
> Very interesting reading. It confirms some of the
> difficulties I have been experiencing. I just about
> have to monitor the prices all day long to catch the
> fleeting window of opportunity. Perhaps some day I
> will have that luxury.
> It looks like we need one program to screen the end of
> day data for prospects and another to monitor
> candidates during the day for breakout. With an 5% -
> 10% window, the price could zoom out of range in a fe
> minutes!
> This feels too much like day trading.
> Kent
> --- BW Smith wrote:
> > Got a question. Has anyone found a data screening
> > download with the ability
> > to recognize a Cup-With-Handle or other patterns
> > mentioned by WON? It
> > appears that some of those patterns are sometimes a
> > bit difficult to be
> > recognized by some of us on this forum.
> >
> > There is one site that discusses such a program. I
> > have neither the
> > background nor any idea how to write such a program.
> > Anyway, for those who
> > may be interested in reading about such a
> > computerized program have a look
> > at At least
> > that discussion may be
> > helpful to some of us by its explanation of
> > Cup-With-Handle.
> >
> > PS, sorry about misspelling CANSLIM on my prior
> > post. Immediately added the
> > correct spelling to my spell checker. LOL. do not
> > wish for anyone to think
> > there is a new O'Neil method to follow. Although
> > Market Direction may be
> > double important to consider at the present, we
> > cannot forget about New
> > Products, New Management, or New Price Highs!
> >
> > Bill Smith
> >
> >
> > -
> >
> =====
> Nobody cares about your money as much as you do.
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> Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great
> prices.
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