From: (canslim-digest)
Subject: canslim-digest V2 #1129
Reply-To: canslim
Precedence: bulk
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-No-Archive: yes
canslim-digest Tuesday, February 13 2001 Volume 02 : Number 1129
In this issue:
[CANSLIM] Today's open
[CANSLIM] remove
Re: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers
RE: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers
[CANSLIM] remove
Re: [CANSLIM] how to route canslim to a canslim inbox
Re: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers
Re: [CANSLIM] An example of the this resource now available
Re: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers
Re: [CANSLIM] how to route canslim to a canslim inbox
Re: [CANSLIM] Departing (Joining) members
Re: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers- Hi Tom
Re: [CANSLIM] remove
[CANSLIM] Remove
THE TRACK RECORD - Buy Alert 17833
[CANSLIM] Remove
[CANSLIM] Remove
RE: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 09:24:34 -0500
From: "Tom Worley"
Subject: [CANSLIM] Today's open
A quick stroll thru some index charts last night and this morning
shows that while the numbers looked ok, the volume wasn't there
on any of the indexes. Asia doesn't look any better than Europe,
and futures were mostly flat all night. I do note that futures
on Naz now up 1%, but I smell a head fake.
Tom Worley
ICQ # 5568838
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 09:35:24 EST
Subject: [CANSLIM] remove
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Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 16:54:36 +0200
From: "David S. Pinhasik"
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers
I haven't really been following this thread, so maybe someone mentioned the
idea, but...
Aren't there any "smart" mail servers out there in cyberspace that can do
"digest"ing for you? Meaning a server that gets mail, bundles it by
subject/sender etc and sends it out to you according to your preferences (1
a day, every n emails). If this doesn't exist, I am probably giving away a
good idea - but I don't have the time yet to develop such a server. Has
anyone ever heard of such a thing? If it existed, all these lurkers could
have stayed on the list.
"A seminar on time travel will be held in two weeks ago..."
David S. Pinhasik
IBM Global Services (Israel)
@ Chaim Sheba Medical Center - Tel Hashomer, Israel
+972 3 530 5209 (new)
+972 3 534 5748 fax
+1 707 885 7831 US efax
This signature and tagline were generated by SchizoSigz!
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 08:53:22 -0600
From: "Robert Gaston"
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers
John L: the instructions for putting all these emails into one folder (not
your Inbox) have been posted on this board several times each day lately...
eg: look at William Jaques' post earlier this morning.
Robert Gaston
- -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Cefaloni, John L
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 8:20 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers
Uh, me too.
For weeks, I got the digest. A few days ago, I started getting tons of
individual e-mails and no digest. I don't want to totally unsubscribe, but
I can't have my inbox flooded every day either.
- -----Original Message-----
From: Joe Herro []
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers
Hi Dan, I'm wondering if you can help me. I
have received well over 200 individual emails
from CANSLIM. I did not subscribe to this
service (the one where I get each individual
email; instead I get a summary at the end of the
day). Do you know who I contact to take care of
this. I can not have all of these individual
emails piling up in my mail box. Whom do I
contact? Thanks, Joe
- --- Dan Forant wrote:
> For whatever reason their unsubscribing or
> trying to, they are dropping like flies. I'm
> sure the market action has something to do with
> it. I remember however when I first joined,
> many questions went unanswered. This mail group
> is like most, a little clicky.
> Dan F
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Tom Worley
> To:
> Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 11:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers
> I agree, Lou, I haven't yet recognized a
> simple departee, not even from having done the
> courteous thing and introduced themselves when
> they joined.
> I have a sneaky hunch that most were here
> thinking this was a place to get hot stock
> tips, never really understood or were
> interested in CANSLIM. I just wish they would
> read all the emails Jeff had sent out
> announcing this change, instead of suddenly
> acting surprised by it. Wonder if they were
> equally surprised by the collapse of the dot
> coms? Maybe then they would know how to
> unsubscribe correctly (by sending email to
> and putting "unsubscribe canslim" (without
> quotes) in the body of the email. Then they
> could get off the list immediately and without
> bothering the rest of us who want to be here.
> Of course, it is a little bit amusing to "meet"
> all the lurkers finally.
> Hopefully this will all quiet down in a few
> days, so far my email server has crashed four
> times trying to download tonight's volume.
> Ah well, I had nothing else to do anyway.
> Tom Worley
> ICQ # 5568838
Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
a year!
- -
- -
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 09:56:57 EST
Subject: [CANSLIM] remove
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 09:08:12 -0600
From: "Wayne Pagot"
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] how to route canslim to a canslim inbox
One thing you can do to fix this is to use MSN hotmail (others are also out
there, like Yahoo mail) to receive all your CANSLIM messages.
It's a free service
It automatically scans all attachments with McAfee antivirus software.
It can be read from home or work, or around the world.
You can set up a filter using Options;Filters to put all the CANSLIMs in
their own folder.
It works for me
On another topic.. has anyone tried out the sight? It can
also be found via There is an easy way to check your stock ideas
against WON's wish list, along with several other so called stock picking
gurus. I really don't know if it is accurate. Maybe someone with more
experience could confirm whether it is a worthy tool. The site also gives
you a selection of about three stocks that have given the best ratings by
the most gurus. See what you think.
PS. I haven't posted before the demise of the digest because I couldn't
figure out how to send a basic ascii text file from hotmail. But it seems to
work ok now that the digest isn't filtering me out.
- ----Original Message Follows----
From: "Ryan Breed"
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] how to route canslim to a canslim inbox
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 10:32:49 -0800
Note that if you are using an IMAP server for mail, you can't do
this. I, unfortunately, am, and the mail level is pretty disruptive
during my work day. I'm talking to my sysadmin to see if any
server configuration is possible to resolve this.
IMAP allows me to have all your mail stored on the host
system even after it's read (as opposed to on your local PC).
Since it is stored on the host system, you can not have it
automatically sort into the right places.
- -Ryan
- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Harvey Brion"
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] how to route canslim to a canslim inbox
> Check your Help menu for a topic such as: Creating Message Filters. Here
> instructions from Netscape 4.7:
> Creating Message Filters
> You can create and maintain message filters so that Messenger
> matches criteria you set, including filing messages in
> a folder when they arrive.
> To create a filter that handles incoming messages:
> 1. In the Messenger window, choose Message Filters from the Edit
> 2. In the Message Filters dialog box, click New.
> You see the Filter Rules dialog box, where you enter information
> to define the filter.
> To edit a filter:
> Select the filter name and click Edit.
> To delete a filter:
> Select the filter name and click Delete.
> To turn a filter on or off:
> Click the dot to the right of the filter name to turn it on
> or click the checkmark to turn it off (dot).
> To change the order in which filters are applied:
> In the filter list, click a filter's name, and click the up or down
> to
> move it.
> To log filter activity, which can help to debug filtering:
> Click the checkbox at Log Filter Use.
> To display the filter log:
> Click View log.
> Robert wrote:
> > Dear Mike:
> > I'm sorry to bother you, but I am using outlook 97 and I have looked
> > thru the program and I can't find a way to route emails that have
> > in the subject line to a different inbox. If you could let me know how
> > do it I would appreciate it.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Robert
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mike Lucero []
> > Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 2:26 AM
> > To:
> >
> > I use Outlook Express, and use the fact that the messages are addressed
> > canslim.
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "KKane"
> > To:
> > Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2001 10:20 PM
> >
> > OK, I will ask the obvious question. What field do I use to sort the
> > mails into the new folder. And I am not asking for instructions on how
to set
> > up a folder. When I look at all the messages from today, there appears
to be
> > no common features to sort from. I see different senders, different
> > headers (some are even blank).
> >
> > Yes, I did see the warning that this was occurring, I just thought that
> > messages would come from a common source.
> >
> > Help?
> > K
> >
> -
- -
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 09:21:35 -0600
From: "Norman"
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers
Now why didn't Jeff think of that
- ----- Original Message -----
From: "David S. Pinhasik"
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers
> I haven't really been following this thread, so maybe someone mentioned
> idea, but...
> Aren't there any "smart" mail servers out there in cyberspace that can do
> "digest"ing for you? Meaning a server that gets mail, bundles it by
> subject/sender etc and sends it out to you according to your preferences
> a day, every n emails). If this doesn't exist, I am probably giving away a
> good idea - but I don't have the time yet to develop such a server. Has
> anyone ever heard of such a thing? If it existed, all these lurkers could
> have stayed on the list.
> David
> "A seminar on time travel will be held in two weeks ago..."
> ============================================
> David S. Pinhasik
> IBM Global Services (Israel)
> @ Chaim Sheba Medical Center - Tel Hashomer, Israel
> +972 3 530 5209 (new)
> +972 3 534 5748 fax
> +1 707 885 7831 US efax
> ============================================
> This signature and tagline were generated by SchizoSigz!
> -
- -
Date: 13 Feb 2001 07:03:38 -0800
From: "Tim Fisher"
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] An example of the this resource now available
High tech? How about "Participation"? Have you ever once contributed to
this group except to complain just now? If the answer is no, then I say
your opinion does not count. Go away. But please don't email yet another
remove request to the group! We don't care if you leave!
At 07:42 AM 2/13/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>High tech ?
>Is it " high tech " to receive megabytes a day ?
>Is the " high tech " typical profile Surindra, who already sent for > 1 MB
>in 2 messages ?
>All I saw is literally "Bullshxt".
>Oh yes... let me say I fail to see why authorizing attachments to educated
>people (not everybody) would contradictory with continuing to offer a digest
>mode w/o attachments. The "high tech" seems to have some problems
>with 101-tech already.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Surindra"
>Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 12:09 AM
>Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] An example of the this resource now available
> > Attached are text files from DGO (COMPANY INDEX and TOP INDUSTRY GROUPS)
> > from this weekend. Any comments?
> >
> > Thanks Jeff. We are upgraded to this new high tech stuff.
> >
> > Surindra
Tim Fisher, 1995 President, Pacific Fishery Biologists
Ore-ROCK-On Rockhounding Web Site
PFB Information
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 23:33:36 +0800
From: "Viv Tansley"
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] DGO v. QP
Just a quick mention on Quotes Plus compared to DGO. I have used both but
gave up DGO because of the high price. QP has powerful scanning functions
which allows the user to scan for both fundamental and technical factors. In
other words one can write a CANSLIM scan and have the program look for
stocks that meet only CANSLIM criteria. It also has an excel interface (as
Mike mentioned) which can be used for sorting EPS & RS (QP's RS is a little
off IBD's) They also have the ability to scan & chart industry groups,
whereas from memory DGO didn't.
- -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Mike Lucero
Sent: Tuesday, 13 February 2001 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] SKX
If you're asking me, I don't have any suggestions. I use Excel to manipulate
spreadsheets. For example, I download data from Daily Graphs Online, and
then use Excel to filter out the low EPS/RS stocks. I understand Quotes Plus
comes with an interface for Excel so you can manipulate data in their
database, but I've never tried it.
- -
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 07:30:21 -0800 (PST)
From: Bruce Loving
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers
why not just move it to a Yahoo Group.
Then each user can decide to get digest or view on
the web
- --- "David S. Pinhasik" wrote:
> I haven't really been following this thread, so
> maybe someone mentioned the
> idea, but...
> Aren't there any "smart" mail servers out there in
> cyberspace that can do
> "digest"ing for you? Meaning a server that gets
> mail, bundles it by
> subject/sender etc and sends it out to you according
> to your preferences (1
> a day, every n emails). If this doesn't exist, I am
> probably giving away a
> good idea - but I don't have the time yet to develop
> such a server. Has
> anyone ever heard of such a thing? If it existed,
> all these lurkers could
> have stayed on the list.
> David
> "A seminar on time travel will be held in two weeks
> ago..."
> ============================================
> David S. Pinhasik
> IBM Global Services (Israel)
> @ Chaim Sheba Medical Center - Tel Hashomer, Israel
> +972 3 530 5209 (new)
> +972 3 534 5748 fax
> +1 707 885 7831 US efax
> ============================================
> This signature and tagline were generated by
> SchizoSigz!
> -
Bruce Loving
Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
a year!
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 09:44:29 -0600
From: "Wayne Pagot"
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] how to route canslim to a canslim inbox
I forgot to mention - you can also move around the country as I have, and there's no need to change your email address.
----Original Message Follows----
From: "Wayne Pagot"
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] how to route canslim to a canslim inbox
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 09:08:12 -0600
One thing you can do to fix this is to use MSN hotmail (others are also out
there, like Yahoo mail) to receive all your CANSLIM messages.
It's a free service
It automatically scans all attachments with McAfee antivirus software.
It can be read from home or work, or around the world.
You can set up a filter using Options;Filters to put all the CANSLIMs in
their own folder.
It works for me
On another topic.. has anyone tried out the sight? It can
also be found via There is an easy way to check your stock ideas
against WON's wish list, along with several other so called stock picking
gurus. I really don't know if it is accurate. Maybe someone with more
experience could confirm whether it is a worthy tool. The site also gives
you a selection of about three stocks that have given the best ratings by
the most gurus. See what you think.
PS. I haven't posted before the demise of the digest because I couldn't
figure out how to send a basic ascii text file from hotmail. But it seems to
work ok now that the digest isn't filtering me out.
----Original Message Follows----
From: "Ryan Breed"
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] how to route canslim to a canslim inbox
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 10:32:49 -0800
Note that if you are using an IMAP server for mail, you can't do
this. I, unfortunately, am, and the mail level is pretty disruptive
during my work day. I'm talking to my sysadmin to see if any
server configuration is possible to resolve this.
IMAP allows me to have all your mail stored on the host
system even after it's read (as opposed to on your local PC).
Since it is stored on the host system, you can not have it
automatically sort into the right places.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Harvey Brion"
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] how to route canslim to a canslim inbox
> Check your Help menu for a topic such as: Creating Message Filters. Here
> instructions from Netscape 4.7:
> Creating Message Filters
> You can create and maintain message filters so that Messenger
> matches criteria you set, including filing messages in
> a folder when they arrive.
> To create a filter that handles incoming messages:
> 1. In the Messenger window, choose Message Filters from the Edit
> 2. In the Message Filters dialog box, click New.
> You see the Filter Rules dialog box, where you enter information
> to define the filter.
> To edit a filter:
> Select the filter name and click Edit.
> To delete a filter:
> Select the filter name and click Delete.
> To turn a filter on or off:
> Click the dot to the right of the filter name to turn it on
> or click the checkmark to turn it off (dot).
> To change the order in which filters are applied:
> In the filter list, click a filter's name, and click the up or down
> to
> move it.
> To log filter activity, which can help to debug filtering:
> Click the checkbox at Log Filter Use.
> To display the filter log:
> Click View log.
> Robert wrote:
> > Dear Mike:
> > I'm sorry to bother you, but I am using outlook 97 and I have looked
> > thru the program and I can't find a way to route emails that have
> > in the subject line to a different inbox. If you could let me know how
> > do it I would appreciate it.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Robert
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mike Lucero []
> > Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 2:26 AM
> > To:
> >
> > I use Outlook Express, and use the fact that the messages are addressed
> > canslim.
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "KKane"
> > To:
> > Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2001 10:20 PM
> >
> > OK, I will ask the obvious question. What field do I use to sort the
> > mails into the new folder. And I am not asking for instructions on how
to set
> > up a folder. When I look at all the messages from today, there appears
to be
> > no common features to sort from. I see different senders, different
> > headers (some are even blank).
> >
> > Yes, I did see the warning that this was occurring, I just thought that
> > messages would come from a common source.
> >
> > Help?
> > K
> >
> -
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 07:59:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Maninder
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Departing (Joining) members
Hi CANSLIM members
I just realized that I have joined the group recently but have not "done the
courteous thing and introduced themselves when they joined". I apologize for
that. I am an amateur investor for last 3-4 years, and still in the early
early steps of learning how to invest. I typically follow CANSLIM investments,
but at other times, I do try other approaches. My average return for last 5
years is about 25% per year. By profession, I am a molecular biologist and
clone human genes involved in diseases. I am looking forward to learning from
the CANSLIM members from whom I have lot to learn.
Maninder Chopra
- --- Tom Worley wrote:
> I agree, Lou, I haven't yet recognized a simple departee, not even from
> having done the courteous thing and introduced themselves when they joined.
Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
a year!
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 10:58:16 EST
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers- Hi Tom
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Haven't offered anything of value to the list in at least a year. Really
miss the valuable input of Connie Mack. Wonder what ever happened to him.
I can't speak for any of the others who are "unsubscribing" but I've simply
been out of the market for the most part. Just too unpredictable and
builders don't excite me.
Why is everyone leaving? I rarely read anything posted here with the
exception of your and Tim's posts.
Greg George
Lurking till the market improves
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Haven't offered anything of value to the list in at least a year. Really
miss the valuable input of Connie Mack. Wonder what ever happened to him.
I can't speak for any of the others who are "unsubscribing" but I've simply
been out of the market for the most part. Just too unpredictable and
builders don't excite me.
Why is everyone leaving? I rarely read anything posted here with the
exception of your and Tim's posts.
Greg George
Lurking till the market improves
- --part1_94.100ce72a.27bab398_boundary--
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 11:57:42 -0500
From: gnorman
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] remove
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 11:30:42 -0600
From: "Norman"
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
- ------=_NextPart_000_0230_01C095B0.66102250
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Is anyone expecting advp to form a handle around 48?
Any thoughts on the quality of this stock?
- ------=_NextPart_000_0230_01C095B0.66102250
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Is anyone expecting advp to form a handle around 48?
Any thoughts on the quality of this stock?
- ------=_NextPart_000_0230_01C095B0.66102250--
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 17:35:38 -0000
From: "T C"
Subject: [CANSLIM] Remove
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 10:14:03 -0800
From: Tim Fisher
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] ADVP
I don't expect ADVP to do anything. Let the stock tell you what it is doing
(notice I didn't say "going to do"). As for what is has done, it went up
10%+ on about 1.5x ADV yesterday, that is what I assume you are referring
to. Nice move; the pivot is around 49. What would I do assuming it was
something I was interested in buying (it's not)? I'd look elsewhere; I
don't like the chart. It looks to me like buying in around 40-45 would be
relatively safe; anything higher looks to be extended to me. If it did base
around 45-48 it may have support for the next move up.
On 09:30 AM 2/13/01, Norman Said:
>Is anyone expecting advp to form a handle around 48?
>Any thoughts on the quality of this stock?
Tim Fisher
Ore-Rock-On and Pacific Fishery Biologists WWW Sites
See naked fish and rocks!
- -
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 03:03:37 -0800
Subject: THE TRACK RECORD - Buy Alert 17833
Tidalwave Holdings Inc.
Symbol: TDWV
Recent Price: $.085
Week Range: $.078 - $.085
52 Week Range: .061 - .290
Tidalwave Holding's Investment Mortgage Bank Signs Agreements With Two Divisions of
Lehman Brothers Super Jumbo Loans to $4 million - Funded In House by Tidalwave/FAMS
FT LAUDERDALE, Fla., - Tidalwave Holdings Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: TDWV announced
that the Credit Committees for Lehman Brothers Bank, FSB (NYSE) and Lehman's Mortgage
Conduit, has reviewed and approved Tidalwave Holdings Investment Mortgage Banking
subsidiary First American Mortgage Securities, Inc. (FAMS) to be able to fund in house,
super jumbo loans up to $4 million by executing agreements that establishes a Correspondent
Lender relationship between the Lehman divisions and FAMS.
Tidalwave President Leon Kline stated, ``The correspondent relationship with Lehman Brothers,
one of the most respected firms on Wall Street, provides Tidalwave/FAMS the ability to
underwrite stated income and limited doc loans with balances to $4 million dollars per
transaction. Tidalwave is currently adapting its automated underwriting and loan tracking
systems to handle jumbo and super jumbo loans. (Jumbo and Super Jumbo loans are mortgages
above the $275,000 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loan limit.) Mr. Kline continued, ''The Lehman
Approval is an excellent indication of the integrity and status FAMS has earned as a mortgage conduit``.
FAMS will make available the Lehman Jumbo and Super Jumbo programs to its growing client
base of banks, credit unions, finance companies and mortgage brokers/bankers on February
12th, and will set up a ``Private Banking Center'' that will offer high net worth individuals
an online automated origination platform that will offer a full range of custom loan products,
geared to borrowers who may not want to provide income verification or documentation.
Detailed information about Tidalwave Holdings Inc. (TDWV) may be obtained on-line at various
financial web sites.
"The Track Record" is an independent electronic publication providing information on selected
companies. All statements and expressions are not meant to be either investment advice or a
solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. Readers should not rely solely
on the information contained in this publication, but should consult with their own independent
tax, business and financial advisors with respect to any investment opportunity, including any
contemplated investment in the advertised Company. There has been no fee received or
contemplated for the circulation of the above information. The publisher and/or its affiliates
may buy or sell shares of TDWV at any time.
Double click on the following link to be excluded from further communication.
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 15:01:15 EST
Buying SPCH as it just dropped down to its pivot point. I know its too low
of a price to qualify as a canslim stock. But it has everything else going
for it so I'll give it a shot.
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 15:49:34 -0500
From: "Dave Rubin"
I know nothing about the company, but the chart doesn't seem to qualify.
Trading volume is too low to establish any kind of pattern. Even if you
interpret the chart as a CH, yesterday's pullback came on increasing volume.
IMO this stock has a good chance of failing here, so a tight stop would be a
good idea.
> -----Original Message-----
> Buying SPCH as it just dropped down to its pivot point. I know
> its too low
> of a price to qualify as a canslim stock. But it has everything
> else going
> for it so I'll give it a shot.
> Chris
> -
- -
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 14:59:12 -0600
From: "George Lea"
Subject: [CANSLIM] Remove
Please take my name off your list.
This mail sent through Seark.Net's WebMail
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Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 16:01:29 -0500
Subject: [CANSLIM] Remove
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- -----Original Message-----
From: glea []
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 3:59 PM
To: canslim
Cc: glea
Subject: FW: [CANSLIM] Remove
Please take my name off your list.
This mail sent through Seark.Net's WebMail
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Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 16:15:31 -0500
From: "Ann Hollingworth"
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Departing menbers
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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I have to say that I am a relatively new member, and have had all my
questions answered by numerous group members. So I don't call that clicky.
For whatever reason their unsubscribing or trying to, they are dropping like
flies. I'm sure the market action has something to do with it. I remember
however when I first joined, many questions went unanswered. This mail group
is like most, a little clicky.
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Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I have=20
to say that I am a relatively new member, and have had all my questions =
by numerous group members. So I don't call that =
For whatever reason their =
unsubscribing or=20
trying to, they are dropping like flies. I'm sure the market action has=20
something to do with it. I remember however when I first joined, many =
went unanswered. This mail group is like most, a little =
- ------=_NextPart_000_0012_01C095D8.30023720--
- -
End of canslim-digest V2 #1129
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