----- Original Message -----From:=20 Hill,=20 ErnieSent: Tuesday, September 18, = 2001 1:52=20 PMSubject: RE: [CANSLIM] = Analysts
-----Original=20 Message-----
From: = Ed=20 McDonough [mailto:EMCDONOUGH@RJFS.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, = 2001 12:00=20 PM
To: canslim@lists.xmission.com=
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM]=20 Analysts
With all=20 due respect, I suppose you are against banks making loans of your = deposits to those whose use might be detrimental to you. Sounds great = in=20 theory but not in reality. Happens all the time,=20 everyday.=20 The vast = majority of=20 bank customers know that their money is loaned out and it is likely = that only=20 a tiny percentage of the loaned money is detrimental to the person who = deposited it. The majority of investors have no idea their stock = holdings are=20 being loaned to others. No broker ever informs anyone when his or her = stock is=20 loaned out. It should be illegal for this reason alone. Also the = person who=20 deposits money is being compensated with interest for the right to = loan out=20 their money. I suspect you would be ticked if other things that you = owned were=20 being loaned out by someone without your permission particularly if it = were to=20 your detriment.
Understand = the rules=20 and play by them. Play to win!!! Canslim is but one = part of=20 the story, albeit a good part.=20 I can win = and still=20 take the moral high ground.
Remember, = when you=20 buy that canslim stock, someone just sold it to you. You are = hoping they=20 are wrong and they are hoping you are wrong.=20
By the=20 way, it is the institutions that are the largest short position = holders, not=20 their clients!!=20 Sounds = like a huge=20 conflict of interest to me. Another good reason for it to be illegal. = Don’t=20 get me wrong my major objection with shorting is the fact that the = stock is=20 borrowed from people who likely would not agree to it being done if = they knew=20 about it. Dress it up any way you want it is wrong to borrow things = without=20 the permission of the owner.
Good=20 luck and good trading.
Call me=20 crazy,
-----Original = Message-----
From: = owner-canslim@lists.xmission.com=20 [mailto:owner-canslim@lists.xmission.com]On=20 Behalf Of Hill, Ernie
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, = 2001 12:07=20 PM
To:=20 'canslim@lists.xmission.com'
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM]=20 AnalystsDan=20 IMO shorting should be illegal without the permission of the owner of = the=20 shares that are shorted. I know I would not allow my shares of a = company I=20 expected to rise in price to be used against me. Yet brokerage houses = loan out=20 the shares of their clients without getting their clients permission = to do so.=20 It infuriates me and I refuse to short for this reason. It is like = borrowing=20 something from your neighbor to do him harm without his=20 permission.
-----Original=20 Message-----
From: = Dan Forant=20 [mailto:dforant1@nycap.rr.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, = 2001 6:06=20 AM
To:=20 canslim@lists.xmission.com
Subject: [CANSLIM]=20 Analysts
I get a = kick out of=20 the Analysts preaching Patriotism. They ask of us to buy stocks during = this=20 time of severe market stress. These are the same people that got many = to=20 invest on hype alone for a few years now. They say shorting is not = patriotic,=20 what baloney. Analysts are like weathermen, there wrong too much.=20
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