From: (canslim-digest) To: Subject: canslim-digest V2 #3009 Reply-To: canslim Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-No-Archive: yes canslim-digest Tuesday, October 29 2002 Volume 02 : Number 3009 In this issue: Re: [CANSLIM] NAZ: Third distribution day in a week? Re: [CANSLIM] NAZ: Third distribution day in a week? [CANSLIM] Movi and other thoughts [CANSLIM] STTX - Too late? RE: [CANSLIM] Movi and other thoughts Re: [CANSLIM] JOSB buy point Re: [CANSLIM] Movi and other thoughts [CANSLIM] OT 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 20:47:12 -0700 From: "Aaron Kemp" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] NAZ: Third distribution day in a week? This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_006E_01C27EC3.31157ED0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable WON says one distribution day is usually enough to kill a new rally, I = believe we will be heading back to at least re-test the lows. ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Ian=20 To: Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 9:46 AM Subject: [CANSLIM] NAZ: Third distribution day in a week? Hi all: If the NAZ closes red today, it's going to be the third distribution = day since last Tuesday. That's a lot of selling in a short time, but = hasn't really had any negative effect on the level yet. What are people = making of this? Thanks, Ian - ------=_NextPart_000_006E_01C27EC3.31157ED0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
WON says one distribution day is = usually enough to=20 kill a new rally, I believe we will be heading back to at least re-test = the=20 lows.
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Ian =
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 = 9:46=20 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] NAZ: Third=20 distribution day in a week?

Hi all:
If the NAZ closes red today, it's going to be the = third=20 distribution day since last Tuesday. That's a lot of selling in a = short time,=20 but hasn't really had any negative effect on the level yet. What are = people=20 making of this?
- ------=_NextPart_000_006E_01C27EC3.31157ED0-- - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 09:29:28 -0200 From: "MARC FOURNIER" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] NAZ: Third distribution day in a week? - --=====_10358909682199=_ Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=====_10358909683963=_" - --=====_10358909683963=_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable 1 distribution day can kill a rally attempt from the bottom. However 3 - 5= dist days 1 to 2 weeks can kill an ongoing rally. DEFENSE is the name of the game! *********** REPLY SEPARATOR *********** On 10/28/2002 at 8:47 PM Aaron Kemp wrote: WON says one distribution day is usually enough to kill a new rally, I= believe we will be heading back to at least re-test the lows. - ----- Original Message ----- From: Ian To: Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 9:46 AM Subject: [CANSLIM] NAZ: Third distribution day in a week? Hi all: If the NAZ closes red today, it's going to be the third distribution day= since last Tuesday. That's a lot of selling in a short time, but hasn't= really had any negative effect on the level yet. What are people making of= this? Thanks, Ian Marc Fournier - --=====_10358909683963=_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
1 distribution day can kill a rally attempt from the bottom. However 3 - 5  dist days 1 to 2 weeks can kill an ongoing rally.
DEFENSE is the name of the game!  
*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

On 10/28/2002 at 8:47 PM Aaron Kemp wrote:
WON says one distribution day is usually enough to kill a new rally, I believe we will be heading back to at least re-test the lows.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ian
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 9:46 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] NAZ: Third distribution day in a week?

Hi all:
If the NAZ closes red today, it's going to be the third distribution day since last Tuesday. That's a lot of selling in a short time, but hasn't really had any negative effect on the level yet. What are people making of this?

Marc Fournier
- --=====_10358909683963=_-- - --=====_10358909682199=_ Content-Type: image/gif; name="WAVING~1.GIF" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: <200210271933290825.0792875A57B1> R0lGODlhZAA3AMcAAAAAAAAAMwAAZgAAmQAAzAAA/zMAADMAMzMAZjMAmTMA zDMA/2YAAGYAM2YAZmYAmWYAzGYA/5kAAJkAM5kAZpkAmZkAzJkA/8wAAMwA M8wAZswAmcwAzMwA//8AAP8AM/8AZv8Amf8AzP8A/wAzAAAzMwAzZgAzmQAz zAAz/zMzADMzMzMzZjMzmTMzzDMz/2YzAGYzM2YzZmYzmWYzzGYz/5kzAJkz M5kzZpkzmZkzzJkz/8wzAMwzM8wzZswzmcwzzMwz//8zAP8zM/8zZv8zmf8z zP8z/wBmAABmMwBmZgBmmQBmzABm/zNmADNmMzNmZjNmmTNmzDNm/2ZmAGZm M2ZmZmZmmWZmzGZm/5lmAJlmM5lmZplmmZlmzJlm/8xmAMxmM8xmZsxmmcxm zMxm//9mAP9mM/9mZv9mmf9mzP9m/wCZAACZMwCZZgCZmQCZzACZ/zOZADOZ MzOZZjOZmTOZzDOZ/2aZAGaZM2aZZmaZmWaZzGaZ/5mZAJmZM5mZZpmZmZmZ zJmZ/8yZAMyZM8yZZsyZmcyZzMyZ//+ZAP+ZM/+ZZv+Zmf+ZzP+Z/wDMAADM MwDMZgDMmQDMzADM/zPMADPMMzPMZjPMmTPMzDPM/2bMAGbMM2bMZmbMmWbM zGbM/5nMAJnMM5nMZpnMmZnMzJnM/8zMAMzMM8zMZszMmczMzMzM///MAP/M M//MZv/Mmf/MzP/M/wD/AAD/MwD/ZgD/mQD/zAD//zP/ADP/MzP/ZjP/mTP/ 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"" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 09:38:10 -0600 From: "Edward W. Gjertsen II" Subject: [CANSLIM] Movi and other thoughts Just in case some of you were keeping score - we were out of our 1/2 position of MOVI at $17.91. We are seeing leading stocks (MOVI excluded) rolling over. When we have seen this in the past, the market soon followed. Anyone have similar insights? Ed Gjertsen II - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 09:55:19 -0600 From: "Kelly Short" Subject: [CANSLIM] STTX - Too late? Any thoughts on STTX and whether the train ride is nearly over or if it = will continue its LLUR movement? - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 10:39:51 -0600 From: "Fred Richards" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Movi and other thoughts The consumer sentiment numbers were terrible. If this market goes up, you can bet the Plunge Protection Team is hard at work. We were stopped out of several of our stocks yesterday. Not a good sign when strong stocks go south! - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Edward W. Gjertsen II Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:38 AM To: Subject: [CANSLIM] Movi and other thoughts Just in case some of you were keeping score - we were out of our 1/2 position of MOVI at $17.91. We are seeing leading stocks (MOVI excluded) rolling over. When we have seen this in the past, the market soon followed. Anyone have similar insights? Ed Gjertsen II - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 09:45:35 -0700 From: "Patrick Wahl" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] JOSB buy point I'm not sure if this is a question or not, if it is - once a stop price is touched, your order becomes a market order, so if 22.30 was hit, then price bounced up immediately, that would explain your fill at 22.50. On 28 Oct 2002 at 18:53, Karen White wrote: > Misery loves company... I had JOSB stop at 22.3 and it executed at 22.5 - > not sure how that happened. This doesnt really make a lot of sense... - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 09:11:05 -0800 (PST) From: Eric Jaenike Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Movi and other thoughts - --0-56577302-1035911465=:90489 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii I agree completely. Following is a list of leaders I have been watching as a tell of the health of this rally. Look through the individual charts and you see a lot of post breakout weakness. ANT MME WLP RNR PETM TSCO JOSB CTMI PDCO ZMH BLUD MMSI BSX IDXX STE UHS HCA APPX ELAB FRX IGT PENN RINO JCOM TTWO CCCG YELL AZO ROL VAR PFGC ODSY. I also consider the action in the indices to be much weaker than the headline numbers might indicate. I wrote a series of pieces for another discussion group that I will forward to this group with subject line OT. (They stray from CANSLIM in a number of areas, so I don't post them here). There is some discussion of my concerns regarding the indices rallies we've seen, as well as other concerns about where we're headed. I think we are just beginning to see the weakness in the economy that accompanies a post bubble period. This economic weakness has been masked by extremely loose monetary and interest rate policies, which artificially boosted housing and consumer discretionary spending, temporarily boosting the economy. For more on this, see the following link: This rally has been supported by the wrong stocks, in my opinion. Stocks such as IBM, MU, INTC, etc., which have a disproportionate impact on the indices, and which have made this rally look stronger than it actually is. Eric "Edward W. Gjertsen II" wrote:Just in case some of you were keeping score - we were out of our 1/2 position of MOVI at $17.91. We are seeing leading stocks (MOVI excluded) rolling over. When we have seen this in the past, the market soon followed. Anyone have similar insights? Ed Gjertsen II - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now - --0-56577302-1035911465=:90489 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

I agree completely. Following is a list of leaders I have been watching as a tell of the health of this rally. Look through the individual charts and you see a lot of post breakout weakness. ANT MME WLP RNR PETM TSCO JOSB CTMI PDCO ZMH BLUD MMSI BSX IDXX STE UHS HCA APPX ELAB FRX IGT PENN RINO JCOM TTWO CCCG YELL AZO ROL VAR PFGC ODSY.

I also consider the action in the indices to be much weaker than the headline numbers might indicate. I wrote a series of pieces for another discussion group that I will forward to this group with subject line OT. (They stray from CANSLIM in a number of areas, so I don't post them here). There is some discussion of my concerns regarding the indices rallies we've seen, as well as other concerns about where we're headed.

I think we are just beginning to see the weakness in the economy that accompanies a post bubble period. This economic weakness has been masked by extremely loose monetary and interest rate policies, which artificially boosted housing and consumer discretionary spending, temporarily boosting the economy. For more on this, see the following link:

This rally has been supported by the wrong stocks, in my opinion. Stocks such as IBM, MU, INTC, etc., which have a disproportionate impact on the indices, and which have made this rally look stronger than it actually is.


 "Edward W. Gjertsen II" <> wrote:

Just in case some of you were keeping score - we were out of our 1/2
position of MOVI at $17.91. We are seeing leading stocks (MOVI
excluded) rolling over. When we have seen this in the past, the market
soon followed. Anyone have similar insights?

Ed Gjertsen II

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-"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email.

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HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now - --0-56577302-1035911465=:90489-- - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 09:14:43 -0800 (PST) From: Eric Jaenike Subject: [CANSLIM] OT 1 - --0-1810986784-1035911683=:86031 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Eric Jaenike wrote:Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 15:14:37 -0700 (PDT) Well, it looks like our debutante woke up to a prince, and not a frog, as the rally has continued unabated. My concern, however, is that she will end up at the Mayo Clinic with a nasty case of herpes. There is really only one question that we need to answer right now: is this a sustainable bull rally, or is it a huge oversold bounce? Before I delve into this question, let me say that I would much rather have this be a bull run than a bounce. The bear side is much more difficult to play than the bull side: the countertrend moves are much more violent and difficult to time, people are generally pessimistic, profit potential is generally more limited, and it is far more stressful to operate in, even when you're making money. Frankly, its getting a little old. However, my own personal preference should play no roll in the analysis of where we are, or what the proper moves to make are. So back to our original question: is this move for real or not? Fortunately, we have our discipline to fall back on, so let's fall back on it. As you may recall, there are two main parts to this analysis: the price/volume action in the general indices, and the price volume action in individual stocks. Let's start with the indices. On Thursday, the day of the first big ramp, we rallied off a very oversold condition on what could be construed as positive news. Friday saw similar action, with GE's non-miss, the IBM upgrade, and inline retail sales numbers (recall that in a negative environment, meeting expectations is often akin to "good news", even if those expectations had previously been significantly ratcheted down). Volume, however, was notable lighter on the NYSE. In sum, we had two positve news days, with the second up day coming on suspicious volume. Recall that positive news rallies are dangerous and very susceptible to reversal. Monday the indices were up slightly, on light volume, as the Columbus Day holiday killed trading volume. Tough to call it a negative day, because volume was pretty much guaranteed to be lighter. Today, we saw a massive ramp job, with volume notably not building from Thursday and Friday's levels. This is disconcerting, and not a sign of strength. Another yellow flag. Futhermore, today's up day came on a slew of positive news: C beat by a penny, BAC by 4 cents, MO got upgraded, JNJ did well, and Philips electronics said it expected to post a profit. So today, we saw a massive up day, on positive news, with questionable volume. Looking at individual stocks, we have a disconcerting picture. Without going into great detail, there is not a lot of leadership and setups that would be supportive of a sustained bull run. There is some sector strength- see education, hmo's, insurance brokers, some medical stocks (CTMI, FRX, etc), hospitals, some retail, and some isolated (i.e. not sector supported) strength in individual names(ex. ZMH, JCOM, CCCG, RINO, etc). Today, there were a number of notable reversals in recent breakouts, which I was surprised to see (see PDCO, EDMC, MME, etc). This is not a good sign, especially on such a powerful up day. Furthermore, the recent run appears to have been on the back of former beaten down stocks, such as MER, JPM, INTC, IBM, etc. IBM, for example, has jumped from 54 to 68 in 4 days, for a 27% gain. This activity can be seen in one proprietary (but not mine) model that tracks the performance of the most heavily shorted, lowest rated stocks. As of this afternoon, these stocks had outperformed by 90 basis points, indicating short squeeze buying. Short squeeze stocks are not the stocks that will lead a sustained bull run, but will lead a short term bounce. Finally, remember that the fundamentals have not improved recently, and, in fact, have worsened. All in all, a dangerous time to get long, in my opinion. The next few days should go far in telling us whether this rally has solid legs. Eric PS INTC just missed after hours. Its trading down $2, along with much of tech. Tomorrow's activity should be interesting. We've come a long way off the recent low, and a lot has gotten priced into stocks in the past 4 days. There is a big difference between missing at new lows, and missing at new highs. Lets see how well the market can digest this. - --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos, & more - --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos, & more - --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now - --0-1810986784-1035911683=:86031 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii


 Eric Jaenike <> wrote:

Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 15:14:37 -0700 (PDT)

Well, it looks like our debutante woke up to a prince, and not a frog, as the rally has continued unabated. My concern, however, is that she will end up at the Mayo Clinic with a nasty case of herpes.

There is really only one question that we need to answer right now: is this a sustainable bull rally, or is it a huge oversold bounce? Before I delve into this question, let me say that I would much rather have this be a bull run than a bounce. The bear side is much more difficult to play than the bull side: the countertrend moves are much more violent and difficult to time, people are generally pessimistic, profit potential is generally more limited, and it is far more stressful to operate in, even when you're making money. Frankly, its getting a little old. However, my own personal preference should play no roll in the analysis of where we are, or what the proper moves to make are.

So back to our original question: is this move for real or not? Fortunately, we have our discipline to fall back on, so let's fall back on it.

As you may recall, there are two main parts to this analysis: the price/volume action in the general indices, and the price volume action in individual stocks. Let's start with the indices.

On Thursday, the day of the first big ramp, we rallied off a very oversold condition on what could be construed as positive news. Friday saw similar action, with GE's non-miss, the IBM upgrade, and inline retail sales numbers (recall that in a negative environment, meeting expectations is often akin to "good news", even if those expectations had previously been significantly ratcheted down). Volume, however, was notable lighter on the NYSE. In sum, we had two positve news days, with the second up day coming on suspicious volume. Recall that positive news rallies are dangerous and very susceptible to reversal.

Monday the indices were up slightly, on light volume, as the Columbus Day holiday killed trading volume. Tough to call it a negative day, because volume was pretty much guaranteed to be lighter. Today, we saw a massive ramp job, with volume notably not building from Thursday and Friday's levels. This is disconcerting, and not a sign of strength. Another yellow flag. Futhermore, today's up day came on a slew of positive news: C beat by a penny, BAC by 4 cents, MO got upgraded, JNJ did well, and Philips electronics said it expected to post a profit. So today, we saw a massive up day, on positive news, with questionable volume.

Looking at individual stocks, we have a disconcerting picture. Without going into great detail, there is not a lot of leadership and setups that would be supportive of a sustained bull run. There is some sector strength- see education, hmo's, insurance brokers, some medical stocks (CTMI, FRX, etc), hospitals, some retail, and some isolated (i.e. not sector supported) strength in individual names(ex. ZMH, JCOM, CCCG, RINO, etc). Today, there were a number of notable reversals in recent breakouts, which I was surprised to see (see PDCO, EDMC, MME, etc). This is not a good sign, especially on such a powerful up day.

Furthermore, the recent run appears to have been on the back of former beaten down stocks, such as MER, JPM, INTC, IBM, etc. IBM, for example, has jumped from 54 to 68 in 4 days, for a 27% gain. This activity can be seen in one proprietary (but not mine) model that tracks the performance of the most heavily shorted, lowest rated stocks. As of this afternoon, these stocks had outperformed by 90 basis points, indicating short squeeze buying. Short squeeze stocks are not the stocks that will lead a sustained bull run, but will lead a short term bounce.

Finally, remember that the fundamentals have not improved recently, and, in fact, have worsened.

All in all, a dangerous time to get long, in my opinion. The next few days should go far in telling us whether this rally has solid legs.


PS INTC just missed after hours. Its trading down $2, along with much of tech. Tomorrow's activity should be interesting. We've come a long way off the recent low, and a lot has gotten priced into stocks in the past 4 days. There is a big difference between missing at new lows, and missing at new highs. Lets see how well the market can digest this.


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