From: (canslim-digest) To: Subject: canslim-digest V2 #3084 Reply-To: canslim Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-No-Archive: yes canslim-digest Monday, December 9 2002 Volume 02 : Number 3084 In this issue: RE: [CANSLIM] "Tis Only My Opinion!" Re: [CANSLIM] Re: Stop Loss orders RE: [CANSLIM] "Tis Only My Opinion!" RE: [CANSLIM] Request Re: [CANSLIM] Re: Stop Loss orders RE: [CANSLIM] "Tis Only My Opinion!" Re: [CANSLIM] Re: Stop Loss orders [CANSLIM] anyone out there? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2002 14:11:19 -0500 From: "Rocky Sanghvi" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] "Tis Only My Opinion!" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0046_01C29EC3.AEE66020 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0047_01C29EC3.AEEAF400" - ------=_NextPart_001_0047_01C29EC3.AEEAF400 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Fred, Gene Thank you. Rocky - -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Fred Richards Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 10:56 PM To: Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] "Tis Only My Opinion!" Gene, I am still short GE and Long IDA. Increased both positions this past week. See you tomorrow! - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Gene Ricci Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 12:43 PM To: Subject: [CANSLIM] "Tis Only My Opinion!" For those that haven't visited Fred's site, check out his December issue of 'Tis Only My Opinion! at the following FREE location: http://www.adrichcom/OPNNEW/Opinion/Dec02.htm His home page (bunch of other FREE access) is at: Fred gives me trading advice on the same stock each week ....... so here goes... Fred is it time to buy GE? regards, Gene - ------=_NextPart_001_0047_01C29EC3.AEEAF400 Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Fred, Gene


Thank you.   =



-----Original Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of
Fred Richards
Friday, December 06, 2002 10:56 = PM
To: =
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] = "Tis Only My Opinion!"




I am still short GE and Long = IDA.  Increased both positions this past week.


See you tomorrow!

-----Original = Message-----
From: = []On Behalf Of Gene Ricci
Sent: Friday, December = 06, 2002 12:43 PM
To: =
Subject: [CANSLIM] = "Tis Only My Opinion!"

For those that haven't visited = Fred's site, check out his December issue of 'Tis Only My Opinion! at the = following FREE location:



His home page (bunch of other = FREE access) is at:



Fred gives me trading advice on = the same stock each week ....... so here goes...


Fred is it time to buy = GE?




- ------=_NextPart_001_0047_01C29EC3.AEEAF400-- - ------=_NextPart_000_0046_01C29EC3.AEE66020 Content-Type: image/gif; name="image001.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: R0lGODlhMAAwAPMAAP////vzBf9kA90JB/IIhEcApQAA0wKr6h+3FABkElYsBZBxOr+/v4CAgEBA QAAAACH/C05FVFNDQVBFMi4wAwEAAAAh/h1HaWZCdWlsZGVyIDAuMiBieSBZdmVzIFBpZ3VldAAh +QQNCgAMACwAAAAAMAAwAEME2pDJSau9OOsXuv9gKHrPNpIPd3apupaTu860CMevPKb1bdY9jZDB A35Sw4qO1WrtmsWQT7I0WqWUqvPKrAamOK4VnIxtQc2yOns+ttY/MbbsbT+930wduoeewHhyND6B goNhd1dRO1l/hTYzZI98dpFDj2JkSYtGSHCfoKEWlKJ0mEylZoZfmkKnnWqvXK2IbpW2nCRxuLes fjYYeL93uUejq7NKyIqNy8xUzs9E0WPNUrJdwspSX3IcdcdPnYWagb3FwHrU6bvrtNvR78HY16lU r572enz6/Z8RACH5BA0KAAwALAAAAAAwADAAQwTakMlJq7046xe6/2Aoes82kg93dqm6lpO7zrQI x2Obhvpe36baT0Nk+ISoYkWG6uV6TJIliqzyKNSWtZnDULcvZUZna4nPWC3PjB6Du+Kv+nW8ep/O ct42ffuBX35CN4EBc4OFhlgndYMzQDh6UIlwQYJ8bRKNiJmdnp8xUKBKm4yQnqVVKZ2UVqdul4xF WWSmhx+vkSCTeLV2fb2Fe5iLsapLxse6yYPLzDSEz0iAT1u+v5o2hm8ccsBrrYapUhe0k8PQlrvo yurSueXvrOGmo5r0q/Ybovr9bREAIfkEDQoADAAsAAAAADAAMABDBNqQyUmrvTjrF7r/YCh6zzaS D3d2qbqWk7vOtAjHrzym9W3WPY2QwQN+UsOKjtVq7ZrFkE+yNFqllKrzyqwGpjiuFZyMbUHNsjp7 PrbWPzG27G0/vd9MHbqHnsB4cjQ+gYKDYXdXUTtZf4U2M2SPfHaRQ49iZEmLRkhwn6ChFpSidJhM pWaGX5pCp51qr1ytiG6Vtpwkcbi3rH42GHi/d7lHo6uzSsiKjcvMVM7PRNFjzVKyXcLKUl9yHHXH T52FmoG9xcB61Om767Tb0e/B2NepVK+e9np8+v2fEQAh+QQNCgAMACwAAAAAMAAwAEME3ZDJSau9 OOsXuv9gKHrPNpIPd3apupaTu860CMd10LbhLn83U44W1GBSQ2DRyPixfM6nb7SMJq8kipWH1SF7 x25yydRyQbuy2rKztdZGa5ccdstRcnqTCuVPqWxigkF3gkQ4L4U9X4CIJ4qLjxeQi1CMaEyUV3px mkpwoKGinT6ja5czKaZmhl6injWcFbBjmXaoaG02Qrl/lbpgk4/At3dVrVhFtK2EyHOOzkM3y8jN frS4LLNUOmIcUceJlGeYwtKWfcF1c77lvNFAp/Daodljsmr2bqtllvz/qyIAACH5BA0KAAwALAAA AAAwADAAQwTakMlJq7046xe6/2Aoes82kg93dqm6lpO7zrQIx688pvVt1j2NkMEDflLDio7Vau2a xZBPsjRapZSq88qsBqY4rhWcjG1BzbI6ez621j8xtuxtP73fTB26h57AeHI0PoGCg2F3V1E7WX+F NjNkj3x2kUOPYmRJi0ZIcJ+goRaUonSYTKVmhl+aQqedaq9crYhulbacJHG4t6x+Nhh4v3e5R6Or s0rIio3LzFTOz0TRY81Ssl3CylJfchx1x0+dhZqBvcXAetTpu+u029HvwdjXqVSvnvZ6fPr9nxEA IfkEDQoADAAsAAAAADAAMABDBPWQyUmrvTjrF7r/YCh6zzYGT6py46qe5cSK6WmjM13l7TO4qx9P p5EMb7ZYMVNDhlLLHQ0Ioz4tR6cWRsl2mlswERtehaPM11OFbnfVoJXbtL0pl0eX3XzFZIFegC1k SWJVXl9ddnUkdjJxeowkkSSKhYiTmHePSD4Dn6CfmIlFo5IoczKma6mtrq+qLrBRhoWzRqtVrbla m3SQpnAfvoTDVlOUlUzIfMzCysXAzWvJw9HUtdKIm7ynfUaLkpqcPafj4FPeOIGW6eLs7eW95/HM h/RSdqJAop2/haGEOCGWT12SNt38pcpWB8othlNulQIisWKqCAAh/jZGSUxFIElERU5USVRZDQpD cmVhdGVkIG9yIG1vZGlmaWVkIGJ5DQpKLiBDLiBTZWliZXJ0DQoAIf7qVU5SRUdJU1RFUkVEIFNI QVJFV0FSRQ0KDQpBc3NlbWJsZWQgd2l0aCBHSUYgQ29uc3RydWN0aW9uIFNldDoNCg0KQWxjaGVt eSBNaW5kd29ya3MgSW5jLg0KQm94IDUwMA0KQmVldG9uLCBPTg0KTDBHIDFBMA0KQ0FOQURBLg0K DQpodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1pbmR3b3Jrc2hvcC5jb20NCg0KVGhpcyBjb21tZW50IHdpbGwgbm90IGFw cGVhciBpbiBmaWxlcyBjcmVhdGVkIHdpdGggYSByZWdpc3RlcmVkIHZlcnNpb24uADs= - ------=_NextPart_000_0046_01C29EC3.AEE66020-- - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 12:12:36 -0800 From: Karen White Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Re: Stop Loss orders Thank you for the response and the info based on back testing you did. Perhaps the answer is to put a very wide stop to prevent the calamity ( - 20%?) (but then a huge gap is usually followed by a partial fill of the gap) and a mental stop to follow some of the canslim suggestions? In the past I have only used stops when I was going on a holiday... but didnt have the strength to cut the losses...always would think... hmm, ill wait till tomorrow to see if it goes back up. In this market that doesnt work... Maybe I should go back to that and develop some backbone!!! thx, karen At 11:31 AM 12/8/2002 -0700, you wrote: >On 8 Dec 2002 at 9:03, Karen White wrote: > > > stock was sold and the stock immediately jumped back up to the price it > had been > > at. How does this happen? Is the stop loss on someones radar and they > just go > > get it on the open someway? But since it takes the stocks trading at > that price > > to make it an open order doesnt there have to be another trade at that > price? > > > > Is the fix to never put stop losses on stocks that are more thinly > > traded? What would be a good number of shares traded to consider "mental > > stop losses" rather than putting in the orders.? This stocks (MVSN) has > > average daily trading of 702 thousand shares.. That doesnt sound too > light to me > > but maybe it is... Is there another answer to do this? Thanks for all > the help. > > This market is truly frustrating!!! Karen > >Concur on the frustrating part. The market gapped down on Friday at the >open because of the disappointing Employment report, that is probably >what shook you out of MVSN. If your stop was just 1.20 below the >previous day's close, I would say that is too tight. There is a lot of >noise in >many Nasdaq stocks, and I think to stay in you need a wider stop. > >I've never mastered stop placement, one thought is you put in a very wide >stop to guard against the calamitous event that really pounds a stock, then >you make any sell decision based on the end of day price. That prevents >you from being stopped out by any intraday noise at least. > >The curious thing about stops, I discovered back when I used to back test >various trading strategies, is that adding stops to almost any trading >system will worsen the performance. That is, if you let some indicator be >both the signal to enter and exit a position, look at the results, and then >add stops to the system, the results will almost always be worse than >without stops. > > >- >-To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" >-In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or >-"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 12:17:58 -0800 From: Karen White Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] "Tis Only My Opinion!" - --=====================_14436248==_.REL Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed I understand the short on GE is a statement about "M" but dont get the long on IDA.. As a power company with declining revenue and income its certainly isnt a canslim candidate.. sure im missing something here? Karen At 02:11 PM 12/8/2002 -0500, you wrote: >Fred, Gene > > > >Thank you. > > > >Rocky > >-----Original Message----- >From: >[] On Behalf Of Fred Richards >Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 10:56 PM >To: >Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] "Tis Only My Opinion!" > > > >Gene, > > > >I am still short GE and Long IDA. Increased both positions this past week. > > > >See you tomorrow! >-----Original Message----- >From: >[]On Behalf Of Gene Ricci >Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 12:43 PM >To: >Subject: [CANSLIM] "Tis Only My Opinion!" >For those that haven't visited Fred's site, check out his December issue >of 'Tis Only My Opinion! at the following FREE location: > >http://www.adrichcom/OPNNEW/Opinion/Dec02.htm > > >His home page (bunch of other FREE access) is at: > > > >Fred gives me trading advice on the same stock each week ....... so here >goes... > >Fred is it time to buy GE? > >image0014.gif > >regards, >Gene > - --=====================_14436248==_.REL Content-Type: image/gif; name="image0014.gif"; x-mac-type="47494666"; x-mac-creator="4A565752" Content-ID: <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="image0014.gif" R0lGODlhMAAwAPMAAP////vzBf9kA90JB/IIhEcApQAA0wKr6h+3FABkElYsBZBxOr+/v4CAgEBA QAAAACH/C05FVFNDQVBFMi4wAwEAAAAh/h1HaWZCdWlsZGVyIDAuMiBieSBZdmVzIFBpZ3VldAAh +QQNCgAMACwAAAAAMAAwAEME2pDJSau9OOsXuv9gKHrPNpIPd3apupaTu860CMevPKb1bdY9jZDB A35Sw4qO1WrtmsWQT7I0WqWUqvPKrAamOK4VnIxtQc2yOns+ttY/MbbsbT+930wduoeewHhyND6B goNhd1dRO1l/hTYzZI98dpFDj2JkSYtGSHCfoKEWlKJ0mEylZoZfmkKnnWqvXK2IbpW2nCRxuLes fjYYeL93uUejq7NKyIqNy8xUzs9E0WPNUrJdwspSX3IcdcdPnYWagb3FwHrU6bvrtNvR78HY16lU r572enz6/Z8RACH5BA0KAAwALAAAAAAwADAAQwTakMlJq7046xe6/2Aoes82kg93dqm6lpO7zrQI x2Obhvpe36baT0Nk+ISoYkWG6uV6TJIliqzyKNSWtZnDULcvZUZna4nPWC3PjB6Du+Kv+nW8ep/O ct42ffuBX35CN4EBc4OFhlgndYMzQDh6UIlwQYJ8bRKNiJmdnp8xUKBKm4yQnqVVKZ2UVqdul4xF WWSmhx+vkSCTeLV2fb2Fe5iLsapLxse6yYPLzDSEz0iAT1u+v5o2hm8ccsBrrYapUhe0k8PQlrvo yurSueXvrOGmo5r0q/Ybovr9bREAIfkEDQoADAAsAAAAADAAMABDBNqQyUmrvTjrF7r/YCh6zzaS D3d2qbqWk7vOtAjHrzym9W3WPY2QwQN+UsOKjtVq7ZrFkE+yNFqllKrzyqwGpjiuFZyMbUHNsjp7 PrbWPzG27G0/vd9MHbqHnsB4cjQ+gYKDYXdXUTtZf4U2M2SPfHaRQ49iZEmLRkhwn6ChFpSidJhM pWaGX5pCp51qr1ytiG6Vtpwkcbi3rH42GHi/d7lHo6uzSsiKjcvMVM7PRNFjzVKyXcLKUl9yHHXH T52FmoG9xcB61Om767Tb0e/B2NepVK+e9np8+v2fEQAh+QQNCgAMACwAAAAAMAAwAEME3ZDJSau9 OOsXuv9gKHrPNpIPd3apupaTu860CMd10LbhLn83U44W1GBSQ2DRyPixfM6nb7SMJq8kipWH1SF7 x25yydRyQbuy2rKztdZGa5ccdstRcnqTCuVPqWxigkF3gkQ4L4U9X4CIJ4qLjxeQi1CMaEyUV3px mkpwoKGinT6ja5czKaZmhl6injWcFbBjmXaoaG02Qrl/lbpgk4/At3dVrVhFtK2EyHOOzkM3y8jN frS4LLNUOmIcUceJlGeYwtKWfcF1c77lvNFAp/Daodljsmr2bqtllvz/qyIAACH5BA0KAAwALAAA AAAwADAAQwTakMlJq7046xe6/2Aoes82kg93dqm6lpO7zrQIx688pvVt1j2NkMEDflLDio7Vau2a xZBPsjRapZSq88qsBqY4rhWcjG1BzbI6ez621j8xtuxtP73fTB26h57AeHI0PoGCg2F3V1E7WX+F NjNkj3x2kUOPYmRJi0ZIcJ+goRaUonSYTKVmhl+aQqedaq9crYhulbacJHG4t6x+Nhh4v3e5R6Or s0rIio3LzFTOz0TRY81Ssl3CylJfchx1x0+dhZqBvcXAetTpu+u029HvwdjXqVSvnvZ6fPr9nxEA IfkEDQoADAAsAAAAADAAMABDBPWQyUmrvTjrF7r/YCh6zzYGT6py46qe5cSK6WmjM13l7TO4qx9P p5EMb7ZYMVNDhlLLHQ0Ioz4tR6cWRsl2mlswERtehaPM11OFbnfVoJXbtL0pl0eX3XzFZIFegC1k SWJVXl9ddnUkdjJxeowkkSSKhYiTmHePSD4Dn6CfmIlFo5IoczKma6mtrq+qLrBRhoWzRqtVrbla m3SQpnAfvoTDVlOUlUzIfMzCysXAzWvJw9HUtdKIm7ynfUaLkpqcPafj4FPeOIGW6eLs7eW95/HM h/RSdqJAop2/haGEOCGWT12SNt38pcpWB8othlNulQIisWKqCAAh/jZGSUxFIElERU5USVRZDQpD cmVhdGVkIG9yIG1vZGlmaWVkIGJ5DQpKLiBDLiBTZWliZXJ0DQoAIf7qVU5SRUdJU1RFUkVEIFNI QVJFV0FSRQ0KDQpBc3NlbWJsZWQgd2l0aCBHSUYgQ29uc3RydWN0aW9uIFNldDoNCg0KQWxjaGVt eSBNaW5kd29ya3MgSW5jLg0KQm94IDUwMA0KQmVldG9uLCBPTg0KTDBHIDFBMA0KQ0FOQURBLg0K DQpodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1pbmR3b3Jrc2hvcC5jb20NCg0KVGhpcyBjb21tZW50IHdpbGwgbm90IGFw cGVhciBpbiBmaWxlcyBjcmVhdGVkIHdpdGggYSByZWdpc3RlcmVkIHZlcnNpb24uADs= - --=====================_14436248==_.REL-- - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2002 15:42:18 -0500 From: "Rocky Sanghvi" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Request This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0077_01C29ED0.641725E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In my last post, some of you may have a Read request notice upon opening the email. This was my default option. Please don't bother sending me a read receipt. Thank you. Have a good weekend. Rocky - ------=_NextPart_000_0077_01C29ED0.641725E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

In my last post, = some of you may have a Read request notice upon opening the email.   = This was my default option.  Please don’t bother sending me a read = receipt.  Thank you.  Have a good weekend. 



- ------=_NextPart_000_0077_01C29ED0.641725E0-- - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2002 17:47:40 -0500 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Re: Stop Loss orders Karen, average trading volume has little to do with it, more important is the typical spread between bid and ask. In your example, volume is quite sufficient to permit effective use of stop losses. As already pointed out, Friday gapped down, so a lot of stocks started the day with the first trade down. A tight stop loss would thereby be vulnerable. I generally do not use hard stops, mostly because the stocks I typically buy trade too thinly, and at too low of a price, to get Schwab to accept the order. I have used them with some success in my margin acct where I am buying higher priced and more liquid stocks, usually marginable and with options possible. The key for me in using stop losses is studying the chart, identifying the logical support area, and setting my stop loss right below that. In other words, if it fails logical support, I want out. Period. No further mental discussion. While I use generalized percentage targets in picking a stop loss price (8% from entry until I am up 15%, then the price of my entry, and continue to trail 15% after that), the chart pattern is more important and I will adjust these percentages to fit the chart and support level. I will also review, and adjust up if necessary, my stop loss every day after the close or prior to the next day's opening. Stop loss should never be adjusted down. - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Karen White" To: Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 12:03 PM Subject: [CANSLIM] Re: Stop Loss orders Morning folks.... I may already know this answer but maybe I dont so want to ask. In an effort to tighten up and Not ride stocks down I have been putting stop losses in place and "trailing" them up if the stock goes up and leaving them in place if the stock goes down. I have certainly been stopped out a lot lately doing this. But... the other morning I had a SL on a stock 1.20 below the closing price. First thing on the open this stock was sold and the stock immediately jumped back up to the price it had been at. How does this happen? Is the stop loss on someones radar and they just go get it on the open someway? But since it takes the stocks trading at that price to make it an open order doesnt there have to be another trade at that price? Is the fix to never put stop losses on stocks that are more thinly traded? What would be a good number of shares traded to consider "mental stop losses" rather than putting in the orders.? This stocks (MVSN) has average daily trading of 702 thousand shares.. That doesnt sound too light to me but maybe it is... Is there another answer to do this? Thanks for all the help. This market is truly frustrating!!! Karen - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2002 18:44:07 -0600 From: "Fred Richards" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] "Tis Only My Opinion!" For several months, Gene and I have been carrying on a discussion about the merits of GE and IDA as investment vehicles. Neither stands any chance as a CANSLIM candidate for a whole host of reasons. But that does mean that one should invest or not in either at times in the market. Hope you are not confused by our jostling on a subject totally outside CAN SLIM. - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Karen White Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 2:18 PM To: Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] "Tis Only My Opinion!" I understand the short on GE is a statement about "M" but dont get the long on IDA.. As a power company with declining revenue and income its certainly isnt a canslim candidate.. sure im missing something here? Karen At 02:11 PM 12/8/2002 -0500, you wrote: >Fred, Gene > > > >Thank you. > > > >Rocky > >-----Original Message----- >From: >[] On Behalf Of Fred Richards >Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 10:56 PM >To: >Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] "Tis Only My Opinion!" > > > >Gene, > > > >I am still short GE and Long IDA. Increased both positions this past week. > > > >See you tomorrow! >-----Original Message----- >From: >[]On Behalf Of Gene Ricci >Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 12:43 PM >To: >Subject: [CANSLIM] "Tis Only My Opinion!" >For those that haven't visited Fred's site, check out his December issue >of 'Tis Only My Opinion! at the following FREE location: > >http://www.adrichcom/OPNNEW /Opinion/Dec02.htm > > >His home page (bunch of other FREE access) is at: > > > >Fred gives me trading advice on the same stock each week ....... so here >goes... > >Fred is it time to buy GE? > >image0014.gif > >regards, >Gene > - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 18:10:13 -0800 From: Karen White Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Re: Stop Loss orders Thank you tom for your comments on stop losses... You make some excellent points.. Will try to pick some reasonable supports and use more mental that hard stops and see how that works... I think its a matter of discipline... and that I lack. I agree adjusting a stop loss down misses the point of doing it at all. Thanks again, Karen At 05:47 PM 12/8/2002 -0500, you wrote: >Karen, average trading volume has little to do with it, more important is >the typical spread between bid and ask. In your example, volume is quite >sufficient to permit effective use of stop losses. As already pointed out, >Friday gapped down, so a lot of stocks started the day with the first trade >down. A tight stop loss would thereby be vulnerable. > >I generally do not use hard stops, mostly because the stocks I typically buy >trade too thinly, and at too low of a price, to get Schwab to accept the >order. I have used them with some success in my margin acct where I am >buying higher priced and more liquid stocks, usually marginable and with >options possible. The key for me in using stop losses is studying the chart, >identifying the logical support area, and setting my stop loss right below >that. In other words, if it fails logical support, I want out. Period. No >further mental discussion. > >While I use generalized percentage targets in picking a stop loss price (8% >from entry until I am up 15%, then the price of my entry, and continue to >trail 15% after that), the chart pattern is more important and I will adjust >these percentages to fit the chart and support level. I will also review, >and adjust up if necessary, my stop loss every day after the close or prior >to the next day's opening. > >Stop loss should never be adjusted down. > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "Karen White" >To: >Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 12:03 PM >Subject: [CANSLIM] Re: Stop Loss orders > > > >Morning folks.... I may already know this answer but maybe I dont so want >to ask. In an effort to tighten up and Not ride stocks down I have been >putting stop losses in place and "trailing" them up if the stock goes up >and leaving them in place if the stock goes down. I have certainly been >stopped out a lot lately doing this. But... the other morning I had a SL >on a stock 1.20 below the closing price. First thing on the open this >stock was sold and the stock immediately jumped back up to the price it had >been at. How does this happen? Is the stop loss on someones radar and >they just go get it on the open someway? But since it takes the stocks >trading at that price to make it an open order doesnt there have to be >another trade at that price? > >Is the fix to never put stop losses on stocks that are more thinly >traded? What would be a good number of shares traded to consider "mental >stop losses" rather than putting in the orders.? This stocks (MVSN) has >average daily trading of 702 thousand shares.. That doesnt sound too light >to me but maybe it is... Is there another answer to do this? Thanks for >all the help. This market is truly frustrating!!! Karen > > >- >-To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" >-In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or >-"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. > > > >- >-To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" >-In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or >-"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 19:38:07 -0800 (PST) From: Kent Norman Subject: [CANSLIM] anyone out there? The group is very quiet... Is anyone out there? Star Trek does not start till Friday, you cant all be at the movies.... Kent Norman ===== There are 3 kinds of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't. __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! 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