From: (canslim-digest) To: Subject: canslim-digest V2 #3150 Reply-To: canslim Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-No-Archive: yes canslim-digest Monday, January 27 2003 Volume 02 : Number 3150 In this issue: [CANSLIM] OmniTrader Re: [CANSLIM] OmniTrader [CANSLIM] Resp to OmniTrader RE: [CANSLIM] ANCORA IMPARO RE: [CANSLIM] New to the group Re: [CANSLIM] ANCORA IMPARO [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... Re: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... RE: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... RE: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... RE: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... Re: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... RE: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... Re: [CANSLIM] New to the group ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2003 16:58:13 -0800 (PST) From: McCall Subject: [CANSLIM] OmniTrader Have any of you ever heard of the program called OmniTrader? I saw it advertised in IBD a little while ago and I think I am interested in it. It claims to look at 120+ technical indicators on a list of stocks and then ranks the top 5 technical indicators based on their past accuracy. The program will then take those 5 technical indicators and combine them for one buy or sell signal. It will also give strength/advisory ratings. I am a new investor, and I am not investing a lot of money right now. I try to be a CANSLIM stock picker as much as possible, but I am intrigued by this program. I have thought of using the Weekly Review list from IBD on Fridays and plugging those stocks in this program. I would appreciate any thoughts. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 08:48:03 -0500 From: "Charles & Lois Layne" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] OmniTrader > Have any of you ever heard of the program called OmniTrader? I > I am a new investor, and I am not investing a lot of money right > now. I try to be a CANSLIM stock picker as much as possible, > but I am intrigued by this program. I have thought of using the > Weekly Review list from IBD on Fridays and plugging those stocks > in this program. I have not used OmniTrader; I did use a program by the same company that has been discontinued. I thought their service was OK. I next tried TC2000; I liked it even better because it had plenty of functions for me and was less expensive. However, I am not currently using TC2000 or any such programs. I understand your enthusiasm as a new investor and your desire to 'try out' all these neat bells & whistles. This is especially so if you like tinkering with computer stuff and analyzing data. That's what I ran into; I was constantly analyzing data - loved to tweak things just the way I wanted them. Maybe you are different; I'm describing myself. Then my wife came in one day, started following WalMart for awhile (it had been in our holdings off and on for sometime, so familiarity was there) and began trading it successfully on a short term basis. Whereas I was happy if I could net a couple hundred dollars or so holding a hundred or so shares for a few years (with all my analysis), she could turn $200 or more in a few days; sometimes even the same day. We've had our downtimes, too - currently sort of have our capital tied up & waiting some things out. I know such short term/swing trading/day trading is not CANSLIM, but I still like following the CANSLIM insights. Now, before spending money for a lot of bells & whistles, stop and consider what is available to you already at no extra cost. What is available through your brokerage? I use Ameritrade, and there are many basic and some advanced tools handy right there. I can do screening, charting, research, etc. right from their website. No extra charges. There are a plethora of other sites that provide no-cost access. Quite a few have been mentioned on this forum. Additionally, the stocks mentioned on these e-mails usually provide PLENTY of starting material for the beginning investor. I'm not advocating not using stock programs like you mentioned, but I do advocate checking out what may already be available to you and testing it out thoroughly before spending money for a new program and subsequent subscription. I haven't minded saving myself a few bucks. Chuck Layne - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 03:50:31 -0600 From: "Maria McAdams" Subject: [CANSLIM] Resp to OmniTrader Well spoken, Chuck, thank you - I am learning from you, too. MLMcadams - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 09:54:10 -0600 From: "Katherine Malm" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] ANCORA IMPARO Hi Maria, I normally reply to this sort of message offline, but your comments seemed so appropriate for the beginning of a new year and Tom's comments reflected that very well. That is, those who participate here understand that there is always more to know and it is that honest and civil quest for knowledge that separates this list from many others. The buddhists refer to it as having "a beginner's mind" at all times, that which allows each of us to expand our understanding each and every day. Thanks for your comments; I've added the Latin to the front of my 2003 trading journal as a reminder, right next to "Whatever you focus on is what you move toward." Katherine - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Tom Worley Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 6:31 PM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] ANCORA IMPARO Thank you Maria, I too am still learning. When I stop learning, or stop wanting to learn, it will be time to sell everything and buy AAA non callable municipal bonds and retire. There are not many discussion groups that have survived seven years on the net, and remained both true to their character, and civil as well. It is a credit to all the members of this group, present, past and future. - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Maria McAdams" To: Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 1:05 PM Subject: [CANSLIM] ANCORA IMPARO Ancora Imparo is the Latin for "I AM STILL LEARNING." Michelangelo said that. And so I make time to say what I have thought and felt many times as I read and re-read the postings here. Masters and teachers come in many disguises. Often, they do not realize how much their teachings reach out to other people. I just want to show my appreciation for those who share themselves with others so unselfishly. Tom and Katherine - you are incredibly generous - thank you! Thanks to everyone else here, too - you have my admiration and prayers. Maybe one day, I will feel ready to make my own contributions. Meanwhile I AM STILL LEARNING and giving thanks!!! Blessings, Maria McAdams - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 10:44:44 -0600 From: "Katherine Malm" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] New to the group Hi Rolf, The idea that the market is forward looking is always reflected first in the technicals. That is, when investors' expectations of the future growth and/or outlook of a business is lowered, you will always see that in the declining price performance before you see it in the reported financials. That lowered expectation may come from expectations of weaker general economic conditions, weaker performance of the business vs competitors, weaker industry conditions, etc. It doesn't really matter the reason, just that the future is not projected to continue on the current path. That means that yes, a stock with strong current fundamentals will show deteriorating technicals ahead of the reported decline in fundamentals (or more generally, weak technicals reflect some decline in future expectations). Whether real or perceived, honest or manipulated due to the leakage Tom refers to, it doesn't matter. It works in reverse as well and that's the reason CANSLIM works the way it does. Say there's a company that has been demonstrating growth characteristics and now is getting ready to step on the gas and accelerate that growth curve. Investors will pile into the stock in anticipation of that acceleration and continued growth. That in turn drives up the price of the stock. The notion of CANSLIM is that you look for the point in time where people are *just* starting to pile in and go along for the ride (e.g. DELL in 94-95). At some point, however, the company's growth begins to slow (e.g. DELL in late 99). Those who perceive the slow down will start to take profits. Only sucker money is left and shares are generally being passed from strong to weak hands (though it ususually happens a bit faster than what we saw in the hyperextended market of the late '90's). Again, the notion of CANSLIM is to recognize the signs in the technicals and step aside. That's reason enough for me not to narrow a primary filter search to *just* stocks with very strong fundamentals, but instead to give some leeway for stocks that are just *starting* to show fundamental outperformance in combination with technical outperformance and/or improvement. Katherine - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Rolf Hertenstein Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 10:14 PM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] New to the group Hi Katherine - In the paragraph below, I've read your sentence beginning: "As the market is always looking forward........." Are you saying that even a fundamentally strong stock can become technically weak? If so, I understand. But if you're saying weak technical behavior somehow is an indication of weak fundies ahead, you lost me. The only link I can see there is if some big investors are better at foreseeing lower future earning trends and start selling. Rolf P.S. I liked the reading-etiquette-at-espresso-shop lesson! > I think one of the most important things I learned from O'Neil was not that > fundamentals matter, as that has always been the case and is important to > the biggest of gurus such as Buffett, but that *technicals* matter as well. > As the market is always forward looking, the technicals will tell the tale > of the stock before the fundamentals (which lag in reporting) reflect what > is going on. That's how it was easy to see that stocks such as QCOM, YHOO, > AOL, etc. were rolling over and falling apart in early 2000, even as their > recent financial reports showed excellent results. The simplest way to read > the market signals then, is to read the action of the leading stocks. When > they begin to act in tandem, that tells you collectively of the general > market health. > - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 14:52:59 EST From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] ANCORA IMPARO Maria, I hope that the real reason why so many individuals maintain their connection with the CANSLIM group is because they gain sufficient insights from others to justify the investment of their own time -- even the more knowledgeable individuals who contribute so much more than others of us. If the reason for contributing to these exchanges were purely altruistic, the group would soon peter out. In other words, fair trade is no robbery. Regards, Dave - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 15:04:31 -0700 From: Jeff Salisbury Subject: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... Hello Canslim'ers, For some time now, I have been contemplating moving the canslim discussion group from the majordomo listserve software, to a newer, next generation software called Mailman. My ISP, Xmission, has gone to a lot of trouble to install and test the new listserve software, and they recommend it very highly. I have already moved some other lists I own (much smaller, and much less traffic) and have been very pleased so far. Some of the things I like about the new software: - -Superior spam protection, including the hiding of participant email addresses from email address collecting web-bots. - -The return of the digest version -- it supposedly can handle HTML email and attachments. Each user can specify whether to receive in digest mode or not, along with various other parameters. - -Superior management of subscriber's email addresses who become undeliverable. I would like to solicit your thoughts. Even if the new listserve software is perfect, I'm sure we'll run into some glitches as we transition over. Your thoughts? Regards, Jeff Salisbury - Canslim list owner/admin - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 17:16:35 EST From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... - --part1_1a9.101200dc.2b6709c3_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Jeff: We will get over the initial pains. Get going with new software service. Thanks for doing a great job. Kris - --part1_1a9.101200dc.2b6709c3_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Jeff:

We will get over the initial pains. Get going with new software service.

Thanks for doing a great job.

- --part1_1a9.101200dc.2b6709c3_boundary-- - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 15:17:27 -0700 From: "David Taggart" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... Sounds good to me. Our office uses XMISSION for our ISP and if they do as well installing and servicing software as they do with every thing else then the transition should be fairly smooth. David Taggart - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Jeff Salisbury Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 3:05 PM To: Subject: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... Hello Canslim'ers, For some time now, I have been contemplating moving the canslim discussion group from the majordomo listserve software, to a newer, next generation software called Mailman. My ISP, Xmission, has gone to a lot of trouble to install and test the new listserve software, and they recommend it very highly. I have already moved some other lists I own (much smaller, and much less traffic) and have been very pleased so far. Some of the things I like about the new software: - -Superior spam protection, including the hiding of participant email addresses from email address collecting web-bots. - -The return of the digest version -- it supposedly can handle HTML email and attachments. Each user can specify whether to receive in digest mode or not, along with various other parameters. - -Superior management of subscriber's email addresses who become undeliverable. I would like to solicit your thoughts. Even if the new listserve software is perfect, I'm sure we'll run into some glitches as we transition over. Your thoughts? Regards, Jeff Salisbury - Canslim list owner/admin - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 12:34:49 -1000 From: "Mike Gibbons" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... Hi Jeff, Mailman's a good product. Go for it! Aloha, Mike Gibbons Proactive Technologies, LLC - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Jeff Salisbury Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 12:05 PM To: Subject: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... Hello Canslim'ers, For some time now, I have been contemplating moving the canslim discussion group from the majordomo listserve software, to a newer, next generation software called Mailman. My ISP, Xmission, has gone to a lot of trouble to install and test the new listserve software, and they recommend it very highly. I have already moved some other lists I own (much smaller, and much less traffic) and have been very pleased so far. Some of the things I like about the new software: - -Superior spam protection, including the hiding of participant email addresses from email address collecting web-bots. - -The return of the digest version -- it supposedly can handle HTML email and attachments. Each user can specify whether to receive in digest mode or not, along with various other parameters. - -Superior management of subscriber's email addresses who become undeliverable. I would like to solicit your thoughts. Even if the new listserve software is perfect, I'm sure we'll run into some glitches as we transition over. Your thoughts? Regards, Jeff Salisbury - Canslim list owner/admin - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 16:34:51 -0600 From: "JB" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... Jeff, your call if it makes it easier on you I'm for it. Thanks for the board.. JB - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of David Taggart Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 4:17 PM To: Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... Sounds good to me. Our office uses XMISSION for our ISP and if they do as well installing and servicing software as they do with every thing else then the transition should be fairly smooth. David Taggart - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Jeff Salisbury Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 3:05 PM To: Subject: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... Hello Canslim'ers, For some time now, I have been contemplating moving the canslim discussion group from the majordomo listserve software, to a newer, next generation software called Mailman. My ISP, Xmission, has gone to a lot of trouble to install and test the new listserve software, and they recommend it very highly. I have already moved some other lists I own (much smaller, and much less traffic) and have been very pleased so far. Some of the things I like about the new software: - -Superior spam protection, including the hiding of participant email addresses from email address collecting web-bots. - -The return of the digest version -- it supposedly can handle HTML email and attachments. Each user can specify whether to receive in digest mode or not, along with various other parameters. - -Superior management of subscriber's email addresses who become undeliverable. I would like to solicit your thoughts. Even if the new listserve software is perfect, I'm sure we'll run into some glitches as we transition over. Your thoughts? Regards, Jeff Salisbury - Canslim list owner/admin - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 17:29:59 -0600 From: Gene Ricci Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0C70_01C2C629.B74BEB80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Jeff, go for it! Thanks for all that you do for us. Gene ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Jeff Salisbury=20 To: Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 4:04 PM Subject: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... Hello Canslim'ers, For some time now, I have been contemplating moving the canslim=20 discussion group from the majordomo listserve software, to a newer, = next=20 generation software called Mailman. My ISP, Xmission, has gone to a = lot=20 of trouble to install and test the new listserve software, and they=20 recommend it very highly. I have already moved some other lists I own = (much smaller, and much less traffic) and have been very pleased so = far. Some of the things I like about the new software: -Superior spam protection, including the hiding of participant email=20 addresses from email address collecting web-bots. -The return of the digest version -- it supposedly can handle HTML = email=20 and attachments. Each user can specify whether to receive in digest=20 mode or not, along with various other parameters. -Superior management of subscriber's email addresses who become=20 undeliverable. I would like to solicit your thoughts. Even if the new listserve=20 software is perfect, I'm sure we'll run into some glitches as we=20 transition over. Your thoughts? Regards, Jeff Salisbury - Canslim list owner/admin - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - ------=_NextPart_000_0C70_01C2C629.B74BEB80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Jeff, go for it!
Thanks for all that you do for = us.
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Jeff = Salisbury=20
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 = 4:04=20 PM
Subject: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: = Change the=20 canslim listserve software...

Hello Canslim'ers,

For some time now, I have = been=20 contemplating moving the canslim
discussion group from the = majordomo=20 listserve software, to a newer, next
generation software called=20 Mailman.  My ISP, Xmission, has gone to a lot
of trouble to = install=20 and test the new listserve software, and they
recommend it very=20 highly.  I have already moved some other lists I own
(much = smaller,=20 and much less traffic) and have been very pleased so far.

Some = of the=20 things I like about the new software:

-Superior spam = protection,=20 including the hiding of participant email
addresses from email = address=20 collecting web-bots.
-The return of the digest version -- it = supposedly can=20 handle HTML email
and attachments.  Each user can specify = whether to=20 receive in digest
mode or not, along with various other=20 parameters.
-Superior management of subscriber's email addresses = who become=20

I would like to solicit your thoughts.  = Even if=20 the new listserve
software is perfect, I'm sure we'll run into = some=20 glitches as we
transition over.  Your=20 thoughts?


Jeff Salisbury - Canslim list=20 owner/admin

-To = subscribe/unsubscribe,=20 email ""
-In= the=20 email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe = canslim".  Do=20 not use quotes in your email.
- ------=_NextPart_000_0C70_01C2C629.B74BEB80-- - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 15:56:02 -0800 From: "Tim Katona" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... Jeff, Go for it! Tim - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Jeff Salisbury Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 2:05 PM To: Subject: [CANSLIM] IMPORTANT: Change the canslim listserve software... Hello Canslim'ers, For some time now, I have been contemplating moving the canslim discussion group from the majordomo listserve software, to a newer, next generation software called Mailman. My ISP, Xmission, has gone to a lot of trouble to install and test the new listserve software, and they recommend it very highly. I have already moved some other lists I own (much smaller, and much less traffic) and have been very pleased so far. Some of the things I like about the new software: - -Superior spam protection, including the hiding of participant email addresses from email address collecting web-bots. - -The return of the digest version -- it supposedly can handle HTML email and attachments. Each user can specify whether to receive in digest mode or not, along with various other parameters. - -Superior management of subscriber's email addresses who become undeliverable. I would like to solicit your thoughts. Even if the new listserve software is perfect, I'm sure we'll run into some glitches as we transition over. Your thoughts? Regards, Jeff Salisbury - Canslim list owner/admin - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 18:14:23 -0700 From: "Patrick Wahl" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] New to the group On 25 Jan 2003 at 21:13, Rolf Hertenstein wrote: > But if you're saying weak technical behavior > somehow is an indication of weak fundies ahead, you lost me. The only link I > can see there is if some big investors are better at foreseeing lower future > earning trends and start selling. I suppose fund managers who are diligent about staying on top of things along with insiders who obviously know when things are going to worsen are the main shareholders who would sell before bad news is generally known to the public. There are many examples where a stock went down well ahead of a visible change in fundamentals. Enron is a good example, too bad we can't see the chart anymore. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ End of canslim-digest V2 #3150 ****************************** To unsubscribe to canslim-digest, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe canslim-digest" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.