From: (canslim-digest) To: Subject: canslim-digest V2 #3213 Reply-To: canslim Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-No-Archive: yes canslim-digest Thursday, March 13 2003 Volume 02 : Number 3213 In this issue: [CANSLIM] Industry ranking Re: [CANSLIM] Industry ranking [CANSLIM] monthly magazine [CANSLIM] "M" [CANSLIM] Why Not Use WallStreetCity for Industry Groups ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 23:30:19 +0100 (MET) From: Subject: [CANSLIM] Industry ranking Hey I read a lot about Industry ranking and some what people talk about I dont understand but that's allright I guess since im in the beginning stage. I got some sites about industry ranking which offer info for free so hopefully it is for use for some of you out there: Besides these sites there is this link that has many links to all kinds of research tools etc. Regards Sébastien - -- +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++ Bitte lächeln! Fotogalerie online mit GMX ohne eigene Homepage! - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 17:58:57 -0500 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Industry ranking Thanks, Sébastien, I see a few there I have not visited and will try to check them out. - ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 5:30 PM Subject: [CANSLIM] Industry ranking Hey I read a lot about Industry ranking and some what people talk about I dont understand but that's allright I guess since im in the beginning stage. I got some sites about industry ranking which offer info for free so hopefully it is for use for some of you out there: &Button=BEST&template=indbest.htm Besides these sites there is this link that has many links to all kinds of research tools etc. Regards Sébastien - -- +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++ Bitte lächeln! Fotogalerie online mit GMX ohne eigene Homepage! - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 19:15:16 -0500 From: Subject: [CANSLIM] monthly magazine Is or has anyone looked at the monthly stock magazine from, and the daily updates it provides. I am curious how benificial the newsletter is. Thanks, Joe Clark - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 19:24:35 -0500 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] "M" OK, we got a good rally today, whether it was just a relief rally, or short covering, or maybe even a real rally, with real sidelined cash flowing back in. Mutual funds only have two weeks to invest any cash in excess of their limits, and may have contributed. A delay in a vote at the UN is being credited, so just may be news driven, here today, gone tomorrow. Nonetheless, we certainly got a 2+% gain on every index, and on volume well exceeding daily average. And that comes in a period when daily volume has been typically well under average. So, is anybody starting to count the days, looking for the follow thru day 4-7 days out? Coincidentally, that period might also fall just after war with Iraq is unilaterally initiated by the USA, which would cause at least some minor relief rally. Does anyone trust today's gains? With so much news, can we trust technicals? Tom Worley AIM: TexWorley - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 12:18:51 -0600 From: Gene Ricci Subject: [CANSLIM] Why Not Use WallStreetCity for Industry Groups This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0033_01C2E95A.B5674E50 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I know this might be heresy but why not use the free WallStreetCity? The industries - names/makeup - are different than IBD but still....=20 If you click on .BAN Banks below it wil take you to a chart of that = industry. When there, change the menu window from: Banks Graph Industry to: = Banks List of Stocks Will give you a quick snapshot of how the group is doing and the stocks = within the group. Symbol Description Symbol Description=20 .BAN Banks .OFU Home/office/equipment=20 .BSB Banks/savings banks .OFS Home/office/furniture=20 .BSL Banks/savings & loan .PET Home/pet & supplies=20 .ALU Basic/aluminum .INT Internet=20 .MET Basic/metal .LEI Leisure/amusement=20 .MOF Basic/metal/other fabricating .LGA Leisure/amusement & = gaming equip.=20 .MIN Basic/mining .LBO Leisure/boating=20 .MCL Basic/mining/coal .LBB Leisure/bowling-billiards=20 .MCP Basic/mining/copper .LCG Leisure/casinos-gaming =20 .MGO Basic/mining/gold .FIL Leisure/film/entertainment=20 .MSI Basic/mining/silver .FDI Leisure/film/distributors=20 .MEX Basic/mining/exploration-development .FTH = Leisure/film/theaters=20 .MIM Basic/mining/industrial minerals .FST = Leisure/film/services-equipment=20 .MJG Basic/mining/junior gold .LMI Leisure/misc=20 .PAP Basic/paper-products .LMU Leisure/musical instruments=20 .STE Basic/steel-iron .LPF Leisure/photo=20 .SMI Basic/steel-iron/major integrated .LRT Leisure/race tracks=20 .SOI Basic/steel-iron/other integrated .LRH Leisure/records-home = video=20 .SST Basic/steel-iron/stainless .LSC Leisure/sports collectibles = .SOS Basic/steel-iron/other specialties .LSO = Leisure/sports-outdoor equip=20 .SOP Basic/steel-iron/ore producer .LTR Leisure/tourism-resorts=20 .SSP Basic/steel-iron/converter/processor .LTG = Leisure/toys-games=20 .SMN Basic/steel-iron/minimill .MAC Machinery=20 .MUR Basic/uranium .MAG Machinery/agriculture=20 .BEV Beverages .ARM Machinery/arms & ammunition=20 .BBA Beverages/beer & ale .MCG Machinery/components=20 .BBO Beverages/bottlers .MBE Machinery/bearings=20 .BDI Beverages/distillers .CNT Machinery/containers=20 .BSD Beverages/soft drink syrup .CME Machinery/containers/metal=20 .BWL Beverages/wines and liquors .CPA Machinery/containers/paper = .BRO Broadcasting .CPL Machinery/containers/plastic=20 .BCA Broadcasting/catv .MCM Machinery/construction=20 .BEQ Broadcasting/equipment .MFC Machinery/flow control = filtration=20 .BPE Broadcasting/programming .GLA Machinery/glass products=20 .BRA Broadcasting/radio .MID Machinery/industrial=20 .BTV Broadcasting/television .MMT Machinery/machine tools=20 .BUI Building .MSP Machinery/specialties=20 .BBC Building/brick-cement .MSG Machinery/steam generator=20 .BCC Building/climate controls .MAN = Machinery/manufacturing/distrib=20 .BCE Building/contract-eng-constr .MCN = Machinery/manufacturing/Consumer=20 .BFP Building/forest products .MIU = Machinery/manufacturing/industrial=20 .BHH Building/hardware-handtools .MED Machinery/medical = equipment/suppl=20 .BHO Building/homebuilding .MLR Machinery/medical equipment/res=20 .BPL Building/plumbing .POL Machinery/pollution control=20 .BRW Building/roofing-wallboard .MUT Mutual funds=20 .CHE Chemicals .PUB Publishing=20 .CAG Chemicals/agricultural .PBO Publishing/books=20 .COA Chemicals/coatings-paint-varnishes .PEL = Publishing/electronic=20 .CIG Chemicals/industrial gases .GRA Publishing/graphics=20 .PLA Chemicals/plastics/products .GPR = Publishing/graphics/printing=20 .RFB Chemicals/rubber fabricating .GSE = Publishing/graphics/supplies=20 .DAT Computer .PNE Publishing/newspapers=20 .DCO Computer/components .PPE Publishing/perodicals=20 .DCS Computer/computer systems .PTE Publishing/textbooks=20 .DSE Computer/computer services .COT Retail/cosmetics & = toiletries=20 .DLD Computer/leasing/distributor .COD = Retail/cosmetics-drugs-toiletries=20 .DPE Computer/peripherals .RME Retail/merchandising=20 .DSO Computer/software .RET Retail/stores=20 .CON Conglomerate .RAP Retail/stores/apparel=20 .CDI Conglomerate/diversified .RCF Retail/stores/convenience = foods=20 .DBI Drugs/biotechnology .RDE Retail/stores/department=20 .DRU Drugs/generic and OTC .RDI Retail/stores/discount=20 .DET Drugs/ethical .RDR Retail/stores/drugs=20 .DRE Drugs/research .RFA Retail/stores/fabric=20 .DDW Drugs/wholesalers .RFU Retail/stores/furniture=20 .ELE Electronics .RFS Retail/stores/food supermarkets=20 .ECC Electronics/component-control .RMC Retail/stores/mail = order-catalogs=20 .EEE Electronics/electronic equipment .RSC = Retail/stores/showrooms-catalogs=20 .EDE Electronics/defense .RSP Retail/stores/specialty=20 .EIL Electronics/industry leaders .RWC Retail/stores/warehouse = clubs=20 .EHA Electronics/household appliances .SER Services=20 .EIC Electronics/info-comm services .ADV Services/advertising=20 .EMO Electronics/motors .EDU Services/education=20 .OFF Electronics/office equipment .HEA Services/health = care/centers=20 .ERT Electronics/radios-tv-tape .HHC Services/health = care/services=20 .ESE Electronics/semiconductors .TEL Telecommunications=20 .SPE Electronics/specialty instrumnts .TES = Telecommunications/equipment-service=20 .OIL Energy/Oil-gas .TFO Telecommunications/foreign=20 .OCA Energy/Oil-gas/canadian .TLO Telecommunications/local=20 .OCP Energy/Oil-gas/crude producer .TLD Telecommunications/long = distance=20 .ODO Energy/Oil-gas/domestic .TMC = Telecommunications/mobile-cellular=20 .OFO Energy/Oil-gas/foreign .TSA Telecommunications/satellite=20 .OIN Energy/Oil-gas/international .TAM Textiles/apparel = manufacturer=20 .ORF Energy/Oil-gas/refiner .LEA Textiles/leather shoes=20 .ORE Energy/Oil-gas/retailer .LSP Textiles/leather = shoes/producer=20 .OWD Energy/Oil-gas/wells .LSM Textiles/leather = shoes/mfr.-distrib=20 .FIN Finance .LLE Textiles/leather=20 .FAE Finance/agency .TPR Textiles/producer=20 .FCL Finance/consumer loan .TSF Textiles/synthetic fibers=20 .FDM Finance/diversified misc .TOB Tobacco=20 .INS Finance/insurance .TCI Tobacco/cigarettes=20 .ILH Finance/insurance/life-health .TLS Tobacco/leaf/snuff=20 .IBA Finance/insurance/broker-agency .AER Transport/aerospace=20 .IPC Finance/insurance/property-casualty .AMC = Transport/aerospace/contractors=20 .IMU Finance/insurance/multiline .ASC = Transport/aerospace/components=20 .INV Finance/investment .ARD Transport/aerospace/R&D=20 .FLE Finance/leasing .ATR Transport/air=20 .FMB Finance/mortgage banking-brokers .AIR Transport/aircraft = manf/components=20 .FPA Finance/pawnshops .ASV Transport/aircraft manf/services=20 .FRE Finance/receivables .ACC Transport/cargo-charter=20 .LAN Finance/real estate-land develop. .TFF Transport/freight = forwarding=20 .REA Finance/REITs .REQ Transport/rail equipment=20 .SEC Finance/securities .RCL Transport/rail car leasing=20 .FSE Finance/services .RPA Transport/rail parts-accessories=20 .FSB Finance/S.B.I.C. .RAI Transport/railroads=20 .FOO Food .SHI Transport/shipping-shipbuilding=20 .FBM Food/bakery-mill-sugar .TRU Transport/trucking=20 .FCG Food/candy-gum .UDI Utilities/diversified=20 .FCR Food/corn refiners .UEL Utilities/electric=20 .FDP Food/dairy products .UOP Utilities/electric/operating=20 .FDS Food/distributors .UHO Utilities/electric/holding=20 .FFR Food/frozen .UGA Utilities/gas=20 .FMP Food/meat-poultry .UDS Utilities/gas/distributors=20 .FPS Food/packaged-snacks .UIN Utilities/gas/integrated=20 .FOS Food/serving .UIN Utilities/gas/LP gas=20 .FFS Food/serving/servicing .UPC Utilities/gas/pipeline=20 .FFF Food/serving/fast foods .UPG = Utilities/gas/producer-gatherer=20 .FRS Food/serving/restaurants .UWA Utilities/water=20 .HCF Home/carpets-floor cover .APT Vehicles/auto parts-equipment = .HOM Home/furnishings .ARS Vehicles/auto rental-service=20 .HFU Home/furniture .AUT Vehicles/manufacturers=20 .HOT Home/hotels-motels-inns .MOB Vehicles/mobile-modular homes=20 .HOU Home/household products .AMH Vehicles/motor homes=20 .HSW Home/housewares .ATT Vehicles/trucks-trailers=20 .JSW Home/jewelry-silverware-watches-china =20 - ------=_NextPart_000_0033_01C2E95A.B5674E50 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I know this might be heresy but why = not use the=20 free WallStreetCity?
The industries - names/makeup - are = different=20 than IBD but still....
If you click on .BAN Banks = below it wil=20 take you to a chart of that industry.
When there, change the menu window = from:=20 Banks   Graph Industry
           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;            =             &= nbsp;   =20 to: Banks   List of Stocks
Will give you a quick snapshot of how = the group=20 is doing and the stocks within the group.
Symbol Description Symbol Description
.BAN Banks .OFU Home/office/equipment
.BSB Banks/savings banks .OFS Home/office/furniture
.BSL Banks/savings & loan .PET Home/pet & supplies
.ALU Basic/aluminum .INT Internet
.MET Basic/metal .LEI Leisure/amusement
.MOF Basic/metal/other fabricating .LGA Leisure/amusement & gaming = equip.
.MIN Basic/mining .LBO Leisure/boating
.MCL Basic/mining/coal .LBB Leisure/bowling-billiards
.MCP Basic/mining/copper .LCG Leisure/casinos-gaming
.MGO Basic/mining/gold .FIL Leisure/film/entertainment
.MSI Basic/mining/silver .FDI Leisure/film/distributors
.MEX Basic/mining/exploration-development .FTH Leisure/film/theaters
.MIM Basic/mining/industrial minerals .FST Leisure/film/services-equipment
.MJG Basic/mining/junior gold .LMI Leisure/misc
.PAP Basic/paper-products .LMU Leisure/musical instruments
.STE Basic/steel-iron .LPF Leisure/photo
.SMI Basic/steel-iron/major integrated .LRT Leisure/race tracks
.SOI Basic/steel-iron/other integrated .LRH Leisure/records-home video
.SST Basic/steel-iron/stainless .LSC Leisure/sports collectibles
.SOS Basic/steel-iron/other specialties .LSO Leisure/sports-outdoor equip
.SOP Basic/steel-iron/ore producer .LTR Leisure/tourism-resorts
.SSP Basic/steel-iron/converter/processor .LTG Leisure/toys-games
.SMN Basic/steel-iron/minimill .MAC Machinery
.MUR Basic/uranium .MAG Machinery/agriculture
.BEV Beverages .ARM Machinery/arms & ammunition
.BBA Beverages/beer & ale .MCG Machinery/components
.BBO Beverages/bottlers .MBE Machinery/bearings
.BDI Beverages/distillers .CNT Machinery/containers
.BSD Beverages/soft drink syrup .CME Machinery/containers/metal
.BWL Beverages/wines and liquors .CPA Machinery/containers/paper
.BRO Broadcasting .CPL Machinery/containers/plastic
.BCA Broadcasting/catv .MCM Machinery/construction
.BEQ Broadcasting/equipment .MFC Machinery/flow control filtration
.BPE Broadcasting/programming .GLA Machinery/glass products
.BRA Broadcasting/radio .MID Machinery/industrial
.BTV Broadcasting/television .MMT Machinery/machine tools
.BUI Building .MSP Machinery/specialties
.BBC Building/brick-cement .MSG Machinery/steam generator
.BCC Building/climate controls .MAN Machinery/manufacturing/distrib
.BCE Building/contract-eng-constr .MCN Machinery/manufacturing/Consumer
.BFP Building/forest products .MIU Machinery/manufacturing/industrial
.BHH Building/hardware-handtools .MED Machinery/medical equipment/suppl
.BHO Building/homebuilding .MLR Machinery/medical equipment/res
.BPL Building/plumbing .POL Machinery/pollution control
.BRW Building/roofing-wallboard .MUT Mutual funds
.CHE Chemicals .PUB Publishing
.CAG Chemicals/agricultural .PBO Publishing/books
.COA Chemicals/coatings-paint-varnishes .PEL Publishing/electronic
.CIG Chemicals/industrial gases .GRA Publishing/graphics
.PLA Chemicals/plastics/products .GPR Publishing/graphics/printing
.RFB Chemicals/rubber fabricating .GSE Publishing/graphics/supplies
.DAT Computer .PNE Publishing/newspapers
.DCO Computer/components .PPE Publishing/perodicals
.DCS Computer/computer systems .PTE Publishing/textbooks
.DSE Computer/computer services .COT Retail/cosmetics & toiletries
.DLD Computer/leasing/distributor .COD Retail/cosmetics-drugs-toiletries
.DPE Computer/peripherals .RME Retail/merchandising
.DSO Computer/software .RET Retail/stores
.CON Conglomerate .RAP Retail/stores/apparel
.CDI Conglomerate/diversified .RCF Retail/stores/convenience foods
.DBI Drugs/biotechnology .RDE Retail/stores/department
.DRU Drugs/generic and OTC .RDI Retail/stores/discount
.DET Drugs/ethical .RDR Retail/stores/drugs
.DRE Drugs/research .RFA Retail/stores/fabric
.DDW Drugs/wholesalers .RFU Retail/stores/furniture
.ELE Electronics .RFS Retail/stores/food supermarkets
.ECC Electronics/component-control .RMC Retail/stores/mail order-catalogs
.EEE Electronics/electronic equipment .RSC Retail/stores/showrooms-catalogs
.EDE Electronics/defense .RSP Retail/stores/specialty
.EIL Electronics/industry leaders .RWC Retail/stores/warehouse clubs
.EHA Electronics/household appliances .SER Services
.EIC Electronics/info-comm services .ADV Services/advertising
.EMO Electronics/motors .EDU Services/education
.OFF Electronics/office equipment .HEA Services/health care/centers
.ERT Electronics/radios-tv-tape .HHC Services/health care/services
.ESE Electronics/semiconductors .TEL Telecommunications
.SPE Electronics/specialty instrumnts .TES Telecommunications/equipment-service
.OIL Energy/Oil-gas .TFO Telecommunications/foreign
.OCA Energy/Oil-gas/canadian .TLO Telecommunications/local
.OCP Energy/Oil-gas/crude producer .TLD Telecommunications/long distance
.ODO Energy/Oil-gas/domestic .TMC Telecommunications/mobile-cellular
.OFO Energy/Oil-gas/foreign .TSA Telecommunications/satellite
.OIN Energy/Oil-gas/international .TAM Textiles/apparel manufacturer
.ORF Energy/Oil-gas/refiner .LEA Textiles/leather shoes
.ORE Energy/Oil-gas/retailer .LSP Textiles/leather shoes/producer
.OWD Energy/Oil-gas/wells .LSM Textiles/leather shoes/mfr.-distrib
.FIN Finance .LLE Textiles/leather
.FAE Finance/agency .TPR Textiles/producer
.FCL Finance/consumer loan .TSF Textiles/synthetic fibers
.FDM Finance/diversified misc .TOB Tobacco
.INS Finance/insurance .TCI Tobacco/cigarettes
.ILH Finance/insurance/life-health .TLS Tobacco/leaf/snuff
.IBA Finance/insurance/broker-agency .AER Transport/aerospace
.IPC Finance/insurance/property-casualty .AMC Transport/aerospace/contractors
.IMU Finance/insurance/multiline .ASC Transport/aerospace/components
.INV Finance/investment .ARD Transport/aerospace/R&D
.FLE Finance/leasing .ATR Transport/air
.FMB Finance/mortgage banking-brokers .AIR Transport/aircraft manf/components
.FPA Finance/pawnshops .ASV Transport/aircraft manf/services
.FRE Finance/receivables .ACC Transport/cargo-charter
.LAN Finance/real estate-land develop. .TFF Transport/freight forwarding
.REA Finance/REITs .REQ Transport/rail equipment
.SEC Finance/securities .RCL Transport/rail car leasing
.FSE Finance/services .RPA Transport/rail parts-accessories
.FSB Finance/S.B.I.C. .RAI Transport/railroads
.FOO Food .SHI Transport/shipping-shipbuilding
.FBM Food/bakery-mill-sugar .TRU Transport/trucking
.FCG Food/candy-gum .UDI Utilities/diversified
.FCR Food/corn refiners .UEL Utilities/electric
.FDP Food/dairy products .UOP Utilities/electric/operating
.FDS Food/distributors .UHO Utilities/electric/holding
.FFR Food/frozen .UGA Utilities/gas
.FMP Food/meat-poultry .UDS Utilities/gas/distributors
.FPS Food/packaged-snacks .UIN Utilities/gas/integrated
.FOS Food/serving .UIN Utilities/gas/LP gas
.FFS Food/serving/servicing .UPC Utilities/gas/pipeline
.FFF Food/serving/fast foods .UPG Utilities/gas/producer-gatherer
.FRS Food/serving/restaurants .UWA Utilities/water
.HCF Home/carpets-floor cover .APT Vehicles/auto parts-equipment
.HOM Home/furnishings .ARS Vehicles/auto rental-service
.HFU Home/furniture .AUT Vehicles/manufacturers
.HOT Home/hotels-motels-inns .MOB Vehicles/mobile-modular homes
.HOU Home/household products .AMH Vehicles/motor homes
.HSW Home/housewares .ATT Vehicles/trucks-trailers
.JSW Home/jewelry-silverware-watches-china <= /A>
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