From: Jeff Lowe Subject: (cdc) e- mail Date: 01 Jun 1999 11:31:29 -0600 It is that time of the year when we say good-by to the students and the computers. After 6/4/99, if you, or any of your affiliates wish to get a hold of me, you may leave a message and I'll get back to you after Aug 17th, 1999. Thank you for your patience. J. Lowe (Jurgi) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "CHARLENE Chabries" Subject: (cdc) Fwd: Joke 12 BUTT BEAUTY Date: 02 Jun 1999 15:18:06 -0600 Received: from by (5.65v4.0/ id AA15398; Mon, 31 May 1999 10:47:55 -0600 Received: from ([]) by with ESMTP id <28679>; Mon, 31 May 1999 10:49:04 -0600 Received: from ([]:1066 "EHLO wocknitz") by with ESMTP id <447429-4729>; Mon, 31 May 1999 10:47:41 -0600 Message-Id: <> Reply-To: X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.01 [en] (Win95; I) Jayme Gibb X-Priority: 3 (Normal) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=_297F46BC.95F4998A" --=_297F46BC.95F4998A Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline --=_297F46BC.95F4998A Content-Type: text/html Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="joke12.html" PGh0bWw+DQoNCjxoZWFkPg0KPG1ldGEgSFRUUC1FUVVJVj0iQ29udGVudC1UeXBlIiBDT05URU5U PSJ0ZXh0L2h0bWwiPg0KPG1ldGEgTkFNRT0iZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iIENPTlRFTlQ9IlNhbXBsZSBQ ZXJzb25hbCBQb3N0Y2FyZCBQcm8gS2l0IChQb2VtcykiPg0KPG1ldGEgTkFNRT0ia2V5d29yZHMi DQpDT05URU5UPSJwb3N0Y2FyZCwgcGVyc29uYWwgcG9zdGNhcmRzLCBtYWlsLCBwb3N0LCBjYXJk LCBzZW5kLCBzdWNjZXNzLA0KZ3JlZXRpbmcgY2FyZCwgYmlydGhkYXksIGxvdmUsIGZyaWVuZHNo aXAsIGJpcnRoZGF5IGdyZWV0aW5ncywgdmlydHVhbCBnaWZ0cywgaHRtbCwgcG9zdCBvZmZpY2Us IHRyYWZmaWMgYm9vc3RlciwNCm1pZGksIHBpY3R1cmVzLCBmcmVlIHBvc3RjYXJkcywgZS1jYXJk cywgcHJvbW90aW9ucywgbXVsdGltZWRpYSwgZ2lmdHMsIGdpcmxzLCB2aXJ0dWFsIGdyZWV0aW5n cywgZ3JlZXRpbmcgY2FyZHMsIGJpcnRoZGF5LCB3aXNoLA0Kc2VjcmV0LCBwb3N0Y2FyZHMgdGhy b3VnaCBOZXQsIGZyaWVuZHMsIGxvdmUsIHN1Y2Nlc3NmdWwgd2Vic2l0ZSwgcG9zdGFnZSwgZGVs aXZlcnkiPg0KPHRpdGxlPkpva2UgMTIgQlVUVCBCRUFVVFk8L3RpdGxlPg0KPC9oZWFkPg0KDQo8 Ym9keSBCR0NPTE9SPSIjRkZGMkJEIiBURVhUPSIjMDAwMDQwIiBMSU5LPSIjMDAwMEZGIiBWTElO Sz0iIzAwMDBGRiIgQkFDS0dST1VORD4NCg0KPHAgYWxpZ249ImNlbnRlciI+PGZvbnQgY29sb3I9 IiMwMDAwRkYiPjxzdHJvbmc+QlVUVCBCRUFVVFk8L3N0cm9uZz48L2ZvbnQ+PC9wPg0KDQo8cCBh bGlnbj0iY2VudGVyIj48YnI+DQpBIG1hcnJpZWQgY291cGxlIHdhcyBpbiBhIHRlcnJpYmxlIGFj Y2lkZW50IHdoZXJlIHRoZSB3b21hbidzIGZhY2Ugd2FzPGJyPg0Kc2V2ZXJlbHkgYnVybmVkLiBU aGUgZG9jdG9yIHRvbGQgdGhlIGh1c2JhbmQgdGhhdCB0aGV5IGNvdWxkbid0IGdyYWZ0IGFueTxi cj4NCnNraW4gZnJvbSBoZXIgYm9keSBiZWNhdXNlIHNoZSB3YXMgdG9vPGJyPg0Kc2tpbm55LiBT byB0aGUgaHVzYmFuZCBvZmZlcmVkIHRvIGRvbmF0ZSBzb21lIG9mIGhpcyBvd24gc2tpbi48YnI+ DQpIb3dldmVyLCB0aGUgb25seSBza2luIG9uIGhpcyBib2R5IHRoYXQgdGhlIGRvY3RvciBmZWx0 IHdhczxicj4NCnN1aXRhYmxlIHdvdWxkIGhhdmUgdG8gY29tZSBmcm9tIGhpcyBidXR0b2Nrcy4g VGhlIGh1c2JhbmQgYW5kIHdpZmUgYWdyZWVkPGJyPg0KdGhhdCB0aGV5IHdvdWxkIHRlbGwgbm8g b25lIGFib3V0IHdoZXJlIHRoZSBza2luIGNhbWUgZnJvbSwgYW5kIHJlcXVlc3RlZDxicj4NCnRo YXQgdGhlIGRvY3RvciBhbHNvIGhvbm9yIHRoZWlyIHNlY3JldC4gQWZ0ZXIgYWxsLCB0aGlzIHdh cyBhIHZlcnk8YnI+DQpkZWxpY2F0ZSBtYXR0ZXIuIEFmdGVyIHRoZSBzdXJnZXJ5IHdhcyBjb21w bGV0ZWQsIGV2ZXJ5b25lIHdhcyBhc3RvdW5kZWQ8YnI+DQphdCB0aGUgd29tYW4ncyBuZXcgYmVh dXR5LiBTaGUgbG9va2VkIG1vcmUgYmVhdXRpZnVsIHRoYW4gc2hlIGV2ZXIgaGFkPGJyPg0KYmVm b3JlISBBbGwgaGVyIGZyaWVuZHMgYW5kIHJlbGF0aXZlcyBqdXN0IHdlbnQgb24gYW5kIG9uIGFi b3V0IGhlcjxicj4NCnlvdXRoZnVsIGJlYXV0eSE8YnI+DQpPbmUgZGF5LCBzaGUgd2FzIGFsb25l IHdpdGggaGVyIGh1c2JhbmQsIGFuZCBzaGUgd2FzIG92ZXJjb21lIHdpdGggZW1vdGlvbjxicj4N CmF0IGhpcyBzYWNyaWZpY2UuIFNoZSBzYWlkLCAmcXVvdDtEZWFyLCBJIGp1c3Qgd2FudDxicj4N CnRvIHRoYW5rIHlvdSBmb3IgZXZlcnl0aGluZyB5b3UgZGlkIGZvciBtZS4gVGhlcmUgaXMgbm8g d2F5IEk8YnI+DQpjb3VsZCBldmVyIHJlcGF5IHlvdS4mcXVvdDs8YnI+DQo8YnI+DQomcXVvdDtN eSBkYXJsaW5nLCZxdW90OyBoZSByZXBsaWVkLCAmcXVvdDt0aGluayBub3RoaW5nIG9mIGl0LiBJ IGdldCBhbGwgdGhlIHRoYW5rcyBJPGJyPg0KbmVlZCBldmVyeSB0aW1lIEkgc2VlIHlvdXIgbW90 aGVyIGtpc3MgeW91IG9uIHRoZSBjaGVlay4mcXVvdDs8YnI+DQo8YnI+DQo8L3A+DQoNCjxwIGFs aWduPSJjZW50ZXIiPioqKioqKjwvcD4NCjwvYm9keT4NCjwvaHRtbD4NCg== --=_297F46BC.95F4998A-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tiffany Dillemuth Subject: Re: (cdc) Fwd: Joke 12 BUTT BEAUTY Date: 02 Jun 1999 16:45:33 PDT Thanks! That wa sa foot stomper. Camilla _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Art Wagner Subject: (cdc) a request from Gillian Date: 02 Jun 1999 19:31:23 -0700 Hey all! This is a request for any of you going to Uprising. The axe-maker Wolf is making a rather substantial weapon for me at the behest of my lady. It just occurred to me that he might bring it to Uprising (if it's done) on the chance that I might be there. Could someone please check with him and see if it's finished and there. I'd like to have it stay in Artemisia if possible, it's one heck of a lot closer than Wyoming is. (Wolf dosen't have a phone #, so getting in touch with him is difficult.) I'm trying to arrange for someone to snag it for me if it's there... hopefully someone in Boise (it's closer), but I'd appreciate anyone asking and letting him know I'm trying to get ahold of him. It's a halbard, much like those he made for Artemisia (or so I'm told). thanks! Gillian P.S. does anyone know how to get ahold of Varia Goff? She knows him very well and would be great to talk to before Uprising if possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Art Wagner Subject: Re: (cdc) a request from Gillian Date: 03 Jun 1999 23:09:37 -0700 Thanks folks :-) *lots* of private replies! G-man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Art Wagner Subject: (cdc) [Fwd: URL for Russian news release] Date: 04 Jun 1999 15:51:18 -0700 A friend of mine sent me this... you *really* wan to check this out, it's worth the time. Gillian Leslie Helms wrote: > > > Especially fun for me because some of the people in the pics are on my > Slavic mailing list. And they tell us that Glymm Mere couldn't beat BaO in > a fair fight! Hah! I bet we have more than enough photographic and other > forgery expertise to do that. > > Larisa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Merrill C. Pugmire" Subject: (cdc) Porn or pony? Date: 22 Jun 1999 18:00:18 -0600 For all those in the Shire who secretly yearn to be Onomasticists (naming scholar), your friendly neighborhood herald brings you this exersize. Anneas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "DeseretMail" Subject: (cdc) Challenge Date: 22 Jun 1999 20:22:45 MDT This is for all of you that accepted the call for defenders of Mistress Rebecca's honor. The challenge WILL NOT take place at Coronation. It turns out that the man who issued the challenge isn't even an armored combatant. I spoke with a knight from his group and I think the 'challenger' understands the seriousness of the matter. I hope he'll think twice before he makes such a brash statement in the future. We are going to let the matter drop. Thanks for your eagerness to defend Rebecca, Landolf