From: John Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Test Message
Date: 22 Jan 1998 11:40:51 -0700
This is a test message to the Cote du Ciel mailing list.....
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From: John Hugie
Subject: (cdc) New User Message
Date: 22 Jan 1998 12:36:33 -0700
This is a test message to see if any new subscriber will receive it.
To unsubscribe to cdc, send an email to ""
with "unsubscribe cdc" in the body of the message.
For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send
"help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.
From: Janice Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Anybody out there?
Date: 22 Jan 1998 12:45:16 -0700
(whistle) Hello?
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From: John Hugie
Subject: Re: (cdc) Anybody out there?
Date: 22 Jan 1998 12:47:07 -0700
I'm here... *S*
Janice Hugie wrote:
> (whistle) Hello?
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From: Janice Hugie
Subject: Re: (cdc) Anybody out there?
Date: 22 Jan 1998 12:49:49 -0700
Anyone else?
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From: John Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Welcome Rebecca
Date: 22 Jan 1998 12:56:30 -0700
Hi Rebecca...
Welcome to the Cote du Ciel list. *S*
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From: Janice Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Rebecca......
Date: 22 Jan 1998 13:09:02 -0700
Are you really out there?
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From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen"
Subject: Re: (cdc) Rebecca......
Date: 22 Jan 1998 13:14:33 -0700
> Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 13:09:02 -0700
> To:
> From: Janice Hugie
> Subject: (cdc) Rebecca......
> Reply-to:
> Are you really out there?
> LT
> -
> To unsubscribe to cdc, send an email to ""
> with "unsubscribe cdc" in the body of the message.
> For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send
> "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.
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From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen"
Subject: (cdc) (Fwd) Re: (Fwd) Re: St. Pyr's event
Date: 22 Jan 1998 13:20:39 -0700
Some people are just too stubborn for their own good.
I think Ulrich's(Kendle) parents live in Hyrum. Could we fudge a little
and say that a member lives there?
The lady I talked to said that a child or grandchild of a Hyrum
resident would also count. So we wouldn't have to "fudge".
> This is good news! I am still waiting to see how the Lions Club site
> will turn out! I am going to the Lincoln Center in B.C. to ask about
> space and costs. if the cost is under $100.00 I will reserve the
> site for the 25th and we'll go from there. It is a large site and a
> very good fighting field with a big hall and a modern school-sized
> Kitchen. Thanks for all you do!
> jurgi
I called Donald Williams who schedules the Lion's Center and asked
about the 10 p.m. curfew--was this a new policy? He said it is HIS
policy. He was not willing to budge on the issue. He couldn't
understand why we couldn't be out by 10 if we were in there all day
"Isn't 8 am to 10 pm long enough?" So I cancelled the
reservation--we can't possibly be out by 10 (we would have to close
the site at 9 in order to clean up by 10). I've left messages at the
Logan Jaycees center and the National Guard Armory at Willow Park. I
will talk to the Whittier Center people on Wednesday at board
meeting. Or if you want to know sooner, I can call Marsha Rawlins
(she is out of town today). If the Lincoln Center doesn't cost too
much, that would be GREAT (it seems, though, that they wanted an
awful lot and that is why we haven't had more events there). I
called Smithfield about the old church--it would cost $175 for
8-midnight. Hyde Park's city building would be $100 for all day with
an additional $100 security deposit. Hyrum's building is $150 + $100
deposit (non-resident fee--if someone in the shire lives in Hyrum we
can rent it for less. I think Hyde Park has a discounted resident
fee, too). Any where else I haven't checked?
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From: John Hugie
Subject: (cdc) St. Pyr's event
Date: 22 Jan 1998 13:24:23 -0700
Boy it sounds like we've got a problem with out Smithfield site. I like the
Hyrum idea though. But which building in Hyrum is it? My cousin had a
reception in the town hall, and that was nice. *S*
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From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen"
Subject: Re: (cdc) St. Pyr's event
Date: 22 Jan 1998 13:29:55 -0700
> Boy it sounds like we've got a problem with out Smithfield site. I like the
> Hyrum idea though. But which building in Hyrum is it? My cousin had a
> reception in the town hall, and that was nice. *S*
> John
Is is a new-ish building on main street near the elementary school.
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From: John Hugie
Subject: Re: (cdc) St. Pyr's event
Date: 22 Jan 1998 13:31:14 -0700
Rebecca Mikkelsen wrote:
> Is is a new-ish building on main street near the elementary school.
> Rebecca
Then that should be the same building. It is fairly nice, and the grounds aren't
too bad either, but you'll get a lot of attention from the people in Hyrum
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From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen"
Subject: Re: (cdc) St. Pyr's event
Date: 22 Jan 1998 13:38:16 -0700
> > Is is a new-ish building on main street near the elementary school.
> >
> > Rebecca
> Then that should be the same building. It is fairly nice, and the grounds aren't
> too bad either, but you'll get a lot of attention from the people in Hyrum
> John
Is that a bad thing?
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From: Janice Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Will Hyrum work?
Date: 22 Jan 1998 13:47:59 -0700
Why am I not surprized. (luckily I got to talk to his wife when I reserved
the site for Grifin) Would using the site in Hyrum be a possiblily? (the
site in Smithfield was a pain to get to anyways) I know the Lincoln center
was way too expensive when I called them when I autocrated Birthday a while
back. Maybe they aren't so bad now................This sounds like its
going to be fun to find a site for Pyres. Has Charlie checked on anything?
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From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen"
Subject: Re: (cdc) Will Hyrum work?
Date: 22 Jan 1998 13:57:04 -0700
> Why am I not surprized. (luckily I got to talk to his wife when I reserved
> the site for Grifin) Would using the site in Hyrum be a possiblily? (the
> site in Smithfield was a pain to get to anyways) I know the Lincoln center
> was way too expensive when I called them when I autocrated Birthday a while
> back. Maybe they aren't so bad now................This sounds like its
> going to be fun to find a site for Pyres. Has Charlie checked on anything?
> LT
She has been really busy at work and is having a hard time getting to
the phone. It has been really slow for me this week (I've been
catching up on homework, playing on the 'net, and working on
"packets" for Renaissance Faire stewards), so I was able to call
around to a bunch of places.
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From: John Hugie
Subject: Re: (cdc) St. Pyr's event
Date: 22 Jan 1998 14:05:47 -0700
Well this is Hyrum we're talking about. I don't think so, but it could be. *S*
> Is that a bad thing?
From: John Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Test message with new config.
Date: 22 Jan 1998 14:08:15 -0700
This is a test message with to test the new Configuration file for the
listserv, please disregard. One of the joys of having a brand new
listserv is making sure it's set up right. *lol*
From: John Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Welcome Olan
Date: 22 Jan 1998 14:09:47 -0700
Olan -
Welcome to the Shire of Cote du Ciel mailling list. You have been added
From: "Olan G Mikkelsen"
Subject: Re: (cdc) Welcome Olan
Date: 22 Jan 1998 14:11:14 -0600
Well, I'm here on 01/22/98 02:09:47 PM
Please respond to
cc: (bcc: Olan G Mikkelsen/IS/BCBSU/TBG)
Olan -
Welcome to the Shire of Cote du Ciel mailling list. You have been added
From: Janice Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Looks like its working now
Date: 22 Jan 1998 14:14:22 -0700
Cool! No more garbage at the bottom of the page *S*
From: Janice Hugie
Subject: Re: (cdc) Will Hyrum work?
Date: 22 Jan 1998 14:24:24 -0700
>She has been really busy at work and is having a hard time getting to
>the phone. It has been really slow for me this week (I've been
>catching up on homework, playing on the 'net, and working on
>"packets" for Renaissance Faire stewards), so I was able to call
>around to a bunch of places.
Oh, ok. *S*
Well at least were not dealing with the preconceived idea that we're devil
worshipers in the community.............then again, this is rural Utah
From: John Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Config
Date: 22 Jan 1998 14:26:00 -0700
Yup it's working great. Now I can add whatever to the bottom you want.
Also when you _subscribe_ (has to do that to keep it from bouncing
*S*) it shouldn't give you that second authorization message. *S*
From: Janice Hugie
Subject: Re: (cdc) Config
Date: 22 Jan 1998 14:32:38 -0700
At 02:26 PM 1/22/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Yup it's working great. Now I can add whatever to the bottom you want.
>Also when you _subscribe_ (has to do that to keep it from bouncing
>*S*) it shouldn't give you that second authorization message. *S*
That will be nice. That second message is confusing *S*
From: "Art Wagner"
Subject: (cdc) Gillian signing on
Date: 22 Jan 1998 15:55:19 -0800
Hello everyone! Good to be back in touch.
"...for every good gift and every power soon grows old
and is no more heard of, if Wisdom be not in them.
Without Wisdom no faculty can be fully brought out,
for whatsoever is done unwisely can never be accounted
as skill." -- Alfred the Great, c. 890 AD
From: John Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Welcome Gillian
Date: 23 Jan 1998 08:43:41 -0700
Gilly -
Welcome to the Shire of Cote du Ciel listserv. You were subscribed as
address If you have any questions you may contact the
owner of this list John Hugie at
From: John Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Estrella '98
Date: 23 Jan 1998 10:39:08 -0700
Boy I would like to continue this discussion about the Estrella trip,
but well half of us have not yet signed up on the cote du ciel mailing
list. They will go without being named, but well we all know who you
are.... *growls* Just kidding.
From: John Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Welcome Jeff
Date: 23 Jan 1998 13:51:33 -0700
Welcome to the Shire of Cote du Ciel mailing list. You have been
subscribed as If you have any questions
please contact the list owner, John Hugie at
From: John Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Hello to Jeff
Date: 23 Jan 1998 15:03:54 -0700
Jeff this is a test message to see if you'll get this message from the
list. I will check with you later, and may have to re_subscribe_ you.
Subject: (cdc) Estrella
Date: 23 Jan 1998 17:30:29 -0600
I am going to Estrella!
I will hopefully be going down with my brother. He has a little two
seater pick-up that should just hold our stuff. I am shooting for Friday
morning for our departure time, and am hoping to caravan with my household.
We wont be able to leave till 9'ish on Friday because of my brothers
job though :(
Lord Ivan Leicester * Kensai
From: "John A. Hugie"
Subject: Re: (cdc) Estrella
Date: 23 Jan 1998 22:47:05 -0700 wrote:
> I am going to Estrella!
> I will hopefully be going down with my brother. He has a little two
> seater pick-up that should just hold our stuff. I am shooting for Friday
> morning for our departure time, and am hoping to caravan with my household.
> We wont be able to leave till 9'ish on Friday because of my brothers
> job though :(
> Lord Ivan Leicester * Kensai
Kensai -
Sounds good, but it looks like the current household plan is to leave Logan at
sometime around 5AM. My little brother and his wife are planning on going down
too and would like to caravan, but I need to check with them to see when they
are leaving?
From: John Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Test message to the list
Date: 26 Jan 1998 08:11:29 -0700
Xmission has been experiencing some problems with Majordomo and it's
listserv operations. I am sending this message to my list, via the list
to confirm that messages are getting through. If any of you had
problems with the listserv over the weekend, please let me know.
John A. Hugie
Cote du Ciel List Administrator.
From: John Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Welkomm to da lisp.
Date: 26 Jan 1998 12:54:20 -0700
Hello, everyone. I am new to the list and just wondering how this
list thing actually works and who actually gets this stuff. I also
like the mail thing and think that for those of us who communicate
very little that this is a good idea. That way If I want to tell
John that I think his face is too fuzzy, Everyone will know! It's
like having no secrets among friends! What a concept! It's actually
period! Except then we'd just yell it across the court yard and even
the pigs would know. wow! I'm excited!
From: Janice Hugie
Subject: Re: (cdc) Welkomm to da lisp.
Date: 26 Jan 1998 16:41:22 -0700
Greets Jurgi!
(laughing out loud) *LOL* Ok, just don't get to personal or offisive (I
know you won't) here.
>That way If I want to tell
>John that I think his face is too fuzzy, Everyone will know!
But its such a cute face. (smile) *S*
And squire rivialy is brought to a new level. (laugh) *l*
From: Janice Hugie
Subject: (cdc) Rapier
Date: 26 Jan 1998 16:56:23 -0700
Thought maybe some of you would like this info *S*
> Please pardon this general letter, but I can think of no quicker way to
>get the following information.
Calling all Black Wing Company members, supporters and
>anyone interested in becoming members (This would probably be you if you
>with a rapier or want to.)
Salutations unto you all, I am Lord Tarkash, new
>Captain-General of the Black Wing Company, and as such I am in dire need to
>update many records & information for the company. We have a lot of thing
>being prepared for this wonderful group, and this Kingdom and I wish everyone
>to be involved as much as they could possibly want..
> To this end we are preparing a Company newletter, complete with contact
>list, ranks, Charter and maybe a cool picture or two. BUT I need some
>The first issue will be free & if there is enough interest to continue, it
>will need a small subscription fee (just for the mailing & printing
> And so, all members, please send me the following information. Mundane
>name, SCA name, address, rank within the company, any awards(Not only
>type stuff), Membership # and let me know if you are currently authorized for
>combat. Please don't assume I already have this information (I probably
> All supporters & those not yet members, heck go ahead & send the same
>stuff, allthough if you're a supporter only, I don't think I'll need your
> Please spread the word to those without e-mail (if you would be so
>and they can send the information to: Lord Tarkash, 4075 Jefferson Ave. South
>Ogden, Utah 84403. My E-mail address is, and if you need it
>my phone number is (801)-621-3134. Please no calls after 9pm unless you are
>inviting me out for beer or scotch. (and it needs to be really good scotch,
>single malt).
>Thank you for the opportunity to intrude.
>Lord Tarkash'
>Black Wing Company.
>p.s The pen may be mightier than the sword but I bet you can't save as well
>with a pen.