From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: (cdc) Brass casting Date: 02 Mar 1998 11:52:16 MDT Hi. I am in a bit of a rut and was wondering if any of you would have some information for me on casting in Brass. My first attempts did not work so well. My molds split my brass solidified too quickly. I would like to get a hold of the man who made my laurel medalion but all I know him as is Wolf, I think he is from Loch Salan. If any one knows any more please let me know. Thanx, Jurgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Art Wagner" Subject: Re: (cdc) Brass casting Date: 02 Mar 1998 17:54:03 -0800 > I would like to get a hold of the man who made my laurel medalion but > all I know him as is Wolf, I think he is from Loch Salan. If any one > knows any more please let me know. > Thanx, Jurgi I would assume the "Wolf" you're looking for is the one apprenticed to Tryggvi. I'd get in touch with him, I'm sure he can point you in the right direction. Gillian ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: (cdc) Changes to event announcement Date: 02 Mar 1998 10:28:49 -0700 There are a few changes to the event announcement in the Sage Advice about Kingdom Arts & Sciences. These are: There will not be a $1 charge per entry. If you are entering a very long written work, consider pre-submitting it to Mistress Rowena. It is not required that you pre-submit your work, but strongly encouraged. To "go for Champion", an individual must enter at least 5 items but no more than 12 in 3 different categories. A reminder: If you are entering in a cooking or brewing category, you must contact me NO LATER THAN MAY 1. There are some site restrictions with which we have to deal. Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: (cdc) Kingdom Arts & Sciences Date: 02 Mar 1998 10:20:01 -0700 This message is to the Seneschals and Arts Officers in Artemisia. If your group's Seneschal and/or Arts Officer is not on this list, will someone within that group please print this information for their officers. Thank you! Rebecca I am the autocrat for the Kingdom Arts and Sciences. I beg a boon of the Seneschals of Artemisia--will you do an informal count of how many people plan to attend this event? Arts events are notorious for low attendance; however, with this being the first Kingdom Arts and Sciences competition, we (the autocrats) are unsure of how many people for whom to plan. When you have an estimate from your group, you may reach me by phone at home or work, by e-mail, or fax (the information is in the event announcement in the Sage Advice). I would also like to ask the Arts Officers if they will get an idea of how many people will be competing in the competition and what categories they will be entering. At this time, pre-registration is not required; however, if prospective entrants would let me (or Mistress Rowena or one of the other autocrats) know what they will be entering in advance, it will help us find appropriate judges (if you have ever had an entry judged by someone who knew nothing about what they were judging, you will understand how important it is to get good judges!) Would you also ask your group's members to contact one of us if they want to *be* a judge? Thank you for helping us with this event. I am looking forward to seeing the best that Artemisia has to offer! Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Olan G Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) Brass casting Date: 03 Mar 1998 07:11:18 -0700 I forwarded this to the Aerie, maybe someone there can help. Landolf on 03/02/98 10:52:16 AM Please respond to cc: (bcc: Olan G Mikkelsen/IS/BCBSU/TBG) Hi. I am in a bit of a rut and was wondering if any of you would have some information for me on casting in Brass. My first attempts did not work so well. My molds split my brass solidified too quickly. I would like to get a hold of the man who made my laurel medalion but all I know him as is Wolf, I think he is from Loch Salan. If any one knows any more please let me know. Thanx, Jurgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Olan G Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) Brass casting Date: 03 Mar 1998 09:18:18 -0700 Here's the first reply. Landolf ---------------------- Forwarded by Olan G Mikkelsen/IS/BCBSU/TBG on 03/03/98 09:17 AM --------------------------- on 03/03/98 09:17:45 AM Please respond to cc: (bcc: Olan G Mikkelsen/IS/BCBSU/TBG) Wolf is in fact from Loch Salann and he is Sir Tryggvi's apprentice. He ought to be easily findable through Tryggvi or Agnese or Greger. brynhildr. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pug Subject: Re: (cdc) Changes to event announcement Date: 03 Mar 1998 12:22:19 -0700 (MST) >There are a few changes to the event announcement in the Sage >Advice about Kingdom Arts & Sciences. These are: > > If you are entering a very long written work, consider > pre-submitting it to Mistress Rowena. It is not required > that you pre-submit your work, but strongly encouraged. > > >Rebecca What constitutes a 'very long written work'? Though I'd be happy to pre-submit anyway. Angus Mor MacAedh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) Changes to event announcement Date: 03 Mar 1998 13:01:07 -0700 Well, how long does it take to read? If it can be read in 10 minutes or less, you are probably okay. Consider this: do you want the judge to have the time to give your work their best attention? If your article takes too long to read, they may just skim it without giving it the best attention they can. > Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 12:22:19 -0700 (MST) > From: Pug > Subject: Re: (cdc) Changes to event announcement > To: > Reply-to: > >There are a few changes to the event announcement in the Sage > >Advice about Kingdom Arts & Sciences. These are: > > > > If you are entering a very long written work, consider > > pre-submitting it to Mistress Rowena. It is not required > > that you pre-submit your work, but strongly encouraged. > > > > > >Rebecca > > What constitutes a 'very long written work'? Though I'd be happy to pre-submit > anyway. > > Angus Mor MacAedh > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Janice Hugie Subject: (cdc) Royal Progress Date: 04 Mar 1998 00:08:36 -0700 For those who didn't get to see all of this missive and would like to, e-mail me personally for me to send it to you. >This missive it to update you on the Royal Progress of TAM John and Alyna. >This past weekend They attended Gryphon's Lair Winter Madness (held in the >lands of Cote du Ciel--all of which is Artemisia) Why is it this all comes across as blase? When Baroness Elizabeth said herself that if another group planned an event on THEIR land without their knowledge they would consider it an act of war. I'm really confused here. >Evening court was fun with several well deserved Awards of Arms given out. >Forgive me for not recalling all the names. Baron Tyndall was given a >Pillar of Artemisia for his long and dedicated service to Artemisia. (gasp, cough, choke!) Burnt Tinder has been in Artemisia how long???? The above snipped posts were made by Sir Alan. LT When something dies, it doesn't come back alive.......... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: (cdc) Lace @ Uprising Date: 04 Mar 1998 11:14:31 -0700 I had a woman from Sentinel's Keep contact me about netting. I have agreed to teach her netting at Uprising. I have also advertised the class to anyone else who may want to attend (the more the merrier). The class will be at 4 pm on Saturday and will probably last about an hour (if that long--it doesn't take long to learn the basic knot, it is just the practicing of the knot that takes a long time) I thought we could use the shire pavillion for the class (if that won't work, we can just do it under our shade canopy, but the pavillion is a good landmark for people to look for.) I plan to be at the event for at least a short time Saturday night (I don't want to miss Jurgen's vigil)--whether or not we stay longer or overnight will depend on how Landolf is feeling. If anyone in the shire wants to take the class, let me know so that I can plan for supplies; however, it would actually be better to teach it at a fighter practice before Uprising, so that I could have some help teaching! Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: Re: (cdc) Lace @ Uprising Date: 05 Mar 1998 09:51:24 MDT The Shire Pavillion will be at your sirvice, I think that Lynnette would like to help out. I know also that there is a Laurels Prize tourney that day and I would like some advice on that, too. Jurgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: (cdc) tag line Date: 05 Mar 1998 10:29:05 MDT Tag line! "YOU'RE IT!" jurgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Olan G Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) tag line Date: 05 Mar 1998 10:38:38 -0700 That's a good one, Jurgi. Here's a quote that could be a good tag line. Never lend your car to anyone to whom you have given birth. - Erma bombeck - (Rebecca?) Landolf on 03/05/98 09:29:05 AM Please respond to cc: (bcc: Olan G Mikkelsen/IS/BCBSU/TBG) Tag line! "YOU'RE IT!" jurgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Olan G Mikkelsen" Subject: (cdc) Mercenaries Date: 05 Mar 1998 11:32:09 -0700 Last night I secured the services of a mercenary band to assist us against Gryphon's Lair at Midge Marsh. Eric (I think his SCA name is Ruben, you know, House Trion) has a group that should take up the slack left by my not being there(Just kidding). Ruben approached me and said that his band would work for us at no fee. He described them as shieldwall breakers. We'll let those guys and Thunder clash and we can mop up the rest. I need to talk to Viscount Sir Sean and others to help us on our side. Landolf *************************************************************************** * ( By the center I firmly grasp my great naginata, which I have loved so long. |_O_ I lay it across my shoulder, then with leisurely steps I stride forward. |\/\ /\ Be he devil or demon, how shall he stand before me? | /|\ | So completely do I trust in my own skill. | ||| Oh, how I long for a foe worthy of my hand! - Benkei - (A 13th Century Japanese Warrior monk) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tiffany Dillemuth" Subject: Re: (cdc) Lace @ Uprising Date: 05 Mar 1998 10:39:36 PST Mistress Rebecca, It would be great to have a netting class before the event. I would certainly attend one during practice!! Camilla ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tiffany Dillemuth" Subject: (cdc) Just realized... Date: 05 Mar 1998 10:44:19 PST By the way, on reading the Bear's Tale last night, I realized that in places I am named as Lady Camilla. While I always try to be a lady, I haven't yet received an AOA. I'm listed correctly on the Order of Precedence, so I didn't want anyone to think I had illusions of grandeur!! :) Camilla ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) Mercenaries Date: 05 Mar 1998 12:18:06 -0700 > * > ( By the center I firmly grasp my great naginata, which I have > loved so long. > |_O_ I lay it across my shoulder, then with leisurely steps I stride > forward. > |\/\ /\ Be he devil or demon, how shall he stand before me? > | /|\ | So completely do I trust in my own skill. > | ||| Oh, how I long for a foe worthy of my hand! > > - Benkei - (A 13th Century Japanese Warrior monk) > > > Binkie has a problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) tag line Date: 05 Mar 1998 12:19:58 -0700 > Here's a quote that could be a good tag line. > > Never lend your car to anyone to whom you have given birth. - Erma > bombeck - > > (Rebecca?) > > Landolf > Are you suggesting that this be my tag line? Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Olan G Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) tag line Date: 05 Mar 1998 13:06:12 -0700 Heck, no! It should be your motto! Landolf on 03/05/98 12:19:58 PM Please respond to cc: (bcc: Olan G Mikkelsen/IS/BCBSU/TBG) > Here's a quote that could be a good tag line. > > Never lend your car to anyone to whom you have given birth. - Erma > bombeck - > > (Rebecca?) > > Landolf > Are you suggesting that this be my tag line? Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Janice Hugie Subject: Re: (cdc) tag line Date: 05 Mar 1998 13:15:07 -0700 >Heck, no! It should be your motto! >Landolf *ROTFL* I know someone who can use that one as their motto for certain LT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Art Wagner" Subject: Re: (cdc) Mercenaries Date: 05 Mar 1998 18:02:36 -0800 A stirring quote from... > > - Benkei - (A 13th Century Japanese Warrior monk) To which Mistress Rebecca replies.... > Binkie has a problem. I'll say, all it takes is one bow-armed samurai and it's "bed time for Binkie". :-) Gillian ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Olan G Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) Mercenaries Date: 06 Mar 1998 08:03:58 -0700 Actually, the story of Benkei has him pierced with hundreds of arrows before he died. A contemporary of Benkei's, Tajima, was known as "The Arrow Cutter". He could cut arrows out of the air with his naginata(I've done this, too). He too, met his demise at the hands of hundreds of archers. Rebecca was referring to the ASCII that I attempted to draw. Landolf on 03/05/98 07:02:36 PM Please respond to cc: (bcc: Olan G Mikkelsen/IS/BCBSU/TBG) A stirring quote from... > > - Benkei - (A 13th Century Japanese Warrior monk) To which Mistress Rebecca replies.... > Binkie has a problem. I'll say, all it takes is one bow-armed samurai and it's "bed time for Binkie". :-) Gillian ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Hugie Subject: (cdc) Joke for March 06, 1998. Date: 06 Mar 1998 10:08:17 -0700 Hey everyone have a nice Snowy Day. John. THE DOG A butcher is working, and really busy. He notices a dog in his shop and shoos him away. Later, he notices the dog is back again. He walks over to the dog, and notices the dog has a note in his mouth. The butcher takes the note, and it reads, "Can I have 12 sausages and a leg of lamb, please." The butcher looks, and lo and behold, in the dog's mouth, there is a ten dollar bill. So the butcher takes the money, puts the sausages and lamb in a bag, and places it in the dog's mouth. The butcher is very impressed, and since it's closing time, he decides to close up shop and follow the dog. So, off he goes. The dog is walking down the street and comes to a crossing. The dog puts down the bag, jumps up and presses the crossing button. Then he waits patiently, bag in mouth, for the lights to change. They do, and he walks across the road, with the butcher following. The dog then comes to a bus stop, and starts looking at the timetable. The butcher is in awe at this stage. The dog checks out the times, and sits on one of the seats to wait for the bus. Along comes a bus. The dog walks to the front of the bus, looks at the number, and goes back to his seat. Another bus comes. Again the dog goes and looks at the number, notices it's the right bus, and climbs on. The butcher, by now open-mouthed, follows him onto the bus. The bus travels thru town and out to the suburbs. Eventually the dog gets up, moves to the front of the bus, and standing on his hind legs, pushes the button to stop the bus. The dog gets off, groceries still in his mouth, and the butcher still following. They walk down the road, and the dog approaches a house. He walks up the path, and drops the groceries on the step. Then he walks back down the path, takes a big run, and throws himself -whap!- against the door. He goes back down the path, takes another run, and throws himself -whap!- against the door again! There's no answer at the door, so the dog goes back down the path, jumps up on a narrow wall, and walks along the perimeter of the garden. He gets to a window, and bangs his head against it several times. He walks back, jumps off the wall, and waits at the door. The butcher watches as a big guy opens the door, and starts laying into the dog, really yelling at him. The butcher runs up and stops the guy. "What the heck are you doing? This dog is a genius. He could be on TV, for God's sake!" To which the guy responds, "Clever, my eye. This is the second time this week he's forgotten his key!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pug Subject: Re: (cdc) Lace @ Uprising Date: 06 Mar 1998 14:56:45 -0700 (MST) >Mistress Rebecca, > >It would be great to have a netting class before the event. I would >certainly attend one during practice!! > >Camilla Mistress Rebecca I am certain that Francesca would love to have you do one, I will have her talk to you tonight to schedule it with you. Angus Mor "We're buying a new computer with our tax return that can network so Francesca can respond for herself" MacAedh ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John A. Hugie" Subject: (cdc) Joke for 03/09/98 Date: 08 Mar 1998 10:20:21 -0700 I'm sure you'll like this one---- John. _________________________________________________________________ A blind man was describing his favorite sport - parachuting. When asked how this was accomplished, he said that things were all done for him: "I am placed in the door and told when to jump. My hand is placed on my release ring for me, and out I go" "But how do you know when you are going to land?" he was asked. "I have a very keen sense of smell and I can smell the trees and grass when I am 300 feet from the ground" he answered. "But how do you know when to lift your legs for the final arrival on the ground?" he was again asked. He quickly answered "Oh, the dog's leash goes slack". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Hugie Subject: (cdc) Joke for 03/09/98 Date: 09 Mar 1998 08:39:02 -0700 An Amish father and his son go in to visit a mall. They're amazed by almost everything they see, but especially by two shiny, silver walls that move apart and back together again. The boy asks his father, "What is this, Father?" The father responds "Son, I have never seen anything like this in my life. I don't know what it is." While the boy and his father watch wide-eyed, an old lady in a wheelchair rolls up to the moving walls and presses a button. The walls open and the lady rolls between them into a small room. The walls close and the boy and his father watch the small roll of lights above the walls light up. They continue to watch the circles light up in the reverse direction. The walls open up again and a beautiful 24 year-old woman steps out. The father says, "Son, go get your Mother." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tiffany Dillemuth" Subject: (cdc) Fwd: (Fwd) Joke for a Monday (fwd) Date: 09 Mar 1998 14:38:37 PST This one's a bit profane, but it sure suits /my/ Monday so far!! :) Camilla > >------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- >Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 10:58:08 -0700 (MST) >Responding Without Question >=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > >An explorer in the deepest Amazon suddenly finds himself surrounded >by a bloodthirsty group of natives. Upon surveying the situation, he >says quietly to himself, "Oh God, I'm screwed." > >There is a ray of light from the sky above and a voice booms out: >"No, you are NOT screwed. Pick up that stone at your feet and bash >in the head of the chief standing in front of you." > >So the explorer picks up the stone and proceeds to bash the life >out of the chief. He stands above the lifeless body, breathing >heavily and surrounded by 100 natives with a look of shock on their >faces. > >The voice booms out again: "Okay . . . . NOW you're screwed." > ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pug Subject: Re: (cdc) Fwd: (Fwd) Joke for a Monday (fwd) Date: 09 Mar 1998 16:55:21 -0700 (MST) >This one's a bit profane, but it sure suits /my/ Monday so far!! :) > >Camilla Now that sounds like quite a monday. Can we hear more? Angus > .>An explorer in the deepest Amazon suddenly finds himself surrounded >by >a bloodthirsty group of natives. Upon surveying the situation, he >says >quietly to himself, "Oh God, I'm screwed." >> >>There is a ray of light from the sky above and a voice booms out: >>"No, you are NOT screwed. Pick up that stone at your feet and bash >>in the head of the chief standing in front of you." >> >>So the explorer picks up the stone and proceeds to bash the life >>>out of the chief. He stands above the lifeless body, breathing >>heavily and surrounded by 100 natives with a look of shock on their >>faces. > >.The voice booms out again: "Okay . . . . NOW you're screwed." > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Hugie Subject: (cdc) Joke for 03/10/98 Date: 10 Mar 1998 09:02:26 -0700 Couldn't pass this joke up, it is way too funny. Thanks to Tina for submitting it to me. John. ___________________________________________________________________ A very modest lady applied for a job at the factory where they made "Tickle me Elmo dolls". It was Friday and almost quitting time and hurriedly the boss told her to report for work on Monday. He quickly explained to her she would be stationed on the assembly line just before the dolls were packed into boxes. On Monday they started up the line and within twenty minutes had to shut it down because one worker couldn't keep up. The boss went down the line to find the problem. The new employee was very busy trying to do her part but she had a bunch of dolls waiting for her. Closer examination showed she was sewing little cloth bags containing two walnuts in the appropriate place on the dolls. The boss could not control his laughter and said, "Lady, I said to give each doll Two----Test----Tickles." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pug Subject: (cdc) Joke Date: 11 Mar 1998 22:13:34 -0700 (MST) >Here is a story someone found regarding exams at Cambridge University. >It seems that during an examination one day a bright young student >popped up and asked the proctor to bring him Cakes and Ale. The >following dialog ensued: > > Proctor: I beg your pardon? > > Student: Sir, I request that you bring me Cakes and Ale. > > Proctor: Sorry, no. > > Student: Sir, I really must insist. I request and require that you > bring me Cakes and Ale. > >At this point, the student produced a copy of the four hundred year old >Laws of Cambridge, written in Latin and still nominally in effect, and >pointed to the section which read (rough translation from the Latin): > > "Gentlemen sitting examinations may request and require Cakes and Ale". > >Pepsi and hamburgers were judged the modern equivalent, and the student >sat there, writing his examination and happily slurping away. > >Three weeks later the student was fined five pounds for not wearing a >sword to the examination. Sounds like a period rule. Anybody want to research it? Angus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: (cdc) Punch bowl Date: 12 Mar 1998 09:11:31 -0700 Does any Cote du Cielian have a punch bowl? My sister is having an open house on Saturday for her wedding and we are looking for one. Thanks Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tiffany Dillemuth" Subject: Re: (cdc) Punch bowl Date: 12 Mar 1998 08:41:03 PST I'll check with a couple of people in the shire who aren't on the list. (Don't have one myself, of course...) Camilla ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: (cdc) Classes Date: 12 Mar 1998 13:07:35 -0700 The following community education classes are being offered beginning next week. They may be of interest to SCA folk. Logan City School district: Stained glass--thursdays, 6 wks, 7-9 pm, cost $13 plus supplies Calligraphy I--Wednesdays, 8 wks, 6-8 pm, cost $17 plus supplies Flat pattern design--Wednesdays, 8 wks, 730-9 pm, cost $13 plus supplies Cache County school district: Beginning recorder--Thursdays, 330-430 pm, 10wks, $15. If you want more information, let me know. Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Herr Subject: (cdc) old friends on the news Date: 12 Mar 1998 19:46:49 -0700 I don't if anyone saw the news one or two days ago (boy do days seem to blend) about an arson fire down south. It belongs to Dr. Don Lind. For those of you who remember that was Mona's and Christians's dad. They are currenlty serving a mission in Oregan or Washington. So if anyone is keeping contact with them send my condolences to them on the loss (it was gutted) of their house. Rhiell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JEFFERSON CROW Subject: (cdc) TEST MESSAGE Date: 13 Mar 1998 07:20:12 -0700 LOOKING FOR A MINSTREL WILLING TO PLAY THE TUNE "GREENSLEEVES" FOR PART OF THE ENTERTAINMENT DURRING THE ST.PIRES CELEBRATION. ANY TAKERS??? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) old friends on the news Date: 13 Mar 1998 08:41:19 -0700 > I don't if anyone saw the news one or two days ago (boy do days seem > to blend) about an arson fire down south. It belongs to Dr. Don Lind. > For those of you who remember that was Mona's and Christians's dad. > They are currenlty serving a mission in Oregan or Washington. So if > anyone is keeping contact with them send my condolences to them on the > loss (it was gutted) of their house. > > Rhiell > > This wasn't their Smithfield home? Do they have another home? I am not in contact with them, but I do have Mistress Carol's phone number. Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) TEST MESSAGE Date: 13 Mar 1998 08:47:01 -0700 > LOOKING FOR A MINSTREL WILLING TO PLAY THE TUNE > "GREENSLEEVES" FOR PART OF THE ENTERTAINMENT DURRING THE > ST.PIRES CELEBRATION. ANY TAKERS??? > > My traveling bard-in-the-box plays this tune very well. Would he suit your purposes? Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JEFFERSON CROW Subject: Re: (cdc) TEST MESSAGE -Reply Date: 13 Mar 1998 09:21:51 -0700 Rebecca, You know that may be a verry good way of doing it (easier to schedule rehursals). You dont that that would be to shall we say gosch do you? let me know what you think. In service, Raven ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) TEST MESSAGE -Reply Date: 13 Mar 1998 09:30:13 -0700 . You dont that that would be to shall we say gosch do you? > In service, > Raven > > I don't understand this sentence. Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JEFFERSON CROW Subject: Re: (cdc) TEST MESSAGE -Reply -Reply Date: 13 Mar 1998 09:37:42 -0700 My meaning was to ask if you think that useing the bard in a box would appear odd to our guests due to the fact that is not excatly P.C. (Periodically Correct ) :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) TEST MESSAGE -Reply -Reply Date: 13 Mar 1998 09:57:08 -0700 > My meaning was to ask if you think that useing the bard in a box would > appear odd to our guests due to the fact that is not excatly P.C. > (Periodically Correct ) :) > > Ohhhh! Okay, I see. (I like your SCA definition of PC ) I actually meant using the "bard-in-the-box" kind of as a joke; however, if we don't have any musicians who can play Greensleeves, it would do fine. (Rhiell, are you listening? I know *you* can play this ) Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: Re: (cdc) TEST MESSAGE Date: 13 Mar 1998 10:22:31 MDT > Date sent: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 07:20:12 -0700 > From: JEFFERSON CROW > To: CDC@LISTS.XMISSION.COM > Subject: (cdc) TEST MESSAGE > Send reply to: > LOOKING FOR A MINSTREL WILLING TO PLAY THE TUNE > "GREENSLEEVES" FOR PART OF THE ENTERTAINMENT DURRING THE > ST.PIRES CELEBRATION. ANY TAKERS??? > Lynnette knows that one quite well on the harp. I think she is planning to play some songs on the harp up there. Jurgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JEFFERSON CROW Subject: (cdc) GREENSLEVES Date: 13 Mar 1998 13:56:19 -0700 Great ideia!! This sounds like it could turn out to be quite a performance if we could get Relle and Lynette to play for us while I sing, I think that would sound very nice. Ill try to get things underway. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pug Subject: Re: (cdc) Punch bowl Date: 13 Mar 1998 15:41:47 -0700 (MST) >Does any Cote du Cielian have a punch bowl? My sister is having an >open house on Saturday for her wedding and we are looking for one. > >Thanks > >Rebecca We might, I'm at school right now and won't be home till ~4:30. How big does it need to be? Angus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JEFFERSON CROW Subject: (cdc) St Pires Guest Date: 14 Mar 1998 11:58:56 -0700 Gentels all, Our friend from the north (Rex Burg ID) Soren Stringshaker has just informed me that he will be joining us for the festivities of St. Pires he has told me that he would like to help out with whatever serving needs to be done and would also like to join us for the pre feast. Hazah! HE would like to know if there is a possibility of borrowing a helmet to use durring the combat that day. Let me know if you have a helm and dont plan on fighting that day or if that will be a loner available. He has also ask me to let you know that he is bring down a CORNY weapon for the wierd weapons tourney. In service, Raven .... Fight with your spirit and your sword will follow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Herr Subject: Re: (cdc) TEST MESSAGE Date: 15 Mar 1998 10:22:43 -0700 I GUESS IF YOU TWIST MY ARM REALLY HARD AND I HAVEN'T GIVEN UP THE RECORDER AFTER TEACING 29 SIXTH GRADERS HOW TO PLAY. I HAVE THE MUSIC AND TWO VERSIONS(PERIOD VERSIONS) OF THE WORDS SOMEWHERE IN MY ROOM. I WOULD LOVE TO PLAY IT I WILL JUST HAVE TO USE THE MUSIC MY MIND IS GONE AWAY AND I DON'T KNOW WHEN IT WILL BE BACK (uprising maybe) Rhiell JEFFERSON CROW wrote: > LOOKING FOR A MINSTREL WILLING TO PLAY THE TUNE > "GREENSLEEVES" FOR PART OF THE ENTERTAINMENT DURRING THE > ST.PIRES CELEBRATION. ANY TAKERS??? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bill Herr Subject: (cdc) news Date: 15 Mar 1998 10:29:25 -0700 This is Rhiell again. I am sure that the Lind home was down south. They said it belonged to the former astonaught Don Lind. That's all I remember beyond thinking I knew the owners. For those of you poor souls that didn't make it to Bjorn's mundane job at the Heritage Theater for "Barefoot in the Park" you missed a really really good show. Bjorn did an excellent job througout and I couldn't help laughing. Be sure and ask him about the smiley face boxer shorts he was wearing. They were cute. I wish I could be there Wed. for practice but I have a school program with my sixth graders in Roy and don't think I will feel like anything but collapsing after it is over. Maybe next week. If anyone needs help with anything down here in Brigham I will try to help just give me a ring on the distance talker or this magical scribe. Rhiell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Merrill C. Pugmire" Subject: Re: (cdc) St Pyres Guest (and Francesca) Date: 16 Mar 1998 07:46:54 -0700 >Our friend from the north (Rex Burg ID) Soren Stringshaker has just >informed me that he will be joining us for the festivities of St. Pires he has >told me that he would like to help out with whatever serving needs to be >done and would also like to join us for the pre feast > Ciao Bei! I would be glad for help from anyone that would like to serve. Rixa is the one taking care of all this sort of thing so I can freak out about other stuff. PS. Yes, it's really me, Francesca da Bari. We just haven't figured out how to make my E-mail account work yet. It's karalee/ You can try it if you want to but VMS can't find it, for now. We are going to work on it today. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) St Pyres Guest (and Francesca) Date: 16 Mar 1998 08:31:26 -0700 > I would be glad for help from anyone that would like to serve. Rixa is the > one taking care of all this sort of thing so I can freak out about other > stuff. > May I suggest that you get someone else to coordinate serving? I think (based on my experience in this area) that Rixa will be too busy trying to autocrat. Several members of the shire have experience organizing servers--Rhiell and Heather come to mind. I would be happy to help, but at this point I don't know how things will be going for us that day. Also, Francesca, you talked to Landolf about me doing a netting class on March 25. I will not be able to do it that day because it is Pack meeting. I can't commit to April because I just don't know what to expect after Landolf's surgery, and May is already going to be busy. Shire: I will not be able to make the dance practice on Wednesday. Is there someone who can pick up my tapes (and sign over your first born) so that there can be dance practice? Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: Re: (cdc) St Pyres Guest (and Francesca) Date: 16 Mar 1998 11:39:10 MDT > From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" > Organization: Logan High School > To: > Date sent: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 08:31:26 -0700 > Subject: Re: (cdc) St Pyres Guest (and Francesca) > Send reply to: > > I would be glad for help from anyone that would like to serve. Rixa is the > > one taking care of all this sort of thing so I can freak out about other > > stuff. > > > May I suggest that you get someone else to coordinate serving? I > think (based on my experience in this area) that Rixa will be too > busy trying to autocrat. Several members of the shire have > experience organizing servers--Rhiell and Heather come to mind. I > would be happy to help, but at this point I don't know how things > will be going for us that day. > > Also, Francesca, you talked to Landolf about me doing a netting class > on March 25. I will not be able to do it that day because it is Pack > meeting. I can't commit to April because I just don't know what to > expect after Landolf's surgery, and May is already going to be busy. > > Shire: I will not be able to make the dance practice on Wednesday. > Is there someone who can pick up my tapes (and sign over your first > born) so that there can be dance practice? > > Rebecca > What is your Deputy doing this Wednesday.? I'm sure between him and Heidi there can bee some organized dancing. Lynnette and I could pick up the tapes on the way up on Wednesday but I make it a policy to only sign my third born over. Jurgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) St Pyres Guest (and Francesca) Date: 16 Mar 1998 11:52:33 -0700 > What is your Deputy doing this Wednesday.? I'm sure between him and > Heidi there can bee some organized dancing. Lynnette and I could > pick up the tapes on the way up on Wednesday but I make it a policy > to only sign my third born over. > > Jurgi > Sorry, Karin would really want your firstborn . The last time I lent Jerome my tapes, he complained about them. I was a little upset about that. Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: Re: (cdc) St Pyres Guest (and Francesca) Date: 16 Mar 1998 14:37:43 MDT > From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" > Organization: Logan High School > To: > Date sent: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 11:52:33 -0700 > Subject: Re: (cdc) St Pyres Guest (and Francesca) > Send reply to: > > What is your Deputy doing this Wednesday.? I'm sure between him and > > Heidi there can bee some organized dancing. Lynnette and I could > > pick up the tapes on the way up on Wednesday but I make it a policy > > to only sign my third born over. > > > > Jurgi > > > Sorry, Karin would really want your firstborn . The last time I > lent Jerome my tapes, he complained about them. I was a little upset > about that. > > Rebecca > I am not farmiliar enough with the dances to teach but I have a music box and I'll pick up the music. Jurgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: (cdc) Re: Event Paperwork for St Pyre. Date: 16 Mar 1998 14:51:25 MDT This just came to me and I pass it on as information, I do't have Rixa's e-mail address and so If you (Rixa) get this please send the information to Baroness Angnese ASAP, I'll give you a call later. I e-mailed her back and appologized for not sending the information. Thank you! Jurgi > Date sent: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 14:21:31 -0600 > From: (Eileen Olsen) > Subject: Event Paperwork for St Pyre. > To:, > > Unto Lord Jurgen Greetings; > > > I am concerned that I have not received any paperwork for your > upcoming event, St. Pyre. I know that Lord Fergus has received it, > and it will be published in the April Sage. According to Kingdom Law, > copies of this paperwork must be in the hands of BOTH Kingdom > Chronicler AND Kingdom Seneschal by the Sage deadline for the event to > be considered official. At this point, technically, your event will > not be official. Because there has been some confusion in the wording > of this policy as worded in the Sage, I am allowing some leeway. I > MUST have this paperwork before this event, or the event will be > unofficial. Starting with events scheduled in May, the policy as > stated in Kingdom Law will be enforced. Copies of the required forms > to the Kingdom Seneschal are not courtesy copies. It is my > responsibility to check the forms and article to see that required > personnel will be present for certain activities, and that corporate > policies (such as alcohol) are being followed. Please convey this > message to future autocrats. > > > Agnese > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: randy Subject: (cdc) Hi Date: 17 Mar 1998 11:08:39 -0800 Afer a long hiatus with a bad server and a long time in getting a new one, I am back. Beware. Rand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (cdc) Hi Date: 17 Mar 1998 11:29:36 -0700 (MST) On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, randy wrote: > Afer a long hiatus with a bad server and a long time in getting a new > one, > I am back. Beware. > Rand > > AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Ulrich ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Merrill C. Pugmire" Subject: (cdc) FW: Joke Date: 18 Mar 1998 09:02:48 -0700 Joke of the day (mundane but good) >This guy goes into the bar Fri. night and orders three beers, in fact >every Fri night he goes into the bar and orders three beers and drinks >them all by himself. >Three beers...every Friday night. Not 2. Never 4. Always 3. Well the >bartender can't figure this out. Without fail this guy comes in. >The bartender finally says to the guy, "Every Friday night you come in >here and have three beers. There must be a story to this. You never >order 2 beers, or 4 beers, always 3." >The guy says, "Yes there is a story. You see, me and my two buddies >always went out for a beer on Friday night when we were in Vietnam. One >night while we were drinking we decided that we could continue doing >this when we returned to the states. We also decided if one of us >didn't make it the other two would drink the third ones beer. And if >two didn't make it, the third guy would drink the other two beers. The >other two didn't make it back so I'm drinking theirs." The bartender >felt bad. >Well, the next Friday night the guy came back into the bar as usual but >only ordered two beers. The bartender couldn't believe it. >Friday after Friday this guy now orders only two drinks. This went on >for some time and the bartender was so puzzled he just had to ask the >guy about it. >The bartender says to him, "I noticed you have only been ordering two >beers for the last few weeks. There has to be a story here." >The guy says, "Yes indeed there is a story. You see I joined the Mormon >church and I can't drink beer any more." Angus P.S. Francesca now has her own e-mail. But I forgot how to sign up for the group and Gwfy is out of town. Anybody remember how? @..@ Merrill C. Pugmire (----) ( >__< ) Ribbit ^^ ~~ ^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Olan G Mikkelsen" Subject: (cdc) Viking Laws Date: 18 Mar 1998 14:28:25 -0700 --0__=tR8mEYfaettnzD88VE1V8uVpgzXGFhBwvb5U977PQjSYPNWSI42XZy6y Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII I thought some of you out there might like this. ---------------------- Forwarded by Olan G Mikkelsen/IS/BCBSU/TBG on 03/18/98 02:27 PM --------------------------- (Embedded (Embedded image moved to file: image moved to PIC00694.PCX) file: Kim W Gooch PIC05492.PCX) (Embedded image moved to file: PIC02756.PCX) 03/18/98 09:05:31 AM (Embedded image moved to file: PIC14603.PCX) One of our classmates in the RTG Application Architecture Committee, Mark Kolner, is of Scandinavian descent. He gave us his family's Viking Laws. 1. BE BRAVE AND AGGRESSIVE o Be direct o Grab all opportunities o Use varying methods of attack o Be versatile and agile o Attack one target at a time o Don't plan everything in detail o Use top quality weapons 2. BE PREPARED o Keep weapons in good condition o Keep in shape o Find good battle comrades o Agree on important points o Choose one chief 3. BE A GOOD MERCHANT o Find out what the market needs o Don't promise what you can't keep o Don't demand overpayment o Arrange things so that you can return 4. KEEP THE CAMP IN ORDER o Keep things tidy and organized o Arrange enjoyable activities which strengthen the group o Make sure everybody does useful work o Consult all members of the group for advice --0__=tR8mEYfaettnzD88VE1V8uVpgzXGFhBwvb5U977PQjSYPNWSI42XZy6y Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="PIC05492.PCX" Content-transfer-encoding: base64 CgUBCAAAAAB9ADwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAABfgABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD/D+AP0A/ID8QPwg8P/w/gD9APyA/ED8IPD/8P4A/QD8gPxA/CDw//D+AP 0A/ID8QPwg8P/w/gD9APyA/ED8IPD/8P4A/QD8gPxA/CDw//D+AP0A/ID8QPwg8Pyw8IxA8Iww8I xA8Iwg8IDwgPwgjDDwjDDwjDD8MIww8Iwg8ID8IIww8IDwjCDwgPCA/GCA/GCA/CCA8Iwg8ID8gI D8gIDwgPyAjECMII1g8Ixg8IxA8IDwjCDwjCD8IIxA/CCA8IDwgPCMIPwggPCA/DCA8IDwgPCMMP wggPCMIPCA8ID8IID8QIDwgPCA8ID8IIDwgPwggPxwgPxAgPwwgPwgjPDwjCDwjEDwgPCA8IxA8I xQ8IDwjCDwgPCA8Iwg8IDwgPCMIPCA8ID8IIww8ID8MID8MID8IID8cID8MIDwgPywgPwwgPCA8I 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Everyone have a great day=21=21=21 Rixa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JEFFERSON CROW Subject: (cdc) A THOUGHT FOR THURSDAY -Reply Date: 19 Mar 1998 09:30:20 -0700 LOL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Janice Hugie Subject: (cdc) Welcome back Date: 23 Mar 1998 09:39:42 -0700 >Afer a long hiatus with a bad server and a long time in getting a new >one, >I am back. Beware. >Rand Of what? After traveling in the Kingdom of the East, and the Kingdom of An Tir, my Lord and I are back now as well. (MWA HA HA HA HA) LT BTW, of possible interest to Sir Gillian and Mistress Tegan.........Mt. Rainer is an active volcano ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: (cdc) March Seneschal's Letter to Local Seneschals Date: 23 Mar 1998 09:45:28 MDT ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- This is the Seneshals message from Baroness Agnese, If you would like to know what is going on in the kingdom I would suggest you read this. All Shire officers should read this and pass it along to the deputies as a information and teaching experience. If you have any questions please refer them to me or put them on the shire list. In sirvice, Master Jurgen Date sent: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 19:29:14 - 0800 From: Tom Olsen Copies to:,,, Unto the Seneschals of Artemisia, does Baroness Agnese, Kingdom Seneschal send greetings this 15th day of March (Beware the Ides of) AS XXXII (1998); Good gentles, I hope this missive finds you well, Now that the Great Wars in the South have passed, our thought turn to gentler pursuits, and warm hopes of spring. Crown Tournament approaches; Kingdom Arts & Sciences approaches. My travel plans are as follows: March 28 Defender Tourney Loch Salann April 18 Crown Tournament Sentinel's Keep May 16 Birthday Tourney Ard Ruadh I will try to keep you informed of changes to my travel plans, but bear in mind that children do have a way of keeping travel plans fluid. If you hope to catch me at an event, feel free to call and ask if I will be attending. I apologize for the length of this report. There are several issues I must cover in detail, and we have several new Seneschals. I will try not to repeat myself in subsequent letters, and roll information off to the Web page. I would like to welcome the following new seneschal-designates who will be rostered as soon as I receive proof of membership, and full contact information. Lord Geoffrey Forester took over in Arrow's Flight in January (rostered) Lord Til the Lucky took over in Bronzehelm in February Viscount Yumitori no Kiyoshi took over in Sentinel's Keep in January (rostered) Lady Rowena the Archer has signed on for another year in Stan Wyrm (rostered) m'Lady Caillean Aletha Terrell has taken the reigns in the newly revived Dragon's Rest REPORTING - I thank those of you who have adopted the new report format, and the new deadline. Many of the reports arrived after the 5th, and some arrived after the 10th. My report to you is late this month, partly due to waiting for late reports. In the future, if you find yourself pressed for time, CALL ME. A phoned-in report is better than "No report submitted" next to your group name on the Crown's report. One of the key aspects of my job is ensuring compliance with the requirements of Kingdom Law and the Governing Documents of the Society. Failure to report on a monthly basis jeopardizes the status of your group. Two consecutive missed reports will be grounds for removal from office. Reporting via E-mail is working very well from my end. Please note the following change to E-mail procedures Do not send the report as an attachment. Do not encode or encrypt the report. Send the E-mail with "Seneschal" as the first word of the subject line. If you are sending and receiving your reports via US Mail and would like to switch to E-mail, send me an E-mail requesting this. It is certainly easier, faster and more economical to conduct the bulk of our business this way. I intend to have this report mailed by the 15th of every month. I left a few extra days this month for straggler reports. If you have not received your report by the 20th of the month, call or E-mail me for a replacement. REGIONAL DEPUTIES - I will be implementing a system of regional deputies to help administer the kingdom. The regions will be Northern - Montana, Central - Idaho, Wyoming and the shires of Cote du Ciel and Gryphon's Lair in Utah, and Southern - the remainder of Utah and Colorado. These positions will require good communication skills and a knowledge of the history and players within each region. Among the duties of these deputies will be coordinating projects that require joint effort between groups, helping to arbitrate disputes between groups, updating the zip code list for unassigned territory, and being my eyes and ears when I am unable to travel. If you would be interested in serving in such a position, please contact me. The selected deputies may continue to serve as local seneschals if they wish. ZIP CODE ISSUES - I described last month the situation and plan of attack. Here is where we stand. 1. Lord Fergus has obtained zip code books from the US Postal Service. This will give us everything, from which we will subtract An Tir, Outlands and Atenveldt territory from the 5 affected states. 2. I have contacted the Kingdom Seneschals of An Tir, Outlands and Atenveldt to determine our borders in zip code terms. There are uninhabited zip codes which default to particular kingdoms, based on the first 3 digits. Maestra Francesca of the Outlands is working with me to determine where our border actually is, so that we will not adversely affect the Outlands when we submit our list. 3. I have not yet received zip lists from the following groups. All branches in Idaho, all groups in Montana, except for Silverkeep, Otherhill, Blackstone Citadel and Gryphon's Lair. Each local Seneschal must compile a list of the zip codes and town names spanned by the group. If the boundaries are completely along county lines, please note this fact as well. There are several reasons for this list. There have recently been disputes between groups regarding borders that have caused ill feeling. There are new groups emerging, who need to know if they can become cantons, or must go directly to shire. There is disputed territory along kingdom boundaries that is causing some of our (in our eyes) populace to receive the wrong newsletter. Accounting for unclaimed zip codes will greatly ease the task of periodically updating our zip list. Each group will be able to clearly identify those areas they must keep updated, and which are Crown lands. I understand that this information may be challenging to obtain. The Seneschals and Barons and Baronesses with whom I have spoken on this issue are certain that lists or maps exist somewhere for the group, but no one is quite sure where. This is vital information that should be kept in a safe place and passed on to your successor. Speak with senior members of your group, and coordinate with neighboring groups so that no territory is claimed by multiple groups. These lists are vital to ensure that local populace are included in specific zip codes, and not default allocations. If I do not receive your list by March 25, I will have to make one up. This information is not available from the Society Seneschal. Corporate level keeps track of zip codes on a Kingdom basis, not local branch. 4. I will compile an ordered list of all the relevant zip codes, and double check it against the Atenveldt and Artemisia zip lists, to make sure no current member zip codes have been omitted. I still hope to submit this list by 1 April. I hope to be able to provide an update on the situation by Crown Tournament. EVENT FORMS AND REPORTS - Once again, this past month several event registrations forms were missing signatures or key information from the event article, conflicted with calendar events or were received after the deadline. These problems have made many phone calls necessary by Lord Fergus and me to clarify information, obtain additional signatures or clear conflicts. Before you sign an event registration form, please check all information. Remind autocrats of upcoming events to mail the event registration form and event article to Lord Fergus and me well before the deadline. Check with autocrats of recently held events to make sure they have completed and mailed the event report form. THE SENESCHAL'S COPY IS NOT A COURTESY COPY. By Law, I must receive it by the same deadline as Lord Fergus. I must check that required personnel are listed, and that they are current members. I must check that wording follows recent Corporate policy changes. It will no longer be necessary to submit the event report form. This information should be report to THL Heather by your local Reeve, and would be redundant on this form. You may find it useful to track this information locally, and you are certainly welcome to use this form internally. LOCAL OFFICERS - I have still not received officer lists from many of you. Please include a list of your local officers with complete contact information. I will be checking this list with the rosters of the Kingdom officers to make sure everyone is properly warranted or rostered. Establish deadlines as necessary for local officers to allow you to meet your deadlines. Ensure that local officers with Kingdom superiors are reporting to them, and notify me when any required officer is 2 months delinquent in reporting to his/her Kingdom superior, or his/her post becomes vacant. Report to the local B & B as required by them. Sir Gregory from Loch Salann brought up an issue this month. He wrote: " I am concerned with the fact that you are requiring the seneschals to ask their officers whether or not they are reporting to their kingdom level superior as standard procedure when there is no current reporting problem. If they are reporting to me, then I assume they are reporting to kingdom. I feel that proper protocol would be that if a kingdom level officer is not receiving reports, that officer should inform you and the group seneschal. Then the group seneschal should handle it. I consider it somewhat demeaning to the officers to 'watch over their shoulders' in the manner you are requiring." These points are all well taken. In an perfect world, we would have officers at every level who served complete terms, kept excellent and complete files, reported every month on time, trained their appointed successors in procedures to ensure continuity, and turned over files in perfect order to their sucessors immediately upon stepping down. This just doesn't happen. We all are affected by "attacks of life". Corpora requires that each branch maintain a certain minimum slate of officers. The simplest way to check that these offices are maintained is by requiring periodic reporting. The reporting structure of the SCA is not a lineal system. Kingdom Officers are equally responsible to the Crown and their Corporate superiors, and must also report to the Kingdom Seneschal. Local officers are equally responsible to their Kingdom superiors and their local Seneschals. If they serve a Barony, they must also report to the Baron and/or Baroness. Their warrants, however are signed by the Crown and Kingdom Officer. Local seneschals are the "first line of defense" in ensuring that we meet Corporate requirements. I rely on your local presence, and the reports you send to me to help me in ensuring that we meet these requirements. It is a reasonable assumption that if an officer reports to you that they are reporting to their Kingdom superior. However, more than one situation has risen in the past 2 months where a local seneschal was caught off-guard by the revelation that the officer had not reported in several months, according to the Kingdom Officer. This situation was not caught earlier by the Kingdom Officer, because his predecessor had not yet turned over files. Our reporting structure is somewhat redundant, but provides several opportunities for catching problems early. I agree that it can be demeaning to actually ask officers every month whether they have reported, and I do not require you to do so. You must find a way that works for you to assure yourself that up-line reporting is occurring. You know your local officers better than I, and have an on-going relationship with them. One way to approach this issue is to ask each of them to submit to you a "copy of the report they submitted to kingdom." Wording the request in this manner conveys the assumption that they have reported, and also implies that you do not require a special report just for you, saving them work. CALENDAR - The Calendar meeting for 1999 will be held at Uprising, but I would like to discuss some changes to the process, and ask you to generate discussion in your local groups about these ideas. The Calendar is very full, with only one weekend free, and 22 weekends with at least 2 events scheduled. It is very difficult to travel within our kingdom, and difficult to attract attendees to our events with so many event options. It is not my wish to squelch creativity within your groups. Please consider the following ideas. Co-sponsor events with neighboring groups, splitting the work and the overhead. Make some of your traditional events biannual instead of annual, allowing for new event ideas in the off- years. If a traditional event always conflicts with the same other events, start a dialogue with those groups, to discuss ways that you can shift dates slightly, allowing your groups to interact more. While the "4-hour rule" protects potential attendance at two distant events, it places those who live halfway between in the uncomfortable position of having to choose between events. This is particularly a problem for the citizens of central Artemisia. At the scheduling meeting in June, the following priorities will be used 1): traditional or showcase events, 2 per barony, 1 per shire, 2): other events up to 6 per barony, 3 per shire IF the proposed event has both a theme and an autocrat. I will be reluctant to reserve dates for events without both theme and autocrat. Space permitting, events may be added later, when your group's plans are firmer. At the scheduling meeting, events in excess of the 6-per-barony and 3-per-shire limits if they meet the theme and autocrat requirements, AND there is consensus among those attending the meeting that the group is not "hogging" space on the calendar. YOU MUST PROVIDE REPRESENTATION FOR YOUR GROUP AT THIS MEETING. If you cannot attend personally, arrange for someone to speak for your group. It can be any other member of your group. Please inform me in advance, so that I know this person is empowered to speak for your group. Without representation, no space can be reserved. KINGDOM WEB PAGE - I have not yet posted here. I had hoped to do the HTML work myself, but I must be realistic, and delegate this task. I will be providing Sir Gregory with information shortly to be posted. SENESCHAL'S HANDBOOK - It is in the editing phase. I have received a request to include a section "How to Start a Local Branch." I welcome suggestions from those of you currently engaged in this process, or who remember the early days of your established group. I hope to distribute version 1 at Crown Tournament. ALCOHOL POLICY - I have seen and heard much discussion on what this policy means, ranging from I can't hand a beer to a friend at an event if I'm an officer, to our local brewing guild can't purchase brewing equipment. Please try to address rumor control at the local level. I have asked the Society Seneschal for an interpretation of this policy. My understanding and interpretation is that it forbids the PURCHASE OF ALCOHOL with SCA funds. Not social drinking at a damp or wet site, and not the purchase of cooking or chemistry equipment. Mundane statutes affect the brewing of alcohol, hosting of functions where alcohol is consumed, and host liability. I will pass on the information from the Society Seneschal when I receive it. As a new kingdom, we have ssumed more responsibility in meeting Corporate requirements. In the past, Atenveldt assumed responsibility for these tasks. Many of us are new to our offices, and just learning. While it is a key duty to enforce Corporate and Kingdom laws, it is also my responsibility to make sure local officers know what is expected of them. These letters are my way of disseminating this information. If at any time you have questions about how to do your job, please do not hesitate to ask. I will address the question personally, but will also share the information with the rest of the Kingdom through these letters. In Service to Glorious Artemisia, Baroness Agnese Canigiano mka Eileen M. Olsen 4456 W. Bingham Park Drive West Jordan, UT 84088 (801) 280-3056 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: Re: (cdc) Welcome back Date: 23 Mar 1998 09:48:47 MDT > Date sent: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 09:39:42 -0700 > To: > From: Janice Hugie > Subject: (cdc) Welcome back > Send reply to: > After traveling in the Kingdom of the East, and the Kingdom of An Tir, my > Lord and I are back now as well. (MWA HA HA HA HA) > LT > BTW, of possible interest to Sir Gillian and Mistress Tegan.........Mt. > Rainer is an active volcano > > Welcome back! Is there any news to report? Please keep us informed, We are interested and would like to know events. jurgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: (cdc) Renaissance Faire Date: 23 Mar 1998 10:50:02 MDT Regarding the Ren. Faire, Could it be possible to have the faire on the opposite side of the park by the pond and the childrens small play area? (Directly west of where it has been) That way we would be farther from the animals and also contained on two sides, but more visual to the public as they turn the corner on 500 west. What are some thoughts? Jurgen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: (cdc) (Fwd) Re: Hello? Date: 23 Mar 1998 12:01:24 -0700 I received this from Baroness Juliana. You "old-time" Cote du Cielians will remember Torbaec. Also, is there anyone going to Crown who might be able to pick up the chirurgeon files Juliana mentions if Tydall can't make it? I just wanted to let you and the Shire know that Kian, Kelwyn and I had the honor of attending Torbaec's (Lee Clapp) wedding on Saturday. He married a nice lady by the name of Sharyl. (They have been together about a year now, but wanted to make it official before they move, since most of their friends are here.) They leave for Pittsburgh for his new job, today. He is supposed to send email when they get settled again. It was a small wedding and Lee looked very spiff in a black suit and tails. Main colors were cream and maroon. Was quickly organized too, one month's notice. Kian and I had a week! (Uh, hey guys, want to come to our wedding? Its on Saturday.) They were really busy tho, with the packing and all that. But it was really fun, a bunch of the guys from his frat came in too. Kelwyn knew most of them, Kian too. Old-home week for them. But I thought I would send this little tidbit, since you all knew him when he lived down there for quite a while.. Juliana P.S. I have four boxes of old Chirugeon files for Tyndall. Kelwyn brought them up with her (They were in a storage unit) in hopes he was coming to Crown. If he doesn't I need to send them back with someone. No biggie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: (cdc) Portable holes Date: 23 Mar 1998 14:44:10 MDT I have just commisioned the making of 3. 3 foot portable hole for the shire banner and Lynnette and Mine. The cost is $10.00 and they will fit a 2 inch pole. Lynnette and I made our poles from fence railing. which I cut in half and reverse, they go up nicely and cost only $6 per 10' 6" pole. I think that for Ren. faire and any other event it would look very nice to have banners linning the entrance way. whatdya think? Jurgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: (cdc) Ren. Faire poster Date: 23 Mar 1998 14:53:13 MDT Did I mention that I have Ren. Faire poster done and will copy off in 11 x 14 size, (unless otherwise specified). How many copies and should I do some smaller ones, Or would you like to see them first to Ok the design etc... What should I dooooooooooooooo. Dazed and confused. Jurgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) Ren. Faire poster Date: 23 Mar 1998 15:14:19 -0700 > Did I mention that I have Ren. Faire poster done and will copy off in > 11 x 14 size, (unless otherwise specified). How many copies and > should I do some smaller ones, Or would you like to see them first to > Ok the design etc... What should I dooooooooooooooo. > > Dazed and confused. > Jurgi > > I don't know that we need the 11 x 14 size. Sometimes it is hard to find a place to put the 8 1/2 x 11 posters. Also, it costs more to print the larger size. We will need at least 150 posters. Last year I printed about 250, I think. I also want hundreds of quarter-page posters. These go on counters at stores, etc. As far as okay-ing the design, as long as all the information is there, it is fine. Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) Portable holes Date: 23 Mar 1998 15:15:45 -0700 > I have just commisioned the making of 3. 3 foot portable hole for the > shire banner and Lynnette and Mine. The cost is $10.00 and they will > fit a 2 inch pole. Lynnette and I made our poles from fence railing. > which I cut in half and reverse, they go up nicely and cost only $6 > per 10' 6" pole. I think that for Ren. faire and any other event it > would look very nice to have banners linning the entrance way. > whatdya think? > > Jurgi > > (the exchequer is coming out . . .) I think portable holes would be great--Landolf and I have been wanting to get some for years. However, I don't think the shire should commit to another expense right now when we haven't paid of the pavillion. Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: Re: (cdc) Portable holes Date: 24 Mar 1998 07:36:20 MDT > From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" > Organization: Logan High School > To: > Date sent: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 15:15:45 -0700 > Subject: Re: (cdc) Portable holes > Send reply to: > > I have just commisioned the making of 3. 3 foot portable hole for the > > shire banner and Lynnette and Mine. The cost is $10.00 and they will > > fit a 2 inch pole. Lynnette and I made our poles from fence railing. > > which I cut in half and reverse, they go up nicely and cost only $6 > > per 10' 6" pole. I think that for Ren. faire and any other event it > > would look very nice to have banners linning the entrance way. > > whatdya think? > > > > Jurgi > > > > > (the exchequer is coming out . . .) I think portable holes would be > great--Landolf and I have been wanting to get some for years. > However, I don't think the shire should commit to another expense > right now when we haven't paid of the pavillion. > > Rebecca > Well, I am donating the one to the shire and Lynnette and I are buying our own. I only mention it in case some one out there wants to get some for themselves. I've had enough of money making schemes for awhile. Jurgen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Randy Chabries Subject: Re: (cdc) Portable holes Date: 24 Mar 1998 09:41:45 -0800 Lowe, Jeff wrote: > > > From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" > > Organization: Logan High School > > To: > > Date sent: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 15:15:45 -0700 > > Subject: Re: (cdc) Portable holes > > Send reply to: > > > > I have just commisioned the making of 3. 3 foot portable hole for the > > > shire banner and Lynnette and Mine. The cost is $10.00 and they will > > > fit a 2 inch pole. Lynnette and I made our poles from fence railing. > > > which I cut in half and reverse, they go up nicely and cost only $6 > > > per 10' 6" pole. I think that for Ren. faire and any other event it > > > would look very nice to have banners linning the entrance way. > > > whatdya think? > > > > > > Jurgi > > > > > > > > (the exchequer is coming out . . .) I think portable holes would be > > great--Landolf and I have been wanting to get some for years. > > However, I don't think the shire should commit to another expense > > right now when we haven't paid of the pavillion. > > > > Rebecca > > > Well, I am donating the one to the shire and Lynnette and I are > buying our own. I only mention it in case some one out there wants > to get some for themselves. I've had enough of money making schemes > for awhile. > > Jurgen If I had a device, banner, etc., this sounds like a great idea to me. I almost have my name ready to go off, however!!! Rand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Perry, Radford" Subject: RE: (cdc) Portable holes Date: 24 Mar 1998 08:42:49 -0800 I almost have my name ready to go off, however!!! Rand What's this, you're carrying around a loaded name!!! Do you have a license for that thing?? - Baldwin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: (cdc) Demo/fundraiser Date: 24 Mar 1998 10:30:30 -0700 Is there anyone who would like to raise $100 for the shire by doing an all-day demo at Logan High? The English department is sponsoring a "Shakespeare-ience" which consists of several activities designed to help the students in the Shakespeare Engligh class understand what life might have been like during Shakespeare's time. The date would be during the week of April 27 to May 1 (we pick the date). There would actually be three demos--7:55 to 9:05 am, 10:25 to 11:35, and either 11:40 to 12:50 or 12:05 to 1:15. We could set up the shire pavillion and put arts displays inside, and do some fighting and dancing. Also, maybe some games like boffer quarter staffs and tug of war. I could give this demo to Squire William but then he would get the $100, not us, and we really need the money. Let me know what you think. Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "CHARLENE CHABRIES" Subject: Re: (cdc) Demo/fundraiser Date: 24 Mar 1998 10:35:41 -0700 I think we should. However, it is during the work week. Maybe we should = get an idea of who can and what day would be the best. Would they be = willing to do it on a Saturday like Mt. Crest did? Rixa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" Subject: Re: (cdc) Demo/fundraiser Date: 24 Mar 1998 12:14:21 -0700 > I think we should. However, it is during the work week. Maybe we should get an idea of who can and what day would be the best. Would they be willing to do it on a Saturday like Mt. Crest did? > > Rixa > I can ask but which Saturday would we do it? We are already pretty busy on Saturdays. Also, attending this demo would be required for the grade; it isn't extra credit. Also, the money being spent on the Shakespearience project is specifically for the Shakespeare classes only. Rebecca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: Re: (cdc) Demo/fundraiser Date: 24 Mar 1998 12:31:07 MDT > From: "Rebecca Mikkelsen" > Organization: Logan High School > To: > Date sent: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 12:14:21 -0700 > Subject: Re: (cdc) Demo/fundraiser > Send reply to: > > I think we should. However, it is during the work week. Maybe we should get an idea of who can and what day would be the best. Would they be willing to do it on a Saturday like Mt. Crest did? > > > > Rixa > > > I can ask but which Saturday would we do it? We are already pretty > busy on Saturdays. Also, attending this demo would be required > for the grade; it isn't extra credit. Also, the money being spent on > the Shakespearience project is specifically for the Shakespeare > classes only. > > Rebecca > May 2nd is Arbor Day and William and Isebeau have people comming up to work with them, Incl. myself. No Saturday close would work. I reciently did one (last friday) for Roy High Shakespeare week, Which is this week. It went over verywell but was a big effort. Lynnette played the harp and I was in my dress armor and we talked about meanings and life in Shakespearian Plays, Henry IV, V, Hamlet etc... Adam and Natalie were dressed up. They helped out too. I don't think that I could get time off to do that. but if someone else could I would be willing to lend them things and to give them pointers, etc... Would be a big effort. I'm not sure $100 is worth it! Jurgen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Merrill C. Pugmire" Subject: Re: (cdc) Demo/fundraiser Date: 24 Mar 1998 16:51:15 -0700 >Is there anyone who would like to raise $100 for the shire by doing >an all-day demo at Logan High? The English department is sponsoring >a "Shakespeare-ience" which consists of several activities designed >to help the students in the Shakespeare Engligh class understand what >life might have been like during Shakespeare's time. > >The date would be during the week of April 27 to May 1 (we pick the >date). There would actually be three demos--7:55 to 9:05 am, 10:25 >to 11:35, and either 11:40 to 12:50 or 12:05 to 1:15. > >We could set up the shire pavillion and put arts displays inside, >and do some fighting and dancing. Also, maybe some games like boffer >quarter staffs and tug of war. > >I could give this demo to Squire William but then he would get the >$100, not us, and we really need the money. > >Let me know what you think. > >Rebecca I could probably do one of the shifts, *maybe* 2. The middle one would be best for me, I could do the first one, depending on the day we did it. If we can pull it off, we definetely could use the money Angus @..@ Merrill C. Pugmire (----) ( >__< ) Ribbit ^^ ~~ ^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tiffany Dillemuth" Subject: Re: (cdc) Demo/fundraiser Date: 24 Mar 1998 15:51:38 PST Since I just this very day sent off my 20 page thesis on a Shakespearian topic, I would be very happy to participate in the Logan Demo. There's a bit of a conflict with work, but maybe by then they will have forgotten about all the time I took off last week to finish my paper!! ;) Camilla ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John A. Hugie" Subject: (cdc) Bounced Message from Ulrich Date: 25 Mar 1998 07:08:43 -0700 ---"Perry, Radford" wrote: > > I almost have my name ready to go off, however!!! > Rand > > What's this, you're carrying around a loaded name!!! Do you have a license > for that thing?? > - Baldwin > > > Are you kidding? Our sheriff shouldn't even have a license to drive! Ulrich ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Art Wagner" Subject: Re: (cdc) Welcome back Date: 25 Mar 1998 06:38:46 -0800 > BTW, of possible interest to Sir Gillian and Mistress Tegan.........Mt. > Rainer is an active volcano Oh yeah, we know. What people seem to think is more likely (and more devastating) is the possibility of a large-scale earth quake... we are apparently over-due for some fault slippage (as is Logan by-the-way). Gillian --- "...for every good gift and every power soon grows old and is no more heard of, if Wisdom be not in them. Without Wisdom no faculty can be fully brought out, for whatsoever is done unwisely can never be accounted as skill." -- Alfred the Great, c. 890 AD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JEFFERSON CROW Subject: (cdc) Portable holes -Reply Date: 25 Mar 1998 08:51:41 -0700 SOUNDS GREAT ID LIKE ONE WHAT HOW DID YOU MAKE YOUR BANNER ISOBELLE AND I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE ONE FOR OUR FAMILY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Randy Chabries Subject: Re: (cdc) Portable holes Date: 25 Mar 1998 09:41:58 -0800 Perry, Radford wrote: > > I almost have my name ready to go off, however!!! > Rand > > What's this, you're carrying around a loaded name!!! Do you have a license > for that thing?? > - Baldwin That's just it, I'm trying to get a license before it does!!! I can't just go around shooting my mouth off all the time, can I? Rand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JEFFERSON CROW Subject: (cdc) Demo/fundraiser -Reply Date: 25 Mar 1998 09:36:58 -0700 MISTRESS REBECCA, I WOULD LOVE TO HELP OUT WITH THIS BUY THE DAYS I HAVE AVAILABLE ARE SOMEWHAT LIMITED TO MONDAY TUESDAY OR WEDNESDAY AFTER 2:00 LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU NEED. IN SERVICE, RAVEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Randy Chabries Subject: Re: (cdc) Welcome back Date: 25 Mar 1998 09:52:29 -0800 Art Wagner wrote: > > > BTW, of possible interest to Sir Gillian and Mistress Tegan.........Mt. > > Rainer is an active volcano > > Oh yeah, we know. What people seem to think is more likely (and more > devastating) is the possibility of a large-scale earth quake... we are > apparently over-due for some fault slippage (as is Logan by-the-way). > > Gillian > --- > "...for every good gift and every power soon grows old > and is no more heard of, if Wisdom be not in them. > Without Wisdom no faculty can be fully brought out, > for whatsoever is done unwisely can never be accounted > as skill." -- Alfred the Great, c. 890 AD > > If it slips, it's not my fault!!! ;-) Rand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JEFFERSON CROW Subject: Re: (cdc) Portable holes -Reply Date: 25 Mar 1998 09:54:33 -0700 THIS IMPLIES THAT YOU ARE NOT ALREAD IN THE PRACTICE OF SUCH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: Re: (cdc) Portable holes -Reply Date: 25 Mar 1998 10:07:59 MDT > Date sent: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 08:51:41 -0700 > From: JEFFERSON CROW > To: > Subject: (cdc) Portable holes -Reply > Send reply to: > SOUNDS GREAT ID LIKE ONE WHAT HOW DID YOU MAKE YOUR > BANNER ISOBELLE AND I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE ONE FOR OUR FAMILY > I wouldn't take the time to make a banner until your device goes through. But you could make a household pendant or a war banner. I used fence rail pipe which comes in 10' 6" lengths and cut it in half, then one end fits inside the other and makes for a sturdy easy set up pole which will fit in your trunk. They cost about $6.00 from Anderson Lumber. I wse a PVC T-joint (1 1/4) for the cross beam and rout out the inside flange so a 1 5/16th inch rod will fit through, and it fits over the fence piping perfectly. Jurgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: Re: (cdc) Portable holes Date: 25 Mar 1998 10:09:53 MDT > Date sent: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 09:41:58 -0800 > From: Randy Chabries > To: > Subject: Re: (cdc) Portable holes > Send reply to: > Perry, Radford wrote: > > > > I almost have my name ready to go off, however!!! > > Rand > > > > What's this, you're carrying around a loaded name!!! Do you have a license > > for that thing?? > > - Baldwin > That's just it, I'm trying to get a license before it does!!! I can't > just go around shooting my mouth off all the time, can I? > Rand > Not without a good suit of armor and some weapons! Jurgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JEFFERSON CROW Subject: (cdc) ARMOUR HELP Date: 25 Mar 1998 12:05:14 -0700 Dear friends, I am looking for someone willing to cut out armor plates for me. Due to current time restrictions I do not have time to do the cutting on the sheet of aluminum that I have. I can shape the plates and assemble the armor but I cannot cut out the pieces :( I would be willing to pay for this service in kind (ie armor repairs removing dents ect. (I know yopu have all seen the state of disrepair my armor is in but as they say "Its the cobblers children that go without shoes") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lowe, Jeff" Subject: Re: (cdc) ARMOUR HELP Date: 25 Mar 1998 13:38:49 MDT Did you ever check to see what time (if any ) you have off around Easter? Any day between the 9th- 13th other than sunday we could do that. Jurgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Randy Chabries Subject: Re: (cdc) ARMOUR HELP Date: 25 Mar 1998 15:33:10 -0800 JEFFERSON CROW wrote: > > Dear friends, > > I am looking for someone willing to cut out armor plates for me. Due to > current time restrictions I do not have time to do the cutting on the sheet > of aluminum that I have. I can shape the plates and assemble the armor > but I cannot cut out the pieces :( I would be willing to pay for this > service in kind (ie armor repairs removing dents ect. (I know yopu have > all seen the state of disrepair my armor is in but as they say "Its the > cobblers children that go without shoes") Raven, If you have the tools, and a little patience, I could do some cutting for you. Rand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "CHARLENE CHABRIES" Subject: Re: (cdc) ARMOUR HELP Date: 25 Mar 1998 16:04:58 -0700 Are you saying my children do not have shoes??? Rixa (the cobblers wife) >>> JEFFERSON CROW 03/25 12:05 PM >>> Dear friends, I am looking for someone willing to cut out armor plates for me. Due to current time restrictions I do not have time to do the cutting on the = sheet of aluminum that I have. I can shape the plates and assemble the armor but I cannot cut out the pieces :( I would be willing to pay for this service in kind (ie armor repairs removing dents ect. (I know yopu have all seen the state of disrepair my armor is in but as they say =22Its the cobblers children that go without shoes=22)=20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JEFFERSON CROW Subject: (cdc) THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Date: 26 Mar 1998 14:59:08 -0700 OUR WHOLE LIFE IS AN ATTEMPT TO DISCOVERWHEN OUR SPOTINAETY IS WHIMSICAL, SENTIMENTAL, IRRESPONSIBILITY AND WHEN IT IS A VALID EXPRESSION OF DESIRES AND VALUES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Janice Hugie Subject: (cdc) Earthquakes Date: 30 Mar 1998 10:51:53 -0700 >> BTW, of possible interest to Sir Gillian and Mistress Tegan.........Mt. >> Rainer is an active volcano > >Oh yeah, we know. What people seem to think is more likely (and more >devastating) is the possibility of a large-scale earth quake... we are >apparently over-due for some fault slippage (as is Logan by-the-way). > >Gillian More devastating? Wish I knew more about earth quakes. At the Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument there's an awesome flick at the Johnston Ridge Observatory. What a rush! Wish we would have had time to see the lava tunnels. So earth quakes are going to get us all. Joy oh joy. LT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Randy Chabries Subject: Re: (cdc) Earthquakes Date: 30 Mar 1998 12:20:02 -0800 Janice Hugie wrote: > > >> BTW, of possible interest to Sir Gillian and Mistress Tegan.........Mt. > >> Rainer is an active volcano > > > >Oh yeah, we know. What people seem to think is more likely (and more > >devastating) is the possibility of a large-scale earth quake... we are > >apparently over-due for some fault slippage (as is Logan by-the-way). > > > >Gillian > > More devastating? Wish I knew more about earth quakes. At the Mount St. > Helens National Volcanic Monument there's an awesome flick at the Johnston > Ridge Observatory. What a rush! Wish we would have had time to see the > lava tunnels. So earth quakes are going to get us all. Joy oh joy. > LT I grew up in Southern California, so hand me a surf board and bing on them quakes!!! Rand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Janice Hugie Subject: Re: (cdc) Earthquakes Date: 30 Mar 1998 13:31:46 -0700 >I grew up in Southern California, so hand me a surf board and bing on >them quakes!!! >Rand So are you our quake expert? What can you tell us? LT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John A Hugie" Subject: (cdc) New E-mail address Date: 31 Mar 1998 13:14:22 -0700 Due to my current inability to check my Xmission e-mail here at work, I have subscribed my Regence.Com account to the CDC list. If you need to privately e-mail me, either send your message to or I check both of those accounts regularly. Thanks, John.