From: Sam Uzi Subject: (cbiz) COMIX update (#1) Date: 05 Jun 1998 01:01:51 -0700 (PDT) greetings, everyone on my extended spamm list update: SAM UZI COMIX now has 9 complete comix strips, including the three original Sam Uzi stories! get back to work # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info comix-biz" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (cbiz) COMICS ART EXHIBIT Date: 24 Jun 1998 14:15:56 -0500 I am organizing a Comics Art Exhibit. I hope to open it at The ArtCentre of Plano. If the ArtCentre does schedule the exhibit it will probably be in Summer 1999. The ArtCentre Of Plano's mission is to encourage, promote & support the arts & arts education. My mission in organizing this exhibit is the above & to give more exposure to comics artists, to advance comics as a powerful, accessible medium of literature & to inspire in people the idea that comics are valid art, just as any other type or medium of art. If you'd like to submit one or more works for the exhibit, send a 35mm slide for each one. Write TF on the top front on each slide, the title of the artwork on the front, with your name & the size of the piece on the back. If you'd like your art offered for sale, write FS & the price on each appropriate slide. (20% of selling price will go to The ArtCentre Of Plano.) Mail to RJ Camelot / PO Bx 860276 / Plano TX 75086. Write CAE in big letters on the envelope or package. Be certain to include a self addressed stamped envelope & a letter with your return address, any other contact info, anything we should know about you or the artwork you submit & a list of the slides enclosed. There are no entry fees. DO NOT send anything you want returned, until you are informed that your work has been selected for the exhibit. Shipping & shipping insurance are the responsibility of the artist. If your work is selected for the exhibit, you will receive shipping instructions. Artists & other interested parties may contact me at or 972-398-8622 or PO Bx 860276 Plano Texas 75086. RJ Camelot COMICS ART EXHIBIT //////////////////// # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info comix-biz" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald D. Markstein" Subject: (cbiz) Comics in Libraries Date: 24 Jun 1998 17:07:20 -0400 TO EVERYBODY HERE WHO HAS ONE OR MORE GRAPHIC NOVELS IN PRINT -- I've been working on a project for about three or four months, aimed at getting graphic novels into libraries. I'll be the editor of the magazin= e, and probably the main reviewer at least at first. I'm hoping to have the first issue out in just a few weeks. This springs from a local retailer's attempts over the past year or so to= sell graphic novels to libraries. The one stumbling block he kept running= into was "Where was it reviewed?" It seems librarians are interested in shelving comics-related items, but don't do so because they basically don= 't know anything about the field. So the deal is, we're going to put out a magazine reviewing comics, aimed= specifically at librarians -- i.e., instead of telling the reader why they're likely to enjoy a given book, we'll tell them what type of reader= is likely to check it out, and how it's likely to rate in the estimation = of that type of reader. I do NOT think I need to tell you how this sort of thing can benefit our industry. YOU CAN HELP. Send me review copies of your books. The ultimate goal is to have the entire industry's backlist (of appropriate books -- see below) reviewed, = so librarians can simply look up any title and have a good idea whether or n= ot it's right for them. So as many books as you send, that's pretty much how= many will be reviewed. Books for review should meet the following criteria: 1. They must BE books -- librarians aren't likely to put 32-page pamphlet= s on their permanent shelves. 2. They should have ISBNs -- librarians sometimes order books that don't have them, but it's a big help if they do. 3. They must be in print and orderable as backlist. (Obviously.) 4. They should not be the sort of thing that is likely to freak out libra= ry patrons. This doesn't mean they must necessarily be suitable for all ages= , but those that go overboard with the graphic sex and violence will do us more harm than good. Naughty words are probably not a detriment, because most novels these days have them. Librarians are educated people, and mos= t are fairly tolerant toward people's varied taste in reading matter -- but= many of their patrons are not. If you'd like to contribute to the success of this project -- and, to som= e extent, ride its coat-tails -- material can be sent to me at: Don Markstein P.O. Box 55148 Phoenix, AZ 85078 Thanks. Quack, Don # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info comix-biz" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Donald D. Markstein" Subject: (cbiz) Comics / libraries project Date: 30 Jun 1998 18:27:41 -0400 Does anybody have e-mail addresses for Jamie Riehle (Kitchen Sink) and/or= Wendy/Richard Pini? Quack, Don # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info comix-biz" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender.