From: (comix-biz-digest) To: Subject: comix-biz-digest V2 #53 Reply-To: comix-biz-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes comix-biz-digest Wednesday, June 2 1999 Volume 02 : Number 053 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 16:19:19 PDT From: Ian Barrett Subject: Re: (cbiz) Why kids don't read comics anymore? >From: >To: undisclosed-recipients:; >Subject: (cbiz) Why kids don't read comics anymore? >Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 16:00:07 EDT > > >From all the things I've heard, kids just aren't buying comic books >anymore. Actually, it seems like Marvel and Image target teens moreso than adults. Or so it seems to me. Most of the adults I talk to collect Dark Horse, Indies and DCs. A few might pick up Deadpool, Daredevil or Spidey, but aside from that, it's mostly folks age 13-18 that read the muties titles, which constitute about half of Marvel's line now a days, and certaintly a much higher % of sales than that. >Another reason would probably be, if a kid can save his money up to buy >let's >say in example, X-Men every month, what's that kid going to do when >something >like Fatal Attractions comes along Also, alot of teens are into it 'for the money', so they only buy X-Men and Uncanny because they're convinced someday they'll be worth bundles. Heck, I should know, I was there when I first started to collect comics. Then I found some well written titles, good writters, and soon had forgotten most of the popular books. Havn't looked at a non-Claremont X-Men in many many moons. > >If you're not going to change things to make books appeal to kids, then >make >them appeal to adults. Marvel doesn't even have a mature readers line, and >in >the past when they've had one, they don't put Marvel on it, they call it >Epic >and I think they had some other sub companies as well without the Marvel >logo. One of those 'other' lines was 'Edge'. They stuck DD and Hulk in there for a couple of issues. The only really adult comic I found in the line was Typhoid Mary though, and that was pretty tame. One of the biggest reasons kids arn't buying comics right now is because they don't need to. Ever super hero worth his salt has a cartoon show, so the kids can enjoy them for free. And of course, there's always the movies. If comic companies wanted to target kids again, they need to take something like the 'Adventures' line that DC is printing right now (or that Marvel used to print) stick a 99 cent price tag on them like Marvel did a while ago, and do some new stories that get promoed during the show. Also, it wouldn't hurt to flood newstands with them, and not just confine them to comic shops. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info comix-biz" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ End of comix-biz-digest V2 #53 ******************************