From: (dr-digest) To: Subject: dr-digest V1 #180 Reply-To: dr-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk dr-digest Thursday, June 22 2000 Volume 01 : Number 180 (dr) Summer Safety (dr) creating event roll charts Re: (dr) creating event roll charts Re: (dr) creating event roll charts (dr) 99 DR350SE FOR SALE Re: (dr) creating event roll charts (dr) More creating event roll charts (dr) surgy around 4000rpm ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 17:34:43 -0400 From: "Swampy" Subject: (dr) Summer Safety SUMMERTIME SAFETY Compiled For The SOUTHERN DUAL SPORTING NEWSLETTER And The Withlacoochee Dual Sport Riders By Robert "Swampy" Frey Okay, so it's gettin' a little warm outside. Here are a few tips that I u= se to help get me through a hot Florida summer day's ride, and it will help = you have a good time riding in the warm summer weather! Hydrate! Drink, drink drink. Begin hydrating your by increasing fluids a week before you plan your strenuous outdoor activity. Stay away from caffienated drinks. Water and sports drinks are the way to go. Wear Light Colored Clothing! Now's the time to stay away from the dark colors. the lighter the better. Also, keeping an extra jersey or shirt in your fanny pack or tail pack will give you a good, cool feeling just changing! I even have "summertime" riding jersey's where I cut the sleeve= s to =BE length, and put a slit down each side of the jersey to aid in ventilation. Hydrate! Drink plenty of fluids for a week before, and the morning of the activity. Drink plenty of fluids during the activity, drink plenty of flu= ids after the activity. Most of all drink even when you're not thirsty. Please, please read and understand the following information from the American Red Cross. Not only for your benefit, but possibly for someone you're riding with. Let's start with some definitions: Heat Cramps are muscular pains and spasms due to heavy exertion. They ususlly involve the abdominal muscles or legs. It is generally thought th= at the loss of water from heavy sweating causes cramps. Heat Exhaustion typically occurs when people excercise heavily or work in warm, humid places where body fluids are lost through heavy sweating. Bl= ood flow to the skin increases, causing blood flow to decrease to the vital organs. This results in a form of mild shock. If not treated, the victim'= s condition will worsen. Body temperature will keep rising and the victim m= ay suffer heat stroke. Heat Stroke is life threatening. The victim's temperature control system stops working. The body temperature can rise so high that brain damage an= d death may result if the body is not cooled quickly. SIGNS OF HEAT EMERGENCIES! Heat Exhaustion: Cool , moist, pale, or flushed skin; heavy sweating, headache; nausea and vomiting; dizziness and exhaustion. Body temperature will be near normal. Heat Stroke: Hot, red skin; changes in conscousness, rapid, weak pulse, rapid weak breathing. Body temperature can be as high as 105F If the per= son was sweating from heavy work or excercise, skin may be wet, otherwise it will feel dry. WHAT YOU CAN DO! Heat Cramps: Get the person to a cooler place and have him rest in a comfortable position. Lightly stretch the affected muscle and replenish fluids. Give a half glass of cool water every 15 minutes. DO NOT give liquids with alcohol or caffiene, as they may make conditions worse. Heat Exhaustion: Get the person out of the heat and into a cooler place. Remove or loosen tight clothing and apply cool wet cloths. If the person = is conscious, give cool water to drink. half a glass evry 15 minutes. NO ALCOHOL OR CAFFIENE. Heat Stroke: Is Life Threatening! Help is needed fast. Move person to a cooler place, quickly cool the body. Immerse person in cool bath or fan them. Watch for signals of breathing problems. Keep the person lying down and continue to cool the person any way you can. If victim refuses water,= is vomiting, or there are cahnges in consciousness, do not give anything to drink. PREVENTATIVE MEASURES: Wear light colored clothing, drink plenty of liquids, drink often, even i= f you don't feel thirsty. Drink, drink, drink. Visit the SOUTHERN DUAL SPORTING NEWSLETTER and WDSRC Website by going to Enjoy The Day, Ride Smart. Swampy KLR650 A-14 KTM RXC620 XT225 - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 20:03:06 -0700 From: "Doug B" Subject: (dr) creating event roll charts This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01BFDBBB.B8303E80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am looking for advice on what software folks out there use to create roll charts for dual sport events. Any suggestions? Doug - ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01BFDBBB.B8303E80 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef; name="winmail.dat" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="winmail.dat" eJ8+IgcDAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEGgAMADgAAANAHBgAVABMAOwAAAAMAQwEB A5AGADQLAAAlAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAADADYAAAAAAB4AcAAB AAAAGwAAAGNyZWF0aW5nIGV2ZW50IHJvbGwgY2hhcnRzAAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABv9v12jQ9dVF3 R60R1KtFAKDMWhwvAAACAR0MAQAAABcAAABTTVRQOkRCUkFHR0BTRUFUQUMuTkVUAAALAAEOAAAA AEAABg4A8m3Q9du/AQIBCg4BAAAAGAAAAAAAAADLsrXIUSjUEatFAKDMWhwvwoAAAAsAHw4BAAAA AgEJEAEAAADdBgAA2QYAAMgQAABMWkZ1eY6OAgMACgByY3BnMTI1cjIMYGMxAzABBwtgbpEOEDAz Mw8WZmUPkk8B9wKkA2MCAGNoCsBzhGV0AtFwcnEyAACSKgqhbm8SUCAwAdCFAdA2D6AwNTA0FCHz AdAUEDR9B20CgwBQA9T7Ef8TC2IT4RRQE7IY9BTQkwcTAoMyOBGOMjMaYUUXciAHbSBDRRoEOU8a fxRAG68ctXlyAoMzcxYxEawxNhYxHv8Dgkf9CdFrIHQOUCD/JDEiPwOCnlQIcCB0D8AkXjc3JX8h HLQoSGViCXB3Kf8gdB7BJ64bnym2BxABoA3gZSqVNSsfODYsTxy0Qv0HQHQN4CB0L8EWbBt4BxP9 HQYzKKEyPR63M7UgVh2R/xZsIegztCOIFFA3TyVXM7S9JuY0Fj8oiDO0Kis0JDH3PM4zPC27NCdx N20vtzO0VzFGApEI5jsJbzBFv2X9DjA1RupIAUe/SMlG1Ejy/0dfSy9K7UpvSJ9G7xBgGlD/ULpR 0VGPUplG1FLCUS9U/+9UvVQ/Um9WNDkOUFmEWuGHUwNa4AKCc3R5bAeQKmgJ4HQAAHEDIWxpDwFA BRABQAPwZGN0bHsKsQBgcwqwXiAW4F5ibgR1bQIAYWF1dG8xAGBkanVcUAUQZ2hedF2BCgFdUAoB aQGQcP4wAzE8kgwBD1cQGAjQCcBzXeBiI25wYnlkFAMwc/huZXgXMAewBbAAwAJzuRMQY3MPkAMw X+BkYUB0aXYTgEQBEF+QMWAgGlAKwGEJwGFgaCBGGwIhXBMxLpBdEmZpLT0PkDhg0mnTXZwqUGRy zwlQa3IWoGtydzRQIRcA/nAB0GbRXo9fn2CmadNhT/diX2NvZH5ibTAJgAIgcHHPZWNpMGfwYKF0 LWiQA2EKOjAwb3YwU3ViagUFkHR2MERhdGU6/2jkL8Bpb2p/a49sn22vbr//b8xcoH0wC4AOEnBx DDBwpD8OUHEvcj9zT3RfdWdSZftnUBcBICowfTAEkGjkKKD/d/95D3ofey98PghgXhALgPZlXIBn UGwBQH0/fk9/VJYwj3AI0GIKsHQ4f+j9cQYyHsAQFpExgeQTUBdw+G9vZoI/g0+EV5AAhXB5C1B5 L2igidALEYXlc/9o5Bpght+H74j/ig98P40P/2/PcN+Bb5MvlD+VT5ZSdlL/dfR3KR2QXR9eL5wf YE+eZP2Pszmer5+/oM+h34RIquC4RG9jqCAJ8AVATZ5w72Y2mxNnBqsHYwBArqhmsj+nYIWhAiAz 4VxABaBtcO0TYkUAwAMQU1xiAdBcE/4yAFCl/6cPqB+pL55vq8/frN+t74QLtfC00C208gYA67lg tAB0CHBlROMTEEXQgnYCUSB7VW5rE1D6dxXRfbbSwdC3EJnBAYB+bnawAGAJ8GcAsACSYXhTC2AC QG95CfBcZYBw/1ygACALkBNQZ8GZwLeQAOHnAjACYACAYmQMMBNRCrB+YwEQBbBnwAIBZfB/MmWU XGgFsHrDgmRnAMDscmcLgchgaMaTL6ABQTxndskpx+G5YJ3hNzDnAFDJscqlOTgewMjyx+D+d8sz zGR2wMSQAHALMMOBl1xgs7AOUHYIkHdrC4D+ZB7AzmIE8AdAEGEBQA4A35mSXLC48M/FAhBvuZC3 kP2V4HTB4IxRwtLRV7mAAMD/uLC3kJJhxgC5gLjxCTK5IP+McAJQB0ALkNRhAlHOsbZQ79Fgz1G3 EAJgd9UjAlEAIOcJwLZQwwBya8cBseIXIR8S8ndAtIDD8ROAQzpc6lx1gG9oQW1okAMQB5A92KBN DeADYLPgAYAgT/cBIA3gx8Bc2lYPk8RwtPL6LoQgdMIgFxC3EJZwufL/ZYABQMNR02AEkMfA3GKM Qt+8kjHwAUDcY2eUY8FhEwLjAIAFkGx2bABQuDEFAP+4YN/xAZAAIOByzrGwQQHBf9/hFuAPcAAA uDAM0AGQIP4uwLTf9g5Q4JLFQeD/4g/94x9sD8C4MAWB5M/l3+bvfmwewLgw1ZDkn+lf6mQp3+Nc LpDoL+0P6kRiKhACkf/uL+AjL8Dr3/Cf8a/yv+BQ/yig9ALg3/Vv9n/jXBpg9A//+Y/6n/uv4FAd kPiP/h//L/8ANAr5tkC2L7c/uE+5X7pvn7t/vI9ki0URslZJINkRZUVQb86hZyDG4Q7QZMvOYMbA IGiwIHcW4Gfgz9oClkETgNDgbGss8IwRNCB03YIg1AER4G8g7wGghgDYUSEAbAXgFtLS8LkPg2R1 QWEHQEVhIIWBYQRwcy4NCgUCM6Bu4nkQsHVnZ9lwMXBosPxzPxVVFVWv8BYQRQKyVhsVVUTwABkx GXAAAAALAAGACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAADhQAAAAAAAAMAEIAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABG AAAAAFKFAAAnagEAHgASgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAVIUAAAEAAAAEAAAAOS4wAB4AE4AI IAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAADaFAAABAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAeABSACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAA AAA3hQAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAHgAVgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAOIUAAAEAAAABAAAAAAAA AAsAFoAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAAIKFAAABAAAACwBDgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAA DoUAAAAAAAADAEWACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAAQhQAAAAAAAAMARoAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAA AABGAAAAABGFAAAAAAAAAwBHgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAGIUAAAAAAAADAFuACCAGAAAA AADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAABhQAAAAAAAAsAbIAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAAAaFAAAAAAAAAgH4 DwEAAAAQAAAAy7K1yFEo1BGrRQCgzFocLwIB+g8BAAAAEAAAAMuytchRKNQRq0UAoMxaHC8CAfsP AQAAAIIAAAAAAAAAOKG7EAXlEBqhuwgAKypWwgAAUFNUUFJYLkRMTAAAAAAAAAAATklUQfm/uAEA qgA32W4AAABDOlxXSU5ET1dTXExvY2FsIFNldHRpbmdzXEFwcGxpY2F0aW9uIERhdGFcTWljcm9z b2Z0XE91dGxvb2tcb3V0bG9vay5wc3QAAAADAP4PBQAAAAMADTT9NwAAAgF/AAEAAAAxAAAAPE5F QkJLTEVGTUxCQ0hKSkNFTkFIT0VBSUNCQUEuZGJyYWdnQHNlYXRhYy5uZXQ+AAAAAAMABhDXGJga AwAHEGgAAAADABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAASUFNTE9PS0lOR0ZPUkFEVklDRU9O V0hBVFNPRlRXQVJFRk9MS1NPVVRUSEVSRVVTRVRPQ1JFQVRFUk9MTENIQVJUU0ZPUkRVQUxTUE9S VEVWRU5UU0FOWVNVR0dFU1RJT05TPwAAAABzkA== - ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01BFDBBB.B8303E80-- - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 22:09:50 -0000 From: "Mark Sampson" Subject: Re: (dr) creating event roll charts I only know of one guy that used any software for making roll charts. And they were excellent. The directional arrows he came up with were great. R.L. Lemke used some road book software to do his dualsport ride in Arkansas last year. He's doing another this Fall---"The Fall Color Tour". He has even pondered using GPS track logs--gut not that many people had GPS's or the proper ones. You can send him an e-mail here: Here is his webpage--you need to look it over: Mark Sampson 2000 Suzuki DRZ400S 1999 Yamaha TTR250 (to old to kick) 1997 BMW F650 (Little Red) 1989 Honda Transalp--the bike that almost does it all!!!!!!! All GPS equipped of course!!! - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 22:08:53 -0700 From: Brian Hannigan Subject: Re: (dr) creating event roll charts I am no expert on the subject as I have just completed my first DS ride, however the roll chart was dead on for 250 miles. Damon Powell from put on the event. Perhaps he can be of assistance. Brian At 10:09 PM 06/20/2000 -0000, Mark Sampson wrote: > I only know of one guy that used any software for making roll charts. >And they were excellent. The directional arrows he came up with were great. >R.L. Lemke used some road book software to do his dualsport ride in Arkansas >last year. He's doing another this Fall---"The Fall Color Tour". He has >even pondered using GPS track logs--gut not that many people had GPS's or >the proper ones. > > You can send him an e-mail here: > > Here is his webpage--you need to look it over: > > > > Mark Sampson > >2000 Suzuki DRZ400S >1999 Yamaha TTR250 (to old to kick) >1997 BMW F650 (Little Red) >1989 Honda Transalp--the bike that almost >does it all!!!!!!! >All GPS equipped of course!!! > > >- > to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 10:55:26 EDT From: Subject: (dr) 99 DR350SE FOR SALE 1999 DR350SE, 4,000 miles Vortax, Renthal, Bark Busters asking $3,000 Massachusetts - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 09:07:28 -0700 From: Jeff Corsaro Subject: Re: (dr) creating event roll charts Doug, You can set Microsoft word (or just about any other word processing program) up for 3" wide strips with no margins on the top and bottom. Use a inkjet printer that supports continuous feed banner paper. Then cut the roll charts down to 3-3.5" wide strips on a paper cutter. - -- Jeff Corsaro San Diego, California USA 77' Honda CB750F2 70' Honda CL350K2 x3 99' Yamaha TTR250 dual-sport, dirt duty 95' Honda Helix for sale 87' Honda Helix 250 94' Vespa COSA 200 Euro-spec 98' Gilera Runner 180 2-stroke screamer 86' Honda Elite 150 66' Vespa GL 150 classic 96' Vespa ET4 125 Euro-spec 81' Honda CT70 passport ...and a half-dozen other odd ball 2-wheelers > From: "Doug B" > Reply-To: "Doug B" > Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 20:03:06 -0700 > To: "DR list" , "Mcadv" > Subject: (dr) creating event roll charts > > I am looking for advice on what software folks out there use to create roll > charts for dual sport events. > Any suggestions? > > Doug > - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 12:40:35 -0400 From: "Swampy" Subject: (dr) More creating event roll charts What we use is Microsoft Word and set the page columns to 4 and start entering the information. You can add whatever little icons you wish with it too, like arrows, little gas pumps, etc. Doesn't take long at all. As for accuracy to the turn-to-turns, it depends on what bike is doing the layout. It's normal top have a descrepancy of about 1/10 of a mile due to all the differences in manufacturers and wear and tear to your bikes odometer/speedo unit. While some folks will hit the turns dead on, others will be close......That's why someone needs to do it, then have two pre-riders ride the course with the route sheet and mark descrepancies and double check that the route sheet is accurate and free from turn errors. And don't forget to somehow mark the turn, we use two ribbons of different colors at turns and a single color ribbon as a verifier after the turn and on the trail. In the deep woods sections we arrow. Swampy Withlacoochee Dual Sport Riders Visit the site for Southern Dual Sporting: - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 09:18:20 -0700 (PDT) From: Jonathan Moon Subject: (dr) surgy around 4000rpm My 92 DR350S has a hesitation/surge problem when opening the throttle around 4000 rpm. Stock pipe, airbox top cut out by previous owner, drain and spark arrestor screws in pipe missing (also previous owner). Advice? Also, does anyone have experience with the Cobra pipe being too loud for these organized dual sport rides? My cousin has one and it doesn't seem too bad... Jon ===== Jonathan L. Moon Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Georgia Voice (706)-542-1713 Fax (706)-542-3719 email: __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ End of dr-digest V1 #180 ************************ - To unsubscribe to $LIST, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe $LIST" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.