From: (Bump Stadelman) Subject: Re: (exotica) More Specials More topics Date: 01 Dec 2001 02:32:52 -0500 >Ah, I get it. It's a race thing. I often wondered why reggae is so >especially unpopular in the States. i thought it was that it can be EXTREMELY BORING. and Ganja is still illegal! I love the Dub reggae stuff and "toasters". my top five are Mikey Dread, Scientist, Mad Professor, LKJ and Dillinger. as far as straight up reggae, my top three would be Steel Pulse, Black Uhuru and Peter Tosh. 2 cent bump # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: crymad Subject: Re: (exotica) More Specials More topics Date: 01 Dec 2001 01:47:34 -0800 moritzR wrote: > > crymad schrieb: > > > The only thing worse than "laid-back" white guys who dig > > reggae are "laid-back" white guys who dig Jimmy Buffet. Tragically, > > they are often one in the same. > > Ah, I get it. It's a race thing. I often wondered why reggae is so > especially unpopular in the States. I think it's more a "laid-back" thing. That and the beer can pyramids thing. And lets not forget the spilled bong water in the dorm room thing. --crymad # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?iso-8859-1?q?new=20planet=20x?= Subject: Re: (exotica) give me a break Date: 01 Dec 2001 20:53:03 +1100 (EST) yeah really, i'm sure Geo. would have laugh at that - considering he believes/d in reincarnation. Best wishes for your new life George and thanks for Taxman one of my desert island singles. Stu --- wrote: > > Okay I just turned on CNN and there's a farewell to > George Harrison, a > somewhat welcome respite from Afghanistan. > But then they put up one of those messages they're > getting online: > > "I'm glad John is there to welcome George into Rock > n Roll Heaven". > > Are there people actually comforted by this? > > I guess there are. > > AZ - Yahoo! Shopping - Get organised for Christmas early this year! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bump Stadelman) Subject: RE: (exotica) Farewell George Harrison....... Date: 01 Dec 2001 06:04:17 -0500 >(Still, my money is on Ringo to win it all. He's aged better than any could >have believed, and certianly has more chutzpah than Paul.) lets hope so but is a Beatle Death Pattern emerging? seems the cooler ones are leaving first. so in my perspective, Ringo is next to go to the big Octopus's Garden in the Sky. though i hope not, he was my favorite beatle as a kid. as i grew up, john replaced ringo. i liked George cuz he did not seem to fit in. off in his mystic world which was cool. and now he's THERE! Sir Paul "Ebony and Ivory" McCartney is so dull. like a zombie. didn't he die when they thought he was dead? (i did like Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey, Live and Let Die and Jet and dare i say it, Goodnight Tonight, just for the drum machine and bassline) Did Ringo get a "SIR" too dammit? Yellow Submarine was the first 45's i ever picked out to have my parents buy for me. age 4 (or was it Judy in Disguise?) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Johan Dada Vis Subject: (exotica) New eXotica Releases Overview Update Date: 30 Nov 2001 19:16:29 +0100 A new update to the "eXotica Releases Overview" is available now. Because I'm still "behind the times", especially with reading Exotica Digests, I'm not posting the additions here. If you would like to receive complete updates on a regular base by e-mail, just let me know you want to get on my " eXotica Releases Overview updater". The eXotica Releases Overview is part of "Dada's Exotiquarium": Johan Dada Vis # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (moritzR) Subject: Re: (exotica) More Specials More topics Date: 01 Dec 2001 14:14:48 +0100 Bump Stadelman schrieb: > > > i thought it was that it can be EXTREMELY BORING. > and Ganja is still illegal! I don't know. Any music style can be extremely boring. We only like the good examples of any style, don't we? But as I understand Alan, he can't get comfortable with Ska in general, although he says he was into it a bit a while ago. I don't know if my "definition" of why reggae, ska or dub is exotica related or danceable or whatever, was any good... To me it is one of the few styles still in aktive living development that I still watch, and since it comes mostly from a tropical island I think it's kind of exotic. As for the Ganja argument... Pot isn't legal in most countries, yet some of them have a strong reggae scene. OK, in Holland - one of these countries - dope is kind of legal, but e.g. not in England and not in Germany, although we are not sentenced to death, when we get caught. > I love the Dub reggae stuff and "toasters". IMHO the ragamuffin direction has become too popular in MTV music these days. It mixed with rap and hip hop in a rather unpleasant way. Classical Dub on the other side: yes, always. Some of my favorite dub collection belongs to the most psychedelic music I ever heard. Mo ............................ studio ® ............................ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Johan Dada Vis Subject: (exotica) direct link to online "eXotica Releases Overview" Update Date: 01 Dec 2001 13:45:28 +0100 direct link to online "eXotica Releases Overview" Update: Johan Dada Vis # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Johan Dada Vis Subject: (exotica) Critiqu@rium: REVIEW: "Beat Vol. 1 - Lounge At Cinevox" Date: 01 Dec 2001 15:20:02 +0100 New review @ Dada's Exotiquarium: : Various Artists: "Beat Vol. 1 - Lounge At Cinevox" REVIEWED BY GUEST WRITER ROCKETFUNK RATE: ++++ very good! REVIEW: A compilation of lounge tunes from Italian action films, spy movies & sex comedies in the '60s & '70s. Many are previously unreleased and/or are on CD for the first time. The 16 Tracks on this CD are well matched. It is really easy listening, just sit back and enjoy the smooth ride that lasts the entire CD. As this is a compilation disc, I will describe each track separately. # track title artist comment (source movie) rate 01. Il Seme Di Caino Marcello Gigante & Carlo Bixio Jazzy piano, drums and overdriven synth or guitar tune. Great stuff ! (from: Il Seme Di Caino) +++++ 02. Alla Luce Del Giorno Ennio Morricone "light" "summer" song with catchy hammond tunes and "lalala" - voices. After listening to this trice, it keeps haunting in your head for days. (from: Metti Una A Cena - The Love Circle) +++++ 03. Unknit Carlo Rustichelli Hammond + overdriven guitar with great momentum (from: Il Ragazzo Che Sorride - The Smiling Boy) +++++ 04. Bakenda Beat S.Brugnolini/ L.Malatesta/ C.A.Bixio Entertaining trumpets in this song though further not interesting (from: Gungala La Pantera Nuda - Gungala The Naked Panther) +++ 05. Supermarket Goblin Hammond, hammond + more hammond. (from: Zombi - Dawn of The Dead) +++ 06. Up To Date =46red Bongusto Short Uptempo movie tune. (from: Gli Ordini Sono Orni - The Orders Are The Orders) +++ 07. 2968 Carlo Savina Music that brings a detective/cops/pursuit atmosphere into your living room (from: La Scuala delle vergini - Maiden's School) ++++ 08. Mood G.B.Martelli Entertaining jazzy song. (from: Il Dio Serpente - Djamballa - The Serpent God) +++ 09. Milano Rhythm & Blues Gianni Ferrio Jazzy/big bandy, lots' a brass. (from: La morte risale a ieri sera - Death Took Place Last Night) +++ 10. Domani Forse Giorgio Gaslini Bluesy 'leisure suit larry'-style song. (from: Rivelazioni di un maniaco sessuale al capo della squadra mobile - Revelations Of A Sex Maniac To The Police Chief) +++ 11. La Cosa Buffa Ennio Morricone Nice energetic surfy song. (from: La Cosa Buffa - The Funny Thing) ++++ 12. 5 Bambole Per La Luna D'Agosto Piero Umiliani Interesting detuned hammond chords, song with some nice turns and good hammond finale. (from: 5 Bambole Per La Luna D'Agosto - 5 Dolls For The August Moon) ++++ 13. Una Vergine Da Rubare Santini/ C.Bixio/ Santini Giorgio Entertaining movie tune. (from: Una Vergine Da Rubare - To Steal A Maiden) +++ 14. Il Dopolotta Piero Piccioni Laidback detuned hammond tune with drum finale. (from: Mimi' Metallurgico Ferito Nell'Onore - Mimi'Metallurgic, Wounded In His Honour) ++++ 15. Serata Al Night Guido & Maurizio De Angelis Catchy tune with good sax and brass (from: Afyon Oppio) ++++ 16. C'era Una Volta Un Motivo E.Simonetti/ Paolini/ Silvestri Uptempo movie tune with orchestral strings (from: Don Lurio Show) ++ SLEEVE NOTES: =2E..This is the first volume of dance floor tracks taken from the soundtracks to films that became genuine cult idols for their cinema crazed fans. =8A (Claudio Fuiano) DETAILS: artist: Various Artists title: "Beat Vol. 1 - Lounge At Cinevox" label info: CD, Cinevox Record MDF 333, Italy, 1999 16 tracks, average track length: 3:02, total CD Length : 48 minutes 41 secon= ds ________________________________________________________________________ (c) Rocketfunk - 2001 all rights reserved contact: Home Page with links to "Dada's Exotiquarium", "Zounds in cyberSpace" and "Virtual Fantastica": direcet link to "The Critiquarium" Reviews section: | ) / \ | ) / \ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Johan Dada Vis Subject: (exotica) Critiqu@rium: REVIEW: "Beat Vol. 2 - Lounge At Cinevox" Date: 01 Dec 2001 15:26:13 +0100 New review @ Dada's Exotiquarium: : Various Artists: "Beat Vol. 2 - Lounge At Cinevox" REVIEWED BY GUEST WRITER ROCKETFUNK WRITER'S RATE: ++++ VERY GOOD REVIEW: A second compilation of lounge tunes from Italian cult movies in the '60s & '70s. This CD is more energetic than the first "lounge at cinevox" compilation. Again this is a remarkable collection of tunes that make you dream a storyline. As this is a compilation disc, I will describe each track separately. # track title artist comment rate 01. 4 mosche di velluto grigio Ennio Morricone Pumping groovy track with intrigueing vocal sounds. It's the title song of a Dario Argento movie. +++++ 02. Ankara Guido e Maurizio De Angeli Flute, piano, bass and drums. This is background lounge music that sounds like the first part of "shaft". ++++ 03. Blue rhythm festival Piero Piccioni Relaxed Hammond + guitar tune. The slow tempo sounds like a deliberate attack on your patience. +++ 04. Ortica E.Simonetti - Paolini - Silvestri Tune from the Don Lurio TV show. This song starts ordinary but has a grand detuning + speeding-up finale !! ++++ 05. Pensando a te Auguato Martelli Song with good jazz guitar licks. Nice. ++++ 06. Society Rhythm & Blues S.Brugnolini - L.Malatesta Cheesy Background Music. Nice atmosphere. +++++ 07. Fai presto,fai presto Gianni Ferrio Slow soundtrack with "doodoo" female vocals. ++++ 08. Down left Carlo Savina Pink Panther/Reggae/Surf style song. Soundtrack from a movie starring Bud Spencer. +++ 09.Car chase at Margellina Guido e Maurizio De Angelis Song with an early-Zappa-alike guitar riff intermezzo after 1 minute. ++++ 10. Incompatibilita Gianni Ferrio Weeny guitar+hammond pingeling changes into a catchy tune with full blown hammond and brass halfway this song. ++++ 11. Quicksilver Giorgio Gaslini Typical movie big band style summer movie music. ++ 12. Diamonds Franco Bixio Very nice hammond in this track. Play this loud and enjoy the low freq vibrations. +++++ 13. Unceasing Carlo RustichelliThat typical overdriven synth/guitar sound again. +++++ 14. Piedone l'Africano Guido e Maurizio De Angelis Saxy Uptempo Tune. Another soundtrack from a movie starring Bud Spencer. +++ 15. Crazy sax Augusto Martelli Nice Sax and detuned synth in this one. +++ 16. Break Franco Bixio Funky, smooth rolling tune from the movie "A pugni nudi". ++++ SLEEVE NOTES: ... This record spins and shakes the big screen out of the cinema and onto the dance floor, so if you're in a revival mood, step into this cocktail lounge and let the sounds of the past take control . (Claudio Fuiano) DETAILS: artist: Various Artists title: "Beat Vol. 2 - Lounge At Cinevox" label info: Cinevox, CD: MDF 335 & Double LP: MDF 203, Italy, 2000. 16 tracks, average track length: 2:52. Total CD length: 45 minutes 53 seconds ________________________________________________________________________ (c) Rocketfunk - 2001 all rights reserved contact: Home Page with links to "Dada's Exotiquarium", "Zounds in cyberSpace" and "Virtual Fantastica": direcet link to "The Critiquarium" Reviews section: | ) / \ | ) / \ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) More Specials More Topics More Dub Date: 01 Dec 2001 12:02:59 EST In a message dated 12/1/01 5:16:23 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << > I love the Dub reggae stuff and "toasters". IMHO the ragamuffin direction has become too popular in MTV music these days. It mixed with rap and hip hop in a rather unpleasant way. Classical Dub on the other side: yes, always. Some of my favorite dub collection belongs to the most psychedelic music I ever heard. >> "Ragamuffin" and the shiny happy Dancehall stuff (or are they the same) helped to ruin reggae by the 90s (though there are probably still pockets of resistance here and there). I'll admit that some of the earlier and/or more rootsy stuff is pretty cool (though I couldn't get into, say, Marley, as much as I tried). I admit some of the punk-meets-reggae tunes - from the likes of the Clash, Ruts, some Slits, especially the Offs - could be cool, when done right. And of course, without dub, post-punk would have been a very different place indeed. (Just tried to imagine PiL's "Second Edition" if dub had never existed!) -DavidH # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) More Specials More topics Date: 01 Dec 2001 12:45:45 -0500 At 05:23 AM 12/1/01 +0100, moritzR wrote: > >Ah, I get it. It's a race thing. I often wondered why reggae is so especially unpopular in the States. I don't know if you're being facetious but actually race doesn't explain much here. Or at least not the way you seem to be implying. For instance, it doesn't explain why reggae was also so unpopular with American blacks. Reggae was huge in Canada for a while. Or maybe just Toronto, I'm not sure. But in spite of our large Jamaican population here, it was the white people who made reggae huge. Now this is very unscientific but I talked to a number of black people who hated reggae. And I read articles where similar sentiments were expressed. And their "reason" for avoiding reggae was that essentially it represented an image of the black man that they wanted to distance themselves from. Whether it was just image or not, reggae musicians were closer to the primitive, even the "savage". Closer to nature. Up there in the hills, shirtless, smoking giant spliffs. Going native. Which was a romantic fantasy for us white folks. But kinda "been there, done that" for American blacks. It's sort of interesting to measure this perspective against the popularity of hip hop with whites and blacks. And on the other hand, there's the virtual disappearance of "soul" music as we once knew it. Grunting, sweating R&B a la James Brown, Wilson Pickett, Otis Redding. Now it's all kind of smoothed out. They use the terms "soul" and "R&B" but it's not the soul I grew up with. It may be about race. In a sense, everything is. But it's not simple. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) More Specials More topics Date: 01 Dec 2001 13:00:47 -0500 At 02:14 PM 12/1/01 +0100, moritzR wrote: > But as I understand Alan, he can't get comfortable with Ska in general, although he says he was into it a bit a while ago. That sounds pretty wishy-washy. A friend of mine once explained to me the way his musical taste changed as he got older. And he did it better than I could but essentially what he said was that "When we're younger, our emotions are much more simple. And singular. We're angry. We're sad. There aren't a lot of shades to it. No ambiguity or ambivalence. So when we seek out music to match our moods, we go to music that also expresses those emotions in more stark, more simple. I'm angry. Give me some Stooges. I just want to dance. Give me some ska. I just want to jump up and down and bump into people. Give me some punky reggae ska. Etc. " Then you get older and your emotions are more subtle. And you want music to reflect that. Now I'm not sure that explains my present musical tastes. I especially don't know how it explains my easy listening tastes. But in a sense it does. Instrumental music doesn't direct your emotions the way music with lyrics does. But even if my friend's explanation doesn't completely explain the breadth of my taste, I think it does explain the musical genres that have fallen by the wayside for me. I'm never in the mood to just lose my mind in the dance. Or jump in the mosh pit and bang up against all the other men. It's not that I don't have those emotions anymore. But they're seldom that simple anymore. That may not explain why you DO like ska but I think it goes some way to explaining why I don't. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: (exotica) more anti-copy cd news Date: 01 Dec 2001 13:58:44 -0500 Latest item: M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: Re: (exotica) More Specials More topics Date: 01 Dec 2001 14:18:01 -0500 At 12:45 PM 12/01/2001, AZ wrote: >Now it's all kind of smoothed out. They use the terms "soul" and "R&B" but >it's not the soul I grew up with. I call it robo-soul. The robotic quality is probably exaggerated by the heavy use of midi programming and loops for the backing and heavy digital tweaking to make the vocals absolutely (unnaturally) perfect. It gives me claustrophobia or something like that. --M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: Re: (exotica) More Specials Date: 01 Dec 2001 14:41:09 -0500 At 09:13 PM 11/30/2001, Mo wrote: >Which is like disco with wave elements. Or wave going discoish... I remember a friend trying to explain the Delta 5 to his father as punk with a disco beat or some such, and his father suggested, "Oh, so it's 'dunk'." > > new wave > > as comparable to exotica and space age pop for the way it veered away from > > the puritan orthodoxy of guitar rock to more clever and colorful > > arrangements using a wider variety of sounds and styles. > >well, this would be not a very "immanent" category. Musically New Wave >actually has elements of Ska, Kraut Rock, Punk and electronic avantgarde. >Above all I think it was a conceptual movement; it had some kind of >message, so anything that was "anti" the mainstream could be New Wave. In >that way you are right. But exotica in comparison never had an attitude >"against the establishment" ... OK, I see what you mean, and I wouldn't try to push new wave as exotica per se (and, Alan, I'm not trying to justify it as appropriate for list discussion)... But I think there's a definite parallel (lines) between the new wave (and punk) fascination for ska, reggae and quasi-tribal beats and the 50s/60s fascination for cha cha, rhumba, calypso, bossa nova, etc. M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: RE: (exotica) More Specials More topics More reggae More ska Date: 01 Dec 2001 14:51:15 -0500 At 10:22 PM 11/30/2001, various people wrote: > > > One of the few musical genres that I continue to hate. > > > It reminds me too much of polka and the macarena. > > > Interesting point. It's true. It IS a bit polkaish. > >Do you really think so? >Uhm... isn't polka supposed to be OOM-pah OOM-pah and ska more like oom-PAH >oom-PAH...? >I mean, they're both in 4/4 time, but the accentuation is different. Maybe I >should play a polka record and a ska record back to back to hear the >similarties that you refer to. I hear the same thread running through a whole bunch of (for lack of a better term) working class dance musics: Polka, Tejano, Conjunto, Ranchero, Cajun, Creole, Ska... That simple-to-dance-to 1-2 feel wrapped up in a variety of ethnic settings. But the Macarena? --M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) more anti-copy cd news Date: 01 Dec 2001 14:52:12 EST This is very bad news for me. I love to make homemade CDs for myself with favorite songs, various artists, etc. It's not like I sell them, I copy them so I have a whole CD of music that I love. Killer, no filler, you see? I wouldn't buy a CD if I didn't have the freedom to copy songs from them. At times the industry shoots itself in the foot. Gloria # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) more anti-copy cd news Date: 01 Dec 2001 12:36:21 -0800 At 10:58 AM 12/1/01, M. Ace wrote with the URL for a story about protection against making digital copies of CDs. --- It doesn't bother me TOO much about the inability to make DIGITAL copies of CDs. Analog copies are good enough for me. What bothers me is that these copy protected CDs generally are incompatible with CD-ROM drives. Many people I know like to listen to CDs via their computer CD-ROM drive at work (although those same folks are wising up and turning all their music into mp3s so one CD can hold more music). Byron ___...--''''***^^^^^^""""""^^^^^***''''---___ "Life is short. Stay happy." ||| ||| ---May 2001 tv advert ||| |||bag AT hubris DOT net...Saint Johns, ||| |||Portlandistan, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol ||| """^^^'''***----...__________...----'''^^^""" # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) more anti-copy cd news Date: 01 Dec 2001 15:42:13 EST In a message dated 12/1/01 12:39:25 PM, writes: << It doesn't bother me TOO much about the inability to make DIGITAL copies of CDs. Analog copies are good enough for me. >> I'm not sure what you mean here. If I try to burn one of these copy-protected CDs on my stereo component CD Burner (NOT a computer burner), is this digital or analog? Sorry, I'm not a computer nerd. Gloria # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (moritzR) Subject: Re: (exotica) more anti-copy cd news Date: 01 Dec 2001 21:43:24 +0100 "M.Ace" schrieb: > Latest item: > > I believe the record companies have to place a note on the CD, if its "protected". The reason is of course, that people who want to play the CD on some kind of computer, can't play them. That already led to a lot of complaints and it looks as if the companies are having a problem. In a way smaller labels seem to get an advantage from this, as they stil usually don't have protection, and automatically have a wider potential buyers group. And it's cooler. We had big discussions here on the list about this, and I remember myself supporting the artists, who, in my believe, have a right to be protected, and that is getting money for their work. However, it's the majors of course, who push this protection campaign, as they will gain unequally more benefits from it. But it's a much discussed problem, even among them, that much I know. It's still a pretty unanswered question for me, what's right or what's wrong. If anybody knows a good practical techno-juristical solution, that will give everybody what s/he deserves, I would be interested to hear about it. Thanks to Mike for always updating us on what's going on in the white collar world! --Mo ............................ studio ® ............................ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (moritzR) Subject: Re: (exotica) more anti-copy cd news Date: 01 Dec 2001 22:06:46 +0100 schrieb: > In a message dated 12/1/01 12:39:25 PM, writes: > > << It doesn't bother me TOO much about the inability to make DIGITAL copies > of CDs. Analog copies are good enough for me. >> > > I'm not sure what you mean here. If I try to burn one of these copy-protected > CDs on my stereo component CD Burner (NOT a computer burner), is this digital > or analog? Sorry, I'm not a computer nerd. No. You can just go from the usual analog output of your stereo into the audio (still analog) of your computer, then digitally record that signal with some audio program, extract the file, define the startpoints of those tracks and give them a number (btw, Byron, does your program do that perhaps automatically?), and then you save those tracks and burn them as usual, with a digital result, that may sound a little bit worse, but not much. So it's simply more work for a fairly equal result. --Mo ............................ studio ® ............................ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Charles Moseley" Subject: (exotica) Recent finds - a few Date: 01 Dec 2001 22:44:07 -0000 Long time since I've posted so there's a few records that I've accumulated from Wickford and Hinckley (Essex and the Midlands) - both sleepy towns with biddies and a complete lack of under 25s! Here we go...... Chico Arnez - Non Stop Dance Party Fantastic 1974 easy LP with soul (Funky Chicken, Land of 1000 Dances, Love's Theme). This is a terrible but fantastic instru pop album with blaring horns and rocking drums (including a nice break). Top find (while I'm in a good mood) but not a classic. 6/10 Sid Phillips - Two Generations At last! A valuable (to some UK dealers) charity shop record that I have been searching for. Sid does big band on his side and Simon (his son) does funky easy listening on the other. Drums Away, Watermelon Man and Spinning Wheel are excellent. No cover but I'm pleased. 8/10 The Cross and the Switchblade OST A bizarre christian film soundtrack from Waco starring Pat Boone?!?. A fantastic track features psalms and religious rantings over pure funky drums. Good breaks on a couple of tracks and some mushy choir singing to bore you senseless. 8/10 for the good tracks. The Corrupt Ones OST Crap. Dusty Springfield and strings. A V O I D - Avoid. 3/10 Jeremy Steig - Portrait Cool double LP of Steig playing the flute over loads of jazz 1970 style - some 'songs' and some jazz meanderings. And a sample used by the Beasties - Flute Loop. Pretty cool but not something I'll ever really listen to (so why buy it? You know.) 6/10 Hammond Organ Dance Party - Big Jim H and His Men of Rhythm, etc etc. A shit LP with a reasonable tune on it - Blues for the Keyboard. Pleasant enough funky song but nothing special. This is a very common charity shop record and is a good indicator of how picked through the records you're looking at are. If it's there keep looking, and it often is. 5/10 Joy Division - Love Will Tear us Apart/Atmosphere 12" A recent reissue. Supposed to be good. Joy Division fans? It's OK I suppose. ?/10 Moussorgsky/Ravel - a classical record on RCA Victor Living Stereo Own up. Who said that the classical releases on Living Stereo are valuable. Any more info? Thanks. The Very Best of the Gunter Kallmann Choir I thought I had it but no. Now I do have it - the I Monster sample. Daydreaming is the track. The rest is big soppy harmonies. I've never been into putting an LP on the turntable for the duration - just the one track. Impatience probably. So one good track and I ignored the rest. 6/10 Brian Fahey - Classics go Latin I can't bring myself to listen to this one but I know Fahey's other efforts are good - Sign of the Swinging Cymbal was the Alan Fluff Freeman intro music. Air on a G String can't make a good samba or bossa can it? Ray Davies & the Button Down Brass - What a Wonderful World Half way Between the funk and the completely boring. I can't decide but I like the easy/psychedelic Hurdy Gurdy Man. 6/10 Danny Hodgson - Hammond Goes Bossa I flicked through it and it is a hammond going bossa. Uninteresting. 3/10 Jack Hawkins - Everything is Beautiful Who is he? Tom Jones-esq. Great tunes including 30-60-90, In the Midnight Hour. Soul at a frantic pace with live singing? Is it a live album? Who cares? It had promise but didn't completely deliver. 5/10 Andrew Oldham Orchestra - The Rolling Stones Songbook Excellent sixties easy LP by the RS's manager. Wierd arrangements. The Last Time is the basis of The Verve's Bitter Sweet Symphony - Massive sampling there and a fantastic track. I paid far too much for this thinking it was the original but it is an 80s reissue. Record Collector's price guide says £50 for the original and £10 for the 80s issue. 7.5/10 Xavier Cugat - Cugat in Europe A great LP with interesting arrangements but it's not my cup of tea. 6/10 Chaquito - The Big Big Sound of Bland latin cash-in by John Gregory. Why can't I find his Spies and Dolls LP? This is middle of the road easy. 4/10 James Last - Voodoo Party A second copy of this great LP. Top cheesy easy funky tunes with almost every tune worth a play. Sly and the Family Stone cover versions by James Last - who'd have thought it. Cool and German. 8/10 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Charles Moseley" Subject: (exotica) Finds Date: 01 Dec 2001 22:53:43 -0000 And it is my huge Peckham house warming next weekend (8th). Wish me luck - 107 invitees with friends. Uh oh. Charlie # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Giovanni Berti" Subject: (exotica) sattamassagana Date: 02 Dec 2001 01:23:16 +0000 > From: Sean Pearman > > While I'm not a huge reggae fan, there are a few reggae gems I treasure like > "Satta Massaganna" by The Abyssinians I have always wondered the line "Sattamassagana for Jimmy Dread, cut off his ears chop off his head" comes from, on the Clash's "Jimmy Dread" ("London Calling" - my best 80's lp hands down). > Another musical landmark, in the dub genre, is "Time Warp Dub Clash" Clash. That's it. (They were huge reggae fans) Ciao Gionni # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: paul dean Subject: Re: (exotica) sattamassagana Date: 01 Dec 2001 18:52:11 -0600 >> From: Sean Pearman >> >> While I'm not a huge reggae fan, there are a few reggae gems I treasure like >> "Satta Massaganna" by The Abyssinians The soundtrack to The Harder They Come is still great. A must. Maybe . . . even . . . Timeless? >> Another musical landmark, in the dub genre, is "Time Warp Dub Clash" > > Clash. That's it. (They were huge reggae fans) > > Ciao > Gionni That's insightful! I loved the Clash and particularly their Mikey Dread / dub stuff. It was the chill-out to their punk rock, and this (and through The Specials and other "new wave") is how I got into reggae, I guess. I love it, especially late 60s and 70s reggae and dub. It's still reverberating thoughout the world, isn't it?!!! paul dean # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) ebay decent price Date: 01 Dec 2001 21:48:57 -0500 If it doesn't go up, this is a pretty good price for the Tartaglia Moog LP. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) Cinderella Date: 02 Dec 2001 02:04:13 -0500 Just saw an advertisement for the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. There will be a production of Rodgers & Hammerstein's 'Cinderella', running from Dec 18 through January 13. No exotica at all, except that the role of the Fairy Godmother will be played by Eartha Kitt. Vern # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Arjan Plug" Subject: (exotica) New Releases Date: 02 Dec 2001 10:54:08 +0100 From Forced Exposure's New Releases list _____________________________________________ BUDA MUSIQUE (FRANCE): VA: Ethiopiques Volume 1: Ethiopan Blues & Ballads CD (BUDA 82222). Tenth volume in this highly acclaimed series of Ethiopian music from the archives of this country's lone independent label, Ahma Records (1969-78). This volume focuses on "tezeta" style: ""Emptiness, melancholy, nostalgia; doom and gloom, morbid musings; heartache or homesickness: such is the stock in trade of the misery and mournful memories expressed by the song 'Tezeta' -- Ethiopia's majestic hymm to the blues. Etymologically, the word itself means memory, nostalgia, and several Ethiopian authors have used 'Tezeta' as the title for their memoirs." Featuring tracks from: Mahmoud Ahmed, Alèmayèhu Eshèté, Fréw Haylou, Tèsfa-Maryam Kidané, etc. From the years 1970-74. Some background about this series in general:"For many years the little we knew of Ethiopian music was pretty much limited to Mahmoud Ahmed's cult album Erè mèla mèla. It was the first Western breakthrough for the country's brassy, electric, urban pop: swinging and hypnotic, poignant yet funky. So unique, so different from anything else coming out of the African continent. This amazing, headspinning groove was celebrated the world over, and hailed as one of the finest releases of 1986. Precisely because Ethiopian music remains virtually unknown on our western shores, Buda Musique acquired exclusive rights to the Amha Records (1969-1975) and Kaifa Records (1973-1977) catalogs, two major repositories of the music of the golden age: around 150 singles and over a dozen albums, the highlights of which are being reissued in the éthiopiques collection. Éthiopiques aims to present a panorama of this missing link in Africa's music, to become a reference point, both lively and informative, a sort of audio emissary for Ethiopia's musical heritage. The collection will focus on the golden age of modern Ethiopian music but will also present other archival material as well as recent recordings, both modern and traditional, urban and 'ethnic'." -- Francis Falceto $15.00 CRIPPLED DICK HOT WAX (GERMANY): VA: Les Chansons Des Perverts CD (CDHW 076 CD). "Les Chansons Des Perverts is by way of taking stock, a reflection -- albeit only in part -- of the workings of life inside Crippled Dick Hot Wax. At the present, for this album brings together all sorts of styles from the past thirty years, styles which, for all that, I believe get along very well together. My hobby, thrift-store shopping, means that vinyl of every sort and from every age and era has been collecting up, with my friend Tommy Grenas -- alongside his activities as a musician -- a thrift-store junkie as well, contributing in no small way to this compilation. To get swiftly to the heart of the matter: diverse Crippled and non-Crippled acts here meet up with old heroes. All in all, a blend of highly sought-after, rare or totally unknown numbers and in part new and exclusive tracks. A treat for headphone nerds, DJs and other head-cases whose thinking is light-years away from styles and pigeon-holes. In the end, though, what's on the agenda here is unadulterated entertainment, far removed from any political or moral message." Features 9 previously unreleased tracks plus a bunch of rare/obscure tracks issued on CD for the first time, some contemporary, some going back to the late 60s. Artists included are: Carl Wilson, Anubian Lights, Odyssey Orch., Seksu Roba, Higher Than God, Dodo, Mystic Mood Orchestra, Antena, Don Paulin, Toni Bruno, Monsieur Leroc, Hayner Boehm, The Ray Makers, Henry Buzz Glass, Station Rose. $14.50 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "cheryl" Subject: (exotica) Playlist For Space Bop, December 2 Date: 02 Dec 2001 10:34:22 -0500 Beyond kitsch, Space Bop is one hour of full galactical wonder, and can be heard every Sunday from 4 to 5 pm Eastern time on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal, Canada, and on RealAudio (real time only, for now) at: As usual, all comments, questions, and feedback welcome. Space Bop #170 Elektrophonic Explorations This week, we're playing (mostly) new electronic music with a sense of humour. Granted, some have a slightly more offbeat sense of humour than others (hi, Matt...) but if this is any indication of the way electronic music is going, we want to hear more of it!! Obeng Ungu & Jalan Buntu: Dada Besar, Kepala Kecil "1951: Sumatran Ladies Wearing Hats As Outlawed By Government" Gunter Adler: Cancun "15 Electronic Pieces" Groenland Orchester: Ballistik "Trigger Happiness" Max Goldt: Mikki Tikki Chiquesalle schlaque "Legasthenie im Abendwind" Our Man From Odessa: Moscow - Cassiopeia "Advenchairous" (thanks, Maxim!) Superpop / Stardax: First Day On A New Planet "New Science" (thanks, Mo!) Gunter Adler: Kibietzreihe 1 "Kiebitzreihe" Groenland Orchester: Tonika Oase "Nurobic" Spacehonky: Europa's Mass "The Soft Rains Of Delta Cephei" (thanks, Alexander!) Obeng Ungu & Jalan Buntu: Menyelam Pakai Pipa Udara "1951: Sumatran Ladies Wearing Hats As Outlawed By Government" Schlammpeitziger: Zwischenzischbericht "Augenwischwaldmoppgeflote" Gunter Adler: Madras (Less Restless) "15 Electronic Pieces" Obeng Ungu & Jalan Buntu: Panas Udara Daripada Hangat Asin Lipat Anda "1951: Sumatran Ladies Wearing Hats As Outlawed By Government" Thanks for reading, and thanks for listening # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeff Harding Subject: (exotica) Disco xmas Date: 02 Dec 2001 11:26:06 -0500 Hey all . Not sure what category this fits...but it was too good not to share. I found a disco christmas album among a stack of records I bought thrifting. No cover or other info but I converted to mp3 and put it up to share. Not as good a job as some others' web pages but hey, it's my first. Here's the link Enjoy # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: RE: (exotica) Disco xmas Date: 02 Dec 2001 17:44:54 +0100 > Hey all . Not sure what category this fits...but it was too good not to > share. I found a disco christmas album among a stack of records I bought > thrifting. Cool! I'm gonna send a copy of this along with my x-mas cards! Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Jemmeson Subject: Re: (exotica) Recent finds - a few Date: 02 Dec 2001 16:57:14 +0000 Charles Moseley wrote: > > Danny Hodgson - Hammond Goes Bossa > I flicked through it and it is a hammond going bossa. Uninteresting. 3/10 these cheap bossa Hammond albums are unfortunately what we get in the UK instead of Walter Wanderley. he was on Verve, so i've no idea why he didn't seem to sell many records here. i picked up Wanderley's Batucada LP last weekend, but after this and his Rainforest LP i'm not sure how much more hammond bossa one needs. > Chaquito - The Big Big Sound of > Bland latin cash-in by John Gregory. Why can't I find his Spies and Dolls > LP? This is middle of the road easy. 4/10 anyone know which Chaquito album has the cover of the They Call Me Mister Tibbs theme? # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "james brouwer" Subject: Re: (exotica) Recent finds / Chaquito Date: 02 Dec 2001 19:52:04 +0000 >anyone know which Chaquito album has the cover of the They Call Me >Mister Tibbs theme? I believe that's "Spies And Dolls", the one Charles wanted to find. I doon't have it but I saw a copy on the internet for 29.oo US -- too rich for my blood. anyone want to offer a review? i.e. is it worth 29 bucks? over 'n out jb _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bump Stadelman) Subject: Re: (exotica) Disco xmas Date: 02 Dec 2001 15:06:07 -0500 thanx for the xmas disco! now my salsoul xmas disco lp has a friend to spend the holidays with. bump >Hey all . Not sure what category this fits...but it was too good not to >share. I found a disco christmas album among a stack of records I bought >thrifting. No cover or other info but I converted to mp3 and put it up to >share. Not as good a job as some others' web pages but hey, it's my first. >Here's the link > > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Charles Moseley" Subject: Re: (exotica) Recent finds / Chaquito Date: 02 Dec 2001 20:26:55 -0000 It's a crap easy listening LP with Mr Tibbs being the standout track. The others on there are funky but none come close to the Tibbs tune which is blinding - better than the original, especially by the criteria of this list. It appeared on the In Flight Entertainment comp. A good LP worth around $15 but it will turn up in a charity shop or boot sale here one day. I'm patient. Charlie >anyone want to offer a review? i.e. is it worth 29 bucks? # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: Re: (exotica) more anti-copy cd news Date: 02 Dec 2001 16:26:24 -0500 Gloria wrote: >I wouldn't buy a CD if I didn't have the freedom to copy songs from them. Well, that's the only real retort available to this trend of treating the customer like a criminal under electronic house arrest. Consumer rejection is the only thing that will make it stop. The question is whether consumers on a mass basis will reject it -- or even be aware of it before it's established. Mo wrote: >Thanks to Mike for always updating us on what's going on in the white >collar world! Insert shot: Milk spurts out of Mike's nostrils and all over his lunch tray. --M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ford shacklett" Subject: (exotica) @home and weekly upload update Date: 02 Dec 2001 14:59:44 -0800 due to the recent bankruptcy of Excite@Home, I woke up Saturday morning to find myself, along with probably millions of others, without an internet connection and email. fortunately, I still had my old 56k dial up modem in my machine and found one of those AOL discs with a free trial period, so I'm back online at this address until this is resolved. Once it is, I anticipate yet another email change. Oh yeah, I had to get a hotmail account cuz I could not figure out how the heck to turn off HTML messaging in AOL's email. The list bounces HTML messages right back to ya. what a pain - alot of people depend on the internet to put food on the table. As far as the weekly uploads, well, I have MaryJane right here ready to go, but to upload a single MP3 it takes about 20 minutes - ouch. On a high speed connect the whole Lp uploads in less than that. So expect a delay on MJ, sorry 'bout that. ford _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: (exotica) Howard Roberts question Date: 02 Dec 2001 18:06:51 -0500 Paging Alan... You've mentioned that Howard Roberts did a string of great albums.... which ones were they? In their (very snazzy) new catalog, I see that Sundazed has three two-fer CDs out now: Something's Cookin' / Goodies Whatever's Fair! / All-Time Great Instrumental Hits Jaunty-Jolly! / Guilty!! (real into exclamation marks on those titles) thanks, M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "jonathan richardson" Subject: Re: (exotica) @home and weekly upload update Date: 02 Dec 2001 16:01:47 -0800 >due to the recent bankruptcy of Excite@Home, I woke up Saturday morning to >find myself, along with probably millions of others, without an internet >connection and email. I noticed this, and as a result I cant get a hold of Sean Pearman. If you are out there Sean, please drop me a line with yr new email address. Sucks for all those folks, I guess they are.......... Home-less? sorry, couldnt resist. -jonny yuma _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Grandia" Subject: RE: (exotica) more anti-copy cd news Date: 02 Dec 2001 14:29:18 -0800 >You can just go from the usual analog output of your stereo into the audio (still analog) of your computer, then digitally record that signal with some audio program< Though it boggles the mind, there are reportedly schemes in existance that allow one to digitally watermark audio content in such a way that it SURVIVES the Digital-Analog-Digital workaround. Unfortunately I do not recall the name of the scheme nor the name of the company or companies that are working to implement it. I believe I heard a sample of the watermarked music (sounding just like the compared original) on NPR's All Things Considered. Ron # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: Re: (exotica) Howard Roberts question Date: 02 Dec 2001 16:21:13 -0800 I have three from that aren't listed below and I'm pretty sure AZ would agree that these are among that string of great Capitol LPs: Out Of Sight Color Him Funky H.R. is a Dirty Guitar Player >You've mentioned that Howard Roberts did a string of great albums.... which >ones were they? > >In their (very snazzy) new catalog, I see that Sundazed has three two-fer >CDs out now: > >Something's Cookin' / Goodies >Whatever's Fair! / All-Time Great Instrumental Hits >Jaunty-Jolly! / Guilty!! _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) more anti-copy cd news Date: 02 Dec 2001 19:50:34 EST In a message dated 12/2/01 4:37:38 PM, writes: << >I wouldn't buy a CD if I didn't have the freedom to copy songs from them. Well, that's the only real retort available to this trend >> Agreed...I've made it a mission to purchase vinyl only and invested in free-standing CD-R recorder when and if I need to make a CD for myself or friends. Of course that might limit me, but I haven't been tempted to buy a CD since last June and its worked for me. I use a direct drive techniques turntable to transfer vinyl to CD which allows me reasonable control over when the track begins to record onto the CD, and I do an individual level check on each track before recording it by sampling bits and pieces of the track. I let it just graze the yellow warning light in the level indicator. Then I use the CD-Stomper program to create labels and inserts. A CD is a lot more interesting when you conceptualize it and produce it along with the art work yourself. I have four mixes now: "Slammin' Hammond", "The Now Sound", "E-Z Listening at the Disco", and "Soundbytes from the Space Age"....I've never been happier ::-() # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) @home and weekly upload update Date: 02 Dec 2001 19:52:04 EST In a message dated 12/2/01 7:02:37 PM, writes: << Sucks for all those folks, I guess they are.......... Home-less? >> We are back # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) @home and weekly upload update Date: 02 Dec 2001 21:00:55 -0500 That coulda been ME! Back in Noo Jerzeee, I was in an @Home area. Now, I'm in an LET'S GET ON THE FUCKING BALL ALREADY, ADELPHIA!! area. Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > In a message dated 12/2/01 7:02:37 PM, writes: > > << Sucks for all those folks, I guess they are.......... Home-less? >> # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Howard Roberts question Date: 02 Dec 2001 23:06:56 -0500 At 06:06 PM 12/2/01 -0500, M.Ace wrote: > >Paging Alan... > >You've mentioned that Howard Roberts did a string of great albums.... which >ones were they? > >In their (very snazzy) new catalog, I see that Sundazed has three two-fer >CDs out now: > >Something's Cookin' / Goodies >Whatever's Fair! / All-Time Great Instrumental Hits >Jaunty-Jolly! / Guilty!! Those are them!!!!!!!! The only ones missing from that list, which maybe they'll correct some day are "HR is a dirty guitar player", "Color him Funky" and the one I'm really surprised they left out "Out of Sight". I couldn't really choose between them but if I absolutely had to pick just one, I'd probably go for the first one, even though "All Time" might be my favorite single LP of that group. But they're all great! I think it's so exciting that I can't even maintain that part of my attitude which would say "Oh damn, now I won't be special anymore that everyone will be able to hear him". Years ago I made an all-Howard tape for the legendarily hard-to-please ex-exotica member Miss Mingo-go. I was worried it wouldn't meet her sky-high threshold. But it did and she started asking me where she could find these records. THAT'S HOW GOOD THEY ARE! MAKES ME WANT TO DO A JACK DIAMOND IMITATION!!!! BUY THEM. THEY'RE THE REAL SHIT!! AZ But those are great two-fers. There's not a bad record there. I don't have a favorite but "All time" comes close. . # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Howard Roberts question Date: 02 Dec 2001 23:16:00 -0500 At 04:21 PM 12/2/01 -0800, basic hip wrote: > >I have three from that aren't listed below and I'm pretty sure AZ would >agree that these are among that string of great Capitol LPs: > >Out Of Sight >Color Him Funky >H.R. is a Dirty Guitar Player I guess I should read all the emails before sending off my replies. But yes, mr basically hip is right on the money as usual. Out of Sight is probably the most obviously groovy but that's partly because of the obviously groovy cover. But like I said in my previous email, all nine of these records are pretty consistent. And I'm pretty sure these are the only nine. I bought a few made after "Out of Sight" and they're pretty ponderous in a jazz fusion vein. Whereas these nine records just cook!! (Sorry I was channeling Jack Diamond again.) And it's not just Howard's amazing guitar playing which is both jazzy and rocking at the same time, a feat unachieved by any other jazz guitar player whose records I own. It's also the variety of organ players he has working with him, some of whom I've never heard (Burkley Kendricks), some of whom are vaguely familiar (Henry Cain), some of whom are actually familiar (Charles Kynard) and at least one of whom is familiar in another context, not as an organ player, namely Dave Grusin. Anyway, yeah he swings, he's the shit, he's the real deal, he's shagodelic. You're an idiot if you don't buy those CD's. (That was Jack again!) AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brian Karasick" Subject: Re: (exotica) Fun Boy Three Date: 03 Dec 2001 01:03:07 -0500 JimmyB wrote: > I only can hope you hate them as much as I do...They represent all that was wrong about New Wave Swish-Phunque...Lack of melodies, forced disassociative pseudo-angst, Haircut 200PLUS, and total-complete cloyingly annoyingly foppish bleccccccch...I HATE HATE Funboy 3 with a purple passion. Kind of sums up my thoughts at the time... but about disco! But I very much agree with Moritz that the new wave was about protest, exploration and bringing some life back into music. It explains why it was at this time that I became exposed to all sorts of things that sounded new and interesting, from Grandmaster Flash, Bunny Wailer, and the whole German New Wave scene. It had to have been among the most productive times in history for independent labels and music with a sense of humour. I almost think groups like Fun Boy 3 were maybe even making fun of disco... Brian # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) RE: (reggae Date: 03 Dec 2001 09:12:46 -0000 Dunno, is that true? On my first trip to Dallas (1990ish) I saw the = roots radics playing in a downtown club. I've never heard of them making it = to the UK, even though they backed so many popular singers here during the 80's. El Maestro Con Queso > > The only thing worse than "laid-back" white guys who dig > > reggae are "laid-back" white guys who dig Jimmy Buffet. = Tragically, > > they are often one in the same. > Ah, I get it. It's a race thing. I often wondered why reggae is so > especially unpopular in the States. > Mo > ............................ > studio =AE > > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) weekend sightings Date: 03 Dec 2001 10:20:00 -0000 I was, ahem, doing some Christmas shopping and I saw a few interesting things (potentially) that I couldn't buy. Does anyone have any comments? 3 comps of music from Irwin Allen TV shows. One was definitely the Time Tunnel, I assume Lost in Space was another. Has anyone heard them? I've been trying to remember them. I remember the cheesy graphics from the beginning of Lost in Space but not the music. Also I saw the 'Music from the Sweeney' LP. Does anyone have this? I remember someone mentioning it, but no review. I have the main theme and end theme on one of the Funky Soundtrack LP's, so is it worth getting for the rest? Come on now..... El Maestro Con Queso # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: (exotica) weekend sightings - the Sweeney Date: 03 Dec 2001 10:38:19 -0000 Pretty much as I expected, then. Mind you if it had a bit of dialogue with George saying 'OK Guv, lets go and spin his drum', then that would tip it over into a must have.... El Maestro Con Queso > I'm pretty sure it's all library music from um, I can't remember the label > - > not KPM or Chappell. Anyway, it's mostly incidental, vaguely funky and > moderately interesting. I've got easily enough of this stuff now and > probably wouldn't buy any more. From what I remember there's nothing on > there that stands out. > Charlie > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Stu=20Boydell?= Subject: (exotica) Summer Breeze Date: 04 Dec 2001 00:40:57 +1100 (EST) Apologies if this is an off topic request but I'm looking for an MP3 of Summer Breeze by Seals & Croft and I thought someone here on this list may be able to help. Does anyone here know where I might aquire one? Thanks, Stu - Yahoo! Shopping - Get organised for Christmas early this year! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) on the reggae tip Date: 03 Dec 2001 13:53:58 -0000 One of the truly exotic reggae acts, Suns of Arqa have a re-issue on CD of their 1979 LP 'Revenge of the Mozabites' available through Rough Trade. I've not heard this LP myself, but I've always found the Suns of Arqa to be interesting even if the ideas didn't always work. Generally they have a mix of dub and Indian music (sitar and tabla's) although I have one LP with a more middle eastern sound. Always a favourite with the local smokers although I've seen them live and they can step it up, and do an excellent job. And of course for further exotic reggae there are some of the On-U sound acts with Sitars and fuzzed bass, and even a cover of 'man of mystery' and the 'Dr Who' theme (Dub Syndicate I believe). definite cross over appeal there. El Maestro Con Queso # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) Godzilla OST on vinyl (the real GZ that would be) Date: 03 Dec 2001 16:00:32 -0000 Nice to see the first volume of the Godzilla OST's (54 - 72 I think) Issued on 125 gm vinyl. The most pleasing thing to me was the inclusion of the Peanuts songs from 'Mothra' (pretending to be all knowledgeable, but really indebted to listers who gave me all the details when I asked about it before). Sleevenotes including biogs of the various composers and best of all Phonetic pronunciations of the Mothra song in Malaysian and Japanese, as well as the meaning in English. I should have copied them out before coming in to work. The rest of the LP is pretty good too, some dirgy marches, some nice exotic strings, some groovy beats (some groovy beats with odd exotic strings on them), the peanuts songs. Some FX (great big footsteps, now theres a surprise) but not too many. Great cover, very lurid, its the same as the CD cover which someone pointed me at on CDNow or somewhere. In the corner theres a little picture of the Island girls singing from Mothra - I assume it would be the Peanuts. Nice. El Maestro Con Queso ht.// ht.// # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Godzilla OST on vinyl (the real GZ that would be) Date: 03 Dec 2001 11:18:31 -0500 I think the label which released this on CD is GNP Crescendo. Yes; the catalogue number is GNPD 8055. They also released Volume 2, comprising 1985-199(?) - whichever film it was that Gojira was killed (again). But I didn't go for those. The last time I was in the BIG Kim's Underground on St. Mark's Place in NYC, I found out that you never know what is being reissued in limited-edition, heavy gram vinyl these days. It's stunning. All these goodies issued with original artwork in 180gm and 220gm vinyl. But I don't know who(m)'s responsible for this feat. The Peanuts number is delicious, and the translations are quite a bit cool. For me though the meat of the release is the tracks by the original composer, Akira Ifukube, who(m) at the time of the CD release at least was still alive. The fact that the producers of the film known in the US as "Godzilla 2000" had the presence of mind to revive his chilling monster theme really adds to the respect with which they treated the subject. I think the Japanese title was actually something like MILLENIUM GOJIRA. Except they Engrishized the word "Millenium" because the language has no such word...(???) I must say, unless you have seen the original film in its original language - I have it dubbed on VHS with subtitles from the mammoth Laserdisc box set which was released some years ago - there are plots and whole characters in "2000" which don't make any sense. Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 11:00 AM > > Nice to see the first volume of the Godzilla OST's (54 - 72 I think) Issued > on 125 gm vinyl. > The most pleasing thing to me was the inclusion of the Peanuts songs from > 'Mothra' (pretending to be all knowledgeable, but really indebted to listers > who gave me all the details when I asked about it before). > Sleevenotes including biogs of the various composers and best of all > Phonetic pronunciations of the Mothra song in Malaysian and Japanese, as > well as the meaning in English. > I should have copied them out before coming in to work. > > The rest of the LP is pretty good too, some dirgy marches, some nice exotic > strings, some groovy beats (some groovy beats with odd exotic strings on > them), the peanuts songs. Some FX (great big footsteps, now theres a > surprise) but not too many. > > Great cover, very lurid, its the same as the CD cover which someone pointed > me at on CDNow or somewhere. In the corner theres a little picture of the > Island girls singing from Mothra - I assume it would be the Peanuts. > > Nice. > > El Maestro Con Queso # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeff Harding Subject: (exotica) looking for mp3s Date: 03 Dec 2001 11:18:18 -0500 i haven't heard this mentioned so maybe other people aren't aware. has pc and mac version of their gnutella network software. it's not as easy as napster and it takes more memory but i use it all the time and can usually find most songs. if we get more exotica and outsider fans it will only increase the music we can share. j # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darrell Brogdon" Subject: Re: (exotica) weekend sightings Date: 03 Dec 2001 10:41:10 -0600 > Also I saw the 'Music from the Sweeney' LP. Does anyone have this? I > remember someone mentioning it, but no review. I have the main theme and > end theme on one of the Funky Soundtrack LP's, so is it worth getting for > the rest? My copy of this arrived late last week and while I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, what I've heard so far is really first-rate. Great, funky '70s cop show themes, much of it drawn from the KPM library. There are snippets of dialog from the series between every track, too. Not familiar with the TV series at all, but I really like the CD so far. Highly recommended. Darrell Brogdon The Retro Cocktail Hour KANU FM 91.5 Saturday 7:00pm - 9:00pm Listen to The Retro Cocktail Hour at: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Jemmeson Subject: Re: (exotica) weekend sightings - the Sweeney Date: 03 Dec 2001 16:58:33 +0000 Isn't some of it on that 'Bite Hard' de Wolfe compilation (on BBE?). slow instrumental funk stuff. talking of teevee-related comps, what about that Clangers one? does anyone have that? wrote: > > Pretty much as I expected, then. Mind you if it had a bit of dialogue with > George saying 'OK Guv, lets go and spin his drum', then that would tip it > over into a must have.... > > > I'm pretty sure it's all library music from um, I can't remember the label > > - > > not KPM or Chappell. Anyway, it's mostly incidental, vaguely funky and > > moderately interesting. I've got easily enough of this stuff now and > > probably wouldn't buy any more. From what I remember there's nothing on > > there that stands out. > > Charlie # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Phillips Subject: Re: (exotica) sattamassagana Date: 03 Dec 2001 11:59:31 -0500 >I have always wondered the line "Sattamassagana for Jimmy Dread, cut >off his ears chop off his head" comes from, on the Clash's "Jimmy >Dread" ("London Calling" - my best 80's lp hands down). From : " Reggae has always contained facets of Jamaican and African culture, and the Abyssinians were there at the forefront of the international roots movement. In 1969, Collins, along with Donald and Linford Manning, penned what has become the unofficial anthem for that movement, "Satta Massaganna," or 'give thanks' in Amharic. " J-A-Zed-Zed, Brian Phillips # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darrell Brogdon" Subject: Re: (exotica) weekend sightings - the Sweeney Date: 03 Dec 2001 11:21:58 -0600 > Isn't some of it on that 'Bite Hard' de Wolfe compilation (on BBE?). > slow instrumental funk stuff. Not sure, but I don't think any of this is on the Bite Hard comp, unless it's under a different name (which is always a possibility with library music). Here's the track listing from The Sweeney CD: 1. Intro : Salute To Thames - [ Johnny Hawksworth ] 2. Opening Music - Sweeney Theme - [ Harry South ] 3. Flying Squad - [ Brian Bennett ] 4. Movement 1 - [ Herbie Flowers & Barry Morgan ] 5. Hogan's Thing - [ Simon Haseley ] 6. Bora - [ Simon Haseley ] 7. Funky Express - [ Duncan Lamont ] 8. Big Shot - [ Keith Mansfield ] 9. Contact - [ Peter Reno ] 10. Thug - [ Brian Bennett ] 11. Journey - [ Duncan Lamont ] 12. No Man's Land -[ Jacques Aral & Pierre Dutour ] 13. Regan's Theme - (From Sweeney! Movie) - [ Dennis King ] 14. Steam Beat - [ Barbara Moore ] 15. Funko - [ Martin & Dee ] 16. The Apartment - [ Duncan Lamont ] 17. Funky Pusher - [ Wally Asp ] 18. Freak Out - [ Docker O'Brien ] 19. The Grey Man Moves - [ G.Grant ] 20. The Heist - [ Brian Bennett ] 21. Investigator - [ Brian Bennett ] 22. Wheel Man - [ Keith Papworth ] 23. The Big Fizz - [ Johnny Pearson ] 24. Sideral Rhythmic - [ Jack Aral & Pierre Dutour ] 25. Pop March - [ Johnny Pearson ] 26. Closing Music - Sweeney Theme Darrell Brogdon The Retro Cocktail Hour KANU FM 91.5 Saturday 7:00pm - 9:00pm Listen to The Retro Cocktail Hour at: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: RE: (exotica) looking for mp3s Date: 03 Dec 2001 19:41:04 +0100 > i haven't heard this mentioned so maybe other people aren't aware. > has pc and mac version of their gnutella network > software. it's > not as easy as napster and it takes more memory but i use it all the time > and can usually find most songs. if we get more exotica and > outsider fans it > will only increase the music we can share. I'm using a lot at the moment, mostly in combination with Any others users who share exotic or weird music in this way? Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Fun Boy Three Date: 03 Dec 2001 15:55:16 EST In a message dated 12/3/01 1:08:33 AM, writes: << I almost think groups like Fun Boy 3 were maybe even making fun of disco... >> they didn't have it in 'em, soulless schlubs that they were # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rob Crowther Subject: RE: (exotica) looking for mp3s Date: 03 Dec 2001 16:37:44 -0800 Just got onto last week and have been really happy with it. Best of the file sharing services imho since Napster. I've found a lot of stuff, including some spoken word and old commercials which are really cool. Audiogalaxy seems to be fairly easy to use and doesn't abuse my system nearly as much as others such as Kazu. Haven't tried Limewire. Anybody out there using it? And how does it stack of for ease of use, as well as for amount of available tracks? Rob ************************************* " Authenticity. If you can fake that, the rest will take care of itself. " -- -- -- -- -----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 10:41 AM > I'm using a lot at the moment, mostly in combination with # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bump Stadelman) Subject: RE: (exotica) looking for mp3s Date: 03 Dec 2001 19:45:18 -0500 i have used Napster (macster) Nutella (mactella), Limewire, iSwipe, and audiogalaxy via (macsatellite) and i must concur that audiogalaxy is the best by far. the sheer amount of great stuff, the ease of use. you pick what you want and the program automatically sets up a downloading manager for you that remembers everything you choose and downloads when they are available even after you shut down. it give you info as to what files are easily downloaded and which ones are less reliable. the catagories are really diverse and it also searches ftp sites for what you want. unfortunately it is not working for mac anymore. audiogalaxy changed its protocol for the signing in and the mac based program designed to use it has not and will not be informed of the new protocol. audiogalaxy does not approve of the mac based program due to its nature of not providing spyware for them! (or so i have read) leaving many mac users unable to access audiogalaxy. it is almost worth getting a pc for as i have! (it was given to me) i will have to try Kazu and happy downloading bump >Just got onto last week and have been really happy with it. >Best of the file sharing services imho since Napster. I've found a lot of >stuff, including some spoken word and old commercials which are really cool. > >Audiogalaxy seems to be fairly easy to use and doesn't abuse my system >nearly as much as others such as Kazu. Haven't tried Limewire. Anybody out >there using it? And how does it stack of for ease of use, as well as for >amount of available tracks? > !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! IN A TIME OF UNIVERSAL DECEIT, TELLING THE TRUTH IS A REVOLUTIONARY ACT - GEORGE ORWELL # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Otis Fodder" Subject: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe Audio Archives Updated Date: 03 Dec 2001 17:08:04 -0800 Special of the week: The Woofers and Tweeters Ensemble "Beatle Barkers" (Passport Records PB6032) [198?] MP3 128/44 files - Otis # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: tikiman Subject: (exotica) Trading Post Toasties Date: 03 Dec 2001 18:03:54 -0800 (PST) Unzip your mind and leave your troubles behind this xmas with Don Tiki... now only $12 thru 12/31/01 at our website ( Sorry for the commercial, but we're trying to raise money for a mainland tour next year. with warm aloha, Fluid Floyd __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Buy the perfect holiday gifts at Yahoo! Shopping. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) looking for mp3s - for Macs? Date: 03 Dec 2001 21:41:39 EST What's the best post-Napster alternative for us Mac users? I've been disappointed to find the likes of Audiogalaxy and others not compatible with my machine. I've downloaded Mactella, but can't get it to do anything beyond connecting. --Rod # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ton =?iso-8859-1?Q?R=FCckert?= Subject: (exotica) Winners Date: 04 Dec 2001 09:16:46 +0100 From Weirdsite E-zine: Theme bars modelled on prisons, where customers are locked up in dingy cells, are the latest craze in Japan. Customers knock back drinks such as Jintai Jiken, which means the experiment, from test tubes in the "Lockup" bars. Laboratory flasks and beakers are provided to allow patrons to mix their own cocktails while relaxing with cellmates. The bars are having to be more and more imaginative to attract customers as the country sinks into yet another recession. University student Kaio Ezawa said she and her friends liked to visit a Lockup bar in Tokyo. "We find the prison atmosphere really exciting and the tension of being locked up seems to help us become drunk more quickly than usual," she said. "That makes us more popular with the guys. It's a win-win situation." # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (moritzR) Subject: Re: (exotica) looking for mp3s - for Macs? Date: 04 Dec 2001 09:48:50 +0100 schrieb: > What's the best post-Napster alternative for us Mac users? I've been > disappointed to find the likes of Audiogalaxy and others not compatible with > my machine. I've downloaded Mactella, but can't get it to do anything beyond > connecting. I can only second your complaint. It looks as if we Macsters rather *pay* for the music we want to listen to. The best free download sites I've found so far, is Vitaminic. It comes with a whole lot of different national sites, I found a lot of stuff on the Dutch site under lounge/exotica... (oh, and it's best viewed with IE, Netscape seems to have difficulties with it) --Mo ............................ studio ® ............................ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (moritzR) Subject: Re: (exotica) Winners Date: 04 Dec 2001 09:52:17 +0100 Ton Rückert schrieb: > "We find the prison atmosphere really exciting and the tension of > being locked up seems to help us become drunk more quickly > than usual," she said. I thought Japanese have no difficulties to become drunk immediately. Not only tells me experience so, but they lack this enzym that builds off blood alkohol quickly. Mo -- ............................ studio ® ............................ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Clayton Black Subject: (exotica) Vinnie Bell question Date: 04 Dec 2001 09:48:00 -0500 One of my favorite items on Darrell's show this past year has been a Vinnie Bell tune--a real watery guitar overdose. I didn't follow up on the playlist to see what the title was, but when someone sent around the URL for the television theme song site I, by chance, downloaded the file of the ABC Movie of the Week, the version by Burt Bachrach, and there it was. Can somebody tell me the title of the song and how widely it's been covered? I've got to get a copy--Vinnie Bell's would be best, but I'd love others as well. And speaking of Vinnie Bell, I was listening to "The Now Sound of the Brass Ring" this past weekend, and faintly in the background I thought I detected what sounded like VB's guitar style. No musicians are listed on the album, but is there any chance he's on there? By the way, thanks to Darrell for getting me hooked on Horst Jankowski as well. I had one of his albums lying around that I rarely listened to--Piano Affair--and I finally pulled it out after hearing a few of his numbers on the Retro Cocktail Hour. The album is great all around, but my favorite tune is Horst's own "Our Beach Affair." Nothing really exotic about it, but the melody's pretty catchy. Are his "Genius" albums worth picking up? I've seen quite a few copies over the years. Clayton # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Will Straw Subject: (exotica) Il Giaguaro vol. 1 Date: 04 Dec 2001 09:49:18 -0500 I need some help, fellow exoticats. I just received, from Dusty Groove, the Autumn, 2001 issue of Il Giaguaro, and the free CD, "The Sound of Il Giaguardo vol. 1". But I can't access the 13 songs -- the only directory I can bring up shows two quicktime files, and two others: Desktop.db and Desktop.db. I may be an idiot [your joke here], but I can't find the songs. Do I need to somehow open these database files? Can anyone help? Will Please note my new email address: Will Straw Associate Professor and Acting Chair, Department of Art History and Communications Studies McGill University 853 Sherbrooke Street W. Montreal, QC H3A 2T6 Canada Phone: (514) 398 7667 Fax: (514) 398 7247 Co-Investigator, Culture of Cities Project, # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darrell Brogdon" Subject: Re: (exotica) Vinnie Bell question Date: 04 Dec 2001 09:53:47 -0600 >Can somebody tell me the title of the song and how widely it's been >covered? I've got to get a copy--Vinnie Bell's would be best, but I'd love >others as well. Thanks, Clayton, for the kind words about The Retro Cocktail Hour. The tune in question is "Nikki", composed by Burt Bacharach and named (so I understand) for his daughter. You're right, it was used as the theme for ABC's Movie of the Week in the late '60s/early '70s. The Vinnie Bell cover of "Nikki" is on the album "Airport Love Theme" (Decca DL-75212). Apparently it's also on the new Bacharach "Lounge Legends" CD. Darrell Brogdon The Retro Cocktail Hour KANU FM 91.5 Visit The Retro Cocktail Hour at: Listen to The Retro Cocktail Hour at: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Br. Cleve" Subject: Re: (exotica) Vinnie Bell question Date: 04 Dec 2001 11:16:32 -0500 on 12/4/01 9:48 AM, Clayton Black at wrote: > > One of my favorite items on Darrell's show this past year has been a Vinnie > Bell tune--a real watery guitar overdose. I didn't follow up on the > playlist to see what the title was, but when someone sent around the URL for > the television theme song site I, by chance, downloaded the file of the ABC > Movie of the Week, the version by Burt Bachrach, and there it was. Can > somebody tell me the title of the song and how widely it's been covered? > I've got to get a copy--Vinnie Bell's would be best, but I'd love others as > well. It's called "Nikki", and it's on Bell's 1970 Decca album "Airport Love Theme". According to the liner notes, it was the theme to ABC's Tuesday Night Movie (I've seen that Movie of the Week clip, too). Never run across another version of it. Anybody else? br cleve # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: KK Subject: Re: (exotica) looking for mp3s - for Macs? Date: 04 Dec 2001 19:49:02 +0000 moritzR wrote: > I can only second your complaint. It looks as if we Macsters rather *pay* for the music we want to listen to. The best free download sites I've found so far, is Vitaminic. It comes with a whole lot of different national sites, I found a lot of stuff on the Dutch site under lounge/exotica... I just made a page at IUMA, they have a finely enough structured category scheme. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Vinnie Bell and Nikki Date: 04 Dec 2001 14:15:26 -0500 At 09:48 AM 12/4/01 -0500, Clayton Black wrote: > >One of my favorite items on Darrell's show this past year has been a Vinnie >Bell tune--a real watery guitar overdose. I didn't follow up on the >playlist to see what the title was, but when someone sent around the URL for >the television theme song site I, by chance, downloaded the file of the ABC >Movie of the Week, the version by Burt Bachrach, I went through a similar "quest" when I first heard that song "Nikki" on Vinnie Bell's Airport etc record. It became my favorite obscure Bacharach tune. I have three other versions now. The only vocal version is by Ed Ames on his all-Bacharach record. (Some people probably have trouble with Ed. He does enunciate a bit too crisply. But all you have to do is turn on some Robert Goulet before you listen to Ed.) The second version is by Terry Baxter who also did an all-Bacharach record. And the final version is probably the most obscure given that it was on a record that probably came out only in Canada. But I highly recommend this record to anyone who can find it. The guy's name is Jury Krytiuk. He was the owner of a couple of basically small country labels in Canada. Boot and Cynda. Boot put out Stompin Tom Connors if you know him (and if you don't, shame on you.) As far as I know, this is the only record he put out in his own name. I might not go quite so far as to compare this record to the Bacharach Baroque record that we all love (and yeah I know there are two, but we love the one that isn't German.) But it's similar. Not as good as Baroque but in the territory. Wordless vocals. Really sunshiney and sweet. I guess I win today's Bacharach geek contest. :) AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) MORE Vinnie Bell speculation Date: 04 Dec 2001 14:28:00 -0500 At 09:48 AM 12/4/01 -0500, Clayton Black wrote: > > And speaking of Vinnie Bell, I was listening to "The Now Sound of the >Brass Ring" this past weekend, and faintly in the background I thought I >detected what sounded like VB's guitar style. No musicians are listed on >the album, but is there any chance he's on there? Well I'm not the Vinnie guy (or Vincent either) the way I'm a Bacharach guy but yes, I'd say if you think you hear any of Vinnie's signature guitar effects, then you're probably right. He was definitely one of the usual suspects. Brass Ring is basically Phil Bodner's baby and he and Vinnie were on a lot of the same records. Not that I can name one right now. But I know they both played on Command things all the time. Vinnie is also one of the electric sitar mainstays. Right now for instance i'm listening to the Living Guitars doing "Lady Jane" on their all Rolling Stone's record. Yes, like I always said, if you can imagine it, someone probably did it. They even cover "Wild Horses". But anyway, I don't know if it's Vinnie playing the electric sitar here. I suppose Al Caiola could have picked one up but I don't think they all did. Vinnie seemed to be the guy with the effects and boxes. He's all over a couple of Tony Mottola's "sixties rock" records. Especially "Guitar Underground". And he's playing that gloopy water dripping style. And fuzz. And other effects. Unfortunately this doesn't mean that everything that has Vinnie's name on it is going to be all fuzzed up with effects and sitar and water dripping. Like all of them, he made boring records too. But if you hear that sound of water dripping, it's almost certainly Vinnie. I think. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: RE: (exotica) looking for mp3s Date: 04 Dec 2001 20:33:20 +0100 > i will have to try Kazu and Hyperku only works when you use Audiogalaxy! Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Robbie Baldock" Subject: Re: (exotica) Vinnie Bell question Date: 04 Dec 2001 20:42:19 -0000 Clayton Black wrote: > And speaking of Vinnie Bell, I was listening to "The Now Sound of > the Brass Ring" this past weekend, and faintly in the background I > thought I detected what sounded like VB's guitar style. No > musicians are listed on the album, but is there any chance he's on > there? Quite probably - he pops up absolutely everywhere... Robbie Spaced Out - the Enoch Light website # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lou Smith Subject: (exotica) [obits] Kal Mann, Harold Schafer Date: 04 Dec 2001 17:21:48 -0500 Rock 'N' Roll Lyricist Kal Mann Dead at 84 By Steve Gorman LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Lyricist Kal Mann, who co-wrote some of rock 'n' roll's biggest hits of the 1950s and '60s, including Elvis Presley's ``Teddy Bear,'' Chubby Checker's ``Let's Twist Again'' and Bobby Rydell's ``Wild One,'' has died at age 84, longtime songwriting partner Dave Appell said Monday. Mann, a major influence on the Philadelphia sound and dance-craze music popularized by Dick Clark's television show ''American Bandstand'' in the years before the Beatles burst on the scene, succumbed to Alzheimer's disease (news - web sites) last Wednesday in Pompano Beach, Fla., where he had lived in retirement. ``He was a very talented writer,'' Appell told Reuters, speaking from his own home in Pompano Beach. ``He had his finger on the pulse of what was going on in those days. Very simple lyrics, about romancing and dancing. ... And the teenagers dug it at the time.'' Clark, whose long-running program showcased many of the songs Mann co-wrote, remembered the lyricist as ``a very prolific, imaginative guy. ... He was very, very commercial in his treatment of music. Though he was much older than the audience he was writing for, he was very contemporary.'' A Philadelphia native, Mann began his show business career in the 1940s and '50s as a comedy writer for Danny Thomas, Red Buttons and Jack Leonard. In the late 1950s, friend and songwriter Bernie Lowe convinced Mann that if he could write comic parodies he could write lyrics, proving his point when the two collaborated on ''Teddy Bear (Let Me Be Your),'' which became a hit for Presley. Lowe and Mann went on to co-found Cameo/Parkway Records, the Philadelphia-based music label that launched the careers of ''Twist'' king Chubby Checker, teen idol Bobby Rydell and groups like the Orlons and the Dovells. The artists owed much of their success to the label's close links with Clark's ``American Bandstand,'' which gave them instant national TV exposure. 'LET'S TWIST AGAIN' The city soon became a hub of rock 'n' roll. It was at Cameo/Parkway in 1958 that Mann met and began writing songs with arranger-musician Appell, who had been music director on the Ernie Kovaks television show and played guitar for a group called the Apple Jacks. Mann alone is credited with composing Chubby Checker's little-known debut single, ``The Class,'' but he and Appell co-wrote numerous spinoffs of Checker's chart-topping dance craze hit ``The Twist,'' including ``Let's Twist Again,'' ``Twist a Long,'' ``Twistin''' and ``Don't Knock the Twist.'' Checker's original smash hit ``The Twist'' -- the recording that made him an overnight sensation -- actually was a cover of a 1958 B-side that Hank Ballard wrote and recorded for his Hank Ballard & the Midnighters. Mann played a key role in discovering Checker, then a teenager named Ernest Evans who first gained attention by entertaining customers in the poultry shop where he worked for a friend of Mann's. His workplace antics helped him land a Cameo/Parkway audition and his first record contract. The story goes that it was Dick Clark's wife who first christened the portly young singer ``Chubby Checker,'' a sly reference to Fats Domino. With Appell composing the melodies, it was Mann who put words to the Orlons' 1963 hit ``South Street'' about Philadelphia's famously bohemian boulevard (''Where do all the hippies meet? South Street, South Street'') and the Dovells' 1961 dance craze hit ``The Bristol Stomp'' (''The kids in Bristol are sharp as a pistol when they do the Bristol Stomp''). Mann wrote lyrics for several Rydell Hits, including ``Wild One,'' the ``Cha-Cha-Cha'' and ``Kissin' Time,'' the song that launched Rydell as a teen idol. He also shared songwriting credits for the dance song ``Mashed Potato Time'' by Dee Dee Sharp, and her follow-up ``Gravy (For My Mashed Potatoes.)'' Other credits include ``Take Me Back to Toyland'' by Nat ''King'' Cole and ``Butterfly,'' which became a No. 1 hit in 1957 for Andy Williams. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Harold Schafer=20 BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) =8B Harold Schafer, the businessman who created the popular Mr. Bubble bubble bath, died Sunday after suffering from infections and congestive heart failure. He was 89.=20 Schafer founded the Gold Seal Co. in 1942. The company would become a $40 million business marketing floor wax, glass cleaner, bleach and bubble bath.=20 At the start, Schafer sold floor wax in pint-sized paint cans, packaging it himself and typing labels for the containers. He left a sales job at Fargo Glass & Paint Co. in 1943 to devote himself full time to the fledgling business, which made just over $900 in profit in its first year.=20 He later introduced Glass Wax, a pink cream glass cleaner; Snowy Bleach, advertised as being gentle on synthetic clothing fibers; and Mr. Bubble, with a cheery bubble logo that became a pop-culture symbol. Schafer also developed the Badlands hamlet of Medora into the state's leading tourist attraction, with motels and souvenir shops near where Theodore Roosevelt once ranched.=20 Schafer was the subject of a biography, ``Aristocrat of the West,'' by Larry Woiwode.=20 Schafer, a conservative Republican, was unsuccessful in attempts to seek political office, but his son Ed was elected governor of North Dakota in 1992 and 1996.=20 The Schafer family sold Gold Seal to Airwick Industries in 1986. ----- Boomers may dimly remember their parents trying to decorate their windows for Christmas by slopping pink Glass Wax over big snowflake stencils that were included with the product. It was another '50s thing that didn't work very well. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rob Crowther Subject: RE: (exotica) Recent finds - a few Date: 04 Dec 2001 15:59:22 -0800 >The Cross and the Switchblade OST >A bizarre christian film soundtrack from Waco starring Pat Boone?!?. A >fantastic track features psalms and religious rantings over pure funky >drums. Good breaks on a couple of tracks and some mushy choir singing to >bore you senseless. 8/10 for the good tracks. I remember seeing this film when I was kid -- all about a gang of hoodlums called the Mau Mau's and supposedly based on a true story. I seem to remember there was a lot of percussion and fuzzy guitar throughout the whole thing. Should have seen Pat's heavy metal tendencies coming. ******************************************* I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. --Frank Sinatra Rob Crowther # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "mark jung" Subject: (exotica) hope/crosby/baxter EP on ebay Date: 05 Dec 2001 00:21:14 for all you interested, i finally got that minnesota tourism EP with the les baxter music up for sale - w/ pictures & descriptions - and a few pieces of "exotica" paraphenalia up, as well - check out - mark _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Wages Subject: Re: (exotica) Vinnie Bell question Date: 04 Dec 2001 19:29:44 -0500 > It's called "Nikki", and it's on Bell's 1970 Decca album "Airport Love > Theme". According to the liner notes, it was the theme to ABC's Tuesday > Night Movie (I've seen that Movie of the Week clip, too). Never run acros= s > another version of it. Anybody else? >=20 > br cleve There's this great, informative Bacharach website - The Hitmaker Archive < > - which is basically an indexed discography of Bacharach songs, with lyrics, and the artists who performed them. The site offered the following: =A0 Burt Bacharach=A0(1966) single=A0(Liberty=A055934=A01966) =A0 Doc Severinsen=A0(1969) The Great Arrival! (Command) =A0 Ed Ames=A0(1969) Sings The Songs Of Bacharach and David=A0(RCA=A04453=A01969) =A0 Vincent Bell=A0(1970) -=A0album (Decca=A0DL75212=A01970) /=A0single=A0(Decca=A032695=A01970) =A0 Burt Bacharach=A0(1971) Burt Bacharach=A0(A&M=A0=A01971) =A0 Burt Bacharach=A0(1973) Burt Bacharach and Associates TV Special And lyrics: Nikki=20 Burt Bacharach - Hal David Somewhere there is sunshine. Somewhere days are warm. Somewhere there's a happy harbor far from the storm. Out where the sun shines there is someone I'm meant to adore, and I know the day I find her, I'll smile once more. Nikki, it's you. Nikki, where can you be? It's you, no one but you for me I've been so lonely since you went away. I won't spend a happy day 'til you're back in my arms. For every dream there is a dreamer, and when dreams are gone, for each wish another star shines to wish up on. Take all my dreams and all my wishes Hold them in your heart. Tell me soon we'll be together, never to part. Nikki, it's you. Nikki, where can you be? It's you, no one but you for me I've been so lonely since you went away. I won't spend a happy day 'til you're back in my arms. Don't make me wait here in the shadows till my life is done. I can't live without the sunshine, you are the sun. Oh Nikki, it's you. Paul # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Vinnie Bell and Nikki Date: 04 Dec 2001 19:47:51 EST In a message dated 12/4/01 2:16:46 PM, writes: << I guess I win today's Bacharach geek contest. :) >> its irresistible stuff...I'm strongly attracted to BJ's "Everybody's Out Of Town" # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Will Straw Subject: Re: (exotica) hope/crosby/baxter EP on ebay Date: 04 Dec 2001 20:36:49 -0500 Am I the only one who might bid on this one because of the Bob Hope connection? Will Please note my new email address: Will Straw, Associate Professor and Acting Chair, Department of Art History and Communications Studies McGill University 853 Sherbrooke Street W. Montreal, QC H3A 2T6 Canada Phone: (514) 398 7667 Fax: (514) 398 7247 Co-Investigator, Culture of Cities Project, # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Domenic Ciccone" Subject: (exotica) Victor Mendosa Date: 04 Dec 2001 22:27:15 -0500 A couple of nice threads lately here on the list. Someone mentioned Victor Mendosa to me the other day. Described as great over the top Latino instrumentals. The name sounds familiar but I can't find any in my collection of LP's. Anybody here a fan? Domenic Ciccone "Martinis with Mancini" WJUL 91.5FM Friday's 6-9AM EST (On Real Audio) And please check out my new surgically enhanced web page! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Will Straw Subject: (exotica) Framed Date: 04 Dec 2001 22:46:51 -0500 This is a non-exotica request, but I'm seeking help. Earlier this fall, I bought a bunch of semi-legal VHS copies of films noirs from a guy in Texas. Tonight, we sat down to watch Framed (1947), thoroughly enjoying it until the copy stopped 10 minutes from the end. I can email the original vendor, but he seems to have dropped out of sight. The movie is on again on "MYST -- Encore's Mystery Channel", on December 17th, at two different times. (It was also on the same channel about 4 hours ago, but that doesn't help me much.) If anyone could tape this for me, I'd happily return the favour with tapes of obscure films, CD-burns or anything else it would take. You can email me directly, off-list on this one. Thanks, Will Will Straw, Associate Professor and Acting Chair, Department of Art History and Communications Studies McGill University 853 Sherbrooke Street W. Montreal, QC H3A 2T6 Canada Phone: (514) 398 7667 Fax: (514) 398 7247 Co-Investigator, Culture of Cities Project, # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lou Smith Subject: (exotica) [obit] Rosemary Brown Date: 04 Dec 2001 22:46:24 -0500 December 2, 2001 Rosemary Brown, a Friend of Dead Composers, Dies at 85 By DOUGLAS MARTIN,NYTimes =20 Rosemary Brown, who as a middle-aged widow living in a London suburb in the 1960's said she had been in contact with history's most illustrious composers, offering as evidence hundreds of piano miniatures that she said Beethoven, Bach and others had "dictated" to her, died on Nov. 16 in London. She was 85. The odd experiences she described =97 which included shopping with Liszt (he was interested in the price of bananas) and watching television with Chopin (he was appalled) =97 found a resonant audience in the era of the Beatles= and flower power. More intriguingly, they attracted expert scrutiny and some approbation from such luminaries as Leonard Bernstein, along with tidal waves of more or less good-natured ridicule from most of the music establishment. Mrs. Brown's credibility as a medium was buttressed by her own musical ignorance. She had just three years of piano instruction and could not play by ear or extemporize. There was no record player or radio in her home and she said she never went to concerts. "I seemed to lose control of my hands; it was as though someone were guiding them," she said of the first time she received a piece of music from Liszt. Peter Katin, an outstanding interpreter of Chopin, was pleased to record many of the piano works, while the composer Humphrey Searle published an essay noting the similarity of Mrs. Brown's Liszt pieces with his later official compositions. Mr. Bernstein suggested he could "buy," meaning accept, a piece by Rachmaninoff, but not much else. Andr=E9 Previn, then conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra, said that= if the newfound compositions were genuine, they would best have been left on the shelf. But the British composer Richard Rodney Bennett seemed entirely convinced, at least at the time. He said that when he was having trouble with a composition of his own, Mrs. Brown passed along Debussy's recommendation. It worked. "If she is a fake, she is a brilliant one, and must have had years of training," he said in an interview in Time magazine. "Some of the music is awful, but some is marvelous. I couldn't have faked the Beethoven." Regardless of how much Western music may or may not have been enriched by posthumous contributions channeled by Mrs. Brown, there was scant doubt of her entertainment value. She set off waves of interest in several appearances on British Broadcasting Corporation radio shows, the first in 1969. In the United States, she played at Town Hall in New York and appeared on "The Tonight Show" with Johnny Carson, telling him that her sources said there was no sex in heaven. She described the various composers in often humorous detail. Beethoven, she said, was no longer deaf and had lost "that crabby look." Debussy wore "very bizarre clothes" and was "a hippie type." Chopin kept screaming something in French; it turned out to be a warning that her bathtub was overflowing. <> In 1964, she suffered an accident at the school kitchen where she worked and resumed playing the piano during her long recovery. That was when Liszt returned, as promised. She recognized him immediately, she said, and he arranged for the other composers to come, acting "like sort of a reception desk." They took different approaches. Chopin told her what notes to play and pushed her fingers down on the right keys. Beethoven and Bach liked her to sit at a table and take dictation with a pencil. Schubert tried to sing his compositions, but "he hasn't a very good voice," she said. She was supported by contributions from people who believed in the occult. She wrote three books on her channeling, and made a number of recordings, some featuring her playing the easier pieces, the last in 1988. In the mid-1980's, the visits ceased as she fell into ill health. She is survived by a son and a daughter. She always declined to ask her musical visitors the questions that outsiders thought would prove their existence. When Time offered her a list of 20 questions, she replied, "I cannot push a button and call on the composers just like that." But when she needed notes for an album cover in 1970, Sir Donald Tovey, a musicologist, was pleased to provide them. "It is the implications relevant to this phenomenon that we hope will stimulate sensitive interest," he said. He had died in 1940. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Wages Subject: Re: (exotica) Vinnie Bell question Date: 04 Dec 2001 23:18:18 -0500 There's this great, informative Bacharach website - The Hitmaker Archive - which is basically an indexed discography of Bacharach songs, with lyrics, and many of the artist= s who performed them. The site offered the following on "Nikki": =A0 Burt Bacharach=A0(1966) single=A0(Liberty=A055934=A01966) =A0 Doc Severinsen=A0(1969) The Great Arrival! (Command) =A0 Ed Ames=A0(1969) Sings The Songs Of Bacharach and David=A0(RCA=A04453=A01969) =A0 Vincent Bell=A0(1970) -=A0album (Decca=A0DL75212=A01970) /=A0single=A0(Decca=A032695=A01970) =A0 Burt Bacharach=A0(1971) Burt Bacharach=A0(A&M=A0=A01971) =A0 Burt Bacharach=A0(1973) Burt Bacharach and Associates TV Special And lyrics: Nikki=20 Burt Bacharach - Hal David Somewhere there is sunshine. Somewhere days are warm. Somewhere there's a happy harbor far from the storm. Out where the sun shines there is someone I'm meant to adore, and I know the day I find her, I'll smile once more. Nikki, it's you. Nikki, where can you be? It's you, no one but you for me I've been so lonely since you went away. I won't spend a happy day 'til you're back in my arms. For every dream there is a dreamer, and when dreams are gone, for each wish another star shines to wish up on. Take all my dreams and all my wishes Hold them in your heart. Tell me soon we'll be together, never to part. Nikki, it's you. Nikki, where can you be? It's you, no one but you for me I've been so lonely since you went away. I won't spend a happy day 'til you're back in my arms. Don't make me wait here in the shadows till my life is done. I can't live without the sunshine, you are the sun. Oh Nikki, it's you. Paul # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: (exotica) there's no place like @home MAry Jane Date: 04 Dec 2001 21:47:22 -0800 'cept there ain't no @home no more. :( but the situation is resolved, I've changed my email address for the third time in as many days and, best news of all, I've got that fat pipeline back to shove my MP3 files through so here is Mary Jane. it is a VERY short LP, but has some good tracks on it. The first side is less than 10 minutes long! file encoding should cause no problems this time, I hope :) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) [obits] Kal Mann, Harold Schafer Date: 05 Dec 2001 01:16:22 -0500 I haven't seen that the obituary of Norman Granz, the pioneer of the Verve Records label, was posted here. In TIME Magazine his notice is overshadowed by far by the outpouring for George Harrison; to some in the non-rock music community that could have been considered an outrageous snub. I would look to Downbeat magazine, for example, to celebrate his contributions more thoroughly. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) FW: Los Machucambos--Caramba Date: 05 Dec 2001 09:21:04 -0000 I received this request, and I can't answer it. Firstly I don't buy CD's and secondly the only Los Machucambos track I have is off one of those old compilations I got from a charity shop. Is anyone able to help? cheers El Maestro Con Queso > Hello, > > I'm looking for Los Machucambos--Caramba on CD. Can you help ? > > Best Regards, > > David Soto > > > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (moritzR) Subject: Re: (exotica) there's no place like @home MAry Jane Date: 05 Dec 2001 12:10:01 +0100 basic hip schrieb: > > > so here is Mary Jane. it is a VERY short LP, but has some good tracks on > it. The first side is less than 10 minutes long! file encoding should > cause no problems this time, I hope :) > > download rate much better now and no problems with encoding the files! haven't listened to the record yet, but very curious and excited! --Mo ............................ studio ® ............................ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) there's no place like @home MAry Jane Date: 05 Dec 2001 06:32:24 -0500 At 09:47 PM 12/4/01 -0800, basic hip wrote: > > >so here is Mary Jane. it is a VERY short LP, but has some good tracks on >it. The first side is less than 10 minutes long! file encoding should >cause no problems this time, I hope :) I got it. On my good ole 56K connection. So now basic hip, if I'm going to put two of these on each CDR like I did with the Adventurers and Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, you have to put one up next week that fits with this one in some way. You have any ideas? Do you have the Sword and the Switchblade? I don't even know it but that might work. Or one of those Stu Philips biker soundtracks. Something other than Angels from Hell which I have. Think about it. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: (exotica) wah wah records Date: 05 Dec 2001 16:18:15 -0000 Bit late I know, but I found this site recently: or if that won't work this is inside the site The English site isn't working yet, it seems. I'm hoping to go out to Barcelona for a weekend in the spring for a wedding. Perhaps do some shopping... El Maestro Con Queso > Does anyone out there know if the reissue label/record store-Wah Wah > records > out of Spain has a website? > if so what is it?? > thanks > -jonny # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Farewell George Harrison....... Date: 05 Dec 2001 16:37:16 EST In a message dated 12/1/2001 6:13:53 AM, writes: << Yellow Submarine was the first 45's i ever picked out to have my parents buy for me. >> My aunt bought me Magical Mystery Tour, my first record. My favorite beatle was Yoko. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Farewell George Harrison....... Date: 05 Dec 2001 16:42:09 -0500 That's funny - I think my favorite Beatle is Sir George Martin. Followed in whichever order by John Lennon and Billy Preston. Then by Ringo and Paul van Moneybags, and George lastly. I think his influence was more cultural than musical on the other guys, and I never thought much of him as a guitar player. wrote: > My favorite beatle was Yoko. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (moritzR) Subject: (exotica) The Lords Date: 06 Dec 2001 00:03:35 +0100 I can't believe this. I recieved the latest issue of Cool & Strange Music= in the mail today - thanks a lot, Dana, a wonderful issue! - and what di= d I read? Of all people in the universe the notorious Alan Zweig doing a = review of a CD by, of all bands in the universe, The Lords!!! This is rea= lly too much. The Lords. You can't call them a band really, they were a p= henomenon, a strictly german phenomenon that is, this lead singer of them= , Lord Uli, whom I saw performing some 5 years ago in a disco not long be= fore his death, was the typical post-war 60s slacker. Their big hit "Glor= yland" is beyond belief. They are above all a childhood phenomenon, that = I wouldn't even talk about with other germans, who might still know them.= I would never ever have believed that the Lords would create any attenti= on outside Germany or outside the 60s ever, and now Alan - Alan! - writes= about them! What does this tell me? It tells me, that there is no energ= y lost in the universe ever - halleluja! -- Mo =2E........................... studio =AE =2E........................... # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ton =?iso-8859-1?Q?R=FCckert?= Subject: Re: (exotica) The Lords Date: 06 Dec 2001 01:03:05 +0100 >I would never ever have believed that the Lords would create any attention outside Germany or outside the 60s ever, and now Alan - Alan! - writes about them! What does this tell me? It tells me, that there is no energy lost in the universe ever - halleluja! That should be enough to qualify for an Ig Nobel Prize. Cheers, Ton PS They had a following over here (The Netherlands) too, as far as I know only in the 60s, though. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Charles Moseley" Subject: Re: (exotica) Farewell George Harrison....... Date: 06 Dec 2001 00:03:47 -0000 Unrelated-ish I know but have any UK listees noticed Paul McC around and about this last couple of weeks. Radio 1, CD:UK, the Pepsi Chart Show, Channel 4 on Sunday morning, etc. Apparently he has pressured his record company into making his new album a big hit so they are telling the youth music shows that, 'we'll give you X, Y and Z pop stars but you have to take a washed up old Beatle as well'. A busy week of appearances was thankfully cut short when George died so Paul didn't appear with Chris Moyles. And was it on this list that I heard that Paul owns the publishing on Happy Birthday? What a top fact! Charlie > >That's funny - I think my favorite Beatle is not Paul van Moneybags. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) The Lords Date: 05 Dec 2001 19:31:52 EST In a message dated 12/5/01 6:05:15 PM, writes: << The Lords.......... whom I saw performing some 5 years ago in a disco >> That oughta make Brian's hair stand on end up there at McGill # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) The Lords Date: 05 Dec 2001 19:56:11 -0500 At 12:03 AM 12/6/01 +0100, moritzR wrote: > >I can't believe this. I recieved the latest issue of Cool & Strange Music in the mail today - thanks a lot, Dana, a wonderful issue! - and what did I read? Of all people in the universe the notorious Alan Zweig doing a review of a CD by, of all bands in the universe, The Lords!!! . Was that the latest issue? It seems so long ago. I don't remember if I said this in the review but I honestly thought the CD was a hoax when I first opened it. Like the Rutles or Spinal Tap. They went through a few too many stylistic changes to believe they were a genuine band. From garage to ABBA. Then it occurred to me that no one would do a hoax like that and then make the liner notes German only. (Unless they were really sneaky.) So I had to take it seriously. Which was kind of hard. The pictures alone, watching them change their outfits with the changing styles, was worth the price of the CD (though of course I not only paid nothing but subsequently sold it.) I can't recommend the CD but it was a lot of fun. Actually they reminded me of a whole bunch of Quebecois bands. But I can't think of any English Canadian or American band they remind me of. Except maybe the Banana Splits. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "George Hall" Subject: (exotica) Special New Wave Date: 05 Dec 2001 21:51:36 -0500 Slowly catching up to some aging threads... Specials - I liked them in the day, still enjoy the first LP (at least in theory) but passed on the second disc for that same reason, all those reviews calling it "easy listening." This was a bad thing. Saw it as a cut-out CD earlier this year, remembered the reviews & thought hmmm, maybe I just wasn't ready. & I guess I wasn't, it's quite good I think. New Wave - when I think of it, I tend to imagine a nervous & possibly skinny vocalist hiccupping over an unrelaxed dance groove, willfully wrong & not often funky, but likeable. At least the stuff I don't dislike. I rented the movie "Urgh! A Music War" the other month & recommend to anyone with warm feelings for the era. XTC, Pere Ubu, the DK's, Klaus Nomi (!), Devo, Gang of 4, Wall of Voodoo, etc. As far as a new wave / exotica connection, I can't help but think that some of the zany period fashions helped make a phenomenon out of thrift-store shopping. Some even ended up in the record section & bought some LPs for the funny, anachronistic covers. Some actually listened to them. gh # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: Re: (exotica) there's no place like @home MAry Jane Date: 05 Dec 2001 18:59:15 -0800 > ...if I'm going to put two of these on each CDR like I did > with the Adventurers and Beyond the Valley of the Dolls... Hold it! unlike CD-R's made from WAV files, where two complete LP's usually just fit onto one 74 minute CDR, you should be able to fit at least a dozen LPs on the same CDR when they are formatted as MP3 files such as these. The Adventurers and Beyond the Valley of the Dolls total 59MB of storage space and a CD-R holds 650MB, so you have tons more room! That's why I started this MP3 thing. So I could bring one CD to work with 15 LP's on it to listen to. IN the process, I started the upload, since I already had it on my computer. You don't even need a CD burner. You can put them on a 100MB zip disk and tote 'em with you that way. Or you can get one of those neato gizmo's that fit in the palm of your hand and download the files from your computer right into it and take a walk while listening to your favorites. And I remember holding a transistor radio to your ear and listening to AM. Or using that weird nude colored single earphone thingy. > Or one of those Stu Philips biker soundtracks... I'm working on the Biker soundtracks, but they are tough to get without coughing up decent dough. I found Born Losers (Billy Jack) not long ago. It has a nice cover and has music by the Sidewalk Sounds and Terry Stafford singing a couple of tracks, but I did not think it was all that great. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: (exotica) 78 crack quiz Date: 05 Dec 2001 22:22:12 -0500 Record care question of the week... Any tips on dealing with cracked 78s? Getting a decent playback? Repair? Sacrifices to the Bug God of Shellac? thanks much, M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: (exotica) Whistling Record of the Month Date: 05 Dec 2001 21:12:57 -0800 Well, you had to know this was coming, the latest featue of my will-it-ever-be-finished site on whistling records. It's the Record of the Month December's Record appropriately is a Christmas LP and a darn scarce one, Fred Lowery's "A Family Christmas" I have looked online for Fred Lowery and other whistling records practically on a daily basis for a few years now and have never seen or heard of this one. So my eyes just about popped out of their sockets when I saw it. I immediately contacted the seller and made him an offer he was very happy to get and he closed the auction early. If this is a common find in Texas thrift stores, don't tell me. And if it is, why didn't you tell me!!! I need this stuff :) It is a very old-fashioned, traditional Christmas album. Don't expect any Ding Dongs or Adventures in Carols, it is what it is. I was a little let down when I first listened to it. As is often the case with record collecting, the hunt is more exciting that the capture. But I'm glad to have it and will treasure it for years to come. It is a nice mix of Mr. Lowery's solos, voices by The Calvary Singers, a duet with 10 and 13 year old sisters, even a spoken word piece, the famous "Letter to Virginia". here it is and happy holidays to all - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Whistling Record of the Month Date: 06 Dec 2001 01:19:17 -0500 At 09:12 PM 12/5/01 -0800, basic hip wrote: .> >December's Record appropriately is a Christmas LP and a darn scarce one, >Fred Lowery's "A Family Christmas" > >I have looked online for Fred Lowery and other whistling records practically >on a daily basis for a few years now and have never seen or heard of this >one. . I just want to make absolutely sure you have "Whistle a Happy tune". Because if you don't, you can have it for free. And I can't remember if you're the bird call guy as well as the whistling guy but if you are, I also have a Platt and Whitney record you could have. The first tune is "Jesus is all the world to me", which the whole list is already humming along to as they read this. AS far as that other thing abuot how many MP3's can go on a CD, I guess they must have converted to Wav Files or whatever you said, because I just saved them to my hard drive and then dumped them onto CD with Easy CD creator and they came out to 67 minutes for the two soundtracks. And to be honest, I don't think I'm prepared for the idea of putting a dozen records on one CD. And anyway, if the Mp3's don't get converted, how will my CD player be able to play an MP3? Confused but whistling to hide my fear, I remain AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Jemmeson Subject: (exotica) Attilio Mineo LP on ebay Date: 06 Dec 2001 11:17:10 +0000 i was going to copy some lines from Jack's site about it being 'A-M-A-Z-I-N-G-!!' and the best record in the world ever, but his new site seems to be a bit more restrained. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Jemmeson Subject: Re: (exotica) there's no place like @home MAry Jane Date: 06 Dec 2001 11:22:15 +0000 basic hip wrote: > > > ...if I'm going to put two of these on each CDR like I did > > with the Adventurers and Beyond the Valley of the Dolls... > > Hold it! unlike CD-R's made from WAV files, where two complete LP's usually > just fit onto one 74 minute CDR, you should be able to fit at least a dozen > LPs on the same CDR when they are formatted as MP3 files such as these. > > The Adventurers and Beyond the Valley of the Dolls total 59MB of storage > space and a CD-R holds 650MB, so you have tons more room! not trying to guess what Alan is doing here, but maybe he's recording the CDs as audio? that's what i will do with the Miriam Burton when I get round to it. i find audio much more convenient than MP3s - then you can listen through a proper hi-fi whenever you want # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (moritzR) Subject: Re: (exotica) more anti-copy cd news Date: 06 Dec 2001 14:07:12 +0100 I heard that it is very well possible to copy protected CDs with a stand-alone "audio" burner. Can you confirm this? I mean, it's logical: you go into the stereo in and out analog, so... -- Mo ............................ studio ® ............................ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: Re: (exotica) there's no place like @home MAry Jane Date: 06 Dec 2001 06:32:40 -0800 > not trying to guess what Alan is doing here, but maybe he's recording > the CDs as audio? that's what i will do with the Miriam Burton when I > get round to it. i find audio much more convenient than MP3s - then you > can listen through a proper hi-fi whenever you want Of course - Ok, that makes sense. I did not even realize you could do much for my technical knowhow :( Thanks for the offer on Whistle A Happy Tune and the Ralph Platt. Happy Tune was the one that started this ridiculous obsession. Got em both, but please do continue to alert me with anything anybody stumbles upon. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Phillips Subject: Re: (exotica) The Lords Date: 06 Dec 2001 09:57:01 -0500 I like some of the Lords' stuff, too. My old band covered their version of "Dr. Feelgood". Brian Phillips # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: (exotica) Gotan Project Date: 06 Dec 2001 16:54:59 -0000 And as Rob reported the Gotan Project LP on XL is now out. Picked up a copy, and its very much in the Thievery Corp with Accordions camp. = Nicely mellow, dubby, judging by the personnel list, they may even be = Argentinean. So I may not be playing this after the summer ;=AC). It actually reminded me of Grace Jones 'La Vie En Rose'. Or should = that be Sly and Robbie's 'La Vie En Rose'. Two names (Sly and Robbie that is) strangely missing from the recent = reggae or dub or Ska debate, considering they practically invented the sound = that is under a lot of modern lounge records. Have to keep an eye out for that Stereo Action Unlimited LP now. El Maestro Con Queso > I love Gotan Project - the new album is due out any day now. There = are 3 > 10" > singles by them; the second one has a great version of "Last Tango In > Paris" > theme, and the third they cover Zappa's "Chunga's Revenge". Not for = the > dancefloor, but definitely for the lounge. Two of the members have = another > project called Stereo Action Unlimited, who just released their 2nd > single, > "Lovelight", a few weeks ago. It's a gorgeous bossa nova, along with = 3 > very > cool remixes. There's a good Ya Basta compilation that came out a few > months > ago that's highly recommended, it's a great label. >=20 > br cleve >=20 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) more anti-copy cd news Date: 06 Dec 2001 13:55:02 -0500 At 02:07 PM 12/6/01 +0100, moritzR wrote: > >I heard that it is very well possible to copy protected CDs with a stand-alone "audio" burner. Can you confirm this? I mean, it's logical: you go into the stereo in and out analog, so... I've never bought a copy protected CD and I'm not sure I ever will. But I would expect to be able to record it this way, yes. If you can play it, you can record it. Actually I wonder about these anti-copy CD's in other ways too. In case you don't know it, most standalone machines work only with special blank CD's - which can be a fair bit more expensive than the normal variety, at least twice as much. And they say that these special CD's are copy-protected. But all they mean is that you can't copy them if you're going from a CD player to a CD recorder via a digital cable. And I don't think I've ever seen anyone with that particular setup. Anyway does anyone here really expect to be buying a copy protected CD in the near future? Unless you're planning to develop a taste for Celine Dion or Creed, it doesn't seem like much of an issue. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Will Straw Subject: Re: (exotica) more anti-copy cd news Date: 06 Dec 2001 14:09:56 -0500 Ok, but help me out with this, folks. A couple of days ago I wrote a foolishly uninformed email asking help in playing the CD that came with that Italian magazine. My computer showed only Quicktime movie files on the disk, but I knew there were a dozen or so music tracks on it. As Brian pointed out, over the phone, the cd tracks would probably play only on a real CD player (and not my computer). In fact, that was the case, as I discovered when I took the CD home. But this also, as far as I can tell, means the music tracks are "copy-protected", since I can't access the directory containing the music tracks on my computer. I could, perhaps, just try to copy the whole disk, and assume the music tracks would get copied with everything else, but I don't see how I can extract specific songs. Are there software programs that will let me see the music? And how are you, anyway, AZ? Will Will Straw Associate Professor and Acting Chair, Department of Art History and Communications Studies McGill University 853 Sherbrooke Street W. Montreal, QC H3A 2T6 Canada Phone: (514) 398 7667 Fax: (514) 398 7247 Co-Investigator, Culture of Cities Project, # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: Re: (exotica) more anti-copy cd news Date: 06 Dec 2001 14:45:07 -0500 Related article du jour: Yes, some of the copy-prevention methods work by corrupting Redbook standards to create CDs which won't read in a computer CD drive. Not sure how this would apply to mixed-content discs. Yes, for the time being, going through analog cabling/components (with a couple more analog/digital conversions along the way) is a workaround. But I think most people are doing this sort of thing internally in their computers, which does indeed make it a large hindrance. And I am sure they are working on solutions to the analog problem, whether technical or legislative (outlawing analog equipment as a 'circumvention tool' under the DMCA guidelines? y'never know). --M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: KK Subject: Re: (exotica) more anti-copy cd news Date: 06 Dec 2001 20:55:15 +0000 wrote: > Unless you're planning to develop a taste for Celine Dion or Creed, it > doesn't seem like much of an issue. > > AZ I think sound carriers will not be much of an issue, sooner or later. On the other hand: “Listening movies” as being reported in the current Spiegel magazine (Germany). This will give a boost to soundcarrier sales I believe. The album concept (or concept album) reinvented. The concept is about incorporating sounds, effects and speach, maybe combing to something like a story, with the music into the thing. The digital media of today would aloow to just hear the music, I suppose. KK # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Whistling Record of the Month Date: 06 Dec 2001 15:56:07 -0500 This is perfect timing, I do believe! My fiance works in a medical office full of straight-laced old grizzlies who(m) want nothing more than to listen to Christmas chestnuts as interpreted by that deity of deities, Kenny G. She asked me for alternative Christmas stuff to play on her MP3 compatible boomity-box. I DO believe this qualifies! basic hip wrote: > Well, you had to know this was coming, the latest featue of my will-it-ever-be-finished site on whistling records. It's the Record of the Month December's Record appropriately is a Christmas LP and a darn scarce one, Fred Lowery's "A Family Christmas" # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Re: (exotica) Whistling Record of the Month Date: 06 Dec 2001 16:06:20 -0500 I shall, for the answering of this query forthwithfully. My fiance's MP3-compatible boomity-box is very new but not very sophisticated and I am willing to believe that they will all work this way: When the boomity-box reads up a CD with MP3s in directories, it takes a bit of extra time to scan each directory and subdirectory (to how many sublevels I don't know), finds the MP3 files, and lists them all. SO for example, in a CD of 16 LP albums given to me by Domenic Ciccone (The Martini Guy), the boomity-box reads all the folders and comes back with 174 tracks to play. It will play these sequentially from alphabetical folder to alphabetical folder unless some different play sequence is programmed. I'm willing to bet that's how your device will access the files as well. wrote: > AS far as that other thing abuot how many MP3's can go on a CD, I guess they must have converted to Wav Files or whatever you said, because I just saved them to my hard drive and then dumped them onto CD with Easy CD creator and they came out to 67 minutes for the two soundtracks. And to be honest, I don't think I'm prepared for the idea of putting a dozen records on one CD. And anyway, if the Mp3's don't get converted, how will my CD player be able to play an MP3? Confused but whistling to hide my fear, I remain AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brad Bigelow Subject: (exotica) Re: "Nikki" versions Date: 06 Dec 2001 22:17:50 +0100 There is yet another version of "Nikki" that hasn't been mentioned. It's on "The Great Arrival!," one of Doc Severinsen's later Command albums--everyone of which, by the way, includes at least one Bacharach cover, several of them obscure--e.g., "Love was here before the stars" on "Doc S. with Strings." And to latch onto another now-obsolete thread, No, Los Amigos are not the Castro Brothers. They are, however, a 60s version of the Four Amigos, and recorded for Capitol under both names. I put selections from these along with ones from the Castros and "the Fantastic Los Vegas" on a CDR before packing off most of my records to storage. I also included a few cuts from a terrific CD I found at the library, which you can buy for your own listening pleasure: Los Zafiros. They were, in effect, a Cuban (i.e., post-revolution Cuban) doo-wop group that were the Beatles of post-revolution Cuba. But the best cut, which I used to lead off the CDR, is their smoking original, "Bossa Cubana." Find it at: Adios, amigos and amigettes! Brad # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: bigshot Subject: (exotica) Cracking 78s Date: 06 Dec 2001 15:07:18 -0800 >Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2001 22:22:12 -0500 >From: "M.Ace" >Subject: (exotica) 78 crack quiz > >Record care question of the week... >Any tips on dealing with cracked 78s? Getting a decent playback? Repair? If you have a hairline crack at the outside edge, you can put a bit of scotch tape in the lead in groove to keep it from getting worse. But a cracked 78 is doomed. All you can do is transfer it to salvage what you can out of it. Every time you play it, the needle will take a dive at the crack and eat off some of the groove at that point. Some 78s, particularly those by Columbia, were laminated, and hairline cracks don't affect them as seriously as a solid shellac 78. Luckilly 78s are cheap enough, you won't cry when one breaks... unless it is part of a set. That really hurts because there is no way you will ever find the missing disk to replace it. See ya Steve Stephen Worth The Web: Usenet: alt.animation.spumco Palace: Spumco International 10859 Burbank Bl. Suite A North Hollywood, CA 91601 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Re: Re: (exotica) Whistling Record of the Month Date: 06 Dec 2001 18:37:50 -0500 Oh, I know exactly what you mean! A while back I downloaded as many old episodes of "Dragnet" as I could score from LimeWire. They are particularly forgiving in file size, lo-fi and mono! Then I proceeded to clip the whole shows down to just the ads for cigarettes and Bibles. Jack Webb apparently didn't see the contradiction. I still have these clips posted! Please go to... ...and pull down all the clips in the folder "Jack Webb Loved Cigarettes and Bibles." I think you'll agree that Webb had quite an agenda going. Dan Mastous wrote: > For the record at a 128 Kb bitrate stereo (which is kind of standard although some prefer 160 or 192) a CD can hold 10 1/2 hours of audio. The higher the bitrate the larger the files so the less audio can be stored. I have CDs that hold literally DAYS of audio because they have Old Time Radio shows that are encoded at 32 Kb mono. That's around 3.5 Mb per half hour of programming. That works out to over 73 hours of audio on a CD. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Giovanni Berti" Subject: (exotica) wah-wah in barcelona Date: 07 Dec 2001 01:19:36 +0000 > Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 16:18:15 -0000 > From: > Subject: RE: (exotica) wah wah records > > Bit late I know, but I found this site recently: > > or if that won't work this is inside the site > > The English site isn't working yet, it seems. > I'm hoping to go out to Barcelona for a weekend in the spring for a wedding. > Perhaps do some shopping... Maestro, when in Barcelona, you MUST pay Wah-Wah shop a visit. I've been there and can tell the place is fantabulous. Jordi is your man. Dig it! Ciao Gionni # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Charles Moseley" Subject: Re: (exotica) Gotan Project Date: 07 Dec 2001 01:28:45 -0000 More details please. I thought S&R were some 80s reggae producers. Lounge? I want to know more! Charlie Two names (Sly and Robbie that is) strangely missing from the recent reggae or dub or Ska debate, considering they practically invented the sound that is under a lot of modern lounge records. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lou Smith Subject: (exotica) the end of ultra-lounge? Date: 06 Dec 2001 20:42:43 -0500 I just received this from the Ultra-Lounge mailinglist. Follow the link. Does this look like they're clearing out the warehouse of U-L material to make way for the next bigish thing? Lou Return-Path: Approved-By: mailinglist@HOLLYWOODANDVINE.COM Reply-To: newsletters@HOLLYWOODANDVINE.COM Comments: To: WHAT'S ONLINE AT HOLLYWOOD AND VINE Win free Ultra-Lounge goodies! Visit to enter! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "james brouwer" Subject: (exotica) musical saw-playing records? Date: 07 Dec 2001 01:43:14 +0000 I like Ford's whistling records, and it occured to me that saw-playing records would be a good find too. But I have not a one. Anyone know of any good saw playing records? -- "good" being a debatable term here, but the odder the better. I'd like some titles to search for. I know at least one exists because Jack Diamond had one by some old geezer ages ago but I missed it. mars needs saws jbrouwer _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: Re: (exotica) musical saw-playing records? Date: 06 Dec 2001 17:58:43 -0800 > Anyone know of any good saw playing records? The first that comes to mind would be Robert Pritikin's "There's A Song In My Saw" (P & G 108), which has a 1976 date on it. Beautiful music with some teeth in it - yuk yuk! I would not call it a novelty record, but they definitely put it out with tongue in cheek. Most of the titles take old favorties and substitute Saw wherever they can. Like: Song Sawn Blue I Left My Heart In Saw Francisco When You Wish Upon A Saw Sawthing ( i wonder if George Harrison heard THIS version) Sawmer Time I'm tempted to put up a couple of snipets to get the idea across, it's pretty funny. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lou Smith Subject: Re: (exotica) musical saw-playing records? Date: 06 Dec 2001 21:03:38 -0500 Questions like this is what search engines were invented for! Take a look here: If you want to narrow the list to those that mention CDs, try: I think my favorite current players are Robert Armstrong, Gert-Jan Blom and Fay Lovsky. Enter their names in the guide to see on which records they've played saw. Lou At 01:43 AM 12/7/01 +0000, James wrote: > > > > >I like Ford's whistling records, and it occured to me that saw-playing >records would be a good find too. But I have not a one. >Anyone know of any good saw playing records? -- "good" being a debatable >term here, but the odder the better. I'd like some titles to search for. I >know at least one exists because Jack Diamond had one by some old geezer >ages ago but I missed it. > >mars needs saws >jbrouwer > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Domenic Ciccone" Subject: Re: (exotica) the end of ultra-lounge? Date: 06 Dec 2001 21:05:08 -0500 Does anybody here know how to get in touch with an actual human person who's involved with the Ultra Lounge at EMI? A name? A phone number? Suspected all those promotional goodies would be tossed in the EMI dumpsters by now. Would make great giveaways on a lounge radio program. Domenic Ciccone "Martinis with Mancini" WJUL 91.5FM Friday's 6-9AM EST (On Real Audio) > I just received this from the Ultra-Lounge mailinglist. > Follow the link. > Does this look like they're clearing out the warehouse of U-L material to > make way for the next bigish thing? > > Lou > > Win free Ultra-Lounge goodies! Visit > > to enter! > > > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Benito Vergara" Subject: (exotica) otr and mp3s Date: 06 Dec 2001 18:56:38 -0800 > -----Original Message----- > From: > []On Behalf Of > > Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 3:38 PM > Oh, I know exactly what you mean! A while back I downloaded as > many old episodes of "Dragnet" as I could score from LimeWire. > Dan Mastous wrote: > I have CDs that hold literally DAYS of audio because they have > Old Time Radio shows that are encoded at 32 Kb mono. That's > around 3.5 Mb per half hour of programming. That works out to > over 73 hours of audio on a CD. I would never exchange an mp3 CD for a good ol' CD that I can play on a stereo. I could put all of basic hip's uploads (and more) on one CD, but why bother if I can't crank it up on the living room hi-fi? However, having said that, I think this is as good a place as any to extol the virtues of the Sonicblue Rio Volt, an mp3 cd player which I bought for a relatively measly $99 off their website. As Dan Mastous wrote above, I have what seems like days worth of Dimension X and The Lives of Harry Lime and The Goon Show on 2-3 CDs. And the Rio Volt has been a rock-solid performer so far, even picking up where you left off on an mp3. (Of course, at higher bitrates one would have to use more CDs.) Later, Ben np: george harrison, "all things must pass" ICQ/AIM: thewilyfilipino # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) the end of ultra-lounge? Date: 06 Dec 2001 22:22:05 EST In a message dated 12/6/01 8:43:57 PM, writes: << I just received this from the Ultra-Lounge mailinglist. Follow the link. Does this look like they're clearing out the warehouse of U-L material to make way for the next bigish thing? >> Hell, they haven't put anything out since the Tiki Sampler and that was what, two-and-a-half years ago almost? It's a shame -- I own the entire series. --Rod # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brian Karasick" Subject: Re: (exotica) The Lords Date: 06 Dec 2001 20:48:10 -0500 wrote: > > > That oughta make Brian's hair stand on end up there at McGill Oh I already know Moritz led this double life; Part time new waver and part time disco boy. Now if this were Alan Z. you were talking about, I would have had to run outside for air! Brian # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "KK" Subject: Re: (exotica) looking for mp3s - for Macs? Date: 04 Dec 2001 14:49:02 -0500 eJ8+IhUOAQaQCAQBAQEHkAYI5AToAYAEAgICAQWAAw7RBwwEDjECAisBASCAAw7RBwwEFgY3 Aj0BAQmAASEyOUIzNUM4OUU0RThENTExOEEzODAwOTAyN0I2NUJEMhUHAQSQBggBAQgfATAB KmV4b3RpY2EgbWFpbGluZyBsaXN0HwIwAQ0KU01UUB8DMAEqZXhvdGljYUB4bWlzc2lvbi5j b20DMAtAOgMVDAECAQswARpTTVRQOkVYT1RJQ0FAWE1JU1NJT04uQ09NHyA6ASpleG90aWNh IG1haWxpbmcgbGlzdHUjAQOQBqgIJh8aARJJUE0uTk9URQMmAzYfNwFWUmU6IChleG90aWNh KSBsb29raW5nIGZvciBtcDNzIC0gZm9yIE1hY3M/QDnL+Lj8fMEBHz0BDQpSZTogH1ABKEth aHVuYS5LQGhhbWJ1cmcuZGUfcAFOKGV4b3RpY2EpIGxvb2tpbmcgZm9yIG1wM3MgLSBmb3Ig TWFjcz8CAXEBFgHBfPO7HYlcsyro5BHVijiQJ7Zb0h8aDAEGS0sfHQ4BTihleG90aWNhKSBs b29raW5nIGZvciBtcDNzIC0gZm9yIE1hY3M/AgEJEAG4ArQCxANMWkZ18tkoMAMNCnJjcGcx MjXiMgNDdGV4BUEBAwH3/w0KgAKkA+QHEwKAD/NQBFY/CFUHshElDlEDAQJjaOENCsBzZXQy BgbDESX2MwRGE7cwEiwRMwjvCfe2OxgfDjA1ESIMYGNQ8wsJAWQzNhZQC6YNCuMNCoCDBGAF EHR6UiB3A2AOsDoc9Bz0PiBJIMZjA5ECIGx5IBQQBaDwbmQgeQhhHyADcAtTnHQuHwVAF7Bv awQgbmEEIAaQHcBlBdDQc4MOsBQgcmF0aBKB4ioNCrB5KiACEAXAIwHYIG110SISd3AFQPx0 byFQBA6wA6AlECEQelQkAWIHkAVAA1AJ4CDIZG93H4BvYSAQkGMOsAQgSSd2IjACEHXVIAFz JSBmDQrALCHgBCDyVh2AYW0LgOAhEyCB3weRA/AjIbAdwGgG8CIwqxewBUBvImQGkGYEkOsJ 8AVAbiLwaQIgB0AnVL8o0B8QKBQqsCs1IoB1ASBjH2Ej40R1dBPQJ1MgjygxEoEXsCgwZ2Uv DsBzHfDgYS4xEB46HxBq/yRABUDAASqhDQqwMHAhsOEFQElVTUEo0CMBH6DXE+An4SqwZguA ZR+RCfDlCGBnL2F0chrQLmAYIbsfIQ6wZwWwH6ET0GUHgAUxO2gCQHA6Ly9rdGFoKDBhOEAi IAIweqEDgW4uaXXALiCBdx46Ok8ehSMHsTXhIxBsznAvwJAwYCAoBbEr+zQgPQEpI+Eo8cAD ED0C/SVCPzvGBmAgASPyIIEDgb0gECILgAIQNOAwtCIlAl3AagWwJtAEYEAlQnP8LngpYAQQ LHE5ojE1PCDyVCUgcG8igCjQNtA+cddBFkJ/A3A7ItBlC1AIkO8EIDZQJQIdYWcLgCyiP8EL BJAxNX1JMB81EAE+PDNDMEQyOEFBLkZDQkVDMjZCQGhhbWJ1cmcuZGU+C/IQAR/zEAFmUmUl M0EgKGV4b3RpY2EpIGxvb2tpbmcgZm9yIG1wM3MgLSBmb3IgTWFjcyUzRi5FTUwL9BAL9RAL 9hBABzDQbh2783zBAUAIMD7AR+U5fcEBA94/r28D3z//////A/E/H/g/AURJbnRlcm5ldCBN YWlsIFNlcnZpY2UgKEdBQjIwMEJIMikCAfk/AXHcp0DIwEIQGrS5CCsv4YIBL089QVRUL09V PUVNUy9DTj1DT05GSUdVUkFUSU9OL0NOPUNPTk5FQ1RJT05TL0NOPUlOVEVSTkVUIE1BSUwg Q09OTkVDVE9SIChHQUIyMDBCSDIpH/o/AURJbnRlcm5ldCBNYWlsIFNlcnZpY2UgKEdBQjIw MEJIMikCAfs/AXHcp0DIwEIQGrS5CCsv4YIBL089QVRUL09VPUVNUy9DTj1DT05GSUdVUkFU SU9OL0NOPUNPTk5FQ1RJT05TL0NOPUlOVEVSTkVUIE1BSUwgQ09OTkVDVE9SIChHQUIyMDBC SDIpH/w/AQID/T/kBAMZQAEDGkABHzBAAShLYWh1bmEuS0BoYW1idXJnLmRlHzFAAShLYWh1 bmEuS0BoYW1idXJnLmRlHzhAAUhJTlRFUk5FVCBNQUlMIENPTk5FQ1RPUiAoR0FCMjAwQkgy KR85QAEoS2FodW5hLktAaGFtYnVyZy5kZQspCyMCAX8BHzwzQzBEMjhBQS5GQ0JFQzI2QkBo YW1idXJnLmRlPl3TDQo= # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Phillips Subject: Re: (exotica) otr and mp3s Date: 07 Dec 2001 08:03:28 -0500 >I would never exchange an mp3 CD for a good ol' CD that I can play on a >stereo. I could put all of basic hip's uploads (and more) on one CD, but why >bother if I can't crank it up on the living room hi-fi? Or you can be a glutton like my dear self and buy a DVD player that plays DVDs, CDs, CD-Rs, and mp3 CDs that have playlists (the m3u file for you PC folks). This model was about $150 or so. Yes, I DO leave the house...sometimes, Brian Phillips # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) otr and mp3s Date: 07 Dec 2001 09:13:54 EST In a message dated 12/7/2001 8:05:10 AM, writes: << Or you can be a glutton like my dear self and buy a DVD player that plays DVDs, CDs, CD-Rs, >> Make sure it plays cd-r's. I don't know about the newest ones, but many people I know have dvd's that won't play them. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) the end of ultra-lounge? Date: 07 Dec 2001 09:47:52 -0500 The observation is right that they haven't had anything out in the series since 1999, and that link to "Register for Free Swag" mysteriously offers no real information so it is possible they are just beginning a housecleaning. I checked whether the U-L website is still there, and it is, complete with its drink recipies, its robot Flash radio stream and its "updates" section which offers not even a glimmer of hope for new releases. Some people chide the series for the same reason others praise it - it's just so Introductory. I'm assuming that we're all so jaded here that no one on this list spends a great deal of time cranking up their now-aging copies of their samplers. On the other hand, they did make a delightful background back at my Y2K party, in which the invited guests had never heard any of it. I never would have known about Luxuria Music if they hadn't had a cross-promotion with the U-L website at the tail end of May 2000. So... Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Lou Smith wrote: > I just received this from the Ultra-Lounge mailinglist. Follow the link. Does this look like they're clearing out the warehouse of U-L material to make way for the next bigish thing? Lou # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Phillips Subject: Re: (exotica) otr and mp3s Date: 07 Dec 2001 09:57:51 -0500 ><< Or you can be a glutton like my dear self and buy a DVD player that plays >DVDs, CDs, CD-Rs, >> > >Make sure it plays cd-r's. I don't know about the newest ones, but many >people I know have dvd's that won't play them. Oh, it does. My Sony didn't, but the Samsung does. I didn't believe my Sony didn't until a cousin of mine showed me. The only thing my Samsung cannot read is a CD of MP3s with no playlist, which Easy CD Creator 5 adds automatically when you select "MP3 Project". Neil Diamond said that I am not Samsung Blue, Brian Phillips # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) the end of ultra-lounge? Date: 07 Dec 2001 10:09:47 EST In a message dated 12/7/01 6:48:39 AM, writes: << The observation is right that they haven't had anything out in the series since 1999 >> Tower Records has budget-priced compilations of the Ultra Lounge compilations!! They're just rehashing the original compilations. THAT'S underhanded, if you ask me. I believe it's called the Capitol Series Ultra Lounge or something close to that. Why don't they just release new ones with different selections? sheesh Gloria # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Br. Cleve" Subject: Re: (exotica) the end of ultra-lounge? Date: 07 Dec 2001 10:29:33 -0500 on 12/6/01 9:05 PM, Domenic Ciccone at wrote: > > Does anybody here know how to get in touch with an actual human person who's > involved with the Ultra Lounge at EMI? Ultra Lounge producer Brad Benedict left Capitol Records a few years ago to start his own label, hence no more U-L comps from Capitol. br cleve # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Br. Cleve" Subject: Re: (exotica) musical saw-playing records? Date: 07 Dec 2001 10:32:40 -0500 on 12/6/01 8:43 PM, james brouwer at wrote: > Anyone know of any good saw playing records? -- "Auld Lang Syne", a track I produced on Esquivel's "Merry Christmas From The Space Age Bachelor Pad", was performed on a saw. br cleve # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) MP3s Library Date: 07 Dec 2001 18:27:12 +0000 I just added 100+ mp3-ized albums to the list. I'm working on a trade want list, but for the time being more of the same type of stuff you see on the list would make great trade material. MP3s are always the preferred trade method. I should be adding another 40+ titles in a few days. Thanks goes out to J.Y. and Paul who helped Santa come early to my little trade list. The list is at: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kendoll Subject: Re: (exotica) musical saw-playing records? Date: 07 Dec 2001 11:49:23 -0700 james brouwer wrote: > Anyone know of any good saw playing records? i have two musical saw records in my collection, both by Joe Hunter of Saskatchewan: "A Musical C-Saw" and "Musical Saws.": "While Joe's musical skills include the saxophone and banjo, his greatest interest is in the saw. After being introduced to the musical saw at a travelling show, he went to work developing his own talents at using an ordinary hand saw as a musical instrument. As a result he has provided numerous hours of enjoyment and entertainment over the years with his performances at socials, anniversary celebrations and variety nights in and around the Regina area. This past summer Joe concluded his fourth annual appearance at the Threshermen's Reunion in Austin, Manitoba." good is not the word for Joe. if you want good, i'd recommend Robert Minden, an amazing musician who plays all sorts of "found" instruments. i saw him at a children's festival many years ago & his saw playing encouraged me to take up the instrument myself (with unimpressive results). his website is and there's a beautiful track ("Last Dance") featuring saw on Sarah McLachlan's "Surfacing" cd which , if memory serves, won a grammy for instrumental. the saw player was Yves Desrosiers. mike # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) the end of ultra-lounge? Date: 07 Dec 2001 15:01:30 EST In a message dated 12/7/01 10:10:34 AM, writes: << Tower Records has budget-priced compilations of the Ultra Lounge compilations!! They're just rehashing the original compilations. THAT'S underhanded, if you ask me. I believe it's called the Capitol Series Ultra Lounge or something close to that. Why don't they just release new ones with different selections? >> Rhino's been doing it for years...They have about 35 mainstays that pop up on any compilation that can bear the burden...JB/dancin' to Kool & The Gang's evergreen "Hollywood Swingin'" while typing # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "james brouwer" Subject: Re: (exotica) saw-playing records Date: 07 Dec 2001 20:02:36 +0000 big thanks for all the saw-playing suggestions. when I track any of this down I'll get back to y'all. jb _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Grandia" Subject: RE: (exotica) The Lords Date: 07 Dec 2001 16:36:04 -0800 Doncha just love it when something so seemingly impossibly personal turns out to be recognized by SOMEONE, ANYONE? This is similar to the exaltation of finally finding someone who can corroborate the existance of something that nobody else but you remember, and maybe too vaguely to exlplain well. That reminds me to update my subscrition to C&S. Ron .............................................. I can't believe this. I recieved the latest issue of Cool & Strange Music in the mail today - thanks a lot, Dana, a wonderful issue! - and what did I read? Of all people in the universe the notorious Alan Zweig doing a review of a CD by, of all bands in the universe, The Lords!!! This is really too much. The Lords. You can't call them a band really, they were a phenomenon, a strictly german phenomenon that is, this lead singer of them, Lord Uli, whom I saw performing some 5 years ago in a disco not long before his death, was the typical post-war 60s slacker. Their big hit "Gloryland" is beyond belief. They are above all a childhood phenomenon, that I wouldn't even talk about with other germans, who might still know them. I would never ever have believed that the Lords would create any attention outside Germany or outside the 60s ever, and now Alan - Alan! - writes about them! What does this tell me? It tells me, that there is no energy lost in the universe ever - halleluja! -- Mo . # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Linds Subject: (exotica) Christmas sawing Date: 07 Dec 2001 22:50:48 -0800 Does anyone have a recording of I Sawed Mommy Kissing Santa Claus by Robert C. Pritikin? This would be greatly appreciated for a radio segment I'm working on. Thanks. Brian Linds # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Domenic Ciccone" Subject: Re: (exotica) "Let's Cha-Cha With Puente" Date: 08 Dec 2001 09:04:38 -0500 Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 8:44 PM > Any other Puente favorites out there? Catching up on some emails. There is a Tito Puente doing the Beatles.Sounds like a recent CD. Vocals in Spanish and Latin. Domenic # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: (exotica) Audiogalaxy usernames Date: 08 Dec 2001 15:30:38 +0100 Hi, Is anyone else sharing mp3's through It's now possible to search for usernames too. If you know the username of a certain person, you can easily see the files he or she shares. Our fellow listmember Brian Linds and I have tried it and it works great! I can browse through the mp3's Brian has on his hard drive and cue them for download. We decided that it would be really great if more listmembers would share their exotic or weird files with us, so if you use audiogalaxy please post your username. My username is weirdomusic. Brian's username is unclebri. Of course it would also be possible to put requests on our hard drives! Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: (exotica) Tony Mottola's Warm Feelings Date: 08 Dec 2001 08:50:18 -0800 A fellow listee wrote not long ago looking for this LP. Robbie, maybe? I stumbled upon a copy and it's yours, but I don't recall who you are. Drop me a line if you still want it. Ford # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: (exotica) Re: Christmas Sawing Date: 08 Dec 2001 09:59:21 -0800 Brian asked: > Does anyone have a recording of I Sawed Mommy Kissing Santa Claus by Robert > C. Pritikin? > This would be greatly appreciated for a radio segment I'm working on. I have this one. It is on that Pritikin sawing record I wrote about a couple of days ago. You need it for a Xmas show, that's fer sure, Brian! Will that track and a few others in the form of my usual weekly upload suffice? CBR 128kbit MP3? How 'bout by Monday? # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Audiogalaxy usernames Date: 08 Dec 2001 13:14:46 -0500 Thanks; this is great advice - the message is a real keeper. I'm not an AudioGalaxy user but my fiance's skroat daughter is and I can use her name. Of course, all my best MP3s were real Napster downloads and they're stuck on my Mac which is in storage... and I never tried to use AudioGalaxy with the Mac... well then! More pie for the sky, hey hey? wrote: > Hi, Is anyone else sharing mp3's through It's now possible to search for usernames too. If you know the username of a certain person, you can easily see the files he or she shares. Our fellow listmember Brian Linds and I have tried it and it works great! I can browse through the mp3's Brian has on his hard drive and cue them for download. We decided that it would be really great if more listmembers would share their exotic or weird files with us, so if you use audiogalaxy please post your username. My username is weirdomusic. Brian's username is unclebri. Of course it would also be possible to put requests on our hard drives! Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "cheryl" Subject: (exotica) Playlist For Space Bop, December 9 Date: 08 Dec 2001 17:08:46 -0500 Beyond kitsch, Space Bop is one hour of full galactical wonder, and can be heard every Sunday from 4 to 5 pm Eastern time on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal, Canada, and on RealAudio (real time only, for now) at: As usual, all comments, questions, and feedback welcome. Space Bop #171 The Natives Are Restless This week, we're featuring great tunes with a decidedly tropical flavour - just the thing to banish the December weather, and warm you up. So mix up a batch of mai tais, relax, and enjoy! Don Tiki: Axolotl "Skinny Dip With Don Tiki" (thanks, Floyd!) Yma Sumac: Gopher "Mambo!" Tino: I Like It Mambo "New Testament Of Funk 2001" Seks Bomba: Agua de Beber (Water To Drink) "Somewhere In This Town" (thanks, George!) Montefiori Cocktail: Nana Nana "Raccolta No. 2" Don Tiki: The Natives Are Restless "Skinny Dip With Don Tiki" The Ray Makers: Undending Capacity "Sundrenched" (thanks, Chris and Lance!) Tipsy: Papaya Freeway "Uh-Oh!" Les Baxter: Pyramid Of The Sun (Ian Pooley Remix) "Electro Lounge 2" Barrio Jazz Gang: Copacabasa "New Testament Of Funk 2001" Mo'Horizons: Dance Naked Under Palmtrees "Remember Tomorrow" Seks Bomba: It Takes Two To Tango "Somewhere In This Town" Thanks for reading, and thanks for listening # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "JamesBGerwitz" Subject: (exotica) DVD players and mp3s Date: 08 Dec 2001 16:44:44 -0800 If you haven't emailed Santa your list yet, here's a video-oriented site showing many DVD players and the various formats each supports, including CD-R, VCD, MP3 etc. The amount of techie info is mind-boggling, but I have a 14 year old son to help me out if I can tear him away from the warez message boards. jimbo (NP The Lost Weekend) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Domenic Ciccone" Subject: (exotica) Martinis With Mancini Playlist 12/7/2001 Date: 09 Dec 2001 09:54:23 -0500 Playlist for Martinis with Mancini December 7, 2001. Thanks for reading. Domenic Ciccone "Martinis with Mancini" WJUL Lowell 91.5FM Friday's 6-9AM EST (On Real Audio) Brief And Breezy, Henry Mancini The Christmas Song, Nat King Cole Sleepwalk, Henri Rene Sometimes I'm Happy, Carmen McRae Sambamba, Pete Rugolo Cast Your Fate To The Wind, Gloria Wood A Slow Hot Wind, Johnny Hartman Moon Goress, Don Ralke Fly Me To The Moon, Julie London Lady Is A Tramp, Bob Keane Over The Rainbow, Santo And Johnny The Face I Love, Astrud Giberto Sandwich Bar, Frank Barcley-Private Girl Comp Blue And Groovy, Paraffin Jack Flash Early In The Morning, Rebecca Kyler Downs Charade, Quincy Jones Unforgettable, Sammy Davis Jr Aint That A Kick In The Head, Dean Martin Witchcraft, Frank Sinatra Witchcraft, Nelson Riddle Norwegian Wood, Sergio Mendes And Brasil '66 Can't Bye Me Love, Henry Mancini And I Love Her, Gary McFarland Nowhere Man, Les And Larry Elgart Cerveza, Bert Kaempfert Is That All There Is? Peggy Lee Sway, Perez Prado Sunny, Jimmy Smith Penetration, Blue Hawaiians Johnny One Note, Bob Rosengarden And Phil Kraus Wives And Lovers, Christopher Scott Honky Cat, Claude Denjean The Squares, Babs Gonzales Evil Ways, Willie Bobo Moody's Mood For Love, Eddie Jefferson A Guide For I And I, Thievery Corporation 9th Man Theme, Billy Strange Gris Metal, Bertrand Burgulat Main Title O.S.T. Blow Up Fugue In Re Mineur, Swingle Singers Mo Mambo, Yma Sumac Snowfall, Esquivel Big Schlep, Dave Pike Set I Close My Eyes And Count To 10, Dusty Springfield Teenty Weenie Yello Polka Dot Bikini, Sam Butera Stormy Weather, Betty Carter Hard Petting, Tipsy Sun Valley Ski Run, Esquivel Ritalyn, Dan Heart Another Day To Love You, Moneymark La Deccima Vittima, Piero Umiliani It Takes 2 To Tango, Seks Bomba Convinience, Shopping,Alan Hawkshaw, Music For T.V. Dinners Moon River, Henry Mancini # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mimi Mayer Subject: (exotica) Bring on the molten lead Date: 09 Dec 2001 11:51:26 -0600 You fellow slaves to pleasure might enjoy this article. Mimi Music's Dangers and the Case for Control All the enemies of music, like the Taliban, fear it has power over the soul. They're absolutely right. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: (exotica) Curried Pop Upload w/Saw Music Bonus Date: 09 Dec 2001 17:52:02 -0800 This week's upload is one of the better (I think) pop sitar LP's, The Folkswingers' "Raga Rock". I especially like the selection of tracks. Paul Revere and the Raiders "Kicks", The Association's "Along Comes Mary", The Outsiders "Time Won't Let Me" and others which don't usually get covered. This a mono copy. A stereo copy sits on ebay right now waiting for your bid :) Also included are 4 bonus tracks from Robert Pritikin's musical saw masterpiece, "There's A Song In My Saw". enjoy! and still up for the rest of the month, The Blind Whistlers' (Fred Lowery) very scarce xmas LP, "A Family Christmas" right here>>> # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: Sly and Robbie [was (exotica) Gotan Project] Date: 10 Dec 2001 12:29:02 -0000 Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare were one of the premier Rhythm sections from Jamaica from the late seventies through to the eighties. There was a time when it seemed as if all Jamaican records were either them or the Roots Radics. The only UK hit under their own name I recall would be 'Boops', which was big in the clubs around 85(?), maybe later. I associate it with the 'Westworld' nights at the Academy. But for Grace Jones they produced a mellow, funky, dubby groove. Mid paced, nice full relaxed bass, nice percussion, not the normal heavy handed dub pyrotechnics on the percussion, but interesting sounds. I'd say listen to Grace Jones 'Nightclubbing' LP again. The track I was thinking of was "I've seen that face before (libertango)" and not 'La Vie En Rose', Doh. Perhaps I should get a PC and do all this from home.... But its all there, the Accordion, the rhythm sound. I played it next to Gotan Projects' 'triptico' on Saturday night and it fits rather well in mood. According to this, they've recorded with Serge Gainsbourg El Maestro Con Queso > More details please. I thought S&R were some 80s reggae producers. Lounge? > I > want to know more! > > Charlie > > Two names (Sly and Robbie that is) strangely missing from the recent > reggae > or dub or Ska debate, considering they practically invented the sound that > is under a lot of modern lounge records. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) [obit] Faith Hubley Date: 10 Dec 2001 09:39:31 -0500 December 10, 2001 Faith Hubley, Oscar Winner in Animation, Is Dead at 77 By ALJEAN HARMETZ,NYTimes Faith Hubley, a three-time Academy Award winner whose 50 animated films often combined elements of myth, jazz and a deeply felt humanism, died on Friday in New Haven. She was 77 and lived in Manhattan. For more than 45 years Ms. Hubley made a film a year, an achievement that Dan McLaughlin, head of the animation workshop at the University of California at Los Angeles, called unbelievable. Her first 21 films were made in partnership with her husband, John, before his death in 1977. Her newest film, "Northern Ice, Golden Sun," came out of the lab just a few days ago; its premiere is to be tomorrow at U.C.L.A., and it is to be shown Jan. 8 at the Museum of Modern Art as part of a celebration of Ms. Hubley's life. Exploring what she called mythic landscapes, Ms. Hubley used primitive myths, magic and music and, in three classic films, the recorded voices of her four young children to comment on the world as it was, is and should be. A jazz fan who sometimes played the cello in her films, she used the works of Dizzy Gillespie, Benny Carter and Quincy Jones as background for what has been described as "filmic poetry." Although the visual images of her later films evoke Miró and Klee, Ms. Hubley has described her films as close to cave painting. "Northern Ice, Golden Sun," not quite seven minutes long, paints the deep attachment the Inuit feel toward the earth. Ms. Hubley once said that the central thread that runs through her impressionistic, dreamlike and often whimsical films is "human development, with a strong emphasis on the importance of children as people and on the environment people live in." When Faith and John Hubley married in 1955 and began making films together, they had only two marriage vows, according to Ms. Hubley. "One was to eat with the children," she said. "The other was to make one independent film a year." The Hubleys kept both promises, and filmmaking became a family affair. They won their first Academy Award in 1959 for "Moonbird," an impressionistic account of young children at play whose unique soundtrack was the recorded voices of their two sons, Mark and Ray. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences would not change the name of the category in which they won from "cartoons" to "animated films" until 1971, but the Hubleys were already expanding cartoons beyond Disney. Their second Oscar came in 1962, for "The Hole," in which two construction workers debated nuclear destruction. Their third, in 1966, was for the buoyant "Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Double Feature," in which the band plays on as more and more people crowd into its automobile. The Hubleys' work was the subject of a retrospective in 1998 at the Museum of Modern Art. Until John Hubley's death during heart surgery, Ms. Hubley was considered the lesser partner in their work. When they met, he was already well known. At Disney he had worked as an art director on "Bambi," "Dumbo," "Pinocchio," and "The Rite of Spring" episode of "Fantasia." Staunchly pro-union, he had left Disney during a bitter strike in 1941 and then was a founder of United Productions of America, where he helped move animation away from Disney with the creation of "Mr. Magoo" and "Gerald McBoing-Boing." Ms. Hubley, who grew up in Hell's Kitchen in Manhattan, had bolted from home at the age of 15 without finishing high school. Reticent in interviews about her childhood except to say that her parents had "made no room for children," she created an intimate self-portrait on film in the 25-minute "My Universe Inside Out" (1996), which hints at child abuse and her parents' burning down the family house. At 18, Ms. Hubley went to Hollywood. Because World War II had emptied the studios of young men, she got a job as a messenger at Columbia. She worked her way up to sound-effects editor, music editor and script clerk, and dreamed of being an independent filmmaker. History gave her a shove in the right direction. Because of John Hubley's political activism, they were blacklisted. Returning to New York, they fed their growing family by working on commercials and educational films. Their first independent film, "Adventures of an *," was finished the year after their marriage, right on schedule. "We could have been rich," Ms. Hubley recently told a reporter. "But I told John, `If you're an artist, you can't be a huckster.' " The Hubleys earned an Oscar nomination for "Windy Day" in 1968. This time the voices of the children were those of their two daughters, Emily and Georgia. In "Cockaboody" (1973), Emily and Georgia played at being grown-up mothers and glancingly mulled the death of their own mother. When John died, the Hubleys were working on their 21st film, "The Doonesbury Special." Finished by Ms. Hubley, Garry Trudeau and their longtime animator, Bill Littlejohn, the film became their seventh to be nominated for an Oscar. After her husband's death, Ms. Hubley turned to larger themes and more abstract images. "Step by Step" (1979) projects mother love against the impossibility of protecting children in a world of foul water and limited food. "Seers and Clowns" (1994), which was animated by Ms. Hubley, both her daughters and Mr. Littlejohn, uses the words of Chief Seattle against metamorphosing images of wisdom and folly. "Faith was always timid about doing animation," said Mr. Littlejohn, who first worked with Ms. Hubley on the 1962 film "The Hole." "The strengths of her films were her brilliant designs and her strong ideas. And making one film a year is a standard no one else has approached." Ms. Hubley's solo films, usually a combination of her watercolor paintings and cel animation, often dealt in a poetic way with the treatment of women ("Witch Madness," 1999) and with pre-Christian myths. "The Big Bang and Other Creation Myths" gives no more credence to the scientific explanation of the beginning of the world than it does to half a dozen primitive beliefs. At the time of her death, Ms. Hubley was a senior critic in the department of art at Yale University. In addition to her four children, she is survived by six grandchildren. To the end, Ms. Hubley loved being an independent filmmaker. As she told an interviewer a few months ago: "I am willing to pay the price: total financial anxiety all the time. I don't have any greed illusions. I need to eat, and that's that." # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) [obit] Faith Hubley Date: 10 Dec 2001 09:55:13 -0500 December 10, 2001 Faith Hubley, Oscar Winner in Animation, Is Dead at 77 By ALJEAN HARMETZ,NYTimes Faith Hubley, a three-time Academy Award winner whose 50 animated films often combined elements of myth, jazz and a deeply felt humanism, died on Friday in New Haven. She was 77 and lived in Manhattan. For more than 45 years Ms. Hubley made a film a year, an achievement that Dan McLaughlin, head of the animation workshop at the University of California at Los Angeles, called unbelievable. Her first 21 films were made in partnership with her husband, John, before his death in 1977. Her newest film, "Northern Ice, Golden Sun," came out of the lab just a few days ago; its premiere is to be tomorrow at U.C.L.A., and it is to be shown Jan. 8 at the Museum of Modern Art as part of a celebration of Ms. Hubley's life. Exploring what she called mythic landscapes, Ms. Hubley used primitive myths, magic and music and, in three classic films, the recorded voices of her four young children to comment on the world as it was, is and should be. A jazz fan who sometimes played the cello in her films, she used the works of Dizzy Gillespie, Benny Carter and Quincy Jones as background for what has been described as "filmic poetry." Although the visual images of her later films evoke Miró and Klee, Ms. Hubley has described her films as close to cave painting. "Northern Ice, Golden Sun," not quite seven minutes long, paints the deep attachment the Inuit feel toward the earth. Ms. Hubley once said that the central thread that runs through her impressionistic, dreamlike and often whimsical films is "human development, with a strong emphasis on the importance of children as people and on the environment people live in." When Faith and John Hubley married in 1955 and began making films together, they had only two marriage vows, according to Ms. Hubley. "One was to eat with the children," she said. "The other was to make one independent film a year." The Hubleys kept both promises, and filmmaking became a family affair. They won their first Academy Award in 1959 for "Moonbird," an impressionistic account of young children at play whose unique soundtrack was the recorded voices of their two sons, Mark and Ray. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences would not change the name of the category in which they won from "cartoons" to "animated films" until 1971, but the Hubleys were already expanding cartoons beyond Disney. Their second Oscar came in 1962, for "The Hole," in which two construction workers debated nuclear destruction. Their third, in 1966, was for the buoyant "Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Double Feature," in which the band plays on as more and more people crowd into its automobile. The Hubleys' work was the subject of a retrospective in 1998 at the Museum of Modern Art. Until John Hubley's death during heart surgery, Ms. Hubley was considered the lesser partner in their work. When they met, he was already well known. At Disney he had worked as an art director on "Bambi," "Dumbo," "Pinocchio," and "The Rite of Spring" episode of "Fantasia." Staunchly pro-union, he had left Disney during a bitter strike in 1941 and then was a founder of United Productions of America, where he helped move animation away from Disney with the creation of "Mr. Magoo" and "Gerald McBoing-Boing." Ms. Hubley, who grew up in Hell's Kitchen in Manhattan, had bolted from home at the age of 15 without finishing high school. Reticent in interviews about her childhood except to say that her parents had "made no room for children," she created an intimate self-portrait on film in the 25-minute "My Universe Inside Out" (1996), which hints at child abuse and her parents' burning down the family house. At 18, Ms. Hubley went to Hollywood. Because World War II had emptied the studios of young men, she got a job as a messenger at Columbia. She worked her way up to sound-effects editor, music editor and script clerk, and dreamed of being an independent filmmaker. History gave her a shove in the right direction. Because of John Hubley's political activism, they were blacklisted. Returning to New York, they fed their growing family by working on commercials and educational films. Their first independent film, "Adventures of an *," was finished the year after their marriage, right on schedule. "We could have been rich," Ms. Hubley recently told a reporter. "But I told John, `If you're an artist, you can't be a huckster.' " The Hubleys earned an Oscar nomination for "Windy Day" in 1968. This time the voices of the children were those of their two daughters, Emily and Georgia. In "Cockaboody" (1973), Emily and Georgia played at being grown-up mothers and glancingly mulled the death of their own mother. When John died, the Hubleys were working on their 21st film, "The Doonesbury Special." Finished by Ms. Hubley, Garry Trudeau and their longtime animator, Bill Littlejohn, the film became their seventh to be nominated for an Oscar. After her husband's death, Ms. Hubley turned to larger themes and more abstract images. "Step by Step" (1979) projects mother love against the impossibility of protecting children in a world of foul water and limited food. "Seers and Clowns" (1994), which was animated by Ms. Hubley, both her daughters and Mr. Littlejohn, uses the words of Chief Seattle against metamorphosing images of wisdom and folly. "Faith was always timid about doing animation," said Mr. Littlejohn, who first worked with Ms. Hubley on the 1962 film "The Hole." "The strengths of her films were her brilliant designs and her strong ideas. And making one film a year is a standard no one else has approached." Ms. Hubley's solo films, usually a combination of her watercolor paintings and cel animation, often dealt in a poetic way with the treatment of women ("Witch Madness," 1999) and with pre-Christian myths. "The Big Bang and Other Creation Myths" gives no more credence to the scientific explanation of the beginning of the world than it does to half a dozen primitive beliefs. At the time of her death, Ms. Hubley was a senior critic in the department of art at Yale University. In addition to her four children, she is survived by six grandchildren. To the end, Ms. Hubley loved being an independent filmmaker. As she told an interviewer a few months ago: "I am willing to pay the price: total financial anxiety all the time. I don't have any greed illusions. I need to eat, and that's that." # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) stan kenton - brads page? Date: 10 Dec 2001 16:22:04 -0000 I picked up a Stan Kenton 10" LP at the weekend. A bit knackered, but I had heard a lot about him, so thought I'd give it a go. 'Milestones', milestones from the career of Stan Kenton, late 50's I think. Apart from 'The Peanut Vendor' its a bit of a brash Jazz bash. Kind of Jazz you'd hear in detective films. Nothing else that I knew. And nothing that really hit a nerve. Mind you I've not had a chance to play it again. Still 10p, can't go wrong. Would this be typical of Kenton? I suspect not. So I thought I'd look up Brads Space Age Pop page, and see what there was in there about Kenton. But I can't get through, I've not been and visited in quite a while have the pages moved? Are they no longer on the web. Say it ain't so. Cheers El Maestro Con Queso # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Phillips Subject: Re: (exotica) stan kenton - brads page? Date: 10 Dec 2001 11:38:55 -0500 >I picked up a Stan Kenton 10" LP at the weekend. A bit knackered, but I had >heard a lot about him, so thought I'd give it a go. > >'Milestones', milestones from the career of Stan Kenton, late 50's I think. >Apart from 'The Peanut Vendor' its a bit of a brash Jazz bash. Kind of Jazz >you'd hear in detective films. Nothing else that I knew. And nothing that >really hit a nerve. Mind you I've not had a chance to play it again. Still >10p, can't go wrong. > >Would this be typical of Kenton? I suspect not. Some of the Kenton stuff that interested me was the music that he recorded by Bob Graettinger. That is on a CD called "City of Glass" and my fave (brother's too!) is "Thermopylae". Also, be on the lookout for "Love For Sale". The best bass line this side of the opening of the "Firebird" Suite by Stravinsky. I have "Cuban Fire" by Kenton as well, but I haven't heard it for a while. Been Kentin' since I was 8, Brian Phillips # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Jemmeson Subject: Re: (exotica) stan kenton - brads page? Date: 10 Dec 2001 16:49:54 +0000 wrote: > > So I thought I'd look up Brads Space Age Pop page, and see what there was in > there about Kenton. But I can't get through, I've not been and visited in > quite a while have the pages moved? Are they no longer on the web. Say it > ain't so. have no fear: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: RE: (exotica) Curried Pop Upload w/Saw Music Bonus Date: 10 Dec 2001 17:55:38 +0100 > This week's upload is one of the better (I think) pop sitar LP's, The > Folkswingers' "Raga Rock". ...and Otis had uploaded Vincent Bell's "Pop goes the Electric Sitar"! Good co-ordination guys. I can put 'em both on one cd-r! Marco (download junkie) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Milazzo, John" Subject: RE: (exotica) Curried Pop Upload w/Saw Music Bonus Date: 10 Dec 2001 11:25:49 -0600 Is Otis' Vincent Bell's "Pop goes the Electric Sitar" still available for download? If so, what's the url? Thanks, John - Logan5 -----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 10:56 AM > This week's upload is one of the better (I think) pop sitar LP's, The > Folkswingers' "Raga Rock". ...and Otis had uploaded Vincent Bell's "Pop goes the Electric Sitar"! Good co-ordination guys. I can put 'em both on one cd-r! Marco (download junkie) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: RE: (exotica) Curried Pop Upload w/Saw Music Bonus Date: 10 Dec 2001 18:42:31 +0100 > Is Otis' Vincent Bell's "Pop goes the Electric Sitar" still available for > download? If so, what's the url? I hope Otis doesn't mind me spilling the beans for him, but the upload can be found at I'm sure he'll soon inform us about this great upload himself. Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Benito Vergara" Subject: RE: (exotica) [obit] Faith Hubley Date: 10 Dec 2001 09:51:55 -0800 > -----Original Message----- > From: > []On Behalf Of > > Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 6:40 AM > Faith Hubley, Oscar Winner in Animation, Is Dead at 77 > This time the voices of the children were those of their two > daughters, Emily and Georgia. Georgia Hubley, by the way, is the drummer for the Best Band In America Right Now, Yo La Tengo. Later, Ben ICQ/AIM: thewilyfilipino # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tiki kiliki" Subject: (exotica) John Barry Date: 11 Dec 2001 08:58:38 -0500 I was listening to a local radio show last night and heard a great tune titled " Séance on a Wet Afternoon " composed by John Barry. When I called the DJ did not know the artist just that it was composed by Barry. It was a moog sounding track and sounded great. Can anyone help? Aloha, Tiki Kiliki Check out my radio station at It's an online radio station on Just click on the link to listen. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Jemmeson Subject: Re: (exotica) John Barry Date: 11 Dec 2001 14:11:55 +0000 tiki kiliki wrote: > > I was listening to a local radio show last night and heard a great tune > titled " Séance on a Wet Afternoon " composed by John Barry. When I called > the DJ did not know the artist just that it was composed by Barry. It was a > moog sounding track and sounded great. > > Can anyone help? no, but Google can: appears it's a 1964 film, starring Kim Stanley and Richard Attenborough # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Matt Marchese Subject: Re: (exotica) John Barry Date: 11 Dec 2001 08:09:25 -0600 The tune was the title theme for the film, Seance on a Wet Afternoon (1964), which was scored by Barry. I'd guess that the DJ found the cut on the Ultra Lounge CD, Mondo Hollywood. It's a wonderful score, I like it almost as much as Barry's music for the film Beat Girl. tiki kiliki wrote: > I was listening to a local radio show last night and heard a great tune > titled " Séance on a Wet Afternoon " composed by John Barry. When I called > the DJ did not know the artist just that it was composed by Barry. It was a > moog sounding track and sounded great. > > Can anyone help? > > Aloha, > Tiki Kiliki -- Matt Marchese "I've been havin' this nightmare.......a real swinger of a nightmare, too." -Frank Sinatra (The Manchurian Candidate) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Will Straw Subject: Re: (exotica) John Barry Date: 11 Dec 2001 09:21:20 -0500 I'm sure that's the Omni Trio remix, which you can download from Audiogalaxy quite easily. Will Will Straw Associate Professor and Acting Chair, Department of Art History and Communications Studies McGill University 853 Sherbrooke Street W. Montreal, QC H3A 2T6 Canada Phone: (514) 398 7667 Fax: (514) 398 7247 Co-Investigator, Culture of Cities Project, # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: DJ Marco Subject: (exotica) Mary Jane + Hanagray + Disco Godfather Date: 11 Dec 2001 09:36:21 -0800 Hey guys Hanagray, thanks for posting your Yahoo soundfile link. Those cigarette ads are hilarious but I'm most grateful for the France Gall song "Der Computer #3"! I love Francey anyway and this is a great fun dance track. Now I've got something in German to play at HONEY MACHINE! Likewise for the Mary Jane soundtrack, Basic Hip! I almost bid on this one the other week, but now I'm quite happy to have a CD of it. The fuzzed-out, bongo-laden "Bay City Boys" will probably get a club spin as well. I need to to test out mixing it with Michael Viner's Incredible Bongo Band's "Bongolia." Those percussion breaks are almost identical! This is COMPLETELY off topic, but I just posted some exclusive behind-the-scenes pix from Rudy Ray Moore's late 70s flick, AVENGING DISCO GODFATHER at: There are only 5, but you get to see Rudy, Jimmy Lynch (in the photo with the little girl), and director J. Robert Wagoner at work. Sorry, no pix of Carol Speed! VERY IMPORTANT! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT use these pictures for anything other than your own enjoyment. If you want to use them on your site, book, whatever, CONTACT ME FIRST!!! I do not own them; J. Robert Wagoner does, and only he can give permission to use them. I'm just posting them for now so people here on the list can check 'em out. Later, Mark ----------------- DJ Marco Hammond # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tiki kiliki" Subject: (exotica) DJ Marco Date: 11 Dec 2001 09:42:40 -0500 Where is this soundfile?? I would love to hear those cigarette ads too! Aloha, Tiki Kiliki Check out my radio station at It's an online radio station on Just click on the link to listen. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Mary Jane + Hanagray + Disco Godfather Date: 11 Dec 2001 10:07:51 -0500 Marco, you're very welcome ! I had to use my girlfriend's Yahoo Briefcase that time because I had filled mine up with different things, and I had even filled my ugly cat's Briefcase up with Moog tracks (Mort Garson, Enoch, that sort of thing). I'm glad you nosed around the other folders - that was exactly the right thing to have done! DJ Marco wrote: > Hanagray, thanks for posting your Yahoo soundfile link. Those cigarette ads are hilarious but I'm most grateful for the France Gall song "Der Computer #3"! I love Francey anyway and this is a great fun dance track. Now I've got something in German to play at HONEY MACHINE! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ben Waugh Subject: (exotica) Les Chiens Dans Le Ventre: BB in the news Date: 11 Dec 2001 09:31:48 -0800 (PST) SEOUL, South Korea –– French actress and animal rights activist Brigitte Bardot has sent a protest letter to South Koreans over their country's dog-eating culture. "Defending and justifying this brutality in the name of culture is an absurdity!" Bardot said in the letter, which was posted on her animal protection foundation's Web site and carried by The Korea Times, an English-language newspaper of South Korea, on Monday. In the letter dated Dec. 4, Bardot said her Brigitte Bardot Foundation has received "nearly a thousand insulting and threatening messages from Korea." "I dare to hope that all Koreans are not like those who recently sent those awful messages to my Foundation, and I dare to hope that many of you will not ignore animal suffering," the letter said. She did not detail contents of the messages in her letter. Bardot has long criticized the dog-eating habit of Koreans. About 3 million of South Korea's 46 million people are believed to eat dog meat as a delicacy. Dog meat also is eaten in some other Asian countries, including China, Vietnam and the Philippines. Early this month, the 67-year-old actress angered Koreans by hanging up the phone during an interview with MBC, a major South Korean radio-television network in Seoul, while discussing the country's dog-eating culture. On the Net: __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for all of your unique holiday gifts! Buy at or bid at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) two more cheers for his hipness Date: 11 Dec 2001 12:48:40 -0500 Hip hip, basic hipness! That Folkswingers record is amazing. I've just finished putting all my groovy Now Sound go-go records onto CD and it's kind of strange to download one from someone else that's probably better than anything I owned. Maybe "better" is not the best way to say it. Maybe "crazy" would be more appropriate. But it's an amazing record. And I'm still blown away that I can download things online and then burn them onto a CD and then listen to them. I put Mary Jane and the Folkswingers on one short CD and they make a great combination. Then I put those two, minus one cut, on a CD with "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" for a couple of friends and they can hardly believe that I "know" someone who just "gave" me those three records online. I guess my friends are even less technologically hip than I am. Having put my entire Now Sound collection onto CD now, I almost feel like I should somehow return the favor. Except for the fact that I don't put every cut on. And I can't imagine what I have that his basic hipness doesn't. But if I had a high speed connection, I'd do it anyway. These days I'm way too busy boiling down my own collection to the minimum number of burned CD's, to think about looking for more records. (After I put the records on CD, I go through them and make "best of" compilations from them. Then I put the original CD's in those binders and hide them in the corner.) Anyway for me, these weekly hip downloads are the perfect little bonus. Between that and the occasional exoticaring thing, I can continue to stay home and work on my CDR project and still know that things will be coming to my door. Thanks. Can't wait for the next one and the next one. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kendoll Subject: Re: (exotica) Les Chiens Dans Le Ventre: BB in the news Date: 11 Dec 2001 11:14:19 -0700 > SEOUL, South Korea ?? French actress and animal rights > activist Brigitte Bardot has sent a protest letter to > South Koreans over their country's dog-eating culture. how does she feel about the french predilection for horse meat? mike # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Otis Fodder Subject: RE: (exotica) Curried Pop Upload w/Saw Music Bonus Date: 11 Dec 2001 10:15:59 -0800 (PST) > > Is Otis' Vincent Bell's "Pop goes the Electric Sitar" still available > for > > download? If so, what's the url? > > I hope Otis doesn't mind me spilling the beans for him, but the upload > can > be found at > Mind? Don't be silly. I'm happy you spilled the beans. This week I haven't had hardly any time to do much of anything with work (my day job) being crazy. This URL (same as above) is the same for every week, On sunday nights each week I will be uploading a new LP. Funny how BasicHip and I just happened to both pick similar lps to compliment one another on a cdr. We didn't plan it, but maybe we will in the future! Now... I'm off to download BasicHip's selections!! This is fun. - Otis # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ben Waugh Subject: Re: (exotica) Les Chiens Dans Le Ventre: BB in the news Date: 11 Dec 2001 10:45:46 -0800 (PST) well, there's like a 20 minute ram manifesto on her site that might speak to that. she seems pretty much full of fraternity and equality regarding species and locales where they're stewed, braised, grilled, etc. you can be assured that monsieur ed is stunned prior to processing, thanks to the efforts of bardot's org. didn't check to see if she's linked up with those monied californians (etc) joan of arc'ing for the rainforest - never mind the aspirations and requirements of the people in the countries it occupies. In any event, I think the Korean people might have been a bit more receptive to what she had to say if she'd have written her epistle on the back of a discreetly selected photograph from her portfolio (but perhaps i speak for myself, again). --- kendoll wrote: > how does she feel about the french predilection for > horse meat? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for all of your unique holiday gifts! Buy at or bid at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bertrand Chaumelle" Subject: (exotica) Musical saw record Date: 11 Dec 2001 19:39:58 +0100 Maurice Dalle made a LP in the seventies on the D=E9esse record label, title= d "La scie enchant=E9e"=2E See following URL for details http://www=2Elamediatheque=2Ebe/Mediaquest/Recherche?ACTION=3DDetails&COLLEC= TION=3DN onClassique&CADRE=3D1&REFERENCE=3DQP8081+ Bertrand # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bump Stadelman) Subject: Re: (exotica) Les Chiens Dans Le Ventre: BB in the news Date: 11 Dec 2001 16:32:23 -0500 EX-Sex Symbols need a life too. (as well as the poor puppies) bump >SEOUL, South Korea =F1=F1 French actress and animal rights >activist Brigitte Bardot has sent a protest letter to >South Koreans over their country's dog-eating culture. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Bump Stadelman) Subject: Re: (exotica) Mary Jane + Hanagray + Disco Godfather Date: 11 Dec 2001 16:38:42 -0500 off topic?, not on this list! anyway, Rudy's Zodiac lp has some great Exotica music running behind the narration. (baxter?) thanx for the pix, (my favorite Rudy Ray Moore Film) Put your weight on it, bump >This is COMPLETELY off topic, but I just posted some exclusive >behind-the-scenes pix from Rudy Ray Moore's late 70s flick, AVENGING DISCO >GODFATHER at: > > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: KK Subject: (exotica) Exotica on german =?iso-8859-1?Q?children=92s?= LP Date: 12 Dec 2001 00:15:48 +0000 There is volume two in this serious of european instruments travelling the world. And when they come to Hawaii you hear the hawaiian lapsteel sound. But you also hear full-on exotica sound (Baxter school). The album is: Die neuen Abenteuer von Piccolo, Sax & Co. Eine musikalische Weltreise composer André Popp Phillips 6435003 KK # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "jonathan richardson" Subject: Re: (exotica) Mary Jane + Hanagray + Disco Godfather Date: 11 Dec 2001 15:16:57 -0800 >off topic?, not on this list! >anyway, Rudy's Zodiac lp has some great Exotica music running behind the >narration. (baxter?) >thanx for the pix, (my favorite Rudy Ray Moore Film) I had that record, and as i remember it is Martin Denny (exotica? maybe exotica II) playing in the background. How about that cover!! Is that really Rudy Ray? -jonny _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jon Huck Subject: (exotica) Re: New song from The Fur Ones Date: 11 Dec 2001 15:52:22 -0800 Hi folks, I hate to advertise for my very own music but if I don't , who the heck will !? Besides, some of of you may enjoy this exotica tinged number. Here's the info > The Fur Ones have a new song up at > It's called "El Cacahuate" ("The Peanut" to you english speakers) and > it's a fancy latin number with blaring horns, snappy rhythms, and a cast > of thousands. > It's available here for listening or free downloading purposes: > > > We hope you like it. > -- -- Jon Huck The Fur Ones # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) Tipsy live in SF Thursday Date: 11 Dec 2001 19:43:56 EST Howdy, For those of you in the SF bay area - Tipsy is going to be playing at the Bottom of the Hill's Xmas party this Thursday night, the 13th. Free admission! -dave # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mimi Mayer Subject: Re: (exotica) Musical saw record Date: 11 Dec 2001 19:59:55 -0600 Percussionist Roy Brooks sometimes performed on the musical saw. Don't know if he recorded it though. Anybody? Mimi # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "JamesBGerwitz" Subject: (exotica) boob tube alert - Yma on AMC, Marlene on TCM Date: 11 Dec 2001 19:59:02 -0800 Yma Sumac sings in the very rarely shown 1954 technicolor jungle adventure Secret of the Incas on AMC cable the morning of December 22. Can't remember much because I haven't seen it in a very long time. Gonna keep my eyes peeled for uncredited extra Alvy Moore (Hank Kimball on Green Acres). The recently discussed Blonde Venus is on TCM the evening of Dec 27, along with a new Dietrich documentary. Somewhere in my research I read that even Shirley Temple aped Dietrich's Hot Voodoo number by donning a gorilla suit, and of course everything on the net is true. Late this Friday Dec 14th Marlene falls in love again when TCM shows The Blue Angel . Hope its the restored German print because the new DVD is about $30. Also of interest this month on TCM: Sun Dec 17 (early AM Monday): The Girl in Black Stockings - score by Les Baxter!!! with Lex Barker, Anne Bancroft, Mamie Van Doren, Marie Windsor, Dan Blocker and costumes by "The Pink Poodle" in Kanab, Utah. Mon Dec 17 early AM: Tension - not very tense but quite enjoyable film noir with score by Andre Previn in his early Hollywood years; most notable for sweater girl Audrey Totter in her best role as a trashy, cheating wife. Sat. Dec 22 late night: The Liquidator, score by Lalo Schifrin. jimbo aka HedleyLamarr on Audiogalaxy, where they sure love Heino and Morning Musume # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (moritzR) Subject: Re: (exotica) Les Chiens Dans Le Ventre: BB in the news Date: 12 Dec 2001 12:19:53 +0100 I ate dog in China. It's kind of tasty, reminded me of Roulade beef. I liked it better than I ever liked horse or shark. Did you try it, William? IMHO the Bardot activism is running into the wrong direction here. The popular East-Asian habit of slaughtering tigers and other extremely endangered species in the name of medicine would be a proper target for BB. -- Mo ............................ studio ® ............................ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: Re: (exotica) boob tube - one more Date: 12 Dec 2001 11:45:22 -0500 One more piece of exotica cinema in the immediate future. TCM, Thursday morning at 6:00am (eastern): "I Walked With A Zombie" (1943) One of Jacques Tourneur's best. The scenes in the cane fields at night breathe atmosphere right through your screen. M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Nathan Miner" Subject: Re: (exotica) boob tube - one more Date: 12 Dec 2001 11:53:48 -0500 *SIGH* An hour of "atmoshere" in an otherwise BORING film. Tourneur = painted pretty pictures with a story line that has the effect of watching = the paint dry!!! - Nate=20 <<"I Walked With A Zombie" (1943) One of Jacques Tourneur's best. The scenes in the cane fields at night=20 breathe atmosphere right through your screen.>> # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darrell Brogdon" Subject: Re: (exotica) boob tube alert - Yma on AMC, Marlene on TCM Date: 12 Dec 2001 11:38:42 -0600 > Yma Sumac sings in the very rarely shown 1954 technicolor jungle adventure > Secret of the Incas on AMC cable the morning of December 22. With Charlton Heston running around in a leather jacket and fedora, hunting Incan treasure. Kind of a '50s take on Indiana Jones. Darrell Brogdon The Retro Cocktail Hour KANU FM 91.5 Saturday 7:00pm - 9:00pm Listen to The Retro Cocktail Hour at: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Will Straw Subject: Re: (exotica) boob tube - one more Date: 12 Dec 2001 13:51:48 -0500 But it's one of the only Hollywood films that mentions Ottawa, Canada! I love it, but acknowledge that atmosphere rules over plot. Will At 11:53 AM 12/12/2001 -0500, Nathan Miner wrote: >*SIGH* An hour of "atmoshere" in an otherwise BORING film. Tourneur >painted pretty pictures with a story line that has the effect of watching >the paint dry!!! > >- Nate Will Straw Associate Professor and Acting Chair, Department of Art History and Communications Studies McGill University 853 Sherbrooke Street W. Montreal, QC H3A 2T6 Canada Phone: (514) 398 7667 Fax: (514) 398 7247 Co-Investigator, Culture of Cities Project, # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: (exotica) =?iso-8859-1?Q?RE:_=28exotica=29_Exotica_on_german_children's_LP?= Date: 12 Dec 2001 21:21:09 +0100 > Die neuen Abenteuer von Piccolo, Sax & Co. > Eine musikalische Weltreise > composer André Popp > Phillips 6435003 Part of Popp's very nice series of Piccolo & Saxo records. Some volumes also available in English and Dutch as well (and the originals in French of course). I recently found Piccolo et Saxo à Music City on Ebay. Does anyone know if this is the last part of the series and if it's available in English too? Marco (Popp fanatic) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Domenic Ciccone" Subject: (exotica) I Pod Commercial Date: 13 Dec 2001 08:12:17 -0500 I noticed on the new, less irritating, i pod (1000 songs in your pocket) commercial that "The Girl From Uncle" was on the menu of items on the computer of that annoying Philip Glass looking dancing guy. Maybe he's not so bad after all. They changed the music in the commercial. Better song. Domenic # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Phillips Subject: Re: (exotica) boob tube alert - Yma on AMC, Marlene on TCM Date: 13 Dec 2001 12:28:36 -0500 > > Yma Sumac sings in the very rarely shown 1954 technicolor jungle adventure > > Secret of the Incas on AMC cable the morning of December 22. > >With Charlton Heston running around in a leather jacket and fedora, >hunting Incan treasure. Kind of a '50s take on Indiana Jones. Her appearance is sort of funny, because, as I remember, she cannot sync herself with her own vocals! Isn't his name Not L. Rahc-Nosteh and isn't he Peruvian, Brian Phillips # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: (exotica) =?iso-8859-1?Q?new_Andr=E9_Popp_compilation?= Date: 13 Dec 2001 21:35:53 +0100 There is a new André Popp cd on the market. It's a compilation from France called 'Popp Musique'. Looks like half of it is cover versions of his work and the other half is original (orchestral) recordings. So no 'delirium' type stuff, but still some very interesting tracks. The excerpt from the Tintin soundtrack is very nice. Hope we'll see more Popp in the near future. Here's the track listing from 1. Ballade à La Rose 2. Le Temps De Mon Père 3. Musique Mécanique 4. Love Is Blue(Claudine Longet) 5. Bloody Serenade 6. May Come Years May Go(Herman's Hermits) 7. Tintin Et Le Mystère De La Toison D'or 8. Chasseurs Sachez Danser 9. Manchester Et Liverpool(Marie Laforêt) 10. Sous Son Chapeau Cloche 11. Picasso Blue 12. Foi à Madame(Maracana) 13. L'homme Invisible 14. Jeremy(Jeanette) 15. Laura Mia 16. Sixty Days Without Claudia 17. Lolitissimo Francine Lainé 18. Shade Of Blue 19. Les Lavandières Du Portugal(Astrud Gilberto) 20. Piccolo, Saxo & Cie (final) Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tiki kiliki" Subject: (exotica) Pink Martini Date: 13 Dec 2001 22:15:22 -0500 I finally will have the pleasure of seeing Pink Martini in Nashville January 12, 2002 performing with the Nashville Symphony. Yes Kiliki, there is a Santa Claus.......... Tiki Kiliki Check out my radio station at It's an online radio station on Just click on the link to listen. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) RE: (exotica) Exotica on german children's LP Date: 13 Dec 2001 19:57:35 -0800 At 12:21 PM 12/12/01, Marco wrote:. > > Die neuen Abenteuer von Piccolo, Sax & Co. > > Eine musikalische Weltreise > > composer Andr=E9 Popp > > Phillips 6435003. >Part of Popp's very nice series of Piccolo & Saxo records. Some volumes= also >available in English and Dutch as well (and the originals in French of >course). I recently found Piccolo et Saxo =E0 Music City on Ebay. Does= anyone >know if this is the last part of the series and if it's available in= English >too? Don't know. Didn't know there was a series! I do have one... Piccolo, Saxie and Company Passport for Piccolo, Saxie and Company narrated by Victor Borge Text by Jean Broussolle Music composed and conducted by Andre Popp Columbia CL 1233 Never noticed it had music by Andre Popp...I got it because Victor Borge=20 was the narrator! Byron ___...--''''***^^^^^^""""""^^^^^***''''---___ "Life is short. Stay happy." ||| ||| ---May 2001 tv advert ||| |||bag AT hubris DOT net...Saint Johns, ||| |||Portlandistan, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol ||| """^^^'''***----...__________...----'''^^^""" # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "william" Subject: (exotica) new purchases Date: 14 Dec 2001 15:36:05 +0800 hi all, they just opened another branch fnac here and they were having a sale so i picked up the following: the best of ennio morricone my greatest songs - marlene dietrich my greatest songs - eartha kitt good humor - st. etienne 4 discs for about u.s. $30. most of these were things i was curious about, but hadn't gotten around to checking out. i haven't had a chance to listen to them quite yet, but will shortly. at another shop i picked up a disc by montefiori cocktail (raccolta no. 2 i think its called). any comments on these? while i was at fnac, i saw a series of cds called cafe noir on some label called pyramide. looks like its from italy or france, not sure which. anyone have these? any good? william in taipei. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hep Cat Subject: Re: (exotica) Pink Martini Date: 14 Dec 2001 00:02:49 -0800 (PST) Hey Tiki I'll bet you'll like Paris Combo. A year ago I was drinking martinis that were too good in a bar that was too deftly cool for Birmingham, AL (and consequentltly closed shortly thereafter) and marveling at the place when unexpectedly I turned to the surprisingly pleasing sound of a man blowing a trumpet into a bowl of water... and the most hauntingly beatiful female voice. It was Paris Combo, on their first American tour. They're the perfect lounge music for times when your feeling continental: -Ford _____________________________________________________________ Enjoy the hip cats and magical martinis at the world's most famous martini bar, Chatini! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) easy in Manchester? easy online? Date: 14 Dec 2001 15:28:27 -0000 Someone has contacted me looking for 'Swinging Safari' by Bert Kaempfert. For some reason my tape lists seem to be showing up in the search engines again. I haven't a clue where to buy CD's, I've tried the usual online sources and the best I've found is 'not available'. Does anyone know any on line sources apart from CDNow and the major record stores? Or, does anyone know any shops in Manchester (UK) that have a decent easy selection? TIA El Maestro Con Queso # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) good finds Date: 14 Dec 2001 15:56:39 -0000 Went to Oxford yesterday. Just had a quick half hour at lunchtime to check out the nearest charity shop. Such a large collection of records, I really didn't have time to sort through them all. I suppose the children of the upper classes no longer by vinyl. So that meant there were a couple of classics in there for me. Walter Carlos - Switched on Bach. Well we've all heard of it. Not bad condition, the sleeve was a bit tatty. Not massively my cup of tea, but it is genre defining. A couple of the tracks are just off the wall enough to make a novelty occasion, but mostly its too straight for my liking. I don't like harpsichords (SACRLILEGE!) and I definitely don't like fake harpsichords... As an aside, I thought the music from the end of 'A Clockwork Orange' (the fairly abstract synthesiser sounds playing over the primary coloured credits) was from this LP. It didn't seem to be. Unless I totally missed it. If its not, is it Walter Carlos? Where is it from, then? Francis Albert Sinatra and Antonio Carlos Jobim arranged by Claus Ogerman. Frankie goes Bossa, oh yes. Very understated LP. Not something I'd normally associate with Sinatra. Great sleevenotes, going on about how quiet the session was, and how Ogerman irons creases into his cardigans (it seems true judging by the picture). All your Bossa fave hits performed by Sinatra, with Jobim accompanying him on guitar and occasionally singing. Very, very nice. Tabu an LP of Balinese Folk music by various Balinese folk artists. From the early 60's judging by the look of it, I didn't get round to playing this last night, so I've not heard it. Interesting sleeve notes. Not just Gamelan, but some other Balinese forms. some parts are played on a bamboo jaws harp. I also picked up the Dread Zeppelin single of 'Heartbreak hotel'. A one joke band, funny the first time you hear them. This, for me, was that record. I did have a tape of their LP for a while, it didn't last long. This should do. Wish I'd had much more time, it looked like there were some more charity shops down the street. El Maestro Con Queso # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: (exotica) not a real news item Date: 14 Dec 2001 12:07:29 -0500 It's only a joke. Right? --M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (moritzR) Subject: Re: (exotica) good finds Date: 14 Dec 2001 19:57:47 +0100 schrieb: > > > Tabu an LP of Balinese Folk music by various Balinese folk artists. From the > early 60's judging by the look of it, I didn't get round to playing this > last night, so I've not heard it. Interesting sleeve notes. Not just > Gamelan, but some other Balinese forms. some parts are played on a bamboo > jaws harp. > Sounds interesting. Please post review, when you listened in. --Mo ............................ studio ® ............................ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (moritzR) Subject: Re: (exotica) not a real news item Date: 14 Dec 2001 19:59:37 +0100 "M.Ace" schrieb: > > > It's only a joke. Right? > No. Freedom is over. After democracy always follows slavery. --Spartakus ............................ studio ® ............................ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: DJ Marco Subject: (exotica) Bardot / Rudy Ray / Liquidator Date: 14 Dec 2001 14:28:28 -0800 Sorry to respond in digest form, but that's how I get it so that's how I'll give it... > EX-Sex Symbols need a life too. > (as well as the poor puppies) As a vegetarian since '86 (vegan since '96), I agree! I love BB, too, and I applaud her championing of animal rights. Though animal rights without vegetarianism does seem hypocritical to me (and grounds for criticism from meateaters)...but every small step is a good one in my opinion. And Mo, re: the dog meat - let's not invite each other to dinner parties, ok?! >off topic?, not on this list! >anyway, Rudy's Zodiac lp has some great Exotica music Glad you dig the Human Tornado, too. I met Rudy Ray at a convention a few years back and he was a really really nice guy. He didn't even charge for autographs. How rare is that? > Sat. Dec 22 late night: The Liquidator, score by Lalo Schifrin. Awww yeah! I love this list! Thank you! Bassey's rendition of the title tune is a KILLER! Can't wait to see the flick! I'm obviously trying to meet my quota of exclamation points in this email!!!! Be kind to animals...don't eat them. (sticker on back of Arthur Lee's guitar) -Mark ----------------- DJ Marco Hammond # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (moritzR) Subject: Re: (exotica) Bardot / Rudy Ray / Liquidator Date: 14 Dec 2001 23:34:43 +0100 DJ Marco schrieb: > And Mo, re: > the dog meat - let's not invite each other to dinner parties, ok?! Why would I invite you to a dinner party? And besides: I have vegetarians *regulary* at MY dinner parties, and I can cook for them, and they seem to enjoy it. And besides: I have never cooked dog at my dinner parties, or on any other occasion, and I probably never will. And besides: When I ate that dog meat in China, I didn't even know it was dog, while I ate it; I only learned later that it was dog. So much to people who draw the most simple conclusions on something they hear or read or elsewise misunderstand in the big wide world of information overload. Mo ............................ studio ® ............................ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Will Straw Subject: Re: (exotica) Bardot / Rudy Ray / Liquidator Date: 14 Dec 2001 18:51:20 -0500 This is what happens when threads go on for far too long . .. Will Why would I invite you to a dinner party? And besides: I have vegetarians *regulary* at MY dinner parties, and I can cook for them, and they seem to enjoy it. And besides: I have never cooked dog at my dinner parties, or on any other occasion, and I probably never will. And besides: When I ate that dog meat in China, I didn't even know it was dog, while I ate it; I only learned later that it was dog. So much to people who draw the most simple conclusions on something they hear or read or elsewise misunderstand in the big wide world of information overload. Will Straw Associate Professor and Acting Chair, Department of Art History and Communications Studies McGill University 853 Sherbrooke Street W. Montreal, QC H3A 2T6 Canada Phone: (514) 398 7667 Fax: (514) 398 7247 Co-Investigator, Culture of Cities Project, # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (buMp) Subject: Re: (exotica) not a real news item Date: 14 Dec 2001 20:55:11 -0500 with the A-Hole we have at the wheel, i would not be too sure. (how can i make this post exotic?) Bush>Foliage>Jungle>Native>Music>Exotica...there. cheers bump > > >It's only a joke. Right? > >--M.Ace > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Doug Dale" Subject: Re: (exotica) easy in Manchester? easy online? Date: 14 Dec 2001 21:19:02 -0800 El Maestro Con Queso (G.R.Reader) wrote: "Someone has contacted me looking for 'Swinging Safari' by Bert Kaempfert...Does anyone know any on line sources...?" There's a great search engine for buying music besides GEMM. It's . They claim to have "5 Million Items for Sale from Over 90 New & Used Music Vendors". They have 3 places that carry "Swinging Safari". One is for $11.14: The other two are for $20.99 & $25.99. I have only heard one Bert Kaempfert album. When I was a teenager, my friend had an 8 track player in his Corvette, and we would drive around listening to Bert's greatest hits over and over. I hear Swingin' Safari has the old "Match Game" theme song on it. How's the rest of the album? Your Pal, Doug # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) not a real news item Date: 15 Dec 2001 00:19:27 EST In a message dated 12/14/01 9:04:57 PM, writes: << with the A-Hole we have at the wheel, >> c'mon ... do better if you're all that...he has risen to the occasion pretty well, certainly better than i coulda # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Nicola Battista Subject: Re: (exotica) not a real news item Date: 15 Dec 2001 15:27:17 +0000 > > >It's only a joke. Right? yes, and a well orchestrated one. Only this one seems better ;) regards, DjB ---- english section now open :) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: (exotica) real news item Date: 15 Dec 2001 11:12:13 -0500 Yes, I knew the other article was a joke. I was just being theatrical. Here's one that isn't a joke. "MS patents a lock-down OS": --M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: RE: (exotica) Exotica on german children's LP Date: 15 Dec 2001 17:41:52 +0100 > Don't know. Didn't know there was a series! I do have one... > > Piccolo, Saxie and Company > Passport for Piccolo, Saxie and Company That's two stories on 1 disc, right? There are at least 2 other volumes. Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "william" Subject: (exotica) dog trains morricone... Date: 16 Dec 2001 01:23:06 +0800 >I ate dog in China. It's kind of tasty, reminded me of Roulade beef. I liked it better than I ever liked horse or shark. Did you try it, William? not that i know of. i was actually given a bag of it and brought it back with me to taiwan, but never got around to eating it. i guess i'm a little suspicious of meat that doesn't need to be refrigerated. in a related note, i came home from work earlier this week and one of my roomates was eating this meat(i think it came from some function at her work but i'm unsure) and she asks if i want some and i pass. but then ask what it is. and the response "chinese turkey" and i said what's that? and of course the answer was dog. though i heard they actually made it illegal to eat dog here(which seems sort of silly, i mean if you are going to eat cows why not dogs?) recently. so maybe this really wasn't dog after all... oh, and tonite i ended up back at fnac picking up some dvds for my parents xmas gift, and one of my roomates picked up the dvd for happy texas. well, this dvd had one of those little plastic envelopes taped on the back with a cd of old chinese(or maybe taiwanese) songs. i don't think the people singing are really credited with anything just song titles. apparently recent recordings of old songs, but some of it is quite nice. some of it may even be new songs recorded in old style. the reason i bring this up, is that i remember awhile back magnus was looking for songs with train sounds, well, one song on this has a train whistle or something imitating a train sound. william in taipei. ps. i've only listened to that morricone comp i picked up once but am really loving it. what's the scoop on this track called "ciribiribin"? it seemed to me at the time that it sounded like some classical piece being played through a saloon piano, but then is that moog i hear? or maybe i'm getting two songs confused... pps. just put on that montefiori cd i got for the first time, and i am totally loving it. (insert jack diamond rave here). # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) real news item Date: 15 Dec 2001 13:12:58 -0500 Okay I am just going to get my Mac G4 back out of storage now...yes that'll do nicely sir... Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > Here's one that isn't a joke. > > "MS patents a lock-down OS": > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: KK Subject: (exotica) Desperados Steel Band, Augusto Alguero, Enoch Light Date: 15 Dec 2001 19:47:07 +0000 Today’s finds: Enoch Light & His Orchestra ? Far Away Places not very exciting or exotic. I like harpsichord leads though, and this 1961 album has got loads of harpsichord. I think the harpsichord is a very indicative instrument for the recording technology used. Obviously used the engineers light to push the levels to accent the harmonics, and the low-cutty effect of the transformers is in full effect also. You always know in an instant when you hear a transistor era harpsichord. Enoch Light & His Orchestra ? Provocative Percussion Vol.III not very exciting or exotic either. I had one listen so far, and can’t recommend any particular track yet… Augusto Alguero & His Orchstra ? Sounds Spectcacular A “typical“ Polydor find. Very reverb heavy sound, with string and percussion arrangements. Unusal selections: Delilah I’m Coming Home Pata-Pata Cherie Babette Magico Sonido It Must be Love (Sera El Amor) la la la La Muchachita Del Pianillo Cuando Sali De Cuba The Ballad of Bonnie And Clyde Road To Marbella Gran Premio Somehow this reminds me of Keith Mansfield, the groove is more like Roberto Delgado. More over the top ideas and sound than either in any case. Is there more by this man? Desperados Steel Band? Virgin Islands Relatices of the Wesley Thomas Combo tracks: Gagabat Parris Twist Merengue Hugh Born To Love Melody Love Never On Sunday B G War Ja. (Ya) Slow Twist Nelson Know Yellow Bird Yankee Doodle This is one highly recommended Steeldrum record. The ballads may tack some getting used too, as especially the high notes don’t carry much tonal root. But in general: a impressive sound, very exotic to me, and the rhythms are intense and unusal. This will be a favorite on compilation tapes! KK # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: (exotica) Nat 'King' Cole "After Midnight" Date: 15 Dec 2001 15:05:00 -0500 Nat 'King' Cole and His Trio "After Midnight" (Capitol, 1956) From liner: "Nat Cole's countless fans have long been wishing for a new album where the great 'King' Cole Trio would have free reign in hi-fi, where Nat would once more be his own accompanist as he sang, and where he would again have a small-group setting for his memorable piano -- warm, swining and inventive. This album is the answer to those desires. Here is the Trio today -- augmented by drums and featuring four great guest soloists, each performing in three selections." And indeed it is so... nicely casual small combo takes on a set of standards, including Cole's Mr. Smooth vocals. Core combo is: N'K'C - piano, vocals John Collins - guitar Charlie Harris - bass Lee Young - drums Plus rotating guests: Willie Smith - alto sax Harry Edison - trumpet Stuff Smith - violin Juan Tizol - trombone Jack Costanzo - bongos The highlight from an exotica perspective is a pretty-darned-cool version of "Caravan" -- including Jack Constanzo and Juan Tizol guesting on his own standard. Nifty arrangement... rather than a big, loud Caravan, it's more of a cool 'n' clever late night Caravan. The rest of the tracks: Just You, Just Me Sweet Lorraine Sometimes I'm Happy It's Only A Paper Moon You're Looking At Me Lonely One Don't Let It Go To Your Head I Know That You Know Blame It On My Youth When I Grow Too Old To Dream Route 66 "Route 66" gets a teasing treatment. Recorded at "Capitol's new Tower Studios." Low-key, but not sleepy. Cool. M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Nat 'King' Cole "After Midnight" Date: 15 Dec 2001 18:34:50 EST I love this record - my favorite Nat. "When I Grow To Old To Dream" was famously used on Northern Exposure. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brett Leveridge Subject: Re: (exotica) Nat 'King' Cole "After Midnight" Date: 15 Dec 2001 23:22:18 -0500 (EST) > nicely casual small combo takes on a set of > standards, including Cole's Mr. Smooth vocals. I'm a huge Nat fan, and this is the album I've recommended to many friends as the best intro to his work, since it covers both his jazzy sounds and his smooth song stylings. It's been out on CD for years now, but there's a more recent edition that has some bonus tracks. Brett * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hey kids! There's a brand new issue of BRETTnews! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "cheryl" Subject: (exotica) Playlist For Space Bop, December 16 Date: 16 Dec 2001 01:27:38 -0500 Beyond kitsch, Space Bop is one hour of full galactical wonder, and can be heard every Sunday from 4 to 5 pm Eastern time on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal, Canada, and on RealAudio (real time only, for now) at: As usual, all comments, questions, and feedback welcome. Space Bop #172 Do You Know Where Your Children Are? Here at Space Bop we're gearing up for the holiday season in our own special way. They say that music is a form of communication, and it has special meaning for kids. So here's some music for kids of all ages... but with a different sort of message... You may never listen to another seemingly innocuous kid's song again without suspicion! All we can say is... be afraid, and keep a close watch on your children! We'd like to especially thank Ben and Alan for providing us with much of this week's material. Little Marcy: Open Up Your Heart "Marcy Sings - Jesus Loves Me" Little Marcy: My Sins Are Gone "Marcy Sings - Jesus Loves Me" Little Marcy: The Lord Is Counting On You "Marcy Sings - Jesus Loves Me" Little Marcy: Stop And Let Me Tell You "Marcy Sings - Jesus Loves Me" Little Marcy: Wonderful Guest "Marcy Sings - Jesus Loves Me" Janeen Jacobs Brady: I'm A Mormon "Songs For A Mormon Child" Janeen Jacobs Brady: I Want To Be A Mother "Songs For A Mormon Child" Janeen Jacobs Brady: Got A Dime "Songs For A Mormon Child" Janeen Jacobs Brady: I Know The Prophets "Songs For A Mormon Child" Janeen Jacobs Brady: Daddy Aren't You Glad "Young Mormons Sing" Janeen Jacobs Brady: The "What If" Song "Young Mormons Sing" Janeen Jacobs Brady: Sunday School "Young Mormons Sing" Janeen Jacobs Brady: Someday I Will Be A Man "Young Mormons Sing" Charlie The Hamster: Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart Charlie The Hamster: If You Believe In Jesus Charlie The Hamster: There's Gonna Be Love Finley The Fish: A Porpoise For Your Life Finley The Fish: Fishing Finley The Fish: Sunday Fishing Captain Hook & His Christian Pirate Crew: Beware Of Pirates The Sunworshippers: The Sunworshippers Speak "Resurrection" The Torchbearers: Know They're You "Resurrection" Ted Taylor Organisation feat. Tubby Hayes: He Who Would Valiant Be "Resurrection" Little Marcy: Join The Gospel Express Thanks for reading, and thanks for listening # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Jemmeson Subject: Re: (exotica) Nat 'King' Cole "After Midnight" Date: 16 Dec 2001 13:59:55 +0000 "M.Ace" wrote: > > Nat 'King' Cole and His Trio > "After Midnight" > (Capitol, 1956) > > The rest of the tracks: > Just You, Just Me > Sweet Lorraine > Sometimes I'm Happy > It's Only A Paper Moon > You're Looking At Me > Lonely One > Don't Let It Go To Your Head > I Know That You Know > Blame It On My Youth > When I Grow Too Old To Dream > Route 66 > UK listers: most of these tracks are on an MFP lp which is very common. called 'Nat King Cole Sings With the Nat King Cole Trio', and has a very dark green cover. the Lonely One is really nice, with a valve trombone solo by Juan Tizol, if i remember. no Caravan, unfortunately. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (moritzR) Subject: Re: (exotica) dog trains morricone... Date: 16 Dec 2001 15:03:36 +0100 william schrieb: > i've only listened to that morricone comp i picked up once but am reall= y > loving it. what's the scoop on this track called "ciribiribin"? it seem= ed to > me at the time that it sounded like some classical piece being played > through a saloon piano, but then is that moog i hear? or maybe i'm gett= ing > two songs confused.. Don't know about Ciribiribin, but since Morricone seems to have made arou= nd 450 (!) albums so far, it's hard to keep up. Actually nobody seems to = know how many records there are, even Morricone himself doesn't. I only d= iscover Morricone occasionally, but regulary, and every time I'm so impre= ssed by almost anything I hear. If you think "spaghettii western" is all = he stands for, than you're on a wooden path. I think for me Morricone wil= l be one of the composers to spend more time with in the future. His work= s are so... casual. He often starts with one simple idea and soon ends up= with an entire film score, just by building several variations around it= =2E It's such a nice combination of suspense and relaxiation. I imagine, = he doesn't need more than one or two days for an entire soundtrack, it si= mply seems to flow out of his hand. He says of himself, that it "has noth= ing to do with ingenuity, it's all mathematics", but to me this sounds li= ke a nice try to mystify himself even more. Although he picks up and uses= American Mexican and Western music, he gives it this European flavor. No= body else does this the way he does, as far as I know. Of course there's = a discussion group and I believe you can spend the rest of your life just= trying to become up to date with Morricone's work. So "Chinese Turkey", that's what they call it. Like "Conecho" in South Am= erica, which often enough is cat... Mo =2E........................... studio =AE =2E........................... # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: Re: (exotica) Nat 'King' Cole "After Midnight" Date: 16 Dec 2001 21:57:30 -0500 Two people wrote: >It's been out on CD for years now, but there's a more recent edition that >has some bonus tracks. and >UK listers: most of these tracks are on an MFP lp which is very common. >called 'Nat King Cole Sings With the Nat King Cole Trio' I didn't go into it in the first post, but my LP seems a bit unusual... It's on (US) Capitol, but manufactured in Great Britain by EMI, and apparently imported back into the US. There's an original $3.25 price sticker still on the back of the cover (no store name). The catalog number is LCT 6133. Has anyone else run across this sort of thing? thanks, M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: (exotica) upload of the week Date: 16 Dec 2001 18:55:14 -0800 This week, it's one of my favorites, Edd Byrnes' Kookie! Edd Byrnes played Gerald Kookson III (Kookie), the jive-talking parking lot attendent with the dreamy good looks, on the popular private eye TV series 77 SUNSET STRIP from 1958-1963. Kookie wanted to be a private eye himself and often helped Stu Bailey (Efrem Zimbalist, Jr) and Jeff Spencer (Roger Smith) on their cases. Kookie proivided the comic relief for the show and his "Kookie-isms" such as "the ginchiest" (the greatest), "piling up the Z's" (sleeping) and "keep the eyeballs rolling" (be on the lookout) became his trademark. In 1959 Warner Bros put out this very hip little masterpiece, simply called Kookie. One of the tracks, the brilliant "Kookie's Mad Pad" was used on Rhino's excellent beatnik box set, The Beat Generation. "Kookie, Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb), with Connie Stevens, hit #4 on Billboard's Top 40 in 1959. I really like "Like I Love You", a phone conversation between Kookie and Marcia, but it's not until after a lengthy guessing game that Kookie realizes he's got the wrong number. It's like, craaaaaaa-zy, pops! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: clayton black Subject: (exotica) Apache Date: 18 Dec 2001 12:03:21 -0400 One of my favorite Cugat albums is "Cugat Plays Continental Hits" from the f:35d series, but I've been curious about a strange write-up on the tune "Apache" from the album. According to the liner notes, "The title brings to mind a dark Paris cafe . . ." Huh? I guess I'm not as cosmopolitan as I thought, but to me the title brings to mind buckskin and warpaint, and frankly the sound of the song does too (I've just been listening to Billy Mure's very wild-west sounding version). Is the title really meant to sound like "a posh" and not "a patchy"? Is there a famous Paris cafe with that name? Clayton # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Otis Fodder" Subject: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe - Special of the Week Date: 16 Dec 2001 21:25:41 -0800 December 17th - December 24th, 2001 Special of the Week: Stanley Z. Daniels - Sex For Teens (Where It's At) (Carapan EV5693) Thanks to John Fitzpatrick for getting a copy of this to us! Download and Enjoy! - Otis # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: DJ Marco Subject: (exotica) SOLID! Funk & Soul this Thursday at Local 506 in NC Date: 17 Dec 2001 00:41:52 -0800 SOLID! Dance Party CRATE DIGGIN' 60s-70s RAW FUNK & HEAVY SOUL at Local 506 in Chapel Hill, NC - USA Thursday, Dec. 20 from 9:00pm til..? $3 for 21 and over, $7 for 18 and over with=20 DJ MARCO HAMMOND (12:45am-2:00am and beyond - classic breaks, heavy soul, afrobeat, funky r'n'b & latin soul platters) DJ VG- (11:30pm-12:45am - deep funk & shackshakin' soul 45s) DJ MIDNITE COWBOY (10:15pm-11:30pm - jamaican soul & stax/volt hits) DJ DIGDUG (9pm-10:15pm - stoned headnodders & raw funk) SOLID! kicks off its Chapel Hill residency with a giant 4-DJ pre-holiday blowout at the home of Sleazefest: Local 506. They got the go-go cages & disco ball, we got the soul-o-delic lightshow and rare wax, and you got sweatin' all-night dancing action. A better combination is simply not to be found anywhere in the Old North State and we can't wait to see you there. Local 506 features a fully-stocked bar with all ABC permits. MORE INFO & PAST PLAYLISTS WANT TO GUEST DJ?=20 Email for info. LOCAL 506 506 W. Franklin St. =A0 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 - USA 919.942.5506 ...and don't forget our free "lounge" edition still in effect on the first Monday of every month at: KING=B9S ROYAL BARCADE 424 South McDowell St. next to the Vertigo Diner in downtown Raleigh, NC 919.831.1005 Please let us know if you wish to be removed from our email list. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: (exotica) easy in Manchester? easy online? Date: 17 Dec 2001 09:05:49 -0000 Thanks everyone. El Maestro Con Queso > There's a great search engine for buying music besides GEMM. > It's . They claim to have "5 Million Items > for > Sale from Over 90 New & Used Music Vendors". > They have 3 places that carry "Swinging Safari". One is for $11.14: > > > The other two are for $20.99 & $25.99. > Try or > > Happy Hunting - > > Nate # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: alan miller Subject: (exotica) Augusto Alguero LPs Date: 17 Dec 2001 09:15:37 +0000 on 15/12/01 7:47 pm, KK at wrote: > > Augusto Alguero & His Orchstra ? Is there more by this man? Two other titles which are well worth picking up are "laugh laugh" (Circle of Sound) and "Top hits my Way"(Polydor). Both contain fantastic up tempo groovy latin tinged UK easy beat numbers. "Top hits..." is, as you would expect, covers. Rousing versions of "Say a Little Prayer", "hey Jude", "love Child" some non-descript fillers and a lovely quasi psych-pop-latin version of "cielito si-si" . Stand out track though is the fantastic original "bocaccio soul" a floor shakin' slab of throbbing hammond soul with funky breakbeats and scorching horn stabs. "Laugh Laugh" is an altogether more accomplished affair. Composed , arranged and conducted entirely by Augusto this release could be the soundtrack to some lost cinematic masterpiece. Spanning lush instrumentals, uptempo wordless vocal grooviness and thriller-esque themes to rock soul numbers like "Great Expectations" (included on the Karminsky LP "In-Flight Entertainment". Great club number "discotheque" is also on this release LP) makes this one of the best UK "easy listening" albums in my opinion, ranking with ease alongside releases by artist/arrangers like Keith Mansfield, Johnny Harris. Alan Miller. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: (exotica) Augusto Alguero, Date: 17 Dec 2001 09:21:19 -0000 I love everything I've heard by him. I have that LP, which has got to be the brightest summer LP I have. Jonny Delicado who does the musical taste site ( did me a tape of an LP 'Laugh, Laugh' which is more of the same, and according to the sleevnotes on the Polydor A-Z of Easy Listening theres another Polydor LP 'Hey, Jude', which I have yet to find. It took me a long time to find 'Sounds Spectacular' and I was very pleased when I did. The A-Z has a track 'Boccaccio Soul' which is a corker, a bit funkier than this LP with that great full bass and a flute solo. Gran Premio is on a compilation, and I can't remember the name of it, but it has some good Roberto Delgado on it and also a beautiful easy version of 'Try a little tenderness' by Kurt Edelhagen. Apart from that I think he did quite a lot of soundtrack work in Spain, but I've not been able to find much else out about him. El Maestro Con Queso > Augusto Alguero & His Orchstra ? Sounds Spectcacular > A "typical" Polydor find. Very reverb heavy sound, with string and > percussion arrangements. Unusal selections: > Delilah > I'm Coming Home > Pata-Pata > Cherie Babette > Magico Sonido > It Must be Love (Sera El Amor) > la la la > La Muchachita Del Pianillo > Cuando Sali De Cuba > The Ballad of Bonnie And Clyde > Road To Marbella > Gran Premio > > Somehow this reminds me of Keith Mansfield, the groove is more like > Roberto Delgado. More over the top ideas and sound than either in any > case. Is there more by this man? > Desperados Steel Band? Virgin Islands > Relatices of the Wesley Thomas Combo > tracks: > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe - Special of the Week Date: 17 Dec 2001 05:19:48 -0500 I expect this record to knock me upon my bodily ass!!! Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > December 17th - December 24th, 2001 > Special of the Week: > > > > Stanley Z. Daniels - Sex For Teens (Where It's At) > (Carapan EV5693) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ben Waugh Subject: Re: (exotica) Bardot / Rudy Ray / Liquidator Date: 17 Dec 2001 05:32:27 -0800 (PST) grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr --- moritzR wrote: > > Why would I invite you to a dinner party? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for all of your unique holiday gifts! Buy at or bid at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Jemmeson Subject: Re: (exotica) Apache Date: 17 Dec 2001 14:21:03 +0000 clayton black wrote: > > One of my favorite Cugat albums is "Cugat Plays Continental Hits" from the > f:35d series, but I've been curious about a strange write-up on the tune > "Apache" from the album. According to the liner notes, "The title brings to > mind a dark Paris cafe . . ." Huh? I guess I'm not as cosmopolitan as I > thought, but to me the title brings to mind buckskin and warpaint, and > frankly the sound of the song does too (I've just been listening to Billy > Mure's very wild-west sounding version). Is the title really meant to sound > like "a posh" and not "a patchy"? Is there a famous Paris cafe with that > name? i wondered that too, and also whether it was the same as the Shadow's 'Apache'. i think this LP was also reissued with one of those fish-eye cover photos in the Mercury Super Stereo series as 'Cugat in Europe'. i have neither though. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ton =?iso-8859-1?Q?R=FCckert?= Subject: Re: (exotica) Nat 'King' Cole "After Midnight" Date: 17 Dec 2001 19:05:06 +0100 >>UK listers: most of these tracks are on an MFP lp which is very common. >>called 'Nat King Cole Sings With the Nat King Cole Trio' > >I didn't go into it in the first post, but my LP seems a bit unusual... >It's on (US) Capitol, but manufactured in Great Britain by EMI, and >apparently imported back into the US. There's an original $3.25 price >sticker still on the back of the cover (no store name). The catalog number >is LCT 6133. Has anyone else run across this sort of thing? Hmmm, sort of. I picked up an album on a local fair yesterday from the Dutch bandleader and arranger Jos Cleber, Music of the city Amsterdam, it's an impression in sound of the Dutch capital (tracklist: The Royal Palace, Night Traffic on Rembrandt Square, the street organ, Carillon melodies, Rhapsody of street musicians, venice in Amsterdam, stormy weather in the harbor, The harbor bar, the stage coach, A provincial in Amsterdam - "Every day A. is invaded by men and women from neighbouring towns and villages in the province... at first they seem to be dazzled by the busyness of the city, but soon they feel at home. Jos Cleber mirrors their feelings in the selections Limburg and Limburg my country...." well, here's the provincial I am, and hello Marco... - The dancing mussel vendor), recorded in Holland, but especially made for the US market, I believe, at least it says "made in u.s.a" on the label. Bought some 42 records for about $50, perhaps I'll post a list of them later when I find time, most records where between $0.75 and $1.50, there was only one record that cost me more, "Thank you, music lovers", a Dutch Spike Jones compilation, and "Hawaiian War Chant (Ta-Hu-Wa-Hu-Wai)" alone is worth all $4 I payed for it, it is the weirdest and most insane version I've ever heard. Highlight of the fair was the Silent Night collector, he owns more than 1000 recorded versions of the song in all possible formats except for wax rolls, but that is apparantly going to change soon. His estimate is that there are about 12.000 to 15.000 recorded versions around, so he has way to go. It's a life. BTW One Silent Night among my scores, it's on Nat King Cole''s "Christmas Song" and that's a great album. Cheers, Ton # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: (exotica) Roger Roger - Music for fun Date: 17 Dec 2001 20:56:48 +0100 Could someone tell me when the lp 'Music for fun' by Roger Roger (from the Mondiophone production music library) was released? Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: (exotica) addition of the day Date: 17 Dec 2001 22:09:56 +0100 Seems like I'm adding cdr's to my collection on a daily basis now. Trading, downloading, copying, the music just keeps coming. Yesterday I added a homemade Naomi Hall comp (downloaded from Today it's the Ralph Records 10th Anniversary Radio Special (released by the Residents' label in 1982 as a limited edition) that I traded with someone. Anyone else see their collection of shiny little discs growing before their eyes? Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) ISSUE NUMBER 23 OF COOL AND STRANGE MUSIC MAGAZINE IS HERE! Date: 17 Dec 2001 17:29:48 -0500 Here's the latest press release from Dana at C&S Music. Lou =================================================== Have a great Holiday Season! - Dana C&Sm Mag ISSUE NUMBER 23 OF COOL AND STRANGE MUSIC MAGAZINE IS HERE! Loaded with new, informative articles on the coolest and strangest music you never thought you'd hear about, this issue features a 4-color cover, lots of high-quality photos, tons of new wacky and weird CD reviews, and it's more fun than teaching your parrot to sing "Springtime in the Rockies!" This issue features: MEL BLANC Our cover feature is a man mostly recognized as the voice of Bugs Bunny, in addition to a long list of cartoon characters that includes Porky Pig, Daffy Duck, Sylvester the Cat, Yosemite Sam, the Tasmanian Devil, Woody Woodpecker, and Barney Rubble. Besides his ubiquitous voice work for animation, Mel Blanc recorded a number of novelty and children's records throughout his lengthy career. He also collaborated with such Cool & Strange luminaries as Billy May, Spike Jones, and Mickey Katz. Walt Mitchell treats us to an illuminating interview he did with Mr. Blanc in 1978, discussing everything from Mel's early days in radio and the dawn of children's records to the various rare promotional recordings and adult releases. It's a fascinating talk with the Man of 1000 Voices! While MAD Magazine is infamous for plumbing the depths of humor on the printed page, "the usual gang of idiots" were known to occasionally project their wild satire onto record as well. From the late 1950s through the early '80s, a variety of wacky releases brought Alfred E. Neuman to your stereo. Although there were a few full-length LPs, the bulk of the MAD sounds came in the form of cardboard and flexi-disc singles which were included as promotional supplements to the magazine's annual anthologies and quarterly Super Specials. Gary Weinraub explores the history of these collectable novelties, and even takes us behind the scenes for one of the last recording sessions, "The MAD Laugh Record," in 1981! BOOTLEG ALBUMS For over three decades, bootleggers have been offering up rare and unreleased audio treats to eager music fans. Ranging from creatively packaged collections of live concert recordings, demos, and studio outtakes to unauthorized CD editions of out-of-print vinyl LPs, these illegal curiosities have become an intriguing genre of their own. Delve into the colorful history of black market releases with Robert Koenig, as he examines not only the intriguing variety of material, but the strange and beautiful cover art that often accompanies them as well. The LANGLEY SCHOOLS MUSIC PROJECT Between 1976 and '77, Langley Schools Music Director Hans Fenger took a radical new approach to teaching his students. Rather than utilize traditional children's music, which is often simplistic and con-descending, he chose to introduce them to more complex material from contemporary acts like the Beach Boys, the Beatles, the Eagles, and David Bowie. The children's unique performances were recorded by Fenger, who then had souvenir LPs pressed to give to each participant. Several years later, these recordings have found their way onto CD and listeners are discovering the strange appeal of the odd arrangements, massed vocals, and colliding percussion. Learn the story behind one of the most engaging releases this year, as Jeff Winner profiles this lost chapter of outsider music history. GARY OWENS Best known as the hand-over-the-ear announcer on TV's Laugh In, Gary Owens has supplied manly voices for a variety of animated heroes such as Space Ghost, Roger Ramjet, and Ren & Stimpy's Powdered Toast Man. He boasts an impressive resume of work in movies, cartoons, video games, and commercials. C&SM columnist Ed Kaz chats with the veteran voice man, and finds out why he's called 'The Rolls Royce of Voice.' JACKIE GLEASON Classic television lovers will always remember him as Ralph Kramden, the portly busdriver on The Honeymooners. But, Cool & Strange readers should know Jackie Gleason for conducting his lush, romantic compositions and arrangements during the 1950s and '60 on albums like "Music for Lovers Only," "Music to Make You Misty," and "Music to Change Her Mind." He inspired a wave of mood music albums for every occasion, and collaborated with the likes of Bobby Hackett, Charlie Ventura, Billy May, and even Salvador Dali. Giancarlo Davis takes us back to the Great One's heyday for a look at the funnyman's musical leanings Modern Artist Profile: ANGELA FAYE TILLETT As the bubbly British voice behind the groups Lollipop Train and Death By Chocolate, Angela Faye Tillett has proceeded to carve out a unique realm of colorful fantasy pop. Her enchanted world is a parade of childlike imagery, bubblegum singalongs, and giddy psychedelia, like the Yellow Submarine on a detour through Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Join Mr. Otis Fodder as he peeks through the candy-colored clouds to find out how her garden grows. RAY CONNIFF Anyone who's ever combed through a thrift store record bin has encountered at least a handful of albums bearing this man's name. Often dismissed as bland, easy listening pap, his vast catalog of releases is usually noted mainly for the album covers, which were invariably graced with photos of beautiful women. Conniff was a skilled arranger, though, and he perfected a formula that ensured a consistent sound and continued success. He absorbed a wide variety of material into his repertoire, from classical favorites and movie themes to novelty hits and R&B charttoppers. Such tactics helped move over 65 million albums throughout five decades. Brad Bigelow confesses his appreciation for Space Age Pop's long-distance runner, and reveals that there's more to a Ray Conniff album than just a pretty face! DETROIT RECORD STORES The Motor City has been home to a wealth of music history, so it's no surprise that it offers an assortment of retail outlets for records. Should your travel plans include Detroit, let Marty Winters guide you to the choice spots for Cool & Strange vinyl and compact discs. THURL RAVENSCROFT The last profile in our trio of famous cartoon voicemen for this issue focuses on Thurl Ravenscroft, the man who's brought life to Kellogg's Tony the Tiger in cereal commercials for over half a century. He's also done voice work for Walt Disney and Dr. Seuss, and his impressive resumé of back-up singing includes sessions with Bing Crosby, Elvis Presley, Rosemary Clooney, and Spike Jones. Meet the guy who's usually heard and not seen, as Steve Pastis chats with one of the gr-r-reats! BROTHER THEODORE Equal parts comedian and dark philosopher, Brother Theodore was a staple of New York's Thirteenth Street Theater, where he performed his one-man show for decades. His odd and colorful career encompassed TV appearances with Steve Allen, Johnny Carson, and David Letterman, roles in both Hollywood and Adult films, and even a bit of cartoon voice work. In a rare interview from 1984, G.S. Stewart sheds some light on this enigmatic monologist of the macabre. MEL BLANC 78s This issue's Cover-Mania! Photo Spread boasts a colorful parade of children's 78rpm covers, all featuring the talents of the Man of 1,000 Voices, Mel Blanc! Check out some great album art from the early days of recorded children's music. Starring Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Woody Woodpecker, Tweety Bird, Henery Hawk, and more! Add to all of that a ton of CD reviews and other goodies, & you've got yourself a cornucopia of So get on board! It's gonna be a cool ride through the wild, wacky and sometimes tacky world of records! COOL AND STRANGE MUSIC! MAGAZINE is available at most Borders Books, Tower Records and Tower Books stores, and we are also in hundreds of newsstands and independent bookstores around the U.S., so take a look! If you have trouble locating COOL AND STRANGE MUSIC! MAGAZINE locally, you can order issues by mail: MOST OF OUR BACK ISSUES ARE SOLD OUT, except Issues #11-21. Even those are only available in limited quantities, so hurry! Our earlier issues won't be reprinted, either, we're sorry to say. Residents of the USA, Mexico and Canada can purchase current SINGLE issues of Issue #20 for $3.95 + $1 postage. Residents of other countries can purchase current SINGLE issues of Issue #20 for $3.95 + $3 postage. Back issues #11-22 are available (while they last) for $5 + $1 postage in the continental United States, and for $5 + $5 postage for overseas orders. To subscribe (4 quarterly issues), USA residents please send $15 for bulk-mailed issues in the United States. Canadian/Mexican subscriptions are $20 a year. All other countries are $30 a year. (U.S. funds only.) Use your credit card to purchase issues through our secure server on our web page. (Sorry, credit card purchases are not available by regular postal mail.) (If you choose not to order with our online credit card system, only U. S. funds are accepted (cash or International Money Order, or US postal money order.) Canadian checks must be drawn on an American bank for acceptance.) To order by regular mail, send your Check, well-concealed Cash or Money Order to: Cool And Strange Music! Magazine 1101 Colby Ave. Everett, WA USA 98201 COOL AND STRANGE MUSIC MAGAZINE ©2001 COOL AND STRANGE MUSIC! MAGAZINE / All Rights Reserved # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jonny Perl" Subject: (exotica) Yet another download of the week Date: 18 Dec 2001 08:08:40 +0800 Hi, hope everyone is doing well. I decided to follow the excellent example of basichip, otis fodder and others and present a full album for download. However, I would recommend not getting too excited (at least, not as excited as I do when Mr. Hip posts albums). The album I've put up is not especially rare; in fact, in England, I would say it's quite common. However, unless I've missed something, it's one of the lesser trumpeted UK issue easy listening LPs. It's Helmut Zacharias's 'Light my fire', a great example of the sound epitomized on the 'Inflight entertainment' compilation, which I would describe as a brassier, more brazenly cheesy version of the 'Now sound'. Have a listen and let me know what you think: To download songs, click the song titles. This is the first time I've done this, so please accept my apologies if my server is unable to take the strain, or if I've screwed anything up. I'll keep the files up there until the end of the year. I hope some people enjoy the album. Although it's some way from being 'cool', I'm absolutely crazy about this version of 'Respect', and there are five or six other really excellent tracks. cheers, Jonny -- recommend songs at _______________________________________________ Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at 1 cent a minute calls anywhere in the U.S.! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Penna Subject: (exotica) Re: Apache Date: 17 Dec 2001 17:33:45 -0800 clayton black wrote: >One of my favorite Cugat albums is "Cugat Plays Continental Hits" from the >f:35d series, but I've been curious about a strange write-up on the tune >"Apache" from the album. According to the liner notes, "The title brings to >mind a dark Paris cafe . . ." Huh? I guess I'm not as cosmopolitan as I >thought, but to me the title brings to mind buckskin and warpaint, and >frankly the sound of the song does too (I've just been listening to Billy >Mure's very wild-west sounding version). Is the title really meant to sound >like "a posh" and not "a patchy"? Is there a famous Paris cafe with that >name? The Apache Dance was something of a craze in Paris nightspots earlier in the last century. Not a social dance one would engage in, but an act. They can often be seen in contemporary films with bistro locales. I learned of them first through old cartoons, in which a stripe-shirted tough guy would sling a gal around like a sack of potatoes. Check this out, just one site found with a Google search on "apache dance": # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) [obit] roundup Date: 17 Dec 2001 12:51:33 -0500 Friday, 7 December Faith Hubley, animation filmmaker ("Moonbird"), 77. Pauline Moore, actress, ("King of the Texas Rangers"), of ALS, 87 Saturday, 8 December Maude Chasen, restaurateur (Chasen's in Los Angeles), of pneumonia, 97. Don Tennant, advertising creator (Tony the Tiger), 79. Monday, 10 December Dave Graue, cartoonist ("Alley Oop"), after an auto accident, 75. Ashok Kumar, actor (Indian), 90. Friday, 14 December Conte Candoli, jazz trumpeter, of cancer, 74. Saturday, 15 December Bianca Halstead, rock singer ("Betty Blowtorch"), in an auto accident, 36. Rufus Thomas, R&B singer ("Funky Chicken"), 84. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) The MP3 madness continues Date: 18 Dec 2001 04:32:18 +0000 Here's another 100 titles added to the mp3 library. Click on "New Arrivals 2" For these new additions thanks goes out to Nigel and as usual Mr. South of Laguna Dam. If you're interested in trading anything drop me a line. The URL is still: Have safe holidays, everyone. XOXOXO, Roy # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) The MP3 madness continues Date: 17 Dec 2001 23:54:54 -0500 You actually got "Bill Cosby Talks to Kids About Drugs"? Do you know how much this record and "We Don't Want No Bad Drugs" and the bags of pain and agony warped the mind of every Luxuria Music listener??? Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 11:32 PM > > Here's another 100 titles added to the mp3 library. > Click on "New Arrivals 2" For these new additions > thanks goes out to Nigel and as usual Mr. South of > Laguna Dam. If you're interested in trading anything > drop me a line. > > The URL is still: > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) More Lost e-mail Date: 18 Dec 2001 13:34:15 +0000 I've again lost all my emails prior to about a 3-4 weeks back. Anyone who I haven't gotten back to in awhile please drop me a line. I'll get the hang of my new internet provider's e-mail system eventually. -Roy # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ben Waugh Subject: Re: (exotica) [obit] roundup Date: 18 Dec 2001 07:41:00 -0800 (PST) Not to mention the wild and infamous Bear Cat. All the lights are going out. --- wrote: > Rufus Thomas, R&B singer ("Funky Chicken"), 84. > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for all of your unique holiday gifts! Buy at or bid at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Nathan Miner" Subject: (exotica) Re: Apache Date: 18 Dec 2001 14:03:50 -0500 It's a surf song - and you can learn to play it on video - check it out: - Nate # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darrell Brogdon" Subject: (exotica) John McFarland's Provocatif Date: 18 Dec 2001 15:03:12 -0600 Well, I've been outbid on ebay again. Is there anybody on this list with a VG+/NM stereo copy of Provocatif for which you might be willing to trade me a CD-R? I have a mono LP in VG/VG+ shape already and I keep trying to find a better copy but always get outbid. Anybody? Willing to grovel. Darrell Brogdon The Retro Cocktail Hour KANU FM 91.5 Saturday 7:00pm - 9:00pm Listen to The Retro Cocktail Hour at: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Yet another download of the week Date: 18 Dec 2001 22:40:42 -0500 This causes me great NEAT-O, and I have downloaded it all with GLEE. Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 7:08 PM > > Hi, > > hope everyone is doing well. I decided to follow the excellent example of basichip, otis fodder and others and present a full album for download. > > However, I would recommend not getting too excited (at least, not as excited as I do when Mr. Hip posts albums). The album I've put up is not especially rare; in fact, in England, I would say it's quite common. However, unless I've missed something, it's one of the lesser trumpeted UK issue easy listening LPs. > > It's Helmut Zacharias's 'Light my fire', a great example of the sound epitomized on the 'Inflight entertainment' compilation, which I would describe as a brassier, more brazenly cheesy version of the 'Now sound'. Have a listen and let me know what you think: > > > > To download songs, click the song titles. This is the first time I've done this, so please accept my apologies if my server is unable to take the strain, or if I've screwed anything up. I'll keep the files up there until the end of the year. > > I hope some people enjoy the album. Although it's some way from being 'cool', I'm absolutely crazy about this version of 'Respect', and there are five or six other really excellent tracks. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul Hodge" Subject: (exotica) Clubagogo website goes live Date: 19 Dec 2001 09:15:33 -0000 Hi everyone At last the Clubagogo website has gone live! It's based on a Southampton (UK) club night devoted to funk, soul, jazz, hip hammond grooves, groovy soundtrax, 60s powerpop and now sounds and features real audio of some of the swinging tunes played each week I'm having some problem with the real audio files. They were produced in G2 Real Producer but they're not streaming from the site. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Many thanks in advance Paul # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Jemmeson Subject: Re: (exotica) Clubagogo website goes live Date: 19 Dec 2001 11:15:56 +0000 Paul Hodge wrote: > > Hi everyone > > At last the Clubagogo website has gone live! > > > > It's based on a Southampton (UK) club night devoted to > funk, soul, jazz, hip hammond grooves, groovy soundtrax, 60s powerpop and > now sounds > and features real audio of some of the swinging tunes played each week > > I'm having some problem with the real audio files. They were produced in > G2 Real Producer but they're not streaming from the site. Can anyone tell > me what I'm doing wrong? > > Many thanks in advance they download fine. if you want them to stream, you need to make a .ram file using a text editor (Notepad etc) that lists the file(s) you want to stream, in the correct order, each on a new line. then change the link to point to the .ram file, instead of the .rm file. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Zarustica, the King of Prussia" Subject: (exotica) let me introduce myself... Date: 19 Dec 2001 12:17:24 -0200 First post on the list, hello all, this is Peter from Mighty Manchester UK. I'll try to catch up with the list and I promise I won't ask any silly silly silly question. I'm a big fan of Kraftwerk since 1986. Big fan of Klf and Orb too. I'm a regular on and there you can find some info about me. What else? I have a label, I'm a producer and I have a good record collection... very good I think, as I've been DJing from 1990 till 1998. I still spin some music whenever people ask me. I think that's all. It's nice to be here. Pete # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) [obits] Rufus Thomas, Gilbert Becaud, Don Tennant Date: 19 Dec 2001 09:48:45 -0500 December 19, 2001 Rufus Thomas Dies at 84, Patriarch of Memphis Soul By JON PARELES,NYTimes Rufus Thomas, the jovial patriarch of Memphis soul, who billed himself as the "world's oldest teenager," died on Saturday at 84. Full obit at: ============================== December 19, 2001 Gilbert Bécaud, 74, French Pop Songwriter, Dies By ALAN RIDING,NYTimes PARIS, Dec. 18 — Gilbert Bécaud, a popular French crooner and prolific songwriter whose song "Et Maintenant" became a worldwide hit in English as "What Now My Love," died in Paris today on his houseboat on the Seine. He was 74. Full obit at: ================= December 13, 2001 Don Tennant, Creator of Characters for Ads, Is Dead at 79 By STUART ELLIOTT,NYTimes Don Tennant, the advertising agency executive who specialized in creating characters like Tony the Tiger during the heyday of such marketing ploys, died on Saturday in Los Angeles. He was 79. Full obit at: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Phillips Subject: Re: (exotica) upload of the week Date: 17 Dec 2001 09:55:12 -0500 For those of you who get the "Good Life" TV Network, 77 Sunset Strip was on Saturday, along with Hawaiian Eye, Surfside 6 and Bourbon Street Beat. I cannot tell from their site if they show them every Saturday or not. The episode I taped showed the Frankie Ortega Trio on stage. Whee! ...and the 77 Sunset Strip Cha-Cha is fun, too, Brian Phillips # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) [obits] musician roundup Date: 19 Dec 2001 13:01:33 -0500 Guitarist Grady Martin, one of country music’s most acclaimed sidemen, died Monday night (Dec. 3) of congestive heart failure at Marshall Medical Center near his home in Lewisburg, Tenn. He was 72. Ailing for years, Martin retired from Willie Nelson’s road band for health reasons in 1994. ====================== DETROIT -- As one of three sisters in the group The Jones Girls, recording artist Valerie Jones was known as the shy one who preferred attending college as a business major rather than working as an entertainer. ======================== December 17, 2001 Conte Candoli, a highly regarded jazz trumpeter who was a fixture in "The Tonight Show" band in the years Johnny Carson originated the show from Burbank, Calif., died Friday. He was 74.§ion=/news/obituaries ===================================== Big Country star found dead Dec 17 2001 Stuart Adamson, lead singer of 1980s pop group Big Country, has been found dead in Hawaii, his manager said today. ========================== December 17, 2001 – Bianca Halstead (a.k.a. Bianca Butthole), bassist/singer for Hollywood hard rockers Betty Blowtorch was killed 5:30 a.m. yesterday morning in a car accident in New Orleans. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeff Harding Subject: (exotica) enoch light Date: 15 Dec 2001 03:37:04 -0500 hey guys i just came across an enoch light "happy cha cha's" album. it's pretty good. any interest in me putting mp3's up? jeff # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) enoch light Date: 19 Dec 2001 13:58:23 -0500 Sounds dreamy! I say go for it! Post them bad boys! Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > > hey guys i just came across an enoch light "happy cha cha's" album. it's > pretty good. any interest in me putting mp3's up? > > jefforiginal sender. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (moritzR) Subject: Re: (exotica) Curried Pop Upload w/Saw Music Bonus Date: 10 Dec 2001 21:36:08 +0100 Another great coincidence: this album I have been searching for 13 years! Only two months ago I had found out what it actually was that I'm looking for (I only had a cassette without any titles or band names before), and now it's "Upload of the Week". Simply super. I really should send you MP3s with sound samples of the few last records I'm still searching. You may have 'em. Mo ............................ studio ® ............................ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: Re: (exotica) upload of the week Date: 19 Dec 2001 20:23:35 -0500 >For those of you who get the "Good Life" TV Network, 77 Sunset Strip was >on Saturday, along with Hawaiian Eye, Surfside 6 and Bourbon Street >Beat. I cannot tell from their site if they show them every Saturday or not. Yes, indeed, they show them every Saturday night, 8 to Midnight. --M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Zarustica, the King of Prussia" Subject: (exotica) Nelson Riddle Date: 20 Dec 2001 01:08:22 -0200 Any Nelson Riddle fans on the list? Peter # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Doug Dale" Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle & welcome new member Date: 19 Dec 2001 22:21:19 -0800 Hi Peter. Welcome to the list. It's a great place to hang out. You asked if there were any other Nelson Riddle fans out there. I'm becoming a Nelson Riddle fan. I found a great crime jazzy soundtrack not too long ago called "The Rogues". I like it a lot. I want more like it. I then realized that the Batman TV Soundtrack I had is also Nelson Riddle. Then while making a compilation CD, I noticed that the Linda Ronstadt records were Nelson Riddle. I know he's worked with Sinatra. How's that one with the cover of the naked lady swimming on it. Or any others anyone might recommend? Doug # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brett Leveridge Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle Date: 19 Dec 2001 22:55:33 -0500 (EST) There was a feature on Riddle during yesterday's Morning Edition: NPR Special Correspondent Susan Stamberg talks to biographer Peter Levinson about Nelson Riddle, the conductor, whose distinctive musical arrangements helped define the sounds of Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra. (The book is September in the Rain: The Life of Nelson Riddle; Watson-Guptill Publishers; ISBN: 0823076725) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hey kids, there's a brand new issue of BRETTnews: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: alan miller Subject: (exotica) Mmmmmm.............Kookie! / & Palm Springs Weekend Date: 20 Dec 2001 12:07:21 +0000 > This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. --MS_Mac_OE_3091694841_610582_MIME_Part Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit > This week, it's one of my favorites, Edd Byrnes' Kookie! "hes high in my eyes baby, he SWINGS...i dig him" I would say this will easily end up being one of my all time favourites. Being a UK resident and a bit of a youngster i never saw Sunset Strip and have never heard any of the soundtrack, though have often heard it recommended. The Kookie track is ABSOLUTLEY FANTASTIC and will fit nicely in between other favourite spins of mine like "Tarzans monkey" - Apes and "Honourable Hong Kong Rock" - Lionel Hewman. BIG Thanks for the chance to hear it!! (Oh yeah, and thanks for the peek at Club a go-go very nice sights and sounds...) And he IS a "handsome hunk a'heaven" as Tracey Dey would say. I could almost trade in my Ricky Nelson Fan club membership.....but lets not get into that. Have had the soundtrack for "Palm Springs Weekend" recommended, in the same vein as Sunset Strip i am told. Is this worth looking out for?? Grateful for any pointers.... Alan. --MS_Mac_OE_3091694841_610582_MIME_Part Content-type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Mmmmmm.............Kookie! / & Palm Springs Weekend

> This week, it's one of my favorites, Edd Byrnes' Kookie!

"hes high in my eyes baby, he SWINGS...i dig him"

I would say this will easily end up being one of my all time favourites. &n= bsp; Being a UK resident and a bit of a youngster i never saw Sunset St= rip and have never heard any of the soundtrack, though have often heard it r= ecommended.

The Kookie track is ABSOLUTLEY FANTASTIC and will fit nicely in betw= een other favourite spins of mine like "Tarzans monkey" - Apes and= "Honourable Hong Kong Rock" - Lionel Hewman. BIG  Thanks for= the chance to hear it!!  (Oh yeah, and thanks for the peek at Club a g= o-go very nice sights and sounds...)

And he IS a "handsome hunk a'heaven" as Tracey Dey would say. &nb= sp;I could almost trade in my Ricky Nelson Fan club membership.....but lets = not get into that.

Have had the soundtrack for "Palm Springs Weekend" recommended, i= n the same vein as Sunset Strip i am told.  Is this worth looking out f= or??   Grateful for any pointers....


--MS_Mac_OE_3091694841_610582_MIME_Part-- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) [obit] Dan DeCarlo Date: 20 Dec 2001 12:24:51 -0500 DAN DECARLO DECEASED TAKES CASE TO HIGHER AUTHORITY! December 19: One of the most highly regarded cartoonists working in comics during the last half century has passed on. Dan DeCarlo, at 82 years still professionally active, died yesterday, reportedly of a heart attack suffered following a bad fall. DeCarlo is most famous for his defining work on the ARCHIE comic books. His distinctive approach proved so irresistable and succesful at keeping kids buying the books that it ultimately became the defacto house style at ARCHIE. DeCarlo also created JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS, SABRINA THE TEENAGE WITCH and CHERYL BLOSSOM for ARCHIE and left his distinctive stamp on all the ARCHIE characters. Despite his yoeman efforts for ARCHIE PUBLICATIONS, DeCarlo was not loved by management. As ARCHIE developed DeCarlo creations into lucrative television and film franchises, friction grew between the artist and publisher Michael Silberkleit. DeCarlo ultimately entered into an ugly legal battle with ARCHIE over ownership of the JOSIE, SABRINA and CHERYL BLOSSOM characters. The COMICS JOURNAL recently reported that the United States Supreme Court refused to revisit a lower court of appeals ruling that "the copyright for Josie and the Pussycats resides with Archie and that DeCarlo's challenge has come 40 years too late. FULL OBITUARY: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Zarustica, the King of Prussia" Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle &... Date: 20 Dec 2001 16:07:31 -0200 > You asked if there were any other Nelson Riddle fans out there. > I'm becoming a Nelson Riddle fan. I found a great crime jazzy soundtrack > not too long ago called "The Rogues". I like it a lot. I want more like > it. I then realized that the Batman TV Soundtrack I had is also Nelson > Riddle. Then while making a compilation CD, I noticed that the Linda > Ronstadt records were Nelson Riddle. I know he's worked with Sinatra. Yeah he is the man that turned Sinatra into a sophisticated artist, we can tell that. Great work in the original Batman Sountrack, Holy Fly Paper is ace!!! I listen to it since I was a little kid yeah. Nelson Riddle's orchestrations and arrangements are sooo nice, I love it. I am becoming a fan of Esquivel, do you know him? I've been listening to it for a yar now and I really dig it. Peter # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Doug Dale" Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle...Esquivel Date: 20 Dec 2001 13:34:43 -0800 I think we all like Esquivel! He was what introduced me to this strange and wonderful style of music talkedabout here on the list. My brother gave me the Space Age Pop compilation and after a couple of listens, I craved more! I never knew what great and corny stuff was made long ago. Again, welcome to the list. If you like Nelson Riddle and Esquivel, maybe I should find out more about Kraftwerk, Klf and Orb, which you mentioned liking in your first post. Not familiar with them. Doug # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mimi Mayer Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle...Esquivel...Kraftwerk Date: 20 Dec 2001 14:55:13 -0600 Peter and Doug and anybody...Kraftwerk has a most beauteous Flash site at Enjoy, Mimi # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle &... Date: 20 Dec 2001 15:32:35 -0500 At 04:07 PM 12/20/01 -0200, Peter Zarustica, the King of Prussia wrote: >. Nelson Riddle's >orchestrations and arrangements are sooo nice, I love it. > >I am becoming a fan of Esquivel, do you know him? I've been listening to it >for a yar now and I really dig it. Hi Peter, welcome to the list. We're all a bit jaded at this point. For us, Esquivel is so 1998. But seriously, this list, which is probably around eight years old (somebody will correct me if I'm wrong) was basically founded around the music of Esquivel along with Les Baxter, Martin Denny etc. I've only been here a little less than four years myself - it seems like longer - and back when I joined, which was during the heart of the "lounge revival", there were probably a dozen posts about Esquivel every single day. A couple of people lurking here are even personal friends of his, I'm pretty sure. I'm not trying to embarrass you about your question. I'm only trying to say that this list sort of ain't what it used to be but the people on it still are. So nobody's saying anything but yeah, most of them probably love Esquivel and if you ask any questions or advice about his recordings, they'll tell you more than you ever wanted to know. As far as Nelson Riddle goes, all I can say is that for me he's on a list with probably a couple of dozen other arrangers who were involved in hundreds of records and if I see a record of theirs in a "genre" I like, I know there's a good chance I'm going to like it. I've had a bunch of his records where he did hits of the sixties and they were all good. He has a great TV theme record - in the sort of spy-jazz genre - called "Route 66 and other hits" which I love. I knew the name Nelson Riddle even before I started down the easy listening, lounge tributary five or six years ago. But now, like i said, I have another couple dozen names of, I think, equally great bandleaders and arrangers who on any given day could make a great record. Having said that, I don't like any of them so much that I'd buy "Percy Faith plays the hits from Oklahoma" or "Nelson Riddle plays songs Celine Dion used to sing with her 13 brothers and sisters at Xmas in Quebec". If you know what I mean. But "Percy Faith plays the Beatles" or "Don Costa plays the hits of Simon and Garfunkel", that's another thing entirely. Anyway like I said. welcome to the list. Maybe some of my jaded fellows will now come out of the woodwork to tell you not to listen to an old crank like me. And while they're at it, maybe they'll tell you something about Esquivel. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle Date: 20 Dec 2001 16:14:02 EST In a message dated 12/19/01 10:57:19 PM, writes: << There was a feature on Riddle during yesterday's Morning Edition: >> I heard that...Nice reporting on how Riddle had to learn to tone down while Frankie crooned, but during the intervals was allowed to bust loose. Apparently a tough time was had by all coming up with this formula.....On another note I picked up the Nelson Riddle MPS Record from the early 7T's recently....specacular now sounds and groovy easy listening abound from the Black Forest....Jimmy Botticelli # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Mmmmmm.............Kookie! / & Palm Springs Weekend Date: 20 Dec 2001 16:19:00 EST In a message dated 12/20/01 7:08:21 AM, writes: << Have had the soundtrack for "Palm Springs Weekend" recommended, in the same vein as Sunset Strip i am told. Is this worth looking out for?? >> I like it...Troy Donahue--or is it Tab Hunter--is dreamy, and there are some groovy tunes on the OST including a fake bossa and a title track sung by Troy--or is it Tab? Jimmy Botticelli/"Live young and you'll discover such--fabulous things" # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "cheryl" Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle &... Date: 20 Dec 2001 17:31:00 -0500 > >I am becoming a fan of Esquivel, do you know him? I've been listening to it > >for a yar now and I really dig it. > > Hi Peter, welcome to the list. > We're all a bit jaded at this point. > For us, Esquivel is so 1998. > That would be Alan, our list's resident can ignore him if you like (we often do...)but he has gotten me to creep out of the woodwork and actually post about exotica again, so... and actually, Alan, Esquivel is so 1996... Esquivel was probably the artist whose music started me on the whole exotica thing - the Bar None comps "Space-Age Bachelor Pad Music" and then "Music From A Sparkling Planet" were played so much around here, I'm surprised they haven't worn out (even if they are CDs...) From there, I moved on to the RCA Space Age Pop compilations, the Ultra Lounge Leopard Skin sampler, Martin Denny, etc... and haven't looked back since. Back then, you could still pick up exotica vinyl at thrift and other stores cheaply - those were the days! This list has been unbelievably helpful in teaching me and many others everything you ever wanted to know about exotica, and then some. So welcome to the list, and ask away! cheryl # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Zarustica, the King of Prussia" Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle...Esquivel Date: 20 Dec 2001 23:16:14 -0200 > If you like Nelson Riddle and Esquivel, maybe I should find out more about > Kraftwerk, Klf and Orb, which you mentioned liking in your first post. Not > familiar with them. Oh Let me put this straight... My first email was headed to the 4 lists I became a member, including Orb, KLF and Kraftwerk. I think that Kraftwerk is a good musical refeerance to anyone into good music and into the story of modern music. But I wouldn't recomend KLF or Orb to this list no. Of course people can like and enjoy both styles, the music that's discussed here and Orb/KLF... I do! But it's not that common. For example people on those other lists often talk about Trance and stuff like Paul Van Dyk etc.. which I truly don't like. I tried, but I think it's to boring. Anyways, as a good friend of mine says, "musical taste is like hair, some people don't have it" :) So I respect everyone's opinion. I'm much much more into 60's funk than House Music, much more into 50's standarts/free jazz than Nu Metal... > We're all a bit jaded at this point. > For us, Esquivel is so 1998. No worries. I won't start talking about Esquivel on and on... I didn't know this list and nobody told me about it.. I found it surfin'. Anyways it's nice to know people who likes him, since I didn't know anyone else but me until now. Peter # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: crymad Subject: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 20 Dec 2001 18:24:03 -0800 Man, this record is perfection. Got it for the title track, as I can never have too many versions. But the whole thing is solid -- gentle and lovely throughout. L.A.'s guitar with strings and horns. --crymad # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: clayton black Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle...Esquivel...Kraftwerk Date: 22 Dec 2001 11:36:18 -0400 > From: Mimi Mayer > Peter and Doug and anybody...Kraftwerk has a most beauteous Flash site at > Enjoy, Mimi > It is a beautiful (or beauteous) site. I've loved Kraftwerk for years. They helped me discover El Lissitsky (see the album "Man Machine"), which just reinforced my russophilia. There's a terrific station called ABSOLUT KRAFTWERK that plays nothing but Kraftwerk and all of the remixes all day long. It's not for everybody, clearly, but sometimes it's exactly what I need. This past semester I taught a course on Europe between the wars and I made sure to talk about Bauhaus and I showed Metropolis, and it doesn't take much effort to see the influence of both on Rolf and Florian. As for Riddle & Esquivel--what's not to love? In Riddle's case that's easier to answer (for me) than in Esquivel's. He still can't redeem Linda Ronstadt for me, but I've got three or four of his own albums and they're all excellent, including Pickwick's "Witchcraft." I go for long stretches now without listening to Esquivel, but "Music from a Sparkling Planet" is still as fresh to me as when I bought it (back in '96, I believe). And finding his vinyl in thrifts is still something of a holy grail (although Frank Hunter's "White Goddess" is much more so now). Clayton # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle...Esquivel Date: 20 Dec 2001 23:43:42 -0500 At 11:16 PM 12/20/01 -0200, Peter Zarustica, the King of Prussia wrote: .>> We're all a bit jaded at this point. >> For us, Esquivel is so 1998. > >No worries. I won't start talking about Esquivel on and on... I didn't know >this list and nobody told me about it.. I found it surfin'.. Once again, we learn that sarcasm and the internet don't mix. I was kidding you King. This list is all over Esquivel. Please talk about him. We NEED you to talk about him and save us from our jadedness. And you can talk about the Orb too. We talk about the Free Design. This really isn't a list for exotica specifically. It's really a list for people who like exotica AND THEREFORE probably also like a whole bunch of other stuff that isn't Celine Dion or Garth Brooks. Sorry I gave you the wrong impression. I was just afraid that nobody would respond to your Esquivel query. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle...Esquivel Date: 20 Dec 2001 23:44:16 -0500 At 11:16 PM 12/20/01 -0200, Peter Zarustica, the King of Prussia wrote: .>> We're all a bit jaded at this point. >> For us, Esquivel is so 1998. > >No worries. I won't start talking about Esquivel on and on... I didn't know >this list and nobody told me about it.. I found it surfin'.. Once again, we learn that sarcasm and the internet don't mix. I was kidding you King. This list is all over Esquivel. Please talk about him. We NEED you to talk about him and save us from our jadedness. And you can talk about the Orb too. We talk about the Free Design. This really isn't a list for exotica specifically. It's really a list for people who like exotica AND THEREFORE probably also like a whole bunch of other stuff that isn't Celine Dion or Garth Brooks. Sorry I gave you the wrong impression. I was just afraid that nobody would respond to your Esquivel query. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: clayton black Subject: Re: (exotica) Apache Date: 22 Dec 2001 11:41:49 -0400 Thanks to all who responded to the "Apache" query. I have never seen a movie featuring Apache dancing, but I'll keep my eyes open now. Actually, late 19th-early 20th century Russia and Europe are my specialities, and it's nice to add some color to the picture. By the way, is the song itself that old? Do any of you 78-hounds out there have old copies of it? Clayton # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: clayton black Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 22 Dec 2001 11:49:06 -0400 > Subject: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman > > > Man, this record is perfection. Got it for the title track, as I can > never have too many versions. But the whole thing is solid -- gentle > and lovely throughout. L.A.'s guitar with strings and horns. > > --crymad > I think that Laurindo Almeida is one of the great unsung (at least as long as I've been following it, which, in relative terms, is not so long) heroes of exotica (or easy listening, anyway). I've got a scratchy old copy of "Viva Bossa Nova!" If it were in better shape, it would be on my turntable almost every day. His version of Route 66 is my favorite (despite what I said on my last post about Nelson Riddle). Unfortunately, I rarely see his albums anywhere, and I gather from the dust sleeves that he did a lot of classical albums as well, which may have been more of the source of his popularity, I don't know. Clayton # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Zarustica, the King of Prussia" Subject: (exotica) Mutantes Date: 21 Dec 2001 04:00:47 -0200 what about "Os Mutantes"? I have all of their records and I think their work is a masterpiece. Has it been discussed to death too? ;) Peter # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 21 Dec 2001 01:06:06 -0500 At 11:49 AM 12/22/01 -0400, clayton black wrote: >I think that Laurindo Almeida is one of the great unsung (at least as long >as I've been following it, which, in relative terms, is not so long) heroes >of exotica (or easy listening, anyway). I've got a scratchy old copy of >"Viva Bossa Nova!" If it were in better shape, it would be on my turntable >almost every day. His version of Route 66 is my favorite (despite what I >said on my last post about Nelson Riddle). I know that record and I agree it's great. And there are a couple of other ones in that "series". Something like Viva Bossa Nova AGAIN! There's two or three of them at least with the same sound. A sound which includes a very groovy organ player. But I don't think those are "typical" Laurindo records. If they were, I think he would be a lot less UNsung. Not that he's all that obscure. But he made a lot of records and very few of them were as groovy as the one you're talking about. Not that groovy is the be-all and end-all. "A Man and a Woman" is a nice record but it's not groovy like "Viva Bossa Nova". And I must say I have heard a few of his records that were kind of boring. If not boring, then a little too quiet and subtle. He has this unique style of playing but I find it a bit limited and sometimes it can be a bit repetitive. No matter what the song is or what the arrangement, here comes Laurindo with that little flamenco-sounding thing he does. So yeah he had some great records but I don't think I could just say "If you see his name, buy it!" And by the way, my copies of those Viva records were a little beat up too. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: crymad Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 21 Dec 2001 00:43:51 -0800 wrote: > But he made a lot of records and very few of them were as groovy as the one > you're talking about [Viva Bossa Nova!]. > Not that groovy is the be-all and end-all. > "A Man and a Woman" is a nice record but it's not groovy like "Viva Bossa > Nova". Groovy gets to be a bit tiresome after a while, though. And it also is vulnerable to kitchy-ness. That quality is my biggest complaint with a lot of the music in the Ultra Lounge series. Un-ironic listening is what I strive for. --crymad # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hep Cat Subject: (exotica) Tiki Directory Date: 21 Dec 2001 01:24:18 -0800 (PST) I'd like to gather a group of web-savvy tikiphiles together to collaborate on a usesful, searchable, up to date tiki directory. The events, the people, the places, the cocktail recipes... Here's the idea in a nutshell: if you need to find a band for your party, if you need to find a party to go to, if you want to find a tiki artisan, want to know what's going on in the tiki subculture, will be the place to go. People who want to help out so far include nels dahlquist of, tiki kiliki of tiki central :-) and otto von stroheim of tiki news. Anyway, i'm sure there are a lot more talented web designers and programmers on this list than I, and beyond that it's going to take a little time from a lotta people to put together a real "tiki portal." So, if you've got any ideas, advice, skills, or enthusiam you'd like to share please email -Ford _____________________________________________________________ Enjoy the hip cats and magical martinis at the world's most famous martini bar, Chatini! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 21 Dec 2001 12:41:49 -0000 Now if you're talking Route 66, I played a Perry Como version of it (from Perry Como swings(?) on living stereo, nice picture of the man golfing on the cover) and it truly swings. Bongo's, strings, Bluesy bass. Unexpectedly fantastic. El Maestro Con Queso > I think that Laurindo Almeida is one of the great unsung (at least as long > as I've been following it, which, in relative terms, is not so long) > heroes > of exotica (or easy listening, anyway). I've got a scratchy old copy of > "Viva Bossa Nova!" If it were in better shape, it would be on my turntable > almost every day. His version of Route 66 is my favorite (despite what I > said on my last post about Nelson Riddle). Unfortunately, I rarely see > his > albums anywhere, and I gather from the dust sleeves that he did a lot of > classical albums as well, which may have been more of the source of his > popularity, I don't know. > Clayton # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David KoJen Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle &... Date: 21 Dec 2001 08:02:59 -0500 on 12/20/01 5:31 PM, cheryl at wrote: > >>> I am becoming a fan of Esquivel, do you know him? I've been listening to > it >>> for a yar now and I really dig it. >> > haven't worn out (even if they are CDs...) From there, I moved on to the > RCA Space Age Pop compilations, the Ultra Lounge Leopard Skin sampler, > Martin Denny, etc... and haven't looked back since. Back then, you could > still pick up exotica vinyl at thrift and other stores cheaply - those were > the days! This list has been unbelievably helpful in teaching me and many > others everything you ever wanted to know about exotica, and then some. > Yes it seems that the name "Esquivel" commands top dollar. I've been looking on ebay for Esquivel CDs (not vintage collectors-item vinyl, but contemporary CD rereleases, in print) and the prices are ridiculous. I pointed out to one seller that his *opening* price for his used Esquivel CD was within 2 dollars of the new-CD price at I don't know how much is sold for but for me, I would'nt pay much more than 1/2 price for a used CD that is still in print. -- David KoJen # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle &... Date: 21 Dec 2001 06:45:50 -0800 > Yes it seems that the name "Esquivel" commands top dollar. I've been looking > on ebay for Esquivel CDs (not vintage collectors-item vinyl, but > contemporary CD rereleases, in print) and the prices are ridiculous. Just in case nobody noticed, the vinyl is coming down - way down. A VG+ copy of one of Esquivel's first Mexican recordings, "To Love Again" continues to sit at Dusty Groove for 8.99. They keep dropping the price and even I, who always opts for analog originals over digital copies if given the choice, (time for this debate again?) has not bothered to hit the "add to your cart" button. That being said, I'm gonna get it right now ;) And this is not just an overlooked exception, it's getting to be quite common - you should be able to pick up the vinyl for no more that the price of a new CD in many cases, often for the price of a used CD. Happy Holidays! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jerry Nutter Subject: (exotica) Philips CDR-775 CD burner Date: 21 Dec 2001 10:00:19 -0500 Wonder if anyone has any experience with the Philips CDR-775 CD burner? Or any other Philips model? # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mimi Mayer Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle &... Date: 21 Dec 2001 09:21:37 -0600 Basic Hip advised >Just in case nobody noticed, the vinyl is coming down - way down. .... >And this is not just an overlooked exception, it's getting to be quite >common - you should be able to pick up the vinyl for no more that the price >of a new CD in many cases, often for the price of a used CD. Basic Hip, our man in the vinyl markets. Thanks for the tipoff, buddy. And a cool Yule to you and yours, Mimi # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) JD and the Evils Dynamite band Date: 21 Dec 2001 16:16:47 -0000 I was given an LP 'Across the Nation' by JD and the Evils dynamite band a couple of days ago as a birthday present. "I bought it as it was the most obscure thing in the shop, and I was pretty sure you wouldn't have it." Its a modern, easy funk sort of thing. I'm not really sure what to make of it. There are a couple of tracks that are squarely a cross between Denny and 70's instrumental funk. Slow with lots of bird calls, and what sounds like a kettle drum or floor tom being hit by a beater. One of the tracks reminds of 'Mr Teacher'(?) off the 'Mr Mopiji' fake Soundtrack from a couple of years back. I can't find it to make the comparison, but generally this is a much better LP, even if it does get bogged down into fairly pointless grooves occasionally. Some nice organ grooves, and all round its a fairly mellow affair. It fitted quite nicely into a lounge night I've started at a local pub. Its on Soulfire records, whats their other stuff like that, any of our resident funksters know? Happy Christmas.(Where appropriate). I'm off until the new year.... El Maestro Con Queso # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle & edible horse underwear OOPS! Date: 21 Dec 2001 12:31:52 -0500 Have you tried It may be part of the evil eBay empire, but sometimes some real values will turn up. I completely agree with you as regards the prices of used CDs which are still in print. I have all the Esquivel CDs I can have, considering that Bar None never released the projected Genius/1968 double, and considering that his LP backing the Ames Brothers is not on reissue. Oh, and ditto the one sometimes called "Mexican Songs." Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > I've been looking > on ebay for Esquivel CDs (not vintage collectors-item vinyl, but > contemporary CD rereleases, in print) and the prices are ridiculous. I > pointed out to one seller that his *opening* price for his used Esquivel CD > was within 2 dollars of the new-CD price at I don't know how much > is sold for but for me, I would'nt pay much more than 1/2 price for a used > CD that is still in print. > -- > David KoJen > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle & Grooves o' Dust Date: 21 Dec 2001 12:34:55 -0500 DustyGroove is the only site I know of where, if you plug in "RCA Spain" as a search, delivers approximately 35 juicy returns. They're still my favorite active label. Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > Just in case nobody noticed, the vinyl is coming down - way down. A VG+ > copy of one of Esquivel's first Mexican recordings, "To Love Again" > continues to sit at Dusty Groove for 8.99. They keep dropping the price and > even I, who always opts for analog originals over digital copies if given > the choice, (time for this debate again?) has not bothered to hit the "add > to your cart" button. > > That being said, I'm gonna get it right now ;) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Philips CDR-775 CD burner Date: 21 Dec 2001 12:36:20 -0500 I have a single-drive Philips burner, don't remember the model number though. What's the question? Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > > Wonder if anyone has any experience with the Philips CDR-775 CD burner? Or > any other Philips model? # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Doug Dale" Subject: (exotica) Public Libraries Date: 21 Dec 2001 13:37:44 -0800 I found a public library in Morris County, New Jersey that has vinyl! I remember the old days when they all had it. I'm gonna make me CD's of: *Original Music from the TV Series "Hennesey" with Jackie Cooper & his Orchestra. I think they called it Jackie Cooper's Orchestra just for sales purposes. All songs are composed by Sonny Burke. Great TV Jazz album. Love it! *TV Thriller Themes by Johnny Gregory. Yeah, there are songs I have a million times over like Route 66 and M Squad, but there are new tunes I haven't heard. George Duning's Tightrope, Laurie Johnson's Echo Four-Two and 2 shows from England; Ghost Squad & Sucu-Sucu (Top Secret series). *Jackie Gleason's soundtrack to Gigot. He worked on this with Sammy Cahn. Found out about this from Cool & Strange's current issue. Thank you Dana! *Les Baxter's Brazil Now: Heard about it. Have the vinyl now. Well not really have, borrowed. Wheeeeee! *Lalo Schifrin's Bullit: Don't have to send away for the CD. Makin' one. *Elmer Bernstein's Movie & TV Themes: All time favorite, only had it in mono. STEREO COPY! Yee Ha! Anyone else have luck with libraries? Any in New York City I should know about? Your old pal, Doug # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle &... Date: 21 Dec 2001 13:41:55 -0500 Indeed, Esquivel, Baxter and Denny are maybe the main cornerstone artists of this list (though not exclusively). We don't have a lot to say about them lately, true, but I don't think it's so much that we're jaded, as that we just sort of ran out of interesting things to say about them. Anyway, more usefully, here's a valuable link for newbies (and not-so-newbies): The list archives, all the way back to 1994 (plus a couple of stray posts from the years 0 and 1972, a little quirk of datestamps there, methinks). Always entertaining, and sometimes embarrassing. M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rob Crowther Subject: RE: (exotica) Public Libraries Date: 21 Dec 2001 11:17:34 -0800 Doug, libraries have been big scores for me for a while. The vinyl is usually in pretty good shape and they have the oddest things when you consider it's a public library that caters to the lowest common denominator. If you keep your eyes open every year or two county and city library systems usually have sales to unload old books -- and old records. And, anytime you find something by Laurie Johnson you're having a damn fine day as far as I'm concerned. Rob ************************************************************************** " Authenticity. If you can fake that, the rest will take care of itself. " -- -- -- -- Listen to Mr. Suave's Bim Bam Cocktail Show Listen to Mr. Suave's Mod Mod Radio Program -----Original Message----- Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 1:38 PM I found a public library in Morris County, New Jersey that has vinyl! I remember the old days when they all had it. I'm gonna make me CD's of: *Original Music from the TV Series "Hennesey" with Jackie Cooper & his Orchestra. I think they called it Jackie Cooper's Orchestra just for sales purposes. All songs are composed by Sonny Burke. Great TV Jazz album. Love it! *TV Thriller Themes by Johnny Gregory. Yeah, there are songs I have a million times over like Route 66 and M Squad, but there are new tunes I haven't heard. George Duning's Tightrope, Laurie Johnson's Echo Four-Two and 2 shows from England; Ghost Squad & Sucu-Sucu (Top Secret series). *Jackie Gleason's soundtrack to Gigot. He worked on this with Sammy Cahn. Found out about this from Cool & Strange's current issue. Thank you Dana! *Les Baxter's Brazil Now: Heard about it. Have the vinyl now. Well not really have, borrowed. Wheeeeee! *Lalo Schifrin's Bullit: Don't have to send away for the CD. Makin' one. *Elmer Bernstein's Movie & TV Themes: All time favorite, only had it in mono. STEREO COPY! Yee Ha! Anyone else have luck with libraries? Any in New York City I should know about? Your old pal, Doug # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) JD and the Evils Dynamite band Date: 21 Dec 2001 14:16:23 EST In a message dated 12/21/01 11:17:41 AM, writes: << Its on Soulfire records, whats their other stuff like that, any of our resident funksters know? >> You have stumbled upon a pretty reliable label in the Desco style, often in the same mode as Groove Merchant or Late 6T's Blue Note/Prestige organ groove. With two exceptions. One being the inability of modern record companies, no matter how pure of intention, to duplicate that analologue magic as mentioned by Basic Hip. But they come darn close. And two is the sensibility of today's guitarists. Many just play too "heavy" They can't seem to stay light like Benson, Pass et al. Poisoned by Power-Chords, these modern day purists are brainwashed from their years of frontal assault from the Guns & Roses/metal years. Hence the occasional bad stray into "rock" playing. But overall their aim is true and the funky 45's as Dustygroove calls 'em on Soul Fire are good and fonkay....Another reliable label for funky 45's is Jazzman...More Exotica-Latinova influences pop up on them...Hope that helps...Jimmy Botticelli # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (buMp) Subject: Re: (exotica) Mutantes Date: 21 Dec 2001 14:19:03 -0500 not too much. i agree. still my favorite band since first hearing them 2 years ago. even the later 70's stuff (Sergio Dias) i dig since i like the prog scene a bit too. they are over the top. they led me to Gilberto Gil + Gal Costa, of which their 1969 lp's are incredible. (if you like psychedelic music) and of course the Rita Lee solo records. really don't know what to say about them. for me its is just music at its best. >what about "Os Mutantes"? I have all of their records and I think their work >is a masterpiece. Has it been discussed to death too? ;) > >Peter # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 21 Dec 2001 14:45:09 -0500 At 12:43 AM 12/21/01 -0800, crymad wrote: > >Groovy gets to be a bit tiresome after a while, though. And it also is >vulnerable to kitchy-ness. Un-ironic listening is >what I strive for. That's an interesting statement. It's probably in the ear of the behearer but I think I know what you mean. Still maybe you could elaborate. Some examples of each perhaps. Personally I don't mind when groovy bleeds into kitsch. I think that's because I like to experience clear demonstrations of "ideas". Like "we had the idea that throwing a little electric sitar into our big band arrangement of this rock tune would make it a little hipper for the kids". We've had this discussion a thousand times before and I realize I don't make very clear distinctions between kitsch, cheese and "irony". But to me all those things imply a "failure" of some type. One idea too many crowded into the arrangement. Or an inappropriate cover. Something that stands out as "out of place". Trying a bit too hard. Introducing elements that you can't quite control. Easy listening has made me much more aware of "arranging" than I was before. And it's made me appreciate lush beautiful arranging much more. Some of the stuff I'm thinking about here - Michel Legrand, some Francis Lai, even some of those early seventies Andre Kostelanetz records produced by Teo Macero - might be what you mean by "un-ironic listening". Music where all the elements seem to come together. But having become a fan of arranging, it's also given me an interest in arranging ideas that don't quite work. Music where some of the elements are out there on their own, trying - but failing - to disappear inside the arrangement. Anyway that's enough for a pre-Xmas rant. Around here, irony is not dead. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 21 Dec 2001 15:02:20 EST << At 12:43 AM 12/21/01 -0800, crymad wrote: > >Groovy gets to be a bit tiresome after a while, though. And it also is >vulnerable to kitchy-ness. Un-ironic listening is >what I strive for. >> So if there's irony in the music you stop listening? I don't get it. There's really nothing wrong with seeing irony where none was meant to exist. In fact it seems to be a sign of some sort of evolution in listening skills. And to appreciate it and snicker at it simultaneously is not a bad thing is it? Does it lessen the value of the music to perceive irony within it? Does it cheapen you to listen to it? Not attacking you, but its all good. It took a long time to get from "groovy" as a cliche to a definably "groovy" sound. It works for me. When something is described as "groovy" in modern parlance applied to music, I have a pretty good idea that there will be an unexpected mix of elements I can expect to hear...ironically or not...My .02...Jimmy Botticelli # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darrell Brogdon" Subject: (exotica) Retro Cocktail Hour Date: 21 Dec 2001 14:21:37 -0600 The annual yuletide edition of The Retro Cocktail Hour is now up and available for your RealAudio enjoyment! It's two hours of swingin' holiday cheer by Esquivel, The Three Suns, The Soulful Strings, Les Baxter, the Randy van Horne Singers, The Blue Hawaiians, Jamyz Bee and the Royal Jelly Orchestra and many, many more. You'll find Art Carney's nonsensical "Santa Claus and the Doodle-Li-Boop"; Latin and bossa-flavored Christmas songs by Billy May, Xavier Cugat and Marco Rizo; plus Nat King Cole's "The Christmas Song". Yule love it! To hear The Retro Cocktail Hour on the web, just park your sleigh at: Happy holidays to all! Darrell Brogdon The Retro Cocktail Hour KANU FM 91.5 Saturday 7:00pm - 9:00pm Listen to The Retro Cocktail Hour at: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Jemmeson Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 21 Dec 2001 20:42:30 +0000 clayton black wrote: > > I think that Laurindo Almeida is one of the great unsung (at least as long > as I've been following it, which, in relative terms, is not so long) heroes > of exotica (or easy listening, anyway). I've got a scratchy old copy of > "Viva Bossa Nova!" If it were in better shape, it would be on my turntable > almost every day. His version of Route 66 is my favorite (despite what I > said on my last post about Nelson Riddle). Unfortunately, I rarely see his > albums anywhere, and I gather from the dust sleeves that he did a lot of > classical albums as well, which may have been more of the source of his > popularity, I don't know. i love the sound of the classical guitar, and was about to recommend an Almeida LP, but looking at the sleeve now, i see it's not him but Angel Romero. anyway, it's Claude Bolling's Concerto for Classic Guitar and Jazz Piano. George Shearing, Shelly Manne and Ray Brown complete the lineup. on EMI, 1980. of the less groovy Almeida records, i have The Look of Love, which is very nice. of other guitarists, what about Charlie Byrd? i've never seen his records cheap. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Jemmeson Subject: Re: (exotica) JD and the Evils Dynamite band Date: 21 Dec 2001 20:48:43 +0000 wrote: > > In a message dated 12/21/01 11:17:41 AM, writes: > > << Its on Soulfire records, whats their other stuff like that, any of our > resident funksters know? >> > > You have stumbled upon a pretty reliable label in the Desco style, often in > the same mode as Groove Merchant or Late 6T's Blue Note/Prestige organ > groove. With two exceptions. One being the inability of modern record > companies, no matter how pure of intention, to duplicate that analologue > magic as mentioned by Basic Hip. But they come darn close. And two is the > sensibility of today's guitarists. Many just play too "heavy" They can't seem > to stay light like Benson, Pass et al. Poisoned by Power-Chords, these modern > day purists are brainwashed from their years of frontal assault from the Guns > & Roses/metal years. Hence the occasional bad stray into "rock" playing. But > overall their aim is true and the funky 45's as Dustygroove calls 'em on Soul > Fire are good and fonkay....Another reliable label for funky 45's is > Jazzman...More Exotica-Latinova influences pop up on them...Hope that > helps...Jimmy Botticelli the Jazzman 45s are all reissues, and the sister label for new material is Stark Reality (named after one of the sample-hunters holy grail albums). can recommend the Dee Felice Trio 'Nightingale' and Eddie Warner 'Poppy Fiddles' on Jazzman, and Little Barrie 'Shrug off love' and Kahuna Kawetzmann's 'Go-Go Sitar' on Stark Reality. also the Cecil Leuter on Jazzman is very good, but the track is on the 'Pop Electronique' album. the latest one on Jazzman looks interesting (Barbara Moore, i think) but everywhere seems to be sold out. you can get them from the website though ( # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: clayton black Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 23 Dec 2001 04:17:24 -0400 > > Easy listening has made me much more aware of "arranging" than I was > before. Hear, hear! It's probably a sin to say so, but I've begun to pay more attention to arranging than to musical prowess. MIchael asked about Charlie Byrd--I've got four or five of his albums, and I like them alright, but there's nothing very exciting (to me) about the arrangements, so I hardly ever listen to them. It's the genius of arranging that makes it possible to listen to thirty different versions of Baubles, Bangles and Beads (a personal favorite) and like every one of them. Of course, the song has to be good to begin with, I don't deny that. But I guess I don't find the "chops" of any given performer more interesting than the arrangement of the tune (with some notable exceptions--Jimmy Smith, for example, although here the critical point may be style rather than technical skill). Clayton # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Domenic Ciccone" Subject: (exotica) MwM profiled in 12/21/01 Nashua Telegraph Date: 21 Dec 2001 17:32:10 -0500 I'm posting this all over the place and can you blame me? The program has just been featured on the cover of the Nashua Telegraph Friday Encore entertainment section (circulation 26,000). Please take a look at the ulr posted below, you may have to cut-and-paste it into your web window since it is long. And after 3 days it may no longer be available for viewing unless your a subscriber. eID=46646 You can find a copy on my web page: The cover (not shown on the web) is a picture of the 2 WJUL studio turntables. Above them are 3 LP's: "Swinin' Fling" by Alvino Rey, Brass and Bamboo by "Tak Shindo" (given to me by Joe Slezik). And "I Swing For You-Vicky Lane. The caption: "Take A Spin Back in Time". "Martinis with Mancini", a morning radio program on WJUL, brings listeners back to the days of lounge and bossa nova music." Credit really goes to those on the exotica and pop noveau list who give me tips on what to find and play. And those who "blazed the trail" and defined the "exotica" format: Jack Diamond, Jimmy Boticelli, (how I found all of you), Darrell Brogdon, Peter Lebeler and all the folks at Luxuriamusic. After almost 3 years I'm still working on my radio DJ chops. But thanks to those cool cats who passed on some music for the program. (You know who you are) Even a square-middle-aged-white-boy from the suburbs can DJ a cool show if he's got the right people behind him. This is excellent press for "our kind of music" Why not sent a link to your local public radio station and ask them why they don't have a program like this? Remember: "squeaky wheel gets the grease" If you know say nothing, then nothing will happen. Thanks for reading! Domenic Ciccone "Martinis with Mancini" WJUL Lowell 91.5FM Friday's 6-9AM EST (show's redesigned web page) (On Real Audio) (Station web page) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Domenic Ciccone" Subject: (exotica) Playlist Martinis With Mancini 12/21/01 Date: 21 Dec 2001 18:41:45 -0500 Thanks for reading. Domenic Ciccone "Martinis with Mancini" WJUL Lowell 91.5FM Friday's 6-9AM EST (show's redesigned web page) (On Real Audio) (Station web page) December 21, 2001 Brief And Breezy, Henry Mancini Little Girl Blue, Nina Simone Moneypenny Goes For Broke, Cal Tjader Winchester Cathedral, Petula Clark Do Do Do, Moneymark Moto Shag, April March Bossa Antiqua, Paul Desmond Who Can I Turn To, Astrud Gilberto Mas Que Nada, Living Jazz, Phil Bodner The One I Love Belongs To Somebody Else, Joe Williams/ Count Basie Last Tango In Vegas, Cocktail Angst Pink Panther Theme, Henry Mancini Geneva, Mexicali Singers Mucha Muchacha, Esquivel Daddy, Pat Suzuki Johnny Cool, Sammy Davis Jr Walk On By, Dean Martin Baubles Bangles And Beads, Frank Sinatra 3 Little Words, Mike Simpson El Cacahuate, The Fur Ones Whatever Lola Wants, Abbey Lane/ Tito Puente Ola Nueva, Kahuna Kawentzmann Theme From The "Tiki Wonder Hour", Combustible Edison Love You Magic Spell Is Everywhere, Johnny Mathis Staccato's Theme, Buddy Morrow Ski Bunny, Sugar Twins I Love Paris, Alvino Rey Jingle Bells/ Sleigh Ride, Henry Mancini Poinciana, Tak Shindo Zero Gravity Mini Skirt, Seksu Roba The Look Of Love, Sergio Mendes And Brasil '66 Chopsticks, Ferranti And Teicher Sidewalk Blues, From Betty Page Danger Girl Comp Sway, Dead Ringer Playboy's Theme, Nelson Riddle Kookie's Mad Mad, Ed Byrnes The Carioca, Martin Denny Walk On The Wild Side, Jimmy Smith Le Jour Ovla Pluie Vienda, Gilbert Becaud Blow Up, Herbie Hancock Babylon I'm Coming, Piero Piccioni Tanto Tempo, Bebel Gilberto (Peter Kruder Remix) Mele Kalikimka, Blue Hawaiians My Lucky, Elliott Easton Tiki Gods Where Do I Begin, Shirley Bassey (Away Team Mix) It Takes A Thief, Chaquito The Coffee Song, Eydie Gorme Tweet Tweet, Harry James Baby Elephant Walk, Henry Mancini Whistler On The Rocks, Eric Vanell The Bullfighter, Ken Nordine Sweet Cinnamon Punch, Tipsy F.S.B., Le Hammond Inferno Eden's Island, Eden Ahbez Los Barbaros, Shorty Rogers Meets Tarzan Funky Planet, Stereophonic Space Sounds Unlimited Moon River, Henry Mancini # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) Re: white goddess Date: 21 Dec 2001 18:54:27 EST In a message dated 12/20/2001 11:43:11 PM, writes: << (although Frank Hunter's "White Goddess" is much more so now). >> Now there's an album i'd like to see posted for downloads....hint, hint....... # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle & edible horse underwear OOPS! Date: 21 Dec 2001 19:15:04 EST In a message dated 12/21/2001 12:33:25 PM, writes: << that Bar None never released the projected Genius/1968 double, >> Available, however, as a "limited release". # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: crymad Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 21 Dec 2001 19:49:10 -0800 wrote: > > At 12:43 AM 12/21/01 -0800, crymad wrote: > > > >Groovy gets to be a bit tiresome after a while, though. And it also is > >vulnerable to kitchy-ness. Un-ironic listening is > >what I strive for. > > That's an interesting statement. > It's probably in the ear of the behearer but I think I know what you mean. Yes, in the ear of the behearer. That's why I stressed un-ironic _listening_ and not _music_. > Still maybe you could elaborate. > Some examples of each perhaps. I enjoy Jackie Gleason's sitar-laden "The Now Sound...For Today's Lovers". Really enjoy it -- I don't have to be in a room with friends so we can rib each other while it plays. > > Personally I don't mind when groovy bleeds into kitsch. I think that's > because I like to experience clear demonstrations of "ideas". > Like "we had the idea that throwing a little electric sitar into our big > band arrangement of this rock tune would make it a little hipper for the > kids". To continue with the sitar theme...on the other hand, while that bizarre sitared "Up, Up, and Away" on the Incredibly Strange Music comp always fills me and my wife with glee whenever it surprises us on one of my car tapes, my enjoyment of that piece of work is ultimately hollow. It wouldn't be as good if I were driving alone. > We've had this discussion a thousand times before and I realize I don't > make very clear distinctions between kitsch, cheese and "irony". > But to me all those things imply a "failure" of some type. > One idea too many crowded into the arrangement. Or an inappropriate cover. > Something that stands out as "out of place". > Trying a bit too hard. > Introducing elements that you can't quite control. While some music is born from irony (The Village People), for the most part, irony is something a listener chooses to contribute. So while I'm sure there must be some folks out there who also enjoy the Gleason "Now Sound" record, but only because it's so kooky, their enjoyment is of a lesser sort. Yes, I'm am making a quality judgment here: Ironic listening is an inferior form of appreciation. I'm a fan of Dada. Duchamp's inverted urinal "Fountain" is undeniably touched by comedy. But it also contains the mysteries of the universe. A viewer who merely "gets the joke" doesn't get the whole picture. > > Easy listening has made me much more aware of "arranging" than I was > before. And it's made me appreciate lush beautiful arranging much more. > Some of the stuff I'm thinking about here - Michel Legrand, some Francis > Lai, even some of those early seventies Andre Kostelanetz records produced > by Teo Macero - might be what you mean by "un-ironic listening". > Music where all the elements seem to come together. > But having become a fan of arranging, it's also given me an interest in > arranging ideas that don't quite work. > Music where some of the elements are out there on their own, trying - but > failing - to disappear inside the arrangement. Failure is also fine with me. I have a record called "Organ Magic", by Al Bollington on Concert Recordings. He's trying his hand at an assortment of solo pieces on electric Wurlitzer 4520. His version of Quiet Village, from timpani effect drum beginning to tropical bird sound end, is inept. But no matter -- this is why I think his performance is such a thing of beauty. Had he been more of a virtuoso, talent would have gotten in the way of the music. --crymad # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: crymad Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 21 Dec 2001 19:49:49 -0800 wrote: > > << At 12:43 AM 12/21/01 -0800, crymad wrote: > > > >Groovy gets to be a bit tiresome after a while, though. And it also is > >vulnerable to kitchy-ness. Un-ironic listening is > >what I strive for. >> > > So if there's irony in the music you stop listening? I don't get it. Irony from the outset? Like female impersonator burlesque or the music of Kiss? I don't even start listening to that sort of thing, so stopping isn't an issue. > There's > really nothing wrong with seeing irony where none was meant to exist. In fact > it seems to be a sign of some sort of evolution in listening skills. > And to > appreciate it and snicker at it simultaneously is not a bad thing is it? Irony as mockery isn't that advanced: grade school children can make fun of things. And yes, it's bad. That is, it's not as good as appreciation in whole. --crymad # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "cheryl" Subject: (exotica) Playlist For Space Bop, December 23 Date: 21 Dec 2001 23:13:25 -0500 Beyond kitsch, Space Bop is one hour of full galactical wonder, and can be heard every Sunday from 4 to 5 pm Eastern time on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal, Canada, and on RealAudio (real time only, for now) at: As usual, all comments, questions, and feedback welcome. Space Bop #173 A Mutated Christmas Yes, it's that time of year again...time for the annual Space Bop Christmas show. Deck the halls with sappy music? Not on your life! This year, we feature lots of great stuff, from the truly inspired to the truly twisted. Enjoy! Daniel Johnston: Some People Don't Even Know If It's Christmastime "Santa Monika" Corporal Blossom: White Christmas "Mutated Christmas" (thanks, Bob & BR!) Tipsy: XXXmas "Hard Petting EP" (finally...thanks again, Bob & BR) Tuxedomoon: Weinachts Rap "Ghosts Of Christmas Past" Felix Kubin: I Lost My Heart In Reykjavik "Santa Monika" Ptose: What Will You Bring (To Me)? "Oscar's X-Mas Carols 1984" Corporal Blossom: Little Drummer Boy "Mutated Christmas" Freddy Fresh & Pals: A Howlin' Christmas Tune "A Howlin' Christmas Tune / Torn Open" (thanks, Sandra!) Mark Mothersbaugh: Enough Xmas For All "Joyeux Mutato" Der Plan: Schnee-Cristel Unterm Baum "Denk Daran!" No-L: Have Yourself A Merry Little Chrismas "Mutated Christmas" Frieder Butzmann: Stille Nacht Goes Disco "White Christmas" Current '93': Happy Birthday Pigface Christus "Ghosts Of Christmas Past" Culturcide: Santa Claus Was My Lover "Depressed Christmas / Santa Claus Was My Lover" Thanks for reading, and thanks for listening # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 21 Dec 2001 23:24:47 EST In a message dated 12/21/01 4:23:21 PM, writes: << but I've begun to pay more attention to arranging than to musical prowess. >> Keep hope alive # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 21 Dec 2001 23:33:49 EST In a message dated 12/21/01 10:52:24 PM, writes: << I enjoy Jackie Gleason's sitar-laden "The Now Sound...For Today's Lovers". Really enjoy it -- I don't have to be in a room with friends so we can rib each other while it plays. >> Is there such a room? Are there such friends? Is there that rib?.... Anyone can make a case of your previously stated disdain for ironic listening with this LP....Somehow this statement just doesn't resonate at this address. You need to clarify your thoughts before making pronouncements regarding ironic listening vs pure listening....JBee (in Bonnet). # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 21 Dec 2001 23:35:27 EST In a message dated 12/21/01 10:52:43 PM, writes: << Irony as mockery isn't that advanced: grade school children can make fun of things. And yes, it's bad. That is, it's not as good as appreciation in whole. >> Weak....clarify please!....Help! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "william" Subject: (exotica) zounds! Date: 22 Dec 2001 12:20:25 +0800 hi all, i know its probably old had to most of you, but my parents gave me the basta cd re-issue of zounds! what sounds! for my birthday last month(of course they sent it to the wrong address so i just got it). wow! hearing this makes me think of hearing esquivel for the first time. it makes me think of big bands meet willy wonka. the little plops and clock sounds just make me think of certain scenes from that movie. other things i've recnetly picked up but not had the chance to properly listen to are: denizens of the deep - ferrante and teicher(with artwork by our own keith lo bue!) tamboo/skins - les baxter( i used to have skins on vinyl) in like flint/our man flint ost classic tv game show themes i also picked up a comp of chinese music on a singapore label that includes a track by one of chairman mao's wives. not had the chance to listen to that yet, as i'm heading back to seattle for the holidays so taking in these properly will have to wait till i'm back. and i did end up getting that roger roger disc i posted about awhile back. i think my favourite tracks were the ones that made me think of sci-fi movies. i think maybe "profondeurs". i still need to properly take it in though. william in taipei. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: crymad Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 22 Dec 2001 01:22:37 -0800 wrote: > > In a message dated 12/21/01 10:52:24 PM, writes: > > << I enjoy Jackie Gleason's sitar-laden "The Now Sound...For Today's > Lovers". Really enjoy it -- I don't have to be in a room with friends > so we can rib each other while it plays. >> > > Is there such a room? Are there such friends? Is there that rib?.... With ironic listening? Yes, yes, yes. Quite simply, irony demands two sets of listeners: one group who gets it, and another group who's in the dark. It's not about you and the night and the music. Ironic listening throws the intrusion of others into the mix. It's musical appreciation through conspiracy. --crymad # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 22 Dec 2001 09:52:43 EST In a message dated 12/22/01 4:25:32 AM, writes: << irony demands two sets of listeners: one group who gets it, and another group who's in the dark. It's not about you and the night and the music. Ironic listening throws the intrusion of others into the mix. It's musical appreciation through conspiracy. >> ok...i see what you mean from that POV. But desparate times sometimes call for desparate measures and if irony helps I'm all for it....sometimes irony can save the day. As for conspiracy theories, I'll go with the single bullet falling in the forest. Who hears it?.....JB # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ultrasuoni Subject: Re: (exotica) zounds! Date: 22 Dec 2001 16:42:10 +0100 Hi all, I also bought the Basta reissue and it's a shame: no liner notes as in the original album, no song credits, a useless mini-interview and a mispelled name (Elliot instead of Dean Elliott, as in his real name). As to the sound, well, it almost sounds like a bootleg. I was yearning for that reissue: worst disappointment of the year!!! Anyway, since there's no other way to get hold of that record... francesco adinolfi, author of Mondo Exotica # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Nelson Riddle & edible horse underwear OOPS! Date: 22 Dec 2001 11:06:14 -0500 Yes, by a little concern called "Latin Jazz International" in NYC, for which I will be forever grateful! Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > In a message dated 12/21/2001 12:33:25 PM, writes: > > << that Bar None never > > released the projected Genius/1968 double, >> > > Available, however, as a "limited release". # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) zounds! Date: 22 Dec 2001 11:27:30 -0500 I will offer my standard rant about Dean Elliott here. Dean Elliott, outside of this record, is perhaps best known as a musical collaborator for Chuck Jones while Jones was at MGM, and then afterwards as well. What always kills me is that as a composer for cartoons - particularly "Tom and Jerry" in 1965/66, Elliott obviously had the same sidemen as on "Zounds!" and many of the same mod-with-a-vengeance touches, but the brilliance level is not even close. His cartoons scores are uninspired, and have none of the subtlety of Jones' most famous cartoon score composers, among them Carl Stalling, Milt Franklyn, and Eugene Poddany. There was a similar problem in the '60s when William Lava filled in after Franklyn's death at Warner's in '62, but Lava redeemed himself in glorious fashion when he was assigned to "F-Troop" in '65/'66. Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > i know its probably old had to most of you, but my parents gave me the > basta cd re-issue of zounds! what sounds! for my birthday last month(of > course they sent it to the wrong address so i just got it). wow! hearing > this makes me think of hearing esquivel for the first time. it makes me > think of big bands meet willy wonka. the little plops and clock sounds just > make me think of certain scenes from that movie. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Domenic Ciccone" Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 22 Dec 2001 14:08:36 -0500 From El Maestro Con Queso > Now if you're talking Route 66, I played a Perry Como version of it (from > Perry Como swings(?) on living stereo, nice picture of the man golfing on > the cover) and it truly swings. Bongo's, strings, Bluesy bass. > Unexpectedly fantastic. I have scratched up version of this. And it was nice! This may be the only upbeat record he did. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Domenic Ciccone" Subject: (exotica) My Heart will go on and no and on Date: 22 Dec 2001 13:52:16 -0500 > We're all a bit jaded at this point. > For us, Esquivel is so 1998. It's really a list for > people who like exotica AND THEREFORE probably also like a whole bunch of > other stuff that isn't Celine Dion or Garth Brooks. OK I'm so jaded. Lets talk about that hot new star Celine! Going thru the old records you notice the same old songs popping up. If a song is popular everbody covers it. Which is not really done anymore. Except foe maybe monster hits like this. So far have heard 4 covers. Punk, Indian and Cambodian covers of this. And picked up a Club Mix99 a version by "Deja Vu". Domenic # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 22 Dec 2001 16:58:01 -0500 At 07:49 PM 12/21/01 -0800, crymad wrote: . That's why I stressed un-ironic >_listening_ and not _music_. .> >I enjoy Jackie Gleason's sitar-laden "The Now Sound...For Today's >Lovers". Really enjoy it -- I don't have to be in a room with friends >so we can rib each other while it plays. .> >To continue with the sitar theme...on the other hand, while that bizarre >sitared "Up, Up, and Away" on the Incredibly Strange Music comp always >fills me and my wife with glee whenever it surprises us on one of my car >tapes, my enjoyment of that piece of work is ultimately hollow. It >wouldn't be as good if I were driving alone. I'll certainly agree that "Up Up and Away" by Rajput and the Sepoy Mutiny is pretty well the Mrs.Miller of sitar records. No offense to anyone who enjoys Mrs. Miller without irony. And I now understand the distinction you were trying to make. But just barely. And my lack of understanding may have something to do with the fact that I no longer see things in terms of "guilty pleasures". My guilty pleasures for the most part have become my pleasures. I can only think of a very few scattered examples of music where the "funny" part outweighs the part I genuinely enjoy. Jerry Vale comes to mind. I've become a huge fan of that whole era of "crooners" but Jerry's still a bit oily to me. And his version of "Love grows where my Rosemary goes" in particular, always makes me want to laugh. I might say the same thing for The Living Voices doing "Like a Rolling Stone" and a few other examples in that area. Enoch Light Singers - or was it Ray Charles - doing "Hello I love you" also. And I might be willing to admit a bit of ironic enjoyment in some extreme examples of sunshine psychedelia I've been indulging in lately. Free Design may be a true pleasure but there are bands who do the same thing not nearly so well and the excesses are more noticeable. But the problem I have with your original statement is that you applied it to the word "groovy". And perhaps we jumped to conclusions. But it seemed that you were implying that the very idea of grooviness required ironic listening if it's to be appreciated. And it's a familiar refrain. Maybe you didn't mean to imply such a thing but we've heard it before from others. And perhaps the reason we hear the implication is because when we first came upon this music ourselves, there was a touch or irony in our own enjoyment. You said "groovy gets a bit tiresome after a while". I can appreciate that. That even happens to me and "groovy" is my middle name (in Yiddish anyway.) But what is it about grooviness that gets tiresome? Tiresome implies that you're doing something besides just listening. What is it you're doing? Nodding your head and thinking "Ain't I groovy?" I don't know where to go with this. Nice to be talking about music for a change. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ron Grandia Subject: (exotica) slightly exotic Xmas Stream Date: 22 Dec 2001 18:23:58 -0800 (PST) Seasons Greetings, Exoticats! I have cobbled-together a Cristmas-flavored netcast that I hope some will enjoy. Most of it is pretty off- the-beaten path for Christmas fare. Sort of an Aural christmas card for friends. htt:// for broadbanders htt:// for modems Happy Holidays! Ron # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) Looking for vintage electronic music Date: 22 Dec 2001 23:39:21 EST Hi, I was looking for some old electronic music similar to Raymond Scott's "Soothing Sounds for Baby". He also had some more experimantal sounding stuff on "Manhatten Research Inc". Any suggestions? thanks Jeff # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Looking for vintage electronic music Date: 23 Dec 2001 00:13:01 -0500 You ought to use, as pointers, some of the CD compilations of the pioneer masters of electronic music which have come out in recent memory, such as "OHM" and "Vintage Modulations." Notr only will you find masterworks of the genre but you'll then have pointers to work by other artists, and complete albums by the featured artists. You'll want to know about people like Vladimir Ussachevsky, Tod Dockstader, Morton Subotnick, the "Kontakte" and "Mikrophonie" of Karleinz Stockhausen, Hugh Le Caine who was another delightful mad inventor, David Rosenboom (a bit later)... the list goes on and on. But anyway, get those compilations. Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > > Hi, > > I was looking for some old electronic music similar to Raymond Scott's > "Soothing Sounds for Baby". He also had some more experimantal sounding > stuff on "Manhatten Research Inc". > > Any suggestions? > > thanks > Jeff # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "oro" Subject: Re: (exotica) My Heart will go on and no and on Date: 23 Dec 2001 00:41:05 -0500 > So far have heard 4 covers. Punk, Indian and Cambodian covers of this. And > picked up a Club Mix99 a version by "Deja Vu". I'd like to hear the Indian and Cambodian versions. I've got a Japanese version of Flashdance: What A Feeling, and a whole bunch of covers of Hit Me Baby One More Time. Punk, Accoustic Folk, Goth/Industrial, and a few more.... -Kev. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kendoll Subject: (exotica) Re: Perry Como (was Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman) Date: 22 Dec 2001 22:48:09 -0700 the man looked good in a cardigan -- even a pink one (& no one impugned his masculinity). his route 66 version is truly a great track. my other faves are papa loves mambo & temptation (it suggests a seething cauldron of desire beneath that placid suburban exterior). Domenic Ciccone wrote: > >From El Maestro Con Queso > > > Now if you're talking Route 66, I played a Perry Como version of it (from > > Perry Como swings(?) on living stereo, nice picture of the man golfing on > > the cover) and it truly swings. Bongo's, strings, Bluesy bass. > > Unexpectedly fantastic. > > I have scratched up version of this. And it was nice! This may be the only > upbeat record he did. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: Re: (exotica) Looking for vintage electronic music Date: 22 Dec 2001 21:53:05 -0800 Jeff asked: > I was looking for some old electronic music similar to Raymond Scott's > "Soothing Sounds for Baby". He also had some more experimantal sounding > stuff on "Manhatten Research Inc". I've one that would do the trick - it's a French 3 CD set I got from Jack Diamond a couple of years ago - he may still have a few around. It's Pierre Schaeffer, the "father of musique conrete" and his collaborator, Pierre Henry. Three CD's and a booklet covering a span of thirty years of work. Be warned, this is the hard stuff. No bubbly, cartoony fun here - this is the dark side. I can't get thru one CD without turning it off. I see Carl just mentioned Tod Dockstader. I've heard a record of his on Folkways, "Eight Electronic Pieces" which is interesting. Then there is that computer music one - Music From Mathematics - "music" made from punched IBM cards - wow! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) Byrd watchers Date: 23 Dec 2001 04:50:18 -0500 At 04:17 AM 12/23/01 -0400, clayton black wrote: > > >Hear, hear! It's probably a sin to say so, but I've begun to pay more >attention to arranging than to musical prowess. MIchael asked about Charlie >Byrd--I've got four or five of his albums, and I like them alright, but >there's nothing very exciting (to me) about the arrangements, so I hardly >ever listen to them. This is for Clayton Black. A reward for his perfect statement there. Maybe you won't appreciate it out of context. But these are the liner notes from a pretty mediocre "now sound" record by Charlie Byrd called "Aquarius". "Hey, you holding this new Charlie Byrd album. I'm talking to you. Whay are you buying this record? Do you think you know what kind of music you'll get when you play this LP for the first time? Does Charlie Byrd make your kind of music? Or is this a purchasing gambit, with you buying the name of the hit song? Aquarius/Let the Sunshine in from the rocker-socker Broadway production of Hair, under the assumption that with the combination of this star-making song and the proven musicianship of Charlie Byrd you can't possibly lose? It is a reasonable supposition. Like me, are you tired of hearing Halloween noises when the windmills of your mind fill with weird non-music careening over the airwaves on radio, over the box with the big eye (and tin ear), on and off Broadway, and even now on the way to invading Okefenokee Swamp (Nashville Country)? Do you still crave "real" music played by deft, trained and flexible fingers of live musicians who play sounds dictated by their inner ear rather than the inner tubes and channels of an electronics specialist? Then you are right on both aforementioned counts, and now, relax. We are ready when you are, C.B. You can make music for us and make the sun shine in (in stereo) through my revolving musical windowbox anytime, Charlie Byrd! We need the likes of you to keep us tuned in to the still lyrical, still melodic and highly inventive instrumental complexities of today's sounds and scenes. YOur mixture of jazz, classical, bossa nova and contemporary is more than enough to placate your followers. This album of Right-Now songs will probably convert a whole new coterie of jaded listeners into Byrd-watchers, and it will return some of the older folks to the fold." All I can say to that last statement is a huge "NOT!!!" I guess you'd have to hear the record to understand the uh... "irony" involved in these liner notes. He does an okay version of "Time of the Season", I'll give him that. But it doesn't matter that he's a good musician or that he has Bobby Rosengarden AND Ed Shaughnessy AND Bernard Purdie all playing drums. Or that he has Vinnie Bell on electric guitar. The arrangements by the great Teo Macero basically suck. And I can only assume that they suck because of some limitations in Charlie's approach to everything. He has this strangely busy style of guitar playing and it can't just be superimposed on everything. But that's what he does. And the arrangements seem incredibly busy and messy and you just want to scream "fire that friggin guitar player and maybe we'll have something here!" thanks clayton AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: (exotica) my xmas comp Date: 23 Dec 2001 15:11:31 +0100 Inspired by the wonderful comp Vern Stolz sent me last year, I decided to make a christmas comp myself this year. After a couple of days of downloading from I came up with this result: 01 Soulful christmas – James Brown 02 Jingle bells – The Simpsons 03 Merry christmas baby – Mae West 04 Jingle bells – The Brave Combo 05 Santa Claus, Santa Claus – Louis Jordan 06 Jingle bells – Gene Krupa Trio 07 Frosty the snowman – Alvin & the Chipmunks 08 Jingle bells – Herb Alpert & Tijuana Brass 09 Good old fashioned country christmas – Buck Owens 10 Jingle bells – Frank Sinatra 11 Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer – Arthur Lyman 12 Jingle bells – Brian Setzer 13 I tan’t wait till quithmuth day – Mel Blanc 14 Jingle bells – Mistletoe Disco Band 15 Christmas day – The Beatles 16 Italian jingle bells – Lou Monte 17 Santa bring my baby back to me – Elvis Presley 18 Jingle bells – Mojo Nixon 19 I want to spend christmas with Elvis – Debbie Dabney 20 Jingle bells – Spike Jones 21 Rhonda the lesbo reindeer – Venus Envy 22 Jingle bells – Alvin & the Chipmunks 23 Winter wonderland – Byron Lee and the Dragonaires 24 Jingle fuckin’ bells – Blowfly 25 The merry christmas polka – Jim Reeves 26 Jingle bells – Chet Atkins 27 Must be Santa – Lorne Greene 28 Jingle bells drag – The Three Stooges 29 The wonderful christmas pig – Rolf Harris 30 Jingle Bells – Homer & Jethro Happy holidays everyone! Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: (exotica) the irony thread Date: 23 Dec 2001 11:11:50 -0500 As someone who's gotten into trouble in conversations (and e-mail) by being ironic about irony, I should know better than to wade into the quicksand of irony analysis, but... I think some of the arguments thrown out here depend on whether you think: irony=smirk. I believe one can contemplate (or appreciate) the ironies of the universe with reactions much more complex (and confusing and contradictory) than a simple wiseguy smirk. Irony ironizes itself. --M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: Re: (exotica) Rajput & Sepoy Mutiny (was Laurindo Almeida, A Date: 23 Dec 2001 11:02:30 -0500 >I'll certainly agree that "Up Up and Away" by Rajput and the Sepoy Mutiny >is pretty well the Mrs.Miller of sitar records. Has anyone ever learned the real backstory on that album? I've always imagined a journeyman studio guitarist showing up for the session and having a sitar thrown at him cold. "You can play this, right?" "Uh, yeah... you bet." Is the real story out there somewhere? thanks, M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "tiki_ head" Subject: Re: (exotica) my xmas comp Date: 23 Dec 2001 17:12:00 +0000 >24 Jingle fuckin’ bells – Blowfly >25 The merry christmas polka – Jim Reeves >26 Jingle bells – Chet Atkins >27 Must be Santa – Lorne Greene >28 Jingle bells drag – The Three Stooges >29 The wonderful christmas pig – Rolf Harris >30 Jingle Bells – Homer & Jethro > > >Happy holidays everyone! > >Marco THERE IS NO NUMBER 31.... Number 32, Jingle Bells... You've got some real gems here Marco! Did you DL all of them from audiogalaxy? I didn't realize they had that much of the good stuff. Mele Kalikimaka to all! TH _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Looking for vintage electronic music Date: 23 Dec 2001 12:13:28 -0500 The punchcard thing was very common! All the computerized realization music had to be transferred to punchcards at some point. The Columbia-Princeton Center IBMs worked on the punch card system - in fact, another one of those samplers relates solely to to compositions realized at that now-legendary center - and so did other music computers which worked on a now-passe system which universities employed (and upon which the internet backbone was founded really) called VAX. More recently, computerised notation systems have been developed and employed by Larry Polansky and by his students and collaborators. Music by computers has not entirely gone the way of the Groove Box - some of the formalised approach survives. Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > Then there is that computer music one - Music From Mathematics - "music" > made from punched IBM cards - wow! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: RE: (exotica) my xmas comp Date: 23 Dec 2001 18:37:33 +0100 > THERE IS NO NUMBER 31.... > Number 32, Jingle Bells... > > You've got some real gems here Marco! Did you DL all of them from > audiogalaxy? I didn't realize they had that much of the good stuff. Yep, every track comes from audiogalaxy. I downloaded enough xmas music for at least four of these comps. It's amazing what you find when you use some creative search terms (not everything can be simply found by just looking for the artist or title). It's a digital paradise! And of course, the more 'exotic' people using it, the more good stuff you can find. Marco (downloading some complete Beatles albums at the moment) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: crymad Subject: Re: (exotica) Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman Date: 23 Dec 2001 13:59:49 -0800 wrote: > But the problem I have with your original statement is that you applied it > to the word "groovy". > And perhaps we jumped to conclusions. But it seemed that you were implying > that the very idea of grooviness required ironic listening if it's to be > appreciated. No, just that upbeat, happy music has the potential to be a little too giddy. > And it's a familiar refrain. > Maybe you didn't mean to imply such a thing but we've heard it before from > others. Really? I didn't know that. Who are these wet blankets? And exactly what sort of hot music are they trying to smother? > And perhaps the reason we hear the implication is because when we first > came upon this music ourselves, there was a touch or irony in our own > enjoyment. Can you give me some examples? Something not too obscure, as groovy isn't my main thing. > > You said "groovy gets a bit tiresome after a while". I can appreciate that. > That even happens to me and "groovy" is my middle name (in Yiddish anyway.) > But what is it about grooviness that gets tiresome? Beat, tempo. Mind you, this is coming from a man who enjoys drum and bass. Personally, I just prefer "dreamy" over "groovy". > Tiresome implies that you're doing something besides just listening. > What is it you're doing? Nodding your head and thinking "Ain't I groovy?" I don't follow you. I don't want to listen to high-spirited music all the time anymore than I want to be tickled all the time. --crymad # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Grandia" Subject: RE: (exotica) my xmas comp Date: 23 Dec 2001 14:34:16 -0800 A great comp, my friend! I have been watching the Audiogalaxy discussions with great interest. Perhaps some of our more accomplished Audiogalaxy users would be willing to share the user ID's of their favorite servers? Ron (mojoworkin on Audiogalaxy) Grandia > THERE IS NO NUMBER 31.... > Number 32, Jingle Bells... > > You've got some real gems here Marco! Did you DL all of them from > audiogalaxy? I didn't realize they had that much of the good stuff. Yep, every track comes from audiogalaxy. I downloaded enough xmas music for at least four of these comps. It's amazing what you find when you use some creative search terms (not everything can be simply found by just looking for the artist or title). It's a digital paradise! And of course, the more 'exotic' people using it, the more good stuff you can find. Marco (downloading some complete Beatles albums at the moment) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Looking for vintage electronic music Date: 23 Dec 2001 17:36:50 EST In a message dated 12/22/01 8:40:23 PM, writes: << I was looking for some old electronic music similar to Raymond Scott's "Soothing Sounds for Baby". He also had some more experimantal sounding stuff on "Manhatten Research Inc". Any suggestions? >> An album I particularly like in that direction is "Electronomusic", by John Pfeiffer, on RCA from 1968. Pfeiffer was a longtime classical music producer for RCA, and Electronomusic is fairly abstract but not abrasive. -dave # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: RE: (exotica) my xmas comp/audiogalaxy Date: 23 Dec 2001 23:57:06 +0100 > Perhaps some of our more accomplished Audiogalaxy users would be > willing to > share the user ID's of their favorite servers? These are some of the listmembers that are active on Audiogalaxy: weirdomusic (that's me) jonny_yuma (Jonathan Richardson) unclebri (Brian Linds) mojoworkin (Ron Grandia) You can also look for two interesting groups: 'loungexotica' and 'outsider music'. You can then see the members of these groups also. Other listmembers that want to share their usernames are invited to contact me. I could post a list of usernames to this mailinglist on a regular basis. And by the way, does anyone know why Hyperku (AG's sister site) isn't available at the moment? Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) upbeat versus groovy Date: 23 Dec 2001 18:18:14 -0500 At 01:59 PM 12/23/01 -0800, crymad wrote: > >No, just that upbeat, happy music has the potential to be a little too >giddy. > > I don't want to listen to high-spirited music all >the time anymore than I want to be tickled all the time. Okay. I suspect we're just talking to each other at this point but I'm starting to understand your point of view. You're equating "groovy" with upbeat, happy music. And while I don't think that groovy implies upbeat and happy, a lot of the music that I would label "groovy" is also upbeat and maybe even happy. And it's funny you're focussing on that aspect of it because most of the time, I listen to music that could be called "sad" and I've often dismissed music for being too happy, upbeat, celebratory. That's one of the reason I dismiss ska, polka, even traditional (or "hot") jazz. Same with all that Cuban jazz that's been "rediscovered" in the last few years. And yet, the one notable exception to my anti-happy taste, is the Now Sound, go-go and groovy soundtracky stuff that we're talking about here. I've often wondered what the difference was between the happy music I hate and the happy music I like. I guess the simple answer is that I like that quality which makes me identify something as "groovy". That quality somehow supercedes the upbeat happy thing that usually turns me off. Not all upbeat, happy music is "groovy". But when it is groovy, I like it. I don't think I can define "groovy" but I'm sure that there's a nostalgic quality to it. It's groovy if it reminds me of a certain sound that was fairly prevalent in the last sixties. I know that I have a connection to music of that period. I don't know if it's MORE than nostalgia. So what have we established? I think you equate all upbeat, happy, high-spirited music with "groovy" whereas I think that only a very small sliver of upbeat music qualifies as groovy. I agree with you that upbeat music is tiresome. But I make an exception for groovy upbeat music. I do have some theories for why I make that exception. Besides nostalgia. One is that a lot of groovy music is only slightly upbeat. IF I still danced, I could dance to groovy music more easily than let's say, ska. I can snap my fingers or tap my feet to Quincy Jones' version of "Jive Samba" whereas with ska or polka, I'd just have to jump around and hope I hit the beat a few times just on account of the law of averages. I think a lot of groovy music operates at a tempo which is "natural" for me. I also think it often has a jazzy feel without the annoying aspects of jazz. If I just think about Mel Torme's "Coming Home Baby" record, I start to bob my head and dance ever so slightly in my chair. Groovy baby. (Shagadelic!) AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Otis Fodder" Subject: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe - Special of the Week Date: 23 Dec 2001 21:02:50 -0800 December 24th - December 31st, 2001 Teddy Randazzo "The Girl From U.N.C.L.E." (MGM SE-4410) [1966] 01. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. 02. Shall We Gather At The Boat Dock 03. Out Of The Frying Pan 04. April 05. Mother Muffin 06. Movin' On 07. The Girl From U.N.C.L.E. 08. Sneaky Search 09. Somewhere In Greece 10. The Countess 11. Bomb Scare 12. Follow The T.H.R.U.S.H. 1:35 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe - Special of the Week Date: 24 Dec 2001 03:14:28 -0500 Has anyone noticed that Otis T. Fodder is PRECISELY how to live at all times? Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > > > December 24th - December 31st, 2001 > > Teddy Randazzo > "The Girl From U.N.C.L.E." > (MGM SE-4410) [1966] > > 01. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. > 02. Shall We Gather At The Boat Dock > 03. Out Of The Frying Pan > 04. April > 05. Mother Muffin > 06. Movin' On > 07. The Girl From U.N.C.L.E. > 08. Sneaky Search > 09. Somewhere In Greece > 10. The Countess > 11. Bomb Scare > 12. Follow The T.H.R.U.S.H. 1:35 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: RE: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe - Special of the Week Date: 24 Dec 2001 11:07:50 +0100 > > > December 24th - December 31st, 2001 > > Teddy Randazzo > "The Girl From U.N.C.L.E." > (MGM SE-4410) [1966] Great choice, Otis. Uhm, I'm not complaining, but I was still waiting for a larger cover scan of that sitar album. Don't you have it? Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Jemmeson Subject: Re: (exotica) My Heart will go on and no and on Date: 24 Dec 2001 11:14:46 +0000 oro wrote: > > > So far have heard 4 covers. Punk, Indian and Cambodian covers of this. And > > picked up a Club Mix99 a version by "Deja Vu". > > I'd like to hear the Indian and Cambodian versions. > > I've got a Japanese version of Flashdance: What A Feeling, and a whole bunch > of covers of Hit Me Baby One More Time. Punk, Accoustic Folk, > Goth/Industrial, and a few more.... i've got a nice Jamaican pop reggae cover of Cher's 'I Believe', but no idea of artist, since is on mis-titled MP3. covers are always interesting to listen to when they manage to give the song a whole new angle. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Phillips Subject: Re: (exotica) Looking for vintage electronic music Date: 24 Dec 2001 07:50:56 -0500 > > I was looking for some old electronic music similar to Raymond Scott's > > "Soothing Sounds for Baby". He also had some more experimantal sounding > > stuff on "Manhatten Research Inc". > > > > Any suggestions? Also: Electronic Music (Turnabout) Song of the Second Moon - Kid Baltan and Thomas Dissevelt # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Giovanni Berti" Subject: (exotica) Cry Me a River (a flood, actually) Date: 24 Dec 2001 15:18:52 +0000 My pal Negus (Nicol=F2 Neri) once fell in love with this tune. He has now compiled 3 boxed sets (of 3 cds each, for a total of 9 cds!) of different versions of the song. He has downloaded each and every version he could find on the web, though I guess there should be even more around! He has presented me a copy of the first box set. Anyone who might be interested in getting a copy of the entire box set or of a single cd, can drop me a line off list and we can arrange some CD-R trade. Here follows listings of the interpreters of the first 3 cd's: - Vol. 1: Combustible Edison Archie Shepp Dakota Station Anne Murray Diane Schuur Dinah Washington Bjork Ella Fitzgerald Harry Connick, Jr. Barbra Streisand Aerosmith Tony Mottola Joan Baez Yuki Koyanagi Natalie Cole Patti Austin Sam Cooke - Vol. 2: Viktor Lazlo Julie London Art Van Damme Joe Cocker Betty Buckley Doc Severinsen Cher "Brother" Jack McDuff Five Live Gypsy & Reno Candace Evans Jai Lisa Ekdahl & Peter Nordhal Trio Mari Wilson John Martyn Mary Birch Rita Lee - Vol. 3: Mari Wilson (Tu No Me Llores) Recliners Tania Maria J.J. Johnson Aaron Neville Barbara Manning Sylvester Manfred Krug & Charles Brauer Dexter Gordon Denise Welch Sil Austin Shirley Bassey Sonny Stitt Swans Mina "Brother" Jack McDuff & George Benson Ciao, and a groovy xmastime + swingin' newyear to all. Gionni Paludi # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: (exotica) upload of the week - part one Date: 24 Dec 2001 06:37:14 -0800 ho ho ho everyone - this weeks upload is, along with the Free Design, one of the most collectible of the Command / Project 3 series: THE HELLERS - Singers...Talkers...Players...Swingers...& Doers I'm rushing out the door and can't elaborate, but it's a wildy creative effort full of surprises. I will say that what The Hellers were all about was advertising. This is not an advertsing promo, but that's their background and this is their only public release - all other records they made were send out as promotional material. They were good! When you have 30 to 60 seconds to pitch a product over radio, you'd better be! The Hellers head hancho was Hugh Heller, of the Heller-Ferguson Corporation. They were in the business of putting together advertising jingles and commercial spots for radio stations. Next week's upload will be part two, the ever rarer promos send to potential clients - leave room on your CD-R if you are making two-fers, you won't want to miss these! bye for now - ford # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) upload of the week - part one Date: 24 Dec 2001 10:24:51 -0500 I just downloaded and put this on, and already it's obvious that it's gonna box my ears... Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > > ho ho ho everyone - > > this weeks upload is, along with the Free Design, one of the most > collectible of the Command / Project 3 series: > > THE HELLERS - Singers...Talkers...Players...Swingers...& Doers > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "oro" Subject: Re: (exotica) upload of the week - part one Date: 24 Dec 2001 11:27:53 -0500 > THE HELLERS - Singers...Talkers...Players...Swingers...& Doers > Oh yeah. I've only downloaded the first two tracks so far, and this is already assuring that I have a really groovy X-mess tomorrow. :) Nice one! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kevin Crossman Subject: Re: (exotica) Re: Perry Como (was Laurindo Almeida, A Man And A Woman) Date: 24 Dec 2001 09:03:59 -0800 One of my favorite Christmas albums when I was a child (late 60's) was Perry Como Sings Merry Christmas Music. This album was finally reissued on CD a few years ago and I snapped it up. We played it for our two year old last year as lullaby music when he went to bed. Now, a year later, we have been unable to find any other music to play that he will accept to listen. Riley, now three, still loves to listen to "Perry Como!" It isn't so bad, though it did cause some confusion a few months back when I tried to trick him into listen to "Perry Coma" on the Don Tiki album. So, in thirty or so years except another message like this one from my son Riley... :-) Merry Christmas everyone. -Kevin "Kevdo" Crossman -- *********************************************************** * Kevin Crossman * * - The Narrow Interest Portal * * Lip Balm Anonymous, Ultimate Mai Tai, Exotica Archive * *********************************************************** # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Phillips Subject: (exotica) Happy holidays to all you exoticats and exoti-kittens... Date: 24 Dec 2001 13:36:31 -0500 ...and anyone else that doesn't cover! Brian Phillips # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Grandia" Subject: RE: (exotica) upload of the week - part one Date: 24 Dec 2001 11:02:42 -0800 I love these downloads of the week, but being the lazy man that I am, I long for a way to dig on the crazy sounds with a minimum of intervention on my part. I hit upon an idea, and compiled a playlist from Ford's tracklist, so if you have sufficient bandwidth, click on the link I have provided below, and you can have the whole album stream to your MP3 player. You'll still have to download the whole kaboodle individually to your HD if you want to keep copy for yourself, though. Rock on with your bad selves... Ron ho ho ho everyone - this weeks upload is, along with the Free Design, one of the most collectible of the Command / Project 3 series: THE HELLERS - Singers...Talkers...Players...Swingers...& Doers # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: (exotica) a little novelty Date: 24 Dec 2001 23:01:23 -0500 A little novelty under your tree: (for a limited time only... be nimble, be quick) --M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Jemmeson Subject: Re: (exotica) Looking for vintage electronic music Date: 24 Dec 2001 12:36:44 +0000 basic hip wrote: > > Jeff asked: > > I was looking for some old electronic music similar to Raymond Scott's > > "Soothing Sounds for Baby". He also had some more experimantal sounding > > stuff on "Manhatten Research Inc". > > I've one that would do the trick - it's a French 3 CD set I got from Jack > Diamond a couple of years ago - he may still have a few around. It's > Pierre Schaeffer, the "father of musique conrete" and his collaborator, > Pierre Henry. Three CD's and a booklet covering a span of thirty years of > work. > > Be warned, this is the hard stuff. No bubbly, cartoony fun here - this is > the dark side. I can't get thru one CD without turning it off. talking of the dark side, the Roger Roger (as Cecil Leuter) 'Pop Electronique' LP is pretty heavy, although with a constant rhythm section underneath. Morton Subotnick was mentioned too - his 'The Wild Bull' LP is great too, one side of which is very unlikely to sooth baby. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Otis Fodder Subject: RE: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe - Special of the Week Date: 26 Dec 2001 09:32:56 -0800 (PST) > Uhm, I'm not complaining, but I was still waiting for a larger cover > scan of > that sitar album. Don't you have it? I don't. I tried to get a larger scan, but not having a scanner here it poses a bit of a problem (my old scanner is toast). So, each week I try to get a scan from someone or find one on the web for selections I post. This should be fixed soon when I get a scanner. Sorry. Downloading the Hellers now! Rock on Basic hip... rock on.... - Otis # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul Hodge" Subject: (exotica) Clubagogo website update Date: 26 Dec 2001 17:25:20 -0000 A Merry Christmas to all Exotica members from Clubagogo The Southampton (UK) club night devoted to funk, soul, jazz, hip hammond grooves, soundtrax, 60s powerpop and now sounds **************************************************************************** ************ The site has been updated with... more real audio samples an archive area for older tunes club news **************************************************************************** ************ The next Clubagogo is Friday 28th December Looking forward to seeing you there Best wishes Funkadelia Smith # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe - Special of the Week Date: 26 Dec 2001 13:22:50 -0500 That's a shame! I'd like to get a larger one of that as well. Hopefully someone will get you a good sized flatbed scanner as a late Xmas gift! Oh... yesterday I was unable to access the Friendly Persuasion show, which seemed like a must-listen from the playlist. Hopefully today that will have been rectumfied! Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > > Uhm, I'm not complaining, but I was still waiting for a larger cover > > scan of > > that sitar album. Don't you have it? > > I don't. I tried to get a larger scan, but not having a scanner here it poses > a bit of a problem (my old scanner is toast). So, each week I try to get a > scan from someone or find one on the web for selections I post. This should be > fixed soon when I get a scanner. Sorry. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rob Crowther Subject: (exotica) Pat Boone Date: 26 Dec 2001 11:04:59 -0800 I know that Pat Boone released a CD of easy covers of heavy metal songs a few years ago. I had heard rumors that he was going to release another CD of rap covers, anybody know if this ever came out? ******************************************* I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. --Frank Sinatra Rob Crowther # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rob Crowther Subject: RE: (exotica) my xmas comp Date: 26 Dec 2001 11:13:20 -0800 Yes, everyone using AG should share their user names. Mine is mistersuave. You'll find that I have shared all my music files and what you find depends whether I'm at work or home and which computer I'm using. But, if you see something you like let me know and I'll be glad to send it to you. And, if you're interested you can join the Lounge & Easy Listening group. Cheers, Rob ************************************************************************** " Authenticity. If you can fake that, the rest will take care of itself. " -- -- -- -- Listen to Mr. Suave's Bim Bam Cocktail Show Listen to Mr. Suave's Mod Mod Radio Program -----Original Message----- Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2001 2:34 PM A great comp, my friend! I have been watching the Audiogalaxy discussions with great interest. Perhaps some of our more accomplished Audiogalaxy users would be willing to share the user ID's of their favorite servers? Ron (mojoworkin on Audiogalaxy) Grandia # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: (exotica) beating a dead thread Date: 26 Dec 2001 14:29:51 -0500 --M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brian Karasick" Subject: Re: (exotica) Looking for vintage electronic music Date: 26 Dec 2001 17:05:23 -0500 In a message dated 12/22/01 8:40:23 PM, writes: << I was looking for some old electronic music similar to Raymond Scott's "Soothing Sounds for Baby". He also had some more experimantal sounding stuff on "Manhatten Research Inc". Any suggestions? >> A good starting point would be the 3 CD set "OHM - Gurus of Early Electronic Music". You will find in this set examples from just about anyone who is important from the early experimenatal music scene. You could branch out from there if any of the featured artists sounded interesting and you wanted t pursue things further. Brian # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brian Karasick" Subject: (exotica) Re: Audiogalaxy Date: 26 Dec 2001 17:54:54 -0500 Marco wrote: > It's amazing what you find when you use some creative search terms (not > everything can be simply found by just looking for the artist or title). It's a digital > paradise! And of course, the more 'exotic' people using it, the more good stuff > you can find. I was a sceptic at first, but I asked a student in our office to do a test for me, knowing it would probably fail. To my surprise it turned up 50+ tracks from Andre Brasseur and even more from Mort Garson. I um... signed up immediately following... I don't fully understand the fine workings of AG as I don't know if you can see entire directories rather than tracks. But I suppose when I get back to work in January I'l have to do a bit more experimenting. Meanwhile I have to find myself a track listing for Black Mass Lucifer & Wozard of ID to see if I have both of them in this collection. Ron wrote: > Perhaps some of our more accomplished Audiogalaxy users would be willing > to share the user ID's of their favorite servers? I don't know what this means? Another intricacy of the AG system I seem to have yet to work out I suppose. Or do you mean user ID's? I thought the server was randomly selected? Any hints to work this system better woud be appreciated. Oh yes, I will be whenever it is I get back up in January. Brian # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe - Special of the Week Date: 26 Dec 2001 21:55:18 EST In a message dated 12/26/2001 12:33:47 PM, writes: << This should be fixed soon when I get a scanner. Sorry. >> No reason to be sorry. I , for one, appreciate whatever I can get and it's been great that you,Mr. Hip and others have been so generous with your time and music. Thanks to all of you who are posting this stuff. Bob PS. My 9 yr. old son loves the Beatle Barkers. His mother is less enthusiastic. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe - Special of the Week Date: 26 Dec 2001 22:59:00 EST In a message dated 12/26/01 9:56:25 PM, writes: << No reason to be sorry. I , for one, appreciate whatever I can get and it's been great that you,Mr. Hip and others have been so generous with your time and music. Thanks to all of you who are posting this stuff. Seconding that emotion in spades.. PS. My 9 yr. old son loves the Beatle Barkers. His mother is less enthusiastic. >> Its a family affair!~ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: RE: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe - Special of the Week Date: 27 Dec 2001 10:43:31 +0100 > No reason to be sorry. I , for one, appreciate whatever I can > get Of course the fact that I asked for that cover scan doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the great work Mr. Otis and Basichip do. I was just wondering why that larger scan didn't turn up. So keep up the good work guys! Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: RE: (exotica) Re: Audiogalaxy Date: 27 Dec 2001 13:02:57 +0100 > I don't fully understand the fine workings of > AG as I don't know if you can see entire directories rather than tracks. As far as I know you can look for individual tracks only. > But I suppose when I get back to work in January I'l have to do a bit more > experimenting. Meanwhile I have to find myself a track listing for Black > Mass Lucifer & Wozard of ID to see if I have both of them in this > collection. I have both of these albums on my hard drive, so it should be no problem downloading them. If you join a group like 'incredibly strange music' I can even send the tracks to your download que, so that you don't have to look for them yourself. > I don't know what this means? Another intricacy of the AG system > I seem to > have yet to work out I suppose. Or do you mean user ID's? I thought the > server was randomly selected? Yes, I think Ron is referring to the usernames. Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rob Crowther Subject: RE: (exotica) Re: Audiogalaxy Date: 27 Dec 2001 08:31:11 -0800 As far as I can tell, and I'm no expert to be sure, Audiogalaxy let's see what tracks people have downloaded and are currently 'sharing.' Apparently, if they aren't online their shared tracks are unavailable, except in a few rare instances where AG seems to have the track stored on its own servers. Additionally, AG lets you search for FTP servers from which you can also download songs. Sometimes there is a password that is needed, but usually that is listed along with the server info and URL. And, occasionally you have to upload in order to download. I haven't done this as much, but I'm planning on getting into that soon since that is where you are more likely to find entire albums as opposed to the hunt & peck method of searching for single tracks. So, there are user IDs which, obviously, each user has. And there are server IDs which each FTP server has. If you know a specific user or server you can search for them and then browse through all their titles if they're currently online. I've been finding as much stuff on AG as I used to on Napster. I wouldn't wait too long though. I can't see much difference between what AG is doing and what Napster did so I suspect that as more and more people log on there is more and more liklikhood the recording cabal will try to pull the plug on the whole thing. Rob AG ID = mistersuave ******************************************* I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. --Frank Sinatra Rob Crowther -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 4:03 AM > I don't fully understand the fine workings of > AG as I don't know if you can see entire directories rather than tracks. As far as I know you can look for individual tracks only. > But I suppose when I get back to work in January I'l have to do a bit more > experimenting. Meanwhile I have to find myself a track listing for Black > Mass Lucifer & Wozard of ID to see if I have both of them in this > collection. I have both of these albums on my hard drive, so it should be no problem downloading them. If you join a group like 'incredibly strange music' I can even send the tracks to your download que, so that you don't have to look for them yourself. > I don't know what this means? Another intricacy of the AG system > I seem to > have yet to work out I suppose. Or do you mean user ID's? I thought the > server was randomly selected? Yes, I think Ron is referring to the usernames. Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: RE: (exotica) Audiogalaxy Date: 27 Dec 2001 17:48:35 +0100 > As far as I can tell, and I'm no expert to be sure, Audiogalaxy let's see > what tracks people have downloaded and are currently 'sharing.' > Apparently, > if they aren't online their shared tracks are unavailable, That's true, but I think it is interesting to note that these tracks still show up in your search results (even when the people that share this stuff are not online) and that they can be qued for later download. That's one of the main differences with Napster, Morpheus, WinMX, etc. With these programs the search results are only relevant at that very moment, whereas AG uses a very large database (I think it's cddb, or whatever it's called) for track info. It's my experience that at least 80-90% of the tracks that I que for download actually show up on my hard drive within a couple of days. > I haven't done this as much, but I'm > planning on getting into that soon since that is where you are more likely > to find entire albums as opposed to the hunt & peck method of searching for > single tracks. That's where can come in handy. It puts entire albums (or at least all their respective tracks) in your download que at once. Unfortunately their site has been down for a couple of days know. Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: (exotica) please help with my streaming media test Date: 27 Dec 2001 09:30:30 -0800 Hi everyone - I've set up a streaming media account with my web host and am in the process of getting familiar with it and testing it out. I've had a couple of problems with people receiving the stream and am beginning to think it's on my web host's end, not mine. Anyway, if you would be kind enough to take a moment to access my test page and click on each of the two links. What should happen is Windows Media Player should launch and a 4 track playlist should begin streaming to you. I've set up two links, one contains MP3 files and the other WMA files. If I understand correctly, MAC users cannot play WMA files. The four tracks that you'll (hopefully) hear in the test stream are Brother Bones, famous for his whistling the Harlem Globetrotters theme (Sweet Georgia Brown). I stumbled across a small stack of his 78's on the Tempo and Theme labels not too long ago in near mint condition - I doubt they were ever played. Turns out he whistles on just about everything he did, so that was a pleasant surprise. Fun and toe-tappin' tunes! By the way, does anyone have a link to more info on Bro Bones? Very little I could find! Here is the link to the test page, please check it out and let me know in an off list email if you can receive the stream. Thanks for your time - ford # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rob Crowther Subject: RE: (exotica) please help with my streaming media test Date: 27 Dec 2001 09:52:44 -0800 The stream worked just fine for me. (FYI - I'm on an older PentiumII machine running Win98) There was a bit of congestion during one of the songs, but that may be because there were a bunch of us testing it out. I have to say that your files sound damn good compared to what I get when I record old albums. Is it expensive to get set up with your ISP to stream files like this? And, who hosts your site currently? Rob ******************************************* I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. --Frank Sinatra Rob Crowther -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 9:31 AM Cc: Hi everyone - I've set up a streaming media account with my web host and am in the process of getting familiar with it and testing it out. I've had a couple of problems with people receiving the stream and am beginning to think it's on my web host's end, not mine. Anyway, if you would be kind enough to take a moment to access my test page and click on each of the two links. What should happen is Windows Media Player should launch and a 4 track playlist should begin streaming to you. I've set up two links, one contains MP3 files and the other WMA files. If I understand correctly, MAC users cannot play WMA files. The four tracks that you'll (hopefully) hear in the test stream are Brother Bones, famous for his whistling the Harlem Globetrotters theme (Sweet Georgia Brown). I stumbled across a small stack of his 78's on the Tempo and Theme labels not too long ago in near mint condition - I doubt they were ever played. Turns out he whistles on just about everything he did, so that was a pleasant surprise. Fun and toe-tappin' tunes! By the way, does anyone have a link to more info on Bro Bones? Very little I could find! Here is the link to the test page, please check it out and let me know in an off list email if you can receive the stream. Thanks for your time - ford # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "oro" Subject: (exotica) albums ending in "a"...and today's score Date: 27 Dec 2001 22:13:40 -0500 Okay, I've gotten a weird notion in my head. How many albums out there end in "a" ? off the top of my head, I have the following: Exotica by Martin Denny Exotica II by Martin Denny Exotica III by Martin Denny Orienta by The Markko Polo Adventurers Futura by Bernie Green Dynamica by Ray Martin Sabra by Ron and Nana Arriba! by Hugo Montenegro (but I'm not really counting this one) any one have any others? Score of the day for me today was STIMULUS PROGRESSION 6, an lp put out by MUZAK! I now own a genuine Muzak lp, and I'm loving it. :) On the other hand, I also scored SOUNDS OF THE INDY NATIONALS, and I'm wondering why someone would pop on an lp of nothing but cars going vroOOOOOooom! I mean, besides the obvious "lets show off the nifty new stereo hi-fi" angle. ;) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Hoffman" Subject: Re: (exotica) albums ending in "a"...and today's score Date: 27 Dec 2001 23:19:00 -0500 >From: "oro" >How many albums out there end in "a" ? >Exotica by Martin Denny >Exotica II by Martin Denny >Exotica III by Martin Denny >Orienta by The Markko Polo Adventurers >Futura by Bernie Green >Dynamica by Ray Martin >Sabra by Ron and Nana >Arriba! by Hugo Montenegro (but I'm not really counting this one) Afro-Desia by Martin Denny Primitiva by Martin Denny Romantica by Martin Denny Exotica by Ted Auletta Aphrodisia by Arthur Lyman [he also did three others but they don't have a contrived name ending in -a: Bwana A, Bahia, Aloha Aloha] David _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: DJ Marco Subject: (exotica) New Years Eve a-Go-Go in Chapel Hill NC! Date: 27 Dec 2001 23:47:49 -0800 CHAPEL HILL's GROOVIEST NEW YEARS EVE PARTY! THE HONEY MACHINE Go-Go Lounge Monday, December 31 from 11pm-2am and beyond... Henry's Bistro in Chapel Hill, NC USA If you missed the up-until-2:30am-on-a-schoolnight, nonstop dancing action last time (pix from last month at the link below), don't make the same mistake this New Years Eve! Join DJ Marco und DJ Franz as they spin sexy & ultra-danceable 60s-70s sounds de go-go internacionale: sleazy lounge, funky soul, latin boogaloo, bollywood breaks, asian pop, french ye-ye, sitar beat, hammond groovers, soundtrack moods, and more... all accompanied by the Sex-a-Delic light show and a fully ABC licensed (and fully-stocked) bar. Best of all? NO COVER! So put on your go-go boots, Carnaby St. pinstripes, stewardess uniform, and/or international playboy smoking jacket, and celebrate the death of 2001 in style at The Honey Machine! For info, playlists, photos & dates, check out the HONEY MACHINE WEBSITE at Honey Machine nights are the last Monday of each month at Henry's Bistro. HENRY'S BISTRO 403 W. Rosemary St. Chapel Hill, NC (919) 967-4720 Please let us know if you wish to be removed from our email list. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Will Straw Subject: (exotica) Holidays Date: 28 Dec 2001 09:23:02 -0500 Happy Holidays, exoticats. On the 20th, Johanne and I snuck off to Lake Placid and got married, in a private ceremony presided over by Justice of the Peace Horace Pratt (whom I chose for the name -- I imagined he would be like the JOP in the Nicholas Ray movie They Live by Night, and he was, sort of. His wife was our witness.) We did this without telling anyone, which means that, technically, we eloped, though at 47 years of age it seems a little pretentious to say that. There was only one exotica angle to all this -- when we got back to the hotel after the ceremony, and turned on the tv, Bob Hope was leading the Seven Little Foys in the sublime Chinatown number. Will Will Straw, Associate Professor Department of Art History and Communications Studies McGill University 853 Sherbrooke Street W. Montreal, QC H3A 2T6 Canada Phone: (514) 398 7667 Fax: (514) 398 7247 Co-Investigator, Culture of Cities Project, # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: (exotica) thanks for the help Date: 28 Dec 2001 08:43:56 -0800 thanks to all who responded to my request to check out the test streaming page. it has been removed and I figured out what I needed to figure out (but it was a pain) stay tuned and happy new year to all - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) albums ending in "a"...and today's score Date: 28 Dec 2001 14:17:06 -0500 Yeah but they do the same thing with CARS. It's just a false marketing exoticism, like taking a toilet snake and giving it a fancy French name for impulse buyers. Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 10:13 PM > > Okay, I've gotten a weird notion in my head. > > How many albums out there end in "a" ? > > off the top of my head, I have the following: > > Exotica by Martin Denny > Exotica II by Martin Denny > Exotica III by Martin Denny > Orienta by The Markko Polo Adventurers > Futura by Bernie Green > Dynamica by Ray Martin > Sabra by Ron and Nana > Arriba! by Hugo Montenegro (but I'm not really counting this one) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Arjan Plug" Subject: (exotica) Who is Dr. Who? Date: 28 Dec 2001 21:11:15 +0100 Found while surfing (prompted by buying Dream Babes vol.2 this afternoon) at . Hadn't seen this before. Arjan Various Who is Dr. Who? RPM200 Like most popular institutions Doctor Who has been spawning record releases ranging from the serious to the cash in almost since the day the TV series began. In 1964 Decca, under license from the BBC brought out the original version of the series theme tune , composed by Ron Grainer and realised by the Radiophonic Workshop. From there a number of recordings were made by actors / actresses on the show , plus other spin offs by groups or composers linking their recordings to the show by theme or title. RPM's album collects all these strands together! This is a companion album to the major release programme the BBC have undertaken releasing all the incidental and background music from the TV series and films.) For example - The Go Go's brought out this novelty disc with a girl singer and Dalek voices in between. The Earthlings - first copies of this were banned by BBC Radio as they contained the SOS message in morse. Maclcom Lockyer Orchestra - this was a single that sampled music from the Dr Who & The Daleks film. Roberta Tovey was the actress playing the young girl in the film Dr Who & The Daleks. Frazer Hines played Jamie in the TV series during the late 1960's - Hartnell in to Troughton time. Jon Pertwee - as well known doctor of the early 70's All selections are well known to Dr Who collectors, they have been the subject of chapters in books on Dr Who and trading lists for vinyl collectors. RPM's album is the first time these have been collected together for mainstream consumption. It is anticipated that a second volume will follow up this release , covering the next decade of spin offs. These projects are put together by Dr Who music expert Mark Ayres who has in turn written and recorded music for the TV series and overseen the BBC reissue programme. [ ] Doctor Who (Original Theme) / BBC Radiophonic Workshop / Dr Who / Eric Winstone and his Orchestra / I'm Gonna Spend My Christmas With A Dalek / The Go Go's / Landing Of The Daleks / The Earthlings / March Of The Robots / The Earthlings / Dance Of The Daleks / Jack Dorsey and Orchestra / Who's Who / Roberta Tovey with Orchestra / Not So old / Roberta Tovey with Orchestra / The Eccentric Dr Who / Malcolm Lockyer Orchestra / Daleks and Thals / Malcolm Lockyer Orchestra / Fugue For Thought / Bill McGuffie / Who's Dr Who? / Frazer Hines / / Punch and Judy Man / Frazer Hines / Who Is The Doctor / Jon Pertwee / Pure Mystery / Jon Pertwee / Dr/ Who / Don Harper's Homo Electronicus Bonus tracks / Landing Of The Daleks (alt morse vsn) / The Earthlings / Time rraveller (prev unreleased) / Frazer Hines # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sean Pearman Subject: Re: (exotica) albums ending in "a"...and today's score Date: 28 Dec 2001 13:15:37 -0800 (PST) I feel a bit silly participating in this thread, but I couldn't help noticing that Russ Garcia's "Fantastica" was absent. Sean --- "David Hoffman" wrote: > >>From: "oro" > >>How many albums out there end in "a" ? > >>Exotica by Martin Denny >>Exotica II by Martin Denny >>Exotica III by Martin Denny >>Orienta by The Markko Polo Adventurers >>Futura by Bernie Green >>Dynamica by Ray Martin >>Sabra by Ron and Nana >>Arriba! by Hugo Montenegro (but I'm not really counting this one) > >Afro-Desia by Martin Denny >Primitiva by Martin Denny >Romantica by Martin Denny >Exotica by Ted Auletta >Aphrodisia by Arthur Lyman [he also did three others but they don't > have a contrived name ending in -a: Bwana A, Bahia, Aloha Aloha] > _____________________________________________________________ Enjoy the hip cats and magical martinis at the world's most famous martini bar, Chatini! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) albums ending in "a"...and today's score Date: 28 Dec 2001 16:34:01 EST In a message dated 12/28/01 4:17:08 PM, writes: << I feel a bit silly participating in this thread, but I couldn't help noticing that Russ Garcia's "Fantastica" was absent. >> It gives it that Latin the time, somewhat exotic to the Northern European rooted sensibilities of Americans....JB/thinkin' about Tropicalia and, of course, Erotica as I head for the Bodega with Gabriella # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Nicola Battista Subject: Re: (exotica) Who is Dr. Who? Date: 28 Dec 2001 23:34:59 +0100 >Various >Who is Dr. Who? >RPM200 great! but... now Dr.Who-inspired album is complete without the true masterpiece of the 20th century: "Doctorin' the Tardis" by The Timelords aka THE KLF. Not a single original note of music was produced for it: apart from some choruses the rest is all sampled from Dr.Who or from two glam rock tracks from the 1970s) and an instant no.1 hit in UK in 1988. DjB # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Colleen Date: 29 Dec 2001 09:34:03 -0800 (PST) This is a test... Colleeni ! ~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^ The problem with the world is that it's about three drinks behind............ Humphrey Bogart _____________________________________________________________ Enjoy the hip cats and magical martinis at the world's most famous martini bar, Chatini! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "cheryl" Subject: (exotica) Playlist For Space Bop, December 30 Date: 29 Dec 2001 13:04:20 -0500 Beyond kitsch, Space Bop is one hour of full galactical wonder, and can be heard every Sunday from 4 to 5 pm Eastern time on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal, Canada, and on RealAudio (real time only, for now) at: As usual, all comments, questions, and feedback welcome. Space Bop #174 Our Favourites Of 2001 As 2001 draws to a close, we've chosen some of our favourite releases of the year to play for this week's show. We tried to cram in as many as we could, but with only one hour, there were a few that we just couldn't fit in. But this is a pretty good idea of what we loved this past year, played in no particular order of preference. We wish everyone a very happy new year, and hope 2002 brings peace, happiness, and more wonderful music! Felix Kubin & Aavikko: Superlake Beat "Superlake Beat" Steve Claydon Of Add N To (X): Arkanoid / Wicked Cool Rock School Remix "Output 64" Stereo Total: Automatic Music "Musique Automatique" Moonbuggy: Trigblotch (Version von Felix Kubin) "Matchbox Jump & Jeepbeats" Tipsy: Wig Out "Uh-Oh!" Obeng Ungu & Jalan Buntu: Menyelam Pakai Pipa Udara "1951: Sumatran Ladies Wearing Hats As Outlawed By Government" Los Chicharrons: Papa's Got A Brand New Pigbag (Fifi Meets The Zombie) "Blow For Me, Blow For You" Tino: I Like It Mambo "New Testament Of Funk 2001" Midisport: Midi A Gogo (V. 2001) "14 Footballers In Milk Chocolate" Groenland Orchester: Tonika Oase "Nurobic" Bad Examples: Let's Pretend We're Sequencer "Merino EP" Yao Su-Yong: Good Bye In Spring "Asian Takeaways" Thanks for reading, and thanks for listening # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Otis Fodder" Subject: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe Weekly Download .......... Edmundo Ros - "Hair Goes Latin" Date: 30 Dec 2001 05:02:57 -0800 Album for the last week of the year: Edmundo Ros - Hair Goes Latin (London Records SP 44134) 01. Good Morning Starshine 02. Ain't Got No 03. I Got Life 04. Where do I go? 05. Hare Krishna (Be In) 06. Aquarius 07. Hair 08. Easy to be Hard 09. Manchester England 10. Frank Mills 11. Let the Sunshine In 12. Donna This one you can find pretty easily on ebay or in thrifts, but if you don't have it here you go. It's a fun take on HAIR. Start with track 5 "Hare Krishna" and wait for the vocals to come in... can you dig it, can you dig it! Oh, I think you can. Happy New Year to one and all! - Otis # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert Plante Subject: (exotica) Re: Holidays Date: 30 Dec 2001 08:24:19 -0500 "On the 20th, Johanne and I snuck off to Lake Placid and got married..." Admirers of '50s/'60s commercial architecture (which all Exotica listeners need to be) should check out the beautiful resort town of Lake George, NY when in the Adirondacks. Of course, every year more vintage signage gets taken down, but there are still a few good holdouts. No record stores, though. Don't forget to visit the House of Frankenstein wax museum, full of torture and horror scenes. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M.Ace" Subject: Re: (exotica) Who is Dr. Who? Date: 30 Dec 2001 11:55:37 -0500 Coincidentally enough, two weeks ago I stumbled on this silly site: Dr. Who Alternative Program Guide It looks like a typical fan site, loaded with obsessive episode summaries and background notes, except... it's all twisted satire of the actual shows. Very silly, and often rude. M.Ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: crymad Subject: (exotica) Werner Muller Date: 30 Dec 2001 11:03:29 -0800 I enjoyed Werner Muller's Learn to Love so much that I picked up some more of his Phase 4 titles: Hawaiian Swing The Sumptuous Strings Percussion In The Sky Great Strauss Waltzes On The Move Sadly, these were all disappointments -- none matched the charm of Learn to Love. Anyone have any Werner Muller recommendations that capture that special sound of free spirits in love? --crymad # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: KK Subject: Re: (exotica) Werner Muller Date: 30 Dec 2001 20:53:18 +0000 crymad wrote: > I enjoyed Werner Muller's Learn to Love so much that I picked up some > more of his Phase 4 titles: > > Hawaiian Swing Hawaiian Swing is my favorite euro-exotica entry! KK # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe Weekly Download .......... Edmundo Ros - "Hair Goes Latin" Date: 30 Dec 2001 15:25:18 -0500 This album has caused a tiding of great joy... within our firmament. Yeyyy! Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > Album for the last week of the year: > > Edmundo Ros - Hair Goes Latin (London Records SP 44134) > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (exotica) A & M Christmas album - Something Festive! Date: 30 Dec 2001 15:40:56 EST I'm way behind on reading my digests, so apologies if this has been discussed before. I found the Something Festive album while In Kentucky over the holidays. The record has all the A & M stars doing different Christmas songs, except for the Carpenters. (Was this pre-Carpenter's era?- can't find a year on the album) Why isn't this compilation more popular, what with the revival of the Spector Christmas album and others? I haven't heard the music itself, being without a player currently, so I would welcome info and any reviews. I also picked up the Time to Run soundtrack, Bert Kaempfert's 'that happy feeling' and 'Adventure In Sound' by Danny Guglielmi. Would love any info on those as well. Happy Holidays- jon cook # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "A.Zweig" Subject: Re: (exotica) A & M Christmas album - Something Festive! Date: 30 Dec 2001 17:01:18 -0500 At 03:40 PM 12/30/01 EST, wrote: > .I also picked up the Time to Run soundtrack, Bert Kaempfert's 'that >happy feeling' and 'Adventure In Sound' by Danny Guglielmi. Would love any >info on those as well. Happy Holidays- I don't think I know "Time to Run" but it's a good title. I'm pretty sure I didn't like that Bert record. I've only ever heard a couple of individual cuts by him that I liked. Surprising actually. Maybe I'm just not seeing his great records. But that "Adventure in Sound" is a score, I'd say. If someone has a clean copy of that, I'd love them to make that their weekly download. I have the record and it's pretty well trashed. My friend found a copy but his sounded just as bad. I get the feeling it's the pressing. I think maybe they put out the record themselves and they just didn't do that good a job. But actually it sounds pretty good when I play it on my old Califone record player with the mysterious needle and the rather heavy tonearm. Of course none of this has anything to do with the music. But that's indescribable so I'm talking about the sound. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "A.Zweig" Subject: Re: (exotica) Werner Muller Date: 30 Dec 2001 17:03:54 -0500 At 11:03 AM 12/30/01 -0800, crymad wrote: > >I enjoyed Werner Muller's Learn to Love so much that I picked up some >more of his Phase 4 titles: > >Hawaiian Swing >Sadly, these were all disappointments -- none matched the charm of Learn >to Love. Well then you should tell me about "Learn to love" because Hawaiian Swing was the record that rehabilitated my interest in Werner. If it's a disappointment compared to Learn to Love, then that must be a hell of a record. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bertrand Chaumelle" Subject: Re: (exotica) A & M Christmas album - Something Festive! Date: 30 Dec 2001 23:26:35 +0100 "Something festive !" was released in 1969. Bertrand # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) A & M Christmas album - Something Festive! Date: 30 Dec 2001 18:38:17 EST In a message dated 12/30/01 3:41:49 PM, writes: << I found the Something Festive album while In Kentucky over the holidays. The record has all the A & M stars doing different Christmas songs, except for the Carpenters. (Was this pre-Carpenter's era?- can't find a year on the album) Why isn't this compilation more popular............. >> Burt Bacharach has a tune on this excellent comp called "The Bell That Couldn't Jingle" which truly made my holiday listening above the norm. Hopefully A&M will release it next year # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: clayton black Subject: Re: (exotica) Werner Muller Date: 01 Jan 2001 10:39:57 -0400 Like the others who have responded, I have to say that I love Hawaiian Swing. In fact when I joined the list I mentioned among my favorites, and every time I listen to it I re-confirm that opinion. I recently picked up Percussion in the Sky, and although I don't like it as much as Hawaiian Swing, I'd still give it a high rating. I've got several non-Phase 4 albums, and my impression is that the Phase 4 stuff is far more interesting. I'm curious, however about Werner's background. I recall either that Darrell or the Space Age Pop site mentions that we know next to nothing about the man. Could he have been a bandleader in the Third Reich? There are several books on the topic of swing music under the Nazis (which I haven't read), and I know that big band music, despite the Nazis' general antipathy to jazz, enjoyed considerable popularity. I wondered this about Bert Kaemfert, but he was a bit too young (I think). Back on topic, is Learn to Love one of the later Phase 4 albums (say, around the time of Chris Waxman's Organized)? Clayton > Hawaiian Swing > The Sumptuous Strings > Percussion In The Sky > Great Strauss Waltzes > On The Move > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: clayton black Subject: Re: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe Weekly Download .......... Date: 01 Jan 2001 10:44:01 -0400 I have to second this sentiment. My downloading was cut by the demise of Napster, and as a Mac User, apparently I can't tap in to Audiogalaxy. All of these offerings have been among the best presents I've gotten this holiday season. Many thanks again to all of you who have posted your albums. Clayton > > This album has caused a tiding of great joy... within our firmament. > > Yeyyy! > Edmundo Ros - Hair Goes Latin (London Records SP 44134) > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: clayton black Subject: (exotica) Holiday finds Date: 01 Jan 2001 11:26:29 -0400 I spent the last week in Vermont, and on the way home we stopped in the small town of Hoosick, NY at a sort of indoor flea market, where I picked up a few interesting albums. "The Sound of Big Band Jazz in Hi-Fi"--World Pacific This is a terrific compilation of songs with a swinging, almost spy-jazzy kind of feel. Interestingly, the feature of the album, despite solos by such giants as Gerry Mulligan, Art Pepper, Cannonball Adderley, Chet Baker, Zoot Sims, and Bud Shank, is the arrangers (re: recent discussion) Shorty Rogers, Johnny Mandell, Ernie Wilkins, etc. The copy is very clean for 1959, and even though it's probably closer to straight jazz than exotica, I can easily see these tunes finding a place on my tapes (yes, I'm still using tapes). Cannonball Adderley, "African Waltz" I might not have bought this were it not for the title and the screaming woman on the cover. This is the first album by him I have, and frankly I didn't know what to expect. I know it's more JAZZ than exotica (although I don't want to get into definitions again), but it's great in the way "Sound of Big Band in Hi-Fi" is. "The 13 Fingers of Sir Julian" (Mono) I already have this one, but I just couldn't leave it. Still waiting to find a stereo copy. Stanley Black, "Carnival in the Sun" Somebody asked about the pictures of "Big-Eyed" people featured on Edmundo Ros's Calypso album a while back. This album has them too (same label--London). I've always liked Exotic Percussion from Phase 4, but quite a few of the songs on this one have, in my opinion, an even better exotic feel to them--a slower, more mysterious kind of rhumba. There are a few dopey tunes as well, but I was pleasantly surprised by this older release. Hugo Montenegro and His Orchestra, Process 70, Series 2000, Time Records, etc. I love Hugo, but my sense is that this isn't his most exciting. I haven't listened to it all the way through, but it does have one of my favorite versions of "Cry Me a River" on it. John Klein, "A Christmas Sound Spectacular" OD-ing on carillon is easy, but the songs with orchestra are fun, almost ding-dong dandy, I'd say. Eddie Osborn, "Baldwin Organ & Bongos" Weird. It must be the Baldwin organ. I keep buying Audio Fidelity albums and being disappointed by the organ. But I took a chance on the bongos. I can tolerate it, and it might be a good way to get rid of unwanted guests. Lou Rawls, "Merry Christmas Ho! Ho! Ho!" I haven't listened to it yet. I pretty much stop listening to Christmas music once the 25th is past. But, of course, "Merry Christmas, Baby" is a classic. Quincy Jones, "Smackwater Jack" Too recent for my tastes. I would like to get the old stuff on Mercury, and I have his takes on Mancini tunes, but this is too jazz-fusiony for me. Apologies to those who don't like such lists. Happy New Year to all. Thanks for helping make 2001 good for me (despite its obvious down sides). Clayton # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Holiday finds Date: 30 Dec 2001 23:50:04 EST In a message dated 12/30/01 11:32:32 PM, writes: << Quincy Jones, "Smackwater Jack" Too recent for my tastes. >> I hear you bro'........ fresh out the bag # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe Weekly Download ..........Edmundo Ros - "Hair Goes Latin" Date: 30 Dec 2001 23:56:12 -0500 Audiogalaxy has no "client," which they call their Satellite, for the Macintosh. My guess is they never will. All the more reason to use LimeWire and to keep it running! Oh and by the way, I have tried and been unable to score the Honey West soundtrack due to firewall restrictions, so says Audiogalaxy. This makes me weep bitterly! Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > I have to second this sentiment. My downloading was cut by the demise of > Napster, and as a Mac User, apparently I can't tap in to Audiogalaxy. All > of these offerings have been among the best presents I've gotten this > holiday season. Many thanks again to all of you who have posted your > albums. > > Clayton # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Wages Subject: Re: (exotica) Audio Galaxy (Mac Users) Date: 31 Dec 2001 01:52:02 +0000 Carl Howard wrote: > Audiogalaxy has no "client," which they call their Satellite, for the > Macintosh. My guess is they never will. All the more reason to use > LimeWire and to keep it running! Aha! I've just discovered this. Check it out: It's this program called MacSatellite. Not officially supported (as far as I can tell), but it works. Make sure you get version 1.5 because the older version was unreliable. I've been using it like crazy for the last couple of days and haven't had any problems. Best of luck, Paul # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: crymad Subject: Re: (exotica) Werner Muller Date: 31 Dec 2001 00:22:54 -0800 "A.Zweig" wrote: > > At 11:03 AM 12/30/01 -0800, crymad wrote: > > > >I enjoyed Werner Muller's Learn to Love so much that I picked up some > >more of his Phase 4 titles: > > > >Hawaiian Swing > >Sadly, these were all disappointments -- none matched the charm of Learn > >to Love. > > Well then you should tell me about "Learn to love" because Hawaiian Swing > was the record that rehabilitated my interest in Werner. I ask only one thing of Hawaiian music, that it be relaxing. It should have the ability to comfort you on a hot day. Hawaiian Swing on a hot day would be only a source of profound irritation. It's big band music, heavy on the big. > If it's a > disappointment compared to Learn to Love, then that must be a hell of a > record. Soulless, Teutonic easy listening in glassy Phase 4 sound -- God, I love it. The title track with surprising organ solo is the standout. Both sides end with overblown finales ("The Impossible Dream" and "Nights in White Satin"), but you can always just flip the record early. --crymad > AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: crymad Subject: Re: (exotica) Werner Muller Date: 31 Dec 2001 00:26:42 -0800 clayton black wrote: > > Back on topic, is Learn to Love one of the later Phase 4 albums (say, > around the time of Chris Waxman's Organized)? Would Organized qualify as groovy? Cause I do like this one. --crymad # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: RE: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe Weekly Download ..........Edmundo Ros - "Hair Goes Latin" Date: 31 Dec 2001 10:53:49 +0100 > Oh and by the way, I have tried and been unable to score the Honey West > soundtrack due to firewall restrictions, so says Audiogalaxy. > This makes me > weep bitterly! I have the remedy: join one of the AG groups (like Loungexotica), tell me your username (again...) and I'll send it to you directly (without bothering the other members of that particular group). Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: RE: (exotica) Werner Muller Date: 31 Dec 2001 10:53:31 +0100 > I'm curious, however about Werner's background. I recall either that > Darrell or the Space Age Pop site mentions that we know next to nothing > about the man. Could he have been a bandleader in the Third Reich? No, Muller (1920-1998, real name Heinz Buchholz) didn't become a bandleader until 1948, when he founded the RIAS Tanzorchester (RIAS is - if I'm not mistaken - a Berlin based radio station. The AS refers to the American Sector of Berlin). Before that, between 1946 and 1948, he was a member of the band of Kurt Widman, for whom he wrote arrangements also. He did however get his musical education at a military school. From the late sixties on he was leader of the famous WDR Big Band (which still exists, and is now directed by Jerry van Rooyen). Muller also scored films, worked with Caterina Valente and many other singers, and even wrote four books. Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" Subject: (exotica) test - please ignore Date: 31 Dec 2001 12:54:25 +0100 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Audio Galaxy (Mac Users) Date: 31 Dec 2001 09:36:34 -0500 My god, I had no idea. Since my Mac has been in storage I have been completely out of the loop on Mac things. I used to visit VersionTracker as frequently as several times a day. Good sniffing, and thank you ! Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > > Aha! I've just discovered this. Check it out: > > > > It's this program called MacSatellite. Not officially supported (as far as > I can tell), but it works. Make sure you get version 1.5 because the older > version was unreliable. I've been using it like crazy for the last couple > of days and haven't had any problems. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Interstellar Cafe Weekly Download ..........Edmundo Ros - "Hair Goes Latin" Date: 31 Dec 2001 09:38:01 -0500 My username is litlgrey! I haven't joined any of the User Groups, but thanks greatly for the tip and for all your help! Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > > Oh and by the way, I have tried and been unable to score the Honey West > > soundtrack due to firewall restrictions, so says Audiogalaxy. > > This makes me > > weep bitterly! > > I have the remedy: join one of the AG groups (like Loungexotica), tell me > your username (again...) and I'll send it to you directly (without bothering > the other members of that particular group). > > Marco # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Jemmeson Subject: Re: (exotica) Who is Dr. Who? Date: 31 Dec 2001 15:15:50 +0000 Nicola Battista wrote: > > >Various > >Who is Dr. Who? > >RPM200 > > great! but... now Dr.Who-inspired album is complete without the true > masterpiece of the 20th century: "Doctorin' the Tardis" by The Timelords > aka THE KLF. Not a single original note of music was produced for it: apart > from some choruses the rest is all sampled from Dr.Who or from two glam > rock tracks from the 1970s) and an instant no.1 hit in UK in 1988. can strongly recommend the KLF's book 'The Manual (How to have a number one the easy way)' which you can read online. gives a good insight into the workings of the music business. or # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darrell Brogdon" Subject: (exotica) Retro Cocktail Hour Date: 31 Dec 2001 09:17:08 -0600 Christmas has 12 days, so check out this week's Retro Cocktail Hour webcast for a last gulp of Yuletide and New Year's-related tunes. Highlights include Hugo Winterhalter's "Christmas Song Cha Cha"; Steve and Eydie's "That Holiday Feeling"; the Leonard Feather- Ralph Burns Orchestra with "Dasher" and "Dancer" from the extremely rare album Winter Sequence; Sergio Mendes and Brasil '66 with a bossa nova version of "The Christmas Song" (from the recently mentioned A&M album Something Festive); and the Barry Gemso Experience's "Girl On a Snowmobile"; along with tunes by the Three Suns, Nancy Wilson, Esquivel, the Metropole Orchestra, the Harmonicats and John(ny) Williams, among others. To hear The Retro Cocktail Hour anytime on the web, just visit: Happy New Year to all! Darrell Brogdon The Retro Cocktail Hour KANU FM 91.5 Saturday 7:00pm - 9:00pm Listen to The Retro Cocktail Hour at: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?UTF-8?Q?iB=E2=88=86=E2=88=86k?= Subject: (exotica) It's 74 In San Francisco Date: 31 Dec 2001 19:59:05 +0200 thanks bh and HNY all!! -- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "A.Zweig" Subject: Re: (exotica) Werner Muller Date: 31 Dec 2001 17:14:43 -0500 At 12:22 AM 12/31/01 -0800, crymad wrote: >I ask only one thing of Hawaiian music, that it be relaxing. It should >have the ability to comfort you on a hot day. > >Soulless, Teutonic easy listening in glassy Phase 4 sound -- God, I love >it. I'd like to hear more about your taste. You seem to have the unique ability to ascribe specific qualities to what you like AND what you don't like. That's kind of cool. I can't do that. Maybe Moritz could do it. Maybe a couple of other people here. But not me. I'm securely in the "I don't know much about art but I know what I like" camp. I think it's because in the last six or seven years, I've gotten into so much music that I used to ignore or even hate that there aren't any generalizations that I can safely make anymore. I can't even say that I don't like happy music because then how would I explain The Free Design and all this soft sunshine pop I'm blowing my allowance on? But I think I know what you mean about the soulless sound of Phase Four. I don't know if that's what I like about the Ronnie Aldrich records which I absolutely LOVE. I think I love them for their near perfection of arrangement and sound but I know that they're soulless and and I am surprised I like something so soulless. Maybe I like the soullessness too but I don't know if I can extrapolate that into any of my other tastes. Although sometimes these soft pop records I find are a bit soulless. I can see how, using your terms of reference, you don't like Hawaiian Swing. Do you think you'd like it more if it was just called "Wonky Swing"? Then you wouldn't have any Hawaiian expectations. Do you like Esquivel? He's not exactly relaxing. How consistent are these criteria for you? For instance, you say: >Would Organized qualify as groovy? Cause I do like this one. Yes I would say that Chris Waxman record is pretty darn groovy. For a groovy record, it's a tad soulless. But it's still groovy. So does this mean that you like groovy but you need a little soullessness with your grooviness? I know that my entire post seems a bit facetious and even rhetorical. But I don't mean it that way. If you can outline your taste with any clarity and consistency, I'd be interested. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Domenic Ciccone" Subject: (exotica) Music to Move Families By Date: 31 Dec 2001 05:28:22 -0500 Found a nice record under a pile of the same old stuff you see everywhere. "Music to Move Families By" a record put out by Allied Van Lines. Dick Boyell has woven his melody created for Allied commercials into a bunch of different styles. Side 1 Allied Moves the Hollywood Bowl (The bowl tracks are not that hot) Allied Moves Down a Country Road (Would Basic-Hip dig the whistling?) Allied Goes A Go-Go (Sounds like something on a Talkin' Verve comp with a stack of horns) Alllied Moves in on a Spy Ring (Mancini-ish with snapping fingers and hammond grooves and a siren at the end) Allied Moves Bourbon Street Allied Moves to Tijuana (Think Lonely Bull/Baja Marimba with one mambo UGH in the middle) Side 2: Allied Moves Brasilia (this has exotica like percussion and bird calls! My favorite track) Allied Moves Around the World (Beatles Ye-Ye/French accordion/Spainish Bullfighting/Russian with a bit of Oriental) Allied Moves It's Hips (Very Bossa Nova-ish with wordless female vocals and sax, Very Gilberto and Getz) After listening to this LP a couple of times thru the basic melody was beginning to get to me. But this is a very nice variations on a theme record very similar to the Marlboro Magnificent Seven cigarette LP. Other recent finds. Dean Martin "Dino Latino" His Cha-Cha D'amor is one of my favorites, being 1/2 Italian and 1/2 Spanish. This one with Don Costa. I finally found a Joanie Sommers LP. "Joanie Sommers arrangements Custom Designed by Neil Helfi". Of course they were custom designed. Lots of cool vibes. Have a happy holiday! Off to mix martinis for the family. Mr Suave had some nice tips on his web page I'm going to try. Domenic Ciccone "Martinis with Mancini" WJUL Lowell 91.5FM Friday's 6-9AM EST (show's redesigned web page) (On Real Audio) (Station web page) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Music to Move Families By Date: 31 Dec 2001 18:09:39 EST In a message dated 12/31/01 5:29:14 PM, writes: << "Music to Move Families By" a record put out by Allied Van Lines. >> Cherish is the word that I use to describe the all the feelings you should have for this album deep insi-i-i-i-ide...You don't know how many times I wish that I could own it. You don't know how many times I tried to phone for it. A nice and hightly unusual find! Happy new years all y'all...Jimmy Botticelli # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Music to Move Families By Date: 31 Dec 2001 18:09:51 -0500 Uncle Martooni, whynchoo just get yerself some server space and start posting some of these albums you burn? You're a deucedly resourceful rekkid scourer and... it's NICE to SHARE... ohhhh that's the way it is, truly-ooly-ooly is... Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > > Found a nice record under a pile of the same old stuff you see everywhere. > "Music to Move Families By" a record put out by Allied Van Lines. Dick > Boyell has woven his melody created for Allied commercials into a bunch of > different styles. > > Side 1 > Allied Moves the Hollywood Bowl (The bowl tracks are not that hot) > Allied Moves Down a Country Road (Would Basic-Hip dig the whistling?) > Allied Goes A Go-Go (Sounds like something on a Talkin' Verve comp with a > stack of horns) > Alllied Moves in on a Spy Ring (Mancini-ish with snapping fingers and > hammond grooves and a siren at the end) > Allied Moves Bourbon Street > Allied Moves to Tijuana (Think Lonely Bull/Baja Marimba with one mambo UGH > in the middle) > > Side 2: > Allied Moves Brasilia (this has exotica like percussion and bird calls! My > favorite track) > Allied Moves Around the World (Beatles Ye-Ye/French accordion/Spainish > Bullfighting/Russian with a bit of Oriental) > Allied Moves It's Hips (Very Bossa Nova-ish with wordless female vocals and > sax, Very Gilberto and Getz) > > After listening to this LP a couple of times thru the basic melody was > beginning to get to me. But this is a very nice variations on a theme record > very similar to the Marlboro Magnificent Seven cigarette LP. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "basic hip" Subject: (exotica) upload of the week part too - whistling LP of the month Date: 31 Dec 2001 15:10:01 -0800 The second half of last week's Hellers upload is now available. As I mentioned last time, what the Hellers (Heller-Ferguson)were really about was producing advertising jingles/spots/commercials for radio, TV and film. This weeks additions (scroll down past the LP) are the various promotionals they sent to potential clients to showcase examples of their work. Don't miss Johnny Spots, Private Ear with his private dick shtick and Creative Freakout for some top notch commercial work. Johnny Spots (Ben Chandler) also narrates throughout Creative Freakout, this time more in a summer of love kind of way. Both of these have been pared down from the full length recordings which fill the entire sides of the records - there are no individual cuts and sorry, no scans. I'll leave these up for awhile as I need a couple of week break to finish some unfinished business, so no upload til then. Thanks to the help of Ron Grandia, you can now listen to these files streamed through Winamp, if you don't want to bother downloading one at a time. Hellers are here: I have also uploaded my whistling "Record of the Month", Muzzy Marcellino's "Bird's of a Feather", which came out, I'd guess, around 1958 or 1959. This album easily makes my TOP TEN whistling albums list, wonderful music and a breathtaking cover. By the end of the year, you'll all be hooked on whistling records :) It can be accessed here: Happy new year to all # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) upload of the week part too - whistling LP of the month Date: 31 Dec 2001 18:33:37 -0500 It may objectively be confirmed, and succinctly avowed, that basic hip is PRECISELY how to live at ALL TIMES. Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > The second half of last week's Hellers upload is now available. > > Hellers are here: > > > I have also uploaded my whistling "Record of the Month", Muzzy Marcellino's > "Bird's of a Feather", which > came out, I'd guess, around 1958 or 1959. This album easily makes my TOP > TEN whistling albums list, wonderful music and a breathtaking cover. By the > end of the year, you'll all be hooked on whistling records :) > > It can be accessed here: > > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Music to Move Families By Date: 31 Dec 2001 15:39:26 -0800 At 02:28 AM 12/31/01, Domenic wrote: >Found a nice record under a pile of the same old stuff you see everywhere. >"Music to Move Families By" a record put out by Allied Van Lines. Dick >Boyell has woven his melody created for Allied commercials into a bunch of >different styles. >After listening to this LP a couple of times thru the basic melody was >beginning to get to me. Oh, yeah! I found this one a while back and totally agree. Glad to know it is around other places. And, yes, don't listen to it all at once! The theme just doesn't carry like Peter Gunn or The Third Man Theme...but each cut heard individually it is very cool! I could probably make some mp3 files of it and stick it up on my website if no one else is doing it. My copy is in excellent shape (as I imagine most copies would be) and I have space to do this. I just don't always have the time (or maybe I just don't have the software), so it could take a couple of weeks. Byron ___...--''''***^^^^^^""""""^^^^^***''''---___ "Life is short. Stay happy." ||| ||| ---May 2001 tv advert ||| |||bag AT hubris DOT net...Saint Johns, ||| |||Portlandistan, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol ||| """^^^'''***----...__________...----'''^^^""" # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "A.Zweig" Subject: Re: (exotica) upload of the week part too - whistling LP of Date: 31 Dec 2001 18:45:23 -0500 At 03:10 PM 12/31/01 -0800, basic hip wrote: > >The second half of last week's Hellers upload is now available. I need help. Last week I clicked on these cuts and they automatically asked whether I wanted to save them to disc. Now right away they start loading to my Windows Media Player without asking to save them. I downloaded this new Media Player in the meantime, I think. Should I just disable it? Uninstall it? I don't know why it's doing this but if that's what it does, who needs it? Any advice? HAPPY NEW YEAR. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Grandia" Subject: RE: (exotica) upload of the week part too - whistling LP of the month Date: 31 Dec 2001 15:55:23 -0800 Right-click them and do a "save-as" that should get it. Maybe it 's the new Windows Media Player that's acting differently. I just downloaded a new Quicktime, and it has assumed responsibility for MP3 steams, and it's making me CRAZY. I hate computers. Ron At 03:10 PM 12/31/01 -0800, basic hip wrote: > >The second half of last week's Hellers upload is now available. I need help. Last week I clicked on these cuts and they automatically asked whether I wanted to save them to disc. Now right away they start loading to my Windows Media Player without asking to save them. I downloaded this new Media Player in the meantime, I think. Should I just disable it? Uninstall it? I don't know why it's doing this but if that's what it does, who needs it? Any advice? HAPPY NEW YEAR. AZ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Domenic Ciccone" Subject: Re: (exotica) Music to Move Families By Date: 31 Dec 2001 07:15:14 -0500 > And, yes, don't listen to it all at once! The theme just doesn't carry like > Peter Gunn or The Third Man Theme...but each cut heard individually it is > very cool! Thats it! > > I could probably make some mp3 files of it and stick it up on my website if > no one else is doing it. My copy is in excellent shape (as I imagine most > copies would be) and I have space to do this. I just don't always have the > time (or maybe I just don't have the software), so it could take a couple > of weeks. Byron, hope you can do that for Carl. My copy looks great but it does not sound that good. Maybe it's these turntables. CD's are so much easier. You just pop them in and listen. LPs are fun but too much to fiddle with. Needles, loose connections.... Byron, got the gin in the freezer like you suggested on your web page. Be mixing soon. Domenic # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Howard" Subject: Re: (exotica) Music to Move Families By Date: 31 Dec 2001 22:33:29 -0500 Yeyyy! Wunnerful idea! Carl Howard Ohio Regional WUV Supervisor Alien Abduction Coordinator Communist Dupe Extraordinaire ----- Original Message ----- > > > > > I could probably make some mp3 files of it and stick it up on my website > if > > no one else is doing it. My copy is in excellent shape (as I imagine most > > copies would be) and I have space to do this. I just don't always have > the > > time (or maybe I just don't have the software), so it could take a couple > > of weeks. > > Byron, hope you can do that for Carl. My copy looks great but it does not > sound that good. > Maybe it's these turntables. CD's are so much easier. You just pop them in > and listen. LPs are fun but too much to fiddle with. Needles, loose > connections.... # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender.