From: (exotica-digest) To: Subject: exotica-digest V2 #860 Reply-To: exotica-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes exotica-digest Sunday, December 31 2000 Volume 02 : Number 860 In This Digest: Re: (exotica) Music to be born to, music to die to (exotica) If any of you are Northern Soul fans... (exotica) Re: Bettie Page CDs (exotica) Gas music from Jupiter (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD Re: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD Re: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD Re: (exotica) are these soundtracks groovy? Re: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD Re: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD Re: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD (exotica) Tiki Bar Review Pages and Left Orbit Temple Re: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD (exotica) Flanger Re: (exotica) Flanger (exotica) Ventures, etc. (exotica) Ray McVay Sound/Orchestra (exotica) cover scan wanted Tony Hatch: "Hatchback" Re: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD (exotica) timothy leary (exotica) Later CD (exotica) The Magic Record? Re: (exotica) timothy leary Re: (exotica) timothy leary Re: (exotica) The Magic Record? (exotica) More fun with budget labels (exotica) FREE E-Magine CD Re: (exotica) The Magic Record? (exotica) FREE E-Magine CD -- Oops, wrong URL Re: (exotica) FREE E-Magine CD -- Oops, wrong URL Re: (exotica) FREE E-Magine CD -- Oops, wrong URL (exotica) record collecting sob story Re: (exotica) record collecting sob story Re: (exotica) record collecting sob story Re: (exotica) record collecting sob story (exotica) [obits] Freida Pushnik, Al Gross, Julius Epstein, ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 08:48:53 -0500 From: Brian Phillips Subject: Re: (exotica) Music to be born to, music to die to Born to: The Anvil Chorus played on my rear end...hey wait, that happened already! OK, then perhaps "Lenox Avenue" by William Grant Still, which is not only a very striking piece of music, but it also is the street my father was born on (there don't seem to be any songs called "West Street", where I grew up and "West End Blues" seems to be stretching the point a bit). If I ever do pass away (don't jinx it, I have a bet going on with a friend), there is always "I Won't Be Back" by the Caravans, which is a rousing Gospel number, but I could also choose "Sinfonia Concertante" by Peter Schickele (P.D.Q. Bach), because I would rather hear my loved ones (provided anyone is there) than crying at that particular moment. For those who haven't heard this piece, it's hard for me not to smile when I hear an orchestra playing Classical music augmented by out-of-tune lute and bagpipes. "You will learn about life...when you play the game of Life..." - Bradley, Milton Brian Phillips # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 08:57:14 -0500 From: Brian Phillips Subject: (exotica) If any of you are Northern Soul fans... are missing a good deal on Ebay right now. "Karate" by the Emperor's (that's how they spelled it!). When you hear it, you will say, "Hey isn't this, "Everybody's Everything" by Santana?" and you'd be right, because the song is credited to Moss-Bacon, but it has different lyrics. Put on your dancing pants, Brian Phillips # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 10:35:13 EST From: Subject: (exotica) Re: Bettie Page CDs In a message dated 12/29/00 8:12:39 AM US Eastern Standard Time, writes: << These are stock music cues from the Chappell Music Library. This particular stock music library is the best for vintage suspense and crime related music. We use a lot of it in our Weekend Pussy Hunt show on >> I have the Bettie Page - Jungle Girl CD. It appears that the LP has a few more tracks on it than the CD. The titles for the bonus tracks are printed on the jacket, but not the artists, so I have no idea who recorded the bonus tracks. Sean # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 10:32:49 -0500 From: Subject: (exotica) Gas music from Jupiter Spacecraft tunes in to the music of Jupiter (CNN) -- NASA's Cassini space probe is listening to an eerie melody as it approaches the giant planet Jupiter. ( Hear a .wav file at above URL) The robot ship is picking up low-radio frequency patterns that, when converted to audible waves, suggest the faint strains of some alien folk tune. But these signals aren't signs of extraterrestrial life. The waves happen as the solar wind, a thin gas of charged particles that streams from the sun, crashes into the powerful magnetic field enveloping Jupiter. The energy of the resulting bow shock likely creates the electronic wave oscillations, according to NASA scientists. Jupiter's boisterous bow shock resembles the sonic boom from supersonic jet airplanes as they break the sound barrier above Earth. Cassini picked up the space "sounds" at a distance of 23 million km (14 million miles) from Jupiter on December 8. ==== For more Space Sounds, check out: No comment about this product description found at the above URL: RING'S OF URANUS: Now one of our most popular Space Sound CDs. Like being inside 5,000 miles wide Tibetan Bowls and Bells. Extremely centering and relaxing. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 12:00:08 EST From: Subject: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD has anyone else got this second Lounge CD with Later mag? I've only listened to it once, but I like it even more than the first- and I loved that one. It even has the track they used over the closing credits of the original People's Court ie Judge Wapner era. A worthwhile purchase. jon cook # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 09:11:53 -0800 (PST) From: J o h n Subject: Re: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD Is Later mag available in most stores? Online? I can't find it at the bigger stores, al a Borders, B&N, etc. in Boston. Thx! JC - --- wrote: > > has anyone else got this second Lounge CD with Later > mag? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos online! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: 29 Dec 2000 12:16:46 -0500 From: Eric Taub Subject: Re: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD Not suprised. I tried all around Boston to find the first one. The = closest I came was at a B&N that said they threw the discs away because = they kept coming off the covers- I was completely bummed. Eric On Friday, December 29, 2000, J o h n wrote: > >Is Later mag available in most stores? Online? I can't >find it at the bigger stores, al a Borders, B&N, etc. >in Boston. Thx! JC > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 18:10:04 -0000 From: "james brouwer" Subject: Re: (exotica) are these soundtracks groovy? >Three Bites of the Apple by Eddy Manson. The appearance of David McCallum >on the soundtrack attracted me but I've gotten burned so many times >thinking something would have groovy content. i got this a while ago for two bucks. it's barely worth even that. there's one track that i thought was o.k. and the others i found wretchedly dull: your standard soundtrack Muzak from the early-mid 60's. From the same style and era you could probably find the "Oh Dad, Poor Dad..." OST and the "How Sweet It Is" OST for around the same price, and they're much better. but, hey, this is only my humble opinion. others may like this OST more. never heard the that stu phillips score but 1979 is beyond my OST cutoff date (with rare exceptions) hope this helps and good luck vinyl hunting jb _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 10:13:49 -0800 (PST) From: "Domenic Ciccone" Subject: Re: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD I was at Tower Boston on Newbury Street yesterday. They had 2 Later's. Both without CD's. The one in Haaaaavaaad Yad? zip. not may mags there anymore. And it's the January one. This one is going to be hard to find. Domenic - -->Host Your Site For Just $9.95 @ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 13:15:48 EST From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD What stupid bookstore throws CDs away?!? I'll check the stores here tomorrow where I got mine. If there are any left, I'll buy them up and offer them to the list. It's too good not to miss. - --Rod # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 11:03:01 -0800 (PST) From: "Domenic Ciccone" Subject: Re: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD Well, I called Tower in Burlington MA and they had 2 copies. holding em now.Sometimes it pays to live in the un-hip suburbs. Eric. I got your copy for ya pal. I'm babysitting WJUL before the Hockey game. If real audio's working check it out between 3-5 PM EST. I'm playing it! Domenic Ciccone "Martinis with Mancini" WJUL 91.5FM Friday’s 6-9AM EST Real Audio) - -->Host Your Site For Just $9.95 @ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 13:51:31 -0500 From: JT Subject: (exotica) Tiki Bar Review Pages and Left Orbit Temple Hi everyone I thought I'd fill you guys in on the status of my two main projects - The Tiki Bar Review Pages and Left Orbit Temple, since both of them may have appeal to list members, and since both of them have news to report. Pardon me if this is considered off-topic. It has been commented on that I have not updated the Tiki Bar Review Pages in a few months. This is mainly due to the fact that 'real life' has reared it's ugly head and thrown four solid months of 70-80 hour work weeks at me! This torture has recently ended, and now that I have some time to myself again, I do plan to get caught up with the web site in the next few weeks. Have a peek at it after New Years and you will find plenty of new stuff that has been piling up on my desk since this summer! Remember the quick URL for the Tiki Bar Review Pages: (this is much easier than that long geocities URL!). I do want to mention that I still have a complete inventory of Tiki Mugs and statues as seen on the sales page, and orders are still being accepted! The other reason that the pages haven't been updated much lately is that I have been focusing my energies on completing my multimedia project, Left Orbit Temple. After three years of work, the CD - titled Prolusion - is now available. It contains fifty-three minutes of music (composed by yours truly with help from about a dozen friends - some famous, some not), along with a CD-ROM section (that you can look at on your computer) which contains an art gallery on CD. Nine artists show off their work, including David 'Duke' Carter whos work you may know from the book 'The Art of Tiki'. More information on Left Orbit Temple can also be found at - once you're there, click on the 'Left Orbit Temple' icon rather than the 'Tiki Bar Review Pages' icon! The disc is $12 postpaid, and can be ordered directly from me! The music is not strictly in the retro, exotica, or surf genres that appeal to so many readers of the Tiki Bar Review Pages and the Exotica Digest, but I think that many of you will enjoy it, as it does have an exotic flavor to it while occupying a space in a more electronic/modern-tribal/soundtrack-ish genre that does appeal to the tastes of many list members. Have a great New Year, much Aloha to you all! Iorana! James Teitelbaum of The Tiki Bar Review Pages and Left Orbit Temple .... - - * Tydirium Multimedia * Left Orbit Temple * Blue Harvest * Tiki Bar Review Pages ...and my own weird ramblings and tour journals # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: 29 Dec 2000 17:24:02 -0500 From: Eric Taub Subject: Re: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD Wow! Domenic, that's so great. Thanks.=20 I just got in and missed your heads up on WJUL.=20 Let's see if I have any recordings that I can copy for you as thanks. I'= ll email you off list after the first. Have An Exotic New Year All! Eric=20 On Friday, December 29, 2000, Domenic Ciccone = wrote: > >Eric. I got your copy for ya pal. > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 18:05:47 -0500 From: alan zweig Subject: (exotica) Flanger I really like this Flanger CD I found (Midnight Sound). Does this mean I'll also probably like Burnt Friedman and Atom Heart? (if you don't know what I'm talking about, you can take it as a philosophical question.) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 18:34:01 EST From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Flanger In a message dated 12/29/00 5:11:43 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I really like this Flanger CD I found (Midnight Sound). Does this mean I'll also probably like Burnt Friedman and Atom Heart? >> Can't speak for Burnt Friedman, but Atom Heart's music is different, in all his different guises. If you like Flanger, though, you're sure to like The Cinematic Orchestra. At least, I sure do. - --Rod # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 19:23:58 -0500 From: "The Workmans" Subject: (exotica) Ventures, etc. I have several of the 2on1 CD on OneWay. They do sound very good. I particularly enjoy the twofer of Hawaii 5-0/Swamp Rock, which includes Suspicious Minds and Proud Mary. I also have several of Dick Dale (He calls his fans dickheads...) later efforts, Tribal Thunder and Unknown Territory. These are excellent--the man rocks and hasn't lost a step. BTW, Misirlou (sp?) by Mr.Dale would make a great music to be born to. We Have All the Time in the World, by Louis Armstrong from the OHMSS Bond OST seems appropriate exit music....I will have to give this topic more serious thought and reply again soon. Thanks, as always, for the forum to blab...J Workman # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 00:41:33 -0000 From: "ZuZu" Subject: (exotica) Ray McVay Sound/Orchestra Hi all, Does anyone know whether or not the Ray McVay of the Ray McVay Sound and of ...and his Orchestra is the same one that's currently touring as the new bandleader of the Glenn Miller Orchestra UK? Seems too close to be a coincidence. The Glenn Miller Orchestra UK bandleader has also played with a Rock 'n' Roll package that included Eddie Cochrane (gave up his seat in the car for Eddie the night he died), Gene Vincent and Billy Fury, and played on Gene Vincent's Pistol Packin' Mama (tenor sax rock solo). Any info appreciated. Cheers, ZuZu # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 13:56:42 +0100 From: Johan Dada Vis Subject: (exotica) cover scan wanted Tony Hatch: "Hatchback" is there anyone who can provide me with artwork (color front cover, traycard) for the cd by Tony Hatch: "Hatchback"? maybe somebody is looking for something similar, and we can help eachother out? thanx! Johan - - - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 14:05:33 EST From: Subject: Re: (exotica) Later Lounge #2 CD Sorry, fellas, but no "Later"s left round here. Went to both B&N and Borders this morning. - --Rod # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 13:28:38 -0700 From: "Kevin Leeeeee" Subject: (exotica) timothy leary a while ago i heard this radio broadcast show that profiled some pioneering radio station or DJ or something. anyway, when they got to the late 60's they played a snippet of a sixties psych tune where the chorus was timothy leary sung over and over again: "timotheeeee leareeeeee timotheeeee leareeeee... etc." anyone know where this song is from and who does it and where i could find it? i actually have the snippet on tape still. but its not doing me much good - want to hear the whole song! any help is appreciated! kevin _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 17:30:10 -0500 From: "Risser Family" Subject: (exotica) Later CD I picked two of these up in a Cinci suburb. One, I'm keeping, but one I'd like to trade it if anyone's interested. Let me know. Thanks, Peter # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 20:41:18 -0500 From: "m.ace" Subject: (exotica) The Magic Record? Here's an interesting question that floated in through the e-mail. Sounds like a nifty record. >I am looking for a 78 rpm record I had as a child. I believe the >singer's name was Peter Lynn Hayes and the name of the record was The Magic >Record. It went something like--I'm Genie the magic record and I can sound >like (a train or other sounds). >Do you recognize this song? If so, do you know where I might locate it? Anyone? Thanks. m.ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 20:45:30 -0500 From: "m.ace" Subject: Re: (exotica) timothy leary >a while ago i heard this radio broadcast show that profiled some pioneering >radio station or DJ or something. anyway, when they got to the late 60's >they played a snippet of a sixties psych tune where the chorus was timothy >leary sung over and over again: "timotheeeee leareeeeee timotheeeee >leareeeee... etc." > >anyone know where this song is from and who does it and where i could find >it? Isn't that "Ride My See-Saw" by The Moody Blues? Actually, I like Bongwater's version better, but that's not the question, I suppose. m.ace # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 20:44:30 -0600 From: "Indy Rutks" Subject: Re: (exotica) timothy leary m.ace wrote: > >a while ago i heard this radio broadcast show that profiled some pioneering > >radio station or DJ or something. anyway, when they got to the late 60's > >they played a snippet of a sixties psych tune where the chorus was timothy > >leary sung over and over again: "timotheeeee leareeeeee timotheeeee > >leareeeee... etc." > > > >anyone know where this song is from and who does it and where i could find > >it? > > Isn't that "Ride My See-Saw" by The Moody Blues? Right band, wrong song... Their tune that references Leary is "Legend Of A Mind". - -Indy Rutks # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 20:58:32 -0600 From: "Indy Rutks" Subject: Re: (exotica) The Magic Record? m.ace wrote: > Here's an interesting question that floated in through the e-mail. Sounds > like a nifty record. > > >I am looking for a 78 rpm record I had as a child. I believe the > >singer's name was Peter Lynn Hayes and the name of the record was The Magic > >Record. It went something like--I'm Genie the magic record and I can sound > >like (a train or other sounds). > >Do you recognize this song? If so, do you know where I might locate it? The singer's name may be Peter Lind Hayes. All I remember about him is that he and his wife were frequently a celebrity couple on the game show "Tattletales". Beyond that, I learned from IMDb that he was in "The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T.", among other things. A quick search on found some PLH 45's, but no Magic Record. - -Indy Rutks # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 22:12:06 EST From: Subject: (exotica) More fun with budget labels I wouldn't have noticed this otherwise, but I found these two LPs on the same day. One is called "Percussion Sounds and Harmonica", is credited to Eddy Manson and is on the Spin-O-Rama label. The other is called "Harmonica and Percussion", is credited to Boris Draper and is on the Coronet label. The track titles are identical but in a different sequence. I just listened to "Old Devil Moon" from both LPs and have concluded that the arrangement and instrumentation from both LPs is identical, but there are subtle differences in the recordings. One can draw one's own conclusions. This could mean that the same arranger was working for both labels. Or, maybe the two labels were somehow affiliated and wanted to expend the effort for one LP but produce two? We will never know... Sean # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 11:23:05 EST From: Subject: (exotica) FREE E-Magine CD Currently, E-Magine Entertainment is offering a free sampler CD on their website, Not everything on it will be of interest to this list, but there are several tracks that may hold appeal. For example: * Waldeck -- if you like Thievery Corporation, you'll probably like this * The Diablo Project -- self-described as "twisted lounge music" * Operatica -- opera meets electronic music Plus, it has a naked lady on the cover. Oh, and it's free. - --Rod # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 11:30:03 -0500 From: Lou Smith Subject: Re: (exotica) The Magic Record? At 08:41 PM 12/30/00 -0500, m.ace wrote: > >>I am looking for a 78 rpm record I had as a child. I believe the >>singer's name was Peter Lynn Hayes and the name of the record was The Magic >>Record. It went something like--I'm Genie the magic record and I can sound >>like (a train or other sounds). Peter Lind Hayes with James Carroll's Orchestra: Genie, The Magic Record on Decca (DV 90002) 78rpm. I've got it recorded on the second of the tapes I submitted to the Exoticaring music swap thingy. I don't know where in the world that tape is now, nor do I know what I did with the original 78 (I thing it's gone missing somewhere between Texas & Mass.). And it is a cute yet verging on the annoying record. If anyone ripped my tape to mp3, perhaps they can send you the cut. Lou # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 11:44:21 EST From: Subject: (exotica) FREE E-Magine CD -- Oops, wrong URL Try My apologies. - --Rod # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 12:02:00 -0500 From: "Telstar" Subject: Re: (exotica) FREE E-Magine CD -- Oops, wrong URL Rod wrote: > Try My apologies. There is a catch. They asked for five e-mail addresses which sounds like they want us to help them spam. Allan # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 12:10:04 EST From: Subject: Re: (exotica) FREE E-Magine CD -- Oops, wrong URL In a message dated 12/31/00 12:02:28 PM, writes: << There is a catch. They asked for five e-mail addresses which sounds like they want us to help them spam. >> I signed up for this a couple months ago, and I did get one e-mail before Christmas promoting the site, so yes, you and anyone else are likely to get an e-mail, but you can remove yourself. Or, if you have five different e-mail accounts, you can submit those! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 11:38:17 -0800 From: "Basic Hip" Subject: (exotica) record collecting sob story here is something new. rather than a list of recent finds, how about the other side of the coin - records you had in your hot, little hands and let them get away, for whatever reason. last week, I experienced my all-time, hall-of-shame record collecting blunder and here it is... It's Saturday, December 23, about 4pm. I go to Village Music in Mill Valley (CA) to do a "scouting report" for the day after Xmas 50% off sale. I look around and jot down whatever looks interesting. Then on Tuesday, I show up before the doors open with my little note pad, ready to hit my spots. with me so far? I'm in the E's of the Pop / Nostalgia section and started flipping thru Les Elgart records. Not sure why, I certainly did not expect to find "Impressions From Outer Space" (Brunswick) a rare 10 incher with a cover to die for. BUT I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pretty good shape, too (VG) and a steal at $20. I'm not quite sure what happened next - I was in some kind of blackened vinyl fog - because wrote it down on my list, put it back, then walked away. I guess saving that ten bucks was more important than picking up a record that who knows when will come around again and if it does, chances are it won't be twenty bucks. Even if it turned out to be lame, I could have easily recoved my money AND seen a nice profit by selling it on ebay. Two days later... I'm right there when the doors open. First thing, I dash to Les Elgart to get "my record" and, of course, it's gone. Then I spend alot more that $20 on so-so stuff just to cheer myself up. what a numbskull. I see Mickey McGowan making his rounds and shared my heartbreaking story with him. Turns out he did his own scouting report the day after I did and decided saving $10 was not worth the risk of not gittin' it. So he got it. Git it? I felt about an inch tall the rest of the day.... # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 17:33:15 -0500 From: alan zweig Subject: Re: (exotica) record collecting sob story At 11:38 AM 12/31/00 -0800, Basic Hip wrote: Thank you for sharing your shame. Once more my favourite record-collecting rule rears its ugly head. "You don't regret what you buy; you regret what you DON'T buy". But don't feel so bad. It's just a record. You have lots of records. Here's the other thing. It seems to me that you were attracted to the record because it was neat and rare and collectible and you could make money on it. Well it seems to me that you're not driven by those considerations. I dabble in that mindset sometimes myself but I think it requires a whole other way of looking at the world and at records, if you want to be someone who's trying to make money on them. Under normal circumstances you would have picked up that record But this was a fifty percent off sale, a moment in time in which records are sold at a price that approaches the price they SHOULD ALWAYS be sold for. It's understandable how those rare moments can cloud your mind. I went to a fifty percent off vinyl sale and my mind was also clouded but in the other direction. I bought things for two bucks that I wouldn't have bought for four bucks. But if you wouldn't buy something for four bucks, maybe that's something you shouldn't buy. Worse still, I buy things on ebay all the time only because they seem cheap "by ebay standards". In other words, if I think "Oh this will probably go for 25 bucks" and I can get it for 8 bucks, I grab it. But the thing is, all my standards for what a record should cost are in Canadian dollars. For me, 20 dollars is about the most I'll spend on an LP and I try to do that only a couple of times a year. At least that was true before ebay. A record which I win for eight dollars on ebay will cost me, with shipping, about 28 dollars Canadian. Even something I "win" for three dollars, which seems like nothing, costs me about twenty dollars Canadian. (It's not that the exchange is THAT bad but it's also that you start by adding five dollars for shipping and then a few dollars for the money order itself....) So I've bought about 35 records on ebay in the last four months. Probably the cheapest one was about twenty dollars CANADIAN. And a few of them were twenty dollars American which ended up being more like fifty dollars Canadian. I would NEVER buy a record for fifty bucks if it was on the shelf at a store here. But I definitely wouldn't do it for the records that I actually bought for that much on ebay. So don't be ashamed. If anyone's going to be ashamed, it'll be me. >last week, I experienced my all-time, hall-of-shame record collecting >blunder and here it is... >I see Mickey McGowan making his rounds and shared my heartbreaking story >with him. Turns out he did his own scouting report the day after I did and >decided saving $10 was not worth the risk of not gittin' it. So he got it. >Git it? > >I felt about an inch tall the rest of the day.... # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:00:21 EST From: Subject: Re: (exotica) record collecting sob story In a message dated 12/31/0 5:33:46 PM, wrote: >I would NEVER buy a record for fifty bucks if it was on the shelf at a >store here. But I definitely wouldn't do it for the records that I >actually bought for that much on ebay. >So don't be ashamed. If anyone's going to be ashamed, it'll be me. Its interesting, the standards we apply to ourselves when it comes to buying records. I made a decision about 2 years ago to splurge on only one thing in my life......Besides my 2 kids, that is.. Records. If I want it and can get it, I'll buy it. I really don't care how much it is. Its amazing to me that someone would go to all the trouble to sell a record on e-bay for $4.00 american. If I sold a record on ebay I'd want $100 for it. I refuse to do e-bay because I don't want to chance losing something I might have gotten if I didn't have to play the stupid bidding game. I'd rather pay the price. Just like I'd rather pay a mechanic to fix my car. I don't want the record dangled before me to jump for it along side a hundred other bidders. Its a form of gambling to me and I don't gamble. If I walk into a record store in NYC and there's a copy of the original 45 of the Ribbons singing "Ain't Gonna Kiss Ya" priced at $, ba-da-bing...its mine. Its only money and like a good friend of mine sez: "Hey Jimmy when I die, I don't wanna die a millionaire..I wanna die owing a million." JB/My best to everyone here on this New Year # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 16:55:29 -0800 From: "Basic Hip" Subject: Re: (exotica) record collecting sob story >>Its interesting, the standards we apply to ourselves when it comes to buying records. << You can say that again! I am so inconsistent with my buying that only when I take a good, hard look at myself, do I realize how screwed up I am. :) For example, had that "Impressions from Outer Space" record been on ebay or another online source or at a record swap for twice as much as the $20 I balked on, I probably would have cheerfully forked over the $$$. Another example: I bid on a record and was outbid. A few days later, a person emailed me saying that they had a sealed copy of that record for a few bucks more. This time, I had to think twice about it. I must not be alone. I've lost count of the times I've seen heavy ebay bidding on a particular record while at the same time, the exact same record sits with no bids. Do you CD people suffer from the same disorders? Have a safe and happy new year # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 20:23:31 -0500 From: Lou Smith Subject: (exotica) [obits] Freida Pushnik, Al Gross, Julius Epstein, COSTA MESA, Calif. (AP) - Frieda Pushnik, ``the Armless, Legless Girl Wonder'' who spent years touring with Ripley's Believe It or Not and Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, died Dec. 24 after a battle with bladder cancer. She was 77. Born Feb. 10, 1923, in Conemaugh, Pa., Pushnik lost her limbs as the result of surgical complications during an appendectomy on her pregnant mother. Newspaper cartoonist Robert Ripley offered the girl a job at his first show at the 1933 World's Fair in Chicago. Ripley's ``odditorium'' was the attraction most heavily attended by the fair's 2 million visitors, said Edward Meyer, archivist at the Ripley headquarters in Orlando, Fla. In 1943, Pushnik was hired by Ringling Bros. for its sideshow tent, where she kept company with the Bearded Lady, two eight-foot giants and others. Pushnik always maintained she enjoyed the circus life and didn't feel exploited, but most states finally outlawed what came to be known pejoratively as freak shows. The circus closed its sideshow tent in June 1956, and Pushnik faded from the spotlight. === Al Gross - ham radio call sign W8PAL - died four days before this past Xmas. His first invention in 1938 was a portable hand-held radio transmitter-receiver he called the walkie-talkie. That led to the US Office of Strategic Services (OSS - the CIA's predecessor) utilizing his abilities which led to the invention of a two-way air-to-ground communications system used by the military behind enemy lines during the World War II "Cartoonist Chester Gould asked if he could use Gross' concept of a miniaturized two-way radio in his Dick Tracy comic strip. The result was the Dick Tracy two-way wrist radio. "'If you have a cordless telephone or a cellular telephone or a walkie talkie or beeper, you've got one of my patents,'Gross once said. He added that if his patents on those technologies hadn't run out in 1971, he'd have been a millionaire several times over. === LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Screenwriter Julius Epstein, who co-wrote the screenplay for one of cinema's classics, ''Casablanca,'' died on Saturday at age 91, hospital officials said on Sunday. A highly visible and well-respected figured in the Hollywood writing community, Epstein died on Saturday morning at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and is survived by his son, James, his wife, Ann, and daughter Elizabeth Schwartz. The Oscar-winning writer was born the son of a livery stable owner on Manhattan's Lower East Side on Aug. 22, 1909. Epstein turned out 50 produced screenplays, both with his twin brother, Philip, who died in 1952, and by himself during a career that spanned 60 years. ``Casablanca'' brought the brothers and Howard Koch a shared Oscar for the screenplay. The 1942 Humphrey Bogart-Ingrid Bergman romantic drama also won the Oscar for best picture. Epstein, revered for his wit, later commented that the screenplay contained ``a great deal of corn, more corn than in the states of Kansas and Iowa combined. But when corn works, there's nothing better.'' Casablanca has achieved cult status due largely to the Epsteins' unforgettable dialogue, which includes such gems as ''Here's looking at you, kid,'' ``We'll always have Paris,'' and ''Round up the usual suspects.'' Epstein was a boxer in college and originally planned to be a sportswriter, but had trouble finding work after his graduation in 1931 in the midst of the Depression. He came to Los Angeles in 1933 to ghostwrite a script and by 1935 was placed under contract with Warner Bros. The Epstein brothers were very much in demand in the years preceding World War II, and ``Casablanca'' came out of one of their typical writing assignments for the studio. They were asked to write a script based on an unproduced play called ''Everybody Comes to Rick's.'' The making of the movie, considered by movie buffs to be one of the finest films ever made, was subject to the same chaotic conditions of other movies made under the studio system, according to Aljean Harmetz, who wrote about the film in her book ``Round Up The Usual Suspects.'' ``Movies made under the studio system were accumulations of accidents, and Casablanca was no exception,'' she wrote in her book. ``A classic movie is the biggest accident of all,'' she added. Despite their success, the brothers' tenure was tumultuous at Warner Bros. and Epstein frequently disparaged ``Casablanca'' and most of the films he wrote during his 17-year stint there. During the 1940s and 1950s when government investigators were trying to root out alleged communists in Hollywood, Epstein, a critic of communism, was asked if ever belonged to a subversive organization. ``Yes,'' he replied. ``Warner Bros.'' His other film credits include ``The Strawberry Blonde'' The Man Who Came to Dinner,'' ``Four Daughters,'' and ``Pete 'n' Tillie.'' == ===== Sad end for a rising star 21.12.2000 By TONY WALL (New Zealand Herald) Garreth MacFadyen was an over-achiever. Last week, the young gun was promoted to an overseas position with sharebroking firm Merrill Lynch that his bosses told him would normally have been filled by someone at least 15 years his senior. So the 24-year-old had good reason to party when the firm's (Hawaiian theme) staff Christmas function was held at Quay West Hotel on Friday night. But the party ended in tragedy, and three days later the promising young futures trader was dead. His Hawaiian grass skirt was allegedly set alight in the men's toilets of the hotel's fifth-floor function centre. Manslaughter charge after death at Christmas party (New Zealand Herald) 22.12.2000 12:15 PM Fresh charges of manslaughter and disfigurement have been laid against the man who allegedly set fire to Gareth MacFadyen's grass skirt at the Merrill Lynch office Christmas party last week. Name suppression for Matthew Paul Schofield, aged 26, of Takapuna was lifted this morning in the Auckland District Court when new charges were laid against the investment banker following Mr MacFadyen's death last Monday. Defence lawyer Stuart Grieve QC told Judge Stan Thorburn that the incident had been a practical joke which had "gone terribly terribly wrong." Mr MacFadyen and Angela Offwood had been in a men's toilet cubicle wearing grass skirts when Schofield had allegedly lent under the cubicle and set fire to one of to skirts with a cigarette lighter. === ISLAMABAD, Dec 23 (Reuters) - Pakistan's top woman singer, "Melody Queen" Noor Jehan, died in the port city of Karachi on Saturday at the age of 72, family sources said. Jehan, who started as an actress and singer before the independence of Pakistan and India from Britain in 1947, was a contemporary of living Indian superstars like actor Dilip Kumar and female singer Lata Mangeshker. Equally popular in India, Noor Jehan shot to fame because of her singing and won the Pakistani title of Melody Queen in the 1970s. She also won popularity in Pakistan for singing martial songs during the country's 1965 and 1971 wars with India. She was considered one of the top singers of the sub-continent and was sometimes referred to as the Umm Kalthoum of the region after the legendary singer of Egypt. The official APP news agency reported Noor Jehan died in the afternoon of heart failure. She will be buried in Karachi, it said. 08:04 12-23-00 Melody Queen Noor Jahan passes away The Hindu Karachi, Dec. 23 (DPA) - Noor Jahan, an actress and singer known as the Melody Queen, has died in Karachi after a protracted illness, hospital and family sources said today. Noor Jahan, 74, started her career at the age of five, when she performed on stage in Calcutta. She became the subcontinent's first female child star at the age of nine when she acted in a Punjabi language film in Lahore (Pakistan). Later, she abandoned acting and concentrated on singing. ''She was an institution and with her death a reign covering almost three-quarters of a century ended,'' one of her many fans said. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info exotica" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ End of exotica-digest V2 #860 *****************************