From: "Perry L. Porter" Subject: ---> polygamy Date: 14 Feb 1998 14:48:27 -0700 Polygamy and Mormon Persecution Whenever people hear of the Mormons, those with some basic knowledge of American history can probably remember something about persecution of the Mormons in the last century. What most can't or don't wish to remember are the legal attempts to outlaw and eliminated the Mormons. These efforts were almost successful and were done through legal efforts in our United States government. So interesting did I find this information that I've written this section, which I intend to elaborate in detail before the end of the year. I believe you will find it surprising. My references will be listed at the end of this section. When we think of the persecution of the Mormons, we tend to only think of the mobs and violence which caused so many of the Mormons to flee and migrate to Utah, especially in the 1840's. Lets start this review instead in the year 1852 when the Church officially announced that it practiced polygamy. Polygamy was not accepted by the rank and file Mormons with jubilation. The majority of men actually chose not to live in polygamy and of those that did (about 20%), most had only two wives. Polygamy was instead most heavily practiced by the leadership of the Church. To practice polygamy was considered by many to show one's faith and obedience to the Church. Although some Church leaders would have preferred to avoid polygamy, some the leaders of the Church REALLY practiced polygamy. Heber Kimball, counselor to the President of the Church, had 43 wives. Many Mormons chose not to follow the Church to Salt Lake because they opposed polygamy and they established reorganized churches at home. Joseph Smith III, the son of the first President of the Church, founded the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints partly as an objection to the practice of polygamy. Yet even today, I believe most members of the LDS will not only defend polygamy but declare it was right and good and the will of God at that time. So, on with the story: The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican War in February 1848, gave the United States title to much of the Southwest, including Utah. The Mormons responded by forming a political government and creating the State of Deseret (1849-51).The United States turned down the 1849 application of the Mormons to become a state. They had hoped to become a state to protect their religious beliefs, including polygamy. In the 1852 general conference (see JD) Orson Pratt gave the official church reasons for polygamy. 1- that we might have the blessing and promises of Abraham that our posterity would become as numerous as the sands upon the seashore. 2- There were many spirits in the spirit world who needed to be born into good families. 3- It was a commandment from the Lord. Difficulties were compounded during the presidential election campaign of 1856 when national attention was focused on Utah as Republican candidates vigorously denounced both polygamy and slavery in the territories. False reports that Utahns were in rebellion against federal authority led President James Buchanan to send an expeditionary force to Utah in 1857. Tense settlers in southern Utah and nearby Indians, caught up in an atmosphere of war hysteria, killed about 100 California-bound immigrants at Mountain Meadow. This only intensified anti-Mormon feelings against the Saints. Peace was attained that spring. A military post west of Provo, and newly appointed Territorial Governor Alfred Cumming assumed civil authority. (The appointment of Cumming was the beginning of bitter conflict between Mormon leaders and federal authorities and between Mormons and non-Mormons in Utah.) In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected President on a platform to abolish slavery and polygamy. In 1862 he signed the Morrill Act which made polygamy illegal. The Mormons chose to ignore this law. In 1862 he signed the Morrill Act which made polygamy illegal. Thus while the Mormons accepted polygamy as part of their religious beliefs, the United States considered it comparable to slavery. After the end of the civil war, Evangelical Protestants,women's rights groups and many other religious groups came to Utah to eliminate the practice and even convert the Mormons. Missionaries, schools and YMCA groups were set up in Utah to rescue the children/women. They were unsuccessful. On the other hand there developed a disturbing high divorce rate in polygamist marriages and the practice seemed to be dwindling down on its own. In 1882 the Edmunds Act was passed which made polygamy a crime, punishable with a 5 year prison sentence, lose of voting rights, the right to serve on a jury or hold elective office. The United States government enforced this law by sending in scores of federal officials to question men, women and children to seek out those people practicing polygamy. Since nonMormons had seized control of the legal system and the juries, the Mormon Church went underground. Arrests for polygamy greatly increased and soon prisons were overflowing and the courts had difficulty handling the load. In 1882 the Edmunds-Tucker Act officially dissolved the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All funds were confiscated and the Church was not allowed to collect tithing. All property valued over $50,000 became property of the federal government. All Mormon schools were abolished. Mormons could not vote, serve in political office or on juries (90% of the population was Mormon at the time). Women voting rights were abolished and children of plural marriages were disinherited. In 1890, the Edmunds-Tucker Act was declared constitutional by the Supreme Court and legislation was pushed in Congress to make it illegal for a Mormon to be a citizen of the United States. The new president of the Church, Wilfred Woodruff, was struck by how close the Church was to being destroyed by the government of the United States and in 1890 issued a proclamation, called the Manifesto, declaring that Mormons would no longer practice polygamy. An interesting footnote to this whole polygamy controversy. As offensive as polygamy appears to the other Christian churches of today, they would do well to remember their history. Here's a quote from Larry Jensen's book, "A Genealogical Handbook of German Research", rev. edition 1980 by Larry O. Jensen, p. 154-155. "In southern Germany between the mid-1600s and the early 1700s you may encounter an unusual p On February 14, 1650, the Parliament at Nurnberg decreed that because so many men were killed during the Thirty Years's War, the Churches for the following ten years could not admit any man under the age of 60 into a monastery. Priests and ministers not bound by any monastery were allowed to marry. Lastly, the decree stated that every man was allowed to marry up to ten women. The men were admonished to behave honorably, provide for their wives properly, and prevent animosity among them." References: 1.Home Page - Utah Dept. of Community and Economic Development 2.The Mormon Church by Roger Thompson, publisher Hippocrene Books 3.The Story of the Latter-day Saints by James Allen and Glen Leonard, publisher Deseret Books 4.A Genealogical Handbook of German Research", rev. edition 1980 by Larry O. Jensen --------------- The Doctrine of Plural Marriage by Elder Bruce R. McConkie According to the Lord's law of marriage, it is lawful that a man have only one wife at a time, unless by revelation the Lord commands plurality of wives in the new and everlasting covenant. (D. & C. 49:15-17.) Speaking of "the doctrine of plurality of wives," the Prophet said: "I hold the keys of this power in the last days; for there is never but one on earth at a time on whom the power and its keys are conferred; and I have constantly said no man shall have but one wife at a time, unless the Lord directs otherwise." (Teachings, p. 324.) The Lord, by the mouth of his Prophet Jacob, gave similar direction to the Nephites: "For there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife; and concubines he shall have none; For I, the Lord God, delight in the chastity of women. And whoredoms are an abomination before me; thus saith the Lord of Hosts. Wherefore, this people shall keep my commandments, saith the Lord of Hosts, or cursed be the land for their sakes. For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things." (Jacob 2:27-30.) >From such fragmentary scriptural records as are now available, we learn that the Lord did command some of his ancient saints to practice plural marriage. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob -- among others (D. & C. 132) -- conformed to this ennobling and exalting principle; the whole history of ancient Israel was one in which plurality of wives was a divinely accepted and approved order of matrimony. Those who entered this order at the Lord's command, and who kept the laws and conditions appertaining to it, have gained for themselves eternal exaltation in the highest heaven of the celestial world. In the early days of this dispensation, as part of the promised restitution of all things, the Lord revealed the principle of plural marriage to the Prophet. Later the Prophet and leading brethren were commanded to enter into the practice, which they did in all virtue and purity of heart despite the consequent animosity and prejudices of worldly people. After Brigham Young led the saints to the Salt Lake Valley, plural marriage was openly taught and practiced until the year 1890. At that time conditions were such that the Lord by revelation withdrew the command to continue the practice, and President Wilford Woodruff issued the Manifesto directing that it cease. (Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, pp. 213-218.) Obviously the holy practice will commence again after the Second Coming of the Son of Man and the ushering in of the millennium. (Isa. 4.) Plural marriage is not essential to salvation or exaltation. Nephi and his people were denied the power to have more than one wife and yet they could gain every blessing in eternity that the Lord ever offered to any people. In our day, the Lord summarized by revelation the whole doctrine of exaltation and predicated it upon the marriage of one man to one woman. (D. & C. 132:1-28.) Thereafter he added the principles relative to plurality of wives with the express stipulation that any such marriages would be valid only if authorized by the President of the Church. (D. & C. 132:7, 29-66.) All who pretend or assume to engage in plural marriage in this day, when the one holding the keys has withdrawn the power by which they are performed, are guilty of gross wickedness. Mormon Doctrine, p. 578 Copyright by Bookcraft ------------------- Polygamy and the Utah Territory Mormon pioneers - 1870s The United States received title to much of the Southwest, including Utah, at the end of the Mexican War in 1848. The church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, commonly known as "Mormons" established a theocracy by forming a political government and creating the State of Deseret (1849-1851). The United States Congress refused to admit Deseret to the Union. Congress instead established the Utah Territory, an expansive area including most of present day Nevada and parts of Wyoming and Colorado. The Utah Territory had a tumultuous history lasting 45 years (1851-1896). This period in time encompassed a substantial Mormon expansionism, the immigration and settlement of non-Mormons, the development of transportation, communication systems, economic growth and conflict. Church leaders knew that they must dominate the new Territory, if the violent persecutions of the past were to be eliminated. Mormons were encouraged to buy only Mormon goods and from other Mormon merchants. Cooperative church-sponsored businesses were created. Mormon control spread throughout the territorial government. By 1870 non Mormons ("Gentiles") denounced the churchs' political and economic domination of the Territory. Reports of a Mormon rebellion against federal authority resulted in President James Buchanan sending a small army to put down the Mormon insurrection. This expeditionary force was led by Albert Sidney Johnston. It was during this time period that a group of California bound immigrants were murdered, in southern Utah, in what has been called the "Mountain Meadow Massacre". Peace was eventually reached when Alfred Cumming was appointed the new territorial Governor. The appointment of Cumming started a deep and bitter conflict between Mormon leaders and federal authorities and between Mormons and non-Mormons. The struggle for power and domination for the political and economic future of the territory was the backdrop for the explosive issue of polygamous marriages. The doctrine of the church basically believed that there were countless number of souls waiting to begin an earthly life. The human soul was united with the body at birth which grew and matured, and eventually created new families which led to more births and more souls beginning earthly existences. Procreation was therefore a very important part of the Mormon religious doctrine because spiritual souls could be granted earthly bodies. Polygamy or the system of "plural marriages" first appeared in the church in 1841 and by 1870 there were an increasing number of plural marriage families in the Utah Territory. As an increasing number of Gentiles grew in their dissatisfaction of the Mormon theocracy they complained to federal authorities that polygamy was not American and the Mormons were preventing them from becoming part of the economic system within the Territory. Congress wanted to ban polygamy for some time; therefore, in 1862 Congress passed the Morill Act (anti-bigamy) which made bigamy a federal offense in the Utah Territory. The Act , largely unenforced during the Civil War; proved difficult to get convictions. Federal prosecutors won only two convictions in the twenty years after the passage of the Morill Act. To get a conviction for bigamy, under the Morill Act, a prosecutor was forced to prove both marriages. Since most polygamous marriages were secret it made it difficult to get convictions. U.S. attorney Van Zile, federal territorial judges, Attorney General Brewster and President Chester Arthur began lobbying Congress for new legislation to battle polygamy. The lobbying efforts resulted in the passage of the Edmunds Act in 1882. It was introduced by Senator George F. Edmunds of Vermont and made polygamy in the territories a federal offense punishible by a fine of not more than $500, and imprisonment for a term of not more than five years. A man had violated the statute if he had a living wife and subsequently married another, or simultaneously married more than one woman. The Edmunds Act also proscribed the lesser offense of unlawful cohabitation, in which a man lived with more than one woman. The punishement for unlawful cohabitation was a fine of not more than $300, or a term of imprisonment not to exceed six months, or both. Federal prosecutors chose to prosecute polygamist Momons under this new territorial statute, since it was easier to get convictions. The church hired the best lawyers and lobbyists to petition Congress for statehood, starting in 1849; however, Utah was not to become a state until 1896. During this time period the territory was governed by federal appointees, most of which were non-Mormons. Among the factors which made Non-Mormons feel increasing pressure and fear were the Mormon dominance, communitarian economic practices, lack of free public schools, polygamy, church authoritarianism and the church's interferring with state affairs. When the legal avenues, failed the church engaged in civil disobedience in their efforts to stop the federal enforcement policies.. The church was nearly bankrupt, its assets were in the hands of a federal receiver, hundreds of its members, including some church leaders were either imprisoned or in hiding, and legislation appeared likely to pass in Congress which would have disenfranchised Mormons by virtue of their membership in the church. During the late 1800's twelve Mormon polygamy cases reached the United States Supreme Court within a fifteen year period. The Supreme court decided in favor of the Mormons on three of the twelve cases. The court handed down sixteen opinions concerning the constutionallity or interpretation of the laws and judicial doctrines that were created to eliminate polygamy The church was brought to the brink of extinction before the church President, Wilford Woodruff, announced the abandonment of polygamy as a church doctrine. The doctrine of Polygamy, within the Mormon faith, began on April 5, 1841, near the city of Nauvoo, Illinois with the sealing of Louisa Beaman to Joseph Smith. It was brought to an official end by a resolution adopted at the 74th Annual Conference of the Utah church, on April 4, 1904. Therefore, the practice of polygamy enjoyed an embryonic life of ten years, a healthy life of forty years and a slow death of fifteen years. Since plural marriages were not publicly recorded, and private disclosure of records is not likely the extent to which polygamy was practiced in Utah will probably never be known. ------------------ JOSEPH SMITH DENIES & PRACTICES POLYGAMY The major point that I will attempt to convey in this article is that Joseph Smith and the other LDS Church leaders knowingly decieved its members and the public at large regarding polygamy. Most Mormons and non-Mormons now know that Joseph Smith practiced polygamy. This historical fact is really only debated by the RLDS Church which has claimed that Brigham Young invented polygamy after Joseph Smith's death. However, there is substantial historical evidence that Joseph Smith practiced and taught polygamy during his lifetime. This post will start by showing the early LDS teachings against polygamy and the denials of any member practicing the act. I have been very exhaustive in my search and hope that the evidence I present will convince you of the deception the LDS Church promulgated to its members and the world. In this article I will use all Mormon sources, including the History of the Church, two LDS publications, the Messenger and Advocate and the Times and Seasons, and personal speeches and documents of faithful Mormons. EXAMPLES OF THE DENIAL AND PRACTICE OF POLYGAMY DENIALS: History of the Church, vol. 2, pg. 247 (August 1835) "The clerk of every church should keep a record of all marriages solemnized in his branch. All legal contracts of marriage made before a person is baptized into this Church should be held sacred and fulfilled. Inasmuch as this Church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication and polygamy, we declare that we believe that one man should have one wife, and one woman but one husband, except in the case of death, when either is at liberty to marry again."(This was included in the first published Doctrine and Covenants and accepted unanimously by the Twelve before being published. This passage in *every* D&C edition until 1876 when D&C 132 was first introduced to the Doctrine and Covenants). Messenger and Advocate (Aug 1835) pg. 163 "All legal contracts of marriage made before a person is baptized into this church should be held sacred and fulflled. Inasmuch as this Church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication, and polygamy: we declare that we believe, that one man should have one wife: one woman, but one husband, except in teh case of death, when either is at liberty to marry again." History of the Church, vol. 5, pg. 30 (May 1836) "Inasmuch as this Church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication and polygamy, we declare that we believe that one man, should have one wife, and one woman but one husband, except in case of death,, when either is at liberty to marry again." Messenger and Advocate (May 1837) Warren Cowdery editor, pg. 511 "1st. That we will have no fellowship whatever with any Elder belonging to the quorums of the Seventies who is guilty of polygamy or any offense of the kind, and who does not in all things conform to the laws of the church contained in the Bible and in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants." PRACTICED: Benjamin Johnson Letter to Gibbs, 1903 in E. Dale LeBaron (1967) "And now to your question, 'How early did the Prophet Joseph practice polygamy?' I hardly know how wisely to reply, for the truth at times may be better withheld; but as what I am writing is to be published only under strict scrutiny of the wisest, I will say, that the revelation [D&C 132] to the Church at Nauvoo, July 21, 1843, on the Eternity of the Marriage Covenant and the Law of Plural Marriage, was not the first revelation of the law received and practiced by the Prophet. In 1835, at Kirtland, I learned from my sister's husband, Lyman R. Sherman, who was close to the Prophet, and received it from him, "that the ancient order of Plural Marriage was again to be practiced by the Church." This at the time, did not impress my mind deeply, although there then lived with his family a neighbor's daughter, Fannie Alger, a very nice and comely young woman about my own age, toward whom not only myself, but every one, seemed partial for the amiability of her." (Date of marriage to Fannie Alger: prior to 1838, probably 1835 when Fannie Alger lived with Joseph Smith) DENIALS: Times and Seasons, vol. 4, pg. 869 (August 1, 1842) "The church afterwards publicly withdrew their fellowship from him [John C. Bennett], and his character was published in the 17th number of this paper; since that time he John C. Bennet] has published that the conduct of the Saints was bad that Joseph Smith and many others were adulterers, murderers, &c. -- that here was a secret band of men that would kill people, &c. called Danites -- that he was in duress when he gave his affidavit, and testified that Joseph Smith was a virtuos man -- that we believed and practiced polygamy -- that we believed in secret murders, and aimed to destroy the government &c." Times and Seasons, vol. 4, pg. 909 (September 1, 1842) "All legal contracts of marriage made before a preson is baptized into this church, should be held sacred and fulfilled. Inasmuch as this church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication, and polygamy: we declare that we believe, that one man should have one wife; and one woman, but one husband, except in the case of death, when either is at liberty to marry again. It is not right to persuade a woman to be baptized contrary to the will of her husband neither is it lawful to influence her to leave her husband." Times and Seasons, vol. 4, pg. 939 (October 1, 1842) "All legal contracts of marriage made before a preson is baptized into this church, should be held sacred and fulfilled. Inasmuch as this church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication, and polygamy: we declare that we believe, that one man should have one wife; and one woman, but one husband, except in the case of death, when either is at liberty to marry again. It is not right to persuade a woman to be baptized contrary to the will of her husband neither is it lawful to influence her to leave her husband." Times and Seasons, vol. 4, pg. 28 (December 1, 1842) "He spoke of the various publications of Bennett and others, and of the prejudices which they had necessarily excited-that the Mormons were charged with sanctioning a community of wives and of goods, with polygamy, and various other enormities, not one word of which is true." PRACTICED: Orange Wight Autobiography, BYU, pg. 8-9 (1903) "I now come to that part of my story that you will be most likely interested in, which regard the doctrine taught by the Prophet Joseph Smith in regard to the plural marriage system ....... After we got in the house Sister Woodworth took me in another room and told me that Flora was one of Joseph's wives. I was aware or believed that Eliza R. Snow and two of Partridge girls were his wives but was not informed about Flora. But now Sister Woodworth gave me all the information necessary, so I knew Joseph believed and practiced polygamy." (Date of marriages: Prior to 1842) Mary Lightner 1905 Address, typescript, BYU, pg. 2-3 "Two of his sisters were Joseph's wives. Emma took them by the hand and gave them to Joseph...... I went forward and was sealed to him [Joseph Smith]. Brigham Young performed the sealing, and Heber C. Kimball the blessing. I know he had six wives and I have known some of them from childhood up. I knew he had three children. They told me. I think two are living today but they are not known as his children as they go by other names." (Date of marriage to Mary Lightner: February 1842) Helen Whitney "Scenes in Nauvoo," WE 11 (1882), pg. 146 "It was not until the summer of after he had gone east that I learned of the existence of the plural order of marriage, and that the spring of 1842 had seen his sister Sarah Ann the wife of Joseph Smith." (Date of marriage of Sarah Ann: July 27, 1842) DENIALS: History of the Church, vol. 6, pg. 405 (May 25, 1844) "Saturday, 25 -- At home, keeping ou to fhte way of expected writs from Carthage. Towards evening, Edward Hunter and William Marks, of the grand jury returned from Carthage; also Marshal John P. Greene and Almon W. Babbitt, who informed me there were two indictments found against me, one chargine me false swearing on the testimony of Joseph H. Jackson and Robert D. Foster, and one charging me of polygamy, or something else, on the testimony of William Law, that I told him so! The particulars of which I shall learn hearafter. There was much false swearing before the grand jury." History of the Church, vol. 6, pg. 411 (May 1844) "It is not right for a man to bare down his neck to the oppressor always. Be humble and patient in all circumstances of life; we shall then triumph more gloriously. What a thing it is for a man to be accused of committing adultery, and having seven wives, when I can only find one." Times and Seasons, vol. 5, pg. 423 (February 1, 1844) "As we have lately been credibly informed, that an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter day Saints, by the name of Hiram Brown, has been preaching Polygamy, and other false and corrupt doctrines, in the county of Lapeer, state of Michigan." PRACTICED: Benjamin Johnson My Life's Review (1947), pg. 93-95 "In talking with my mother after the revelation [D&C 132] on plural marriage was given, he told her that when the Lord required him to move in plural marriage, that his first thought was to come and ask her for some of her daughters; and I can now understand that the period alluded to was at Kirtland, where she had three unmarried daughters at home, two of whom died there, and Almira, the other, was sealed to him in Nauvoo; the other two, Nancy M. and Susan E., being sealed to him by proxy since his death...........Early on Sunday morning he [Joseph Smith] said, "Come Brother Bennie, let us have a walk." I took his arm and he led the way into a by-place in the edge of the woods surrounded by tall brush and trees. Here, as we say down upon a log he began to tell me that the Lord had revealed to him that plural or patriarchal marriage was according to His law; and that the Lord had not only revealed it to him but had commanded him to obey it; that he was required to take other wives; and that he wanted my Sister Almira for one of them, and wished me to see and talk to her upon the subject." (Date of marriage to Almera Johnson: Spring 1843) Emily Young "Auto," Woman's Exponent 14 (1885), pg. 38 "The first intimation I had from Brother Joseph that there was a pure and holy order of plural marriage, was in the spring of 1842, but I was not married until 1843. I was married to him on the 11th of May, 1843, by Elder James Adams. Emma was present. She gave her free and full consent. She had always up to this time, been very kind to me and my sister Eliza, who was also married to the Prophet Joseph Smith with Emma's consent; but ever after she was our enemy." (Date of marriage of Emily Dow Partridge: May 11, 1843) Cordelia Cox Autobiography, BYU, pg. 4 "In the spring of forty-four [1844], plural marriage was introduced to me by my parents from Joseph Smith, asking their consent and a request to be his wife." (Date of marriage of Cordelia Cox: None, Cordelia Cox refused) DENIALS, DENIALS, & MORE DENIALS: Times and Seasons, vol. 6, pg. 893-894 (May 1, 1845) "Dear Sir: To condemn unheard, any man or set of men or their principles, on the strength of popular rumor, or the testimony of enemies, would be gross injustice. An impartial investigation should always precede condemnation. The Latter-day Saints are charged by their enemies, with th blackest crimes. Treason, murder, theft, polygamy, and adultery, are among the many crimes laid to their charge. -- The press reiterates and gives publicity to these charges. Under these circumstances, it is but right, that they should be heard in their defence. I shall, therefore, in this communication, briefly examine and refute a few of the charges, for it would need a legion of writers to answer (all) the lies told about us." Times and Seasons, vol 6., pg. 894 (May 1, 1845) "Most of the stories against the Mormons have been propagated by apostates and traitors, (who have been generally cut off from the church for their crimes.) They publish their lies, and straightway they are believed, and hawked about as awful disclosures, and received by community with trembling and holy horror. Sidney Rigdon, I see by the papers, has made an exposition of Mormonism, charging Joseph Smith and the Mormons with polygamy, &c. it dones not require a very sagacious mind to fathom Mr. Rigdon's motive for doing." I hope the reader takes a good look at this next reference, knowing full well that Joseph Smith and other LDS Church leaders practiced polygamy prior to May 1845. Times and Seasons, vol. 6, pg. 894 (May 1, 1845) "As to the charge of polygamy, I will quote from the Book of Doctrine and Convenants, which is the subsrcibed faith of the church and is strictly enforced. Article of Marriage, sec. 91, par. 4, says, "Inasmuch as this church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication and polygamy, we declare that we believe that one man should have but one husband except in the casse of death when either is at liberty to marry again." Sec. 12, par. 7. "Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart and shall cleave unto her and NONE ELSE." In ancient till God cleanses the earth, and restores the government of his says, "know this that, in (the last days of perilous times shall come), for men shall be TRAITORS, FALSE ACCUSSERS, INCONTINENT, fierce despiser of those that are good." No wonder then that apostates rage, or that the fulness of truth revealed again should bring a storm of persecution." I now ask you who is the "TRAITOR, FALSE ACCUSSERS, INCONTINENT, fierce despiser of those that are good"? Joseph Smith and the LDS Church leaders were the ones that clearly deceived its members and the public. This is now historical fact. After performing this exhaustive search I am certainly convinced that many of the early Mormons knew nothing about polygamy. The LDS Church leaders not only lied about their practice of polygamy, they denied the charges brought against them, falsely accussing those that raised the charges against them. Polygamy was both against Illinois State law and also againts the Doctrine and Covenants. Some Mormons have justified this act of lieing and deceiving because God must have commanded it. The God I know is not a God of deception and not a God of lies. I can only hope that my Mormon friends and family can see this and the other deceptions passed on by Mormon leaders. RETURN TO MAIN MENU BACK TO RELATED TOPIC Joseph Smith Denies and Practices Polygamy Last Updated February 14, 1997 Copyright 1996, 1997, All Rights Reserved. Created by James David, URL: -------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Perry L. Porter" Subject: ---> More Info on section 132. Date: 14 Feb 1998 14:49:48 -0700 | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | (from BYU special collections - micro film of original manuscript - "The Joseph Smith Collection" - "Revelations not in the D&C") July 27, 1842 Verily thus saith the Lord unto my servant N.K.Whitney. The thing that my servant Joseph has made known unto you and your family and which ye shall have agreeded upon is right in mine eyes and shall be crowned upon your heads with honer and immortality and eternal life to all your houses both old and young because of the lineage of my priesthood saith the Lord shall be upon you and upon your children after you from generation to generation by virtue of the holy promise which I now make unto you saith the Lord. These are the words which you shall pronounce upon my servant Joseph and your daughter S.A. Whitney. They shall take each other by the hand and you shall say: You both mutually agree, calling them by name to be each others companion so long as you both shall live, preserving yourselves for each other and from all others and also through out all eternity, reserving only those rights which have been given to my servant Joseph by revelation and command and by legal authority in times past if you both agree to covenant and do this then I will give you S.A. [Sarah Ann] Whitney my daughter to Joseph Smith to be his wife, to observe all the rights between you both that belong to that condition I do it in my own name and in the name of my wife, your mother and in the name of my holy progenitors by the right of birth which is of priesthood vested in me by revelation and commandment and promise of the living God obtained by the holy Melchezedik GDHROW and other of the holy fathers commanding in the name of the Lord all those powers to consecrate in you and through your posterity for ever all these things I do in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that through this order, He may be glorified and through the power of anointing David may reign king over Israel which shall here after be revealed. Let immortality and eternal life henceforth be sealed upon your heads for ever and ever part in first resurrection with other blessings now added Sunday 27th August 42 myself and wife I now also bless with part in the first resurrection also with many other blessings together with a promise to all of my house the same day and of the same time 27 August 42 Saturday evening myself and wife were baptized for a remission of sins. Sunday in fore part of the day, we were all confirmed and blessed again with all good things and eternal life in the first resurrection. I was blessed above others with long life and the keys of the priesthood , a double portion of the spirit, heretofore conferred upon my fellows with all gifts possessed by my progenitors who held the priesthood before me anciently. | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | The following are accounts of Joseph Smith's introduction of plural marriage to some of his wives. ======== Emily Young "The first intimation I had from Brother Joseph that there was a pure and holy order of plural marriage, was in the spring of 1842, but I was not married until 1843. I was married to him on the 11th of May, 1843, by Elder James Adams. Emma was present. She gave her free and full consent. She had always up to this time, been very kind to me and my sister Eliza, who was also married to the Prophet Joseph Smith with Emma's consent; but ever after she was our enemy. She used every means in her power to injure us in the eyes of her husband, and before strangers, and in consequence of her abuse we were obliged to leave the city to gratify her, but things were overruled otherwise, and we remained in Nauvoo. My sister Eliza found a home with the family of Brother Joseph Coolidge, and I went to live with Sister Sylvia Lyons. She was a good woman, and one of the lord's chosen few. Emma, about this time, gave her husband two other wives--Maria and Sarah Lawrence. (Emily Young "Auto," Woman's Exponent 14 (1885), Pg.38) ======== Eliza R. Snow "In Nauvoo I first understood that the practice of plural marriage was to be introduced into the church. The subject was very repugnant to my feelings - so directly was it in opposition to any educated prepossessions that it seemed as though all the prejudices of my ancestors for generations past congregated around me. But when I reflected that I was living in the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times, embracing all other dispensations, surely plural marriage must necessarily be included, and I consoled myself with the idea that it was far in the distance, and beyond the period of my mortal existence. It was not long, however, before the announcement had reached me that the "set time" had come - that God had commanded his servants to establish the order, by taking additional wives. I was sealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith for time and eternity. "While my brother Lorenzo Snow was absent on his first mission to Europe, these changes had taken place with me, of which I supposed him to be entirely ignorant. Not knowing how my brother would receive it, I did not feel at liberty, and did not wish to assume the responsibility of instructing him in the principle of plural marriage, and either maintained silence, or, to his indirect questioning, gave evasive answers, until I was forced, by his cool and distant manner, to feel that he was growing jealous of my sisterly confidence - that I could not confide in his brotherly integrity. I could not endure this - something must be done. I informed my husband of the situation, and requested him to open the subject to my brother. A favorable opportunity soon presented, and, seated together on the lone bank of the Mississippi River, they had a most interesting conversation. The Prophet afterwards told me that he found that my brother's mind had been previously enlightened on the subject in question, and was ready to receive whatever the spirit of revelation from God should impart. That comforter which Jesus said should "lead into all truth" had penetrated his understanding, and while in England had given him an intimation of what at that time was, to many, a secret. This was the result of living near the Lord, and holding communion with Him. "It was at the private interview referred to above that the Prophet Joseph unbosomed his heart and described the trying mental ordeal he experienced in overcoming the repugnance of his feelings, the natural result of the force of education and social custom, relative to the introduction of plural marriage. He knew the voice of God - he knew the commandment of the Almighty to him was to go forward, to set the example, and establish celestial plural marriage. He knew that he had not only his own prejudices and prepossessions to combat and to overcome, but those of the whole Christian world; but God, who is above all, had given the commandment, and He must be obeyed. Yet the Prophet hesitated and deferred from time to time, until an angel of God stood by him with a drawn sword, and told him that, unless he moved forward and established plural marriage, his priesthood would be taken from him and he should be destroyed! This testimony he not only bore to my brother, but also to others - a testimony that cannot be gainsayed." (They Knew The Prophet, Pg.57-58) ======== Lyman Littlefield "In the year 1842, President Joseph Smith sought an interview with me, and said: "I have a message for you. I have been commanded of God to take another wife, and you are the woman." My astonishment knew no bounds. This announcement was indeed a thunderbolt to me. He asked me if I believed him to be a prophet of God. "Most assuredly I do," I replied. He fully explained to me the principle of plural or celestial marriage. He said this principle was again to be restored for the benefit of the human family, that it would prove an everlasting blessing to my father's house, and form a chain that could never be broken, worlds without end. "What have you to say?" he asked. "Nothing." How could I speak, or what could I say? He said, "If you will pray sincerely for light and understanding in relation thereto, you shall receive a testimony of the correctness of this principle. I thought I prayed sincerely, but was so unwilling to consider the matter favorably that I fear I did not ask in faith for light. Gross darkness instead of light took possession of my mind. I was tempted and tortured beyond endurance until life was not desirable. Oh that the grave would kindly receive me, that I might find rest on the bosom of my dear mother. Why should I be chosen from among thy daughters, Father, I am only a child in years and experience, no mother to counsel; no father near to tell me what to do in this trying hour. Oh, let this bitter cup pass. And thus I prayed in the agony of my soul. "The Prophet discerned my sorrow. He saw how unhappy I was, and sought an opportunity of again speaking to me on this subject, and said: "Although I cannot, under existing circumstances, acknowledge you as my wife, the time is near when we will go beyond the Rocky Mountains and then you will be acknowledged and honored as my wife." He also said, "This principle will yet be believed in and practiced by the righteous. I have no flattering words to offer. It is a command of God to you. I will give you until tomorrow to decide this matter. If you reject this message the gate will be closed forever against you." "This aroused every drop of Scotch in my veins. For a few moments I stood fearless before him, and looked him in the eye. I felt at this moment that I was called to place myself upon the altar a living sacrifice--perhaps to brook the world in disgrace and incur the displeasure and contempt of my youthful companions; all my dreams of happiness blown to the four winds. This was too much, for as yet no shadow had crossed my path, aside from the death of my dear mother. The future to me had been one bright, cloudless day. I had been speechless, but at last found utterance and said: "Although you are a prophet of God you could not induce me to take a step of so great importance, unless I knew that God approved my course. I would rather die. I have tried to pray but received no comfort, no light," and emphatically forbid him speaking again to me on this subject. Every feeling of my soul revolted against it. Said I, "The same God who has sent this message is the Being I have worshipped from my early childhood and He must manifest His will to me." He walked across the room, returned and stood before me with the most beautiful expression of countenance, and said: "God Almighty bless you. You shall have a manifestation of the will of God concerning you; a testimony that you can never deny. I will tell you what it shall be. It shall be that joy and peace that you never knew." "Oh, how earnestly I prayed for these words to be fulfilled. It was near dawn after another sleepless night when my room was lighted up by a heavenly influence. To me it was, in comparison, like the brilliant sun bursting through the darkest cloud. The words of the Prophet were indeed fulfilled. My soul was filled with a calm, sweet peace that "I never knew." Supreme happiness took possession of me, and I received a powerful and irresistible testimony of the truth of plural marriage, which has been like an anchor to the soul through all the trials of life. I felt that I must go out into the morning air and give vent to the joy and gratitude that filled my soul. As I descended the stairs, President Smith opened the door below, took me by the hand and said: "Thank God, you have the testimony. I too have prayed." He led me to a chair, placed his hands upon my head, and blessed me with every blessing my heart could possibly desire. "The first day of May, 1843, I consented to become the Prophet's wife, and was sealed to him for time and all eternity, at his own house by Elder William Clayton. "Today I have but one regret, which is that I have not been a more worthy representative of the principle of plural marriage, and that I have not lived a more perfect life. I can also state that Emma Smith was present and did consent to Eliza and Emily Partridge, also Maria and Sarah Lawrence being sealed to her husband. This I had from the Prophet's own mouth; also the testimony of her niece, Hyrum Smith's eldest daughter, (my brother Lorin's wife), as well as that of the young ladies named themselves, with whom I was on most intimate terms, and was glad that they, too, had accepted that order of marriage. Instead of a feeling of jealousy, it was a source of comfort to me. We were as sisters to each other. (Lyman Littlefield Reminiscences (1888), Pg.46 - Pg.47) ======== Mary Rollins Lightner He [Joseph Smith] preached polygamy and he not only preached it, but he practiced it. I am a living witness to it. It was given to him before he gave it to the Church. An angel came to him and the last time he came with a drawn sword in his hand and told Joseph if he did not go into that principle, he would slay him. Joseph said he talked to him soberly about it, and told him it was an abomination and quoted scripture to him. He said in the Book of Mormon it was an abomination in the eyes of the Lord, and they were to adhere to these things except the Lord speak. I am the first being that the revelation [D&C 132] was given to him for and I was one thousand miles away in Missouri, for we went up to Jackson County in 1841 [1831]. I was there in all the tribulations and trials. I have been in the houses that have been stoned. The rocks have been thrown criss-cross in every direction. I have seen the brethren shot and ruined for life. I saw the first martyr dead and a more heavenly corpse I never saw or expect to see on the face of the earth. His face was so happy. I have seen our bishop tarred and feathered in the streets of Missouri. They took off his shirt and covered him with tar and then took a pillow and turned the feathers over him. I looked at him and thought if ever [a] man was counted worthy to be a martyr, he was. His life proved it for he lived an upright and honorable life and was beloved by the prophet while he lived and after he died the prophet honored him. Two of his sisters were Joseph's wives. Emma took them by the hand and gave them to Joseph. I asked him if Emma knew about me, and he said, "Emma thinks the world of you." I was not sealed to him until I had a witness. I had been dreaming for a number of years I was his wife. I thought I was a great sinner. I prayed to God to take it from me for I felt it was a sin; but when Joseph sent for me he told me all of these things. "Well," said I, "don't you think it was an angel of the devil that told you these things?" Said he, "No, it was an angel of God. God Almighty showed me the difference between an angel of light and Satan's angels. The angel came to me three times between the years of 1834 and 1842 and said I was to obey that principle or he would slay me. "But," said he, "they called me a false and fallen prophet but I am more in favor with my God this day than I ever was in all my life before. I know that I shall be saved in the Kingdom of God. I have the oath of God upon it and God cannot lie; all that he gives me I shall take with me for I have that authority and that power conferred upon me." Well, I talked with him for a long time and finally I told him I would never be sealed to him until I had a witness. Said he, "You shall have a witness." Said I, "If God told you that, why does he not tell me?" He asked me if I was going to be a traitor. "I have never told a mortal and shall never tell a mortal I had such a talk from a married man," said I. "Well," said he, "pray earnestly for the angel said to me you should have a witness." Well, Brigham Young was with me. He said if I had a witness he wanted to know it. "Why should I tell you?" said I. "Well," said he, "I want to know for myself." Said he, "Do you know what Joseph said? Since we left the office the angel appeared to him and told him he was well pleased with him and that you should have a witness." I made it a subject of prayer and I worried about it because I did not dare to speak to a living being except Brigham Young. I went out and got between three haystacks where no one could see me. As I knelt down I thought, why not pray as Moses did? He prayed with his hands raised. When his hands were raised, Israel was victorious, but when they were not raised, the Philistines were victorious. I lifted my hands and I have heard Joseph say the angels covered their faces. I knelt down and if ever a poor mortal prayed, I did. A few nights after that an angel of the Lord came to me and if ever a thrill went through a mortal, it went through me. I gazed upon the clothes and figure but the eyes were like lightning. They pierced me from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I was frightened almost to death for a moment. I tried to waken my aunt, but I could not. The angel leaned over me and the light was very great, although it was night. When my aunt woke up she said she had seen a figure in white robes pass from our bed to my mother's bed and pass out of the window. Joseph came up the next Sabbath. He said, "Have you had a witness yet?" "No." "Well," said he, "the angel expressly told me you should have." Said I, "I have not had a witness, but I have seen something I have never seen before. I saw an angel and I was frightened almost to death. I did not speak." He studied a while and put his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. He looked up and said, "How could you have been such a coward?" Said I, "I was weak." "Did you think to say, `Father, help me?'" "No." "Well, if you had just said that, your mouth would have been opened for that was an angel of the living God. He came to you with more knowledge, intelligence, and light than I have ever dared to reveal." I said, "If that was an angel of light, why did he not speak to me?" "You covered your face and for this reason the angel was insulted." Said I, "Will it ever come again?" He thought a moment and then said, "No, not the same one, but if you are faithful you shall see greater things than that." And then he gave me three signs of what would take place in my own family, although my husband was far away from me at the time. Every work came true. I went forward and was sealed to him. Brigham Young performed the sealing, and Heber C. Kimball the blessing. I know he had six wives and I have known some of them from childhood up. I knew he had three children. They told me. I think two are living today but they are not known as his children as they go by other names. (Mary Lightner 1905 Address, typescript, BYU, Pg.1 - Pg.2) | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | Ciao Perry - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Perry L. Porter" Subject: ---> When was Root-beer invented? The answer, an example of Date: 14 Feb 1998 14:53:54 -0700 --------------- Many people assume that Hires is the original creator of root beer. He was not, but he most likely was one of the first., if not the first, to market the bottled extract for making root beer, and he was without question. the most successful promoter of his product. Since Hires was from Philadelphia, we will begin there. Then, we will move around the country! In 1869, Charles Elmer Hires sold his first Root Beer in Philadelphia. ... It's been estimated that as many as 2000 different brands may have entered the market since the "father of root beer," Charles E. Hires, first managed to brew the dark, frothy drink. ... Even prior to Hires' creation, farm people of the 18th and 19th centuries had been making some sort of elementary root beer. ... The first person to brew root beer was Charles Hires (1851-1937). Hires' root beer's slogan reads "as old as the nation." Actually, Hires created root beer hundred years after the U.S. was founded. From the age of twelve, Hires had been working in a drugstore in his native Roadstown, New Jersey, getting to know different substances. He went to college in Philadelphia, and got a job as a pharmacist, which must have further enhanced his interest in chemistry and brewing. After college, young Hires opened a couple of drugstores, first one back in New Jersey, and then another in Philadelphia, after the first one had failed to provide him with sufficient income. Root beer, the original American soft drink, is only 100 years younger than the nation itself. First created in 1875, root beer has a long and eventful history that coincides with the development of American popular culture. Root Beer -- the Essential American Soft Drink Cecilia Marjakangas A FAST-US-8 (TRENAV2E) Power, Pride & Politics Paper The FAST Area Studies Program Department of Translation Studies, University of Tampere History of Root Beer - Comparisons of Root Beer Brands - A Register List of Root Beer Brands Premium Brands - Upper Register - Middle Register - Low Register Useful Root Beer Websites -- Links to Richard Ford Websites ---------------------- When I was searching to find if there was a bar in the Nauvoo House, I came across the following: ----------------------- Chapter 4 The Smith Family "Reputation" At Palmyra And Manchester B. H. Roberts, Comprehensive History of the Church, Vol.1, Ch.4, p.39 The Smith family while living in Palmyra and Manchester are said (1) to have been lazy, shiftless, intemperate and untruthful; (2) to have opened a "shop" in Palmyra where they sold cakes, pies, root beer, and the like; and that on public occasions, such as the Fourth of July, militia training days, and election days, the elder Smith would load a rude hand-cart, made by himself, with these wares and sally forth to find such patronage as might come to hand; (3) to have been dishonest and guilty of stealing from their neighbors. ----------- B. H. Roberts, Comprehensive History of the Church, Vol.1, Ch.4, p.44 Petty Employments Charged: The second charge against the Smiths is that while at Palmyra "they opened a small shop" and sold cakes, pies, root beer and the like; and that on certain public occasions the elder Smith sold such wares in the streets from a hand-cart. There is nothing dishonorable in itself in this, even had they engaged in such an occupation. Still it was put forth with evident intention of making the family appear contemptible by representing that its occupations were petty and mean. ------------------- Pomeroy Tucker Vender Of Idle Tales B. H. Roberts, Comprehensive History of the Church, Vol.1, Ch.4, p.45 -p.46 Pomeroy Tucker was the first to put forth this charge; and his work was published in 1867. He pretends to speak from personal knowledge of the matter, being a resident of Palmyra while the Smiths lived in that vicinity; ... Yet in all the fifteen separate and independent affidavits collected in Palmyra in 1833 by Hurlburt, and in the affidavit signed conjointly by 68 people of Palmyra and vicinity, derogatory to the Smiths, not a syllable is uttered respecting the "cake and beer shop," or the "peddling" of such wares in the street on public occasions mentioned with such pomp of circumstance by Pomeroy Tucker. The silence of all the affidavits collected in 1833, and of all the anti-"Mormon" writers up to Tucker in 1867, throws strong suspicions of improbability upon his pretended statement of fact. Malice invented the story, and sectarian prejudice accepted the falsehood for truth. -------------------- Francis W. Kirkham, A New Witness for Christ in America, Vol.2, p.260 Less than twenty years before, Joseph Smith had been an improverished, illiterate, disreputable youth, the most notorious member of a shiftless family. His parents and their numerous progeny had squatted on an abandoned farm between Palmyra and Manchester, New York, and had patched up a tumble-down old house. Here they farmed, after a fashion; sold rootbeer and gingerbread in town on muster days and holidays; fished, hunted, trapped, and, occasionally, worked at odd jobs. ---------------- B. H. Roberts, Defense of the Faith and the Saints, Vol.2, p.80 "Your money or your damnation" has about as much ethical Sanction as the less pretentious demand of the highwayman who says, "Your money or your life." But we have not yet reached the end. The "Prophet's" father, who, prior to the discovery of the alleged divine mission of his son, eked out only a scanty living as a dispenser of cake and root beer,170 now became the dispenser of patriarchal blessings at ten dollars per week and expenses,171 and later at three dollars per bless.172 -------------------- J. Widtsoe & L. Widtsoe, The Word of Wisdom: A Modern Interpretation, p.226 Ciders and Root Beers. Cider and home-made root beers may be harmless if taken when freshly made but if allowed to ferment at all they contain alcohol (which gives the tang) and are just as harmful to the body as though they were not home-made. Every fermented drink contains alcohol and it has been definitely shown that any degree of alcohol is injurious to the brain and nerves as well as being forbidden by the "word and will of the Lord". J. Widtsoe & L. Widtsoe, The Word of Wisdom: A Modern Interpretation, p.226 Many a confirmed drunkard and derelict traces his passion for the "deadly drink" to the so-called harmless root beers or hard ciders prepared by father and mother in his childhood's home. Since there are so many really harmless as well as delicious drinks one wonders why otherwise good parents will put temptation in the way of themselves and loved ones. It may be true that a person doesn't get "dead" drunk on lightly fermented root beer or soft cider; but who knows when the taste for liquor which, a sleeping giant within, may be aroused. Besides, if son or daughter is given fermented root beer or cider by mother at home, why not take the "doctored" punch from sweetheart or friend at the party? The risk is so great that here the part of wisdom is to shun the very semblance of a taste for alcohol. -------------------- A sort story from one of our list subscribers: Here is a quote given me by my friend, Br. McClellan, who works with me at the Provo temple. It is about his grandfather. William C. McClellan's testimony: William C. McClellan related this experience to his Grandson in San Bernardino, CA, in the spring of 1916. At the age of 16, was working with his father, James, in their field in Warsaw, Illinois. He reported the following: "When I was a lad, working in the field hoeing corn in the late afternoon, it was quite warm and we were about to quit for the day when father straightened up, looked around then looked at me. The solemn stillness of the surroundings was almost frightening. The leaves on the corn suddenly drooped as if they had been in a blast of extreme heat; the leaves on the trees withered as if in deepest sorrow. Father looked at me and said: ‘Will, something has happened to the Prophet!' "As soon as the men from the surrounding country could be notified from Carthage we were told at the identical time of which I spoke the Prophet had been killed. "That," said grandfather years later, "was proof enough for me. If the leaves of the corn and the leaves of the trees were near enough to the Prophet to mourn the passing of his spirit, I could ask for nothing more faith-promoting or convincing." (You can share it with whomever it seems appropriate. I asked my friend and he seemed to feel okay about it. I realize that it is not supported by any documentation. I have it on a hand typed note from my friend.) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Perry L. Porter" Subject: ---> last gdm message. Date: 14 Feb 1998 14:55:25 -0700 Here are some internet resources for Gospel Doctrine Manual that relate to the Old Testament. LDS Reference & Research Material. LDSworld Excellent LDS Resource Web Site maintained by Infobases. 13 Articles of Faith The basic beliefs of the Church...: One particular area of study for me has been the manifesto so in fact to disseminate correct information about the manifesto, in fact it was the inspiration for having this list in the first place. When at BYU a great Teacher Eugene Campbell, used to tell us about how he taught the truth of church history to his small High Priests class in Edgmont. It is 20 years later, an the church has not kept up, I hope to fulfill a small goal of giving back to him what he gave to me, knowledge, truth, and compassion. I hope to pass that also on to a larger class than the 8 or so of us graduate students, or the 15 or so of his High Priest's Group. Now that the D&C year is over I have no interest in working with this list for 4 more years, in it's current content. For me, the other scriptures in contrast to the D&C are ancient history, hardly relevant and mostly boring. If someone else wants to do the work of preparing the lessons, I will keep the list alive, but I plan on doing very little work for it. Sorry I will NOT be continuing this list with the Old Testament. I will be forwarding information that from time to time that contradicts the miss-information of "correlated" Sunday School and Priesthood and Relief Society lessons, (see below for examples). I have not interest is making up dirt on the Church or passing on lame anti-Mormon tripe, but I also can no longer stomach passing on blatantly whitewashed information, that is crafted to only to be faith promoting without regard to integrity to our actually past history. The real truth will ultimately be known, so we might as well start dealing with it now. There are plenty of sources for whitewashed as well as false anti-mormon tripe, I will not be a part of disseminating either. If they actual quotes of Brigham Young are damaging to your fragile testimony, please don't complain to me, just Unsubscribe. | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | Send a message to: in the text of your message simply enter: unsubscribe gdm end | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | Following are some reasons that I pass along accurate information along with correlated information: I was so disappointed in the ensign article Jan 1998, page 34, that supports a "worldwide or global flood ... cover earth's highest mountains". The fact that there is no geological evidence is not a problem according to the article. The author sites fundamental Geological thesis published in 1795 and 1830, that state that our current geological record had been very consistent. Though the rate of geologic record can not be "proved" to be consistent over Millions of years, the author quotes not modern geologists that is inaccurate for the last 8 thousand years. No geologic evidence of a universal flood for 8000 years is a hole different issue of whether the rate of geological change has been consistent for millions of years, is simply a Red Herring by Donald W. Parry. Since this is one of a set of articles that introduce us to this years topic, and that editorial board wishes to present this as what Mormons currently belive, I for one do not wish to promote such fundamentalist Christian nonsense, and will NOT help perpetuate such backwards thinking. | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | Then there is the following misrepresentations in the new Relief Society and Priesthood Manual about, Brigham Young. "... especially to those who are presiding officers, Set that example before your [wife] and your children,..." Teachings of Presidents of the Church, Brigham Young, Page 165 The cite is : Discourses of Brigham Young, page 198, Edited by John A. Wodstoe. "... especially to those who are presiding officers, Set that example before your _wives_ and your children,..." Discourses of Brigham Young, p.198, Edited by John A. Wodstoe. "...especially to those who are presiding officers, Set that example before your _wives_ and your children..." Journal of Discourses, Vol.15, p.230, Brigham Young, October 9, 1872 | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | "Let the husband and father learn to bend his will to the will of his God, and then instruct his _wives_ and children in this lesson of self-government by his example as well as by precept, ..." Young, Brigham. Discourses of Brigham Young, Edited by John A. Wodstoe. 1941, p.198 "Let the husband and father learn to bend his will to the will of his God, and then instruct his _wives_ and children..." Journal of Discourses, Vol.9, p.256 - p.257, Brigham Young, March 16, 1862 "Let the husband and father learn to bend his will to the will of his God, and then instruct his [wife] and children..." Teachings of Presidents of the Church, Brigham Young, Page 165 The cite is : Discourses of Brigham Young, page 198, Edited by John A. Wodstoe. [Note that the original had a recreance to Celestial or Plural Marriage, as it was practiced at the time. Note that even in 1941 it was still ok to admit that our ancestors lived polygamy, but in 1998, apparently we are to ashamed of the marriage system of our ancestors and the original and edited test is sanitized for the delicate testimonies of the weak members.] | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | Additionally, on page 163, the first paragraph of the lesson, begins with the word "It", with the words [eternal marriage] in brackets supplied to define what the pronoun is referring to. Trouble is, "eternal marriage" is not used as the reference for the pronoun in the original, but refers to the nature of eternity. Brigham Young was not talking about how much he or others knew about it, but how little any man knows about it, especially how it relates to the Marriage Relation. Then Brigham Young goes on about how we could not get to know every one whom ever lived, even if we spent only 5 minutes with them. Which has nothing to do with [eternal marriage]. Discourses of Brigham Young, page 195. Brigham Young's Address delivered at the General Conference, in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, October 6, 1852 is entitled, "Marriage Relations of Bishops and Deacons." Brigham Young Corrects Paul's First epistle to Timothy, third Chapters "A Bishop must be blameless, the husband of one wife, Vigilant, sober ..." To this Brigham responds, "... I believe directly the reverse; but his advice to Timothy amounts simply to this - It would not be wise for you to ordain a man to the office of a Bishop unless he has a wife ; you must not ordain a single or unmarried man to that calling." (JD v2. p.88) Brigham Young's talk is about Plural Marriage, not [eternal marriage] as the manual would have you belive. The paragraph leading up to the quote states: "I have no reasonable grounds upon which to say it was not the custom in ancient times for a man to have more than one wife, but every reason to believe that it was the custom among the Jews, from the days of Abraham to the days of the Apostles, for they were lineal descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, all of whom taught and practised the doctrine of plurality of wives, and were revered by the whole Jewish nation, and it is but natural that they should have respected and followed their teachings and example. So much I wished to say to my brethren and sisters. We have had a splendid address from brother Hyde, or which I am grateful. ..." Journal of Discourses, Vol.2, p.89 - p.90, Brigham Young, October 6, 1854 Here is the quote in full context. "I say to the congregation, treasure up in your hearts what you have heard to-night, and at other times. You will hear more with regard to the doctrine, that is, our "Marriage Relations." Elder Hyde says he has only just dipped into it, but, if it will not be displeasing to him, I will say he has not dipped into it yet; he has only run round the edge of the field. He has done so beautifully, and it will have its desired effect. But the whole subject of the marriage relation is not in my reach, nor in any other man's reach on this earth. It is without beginning of days or end of years; it is a hard matter to reach. We can tell some things with regard to it; it lays the foundation for worlds, for angels, and for the Gods; for intelligent beings to be crowned with glory, immortality, and eternal lives. In fact, it is the thread which runs from the beginning to the end of the holy Gospel of salvation--of the Gospel of the Son of God; it is from eternity to eternity. When the vision of the mind is opened, you can see a great portion of it, but you see it comparatively as a speaker sees the faces of a congregation. To look at, and talk to, each individual separately, and thinking to become fully acquainted with them, only to spend five minutes with each would consume too much time, it could not easily be done. So it is with the visions of eternity; we can see and understand, but it is difficult to tell. May God bless you. Amen." Journal of Discourses, Vol.2, p.90, Brigham Young, October 6, 1854 [To take a quote from the Discourses of Brigham Young by Widstoe, and look up the original takes at most 5 minutes. If you want to know if the quote is taken out of context, it only takes a few minutes, isn't that a small price to pay for intellectual integrity?] | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Perry L. Porter" Subject: ---> Lesson 44 Date: 14 Feb 1998 23:10:39 -0700 The Articles of Faith Scriptural Highlights 1. The Articles of Faith state basic doctrines and beliefs. 2. The Articles of Faith can be helpful in learning and teaching the gospel. Invite a Primary child to recite one or more of the Articles of Faith from memory. Or invite a group of Primary children to sing one or more of the songs in the Children's Songbook about the Articles of Faith (pp. 122-33). Discussion and Application Questions - How are the Articles of Faith a blessing to the Church? - Which of the Articles of Faith have been especially important to you? How have the Articles of Faith helped you understand the gospel? How could we use the Articles of Faith in our own gospel study or in teaching children? - What can we learn about the Godhead from the Articles of Faith? What can we learn about the role of each member of the Godhead in our lives? How is God's love for us expressed in the Articles of Faith? - Why is the doctrine that is expressed in the second article of faith important? (See also 2 Nephi 2:25; Moroni 8:8-12.) How does this doctrine set the Church apart from other churches? - What does the third article of faith teach about how we can be saved? Why can't good works, by themselves, save us? (2 Nephi 10:24; 25:23; Mosiah 4:1-8.) What have you done to gain a greater appreciation for the Savior's atoning sacrifice? - Why must faith and repentance precede baptism and the receiving of the Holy Ghost? (Articles of Faith 1:4.) In 3 Nephi 27:16-21, what did the Savior teach the Nephites about the importance of the first four principles of the gospel? - What does the fifth article of faith teach about the importance of priesthood authority? (See also D&C 42:11.) How has the restoration of priesthood authority been a blessing to you? - How is the Church today similar to the Church that the Lord established in the meridian of time? (Articles of Faith 1: 6; Ephesians 2:19-20; 4:11-14; 3 Nephi 18:1 -11; 27:8; 4 Nephi 1:1, 5.) Page 87 Lesson 44 - Why is continuous revelation essential in the Church of Jesus Christ? (Articles of Faith 1:7, 9; Mormon 9:7-11; D&C 121:26-33.) What "great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God" have been revealed during your lifetime? How have you been blessed by God's revelations to latter-day prophets? - What does the tenth article of faith teach about the events preceding and during the Millennium? How can we prepare for these events? How is Israel being gathered at this time? (D&C 39:11; Moses 7:62.) - How does D&C 134:1-4 help us understand the eleventh article of faith? - How can each of us better honor and sustain the civil laws in our communities? (Articles of Faith 1:12.) - How can the thirteenth article of faith help us in our daily lives? - Why should we encourage our children to memorize the Articles of Faith? What are some good ways for you or your children to memorize them? (See the quotation from Elder Haight.) Quotation Elder David B. Haight: "President Kimball was a very special teacher for all of us. He didn't have a car or a bicycle, but he did have nine cows to milk every morning and night. "He said, 'I thought, "What a waste of time, to sit on a three-legged stool. Maybe there is something else I could do while I am milking."' He placed a copy of the Articles of Faith on the ground beside him and went through them, over and over, until he had memorized them. Then he repeated the Ten Commandments over and over until he learned them. He memorized important scriptures that would help him on his mission-all while he milked the cows" (Ensign, Nov. 1986, p. 38). Next Week's Reading Assignment Read a few talks given by latter-day prophets in recent general conferences. Class Member Study Guide Lesson 44 Shortly after the Saints settled in Nauvoo, Illinois, John Wentworth, editor of a Chicago newspaper, asked Joseph Smith to explain the origins, fundamental teachings, and practices of the Church. In response to this request, the Prophet wrote a letter to Mr. Wentworth that included the Articles of Faith. This letter was first published by the Church in its newspaper, the Times and Seasons, in March 1842. The Articles of Faith became part of the standard works on 10 October 1880 when the Church accepted the revised Pearl of Great Price as part of its scriptures. =95 How are the Articles of Faith a blessing to the Church? =95 Which of the Articles of Faith have been especially important to you? How could you use the Articles of Faith in your own gospel study or in teaching children? Times and seasons. "Truth will prevail." Vol. III. No 9 CITY OF NAUVOO Ill. TUESDAY MARCH 1 1842 [Whole No. 45. At the request of Mr. John Wentworth, Editor, and Proprietor of the "Chicago Democrat," 1 have written the following sketch of the rise, progress, persecution, and faith of the Latter-Day Saints.. . . My father was a farmer and taught me the art of husbandry. When about fourteen years of age I began to reflect upon the importance of being prepared for a future state, and upon enquiring the plan of salvation I found that there was a great clash in religious sentiment; if I went to one society they referred me to one plan, and another to another; each one pointing to his own particular creed as the summum bonum of perfection: considering that all could not be right, and that God could not be the author of so much confusion I determined to investigate the subject more fully, believing that if God had a church it would not be split up into factions, and that if he taught one society to worship one way, and administer in one set of ordinances, he would not teach another principles which were diametrically opposed. Believing the word of God I had confidence in the declaration of James; "If any man lack wisdom lot him ask of God who giveth to all men liberally slid ubriaideth not and it shall he given him," I retired to a secret place in a grove and began to call upon the Lord, while fervently engaged in supplication my mind was taken away from the objects with which I was surrounded, and I was enwrapped in a heavenly vision and saw two glorious personages who exactly resembled each other in features, and likeness, surrounded with a brilliant light which eclipsed the sun at noon-day. They told me that all religious denominations were believing in incorrect doctrines, and that none of them was acknowledged of God as his church and kingdom. And I was expressly commanded to "go not after them," at the same time receiving a promise that the fulness of the gospel should at some future lime be made known unto me.... Our missionaries are going forth to different nations. and in Germany, Palestine, New Holland. the East Indies, and other places. the standard of truth has been erected: no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done. We believe in God the Eternal Father, and in his son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins and not for Adam's transgressions. We believe that through the atonement of Christ till mankind may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. We believe that these ordinances are 1st, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ;. 2nd, Repentance; 3d, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; 4th, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. We believe that a man must be called of God by "Prophesy. and by laying on of hands" by those who tire in authority to preach the gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. We believe in the some organization that existed in the primitive church, vis: apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists &c. We believe in the girt of tongues, prophesy, revelation,. visions, healing, interpretation of tongues &c. We believe the bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. We believe all that God has revealed, all that he does now reveal, and we believe that he will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to tile kingdom of God. 0 We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Tell Tribes That Zion will be built upon this continent. That Christ will reign personally upon the earth, and that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradasaic glory. We claim the privilege or worshipping Almighty God according to the dictate, of our conscience, and allow all men the same privilege let them worship how, where, or what They may. , We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed we may say that we follow this admonition of Paul "we believe all things we hope all things," we have endured many things and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is any thing virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praise worthy we seek after these things. Respectfully &c. JOSEPH SMITH. The Articles of Faith were part of the Wentworth letter, written by the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1842 and published in the Times and Seasons. Excerpts from the letter are shown here. Page 88 | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | There was a few times published a 14th article of faith, it is still retained in printings of the RLDS Church. I have contacted a few of their members but no response. I have not been able to locate my source information on this, so if anyone has info please contact me: | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | 14th ARTICLE OF FAITH We believe in meetings, all that have been scheduled, all that are now scheduled, and we believe that there will yet be many great and important meetings scheduled. We have endured many meetings and hope to be able to endure all meetings. Indeed, we may say that if there is a meeting or anything that resembles a meeting or anything that we may possibly turn into a meeting, we seek after these things. | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Perry L. Porter" Subject: ---> Lesson 45 Date: 14 Feb 1998 23:12:33 -0700 Follow the Living Prophets Lesson 45 Scriptural Highlights 1. We are led by a living prophet. 2. At general conferences we receive the word of the Lord through living prophets, 3. Words of the living prophets also come to us through Church magazines. Invite a class member to testify that the Church is led by living prophets. Discussion and Application Questions - God has always given knowledge to mankind through his prophets. (See Amos 3:7 and the quotation from Elder Petersen.) Why do we need a living prophet and modern revelation? (Proverbs 29:18; Matthew 4:4; 2 Nephi 29:9; D&C 1:38.) - What are the blessings of following the words of the living prophet? (D&C 21:4-6; 84:36.) How have you been blessed because there is a living prophet on earth today? - What are the purposes of general conferences? (See D&C 20:61-62 and the quotation from President McKay.) What messages from recent general conferences have especially helped you? How have you been able to use these messages in your life? - Why is it important that we read and study the words of the living prophets given in general conferences? (See the quotations from Elder Lee and President Kimball.) - How can we better study and use the general conference addresses as individuals and as families? - What should we do when we do not agree with the prophet's teachings given at a general conference? (See 1 Nephi 2:16 and the quotation from President Smith.) - What message of the current prophet has been especially important to you? How has this message blessed your life? Quotations Elder Mark E. Petersen: "Always when the Lord has had a people on the earth whom he has recognized as his own, he has led them by living prophets to whom he has given guidance from heaven.... He follows a particular method of transmitting knowledge to man. It is an unchanging pattern, which is, that he always speaks to the people through living prophets" (Ensign, Jan. 1973, p. 116). President David 0. McKay: "There are four principal purposes of holding conferences of the Church: First, to transact current Church business. Second, to hear reports and general Church statistics. Third, to 'approve of those names which I (the Lord) have appointed, or to disapprove of them.' Fourth, to worship the Lord in sincerity and reverence, and to give and to receive encouragement, exhortation, and instruction" (in Conference Report, Oct. 1938, pp. 130-31). Page 89 Elder Harold B. Lee: "A man came in to see me and said that he had heard that some man appeared mysteriously to a group of temple workers and told them, 'You had better hurry up and store for a year, or two, or three, because there will come a season when there won't be any production.' He asked me what I thought about it, and I said, 'Well, were you in the April Conference of 1936?' He replied, 'No, I couldn't be there.' And I said, 'Well you surely read the report of what was said by the Brethren in that Conference?' No, he hadn't. 'Well,' I said, 'At that Conference the Lord did give a revelation about the storage of food. How in the world is the Lord going to get over to you what he wants you to do if you are not there when he says it, and you do not take the time to read it after it has been said?' " ("The Place of the Living Prophet, Seer, and Revelator" [address delivered to seminary and institute faculty at Brigham Young University, 8 July 1964], p. 9). President Spencer W. Kimball: "Now as we conclude this general conference, let us all give heed to what was said to us. Let us assume the counsel given applies to us, to me. Let us hearken to those we sustain as prophets and seers, as well as the other brethren, as if our eternal life depended upon it, because it does! ... May I stress again the value of reading the addresses given at our general conferences in the Ensign magazine" (Ensign, May 1978, p. 77). President George Albert Smith: "There is only one pathway of safety for me in this day and that is to follow those whom the Lord has appointed to lead, I may have my own ideas and opinions, I may set up my own judgment with reference to things, but I know that when my judgment conflicts with the teachings of those that the Lord has given to us to point the way, I should change my course. If I desire salvation I will follow the leaders that our Heavenly Father has given to us" (in Conference Report, Apr. 1937, p. 33). Additional Ideas 1 . Encourage class members to study the lives of the Church Presidents discussed in Truth Restored and in the Church magazines. 2. Class members may want to have family home evenings based on the lives and teachings of latter-day prophets. Next Week's Reading Assignment Review favorite passages in the Old Testament. Class Member Study Guide Lesson 45 During this year we have studied many revelations given through latter-day prophets. The messages of these revelations are necessary for our eternal salvation. But we are not to rely solely upon the scriptures for our guidance. The Lord has given us prophets for our day who also receive revelations for our benefit. President John Taylor said: "Those books [the scriptures] are good for example, precedent, and investigation, and for developing certain laws and principles; but they do not, they cannot touch every case required to be adjudicated and set in order; we require a living tree-a living fountain-living intelligence, proceeding from the living priesthood in heaven, through the living priesthood on earth.... And from the time that Adam first received a communication from God, to the time that John, on the Isle of Patmos, received his communication, or Joseph Smith had the heavens open to him, it always required new revelations, adapted to the peculiar circumstances in which the churches or individuals were placed. Adam's revelations did not instruct Noah to build his ark; nor did Noah's revelations tell Lot to forsake Sodom; nor did either of these speak of the departure of Israel from Egypt. These all had revelations for themselves.... And so must we, or we shall make a shipwreck" (Millennial Star, 1 Nov. 1847, p. 323). Many of the teachings of our current prophets are presented to us at general conferences of the Church. When the Church was organized in April 1830, the Lord directed that the Church "meet in conference once in three months, or from time to time as said conferences shall direct or appoint" (D&C 20:61). The first conference of the Church was held on 9 June 1830. There were about thirty people assembled. They sang, prayed, and partook of the "emblems of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ." Members who had recently been baptized were confirmed, and others were ordained to various priesthood callings. Much exhortation and instruction was given, and the Holy Ghost "was poured out upon [the group] in a miraculous manner" (History of the Church, 1:84-85). Under the direction of the Lord, the Church now convenes general conference twice each year. The importance of the messages given at general conferences was explained by President Ezra Taft Benson: "For the next six months, your conference edition of the Ensign should stand next to your standard works and be referred to frequently. As ... Harold B. Lee said, we should let these conference addresses 'be the guide to [our] walk and talk during the next six months. These are the important matters the Lord sees fit to reveal to this people in this day' (in Conference Report, Apr. 1946, p. 68)" (Ensign, May 1988, p. 84). - How have the teachings of the living prophet blessed you and your family? - What message from the most recent general conference especially impressed you? How have you been able to use it in your life? The Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Church's general conferences are held semiannually in the Tabernacle. Page 90 | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | Books Cited Benson, Ezra Taft. Come unto Christ Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1983. Benson, Ezra Taft. This Nation Shall Endure. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1977. Brigham Young University 1981 Fireside and Devotional Speeches. Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1981. Cannon, Donald 0., and Lyndon W. Cook, eds. Far West Record: Minutes of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-1844. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1983. Clark, James R., comp. Messages of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 6 vols. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1965-75. Cook, Lyndon W. The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Provo, Utah: Seventy's Mission Bookstore, 1981. Guide to the Scriptures. This document defines scriptural topics and provides selected scriptural references for them. It is being printed with new editions of non-English scriptures. It is not available in English. Journal of Discourses. 26 vols. London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-86. Kimball, Spencer W. The Miracle of Forgiveness. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1969. Kimball, Spencer W. The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball. Edited by Edward L. Kimball. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1982 Lee, Harold B. Decisions for Successful Living. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1973. McConkie, Bruce R. The Millennial Messiah. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1982. McConkie, Bruce R. Mormon Doctrine. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1966. McConkie, Bruce R. The Mortal Messiah. 4 vols. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1979-81. Matthews, Robert J. "A Plainer Translation": Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible, A History and Commentary. Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1975. Melchizedek Priesthood Leadership Handbook. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1990. Millet, Robert L., and Kent P. Jackson, eds. Studies in Scripture, Volume Two: The Pearl of Great Price. Salt Lake City: Randall Book Co., 1985. Petersen, Mark E. A Faith to Live By. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1959. Pratt, Parley P. Autobiography of Parley Parker Pratt. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1975. Priesthood. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1981. Roberts, B. H. A Comprehensive History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 6 vols. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1930. Smith, Hyrum M., and Sjodahl, Janne M. The Doctrine and Covenants Commentary. Rev. ed. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1972. Smith, Joseph. History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 7 vols. 2nd ed. rev. Edited by B. H. Roberts. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1932-51. Smith, Joseph. Lectures on Faith. Compiled by N. B. Lundwall. Salt Lake City: N. B. Lundwall, n.d. Smith, Joseph. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Selected by Joseph Fielding Smith. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1939. Smith, Joseph Fielding. Church History and Modem Revelation. 2 vols. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1953. Smith, Joseph Fielding. Doctrines of Salvation. 3 vols. Compiled by Bruce R. McConkie. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1954-56. Smith, Joseph Fielding. Elijah the Prophet and His Mission, and Salvation Universal. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1957. Smith, Joseph Fielding. The Restoration of All Things. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1945. Talmage, James E. The Articles of Faith. 12th ed. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1924. Widtsoe, John A. The Message of the Doctrine and Covenants. Edited by G. Homer Durham. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1969. | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | [Commentary The statement by Mark E. Petersen that God "... follows a particular method of transmitting knowledge to man. It is an unchanging pattern, which is, that he always speaks to the people through living prophets", fails to address the fact this precedent had not universally been the case in church history. Not to mention that often communications comes to living prophets from dead prophets. Until the last 20 years it has been my impression that dead prophets are quoted more often than the living prophet. Plus the Scriptures are almost exclusively the contents of dead prophets. The last quote of this lesson, quotes the now dead Prophet, quoting a another dead prophet, Harold B. Lee. This statement of following the living Prophet 1st or the act of a living Prophet "trumping" a the statement dead Prophet is only invoked when controversial doctrinal change is made. The concept that a living prophet can contradict the scriptures or statements of policies of a dead prophet, because he is NOW the LIVING Prophet is a circular definition. The Living prophet traces his authority to the dead prophets, that he is now contradicting, and derives this authority on the basis of not dieing before any of his contemporaries. If what the dead Prophet taught was wrong, from whom did the living Prophet get his authority, but a prophet that had lead the people astray? The crutch that the living is the most correct, is hardly a good substitute for sound logic, and scriptural support. Be aware that when this weak doctrine is invoked the strongest, is also when authority is strangling reason.] | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | Books Cited. 12 Deseret Book 7 Bookcraft 6 Printed by the Church 2 BYU Press 1 70's Book Store 1 Randall Book Co. 1 Lundwall n.d. | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Perry L. Porter" Subject: ---> GDM White-washing Mormon History. Date: 20 Feb 1998 21:45:33 -0700 (Small envelop upper left corner non-cursive) E. J. Watson 3007 Banbury Rd. Salt Lake City, Utah 84121 (post marked) SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 841 PM 28 JAN 1977 (a 13 cent Liberty Stamp PROCLAIM LIBERTY THROUGHOUT THE LAND) (address again in non-cursive) Perry L. Porter 870 North 50 East Provo, Utah 84601 (The address is my parents house where I lived after my mission for the first year while going to BYU. In fact it appears to be less than a month after my mission. I had opened the letter from the top at some point in time and didn't have tape with me so I have used some blank labels to seal the letter across the top, it is still slit open or cut open on the stamp end.) (The rest of the letter is as follows in cursive) Mr. Perry L. Porter 870 North 50 East Provo, Utah 84601 Dear Mr. Porter You have inquired concerning my publication "Manuscript History of Brigham Young 1846 - 1847." It is a reasonably accurate copy of the journal kept for Brigham Young by his scribes during the exodus from Nauvoo, and as such might reasonably be considered a "Volume VIII of the history of the Church edited by B. H. Roberts (documentary). A good explanation of the book is found in it's preface and I have listed all the editing I have done in a section entitled "Editing" beginning on page 612. Of the 500 copies I published I have none left for sale - when the bookstores sell their present stock it will be "out of print." You might also be interested in my publication of "The Orson Pratt Journals." It contains everything I could find either by Orson Pratt, or about Orson Pratt, prior to his entrance into the Salt Lake Valley. (I have lots of them left) I am sorry to hear your comment that you do not enjoy "watered down versions," and that you like to read it the way it really was." I can assure you that if you could "read it the way it really was," you'd be bored stiff. It is the job of a competent historian to weed out the mundane trivia to leave something worth reading. If a historian concentrates upon the patterns of significant historical events, then his history is called "watered down." If on the other hand he dwells upon specific instances of emotional sensationalism, then he's "telling it like it really was." History has a place for both, but we need to keep them in proper perspective. You'll find that B. H. Roberts' histories have been "watered down" considerably also, but don't throw them away on that account - they are excellent. May the Lord bless you with a "watered down" life Elden J. Watson 24 January 1977 (End of correspondence.) Twenty years later these are my feeling on this subject. This letter, at that time, was very humbling, actually very humiliating, for me as a inquisitive, youthful student. I was young and inexperienced, and culturally felt ashamed that I had questioned Mr. Watson's motives or implied that he had a hidden agenda, to white-wash the gray areas of Mormon History. After years of experience and study, my faith that the histories and historians of the Church were faithful to the facts, was greatly harmed as it became painfully obvious that my initial impressions were correct and that Joseph Fielding Smith, Brigham H. Roberts and even amateur historian, such as Elden J. Watson were white-washing the actions, policies, decisions and pronouncements of previous church leaders. It was a bigger jolt to my belief system, than the original warts were. I have learned from personal experiences as well as from Richard Poll and others that it is MORE damaging to believe in a wart-less Brigham Young, for many years, only to discover that you have been told a half-truth and deceived. Mr. Watson did not take the time or effort to follow me through my studies at BYU and intercede or prevent me from reading footnotes and eventually the original sources, so that I could receive a completely "watered down" education of Mormon History. I crossed a bridge early, where I came to the personal conclusion that, justice would not permit me to enter the Celestial Kingdom by dogging the rocks and the hard spots of Mormon History. I could easily imagine that Satan could cross-examine my testimony at the bar of justice, and confront my white-washed assumptions of Mormon History and that he could easily bring forth the original unedited manuscripts. Then call up the as witnesses, to attest to their original form and content. I would be faced with having to adjust my belief system while upon the witness stand before the judgment bar of God. If asked by Satan, if I indeed had believed in doctrines, policies changes, sequences of historical events etc., which had been confirmed by Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and others, in the final judgment, to have been, misleadingly recorded and taught as accurate Church History, when indeed they were NOT. I would be compelled to accurately state that I had lived most of my life with a testimony based on inaccurate facts, as confirmed by the original participants. I could just as easily be asked by Satan, the temple recommend question of whether I support and sustain the current leadership of the church, even though this very day in court, it was demonstrated by both Joseph and Brigham that the current leadership of the church perpetuates and promotes a white-washed version of Church History that is out of harmony with the original documents of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. What is the correct answer to that? After all this is the dispensation of the fullness of times where the fullness of the Gospel has been reveled. Satan will insist that all those converted during the this dispensation, live up to all the laws and ordinances given to us, this day, in this dispensation. If asked if I believe that new sanctioned plural marriages stopped with Wilford Woodruff's manifesto in 1890? How should I answer? Do I give the church approved, correlated, Sunday School answer, as has been presented at least 4 rotations of Sunday school lessons since 1979? Or do I give the seemingly more informed and apologetic answer that there was more plural marriages after the 1890 manifesto, but attribute it all to the over zealous Matthew Cowley and John W. Taylor? Would Satan have no evidence that the involvement went way far beyond Cowley and Taylor? The September 9th 1899 issue of the Salt Lake Tribune, contains a report of Heber J. Grant pleading guilty and paying the fine for breaking the laws of the land by cohabitation with more than one wife. This is 9 years after the 1st Manifesto and 3 years after Statehood. Cohabitation was against Utah law and plural marriages were forever forbidden and irrevocable be written into the Utah constitution, as a requirement for Utah to become a state. According to a genealogical listing of the decedents of Joseph Fielding Smith, 5 of his wives had children after 1890, for a total of 14 children born after 1890 to him. Most list the place of birth as Salt Lake City Utah. In Essentials in Church History, by Joseph Fielding Smith page 496. Result of the Manifesto. Following the issuance of the Manifesto the sentiment grew that those who had entered into plural marriages before that date should not be interfered with, and men were not to be compelled to desert their wives and children. This "understanding" was not reflected in the laws of Utah! Smith goes on to state: The Granting of Amnesty. December 19, 1891, the First Presidency and apostles petitioned for amnesty. This petition was endorsed by the governor, Arthur L. Thomas, and Charles S. Zane, who had again become chief justice, and many leading "Gentiles." It was read before the senate committee on territories and became a part of the published record of that body. President Benjamin Harrison, who a short time before had visited Utah, on January 4, 1893, issued a proclamation of amnesty to to polygamists for past offenses limited to those who entered into that relation before November 1, 1890 The Utah commission acting on the pardon of the President, ruled that the restrictions against voters in the territory should be removed. This begs the question, that if polygamists married before November 1st 1890, were granted amnesty, then under what law as Apostle Grant pleading guilty to and paying a 100 dollar fine? If I answered that the majority of the 12 took additional wives after 1890, and had children from them as well as their previous plural wives, which was contrary to the laws of the land and the simplistic reading of the Manifesto, would be out of harmony of the beliefs of the majority of the members living during my life time. Satan could produce a host of uninformed witnesses to state that I out of harmony with one of the long standing temple recommend question: "Do you affiliate with any group or individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or do you sympathize with the precepts of any such group or individual?" Any statements of facts about post 1890 polygamy, immediately labels a person as being a fundamentalist and out of harmony with the church. Such a label, in regard to me, is inaccurate, but would surely be created in the minds of uninformed members. If I were allowed to pass the bar of God and enter the pearly gates, the general membership would object that I held opinions that are contrary to or opposed to those accepted by the church. If I sought after accurate knowledge, during my life and passed on through the gate, justice would demand that anyone else entering the gate, be like-wise informed and of the same opinion. Whatever the case may be at the judgment bar, someone has a lot of adjusting to do to their testimony at the very last moment. If death bed repentance is of no use at the judgment bar of God, how much retracting and re-construction of our testimonies can occur while we are yet at the bar, and justice still be served, compared to those that spent their entire life wrestling with the warts of human kind? Mercy applies to sin, not self imposed ignorance. How can the scales balance when comparing those that chose a the path of least resistance and chose blind and comfortable conformity over complex struggles that included conflicting historical facts? Mr. Watson, 20 years ago you wished up on me a "watered down" life. I took the road less traveled, it has been a bumpy ride. At the judgment bar of God, I wish for you Mr. Watson, a quick and speedy trial, but if subpoenaed, I will appear and testify to the best of my informed knowledge, with a clear conscience. May all of us be prepared to do the same. In essence, Mr. Watson your "watered down" histories has delayed me on my path to ultimately useful knowledge, rather than supplemented more factual knowledge. Perry L. Porter December 6th 1997 "The chronicler of important events should not be deprived of his individuality; but if he willfully disregards the truth, no matter what his standing may be, or how greatly he may be respected, he should be avoided. No historian has the right to make his prejudices paramount to the facts he should record. For such a writer, to record as truth that which is false, and to palm off as facts that which is fiction, degrades himself, insults his readers and outrages his profession." -Joseph Fielding Smith Jr. (1906) Note: JFS Jr. was Sustained as Assistant Church Historian 8 april 1906. Assistance Church Historian at age 30, ordained an apostle 4 years later. Sustained as Church Historian in 1921 and remained Church Historian for 49 years. Released as Church Historian when he became President of the Church in 1970. JFS Jr. was Church Historian for more then twice as long as any other Church Historian, and was the only Church Historian to be a concurrent member of the First Presidency. JFS Jr. son of JFS and Julina Lambson. Ordained an Apostle 7 Apr. 1910 by JFS, 1950 acting Quorum of the 12. 1951 President of the Quorum of the 12. Councilor in the 1st Presidency 1965. Sustained President of the church 1970. Ciao Perry -