From: Subject: email setup Date: 02 Jun 1997 00:10:39 -0400 (EDT) What do I need to do to set up my email account? I am able to access the WWW through the MIE browser, but I have no idea where to go to read and send email. Thanks, Gordon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lone Ranger" Subject: shell access and news Date: 03 Jun 1997 21:36:34 -700 are we experiencing some problems? I can get to my shell, nor read newsgroups. Thanks ______________________________________________________________________ | aka Lone Ranger | (c) 1997 No, not *that* Lone Ranger. I got the nickname because of that 'wild drive' of mine at the driving range that scares everyone off leaving me all by myself Home page -> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Nancy & Greg Bembridge" Subject: Win95, setup ethernet 10BT adapter Date: 05 Jun 1997 22:03:37 +0000 We have purchased several XJ10BT ethernet adapters for Toshiba 430CDS Satellite Pro laptops running win95. Adapters worked successfully using VLMs on Novell Netware 4.10, now we wish to use Netware 4.0 with Win95 and Client 32 on the laptops. Win95 recognizes the card, however does not see the network. Also, what setup from the diskette should we use; there is both megahertz.inf and oemsetup.inf files, as well as several model number alternatives - none of which matches that marked on the adapter or the shipping box. Any info greatly appreciated. Thanks, Greg A thought for today from Steadfast Bookkeeping Service: "Take time to rest, recharge and reflect on what is important to you... doing nothing at all, is just as important as doing it all." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fwd) Moron setting up procmail/PINE filtering Date: 06 Jun 1997 13:12:24 -0600 (MDT) I just thought I'd pass this along... feel free to answer via newsgroup. TIA, Richard Despite some excellent help from Howard Johnson (at least I have filtering working now), I have been unable to get procmail to redirect mail (e.g. from various mailing lists) into other inboxes, that are apparently supported by PINE. It'll redirect them into saved-folders, but my goal is to get the new mail put into inboxes so I can check new mail via the TAB key. I can get inboxes (which I _can_ check via TAB, and which also remain empty) to appear via the PINE Lists menu, but no new mail goes into them. (When it asks for server, I say mail ( without a /) Can anyone give me the path for those IN-boxes, so procmail can send incoming filtered messages there? Or is there a better way? Richard Ebling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wraith Subject: X2 problems Date: 08 Jun 1997 22:16:02 -0500 Has anyone else noticed the internet packet loss problems with the X2 modems that Xmission is now using? Its especially bad,if you attempt to play Quake,no matter what the time of day,or connection rate. The connection floods out(ping 999 plus) and at other times is VERY erratic(wild swings from 200 to 999+ on a random basis). Does anyone have any information on a patch or fix for this? Or is it yet another of those problems that are going to be fixed "Real Soon Now"? It seems they are now on the 539 modem pool as well. Thanks for your time,and any information you might have. ============================================================== "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: please help with spam?? Date: 13 Jun 1997 08:07:18 -0600 >Return-path: >Envelope-to: >Delivery-date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 23:26:22 -0600 >From: >X-Advertisement: Visit for name removal information. >Date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 01:25:06 -0400 (EDT) >Subject: Free Tape - Starch Blocker "Slender Now" >Bcc: >X-UIDL: 7163f20b6b26a198291b0b9b691be15b > >############################################################ >This message is a one time delivery. >You have NOT been added to any list and will NOT be contacted again. >############################################################ > > >For a free tape on Starch Blocker, >hit reply, type "SEND STARCH BLOCKER TAPE" in the Subject Field, >and fill out the following info completely: > >eMail: > > >Name: > >Addresss: > >Phone: > > > >Many women and men :( are overweight needlessly. >This is a product women and men are wanting and needing. > >Just thought I would drop you a quick message >letting you know the benefits of: > > >STARCH BLOCKER TABLETS > >*** Each Tablet Blocks up to 100 Grams of Starch (400 Calories) > >*** New Scientific Way To Lose Weight > >*** Effective Method To Lose Weight and Keep It Off > >*** Eat It & Block It > >*** Efficient & Easy To Use > >*** No Harmful Stimulants > >*** Promotes Good Health > >*** Eat - Be Full - Lose Weight > >*** Completely Natural - Made From Kidney Beans > >*** No Side Effects (except for great health) > > > >P.S. Quality of weight loss products varies greatly. >This product is delivering results. > >You would have to do a fast run for 35 minutes >or a fast walk for 70 minutes to burn 400 calories. > >"Losing the extra weight is one of the most significant things >we can do to improve our health." > > >61 Year Old Manufacturer of Clinical Grade Nutrition > > >100% 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee > > >For More Info, Hit "Reply" and type "Send Starch Blocker Report" >in SUBJECT FIELD. > > >Sincerely, > >Be Light & Salt > > > >Success Stories: > >M.J.B., Elm City, NC During my first week, I lost 6 pounds. >During the second week, I lost 10 pounds. I've lost 3.5 >inches, overall. And, I'm feelin' great! > >C.R., Redondo Beach, CA In 10 days, I've lost 7 pounds. >I love AminoLyze for a late afternoon pick-me-up, instead >of a candy bar. Slender Now is great! > >G.M., Memphis, TN During my first week, I lost 11 pounds. >The old love handles are disappearing. This is great! > >S.H., Atlanta, GA I've been on every diet under the sun for the past >number of years. They always made me tense, miserable and hungry. >I wasn't real anxious to try another one. In 2 weeks, I lost 17 pounds. >2 inches off my waist. An inch off each thigh. The thing that is most >amazing is that I'm not skipping any meals. I've been very religious >about drinking two quarts of water a day. > >P.L., Winter Haven, FL I have been on the product 1.5 weeks and have >lost 12 pounds. I have photos of my "before" and intend to take "after" >photos in 2.5 weeks. I was approximately 205 pounds, and now I weigh a >little over 190. I feel great and I am not hungry! I'm looking forward >to a healthy, prosperous year. By doing the "right thing", I intend to >add some quality years to my life. > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: please help with spam?? Date: 13 Jun 1997 19:02:50 -0600 Anyone know this smart subscriber???? Manuel. his email is Manuel. >Return-path: >Envelope-to: >Delivery-date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 16:26:18 -0600 >From: "Saif" >To: "c" >Subject: Re: please help with spam?? >Date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 16:16:22 -0600 >X-MSMail-Priority: Normal >X-UIDL: 1dfc1f3ed250491ffc4586b92cd5e32f > >> who are you?????I sent that mail to xmission not to you. >> I dont know about mailing list call "help" >> Anyway just let me know,dont say "good job"or "great job" >> Bye "weon maraco" >> Manuel. > >Hello! Idiot! Look at the address you originally sent the message to. It >is "". That is a _mailing_list_ that xmission users >subscribe to. It is _not_ the support staff. Their address is > Get it? Support staff, support@. It's really not >that hard to figure out if you engage more than three brain cells >simultaneously. I realize that's a challenge, but please try in the >future. > >I don't know what is more pathetic - that you don't know the correct >address for the support staff, that you didn't bother looking up the >correct address, or that in your blissful ignorance you just spamed a ton >of xmission subscribers. > >Saif > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: FTP question Date: 15 Jun 1997 23:42:34 -0600 Hi, I was wondering how much disk quota a individual subscriber has regarding anonymous ftp. When I type quota -v in the shell it only shows my disk quota for mail and www. Thank You Enigma ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Tim S Grayson) Subject: What's up? Date: 16 Jun 1997 13:14:37 MDT WHy can't MPlayer ( recognize Xmission connection as my local network connection? PLease download the software and check it out, or do u currently have any suggestions? Why can't ICQ ( detect my connection, and can't connect? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Tim S Grayson) Subject: Um Date: 16 Jun 1997 20:25:32 MDT I have two really weird files in my Public_Html folder. index.html and mailing.html is it ok if I delete these files? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Delbert R. Phillips) Subject: Unidentified subject! Date: 18 Jun 1997 12:44:50 PST Have you heard of this AOL virus that is supposed to be self executing which is attached to E-Mail messages containing the following headings: SUBJECT AREA OF EMAIL....... CONGRATULATIONS! You are a WINNER! > > SUBJECT AREA OF EMAIL.......AOL 4 Free - Get AOL For Free I wonder of this is a ligitimate concern or just gossip? >From This message is from my separate juno account which I use for mailing lists etc. Delbert R. Phillips ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: MDA Subject: News Date: 18 Jun 1997 23:42:31 -0700 What's wrong with news ?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lesane Crooks Subject: Help! Date: 22 Jun 1997 17:48:58 -0600 Help! I am having a really bad PING when I use XMission to connect to quake (MPLayer) why is this? I am connecting at 46666 and still have the worst ping possible! HELP! ---------------- Peace Out all, Tupac is tha bomb. R.I.P. Eazy-E 11523, R.I.P. Rueben Nelson, visit my homepage at, and please be sure to sign the guestbook. Hey, go check out, and to get some great advertising for your page for free. Peace Out. Truthfully and tha bomb always, Lesane Crooks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Tim S Grayson) Subject: Support : RE: MPlayer Question Date: 22 Jun 1997 22:53:18 MDT Hello XMIssion. I connect to you now ( and was wondering if any of the below are true? If so, please tell me and what I have to do to fix it. Becuz right now I am having TERRIBLE pings to quake, and was wondering why. I connect at 56.6 so thats not the problem! Please help. PS, please respond to original message please read and answer Dear Tim, MPlayer itself has no regard at all for what kind of modem you use to = access us with. There are a few things that you should check on. First = thing, you should call your ISP and make sure they have not changed = anything on you. MPlayer will not work through a Proxy server at all. = If they installed a firewall, you need to punch a hole through it from = port addresses 8000-8999. Also, you need to make sure that they can = handle UDP packets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: NightLifer Subject: How to stop a mail flood from a mail form Date: 23 Jun 1997 02:45:41 -0600 Does anyone know the best way of handling this situation? I have a mail form where users can submit their sites to be linked to my pages. Every fifteen minutes (give or take a minute), I get a mail for a request. I've been getting this same mail all weekend. Supposedly, the user is from, but I know that mail-form info can be completely bogus. The question is: how can I stop this from happening? How do I kill the flood? Granted, I can set up a filter-rule to delete the mail, but that doesn't alleviate the usage of XMission's resources for this stream of garbage I'm getting. There must be some way, but it's 3:00am and I'm overlooking it. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Shane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lesane Crooks Subject: Please help (X2) Date: 25 Jun 1997 05:01:01 -0600 OK, I have an X2 modem right, 56 K. I called you guys yesterday and one of u tech support guys mumbled something about X2 not supporting quake YET, and the (something I couldn't understand) would be out soon that will patch it. When is this patch thing out, will you guys support it, and where can I get it? Ok, do u guys know anything about QSPY? How can I register my own server on there? Thank you. ---------------- Peace Out all, Tupac is tha bomb. R.I.P. Eazy-E 11523, R.I.P. Rueben Nelson, visit my homepage at, and please be sure to sign the guestbook. Hey, go check out, and to get some great advertising for your page for free. Peace Out. Truthfully and tha bomb always, Lesane Crooks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: RDO Software Subject: Recent changes to csh/ksh/ etc. Date: 27 Jun 1997 09:06:43 -0600 (MDT) I called tech support the other night to inquire as to why, in the last few days, when I log in and bring up emacs or vi, they don't understand my terminal "size" as they have been doing for the last 2 years! I have NOT touched my .login or .cshrc files for over a year. I log in through an xterm or a vt220 emulator. Both of these have NOT been changed in over a year so NOTHING on MY end of things has changed. I have noticed, however, that /usr/bin/csh HAS been changed as of June 18, 1997. Does the new version NOT understand termcap properly? For me to get around the problem, I am manually using "stty rows x cols y". The "resize" command (appears to d) does nothing. Thanks for any light you can shed on this situation. Dave Holcomb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carl Cardey" Subject: Join Date: 29 Jun 1997 12:11:18 -0700 This is where I was sent when I clicked on the Join button. Do I simply request it here? This is all VERY new to me. Thanks, Carl P. Cardey, Rotary District 5420 Communication Chairman, PHF, Rotary Club of Sugar House, Salt Lake City, Utah, temp. in So. Calif. ICUFR Director, visit the ICUFR website at: Visit the Utah Rotary International District 5420 web site at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lesane Crooks Subject: Any idea? Date: 30 Jun 1997 12:35:42 -0600 Does anyone have any idea when X2 will fully support Quake? Is the patch in yet? I hope so. PLease let me know. ---------------- Peace Out all, Tupac is tha bomb. R.I.P. Eazy-E 11523, R.I.P. Rueben Nelson, visit my homepage at, and please be sure to sign the guestbook. Hey, go check out, and to get some great advertising for your page for free. Peace Out. Truthfully and tha bomb always, Lesane Crooks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Myers Subject: Mail problems Date: 30 Jun 1997 21:33:26 -0600 In Netscape Communicator 4.01, I can send mail just fine to myself. And also read it equally as well.... only if I telnet into XMission. You see, the problem is whenever I choose to retrieve mail with Netscape, it prompts me to type a password before it gathers the information from xmission. I did not specify a password for mail, nor was ever asked for one. I tried both leaving the line blank, and also typing in my normal XMission pasword. Nothing. I get the rejected error message. I believe it is set up correctly in Netscape, both incoming and outgoing mail servers are set up as "" therefore it reads "" when I go to retrieve it. Still the same password problem. Again, I receive the mail perfectly in a Telnet prompt and can read it just as clear. And I can send mail just fine in Netscape, in fact I am typing this to you in it. Pleas help me. I like the service so far, and I do not want to be dissappointed. I know you'll do your best, and it is appreciated. Scott Myers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Doran L. Barton" Subject: Re: Mail problems Date: 30 Jun 1997 22:48:18 -0600 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 At 09:33 PM 6/30/97 -0600, Scott Myers wrote: >I believe it is set up correctly in Netscape, both incoming and outgoing >mail servers are set up as "" therefore it reads >"" when I go to retrieve it. Still the same >password problem. > >Again, I receive the mail perfectly in a Telnet prompt and can read it >just as clear. And I can send mail just fine in Netscape, in fact I am >typing this to you in it. Pleas help me. I like the service so far, >and I do not want to be dissappointed. I know you'll do your best, and >it is appreciated. Since Communicator is capable of doing both IMAP and POP3 mail transfer, you may want to swich to the other and see if that solves your problem. I suspect you're using IMAP and should be using POP3. - -Fozz -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0 Charset: noconv iQA/AwUBM7iMETgyKh+yppGKEQIbXACdGQh3RIlUl15qIx/cUdndgfSAnSYAoKpc ONrhEXmFDfzL5VVNvQkqovNn =6Uru -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ======================================================================== Doran L. Barton = &&; "Today could be a dream of tomorrow you had last night."