From: (hist_text-digest)
Subject: hist_text-digest V1 #1136
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Precedence: bulk
hist_text-digest Wednesday, January 22 2003 Volume 01 : Number 1136
In this issue:
- MtMan-List:Lock/Parts
- Re: MtMan-List:Lock/Parts
- Re: MtMan-List:Lock/Parts
- MtMan-List: word definition
- Re: MtMan-List: word definition
- Re: MtMan-List: word definition
- Re: MtMan-List: word definition
- Re: MtMan-List: word definition
- MtMan-List: Beaver Trapping
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2003 13:00:39 EST
Subject: MtMan-List:Lock/Parts
Hello the camp
I have flint lock trade gun with a lock with W-CHANCE & SON on the rear of
the lock
I need a replacment or a main spring, frizen and cock does any on know a
Thanks Mark Roadkill Loader
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hist_text list info:
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2003 13:11:46 EST
Subject: Re: MtMan-List:Lock/Parts
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Mark, try DGW....
Dixie Gun Works muzzleloading, blackpowder and rare antique gun supplies.
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Mark, try DGW....
Dixie Gun Works muzzleloading, blackpowder and rare antique gun supplies.
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hist_text list info:
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 10:41:00 -0500
Subject: Re: MtMan-List:Lock/Parts
go and look at your track of the wolf catalog---their locks are pictured
full scale---and check out the springs there---will get you close if you
are working on a original and need a replacement---or something you can
alter to fit or work---
Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today
Only $9.95 per month!
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hist_text list info:
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 14:36:24 -0600
From: "Frank Fusco"
Subject: MtMan-List: word definition
I came across the word "hoydens" in a book I am reading. The setting was
the 1832 rendezvous at Pierre's Hole. From the context
"trappers........flirted with enterprising red hoydens". I am surmising that
it may mean indian prostitutes. Enneyone know fer sure?
Also does anyone have the URL for that on-line 1820's dictionary. I lost
it in my last computer crash.
Frank G. Fusco
Mountain Home, AR
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hist_text list info:
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 13:14:07 -0800
From: Alan Avery
Subject: Re: MtMan-List: word definition
"... Also does anyone have the URL for that on-line 1820's dictionary. I
it in my last computer crash..."
Don'tcha hate it when that happens? There is an 1828 searchable
dictionary link at:
I don't know if that is the specific dictionary that you were referring to,
but it is one that I use. It doesn't show anything for "hoyden" though...
Black Knife
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Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 16:28:44 EST
Subject: Re: MtMan-List: word definition
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Frank, Nothing in the 1828, but here's the link you requested. Barney
Websters 1828
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Frank, Nothing in the 1828, but here's the link you requested. Barney
Websters 1828
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Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 16:43:07 EST
Subject: Re: MtMan-List: word definition
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4 entries found for hoyden.
1. hoy=B7den ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hoidn)
n. A high-spirited, boisterous, or saucy girl.
adj. High-spirited; boisterous.
From earlier hoyden, a rude youth, probably from Dutch heiden, heathen, boor=
from Middle Dutch. See kaito- in Indo-European Roots.]hoyden=B7ish adj. =20
Source: The American Heritage=AE Dictionary of the English Lang=
uage, Fourth=20
Copyright =A9 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
- ------------------ =20
2. hoyden
1. Hoiden \Hoi"den\, n. [OE. hoydon a lout, rustic, OD. heyden a heathen,=20
gypsy, vagabond, D. heiden, fr. OD. heyde heath, D. heide. See Heathen, Heath
.] [Written also hoyden.] 1. A rude, clownish youth. [Obs.] --Milton.
2. A rude, bold girl; a romp. --H. Kingsley.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, =A9 1996, 1=
998 MICRA, Inc. =20
3. hoyden
\Hoy"den\, n. Same as Hoiden.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, =A9 1996, 1=
998 MICRA, Inc. =20
4. hoyden
adj : used of boisterous girls [syn: hoyden(a), hoydenish, tomboyish] n : a=20
girl who behaves in a boyish manner [syn: tomboy, romp]
Hope this helps!
Jim Hardee, AMM #1676 =20
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4 entries found for ho=
1. hoy=B7den =
( P ) Pronunciation Key (hoid
n. A high-spirited, boisterous, or saucy girl.
adj. High-spirited; boisterous.
From earlier hoyden, a rude youth, probably from Dutch heiden, hea=
then, boor, from Middle Dutch. See kaito- in Indo-European Roots.]hoy=
den=B7ish adj.
Source: The American Heritage=AE Dictionary of the English Lang=
uage, Fourth Edition
Copyright =A9 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
- ------------------
2. hoyden
1. Hoiden \Hoi"den\, n. [OE. hoydon a lout, rustic, OD. heyden a heathen, gy=
psy, vagabond, D. heiden, fr. OD. heyde heath, D. heide. See Heathen, Heath.] [Written also hoyden.] 1. A=20=
rude, clownish youth. [Obs.] --Milton.
2. A rude, bold girl; a romp. --H. Kingsley.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, =A9 1996, 1=
998 MICRA, Inc.
3. hoyden
\Hoy"den\, n. Same as Hoiden.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, =A9 1996, 1=
998 MICRA, Inc.
4. hoyden
adj : used of boisterous girls [syn: hoyden(a), hoydenish, tomboyish] n : a girl who behaves=20=
in a boyish manner [syn: tomboy, romp]
Hope this helps!
Jim Hardee, AMM #1676
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Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 18:02:23 EST
Subject: Re: MtMan-List: word definition
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I found Hoiden in the NoahWebster 1828 Dictionary
Hoiden n. (W.hoeden, a flirt, awanton, a coquet) A rude, bold girl; aromp
a. Rude; bold; inelegant; rustic
v. i. To romp rudely or indecently
Websters 1983 edition hoyden
a bold and boisterous girl, a tomboy, also spelled hoiden
hope this helps but don't keep the book and page number a secret
Mark "Roadkill" Loader
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I found Hoiden in the NoahWebster 1828 Dictionary
Hoiden n. (W.hoeden, a flirt, awanton, a coquet) A rude, bold girl; aromp
a. Rude; bold; inelegant; rustic
v. i. To romp rudely or indecently
Websters 1983 edition hoyden
a bold and boisterous girl, a tomboy, also spelled hoiden
hope this helps but don't keep the book and page number a secret
Mark "Roadkill" Loader
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hist_text list info:
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 14:37:50 EST
Subject: MtMan-List: Beaver Trapping
Hello the Camp
I am going beaver trapping next month and would like to hear from those that
have done it winter mountain man style. What clothing they wear to wade in
the cold water and any advice they have.
Also how do you think the float stick was used. Do you suppose it was used in
conjunction with a weighted drag on the chain and a long line attached to the
drag and to the float stick. this would allow the trapper to find the drag
and retrieve it from deep water with beaver and trap in tow without getting
so wet.
your thoughts
Mark Roadkill Loader
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