From: (hist_text-digest) To: Subject: hist_text-digest V1 #752 Reply-To: hist_text Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk hist_text-digest Tuesday, February 20 2001 Volume 01 : Number 752 In this issue: -       Re: MtMan-List: Tim Jewell's tarp -       Re: MtMan-List: Canadian fur trade museums (was: Saws) -       Re: MtMan-List: Tim Jewell's tarp -       Re: MtMan-List: Lewis&Clark and Mt Hood! -       MtMan-List: Northwest Journal? -       Re: MtMan-List: Tim Jewell's tarp -       MtMan-List: Insult's, was Lewis & Clark and Mt. Hood -       MtMan-List: "Pioneer" lists -       Re: MtMan-List: "Pioneer" lists -       Re: MtMan-List: Lewis&Clark and Mt Hood! -       Re: MtMan-List: Lewis&Clark and Mt Hood! -       Re: MtMan-List: Tim Jewell's tarp -       Re: MtMan-List: French fur traders & Voyageurs in the American West by Le Roy R. Hafren -       Fw: MtMan-List: Tim Jewell's tarp -       MtMan-List: Canadian fur trade -       Re: MtMan-List: Tim Jewell's tarp -       Re: MtMan-List: Canadian fur trade -       MtMan-List: insults and bickering -       Re: MtMan-List: Insult's, was Lewis & Clark and Mt. Hood -       Re: MtMan-List: French fur traders & Voyageurs in the American West by Le Roy R. Hafren -       RE: MtMan-List: insults and bickering -       MtMan-List: I'm back :) -       Re: MtMan-List: insults and bickering -       Re: MtMan-List: I'm back :) -       Re: MtMan-List: I'm back :) -       Re: MtMan-List: I'm back :) -       MtMan-List: Flintlock popularity -       MtMan-List: insults and bickering -       Re: MtMan-List: Canadian fur trade museums -       Re: MtMan-List: insults and bickering -       MtMan-List: topic ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 12:28:04 -0600 From: Victoria Pate Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Tim Jewell's tarp On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 12:40:06 EST writes: > I've found that a loop sewn in the middle seam allows me to tie UP to > a branch, increasing the headroom underneath without the use of a full > length center support. This also allows for a 'plow-point' or 'reflector' > set up with all poles outside. Barney Hi Barney, Please explain what a 'plow point' is and also a " 'reflector' set up with all poles outside". Thanks, Victoria - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 11:32:17 -0700 From: Angela Gottfred Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Canadian fur trade museums (was: Saws) Lee Newbill asked >> Are there any museums in the western half of Canada dedicated to the British-Canadian Fur Trade? Or even a good reference book with photo's or illustrations of equipment?<< Nope, as far as I know, there are no fur trade museums anywhere in Canada. BUT a great place to visit would be the Manitoba Museum, in Winnipeg, since they now hold the HBC Archives & Collection. Unfortunately, I haven't made it there since they acquired it. As for a book, the best I know is Wheeler's _A Toast to the Fur Trade_, which is (ahem) *much* better documented than any of the Fur Press "Sketchbook" series. In haste, Your humble & obedient servant, Angela Gopttfred - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 13:46:54 EST From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Tim Jewell's tarp In a message dated 2/20/01 10:28:22 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << Please explain what a 'plow point' is and also a " 'reflector' set up with all poles outside". >> Victoria, et al, First, please note that both these set-ups can also be done with no poles by having loops on the center seam, and using correct rope placement. Here's my best shot at an explanation: The plow-point has three corners pegged to the ground, the 4th elevated with a support pole in the center of the entry, and another support pole running down the outside of the center seam, from the top of the opening to the ground at the back of the tarp. The part that touches the ground (the lowest back of the tent) looks like the front of a plow, hence the name. The reflector is set up with one full edge pegged to the ground, the opposite edge made rigid with a pole and tied to two uprights; or you can put half the tarp pegged on the ground to create a floor, and angle up the other half with supports. I know these explanations are marginal at best, and for that I apologize. If you (or any other readers) have a Panther catalog, check the page on Diamond Shelters; it has diagrams. If not, and any of you want pics, contact me offline and I will fax or mail photocopies of the designs. Both are very cool. Barney - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 13:57:32 EST From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Lewis&Clark and Mt Hood! In a message dated 2/19/1 07:44:06 PM, writes: <> Dennis My observation is that you are completly out of line - No. 1 to be talking like that to the man and No.2. to be talking like that on this screen and perpetuating something so negative. I will ask you now to cut it off. Most Sincerely Richard C. James - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 11:32:21 -0800 From: Pat Quilter Subject: MtMan-List: Northwest Journal? To Angela: I was visting my friend Bruce Druliner who is not on-line (or even on-grid for that matter). He was wondering if you still publish the Northwest Journal (or words to that effect), which would presumably be of interest to all of us on this history list. If so, I can advise you of his mailing address. Best regards Pat Quilter - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 15:23:40 EST From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Tim Jewell's tarp > > I've found that a loop sewn in the middle seam allows me to tie UP to a > > branch, If you add a square piece of leather on the bottomside of that loop, then you can stick a pole in it and accomplish the same thing. Sometimes loose sticks are easier to find than suitable branches. - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 15:26:57 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: MtMan-List: Insult's, was Lewis & Clark and Mt. Hood Greg, the men you are arguing withe are the backbone of this List! You have only been on this list a short time and often make what might be taken as rude or overbearing remark's.I do not often post preferring to sit back and learn but feel this is one of those time's that call's for some comment I do not think any one on this list feel's that they are and intellectual,just people interested in History . All I am trying to say (if not well..) is perhaps it would be best to back off a bit, look at the word's you have spoken before insulting the member's of this list as individual's and as a whole. This is not a place for ego but place to learn from each other! This is in no way an attack on you Greg. You have many interesting things to say, just lighten up a bit on the sarcasm and enjoy! So to all let's get back to the good stuff, which is of course why we are here! Your Most Humble Servant, M.A Smith Apprentice Watchmaker P.S As you may have noticed by my signature I have begun my Education in Ye olde Art of Watchmaking with my Uncle and will be attending the NAWCC's school of Horology as of March 5th. M. "In Wildness Is the Preservation of the World" Thoreau - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 14:41:06 -0600 From: "Best, Dianne" Subject: MtMan-List: "Pioneer" lists Can any of you fellas (or gals) point me to a list that deals with a later time period, like 1850-1900, other than "old west"? Thanks! Jin-o-ta-ka (Dianne) - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 16:19:14 -0800 From: Linda Holley Subject: Re: MtMan-List: "Pioneer" lists What area are you looking for??? Cowboy, Native american, Single shot or Wild west? etc. Linda Holley "Best, Dianne" wrote: > Can any of you fellas (or gals) point me to a list that deals with a later > time period, like 1850-1900, other than "old west"? > > Thanks! > > Jin-o-ta-ka (Dianne) > > ---------------------- > hist_text list info: - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 14:51:18 -0600 From: (Brad Everett) Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Lewis&Clark and Mt Hood! > But they all have to learn to live in the same box > How about we drop our laundry and git with the program. Durn Fox , Thats about as nice as I've ever heard you be in a coons age, Oops! I ment to say raccoons age,hehehe. Trapper, Trek'n through time, backwards! - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 16:45:43 EST From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Lewis&Clark and Mt Hood! If you boys can't all play nice together, we're gonna send you all to bed without supper. Longshot - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 16:49:42 EST From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Tim Jewell's tarp In a message dated 2/20/01, writes: << ----( stuff deleted )---- On you next project leave off loops entirely and use some of the same stout cord to tie smooth round pebbles (or 50 caliber round balls) into a little pocket formed at each corner.... ----( stuff deleted )---- >> Having started out with this method myself, I can attest to what a royal pain it is. Personally I went to loops. Just an observation. Longshot "Longshot's Rendezvous Homepage" (Newly Redesigned) - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 14:54:14 -0700 From: "Walt Foster" Subject: Re: MtMan-List: French fur traders & Voyageurs in the American West by Le Roy R. Hafren > Hey Walt, I have a copy, what do you need? No-Toes. You might check with Jon > Towns also. Hi No-Toes, wondering if this book is open for discussion? If it is familiar to list members? Walt - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 16:24:25 -0600 From: "Lanney Ratcliff" Subject: Fw: MtMan-List: Tim Jewell's tarp Longshot Man, talk about different strokes for different folks, I find the cord ties to be easier to use and to make minor adjustments to the tension of the canvas. Just proves that a person should continually work with his stuff until a method is arrived at that is suitable to THAT person. The reinforced square in the middle is a good item, too. One of my tarps has a little leather loop on one side of the canvas at the reinforcing patch and a pair of ties on the other. I usually tie off to a convenient limb from the leather loop. I use the ties in a couple of ways. For one thing, it can be used to secure something that might be needed in the dark of night. I have hung little candle lanterns from them, too, but I don't recommend it.....nor do I pack a lantern anymore. Sometimes, when the wind is up a little (and I am set up as a diamond) I will cut a long green limb or sapling somewhat bigger around than a broom handle and place the butt end on the ground at the very point of the end of the fly where it comes to the ground and the other end along the ridge line of the diamond, securing it with the two ties, creating a ridge pole. I then jam a stout forked stick (about 2 feet long) under the ridge pole somewhere near the rear of the diamond to support the ridge pole. This makes a really strong set and has served me well in some pretty strong blows that saw other diamond shelters blown down. Be sure to cut the forks for the support pole so that the ends of the forks don't bear on the canvas, otherwise you will poke holes in the canvas. YMOS Lanney Ratcliff > In a message dated 2/20/01, writes: > > << ----( stuff deleted )---- On you next project leave off loops entirely and > use some of the same stout > cord to tie smooth round pebbles (or 50 caliber round balls) into a little > pocket formed at each corner.... ----( stuff deleted )---- >> > > Having started out with this method myself, I can attest to what a royal pain > it is. Personally I went to loops. Just an observation. > > Longshot > > "Longshot's Rendezvous Homepage" > (Newly Redesigned) > > > ---------------------- > hist_text list info: > - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 15:00:33 -0800 From: Lee Newbill Subject: MtMan-List: Canadian fur trade Angela Thank you for the information, on the museum, it's a tad bit out of the way, and I probably won't be getting there anytime soon, on the book, as with most of our really good books, it's out of print. I did find several copies after looking in Bibliofind (2 copies) and Bookfinder (10 copies There wasn't nuttin in Ranges from $15 to $45 a copy, all appear to be soft covers. Wheeler (1985), SOFTBOUND, 8.5x11", 105 pages, F/O Map, Illust'd, Great drawings of Canadian fur trade canoes,tools,goods etc. Wheeler (1985), Great Lakes Fur Trade Canada Regards from N. Idaho Lee Newbill - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 17:55:57 EST From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Tim Jewell's tarp > Having started out with this method myself, I can attest to what a royal pain > it is. Personally I went to loops. Just an observation. Long, Just because you got rid of the Big Top doesn't mean you still ain't a traveling circus. I think you went to that method cause you spend so much time unloading everything else that you don't have time to set up your tent. Why don't you tell them about your "trek" last fall in the Shawnee, where you foundered under the weight. Just cause everyone calls you a big ox doesn't mean you can carry the weight of one. TOF - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 17:58:27 EST From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Canadian fur trade Whoever was reading the book, "Company of Adventurers" might want to check out the companion book by the same author, "Caesars of the Wilderness." Lots more good info on the Hudson Bay Co. and the Canadian fur trade. Dave Kanger - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 19:07:59 -0500 From: Marc Stewart Subject: MtMan-List: insults and bickering In a message dated 2/19/2001 9:44:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << >>Listen, you porkeatin' flatlander, you outta know better than "jibe" a fella that you don't know... Or are you THAT stupd??? Cmon up here to Ohio and "jibe" me.. I will show you "insecure" Threat? Nooo..Promise? You bet your ass. D >> O.K., I've had enough of this crap. The worlds not bad enough having to do things that we don't want to do, some of you live your lives trying to make everyone else miserable doing the things we enjoy doing. Anyone who is pathetic enough to get into a slugfest with someone they've never met, over a difference in opinion involving a HOBBY is just sad. I work my ass off all day long, as most of you do, and look forward to coming home and spending time with my family and relaxing. I used to enjoy reading the different ideas and suggestions posted on this list, but to be honest, wading through the hateful garbage that some of you spout on a regular basis is not worth the effort. I was under the impression that most of us on this list were mature adults. Obviously, judging by the "call to brawl", I was wrong about some of you. Name calling, threats and insults just show how immature some of us really are..maybe its a good thing that we enjoy being alone in the woods so much, that way, it cuts down on the contact that y'all have with the rest of the human race. To those who offer good ideas with a brotherly tongue, I will miss your words of wisdom. To those who have no regard for others or feel the need to continually put others down, maybe its time that you took a step back from your "hobby" and worked on getting a life instead. Good-bye list and God Bless you all...I'm outta here. - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 19:18:06 EST From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Insult's, was Lewis & Clark and Mt. Hood In a message dated 2/20/2001 3:27:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << Greg, the men you are arguing withe are the backbone of this List! >> I'm not arguing. Go back and read the sputum I was responding to with a rational reply. I am wondering how long I have to read this list before I get my "backbone card". Who issues it? Does the card allow me to insult and attack people who have a differing viewpoint? Just curious. Greg - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 17:12:59 -0800 From: "Butch Wright" Subject: Re: MtMan-List: French fur traders & Voyageurs in the American West by Le Roy R. Hafren Yes, I just picked it up a few weeks ago from Barnes and Noble ($44). It's being reprinted by The Arthur H. Clark Co. of Spokane, WA (1995). Butch - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Walt Foster" To: Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 5:53 AM Subject: Re: MtMan-List: French fur traders & Voyageurs in the American West by Le Roy R. Hafren > Does anybody else on this list have this book? > > French fur traders & Voyageurs in the American West by Le Roy R. Hafren ? > > Walt > > > ---------------------- > hist_text list info: - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 19:40:54 -0600 From: Todd Subject: RE: MtMan-List: insults and bickering Ya know, I'm a relative newcomer to the list and all, but it does seem = that the tone has changed over the past year or so. I don't know what = it is. I remember askin' one time, when I first found the list, about = beards and their provenance, and I caught some good natured ribbing, = mostly for poking a stick in a much debated topic. But lately, we've = had some downright antagonistic, and frankly provocative posts and then = some pretty harsh responses. Seemed like some were wanting to pick a = squabble, and some were obliging 'em. 'Course, I also know that if = someone were face to face and had spouted off some of the things said, = there WOULD a been a scuffle, I'm quite sure. I'm not naming names, = but damn, can't we tone it down just a hair? I for one have a great = deal to learn, I HAVE learned a great deal, and would rather not see a = good source of info turned into a pissin' match.=20 Now, here's a question. I went out to Ft. Osage a few weeks ago, and = I'll be working as a militia volunteer going forward. Can anyone point = me to good sources to look at for the early 1800's here in Missouri? = Most of the stuff I've got and read seems more geared either toward the = Rockies, or back toward the Middle Country. Local shops here'bouts are = geared toward the Civil War. Seems like there's a gap, where nothing = happened here along the Missouri. I know that can't be true, the War of = 1812 got fought, and the fort was built for a reason, although I think = it was mostly for trade, and little fighting took place hereabouts. =20 Anybody done any diggin on the 18-teens time period? > -----Original Message----- > From: > []On Behalf Of Marc Stewart > Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:08 PM > To: > Subject: MtMan-List: insults and bickering >=20 >=20 > In a message dated 2/19/2001 9:44:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: >=20 > << >>Listen, you porkeatin' flatlander, you outta know better than > "jibe" a > fella that you don't know... > Or are you THAT stupd??? Cmon up here to Ohio and "jibe" me.. I will > show > you "insecure" Threat? Nooo..Promise? You bet your ass. > D >> >=20 >=20 >=20 > O.K., I've had enough of this crap. The worlds not bad enough > having to do things that we don't want to do, some of you live your > lives trying to make everyone else miserable doing the things we enjoy > doing. Anyone who is pathetic enough to get into a slugfest with > someone they've never met, over a difference in opinion involving a > HOBBY is just sad. I work my ass off all day long, as most of you do, > and look forward to coming home and spending time with my family and > relaxing. I used to enjoy reading the different ideas and suggestions > posted on this list, but to be honest, wading through the hateful > garbage that some of you spout on a regular basis is not worth the > effort. I was under the impression that most of us on this list were > mature adults. Obviously, judging by the "call to brawl", I was = wrong > about some of you. > Name calling, threats and insults just show how immature some of = us > really are..maybe its a good thing that we enjoy being alone in the > woods so much, that way, it cuts down on the contact that y'all have > with the rest of the human race. > To those who offer good ideas with a brotherly tongue, I will miss > your words of wisdom. To those who have no regard for others or feel > the need to continually put others down, maybe its time that you took = a > step back from your "hobby" and worked on getting a life instead. > Good-bye list and God Bless you all...I'm outta here. >=20 >=20 > ---------------------- > hist_text list info: = >=20 - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 19:43:59 -0600 From: "Ethan Sudman" Subject: MtMan-List: I'm back :) This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_003C_01C09B75.785B4460 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello everyone. I'm back. It got oftly boring off list :-). - - Ethan Sudman ( - ------=_NextPart_000_003C_01C09B75.785B4460 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hello everyone.
I'm back. It got oftly boring off list=20 :-).
- Ethan Sudman ( - ------=_NextPart_000_003C_01C09B75.785B4460-- - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 19:48:20 -0600 From: "Lanney Ratcliff" Subject: Re: MtMan-List: insults and bickering Now, here's a question. I went out to Ft. Osage a few weeks ago, and I'll be working as a militia volunteer going forward. Can anyone point me to good sources to look at for the early 1800's here in Missouri? Most of the stuff I've got and read seems more geared either toward the Rockies, or back toward the Middle Country. Local shops here'bouts are geared toward the Civil War. Seems like there's a gap, where nothing happened here along the Missouri. I know that can't be true, the War of 1812 got fought, and the fort was built for a reason, although I think it was mostly for trade, and little fighting took place hereabouts. Anybody done any diggin on the 18-teens time period? Todd These folks seem to have done a lot of Missouri research. Try them. Lanney Ratcliff - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 20:52:47 EST From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: I'm back :) In a message dated 2/20/01 5:43:53 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << I'm back. It got oftly boring off list :-). >> As you have been reading today, I'm sure you see it hasn't been boring here at all Ethan. LMAO. Welcome back! Barney - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 20:23:53 -0600 From: "Ethan Sudman" Subject: Re: MtMan-List: I'm back :) Thanks Barney :-). It's good to be back. - - Ethan - ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 7:52 PM Subject: Re: MtMan-List: I'm back :) > In a message dated 2/20/01 5:43:53 PM Pacific Standard Time, > writes: > > << I'm back. It got oftly boring off list :-). >> > > As you have been reading today, I'm sure you see it hasn't been boring here > at all Ethan. LMAO. Welcome back! Barney > > ---------------------- > hist_text list info: - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 20:30:50 -0600 From: Victoria Pate Subject: Re: MtMan-List: I'm back :) > Hello everyone. > > I'm back. It got oftly boring off list :-). > > - Ethan Sudman Hey Ethan, Glad you decided to rejoin us! Victoria - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 21:41:34 -0500 From: "Tim Jewell" Subject: MtMan-List: Flintlock popularity Hi everyone, I've been closely reading Nat Wyeths journals and came acroos this little tidbit that may be why flintlocks were/are so popular: 18 Aug. 1833 - We saw some large bands of elk but our hunters were more conceited than good which I have generally found to be the case with the hunters in this country they are not willing that a new hand should even try, and are far from good shots themselves and commonly have miserable flint guns which snap continually and afford an excuse for not killing. Just an observation. Ducking for cover in Baltimore, Tim - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 21:45:06 -0500 From: Marc Stewart Subject: MtMan-List: insults and bickering "Obviously, judging by the "call to brawl", I was wrong about some of you. Name calling, threats and insults just show how immature some of us really are..maybe its a good thing that we enjoy being alone in the...." My apologies to the gentleman whose text and addy I quoted in my earlier post..My comments were in no way targeted to him, but rather to us all as a group. - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 19:46:43 -0700 From: Angela Gottfred Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Canadian fur trade museums I should note that, in Eastern Canada, there is a museum which specializes in the North West Company, the Nor'Wester and Loyalist Museum in Williamstown, Ontario (near Cornwall) I haven't been there myself, but I understand they have David Thompson's desk, and some other items owned by Nor'westers, because many of them retired to that area. I should also add, in defense of Canadian museums, that since the fur trade is considered a cornerstone of Canadian history, most large Canadian museums have major exhibits relating to the fur trade. The Provincial Museum of Alberta displays a large number of items excavated from fur posts, and also has a nice diorama of Samuel Hearne and his guide, Mattonabbee. One of the self-proclaimed 'treasures' of the Glenbow Museum is its collection of three Beaver Club medals, including William McGillivary's (and another one in pristine condition). The Royal Ontario Museum has lots of cool stuff from the underwater fur trade archeology project that was done in the 1960's, although I have no idea what's on display. And of course the Archives of Ontario houses David Thompson's original journals. My favorite fur-trade-only museum hardly deserves the term 'museum'; it is actually the small interpretive center at Rocky Mountain House National Historic Park, here in Alberta. The Alberta surveyors' professional association generously arranged to purchase, and then donate, a set of antique surveying instruments (sextant, astronomical tables, compass, etc.) which is wonderfully representative of what David Thompson would have used. They also have a large selection of items on display that were actually excavated at Rocky Mountain House (NWC, 1799-1821) and Acton House (HBC, 1799-1821), and other good stuff. Actually, a Canadian Museum of the Fur Trade would be a wonderful project. If it were credible enough, then I'm sure it could get a lot of things from other museums on permanent loan (like those extra Beaver Club medals), because they're not usually on display; they're just gathering dust on a shelf in a back room. Fascinating question, Lee! It's really made me think. Your humble & obedient servant, Angela Gottfred - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 19:27:36 -0800 From: Randal J Bublitz Subject: Re: MtMan-List: insults and bickering Todd, I would think it would be easy to portray a Militia Man at Ft Osage. With being so close to the East, cloth items, etc... would be much more attainable. I spent a night in the soldiers barracks of Ft Osage, the next day we put our canoes in the water and pulled out at St Charles 6 1/2 days later..... what a trip, and all the better because Grady Manus let us spend a night in the fort before we 'shoved off'. He gave us a private tour that night after closing. I've only been there once, but was mightily impressed. I hope to be able to return someday. Ya know William Clark suggested the placement of the fort as it commanded a high point at a bend in the river, it's in his journals. Is Karalee Tearney still doing business at Arrow Rock? Might be a good place to check out? The phone number I have is (816)837-3261from an old catalog. Also see if you can find a book called "The Sword of the Republic" The US army on the frontier 1783-1846 by Francis Paul Prucha University of Nebraska Press ISBN# 0-8032-8713-5 Blaming guns for killing people is like blaming spoons for making Rosie O'Donnel fat? - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 21:59:01 -0800 From: "John & Nancy McKee" Subject: MtMan-List: topic This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0024_01C09B88.5544BE80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Whatever happened to adding 'off topic' to the subject line {as per = Brother Pat Q}? first, it would make the majordomo's job a lot easier = and secondly for people to just skip over the one sentence 'chats' that = seem to eventually lead to tempers and namecalling? Once in awhile it's good to be reminded that this is all just one = big hobby for big kids with guns with occasional insights and knowledge. = Well, back to work (after two days away and over 100 emails). Long = John - ------=_NextPart_000_0024_01C09B88.5544BE80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    Whatever happened to adding 'off = topic' to=20 the subject line {as per Brother Pat Q}? first, it would make the = majordomo's=20 job a lot easier and secondly for people to just skip over the one = sentence=20 'chats' that seem to eventually lead to tempers and = namecalling?
     Once in awhile it's good = to be=20 reminded that this is all just one big hobby for big kids with guns with = occasional insights and knowledge.  Well, back to work (after two = days away=20 and over 100 emails).   Long John
- ------=_NextPart_000_0024_01C09B88.5544BE80-- - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ End of hist_text-digest V1 #752 ******************************* - To unsubscribe to hist_text-digest, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe hist_text-digest" in the body of the message.