From: (Enos Heward) Subject: JSF: Daniels James W LtCol Date: 01 Dec 1998 21:09:57 -0700 **** Joseph Stout Family Organization mailing list **** I just want to give this a wider circulation. Sincerely, Enos Heward --------- Begin forwarded message ----------,,,,,, Wanted to share this prayer with you. Message-ID: <> --------- Begin forwarded message ---------- Paul A Maj ,"'Barrett, Bruce'",,"'Barrett, Rhea'" ,"'Boatright, Allen'" ,"'Bohnenberger, Donna'" ,"'Bonner, Rhonda'" ,"'Boone, Joseph'",,"'Brown, Roger'" ,"'Bush, Bob'" ,"'Bush, Bob and Dresden'",,"'Buzzell, David'" ,"'Chowen, Brent'" ,"'Chowen, Ron and Elaine'",,"'Christenson, Don'",,"'Daniels, Melanie'",,"'Daniels, Paul'" ,"'Flake, Layne'" ,"'Harris, Randy'",,"'Hess, Stephen'" ,"'Heward, Lynn'" ,"'Hunt, Jim and Jan'",,"'Isom, Kiersten and Mike'",,"'Jensen, Paul'" ,"'Klingler, Greg'" ,"'McLemore, Philip'" ,"'Norstebon, Joy and Bob'" ,"'Papenfuss, Clint'",,"'Paul, Randy'" ,"'Roberts, Alex'" ,"'Reed, JoAnn'",,"'Scoville, Kent'" ,"'Siefkes, Steve'" ,"'Skousen, Gale and Theresa'" ,"'Wright, Kathi'",,"'Wright, Katie'" ,"Andros, James" ,"Bascom, Larry",,"Boyd, Ward",,"Brown, Roger" ,"Griffin, Roscoe" ,"Hoskins, Kevin",,"Inman, John",,"Lightfoot, Bill",,"Oleksy, Robert",,"Riggs, Kenneth" ,"Urqhart, Robert" ,"Adair, Danny",,"Brooks, Steve",,"Ensign, Chris",,"Jensen, Chris",,"Palmer, Eric",,"Ramirez, Joshua",,"Krakat, Lynda",,"Powell, Dan" ,"Tennant, Jan" ,"Vert, Tom",,"Welton, Lowrie" Message-ID: <> I heard a prayer very similar to this in Georgia at the National Prayer Breakfast in February 1998. I thought it originated with Ch Robert Jarrett who was a reservist down there. It had a similar impact and was offered in the presence of the Chief of the Air Force Chaplaincy. I called the base chapel to see what the response had been - no negatives, only requests for copies. Ch Jim Daniels > Subject: Wanted to share this prayer with you. > > > When Pastor Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas > Senate, everyone was expecting the usual politically correct > generalities. But on this day they heard instead a stirring prayer, > passionately calling our country to repentance and righteousness. > > The response was immediate - with a number of legislators walking out > during the prayer. In six short weeks Central Christian Church logged > more than 5,000 phone calls, with only 47 of those calls responding > negatively. Commentator Paul Harvey aired Pastor Joe Wright's prayer on > the radio and received a larger response to this program than any other > program Paul Harvey has ever aired. In addition, Central Christian > Church is now receiving international requests for copies of this prayer > from India, Africa, and Korea. The prayer is reprinted below as an > encouragement and challenge for each of us to stand for the truth of the > Gospel wherever the Lord gives us opportunity. > > Heavenly Father, we come before You today to ask Your forgiveness > and seek Your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, "Woe to > those who call evil good," but that's exactly what we have done. We > have lost our spiritual equilibrium and inverted our values. > We confess that: We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your > Word and called it pluralism; We have worshipped other gods and called > it multiculturalism; We have endorsed perversion and called it an > alternative lifestyle; We have exploited the poor and called it the > lottery; We have neglected the needy and called it self-preservation; We > have rewarded laziness and called it welfare; We have killed our unborn > and called it choice; We have shot abortionists and called it > justifiable; We have neglected to discipline our children and called it > building self-esteem; We have abused power and called it political > savvy; We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition; > We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it > freedom of expression; We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our > forefathers and called it enlightenment. > Search us, O God, and know our hearts today; try us and see if > there be some wicked way in us; cleanse us from every sin and set us > free. Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent here by > the people of Kansas, and who have been ordained by You, to govern this > great state. Grant them Your wisdom to rule and may their decisions > direct us to the center of Your will. I ask it in the name of Your Son, > the Living Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. > > Joe Wright is Sr. Pastor of Central Christian Church,Wichita, Kansas. --------- End forwarded message ---------- ________________________________________________________________ Get secure free e-mail that you don't need Web access to use from Juno, the world's second largest online service. Download your free software at --------- End forwarded message ---------- ________________________________________________________________ Get secure free e-mail that you don't need Web access to use from Juno, the world's second largest online service. Download your free software at -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To unsubscribe from the joseph-stout-family mailing list, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe joseph-stout-family" as the first and only line in the body of the message. For information on retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Enos Heward) Subject: JSF: (Mel G Stout): >: RE: : one of those Date: 05 Dec 1998 15:24:47 -0700 **** Joseph Stout Family Organization mailing list **** --------- Begin forwarded message ----------,, Cc:,,,,,,,,,,,, Message-ID: <> > > ** Hold the down arrow key for the following message ** > > > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > ISJESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUSCOMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUS COMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUS COMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUS COMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUS COMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUS COMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUS COMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUS COMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUS COMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUS COMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUS COMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUS COMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUS COMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUS COMING?DAERBSEY > > IS JESUS COMING? 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Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] --------- End forwarded message ---------- ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To unsubscribe from the joseph-stout-family mailing list, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe joseph-stout-family" as the first and only line in the body of the message. For information on retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lawrence N Barney Subject: JSF: Tidbit: USS Stout enroute to the Persian Gulf Date: 05 Dec 1998 15:52:00 -0700 **** Joseph Stout Family Organization mailing list **** I got the following Tidbit from the Stout-L mailing list today (this is a mailing list for Stout Genealogy). idbit: The USS Stout, a guided-missile destroyer named for the Admiral Herald F Stout, who we all know as the author of the set of books, "Stout and Allied Families", departed Norfolk Naval Base as part of USS Enterprise battle group enroute to the Persian Gulf. Larry Barney -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Lawrence N Barney 378 E 9800 S SANDY UT 84070-3551 801-571-9661 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To unsubscribe from the joseph-stout-family mailing list, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe joseph-stout-family" as the first and only line in the body of the message. For information on retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Lurline Russell) Subject: JSF: ray family...mesa Date: 10 Dec 1998 00:15:09 -0700 **** Joseph Stout Family Organization mailing list **** Dear family, Enos suggested I use this address, as the other list address never worked. We'll see how this one goes. Got the Stout family newsletter....I filled out the blanks I could, but will have to get one of my more computer literate sons to answer the more technical ones. This is to report our monthly sibling get together. We started out with the sisters, in this case, Nonie, Kay, and me (lurline) going to the temple in the morning. That night at 6 we all gathered at Dewey's house, since he is in charge of the thanksgiving family get together (it was great....really wonderful on a perfect day) and again of the Xmas party. We actually have two. One for the brothers and sisters, and then another for the our children. Dewey's kids in charge of this one also. It is for those over 18, and now it is not only our children but many of our fact I have more grown up grandchildren than young ones....We have 11 great grandchildren. But I digress. Let me tell you about last night. Dewey and Ina had set a lovely table with real china and flatware.....and glasses and even the salt and pepper shakers ....all Christmas ones. It was so great.Every vegetable we ate was out of Dewey's tremendous garden except for the celery....Mesa does not grow celery. To top it off she had made a lot of lemon pies. All of us were there, with a couple of exceptions....Ila was home tending her oldest daughter's children while she was in the hospital giving birth to her 6th child. But Eli her husband came and brought a granddaughter. Wendell, Verda's husband didn't make it because he was at the Bishop's office during tithing settlement. But those who were there were Verda, Winona and Alma, Cy and Lurline, Irving and Ethlyn (with daughter) Eli with granddaughter, Kay, Dewey and Ina. How we love to get together. And also coming in as we were finishing up was Dewey Jr. who brought along his bagpipes...He is a Captain in the Mesa fire department and they have a group of fellow fire-fighters who play the bagpipes. It was so much fun to listen to Christmas music coming out of bagpipes. Then Lana and Lila came with Lana's husband, and they entertained us with their uke's and their lovely voices. Both have written music and had it published, and they sang some of their Christmas music, plus come of our old favorites. Verda gave us all our Christmas card.....she is writing up our mother's story taken from Uncle wayne's books and she has collected pictures of Mexico etc. It is much different from our mother's diaries, but we are so grateful to have it....she has it from mama's birth up to she has a few more years to go....until the finish of Uncle Wayne's writings. We always talk of the wonderful life our parents provided for us, though we never had much in the way of money....but it was a happy life and we are so grateful for them. Merry Christmas to all of you. lurline ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To unsubscribe from the joseph-stout-family mailing list, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe joseph-stout-family" as the first and only line in the body of the message. For information on retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Enos Heward) Subject: JSF: (Reed Black): Fw: Fw: Fw: fw: missionary (fwd) Date: 12 Dec 1998 16:34:09 -0700 **** Joseph Stout Family Organization mailing list **** This is "the rest of the story!' I thought you'd like to hear it. Love, Enos --------- Begin forwarded message ----------,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cc:,,,,,,,,,, Message-ID: <> --------- Forwarded message ---------- Message-ID: <> --------- Forwarded message ---------- Cc:,,,,, DMINER@WEBER.EDU,, Message-ID: <> Good evening I just got home from work and checked my e-mail and found this and thought that you might enjoy it. It is quite moving and beautiful. If there is a silver lining to this story this has got to be a big part of it. We are pleased to have received this submission from Dr. Douglas C. Heiner, M.D., a member of the Church in Russia. Dr. Heiner was called to the hospital in Ufa, Russia, after the wounded missionary, Elder Bradley Borden, was admitted. Thanks to LDS-Gems Subscriber Mike Neeley for helping us to obtain this submission. Also included are some feelings shared by LDS-Gems subscriber, Richard Wirthlin, who assisted in making arrangements for the return of the body of Elder Jose Manuel Mackintoch. For past LDS-Gems articles on this tragedy, see: ================= [Doug Heiner's account of his experience in Ufa, Yekatrinburg, Russia, October 18-21, 1998. (In response to his son, Jim's, e-mail asking about the stabbings in this city on Oct. 17, 1998.)] I was called to Ufa as soon as the wounded missionary, Elder Borden, was admitted to the hospital. He has done very well. He was stabbed in the liver and the knife went through into his duodenum. He bled a moderate amount but did not need a transfusion. I examined him each day and had no trouble developing good relations with the surgeons and hospital staff, who were happy to discuss all aspects of his case with me. The chief governmental prosecutor insisted on keeping Elder Borden in Ufa until Saturday, and as I had much to do in Moscow, I came home once I was convinced he was doing well. There is a rather nice story amidst the sadness of the week in Ufa: There is only one companionship in the small suburb of Ufa where the incident occurred. About six months ago, two elders tracted the home of the chief surgeon in the local hospital. Although he was not interested in having gospel discussions, he was glad to learn that the elders gave four hours of community service each week. He invited them to give service at his hospital when they had time and was surprised when they showed up the next day ready to work. They worked hard that day and regularly thereafter, and the personnel at the hospital became very attached to them. Two months ago, one of the elders was transferred to the office and a new elder (Borden) joined the other elder (Mackintosh). It was these two elders who were stabbed, and the hospital staff were devastated when they learned that Elder Mackintosh had been killed and Elder Borden had been admitted for repair of severe knife wounds. They immediately arranged for their best private intensive care room to be used for post op care. They brought in another bed so one elder could stay with Elder Borden around the clock and another could sleep downstairs to meet with visitors and give them updates on his condition. A private nurse was assigned to be with Elder Borden 24 hours daily, and a member of the surgical staff also had the primary duty of caring for him. It is a wonderful example of how service hours can come back as a blessing in time of need. I attended the autopsy of Elder Mackintosh which was meticulously done. I also was able to visit the site of the stabbings, which was very touching to me, to President Jarvis, and to Elder Richard Wirthlin, the legal counsel for the Church in Russia, and others who attended. Neighbors, including church members and non-members, expressed great sorrow for what had happened, and one could see their compassion in the flowers they had placed at the site where Elder Mackintosh lay slain two nights before. An elderly lady passing by expressed sadness and regret, saying: "They were nice boys. It's too bad we have a few pagan Russians in the neighborhood." (The assailant, who had been drinking, was apprehended, but his partner in the crime had still not been jailed when I left.) The local branch of the church had someone--sometimes many people at any given time--in the hospital to bring food to the elders there and to check on the condition of Elder Borden. They are sincere, beautiful, caring people--as good as any on earth. They turned up at the airport to see the casket of Elder Mackintosh loaded onto the airplane for the first leg of its trip to Nevada, although they never had an opportunity to view the body. They repeatedly came to the hospital--even though they were not allowed to see Elder Borden. Tears rolled out of eyes when they shook my hand and said in broken English: "We are so sorry." A missionary interpreted what one sweet lady expressed: "Please, I hope they don't take the elders away from us. They won't, will they?" She was worried that elders might be withdrawn from this suburb. It has been an honor and a heart-rending, uplifting experience to be with the missionaries and the members in Ufa for a few days. I can understand a little better now why Elder Borden said to me: "I hope they will let me come back and finish my mission in Russia!" ================= >>From Richard Wirthlin, of Moscow, Russia: I did travel to Ufa the day after the tragedy (a Sunday) and worked closely with the doctors, the wounded missionary (Elder Borden), people involved with returning Elder Mackintosh home to Nevada, and the authorities (investigators and other city and republic officials). It was my charge to accompany Elder Mackintosh to Moscow and then handle his return to his family. I must say that I've never felt such a weight and that dealings with morticians and the like in Russia were, to say the least, challenging. Memories of the crime scene, visits to the hospital, time at the city morgue, discussions with investigators and the like will stay with me for a long time. More importantly, however, the feelings of peace, forgiveness and faith in our Savior and his gift of resurrection and offer of eternal life will stay in my soul for a lifetime. There were no feelings of anger or revenge, which might normally accompany a murder and attempted murder on two young men among the missionaries, President and Sister Jarvis and the good members of Ufa. There were, indeed, tears of departure; but the strength and testimony of so many buoyed up all of us who were there to perform various tasks. This was a tragedy. It was also, for me, a testimony-builder. The faith of the families was inspiring. Take care and God bless, Phil ________________________________________________________________ Get secure free e-mail that you don't need Web access to use from Juno, the world's second largest online service. Download your free software at --------- End forwarded message ---------- ________________________________________________________________ Get secure free e-mail that you don't need Web access to use from Juno, the world's second largest online service. Download your free software at -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To unsubscribe from the joseph-stout-family mailing list, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe joseph-stout-family" as the first and only line in the body of the message. For information on retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Lurline Russell) Subject: JSF: thanks. Date: 13 Dec 1998 00:56:16 -0700 **** Joseph Stout Family Organization mailing list **** Hi Eanos and all, Really enjoyed the story on Elder Borden. As you know he is from Mesa. And the other missionary , well, one of the ones who was kidnapped was from Gilbert (where I grew up). So those Russians must have it in for the East Valley....that is what Mesa, Gilbert, Chandler, Tempe, Scottsdale is called. Kathy, (works for Snell and Wilmer) my daughter loves the Redneck is their dictionaryh of medical terms: Benign.......what you be after you be eight. Artery..........the study of paintings bacteria.........back dorr to cafteria barium...........what doctors do when patients die Cesarean section.........a neighbourhood in Rome. CAT scan........searching for kitty. Well, Cy , my husband , wants the computer to do some genealogy, and since that might be considered a bit more important I will yield to him. Besides, we had the Brigham Young lesson in Relief Society, lurline ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To unsubscribe from the joseph-stout-family mailing list, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe joseph-stout-family" as the first and only line in the body of the message. For information on retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Enos Heward) Subject: JSF: "Lyle Stout" : Fw: Date: 13 Dec 1998 20:28:49 -0700 **** Joseph Stout Family Organization mailing list **** --------- Begin forwarded message ---------- ,"Erin Stout" ,"Doug and Jean Denning" ,"Enos Heward" you'refrom Utah when: Message-ID: <000401be2706$374c8000$52723fd1@newmicronpc> >> >Subject: You know you're from Utah when: >> > >> > >> >>> >>You Might Be Living In Utah If.. >> >>> >>_______________________________________________________ >> >>> >>The local NBA team is named after the entire state instead of a >> >city. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>Schools stay open if two feet of snow falls overnight... but close >> >for >> >>> >>the opening of hunting season. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>People wear shorts and T-shirts if the temperature rises above 32 >> >>>degrees. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>Your neighbors complain about where they live... yet they refuse to >> >>> >>return to the state they moved from. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>You go to a wedding reception where the bride isn't pregnant... but >> >he= >> >r >> >>> >>mother is. >> >>> >> >> >>> >> The most popular public transportation system is a ski lift. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>People drive to Idaho to pick up a gallon of milk so they can play >> >the >> >>> >>lottery. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>College football rivalries are bigger than the Super Bowl. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>Beer drinkers don't shop on Sunday. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>You don't have to breathe cigarette smoke until you walk outside a >> >>> >>building. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>Every driveway has a mini-van and a pickup truck. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>When you buy an automobile, cigarette lighters are optional >> >>> >>equipment...but gun and ski racks come standard. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>Every time a new family moves into your neighborhood the local >> >elementary school has to hire a new teacher. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>Your paycheck has an additional 10% deduction. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>Ninety percent of the population were born in California. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>The July 4th celebration lasts 20 days. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>More movies are filmed in your town than in Hollywood. >> >>> >> >> >>> >>You've never had a Mormon missionary knock on your door. >> >>> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >--------- End forwarded message ---------- >> >___________________________________________________________________ You >> >don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get >> >completely free e-mail from Juno at or >> >call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] >> >--------- End forwarded message ---------- >> > >> >___________________________________________________________________ >> >You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. >> >Get completely free e-mail from Juno at >> >or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] >> > > --------- End forwarded message ---------- ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To unsubscribe from the joseph-stout-family mailing list, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe joseph-stout-family" as the first and only line in the body of the message. For information on retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Enos Heward) Subject: JSF: David Kenison : [GEMS] Teachings: Hugh Date: 15 Dec 1998 17:17:11 -0700 **** Joseph Stout Family Organization mailing list **** --------- Begin forwarded message ---------- Message-ID: Gems from the Teachings of the Prophets Hugh B. Brown on the Christmas Spirit Christmas time with its cargo of love is the greatest of all anniversaries for those who worship the God of love. It brings peace of mind to millions who, for one day at least, think more of others than of selves; more of giving than of getting. This is the secret of the popularity of Christmas. It is the best day of the year, the most joyous because we seek the happiness of others rather than of ourselves. It is the day when love takes command, and men, women, and children, by losing themselves, find joy and peace. For one day, at least, Christendom practices Christianity. For fifty-one weeks most men desire to wring personal profit, economic, social or political, out of every situation, often without regard to the effect on the lives and happiness of others. The Yuletide is to many people an annual seven-day Sabbath. It is a holy season when men rest from the agitating business of getting and relax into the serene joy of giving. The spirit of Christmas creates interest in others, minimizes self-serving interests and activities, and searches for opportunities to make others happy. The spirit of Christmas illuminates the picture window of the soul, and we look out upon the world's busy life and become more interested in people than in things. We see people struggling and competing with each other and wish we could somehow touch their lives with the joy and gladness of Christmas. The Spirit whispers, "They are your kinfolk, and their happiness is your concern." During this joyous week we apply the brakes to the driving power of self-interest and, like the propeller on an airplane when its blades are reversed, the pull is in the opposite direction. When speed and altitude are reduced, the details and beauty of life refresh the soul and inspire gratitude and a desire to serve and partially repay our debt to the Giver of life. And after the Christmas season has passed, we discover an amazing paradox. We ourselves have experienced more joy while seeking to bring happiness to others than we have known during all the other weeks of the year when we were so selfishly seeking it. How strange it is that, despite this annual lesson, men continue to try to find joy where it has never yet been found -- in self-aggrandizement, the gratification of appetites, following after pride and vain ambition, or attempting to snatch some advantage from others. During this one week when we lose ourselves we really find ourselves as the Savior promised, and in this discovery we find enduring satisfaction. We become servants, voluntary servants, and thereby find a joy we have not known through the balance of the year. The compass of the spirit of Christmas points constantly toward others, never toward ourselves, except to beckon us into the realm of service and comradeship. The spirit of Christmas is ever buoyant, never earthbound or grounded by accumulated mundane things. It soars by the lifting wings of love and distils its blessings, even as the dews from heaven. This richest of all seasons extends its joy into the New Year but is sobering and humbling; it causes introspection and self-analysis which result in resolutions for future conduct, especially toward other people. To catch the real meaning of the "Spirit of Christmas" we need only to drop the last syllable of the word, and it becomes the "Spirit of Christ." It beckons us to follow Him and become worthy of the blessedness which He promised to the most unlikely people -- the poor in spirit, the sorrowful, the meek, the seekers after righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peace makers, and even the persecuted and the oppressed. It is a blessed spirit and is available to all, not alone to the rich, the influential, the heralded or popular. It may pervade the humblest cottage or the palace of the king, but only when it is in the hearts of men. Let each man examine his own heart as he gives thanks for the peace of this Christmas and try to discover his true feelings toward his fellow men, toward those who are his neighbors, his brothers in the Church, his new friends of an allied country. Let him vigorously weed out all envy, jealousy, greed, and hatred and undertake to radiate the spirit of goodwill, of love of fellow men, not for the season only but throughout the year. If this formula for happiness -- love one another -- is effective for one day, may it not work at other times, at all times? If by giving we receive, and by dividing we increase, why not make happiness permanent by carrying the Christmas spirit throughout the year? May we all enjoy the spirit of Christmas for the next 365 days. (NBC Series, "Faith in Action," December 22, 1963; see Brown, _The Abundant Life_, pp. 305-307) Gems from the Teachings of the Prophets - a series made available on the Internet. You can receive the series by subscribing to the LDS-GEMS mailing list (send mail to "" with "subscribe lds-gems" (without quotes) in the message body). LDS-Gems archive: Suggestions and contributions to the series are welcome! David Kenison, Orem, Utah - --------- End forwarded message ---------- ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To unsubscribe from the joseph-stout-family mailing list, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe joseph-stout-family" as the first and only line in the body of the message. For information on retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Enos Heward) Subject: JSF: David Kenison : [GEMS] Teachings: Hugh Date: 15 Dec 1998 17:27:27 -0700 **** Joseph Stout Family Organization mailing list **** --------- Begin forwarded message ---------- Message-ID: Gems from the Teachings of the Prophets Hugh B. Brown on the Christmas Spirit Christmas time with its cargo of love is the greatest of all anniversaries for those who worship the God of love. It brings peace of mind to millions who, for one day at least, think more of others than of selves; more of giving than of getting. This is the secret of the popularity of Christmas. It is the best day of the year, the most joyous because we seek the happiness of others rather than of ourselves. It is the day when love takes command, and men, women, and children, by losing themselves, find joy and peace. For one day, at least, Christendom practices Christianity. For fifty-one weeks most men desire to wring personal profit, economic, social or political, out of every situation, often without regard to the effect on the lives and happiness of others. The Yuletide is to many people an annual seven-day Sabbath. It is a holy season when men rest from the agitating business of getting and relax into the serene joy of giving. The spirit of Christmas creates interest in others, minimizes self-serving interests and activities, and searches for opportunities to make others happy. The spirit of Christmas illuminates the picture window of the soul, and we look out upon the world's busy life and become more interested in people than in things. We see people struggling and competing with each other and wish we could somehow touch their lives with the joy and gladness of Christmas. The Spirit whispers, "They are your kinfolk, and their happiness is your concern." During this joyous week we apply the brakes to the driving power of self-interest and, like the propeller on an airplane when its blades are reversed, the pull is in the opposite direction. When speed and altitude are reduced, the details and beauty of life refresh the soul and inspire gratitude and a desire to serve and partially repay our debt to the Giver of life. And after the Christmas season has passed, we discover an amazing paradox. We ourselves have experienced more joy while seeking to bring happiness to others than we have known during all the other weeks of the year when we were so selfishly seeking it. How strange it is that, despite this annual lesson, men continue to try to find joy where it has never yet been found -- in self-aggrandizement, the gratification of appetites, following after pride and vain ambition, or attempting to snatch some advantage from others. During this one week when we lose ourselves we really find ourselves as the Savior promised, and in this discovery we find enduring satisfaction. We become servants, voluntary servants, and thereby find a joy we have not known through the balance of the year. The compass of the spirit of Christmas points constantly toward others, never toward ourselves, except to beckon us into the realm of service and comradeship. The spirit of Christmas is ever buoyant, never earthbound or grounded by accumulated mundane things. It soars by the lifting wings of love and distils its blessings, even as the dews from heaven. This richest of all seasons extends its joy into the New Year but is sobering and humbling; it causes introspection and self-analysis which result in resolutions for future conduct, especially toward other people. To catch the real meaning of the "Spirit of Christmas" we need only to drop the last syllable of the word, and it becomes the "Spirit of Christ." It beckons us to follow Him and become worthy of the blessedness which He promised to the most unlikely people -- the poor in spirit, the sorrowful, the meek, the seekers after righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peace makers, and even the persecuted and the oppressed. It is a blessed spirit and is available to all, not alone to the rich, the influential, the heralded or popular. It may pervade the humblest cottage or the palace of the king, but only when it is in the hearts of men. Let each man examine his own heart as he gives thanks for the peace of this Christmas and try to discover his true feelings toward his fellow men, toward those who are his neighbors, his brothers in the Church, his new friends of an allied country. Let him vigorously weed out all envy, jealousy, greed, and hatred and undertake to radiate the spirit of goodwill, of love of fellow men, not for the season only but throughout the year. If this formula for happiness -- love one another -- is effective for one day, may it not work at other times, at all times? If by giving we receive, and by dividing we increase, why not make happiness permanent by carrying the Christmas spirit throughout the year? May we all enjoy the spirit of Christmas for the next 365 days. (NBC Series, "Faith in Action," December 22, 1963; see Brown, _The Abundant Life_, pp. 305-307) Gems from the Teachings of the Prophets - a series made available on the Internet. You can receive the series by subscribing to the LDS-GEMS mailing list (send mail to "" with "subscribe lds-gems" (without quotes) in the message body). LDS-Gems archive: Suggestions and contributions to the series are welcome! David Kenison, Orem, Utah - --------- End forwarded message ---------- ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To unsubscribe from the joseph-stout-family mailing list, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe joseph-stout-family" as the first and only line in the body of the message. For information on retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Enos Heward) Subject: JSF: David Kenison : [GEMS] Teachings: Hugh Date: 15 Dec 1998 17:27:27 -0700 **** Joseph Stout Family Organization mailing list **** --------- Begin forwarded message ---------- Message-ID: Gems from the Teachings of the Prophets Hugh B. Brown on the Christmas Spirit Christmas time with its cargo of love is the greatest of all anniversaries for those who worship the God of love. It brings peace of mind to millions who, for one day at least, think more of others than of selves; more of giving than of getting. This is the secret of the popularity of Christmas. It is the best day of the year, the most joyous because we seek the happiness of others rather than of ourselves. It is the day when love takes command, and men, women, and children, by losing themselves, find joy and peace. For one day, at least, Christendom practices Christianity. For fifty-one weeks most men desire to wring personal profit, economic, social or political, out of every situation, often without regard to the effect on the lives and happiness of others. The Yuletide is to many people an annual seven-day Sabbath. It is a holy season when men rest from the agitating business of getting and relax into the serene joy of giving. The spirit of Christmas creates interest in others, minimizes self-serving interests and activities, and searches for opportunities to make others happy. The spirit of Christmas illuminates the picture window of the soul, and we look out upon the world's busy life and become more interested in people than in things. We see people struggling and competing with each other and wish we could somehow touch their lives with the joy and gladness of Christmas. The Spirit whispers, "They are your kinfolk, and their happiness is your concern." During this joyous week we apply the brakes to the driving power of self-interest and, like the propeller on an airplane when its blades are reversed, the pull is in the opposite direction. When speed and altitude are reduced, the details and beauty of life refresh the soul and inspire gratitude and a desire to serve and partially repay our debt to the Giver of life. And after the Christmas season has passed, we discover an amazing paradox. We ourselves have experienced more joy while seeking to bring happiness to others than we have known during all the other weeks of the year when we were so selfishly seeking it. How strange it is that, despite this annual lesson, men continue to try to find joy where it has never yet been found -- in self-aggrandizement, the gratification of appetites, following after pride and vain ambition, or attempting to snatch some advantage from others. During this one week when we lose ourselves we really find ourselves as the Savior promised, and in this discovery we find enduring satisfaction. We become servants, voluntary servants, and thereby find a joy we have not known through the balance of the year. The compass of the spirit of Christmas points constantly toward others, never toward ourselves, except to beckon us into the realm of service and comradeship. The spirit of Christmas is ever buoyant, never earthbound or grounded by accumulated mundane things. It soars by the lifting wings of love and distils its blessings, even as the dews from heaven. This richest of all seasons extends its joy into the New Year but is sobering and humbling; it causes introspection and self-analysis which result in resolutions for future conduct, especially toward other people. To catch the real meaning of the "Spirit of Christmas" we need only to drop the last syllable of the word, and it becomes the "Spirit of Christ." It beckons us to follow Him and become worthy of the blessedness which He promised to the most unlikely people -- the poor in spirit, the sorrowful, the meek, the seekers after righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peace makers, and even the persecuted and the oppressed. It is a blessed spirit and is available to all, not alone to the rich, the influential, the heralded or popular. It may pervade the humblest cottage or the palace of the king, but only when it is in the hearts of men. Let each man examine his own heart as he gives thanks for the peace of this Christmas and try to discover his true feelings toward his fellow men, toward those who are his neighbors, his brothers in the Church, his new friends of an allied country. Let him vigorously weed out all envy, jealousy, greed, and hatred and undertake to radiate the spirit of goodwill, of love of fellow men, not for the season only but throughout the year. If this formula for happiness -- love one another -- is effective for one day, may it not work at other times, at all times? If by giving we receive, and by dividing we increase, why not make happiness permanent by carrying the Christmas spirit throughout the year? May we all enjoy the spirit of Christmas for the next 365 days. (NBC Series, "Faith in Action," December 22, 1963; see Brown, _The Abundant Life_, pp. 305-307) Gems from the Teachings of the Prophets - a series made available on the Internet. You can receive the series by subscribing to the LDS-GEMS mailing list (send mail to "" with "subscribe lds-gems" (without quotes) in the message body). LDS-Gems archive: Suggestions and contributions to the series are welcome! David Kenison, Orem, Utah - --------- End forwarded message ---------- ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To unsubscribe from the joseph-stout-family mailing list, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe joseph-stout-family" as the first and only line in the body of the message. For information on retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Cliff Bentley" Subject: JSF: alert: preserve our values! Date: 16 Dec 1998 09:50:20 -0700 **** Joseph Stout Family Organization mailing list **** I can't believe the U.S. Mint is asking the public if we approve=20 of showing women in the 'traditional' role of mother. Please=20 check out the following Web site, and Please comment on=20 those coins which show Sacajawea's child. PLEASE. =20 =20 I just can't believe there is an issue here, and I think we all=20 should help our government know what our values are. Thanks. =20 Cliff Bentley -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To unsubscribe from the joseph-stout-family mailing list, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe joseph-stout-family" as the first and only line in the body of the message. For information on retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lawrence N Barney Subject: JSF: [GEMS] Christmas Memories: LaVarr B. Webb Date: 20 Dec 1998 15:15:15 -0700 **** Joseph Stout Family Organization mailing list **** Stout Family, I noticed that Enos Heward has forwarded a couple of the LDS-GEMS articles to the joseph-stout-family mailing list in the past, and this one from LDS-GEMS mailing list caught my eye as its a Stout Relative! LaVarr Beames Webb (J2C1E1AA in the Stout Family numbering) is son of Golden Edwin & Ada Beames Webb, who is the son of Samuel Thomas & Laura Stout Webb, daughter of Hosea Fisk & Clarinda Jane Langston Stout, son of Allen Joseph & Amanda Melvina Fisk Stout, son of Joseph & Anna Smith Stout. Merry Christmas, Larry Barney ======================================================================= THE TWENTY-EIGHT CENT CHRISTMAS TREE It was a cold day. A gray day, gray with the threat of snow, and gray with the threat of tears. There were children in our family, three of them, ages one, twelve, and fourteen. There were two children missing on that cold, gray day. They had died one Easter season some four years before. Scarlet Fever had wracked their bodies and blotched their skin. But now the memory of that sad season was replaced by what could be a happier one. It was Christmas Eve 1935, a Depression year. My father was without a job, trying to get on WPA (Works Progress Administration). I dont know where he was that night, just that he wasn't home, but I remember my mother trying to create Christmas joy with nothing to work with. I was fourteen. My older sister was twelve. I don't remember that we were too concerned about receiving Christmas presents, at least I wasn't. My sister probably wanted a doll. She always wanted a doll, a baby doll, a doll like my baby sister had been, with fat, pink cheeks, and chubby hands and arms. But now, Christmas Eve, my baby sister was thin and listless. I remember my mother telling my father, "My baby isn't getting proper food." I dont remember much about that Christmas of 1935 other than I wanted a Christmas Tree. I told my mother, "Christmas will not be Christmas if we do not have a Christmas tree." My sister and I begged for a tree. My mother told us "Time, and time again," "We have no money and I cannot buy a Christmas Tree." My sister and I would not be deterred. We took colored paper from catalogs, cut it into strips, curled the strips into circles, and using flour and water paste, pasted one link into another until we had long lengths of highly colored paper chains. We looked for tin foil from discarded chewing gum wrappers and cigarette packs. Some of the foil we cut into thin strips for icicles. Our neighbor had an English Walnut tree. We took halves of walnut shells, wrapped them with foil, and had beautiful ornaments that would rival anything found in a store. We popped pop corn and made chains. We found discarded cranberries and made cranberry chains, but we had no Christmas Tree for our lovely ornaments. Finally, as day was fading, and the dark was creeping across the valley, I asked my mother, "See how much money you have. Maybe someone will sell me a tree." She went to her purse, and handed me twenty-eight cents. She was crying when she said, "That is all I have." I jumped on my bike, and rode up to Twenty First South Street in Salt Lake City where all the Christmas Tree lots were located. I went from lot to lot, but no one would sell me a tree for twenty-eight cents. About nine o'clock, up on Twenty First South and State Street, I found a man turning off his lights and shutting down for the day, shutting down for the season. I asked him, "Do you have a tree you will sell for twenty-eight cents?" His exact words were, "What the heck! I can't sell anymore anyway. Take your pick." I found one just a little taller than I was, gave him my twenty-eight cents, put the tree across my handle bars, and headed home. As I peddled out of the lot, I heard him cry, "Merry Christmas" -- and it was. LaVarr B. Webb Sent in by Maxine O. Webb West Valley City, Utah Copyright 1998, LDS-Gems - distributed on the Internet via the LDS-Gems mailing list. 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