From: (klf-digest) To: Subject: klf-digest V2 #115 Reply-To: klf-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes klf-digest Thursday, July 9 1998 Volume 02 : Number 115 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 12:33:03 +0100 (BST) From: Neil Sampson Subject: (klf) back once again... cool, thanks to Smiley, I'm back on the list, hopefully for a while longer 'till the next system mashup here. Anyways, whassup ? Whats the latest gossip since the past 6 months ? I do hope there's someone out there who has received something in the way of a White Room original soundtrack, if not from Marshall, at least from Mike - both have cashed the cheques I've sent (AGES ago), so whats the deal there ? - if this has been thrashed out fully on the list, I do apologise, please email me privately with an update - thanks. Any new snippets from the Bill&Jimmy camp ? Had something posted to me this morning about Pan-Sonic - is this the same as the Panasonic project Jimmy was involved in ? It was an offer from Mute, for one of 2 packages priced at 25 and 50 ukpounds. Any new material been uncovered in someones attic recently ? Did the Black Room demo get copied or witnessed by anyone else on the list ? living in eternal hope neil ( PS - Sorry to all, but the KAUSE is well & truly lost. If anyone else lent videos for the project, please contact me and I'll get them posted back - thanks again for your help. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 13:49:55 +0200 From: Lars Nellemann Subject: (klf) back once again... >in the way of a White Room original soundtrack, if not from Marshall, at least >from Mike - both have cashed the cheques I've sent (AGES ago), I got word from Marshall that the WROST was mailed today :-) >Any new material been uncovered in someones attic recently ? Then there's the mp3 project :-), check out mthis url for more info and tracklistings - there's a few unreleased things. lars # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 05:23:16 PDT From: "Stephane MONTHIEU" Subject: (klf) back once again... Hi all, I'm back (I was also known as Stephane Monthieu from Velizy, France). I would like to know what is the "new" Timelords single: is it avaible? And what about Mike and his CD-R? I don't have any answer but he has taken my money!... Thanx to reply me... - ------------------------------ Stephane "Steve M.D." MONTHIEU "Ladies and gentlemen, The KLF has now left the building..." ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 14:37:53 +0200 (MEST) From: Oliver Paukstadt Subject: (klf) THIS IS WHAT THE KLF IS ABOUT I HY HY Last Saturday I went to a little recordstore called "comeback" in Darmstadt, Germany (near Frankfurt) and found the "THIS IS WHAT THE KLF IS ABOUT I"-box. I paid 50 DM for it (around 30 US$). Three CDs and the Booklet but the sticker is missing. - - Are there any translations of these Japanese Booklet on the web? - - If not, could anyone translate this booklet? - - How looks that sticker mentioned in the discography? BYtE Oli +++the jungle near manaos - the amazonas full of piranhas - the birds of++ +++paradies - disapear into the green desert - for years an years we're+++ +++hungry and desperate - for the only thing worth living - the E> Subject: RE: (klf) back once again... >>in the way of a White Room original soundtrack, if not from Marshall, at least >>from Mike - both have cashed the cheques I've sent (AGES ago), >I got word from Marshall that the WROST was mailed today :-) Ive heard that one before. Ill believe it when its on my doorstep. As for Mike, well if someone gives him a call, please tell him im still waiting for those CDs of his. He took the $120 i sent him in a flash, but seems to have some trouble motivating himself to go mail them out... Some people really need a good kick in. Cheers Xav # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 17:43:34 EDT From: Subject: (klf) A weird video Someone today was describing a KLF video to me today, and i was wondering if someone could identify it for me... "There are two ppl in munk outfits coming out of a submarine ... there is a large trunk sticking out of their coats where the face is supposed to be .... " does anyone know what this is?? J/\RROD # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 19:50:21 -0400 From: "Neil Kelly" Subject: RE: (klf) A weird video Justified and Ancient. > > Someone today was describing a KLF video to me today, and i was > wondering if > someone could identify it for me... > > "There are two ppl in munk outfits coming out of a submarine ... > there is a > large trunk sticking out of their coats where the face is > supposed to be .... > " > > does anyone know what this is?? > > neilbert # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 11:02:05 +1000 From: "Don" Subject: (klf) Tanks and Cauty The Discovery channel covers the use and changes to tanks on the road tonight. Possibly Cauty is covered? # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 04:22:21 +0300 From: "Panayiotis 'Bizzzare' Liapis" Subject: Re: Message Bounce: Re: (klf) back once again... Bizzzare, in his unique way stated: Welcome back mate! Mike has disappeared unfortunately, with our money. We got our LSOM2= from=3D Marshall, which means we can trust him. They're excellent by the way. This guy, who i wouldn't like to chaacterize, with the Black Room demos= did=3D not show up after his honest promise to sample the tape on the Internet. ***k him. Otherwise, the list as been deadly silent. By the way Neil, it's payback time. I send YOU mixtapes this time. mail me for your address. Neil, asked about Mike and Marshall and amongst others: >> >Any new material been uncovered in someones attic recently ? Did= the=3D >> Black >> >Room demo get copied or witnessed by anyone else on the list ? >> > >> >living in eternal hope >> > >> >neil ( Chill, Bizzzare Love is, a soul in 2 bodies... - -------------------------------------- Bizzzare, in his awesome obsessive quest towards 'The Lost Continent'.= There, he finds his 'White Room', and his 'Fleria'. He has won... Obsessions : The KLF, Hip-hop, Cinema, 'Fleria', Comics, Video= Games Web-page : Age:17 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 21:34:15 EDT From: Subject: Re: (klf) back once again... > >I got word from Marshall that the WROST was mailed today :-) > > Ive heard that one before. Ill believe it when its on my doorstep. Yeah, mailed out to us or mailed out to the pressing plant... again (which was reportedly done a month ago). - -paul # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 15:06:38 +0200 (MET DST) From: erik Subject: (klf) Marshall and Mike - ------------------------------------------------------------------ To whom it might concern. Please note: All opinions stated below (except the quoted ones) are my personal opinion only. Yes, I know I have a big mouth, and if you think I am wrong with what I write, just say so, I will listen and consider what you say. Please do not start a flame war. Thanks. - Erik - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ At 21:34 06.07.1998 EDT, you wrote: >> >I got word from Marshall that the WROST was mailed today :-) >> Ive heard that one before. Ill believe it when its on my doorstep. >Yeah, mailed out to us or mailed out to the pressing plant... again (which was >reportedly done a month ago). >-paul Mailed to the pressing plant. Please keep in mind that last time the pressing plant took 6 (yes, six) months to make LSOM2. Of course Marshall changed to another pressing company this time. I hope. On the subject of Mike, he has the complete equipment at home (or so he says), and I haven't seen any reason yet why he should take so long. Especially since we all payed a fortune for his CDs. I use the same blanks, and I get them for 1 pound and 11 pence each, although I'm willing to admit that if they are specially taxed for non-computer burners they might go up to 4 quid maximum each. While Marshall's professionally made CDs cost us a lot less (and he has to pay for a run of 500 out of the 150 he can sell to the list). But I'm still fascinated by the outstanding quality of Mike's CDs, I still think they are worth their money, and I hope he will make another run of CDs containing the Chill Out megamixes. On the other hand I still remember the old FAQ and messages that said "I sent money to Mike Dutton for the TIWTKAA* video and never got anything in return" which were already old but still valid when I joined the list back in '96 plus I found people who had traded with him before and decided never to deal with this unrelieable person again. Possible excuses: too much work/broken burner: All he has to do is buy some blanks of the loads of cash we all sent him, shove them into his burner at home and make the damned CDs. If his burner is broken, he should have it fixed by now. If I'm not mistaken he mentioned it was new, so it should be guaranteed. no email access: Why doesnt he email us? No access to AOL is a plausible excuse, as AOL (and this is not only a personal opinion but proven truth) STINKS, but for this long time virtually impossible. Plus, there are other and better ways. How about trying the tv commercial "how to get onto the internet in 3 easy steps"? other possible excuses: Is he sick? No reason for not telling us. Is he dead? Unlikely, at least somebody would have heard when phoning him. Does he have no time? Well, if he was doing it for laughs, for a apple and an egg as we say in Germany, no problem, but he is making a fortune for our CD orders. The necessary material to make a CD-R can't cost him more than 6 quid each including the (very nice by the way) inlays. With each of the 3 CDs limited to 100 copies you can figure out how many times we payed his CD-writer. My personal guess is about 7 times, but this is suggesting the CD-Rs are expensive and the the burner was expensive as well. So he fucking owes us the time to finish our orders. Of course he might have been caught by the MCPS and got a life sentence for not sharing profits with them. Wouldn't that be a laugh. Having said that, it is of course his very own choice how much to charge for a CD, and I was perfectly happy to pay the money (even though I'm so broke now I can't afford the .mp3 collection I would have bought). I just want the fucking CD that I payed for! How about some members of this list who don't live too far from him team up and pay Mike a visit. Find out face to face what's going on. Again I'd like to mention that I was very pleased with the Arkive CDs and I recommend buying them. sorry for the lengthy mail. sorry for the poor spelling/wording. :-) erik - -------------------------------- *=This Is What The KLF Are About # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 06:32:13 PDT From: "Stephane MONTHIEU" Subject: Re: (klf) Marshall and Mike Erik wrote: >How about some members of this list who don't live too far from him >team up and pay Mike a visit. Find out face to face what's going on. > I think it's a good idea to visit him and see what's the f*** is going on. In an e-mail Mike wrote that he had some problems to connect him on the list. But it was a long time ago... How many people have send him money? Maybe we must all do something... - ------------------------------ Stephane "Steve M.D." MONTHIEU "Ladies and gentlemen, The KLF has now left the building..." ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 12:06:00 +0100 (BST) From: Neil Sampson Subject: (klf) White Room movie... Just a quick thought, did anyone manage to get a *good* copy of the White room movie at all, the copies I've got are OK, but still leave a lot to be desired. neil (the perfectionist) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 18:00:21 +0300 From: David Ashkenazi Subject: Re: (klf) Marshall and Mike Hi all, erik wrote: > But I'm still fascinated by the outstanding quality of Mike's CDs, I still > think they are worth their money, and I hope he will make another run of > CDs containing the Chill Out megamixes. About the 'Chill Out megamixes', i once wrote to Mike asking him what happened with them? As i remember first he said that they will be on his 'TWROST' and then he removed them for the 'Film/Demo mixes' and this is what he said: 'The Alex Paterson mixes that I spoke about are the 'Film/Demo mixes' that are on 'Waiting (Some More)'..I can't say for 100% that they are by Alex, so I decided to re-name them in case people start moaning!' Don't know if this true or not i just thought i'll share.. :) Regards, David 8?) - -- __________________________________ David Ashkenazi, Tel-Aviv, Israel. IRC nickname: "Boredman". Phone: 971-3-6875091 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 10:08:17 +0200 From: Jan-Terje Vellene Subject: (klf) Lars' mp3-cds i too have ordered Lars Nelleman's CDs, and I received them a week or so after I mailed the money to him. Now, that's what I call good service, plus the fact that the cds are awesome. I thought I had a lot of KLF stuff, but it's clear I've only started to scratch the surface... Time to head off to the used record shops :) btw: It may be possible this has been discussed to death without me noticing, but where do the White Room film segments come from originally ? And the White room soundtrack clips ? Jan-Terje - -- oO=A8Oo. 'o 'o OO'. OO O oOOOo. .oo. .oo. OOOo OOo .oOO=A4o .o. OOO.O=A4' Oo.O=A4' Oo OO oOOOo .OO=A4o.o=A4' oOOOoooO''=A4o O''=A4o O'oOo OO 'o 'O=A4. =A4=A4=A4=A4' '=A4OO' '=A4OO' 'Oo.'o' 'Oo.'=A4oOO=A4'' Soothe: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 15:42:19 +0200 From: Xavier Ehret Subject: RE: (klf) Marshall and Mike Thx Eric, uve more or less summed up how i feel about this whole story. While marshall is endeveouring into dangerous and treacherous grounds, the 'bootleg' domain, which in my personal view is the only thing that can justify such a late delivery of the goods, and im prepared to live with that as Marshall as proved his commitment and his honesty in the past (and the quality of his CDs); but Mike, for fuck sake, youre making a CD R on your bloody Home computer, which takes maximum one hour. Ive burned thousands of CDrs myself, so dont tell me yours is broken because of the workload. If it is, take it back and get a new one. Its not like ure broke or anything, not with the shitload of money ive sent you !! Sheeshh .... if anyone gets him on the phone, or meets him face to face, please tell him that hes abused my patience long enough. Time for some action Cheers Xav # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 16:22:33 +0200 From: Xavier Ehret Subject: RE: (klf) White Room movie... >Just a quick thought, did anyone manage to get a *good* copy of the White room >movie at all, the copies I've got are OK, but still leave a lot to be desired. Hey Neil and all others on the list, well thanks to someone on this list, i managed to get my hands on a first generation tape of the White Room Movie, and i must say the quality is mint perfect. I was told at the time that these were the tapes that were shown to the German investors, and eventually turned down :(, and from the sheer quality of the movie, i can only believe it to be true. I believe there are only 8 in existence. So there, they do exist :) Cheers Xav # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 11:23:33 -0400 From: JTaylor Subject: (klf) KLF White Room > How do I get a copy of that movie?? > Also I can't seem to find a bookstore that carries "Bad Wisdom" and > "Illuminatus!Trilogy" > > James Taylor of the USofA > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 11:44:46 -0400 (EDT) From: brian j parker Subject: Re: (klf) KLF White Room On Tue, 7 Jul 1998, JTaylor wrote: > > Also I can't seem to find a bookstore that carries "Bad Wisdom" and > > "Illuminatus!Trilogy" carries the Illuminatus! trilogy, as I'm sure a number of smaller bookstores do. It's not an uncommon book. I've never seen Bad Wisdom, though. brian j parker dj, computer geek, & black-clad cliche # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 10:54:08 -0500 From: Don Gagen Subject: (klf) Marshall and Mike > >While marshall is endeveouring into dangerous and treacherous > grounds, > >the 'bootleg' domain, which in my personal view is the only thing > that > >can justify such a late delivery of the goods, and im prepared to > live > >with that as Marshall as proved his commitment and his honesty in the > >past (and the quality of his CDs); > > ...dangerous territory it is. For those who don't remember the entire > pressing of the WROST was confiscated at the Canadian border. He > doesn't get a refund for the confiscated discs either. That meant > starting over, almost from the very beginning. The time between has > been used to improve the sound quality and art. I know in the end we > will all be quite pleased with the end result. Though deadlines have > slipped Marshall always delivers a quality product. > > > >but Mike, for fuck sake, youre making > >a CD R on your bloody Home computer, which takes maximum one hour. > Ive > >burned thousands of CDrs myself, so dont tell me yours is broken > because > >of the workload. If it is, take it back and get a new one. Its not > like > >ure broke or anything, not with the shitload of money ive sent you !! > > I'm still waiting for my CD or at least an update. > > Regards, > Don > > "Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." > D. Banner > > DONALD D GAGEN > MAILTO:DGAGEN@ENSEMBLESTUDIOS.COM > ENSEMBLE STUDIOS > > > > > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 11:33:55 -0600 From: Subject: (klf) klf tees update hello. thanks for interest in the t-shirts. maybe i will code a small html-page with pictures of the design and upload it to geocities? the font will be compacta (its compacta condensed bold, i think) and the printing will be either done by myself (handscreen!, which means the print doesnt wash out) or a friend of mine will print them in a factory. i know there was a longsleeve, but i dont get to wear longsleeved t-shirts very much. if i know more (price, how much etc.), i will write it. okay, thanks so far. cheers. prt. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 12:31:30 -0400 From: Nathan DeWitt Subject: Re: (klf) KLF White Room > > > > How do I get a copy of that movie?? > > > > Also I can't seem to find a bookstore that carries "Bad Wisdom" and > > > > "Illuminatus!Trilogy" You can order 'Bad Wisdom' online from Penguin UK @ Be warned that it does cost quite a bit to send it to the States. Nathan. - -- [Homepage] [Pop-Up Video] [Atari Teenage Riot] # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 17:32:29 +0100 (BST) From: Neil Sampson Subject: (klf) simon daw... Simon, Can you contact me again, I've lost all my emails (yet again). By the way, what's the consensus on the new Pan-Sonic stuff, any good ? Any relevance ? neil PS - I'll try not to do this again - promise ! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 10:59:38 PDT From: "David Lindgren" Subject: (klf) things.. Hello everybody, got some things to tell & ask... First, to the (8) people waiting for their videos ( 2K/KLF videocompilation " The Comeback ? ") From the people I´ve already `closed` deals with by email I`ve gotten the stuff, you know who you are. Unfortunately you`ll have to wait for at least 2 more weeks before getting them, the main reason comes below When I for about 1 month ago told the list that I was going to produce more copies of the earlier mentioned video, I said I would only do it if there was at least 10 people wanting ( it has sold over 40 copies when I sold it back in 97`). Then I got 21 replies from ppl telling me how much they like to have it, now I`m down to 8... 3 of the 13 missing told me they didn`t want it cos I couldn`t do it in NTSC (or something) format, that OK. But 10 ppl who hasn`t even replied simply don`t want it, and thats why the ppl who still wants it will have their copies in less good condition, as I now can`t hire the expensive equipment I was planning to hire with the $ from 10 buyers. Also the ppl will have to wait longer as I now will have to find cheaper equip. or simple copy them from one cassette to another. Anyway, the cassettes will be with you in ab. 2 weeks, as said earlier... - david ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 21:07:24 +0200 (MEST) From: Oliver Paukstadt Subject: (klf) c't-magazine HY HY In the german Computer-Magazine c't No. 14/98 are descriptions of different share- and freeware-tools. On page 112 is a shreenshot of the Media-Player YAMP. The MP3-File played is (KLF)-3 _AM_ETERNAL-GUNS_OF_MU_MU.MP3 BYtE Oli +++the jungle near manaos - the amazonas full of piranhas - the birds of++ +++paradies - disapear into the green desert - for years an years we're+++ +++hungry and desperate - for the only thing worth living - the E> Subject: Re: (klf) KLF White Room Also try Don't know if it is cheaper. Might be though On Tue, 7 Jul 1998, Nathan DeWitt wrote: > > > > > Also I can't seem to find a bookstore that carries "Bad Wisdom" and - -daniel # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 22:50:59 +0100 From: "Phil Wood" Subject: (klf) White Room Movie Having read the correspondance about the White Room Movie, (Which I didn't think existed anymore) I just want to know if there is anywhere or anybody selling copies of it? If there is please let me know because I would be interested in a copy. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 17:24:12 PDT From: "j. gura" Subject: (klf) the book I'm looking for a little info on "the k-foundation burn a million quid" book. Does anyone know anything of Chris Book or the other named editor - such as how the book came about - and how much B&J had a hand in the book? Any reviews from list members? I've been trying to get a copy online from amazon, but they haven't any in stock at the momment. - -- ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 10:52:17 +0200 From: Lars Nellemann Subject: (klf) White Room Movie is included on the mp3 collection >Having read the correspondance about the White Room Movie, (Which I didn't >think existed anymore) I just want to know if there is anywhere or anybody >selling copies of it? Well, it's been mentioned a couple of times before, The whole movie is included at the third CD-ROM in the mp3 collections set, please look up this url: Lars # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Jul 98 11:13:37 +0000 From: DEF Subject: (klf) That c**t Dutton There is now no answer at all on Dutton's phone, not even an answerphone. It doesn't matter that apparently "he's not normally this bad"; maybe this is his one last big scam and he and the missus have left the country on the proceeds... # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 12:34:10 +0200 From: Xavier Ehret Subject: RE: (klf) That c**t Dutton >There is now no answer at all on Dutton's phone, not even an >answerphone. It doesn't matter that apparently "he's not normally this >bad"; maybe this is his one last big scam and he and the missus have >left the country on the proceeds... Has anyone actually received the Arkive II and The White Room OST CDs from Mike ? If so, can you please contact me ? Cheers Xav # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 00:54:09 +0000 From: "Stuart Young" Subject: Re: (klf) "new" timelordsingle > It's possible I guess, but I don't think its the case. Whatever the original > origins of the disk, I believe it's just been rediscovered in a > warehouse somewhere. In what sort of range of places has it been seen? > Nicola at least has a copy, who else and from where? > For reference, the matrix on my original is KLF "CD 003 MPO 05 @@" Fopp, the Scottish based record chain where the disc is available, is very well known for re-licensing and repressing people's back catalogues and selling them very cheaply. The shops are full of stands of old funk, jazz, soul, etc LPs. You go in one week and the stands are full of Sly and The Family Stone LPs, the next time its SunRa. As far as I knew, all they had produced so far was vinyl, but I could be wrong, maybe they've done other CDs. However they do sell remaindered, old warehouse stock as well, so still compare the sleeves. cheers, Stuey # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 00:57:25 +0000 From: "Stuart Young" Subject: (klf) thee live appearances webpage updated just to let you know that my KLF live appearances page at: has been updated, and a reminder to anyone with any additions to get in touch. and hope you don't mind me quoting you. the press clippings database has also been updated BTW. Stuey .. . . . . Stuart Andrew Young home page and CV now completely updated with portfolio of my websites etc. .. . . . . # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 00:59:19 -0600 From: "Holly M. Laux" Subject: (klf) mini disc, etc howdy. i just bought a mini disc recorder/player and i love it. people have mentioned trading stuff before, so if you're interested, drop me a line. klf bit: Platteville Wisconsin (population 5000 + 5000 univ students) won Walt Disney World's "My Town USA" contest and had a huge Mickey parade and a bunch of lame fireworks. During the parade, one of the middle school bands, from a town of no more than 1500-some people actually played an acid-brass-ish version of WTIL. Hot damn. I just never thought to hear that song played by a small school band in the middle of nowhere, where it had the chance to be on national tv. I was wearing my Fuck The Millenium t-shirt and tried to get on camera, but i think they saw me coming and moved away from my section of the crowd.The shirt didn't seem to go over so well with the parents of the 30,000 kids that were milling about, oh well. a question: just bought the orb's "Auntie Aubrey's Excursions Beyond the Call of Duty" anyone know if this is rare (i've never seen it before)? later kris # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 01:52:45 PDT From: "Stephane MONTHIEU" Subject: (klf) items for trade Hi All, I've got some stuffs for trade: - "Give peace a dance" compilation - "Justified & Ancient" french CD - "Fuck the Millennium" french promo CD Please make me offer privately 8-) Cheers - ------------------------------ Stephane "Steve M.D." MONTHIEU "Ladies and gentlemen, The KLF has now left the building..." ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 12:09:27 +0200 (METDST) From: Bert Klauninger Subject: (klf) Mike Dutton Hi everybody! Sorry to bother you people on the list with this, but I've been trying to mail Mike Dutton at for quite a while without any result. So I've ordered the Arkives I+II and sent off the mail order about 3 months (!) ago. Until today, I did not even get confirmed that Mike has got the money. Mike: If you read this please mail me about the status of my order as soon as possible. "It's better to burn out than it is to fade away" (Neil Young) ****************************************************** * Bert Klauninger - Student of Computer Science at * * the Technical University of Vienna * ****************************************************** * Mail: * * HP: * ****************************************************** # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info klf" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # KLF discography: ------------------------------ End of klf-digest V2 #115 *************************