From: Bob Olson Subject: Re: M_Boats: Tales of the Briny Deep-part 1 Date: 31 Jul 2001 23:09:02 -0700 LOL, enjoyed your courageous tale. Looking foward to part II. Bob Olson >Hello all, > Who am I to ignore a challenge to tell a tale of the briny deep. I am, >after all, a man of the sea! >Check out the attachment if you are curious. > >Ian >M-17 #343 >Seaweeble > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: mikit Subject: Re: M_Boats: Fwd: Potterers do the San Juans Date: 31 Jul 2001 23:16:36 -0700 Bob, I have also been lurking on the NW Potters message board reading with interest the plans leading up to their upcoming San Juan trip. Washington Park is their launching preference because it has a ramp, ok parking and the close proximity to Rosario Straight. For any planning a San Juan trip, the links on this page provide a lot of information about the area. Mike M17 #369 >Just an FYI >The NW Potter folk are leaving August 10 from Washington Park, Anacortes >for Friday Harbor. Probably gonna be some good lessons from their >travels. So stay tuned. > >Bob Olson > > >---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ---------------- >Date: 7/31/01 1:22 PM >Received: 7/31/01 9:19 PM >From: Michele Sladko, >Reply-To: >To: NW Potters List, > >Hi Y'all... > >According to Washburn's Tides & Currents, 8 or 9 a.m. is the best launch >time for us for Friday August 10th. > >I know Tim wanted noonish, "to give folks a chance to get there", but I am >not God, and He has determined that the currents are going to be stronger >at >noon than at 8 or 9. > >So my inquiry is, how many of you see it feasable to come up on Thursday >after work (or whatever) and camp on the boats on their trailers, and set >out Friday morning at 8 ish? And for how many of you is that a problem. > >Please send me your preferences direct to so I >can >take them into account. > >Please know that the first time I crossed from Washington Park to Friday >Harbor, I didn't KNOW to look at currents, and I found out upon arrival >(Brian looked in his Washburn tables) that I had been bucking greater than >2.5 knott currents the entire way! And I still made it in four hours, and >had fun, and did not even KNOW I was fighting currents. > >So if noon it must be, well, noon it shall be! But it'd be LESS current >earlier than noon, and toward evening would be even more favorable >currents, >but then we're looking at potentially arriving at or after sunset. I vote >for an 8 a.m departure with a leasurely day of cruising and a leisure time >of hanging around at Jim's float in the evening. > >Please reply at your earliest convenience. > >Michele >SeaHorse > > >----------------- End Forwarded Message ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: mikit Subject: Re: M_Boats: Tales of the Briny Deep-part 1 Date: 01 Aug 2001 00:17:03 -0700 Ian, Great Adventure and well told. Kit and I went to Salmon Harbor 3 or 4 weeks ago to check out the facilities with the idea of planning a trip . The day was sunny, the facilities look great however overall it was an unfortunate time to visit for the following reasons. 1. The wind was 35 to 45 miles per hour and Kit experienced the effect . 2. The chop in Winchester Bay was 3 to 4 feet with the wind blowing the tops off the whitecaps and Kit seen it. 3. Giant rolling and breaking waves, one after another, came barreling up the channel, crashing onto and over the jetty and Kit seen this. 4. There was not a boat on the water of any type and Kit noticed this. 5. Kit has seen the movie "The Perfect Storm" The accumulation of all these observations , as well as common sense fear, prompted her to proclaim "It will be a cold day in hell before you get me on a boat in that water." She is normally game for about anything and usually goes along with all sorts of stupid things I come up with but obviously this experience had and effect. The chances of me joining the ranks of the adventurous and courageous, the likes of Ian Black and Mark Dvorscak, are remote if not impossible at this time. I envy your accomplishment. Mike M17- #369 >Hello all, > Who am I to ignore a challenge to tell a tale of the briny deep. I am, >after all, a man of the sea! >Check out the attachment if you are curious. > >Ian >M-17 #343 >Seaweeble > >Attachment converted: Power HD:Seaweeble.doc (WDBN/MSWD) (000B86B2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ian Black" Subject: M_Boats: To Kit from the Seaweeble's first mate (indentured servant) Date: 01 Aug 2001 08:21:34 -0700 Hi, Kit, You'll notice that neither Roberta nor I attended the great adventure. Ian and Mark were talking about sailing to Hawaii...Roberta and I offered to leave the same day they did and meet them air. I told Ian that it's good to have a scouting party when venturing onto unknown islands! Happy sailing! Judi ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 12:17 AM > Ian, > Great Adventure and well told. Kit and I went to Salmon Harbor 3 or > 4 weeks ago to check out the facilities with the idea of planning a > trip . The day was sunny, the facilities look great however overall > it was an unfortunate time to visit for the following reasons. > 1. The wind was 35 to 45 miles per hour and Kit experienced the effect . > 2. The chop in Winchester Bay was 3 to 4 feet with the wind blowing > the tops off the whitecaps and Kit seen it. > 3. Giant rolling and breaking waves, one after another, came > barreling up the channel, crashing onto and over the jetty and Kit > seen this. > 4. There was not a boat on the water of any type and Kit noticed this. > 5. Kit has seen the movie "The Perfect Storm" > The accumulation of all these observations , as well as common sense > fear, prompted her to proclaim "It will be a cold day in hell before > you get me on a boat in that water." She is normally game for about > anything and usually goes along with all sorts of stupid things I > come up with but obviously this experience had and effect. The > chances of me joining the ranks of the adventurous and courageous, > the likes of Ian Black and Mark Dvorscak, are remote if not > impossible at this time. I envy your accomplishment. > Mike > M17- #369 > > > > >Hello all, > > Who am I to ignore a challenge to tell a tale of the briny deep. I am, > >after all, a man of the sea! > >Check out the attachment if you are curious. > > > >Ian > >M-17 #343 > >Seaweeble > > > >Attachment converted: Power HD:Seaweeble.doc (WDBN/MSWD) (000B86B2) > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Fran Lebowitz Subject: M_Boats: cruising spinnaker Date: 01 Aug 2001 10:39:05 -0700 Hi, Does anyone know the approximate cost of a new cruising spinnaker for the M 15? Thanks, Fran ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Morris, Giles" Subject: RE: M_Boats: cruising spinnaker Date: 01 Aug 2001 12:32:45 -0500 At a minimum, you could go to the Sailrite website ( and get the price of making it from a kit. Giles Morris -----Original Message----- Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 1:39 PM Hi, Does anyone know the approximate cost of a new cruising spinnaker for the M 15? Thanks, Fran ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Randy Watkins" Subject: M_Boats: Texas sailing invite- Canyon Lake Date: 01 Aug 2001 14:44:41 -0500 This is a MIME message. If you are reading this text, you may want to consider changing to a mail reader or gateway that understands how to properly handle MIME multipart messages. --=_356F6B52.0061072D Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline You're Invited! The Texas Potter Club is planning = a group sail the wekend of Aug 18/19. Location: Canyon Lake, Texas ( close to San Antonio Tx) Marina: Cranes Mill Marina. Join a friendly group of trailer sailors for a weekend of sailing and good = sailing fellowship. The group includes Potters, Montgomerys, Compac 16 and = a few other small boat types. =20 The coordinator is Jim Travis. = We will be putting in at Cranes Mill Marina. They are $20 per slip per = day which includes launch fee and restroom facilities with hot showers . Its a nice area with a = good safe place to park vehicles Marina is located on the south side of the lake, take 2673 to = Startzville=20 stay on 2673 aprox. 3 and a half miles and marina is on your right. =20 ( photo- Randy Watkins M15-soon to have a new hatch board mounted compass = at West Galveston Bay marina )=20 --=_356F6B52.0061072D Content-Type: image/jpeg Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Randy W.-M15 Pirate's Beach Marina May2000.jpg" /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASwBLAAD/2wBDABALDA4MChAODQ4SERATGCgaGBYWGDEjJR0oOjM9PDkz ODdASFxOQERXRTc4UG1RV19iZ2hnPk1xeXBkeFxlZ2P/2wBDARESEhgVGC8aGi9jQjhCY2NjY2Nj Y2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2P/wAARCAGuAScDASIA AhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQA AAF9AQIDAAQRBRIhMUEGE1FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3 ODk6Q0RFRkdISUpTVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWm 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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Walter Musekamp" Subject: M_Boats: Wisconsin M-17 for sale Date: 01 Aug 2001 18:12:01 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_008B_01C11AB5.761B7C00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Just posted on the Montgomery Owner's site at: = Freshly refurbed = and little used, she's priced at $4500 for a quick sale. 1976, galley = version, 8HP Sailmaster, and trailer...Pictures available...Doc Musekamp = - Oshkosh, WI ------=_NextPart_000_008B_01C11AB5.761B7C00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Just posted on the Montgomery Owner's site at: http://msog.= org/cfmods/M-boats4sail.cfm?stat=3Dsell =20 Freshly refurbed and little used, she's priced at $4500 for a quick = sale. 1976,=20 galley version, 8HP Sailmaster, and trailer...Pictures available...Doc = Musekamp=20 - Oshkosh, WI
------=_NextPart_000_008B_01C11AB5.761B7C00-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Howard A Subject: Re: M_Boats: Thanks Howard for replying to my paint/anchor question; Date: 01 Aug 2001 18:32:04 -0500 On the CB, not sure you need to do much more than a sandblast to get all the old stuff off. I recently noticed that my Interlux 2000E treatment hasn't held up real well. The tip of the board is rusting, and I don't recall any serious groundings or even scrapes that would account for the rust I'm seeing. From what I'm seeing, the durability isn't there. After failing to find ANYBODY to cast a new one in bronze (not to mention the cost if I could find somebody), my next attempt at CB repair may be to pull the cast iron board out, take it to a machine shop and have new one cut out of 5/8" plate steel (the hard part here is cutting the leading and trailing edge bevels), then have that hot dip galvanized, then put some fouling paint over that. In fresh water, we don't get much marine growth, but lots of slime and algea, so the next paint will probably include some biolux in it. The last time I checked, the cost for all this was about $150 to measure and program the specs into the gas cutter computer; $150 for the cut and the steel, and about $150 or $200 to have it galvanized. I'm in 100% agreement with your comments on Tod. I think my No. 1 biggest surprise on the CBR was that for such a prolific poster, in real life, Tod is actually a quiet reserved person. Seldom said much of anything. But he really does know how to sail his boat. Howard Eugene Lodrini wrote: > appreciate any advice you have; I'm re-fitting M-17 > #354, in Old Mystic,CT, as I type this! > > Been pretty lonely out here in the CT woods, what w/ > being the only M boat in SE CT. Connie visited me and > offered some suggestions last week, which I did. > > And Tod Mills, well, here's a fellow that should be > knighted by the Montgomery Board for good > sportsmanship. He's 'coached' me through the boat the > past 2 months as he did his. Gentleman, through and > through, can't wait to shake his hand :) > > If you can advise on how to treat the cast iron board, > before I take it out next week, I'd be obliged. I'm > fixin to oxy-acetelyene torch the paint off, sand > blast it, then POR 15 it, then anti foul paint it. > Your comments on this 'layup'? > > I only have 3 days left online, so give me all the > advice you want to type now :) > > Thanks in advance, , #354 M-17, > no name still! > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: Wisconsin M-17 for sale Date: 01 Aug 2001 21:29:01 EDT DOC WHERES THE MAXI PEEP??? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bill Riker" Subject: RE: M_Boats: cruising spinnaker Date: 01 Aug 2001 21:34:29 -0400 Fran, My light asynch spinnaker was $420 from Kern in 1999. This was part of the order that also included main, jib and storm jib. I let him use whatever material/colors he had, and was happy with the result. Bill Riker M-15 #184 Storm Petrel -----Original Message----- []On Behalf Of Fran Lebowitz Sent: August 01, 2001 1:39 PM Hi, Does anyone know the approximate cost of a new cruising spinnaker for the M 15? Thanks, Fran ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: M_Boats: Howard, about our cast iron cbd's..... Date: 02 Aug 2001 02:25:17 +0000 (GMT) I have a place here in Mystic,CT that WILL cast silicon bronze cbd's! Just have to get up the 'coin' for one; then I'll have it. They're right next door to the guy that does my ss welding. Helluva' port if you can call in here to find parts, and get custom work done. If the old timers around here can't figure it out, no one can :) I was thinking if the paint was rubbery, then it would make for tough sandblasting, hence the oxy-acteleyene torch! Burn it off, then blast the board. I figured POR 15 should be as good as epoxy, especially covered w/ anti fouling paint. Might even treat the leading edge with Plasti dip to prevent edge chipping. Them's rocks in that there waters! Espl'y up in NEngland. 3 more days online, any parting words for a M-17 owner; that'll help me get rigged and on the water? I can sense that Tod would be a quiet type guy; and a real intuitive sailor too :) Hope to learn from everyone here :) Check out my other questions please on the msog, Regards, Eugene #354 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: M_Boats: Jerry Montgomery, could you answer these questions on mast step plate,windex,sail slugs? Date: 01 Aug 2001 20:04:25 -0700 (PDT) Hi, Eugene, M-17 #354, 1982 here :) Could you tell me which mast step plate to order from Dr Judy's page? The one's from Svendson's Boatyard, there's 2 sizes , and I'm unsure of which i need. Mine's a std rig, ALL original STILL! :) What size sail slugs for the main? How many will I need to order? Mine are original Elliott main and jib, in very good condition. What size was the jib that came w/ the boat then? On the Windex 'Sport 10' model I bought, there is a 'tab angle adjustment' to be set for boats that fall into these categories: 55' for boats w/ good windward performance; 60' for normal ocean racers; 65' for normal day cruisers. As optimistic as I am, I'm unsure of where to set this tab adjustment. Please tell me :) I've been refitting my M-17 since early June, as it arrived in fair condition. I've done quite well with her since; mainly due to other people's suggestions and help over the net :) Hope you guys get to come East and have a Shindig like you do on that coast :) TIA, Eugene __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: M_Boats: Here's a source for POR 15 for cast Iron centerbd's, usual disclosure, no interest, etc. Date: 01 Aug 2001 20:21:18 -0700 (PDT) Auto body guy gave it to me: POR 15, for use on trailers or centerbd's, comes in black, white, or silver. $35 a quart includes shipping, 1-800-457-6715 There, now I feel like a contributor! :) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Walter Musekamp" Subject: Re: M_Boats: Wisconsin M-17 for sale Date: 01 Aug 2001 22:23:05 -0500 Ken..Remeber I sold that long ago !!..You ever track that guy down ?? ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 8:29 PM > DOC WHERES THE MAXI PEEP??? > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: Wisconsin M-17 for sale Date: 02 Aug 2001 00:13:06 EDT tried but...could not find his trail maxi peep is a mysttery why r u selling your m 17 k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: Here's a source for POR 15 for cast Iron centerbd's, usual disclosure, no interest, etc. Date: 02 Aug 2001 00:14:08 EDT what is por 15 missed that k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Howard A Subject: Re: M_Boats: Howard, about our cast iron cbd's..... Date: 02 Aug 2001 06:41:14 -0500 Eugene Lodrini wrote: > I have a place here in Mystic,CT that WILL cast > silicon bronze cbd's! Just have to get up the 'coin' > for one; then I'll have it. > Approximately how many "coins" are we talking about? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: Re: M_Boats: Here's a source for POR 15 for cast Iron centerbd's, usual disclosure, no interest, etc. Date: 02 Aug 2001 05:52:57 -0700 (PDT) --- wrote: > what is por 15 > missed that > k > Grove777, POR 15 turns rust into hardened steel once again! It actually is a tough over coating that forms, then you paint over it. Works great on trailers too :) It's what auto restoration guys use, to treat rusty frames,etc; on cars they're working on. Any major auto body shop has a can on the shelf for you to see. My only caveat with the stuff; is DON'T get ANY on the lip of the can or lid!!!! Once you put that lid back on the can, any mess of POR 15 that touches 2 metal surfaces 'welds' itself together!!! You will NEVER be able to open the can afterwards! Use it on everything metal that WAS once rusty! You'll become a fan too! :) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: Re: M_Boats: Thanks Howard for replying to my paint/anchor question; Date: 02 Aug 2001 06:09:42 -0700 (PDT) --- "" wrote: > "....actually a quiet reserved person." > > you just didn't see him dancing on the tables at the > Crab Claw Friday night with > a beer in each hand, hee hee hee. > > > Have you guys seen this web page?: > > > Tod, Hee, Hee, Hee.......I know what you mean! Somedays ARE like that! :) No, had'nt seen Bristol's page, I ended up with ss cleats all around, decided to forgo skenes and chocks at this time, until I determine the lead off the deck at a few docks. Thanks for the strap advice; I thought 8' motorcyle straps would do? from trailer frame up to toerail. I have to go 20 miles pretty smooth road all the way. Rt 32 is 5 miles of it, then I-95 is 17 miles, then RT 27 is 3 or less :) Might use rope, as I probably won't be 'actively trailering' for awhile yet. 3/8" on the winches, up front across the bow cleats. I saw how Lyod Meyers had the 17 he had for sale trussed up. In his jpegs that he had sent prior to it's sale. Now THERE'S a lucky guy; apparently owned 2 M-17's!!!! Down to the nitty gritty as they say, I've calmed down enough to move now; Just really anxious after all the work I put into her, don't want to blow it now :) Usually just a happy go lucky kind o' guy myself; glass always half full! LOL :) Enjoy your up coming adventure, Eugene __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: Re: M_Boats: Jerry Montgomery, could you answer these questions on mast step plate,windex,sail slugs? Date: 02 Aug 2001 06:13:33 -0700 (PDT) --- "" wrote: > >On the Windex 'Sport 10' model I bought, there is a > >'tab angle adjustment' to be set for boats that > fall > >into these categories: 55' for boats w/ good > windward > >performance; 60' for normal ocean racers; 65' for > >normal day cruisers. > > Eugene, if you set it for 65 degrees and you are > able to point > higher you'll feel good. If you set it for 55 > degrees and can't > quite make it that high you'll feel like you're > doing poorly.... > psychology, man, psychology. I bought one of those > things > but haven't installed it yet. > > Tod, I LOVE your logic! Right on man, just wanted to set it up to be useful,LOL! :) Going that route too. Drilled the little base to accept the screws that held the prior masthead light mount. Fits purrrfectly! Sail On! Eugene __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Larry Yake Subject: Re: M_Boats: Windvane adjustment Date: 02 Aug 2001 16:40:51 -0700 I originally set my Windex Sport 10 angle at 55 degrees and found I couldn't quite point that high. I've since moved it to 60 and found that to be just right. ( sailing with a 150 genoa) Also, you'll want to mount it as far aft as possible on the masthead for the best visibility from either side of the cockpit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doug King Subject: M_Boats: Lemme knoe... Date: 03 Aug 2001 00:37:06 -0400 --=====================_2508767==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I put up a compilation of the mast rake/weather helm discussion under How-To/Specs->Tuning the Rig. Hope it's OK, feel free to lemme knoe if there are any errors. If you NW M-owners want to send planning details to me about a rendezvous, I'll put it up on the MSOG. (See the Chesapeake Bay Rendezvous info). Easiest to just coordinate with one person, so lemme knoe who's organizing and we'll get info up. Doug Doug King M-17 #404 "Vixen" Montgomery Sailboats Owners Group Web site: Email: --=====================_2508767==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
I put up a compilation of the mast rake/weather helm discussion under How-To/Specs->Tuning the Rig. Hope it's OK, feel free to lemme knoe if there are any errors.

If you NW M-owners want to send planning details to me about a rendezvous, I'll put it up on the MSOG. (See the Chesapeake Bay Rendezvous info). Easiest to just coordinate with one person, so lemme knoe who's organizing and we'll get info up.



Doug King
M-17 #404 "Vixen"

Montgomery Sailboats Owners Group Web site:
--=====================_2508767==_.ALT-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: Re: M_Boats: Windvane adjustment Date: 03 Aug 2001 05:24:35 +0000 (GMT) --- Larry Yake wrote: > I originally set my Windex Sport 10 angle at 55 > degrees and found I > couldn't quite point that high. I've since moved it > to 60 and found that > to be just right. ( sailing with a 150 genoa) Also, > you'll want to mount > it as far aft as possible on the masthead for the > best visibility from > either side of the cockpit. > Thanks Larry, Appreciate your info; as to your 150 genoa, what wind speeds do you find it comfortable to fly in ? What's the rest of your sail suit? Thanks, 2 days left online, Oh No! :( Moving VERY soon! To the boatyard :) Eugene __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bob Campbell" Subject: Re: M_Boats: Howard, about our cast iron cbd's..... Date: 03 Aug 2001 08:03:21 -0700 Hi Eugene, One of the things that has become popular (and standard equipment) on the Potters is a galvanized centerboard. When I had my P-15 I was planning to have the centerboard galvanize dipped when the paint gave out. My board was a slab of steel... Don't know if it can be done with cast iron. Anyway, for what it's worth, the Potter Yachters seem to have good luck with the galvanized boards. Fair Winds... Bob Campbell Montgomery 17 #615 "Alina" Lodi, CA Bob Campbell ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 7:25 PM > I have a place here in Mystic,CT that WILL cast > silicon bronze cbd's! Just have to get up the 'coin' > for one; then I'll have it. > > They're right next door to the guy that does my ss > welding. Helluva' port if you can call in here to find > parts, and get custom work done. If the old timers > around here can't figure it out, no one can :) > > I was thinking if the paint was rubbery, then it would > make for tough sandblasting, hence the oxy-acteleyene > torch! Burn it off, then blast the board. I figured > POR 15 should be as good as epoxy, especially covered > w/ anti fouling paint. > > Might even treat the leading edge with Plasti dip to > prevent edge chipping. > > Them's rocks in that there waters! Espl'y up in > NEngland. > > 3 more days online, any parting words for a M-17 > owner; that'll help me get rigged and on the water? > > I can sense that Tod would be a quiet type guy; and a > real intuitive sailor too :) Hope to learn from > everyone here :) > > Check out my other questions please on the msog, > > Regards, Eugene #354 > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: M_Boats: Thanks Bob Campbell! I think this is the easier way to deal w/ the cast Date: 03 Aug 2001 10:24:22 -0700 (PDT) iron board at this time. I might consider galvanized in the future if the bronze is too expensive, cost ratio wise. Sail On! Eugene #354, almost sailing! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: M_Boats: Anyone w/ a cast iron cbd please describe Date: 03 Aug 2001 13:03:51 -0700 (PDT) the procedure for removal and reinstall, using a travelift at the marina! I will need to know EWVERYTHING, not familiar in the least. I can see both sides of the 2 pins one foward, one aft on the keel. They look gresed, am I supoosed to grease em before replacing them? Should I epoxy them in so I CAN'T see the ends like I do now? How long? and what type of line or wire, and connection do I need to make for the cbd line that attaches to the cbd? Shackle to it? Thimble? Bowline? Ok, so I'm packing to move in 2 days, AND still working on the boat, YIKES! Entitled to a bit 'o panic at this point.......the place I WAS going to rent the uhaul at TOMORROW, called THIS morning to tell me that they JUST quit the uhaul business after a fight w/ the company, and I had to call somewhere else for a truck...... REALLY screwing up my move! Now I'll be doing it all alone, crew to help will all be at work when i get the truck Monday morning OY Vie! Now I know why I got a sailboat again, to relax from this kinda stress! TIA Eugene __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats:I am on LI will be back on Sat Date: 03 Aug 2001 17:45:31 EDT Eugene, I am on L.I. and will be back on Sat.. I am afraid you will be off line by then. I did send you a response to the sail ?'s I hope you got it. I will try on Sunday to e-mail you. Good Luck Gary O. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: Re: M_Boats:I am on LI will be back on Sat Date: 03 Aug 2001 22:51:46 +0000 (GMT) --- wrote: > Eugene, I am on L.I. and will be back on Sat.. I am > afraid you will be off > line by then. > I did send you a response to the sail ?'s I hope you > got it. > I will try on Sunday to e-mail you. > Good Luck > Gary O. > Drat Gary, We missed each other :( You could have come over to see the boat. Musta' been a time constraint on your part! LOL :) I got the sail email, and will be calling Ullman for all my business, will mention your referal. Heck, he might do a little something in the future for your recommending his loft. I will be online Sunday, beer in hand as I'll be beat as heck! Only got 3 hrs sleep last night, dont' think I'll get any more until I ',m done packing. 3 weeks OR less til I'm launching!!!! Can't wait! Almost sailing, Eugene __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Howard A Subject: Re: M_Boats: Anyone w/ a cast iron cbd please describe Date: 03 Aug 2001 18:15:39 -0500 Eugene Lodrini wrote: > the procedure for removal and reinstall, using a > travelift at the marina! I will need to know > EWVERYTHING, not familiar in the least. I can see both > sides of the 2 pins one foward, one aft on the keel. > They look gresed, am I supoosed to grease em before > replacing them? > > Should I epoxy them in so I CAN'T see the ends like I > do now? > > How long? and what type of line or wire, and > connection do I need to make for the cbd line that > attaches to the cbd? Shackle to it? Thimble? Bowline? > Eugene: I don't know what you have now, but IF you have a CB pennant still in place, it should all become obvious when you drop the CB out. I dropped mine with the aid of a lift, and after picking it up off the trailer, we set the keel on the ground, then backed out the front pivot pin and the rear stop pin, then with the pennant free to run clear, raised the boat back up. The CB stayed on the ground, and when the boat got high enough, the cb just fell over on the ground. It weighs about 175#. If your pennant is still attached, it should be to a small clevis on the top of the board. It may have a end splice with thimble, or may just be a stopper knot passed through the clevis pin. If you have nothing there, you will find a 1/4" or so hole in the CB. Fit a clevis to that, then use a stopper knot (figure 8 or overhand). My pennant is about 1/2" braided...something like StaySet, and might be as much as 5' or 6' long. Start off long, and trim the excess. Reversing it is a different matter. The tang on the end of the CB that rests on the stopper pin may not clear the CB trunk in the bottom of the keel unless it goes in first. If it will clear, raise the foreward end to get the pivot pin in place, then lift the aft end with the aid of the pennant and winch. Once it is all the way up, you should be able to get the stopper pin back in place. As for the stopper pin, I don't know which would be the better option...a heavy grease or lock tite. You sure don't want it to back out on it's own. But I would not use epoxy. Someday, somebody will want them out again. Howard PS: I tend to reef early, so I briefly considered "Reefer Madness" as a boat name. But then it was suggested that some might get the wrong idea....but I guess it's still available if you want to use it. : ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Larry Yake Subject: Re: M_Boats: centerboard pennant replacement Date: 03 Aug 2001 19:39:25 -0700 I'm sorry to have to ask this question. I know its been discussed many times, but the archives don't seem to work, and my personal archives apparently don't include this. (It's hard to check, since the subject lines don't match the subject matter on many posts.) My centerboard pennant broke today while the board was being winched up. The subsequent drop onto the pin didn't seem to hurt anything, so I'm basically just looking at replacing the line. The boat is still in the water. What is the best way to tackle this, and I recall some comments being made regarding the proper line for this. My M17 is a 1976 with the old cast iron board. Thanks guys. I hate to ask, but I'm taking the wife up to Priest Lake, Idaho for a few days sailing next Thursday, so I've got to hurry. Larry Y. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: M_Boats: Thanks Howard :) Date: 03 Aug 2001 22:48:53 -0700 (PDT) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: M_Boats: Sandpaper grit?Roller size? to paint a new bottom that's never had antifouling,M17 Date: 03 Aug 2001 22:52:44 -0700 (PDT) Would a trim roller work w/ the lapsatrake hull? Method, in to keel or reverse? Sandpaper grit? Clean bottom gelcoat, dry sailed past 20 yrs! Tips on bottom painting? TIA Eugene 2 more days til moving! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Keith Diehl" Subject: M_Boats: Archives Date: 04 Aug 2001 10:59:32 -0600 I've been looking for a list archiving service ever since listquest folded up. A searchable archive exists at and has been collecting messages since about March of this year. Unfortunately, there is no way to add all of our list's older messages. I'm still looking and if anyone knows of an archiving service that is free and can import old archive files I'd like to know about it. Don't forget that there are monthly digests archived on the xmission site that contain all messages since day 1. They just can't searched! Keith Diehl - Salt Lake City, UT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: Re: M_Boats: Howard, about our cast iron cbd's..... Date: 04 Aug 2001 18:26:46 +0000 (GMT) --- Howard A wrote: > > > Eugene Lodrini wrote: > > > I have a place here in Mystic,CT that WILL cast > > silicon bronze cbd's! Just have to get up the > 'coin' > > for one; then I'll have it. > > > > Approximately how many "coins" are we talking about? > > Howard, I'll have to find'll be awhile since I'm packing the uhaul Monday, and moving the boat then too! Headed to the marina, bottom paint, cbd refinish, rudder revarnish, step mast, go sailing! Geeze, if only it was that simple LOL! It's all the running around and little things to take care of that'll slow my progress. Thanks again for your tips, Eugene __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Larry Yake Subject: Re: M_Boats: Archives Date: 04 Aug 2001 14:04:47 -0700 Keith, Thanks for the info on the archive site. I was able to find the information I needed on centerboard pennant replacement. Appreciate your work. Larry Y. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Fran Lebowitz Subject: Re: M_Boats: cruising spinnaker info; thanks Date: 04 Aug 2001 23:00:52 -0700 "Morris, Giles" wrote: > > At a minimum, you could go to the Sailrite website > ( and get the price of making it from a kit. > Giles Morris > Thanks Giles and Bill Riker for info about the cruising spinnaker for the M15. Fran ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Randy Dawson" Subject: Re: M_Boats: compass mounting Date: 05 Aug 2001 10:46:06 -0700 Ok, I've been "off" the group for a while so I apologize if this has already been discussed. But, how do you steer the boat when you are sitting in the companionway? And doesn't the main sheet cleat tend to "irritate" sensitive areas? Randy Dawson "Little Wing" (used to be "Bob") 89 M15 Folom Lake ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 9:52 AM > Randy, > > Of course, I do everything differently than others. Because I often > like to sit in the companionway when singlehanding (out of the sun, wind, > weather, etc.), the extra lower hatch board was not a desirable option and I > did not want to cut a hole in the bulkhead. Instead, I made a teak wood > U-shaped shelf for the compass under the bridgedeck of my M15. The white > low profile surface mount Richie compass is bracketed by the wood for > protection. The mounting is offset just enough to allow the centerboard > line room to pass behind it. So far, I haven't wired the compass light... > and probably won't. Works great as long as my bifocals are clean. If you > use stainless fasteners you should have no problems with ferrous metals > distorting the compass accuracy. > > Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Randy Dawson" Subject: Fw: M_Boats: compass mounting Date: 05 Aug 2001 10:55:25 -0700 Oops. That's Folsom Lake. Hope I didn't send you right coasters scurrying for the maps. rd ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 10:46 AM > Ok, I've been "off" the group for a while so I apologize if this has already > been discussed. But, how do you steer the boat when you are sitting in the > companionway? And doesn't the main sheet cleat tend to "irritate" sensitive > areas? > > Randy Dawson > "Little Wing" (used to be "Bob") > 89 M15 Folom Lake > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Joe Kidd" > To: > Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 9:52 AM > Subject: Re: M_Boats: compass mounting > > > > Randy, > > > > Of course, I do everything differently than others. Because I often > > like to sit in the companionway when singlehanding (out of the sun, wind, > > weather, etc.), the extra lower hatch board was not a desirable option and > I > > did not want to cut a hole in the bulkhead. Instead, I made a teak wood > > U-shaped shelf for the compass under the bridgedeck of my M15. The white > > low profile surface mount Richie compass is bracketed by the wood for > > protection. The mounting is offset just enough to allow the centerboard > > line room to pass behind it. So far, I haven't wired the compass light... > > and probably won't. Works great as long as my bifocals are clean. If you > > use stainless fasteners you should have no problems with ferrous metals > > distorting the compass accuracy. > > > > Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doug Kelch Subject: Re: M_Boats: compass mounting Date: 05 Aug 2001 12:09:35 -0700 (PDT) I have small cleats attached outside the coaming and attach a small block on a line to the upwind side. Tie a line to the tiller, through the block and lead the line up to the hatch. Tie a light shock cord to the leward cleat and to the tiller. Use the line to steer one handed and steer from the hatch. The other method is to run the line through blocks on each side of the tiller and use another block off the base of the mast and you have a continuous steering line. I have used this continuous line all the way to the bow and have flown a spinnaker single handed (when I was young and foolish) using this approach. I have a compass mounted on the sliding hatch and frequently sail standing up in the cabin of my M15. Doug "Seas the Day" --- Randy Dawson wrote: > Ok, I've been "off" the group for a while so I > apologize if this has already > been discussed. But, how do you steer the boat when > you are sitting in the > companionway? And doesn't the main sheet cleat tend > to "irritate" sensitive > areas? > > Randy Dawson > "Little Wing" (used to be "Bob") > 89 M15 Folom Lake > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Joe Kidd" > To: > Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 9:52 AM > Subject: Re: M_Boats: compass mounting > > > > Randy, > > > > Of course, I do everything differently than > others. Because I often > > like to sit in the companionway when singlehanding > (out of the sun, wind, > > weather, etc.), the extra lower hatch board was > not a desirable option and > I > > did not want to cut a hole in the bulkhead. > Instead, I made a teak wood > > U-shaped shelf for the compass under the > bridgedeck of my M15. The white > > low profile surface mount Richie compass is > bracketed by the wood for > > protection. The mounting is offset just enough to > allow the centerboard > > line room to pass behind it. So far, I haven't > wired the compass light... > > and probably won't. Works great as long as my > bifocals are clean. If you > > use stainless fasteners you should have no > problems with ferrous metals > > distorting the compass accuracy. > > > > Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" > > > > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Joe Kidd" Subject: Re: M_Boats: compass mounting Date: 05 Aug 2001 13:53:20 -0700 Randy, To steer my M15 while sitting in the companionway, I use an adjustable tiller extension. My mainsheet tackle has been moved from the bridge deck to the rope bridle on the transom. Jerry M. doesn't approve of this setup, but I'm not racing and choose convenience and comfort over sheeting angles. With the mainsheet relocated, there is minimal hardware to irritate sensitive areas -- just the centerboard lanyard and cleat. Using a boom vang to keep the boom from riding up compensates somewhat for the relocation of the mainsheet. Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bill Riker" Subject: RE: M_Boats: compass mounting Date: 05 Aug 2001 22:20:44 -0400 Randy, For remote steeering, I use the continuous line approach, anchored to a block at the base of the mast. I'm not sure why the mainsheet hardware didn't bother me. It may have been because: 1) I twisted the fitting away from me, and squeezed between the fitting and the side of the hatch, 2) I stood on the cabin sole and just leaned on the bridgedeck, or 3) my butt was so numb, I didn't even notice the fitting. I'll check the next time I go sailing. Bill Riker M-15 #184 Storm Petrel -----Original Message----- []On Behalf Of Randy Dawson Sent: August 05, 2001 1:46 PM Ok, I've been "off" the group for a while so I apologize if this has already been discussed. But, how do you steer the boat when you are sitting in the companionway? And doesn't the main sheet cleat tend to "irritate" sensitive areas? Randy Dawson "Little Wing" (used to be "Bob") 89 M15 Folom Lake ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 9:52 AM > Randy, > > Of course, I do everything differently than others. Because I often > like to sit in the companionway when singlehanding (out of the sun, wind, > weather, etc.), the extra lower hatch board was not a desirable option and I > did not want to cut a hole in the bulkhead. Instead, I made a teak wood > U-shaped shelf for the compass under the bridgedeck of my M15. The white > low profile surface mount Richie compass is bracketed by the wood for > protection. The mounting is offset just enough to allow the centerboard > line room to pass behind it. So far, I haven't wired the compass light... > and probably won't. Works great as long as my bifocals are clean. If you > use stainless fasteners you should have no problems with ferrous metals > distorting the compass accuracy. > > Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: Anyone w/ a cast iron cbd please describe Date: 07 Aug 2001 22:07:27 EDT --part1_10f.35fbd6b.28a1f8df_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a 1977 M17. The centerboard is made of cast iron. There are two pens, one forward and one toward the stern. There should be a bolt at both locations. So much for what we both know. Inside the hole on both sides of the forward bolt is a brass bushing that should slip out. Some times there are stuck and a hook made out of a stiff wire may be needed to drive out the bushing. If that doesn't work then take a long screwdriver and place it in opposite side of bushing you are trying to drive out. Using a hammer drive the bushing out. Both of them need to be replaced if you damage them and that some times happens. Because they are brass, they do not need to be lubricated. You can use graffiti, if it makes you feel better. I hope that helps. It may be that Jerry used a different arrangement in later boats. Lionel (sailbabb) --part1_10f.35fbd6b.28a1f8df_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a 1977 M17.  The centerboard is made of cast iron.  There are two
pens, one forward and one toward the stern.  There should be a bolt at both
locations.  So much for what we both know.  Inside the hole on both sides of
the forward bolt is a brass bushing that should slip out.  Some times there
are stuck and a hook made out of a stiff wire may be needed to drive out the
bushing.  If that doesn't work then take a long screwdriver and place it in
opposite side of bushing you are trying to drive out.  Using a hammer drive
the bushing out. Both of them need to be replaced if you damage them and that
some times happens.  Because they are brass, they do not need to be
lubricated.  You can use graffiti, if it makes you feel better.  I hope that
helps. It may be that Jerry used a different arrangement in later boats.
Lionel (sailbabb)
--part1_10f.35fbd6b.28a1f8df_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Howard A Subject: Re: M_Boats: M17 Traveler Date: 08 Aug 2001 07:05:45 -0500 David: I have a retro fitted traveler. Initially, I didn't think it did much, but all you have to do is adjust it while under way to realize how much of a difference it does make when on the wind. It was made with Harken equipment, and has the continuous loop arrangement Jerry mentioned, and you can adjust it while under tension. I would go ahead and have Bob put one on now. ha David Fann wrote: > I have a new Montgomery 17 on order, to be delivered late August. > > Question: How effective is the standard mainsheet traveler, which appears > (in the photos on the Montgomery Web site) to be simply a short piece of > track on the cockpit sole. The track is not only short, but far below the > boom, and would consequently be of minimal effectiveness for trimming the > main laterally. With the boom trimmed in, most of the sheet's pull would be > downward, regardless of traveler position. Correct? > > Has anyone used an end-boom mainsheet bridle to the transom? Although it > would provide no traveler function, it would allow use of a bimini, which is > desirable here in Florida. > > On the other hand, if the Montgomerys that kicked butt in the SCA Cruiser > Challenge carried the standard traveler, maybe I don't need to worry about > it. > > Thanks, > > David Fann ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shawn Boles Subject: RE: M_Boats: M17 Traveler Date: 09 Aug 2001 10:37:26 -0700 Howard: Any chance you might put up pics/hardware list/install instructions for this retrofit on the Montgomery Website? cheers- Shawn Boles Grey Mist (M17 #276 1978) -----Original Message----- Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 5:06 AM David: I have a retro fitted traveler. Initially, I didn't think it did much, but all you have to do is adjust it while under way to realize how much of a difference it does make when on the wind. It was made with Harken equipment, and has the continuous loop arrangement Jerry mentioned, and you can adjust it while under tension. I would go ahead and have Bob put one on now. ha David Fann wrote: > I have a new Montgomery 17 on order, to be delivered late August. > > Question: How effective is the standard mainsheet traveler, which appears > (in the photos on the Montgomery Web site) to be simply a short piece of > track on the cockpit sole. The track is not only short, but far below the > boom, and would consequently be of minimal effectiveness for trimming the > main laterally. With the boom trimmed in, most of the sheet's pull would be > downward, regardless of traveler position. Correct? > > Has anyone used an end-boom mainsheet bridle to the transom? Although it > would provide no traveler function, it would allow use of a bimini, which is > desirable here in Florida. > > On the other hand, if the Montgomerys that kicked butt in the SCA Cruiser > Challenge carried the standard traveler, maybe I don't need to worry about > it. > > Thanks, > > David Fann ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jack Means" Subject: M_Boats: PNWR (aka San Jaun Sail) Date: 09 Aug 2001 11:12:09 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0094_01C120C4.21C4A9A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello folks, I should be able to make the weekend of the 8/9. I'm not sure whether = it will be to sail, just meet up or what? I would probably launch mid to = late morning on Saturday. =20 I sailed once from Washington Park a few years ago in a friends old = McGregor 25 top Friday Harbor. I remember a pretty good launch site. = Had a fair bit of motoring but had some sailing too. It is sorta fun = dodging the ferries. I think we launched around 10 am and got into FH = very early evening. We stopped at James Island state park for lunch and = a little walk. even got to sail through a pod of Orca, scary and fun at = the same time. Hope to see the PNWR happen! Jack Means s/v Wee Puff ------=_NextPart_000_0094_01C120C4.21C4A9A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hello folks,
I should be able to make the weekend of = the=20 8/9.  I'm not sure whether it will be to sail, just meet up or = what? I=20 would probably launch mid to late morning on Saturday.  =
I sailed once from Washington Park a few years ago = in a=20 friends old McGregor 25 top Friday Harbor.  I remember a pretty = good launch=20 site. Had a fair bit of motoring but had some sailing too.  It is = sorta fun=20 dodging the ferries.  I think we launched around 10 am and got into = FH very=20 early evening.  We stopped at James Island state park for lunch and = a=20 little walk.  even got to sail through a pod of Orca, scary and fun = at the=20 same time.
Hope to see the PNWR happen!
Jack Means
s/v Wee Puff
------=_NextPart_000_0094_01C120C4.21C4A9A0-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mark S.Sibille PE" Subject: M_Boats: How do I resign from the list???? Date: 09 Aug 2001 11:51:03 -0700 (PDT) Does anybody know how I can resign from this list? While I've enjoyed a number of the posts and have picked up some good tips that will apply to various trailerable boats, I am getting too much e-mail to remain on this list. I went to mytopica where I enrolled and resigned from the list but am still receiving the montgomery_boats list mail. Any ideas on how to escape? Feels like one of those underworld secret societies that you can't get away from. -Mark __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Smith Subject: RE: M_Boats: How do I resign from the list???? Date: 09 Aug 2001 11:56:24 -0700 I'm sorry Mike. You can't resign from the list. As you suspect, we'll continue to email you forever. Just kidding. If I remember correctly, you do the following: If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, send the following command in email to : unsubscribe Tom Smith LineSoft Corporation Phone: 509-928-1707 ext. 248 Fax: 509-928-2581 E-mail: Website: -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 11:51 AM Does anybody know how I can resign from this list? While I've enjoyed a number of the posts and have picked up some good tips that will apply to various trailerable boats, I am getting too much e-mail to remain on this list. I went to mytopica where I enrolled and resigned from the list but am still receiving the montgomery_boats list mail. Any ideas on how to escape? Feels like one of those underworld secret societies that you can't get away from. -Mark __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John Lisa Abbott" Subject: M_Boats: unsubscribe Date: 09 Aug 2001 18:01:23 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0019_01C120FD.4CCCF600 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable unsubscribe tahnk you ------=_NextPart_000_0019_01C120FD.4CCCF600 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
tahnk you
------=_NextPart_000_0019_01C120FD.4CCCF600-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Howard A Subject: Re: M_Boats: M17 Traveler Date: 09 Aug 2001 18:14:54 -0500 I can do the pics. I think Thomas Howe did the installation, and as recently as sometime this summer mentioned to the list how he put a similar rig on the current Osprey. If so that would make two of them he has installed, which would make him much more qualified to respond to this than me. Howard Shawn Boles wrote: > Howard: > > Any chance you might put up pics/hardware list/install instructions for this > retrofit on the Montgomery Website? > > cheers- > Shawn Boles > Grey Mist (M17 #276 1978) > > -----Original Message----- > From: Howard A [] > Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 5:06 AM > To: > Subject: Re: M_Boats: M17 Traveler > > David: > > I have a retro fitted traveler. Initially, I didn't think it did much, but > all > you have to do is adjust it while under way to realize how much of a > difference > it does make when on the wind. It was made with Harken equipment, and has > the > continuous loop arrangement Jerry mentioned, and you can adjust it while > under > tension. I would go ahead and have Bob put one on now. > > ha > > David Fann wrote: > > > I have a new Montgomery 17 on order, to be delivered late August. > > > > Question: How effective is the standard mainsheet traveler, which appears > > (in the photos on the Montgomery Web site) to be simply a short piece of > > track on the cockpit sole. The track is not only short, but far below the > > boom, and would consequently be of minimal effectiveness for trimming the > > main laterally. With the boom trimmed in, most of the sheet's pull would > be > > downward, regardless of traveler position. Correct? > > > > Has anyone used an end-boom mainsheet bridle to the transom? Although it > > would provide no traveler function, it would allow use of a bimini, which > is > > desirable here in Florida. > > > > On the other hand, if the Montgomerys that kicked butt in the SCA Cruiser > > Challenge carried the standard traveler, maybe I don't need to worry about > > it. > > > > Thanks, > > > > David Fann ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jerry Montgomery" Subject: Re: M_Boats: centerboard pennant replacement Date: 09 Aug 2001 19:35:18 +0100 If you have a sandy beach around, easiest way is to careen the boat, knock the keeper pin out, allowing you to over-drop the board and expose the shackle. While you have the shackle exposed I would replace it if your boat is a salt water boat; you need a 1/4" shackle small enough to fit easily in the trunk. We used 5/16 double-braided dacron, but to get a small knot it will be necessary to pull out a few inches of the core, milk the jacket back over it- I hope you know how to do this. Jerry ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 3:39 AM > I'm sorry to have to ask this question. I know its been discussed many > times, but the archives don't seem to work, and my personal archives > apparently don't include this. (It's hard to check, since the subject > lines don't match the subject matter on many posts.) > My centerboard pennant broke today while the board was being winched > up. The subsequent drop onto the pin didn't seem to hurt anything, so I'm > basically just looking at replacing the line. The boat is still in the > water. What is the best way to tackle this, and I recall some comments > being made regarding the proper line for this. > My M17 is a 1976 with the old cast iron board. > Thanks guys. I hate to ask, but I'm taking the wife up to Priest Lake, > Idaho for a few days sailing next Thursday, so I've got to hurry. > Larry Y. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: M17 Traveler Date: 10 Aug 2001 15:10:30 EDT I'll do a write up of how the traveler installation is effected when I return home from my sailing trip here in Maine. I'll send it to Doug for placing on the MSOG board, as well as posting it here. Today I looked at a 1959 Alden Malabar Sr., 35'cutter and in excellent condition. A little bit different from Osprey II. Best regards, TH. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: Re: M_Boats: Anyone w/ a cast iron cbd please describe Date: 11 Aug 2001 10:56:25 -0700 (PDT) --- wrote: > I have a 1977 M17. The centerboard is made of cast > iron. There are two > pens, one forward and one toward the stern. There > should be a bolt at both > locations. So much for what we both know. Inside > the hole on both sides of > the forward bolt is a brass bushing that should slip > out. Some times there > are stuck and a hook made out of a stiff wire may be > needed to drive out the > bushing. If that doesn't work then take a long > screwdriver and place it in > opposite side of bushing you are trying to drive > out. Using a hammer drive > the bushing out. Both of them need to be replaced if > you damage them and that > some times happens. Because they are brass, they do > not need to be > lubricated. You can use graffiti, if it makes you > feel better. I hope that > helps. It may be that Jerry used a different > arrangement in later boats. > Lionel (sailbabb) > Thanks, I just dropped the rear, tang one, and the board still,!, has original paint on 80% of it :) Getting the rust off the cast iron, then refinishing it, and back up. Appreciate your reply, Eugene #354 M-17 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Lodrini Subject: M_Boats: I'm almost sailing! Date: 11 Aug 2001 18:13:17 +0000 (GMT) Hi folks, I'm in the Old Mystic Marina, fitting my M-17, #354, out for launching at the end of August, or sooner :) All's going well, bottom done, cbd next, deck rebedded, stepping mast next week :) Yo Connie! Come on Down! I'm living aboard right behind the Yacht Club building near the travellift! :) See you all soon, Eugene :) Almost sailing! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: M_Boats: Trailers Date: 11 Aug 2001 20:10:55 EDT --part1_17.19e89925.28a7238f_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Has anyone bought a new trailer for their M17? I may have to buy a replacement for my old one and am wondering what specifications was given to the trailer company, and if you are happy with the result. Also, what trailer is Bob providing with the new boats? Thanks John M17 #372 "Miss T" --part1_17.19e89925.28a7238f_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Has anyone bought a new trailer for their M17?  I may have to buy a
replacement for my old one and am wondering what specifications was given to
the trailer company, and if you are happy with the result.  Also, what
trailer is Bob providing with the new boats?

M17 #372
"Miss T"
--part1_17.19e89925.28a7238f_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Olson Subject: Re: M_Boats: Trailers Date: 11 Aug 2001 17:25:00 -0700 Hi John, I purchased an M15 from Bob a few months ago and at that time Bob was using Pacific Trailers. As the trailer manufacturer is fairly close to Bob's shop and makes all different kind of trailers I assume Bob uses Pacific for the M17 also. Mine was all galvanized and came with an extended tongue. Pacific has a web site but they do not show the Montgomery boat trailers on it. Their web site is: Hope this helps. Don Olson M15 Phoenix, Az ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Larry Yake Subject: Re: M_Boats: centerboard pennant replacement Date: 11 Aug 2001 17:41:32 -0700 Thanks to all for the tips on the pennant replacement. Got it done in time for the trip to Priest Lake, Id. Just got back and haven't even unloaded yet. That is a really beautiful lake up there in northern Idaho, but we didn't have enough wind to see much of it. Hot, calm days, and cool, clear nights made me wish I had the canoe instead. When I did the pennant replacement earlier in the week, I was kind of rushed and wasn't really happy with how it was done, ( no shackle and knot not adjusted right ) so while I was at the lake I secured the boat in water about 5 or 6 feet deep with the centerboard up, dove under and pulled the rear stopper bolt, climbed back in the boat, lowered the centerboard all the way down to where she was swinging on just the front pin, ( that's why I did this in shallow water, wouldn't want to screw up and loose the board in deep water ) and then dove back under and redid the attachment. Works like a charm if you can hold your breath long enough and the water's warm. Don't forget to reinstall the rear stopper bolt after raising the centerboard back up. I think I'll just plan on doing this every few years as the opportunity arises to prevent another broken pennant. Larry Y. M17, #200 Tullamore ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: M_Boats: Fwd: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender Date: 12 Aug 2001 21:51:38 EDT --part1_cb.14e5e409.28a88caa_boundary Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="part1_cb.14e5e409.28a88caa_alt_boundary" --part1_cb.14e5e409.28a88caa_alt_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Will be traveling for next few months, please unsubscribe until my return. Thankx - M17FD #69 "Coyote" --part1_cb.14e5e409.28a88caa_alt_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Will be traveling for next few months, please


until my return.

Thankx -
M17FD #69
--part1_cb.14e5e409.28a88caa_alt_boundary-- --part1_cb.14e5e409.28a88caa_boundary Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline Return-Path: <> Received: from ( []) by (v79.27) with ESMTP id MAILINYE24-0812174747; Sun, 12 Aug 2001 17:47:47 -0400 Received: from ( []) by (v79.20) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYINYE310-0812174724; Sun, 12 Aug 2001 17:47:24 -0400 Received: from root by with local (Exim 2.12 #2) id 15W34s-0005Iu-00 for; Sun, 12 Aug 2001 15:47:22 -0600 X-Failed-Recipients: Message-Id: X-Mailer: Unknown (No Version) Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to all of its recipients. The following address(es) failed: unknown local-part "monthomery_boats-requests" in domain "" ------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------ Return-path: Received: from [] ( by with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #2) id 15W34r-0005Ij-00 for; Sun, 12 Aug 2001 15:47:21 -0600 Received: from by (mail_out_v31.9.) id f.12d.2dd95d7 (17385) for ; Sun, 12 Aug 2001 17:47:17 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="part1_12d.2dd95d7.28a85365_boundary" X-Mailer: AOL 6.0 for Windows US sub 10531 --part1_12d.2dd95d7.28a85365_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I will be traveling for a couple of months so please unsubscribe for the duration of my trip. I will reattach when we return --part1_12d.2dd95d7.28a85365_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I will be traveling for a couple of months so please


for the duration of my trip. I will reattach when we return
--part1_12d.2dd95d7.28a85365_boundary-- --part1_cb.14e5e409.28a88caa_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: M_Boats: Unsubscribe Date: 13 Aug 2001 08:26:23 EDT --part1_e.10f87a01.28a9216f_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Please unsubscribe - am traveling for next two months Thx John Lubliner M17FD #69 "Coyote" --part1_e.10f87a01.28a9216f_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit      
Please unsubscribe - am traveling for next two months


John Lubliner
M17FD #69
--part1_e.10f87a01.28a9216f_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bill Riker" Subject: RE: M_Boats: Trailers Date: 12 Aug 2001 06:06:02 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C123D7.E5800E00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi John, Here's a message from Doug King describing his experience ordering a Seaward Fox trailer for his M17. Good Luck, Bill Riker M-15 #184 Storm Petrel ----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Doug King Sent: January 26, 2000 2:51 PM I've received a lot of feedback from some nice folks about my trailer situation. I want to thank everyone who has contributed advice and experience. I believe I've responded to everyone (directly, rather than tie up the listserv.) When I had time over last weekend, I searched the archive more fully and found the references from last February by Bob Walter to Performance Trailers out of Pinellas Park, FL who makes sailboat trailers. Bob has been kind enough to give me some additional info in further correspondence. So I decided to go the same route and order from Hake Yachts, who makes the Seaward Fox, which is almost identical in weight and dimensions as the M-17. Though they are not a Performance dealer per se (really an OEM supplier)they are willing to order the trailer and make the adjustments necessary there at the factory for no additional price (I just won't get the Seaward buyers discount). The icing on the cake is that they are located in Stuart, two miles from where the boat I'm buying is located. I would like to make a suggestion which would be helpful to East Coasters who may need trailers in the future. I had the feeling Performance Trailers would be happy to add the specs for Montgomery's to their trailer configuration database, so the next orderer can have the trailer set up at the Performance factory ready to go, correctly engineered, and fully warranted.I don't know if they will do it without someone ordering a trailer, or if they are willing to be ready in advance for the next one, as they should do. Anyway, if anyone's willing to provide the specs, they are at Since I just pestered them, they may see it as a growing demand (2 whole inquiries) and do it. Again, thanks to all for your help. Doug King ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C123D7.E5800E00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi=20 John,
Here's a = message from Doug=20 King describing his experience ordering a Seaward Fox trailer for his=20 M17.
Good=20 Luck,

Bill Riker
M-15 #184
Storm Petrel

----Original=20 Message-----
From: owner-montgomer=
] On Behalf Of Doug King
Sent: January 26, = 2000 2:51=20 PM
To: montgomery_boats@list=
Subject: M_Boats: Thanks, all

I've=20 received a lot of feedback from some nice folks about my trailer = situation. I=20 want to thank everyone who has contributed advice and experience. I = believe I've=20 responded to everyone (directly, rather than tie up the = listserv.)

When I had time over last weekend, I = searched=20 the archive more fully and found the references from last February by = Bob Walter=20 to Performance Trailers out of Pinellas Park, FL who makes sailboat = trailers.=20 Bob has been kind enough to give me some additional info in further=20 correspondence. So I decided to go the same route and order from Hake = Yachts,=20 who makes the Seaward Fox, which is almost identical in weight and = dimensions as=20 the M-17.

Though they are not a Performance = dealer per se=20 (really an OEM supplier)they are willing to order the trailer and make = the=20 adjustments necessary there at the factory for no additional price (I = just won't=20 get the Seaward buyers discount). The icing on the cake is that they are = located=20 in Stuart, two miles from where the boat I'm buying is = located.

I would like to make a suggestion = which would be=20 helpful to East Coasters who may = need=20 trailers in the future. I had the feeling Performance Trailers would be = happy to=20 add the specs for Montgomery's to their trailer configuration database, = so the=20 next orderer can have the trailer set up at the Performance factory = ready to go,=20 correctly engineered, and fully warranted.I don't know if they will do = it=20 without someone ordering a trailer, or if they are willing to be ready = in=20 advance for the next one, as they should do. Anyway, if anyone's willing = to=20 provide the specs, they are at = Since=20 I just pestered them, they may see it as a growing demand (2 whole = inquiries)=20 and do it.

Again, thanks to all for your = help.

Doug=20 King

------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C123D7.E5800E00-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jerry Montgomery" Subject: M_Boats: Re: M17 traveler Date: 13 Aug 2001 21:25:33 +0100 Hi David- Yes, the roller-bearing traveller is a necessity on the 17 if you have an interest in going upwind fast. The idea is to pull the traveller to weather so you can ease off the mainsheet and control the amount of twist in the sail, and it makes a huge difference in how hi the boat will sail. Here is a list of parts, partially for Bob's benefit. Most are Ronstan. Track is RF 385; don't remember the length but probably 3 '. It needs to be the width of the cockpit less about 2" on each end; you will have to cut it. The car is a RF 381, and you will need 2 RF 388 end stops so that lines will not snag on it. Use #10X32 flat head machine screws, and use plenty of bedding- polyurethane, NOT silicone. On each side of the cockpit , lined up with the track, attach a Harken H 83 block with a strap eye, and about 4 inches above the blocks bolt a Clamcleat 201 or a small cam cleat WITHOUT a fairlead. Beware of substituting any of this hardware- it works perfectly and was developed over time. The control line can be either 1/4 (best in lite air) or 5/16, and should be endless, with a couple of feet of slack, which will lay on the cockpit sole except while tacking. When tacking, you want to be able to pull the control line as you move to the new side, and with one pull, to pop it loose on the other side and pull the car to weather. Some of you might have to sit in the cockpit and visualize this. When sailing in a real drifter, I pull the traveller all the way to weather, which centers the boom but leaves the leach twisting off nicely. This is one of the tricks in making the 17 fly in a drifter. Probably would work great on a15 also, but I have never done it. Jerry I'm sending this to the whole list so I won't have to do it again in the near future. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 1:52 PM > Jerry, > > Bob Eeg is building a Montgomery 17 for me, to be shipped late this > month. On the Montgomery owners mail list I have seen mention of > traveler improvements you recommend. As I prefer not to drill holes in > boats, is there anything I should ask Bob to install that will make the > boat ready for the better traveler setup? Pad eyes? Different track? > > Bob is already adding pad eyes on the transom for a mainsheet bridle for > end-boom sheeting that will facilitate use of a bimini, desirable when > cruising here in Florida. On those days when sun protection is less > critical, I would like to sail as efficiently as possible. > > Thanks, > > David Fann ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Roberta & Mark Dvorscak" Subject: M_Boats: San Juan Islands Date: 14 Aug 2001 21:37:05 -0700 Life is complicated!!! I now have to be in North Carolina 4 days before I was planning to head north to the San Juans and I have to drive back!! I'm hoping to roll into Oregon sometime on Friday Sept. 7 and then hook onto the boat and head for Anacortes on Saturday morning Sept. 8. That's if everything works out perfectly. Will anybody else be sailing the San Juans the week of Sept. 8 -15? I intend to head west from Anacortes to the West side of Lopez Island. I think Blind Bay (which is actually on Shaw Island) will be my anchorage the first night. Then after some exploration I will probably head for Fisherman Bay for the second (or maybe third) night. These plans are, of course, subject to change at any moment due to weather or the Admiral's wishes. It seems that enthusiasm has waned for a Northwest Rendezvous (or maybe it's just the complications of life). If it turns out that the Admiral and I are just the advance scouts for a future rendezvous, or the rear guard that can't catch the main fleet, that will be just fine too (follow the wind - that's my motto). Maybe we'll see you there. Mark and Roberta M17 #400 GRACE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Jacobs" Subject: Re: M_Boats: San Juan Islands Date: 14 Aug 2001 21:45:39 -0700 I'm sailing from Victoria to the Port Townsend Wood Boat Festival on Sept. 6 and plan to stay until Sept. 8th or 9th and sail back ... again, depending on weather conditions. There seas have been calm and the breezes steady this last week, but a fog bank has been hanging out between "here" and "there" the whole time. Hope it disperses by Sept 6! -Peter- ======================= Peter Jacobs, M17 "Enfin" Victoria BC Canada ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 9:37 PM > Life is complicated!!! I now have to be in North Carolina 4 days before I > was planning to head north to the San Juans and I have to drive back!! I'm > hoping to roll into Oregon sometime on Friday Sept. 7 and then hook onto the > boat and head for Anacortes on Saturday morning Sept. 8. That's if > everything works out perfectly. Will anybody else be sailing the San Juans > the week of Sept. 8 -15? I intend to head west from Anacortes to the West > side of Lopez Island. I think Blind Bay (which is actually on Shaw Island) > will be my anchorage the first night. Then after some exploration I will > probably head for Fisherman Bay for the second (or maybe third) night. These > plans are, of course, subject to change at any moment due to weather or the > Admiral's wishes. It seems that enthusiasm has waned for a Northwest > Rendezvous (or maybe it's just the complications of life). If it turns out > that the Admiral and I are just the advance scouts for a future rendezvous, > or the rear guard that can't catch the main fleet, that will be just fine > too (follow the wind - that's my motto). Maybe we'll see you there. > Mark and Roberta > M17 #400 > GRACE > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: mikit Subject: Re: M_Boats: San Juan Islands Date: 15 Aug 2001 01:05:46 -0700 Mark, Kit works for a school district that will be starting their year at the end of August. Since we doubt that she would be able to get time off during this period we hesitate to plan a trip to the San Juans with the boat during this time frame. I, however, plan on visiting daughter in Seattle on Sept. 6th and going to the Wooden Boat Festival at Port Townsend on Saturday September 8th. I thought I might run up to Anacortes one day, maybe Friday the 7th to check out possible future launch facilities. I have been lurking on the NW potter message board reading with interest the postings of their group who have just completed a trip through the San Juans. They had a great time, though it's evident that it would be wise to pay attention to tide and current tables. We'll anxiously await the tales of your adventure and hope to make it another time. Peter, will you be docking Enfin at the Port Townsend marina or at the festival venue? If you will be at the show on the 8th , I will see if I can find you, say hello, and maybe check out your boat. Mike Leonard M17 # 369 >Life is complicated!!! I now have to be in North Carolina 4 days before I >was planning to head north to the San Juans and I have to drive back!! I'm >hoping to roll into Oregon sometime on Friday Sept. 7 and then hook onto the >boat and head for Anacortes on Saturday morning Sept. 8. That's if >everything works out perfectly. Will anybody else be sailing the San Juans >the week of Sept. 8 -15? I intend to head west from Anacortes to the West >side of Lopez Island. I think Blind Bay (which is actually on Shaw Island) >will be my anchorage the first night. Then after some exploration I will >probably head for Fisherman Bay for the second (or maybe third) night. These >plans are, of course, subject to change at any moment due to weather or the >Admiral's wishes. It seems that enthusiasm has waned for a Northwest >Rendezvous (or maybe it's just the complications of life). If it turns out >that the Admiral and I are just the advance scouts for a future rendezvous, >or the rear guard that can't catch the main fleet, that will be just fine >too (follow the wind - that's my motto). Maybe we'll see you there. >Mark and Roberta >M17 #400 >GRACE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Jacobs" Subject: Re: M_Boats: San Juan Islands Date: 15 Aug 2001 08:13:21 -0700 I don't know where I'll be. I don't think there are any berths left at the marina at this late time. I hope to be able to anchor in a corner somewhere, and use my dinghy to get around. -Peter- ==================== Peter Jacobs Victoria BC Canada ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 1:05 AM > Peter, > will you be docking Enfin at the Port Townsend marina or at the > festival venue? If you will be at the show on the 8th , I will see if > I can find you, say hello, and maybe check out your boat. > Mike Leonard > M17 # 369 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Wndsfr" Subject: M_Boats: Re: sail repair Date: 15 Aug 2001 14:36:19 -0500 US-842 Sail Hard or Stay on the Beach ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 1:21 PM Does anyone know of any books on windsurfing sail repair and also a source for material and supply? Thanks, Sam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Olson Subject: Re: M_Boats: San Juan Islands Date: 15 Aug 2001 22:40:12 -0700 Not to sound too smug, but my wife, kid and I will be staying at the Snug Harbor Marina Resort on San Juan Island for the next few days. With the Montgomery of course. Just want to say thank you to George (Dubya) for getting our tax rebate to us just in time. Couldn't think of a better way to spend it. If anyone happens to be in the neighborhood, stop on by and say hello. Bob Olson M-15 #296 "Piccolo" >Life is complicated!!! I now have to be in North Carolina 4 days before I >was planning to head north to the San Juans and I have to drive back!! I'm >hoping to roll into Oregon sometime on Friday Sept. 7 and then hook onto the >boat and head for Anacortes on Saturday morning Sept. 8. That's if >everything works out perfectly. Will anybody else be sailing the San Juans >the week of Sept. 8 -15? I intend to head west from Anacortes to the West >side of Lopez Island. I think Blind Bay (which is actually on Shaw Island) >will be my anchorage the first night. Then after some exploration I will >probably head for Fisherman Bay for the second (or maybe third) night. These >plans are, of course, subject to change at any moment due to weather or the >Admiral's wishes. It seems that enthusiasm has waned for a Northwest >Rendezvous (or maybe it's just the complications of life). If it turns out >that the Admiral and I are just the advance scouts for a future rendezvous, >or the rear guard that can't catch the main fleet, that will be just fine >too (follow the wind - that's my motto). Maybe we'll see you there. >Mark and Roberta >M17 #400 >GRACE > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Loyd Myers Subject: Re: M_Boats: San Juan Islands Date: 16 Aug 2001 20:04:01 -0700 Hello all -- NW boaters especially, Well, it looks like the Admiral and myself will be heading to the San Juans around 9/3 and returning around 9/9. that's all i've got so far as plans, but here's a thought: it sounds like myself, Peter, Mark, and Jack, and possibly mike (if you came *after* wooden boat), will all be within a few miles of each other on sunday morning of the 9th or possibly saturday night depending on when Peter returns from wooden boat and Mark arrives from the marathon drive. If Peter leaves pt wilson at noon on saturday, the 8th, avg 4.5 knots, he'll hit cattle point (about 21 nm) around 4:30pm, coinciding with max flood in San Juan channel, so he could be expected to pull into Friday Harbor a little after 6:00pm, (given that he'll do about 6.5 knots over ground covering the remaining 10 miles) If Mark launches at Skyline, he's got about 13 nm to get to blind bay -- another 5nm gets him Friday harbor. I'm guessing Saturday's going to be a *really long* day for Mark and Roberta, so perhaps we'd do better to meet up with them Sunday a.m. either in Friday Harbor, or even over towards deer harbor on orcas. The advantage to Friday Harbor is, of course, that any who wished to join us by land only (Jack, Mike ?) could get there fairly easily (if you leave your cars ;) If we got 3 montgomery's in the water and committed, I'll bet there's a couple other listers out there (Bob?) who'd be thinking, "i want some of that action" (or words to that effect). I have to head for home by Sunday p.m. but Others could go on. These are just some thoughts -- take 'em or leave 'em. It would be cool, tho, to have a few montgomery's to show the monster yachters that we can have just as much fun in boats an order of magnitude less expensive ;) Loyd Myers M-17 "Whippersnap" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Roberta & Mark Dvorscak" Subject: Re: M_Boats: San Juan Islands Date: 16 Aug 2001 22:19:51 -0700 Hey Loyd, that sounds like a plan. My attendance, however; is completely dependent upon my successful completion of a 3000 mile drive without any major complications! If I make it home by Friday Sept. 7 I should be in Friday Harbor Saturday evening or Sunday morning. Blind Bay can wait for another day. I selected Blind Bay for the first night simply because it is a good harbor within a reasonable sailing distance from Anacortes. I will make every effort to meet up with you at Friday Harbor (if the Good Lord's willing and the crick don't rise). Mark M17 #400 GRACE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Fran Lebowitz Subject: M_Boats: Spinnaker for Sale Date: 18 Aug 2001 11:32:37 -0700 Hi Gang, I'm selling an 'as new' McKibben Sails cruising spinnaker for the M15. I've never used it, being the unadventurous type of sailor. My boat was previously owned by a man who used it as a fishing boat, so the sails are like new. The spinnaker is a beautiful blue/light blue bi-color sail, complete with launching bag and sheets. $325 plus shipping. It should be put to use; let me know if anyone is interested in having some fun with this BIG sail. Thanks, Fran M15 #236 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: Re: sail repair Date: 19 Aug 2001 20:07:25 EDT --part1_138.46fd30.28b1aebd_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit What would you charge for a new M17 main? --part1_138.46fd30.28b1aebd_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit What would you charge for a new M17 main? --part1_138.46fd30.28b1aebd_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Olson Subject: M_Boats: Fwd: San Juan Cruise Notes - long Date: 19 Aug 2001 23:09:10 -0700 Just for fun. Here's one of the Potter sailor's write-up about his recent San juan Islands cruising experience. Name is Derek and he sails a Potter 15. Also, we just returned from a four day trip to Snug Harbor which is on the other side of San Juan Island from Friday Harbor. I ferried my boat over with my family. It was pretty windy out in Harrow Straight -- 15 - 20 knots of fluky, gusty south winds -- most of the time we were there. Felt a little timid about sailing out there by myself. So I didn't spend a whole lot of time sailing. A good portion of our four day vacation was spent waiting for ferries. And Friday Harbor is one big tourist trap. It'll be a long while before I feel compelled to go back. I did see a M-17 for sale in Friday Harbor for $4,900. Didn't get a phone number though, 'cause I was busy keeping my three year old out of the water. Bob Olson M-15 #296 "Piccolo" ---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ---------------- Received: 8/15/01 9:48 PM Reply-To: CC: Wwpotter List (E-mail) (E-mail), Thanks to Michele and Jim for hosting such a great potter event! We had a total of 15 boats for several great days of cruising this Northwest wonderland. Here is a few notes about my trip: I started out earlier than most, arriving at Washington Park on Tuesday night around 10pm. I was up and motoring across a placid Rosario Strait by 7:30am, heading up between Cypress and Sinclair islands. Once around the middle of Cypress, I got into a brisk wind, and a steep mean chop formed soon afterward. Spent about 2 hours banging thru the chop, which had progressed to combers, rolling down from the Straits of Georgia. I was taking lots of water over the bow, and taking the occasional hit from a breaking wave, which sent about a bucket-full of seawater right on top of me! As I approached towhead island at the top of Cypress, I decided I had had enough and headed into the relative calm of Rosario Strait. Nearing the Peapod rocks, the motion had settled down, and I raised sail and sailed into Doe Bay to drop the hook for lunch. After washing the salt from my body and attempting to dry out, I sailed into Blind Bay on Shaw, where I dropped the hook for the night. The next morning found me sailing up Harney Channel on past Orcas Landing, West Sound, and Deer Harbor. Hove to and made lunch off of Jones Island, then motored across the Presidents Channel up towards Stuart Island. Careful planning via the current atlas found me skimming over ground at a consistent 7 knots! Motored into Reed Harbor, and dropped anchors fore-and-aft about 40 feet off the beach. Walked out to Turn Point, then relaxed up on "Lovers Leap", looking out over the shimmering water and enjoying the 80 degree heat, when I suddenly heard the tell-tail sound of Orcas breathing! Looking down about 300 feet to the water, two large pods of adults passed directly under me as I watched thru my binoculars. I could see down into the water, and watched them frolic and move by. It was a beautiful and emotional sighting ... having traveled in the San Juans for many years and never spotted the whales. Later that evening, while anchored in the dark corner of the harbor, I was treated to a display of brilliant phosphorescence as small fish darted around the boat. Friday dawned clear and virtually windless, but I ghosted out of the harbor, much to the delight of many of the 70-odd boats moored in the large protected area. Motored most of the way into Friday Harbor, where later in the day the fleet arrived, and a wonderful barbeque ensued on Jim's float. Jim is the legendary p-15 liveaboard, and his handiwork continues to amaze all who see it! Saturday was another warm light wind day, and attempts to sail up the San Juan Channel were frustrated by a foul tide, so the motor was engaged once again most of the way into Deer Harbor. At the dock, I was treated to a full tour of a Grand Banks 46 charter boat, and chatted extensively with the Cajun occupants. They have my email address, which they will be sending digital pictures taken of the potter raft at around sunset. Sunday was leaving day for most of the rest of the fleet, but not before we group-tacked up the Harney Channel, dodging lumbering ferries and wake spouting stink-pots the whole way. After a breather at Blakely Island Marina, I split ways with the rest of the troupe and headed down to James Island, just thru Thatcher Pass. Got a space at the dock, and was treated to a spectacular view of the meteor shower in progress. The next morning dawned overcast, but luckily the fog had not settled in like the previous two days. After investigating and commiserating with an owner of a Columbia 36 that had drug anchor and been laid over on the beach, I headed over to Washington Park in a gentle 4 foot swell and pulled out without incident. All and all a fantastic trip, and I can't wait to explore the islands further in my capable little boat! Derek Jensen p-15 #694 "El Nino" Portland, OR ----------------- End Forwarded Message ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Loyd Myers Subject: M_Boats: Re: in-hull NMEA depth transducer Date: 20 Aug 2001 12:02:31 -0700 Good folks, do any of you recall ever seeing an in-hull mounted depth transducer that outputs NMEA0183 info directly (in other words, *without* a head unit -- just the transducer). The point here is that my handheld GPS -- garmin GPS76, will accept nema input of depth, and display it on any screen of my choosing -- it will even manage the audible alarms and all that stuff. So if you had just a transducer that sent the NEMA info, you'd be set. I know i've seen one before, but for the life of me, i can't seemt to find it now any thoughts? loyd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Randy Watkins" Subject: M_Boats: GPS question Date: 20 Aug 2001 14:17:36 -0500 Hello fellow sailors, I'm looking at purchasing a GPS and wondered = if anyone has or uses the eTrex model. It looks like it will do what I = need it to and is reasonable priced. $110. Boat U.S. thanks in advance for any suggestions Randy Watkins M15#194 College Station, Tx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: GPS question - Go For It! Date: 20 Aug 2001 20:14:19 EDT Randy, I use an Eagle handheld for my aviation and boating use. What I have found is the small handhelds with moving maps are nice but in real life the screens are so small the maps are hard to read. The maps are good to get waypoints from but normally I just use the simple features...waypoint to waypoint with the nav info for ETA, tracking and speed. I use the plotter often to track back and like it better than a map. Overall, I'd say go for the simple eTrex and enjoy. Bill Pritchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bill Riker" Subject: RE: M_Boats: GPS question Date: 20 Aug 2001 20:38:43 -0400 Randy, I do have a yellow eTrex. I'm sure it's the same model you're looking at; I paid $115 @ West Marine. I really enjoyed it this summer, but it's the only one I have experience with. I'm sure you can pay more for bigger and better, but for a basic unit, it seems solid. The fact that it's water resistant was the final thing that swayed me to the eTrex. Bill Riker M-15 #184 Storm Petrel -----Original Message----- []On Behalf Of Randy Watkins Sent: August 20, 2001 3:18 PM Hello fellow sailors, I'm looking at purchasing a GPS and wondered if anyone has or uses the eTrex model. It looks like it will do what I need it to and is reasonable priced. $110. Boat U.S. thanks in advance for any suggestions Randy Watkins M15#194 College Station, Tx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Joe Kidd" Subject: Re: M_Boats: air bubbles under compass card? Date: 20 Aug 2001 20:40:23 -0700 Tod, A large bubble developed in the top of my Plastimo Mini Contest compass (on a previous boat). I just topped up the mineral oil and it worked fine. If in doubt, check with the manufacturer or a compass technician. Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Conbert H Benneck Subject: Re: M_Boats: air bubbles under compass card? Date: 21 Aug 2001 11:37:59 -0400 Tod, At one time I worked for Kollsman Instrument Co. and we filled aircraft magnetic compasses with a highly refined form of kerosene. The compasses were then but in a container of the compass fluid - so that they were completely covered by the fluid, and then they were put in a vacuum chamber, which was evacuated, to get all the air out of the compass. My guess is that it is still done that way today, which means that you can never entirely remove an air bubble. You can remove 95%, but when you screw in the filler screw, you'll always manage to capture an errant air bubble. Of course, 95% is a lot better than a compass half full of air! Connie ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Morris, Giles" Subject: RE: M_Boats: air bubbles under compass card? Date: 21 Aug 2001 11:50:40 -0500 >but when you screw in the filler screw, you'll always >manage to capture an errant air bubble Not as good as a vacuum chamber, but perhaps if you were to keep the whole thing under the surface of the kerosene it would (almost) eliminate the bubble. As they would say in Minnesota -- A lotta guys wouldn't smoke while they were doing that. Giles Morris (Trying to get chores done before heading to The Bay for a few days) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: air bubbles under compass card? Date: 21 Aug 2001 18:05:45 EDT --part1_139.49ece8.28b43539_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 08/21/2001 4:54:40 PM !!!First Boot!!!, writes: > (Trying to get chores done before heading to The Bay for a few days) > > Obviously your priorities are all backwards. The chores will be there when you get back. --part1_139.49ece8.28b43539_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 08/21/2001 4:54:40 PM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:

(Trying to get chores done before heading to The Bay for a few days)

Obviously your priorities are all backwards. The chores will be there when
you get back.
--part1_139.49ece8.28b43539_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: air bubbles under compass card? Date: 21 Aug 2001 20:49:27 EDT Tod, I've seen several differnt fluids used. Some work and others don't dampen the card correctly. I also saw a guy put in something and it fogged the dome...don't know what it was but he was stranded in the Bahama out islands and desperate to do a temp repair on the compass so he could sail back. Bill P. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Harvey Wilson Subject: M_Boats: GPS question Date: 21 Aug 2001 22:47:12 -0400 Hi randy... I've used the Etrex Legend (8mb memory) and the Vista (24mb mem.) Both a= re mapping models, and pricier then the base model. They also have a higher= resolution display, albeit the same tiny size. They have the ability to display large numbers..great for sailing, and th= e Vista has a built-in recording barometer/altimeter and fluxgate compass. You can use the Garmin waterways Cd or the topo/ streetguide Cd with them...but not with the base model. If you can accept the tiny screen (detail is great!!), they're also great= for auto, cycling or hiking/hunting use as well. Harvey/Ga M-17 Stargazer #294 = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Randy Watkins" Subject: Re: M_Boats: GPS question Date: 22 Aug 2001 08:17:34 -0500 Harvey thanks for the info, I ended up ordering the small base model, = Etrex.=20 I'm going on a bay trip to the coast in a couple of weeks so hope I can = learn the basics of it before that. take care=20 Randy W.=20 College Station, Tx >>> 08/21/01 09:47PM >>> Hi randy... I've used the Etrex Legend (8mb memory) and the Vista (24mb mem.) Both = are mapping models, and pricier then the base model. They also have a higher resolution display, albeit the same tiny size. They have the ability to display large numbers..great for sailing, and the Vista has a built-in recording barometer/altimeter and fluxgate compass. You can use the Garmin waterways Cd or the topo/ streetguide Cd with them...but not with the base model. If you can accept the tiny screen (detail is great!!), they're also great for auto, cycling or hiking/hunting use as well. Harvey/Ga M-17 Stargazer #294=20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Randy Watkins" Subject: M_Boats: compass, gps, now a dog & slower boats Date: 23 Aug 2001 08:38:22 -0500 Hello fellow sailors, Thanks to everyone for their suggestions on a = compass=20 ( went with the suggestions to make a hatch board & mount ), a gps ( went = with the small Etrex basic model ) now a question about sailing dogs. How = many of you have a faithful "2nd mate " or "1st in some cases" that you = take out on the boat? We lost our cocker to old age who enjoyed being on = the boat. I'd like to hear about other breeds that do well on a boat. now a delocate question, slower boats: I sail, cruise occasionally with = boats that are slower and faster in some cases. How do some of you deal = with the slower class of boats when you don't want to run ahead too far. I = guess I can put a reef in and run a small jib to slow down. Thanks again for the good comments and it's really nice when the builder and designer = post responses. I don't think you many other boat classes enjoy that = privilege. Randy Watkins M15#194 College Station, Tx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Smith Subject: RE: M_Boats: compass, gps, now a dog & slower boats Date: 23 Aug 2001 08:08:21 -0700 Randy, when Larry brougth his 17 over to sail with me and my 15, I felt bad because I was pulling away from him in light winds. That feeling didn't last long as the wind rose. You can always luff up and scrub off some speed, or reducing sail as you suggest would probably work. When the wind rose and Larry took off, it was sort of fun because it caused me to work harder for my best sail shape and trim so as not to lose too much ground. One of my tactics was to let him get a good lead on me, then tack. In order to stay with my new course he usually had to make up some distance. It was fun. Tom Tom Smith and Jane Van Winkle M15/345 -- Chukar Sandpoint, Idaho -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 6:38 AM Hello fellow sailors, Thanks to everyone for their suggestions on a compass ( went with the suggestions to make a hatch board & mount ), a gps ( went with the small Etrex basic model ) now a question about sailing dogs. How many of you have a faithful "2nd mate " or "1st in some cases" that you take out on the boat? We lost our cocker to old age who enjoyed being on the boat. I'd like to hear about other breeds that do well on a boat. now a delocate question, slower boats: I sail, cruise occasionally with boats that are slower and faster in some cases. How do some of you deal with the slower class of boats when you don't want to run ahead too far. I guess I can put a reef in and run a small jib to slow down. Thanks again for the good comments and it's really nice when the builder and designer post responses. I don't think you many other boat classes enjoy that privilege. Randy Watkins M15#194 College Station, Tx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Joe Kidd" Subject: Re: M_Boats: compass, gps, now a dog & slower boats Date: 23 Aug 2001 10:40:31 -0700 Randy, As an aside, I have a nephew who is a teacher/coach in the College Station area. He just built a new home overlooking a large lake, probably somewhere near you. Now to your questions about sailing with others. To avoid the frustration, it is generally more satisfying to just "float your own boat" and meet others at some rendezvous point. Who knows, it might inspire those slow-pokes to upgrade to a Montgomery so you can have some real races and everyone can have more fun. Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Randy Watkins" Subject: Re: M_Boats: compass, gps, now a dog & slower boats Date: 23 Aug 2001 13:08:46 -0500 thanks, we need more Mboats in Texas, is your nephew a sailor? he may live in the Conroe, Tx area as there are numerous homes=20 overlooking that lake. thanks Randy W.=20 >>> 08/23/01 12:40PM >>> Randy, As an aside, I have a nephew who is a teacher/coach in the College Station area. He just built a new home overlooking a large lake, probably somewhere near you. Now to your questions about sailing with others. To avoid the frustration, it is generally more satisfying to just "float your own boat" and meet others at some rendezvous point. Who knows, it might inspire = those slow-pokes to upgrade to a Montgomery so you can have some real races and everyone can have more fun. Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Hyde Subject: Re: M_Boats: compass, gps, now a dog & slower boats Date: 23 Aug 2001 14:30:10 -0700 Dog owners who sail My Cairn Terrier (Murphy Brown, same personality as the TV character) loves to go anywhere on anybody's boat. She gets a little nervous if the sails luff too much and make too much noise. She likes to be in the cockpit, not the cabin. -- Gary Hyde M15 #235 "Vanilla" Pullman, WA > From: Tom Smith > Reply-To: > Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 08:08:21 -0700 > To: > "''" > Subject: RE: M_Boats: compass, gps, now a dog & slower boats > > Randy, when Larry brougth his 17 over to sail with me and my 15, I felt bad > because I was pulling away from him in light winds. That feeling didn't > last long as the wind rose. You can always luff up and scrub off some > speed, or reducing sail as you suggest would probably work. > > When the wind rose and Larry took off, it was sort of fun because it caused > me to work harder for my best sail shape and trim so as not to lose too much > ground. One of my tactics was to let him get a good lead on me, then tack. > In order to stay with my new course he usually had to make up some distance. > It was fun. Tom > > Tom Smith and Jane Van Winkle > M15/345 -- Chukar > Sandpoint, Idaho > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Randy Watkins [] > Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 6:38 AM > To: > Subject: M_Boats: compass, gps, now a dog & slower boats > > > Hello fellow sailors, > Thanks to everyone for their suggestions on a > compass > ( went with the suggestions to make a hatch board & mount ), a gps ( went > with the small Etrex basic model ) now a question about sailing dogs. How > many of you have a faithful "2nd mate " or "1st in some cases" that you take > out on the boat? We lost our cocker to old age who enjoyed being on the > boat. I'd like to hear about other breeds that do well on a boat. > now a delocate question, slower boats: I sail, cruise occasionally with > boats that are slower and faster in some cases. How do some of you deal with > the slower class of boats when you don't want to run ahead too far. I guess > I can put a reef in and run a small jib to slow down. Thanks again > for the good comments and it's really nice when the builder and designer > post responses. I don't think you many other boat classes enjoy that > privilege. > > Randy Watkins > M15#194 > College Station, Tx > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: compass, gps, now a dog & slower boats Date: 23 Aug 2001 18:08:31 EDT --part1_e1.198a31f7.28b6d8df_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a friend who sails with 12" Beagle. The dog loves it. Another friend has a Golden (80Lbs). Of couse they live on a 34' catamaran and have an 11' RIB dink. --part1_e1.198a31f7.28b6d8df_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a friend who sails with  12" Beagle. The dog loves it. Another friend
has a Golden (80Lbs). Of couse they live on a 34' catamaran and have an 11'
RIB dink.
--part1_e1.198a31f7.28b6d8df_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Larry Yake Subject: Re: M_Boats: compass, gps, now a dog & slower boats Date: 23 Aug 2001 16:24:32 -0700 Tom and Randy, Hey! How come my name comes up in the first response about slower boats?!! A rebuttal is in order. My reputation is besmirched. If only I could deny any of it... Alas, 'tis sad, but true. Tom could drift faster than I. Fortunately, we did eventually get a breath of air and the 17 came to life and chasing Tom down after each tack was a blast. Unfortunately, I have no advice on how to sail slower since Tom likes to tack a lot.... ;-) Larry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Conbert H Benneck Subject: Re: M_Boats: compass, gps, now a dog & slower boats Date: 23 Aug 2001 21:36:48 -0400 Tom a quick brake for a sailboat is a pail with a line tossed over the stern. The drag slows you down immediately. Connie ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Smitty" Subject: Re: M_Boats: compass, gps, now a dog & slower boats Date: 24 Aug 2001 00:34:59 -0500 The small chutes that fishermen use to slow their drift work well too. Just roll 'em up with a line and stuff it some where handy. Smitty US-842 Sail Hard or Stay on the Beach ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 8:36 PM Tom a quick brake for a sailboat is a pail with a line tossed over the stern. The drag slows you down immediately. Connie ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Smith Subject: M_Boats: The bucket trick and sailing in and out Date: 24 Aug 2001 07:29:10 -0700 I used the bucket trick when I sailed my former, larger boat into it's slip and I was coming in too hot. My 15 is so controllable I never have to do that. Which isn't to say I don't continue to be slightly out of control coming in sometimes, but I can usually hop out when necessary and get things in hand. Which brings up the question, how many of you sail in and out rather than use your ob? I do as much as possible, and it improves my skills I"m sure. Which isn't to say my departures and arrivals aren't often entertaining to spectators, but so far I've caused minimal damage... Tom Smith and Jane Van Winkle M15/345 -- Chukar Sandpoint, Idaho -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 6:37 PM Tom a quick brake for a sailboat is a pail with a line tossed over the stern. The drag slows you down immediately. Connie ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: The bucket trick and sailing in and out Date: 24 Aug 2001 10:45:33 EDT Tom, I keep my 17 in a crowded marina, and start my Volvo 5hp outboard about 4 times a year to make sure that it is still working, and to ensure that it will work if I need it. I enjoy the skill set necessary to use the wind to maneuver, and it really draws some looks when I come in in a 30mph+ wind and point into it to bring my boat to a stop, drop the sails and glide into the slip. I also sail to and from my mooring on my Pearson Ariel 26 in Maine. I think of the iron genny as an emergency resort, but I make sure that it is working just in case I need it. TH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Conbert H Benneck Subject: Re: M_Boats: The bucket trick and sailing in and out Date: 24 Aug 2001 11:43:05 -0400 Tom, At the lake where I keep LEPPO, I sail in and out of my slip about 95% of the time. I'm on the leeward side of the dock, so I can come in on a broad reach; let everything fly, and head into the wind and my slip. If my approach is a bit on the hot side, thank goodness for the size and weight of the M15. I can hop on the dock and do manual braking before the bow goes "crunch". At the lake, I think I used less that a quart of fuel all summer. We just returned from a week's sailing on Lake Champlain. We stayed in a B&B in Essex, NY, and sailed from the local marina. Had great weather and 10 to 15 kt breezes. Ideal sailing for the M15: no strain, no pain; no reefing; no wet slop in your face as you beat to windward. Just gurgling along doing between 4.0 and 5.0 kts (according to the GPS). The Admirable thinks it's heaven. The companionway table that I built from the MON drawings and photos, is a great addition. However, I built it so that half of the table is in the cockpit for ease of use. Yes it fouls the main sheet, but I'm not using the table when sailing, only at anchor or in the marina. Then I can put the main sheet out of the way and have full use of the table. Charlie Matthews 19 inch tool box galley plus my one burner butane stove make a great combination. It is simple to use: no set-up required. Lake Champlain is a sailor's paradise. There are a few power boats, but well behaved. Hardly a PWC to be seen or heard. Marinas are full of masts, and the occasional trawler yacht. Lake George is the opposite: all power boats and hardly a mast to be seen anywhere. It is a great, low key cruising area, and if anyone needs more information, or would like to discuss it, please let me know. Connie ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ian & Judi Black" Subject: Re: M_Boats: The bucket trick and sailing in and out Date: 24 Aug 2001 12:27:52 -0700 Tom, Saw a Pearson Ariel advertised out here not too long ago. I believe it was a 1965. How do you like yours? Is it a good coastal cruiser? Just curious. Ian M-17 #343 Seaweeble ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: The bucket trick and sailing in and out Date: 24 Aug 2001 17:38:20 EDT The designer, Carl Alberg, sailed the same hull in the form of the daysailer "Pearson Commander" into his 80's. I have loved sailing the boat throughout the Maine coast. There is an article in the most current issue of Cruising World by an owner of a Commander who sailed from LA to Greece, going west. The Ariel is the same hull with a smaller cockpit and larger accommodations. There is an abundance of information at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Larry Yake Subject: Re: M_Boats: Volvo outboards Date: 24 Aug 2001 17:19:07 -0700 TEHowe wrote: Volvo 5hp outboard... I also have a Volvo\Penta outboard. It's a 3.8 Sail. I can't find a shop to even do a tune-up on it. They say Volvo pulled all the parts out of the country. Do you have a source for parts, etc.? Thanks, Larry Y. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Conbert H Benneck Subject: Re: M_Boats: mid Maine Coast Date: 24 Aug 2001 22:56:41 -0400 Tod, Up in Maine you have to worry about the tides. In the Camden area I think that they are at least 6 foot, if not a good bit more. When I was up there some years ago with my Bolger MICRO, I couldn't find a slip because they were only available in the major harbors, and that's not where I wanted to be. Elsewhere, you only can find buoys, but you then need a dinghy to get ashore. All other docks are used by the lobstermen for off-loading their catch, and there is no place there for a yachtsman! More information on the area you're interested in can be found in the Cruising Guide to Maine, which you may find in your library. The Maine Tourist Office will probably have a listing of launch ramps throughout Maine. Write to them, or call them for help. Connie ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bill Riker" Subject: RE: M_Boats: The bucket trick and sailing in and out Date: 25 Aug 2001 07:10:57 -0400 Tom, I grew up sailing motorless dinghys from the dock. Our cottage was on the downwind side of the lake, in a slight bay, so the prevailing winds were often dead onshore. It was a often a challenge, especially in very heavy or very light conditions. But this was always summer, and in a pinch you just jumped overboard and "saved the boat." In very heavy conditions, which I favored with the catamaran, I would sometimes play it safe and land at a neighbor's swimming float. Docking the M15 under sail is much easier than a dinghy or catamaran. The extra weight gives it more momentum and time to drop sails and/or position yourself to catch the dock. Bill Riker M-15 #184 Storm Petrel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: Volvo outboards Date: 25 Aug 2001 12:24:27 EDT Larry, French Creek Marina in Clayton, NY has an extensive parts inventory. They are friendly, and effecient. I just got a fuel pump diaphram from them, and could highly recommend them. Be sure to have the serial # for your motor. Their contact info is: French Creek Marina, 250 Wahl St., Clayton, NY 13624, 315-686-3621. Good luck, TH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jerry Montgomery" Subject: M_Boats: Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 16:33:08 +0100 Date: 25 Aug 2001 21:36:41 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_008A_01C12BF1.4AD636F0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Anyone know any good blond jokes? ------=_NextPart_000_008A_01C12BF1.4AD636F0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Anyone know any good blond = jokes?
------=_NextPart_000_008A_01C12BF1.4AD636F0-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Larry Yake Subject: Re: M_Boats: Volvo outboards Date: 25 Aug 2001 21:47:49 -0700 T.H., Thanks for the info. on Volvo parts. That's the far side of the world from me, but I imagine they'll ship UPS or whatever. Thanks again, Larry Y. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Subject: Re: M_Boats: Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 16:33:08 +0100 Date: 25 Aug 2001 22:03:44 -0700 --------------060208080309030702060102 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit What do you get when you stand a blond on her head? a burnette with bad breath Jerry Montgomery wrote: > Anyone know any good blond jokes? > --------------060208080309030702060102 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit What do you get when you stand a blond on her head?

a burnette with bad breath

Jerry Montgomery wrote:
Anyone know any good blond jokes?

--------------060208080309030702060102-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert Becker Subject: M_Boats: trailer hitch Date: 26 Aug 2001 11:18:56 -0700 (PDT) Hi, I just bought a 97 ford explorer and I am thinking about getting a trailer hitch. The ford has the trailer package but no hitch. The bumper is rated at 350 lbs tongue wieght and 3500 lbs trailer weight. That should be enough for the M15. The advantages of a hitch would be a greater load capability and a lower ball position, which would take some weight off the trailer wheels. Disadvantages? The bumper hitch saves a couple of bills. If I go the hitch route, is there a preferred model or design? Thanks for any comments. Bob M15 #208 ps. I'll never look at blonds the same way after reading Bob's blond joke. _______________________________________________________ Send a cool gift with your E-Card ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Larry Yake Subject: Re: M_Boats: Date: Decision time Date: 26 Aug 2001 11:18:42 -0700 Hey gang, Wow. I'm suddenly faced with an interesting decision. I have been very happy with my 17, and have had no intention of selling her, but I've run across a deal that has intrigued me. I'm talking with a gentleman that has a 1986 Neptune 24 (fixed keel, tall rig) loaded and in excellent condition, that wants to trade. Of course, that brings up the old question of what I want to do with a sailboat (no trailer) and what fits my needs best, and only I can answer that, but I also need opinions and information on what differences I would find in sailing characteristics, quality of construction, etc. Any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Larry Y. M17 #200 Tullamore ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Jacobs" Subject: Re: M_Boats: trailer hitch Date: 26 Aug 2001 12:40:43 -0700 Hi Bob, Just a quick thought on going the bumper hitch route: the boat would be at a better launching angle if the front of the trailer is a wee bit higher. -Peter- ======================= Peter Jacobs, M17 "Enfin" Victoria BC Canada The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in sailing. -- Anonymous ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2001 11:18 AM > > Hi, > > I just bought a 97 ford explorer and I am thinking about getting a trailer > hitch. The ford has the trailer package but no hitch. The bumper is rated > at 350 lbs tongue wieght and 3500 lbs trailer weight. That should be enough > for the M15. > > The advantages of a hitch would be a greater load capability and a lower > ball position, which would take some weight off the trailer wheels. > Disadvantages? > > The bumper hitch saves a couple of bills. > > If I go the hitch route, is there a preferred model or design? > > Thanks for any comments. > > Bob > > > M15 #208 > > ps. I'll never look at blonds the same way after reading Bob's blond > joke. > > > > > > _______________________________________________________ > Send a cool gift with your E-Card > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Jacobs" Subject: Re: M_Boats: Date: Decision time Date: 26 Aug 2001 12:42:58 -0700 The best advice I can give you, Larry, is to go for a sail in the Neptune and see if it lights your fire. Follow your instincts :) Good luck! -Peter- ======================= Peter Jacobs, M17 "Enfin" Victoria BC Canada The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in sailing. -- Anonymous ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2001 11:18 AM > Hey gang, > Wow. I'm suddenly faced with an interesting decision. I have been very > happy with my 17, and have had no intention of selling her, but I've run > across a deal that has intrigued me. I'm talking with a gentleman that > has a 1986 Neptune 24 (fixed keel, tall rig) loaded and in excellent > condition, that wants to trade. Of course, that brings up the old > question of what I want to do with a sailboat (no trailer) and what fits > my needs best, and only I can answer that, but I also need opinions and > information on what differences I would find in sailing characteristics, > quality of construction, etc. Any thoughts and advice would be greatly > appreciated. > Thanks, > Larry Y. > M17 #200 > Tullamore > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Steve Parsons) Subject: Re: M_Boats: Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 16:33:08 +0100 Date: 26 Aug 2001 18:01:12 -0700 Jerry, I've got a bunch, but Bush jokes are far more entertaining. skp >Anyone know any good blond jokes? > > > > > > > >
Anyone know any good blond jokes?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: trailer hitch ball height Date: 27 Aug 2001 02:34:55 EDT --part1_31.19dd3181.28bb440f_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Actually the boat will be easier to launch and retrieve if the ball is as low as reasonable. Most boats sit too high in the bow on trailers for optimum launching. I had a friend 'custom' build his *-22 trailer and discovered after building it 'bow-high' the ideal was stern high. I had my last boat configured stern high on the trailer and it launched and ret. spectacularly! If you think this runs contrary to your ideas, try making a sketch of a ramp-boat trailer w/boat and vehicle. Just my 2 cents worth. ( and worth EVERY penny of it!! ) Great sailing and Have Fun. Gary O. M-17 # 316 A morphing from yellow to white topsides. chainplate reinf. replacement next. --part1_31.19dd3181.28bb440f_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Actually the boat will be easier to launch and retrieve if the ball is as low
as reasonable. Most boats sit too high in the bow on trailers for optimum
launching. I had a friend 'custom' build his *-22 trailer and discovered
after building it 'bow-high' the ideal was stern high. I had my last boat
configured stern high on the trailer and it launched and ret. spectacularly!
If you think this runs contrary to your ideas, try making a sketch of a
ramp-boat trailer w/boat and vehicle.
Just my 2 cents worth. ( and worth EVERY penny of it!! )
Great sailing and Have Fun.

Gary O.
M-17 # 316 A
morphing from yellow to white topsides. chainplate reinf. replacement next.
--part1_31.19dd3181.28bb440f_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kerrys Subject: Re: M_Boats: trailer hitch Date: 27 Aug 2001 08:08:33 -0700 maybe I'm paranoid, but there is no way I would trust the bumper. BTW, I've owned 3 Explorers. 2 I put hitches on. KS Robert Becker wrote: > Hi, > > I just bought a 97 ford explorer and I am thinking about getting a trailer > hitch. The ford has the trailer package but no hitch. The bumper is rated > at 350 lbs tongue wieght and 3500 lbs trailer weight. That should be enough > for the M15. > > The advantages of a hitch would be a greater load capability and a lower > ball position, which would take some weight off the trailer wheels. > Disadvantages? > > The bumper hitch saves a couple of bills. > > If I go the hitch route, is there a preferred model or design? > > Thanks for any comments. > > Bob > > M15 #208 > > ps. I'll never look at blonds the same way after reading Bob's blond > joke. > > _______________________________________________________ > Send a cool gift with your E-Card > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dan White Subject: Re: M_Boats: trailer hitch Date: 27 Aug 2001 10:27:43 -0500 Neither would I. When bringing the boat up out of the ramp, loads are on the bumper that could deform it. Pulling up hills, braking at stops,... all works on the bumper over time. I've seen bumpers that, over time, just don't hold up. A hitch is cheaper than a bumper replacement. Dan White M17 #316B kerrys wrote: > > maybe I'm paranoid, but there is no way I would trust the bumper. > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Joe Kidd" Subject: Re: M_Boats: trailer hitch Date: 27 Aug 2001 09:22:45 -0700 IMHO, take your Explorer to a custom hitch shop for a proper installation of a heavy duty hitch. Last year a friend of mine totaled his brand new Ford Expedition and brand new travel trailer when the factory installed hitch on the Expedition failed. And you are only worried about a bumper hitch failing... Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Randy Watkins" Subject: Re: M_Boats: trailer hitch Date: 27 Aug 2001 11:30:31 -0500 I agree with Joe, I just traded in a Ford Sport Explorer and I had a = class III hitch installed on it. It worked well and made trailering a = breeze. I used a Uhaul brand and it was well constructed. btw:: I still have the frame hitch assy, 1 7/8" ball on the removable = tongue and plug in electrical connector. This came off a 2000 Ford Sport = and will fit a 1998-2001 Explorer, Sport Explorer or same Mercury = Mountaineer if anyone needs one a good price. Randy W.=20 >>> 08/27/01 11:22AM >>> IMHO, take your Explorer to a custom hitch shop for a proper installation = of a heavy duty hitch. Last year a friend of mine totaled his brand new Ford Expedition and brand new travel trailer when the factory installed hitch = on the Expedition failed. And you are only worried about a bumper hitch failing... Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Fann Subject: Re: M_Boats: trailer hitch Date: 27 Aug 2001 14:11:32 -0400 One more consideration: My Ranger, which has a frame hitch, was recently smacked from behind in a parking lot by a shiny new Isuzu SUV. The impact knocked my truck about four feet across the pavement, with the transmission in Park. The SUV had several thousand dollars of damage and had to be towed. My truck suffered a slightly bent bumper only, just bad enough to have it replaced. (No transmission damage; whew!) The body shop guy said that the frame hitch absorbed most of the energy, and had it not been present, the impact would have wrinkled at least one fender and the tailgate and taken out all the rear lights, as well as destroying the bumper. The hitch appears to be unscathed. David Fann ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Joe Kidd" Subject: Re: M_Boats: trailer hitch Date: 27 Aug 2001 12:58:59 -0700 >btw:: I still have the frame hitch assy, 1 7/8" ball on the removable tongue and plug in electrical connector. This came off a 2000 Ford Sport and will fit a 1998-2001 Explorer, Sport Explorer or same Mercury Mountaineer if anyone needs one a good price. Caution! Your Montgomery trailer fits a 2" hitch ball. Throw that 1-7/8" ball away before you hook your boat to it by mistake (like I did). It is a miracle that I didn't have another heart attack when I heard that loud bang and watched in horror as Poco and her trailer careened backwards down the road. Soft mud and some rocks on the side of the pavement stopped her before she plunged over the bank. I couldn't believe it when I discovered absolutely no damage to the boat or trailer. The only damage was to my ego. Needless to say, I got rid of the 1-7/8" ball and installed extra heavy duty safety chains. I don't intend to make that mistake twice. Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Smith Subject: RE: M_Boats: Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 16:33:08 +0100 Date: 27 Aug 2001 13:44:58 -0700 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C12F39.22D17C00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Off topic! Off topic! Tom Smith LineSoft Corporation Phone: 509-928-1707 ext. 248 Fax: 509-928-2581 E-mail: Website: -----Original Message----- Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 8:37 PM Anyone know any good blond jokes? ------_=_NextPart_001_01C12F39.22D17C00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
Off topic!  Off topic!

Tom Smith
LineSoft Corporation
Phone: 509-928-1707 ext. 248
Fax: 509-928-2581

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Montgomery []
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 8:37 PM
Subject: M_Boats: Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 16:33:08 +0100

Anyone know any good blond jokes?
------_=_NextPart_001_01C12F39.22D17C00-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Larry Yake Subject: Re: M_Boats: Newsletter Date: 27 Aug 2001 15:58:10 -0700 Is the Montgomery Owners Newsletter being published again? Larry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: M_Boats: Archives Date: 27 Aug 2001 20:17:14 EDT --part1_136.b9c2ad.28bc3d0a_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit How do I access the archives? John "Miss T" M17 # 372 --part1_136.b9c2ad.28bc3d0a_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit How do I access the archives?

"Miss T"
M17 # 372
--part1_136.b9c2ad.28bc3d0a_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: Archives Date: 27 Aug 2001 21:15:48 EDT --part1_ca.1a35e6bb.28bc4ac4_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 8/27/2001 8:29:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > Hey Tod, Thanks. Looking forward to hearing more about you boat and trip. John --part1_ca.1a35e6bb.28bc4ac4_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 8/27/2001 8:29:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hey Tod,

Thanks. Looking forward to hearing more about you boat and trip.

--part1_ca.1a35e6bb.28bc4ac4_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: M_Boats: Unsubscribe Date: 27 Aug 2001 21:46:21 EDT --part1_60.1315371c.28bc51ed_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit How do I unsubscribe from the Montgomery Boats mailing list? Craig Baker ( --part1_60.1315371c.28bc51ed_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit How do I unsubscribe from the Montgomery Boats mailing list?
                                                           Craig Baker
--part1_60.1315371c.28bc51ed_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: M_Boats: Sails Date: 28 Aug 2001 02:51:00 EDT --part1_11c.3c97d67.28bc9954_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm considering buying a new main, and looking for a good sailmaker familar with the M17. In reviewing the archives for this spring, I found Jerrys note indicating Peterson/Elliot make good sails. Does anyone have an email, phone number or website address for them? Thanks, John "Miss T" M17 #372 --part1_11c.3c97d67.28bc9954_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm considering buying a new main, and looking for a good sailmaker familar
with the M17.  In reviewing the archives for this spring, I found Jerrys note
indicating Peterson/Elliot make good sails.  Does anyone have an email, phone
number or website address for them?


"Miss T"
M17 #372
--part1_11c.3c97d67.28bc9954_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert Becker Subject: M_Boats: Trailer hitch Date: 28 Aug 2001 09:40:00 -0700 (PDT) I have decided to install a hitch rather than use the bumper, thanks to all who responded with information and advice. I pulled my M15 for 8 years with a bumper hitch on my 89 Mazda B2200 pickup withour incident but I was probably just lucky. Anyway, for $200+/- how can I go wrong. Thanks again, Bob M15 #208 _______________________________________________________ Send a cool gift with your E-Card ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: pete master Subject: Re: M_Boats: Sails Date: 28 Aug 2001 19:42:13 -0600 --------------19F52725D5CC75EB79E0FC6A Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Both Elliott/Pattison and Kern Sails are listed on the owners group site. Pete wrote: > I'm considering buying a new main, and looking for a good sailmaker > familar > with the M17. In reviewing the archives for this spring, I found > Jerrys note > indicating Peterson/Elliot make good sails. Does anyone have an > email, phone > number or website address for them? > > Thanks, > > John > "Miss T" > M17 #372 --------------19F52725D5CC75EB79E0FC6A Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Both Elliott/Pattison and Kern Sails are listed on the owners group site.

Pete wrote:

I'm considering buying a new main, and looking for a good sailmaker familar
with the M17.  In reviewing the archives for this spring, I found Jerrys note
indicating Peterson/Elliot make good sails.  Does anyone have an email, phone
number or website address for them?


"Miss T"
M17 #372

--------------19F52725D5CC75EB79E0FC6A-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hazel G. Lane" Subject: M_Boats: San Juan Islands? Date: 28 Aug 2001 21:43:59 -0700 In April there was an attempt to organise a San Juan Is., cruise in September. Did it come to anything? Regards, Dick Lane in Port Townsend. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dan White Subject: Re: M_Boats: San Juan Islands? Date: 29 Aug 2001 00:27:25 -0500 Dick, I know some people were up there, but whether the was a rendezvous is questionable in my mind. I have seen posts of people ferrying their boat because of the high winds. I was up there 18-24 July and took a 32' Buccaneer out of Crescent Harbor on Whidbey Island. We couldn't buy a breeze and coming across Rosario Strait in a fog with visibility from zero to 100 yards and a running 4 knot current that shifted all over the place was a real challenge. Came across a lost power boater 1/2 way across and he followed me under the bridge at Deception Pass. Going through Deception +/- 2 hours from slack is also a real eye opener. See for an example of what it's like. With 14 foot tides and 9 knot currents, I don't think my M17 would handle it and if it would, the skipper is certainly questionable. For the first time in my life I saw water as smooth as glass -- it's treacherous stuff. Right next to the smooth stuff the water was absolutely boiling and whirlpools about 20' in diameter that would have certainly taken a man under. I learned a LOT about sailing in tides and currents and can't wait to get back up there next year. Now if Washington would just put some more mooring balls in Active Cove on Patos... Of course, you get to sail those waters all the time so You probably think I'm some sort of wuss. Dan "Hazel G. Lane" wrote: > > In April there was an attempt to organise a San Juan Is., cruise in > September. Did it come to anything? > Regards, Dick Lane in Port Townsend. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Jacobs" Subject: Re: M_Boats: San Juan Islands? Date: 29 Aug 2001 08:28:35 -0700 Dick, I don't think anything came of it. I'm headed to Port T on Thursday 6th, hopefully arriving on the 7th, and even more hopefully getting a spot to anchor or tie up (I'll bring my dinghy). Maybe we could get together? -Peter- ======================= Peter Jacobs, M17 "Enfin" Victoria BC Canada The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in sailing. -- Anonymous ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 9:43 PM > In April there was an attempt to organise a San Juan Is., cruise in > September. Did it come to anything? > Regards, Dick Lane in Port Townsend. > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: centerboard pennant replacement - update Date: 29 Aug 2001 21:56:26 EDT I also wanted to say thanks to all for the tips on the pennant replacement. My CB line was replaced today at a local marina. The shackle looked OK. Man what a difference having a lift makes when it comes to this type of repair. The price was also decent since I "assisted" with the replacement. They only charged me for using the lift so I decided to leave the boat at the marina for a month. I'm looking forward to sailing in Sep and Oct. al ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Randy Watkins" Subject: Re: M_Boats: centerboard pennant replacement - update Date: 29 Aug 2001 21:40:28 -0500 Tod, wetre you going to post it on the Montgomery Owners web site? I'd = enjoy reading it either way. btw: I ran across a report you had sent to the old newsletter ( 1999 ) , = it was very good, nice style of writing, keep it up. Randy W. M15#194 ( now w/ new compass, Etrax GPS,=20 no dog yet ) we have a cat but my wife won't leyt me take him ( George ) = out on the boat, oh well I really like dogs better, no offense to cat = lovers out there. <<< 8/29 9:16p >>> Alright, Al! Glad to hear it's back in business. I, too, am looking = forward to the coming two months of sailing. Everyone, I need to proofread my North Channel tale, but it's more or less complete. = It is a nine page word document with sixteen jpg pics in it (the pics take up about = half the space. Every page has at least one picture, some have two). If anyone has = nothing better to do and would like to read it, I could e-mail it directly perhaps.....I = suppose I should check to see how big the file is; it might be prohibitively large. I = tried to make sure there were a variety of subjects, some sunsets, some at anchor, some = scenery, some of life aboard & ashore, and even one underwater shot of the underbody of = the boat. Tod =20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Roberta & Mark Dvorscak" Subject: Re: M_Boats: San Juan Islands? Date: 29 Aug 2001 23:04:31 -0700 > In April there was an attempt to organise a San Juan Is., cruise in > September. Did it come to anything? > Regards, Dick Lane in Port Townsend. Dick, Enthusiasm fizzled on the rendezvous, so my wife and I were planning a week's cruise Sept. 8-15. However, I had a minor accident at work today which looks like it ended my sailing for this year. (I can't do much with my right hand for awhile and I'll need a little surgery during my planned cruise dates). I'll be on the water again in the spring, though. Mark Dvorscak M17 #400 GRACE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Joe Kidd" Subject: M_Boats: Hand Injury Date: 29 Aug 2001 23:35:24 -0700 Mark, I was sorry to hear about your hand injury. Here's hoping the damage can be corrected with surgery and rehab. Keep us posted on the prognosis and your progress. Roberta, you be sure to use a lot of TLC in Mark's recovery. Thankfully, you are both already blessed with Grace. You are in our prayers. Joe Kidd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harvey Hochstetter" Subject: M_Boats: Power for our "new" M-15 Date: 30 Aug 2001 04:11:09 -0600 Help Please, I need some experienced In-put re: out board power for an M-15. Deena and I just brought our "new" M-15 "Pelican" #348 home this last weekend and here's the situation. Most of our sailing will be big river, ie; The Columbia River and the Snake. At this point "Pelican" is without and OB, but it does have a (factory) fixed bracket, and I'm a bit nervous about taking it out yet without one. I do have some sailing experience from 20 years ago, so I'm a bit rusty. The currents are seasonally variable, from 0-1knot up to 5-6. Given that the wind is the wind, (regularly variable), and that the faster current is mid channel only, what should I be looking for to power the M-15? I am interested in preferred Size ( HP ), Brand reliability, Two stroke Vs Four stroke, Built in fuel tank or accessory tank, and any thing else that I should consider. Please feel free to enlighten me. By my calculations, the M-15 hull speed is 4.8 knots, and from what I have heard, a 2 HP will take the M-15 to that with some to spare. Will the 2HP be enough? Will the factory bracket handle a 5HP? Should I install the new OB adjustable bracket to get the OB prop out of the water when not powering? Is anyone running electric with photo cell rechargers. I would like to hear from the users. I know there was a segment on power in the MSOG site. I just fell like I need more information. Thank you each and all in advance for your learned responses. Harvey & Deena "Pelican" M-15 #348 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Howard A Subject: Re: M_Boats: centerboard pennant replacement - update Date: 30 Aug 2001 06:58:06 -0500 Tod: Send me a copy of your story, and I'll help you proof it. Howard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Smith Subject: RE: M_Boats: Power for our "new" M-15 Date: 30 Aug 2001 07:12:54 -0700 Hi Harvey. Sounds like you're sailing out of the WW yacht club near the confluence of the Snake and Columbia. I have a Honda 2hp 4 stroke, an early model without the clutch. I think it's the optimal size for the 15. I believe a 5 is way overkill. t Tom Smith and Jane Van Winkle M15/345 -- Chukar Sandpoint, Idaho -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 3:11 AM Help Please, I need some experienced In-put re: out board power for an M-15. Deena and I just brought our "new" M-15 "Pelican" #348 home this last weekend and here's the situation. Most of our sailing will be big river, ie; The Columbia River and the Snake. At this point "Pelican" is without and OB, but it does have a (factory) fixed bracket, and I'm a bit nervous about taking it out yet without one. I do have some sailing experience from 20 years ago, so I'm a bit rusty. The currents are seasonally variable, from 0-1knot up to 5-6. Given that the wind is the wind, (regularly variable), and that the faster current is mid channel only, what should I be looking for to power the M-15? I am interested in preferred Size ( HP ), Brand reliability, Two stroke Vs Four stroke, Built in fuel tank or accessory tank, and any thing else that I should consider. Please feel free to enlighten me. By my calculations, the M-15 hull speed is 4.8 knots, and from what I have heard, a 2 HP will take the M-15 to that with some to spare. Will the 2HP be enough? Will the factory bracket handle a 5HP? Should I install the new OB adjustable bracket to get the OB prop out of the water when not powering? Is anyone running electric with photo cell rechargers. I would like to hear from the users. I know there was a segment on power in the MSOG site. I just fell like I need more information. Thank you each and all in advance for your learned responses. Harvey & Deena "Pelican" M-15 #348 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Conbert H Benneck Subject: Re: M_Boats: Power for our "new" M-15 Date: 30 Aug 2001 10:40:10 -0400 Harvey & Deena, I have an M15 with a 2 HP HONDA 4 cycle outboard as power. Extremely happy with the combination. I can reach hull speed in calm waters at less than half throttle. The integral fuel tank on the Honda is no problem. It runs for so long on a tankfull that I can't recall when I last filled the tank; but then I don't do much motoring. If you do a lot of motoring that will require refilling the tank here are two equally good solutions: 1. Someone on the website suggested using one quart oil containers for fuel. The advantage is small size and easy refueling underway. No trying to hold a big container with a spout and get the gas in the tank as the boat bounces around. 2. Another solution, is to use an outboard fuel hose with the bulb pump. The lower end goes in your larger fuel tank, which can be in the cockpit, and the other end goes in the fuel tank opening of the O/B. Press the bulb pump and you you can refill the O/B tank with no fuss - no muss, and with total control even in a seaway. I replaced my fixed engine mount for a Fulton lift mount, this year. Now I no longer drag the foot of the outboard when heeled. I find this to be a big improvement when sailing. I would recommend the change. I think a 5 HP motor is overkill. The M15 has to be trimmed carefully, and the weight of a 5 HP outboard on the stern, plus two adults in the cockpit will make the stern squat - something you want to avoid, because it increases your drag. Hull speed, is hull speed. More HP just makes bigger waves for a small increase in speed. When you reach hull speed, the power required for any additional speed starts climbing very rapidly: i.e., to achieve another 2 knots you might need 10 HP. I've had a 4 HP Johnson on my Bolger MICRO: which was far more HP than needed. I had a 2 HP two cycle Suzuki on my ComPac 16: a nice combination, except for the two cycle aspect, and now the 2 HP Honda 4 cycle on the M15, which I consider an ideal combination. Connie M15 #400 LEPPO ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Morris, Giles" Subject: RE: M_Boats: Power for our "new" M-15 Date: 30 Aug 2001 09:43:18 -0500 I agree that it's a nice engine. > It runs for so long > on a tankfull that I can't recall when I last filled the tank; but then I > don't do much motoring. About 45 minutes at full throttle (I ended up going for a midnight row to get back to Dolphin last week, that's how I know) I also used the Honda 5HP, and it's somewhat heavy for the M-15. It works OK, but tends to make the boat squat a bit. Giles Morris ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Joe Kidd" Subject: Re: M_Boats: Power for our "new" M-15 Date: 30 Aug 2001 10:31:28 -0700 Honda, Honda, Honda! I have a 2hp standard shaft Honda with centrifugal clutch for my M15. Love it! Ditto to what the previous respondents told you. Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hazel G. Lane" Subject: Re: M_Boats: San Juan Islands? Date: 30 Aug 2001 10:37:11 -0700 Mark, Sorry to hear about your injury and sorry to hear that the rendezvous fizzled. Dick Lane Roberta & Mark Dvorscak wrote: > Dick, > Enthusiasm fizzled on the rendezvous, so my wife and I were planning a > week's cruise Sept. 8-15. However, I had a minor accident at work today > which looks like it ended my sailing for this year. (I can't do much with my > right hand for awhile and I'll need a little surgery during my planned > cruise dates). I'll be on the water again in the spring, though. > Mark Dvorscak > M17 #400 > GRACE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Smitty" Subject: Re: M_Boats: Power for our "new" M-15 Date: 30 Aug 2001 02:35:46 -0500 I am also a watcher/lurker on the Sea Pearl sail boat list and they just had quite a discussion about outboards. Seems that the Honda 2 is quite popular with them as well, but the little Suzuki and Tohatsu engines seem to be the favorites of some. Seems they run forever and are light and powerful. The Sea Pearl is an open 21' boat that weighs about 600#, not that different from the M-15 weight wise. If I remember right, the Suzuki can use an external fuel tank, if you plan on motoring more than usual. Smitty US-842 Sail Hard or Stay on the Beach ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 12:31 PM Honda, Honda, Honda! I have a 2hp standard shaft Honda with centrifugal clutch for my M15. Love it! Ditto to what the previous respondents told you. Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Olson Subject: Re: M_Boats: Power for our "new" M-15 Date: 30 Aug 2001 11:01:53 -0700 Hi Harvey and Deena, I also have the Honda 2 hp with the centrifugal clutch. I have the long shaft as I have an adjustable motor mount. I think there might be a problem with dragging the long shaft with a fixed motor mount. I am quite happy with the Honda and like just carrying an extra quart or even gallon of fuel as opposed to 3 or more gallons that normally come with the external tanks. If you haven't already done so you might want to search the previous messages about the Honda at When you get there, hit the sports icon and after that the yachting section and then montgomery boats. Type in honda or outboards to begin your search. You will get more info that way than is presently available on the MSOG site. The best of luck in whatever you decide. Don Olson M15 Phoenix, Az ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jerry Montgomery" Subject: Re: M_Boats: Power for our "new" M-15 Date: 30 Aug 2001 15:25:47 +0100 Hi Smitty- Would you do me a favor and mention on the Sea Pearl list that I am doing sailboat rigging, and include my email address? I do wire rigging for Montgomery owners and others on occasion, but I'm planning on expanding this business this winter. Thanks. Jerry ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 8:35 AM > I am also a watcher/lurker on the Sea Pearl sail boat list and they just had > quite a discussion about outboards. Seems that the Honda 2 is quite popular > with them as well, but the little Suzuki and Tohatsu engines seem to be the > favorites of some. Seems they run forever and are light and powerful. The > Sea Pearl is an open 21' boat that weighs about 600#, not that different > from the M-15 weight wise. If I remember right, the Suzuki can use an > external fuel tank, if you plan on motoring more than usual. > Smitty > US-842 > Sail Hard or > Stay on the Beach > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Joe Kidd" > To: > Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 12:31 PM > Subject: Re: M_Boats: Power for our "new" M-15 > > > Honda, Honda, Honda! > > I have a 2hp standard shaft Honda with centrifugal clutch for my M15. > Love it! Ditto to what the previous respondents told you. > > Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Larry Yake Subject: Re: M_Boats: Decision time Date: 30 Aug 2001 21:45:34 -0700 Just wanted to let you guys know that I decided not to trade my M17 for the Neptune24. Thank-you to those who offered advice and opinions on the deal. The Neptune is a fine boat and a good sailor, but I love my 17 and it would take a heck of a deal to make me give her up. Hard to find a better boat when you've got the best! Larry Y. M17 #200 Tullamore ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Smitty" Subject: Re: M_Boats: Power for our "new" M-15 Date: 31 Aug 2001 02:00:33 -0500 Jerry, The only problem with that is the fact that Sea Pearls are equipped with free standing, rotating masts. The sail is furled/reefed around the mast. You might try the Trailer Sailor forum. It has a pretty big audience. There is also a Beach Cat list out there and alot of those guys are rebuilding older cats of all types. The folks on the Victoria 18 site might be interested as well as the Shallow Water Sailors. The links are below. Most of these sites have additional links to more sailing sites as well. Smitty US-842 Sail Hard or Stay on the Beach ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 9:25 AM Hi Smitty- Would you do me a favor and mention on the Sea Pearl list that I am doing sailboat rigging, and include my email address? I do wire rigging for Montgomery owners and others on occasion, but I'm planning on expanding this business this winter. Thanks. Jerry ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 8:35 AM > I am also a watcher/lurker on the Sea Pearl sail boat list and they just had > quite a discussion about outboards. Seems that the Honda 2 is quite popular > with them as well, but the little Suzuki and Tohatsu engines seem to be the > favorites of some. Seems they run forever and are light and powerful. The > Sea Pearl is an open 21' boat that weighs about 600#, not that different > from the M-15 weight wise. If I remember right, the Suzuki can use an > external fuel tank, if you plan on motoring more than usual. > Smitty > US-842 > Sail Hard or > Stay on the Beach > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Joe Kidd" > To: > Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 12:31 PM > Subject: Re: M_Boats: Power for our "new" M-15 > > > Honda, Honda, Honda! > > I have a 2hp standard shaft Honda with centrifugal clutch for my M15. > Love it! Ditto to what the previous respondents told you. > > Joe Kidd M15 #207 "Poco A Poco" > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: M_Boats: Sails Date: 31 Aug 2001 09:30:45 EDT In a message dated 08/27/2001 11:51:48 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: << I'm considering buying a new main, >> John I purchased a new main for my M-17 a few years ago from the Sail Warehouse and was very pleased..........I'm considering doing the same for my M-23 in the near future....... Lenny