Subject: Re: [N64] E3
Date: 01 May 1999 11:29:58 EDT
In a message dated 5/1/99 1:40:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
<< So how many of you guys are lucky enogh to be holding tickets in your hands
right now?
-Sean >>
I have "connections"...I could have gone if I could have found a)time b)
transportation or c) money. Considering all I have is d) nothing, I'm not
going. Next year...a BIG most likely ;)
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Subject: [N64] Smash brothers
Date: 01 May 1999 15:39:47 EDT
Hey there, is anyone else out there playing this game?? it rocks, i love it,
It's kinda hard to controll, but once you get the hang of it, you can kick
major butt
I've found luigi, Jigglypuff, and Cpt. Falcon, i need ness, but that's
awfully hard to do,
Anyways, if anyone has some insight, let me know
Peace out
Pete Frye
Pete: Portrait
of a Maniac
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From: "Justin Bailey"
Subject: Re: [N64] Auction #97175394, Smash Brothers
Date: 01 May 1999 21:36:31 -0500
> This was the eBay auction that included a MOD chip and some piracy
> stuff---eBay DID end it...just for those of you that were interested.
HOW can they keep track of that kind of stuff, with the thousands of
auctions that go on every day?
I got Smash Brothers yesterday... it's Smashing! :) I've got a serious
crush on Samus, Zebes, and that catchy Brinstar theme music again. Screw
Attack and the Grappling Beam rock! If Nintendo makes a 2D Metroid64 with
those kinds of graphics and music, I'm gonna happier than an Etecoon in a
ventilation shaft :) Smash Brothers proves that side scrollers are far from
dead, despite the unfortunate mishaps of Mischief Makers and Yoshi's Story.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Smash brothers
Date: 02 May 1999 00:41:02 +0000
> From:
> Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 15:39:47 EDT
> Subject: [N64] Smash brothers
> To:
> Reply-to:
> Hey there, is anyone else out there playing this game?? it rocks, i love it,
> It's kinda hard to controll, but once you get the hang of it, you can kick
> major butt
> I've found luigi, Jigglypuff, and Cpt. Falcon, i need ness, but that's
> awfully hard to do,
> Anyways, if anyone has some insight, let me know
> Peace out
> Pete Frye
Yep, I'm playing it, along with Micro Machines (I'm renting both)..
I don't really care for fighting games all that much, but this one is different.
I like how different each level is and all the different special moves you can
do. Can't wait to try the 4-player mode out. So far the only thing I don't
like about it is that pressing up on the control stick for me doesn't jump
as good as when you press the C buttons, but their sort of in an awkward
place and also like IGN said they could've added a few more characters
(Bowser, Princess, a Battle Toad, one of the KI fighters, Ken Griffey Jr.
and a lot of others).
Micro Machines is somewhat fun, too, mainly due it's multi-player mode.
Anyone else play it, yet?
Zig (Tim)
ICQ UIN: 606350
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From: "Gregory A. Swarthout"
Subject: [N64] Super Smash Bros. = Killer App
Date: 02 May 1999 00:35:24 -0600
Joining the hallowed halls of the Killer App, where Mario 64, Goldeneye,
and Zelda 64 reside, is the best fighter available for the Nintendo 64
system (or, possibly, any system): Super Smash Bros. This game rocks!
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From: "Justin Bailey"
Subject: [N64] =?Windows-1252?Q?JUSTIN_BAILEY=2C_=E0_la_Smash_Brothers?=
Date: 02 May 1999 20:22:07 -0500
Do you remember the JUSTIN BAILEY code? Hehe, of course you do, that's my
name! :) For those of you not around in the 80's, that was the
easy-to-remember code on Metroid for the NES that made Samus waltz around in
a swimsuit (a "bailey"). Well, now it's 12 years later, and video game
lingerie has advanced quite a bit. Want to see a near-naked 64-bit Samus?
Thought so. Here's how! In Super Smash Brothers, go into a two-player game
and pick Samus as one character, and the other character has to be someone
that can electrocute people (Pikachu, Fox...) Execute the move, then as
Samus is flashing, pause using Samus's controller. If you time it right you
will see her bio-suit vanish right before your eyes! She's not wearing much
(if anything!) ;) If your girlfriend or parents are watching , do this
on some other character instead... in which case all you will see is their
Simple minds are easily entertained ;)
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Subject: Re: [N64] Smash brothers
Date: 02 May 1999 23:20:33 EDT
In a message dated 5/2/99 12:34:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> IGN said they could've added a few more characters
> (Bowser, Princess, a Battle Toad, one of the KI fighters, Ken Griffey Jr.
> and a lot of others).
I'm sure Tradewest would object to using a Battletoad. And believe it or not,
Ken Griffey Jr. isn't just some guy in a Nintendo game. Now someone like Kid
Icarus or Shigeru Miyamoto, that would be cool IMHO. And Bowser or Kamek
would have been nice.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Super Smash Bros. = Killer App
Date: 02 May 1999 23:27:45 EDT
In a message dated 5/2/99 2:34:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> Joining the hallowed halls of the Killer App, where Mario 64, Goldeneye,
> and Zelda 64 reside, is the best fighter available for the Nintendo 64
> system (or, possibly, any system): Super Smash Bros. This game rocks!
> Greg
I admit Super Smash Bros. is a good game, but best fighter on any system?
Sure it's the best fighter on the N64. But when your only competition is
Killer Instinct Gold that's not very tough. It's a great game, but it's no
Soul Blade, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Street Fighter EX + Alpha, Street
Fighter Alpha 3, Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Fighter 3 tb.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Super Smash Bros. = Killer App
Date: 02 May 1999 23:38:10 EDT
> I admit Super Smash Bros. is a good game, but best fighter on any system?
> Sure it's the best fighter on the N64. But when your only competition is
> Killer Instinct Gold that's not very tough. It's a great game, but it's no
> Soul Blade, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Street Fighter EX + Alpha, Street
> Fighter Alpha 3, Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Fighter 3 tb.
But then again, it depends what you like in your fighter -- hell, I like Mace
and spit on Bloody Roar=)
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From: "Gregory A. Swarthout"
Subject: [N64] Message-Id:
Date: 03 May 1999 10:29:29 -0600
>> Joining the hallowed halls of the Killer App, where Mario 64, Goldeneye,
>> and Zelda 64 reside, is the best fighter available for the Nintendo 64
>> system (or, possibly, any system): Super Smash Bros. This game rocks!
>> Greg
> I admit Super Smash Bros. is a good game, but best fighter on any system?
> Sure it's the best fighter on the N64. But when your only competition is
> Killer Instinct Gold that's not very tough. It's a great game, but it's no
> Soul Blade, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Street Fighter EX + Alpha, Street
> Fighter Alpha 3, Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Fighter 3 tb.
> Trey
I said "possibly" because there are many console fighters I haven't
played. That being said, the two on your list that I have played, Super
Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Virtua Fighter 2, are easily upstaged by
Super Smash Bros. Frankly, this makes the rest of your list suspect.
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From: "Eddy Wu"
Subject: Re: [N64] Super Smash Bros. = Killer App
Date: 03 May 1999 13:19:03 -0400
Wait a second.. you didn't like Street Fighter or Virtua Fighter, which are
among the best fighting series on any console ever? Why not? How about
Tekken? Ddi you dislike that as well?
-----Original Message-----
>>> Joining the hallowed halls of the Killer App, where Mario 64, Goldeneye,
>>> and Zelda 64 reside, is the best fighter available for the Nintendo 64
>>> system (or, possibly, any system): Super Smash Bros. This game rocks!
>>> Greg
>> I admit Super Smash Bros. is a good game, but best fighter on any system?
>> Sure it's the best fighter on the N64. But when your only competition is
>> Killer Instinct Gold that's not very tough. It's a great game, but it's
>> Soul Blade, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Street Fighter EX + Alpha,
>> Fighter Alpha 3, Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Fighter 3 tb.
>> Trey
>I said "possibly" because there are many console fighters I haven't
>played. That being said, the two on your list that I have played, Super
>Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Virtua Fighter 2, are easily upstaged by
>Super Smash Bros. Frankly, this makes the rest of your list suspect.
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From: "Gregory A. Swarthout"
Subject: [N64] Fighting Words
Date: 03 May 1999 11:44:21 -0600
> Wait a second.. you didn't like Street Fighter or Virtua Fighter, which are
>among the best fighting series on any console ever? Why not? How about
>Tekken? Did you dislike that as well?
Wait. You're confusing "not as good as" with "not good". The Street
Fighter 2 series is my favorite, though I wasn't impressed by Virtua
Fighter or its first sequel. The Tekken games are better, IMO. But
none of the SF2 games or VF games I have played are as good as Super
Smash Bros. This game rocks the hardest.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory A. Swarthout
To: Nintendo 64 Mailing List
Date: Monday, May 03, 1999 12:29 PM
Subject: [N64] Message-Id:
>>> Joining the hallowed halls of the Killer App, where Mario 64, Goldeneye,
>>> and Zelda 64 reside, is the best fighter available for the Nintendo 64
>>> system (or, possibly, any system): Super Smash Bros. This game rocks!
>>> Greg
>> I admit Super Smash Bros. is a good game, but best fighter on any system?
>> Sure it's the best fighter on the N64. But when your only competition is
>> Killer Instinct Gold that's not very tough. It's a great game, but it's
>> Soul Blade, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Street Fighter EX + Alpha,
>> Fighter Alpha 3, Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Fighter 3 tb.
>> Trey
>I said "possibly" because there are many console fighters I haven't
>played. That being said, the two on your list that I have played, Super
>Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Virtua Fighter 2, are easily upstaged by
>Super Smash Bros. Frankly, this makes the rest of your list suspect.
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From: "Matt MA"
Subject: Re: [N64] Fighting Words
Date: 03 May 1999 12:31:08 -0700
>>> "Gregory A. Swarthout" 05/03/99 10:44AM=20
>Wait. You're confusing "not as good as" with "not good". The Street
>Fighter 2 series is my favorite, though I wasn't impressed by Virtua
>Fighter or its first sequel. The Tekken games are better, IMO. But
>none of the SF2 games or VF games I have played are as good as Super
>Smash Bros. This game rocks the hardest.
Super Smash Bros. is a great game, but it's not exactly a fighting game =
you can compare to most fighters. Apples and oranges. As a fighter, SSB is
very simplistic with limited moves. What makes it different are the =
elements that are an integral part of the fighting action. What makes it =
fun is the non-stop action, especially with 4 players. It also helps that =
all the
characters are established franchise characters that are well loved by
It will be interesting to compare SSB to upcoming fighters like Ergheiz =
Shao Lin (both PSX). These 2 fighters are more traditional than SSB, but
they will also offer features such as franchise characters not normally
associated with fighting games; large environments with exploration
elements; and 4 player action.
Games like the Tekken and Virtua Fighter series are "pure" fighters, and
while everyone will have differing opinions, it is the widespread opinion =
the overall market and industry that they are the cream of the crop in =
What I don't understand is the popularity of the Street Fighter 2 series. =
enjoyed it quite a bit back in the 16-bit days, but in the next-generation =
age I
just can't go back to animated sprites. It sure looks and feels almost the
same as the original Street Fighter 2. What am I missing? How are the
recent additions better? Is it just the lure of the multitude of characters=
available to fight with? Somebody enlighten me.
matt ma
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From: "Justin Bailey"
Subject: Re: [N64] Fighting Words
Date: 03 May 1999 15:24:46 CDT
>Super Smash Bros. is a great game, but it's not exactly a fighting game
>that you can compare to most fighters. Apples and oranges.
Which is EXACTLY what makes it so appealing. It finally breaks the
stereotypical "blood-n-guts-beat-the-dead-horse fighter" mold. How many
ways can you decapitate or pierce a corpse? Sorry, that stuff gets old
really quick for me. I sold MK2 just two weeks after I bought it (in a used
game bin of all places). I still have my Street Fighter II for SNES, and
that's all I need in the "serious" brawler category.
IMO, I'm glad Nintendo didn't pollute the SSM game with too many new
characters, like Conker or Banjo (both Rare characters, I know). The
classics are always the best. Earthworm Jim and Bald Bull could have made
the cut though. And too bad a deal couldn't be made with Capcom for Mega
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Subject: Re: [N64] Smash brothers
Date: 03 May 1999 17:40:39 +0000
> From:
> Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 23:20:33 EDT
> Subject: Re: [N64] Smash brothers
> To:
> Reply-to:
> In a message dated 5/2/99 12:34:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > IGN said they could've added a few more characters
> > (Bowser, Princess, a Battle Toad, one of the KI fighters, Ken Griffey Jr.
> > and a lot of others).
> I'm sure Tradewest would object to using a Battletoad. And believe it or not,
> Ken Griffey Jr. isn't just some guy in a Nintendo game. Now someone like Kid
> Icarus or Shigeru Miyamoto, that would be cool IMHO. And Bowser or Kamek
> would have been nice.
> Trey
Yeah, I know Griffey is real, but so are MJ and Shaq and they were in
non-sports games. Only difference was that Chaos in the Windy
City and Shaq Fu were terrible.
Zig (Tim)
ICQ UIN: 606350
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From: Stryder
Subject: Re: [N64] Super Smash Bros. = Killer App
Date: 03 May 1999 16:51:55 -0500 (CDT)
On Mon, 3 May 1999, Eddy Wu wrote:
> Wait a second.. you didn't like Street Fighter or Virtua Fighter, which are
> among the best fighting series on any console ever? Why not? How about
> Tekken? Ddi you dislike that as well?
I do not like the Virtua Fighter series. I remember back when I had my
Saturn, I went out and VF2 when it came out (due largely to all the hype
surrounding it) and personally thought it sucked. Now, I know a lot of
people out there like it, but for my own personal tastes, it moved much to
slow. It feels like you are jumping around in water. I am used to the
fast speeds of SF games. It just was not that exciting of a fighter. I
like faster and/or 'flashier' fighters. Ones with all kind of mystical
type energy weapons like fireballs and such.
Just thought I would share my opinion on VF :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gregory A. Swarthout
> To: Nintendo 64 Mailing List
> Date: Monday, May 03, 1999 12:29 PM
> Subject: [N64] Message-Id:
> >>> Joining the hallowed halls of the Killer App, where Mario 64, Goldeneye,
> >>> and Zelda 64 reside, is the best fighter available for the Nintendo 64
> >>> system (or, possibly, any system): Super Smash Bros. This game rocks!
> >>>
> >>> Greg
> >>
> >> I admit Super Smash Bros. is a good game, but best fighter on any system?
> >> Sure it's the best fighter on the N64. But when your only competition is
> >> Killer Instinct Gold that's not very tough. It's a great game, but it's
> no
> >> Soul Blade, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Street Fighter EX + Alpha,
> Street
> >> Fighter Alpha 3, Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Fighter 3 tb.
> >>
> >> Trey
> >
> >I said "possibly" because there are many console fighters I haven't
> >played. That being said, the two on your list that I have played, Super
> >Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Virtua Fighter 2, are easily upstaged by
> >Super Smash Bros. Frankly, this makes the rest of your list suspect.
> >
> >Greg
> >
> >
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> >
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From: D Fentie
Subject: [N64] Space Invaders on N64?!
Date: 03 May 1999 20:06:06 -0600
Man, I was horrible at that game, and now their putting it on N64, my
head hurts just thinking about it. I 'think' I made it to level three
once on the gameboy version, it was like impossible :)
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From: "Eddy Wu"
Subject: Re: [N64] Fighting Words
Date: 03 May 1999 23:10:21 -0400
Um.. there are plenty of arcade games which include platform elements.
Ehrgeiz, like you mentioned, as well as most recently Powerstone, an awesome
awesome game. In fact, I would expect Smash Bros. gameplay to be somewhat
similar to that of Powerstone, except in 2D (I haven't played SSB yet).
Powerstone is also fairly simplistic (only one kick button and one punch
button, combos by pumping the two), but just by looking at the graphics, I'd
take Powerstone over Smash Bros.
>It will be interesting to compare SSB to upcoming fighters like Ergheiz and
>Shao Lin (both PSX). These 2 fighters are more traditional than SSB, but
>they will also offer features such as franchise characters not normally
>associated with fighting games; large environments with exploration
>elements; and 4 player action.
>Games like the Tekken and Virtua Fighter series are "pure" fighters, and
>while everyone will have differing opinions, it is the widespread opinion
>the overall market and industry that they are the cream of the crop in
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Subject: Re: [N64] Fighting Words
Date: 04 May 1999 07:01:29 EDT
In a message dated 5/3/99 3:30:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> What I don't understand is the popularity of the Street Fighter 2 series. I
> enjoyed it quite a bit back in the 16-bit days, but in the next-generation
> age I
> just can't go back to animated sprites. It sure looks and feels almost the
> same as the original Street Fighter 2. What am I missing? How are the
> recent additions better? Is it just the lure of the multitude of
> now
> available to fight with? Somebody enlighten me.
> matt ma
Each Street Fighter 2 game became more refined and responsive with each
installment. It's highly noticeable when you compare the coin-op (or
PlayStation) Street Fighter 2 to the coin-op (or PlayStation & Saturn)
version of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, but the last new Street Fighter 2
game came out in 1994. The Street Fighter Alpha series may look like a more
cartoonish Street Fighter 2 on the surface but there's more to it than that.
Alpha (or Zero) 2 & 3 are really good games, the first Alpha isn't that
great, that threw more technique into the tried & true Street Fighter style,
like air blocking, alpha counters (used to screw up your opponents combos),
the ability to land on your feet after being thrown. As for not liking
sprites, I guess that's your right. But I don't mind sprites as long as the
animation keeps up with the times (Street Fighter 3 anybody?). The Versus
series (X-Men Versus Street Fighter, Marvel Versus Street Fighter, Marvel
Versus Capcom) is just a lot of button mashing but I am looking forward to
the upcoming SNK Versus Capcom, I always wondered in Terry Bogard could beat
Ryu. The Street Fighter EX games play like older Street Fighter 2 games but
use polygons instead of sprites, but is not really a 3-D game.
What keeps bringing me back to Street Fighter games is I rarely am
disappointed with them (let us all forget Street Fighter: The Movie and
Street Fighter Alpha), that's a general answer. I'm excited about Alpha 3 for
the fact that there will be 32 different characters but mostly for the
Dramatic Battle (two human players versus one computer controlled player).
One thing to be said about the old Street Fighter 2 games (SF2, SF2 CE, SF2
Turbo) is unlike just about every fighter today, they can't be beaten by just
mashing buttons.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Fighting Words
Date: 04 May 1999 07:06:21 EDT
In a message dated 5/3/99 4:23:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> Earthworm Jim and Bald Bull could have made
> the cut though. And too bad a deal couldn't be made with Capcom for Mega
> Man.
> ------ ------
Seeing how I just got Earthworm Jim 2 for my Saturn that would make a hell of
a lot of sense. Why not ask for Trevor, and Richter Belmont from the
Castlevania games, and lets not forget Alucard too.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Smash brothers
Date: 04 May 1999 07:07:32 EDT
In a message dated 5/3/99 5:34:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> Yeah, I know Griffey is real, but so are MJ and Shaq and they were in
> non-sports games. Only difference was that Chaos in the Windy
> City and Shaq Fu were terrible.
> Zig
Okay, what I was saying is is that Griffey isn't a Nintendo mascot.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Super Smash Bros. = Killer App ... Virtua
Date: 04 May 1999 07:11:38 EDT
In a message dated 5/3/99 5:52:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> I do not like the Virtua Fighter series. I remember back when I had my
> Saturn, I went out and VF2 when it came out (due largely to all the hype
> surrounding it) and personally thought it sucked.
> Stryder
You mean you still don't have a Saturn? The jumping in VF2 is slow, and
mostly useless. Have you played either Fighting Vipers or Fighter's Megamix?
Are either of those any good?
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Subject: Re: [N64] Space Invaders on N64?!
Date: 04 May 1999 07:13:14 EDT
In a message dated 5/3/99 9:59:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> Man, I was horrible at that game, and now their putting it on N64, my
> head hurts just thinking about it. I 'think' I made it to level three
> once on the gameboy version, it was like impossible :)
I used to roll it all the time at the arcade & on the 2600. Nothing beats the
three button coin-op.
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From: Stryder
Subject: Re: [N64] Super Smash Bros. = Killer App ... Virtua
Date: 04 May 1999 09:29:10 -0500 (CDT)
On Tue, 4 May 1999 wrote:
> You mean you still don't have a Saturn? The jumping in VF2 is slow, and
> mostly useless. Have you played either Fighting Vipers or Fighter's Megamix?
> Are either of those any good?
> Trey
Sadly, I got rid of my Saturn shortly after my dissapointment with VF2.
For several months, there justwere not any games that i liked. I do
regret that decision, especially now that SE has started carrying import
Saturn games. I never played either of those games you mention.
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From: "Gregory A. Swarthout"
Subject: [N64] Lincoln Gone - News from IGN
Date: 04 May 1999 11:45:41 -0600
IGN64 has learned that Nintendo of America chairman Howard Lincoln plans
to retire from his position as chairman of the company by February 2000.
Lincoln, who has served as unofficial head of Nintendo's US operations
for more than 15 years, will not drop off the circuit altogether, but
will instead take a less active role in the company, relinquishing much
of his duties to separate executives of the firm. Nintendo currently has
no plans to replace Lincoln's position.
"Howard will be with Nintendo into the millennium. He plans to retire
from his specific role as chairman of Nintendo of America at the end of
February 2000," Nintendo's Perrin Kaplan, director, Corporate Affairs,
told IGN64 today. "He will remain on the board of directors of Nintendo
of America, Rare Ltd., and the Baseball Club of Seattle, the owner of
the Seattle Mariners. As a board member of Nintendo of America, he will
continue to work closely with Mr. Arakawa and the other officers of the
company and will also be available for special projects where
According to Kaplan, Mr. Lincoln's will not be replaced. Instead,
responsibilities will be delegated to various officers of Nintendo of
America, including Nintendo of America President Minoru Arakawa.
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From: "Elliot Jefferson"
Subject: [N64] SW:Pod Racer
Date: 04 May 1999 12:34:41 PDT
While going to a TRU close to my job looking for some of the new Ep:1
figures, the first thing I ran into was SW:PR for N64. Since no one else
has mentioned anything about the game if they've seen it, I'll post
something and keep it spolier free...
The game was on a system with the expansion pack and the graphics, for what
I saw, went from average to pretty good. The pods I saw were very close to
the ones seen in the trailer, with the electrical effects and all. I saw
three views, one I assume was a cockpit view, another view that appeared to
be further in front of the pod (a la bumper cam), and a rear view. There's
also a third person view but this guy wasn't using it.
At this ponit in the race, the person playing was in last place so there
weren't any other pods around him. I would have liked to have seen how many
pods could be on screen at once and how the collision detection worked &
looked, but it never happened. Overall, the framerate was smooth enough to
keep from detracting fom gameplay.
Not bad so far.
He was racing in a desert and had just entered a canyon. The environment
looked average. Nothing particulary stood out about the track. There was
nothing going on to either side to distract you from the race. That could
be good or bad depending on how you look at it.
This is probably one of the first tracks, so hopefully the later ones are a
little more impressive. The guy playing restarted his race later and it
appeared he was racing at night. I'm not sure if he was on another track or
just a different part of the track, but it definately was dark. This track
was mostly smooth, but there were small hills, more like bumps, in the
track. Oh, and one last thing. Yes, you know it's something almost no N64
game can do without. It's FOG! But, it's not Turok 1 type fog. It's way
ahead of your pod and shouldn't affect you racing. I think a little fog is
more acceptable than a slow framerate.
I can't get into detail about the control too much, but from the way the guy
was holding the controller, I assume that the contols are pretty sensitive.
He stayed true to the course and didn't hit any walls, although he did bump
one pod at the beginning. Then they all took off and left him behind again.
Due to the small speakers on the TV and the noise around the Star Wars
Episode 1 section of the store, it was hard to hear the sounds of the game
or even the in-game music. It might have been turned off. I did hear an
announcer in the game and I only heard one or two plain things. I think he
announed the racer's position.
Finally, the front end of the game lookes pretty good. Even my non-gaming
fans liked the mission selection and hanger in SW:RS. In Pod racer, it's
similar. But, when Anakin was chosen as the racer, he jumped up with his
fist in the air. Nice. I didn't see the other racers though. I did notice
that there were three mode to the game, quest and two others. I did mention
to the guy playing that there weren't many pods he was racing against and he
said that the number is selectable and you could go up to 12 per race.
Overall, I was disappointed with the track graphics. They looked uninspired
to me. The few pods I saw looked pretty good in all their camera views.
Sad thing is, it wasn't enough to keep my attention for more than five
minutes. I'm definately going to play this one before buying. This game
will have to sell itself on the basis of it's tracks and how much variation
it can offer.
Has anybody else seen the game ? What do you think about it ?
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From: Spencer <>
Subject: [N64] WWF Attitude
Date: 04 May 1999 15:50:01 -0500
awww, man, this game is going to be the fucking bomb!! Fucking wicked!!!
and will it ever kick some fucking shit!!!
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Subject: Re: [N64] WWF Attitude
Date: 04 May 1999 16:52:01 EDT
In a message dated 5/4/99 3:50:30 PM Central Daylight Time,
<< awww, man, this game is going to be the (beep!) bomb!! (beep!) wicked!!!
and will it ever kick some (beep!) shit!!! >>
Spencer, were you WANTING to get suspended?
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From: "Matt MA"
Subject: [N64] Sad News for N64 Sports Fans
Date: 04 May 1999 14:08:55 -0700
Well it's official - the rumors and fears have been confirmed: There will =
be a FIFA 2000 nor a NHL 2000 on the N64, according to EA Sports.
Whether or not you are a fan of soccer or hockey doesn't matter. We
should all be sad when a major publisher decides to stop making a =
series. With less competition, the growth in the overall quality of soccer =
hockey games will surely be stunted.
At least soccer fans can probably count on Konami to continue making the
excellent ISS series. I'm personally sad that we'll never see an NHL game
that comes even close to using the N64's maximum performance. NHL 99 is
the best so far, but with EA Sports pulling out, I doubt that anybody will
improve on it much. If you are a big hockey fan, then Playstation is the =
to go.
matt ma
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] Sad News for N64 Sports Fans
Date: 04 May 1999 15:40:49 -0600
But it doesnt effect the people that hate sports games ie. me.
Matt MA wrote:
> Well it's official - the rumors and fears have been confirmed: There will *not*
> be a FIFA 2000 nor a NHL 2000 on the N64, according to EA Sports.
> Whether or not you are a fan of soccer or hockey doesn't matter. We
> should all be sad when a major publisher decides to stop making a franchise
> series. With less competition, the growth in the overall quality of soccer and
> hockey games will surely be stunted.
> At least soccer fans can probably count on Konami to continue making the
> excellent ISS series. I'm personally sad that we'll never see an NHL game
> that comes even close to using the N64's maximum performance. NHL 99 is
> the best so far, but with EA Sports pulling out, I doubt that anybody will
> improve on it much. If you are a big hockey fan, then Playstation is the way
> to go.
> matt ma
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From: John Goelzer
Subject: RE: [N64] Sad News for N64 Sports Fans
Date: 04 May 1999 16:36:16 -0500
Me too. I'd rather have EA make more original, from-the-ground-up, great
titles like Beetle Adventure Racing than any more sports "franchise series"
FIFA 2000? Yawn. NHL 2000? Snore.
Beetle Adventure Racing? Woo-hoo!
-----Original Message-----
From: D Fentie []
Subject: Re: [N64] Sad News for N64 Sports Fans
But it doesnt affect the people that hate sports games ie.
Matt MA wrote:
> We
> should all be sad when a major publisher decides to stop
making a franchise
> series. With less competition, the growth in the overall
quality of soccer and
> hockey games will surely be stunted.
> matt ma
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From: John Carson
Subject: Re: [N64] SW:Pod Racer
Date: 04 May 1999 15:45:13 -0500 (CDT)
Thanks for the review! Time to go to TRU! I hope this isnt another sorry
game with a great liscense. I hate that.
On Tue, 4 May 1999, Elliot Jefferson wrote:
> While going to a TRU close to my job looking for some of the new Ep:1
> figures, the first thing I ran into was SW:PR for N64. Since no one else
> has mentioned anything about the game if they've seen it, I'll post
> something and keep it spolier free...
> The game was on a system with the expansion pack and the graphics, for what
> I saw, went from average to pretty good. The pods I saw were very close to
> the ones seen in the trailer, with the electrical effects and all. I saw
> three views, one I assume was a cockpit view, another view that appeared to
> be further in front of the pod (a la bumper cam), and a rear view. There's
> also a third person view but this guy wasn't using it.
> At this ponit in the race, the person playing was in last place so there
> weren't any other pods around him. I would have liked to have seen how many
> pods could be on screen at once and how the collision detection worked &
> looked, but it never happened. Overall, the framerate was smooth enough to
> keep from detracting fom gameplay.
> Not bad so far.
> He was racing in a desert and had just entered a canyon. The environment
> looked average. Nothing particulary stood out about the track. There was
> nothing going on to either side to distract you from the race. That could
> be good or bad depending on how you look at it.
> This is probably one of the first tracks, so hopefully the later ones are a
> little more impressive. The guy playing restarted his race later and it
> appeared he was racing at night. I'm not sure if he was on another track or
> just a different part of the track, but it definately was dark. This track
> was mostly smooth, but there were small hills, more like bumps, in the
> track. Oh, and one last thing. Yes, you know it's something almost no N64
> game can do without. It's FOG! But, it's not Turok 1 type fog. It's way
> ahead of your pod and shouldn't affect you racing. I think a little fog is
> more acceptable than a slow framerate.
> I can't get into detail about the control too much, but from the way the guy
> was holding the controller, I assume that the contols are pretty sensitive.
> He stayed true to the course and didn't hit any walls, although he did bump
> one pod at the beginning. Then they all took off and left him behind again.
> Due to the small speakers on the TV and the noise around the Star Wars
> Episode 1 section of the store, it was hard to hear the sounds of the game
> or even the in-game music. It might have been turned off. I did hear an
> announcer in the game and I only heard one or two plain things. I think he
> announed the racer's position.
> Finally, the front end of the game lookes pretty good. Even my non-gaming
> fans liked the mission selection and hanger in SW:RS. In Pod racer, it's
> similar. But, when Anakin was chosen as the racer, he jumped up with his
> fist in the air. Nice. I didn't see the other racers though. I did notice
> that there were three mode to the game, quest and two others. I did mention
> to the guy playing that there weren't many pods he was racing against and he
> said that the number is selectable and you could go up to 12 per race.
> Overall, I was disappointed with the track graphics. They looked uninspired
> to me. The few pods I saw looked pretty good in all their camera views.
> Sad thing is, it wasn't enough to keep my attention for more than five
> minutes. I'm definately going to play this one before buying. This game
> will have to sell itself on the basis of it's tracks and how much variation
> it can offer.
> Has anybody else seen the game ? What do you think about it ?
> Elliot
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John Carson
University of Arkansas
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Subject: Re: [N64] Sad News for N64 Sports Fans
Date: 04 May 1999 18:25:50 +0000
> Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 14:08:55 -0700
> From: "Matt MA"
> To:
> Subject: [N64] Sad News for N64 Sports Fans
> Reply-to:
> Well it's official - the rumors and fears have been confirmed: There will *not*
> be a FIFA 2000 nor a NHL 2000 on the N64, according to EA Sports.
> Whether or not you are a fan of soccer or hockey doesn't matter. We
> should all be sad when a major publisher decides to stop making a franchise
> series. With less competition, the growth in the overall quality of soccer and
> hockey games will surely be stunted.
> At least soccer fans can probably count on Konami to continue making the
> excellent ISS series. I'm personally sad that we'll never see an NHL game
> that comes even close to using the N64's maximum performance. NHL 99 is
> the best so far, but with EA Sports pulling out, I doubt that anybody will
> improve on it much. If you are a big hockey fan, then Playstation is the way
> to go.
> matt ma
I will cry myself to sleep now... But, anyway, this is just awful, ISS is great,
but what about a hockey game? Midway won't be able to do a decent sim,
Acclaim stopped making Breakaway's and Konami probably won't make
another Blades of Steel. Oh well, maybe they'll change their minds if the
N64's sales pick up or maybe Nintendo will make Left Field do a hockey
game. Who knows?
Zig (Tim)
ICQ UIN: 606350
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Subject: Re: [N64] WWF Attitude
Date: 05 May 1999 10:52:40 EDT
In a message dated 5/4/99 4:50:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> awww, man, this game is going to be the (bleep) bomb!! (bleep) wicked!!!
> and will it ever kick some (bleep bleep)!!!
Say goodnight Spencer. Oh, wait, he'll never see this post.
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Subject: Re: [N64] WWF Attitude
Date: 05 May 1999 10:53:58 EDT
In a message dated 5/4/99 4:56:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> << awww, man, this game is going to be the (beep!) bomb!! (beep!) wicked!!!
> and will it ever kick some (beep!) (BLEEP)!!! >>
> Spencer, were you WANTING to get suspended?
> --David
Hey David, last time I checked, the "S" word for poop was also grounds for
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Subject: Re: [N64] Sad News for N64 Sports Fans
Date: 05 May 1999 10:57:16 EDT
In a message dated 5/4/99 6:00:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> Me too. I'd rather have EA make more original, from-the-ground-up, great
> titles like Beetle Adventure Racing than any more sports "franchise series"
> titles.
> FIFA 2000? Yawn. NHL 2000? Snore.
> Beetle Adventure Racing? Woo-hoo!
> JG
Until you realize there's only six tracks, one car, and horrible
powersliding. BAR got too old too fast. Not to mention that Wicked Woods is
to dark to even be considered playable or fun.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Sad News for N64 Sports Fans
Date: 05 May 1999 17:09:54 -0700
>Until you realize there's only six tracks, one car, and horrible
>powersliding. BAR got too old too fast. Not to mention that Wicked
>Woods is
>to dark to even be considered playable or fun.
Well, I like both EA's sports and BAR... Too old too fast?? Well,
besides a fairly weak multiplayer(their major fault), they did as much as
possible to make it fun to play. I mean, more tracks would have been
nice, and cars too, but it is their first racer for the N64, right?
Correct me if I'm wrong. I usually am... :)
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From: John Carson
Subject: Re: [N64] Sad News for N64 Sports Fans
Date: 05 May 1999 16:18:20 -0500 (CDT)
On Wed, 5 May 1999 wrote:
> >Until you realize there's only six tracks, one car, and horrible
> >powersliding. BAR got too old too fast. Not to mention that Wicked
> >Woods is
> >to dark to even be considered playable or fun.
> >
> >Trey
> Well, I like both EA's sports and BAR... Too old too fast?? Well,
> besides a fairly weak multiplayer(their major fault), they did as much as
> possible to make it fun to play. I mean, more tracks would have been
> nice, and cars too, but it is their first racer for the N64, right?
> Correct me if I'm wrong. I usually am... :)
> -Peter
Weak multiplay? Bzzzzzzz. Wrong. That part rocks! No, its not as good
as Goldeneye, but nothing is. I do hate the fact you have to earn
multiplay tracks. That sucks. It makes it less enjoyable. I think just
winning a normal season should unlock them, and they should have used the
point system for earning secret bugs.
*()()* POW *()()*
Slugbug. No hit-backs! :)
John Carson
University of Arkansas
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From: "Matt MA"
Subject: Re: [N64] Sad News for N64 Sports Fans
Date: 05 May 1999 14:34:09 -0700
>>> D Fentie 05/04/99 02:40PM >>>
>But it doesnt effect the people that hate sports games ie. me.
The specific loss of NHL 2000 and FIFA 2000 may not affect non-sports
gamers in the near term, but losing franchise games will hurt all of us =
owners in the long run, especially if the games are good ones. We need the
NHL and FIFA series around so that Konami, Midway, and Acclaim will have
more motivation to make better games. More profits for game companies
means more developement on other games, which means more N64
owners, which means more developers making games in general.
Having a diverse library of good games will only encourage more users,
which encourages more development of games, whether they are sports
related or not.
matt ma
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Subject: Re: [N64]BAR
Date: 05 May 1999 17:33:03 EDT
In a message dated 5/5/99 5:11:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> I mean, more tracks would have been
> nice, and cars too, but it is their first racer for the N64, right?
> Correct me if I'm wrong. I usually am... :)
> -Peter
You're half right. BAR was made by both EA and Paradigm. Paradigm made F-1
World Gran Prix for the N64.
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Subject: [N64] Videogames, violence
Date: 05 May 1999 18:09:22 EDT
If anybody doesn't visit IGNPC or IGNPSX I think you should take the time to
read this.
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From: "Gregory A. Swarthout"
Subject: [N64] Link to the Top
Date: 05 May 1999 23:23:57 -0600
Can someone who has gotten the high target (not the one under the slope)
with Link tell me how you got it?
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Subject: Re: [N64] Link to the Top
Date: 06 May 1999 01:25:55 EDT
In a message dated 5/6/99 1:22:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> Can someone who has gotten the high target (not the one under the slope)
> with Link tell me how you got it?
> Greg
The high target? What exactly are you talking about?
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From: D Fentie
Subject: [N64] Something weird is going on
Date: 06 May 1999 08:19:10 -0600
Yesterday, I went to Ign64 and I saw in the code section that if you
press A Z and Start simutaniously at the start screen of Mario Party
that you would get Banjo Kazooie, and 2 other well known characters to
play with (1 was kirby I think and I can't remember the other one.)
ANYWAYS, I go back to IGN64 today to see the code and try it out... its
gone. I look all over the net, and its gone. I try out the code to see
if it works and it doesnt. WTF?! Whats going on?! Before you respond
keep these factors in mind:
a)I do not use substance abuse
b)I do not drink (same thing kinda)
c)I WASN'T dreaming for sure
Anyone else see this?
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From: Chris Avery
Subject: Re: [N64] Something weird is going on
Date: 06 May 1999 13:23:30 -0500 (CDT)
On Thu, 6 May 1999, D Fentie wrote:
> Yesterday, I went to Ign64 and I saw in the code section that if you
> press A Z and Start simutaniously at the start screen of Mario Party
> that you would get Banjo Kazooie, and 2 other well known characters to
> play with (1 was kirby I think and I can't remember the other one.)
> ANYWAYS, I go back to IGN64 today to see the code and try it out... its
> gone. I look all over the net, and its gone. I try out the code to see
> if it works and it doesnt. WTF?! Whats going on?! Before you respond
> keep these factors in mind:
> a)I do not use substance abuse
> b)I do not drink (same thing kinda)
> c)I WASN'T dreaming for sure
> Anyone else see this?
Could it be that the code was fake, so IGN removed it?!? Well duh!
|Chris Avery | Computer Services Lab Manager |
|email | Computer Science Major |
| | Arkansas State University |
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Subject: Re: [N64] Link to the Top
Date: 06 May 1999 14:43:17 -0700
On Wed, 05 May 1999 23:23:57 -0600 "Gregory A. Swarthout"
>Can someone who has gotten the high target (not the one under the
>with Link tell me how you got it?
Hmm... Please don't go to deep with us now... We might actually see
what you're getting at!! :) What do you mean the "high target"??
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Subject: Re: [N64] Sad News for N64 Sports Fans
Date: 06 May 1999 15:00:38 -0700
>Weak multiplay? Bzzzzzzz. Wrong. That part rocks! No, its not as
>as Goldeneye, but nothing is. I do hate the fact you have to earn
>multiplay tracks. That sucks. It makes it less enjoyable. I think
>winning a normal season should unlock them, and they should have used
>point system for earning secret bugs.
Of course, I'm comparing it to Mario Kart, a racer, not a first person
shooter. Don't get me wrong, I love BAR, but the simplicity of Mario
Kart's multiplayer is what made it so much fun... I think earning
multiplayer tracks is a good idea, or else you would have played them and
gotten sick of them over a rental.
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From: "Dan & Temple Carson"
Subject: Re: [N64] SW:Pod Racer
Date: 06 May 1999 14:09:33 -0500
I just had the chance to try out Star Wars: Pod Racer at Wally World. It
was alright, but it is always hard to tell when you have to look up at the
screen. It looked a lot like other futuristic racers (ex. Wipeout64 &
others). My guess is that it will still be a title that I purchase. I
can't resist the "Star Wars" label.
I do hate their marketing ploy. They have put the game in at Wal-Mart and
Toys-R-Us, but you can't buy it for another two weeks. What is that about?
In other Star Wars related hoopla, has anyone heard about the N64 Phantom
Menace game? Will it be just like the Playstation and PC versions? When is
it due on the shelves? I only own a N64 and can't wait to get my hands on
that game.
Dan Carson
-----Original Message-----
>Thanks for the review! Time to go to TRU! I hope this isnt another sorry
>game with a great liscense. I hate that.
>On Tue, 4 May 1999, Elliot Jefferson wrote:
>> While going to a TRU close to my job looking for some of the new Ep:1
>> figures, the first thing I ran into was SW:PR for N64. Since no one else
>> has mentioned anything about the game if they've seen it, I'll post
>> something and keep it spolier free...
>> The game was on a system with the expansion pack and the graphics, for
>> I saw, went from average to pretty good. The pods I saw were very close
>> the ones seen in the trailer, with the electrical effects and all. I saw
>> three views, one I assume was a cockpit view, another view that appeared
>> be further in front of the pod (a la bumper cam), and a rear view.
>> also a third person view but this guy wasn't using it.
>> At this ponit in the race, the person playing was in last place so there
>> weren't any other pods around him. I would have liked to have seen how
>> pods could be on screen at once and how the collision detection worked &
>> looked, but it never happened. Overall, the framerate was smooth enough
>> keep from detracting fom gameplay.
>> Not bad so far.
>> He was racing in a desert and had just entered a canyon. The environment
>> looked average. Nothing particulary stood out about the track. There
>> nothing going on to either side to distract you from the race. That
>> be good or bad depending on how you look at it.
>> This is probably one of the first tracks, so hopefully the later ones are
>> little more impressive. The guy playing restarted his race later and it
>> appeared he was racing at night. I'm not sure if he was on another track
>> just a different part of the track, but it definately was dark. This
>> was mostly smooth, but there were small hills, more like bumps, in the
>> track. Oh, and one last thing. Yes, you know it's something almost no
>> game can do without. It's FOG! But, it's not Turok 1 type fog. It's
>> ahead of your pod and shouldn't affect you racing. I think a little fog
>> more acceptable than a slow framerate.
>> I can't get into detail about the control too much, but from the way the
>> was holding the controller, I assume that the contols are pretty
>> He stayed true to the course and didn't hit any walls, although he did
>> one pod at the beginning. Then they all took off and left him behind
>> Due to the small speakers on the TV and the noise around the Star Wars
>> Episode 1 section of the store, it was hard to hear the sounds of the
>> or even the in-game music. It might have been turned off. I did hear an
>> announcer in the game and I only heard one or two plain things. I think
>> announed the racer's position.
>> Finally, the front end of the game lookes pretty good. Even my
>> fans liked the mission selection and hanger in SW:RS. In Pod racer, it's
>> similar. But, when Anakin was chosen as the racer, he jumped up with his
>> fist in the air. Nice. I didn't see the other racers though. I did
>> that there were three mode to the game, quest and two others. I did
>> to the guy playing that there weren't many pods he was racing against and
>> said that the number is selectable and you could go up to 12 per race.
>> Overall, I was disappointed with the track graphics. They looked
>> to me. The few pods I saw looked pretty good in all their camera views.
>> Sad thing is, it wasn't enough to keep my attention for more than five
>> minutes. I'm definately going to play this one before buying. This game
>> will have to sell itself on the basis of it's tracks and how much
>> it can offer.
>> Has anybody else seen the game ? What do you think about it ?
>> Elliot
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>John Carson
>University of Arkansas
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From: "Justin Bailey"
Subject: Re: [N64] Link to the Top
Date: 06 May 1999 15:30:13 CDT
> >Can someone who has gotten the high target (not the one under the
> >slope)
> >with Link tell me how you got it?
> >
> >Greg
>Hmm... Please don't go to deep with us now... We might actually see
>what you're getting at!! :) What do you mean the "high target"??
I'm pretty sure he means the highest target in the Hit The Targets bonus
game in Super Smash Brothers.
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Subject: Re: [N64] SW:Pod Racer
Date: 06 May 1999 16:51:21 EDT
In a message dated 5/6/99 3:13:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> I just had the chance to try out Star Wars: Pod Racer at Wally World. It
> was all right, but it is always hard to tell when you have to look up at
> screen. It looked a lot like other futuristic racers (ex. Wipeout64 &
> others). My guess is that it will still be a title that I purchase. I
> can't resist the "Star Wars" label.
You actually can't play a game without looking at the controller?
> I do hate their marketing ploy. They have put the game in at Walmart and
> Toys-R-Us, but you can't buy it for another two weeks. What is that about?
To make you want it more. I think all games should be like that, like a
PlayChoice system where no quarters are needed, it would save a lot of money
on rentals.
> In other Star Wars related hoopla, has anyone heard about the N64 Phantom
> Menace game? Will it be just like the PlayStation and PC versions? When
> it due on the shelves? I only own a N64 and can't wait to get my hands on
> that game.
> Dan Carson
I was under the impression that the Phantom Menace game for the N64 was
Episode 1 Racer. Episode 1 Racer, and the PlayStation & PC Phantom Menace
games will be out on or just after May 19th. Hmmm, now what happens on May
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From: Stryder
Subject: Re: [N64] SW:Pod Racer
Date: 06 May 1999 16:37:23 -0500 (CDT)
On Thu, 6 May 1999 wrote:
> > I just had the chance to try out Star Wars: Pod Racer at Wally World. It
> > was all right, but it is always hard to tell when you have to look up at
> the
> > screen. It looked a lot like other futuristic racers (ex. Wipeout64 &
> > others). My guess is that it will still be a title that I purchase. I
> > can't resist the "Star Wars" label.
> >
> You actually can't play a game without looking at the controller?
I'm the same way. They always have the controller attached to those
plastic things so you can't back-up from the TV. I end up getting a crick
(sp?) in my neck if I try to play at one of those displays too long. I
have to be comfortable when I play a game, or I won't play well.
> To make you want it more. I think all games should be like that, like a
> PlayChoice system where no quarters are needed, it would save a lot of money
> on rentals.
They should at least put a date around the display somewhere with a
release date.
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From: "Elliot Jefferson"
Subject: Re: [N64] SW:Pod Racer
Date: 06 May 1999 14:54:19 PDT
>From: "Dan & Temple Carson"
>Subject: Re: [N64] SW:Pod Racer
>In other Star Wars related hoopla, has anyone heard about the N64 Phantom
>Menace game? Will it be just like the Playstation and PC versions? When
>it due on the shelves? I only own a N64 and can't wait to get my hands on
>that game.
>Dan Carson
According to the May edition of Next Generation, Factor 5, the same team
that did Rogue Squadron, will be doing the next Ep:1 game on N64.
I can't remember if they've started or not yet, though.
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From: IGN Newsletter
Subject: [N64] IGN64 PRESS PASS
Date: 06 May 1999 15:55:45 -0500
IGN64 PRESS PASS Today's date: May 06, 1999
$$$ CONTEST $$$
To enter, go to
This beautiful racer may just leave the competition in the dust
Developer Digital Illusions (Motorhead) has teamed up with publishing force
Infogrames to bring a racer to Nintendo 64. But this isn't your standard,
run-of-the-mill driving game, it's a realistic Rally speedster and it looks
to give even Boss Game's best a run for its money. Check out our full
preview with screens at
Readers shoot off opinions about potential options for Turok: Rage Wars
Yesterday, IGN64 reported on Acclaim's upcoming semi-sequel to the Turok
franchise -- a first-person, multiplayer focused 3D shooter called Turok:
Rage Wars. The game is still under development at Iguana's Austin studios
so naturally we decided to give readers a chance to help out. So if you're
listening Iguana, here's what Turok-ites world-round want out of the
Dinosaur Hunter's next adventure...
IGN64 brings you six super-sized movies of THQ's high-speed, brutal
motorcycle racer
Published by THQ and developed by Pacific Power & Light (formerly known as
Don Traeger Productions), the latest version of the classic Electronic Arts
battle racer tries to bring the speed and brutal road wars of the franchise
to N64. For the preview with screen-shots, check out
And for Road Rash 64 wallpaper, go to
Star Wars: Episode One Racer hits retail stores early for demo purposes only
Star Wars: Episode One Racer, developed by LucasArts and based on a
particular scene in the upcoming blockbuster hit Star Wars Episode One: The
Phantom Menace, is available to play now in select retail stores across the
US. However, Star Wars junkies won't be able to purchase the much-hyped
title just yet as it's only available for demo purposes...
IGN64 unearths new information regarding Nintendo's next-generation hardware
IGN64 has learned that Nintendo's next-generation hardware, commonly
referred to by the press as "N2000," is officially being called "Project
Dolphin" (codename only) internally at Nintendo. The machine, which is
still scheduled for a 2000/2001 release, will feature powerful graphics
hardware comparable to that seen in PlayStation 2. For the full story, go to
Get yourself into college or grad school or land the hottest, highest
paying job with help from the Power Students Network. Whether you're in
search of a passing grade, money to pay those college bills, or a job lift,
come check us out. Or, just be greedy and apply for our $1000 scholarship.
Go to
Super Smash Guide! - Welcome to Super Smash Brothers. This is the first
fighting game made by Nintendo, for the Nintendo 64 and it comes packed
with all their crazy mascots. Here you will find in-depth strategies for
single and multiplayer games. Plus, summaries and ratings of the entire
cast of characters and their abilities so you can choose which fighter is
best for you. So, please crack your knuckles and enjoy...
Got something to say about the N64 and its games? Then head on over to
Nintendorks Chatter -- Check out the full list of forums at
> Gold Bomber
> Planet Gossick
> Ice Slider
For these and more, go to
> All Characters, Boards and Levels
> Expert Mode
> Play as Mr. Dog
Get your hands on these babies and other good stuff at
> Borrow a Life
> Play as Ness (from Earthbound)
Access these secrets and others at
Pre-order or purchase your favorite N64 titles from the IGN/EB World Online
Gamestore! For the list of games available, go to
I thought I might be able to stump you guys on last week's question:
What old TV show guest starred Kristy McNichol asking for salami for
I couldn't believe it! I actually got a nice handful of correct answers -
the show was Starsky and Hutch. But this time around, in the words of
sword-wielding immortal, "there can only be one." So, the winner of the
Zelda action figures is:
Raymond A. of Hayward, CA - nice job!
Okay, I've got a really cool Ganon action figure up for grabs plus some
cool Star Trek books! Just answer these two questions for your chance to win:
Who wrote IGN's Mario Party review?
What TV special does this line come from: "Why don't you give the
tootie-fruity snow cone a buzz on the hotline..."?
Send your entry (one per person) with the correct answers to by Monday, May 10, 1999. In the subject line,
put: GANON CONTEST. Be sure to include your name, mailing address (street
address, no P.O. boxes), and phone number. The winners will be picked out
of all the correct entries I receive.
Failure to follow these directions will result in fires and floods of
biblical proportions!
_____________________ # # # _______________________
left-hand column, you'll see a box that says "N64 Newsletter". Type in your
e-mail address, check off "unsubscribe", and hit the "Join Now" (enter)
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For issues concerning IGN's N64 coverage or questions about N64 games, send
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] Something weird is going on
Date: 06 May 1999 17:48:32 -0600
Then why would they put the code on in the first place. Does the site
that gets millions of readers a month and the most 'accurate'
information post codes before trying them? Very poor, poor.
Chris Avery wrote:
> On Thu, 6 May 1999, D Fentie wrote:
> > Yesterday, I went to Ign64 and I saw in the code section that if you
> > press A Z and Start simutaniously at the start screen of Mario Party
> > that you would get Banjo Kazooie, and 2 other well known characters to
> > play with (1 was kirby I think and I can't remember the other one.)
> > ANYWAYS, I go back to IGN64 today to see the code and try it out... its
> > gone. I look all over the net, and its gone. I try out the code to see
> > if it works and it doesnt. WTF?! Whats going on?! Before you respond
> > keep these factors in mind:
> > a)I do not use substance abuse
> > b)I do not drink (same thing kinda)
> > c)I WASN'T dreaming for sure
> > Anyone else see this?
> Could it be that the code was fake, so IGN removed it?!? Well duh!
> |Chris Avery | Computer Services Lab Manager |
> |email | Computer Science Major |
> | | Arkansas State University |
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Subject: [N64] X-Mas Season market share predictions
Date: 07 May 1999 02:39:15 EDT
Ladies & Gents (& D. Fentie),
I was wondering what everybody thinks how the marketshare between the N64,
PlayStation, and Dreamcast will be for the still far away X-Mas season (4th
quarter 1999)?
I predict it as
Dreamcast : 15%
Nintendo 64 : 35%
PlayStation : 50%
with a margin of error of + or - 5%
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From: Alex
Subject: Re: [N64] X-Mas Season market share predictions
Date: 07 May 1999 16:38:02 +1000
At 02:39 07-05-99 EDT, you wrote:
>Ladies & Gents (& D. Fentie),
>I was wondering what everybody thinks how the marketshare between the N64,
>PlayStation, and Dreamcast will be for the still far away X-Mas season (4th
>quarter 1999)?
>I predict it as
>Dreamcast : 15%
>Nintendo 64 : 35%
>PlayStation : 50%
>with a margin of error of + or - 5%
Are you talking about the US? Nintendo could beat Sony considering the game
lineup. 3 pokemon games, star wars, Res2, JFG, PerDar, Donkey Kong etc. So
Nintendo could beat Sony if they have some decent marketing. I don't know
how well will Nintendo recover from the 6 month drought we are having in
PAL land... still waiting for Smash Brothers.
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From: IGN Newsletter
Subject: [N64] IGN PRESS PASS
Date: 07 May 1999 15:12:18 -0500
IGN PRESS PASS Today's date: May 07, 1999
!!! CONTEST !!!
To enter, go to
Sen. Lieberman warns that lawmakers may act to stop "Joe Camel"-style
If the game industry doesn't clean up its act and stop marketing violent
adult games at children, the government will step in and regulate it. That
was at least one of the messages coming out of the U.S. Senate this week,
as a special committee convened to examine the impact of violent films and
games on youth behavior, especially in light of the recent rash of deadly
school shootings...
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel like it's time to open
up a can of whoop-ass
We recently got another look at Urban Chaos at the Eidos editor's day and
we just know that you want to hear more about it. This platform-styled
action/adventure hybrid puts you in the shoes (or boots) of either the
crafty Darci or the hard-hitting Roper, with gameplay split approximately
65%/35% respectively. For the full preview with screen-shots, go to
Take a look at what's going to be on the E3 show floor and tell us what you
want to see the most
Curious as to who's showing what at this year's E3 show? Well, we've
compiled a quick list of all the companies who have made official E3
line-up announcements and included all of the games that they are talking
about at this point. Check it out at
Dreamcast is coming... Have you pre-ordered yet? Dreamcast is the hottest
system that video gaming has ever seen. has Sega Dreamcast and
over 20 games to pre-order. Check it out -
A series of Mickey Mouse-based games are on the way to N64 and Project
Dolphin -- from Rare
Nintendo announced today that it will be publishing approximately 13
Disney-licensed Mickey Mouse-based games across Nintendo 64, Color Game Boy
and its next-generation hardware, codenamed Project Dolphin. The games, set
to arrive during the holiday seasons of 1999, 2000 and 2001, will be
developed by none other than Rare (GoldenEye 007, Banjo-Kazooie), widely
considered one of the most talented software-makers in the industry...
Wild Water World Championships makes a splash landing on N64
Wacky racers seem to be a genre of their own as companies rush to fill the
void left by the classic Mario Kart 64. Those cute characters from the
Nintendo universe made for a howling good time especially with the
multiplayer battlemode where it was every mushroom, plumber and gorilla for
himself with a variety of clever weapons and power-ups. This winter,
Interplay Sports will throw its hat in the pond with Wild Water World
Championships, a game that looks to combine the best parts of Mario Kart,
Hydro Thunder and those nutty Saturday morning cartoons of the past...
EA unveils WCW Mayhem details as it prepares a wrestling blitz for E3-goers
Have no doubts about it, Electronic Arts is planning to throw all of its
support behind its acquisition of the WCW license. This point will be
proved in full at next week's E3 when EA, displaying a full-sized wrestling
ring at its center booth, puts on a show of television-event proportions.
For more details, check out the complete news story at
Fresh information and first picture of the new Lara model, Lara Weller
Eidos yesterday announced the new model to represent Tomb Raider star Lara
Croft, the 24-year-old Lara Weller. To find out how this model measures up
-- literally -- head on over to the full news story with a screen-shot at
The first screenshots, movies, and information on the PSX version of
Midway's arcade boxing game
Ready 2 Rumble is Midway's entry into the world of video boxing, The style
of game is very similar to Nintendo's Super Punch Out series where its
action over simulation. In the tradition of Blitz, don't expect realism to
enter the ring...
Built for speed and a daredevil-like roller-coaster feel, Wipeout 3 should
be the charm
The biggest and the baddest Wipeout is coming to a PlayStation toward you,
or at least that's what we're told from Psygnosis. After the initial smash
hit with Wipeout and the technically advanced Wipeout XL following on its
heels, the series hasn't made wrong step just yet. For more details plus
screenshots, go to
Sega's print ad campaign: is it going to get worse before it gets better?
Sega of America continues their early adopter Dreamcast print ad campaign
with a new series of "subliminal" adverts. The new (read story) ads feature
a spread of spaceshot USA, with cloud cover in the shape of the (read
story) Dreamcast logo. This ad follows last month's "eye" ad, which (read
story) showed a close up image of a human eye with a (read story) Dreamcast
logo blended in it. To read this story (do it now), go to
More Mortal Kombat news, brace yourself!
Thanks to a combination of EB World and Midway's constantly updated Mortal
Kombat Gold site, we have some new information to bring you today, along
with some screens. Get your hands on that privy info and check out the
screen-shots at
The creator of Dreamcaster makes his triumphant return to the column with a
new outlook on Sega's US plans
It has been several weeks since my last romp through the land I sired known
as the column-Dreamcaster. Since that fabled time, I have spent some
quality time with my Asian Dreamcast, and have decided to speak some more
on my impressions of Sega's new product. From a purely aesthetic
standpoint, the system itself is gorgeous and well laid out. From the
simplicity of its design, to the small footprint, the Dreamcast is quite
the turnaround from the Saturn debacle of old...
Get yourself into college or grad school or land the hottest, highest
paying job with help from the Power Students Network. Whether you're in
search of a passing grade, money to pay those college bills, or a job lift,
come check us out. Or, just be greedy and apply for our $1000 scholarship.
Go to
Crank up the graphics inside your computer with a 3Dfx Voodoo 3 card from
3Dfx Interactive. Up to 32MB of video memory gives your 3D graphics a kick
in the pants. -
Instead of sitting by and just reading about what goes on in the gaming
industry, take part and discuss it with fellow gamers. The Gaming Age
editors are all big into the IRC chat scene, so it's likely you'll easily
find them if you come on...
Daily Dementia - It's a non-panama Daily Dementia, and part two with Rade
from Westwood Studios and talk about the upcoming Tiberian Sun. We talk
about the specifics of gameplay, including AI, weapon balance, and neat new
features. Also, there's talk on The Phantom Menace and the idea of a
"Tribes"-type Command & Conquer game...
If you're a hardcore gamer as well as a hardcore sports fan, then there's
one place you need to go to satiate both passions - Operation Sports. For
the hottest sports game news, previews, reviews, and demos, step up to the
plate, go long, and slam dunk your way to
Super Smash Guide! - Welcome to Super Smash Brothers. This is the first
fighting game made by Nintendo, for the Nintendo 64 and it comes packed
with all their crazy mascots. Here you will find in-depth strategies for
single and multiplayer games. Plus, summaries and ratings of the entire
cast of characters and their abilities so you can choose which fighter is
best for you. So, please crack your knuckles and enjoy...
Got something to say about the N64 and its games? Then head on over to
Nintendorks Chatter -- Check out the full list of forums at
Message Board - Interact with other PSX gamers just like yourself. PSX
Nation uses the Ultimate Bulletin Board so users familiar with this service
should feel right at home. Feel free to stop on by, post a question or help
another reader. You can even sign up and start posting today!
For the most comprehensive listing of what North American RPGs are coming
your way soon, you have only to look at RPGamer's upcoming release list.
Check it out at
The Sega Zone Forum - Welcome to the Sega Zone forum. This board is for
discussing any video game related topics, whether its about the Sega
Saturn, Sony PlayStation, Nintendo 64, Sega Dreamcast, Project X, PC CD-ROM
or any other systems. Check it out at
Pre-order or purchase your favorite games from the IGN/EB World Online
PC Gamestore:
N64 Gamestore:
PSX Gamestore:
_____________________ # # # _______________________
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Editor-in-Chief, IGNPC
For issues concerning IGN's N64 coverage, send your e-mail to
For issues concerning IGN's PSX coverage, send your e-mail to
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From: Duncan
Subject: [N64] Smash Brothers Special Bonus info
Date: 07 May 1999 21:13:28 -0400
Does anyone have or know where to get information on the Special Bonuses
in Super Smash Brothers (extra points after a battle, such as Cheap Shot
and No Items)? A list of all of them, requirements, that kind of thing?
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] X-Mas Season market share predictions
Date: 07 May 1999 20:07:27 -0600
Trey, please refrain from using your stereotypic views. This is in no
way sarcastic and I don't wish to be categoized as neither. Its not
funny. I repeat this is a serious letter and by no means am I being
sarcastic. wrote:
> Ladies & Gents (& D. Fentie),
> I was wondering what everybody thinks how the marketshare between the N64,
> PlayStation, and Dreamcast will be for the still far away X-Mas season (4th
> quarter 1999)?
> I predict it as
> Dreamcast : 15%
> Nintendo 64 : 35%
> PlayStation : 50%
> with a margin of error of + or - 5%
> Trey
> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ]
> [ (without the quotes) to ]
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Subject: Re: [N64] X-Mas Season market share predictions
Date: 08 May 1999 02:14:22 EDT
In a message dated 5/7/99 3:28:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> Are you talking about the US? Nintendo could beat Sony considering the game
> lineup. 3 pokemon games, star wars, Res2, JFG, PerDar, Donkey Kong etc. So
> Nintendo could beat Sony if they have some decent marketing. I don't know
> how well will Nintendo recover from the 6 month drought we are having in
> PAL land... still waiting for Smash Brothers.
Sorry, unless otherwise stated I'm talking about the land of American NTSC. I
don't understand how the N64's Resident Evil 2 could affect the PlayStation
market, it was awesome on the PSX last year, and with Resident Evil : Nemesis
(3) coming out for the PlayStation what would a game a year old have to
offer? Unless it (N64 RE2)had a Barry mission, then I'd be sure to pick it up.
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Subject: Re: [N64] X-Mas Season market share predictions
Date: 08 May 1999 02:16:16 EDT
In a message dated 5/7/99 10:03:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> Trey, please refrain from using your stereotypic views. This is in no
> way sarcastic and I don't wish to be categoized as neither. Its not
> funny. I repeat this is a serious letter and by no means am I being
> sarcastic.
As soon as you admit that consoles are superior to PCs in every way
imaginable, I'll refrain. ;)
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From: Alex
Subject: Re: [N64] X-Mas Season market share predictions
Date: 08 May 1999 17:22:44 +1000
At 02:14 08-05-99 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 5/7/99 3:28:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
>> Are you talking about the US? Nintendo could beat Sony considering the game
>> lineup. 3 pokemon games, star wars, Res2, JFG, PerDar, Donkey Kong etc. So
>> Nintendo could beat Sony if they have some decent marketing. I don't know
>> how well will Nintendo recover from the 6 month drought we are having in
>> PAL land... still waiting for Smash Brothers.
>Sorry, unless otherwise stated I'm talking about the land of American NTSC. I
>don't understand how the N64's Resident Evil 2 could affect the PlayStation
>market, it was awesome on the PSX last year, and with Resident Evil : Nemesis
>(3) coming out for the PlayStation what would a game a year old have to
>offer? Unless it (N64 RE2)had a Barry mission, then I'd be sure to pick it up.
Obviously it won't take away from Playstation sales. But it will push N64
sales, as well as raise the status of the system. I personally don't really
care for Resident Evil anyway. I wish they'd port Street Fighter EX...
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From: "Eddy Wu"
Subject: Re: [N64] Something weird is going on
Date: 08 May 1999 10:56:03 -0400
IGN doesn't do their own codes anymore, codes posted to Gamesages are
automatically posted to IGN64. Gamesages posts a lot of codes every day, and
they apparently don't check them or something. The same thing happened a
while back when they posted some code about being able to use a "fire sword"
in Zelda.
-----Original Message-----
>Then why would they put the code on in the first place. Does the site
>that gets millions of readers a month and the most 'accurate'
>information post codes before trying them? Very poor, poor.
>Chris Avery wrote:
>> On Thu, 6 May 1999, D Fentie wrote:
>> > Yesterday, I went to Ign64 and I saw in the code section that if you
>> > press A Z and Start simutaniously at the start screen of Mario Party
>> > that you would get Banjo Kazooie, and 2 other well known characters to
>> > play with (1 was kirby I think and I can't remember the other one.)
>> > ANYWAYS, I go back to IGN64 today to see the code and try it out... its
>> > gone. I look all over the net, and its gone. I try out the code to
>> > if it works and it doesnt. WTF?! Whats going on?! Before you respond
>> > keep these factors in mind:
>> > a)I do not use substance abuse
>> > b)I do not drink (same thing kinda)
>> > c)I WASN'T dreaming for sure
>> > Anyone else see this?
>> Could it be that the code was fake, so IGN removed it?!? Well duh!
>> |Chris Avery | Computer Services Lab Manager |
>> |email | Computer Science Major |
>> | | Arkansas State University |
>> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ]
>> [ (without the quotes) to ]
>[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ]
>[ (without the quotes) to ]
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From: "Eddy Wu"
Subject: Re: [N64] X-Mas Season market share predictions
Date: 08 May 1999 11:02:48 -0400
Trey, is there any specific source you are basing these figures on, or are
you making them up completely? Are you talking about system sales or
software sales or rentals or what? Anyway, they sound about right to me, but
I think Nintendo will do a bit better, considering the massive Rare lineup.
What does Sony have this season? (that was not sarcastic, I honestly don't
-----Original Message-----
>In a message dated 5/7/99 3:28:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
>> Are you talking about the US? Nintendo could beat Sony considering the
>> lineup. 3 pokemon games, star wars, Res2, JFG, PerDar, Donkey Kong etc.
>> Nintendo could beat Sony if they have some decent marketing. I don't
>> how well will Nintendo recover from the 6 month drought we are having
>> PAL land... still waiting for Smash Brothers.
>Sorry, unless otherwise stated I'm talking about the land of American NTSC.
>don't understand how the N64's Resident Evil 2 could affect the PlayStation
>market, it was awesome on the PSX last year, and with Resident Evil :
>(3) coming out for the PlayStation what would a game a year old have to
>offer? Unless it (N64 RE2)had a Barry mission, then I'd be sure to pick it
>[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ]
>[ (without the quotes) to ]
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Subject: Re: [N64] X-Mas Season market share predictions
Date: 08 May 1999 17:46:08 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-08 11:04:11 EDT, you write:
> Trey, is there any specific source you are basing these figures on, or are
> you making them up completely? Are you talking about system sales or
> software sales or rentals or what? Anyway, they sound about right to me,
> I think Nintendo will do a bit better, considering the massive Rare lineup.
> What does Sony have this season? (that was not sarcastic, I honestly don't
> know)
Hardware & sdoftware sales combined. This is just my "guesstimation" as my
5th grade math teacher used to say. What will Sony have this season? The only
ones I can think of off the top of my head are Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy
Anthology, Resident Evil : Nemesis, Dino Crisis, a Crash Bandicoot "Mario
Kart type of game", Ape Escape, and Gran Tursimo 2. I'm sure there will be
more, I just hope Spyro 2 makes it this year.
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From: "Gregory A. Swarthout"
Subject: [N64] Info You Didn't Ask For
Date: 10 May 1999 10:26:48 -0600
There is a good deal of misinformation on the Internet regarding
the backup/archival copy exception. It is not a "second copy" rule
and is often mistakenly cited for the proposition that if you have
one lawful copy of a copyrighted work, you are entitled to have a
second copy of the copyrighted work even if that second copy is
an infringing copy. That is utterly ridiculous and legally
unsupported. Therefore, whether you have the authentic game or
not, or whether you have possession of the ROM for a limited
amount of time (24 hours), it is illegal and infringing of a copyright
to download and play a ROM from the Internet.
The backup/archival copy exception is a very narrow limitation
relating to a copy being made by the rightful owner of an authentic
game to ensure he or she has one in the event of damage or
destruction to the authentic. It is well established by judicial
decisions in the United States that this limited exception does
not apply to game data contained in ROM semiconductor chips in
video game cartridges.
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] Info You Didn't Ask For
Date: 10 May 1999 11:26:17 -0600
What about games that you can't buy because they can not be found
anymore? Ie. Mother 1 for the NES. There was only 1 english prototype
in existence and some guy bought it for like 5000 dollars and then
converted it to a ROM and put it on the net. I think that's legal.
Gregory A. Swarthout wrote:
> There is a good deal of misinformation on the Internet regarding
> the backup/archival copy exception. It is not a "second copy" rule
> and is often mistakenly cited for the proposition that if you have
> one lawful copy of a copyrighted work, you are entitled to have a
> second copy of the copyrighted work even if that second copy is
> an infringing copy. That is utterly ridiculous and legally
> unsupported. Therefore, whether you have the authentic game or
> not, or whether you have possession of the ROM for a limited
> amount of time (24 hours), it is illegal and infringing of a copyright
> to download and play a ROM from the Internet.
> The backup/archival copy exception is a very narrow limitation
> relating to a copy being made by the rightful owner of an authentic
> game to ensure he or she has one in the event of damage or
> destruction to the authentic. It is well established by judicial
> decisions in the United States that this limited exception does
> not apply to game data contained in ROM semiconductor chips in
> video game cartridges.
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Subject: RE: Re: [N64] Info You Didn't Ask For
Date: 10 May 1999 11:12:56 -0800
More Info
(this is all taken from
People Making Emulators and ROMs are Helping Publishers
by Making Old Games Available that are No Longer Being
Sold by the Copyright Owner. This Does Not Hurt Anyone
and Allows Gamers to Play Old Favorites. What's the
The problem is that it's illegal. Copyrights and trademarks
games are corporate assets. If these vintage titles are
far and wide, it undermines the value of this intellectual
and adversely affects the right owner. In addition, the
that the games involved are vintage or nostalgia games is
incorrect. In fact, there are now more and more programs
available that emulate current game systems such as Game
and the Nintendo 64. Emulator/ROM piracy is competing head
with Nintendo's current systems and software.
Isn't it Okay to Download ROMs for Games that are No
Longer Distributed in the Stores or Commercially
Exploited? Aren't They Considered "Public Domain"?
No, the current availability of a game in stores is irrelevant
as to
its copyright status. Copyrights do not enter the public
just because they are no longer commercially exploited or
available. Therefore, the copyrights of games are valid
even if the
games are not found on store shelves, and using, copying
distributing those games is a copyright infringement.
Haven't the Copyrights for Old Games Expired?
U.S. copyright laws state that copyrights owned by corporations
are valid for 75 years from the date of first publication.
video games have been around for less than three decades,
copyrights of all video games will not expire for many decades
--- Original Message ---
D Fentie Wrote on
Mon, 10 May 1999 11:26:17 -0600
What about games that you can't buy because they can not be found
anymore? Ie. Mother 1 for the NES. There was only 1 english
in existence and some guy bought it for like 5000 dollars and
converted it to a ROM and put it on the net. I think that's
Gregory A. Swarthout wrote:
> There is a good deal of misinformation on the Internet regarding
> the backup/archival copy exception. It is not a "second copy"
> and is often mistakenly cited for the proposition that if you
> one lawful copy of a copyrighted work, you are entitled to
have a
> second copy of the copyrighted work even if that second copy
> an infringing copy. That is utterly ridiculous and legally
> unsupported. Therefore, whether you have the authentic game
> not, or whether you have possession of the ROM for a limited
> amount of time (24 hours), it is illegal and infringing of
a copyright
> to download and play a ROM from the Internet.
> The backup/archival copy exception is a very narrow limitation
> relating to a copy being made by the rightful owner of an authentic
> game to ensure he or she has one in the event of damage or
> destruction to the authentic. It is well established by judicial
> decisions in the United States that this limited exception
> not apply to game data contained in ROM semiconductor chips
> video game cartridges.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Info You Didn't Ask For
Date: 10 May 1999 14:35:53 EDT
Are you thick, boy? How would that be legal at all? That's a load of crap,
that's what it is. Who cares if there was only one copy? You gotta go buy
that for yourself or learn Japanese. Does that allow us all to be able to
play all the games that aren't in English or brought out over here?
Technically, Nintendo loses profits every time you play that game because
that could have been one more Japanese cart sold.
By the way, Greg, that definition seemed like it made it illegal to make game
ROMs from cartridges. Did you edit that since this is an N64 (cart-based)
list, or does that pertain to CDs and DVDs as well?
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Subject: RE: Re: [N64] Info You Didn't Ask For
Date: 10 May 1999 12:07:58 -0800
No edits. It came from the Nintendo web site, and didn't
address any storage format other than ROMs.
--- Original Message --- Wrote on
Mon, 10 May 1999 14:35:53 EDT
By the way, Greg, that definition seemed like it made it illegal
to make game
ROMs from cartridges. Did you edit that since this is an N64
list, or does that pertain to CDs and DVDs as well?
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From: "Elliot Jefferson"
Subject: Re: [N64] X-Mas Season market share predictions
Date: 10 May 1999 13:13:48 PDT
>Subject: Re: [N64] X-Mas Season market share predictions
> > I think Nintendo will do a bit better, considering the massive Rare
> > What does Sony have this season? (that was not sarcastic, I honestly
> > know)
>What will Sony have this season? The only
>ones I can think of off the top of my head are Final Fantasy 8, Final
>Anthology, Resident Evil : Nemesis, Dino Crisis, a Crash Bandicoot "Mario
>Kart type of game", Ape Escape, and Gran Tursimo 2. I'm sure there will be
>more, I just hope Spyro 2 makes it this year.
Both the PSX and N64 have some excellent line-ups going into the 3rd and 4th
quarters of the year. I think N64 will benefit a little more based on brand
recognition. Without recalling all the titles that are due out this year, I
think Sony and Nintendo will spoil the potential sales of the Dreamcast with
their new software and lowered costs.
The Dreamcast will need something HUGE and it has shown up yet...
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From: "Michael"
Subject: [N64] RE2 N64?
Date: 10 May 1999 15:47:54 -0600
I read in Nintendo Power they are coming out with RE2 for the Nintendo 64s
this like for real? Also I read that there will options to how much blood
and guts you can see, Prtty nice now my little bros. can play it, jk :).
- Michael
Computer Club of America, Inc
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From: "Michael"
Subject: [N64] Sorta off topic - are we alowed to talk about the Dreamcast
Date: 10 May 1999 11:36:57 -0600
Are we allowed to talk about the Dreamcast? It is a videogame system:). Oh
well. What do you people think about Super Smash Bros.? I haven't got it
yet. But I've heard its really good...So I'm going to get it. BTW if you
reply to this don't just say "I like it" tell me why you like/dislike it.
- Michael
Computer Club of America, Inc
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Subject: Re: [N64] Sorta off topic - are we alowed to talk about the
Date: 10 May 1999 18:15:20 EDT
In a message dated 5/10/99 5:37:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
<< Are we allowed to talk about the Dreamcast? It is a videogame system:). Oh
well. What do you people think about Super Smash Bros.? I haven't got it
yet. But I've heard its really good...So I'm going to get it. BTW if you
reply to this don't just say "I like it" tell me why you like/dislike it.
I couldn't believe it---TRU is already preselling Dreamcast...$10 deposit
now, half a year later we'll have it for you. Talk about an operation!
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Subject: Re: [N64] Sorta off topic - are we alowed to talk about the Dreamcast
Date: 10 May 1999 18:36:15 -0700
On Mon, 10 May 1999 11:36:57 -0600 "Michael"
>Are we allowed to talk about the Dreamcast? It is a videogame
>system:). Oh
>well. What do you people think about Super Smash Bros.? I haven't got
>yet. But I've heard its really good...So I'm going to get it. BTW if
>reply to this don't just say "I like it" tell me why you like/dislike
When you say "videogames", keep in mind that this is an N64 list...
Super Smash brothers is a fun game. For starters, it's not your ordinary
fighting game. If you like spunky, childlike gameplay, this is a real
winner! A definite rental... It has alot of Japanese style to it,
tho... But that's not bad cause Japan rocks!! Anyway... As soon as you
complete the task of learning your character's moves, you can rock some
serious little-brother butt!! ;)
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] Info You Didn't Ask For
Date: 10 May 1999 17:17:30 -0600
I fail to see what viscosity has to do with my gender... but anyways, I
would never have played the game anyways if not for the computer...
hell, I wouldn't even know about it. grow up bastion. wrote:
> Are you thick, boy? How would that be legal at all? That's a load of crap,
> that's what it is. Who cares if there was only one copy? You gotta go buy
> that for yourself or learn Japanese. Does that allow us all to be able to
> play all the games that aren't in English or brought out over here?
> Technically, Nintendo loses profits every time you play that game because
> that could have been one more Japanese cart sold.
> By the way, Greg, that definition seemed like it made it illegal to make game
> ROMs from cartridges. Did you edit that since this is an N64 (cart-based)
> list, or does that pertain to CDs and DVDs as well?
> ~Matt
> < anymore? Ie. Mother 1 for the NES. There was only 1 english prototype
> in existence and some guy bought it for like 5000 dollars and then
> converted it to a ROM and put it on the net. I think that's legal.>>
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From: "Michael"
Subject: Re: [N64] Sorta off topic - are we alowed to talk about the
Date: 10 May 1999 17:25:52 -0600
>In a message dated 5/10/99 5:37:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
><< Are we allowed to talk about the Dreamcast? It is a videogame system:). Oh
> well. What do you people think about Super Smash Bros.? I haven't got it
> yet. But I've heard its really good...So I'm going to get it. BTW if you
> reply to this don't just say "I like it" tell me why you like/dislike it.
> >>
>I couldn't believe it---TRU is already preselling Dreamcast...$10 deposit
>now, half a year later we'll have it for you. Talk about an operation!
NO WAY HALF A YEAR! My friend has his, It is out, right? He ordered his
Online. This is really strange. Oh well tell me if you know when it is
really coming out. BTW don't bother reply if you "think" its coming out on
- Michael
Computer Club of America, Inc
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Subject: Re: [N64] Sorta off topic - are we alowed to talk about the
Date: 10 May 1999 19:53:07 EDT
September 9th is THE day I'll be in line. Unless, I import first that is=)
For those of you who do want talk Dreamcast, head over to Next Generation's
forums and you can post there. Otherwise, I suppose it's all n64 here...
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From: Stryder
Subject: Re: [N64] Info You Didn't Ask For
Date: 10 May 1999 18:59:50 -0500 (CDT)
On Mon, 10 May 1999 wrote:
> Are you thick, boy? How would that be legal at all? That's a load of crap,
> that's what it is. Who cares if there was only one copy? You gotta go buy
> that for yourself or learn Japanese. Does that allow us all to be able to
> play all the games that aren't in English or brought out over here?
> Technically, Nintendo loses profits every time you play that game because
> that could have been one more Japanese cart sold.
Hehe...while it is true that any ROMS are illegal, I must say that for me
personally I don't feel one single bit of guilt about owning ROMS or
CDR/HK copies of games that were never translated into English. If they
don't care to translate it, then they don't care to get my money (and they
wouldn't have ever).
One perfect example would be the GBC Beast Wars fighter in Japan. That
game is awesome, but since it is not in english (can't read anything being
said except some words like Victory!), I have to download FAQS off the
internet and such, there is no way I'm paying some high import game price
for a game I can't even get the full enjoyment out of. Now if were to
suddenly appear over here, I'll be one of the first out there to buy it.
That is my feelkiing on the subject, and if you disagree, fine, but I'll
still tell you to shove it if you jump on me about it :)
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From: "Joey"
Subject: [N64] Spoiler: Link to the Top
Date: 10 May 1999 19:16:47 -0500
Throw a bomb at it.
>On Wed, 05 May 1999 23:23:57 -0600 "Gregory A. Swarthout"
> writes:
>>Can someone who has gotten the high target (not the one under the
>>with Link tell me how you got it?
>Hmm... Please don't go to deep with us now... We might actually see
>what you're getting at!! :) What do you mean the "high target"??
> -Peter
>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
>Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
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From: Alex
Subject: Re: [N64] Info You Didn't Ask For
Date: 11 May 1999 14:51:43 +1000
At 11:26 10-05-99 -0600, you wrote:
>What about games that you can't buy because they can not be found
>anymore? Ie. Mother 1 for the NES. There was only 1 english prototype
>in existence and some guy bought it for like 5000 dollars and then
>converted it to a ROM and put it on the net. I think that's legal.
No it's not legal, Nintendo owns the copyrights to that game and they can do
with it as they wish. I think I more important question is "is it moral?".
Don't have any problems with people playing obscure foreign games which they
would be unable to get through more legitimate channels... but stealing
money out of the pockets of developers is low. Which is essentially what you
are doing when pirate you games which are on the market.
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From: "mishtu"
Subject: Re: [N64] Info You Didn't Ask For
Date: 11 May 1999 00:43:55 -0700
OK, lets drop it. This is a never ending issue. People that want to pirate
will do it and those don't won't. If you use a game that you didn't pay for
then its
wrong. Everyone knows this so why argue about it? The only difference with
emulating older games (especially cartridges) is that there is no profit
that can
ever be made so you are hurting no one financially. There may be a one
programmer out there but I think most would be happy someone wants to play
their game. So do what you want - you will anyway no matter what anyone
says - and stop discussing it on the list.
-----Original Message-----
>At 11:26 10-05-99 -0600, you wrote:
>>What about games that you can't buy because they can not be found
>>anymore? Ie. Mother 1 for the NES. There was only 1 english prototype
>>in existence and some guy bought it for like 5000 dollars and then
>>converted it to a ROM and put it on the net. I think that's legal.
>No it's not legal, Nintendo owns the copyrights to that game and they can
>with it as they wish. I think I more important question is "is it moral?".
>Don't have any problems with people playing obscure foreign games which
>would be unable to get through more legitimate channels... but stealing
>money out of the pockets of developers is low. Which is essentially what
>are doing when pirate you games which are on the market.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Sorta off topic - are we alowed to talk about the
Date: 11 May 1999 11:56:07 EDT
In a message dated 5/10/99 5:37:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> Are we allowed to talk about the Dreamcast? It is a videogame system:). Oh
> well. What do you people think about Super Smash Bros.? I haven't got it
> yet. But I've heard its really good...So I'm going to get it. BTW if you
> reply to this don't just say "I like it" tell me why you like/dislike it.
> Later,
> - Michael
If you really want to talk about the Dreamcast, join the list at E-Mail for info.
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Subject: Re: [N64] RE2 N64?
Date: 11 May 1999 11:54:38 EDT
In a message dated 5/10/99 5:36:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> I read in Nintendo Power they are coming out with RE2 for the Nintendo 64s
> this like for real? Also I read that there will options to how much blood
> and guts you can see, Prtty nice now my little bros. can play it, jk :).
> - Michael
I don't know about the blood option (bad, bad idea) but Resident Evil 2 is
coming to the N64.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Sorta off topic - are we alowed to talk about the
Date: 11 May 1999 11:59:52 EDT
In a message dated 5/10/99 7:50:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> NO WAY HALF A YEAR! My friend has his, It is out, right? He ordered his
> Online. This is really strange. Oh well tell me if you know when it is
> really coming out. BTW don't bother reply if you "think" its coming out on
> 00/00/00
> - Michael
The Dreamcast will be released on 9/9/99 in America. Since a good portion of
this list is from North America, we usually refer to American release dates
unless otherwise stated. Your "friend" probably has a Japanese version. I'd
rather wait to have it in a language I can read.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Sorta off topic - are we alowed to talk about theDreamcast
Date: 11 May 1999 16:08:11 EDT
>The Dreamcast will be released on 9/9/99 in America. Since a good portion of
>this list is from North America, we usually refer to American release dates
>unless otherwise stated. Your "friend" probably has a Japanese version. I'd
>rather wait to have it in a language I can read.
Last one I promise=) I know how people are about off topic things 'cause i'm
the same way, but it's slow N64 wise until E3 hits so...
Anyways, a lot of the Japanese games are in English and have Japanese
subtitles. Sounds weird, but it's true. Blue Stinger for example has all the
voice in English with Jap. subtitles, while Capcom's games are almost all
English and so on. Conisder this bit of info an interesting fact -- anywho,
on with the N64!
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Subject: Re: [N64] Episode 1 Racer
Date: 11 May 1999 16:59:12 EDT
After scrambling together a preview for the game, this game sounds a LOT more
interesting. Aside from being on a 32MB cart, using some of Factor 5's
technology, having over 20 racers, 8 worlds with plenty of variations, and
strutting some impressive graphical stuff, has anyone actually gotten around
to playing the demo? So far, I've only heard mediocre reports, but then
again, I can't quite recall being blown away by a local Wal-Mart or TRU
display of late. What with jammed controls and terribly televisions
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From: WezMan
Subject: Re: [N64] Episode 1 Racer
Date: 11 May 1999 17:27:14 -0400
I've had a chance to play it in depth here in the comfort of my own home, and
must say it is not an amazing revolution to the gaming industry, but is
definitely fun. Although the fact there is no vehicle variation makes the game a
bit dull at times, it still has some very well thought out tracks toward the end
that make it worth trying. The graphics and sound are great, for a racing game
that is. It seems a little rough around the edges to me though, as if it were
rushed at the end to get it out in time for the movie. Oh well, it is still
better than I had originally thought a Star Wars based racer could be. Definite
rent; see if its your racing style, because not everyone will like it. wrote:
> After scrambling together a preview for the game, this game sounds a LOT more
> interesting. Aside from being on a 32MB cart, using some of Factor 5's
> technology, having over 20 racers, 8 worlds with plenty of variations, and
> strutting some impressive graphical stuff, has anyone actually gotten around
> to playing the demo? So far, I've only heard mediocre reports, but then
> again, I can't quite recall being blown away by a local Wal-Mart or TRU
> display of late. What with jammed controls and terribly televisions
> settings...
> !!
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Subject: Re: [N64] Episode 1 Racer
Date: 11 May 1999 17:21:52 EDT
In a message dated 5/11/99 5:12:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
<< After scrambling together a preview for the game, this game sounds a LOT
interesting. Aside from being on a 32MB cart, using some of Factor 5's
technology, having over 20 racers, 8 worlds with plenty of variations, and
strutting some impressive graphical stuff, has anyone actually gotten around
to playing the demo? So far, I've only heard mediocre reports, but then
again, I can't quite recall being blown away by a local Wal-Mart or TRU
display of late. What with jammed controls and terribly televisions
settings... >>
I was underwhelmed to tell you to the truth...But the tv sucked as did the
settings....I would rate this as a DEFINITE rent first.
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Subject: Re: [N64] english in Japanese games (game for Japanese market)
Date: 11 May 1999 17:46:38 EDT
In a message dated 5/11/99 4:17:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> Anyways, a lot of the Japanese games are in English and have Japanese
> subtitles. Sounds weird, but it's true. Blue Stinger for example has all
> voice in English with Jap. subtitles, while Capcom's games are almost all
> English and so on. Conisder this bit of info an interesting fact --
> on with the N64!
> !!
Let us not forget Resident Evil, the Japanese version has (poor) English
voice & Japanese text. Then there's Vampire Savior (Japanese Saturn) that has
the option for all English text. (Capcom likes importers)
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] Info You Didn't Ask For
Date: 11 May 1999 16:18:15 -0600
Very nicely said I agree with you 100%
Stryder wrote:
> On Mon, 10 May 1999 wrote:
> > Are you thick, boy? How would that be legal at all? That's a load of crap,
> > that's what it is. Who cares if there was only one copy? You gotta go buy
> > that for yourself or learn Japanese. Does that allow us all to be able to
> > play all the games that aren't in English or brought out over here?
> > Technically, Nintendo loses profits every time you play that game because
> > that could have been one more Japanese cart sold.
> Hehe...while it is true that any ROMS are illegal, I must say that for me
> personally I don't feel one single bit of guilt about owning ROMS or
> CDR/HK copies of games that were never translated into English. If they
> don't care to translate it, then they don't care to get my money (and they
> wouldn't have ever).
> One perfect example would be the GBC Beast Wars fighter in Japan. That
> game is awesome, but since it is not in english (can't read anything being
> said except some words like Victory!), I have to download FAQS off the
> internet and such, there is no way I'm paying some high import game price
> for a game I can't even get the full enjoyment out of. Now if were to
> suddenly appear over here, I'll be one of the first out there to buy it.
> That is my feelkiing on the subject, and if you disagree, fine, but I'll
> still tell you to shove it if you jump on me about it :)
> Stryder
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From: "Eddy Wu"
Subject: Re: [N64] RE2 N64?
Date: 11 May 1999 22:21:23 -0400
Why is the blood option a bad idea?
-----Original Message-----
>In a message dated 5/10/99 5:36:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
>> I read in Nintendo Power they are coming out with RE2 for the Nintendo
>> this like for real? Also I read that there will options to how much
>> and guts you can see, Prtty nice now my little bros. can play it, jk :).
>> - Michael
>I don't know about the blood option (bad, bad idea) but Resident Evil 2 is
>coming to the N64.
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Subject: Re: [N64] RE2 N64?
Date: 11 May 1999 22:45:15 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-11 22:27:37 EDT, you write:
> Why is the blood option a bad idea?
It's just unecessary, IMHO. RE2 on the PlayStation didn't have one, but it
did have the disclaimer. If you don't want a violent bloody gory game you
should be playing Resident Evil 2 in the first place. It would change RE2
from a "B" Movie to an ABC Sunday Night movie. What's next, an option for Ada
Wong to wear pants?
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From: "Dexter Sy"
Subject: [N64] Breaking! Nintendo/Matsuhita alliance
Date: 11 May 1999 20:05:42 -0700
We got this peice news just before we updated for tonight
check it out
Dexter S.
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] RE2 N64?
Date: 11 May 1999 22:03:31 -0600
Options are good. The more there are, the more people it can please.
Do you guys have problems with options? Can you hand the mental
capacity of Yes blood or No blood? Well, I think its fine. wrote:
> In a message dated 99-05-11 22:27:37 EDT, you write:
> > Why is the blood option a bad idea?
> It's just unecessary, IMHO. RE2 on the PlayStation didn't have one, but it
> did have the disclaimer. If you don't want a violent bloody gory game you
> should be playing Resident Evil 2 in the first place. It would change RE2
> from a "B" Movie to an ABC Sunday Night movie. What's next, an option for Ada
> Wong to wear pants?
> Trey
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From: "Eddy Wu"
Subject: Re: [N64] RE2 N64?
Date: 12 May 1999 00:04:11 -0400
It's not necessary, but it keeps the media and parents off Nintendo's back
about violence and gore or whatever. I don't see the harm in including a
blood switch, Turok II had one, and it wasn't a problem. If you want the
blood in, then just don't touch the switch.
-----Original Message-----
>In a message dated 99-05-11 22:27:37 EDT, you write:
>> Why is the blood option a bad idea?
>It's just unecessary, IMHO. RE2 on the PlayStation didn't have one, but it
>did have the disclaimer. If you don't want a violent bloody gory game you
>should be playing Resident Evil 2 in the first place. It would change RE2
>from a "B" Movie to an ABC Sunday Night movie. What's next, an option for
>Wong to wear pants?
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Subject: Re: [N64] RE2 N64? ... Super Smash Bros. Commercial
Date: 12 May 1999 00:55:51 EDT
In a message dated 5/11/99 11:56:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> Options are good. The more there are, the more people it can please.
> Do you guys have problems with options? Can you hand the mental
> capacity of Yes blood or No blood? Well, I think its fine.
Okay, you figured me out. I just like to complain.
On a totally different note, did anybody see the Super Smash Bros. commercial
during "Futurama"? Tuesday night? Funniest game commercial I've seen in a
long time.
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From: MARK
Subject: RE: [N64] 60 Minutes comes down on videogames
Date: 27 Apr 1999 16:23:01 +0100
No Carmageddon?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Justin Bailey []
> Sent: 25 April 1999 23:00
> To:
> Subject: Re: [N64] 60 Minutes comes down on videogames
> > In a message dated 4/25/99 5:05:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> > writes:
> >
> > > Top Ten Most Violent Video Games
> > > ------------------------------------
> > > 1. Duke Nukem: Time to Kill
> > > 2. Bio Freaks
> > > 3. The House of the Dead
> > > 4. Flesh Feast
> > > 5. Mortal Kombat 4
> > > 6. Metal Gear Solid
> > > 7. Grand Theft Auto
> > > 8. Blood II
> > > 9. Die By the Sword, Limb from Limb
> > > 10. Resident Evil
> > > Source: NIMF
> >
> > What? No Night Trap?
> >
> > Trey
> Notice that neither Doom (any version) nor Quake (I or II) are on that
> list,
> either.
> ------ ------
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From: MARK
Subject: RE: [N64] SW:Pod Racer
Date: 06 May 1999 08:58:19 +0100
Slightly "Off Topic" but go to to see
reviews of last nights special "Star Wars: Episode One" Screening
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Carson []
> Sent: 04 May 1999 21:45
> To:
> Subject: Re: [N64] SW:Pod Racer
> Thanks for the review! Time to go to TRU! I hope this isnt another
> sorry
> game with a great liscense. I hate that.
> -John
> On Tue, 4 May 1999, Elliot Jefferson wrote:
> > While going to a TRU close to my job looking for some of the new
> Ep:1
> > figures, the first thing I ran into was SW:PR for N64. Since no one
> else
> > has mentioned anything about the game if they've seen it, I'll post
> > something and keep it spolier free...
> >
> > The game was on a system with the expansion pack and the graphics,
> for what
> > I saw, went from average to pretty good. The pods I saw were very
> close to
> > the ones seen in the trailer, with the electrical effects and all.
> I saw
> > three views, one I assume was a cockpit view, another view that
> appeared to
> > be further in front of the pod (a la bumper cam), and a rear view.
> There's
> > also a third person view but this guy wasn't using it.
> >
> > At this ponit in the race, the person playing was in last place so
> there
> > weren't any other pods around him. I would have liked to have seen
> how many
> > pods could be on screen at once and how the collision detection
> worked &
> > looked, but it never happened. Overall, the framerate was smooth
> enough to
> > keep from detracting fom gameplay.
> > Not bad so far.
> >
> > He was racing in a desert and had just entered a canyon. The
> environment
> > looked average. Nothing particulary stood out about the track.
> There was
> > nothing going on to either side to distract you from the race. That
> could
> > be good or bad depending on how you look at it.
> > This is probably one of the first tracks, so hopefully the later
> ones are a
> > little more impressive. The guy playing restarted his race later
> and it
> > appeared he was racing at night. I'm not sure if he was on another
> track or
> > just a different part of the track, but it definately was dark.
> This track
> > was mostly smooth, but there were small hills, more like bumps, in
> the
> > track. Oh, and one last thing. Yes, you know it's something almost
> no N64
> > game can do without. It's FOG! But, it's not Turok 1 type fog.
> It's way
> > ahead of your pod and shouldn't affect you racing. I think a little
> fog is
> > more acceptable than a slow framerate.
> >
> > I can't get into detail about the control too much, but from the way
> the guy
> > was holding the controller, I assume that the contols are pretty
> sensitive.
> > He stayed true to the course and didn't hit any walls, although he
> did bump
> > one pod at the beginning. Then they all took off and left him
> behind again.
> >
> > Due to the small speakers on the TV and the noise around the Star
> Wars
> > Episode 1 section of the store, it was hard to hear the sounds of
> the game
> > or even the in-game music. It might have been turned off. I did
> hear an
> > announcer in the game and I only heard one or two plain things. I
> think he
> > announed the racer's position.
> >
> > Finally, the front end of the game lookes pretty good. Even my
> non-gaming
> > fans liked the mission selection and hanger in SW:RS. In Pod racer,
> it's
> > similar. But, when Anakin was chosen as the racer, he jumped up
> with his
> > fist in the air. Nice. I didn't see the other racers though. I did
> notice
> > that there were three mode to the game, quest and two others. I did
> mention
> > to the guy playing that there weren't many pods he was racing
> against and he
> > said that the number is selectable and you could go up to 12 per
> race.
> >
> > Overall, I was disappointed with the track graphics. They looked
> uninspired
> > to me. The few pods I saw looked pretty good in all their camera
> views.
> > Sad thing is, it wasn't enough to keep my attention for more than
> five
> > minutes. I'm definately going to play this one before buying. This
> game
> > will have to sell itself on the basis of it's tracks and how much
> variation
> > it can offer.
> >
> > Has anybody else seen the game ? What do you think about it ?
> >
> > Elliot
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________________________
> > Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
> >
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> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> John Carson
> University of Arkansas
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From: "Eddy Wu"
Subject: Re: [N64] RE2 N64? ... Super Smash Bros. Commercial
Date: 12 May 1999 08:34:31 -0400
You mean the one of the characters running around in a field of flowers
while "So Happy Together" is playing, and then they suddenly start beating
the crap out of each other? If so, yeah.. it's a decent commercial. A little
cheesy, but hey, it's Nintendo. =)
BTW, it's been running for at least a week now.
-----Original Message-----
>In a message dated 5/11/99 11:56:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
>> Options are good. The more there are, the more people it can please.
>> Do you guys have problems with options? Can you hand the mental
>> capacity of Yes blood or No blood? Well, I think its fine.
>Okay, you figured me out. I just like to complain.
>On a totally different note, did anybody see the Super Smash Bros.
>during "Futurama"? Tuesday night? Funniest game commercial I've seen in a
>long time.
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From: "Michael"
Subject: Re: [N64] RE2 N64? ... Super Smash Bros. Commercial
Date: 12 May 1999 07:53:14 -0600
Yeah thats the only one, It prob. has been running for a week. But you don't
see it much.... It was funny when I saw it the first:) Is there a "No
mail" setting cuz I'm going to be in IL for 9 days?.
- Michael
Computer Club of America, Inc
>You mean the one of the characters running around in a field of flowers
>while "So Happy Together" is playing, and then they suddenly start beating
>the crap out of each other? If so, yeah.. it's a decent commercial. A little
>cheesy, but hey, it's Nintendo. =)
>BTW, it's been running for at least a week now.
>-----Original Message-----
>Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 12:57 AM
>Subject: Re: [N64] RE2 N64? ... Super Smash Bros. Commercial
>>In a message dated 5/11/99 11:56:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>> writes:
>>> Options are good. The more there are, the more people it can please.
>>> Do you guys have problems with options? Can you hand the mental
>>> capacity of Yes blood or No blood? Well, I think its fine.
>>Okay, you figured me out. I just like to complain.
>>On a totally different note, did anybody see the Super Smash Bros.
>>during "Futurama"? Tuesday night? Funniest game commercial I've seen in a
>>long time.
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From: D Fentie
Subject: [N64] Super Smash Bros. Commercial
Date: 12 May 1999 12:54:25 -0600
No, what happens?
> On a totally different note, did anybody see the Super Smash Bros. commercial
> during "Futurama"? Tuesday night? Funniest game commercial I've seen in a
> long time.
> Trey
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From: "Matt MA"
Subject: [N64] fwd: IBM, Nintendo In $1 Billion Game Chip Pact
Date: 12 May 1999 12:10:47 -0700
Wednesday May 12 1:51 PM ET=20
IBM, Nintendo In $1 Billion Game Chip Pact
By Eric Auchard
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Computer giant IBM and video game maker Nintendo Co. =
Ltd. are set to unveil a $1 billion multiyear pact
later Wednesday in which IBM will build a custom computer chip for =
Nintendo's next generation gaming system, sources familiar
with the deal said.
IBM will design and manufacture a custom version of its PowerPC microproces=
sor running 400 million cycles a second for
Nintendo's upcoming video game system, sources said.
The new gaming system is due to ship in 2000 -- ahead of the year-end =
holiday shopping season -- and promises to offer the
fastest game action yet announced in an industry where blistering speed is =
everything, they said.
The embedded IBM microprocessor will act as the brains of Nintendo's new =
gaming system, alongside a special graphics
processor designed by ArtX, a Palo-Alto, Calif.-based computer chip =
designer that has set the effective standard for realistic
computer graphics in the gaming industry.
The sources were confirming the details of a story that ran in Wednesday =
editions of the New York Times.
Spokesmen for Armonk, N.Y.-based IBM and Nintendo, with U.S. operations =
based in Redmond, Wash., declined to comment.
Nintendo's graphics chip deal with ArtX, a start-up in Palo Alto, Calif., =
had been previously disclosed, a Nintendo spokesman
An ArtX spokesman could not be reached for comment.
Nintendo is set to unveil the plans Wednesday afternoon in Los Angeles at =
E3, the annual electronic entertainment industry
trade show, the sources said.
The 400 megahertz PowerPC chip will use IBM's increasingly microscopic =
manufacturing technology and more efficient copper
wiring than traditional aluminum connections. These features contribute to =
the chip's faster overall processing speeds.
While the current deal is based on the custom 400 million cycle per second =
chip, IBM and Nintendo could agree in the future to
develop faster speed chips later, the sources said.
The pact marks a major win for IBM's PowerPC microprocessor -- best known =
as basic computer chip used to power Apple
Computer Inc. (Nasdaq:AAPL - news) computers -- by broadening its use =
beyond personal computers to high-powered game
The chip is also used in IBM's own computer workstation and minicomputer =
lines and embedded in Internet router hardware sold
by major network equipment makers.
Nintendo will use the new chip to go head-to-head in a battle with Sony =
Corp. (NYSE:SNE - news) for bragging rights to the
world's fastest gaming system.
Sony PlayStation hardware and software captured 54 percent of the $5 =
billion 1998 U.S. video game market, while the No.
2-ranked Nintendo 64 machine and related software won 28 percent of =
revenues, according to a market research data.
However, Reston, Va.-based PC Data said that including sales from earlier =
gaming devices, like Nintendo Game Boy and Super
Nintendo, the company held a 46 percent share.
Sony is developing its own processor to be manufactured by Toshiba Corp. =
Sony claims its dedicated gaming devices will be
able to process up to 128 bits of data simultaneously, a multiple of =
current 64-bit devices.
No details were available on whether Nintendo's new PowerPC devices would =
offer 128-bit processing.
Sony competitors have raised doubts about whether the Japanese company's =
undertaking to build its own processor for use in
its PlayStation II device may prove too ambitious.
The company is developing a custom-designed chip it will build in =
semiconductor fabrication plants Toshiba has yet to build --
variables that could hamper Sony's plans.
Nintendo and Sony also compete with Sega Enterprises Ltd., which in recent =
years has sunk to the No. 3 video game console
maker, plans a $100 million marketing blitz for the U.S. launch in =
September of its new Dreamcast system.
The Dreamcast, which will arrive a year ahead of the Sony and Nintendo =
machines, promises much faster and more realistic
graphics than current game devices and will be the first to offer Internet =
Earlier Wednesday in Tokyo, Nintendo and Matsushita Electric Industrial =
said they agreed to a related deal in which Matsushita,
the producer of Panasonic, Technics and Quasar brands, will produce =
digital video disc equipment for Nintendo's new machines.
Like Sega's Dreamcast, the new game machine will link to the Internet, the =
companies said.
Reports of the deal helped send IBM stock to a new record level of =
$225.25, up $4.25 on the day Wednesday, in composite U.S.
stock market trading.
Wall Street is awaiting an annual briefing of financial analysts by Lou =
Gerstner, IBM chairman and chief executive, set to be held
in New York after the close of trading Wednesday.=20
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From: "Lapenna, Russ"
Subject: RE: [N64] Super Smash Bros. Commercial
Date: 12 May 1999 15:33:56 -0400
Better than Battle Tanks? Remember with the bear from Snuggle
detergent? That was great.
> > On a totally different note, did anybody see the Super
> Smash Bros. commercial
> > during "Futurama"? Tuesday night? Funniest game commercial
> I've seen in a
> > long time.
> >
> > Trey
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Subject: [N64] Project Dolphin kicks ass.
Date: 12 May 1999 16:04:24 EDT
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Subject: [N64] Super Smash Bros bonus list
Date: 12 May 1999 16:28:03 -0500
This message was forwarded to you from by, the discussion network, offers free web-based access to more than
50,000 high-quality discussion forums. Come and visit us on the web at[ST_rn=if]/
(beginning of original message)
I've been compiling a list of SSB bonusses available in the 1p game.
Here's a list of what I have so far, if anyone can fill in any missing
info, I'd appreciate it. When I've filled in most of the blanks, I'll
post it to for everone to see.
Attack type bonuses:
Judo Warrior - 5000 - Only throws used
Hawk - 18000 - Only aerial attacks used
Smash-less - 5000 - no tap+A attacks used
Pacifist - 60000 - No attacks used (!)
Cheap shot - -99 - used aerial attack on recovering opponent
Last Kill Damage Type Bonuses
Throw Down - 2000 - Last damage by throw
Pokemon Finish - 11000 - Last damage by Pokeball contents
Star Clear - 12000 - Last damage while invincible
Bumper Clear - 12000 - Last damage by placed bumper
Booby Trap - 13000 - Last damage by placed mine
Tornado Clear - 3000 - Last damage by Link-level tornado
Arwing Clear - 4000 - Last damage by Fox-level Arwing
Acid Clear - 2000 - Last damage by Samus-level acid
Level Clear Bonuses
Speedster - 10000 - Finish in under 30 seconds
Jackpot - 3330 - Finish with {11, 22, ..., 99} % damage exactly
Fighter Stance - 100 - Be in mid-taunt at end
Misc Bonuses
Full Power - 5000 - 0% damage at end
No Damage - 15000 - Never got damaged in fight
No Item - 1000 - Never picked up an item
Star Finish - 10000 - Knocked opponent into background/foreground
Mew Catch - 15000 - Unleash Mew from a Pokeball
Good Friend - Ally survives Mario Bros stage
DK Defender - Both allies survive Giant DK stage
Perfect - 30000 - All targets in Bonus 1, all platforms in bonus 2
(Note - can get 15000 No Damage bonus in Bonus 3)
Game End
Very Easy Clear - 70000
Easy Clear - 140000
Normal Clear - 210000
Hard Clear - 280000
Very Hard Clear - 350000
Speed King - 40000 - Clear under 20 mins, no continues
Uncertain condition bonuses:
Mystic - 7000 - Got by losing a life and killing opponent simultaneously
in Mario Bros level. Ally survived.
Vegetarian - 9000 - Got in Fighting Polygon Team level (I think...)
Reason unknown.
Heavy Damage - 28000 - Got in Fighting Polygon team level. Reason
Calamity Bros. - 20000 - Got after dominating a *quick* Mario Bros
Any help appreciated (especially these last 4, or any other rare one) -
email or newsgroup reply is fine. Thanks!
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Subject: [N64] Super Smash Bros bonus list
Date: 12 May 1999 16:28:03 -0500
This message was forwarded to you from by, the discussion network, offers free web-based access to more than
50,000 high-quality discussion forums. Come and visit us on the web at[ST_rn=if]/
(beginning of original message)
I've been compiling a list of SSB bonusses available in the 1p game.
Here's a list of what I have so far, if anyone can fill in any missing
info, I'd appreciate it. When I've filled in most of the blanks, I'll
post it to for everone to see.
Attack type bonuses:
Judo Warrior - 5000 - Only throws used
Hawk - 18000 - Only aerial attacks used
Smash-less - 5000 - no tap+A attacks used
Pacifist - 60000 - No attacks used (!)
Cheap shot - -99 - used aerial attack on recovering opponent
Last Kill Damage Type Bonuses
Throw Down - 2000 - Last damage by throw
Pokemon Finish - 11000 - Last damage by Pokeball contents
Star Clear - 12000 - Last damage while invincible
Bumper Clear - 12000 - Last damage by placed bumper
Booby Trap - 13000 - Last damage by placed mine
Tornado Clear - 3000 - Last damage by Link-level tornado
Arwing Clear - 4000 - Last damage by Fox-level Arwing
Acid Clear - 2000 - Last damage by Samus-level acid
Level Clear Bonuses
Speedster - 10000 - Finish in under 30 seconds
Jackpot - 3330 - Finish with {11, 22, ..., 99} % damage exactly
Fighter Stance - 100 - Be in mid-taunt at end
Misc Bonuses
Full Power - 5000 - 0% damage at end
No Damage - 15000 - Never got damaged in fight
No Item - 1000 - Never picked up an item
Star Finish - 10000 - Knocked opponent into background/foreground
Mew Catch - 15000 - Unleash Mew from a Pokeball
Good Friend - Ally survives Mario Bros stage
DK Defender - Both allies survive Giant DK stage
Perfect - 30000 - All targets in Bonus 1, all platforms in bonus 2
(Note - can get 15000 No Damage bonus in Bonus 3)
Game End
Very Easy Clear - 70000
Easy Clear - 140000
Normal Clear - 210000
Hard Clear - 280000
Very Hard Clear - 350000
Speed King - 40000 - Clear under 20 mins, no continues
Uncertain condition bonuses:
Mystic - 7000 - Got by losing a life and killing opponent simultaneously
in Mario Bros level. Ally survived.
Vegetarian - 9000 - Got in Fighting Polygon Team level (I think...)
Reason unknown.
Heavy Damage - 28000 - Got in Fighting Polygon team level. Reason
Calamity Bros. - 20000 - Got after dominating a *quick* Mario Bros
Any help appreciated (especially these last 4, or any other rare one) -
email or newsgroup reply is fine. Thanks!
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---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---
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You can view this message and the related discussion by following this link:[ST_rn=if]/dnquery.xp?search=thread&svcclass=dnserver&recnum=%3c7hc96i$avs$ hope to see you soon at, the discussion network.[ST_rn=if]/
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From: "Eddy Wu"
Subject: Re: [N64] Project Dolphin kicks ass.
Date: 12 May 1999 18:15:16 -0400
Not only that, but with the alliances with a big consumer electronics
company like Matsushita and a established chip manufacturer like IBM,
Nintendo will be able to produce the chips and DVD drives more cheaply,
which is good news for us.
-----Original Message-----
>By Eric Auchard
>NEW YORK (Reuters) - Computer giant IBM and video game maker Nintendo Co.
>Ltd. are set to unveil a $1 billion multiyear pact
>later Wednesday in which IBM will build a custom computer chip for
>next generation gaming system, sources familiar
>with the deal said.
>IBM will design and manufacture a custom version of its PowerPC
>microprocessor running 400 million cycles a second for
>Nintendo's upcoming video game system, sources said.
>The new gaming system is due to ship in 2000 -- ahead of the year-end
>shopping season -- and promises to offer the
>fastest game action yet announced in an industry where blistering speed is
>everything, they said.
>The embedded IBM microprocessor will act as the brains of Nintendo's new
>gaming system, alongside a special graphics
>processor designed by ArtX, a Palo-Alto, Calif.-based computer chip
>that has set the effective standard for realistic
>computer graphics in the gaming industry.
>The sources were confirming the details of a story that ran in Wednesday
>editions of the New York Times.
>Spokesmen for Armonk, N.Y.-based IBM and Nintendo, with U.S. operations
>in Redmond, Wash., declined to comment.
>Nintendo's graphics chip deal with ArtX, a start-up in Palo Alto, Calif.,
>been previously disclosed, a Nintendo spokesman
>An ArtX spokesman could not be reached for comment.
>Nintendo is set to unveil the plans Wednesday afternoon in Los Angeles at
>the annual electronic entertainment industry
>trade show, the sources said.
>The 400 megahertz PowerPC chip will use IBM's increasingly microscopic
>manufacturing technology and more efficient copper
>wiring than traditional aluminum connections. These features contribute to
>the chip's faster overall processing speeds.
>While the current deal is based on the custom 400 million cycle per second
>chip, IBM and Nintendo could agree in the future to
>develop faster speed chips later, the sources said.
>The pact marks a major win for IBM's PowerPC microprocessor -- best known
>basic computer chip used to power Apple
>Computer Inc. (Nasdaq:AAPL - news) computers -- by broadening its use
>personal computers to high-powered game
>The chip is also used in IBM's own computer workstation and minicomputer
>lines and embedded in Internet router hardware sold
>by major network equipment makers.
>Nintendo will use the new chip to go head-to-head in a battle with Sony
>(NYSE:SNE - news) for bragging rights to the
>world's fastest gaming system.
>Sony PlayStation hardware and software captured 54 percent of the $5
>1998 U.S. video game market, while the No.
>2-ranked Nintendo 64 machine and related software won 28 percent of
>according to a market research data.
>However, Reston, Va.-based PC Data said that including sales from earlier
>gaming devices, like Nintendo Game Boy and Super
>Nintendo, the company held a 46 percent share.
>Sony is developing its own processor to be manufactured by Toshiba Corp.
>claims its dedicated gaming devices will be
>able to process up to 128 bits of data simultaneously, a multiple of
>64-bit devices.
>No details were available on whether Nintendo's new PowerPC devices would
>offer 128-bit processing.
>Sony competitors have raised doubts about whether the Japanese company's
>undertaking to build its own processor for use in
>its PlayStation II device may prove too ambitious.
>The company is developing a custom-designed chip it will build in
>semiconductor fabrication plants Toshiba has yet to build --
>variables that could hamper Sony's plans.
>Nintendo and Sony also compete with Sega Enterprises Ltd., which in recent
>years has sunk to the No. 3 video game console
>maker, plans a $100 million marketing blitz for the U.S. launch in
>of its new Dreamcast system.
>The Dreamcast, which will arrive a year ahead of the Sony and Nintendo
>machines, promises much faster and more realistic
>graphics than current game devices and will be the first to offer Internet
>Earlier Wednesday in Tokyo, Nintendo and Matsushita Electric Industrial
>they agreed to a related deal in which Matsushita,
>the producer of Panasonic, Technics and Quasar brands, will produce digital
>video disc equipment for Nintendo's new machines.
>Like Sega's Dreamcast, the new game machine will link to the Internet, the
>companies said.
>Reports of the deal helped send IBM stock to a new record level of $225.25,
>up $4.25 on the day Wednesday, in composite U.S.
>stock market trading.
>Wall Street is awaiting an annual briefing of financial analysts by Lou
>Gerstner, IBM chairman and chief executive, set to be held
>in New York after the close of trading Wednesday.>>
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Subject: Re: [N64] Super Smash Bros. Commercial
Date: 12 May 1999 18:48:20 -0700
On Wed, 12 May 1999 15:33:56 -0400 "Lapenna, Russ"
> Better than Battle Tanks? Remember with the bear from Snuggle
>detergent? That was great.
Nah, nothing was better than that... I mean, the utter destruction of
a tiny, helpless bear thrills me!! :) Nevertheless, SSB's commercial
was plenty entertaining itself.
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From: "Eddy Wu"
Subject: Re: [N64] Project Dolphin kicks ass.
Date: 12 May 1999 18:15:16 -0400
Not only that, but with the alliances with a big consumer electronics
company like Matsushita and a established chip manufacturer like IBM,
Nintendo will be able to produce the chips and DVD drives more cheaply,
which is good news for us.
-----Original Message-----
>By Eric Auchard
>NEW YORK (Reuters) - Computer giant IBM and video game maker Nintendo Co.
>Ltd. are set to unveil a $1 billion multiyear pact
>later Wednesday in which IBM will build a custom computer chip for
>next generation gaming system, sources familiar
>with the deal said.
>IBM will design and manufacture a custom version of its PowerPC
>microprocessor running 400 million cycles a second for
>Nintendo's upcoming video game system, sources said.
>The new gaming system is due to ship in 2000 -- ahead of the year-end
>shopping season -- and promises to offer the
>fastest game action yet announced in an industry where blistering speed is
>everything, they said.
>The embedded IBM microprocessor will act as the brains of Nintendo's new
>gaming system, alongside a special graphics
>processor designed by ArtX, a Palo-Alto, Calif.-based computer chip
>that has set the effective standard for realistic
>computer graphics in the gaming industry.
>The sources were confirming the details of a story that ran in Wednesday
>editions of the New York Times.
>Spokesmen for Armonk, N.Y.-based IBM and Nintendo, with U.S. operations
>in Redmond, Wash., declined to comment.
>Nintendo's graphics chip deal with ArtX, a start-up in Palo Alto, Calif.,
>been previously disclosed, a Nintendo spokesman
>An ArtX spokesman could not be reached for comment.
>Nintendo is set to unveil the plans Wednesday afternoon in Los Angeles at
>the annual electronic entertainment industry
>trade show, the sources said.
>The 400 megahertz PowerPC chip will use IBM's increasingly microscopic
>manufacturing technology and more efficient copper
>wiring than traditional aluminum connections. These features contribute to
>the chip's faster overall processing speeds.
>While the current deal is based on the custom 400 million cycle per second
>chip, IBM and Nintendo could agree in the future to
>develop faster speed chips later, the sources said.
>The pact marks a major win for IBM's PowerPC microprocessor -- best known
>basic computer chip used to power Apple
>Computer Inc. (Nasdaq:AAPL - news) computers -- by broadening its use
>personal computers to high-powered game
>The chip is also used in IBM's own computer workstation and minicomputer
>lines and embedded in Internet router hardware sold
>by major network equipment makers.
>Nintendo will use the new chip to go head-to-head in a battle with Sony
>(NYSE:SNE - news) for bragging rights to the
>world's fastest gaming system.
>Sony PlayStation hardware and software captured 54 percent of the $5
>1998 U.S. video game market, while the No.
>2-ranked Nintendo 64 machine and related software won 28 percent of
>according to a market research data.
>However, Reston, Va.-based PC Data said that including sales from earlier
>gaming devices, like Nintendo Game Boy and Super
>Nintendo, the company held a 46 percent share.
>Sony is developing its own processor to be manufactured by Toshiba Corp.
>claims its dedicated gaming devices will be
>able to process up to 128 bits of data simultaneously, a multiple of
>64-bit devices.
>No details were available on whether Nintendo's new PowerPC devices would
>offer 128-bit processing.
>Sony competitors have raised doubts about whether the Japanese company's
>undertaking to build its own processor for use in
>its PlayStation II device may prove too ambitious.
>The company is developing a custom-designed chip it will build in
>semiconductor fabrication plants Toshiba has yet to build --
>variables that could hamper Sony's plans.
>Nintendo and Sony also compete with Sega Enterprises Ltd., which in recent
>years has sunk to the No. 3 video game console
>maker, plans a $100 million marketing blitz for the U.S. launch in
>of its new Dreamcast system.
>The Dreamcast, which will arrive a year ahead of the Sony and Nintendo
>machines, promises much faster and more realistic
>graphics than current game devices and will be the first to offer Internet
>Earlier Wednesday in Tokyo, Nintendo and Matsushita Electric Industrial
>they agreed to a related deal in which Matsushita,
>the producer of Panasonic, Technics and Quasar brands, will produce digital
>video disc equipment for Nintendo's new machines.
>Like Sega's Dreamcast, the new game machine will link to the Internet, the
>companies said.
>Reports of the deal helped send IBM stock to a new record level of $225.25,
>up $4.25 on the day Wednesday, in composite U.S.
>stock market trading.
>Wall Street is awaiting an annual briefing of financial analysts by Lou
>Gerstner, IBM chairman and chief executive, set to be held
>in New York after the close of trading Wednesday.>>
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From: "mishtu"
Subject: Re: [N64] SW:Pod Racer
Date: 12 May 1999 20:15:44 -0700
Ok, I've been playing Pod Racer for an hour or so now and here's my early
review. First
of all, the graphics are incredible. The later tracks really show off the
graphics. I've only played
the first 6 and there are some amazing tracks, one has an area where you fly
in the air like
a spaceship. I haven't noticed any slowdown at all and there is only
a small amount of fog, mostly far down the track so it doesn't affect the
gameplay. The effects
like the sparks when you crash into something are excellent. The
handling of the vehicles is great and you really feel like you're in
control. Its takes a bit
getting used to the turning since turning too hard can send you flying off
course. It has your basic
upgrade centers where you can either by from a dealer or get parts at a junk
yard. Sometimes the
dealer will have better parts and sometimes the junk yard, you really have
to check out both before
you buy. I really liked the atmosphere of the game which you seem immersed
in. You really feel like you
are in the game. It also really amazed me that there were voices for the
different characters
in the game, such as the parts dealer and the other racers, who insult you
when they pass you- I heard
one guy say something that ended in "grandma" so I think it was an insult.
There are a bunch of things
you can upgrade and you can even buy a repair bot that repairs your ship, I
assume during the race.
The music is excellent and it seems to be taken from the movie. There are
21 tracks total (at least that's
all it shows) and you can race as six different racers, each with a
different pod, including a 10 year
old Annakin Skywalker (he really annoying when he wins and yells "I won").
I think this is the best racer
for the N64, maybe for any system. The only thing that is missing is
multiplayer, at least I didn't see
anything about it.
-----Original Message-----
>Slightly "Off Topic" but go to to see
>reviews of last nights special "Star Wars: Episode One" Screening
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Carson []
>> Sent: 04 May 1999 21:45
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [N64] SW:Pod Racer
>> Thanks for the review! Time to go to TRU! I hope this isnt another
>> sorry
>> game with a great liscense. I hate that.
>> -John
>> On Tue, 4 May 1999, Elliot Jefferson wrote:
>> > While going to a TRU close to my job looking for some of the new
>> Ep:1
>> > figures, the first thing I ran into was SW:PR for N64. Since no one
>> else
>> > has mentioned anything about the game if they've seen it, I'll post
>> > something and keep it spolier free...
>> >
>> > The game was on a system with the expansion pack and the graphics,
>> for what
>> > I saw, went from average to pretty good. The pods I saw were very
>> close to
>> > the ones seen in the trailer, with the electrical effects and all.
>> I saw
>> > three views, one I assume was a cockpit view, another view that
>> appeared to
>> > be further in front of the pod (a la bumper cam), and a rear view.
>> There's
>> > also a third person view but this guy wasn't using it.
>> >
>> > At this ponit in the race, the person playing was in last place so
>> there
>> > weren't any other pods around him. I would have liked to have seen
>> how many
>> > pods could be on screen at once and how the collision detection
>> worked &
>> > looked, but it never happened. Overall, the framerate was smooth
>> enough to
>> > keep from detracting fom gameplay.
>> > Not bad so far.
>> >
>> > He was racing in a desert and had just entered a canyon. The
>> environment
>> > looked average. Nothing particulary stood out about the track.
>> There was
>> > nothing going on to either side to distract you from the race. That
>> could
>> > be good or bad depending on how you look at it.
>> > This is probably one of the first tracks, so hopefully the later
>> ones are a
>> > little more impressive. The guy playing restarted his race later
>> and it
>> > appeared he was racing at night. I'm not sure if he was on another
>> track or
>> > just a different part of the track, but it definately was dark.
>> This track
>> > was mostly smooth, but there were small hills, more like bumps, in
>> the
>> > track. Oh, and one last thing. Yes, you know it's something almost
>> no N64
>> > game can do without. It's FOG! But, it's not Turok 1 type fog.
>> It's way
>> > ahead of your pod and shouldn't affect you racing. I think a little
>> fog is
>> > more acceptable than a slow framerate.
>> >
>> > I can't get into detail about the control too much, but from the way
>> the guy
>> > was holding the controller, I assume that the contols are pretty
>> sensitive.
>> > He stayed true to the course and didn't hit any walls, although he
>> did bump
>> > one pod at the beginning. Then they all took off and left him
>> behind again.
>> >
>> > Due to the small speakers on the TV and the noise around the Star
>> Wars
>> > Episode 1 section of the store, it was hard to hear the sounds of
>> the game
>> > or even the in-game music. It might have been turned off. I did
>> hear an
>> > announcer in the game and I only heard one or two plain things. I
>> think he
>> > announed the racer's position.
>> >
>> > Finally, the front end of the game lookes pretty good. Even my
>> non-gaming
>> > fans liked the mission selection and hanger in SW:RS. In Pod racer,
>> it's
>> > similar. But, when Anakin was chosen as the racer, he jumped up
>> with his
>> > fist in the air. Nice. I didn't see the other racers though. I did
>> notice
>> > that there were three mode to the game, quest and two others. I did
>> mention
>> > to the guy playing that there weren't many pods he was racing
>> against and he
>> > said that the number is selectable and you could go up to 12 per
>> race.
>> >
>> > Overall, I was disappointed with the track graphics. They looked
>> uninspired
>> > to me. The few pods I saw looked pretty good in all their camera
>> views.
>> > Sad thing is, it wasn't enough to keep my attention for more than
>> five
>> > minutes. I'm definately going to play this one before buying. This
>> game
>> > will have to sell itself on the basis of it's tracks and how much
>> variation
>> > it can offer.
>> >
>> > Has anybody else seen the game ? What do you think about it ?
>> >
>> > Elliot
>> >
>> >
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>> >
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> John Carson
>> University of Arkansas
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From: "Joey"
Subject: Re: [N64] Super Smash Bros bonus list
Date: 12 May 1999 23:50:54 -0500
Ok....heavy damage is when you win and you have lots of damage...not sure
the exact amount, but i had like 200% when i got it......
another attack type bonus you don't have is "shooter" this is given when
you only use shooting attacks.....i got it using samus once...i can't
remember the points awarded though
>This message was forwarded to you from by
>, the discussion network, offers free web-based access to more than
>50,000 high-quality discussion forums. Come and visit us on the web at
>(beginning of original message)
>Subject: Super Smash Bros bonus list
>Date: 1999/05/12
>I've been compiling a list of SSB bonusses available in the 1p game.
>Here's a list of what I have so far, if anyone can fill in any missing
>info, I'd appreciate it. When I've filled in most of the blanks, I'll
>post it to for everone to see.
>Attack type bonuses:
>Judo Warrior - 5000 - Only throws used
>Hawk - 18000 - Only aerial attacks used
>Smash-less - 5000 - no tap+A attacks used
>Pacifist - 60000 - No attacks used (!)
>Cheap shot - -99 - used aerial attack on recovering opponent
>Last Kill Damage Type Bonuses
>Throw Down - 2000 - Last damage by throw
>Pokemon Finish - 11000 - Last damage by Pokeball contents
>Star Clear - 12000 - Last damage while invincible
>Bumper Clear - 12000 - Last damage by placed bumper
>Booby Trap - 13000 - Last damage by placed mine
>Tornado Clear - 3000 - Last damage by Link-level tornado
>Arwing Clear - 4000 - Last damage by Fox-level Arwing
>Acid Clear - 2000 - Last damage by Samus-level acid
>Level Clear Bonuses
>Speedster - 10000 - Finish in under 30 seconds
>Jackpot - 3330 - Finish with {11, 22, ..., 99} % damage exactly
>Fighter Stance - 100 - Be in mid-taunt at end
>Misc Bonuses
>Full Power - 5000 - 0% damage at end
>No Damage - 15000 - Never got damaged in fight
>No Item - 1000 - Never picked up an item
>Star Finish - 10000 - Knocked opponent into background/foreground
>Mew Catch - 15000 - Unleash Mew from a Pokeball
>Good Friend - Ally survives Mario Bros stage
>DK Defender - Both allies survive Giant DK stage
>Perfect - 30000 - All targets in Bonus 1, all platforms in bonus 2
>(Note - can get 15000 No Damage bonus in Bonus 3)
>Game End
>Very Easy Clear - 70000
>Easy Clear - 140000
>Normal Clear - 210000
>Hard Clear - 280000
>Very Hard Clear - 350000
>Speed King - 40000 - Clear under 20 mins, no continues
>Uncertain condition bonuses:
>Mystic - 7000 - Got by losing a life and killing opponent simultaneously
>in Mario Bros level. Ally survived.
>Vegetarian - 9000 - Got in Fighting Polygon Team level (I think...)
>Reason unknown.
>Heavy Damage - 28000 - Got in Fighting Polygon team level. Reason
>Calamity Bros. - 20000 - Got after dominating a *quick* Mario Bros
>Any help appreciated (especially these last 4, or any other rare one) -
>email or newsgroup reply is fine. Thanks!
>--== Sent via ==--
>---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---
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From: Adrian Mander
Subject: [N64] NEWS
Date: 13 May 1999 10:34:05 +0100
I am surprised the list hasnt mentioned project Dolphin
and Super Mario 64 2.... Wasnt SM64 the reason we all
bought the machine in the first place ?
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From: "Aidan Evans"
Subject: [N64] Re: Please help.....
Date: 12 May 1999 11:35:02 +0100
Yeah, but you will need some sort of convertor cartridge that costs less
than =A320.
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3DAidan Eva=
Prodigy Consoles
ICQ: 30506386
Haggipavlu Demetris wrote in message
> Hi to all of you.
> I'am a new owner of a Nintendo64 and I am wondering if its possible to
> play U.S games(Imports) on my U.K PAL system.
> Thanx in Advance
> Dimitri.H
> Thunder4.
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From: MARK
Subject: RE: [N64] Super Smash Bros bonus list
Date: 14 May 1999 13:57:32 +0100
does anyone have any idea when this game is getting a UK launch?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 12 May 1999 22:28
> To:
> Subject: [N64] Super Smash Bros bonus list
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> This message was forwarded to you from by
>, the discussion network, offers free web-based access to more
> than
> 50,000 high-quality discussion forums. Come and visit us on the web at
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> (beginning of original message)
> Subject: Super Smash Bros bonus list
> From:
> Date: 1999/05/12
> Newsgroups:
> I've been compiling a list of SSB bonusses available in the 1p game.
> Here's a list of what I have so far, if anyone can fill in any missing
> info, I'd appreciate it. When I've filled in most of the blanks, I'll
> post it to for everone to see.
> Attack type bonuses:
> Judo Warrior - 5000 - Only throws used
> Hawk - 18000 - Only aerial attacks used
> Smash-less - 5000 - no tap+A attacks used
> Pacifist - 60000 - No attacks used (!)
> Cheap shot - -99 - used aerial attack on recovering opponent
> Last Kill Damage Type Bonuses
> Throw Down - 2000 - Last damage by throw
> Pokemon Finish - 11000 - Last damage by Pokeball contents
> Star Clear - 12000 - Last damage while invincible
> Bumper Clear - 12000 - Last damage by placed bumper
> Booby Trap - 13000 - Last damage by placed mine
> Tornado Clear - 3000 - Last damage by Link-level tornado
> Arwing Clear - 4000 - Last damage by Fox-level Arwing
> Acid Clear - 2000 - Last damage by Samus-level acid
> Level Clear Bonuses
> Speedster - 10000 - Finish in under 30 seconds
> Jackpot - 3330 - Finish with {11, 22, ..., 99} % damage exactly
> Fighter Stance - 100 - Be in mid-taunt at end
> Misc Bonuses
> Full Power - 5000 - 0% damage at end
> No Damage - 15000 - Never got damaged in fight
> No Item - 1000 - Never picked up an item
> Star Finish - 10000 - Knocked opponent into background/foreground
> Mew Catch - 15000 - Unleash Mew from a Pokeball
> Level-specific
> Good Friend - Ally survives Mario Bros stage
> DK Defender - Both allies survive Giant DK stage
> Perfect - 30000 - All targets in Bonus 1, all platforms in bonus 2
> (Note - can get 15000 No Damage bonus in Bonus 3)
> Game End
> Very Easy Clear - 70000
> Easy Clear - 140000
> Normal Clear - 210000
> Hard Clear - 280000
> Very Hard Clear - 350000
> Speed King - 40000 - Clear under 20 mins, no continues
> Uncertain condition bonuses:
> Mystic - 7000 - Got by losing a life and killing opponent
> simultaneously
> in Mario Bros level. Ally survived.
> Vegetarian - 9000 - Got in Fighting Polygon Team level (I think...)
> Reason unknown.
> Heavy Damage - 28000 - Got in Fighting Polygon team level. Reason
> unknown.
> Calamity Bros. - 20000 - Got after dominating a *quick* Mario Bros
> fight.
> Any help appreciated (especially these last 4, or any other rare one)
> -
> email or newsgroup reply is fine. Thanks!
> --== Sent via ==--
> ---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---
> (end of original message)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> You can view this message and the related discussion by following this
> link:
> ver&recnum=%3c7hc96i$avs$ hope to see you
> soon at, the discussion network.
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From: Alex
Subject: RE: [N64] Super Smash Bros bonus list
Date: 13 May 1999 22:02:32 +1000
At 13:57 14-05-99 +0100, you wrote:
>does anyone have any idea when this game is getting a UK launch?
Good question. The Australian release was just downgraded from July to TBA.
We're not gonna see it till after Episode One: Racer.
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From: "Justin Bailey"
Subject: Re: [N64] Super Smash Bros bonus list
Date: 13 May 1999 10:50:38 CDT
>Level Clear Bonuses
>Speedster - 10000 - Finish in under 30 seconds
>Jackpot - 3330 - Finish with {11, 22, ..., 99} % damage exactly
>Fighter Stance - 100 - Be in mid-taunt at end
One addition off hand: Acid Clear (Zebes). Don't know what this exactly
means, but I THINK it means you killed Samus by throwing her into the acid.
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From: "Hostile Mascot"
Subject: [N64] Re: Mario party or Vigilante 8?
Date: 12 May 1999 15:57:01 GMT
On Tue, 11 May 1999 21:36:22 +0100, "Steve Russell"
>I'm from the U.K. and I have 40pound, Iwas wondering what you thought was
>the best game out of Mario Party and Vigilante 8 and most of all which has
>the longer lifespan?
If you plan to play by yourself, Vigilante 8. If you plan to play with
friends, then Mario Party.
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From: "Eddy Wu"
Subject: Re: [N64] Project Dolphin kicks ass.
Date: 13 May 1999 15:01:56 -0400
Anyone notice this line? I thought the next Nintendo system wasn't due until
2001, at earliest? Maybe the contract with IBM and Matsushita lets them get
ahead of schedule because they don't have to manufacture their own chips?
>>The new gaming system is due to ship in 2000 -- ahead of the year-end
>>shopping season -- and promises to offer the
>>fastest game action yet announced in an industry where blistering speed is
>>everything, they said.
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From: Alex
Subject: Re: [N64] Project Dolphin kicks ass.
Date: 14 May 1999 04:26:49 +1000
At 15:01 13-05-99 -0400, you wrote:
>Anyone notice this line? I thought the next Nintendo system wasn't due until
>2001, at earliest? Maybe the contract with IBM and Matsushita lets them get
>ahead of schedule because they don't have to manufacture their own chips?
>>>The new gaming system is due to ship in 2000 -- ahead of the year-end
>>>shopping season -- and promises to offer the
>>>fastest game action yet announced in an industry where blistering speed is
>>>everything, they said.
Yeah I wasn't expecting this. It looks like the are going to take Sony head
on. Although, I'd take the date with a grain of salt... there is still
plenty of time to delay. Just as Sony has plenty of time to delay. At the
moment it's really just vaporware vs vaporware. If they release ProjDolph in
the PAL territories christmas 2000 then that's not even four years after the
N64 was released.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Mario party or Vigilante 8?
Date: 13 May 1999 17:20:38 -0500 (CDT)
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On Tue, 11 May 1999 21:36:22 +0100, "Steve Russell"
>I'm from the U.K. and I have 40pound, Iwas wondering what you thought was
>the best game out of Mario Party and Vigilante 8 and most of all which has
>the longer lifespan?
If you plan to play by yourself, Vigilante 8. If you plan to play with
friends, then Mario Party.
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From: "Lapenna, Russ"
Subject: RE: [N64] Re: Mario party or Vigilante 8?
Date: 13 May 1999 18:40:57 -0400
Isn't it approx $1.00 U.S. = 2 Pounds If I'm wrong, heh I'm a
Canadian what do you want?:)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 13 May, 1999 6:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Mario party or Vigilante 8?
> How much is 40 pounds US. ?
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From: "Lapenna, Russ"
Subject: RE: [N64] Re: Mario party or Vigilante 8?
Date: 13 May 1999 18:42:46 -0400
Sorry that should be approx. 1 Pound = $2.00 U.S.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lapenna, Russ []
> Sent: 13 May, 1999 6:41 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: [N64] Re: Mario party or Vigilante 8?
> Isn't it approx $1.00 U.S. = 2 Pounds If I'm
> wrong, heh I'm a
> Canadian what do you want?:)
> Russ
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: []
> > Sent: 13 May, 1999 6:21 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Mario party or Vigilante 8?
> >
> >
> > How much is 40 pounds US. ?
> >
> >
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Mario party or Vigilante 8?
Date: 13 May 1999 17:05:16 -0600
18.14388097614 pounds wrote:
> How much is 40 pounds US. ?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: [N64] Re: Mario party or Vigilante 8?
> Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 15:57:01 GMT
> From: "Hostile Mascot"
> Reply-To:
> Organization: None.
> To:
> References:
> On Tue, 11 May 1999 21:36:22 +0100, "Steve Russell"
> wrote:
> >I'm from the U.K. and I have 40pound, Iwas wondering what you thought was
> >the best game out of Mario Party and Vigilante 8 and most of all which has
> >the longer lifespan?
> If you plan to play by yourself, Vigilante 8. If you plan to play with
> friends, then Mario Party.
> Cheers/Hostile.
> oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
> Terrific offers and free delivery at
> Over 20,000 products and a low price guarantee
> _____________________________________________________________
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
> * To modify or remove your subscription, go to
> * Read this thread at
> oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
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Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Mario party or Vigilante 8?
Date: 13 May 1999 18:11:03 -0500 (CDT)
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Hey you Nazi, Do you mean Dollars?
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18.14388097614 pounds wrote:
> How much is 40 pounds US. ?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: [N64] Re: Mario party or Vigilante 8?
> Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 15:57:01 GMT
> From: "Hostile Mascot"
> Reply-To:
> Organization: None.
> To:
> References:
> On Tue, 11 May 1999 21:36:22 +0100, "Steve Russell"
> wrote:
> >I'm from the U.K. and I have 40pound, Iwas wondering what you thought was
> >the best game out of Mario Party and Vigilante 8 and most of all which has
> >the longer lifespan?
> If you plan to play by yourself, Vigilante 8. If you plan to play with
> friends, then Mario Party.
> Cheers/Hostile.
> oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
> Terrific offers and free delivery at
> Over 20,000 products and a low price guarantee
> _____________________________________________________________
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
> * To modify or remove your subscription, go to
> * Read this thread at
> oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
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Subject: [N64] E3
Date: 13 May 1999 19:07:32 EDT
DK64 - MUST use the Expansion Pak. Nintendo must start shipping new N64s wit=
the Pak if it wants this title to sell well
Project Dolphin - I love Nintendo
Perfect Dark's Create-A-Player - I love Rare
Pok=E9mon Snap's printing ideas - I really love Nintendo
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Subject: Re: [N64] fwd: IBM, Nintendo In $1 Billion Game Chip Pact
Date: 13 May 1999 19:14:47 EDT
In a message dated 5/12/99 3:10:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> IBM, Nintendo In $1 Billion Game Chip Pact
> By Eric Auchard
> NEW YORK (Reuters) - Computer giant IBM and video game maker Nintendo Co.
> Ltd. are set to unveil a $1 billion multiyear pact
> later Wednesday in which IBM will build a custom computer chip for
> s next generation gaming system, sources familiar
> with the deal said.
Hey, didn't IBM also build Atari's Jaguar?
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Subject: Re: [N64] RE2 N64? ... Super Smash Bros. Commercial
Date: 13 May 1999 19:13:15 EDT
In a message dated 5/12/99 8:35:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> You mean the one of the characters running around in a field of flowers
> while "So Happy Together" is playing, and then they suddenly start beating
> the crap out of each other? If so, yeah.. it's a decent commercial. A
> cheesy, but hey, it's Nintendo. =)
> BTW, it's been running for at least a week now.
Hmm. A week? I wonder how I missed it?
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Subject: [N64] DK64 & Expansion
Date: 13 May 1999 19:12:34 EDT
Great. DK64 ships with the Expansion Pak. What do use woebegone fools do if
we already bought an Expansion Pak?
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Subject: Re: [N64] NEWS
Date: 13 May 1999 19:17:57 EDT
In a message dated 5/13/99 5:35:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> I am surprised the list hasnt mentioned project Dolphin
> and Super Mario 64 2.... Wasnt SM64 the reason we all
> bought the machine in the first place ?
Actually I bought the N64 for Shadows of the Empire & Mario Kart 64. Also for
that Robotech game that never came out.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Re: ads or no ads
Date: 13 May 1999 19:21:38 EDT
In a message dated 5/13/99 2:58:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> If you plan to play by yourself, Vigilante 8. If you plan to play with
> friends, then Mario Party.
> Cheers/Hostile.
> oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
> Terrific offers and free delivery at (some place)
> Over(blah blah blah)
> http://www.(do we need this)
Maybe I'm wrong, but aren't ads not allowed on this list. I can understand
the "get your free e-mail from hotmail" type of stuff, but this crap?
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Subject: Re: [N64] DK64 & Expansion
Date: 13 May 1999 19:27:49 EDT
In a message dated 5/13/99 7:20:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> Great. DK64 ships with the Expansion Pak. What do use woebegone fools do if
> we already bought an Expansion Pak?
> ~Matt
Sell it at a used game store? Maybe there will be a version without the Exp
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Mario party or Vigilante 8?
Date: 13 May 1999 20:10:49 -0600
I'm not a nazi. Would you like me to call you Fat @ss? Cuz I will. wrote:
> Hey you Nazi, Do you mean Dollars?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Mario party or Vigilante 8?
> Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 17:05:16 -0600
> From: D Fentie
> Reply-To:
> Organization: @Home Network
> To:
> References: <>
> 18.14388097614 pounds
> wrote:
> >
> > How much is 40 pounds US. ?
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Subject: [N64] Re: Mario party or Vigilante 8?
> > Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 15:57:01 GMT
> > From: "Hostile Mascot"
> > Reply-To:
> > Organization: None.
> > To:
> > References:
> >
> > On Tue, 11 May 1999 21:36:22 +0100, "Steve Russell"
> > wrote:
> >
> > >I'm from the U.K. and I have 40pound, Iwas wondering what you thought was
> > >the best game out of Mario Party and Vigilante 8 and most of all which has
> > >the longer lifespan?
> >
> > If you plan to play by yourself, Vigilante 8. If you plan to play with
> > friends, then Mario Party.
> >
> > Cheers/Hostile.
> >
> > oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
> > Terrific offers and free delivery at
> > Over 20,000 products and a low price guarantee
> >
> >
> > _____________________________________________________________
> > Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
> >
> > * To modify or remove your subscription, go to
> >
> > * Read this thread at
> >
> > oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
> >
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> > [ (without the quotes) to ]
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From: "Eddy Wu"
Subject: Re: [N64] E3 (DK64 Expansion)
Date: 13 May 1999 22:06:57 -0400
>DK64 - MUST use the Expansion Pak. Nintendo must start shipping new N64s
>the Pak if it wants this title to sell well
Well, they said DK64 is gonna sell bundled with an expansion pak, so it'll
probably be around US$60. Also, do you really think it will hurt DK sales
that much? Come on.. this is DONKEY KONG by RARE we are talking about.
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From: D Fentie
Subject: [N64] NURBs
Date: 13 May 1999 23:17:01 -0600
Hey, I was reading on a site about N64 that polygons are soon going to
be replaced with NURBs... sooo... what the heck are NURBs????
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From: MARK
Subject: [N64] Duke Nukem Review
Date: 15 May 1999 09:13:13 +0100
Go here for a review of Duke Nukem - Zero Hour
I warn you, it's not a great review
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From: MARK
Subject: [N64] Perfect Dark
Date: 15 May 1999 09:41:07 +0100
Has anyone seen the footage on IGN64.
It looks great, BUT....I must admit to be a little disappointed to see
the soldiers Jumping and Rolling the same way as the bad guys in
Goldeneye. Maybe it's still early days and things will be improved, I
hope so.
I admit it's a small point, but I would like to see entirely new bad
guys reacting in entirely new ways.
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From: "Eddy Wu"
Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Dark
Date: 14 May 1999 06:56:06 -0400
In their PD updated preview, IGN64 said that they were still using the old
Goldeneye animations as placeholders, and that they would be replaced by new
ones when they were ready. Game animations, I would guess, are not part of
basic engine and gameplay design, so they don't get implemented until near
the end.
-----Original Message-----
>Has anyone seen the footage on IGN64.
>It looks great, BUT....I must admit to be a little disappointed to see
>the soldiers Jumping and Rolling the same way as the bad guys in
>Goldeneye. Maybe it's still early days and things will be improved, I
>hope so.
>I admit it's a small point, but I would like to see entirely new bad
>guys reacting in entirely new ways.
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From: MARK
Subject: RE: [N64] Perfect Dark
Date: 15 May 1999 12:13:32 +0100
Thanks, I didn't read the IGN text, just downloaded the movies!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eddy Wu []
> Sent: 14 May 1999 11:56
> To:
> Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Dark
> In their PD updated preview, IGN64 said that they were still using the
> old
> Goldeneye animations as placeholders, and that they would be replaced
> by new
> ones when they were ready. Game animations, I would guess, are not
> part of
> basic engine and gameplay design, so they don't get implemented until
> near
> the end.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MARK
> To:
> Date: Friday, May 14, 1999 4:40 AM
> Subject: [N64] Perfect Dark
> >Has anyone seen the footage on IGN64.
> >
> >It looks great, BUT....I must admit to be a little disappointed to
> see
> >the soldiers Jumping and Rolling the same way as the bad guys in
> >Goldeneye. Maybe it's still early days and things will be improved,
> I
> >hope so.
> >
> >I admit it's a small point, but I would like to see entirely new bad
> >guys reacting in entirely new ways.
> >
> >
> >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ]
> >[ (without the quotes) to ]
> >
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Subject: Re: [N64] DK64 & Expansion
Date: 14 May 1999 09:08:20 EDT
In a message dated 5/13/1999 7:31:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
<< Sell it at a used game store? Maybe there will be a version without the
pak? >>
Yeah, Kinda like Star Fox and the Rumble Pak
i went out yesterday and got an Expansion Pak for 9.99 @ Blockbuster, and i
rented Rouge Squadron, it's not a bad game, i'm really not into Flight Sims,
but this is STAR WARS (WHOO HOO! ) Anyways, NEvermind me, i'm kinda fried on
medicine (i have mono =) )
Peace Out
Pete Frye
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From: MARK
Date: 15 May 1999 14:52:30 +0100
Did you know that "Zelda Ocarina of time" is an anagram of:
Cafe Demoralization
Coma Federalization
Deface Moralization
Demoralization Face
I know that I took "THE" out of the title, but it helps you see.
Goldeneye is an anagram of
O Ye Legend
Perfect Dark is:
A Cart Fed Perk
Rogue Squadron is:
Square Gun Door
Playstaion is:
Nastily Atop
Plain Toasty
Super Mario is:
A Rom Uprise
Diddy Kong Racing:
Giddy and Rocking
Project Dolphin:
DJ Hector Poplin
Super Mario Kart:
Is Market Uproar
Nintendo Sixty Four:
Fixes Non Rotundity
Fresno Nudity Toxin
Identify Sox Turnon
Nifty Noxious Trend
Tinny Six Underfoot
Just a bit of fun on a friday afternoon.
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From: John Carson
Subject: Re: [N64] IMPORTANT ZELDA NEWS!!!!
Date: 14 May 1999 08:47:58 -0500 (CDT)
Shall I be the first to say it?
You have WAY too much spare time. :)
On Sat, 15 May 1999, MARK wrote:
> Did you know that "Zelda Ocarina of time" is an anagram of:
> Cafe Demoralization
> Coma Federalization
> Deface Moralization
> Demoralization Face
> I know that I took "THE" out of the title, but it helps you see.
> Goldeneye is an anagram of
> O Ye Legend
> Perfect Dark is:
> A Cart Fed Perk
> Rogue Squadron is:
> Square Gun Door
> Playstaion is:
> Nastily Atop
> Plain Toasty
> Super Mario is:
> A Rom Uprise
> Diddy Kong Racing:
> Giddy and Rocking
> Project Dolphin:
> DJ Hector Poplin
> Super Mario Kart:
> Is Market Uproar
> Nintendo Sixty Four:
> Fixes Non Rotundity
> Fresno Nudity Toxin
> Identify Sox Turnon
> Nifty Noxious Trend
> Tinny Six Underfoot
> Just a bit of fun on a friday afternoon.
> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ]
> [ (without the quotes) to ]
John Carson
University of Arkansas
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Subject: Re: [N64] IMPORTANT ZELDA NEWS!!!!
Date: 14 May 1999 09:47:03 EDT
You're not like other people, are you??
Peace out
Pete Frye
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From: MARK
Date: 15 May 1999 15:02:23 +0100
Lets just say that my reality and your reality don't have a lot in
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 14 May 1999 14:47
> To:
> Subject: Re: [N64] IMPORTANT ZELDA NEWS!!!!
> You're not like other people, are you??
> Peace out
> Pete Frye
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> [ (without the quotes) to ]
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From: MARK
Date: 15 May 1999 15:06:40 +0100
It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular
level I'm really quite busy.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Carson []
> Sent: 14 May 1999 14:48
> To:
> Subject: Re: [N64] IMPORTANT ZELDA NEWS!!!!
> Shall I be the first to say it?
> You have WAY too much spare time. :)
> -John
> On Sat, 15 May 1999, MARK wrote:
> > Did you know that "Zelda Ocarina of time" is an anagram of:
> >
> > Cafe Demoralization
> > Coma Federalization
> > Deface Moralization
> > Demoralization Face
> >
> > I know that I took "THE" out of the title, but it helps you see.
> >
> >
> > Goldeneye is an anagram of
> >
> > O Ye Legend
> >
> >
> >
> > Perfect Dark is:
> >
> > A Cart Fed Perk
> >
> >
> > Rogue Squadron is:
> >
> > Square Gun Door
> >
> >
> > Playstaion is:
> >
> > Nastily Atop
> > Plain Toasty
> >
> >
> > Super Mario is:
> >
> > A Rom Uprise
> >
> >
> > Diddy Kong Racing:
> >
> > Giddy and Rocking
> >
> >
> > Project Dolphin:
> >
> > DJ Hector Poplin
> >
> >
> > Super Mario Kart:
> >
> > Is Market Uproar
> >
> >
> > Nintendo Sixty Four:
> >
> > Fixes Non Rotundity
> > Fresno Nudity Toxin
> > Identify Sox Turnon
> > Nifty Noxious Trend
> > Tinny Six Underfoot
> >
> >
> > Just a bit of fun on a friday afternoon.
> >
> >
> > MARK
> >
> >
> > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ]
> > [ (without the quotes) to ]
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> John Carson
> University of Arkansas
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> [ (without the quotes) to ]
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Subject: [N64] joy-less
Date: 14 May 1999 11:30:45 EDT
hello there Fellow listers,
i'm wondering if anyone knows if there is anyway i can fix it, or buy an
adaptor to use an SNES gamepad on my computer??
If so, please Contact me with some info,
Thanx a lot
Peace out
Pete Frye
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From: "Garrett Winters"
Subject: Re: [N64] NURBs
Date: 14 May 1999 18:34:02 +0100
>From: D Fentie
>Subject: [N64] NURBs
>Date: Fri, May 14, 1999, 6:17
> Hey, I was reading on a site about N64 that polygons are soon going to
> be replaced with NURBs... sooo... what the heck are NURBs????
The first part is Non Uniform ( I think) but I forget what the RB stands for
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Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Dark
Date: 14 May 1999 15:25:57 EDT mentioned that the new animations were being worked on at Rare's
new motion capture studio. They weren't implemented yet, but they are
supposed to look great.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Dark
Date: 14 May 1999 15:26:32 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-14 04:40:33 EDT, you write:
> Has anyone seen the footage on IGN64.
> It looks great, BUT....I must admit to be a little disappointed to see
> the soldiers Jumping and Rolling the same way as the bad guys in
> Goldeneye. Maybe it's still early days and things will be improved, I
> hope so.
> I admit it's a small point, but I would like to see entirely new bad
> guys reacting in entirely new ways.
Who cares about that, I liked the death animations in Goldeneye. I'm just
wondering about the create a player thing. It says you need the 64GB Pak,
okay, I take it that it will be bundled with Pokemon Stadium 2, but will I
need the Game Boy Camera? I think that would be true, but $50 seems a bit
pricey for something I can use in one game only. I hope the Game Boy Camera
goes down to a reasonable price.
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Subject: Re: [N64] DK64 & Expansion
Date: 14 May 1999 15:28:37 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-14 09:11:05 EDT, you write:
> it's not a bad game, i'm really not into Flight Sims,
> but this is STAR WARS (WHOO HOO! ) Anyways, NEvermind me, i'm kinda fried
> medicine (i have mono =) )
> Peace Out
> Pete Frye
I had that once before, I like Stereo so much better. ;) But after Dolby Pro
Logic (Need For Speed : High Stakes) I can't go back to just Stereo.
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Subject: Re: [N64] IMPORTANT ZELDA NEWS!!!!
Date: 14 May 1999 15:33:57 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-14 09:41:15 EDT, you write:
> Did you know that "Zelda Ocarina of time" is an anagram of:
> Cafe Demoralization
> Coma Federalization
> Deface Moralization
> Demoralization Face
> I know that I took "THE" out of the title, but it helps you see.
> Goldeneye is an anagram of
> O Ye Legend
> Perfect Dark is:
> A Cart Fed Perk
> Rogue Squadron is:
> Square Gun Door
> Playstaion is:
> Nastily Atop
> Plain Toasty
> Project Dolphin:
> DJ Hector Poplin
> Nintendo Sixty Four:
> Fixes Non Rotundity
> Fresno Nudity Toxin
> Identify Sox Turnon
> Nifty Noxious Trend
> Tinny Six Underfoot
> Just a bit of fun on a friday afternoon.
Were you really bored? Or did you have a computer program that does this?
Well, I got go get back to my Plain Toasty to get some more Monster Rancher
time in.
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Subject: Re: [N64] joy-less
Date: 14 May 1999 15:36:44 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-14 11:34:32 EDT, you write:
> hello there Fellow listers,
> i'm wondering if anyone knows if there is anyway i can fix it, or buy an
> adaptor to use an SNES gamepad on my computer??
> If so, please Contact me with some info,
> Thanx a lot
> Peace out
> Pete Frye
Have you ever used a Microsoft (don't shoot me) Sidewinder controller? It's
like a Saturn controller (far better than a SNES controller) and you don't
need special adapters. Not that I play PC games, but it is a nice controller.
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From: "Justin Bailey"
Subject: Re: [N64] NURBs
Date: 14 May 1999 15:21:37 CDT
>The first part is Non Uniform ( I think) but I forget what the RB stands
NURBS Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (mathematical algorithm used in
computer graphics especially CAD)
In other words, instead of things being flat (characters that look like they
have squished faces) everything will be mathematically-defined curves,
except for the stuff that's supposed to be flat, of course! A perfect
example is in any simple computer graphics program, when you can click on
the spline/curved line tool. You draw two endpoints, and then you create
one or more foci to define the direction and size of the curve.
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From: "kwarlord"
Subject: [N64] Re: Super Mario DX
Date: 12 May 1999 21:48:35 -0600
Xar5647402 wrote in message
> >> What happened to being able to play The Lost Levels?
> >Supposedly, you have to unlock it in someway. I dont; know how yet...
> Ah crud. Why does Nintendo want to do this?
replayability. a sense of accomplishment. take your pick.
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From: "Zero2aHero"
Subject: [N64] FA: FF3 (SNES) & GAMEBOY W/ GAMES
Date: 13 May 1999 05:45:02 GMT
hey everyone,
Check out my auction here's is what I have for sale, hurry up this is the last
-Gameboy system (original one)
-Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan
-Caesars Palace
-World Class Bowling
-Carrying case that can hold about 30-35 games
-light boy w/ magnifying glass
Everything is in good condition and all that together is going for $34 so
-Final Fantasy 3 in superb condition w/ a saved game right at Kefka, with every
character at an incredibly high level and I think every character knows Ultima
That's going for $20 right now...
Anyway check it out though, I need some $$$ to buy gameboy color.
Thanks, Phil
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From: "Hostile Mascot"
Subject: [N64] Re: Nintendo VS sony.
Date: 13 May 1999 08:43:47 GMT
I will buy the next Sony console first. The PSX has been good to me
and I have faith in Sony and believe that they will have solid third
party support from the start. As for Nintendo, I will hold on to my
cash until I see what kind of games they`re getting and what the third
party support looks like.
I`m not really all that interested in buying spruced up versions of
Mario, Mario Kart, Star Fox, etc again, unless they offer something
more than just prettier graphics.
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From: "mishtu"
Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Nintendo VS sony.
Date: 14 May 1999 16:52:20 -0700
I'll probably go with Sony first too. I'll likely get both, I'm just not
satisfied with the
quantity of quality games for the N64 and am afraid Nintendo will do the
on its next systems. Not too mention that Nintendo is too oriented toward
I really want the Dreamcast to do well to improve the competition all
around. A year
sure is a long time to wait for both Sony and Nintendo's next system, so
I'll probably
get a Dreamcast as long as I see some good games.
-----Original Message-----
>I will buy the next Sony console first. The PSX has been good to me
>and I have faith in Sony and believe that they will have solid third
>party support from the start. As for Nintendo, I will hold on to my
>cash until I see what kind of games they`re getting and what the third
>party support looks like.
>I`m not really all that interested in buying spruced up versions of
>Mario, Mario Kart, Star Fox, etc again, unless they offer something
>more than just prettier graphics.
> oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
> Terrific offers and free delivery at
> Over 20,000 products and a low price guarantee
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] Perfect Dark
Date: 14 May 1999 16:00:27 -0600
Hmm... Can you rent the GBCamera and keep your face in the game forever
or do you have to have the camera each time you play PD for your face to
be in it?
>Game Boy Camera? I think that would be true, but $50 seems a bit
> pricey for something I can use in one game only. I hope the Game Boy Camera
> goes down to a reasonable price.
> Trey
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From: D Fentie
Subject: [N64] Conrollers
Date: 14 May 1999 16:03:05 -0600
Yes, the PERSONAL COMPUTER controller is VERY GOOD. Infact I'm looking
at mine right now. What do you guys want the new nintendo controler to
look like. btw, I'm getting very P.O.ed when people say "wow, that new
N64 system is going to be neat" did I miss something? It isnt N64, its
Nintendo.. geez. Anyone else have friends that say that?
> Have you ever used a Microsoft (don't shoot me) Sidewinder controller? It's
> like a Saturn controller (far better than a SNES controller) and you don't
> need special adapters. Not that I play PC games, but it is a nice controller.
> Trey
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Subject: [N64] Re: Super Mario DX
Date: 14 May 1999 18:36:19 EDT
Lasting value. So you feel like you've earned the levels. Take your pick,
BTW, I played Super Mario Bros. DX. Very, very cool. It comes in a clear (!?)
plastic cart (why, though? All the other "DX" games were on black carts.
@nd-gen "DX" carts?), and has tons of options. It has a calendar going up to
some where in 3000 and down to 1 AD It has a scrap book that lets you print
important moments in the game via the Game Boy Printer. It has three save
slots, too. There is a vs. mode, and a fortune telling game. It has a new
Overworld map to it, similar to Super Mario Brothers on the SNES. You have to
find Yoshi Eggs in each world (not level), which gives you about 3 to four
places to look per world. Once you get all the Yoshi Eggs, something cool is
supposed to happen. Finally, there is a four piece picture of Luigi that you
have to build up in order to get some prize (Lost Levels? Luigi as a playable
character?) All in all, an excellent update to s timeless classic.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Conrollers
Date: 14 May 1999 20:06:25 -0500 (CDT)
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Hey all. So when the new Nintendo gets here,Will this list change
names,Die out,or what?
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Yes, the PERSONAL COMPUTER controller is VERY GOOD. Infact I'm looking
at mine right now. What do you guys want the new nintendo controler to
look like. btw, I'm getting very P.O.ed when people say "wow, that new
N64 system is going to be neat" did I miss something? It isnt N64, its
Nintendo.. geez. Anyone else have friends that say that?
> Have you ever used a Microsoft (don't shoot me) Sidewinder controller? It's
> like a Saturn controller (far better than a SNES controller) and you don't
> need special adapters. Not that I play PC games, but it is a nice controller.
> Trey
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Nintendo VS sony.
Date: 14 May 1999 20:26:10 -0600
I am satesfied with the games that N64 provides. I really dont feel
like spending more than 80 canadian on a game month anyways. But I
guess if you won the lottery or you really like to waste money then I
would go nuts and buy every system and game in sight.
mishtu wrote:
> I'll probably go with Sony first too. I'll likely get both, I'm just not
> satisfied with the
> quantity of quality games for the N64 and am afraid Nintendo will do the
> same
> on its next systems. Not too mention that Nintendo is too oriented toward
> children.
> I really want the Dreamcast to do well to improve the competition all
> around. A year
> sure is a long time to wait for both Sony and Nintendo's next system, so
> I'll probably
> get a Dreamcast as long as I see some good games.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hostile Mascot
> To:
> Date: Friday, May 14, 1999 2:37 PM
> Subject: [N64] Re: Nintendo VS sony.
> >
> >I will buy the next Sony console first. The PSX has been good to me
> >and I have faith in Sony and believe that they will have solid third
> >party support from the start. As for Nintendo, I will hold on to my
> >cash until I see what kind of games they`re getting and what the third
> >party support looks like.
> >
> >I`m not really all that interested in buying spruced up versions of
> >Mario, Mario Kart, Star Fox, etc again, unless they offer something
> >more than just prettier graphics.
> >
> >Cheers/Hostile.
> >
> >
> > oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
> > Terrific offers and free delivery at
> > Over 20,000 products and a low price guarantee
> >
> >
> > _____________________________________________________________
> > Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
> >
> > * To modify or remove your subscription, go to
> >
> > * Read this thread at
> >
> > oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
> >
> >
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> >
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Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Nintendo VS sony.
Date: 14 May 1999 23:38:04 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-14 17:51:08 EDT, you write:
> I'll probably go with Sony first too. I'll likely get both, I'm just not
> satisfied with the
> quantity of quality games for the N64 and am afraid Nintendo will do the
> same
> on its next systems. Not too mention that Nintendo is too oriented toward
> children.
> I really want the Dreamcast to do well to improve the competition all
> around. A year
> sure is a long time to wait for both Sony and Nintendo's next system, so
> I'll probably
> get a Dreamcast as long as I see some good games.
I know I'll go with the Dreamcast before Dolphin & PSX2, mainly because the
Dreamcast is a few short months away. As for games, Resident Evil : Code
Veronica, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Marvel Versus Capcom, Soul Calibur, and
Virtua Fighter 3 tb should do me nicely. Although with so many great
PlayStation & N64 games (ohh, Perfect Dark) coming out this fall I may only
be able to buy one or two Dreamcast games in 1999.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Conrollers
Date: 14 May 1999 23:42:03 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-14 17:56:46 EDT, you write:
> Yes, the PERSONAL COMPUTER controller is VERY GOOD. Infact I'm looking
> at mine right now. What do you guys want the new nintendo controler to
> look like. btw, I'm getting very P.O.ed when people say "wow, that new
> N64 system is going to be neat" did I miss something? It isnt N64, its
> Nintendo.. geez. Anyone else have friends that say that?
Mostly I hear, "pass me a beer", or "how the hell did you do Li Long's
Critical Edge?", or "I'll get you for that Donkey Kong!!". And what PC
controller are you talking about? There's more than one last time I checked.
Althought nothing beats the Saturn 3-D controller, that's my personal fav.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Nintendo VS sony.
Date: 14 May 1999 23:47:42 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-14 22:18:33 EDT, you write:
> I am satesfied with the games that N64 provides. I really dont feel
> like spending more than 80 canadian on a game month anyways. But I
> guess if you won the lottery or you really like to waste money then I
> would go nuts and buy every system and game in sight.
Wow, 80 dollars Canadian? That may sound like alot. But I'm sceptical. What's
minimum wage in Canada? How much does the metric equlivalent to a gallon of
cow milk cost in Canada? What is the going price (without factory incentives)
of a Kia Sportage in Canada? How much is the metric equlivalent of a gallon
of gasoline in Canada?
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From: D Fentie
Subject: [N64] Jibberish, currency etc.
Date: 14 May 1999 23:24:23 -0600
Hehhehehe. When I went to the US, everthing 'seemed' really cheap to
me. Minimum wage where I live is $6.00 an hour (I earn 6.14 :) ) 1
gallon is equivalent to 4.54611 litres (2 liters of milk is about $2.00)
Taxes depend on what 'province' you live in. If you live in Alberta,
you could pay virtually no tax but in a province like say, Saskatchewan,
you could pay 13% tax on EVERY item you buy (it used to be 16%). What
does this have to do with videogames? Well, it really depends on how
the Canadian dollar is moving along. I remember when Quest64 came out
and it sold at one store for 108 dollars (taxes included) when the
dollar was in a slump. My dad says he can remember when the Canadian
dollar was worth more than the American, but who knows how long ago that
was. wrote:
> In a message dated 99-05-14 22:18:33 EDT, you write:
> > I am satesfied with the games that N64 provides. I really dont feel
> > like spending more than 80 canadian on a game month anyways. But I
> > guess if you won the lottery or you really like to waste money then I
> > would go nuts and buy every system and game in sight.
> Wow, 80 dollars Canadian? That may sound like alot. But I'm sceptical. What's
> minimum wage in Canada? How much does the metric equlivalent to a gallon of
> cow milk cost in Canada? What is the going price (without factory incentives)
> of a Kia Sportage in Canada? How much is the metric equlivalent of a gallon
> of gasoline in Canada?
> Trey
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From: Stryder
Subject: Re: [N64] Conrollers
Date: 15 May 1999 00:34:22 -0500 (CDT)
On Fri, 14 May 1999, D Fentie wrote:
> Yes, the PERSONAL COMPUTER controller is VERY GOOD. Infact I'm looking
> at mine right now. What do you guys want the new nintendo controler to
> look like. btw, I'm getting very P.O.ed when people say "wow, that new
> N64 system is going to be neat" did I miss something? It isnt N64, its
> Nintendo.. geez. Anyone else have friends that say that?
I would say it is good, but not 'very' good. I have a Sidewinder (and SW
Freestyle Pro), and they are pretty good, they feel good in your hand, but
the D-pad is a bit too touchy on a lot of games. Also, instead of the
D-pad being straight up and down, they are both slanted slightly to the
right (more so on the SFSPro). They do this to attempt to line it up more
with your thumb, but I am so used to the straight up and down of console
gamepads, that it throws me off a little. Other than the Sidewinders
(which would classify average console controllers to me), most PC gamepads
suck horribly.
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Subject: Re: [N64] DK64 & Expansion
Date: 15 May 1999 08:57:50 EDT
In a message dated 5/14/1999 3:31:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
<< > medicine (i have mono =) )
> Peace Out
> Pete Frye
I had that once before, I like Stereo so much better. ;) But after Dolby Pro
Logic (Need For Speed : High Stakes) I can't go back to just Stereo.
Umm no, i have a desease called Mononenucliosis, it's kinda rough, and the
good doctor gave me some really strong pain pills
Anyways, I downloaded the video for DK64. and i think it looks pretty good, i
kinda hope the Expansion Pak doesn't come with it, because it's used on so
many other things, besides, you could play DK64 without it anyways, couldn't
Now, i'm WAY out of the loop this time, but what is a DEXDrive?? Anyone??
Peace out
Pete Frye
Visit "Pete:
Portrait of a Maniac"
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Subject: [N64] Longlost Zelda
Date: 15 May 1999 09:53:56 -0700
Ok, I was playing Zelda this morning and discovered that I still need one
piece of heart. I've been looking for it for a while now but I still
can't find it... Could someone send me a list with where all the hearts
are? Thanks!
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From: "Eddy Wu"
Subject: Re: [N64] DK64 & Expansion
Date: 15 May 1999 10:43:06 -0400
>In a message dated 5/14/1999 3:31:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
><< > medicine (i have mono =) )
> I had that once before, I like Stereo so much better. ;) But after Dolby
> Logic (Need For Speed : High Stakes) I can't go back to just Stereo.
>Umm no, i have a desease called Mononenucliosis, it's kinda rough, and the
>good doctor gave me some really strong pain pills
He was kidding... ;-)
>Anyways, I downloaded the video for DK64. and i think it looks pretty good,
>kinda hope the Expansion Pak doesn't come with it, because it's used on so
>many other things, besides, you could play DK64 without it anyways,
No, DK64 will be the first N64 game to REQUIRE the expansion to play.
>Now, i'm WAY out of the loop this time, but what is a DEXDrive?? Anyone??
A DexDrive is a peripheral made by Interact (the same ppl who make
Gameshark). It hooks up to your PC, and it is basically a controller pak
slot. You stick your controller pak in it, and it can copy your controller
pak to your computer, so that you will only ever need one controller pak.
You can also use it to get other people's Warzone characters or high scores
and stuff onto your pak. It's pretty cool, although I haven't used mine that
much. It costs about US$40, the price of 2 Nintendo controller paks, so it's
a pretty good investment.
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Subject: [N64] SSB: Yoshi's Target Stage
Date: 15 May 1999 11:09:17 EDT
Okay, for the life of me I can't figure out how to finish Yoshi's "Break The
Targets" stage in Super Smash Brothers. I can get all of them except for the
last 2 under the platform where you start. Sometimes I grab one, but Yoshi
doesn't have the triple jump to help me get to the last one. Any help?
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From: (Dominic Johnson)
Subject: Re: [N64] SSB: Yoshi's Target Stage
Date: 15 May 1999 08:39:20 -0700 (PDT)
Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
Bonus 1
1) Hit the target to the left.
2) Jump and hit the one above it.
3) Go left and do a Forward + A to headbutt the target through the wall.
4) Jump to the two platforms above you. From there, DJ all the way to
the high platform and you should just make it. Hit the target there.
5) Jump on the platform to the left that moves up and down. At the peak
of its movement, DJ and press Up + B to hit the target up there with an
6) Fall back down and hit the target on the main ledge.
7) DJ to the left and land on the lower left ledge. Do another DJ and
UB to hit the target above you.
8) This one you may have to try a couple of times. Facing left, DJ and
UB to throw an egg at the far left target. You can press up and to the
left after you UB so you angle the throw a little bit. If you're having
hitting it, try not jumping all the way up.
9) Standing on the low ledge, turn right, and press Up + B, and then
immediately press forward, or down and forward so you toss the egg
across and not up, to hit the target.
10) DJ back to the main ledge on the right. Make your way on the moving
platform below you. Let it take you all the way to the right. From
there, jump off and fall below the last target, and then air jump back
up to hit it.
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] Longlost Zelda
Date: 15 May 1999 11:36:14 -0600
Maybe check out Ign64 codes or something. wrote:
> Ok, I was playing Zelda this morning and discovered that I still need one
> piece of heart. I've been looking for it for a while now but I still
> can't find it... Could someone send me a list with where all the hearts
> are? Thanks!
> -Peter
> .
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Subject: Re: [N64] DK64 & Expansion
Date: 15 May 1999 13:46:08 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-15 08:59:26 EDT, you write:
> Umm no, i have a desease called Mononenucliosis, it's kinda rough, and the
> good doctor gave me some really strong pain pills
Trust me, I know what mono is. :(
> Anyways, I downloaded the video for DK64. and i think it looks pretty
> i
> kinda hope the Expansion Pak doesn't come with it, because it's used on so
> many other things, besides, you could play DK64 without it anyways,
> you??
> Peace out
> Pete Frye
You cannot play DK64 without the Expansion Pak. Now I place Rare with as high
regards I give to Capcom.
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] DK64 & Expansion
Date: 15 May 1999 14:35:44 -0600
I think its about damn time that people get the expansion pack anyways.
I applaud rare, it gives the N64 it's full potential instead of
'compromising' with not as good graphics, sound and speed because they
couldnt go full out. wrote:
> In a message dated 99-05-15 08:59:26 EDT, you write:
> > Umm no, i have a desease called Mononenucliosis, it's kinda rough, and the
> > good doctor gave me some really strong pain pills
> >
> Trust me, I know what mono is. :(
> > Anyways, I downloaded the video for DK64. and i think it looks pretty
> good,
> > i
> > kinda hope the Expansion Pak doesn't come with it, because it's used on so
> > many other things, besides, you could play DK64 without it anyways,
> couldn't
> > you??
> >
> >
> > Peace out
> > Pete Frye
> You cannot play DK64 without the Expansion Pak. Now I place Rare with as high
> regards I give to Capcom.
> Trey
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From: "Joey"
Subject: [N64] Spolier: SSB: Yoshi's Target Stage
Date: 15 May 1999 17:10:42 -0500
You can hit one of them with a smash hit, through the wall. The other one is
the one you save for last and hit it with and egg or you may be able to jump
up and hit it.
>Okay, for the life of me I can't figure out how to finish Yoshi's "Break
>Targets" stage in Super Smash Brothers. I can get all of them except for
>last 2 under the platform where you start. Sometimes I grab one, but Yoshi
>doesn't have the triple jump to help me get to the last one. Any help?
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Subject: Re: [N64] DK64 & Expansion
Date: 16 May 1999 01:49:15 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-15 16:28:04 EDT, you write:
> I think its about damn time that people get the expansion pack anyways.
> I applaud rare, it gives the N64 it's full potential instead of
> 'compromising' with not as good graphics, sound and speed because they
> couldnt go full out.
I too agree. I had been getting sick of companies using the Expansion Pak for
the "optional Hi-Res" feature. I'm just surprised that Nintendo didn't first
make a game that must have the Expansion Pak to work. (I don't count the 64DD
and the Mario Artist crap.) Perhaps after Donkey Kong 64 sells millions (like
who doubts it won't?) maybe Capcom will release an N64 Street Fighter Alpha 3
or Street Fighter Versus 'whoever' game that must have the Expansion Pak.
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From: "kwarlord"
Subject: [N64] Re: a message from me to you...
Date: 13 May 1999 19:50:24 -0600
White Flame (aka David Holz)
wrote in message news:7hclam$5tl$
> kwarlord wrote in message
> news:7h4bon$c7l$
> > have a safe and happy Mother's Day
> Isn't it fairly presumptuous that you're assuming that everybody here is
> human and has a mother? >:)
*looks around*
you know, you may have a point there. :-)
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From: "kwarlord"
Subject: [N64] Re: a message from me to you...
Date: 13 May 1999 19:50:24 -0600
White Flame (aka David Holz)
wrote in message news:7hclam$5tl$
> kwarlord wrote in message
> news:7h4bon$c7l$
> > have a safe and happy Mother's Day
> Isn't it fairly presumptuous that you're assuming that everybody here is
> human and has a mother? >:)
*looks around*
you know, you may have a point there. :-)
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Subject: Re: [N64] Re: a message from me to you...
Date: 16 May 1999 01:56:49 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-16 01:51:53 EDT, you write:
> White Flame (aka David Holz)
> wrote in message news:7hclam$5tl$
> > kwarlord wrote in message
> > news:7h4bon$c7l$
> > > have a safe and happy Mother's Day
> >
> > Isn't it fairly presumptuous that you're assuming that everybody here is
> > human and has a mother? >:)
> >
> *looks around*
> you know, you may have a point there. :-)
Maybe I missed it, but does anybody else remember the genesis of this
message? Ever since E3 there's been a lot of pointless crap on this list.
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From: "kwarlord"
Subject: [N64] Re: WHOA! an avalance of N64 games!
Date: 13 May 1999 19:48:56 -0600
Scott Sim W. Y. wrote in message
> On Wed, 12 May 1999, Joshua Kaufman wrote:
> }Eaier to catch 'em all I guess :)
> Wouldn't that be somewhat like stamp-collecting?
except that one "stamp" has a move that kills in one hit and another "stamp"
has a unique move. :-)
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From: Stryder
Subject: [N64] [Off-Topic] SMB DX
Date: 16 May 1999 11:55:24 -0500 (CDT)
Well, I have been playing that Super Mario Brothers DX for the GBC and it
is awesome. I never get tired of that game. Anyway, in case some of you
out there who have the game did not know, to unlock the Lost levels you
need to go through the game without having to continue (I also did not
warp, but I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not). Also,
instead of being called "Lost Levels", they named it Super Mario Bros: For
Super Players.
Anyway, this is one sweet game...several cool modes (that challenge mode
is actually harder than you would think).
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From: "kwarlord"
Subject: [N64] Re: N64 big time flop
Date: 13 May 1999 21:39:10 -0600
Ade wrote in message
> Mario party is aimed at 2 year olds...and then they wonder why sales are
> crap..
> wake up Nintendo....before i go back to PSX.....
a 2 year old can't play the mini-games.
wake up, retard....before I beat the living shit out of you.
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From: "kwarlord"
Subject: [N64] Re: ZEDTWO GUY
Date: 13 May 1999 21:37:16 -0600
Ste Pickford wrote in message
> No plans to work on the new machine yet - we'd love to but Nintendo hasn't
> offered us a dev kit yet ;-)
> RPG - possible but we are trying to focus on smaller projects at the
> moment - we have something like this in the pipeline though.
MAKE THIS A TOP PRIORITY!. N64 has 1 lame true RPG and not a single great
one. I need more!
please sir, may I have some more?
> Fighter - No chance! Only the Japanese know how to write these things
> well.
> Regards,
> JP (from Ste's machine)
> Linkboy64 wrote in message
> news:7h94e5$qo6$
> > Hey, I've noticed there is a guy from zed two here so I was wondering if
> > he/she could answer this.
> > Is Zed Two planning to make any games for "Project Dolphin?"
> > If so, can you make an RPG or a really good fighting game?
> >
> >
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] Re: N64 big time flop
Date: 16 May 1999 11:31:38 -0600
Man, who are you and what are you replying to? Oh yeah, just a reminder
that you can't swear without being kicked off this list.
kwarlord wrote:
> Ade wrote in message
> news:7hf1bl$lru$
> > Mario party is aimed at 2 year olds...and then they wonder why sales are
> > crap..
> > wake up Nintendo....before i go back to PSX.....
> >
> >
> a 2 year old can't play the mini-games.
> wake up, retard....before I beat the living sh*t out of you.
> oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
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Subject: [N64] What the!?!?
Date: 16 May 1999 14:23:10 EDT
Okay, I'm over at Nintendojo and it said that Perfect Dark will ship with the
Expansion Pak, because it's mandatory. What the hell? Typo, or what?
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Subject: Re: [N64] What the!?!?
Date: 16 May 1999 14:30:03 EDT
Ya, Matt, that was a mistake during a relay of information...It was supposed
to be Donkey Kong 64. (The cell-phone connection was not exactly the best.)
But what do ya'll think of the new details we @ 'Dojo posted about
Dolphin...Specificially, that even when Dolphin is released, N64 development
will continue?
--brian, Nintendojo (tb)
<< Okay, I'm over at Nintendojo and it said that Perfect Dark will ship with
Expansion Pak, because it's mandatory. What the hell? Typo, or what?
~Matt >>
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From: "kwarlord"
Subject: [N64] Re: Mario Paint2
Date: 13 May 1999 22:40:23 -0600
Esty3 wrote in message
> Any news on this title?
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From: "kwarlord"
Subject: [N64] Re: N64 ROMS CD FOR SALE!!!
Date: 13 May 1999 22:42:49 -0600
Sutaz, forward this to
I got a reply from Nintendo saying that they will look into it. Sony doesn't
*seem* to care...
( Sutaz ) wrote in message
> um, isn' this illegal?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Fan Club
> See the creations of Lars and Leif
> Hansen at Psychosis Laboratories
> ( own - EYE - roid ) from Greek
> "oneiros," dream.
> "Oneiroid psychosis is characterized
> by an acute, confused dreamlike state."
> From the Bantam Medical Dictionary
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Subject: Re: [N64] What the!?!?
Date: 16 May 1999 14:45:50 EDT
I, personally, like it. It's quick and to the point. The E3 coverage is also
better then I had anticipated. In fact,'s E3 coverage seemed to me
a little lacking with the layout they had. I liked Nintendojo's and
Nintendork's much better.
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From: "mishtu"
Subject: Re: [N64] What the!?!?
Date: 16 May 1999 13:39:24 -0500
Didn't Nintendo still release SNES games when the N64 was released? I don't
that is too surprising since its takes a long time to develop games. Or
does that mean
new projects will be started after Dolphin is released? Now that would be
-----Original Message-----
>Ya, Matt, that was a mistake during a relay of information...It was
>to be Donkey Kong 64. (The cell-phone connection was not exactly the best.)
>But what do ya'll think of the new details we @ 'Dojo posted about
>Dolphin...Specificially, that even when Dolphin is released, N64
>will continue?
>--brian, Nintendojo
> (tb)
><< Okay, I'm over at Nintendojo and it said that Perfect Dark will ship
> Expansion Pak, because it's mandatory. What the hell? Typo, or what?
> ~Matt >>
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Subject: Re: [N64] E3 coverage
Date: 16 May 1999 15:55:56 EDT
Like you said, it did come out better than I had anticipated
myself...especially after that surprise Rare interview. And I was rather
impressed with the Underground's coverage as well, they took a TON of shots
and managed to get around to a lot of the games that other people didn't.
Here's to next year's E3! And damn it, I'm going this time.
Aldo M.
< > On Wed, 12 May 1999, Joshua Kaufman wrote:
> >
> > }Eaier to catch 'em all I guess :)
> >
> > Wouldn't that be somewhat like stamp-collecting?
> >
> except that one "stamp" has a move that kills in one hit and another
> has a unique move. :-)
Where is this stuff coming from? Can somebody put a stop to it?
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Subject: Re: [N64] Re: N64 big time flop
Date: 16 May 1999 17:50:34 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-16 13:11:12 EDT, wrote
> de wrote in message
> news:7hf1bl$lru$
> > Mario party is aimed at 2 year olds...and then they wonder why sales are
> > crap..
> > wake up Nintendo....before i go back to PSX.....
> >
> >
> a 2 year old can't play the mini-games.
> wake up, retard....before I beat the living (bleep) out of you.
Can somebody (Greg, Vi, Wez, Mr Waffles?) please get rid of and his responses to messages that don't even come from
this list?
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Subject: Re: [N64] What the!?!?
Date: 16 May 1999 17:52:38 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-16 14:24:32 EDT, you write:
> Okay, I'm over at Nintendojo and it said that Perfect Dark will ship with
> the
> Expansion Pak, because it's mandatory. What the hell? Typo, or what?
> ~Matt
I thought Donkey Kong 64 ships with the Exp Pak. Now if PD would ship with
the 64GB Pak and a GB camera for no extra cost.. That would be dreamy.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Dojo's big story
Date: 16 May 1999 17:55:23 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-16 14:32:27 EDT, you write:
> But what do ya'll think of the new details we @ 'Dojo posted about
> Dolphin...Specificially, that even when Dolphin is released, N64
> will continue?
> --brian, Nintendojo
> (tb)
Not surprised at all. This isn't anything new. Super Mario RPG and Tetris
Attack came out for the SNES when Super Mario 64 and Wave Race 64 came out
for the N64. Hell, the NES still had games coming out for it in early 1993.
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Subject: Re: [N64] What the!?!?
Date: 16 May 1999 17:58:06 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-16 14:49:07 EDT, you write:
> Or
> does that mean
> new projects will be started after Dolphin is released? Now that would be
> surprising.
You must have never seen Star Tropics 2 or Mega Man 6 for the NES. They both
came out in 1992 in America. The Super FamiCom came out in Japan in 1990. I'm
not at all surprised.
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Subject: Re: [N64] What the!?!? (E3)
Date: 16 May 1999 21:50:50 +0000
> From:
> Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 14:45:50 EDT
> Subject: Re: [N64] What the!?!?
> To:
> Reply-to:
> I, personally, like it. It's quick and to the point. The E3 coverage is also
> better then I had anticipated. In fact,'s E3 coverage seemed to me
> a little lacking with the layout they had. I liked Nintendojo's and
> Nintendork's much better.
> ~Matt
Yeah, it wasn't the greatest this year. Maybe because Peer isn't there,
anymore? Nintendorks was surprisingly good. But anyway as for the show
itself, any games your looking forward to now more than before or any
games disappoint you? I knew Donkey Kong and Perfect Dark were gonna
be amazing, but after reading more about them, these are my two most
wanted games for this year! The only thing is now I'm going to have
to get a Gameboy Camera to put my face in the game... And as for
disappointments, the two RTS games are sounding worse than I thought
they would turn out, but I guess I shouldn't be too surprised RTS games
are designed for the PC. Time to get a new PC..
Zig (Tim)
ICQ UIN: 606350
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From: "Joe Ottoson"
Subject: [N64] Re: Better hardware doesn't mean superiority?
Date: 14 May 1999 01:14:36 -0600
Zeke, anthraxx@*nospam* wrote:
> In Joe Ottoson wrote:
> > Joshua S Redford wrote:
> >>
> >> I missed the post that you're replying to, but it seems that my comment
> >> was missed. I mentioned that we all say that a system's predominance is
> >> due to software and other factors. The point I was trying to make was
> >> that there hasn't ever really been an instance of a console that is
> >> technologically superior and more powerful beating its rival. I could be
> >> overlooking one, but I just think that it is ironic and interesting that
> >> no one has ever pointed it out before.
> >> Josh Redford
> > Well, there was the Genny vs the TG-16, and the PSx vs the Saturn...
> I would hardly say that the TG-16 was inferior to the Genesis. It was 8-bit
> but it was capable of stunning graphics. NEC just messed it up on the software
> side here in the states. Have you ever seen the import games for the PC-Engine
> (TG-16)?
The TG-16 was some great hardware. However, it was perceived as weaker
due to the CPU which amounts to the same thing...
> And the Saturn v. PSX argument will go on forever.
Marty's pet transparency effects are really the main thing there...
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Subject: Re: [N64] What the!?!? (E3)
Date: 17 May 1999 00:52:19 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-16 21:44:02 EDT, Zig wrote:
> But anyway as for the show
> itself, any games your looking forward to now more than before or any
> games disappoint you?
Well, for the N64 Perfect Dark is what I want, and, of course a Game Boy
Camera. Gran Turismo 2 (60s & 70s Muscle cars & Fords) is high on my list as
well as Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis (zombies that use weapons) and also Dino
Crisis. I admit that I probably read only 20% of the articles since we had
such nice weather these past few days.
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From: "mishtu"
Subject: Re: [N64] What the!?!?
Date: 16 May 1999 23:41:06 -0500
But were they in development before the next generation systems came out?
Just because
they were released 2 years after the Super Famicom doesn't mean they
couldn't have
been in development that long. Of course games that are being worked on now
will be
released when Dolphin comes out, but you won't see new projects started.
-----Original Message-----
>In a message dated 99-05-16 14:49:07 EDT, you write:
>> Or
>> does that mean
>> new projects will be started after Dolphin is released? Now that would
>> surprising.
>You must have never seen Star Tropics 2 or Mega Man 6 for the NES. They
>came out in 1992 in America. The Super FamiCom came out in Japan in 1990.
>not at all surprised.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Re: FM Towns?
Date: 17 May 1999 00:54:53 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-16 23:54:12 EDT, wrote:
> Marty's pet transparency effects are really the main thing there...
What about the FM Towns Marty?
(why are we getting mail from another list?)
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Subject: Re: [N64] What the!?!?
Date: 17 May 1999 00:57:02 EDT
In a message dated 99-05-17 00:54:04 EDT, you write:
> But were they in development before the next generation systems came out?
> Just because
> they were released 2 years after the Super Famicom doesn't mean they
> couldn't have
> been in development that long. Of course games that are being worked on
> will be
> released when Dolphin comes out, but you won't see new projects started.
Mega Man 5 for the NES also came out after the SNES. I'm sure that deveopment
times for the NES are a lot shorter than the N64. And what about Joe & Mac
for the NES? That came out after Joe & Mac for the SNES.
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From: MARK
Date: 18 May 1999 09:33:44 +0100
It was a program!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 14 May 1999 20:34
> To:
> Subject: Re: [N64] IMPORTANT ZELDA NEWS!!!!
> In a message dated 99-05-14 09:41:15 EDT, you write:
> > Did you know that "Zelda Ocarina of time" is an anagram of:
> >
> > Cafe Demoralization
> > Coma Federalization
> > Deface Moralization
> > Demoralization Face
> >
> > I know that I took "THE" out of the title, but it helps you see.
> >
> >
> > Goldeneye is an anagram of
> >
> > O Ye Legend
> >
> >
> >
> > Perfect Dark is:
> >
> > A Cart Fed Perk
> >
> >
> > Rogue Squadron is:
> >
> > Square Gun Door
> >
> >
> > Playstaion is:
> >
> > Nastily Atop
> > Plain Toasty
> >
> >
> > Project Dolphin:
> >
> > DJ Hector Poplin
> >
> > Nintendo Sixty Four:
> >
> > Fixes Non Rotundity
> > Fresno Nudity Toxin
> > Identify Sox Turnon
> > Nifty Noxious Trend
> > Tinny Six Underfoot
> >
> >
> > Just a bit of fun on a friday afternoon.
> >
> >
> > MARK
> >
> Were you really bored? Or did you have a computer program that does
> this?
> Well, I got go get back to my Plain Toasty to get some more Monster
> Rancher
> time in.
> Trey
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From: "Darien Allen"
Subject: [N64] Re: Nintendo goes with .18 micro tech as well......
Date: 14 May 1999 13:38:04 GMT
Look, this day Fri, 14 May 1999 03:03:37 GMT, "Raymond McKeithen II"
tried to run this line:
>Exactly. And that proves my point, and seems to go against the one you were
>making. Which is, it is completely believable that Nintendo can make this
>intended timeframe (at least as far as this chip is concerned), far less so
>that Sony can.
When was I making a point? I honestly couldn't tell you how well
Toshiba is staffed to handle being able to put together a solid .18
process. Neither of us knows that although we can speculate that
Nintendo has an advantage. All we can do is continue to watch from
the sidelines....
FruitBooty World Order "Now can you DIG it sucka?"
Gotta remove that "takethis" stuff to reply.
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From: "Darien Allen"
Subject: [N64] Re: More E3 Website News.....(Nintendo)
Date: 14 May 1999 13:39:54 GMT
Look, this day 14 May 1999 02:33:26 GMT, (Ken Small)
tried to run this line:
>On Fri, 14 May 1999 02:21:33 GMT, Darien Allen
> wrote:
>>And the holy hosts all joined in as (Ken Small)
>>gifted us with these words:
>>>Azure Dreams was a US title as well, and apparently pretty good.
>>Was that the title where you started in a town, and went into a
>>dungeon that randomized itself each time?
>Yep. I wanted to rent it before I bought it outright, but could never
>find it for rental around here. Seems like Blockbuster manages to get
>every EA and 989 title imaginable and almost nothing else.
You know what title I found at a Blockbuster that I've been looking to
find locally but couldn't? Kartia. Surprised the hell outta me.
FruitBooty World Order "Now can you DIG it sucka?"
Gotta remove that "takethis" stuff to reply.
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From: "Hostile Mascot"
Subject: [N64] Re: N64 big time flop
Date: 14 May 1999 14:18:22 GMT
On Thu, 13 May 1999 18:15:08 +0100, "Ade"
It is possible to appreciate both Nintendo and Sony. You don`t have to
choose sides. If you don`t like Mario Party, fine, but why make a big
deal about it? You think anyone gives a sheeyt?
>Mario party is aimed at 2 year olds...and then they wonder why sales are
>wake up Nintendo....before i go back to PSX.....
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From: "Hostile Mascot"
Subject: [N64] Re: E3 News Thoughts.....(Nintendo)
Date: 14 May 1999 14:18:26 GMT
On 14 May 1999 01:18:51 GMT, (Ken Small) wrote:
Yep, that makes sense.
>I'm sure it's for the dual joysticks, not the rumble.
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From: "Joey"
Subject: Re: [N64] Re: N64 big time flop
Date: 17 May 1999 13:03:30 -0500
Ok, who says sales are bad? Did you know N64 continuously outsells Dreamcast
in Japan?
>>Mario party is aimed at 2 year olds...and then they wonder why sales are
>>wake up Nintendo....before i go back to PSX.....
> oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
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From: "Aidan Evans"
Subject: [N64] Re: N64 big time flop
Date: 14 May 1999 17:06:57 +0100
I'm sure for some people who have been endowed with brains, it is possible,
but not for this loser.
Aidan Evans
Prodigy Consoles
ICQ: 30506386
Hostile Mascot wrote in message
> On Thu, 13 May 1999 18:15:08 +0100, "Ade"
> wrote:
> It is possible to appreciate both Nintendo and Sony. You don`t have to
> choose sides. If you don`t like Mario Party, fine, but why make a big
> deal about it? You think anyone gives a sheeyt?
> >Mario party is aimed at 2 year olds...and then they wonder why sales are
> >crap..
> >wake up Nintendo....before i go back to PSX.....
> Cheers/Hostile.
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From: "Garrett Winters"
Subject: Re: [N64] Re: E3 News Thoughts.....(Nintendo)
Date: 17 May 1999 22:10:26 +0100
>From: "Hostile Mascot"
>Subject: [N64] Re: E3 News Thoughts.....(Nintendo)
>Date: Fri, May 14, 1999, 15:18
> On 14 May 1999 01:18:51 GMT, (Ken Small) wrote:
> Yep, that makes sense.
>>I'm sure it's for the dual joysticks, not the rumble.
> Cheers/Hostile.
Is this the same guy who got booted off this list the other day, if so why
do you insist on cross posting to this list with material that has no
relevance as we are not following the thread. Also generally it is good list
etiquette to not res*bscribe after getting tossed.
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From: WezMan
Subject: Re: [N64] Re: E3 News Thoughts.....(Nintendo)
Date: 17 May 1999 17:46:02 -0400
Garrett Winters wrote:
> ----------
> >From: "Hostile Mascot"
> >To:
> >Subject: [N64] Re: E3 News Thoughts.....(Nintendo)
> >Date: Fri, May 14, 1999, 15:18
> >
> > On 14 May 1999 01:18:51 GMT, (Ken Small) wrote:
> >
> > Yep, that makes sense.
> >
> >>I'm sure it's for the dual joysticks, not the rumble.
> >
> > Cheers/Hostile.
> Is this the same guy who got booted off this list the other day, if so why
> do you insist on cross posting to this list with material that has no
> relevance as we are not following the thread. Also generally it is good list
> etiquette to not res*bscribe after getting tossed.
All subscribers must be cleared by Greg. If someone gets booted, he doesn't
allow them back on. I tried to kick him off and it said he wasn't a member of
the I don't know whats going on. Tons of cross-posting from another
list. I'd stop it if I knew how.
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Subject: [N64] Re: Isn't it time the "Japanese" is taken out of console gaming?
Date: 14 May 1999 18:56:23 GMT
In article
Joshua S Redford wrote:
> If you need to whine, please do it in personal emails.
> Josh Redford
I will... when I actually need to whine... which isn't what I was doing.
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From: "Joshua Kaufman"
Subject: [N64] Re: Zelda 64 On Playstation?
Date: 14 May 1999 15:13:41 -0700
Dr Death wrote:
> Brian Scanlon wrote:
> > However, if that were completely true, then Zelda 64 would not have over an
> > hour of 3d animations along with all the textures, music, and regular
> > characters moving about at a constant 25 fps. It just wouldn't fit in a 32
> > MB cart. 3d animation right now takes up less space than 2d animation. The
> > reason why there are almost no 2d fighters on the N64? Not enough room to
> > store all the frames of animation. However, 3d fighters abound, though
> > quite lack luster in quality. In fact, there are very few 2d games on the
> > system, and the ones present are very short due to memory constraints.
> You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Capcom was able to fit SNES
> SSF2 and SFA2 on a 32 meg cart they should have no problem fitting it it on a 64
> or 128 meg N64 cart.
And look at how much animation and graphics detail was lost...BTW, SFA2
was a 40 meg cart.
AOL-IM: TerraEpon ICQ: 5404138
We are not your father's video game company. If someone's being rude
they shall be told so. This is a company by gamers, for gamers, not
some THQ or Akklame. We don't need to appeal to everyone, and ingrates
need not apply.
-Victor Ireland
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From: "Joshua Kaufman"
Subject: [N64] Re: Lufia III is coming to N64
Date: 14 May 1999 15:14:54 -0700
Sean Chang wrote:
> it is definitely something that the N64 needs - a game that appeals
> to more mature gamers.
> I just hope that it doesn't turn too much into a 3D puzzle game.
Well, now it looks like "Lufia: Ruins Chasers" is actually coming to GBC
and not N64.
HOWEVER, it might not be Lufia 3 proper.
AOL-IM: TerraEpon ICQ: 5404138
We are not your father's video game company. If someone's being rude
they shall be told so. This is a company by gamers, for gamers, not
some THQ or Akklame. We don't need to appeal to everyone, and ingrates
need not apply.
-Victor Ireland
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From: "Matt MA"
Subject: [N64] [N64 Admin] Cross Posting From N64 Newsgroup
Date: 17 May 1999 16:37:24 -0700
N64 List Administrators,
Lately there has been a deluge of cross posting from people on the N64
newsgroup. The content of their posts are inappropriate for our list and I =
requesting that this type of activity be put to an end.
Their posts are in reference to several different threads originating from =
newsgroup, and which never appeared previously on our e-mail list. This
makes it very confusing to understand what they are talking about. Also,
since there are no rules on newsgroups, many of their posts are off-topic
childish rants, often including profanity.
Thanks for all your hard work!
matt ma
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Subject: Re: [N64] Re: E3 News Thoughts.....(Nintendo)
Date: 17 May 1999 18:38:32 -0500 (CDT)
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This does not compute.Did the list expand or something?I even prefer our
caniadian Klansman DF. over the weird posts lately.
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On 14 May 1999 01:18:51 GMT, (Ken Small) wrote:
Yep, that makes sense.
>I'm sure it's for the dual joysticks, not the rumble.
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From: "Matt MA"
Subject: Re: [N64] [N64 Admin] Cross Posting From N64 Newsgroup
Date: 17 May 1999 16:40:29 -0700
oops - that last e-mail was supposed to be private. Sorry.
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From: "Justin Bailey"
Subject: Re: [N64] Re: E3 News Thoughts.....(Nintendo)
Date: 17 May 1999 17:55:54 -0500
Try blocking all messages with "" in the "To:"
P.S. if you already tried that, or it didn't work, I'm not taking you
for a moron ;) I simply don't know the options that a list admin has
at his/her fingertips... I've gotten myself yelled at before for
"stating the obvious" to an admin. :(
------ ------
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 17, 1999 4:46 PM
> All subscribers must be cleared by Greg. If someone gets booted, he
> allow them back on. I tried to kick him off and it said he wasn't a
member of
> the I don't know whats going on. Tons of cross-posting
from another
> list. I'd stop it if I knew how.
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From: "mishtu"
Subject: Re: [N64] Re: N64 big time flop
Date: 17 May 1999 19:35:17 -0500
Do N64 systems outsell Dreamcast systems in Japan? It makes sense that
N64 games would be sold than Dreamcast games since more people own an N64
than a Dreamcast.
-----Original Message-----
>Ok, who says sales are bad? Did you know N64 continuously outsells
>in Japan?
>>>Mario party is aimed at 2 year olds...and then they wonder why sales are
>>>wake up Nintendo....before i go back to PSX.....
>> oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
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From: "Joe Ottoson"
Subject: [N64] Re: Damnit Nintendo! we dont want Mickey Mouse games!!
Date: 14 May 1999 14:18:41 -0600
Bombastic wrote:
> >From: "Joe Ottoson"
> >What's you expect? Another Kanjo Kazooie/DCK/Mario etc title in its place?
> >
> Maybe they should make a special
> "Cheeto: Grammar is Fun" game for you.
What does a cheese flavored corn puff have to do with anything you
Enyort wannabe? ;)
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From: "Joe Ottoson"
Subject: [N64] Re: IBM and Nitendo
Date: 14 May 1999 14:37:35 -0600
SQ 240 wrote:
> I really do not see it running at 400 mhz. IBM uses a Cyrix processor and a
> Cyrix 400 is runs about as fast as an Intel 233. Grant it the chips will be
> used just for gaming purposes, but I still do not think it is capable of 400
> mhz.
Dunno what you're talking about, but IBM is also the people behind the
Power PC CPU, and that's what they're basing the new Nintendo CPU on.
There's nothing about a cyrix at all involved in the deal.
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From: "Joe Ottoson"
Subject: [N64] Re: Is Project Dolphin = the return of M2?
Date: 14 May 1999 14:26:17 -0600 wrote:
> Since Nintendo is teaming up with Masushita to produce Nintendo's new
> system, any word if maybe some of the M2 design ended up in Nintendo's
> new system? In other words, is the return of M2 likely to be happening?
No. Not unless Nintendo really interested in hardware that couldn't
decently compete with any of the upcoming consoles in terms of hardware...
> Also, interesting note how all the major players have fallen into 3
> camps. Perhaps this round of consoles will result in 3 viable systems
> on the market. This will be a first.
Depends. If the Dolphin and the PSx2 actually hit the US on the current
corporate timetables, they'll launch virtually at the same time. That
couldn't be good for either system's chances in the long run...
Gaming news, reviews, previews etc.
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From: Stryder
Subject: Re: [N64] Re: N64 big time flop
Date: 17 May 1999 22:40:34 -0500 (CDT)
On Mon, 17 May 1999, Joey wrote:
> Ok, who says sales are bad? Did you know N64 continuously outsells Dreamcast
> in Japan?
Not every week, their sales are actually quite close...but then again
considering that the N64 has been out much longer does not say much for
the Dreamcast. But they are both getting slaughtered by the PSX,
Pocketstation, GBC, and even the Wonderswan.
> >>Mario party is aimed at 2 year olds...and then they wonder why sales are
> >>crap..
> >>wake up Nintendo....before i go back to PSX.....
> >
> >Cheers/Hostile.
> >
> >
> > oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
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> > oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
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From: D Fentie
Subject: Re: [N64] Re: N64 big time flop
Date: 17 May 1999 22:04:44 -0600
Its the carts I tell ya the carts.
Stryder wrote:
> On Mon, 17 May 1999, Joey wrote:
> > Ok, who says sales are bad? Did you know N64 continuously outsells Dreamcast
> > in Japan?
> Not every week, their sales are actually quite close...but then again
> considering that the N64 has been out much longer does not say much for
> the Dreamcast. But they are both getting slaughtered by the PSX,
> Pocketstation, GBC, and even the Wonderswan.
> Stryder
> >
> >
> > >>Mario party is aimed at 2 year olds...and then they wonder why sales are
> > >>crap..
> > >>wake up Nintendo....before i go back to PSX.....
> > >
> > >Cheers/Hostile.
> > >
> > >
> > > oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
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> > > oO---------------------------------------------------------Oo
> > >
> > >
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> >
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Subject: Re: [N64] [N64 Admin] Cross Posting From N64 Newsgroup
Date: 18 May 1999 00:53:00 EDT
In a message dated 5/17/99 7:36:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> N64 List Administrators,
> Lately there has been a deluge of cross posting from people on the N64
> newsgroup. The content of their posts are inappropriate for our list and I
> am
> requesting that this type of activity be put to an end.
> Their posts are in reference to several different threads originating from
> the
> newsgroup, and which never appeared previously on our e-mail list. This
> makes it very confusing to understand what they are talking about. Also,
> since there are no rules on newsgroups, many of their posts are off-topic
> childish rants, often including profanity.
> Thanks for all your hard work!
> Regards,
> matt ma
If it ever comes to a vote I share Mr Ma's view on this load of stuff.
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Subject: Re: [N64] SNES SFA2
Date: 18 May 1999 00:51:39 EDT
In a message dated 5/17/99 6:34:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> And look at how much animation and graphics detail was lost...BTW, SFA2
> was a 40 meg cart.
> -Joshua
> --
Gee, then why does it say 32 Megs on the back lof the box? I think you're
confusing SNES SFA2 with SSF2 for the Genesis. That was a 40 Megabit cart.
The Master has spoken. ;)
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Subject: Re: [N64] Re: N64 big time flop
Date: 18 May 1999 01:01:25 EDT
In a message dated 5/17/99 11:41:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> But they are both getting slaughtered by the PSX,
> Pocketstation, GBC, and even the Wonderswan.
> Stryder
Pocketstation? If you can ever find one.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Not the first time buddy
Date: 18 May 1999 01:00:01 EDT
> wrote:
> > Also, interesting note how all the major players have fallen into 3
> > camps. Perhaps this round of consoles will result in 3 viable systems
> > on the market. This will be a first.
> >
2600 vs. Colecovision vs. Intellivision
NES vs. Master System vs. 7800
SNES vs. Genesis vs. Turbo Grafx-16
Saturn vs. PlayStation vs. Nintendo 64
Game Boy vs. Game Gear vs. Lynx
Nintendo 64 vs. PlayStation vs. Dreamcast
Get it? Got it? Good.
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Subject: [N64] Re: Continuation of Anti-Squaresoft Debate (Its not quite over yet)
Date: 14 May 1999 23:52:55 GMT
In article <7hdknu$hd3$>,
8-Bit Star wrote:
> > Except FFT was a downgrade from the SNES Tactics Ogre. At least
> > in difficulty and strategy, graphically it was much superior.
> >
> > Note that the PSX release of Tactics Ogre got a bit of heat for
> > not having updated the graphics, with people refusing to play it
> > or quitting playing it solely because of its dated graphics.
> > Including people who claimed they'd rather have a good game that
> > looked poor rather than a poor game that looked good.
> >
> See? This guy just proved it. Next-Gen consoles are Graphics
> and 90% of the people who play them are Graphics freaks. If FF7 was
> no one would buy it. Back in the old days, while better games were
> still unknown, people knew a good game when they saw one. Now it all
> depends on Polygons.
He proved nothing. Tactics Ogre was slow, tedious, cumbersome, and
lacked many of the nuances and character building of FFT. I quit
playing it because it wasn't fun, I didn't mind the graphics at all.
> He also brought up the interesting fact that most people claim to
> gameplay over graphics... You can rest assured that I mysel;f am true
> my word that I hate Next-Gen consoles.
Your loss. We wouldn't have gotten Xenogears on the SNES though, nor
Silent Hill...
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From: "Jim"
Subject: [N64] Re: I am awaiting the lammo arguments by Sony fanatics against the N2000 (whatever)
Date: 14 May 1999 01:21:15 +0100
terrell gibbs wrote in message ...
>In article <7hfm5c$7gb$>, "Jim"
>:Sony's Emotion Engine is specifically designed as a floating point (FP) 3D
>:powerhouse. The PowerPC, on which Gecko is based, isn't. I'm sure that in
>:some benchmarks Gecko will be more powerful, but regarding fp performance,
>:essential for 3D geometry transformations, I believe EE will come out on
>:top. And you can have the most powerful graphics rendering chip in the
>:world, but without a CPU that can feed it the appropriate 3D geometry you
>:won't see the advantage.
>:In short Nintendo have yet to convince me, and their reticence to release
>:any benchmarks for either chip seems suspicious.
>Frankly, specs are pretty much meaningless, because each company selects
>the benchmarks that make their system sound best. For example, who knows
>how often floating point performance is the rate-limiting step in overall
>graphics performance? The Power PC chip is just one component, and
>provides zero information as to how powerful the system will be as a
The CPU is very important in this respect, it is the "engine" in the console
"auto". The CPU is a limiting factor.
>But one thing we do know. Nintendo has *never* entered the market with a
>system that was not more powerful than competing systems. There corporate
>strategy has always been to wait until everybody else has shown their
>hands, then weigh in with something a bit more powerful. They'll have more
>time to work on the N2000. They'd have to be stupid to come in later than
>Sony with a system that was no more powerful than the PS2--and Nintendo is
>not stupid.
Sega, Sony and Nintendo have now all made their next generation beds, and
will have to lie on them. Sony made an anouncement two months ago, If
Nintendo want to realease a console within the next two years, it will have
to be based on a design in current development, they cannot now change tack
based on Sony's anouncement. So your argument is flawed, unless you believe
thjat just because something happened this way in the past ensures it will
happen again (just in case you are wondering such an argument is crap).
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From: "Jim"
Subject: [N64] Re: I am awaiting the lammo arguments by Sony fanatics against the N2000 (whatever)
Date: 14 May 1999 01:12:24 +0100
Mitchell Morris wrote in message ...
>And since no one would *EVER* make any claims in a promotional spec sheet
>that wouldn't show up in the real world, we can all rest assured that the
>Sony Emotion Engine chip will be the bee's knees from now until the heat
>death of the universe?
At least Sony have made some claims, and backed them up with a set of very
impressive tech and game demos. Nintendo have released details on clock
speed, and people have decided it must be more powerful than NGPS, ironic or
>A well-known VCR maker has trumped a similarly
>well-known computer design/manufacturing/sales firm on processor design and
>the shoe will never be on the other foot? All those people studying
>electrical engineering in the academic and professional institutions might
>similarly go home since Sony is fabbing the ultimate computer chip? Wow!
>Thanks for the heads-up!
The point is IBM have not designed a chip from the ground up for 3D
geometry, the chip is instead an enhancement of their next general purpose
CPU, the PowerPC. This a reasonable argument (without any supporting specs)
for doubting that Gecko will surpass the EE as a 3D CPU. Do you think the
argument is unreasonable?
>When a person is ostracized by their peers in the real world, the target
>see all the surrounding people turning their backs. I've always thought it
>pity that there isn't a similar feedback mechanism available on Usenet.
>someone invents one, this is the best I can do:
>Mitchell Morris
>I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.
> -- George Burns
Come on! Nintendo is engaging in spoiling tactics pure and simple. Anyone
with a modicum of intelligence realises that tech specs are highly
subjective. Polygon performance is almost impossible to compare because
there is no benchmark for poly performance, even if there was one, it might
be skewed towards a particular type of genre and not be representative of a
machines power.
But in case you have forgotten, this thread is that Nintendo have released
specs for Operation Dolphin that prove it will be more poerfull than NGPS.
Do you think this is true?
Do you believe a chip based on a commercial CPU will be inherently more
powerful as a geometry engine than a chip specifically designed as a
geometry engine. I admit it might be, no one knows, but clock speed is
meaningless in this respect.
Finally the post I responded to was praising Nintendo's aproach to it's
press releases for Project Dolphin, claiming:
"To me, their "reticence" is a nice change from releasing too-early
specs that are meaningless and never true in the real-world anyway."
Nintendo have been leaking deliberately vague specs for their new machine
since the NGPS announcement, and yet have consistently claimed performance
at least equal to, if not exceeding NGPS. In contrast, when Sony released
details of NGPS, they published the most complete technical specs ever
released for a console and the largest number of technical and game demo's
ever for a new console. Sony have not mentioned Sega or Nintendo by name
unless directly asked by the press, and before the NGPS announcement, Sony
would not even acknowledge the existence of a next generation system.
The truth is, it is impossible to determine the true power of a computer
system for its intended purpose until that system has been truly tested with
commercial product over a number of years, but Sony have at least released
enough information to enable us to make some reasonable guesses, Nintendo
have released nothing more than propaganda, do you disagree?
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Subject: [N64] Re: Continuation of Anti-Squaresoft Debate (Its not quite over yet)
Date: 14 May 1999 23:47:18 GMT
In article <7hfgib$u9f$>,
8-Bit Star wrote:
> Anime is cartoons, and it can be aimed at kids as well.
Anime is NOT cartoons, cartoons are cartoons.
> Please, the only reason he attacked the LAke Men was in self-defense
> because he mistakenly thought they were trying to steal his treasure.
> Bilbo made him mad. If he just attacked everyone out of meanness then
> you'd have a point, but Bilbo pissed him off, therefore agrovating him
> ,so you don't.
Okay, but Lord of the Rings isn't really a children's show anyway.
> > You may have got me on the "not-quite-black-and-white", but I don't
> > think this approaches averting the apocolypse.
> From a Dinosaur's point of view, it would.
There's no "averting" going on.
> First, presentation is
> > important. If they're "just trying to find their kid", but are
> > presented as unreasonable, tyrannical, evil things, then it's still
> > black and white.
> And they're not. Last I remember, the Sharptooths left after finding
> him.
Well okay.
> > Second, if they had a movie where all the dinosaurs
> > died out and the ice ages came, maybe THAT would approach CT.
> 1. Running out of food and having to Migrate doesn't count?
Not really, no.
> 2. So, Fantasia is close to CT in terms of plot?
Not unless we're thinking of different Fantasia's.
> How in the high hell was this 'Discussing the meaning of life'?
Can you think of a better phrase to describe it? Maybe "the purpose of
life" or something.
> > The ruining of the world and the death of countless
> > people is a fairly mature thing, as is love, when handled as they
> > did.
> Wow, you brilliantly failed to elaborate.
I shouldn't have to, these things are clearly mature.
> > Mass murder isn't mature? What did YOU watch when you were a kid?
> News, maybe? Murder is an everyday part of being human. Its >
inherent, so you can't restrict it to ages.
Murder is not something 99% of children are emotionally equipped to
fully comprehend.
> People can fall in love at any age, as well.
Not really. Not serious, romantic love.
> > No, Aerith is pretty much a Christ figure, not Sephiroth.
> Oh... how?
Knowingly accepting her death to save mankind.
> > Hmmm...
> Hell, in one episode he even refers to her as 'My Girl' which I
> believe is the same as admitting love.
Not really. That's not a sign of any serious emotional attachment,
quite the opposite in fact. It sounds more like a juvinile, possessive
boyfriend than anything else.
> > > How was the above 'Not a real example'?
> >
> > Because it was a children's cartoon, for one thing.
> Actually, due to the fact it had an actual plot (And a continuing one
> that) and it matches most of your above examples of a Mature show, I'd
> say its aimed more at Teenagers. Hell, I had my 8-year-old cousins
> watch it once, and I had to explain alot of stuff to them. That
> Scratch & Grounder thing was the Children's show.
It wasn't bad, but it was still a Saturday morning cartoon in the US.
The only shows of that sort I've seen that approach serious dramatic and
emotional content are WB's Batman cartoons and the occasional translated
> > They weren't lovers, but that doesn't mean there wasn't love. She
> > didn't remind him of his sister (he didn't even have a sister) she
> > reminded him of his fiancee who he had failed.
> I coyulda swore it said somewhere that Rachel was his sister. I don't
> remember it ever even implying anything else.
She was not his sister.
> > > 'Cloud! Save me! My Hero please Save me!' Oh yea, so she's NOT a
> > > whiney brat eh?
> >
> > And when did she say this?
> Lifestream, dude, Lifestream.
You mean where she saved him? Or was this in the past when she was a
> > Heck, she saved HIM on more than one
> > occasion.
> When?
The Lifestream, at least. Maybe when he showed up in Midgar.
> > You complain about over-emotionalizing something, then want him
> > breaking out in tears at her funeral? Contradictory.
> Its not Over-Emotionalizing to cry at a funeral. There was nothing
> contradictory about that.
Some characters do, some don't. Cloud didn't. He even said (poorly
translated though it was) that he was more stunned and numb than sad.
> > How so?
> If your not sure what emotions you're feeling, then you must be a
> pretty damned stupid moron.
Or any fairly ordinary person. Sometimes you think things and feel
things, but it's not until you really stop and think about it that you
see what feelings are at the root of it all. That's a lot more
interesting and realistic than love at first sight.
> > I don't recall this at all, and I've got to say, you're recollection
> > of this game has been shown to be sort of spotty.
> 1. Go back through.
No thanks.
> 2. (A) My Recollection usually is
No, not with FF7. As I recall you've gotten any number of things wrong:
the number of summons, the significance of Shin-Ra and various other
characters and setions of the game, etc.
> (B) you didn't expect me to waste
> valuable space in my head keeping track of all the info on something I
> HATED, did you?
Only if you plan to cite examples to support your points.
> > > Fei, you mean? Oh please, he whined about gears and fighting and
> > > everything throughout the first disk!
> >
> > Perfectly reasonable, since they brought him nothing but pain.
> You'd think a tough man like him would get over it. I'm not even
> very strong, and I wouldn't take more than a week to get over it.
To get over killing your family and friends? That's not being strong,
that's being cold or being in denial.
> > Square does not always have cliched plots or characters, and
> > Disney's are based on fairy tales.
> Yes they do,
I haven't seen Xenogears' plot anywhere else, or Chrono Trigger's, or
FF6, or FF7. FF2 was very reminiscent of Star Wars, though...
> and Disney movies being based on Fairy Tales proves
> nothing. Had you read the actual stories you'd realise Disney's are
> almost never anything like the reality (And also I would not consider
> Pocahontas a fairy tale)
It's hard to call something a cliche when it's a retelling of a
classical tale.
> > As I said elsewhere, I don't think we're
> > going to see anything like Xenogears, PE, or FF7 coming from Disney.
> Xenogears no (Disney is too dumb) PE I dunno, FF7 yes.
Not likely. Far too much dark, serious matter for them.
> > Maybe not 2 or 3. How on earth can you consider FF7 or Xenogears
> > sappy, but not Lunar?
> Because the only 'Love' Lunar had was Alex rescuing Luna from the bad
> guy and her going 'Oh, thank you, my hero!'
So to avoid being sappy, something has to be underdeveloped?
> > So why can't RPG makers "make a story to share with us"?
> I never said they couldn't. I thought we were talking about
> characters.
Characters are part of a story.
> > FF7 and Civ ARE quite good. Especially Civ, which you can't blame
> > marketing or graphics for it's popularity.
> FF7 No,
Your opinion. You've failed to provide enough support for it to be
anything more than that.
> Civ? Please, alot of its features, the gameplay system, and the
> rules just don't work. I already discussed that Movement rule, and I
> also hate the 20-years every turn Time Advancement, which makes the
> game end before you even have a chance to get Musketeers.....
Have you even played it through? Time passes at 5 years per turn, then
1 year per turn in the modern age.
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From: "Dan & Temple Carson"
Subject: Re: [N64] [N64 Admin] Cross Posting From N64 Newsgroup
Date: 18 May 1999 10:05:49 -0500
I have to agree with Matt. Please do something about the cross posting. I
don't have a lot of time to read the list and the extra garbage doesn't
Dan Carson
-----Original Message-----
N64 List Administrators,
Lately there has been a deluge of cross posting from people on the N64
newsgroup. The content of their posts are inappropriate for our list and I
requesting that this type of activity be put to an end.
Their posts are in reference to several different threads originating from
newsgroup, and which never appeared previously on our e-mail list. This
makes it very confusing to understand what they are talking about. Also,
since there are no rules on newsgroups, many of their posts are off-topic
childish rants, often including profanity.
Thanks for all your hard work!
matt ma
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From: "Ed Giangrande"
Subject: [N64] Re: Nintendo VS sony.
Date: 15 May 1999 02:58:49 GMT
Why is it that anytime someone makes a point that is pro a system, in
this case justifing Nintendo's actions in releasing specs, people
automatically assume that the person defending is a Nintendo-only
supporter? seriously where do you get off saying stuff like this:
In "Andre Mitchell"
" Admit it, you were hoping about a year ago that N64
>would be hitting its stride right about now. Well I got news for you,
>Nintendo fucked us (so far) if they discontinue this system too early
then a
>lot of people will be pissed."
Come on, he/she made a valid arguement as to why Nintendo would have
to release specs, and face it, they are in a hole. Because he/she
defended the system.. geeze... anyway..
Sony can afford to announce their next system
>as they are a generation behind Nintendo. What's Nintendo's excuse?
>"Sorry, but our generation higher machine is beneath our competition
so we
>will bring out yet another next next generation system"? Please.
As near as I can tell, Nintendo waited an extra year with N64 to assure
it woudl be by itself at launch and at a reasonable price. And
initially, IT WORKED! Heck, N64s FLEW off the shelves faster than
ELMO.. the problem with N64 has been with the games, not the
technology. Nintendo wasted the extra year through 2 subsequent years
of missing games of the caliber that Mario 64 seemed to set when the
system hit the market.. moreMore games were like Wayne Gretsky hockey
than Waverace.
Nintendo won't release a new system for a while, that is likely true. I
figure Nintendo already has to stick it out at least for another year
or so before anything major can happen. But honestly, the only company
that really NEEDED to make a move right now was Sega. The fact that
Sony, with a perfectly stable and solid system, chose to release specs
is no different... Heck, PSX COULD live another 3 years on the
market... and I'd even bet the PSX could compete with DC for a while
until DC got a few more games than just Sega-made ones. Nintendo on the
other hand CAN'T let their N64 stay on the shelves. Heck, n64's biggest
selling point may be that it has the best graphics.. well once DC comes
out, it will take that spot for a while, and throw a Sonic game to
stomp on Mario to boot, in addition to a solid fighter the likes of
which the N64 is yet to have seen, and a GREAT realistic racer in Rally
2, again, something that the N64 lacks.. Nintendo is up against a
wall.. they can't sit back on the N64 and expect it to tread water for
the next year without doing something to maybe get people to wait.
Heck, they did it with N64.. they got people to wait for Nintendo..
they simply have to hope they can make these specs do their talking and
get people to hold off again...
>Nintendo shouldn't need a new system, it has the DD64, and all of its
>quality games coming out right? I just think it is way too early to
>about a new system when they essentially just started supported this
Again, Nintendo isin a very weak position. PSX has market share and the
fact that the PSX 2 will be backwards compatible. Most PSX owners are
happy and will likely stay along for the ride. DreamCast is going to be
all you see for the next few months if Sega has their way. Sega just
better hope their DC ad campaign doesn't bomb (and Star Wars gets a lot
of repeat visitors, everytime hopefully showing them giant screen
versions of DC games)... Dreamcast is a big threat to N64 at the moment
for the simple fact that it has the type of games N64 lacks, a decent
price, and dethrones Nintendo's graphical edge in 3D. N64 then has to
rely on its games to survive, which have been few and far between for
most folkes. Not to mention that a least if you buy a Dreamcast, you
have a good year+ of having the best system on the market.. What
incentive would there be to buy a N64? Nintendo HAS to act now and
hopefully scare off a few would be PSX 2 owners by touting their own
next system, even as unrealistic as it may be to know about at this
time... Heck, there were reports that some felt Sony's efforts to
release specs were in bad haste as well, just a mud slinging effort to
try to take steam away from a Sega ship that very well could be very
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From: "Joey"
Subject: Re: [N64] Not the first time buddy
Date: 18 May 1999 16:03:07 -0500
I wouldn't call the Master System a viable system, I wouldn't call the Turbo
Grafx-16 a viable system, It would be hard for me to call Saturn a viable
system, I wouldn't call Lynx a viable system.
>> > Also, interesting note how all the major players have fallen into 3
>> > camps. Perhaps this round of consoles will result in 3 viable systems
>> > on the market. This will be a first.
>> >
>2600 vs. Colecovision vs. Intellivision
>NES vs. Master System vs. 7800
>SNES vs. Genesis vs. Turbo Grafx-16
>Saturn vs. PlayStation vs. Nintendo 64
>Game Boy vs. Game Gear vs. Lynx
>Nintendo 64 vs. PlayStation vs. Dreamcast
>Get it? Got it? Good.
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Subject: Re: [N64] Not the first time buddy
Date: 18 May 1999 18:21:53 -0700
On Tue, 18 May 1999 16:03:07 -0500 "Joey" writes:
>I wouldn't call the Master System a viable system, I wouldn't call the
>Grafx-16 a viable system, It would be hard for me to call Saturn a
>system, I wouldn't call Lynx a viable system.
If you'd spend some time reading Trey's post a little more carefully
you'd notice that he said "This will be a first"... That means, if you
still don't get it, that not all of them were viable systems. I just
don't get how people overlook such plain script.
>>> > Also, interesting note how all the major players have fallen
>into 3
>>> > camps. Perhaps this round of consoles will result in 3 viable
>>> > on the market. This will be a first.
>>> >
>>2600 vs. Colecovision vs. Intellivision
>>NES vs. Master System vs. 7800
>>SNES vs. Genesis vs. Turbo Grafx-16
>>Saturn vs. PlayStation vs. Nintendo 64
>>Game Boy vs. Game Gear vs. Lynx
>>Nintendo 64 vs. PlayStation vs. Dreamcast
>>Get it? Got it? Good.
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From: "Joey"
Subject: Re: [N64] Not the first time buddy
Date: 18 May 1999 17:37:03 -0500
Well actually if you would read the entire thread, you would see that,
actually wrote the part about it being a first,
and Trey wrote the part about it not being a first because all those groups
of three systems were examples. So don't tell me about overlooking plain
script you hypocrit.
>>I wouldn't call the Master System a viable system, I wouldn't call the
>>Grafx-16 a viable system, It would be hard for me to call Saturn a
>>system, I wouldn't call Lynx a viable system.
>If you'd spend some time reading Trey's post a little more carefully
>you'd notice that he said "This will be a first"... That means, if you
>still don't get it, that not all of them were viable systems. I just
>don't get how people overlook such plain script.
> -Peter
>>>> > Also, interesting note how all the major players have fallen
>>into 3
>>>> > camps. Perhaps this round of consoles will result in 3 viable
>>>> > on the market. This will be a first.
>>>> >
>>>2600 vs. Colecovision vs. Intellivision
>>>NES vs. Master System vs. 7800
>>>SNES vs. Genesis vs. Turbo Grafx-16
>>>Saturn vs. PlayStation vs. Nintendo 64
>>>Game Boy vs. Game Gear vs. Lynx
>>>Nintendo 64 vs. PlayStation vs. Dreamcast
>>>Get it? Got it? Good.
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From: "Charles Miller, Jr."
Subject: [N64] Re: Hey everyone (newcomer)
Date: 14 May 1999 21:40:05 -0500
Husky wrote in message
> Hey everyone =) Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Derek S. (AKA
> Husky), and I like playin' video games also. I'm from Minnesota, USA, and
> I'm 15/M (taken). Hope this list is cool!
I hope that it does turn out to be fun for ya!
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From: "Charles Miller, Jr."
Subject: [N64] Re: Continuation of Anti-Squaresoft Debate (Its not quite over yet)
Date: 14 May 1999 21:40:59 -0500
wrote in message
> In article <7hfgib$u9f$>,
> 8-Bit Star