From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] List alive? Date: 01 Nov 1999 00:22:08 -0800 wrote: > Where is this list? Everyone trick or treating? :-) I got Hersheys Chocolate Bars! woo hoo! > > > Okay, is it me or are the character upgrades in JFG really lame? I mean, Juno > looks okay, Vela still has nothing on, and Lupus is a damn tank. Maybe they > grow on you, but right now the characters look very lame. I'd have to see. Been too busy with school work to get any gaming done lately. Although the graphics in JFG is a sight to behold. (read my next post) :-) > > > ~Matt > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Amazing audio/visuals on JFG and Beyond! Date: 01 Nov 1999 00:22:28 -0800 I've played quite a bit of JFG in this past week so I thought I should share with the list my exhileration with regards to its music and visuals. The music is simply stunning. Just so orchestral, and clear. Its obviously MIDI, the N64 can't do music any other way, short of streaming off a mono track or an MPEG track. But with full dolby support, only the flexibility and small memory requirements of MIDI could have allowed JFG to support such variety and quality of sound on a moderately large 256 megabit cartridge. But that's my informed opinion. Without knowing the cartridge limitations, I can't tell the difference between JFGs MIDI tracks from redbook or mpeg audio. its is simply stunning. What is even more spectacular is each level has a unique theme. While the theme in the first level (a very ethnic drumbeat theme reminiscent of Turok's) didn't impress me simply because I've heard it for so long and hated it! But I stuck with the game. After the first level, the music for the other levels just get better and better. With regards to graphics, I noticed the chracters seem rounder than normal. Their poly count is not increadibly huge (Juno's torso is a boxy four sided polygon) but the gourard shading seems to cure the angular polygons and make all the characters much more rounded than they are. I'm guessing there might be the use of real-time ray tracing RARE talked about for Perfect Dark. But even if its not used, i can't ingore the fact that its just beutiful, the way the polygon models were built. Vela's breast are very nice as well, and bounce accordingly ;) The environment themeselves don't push spectacular amounts of polygons, and its nothing we haven't seen before, but there's a sense of realism to it. Its difficult to discribe, but the choice of colors, and the atmospheric fog in the distance seem to enhance the feeling of depth. My only qualm is that some textures are stretched onto polygons models that are much too big. But speaking of textures, the pre-rendered textured feel of the textures RARE pioneered in GoldenEye are back in full force. The highlights, of the bumps on the textures are shown with increadible clarity. Some textures look so detailed you won't realize that they are infact just a flat piece of image plastered onto a flat polygon until you walk right next to them. Slowdown is noticable in some areas. You'll be walking down a hallway and notice the movements jerk / and slow down a few frames. But its hardly the unmanagable slowdown seen in Turok 2. The designers are also quite imaginative. The locales, and designs are simply stunning, with quite a few music tracks and level designs showing clear influences from Star Wars, more specifically, Yoda's swamp planet of Degobah and the Ewok Village :-) There's some increadible environment reflection done in the game. And JFG probably takes the cake as one of the first shooter/adventure game use use environment mapping on a large scale. THere's an level in the game where the player enters a wide open courtyard. In the far side, is a hi-tech looking pyramid and behind that is a huge moon. But that's not what is amazing about it. The entire courtyard floor is reflecting everything around it! everything! including the insenct drones, the courtyard walls, the reflections of the characters, and even Floyd (a flying robot character who tags along, like the fairy in Zelda) What's even more beautiful is the sheer grandeur of some of the locales. You think Zelda's temples were big? Wait till you see some of JFG's levels. There are some huge cathedral like areas, although quite a few of the levels are confined to narrow tunnels and hallways. The cinematic sequences are equally well done. Very nice camera work, and RARE knows how to funnel polygon savings into producing much better environments that is slightly better looking than the stuff we see in the actual game. Whew! Amazing visuals. Trust me, i think you'll see even more amazing stuff next year. RARE has stated in their JFG team interview with Dojo they don't believe N64's full potential has been tapped yet. the N64's Donkey Kong Country might not be Donkey Kong 64, and there might not be a game so far apart from the rest that its unlike any other N64 game we've seen before. But I'm really really looking forward to the kind of environmental immersion Perfect Dark will offer. Not to speak ill of PlayStation, but while games like Final Fantasy series might provide some truly awe inspiring full motion video sequences, the rest of the games seems to pale in comparison, not to mention the load time. What RARE, and many N64 developers are doing in this last few years of the N64's lifespan is pushing the limits of the machine to produce pseudo-FMV quality visuals in real-time. Its a compromiseI can live with, and for people who can't afford a DC right now, what the N64 is doing, especially in these highlight games, will truly give you a taste of what is to come! Dolphin anyone :) Wow, i can't believe I just wrote that. But its late, and I don't want to read some stupid academic texts i'm suppose to be doing, so I'm doing this. If you think I am acting strangely, blame it on university. Dexter [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: editor - hotgames Subject: [N64] - Coolnews Date: 02 Nov 1999 00:50:52 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS: Gamedate October 29, 1999 The Newsletter of FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY Hey you! Yeah, you, the guy who has been hogging the PC all week while playing Quake. Turn around - there's a good chance that there's a couple of family members who have been looking at you with evil eyes over the past few days. Do you realize that maybe, just maybe, they'd like to have a go of one of the 1000+ games we've got for FREE on So while you're taking your weekly shower, let everyone else enjoy the fun! Cameron D. Today's Coolnews is sponsored by: ++++++ FREE SOFTWARE TO SPICE UP YOUR NET LIFE ++++++ You can be one of the first to send cool e-mail with heaps of multimedia content using your own COMPLETELY FREE copy of Siterave (5 minute download). With Siterave you can - Make and send Greeting Cards and Photo Albums. - Capture and send a web site to a friend - Capture online articles and web sites for offline browsing. +++++++ +++++++ THE LATEST AT 1. DUNGEON KEEPER 2 2. AGE OF EMPIRES 2 3. SPIRIT OF SPEED 1937 4. 3D ULTRA COOL POOL 1. DUNGEON KEEPER 2 The sequel to the most evil computer game of all time is here and we're giving away the free playable demo on the one and only! Has the magical formula been wrecked or have Bullfrog managed to make the best even better? Our review tells all... 2. AGE OF EMPIRES 2 Microsoft's award-winning blend of strategy and, uh, more strategy has gone and spawned itself a sequel, so of course we played the demo until the small hours of the morning and then reviewed it for you. How nice. 3. SPIRIT OF SPEED 1937 Taking the Grand Prix Legends formula of making old Formula One cars live again to the next level is this brand new game, set in the even more dangerous era of the thirties! Take a look at our demo and see what you think... 4. 3D ULTRA COOL POOL Yeah, so this is a new pool game then, and it's got nothing to do with water. So is it worth your time to play our new free demo? You'll just have to read our review to see, won't you? Hey, even Grampa can play... Cameron D. To unsubscribe to Coolnews send an email message to with the word unsubscribe in the subject field. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Amazing audio/visuals on JFG and Beyond! Date: 01 Nov 1999 17:05:34 -0500 (EST) Great review of your best yet which says alot. I also go to a University..where do you do? On Mon, 1 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > I've played quite a bit of JFG in this past week so I thought I should > share with the list my exhileration with regards to its music and > visuals. > > The music is simply stunning. Just so orchestral, and clear. Its > obviously MIDI, the N64 can't do music any other way, short of > streaming off a mono track or an MPEG track. But with full dolby > support, only the flexibility and small memory requirements of MIDI > could have allowed JFG to support such variety and quality of sound on a > moderately large 256 megabit cartridge. But that's my informed > opinion. Without knowing the cartridge limitations, I can't tell the > difference between JFGs MIDI tracks from redbook or mpeg audio. its is > simply stunning. What is even more spectacular is each level has a > unique theme. While the theme in the first level (a very ethnic > drumbeat theme reminiscent of Turok's) didn't impress me simply because > I've heard it for so long and hated it! But I stuck with the game. > After the first level, the music for the other levels just get better > and better. > > With regards to graphics, I noticed the chracters seem rounder than > normal. Their poly count is not increadibly huge (Juno's torso is a > boxy four sided polygon) but the gourard shading seems to cure the > angular polygons and make all the characters much more rounded than they > are. I'm guessing there might be the use of real-time ray tracing RARE > talked about for Perfect Dark. But even if its not used, i can't ingore > the fact that its just beutiful, the way the polygon models were built. > Vela's breast are very nice as well, and bounce accordingly ;) > > The environment themeselves don't push spectacular amounts of polygons, > and its nothing we haven't seen before, but there's a sense of realism > to it. Its difficult to discribe, but the choice of colors, and the > atmospheric fog in the distance seem to enhance the feeling of depth. > My only qualm is that some textures are stretched onto polygons models > that are much too big. But speaking of textures, the pre-rendered > textured feel of the textures RARE pioneered in GoldenEye are back in > full force. The highlights, of the bumps on the textures are shown with > increadible clarity. Some textures look so detailed you won't realize > that they are infact just a flat piece of image plastered onto a flat > polygon until you walk right next to them. > > Slowdown is noticable in some areas. You'll be walking down a hallway > and notice the movements jerk / and slow down a few frames. But its > hardly the unmanagable slowdown seen in Turok 2. The designers are > also quite imaginative. The locales, and designs are simply stunning, > with quite a few music tracks and level designs showing clear influences > from Star Wars, more specifically, Yoda's swamp planet of Degobah and > the Ewok Village :-) > > There's some increadible environment reflection done in the game. And > JFG probably takes the cake as one of the first shooter/adventure game > use use environment mapping on a large scale. THere's an level in the > game where the player enters a wide open courtyard. In the far side, is > a hi-tech looking pyramid and behind that is a huge moon. But that's > not what is amazing about it. The entire courtyard floor is reflecting > everything around it! everything! including the insenct drones, the > courtyard walls, the reflections of the characters, and even Floyd (a > flying robot character who tags along, like the fairy in Zelda) What's > even more beautiful is the sheer grandeur of some of the locales. You > think Zelda's temples were big? Wait till you see some of JFG's > levels. There are some huge cathedral like areas, although quite a few > of the levels are confined to narrow tunnels and hallways. The > cinematic sequences are equally well done. Very nice camera work, and > RARE knows how to funnel polygon savings into producing much better > environments that is slightly better looking than the stuff we see in > the actual game. > > Whew! Amazing visuals. Trust me, i think you'll see even more amazing > stuff next year. RARE has stated in their JFG team interview with Dojo > they don't believe N64's full potential has been tapped yet. the N64's > Donkey Kong Country might not be Donkey Kong 64, and there might not be > a game so far apart from the rest that its unlike any other N64 game > we've seen before. But I'm really really looking forward to the kind of > environmental immersion Perfect Dark will offer. > > Not to speak ill of PlayStation, but while games like Final Fantasy > series might provide some truly awe inspiring full motion video > sequences, the rest of the games seems to pale in comparison, not to > mention the load time. What RARE, and many N64 developers are doing in > this last few years of the N64's lifespan is pushing the limits of the > machine to produce pseudo-FMV quality visuals in real-time. Its a > compromiseI can live with, and for people who can't afford a DC right > now, what the N64 is doing, especially in these highlight games, will > truly give you a taste of what is to come! Dolphin anyone :) > > Wow, i can't believe I just wrote that. But its late, and I don't want > to read some stupid academic texts i'm suppose to be doing, so I'm doing > this. If you think I am acting strangely, blame it on university. > > Dexter > > > > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Amazing audio/visuals on JFG and Beyond! Date: 01 Nov 1999 17:05:34 -0500 (EST) Great review of your best yet which says alot. I also go to a University..where do you do? On Mon, 1 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > I've played quite a bit of JFG in this past week so I thought I should > share with the list my exhileration with regards to its music and > visuals. > > The music is simply stunning. Just so orchestral, and clear. Its > obviously MIDI, the N64 can't do music any other way, short of > streaming off a mono track or an MPEG track. But with full dolby > support, only the flexibility and small memory requirements of MIDI > could have allowed JFG to support such variety and quality of sound on a > moderately large 256 megabit cartridge. But that's my informed > opinion. Without knowing the cartridge limitations, I can't tell the > difference between JFGs MIDI tracks from redbook or mpeg audio. its is > simply stunning. What is even more spectacular is each level has a > unique theme. While the theme in the first level (a very ethnic > drumbeat theme reminiscent of Turok's) didn't impress me simply because > I've heard it for so long and hated it! But I stuck with the game. > After the first level, the music for the other levels just get better > and better. > > With regards to graphics, I noticed the chracters seem rounder than > normal. Their poly count is not increadibly huge (Juno's torso is a > boxy four sided polygon) but the gourard shading seems to cure the > angular polygons and make all the characters much more rounded than they > are. I'm guessing there might be the use of real-time ray tracing RARE > talked about for Perfect Dark. But even if its not used, i can't ingore > the fact that its just beutiful, the way the polygon models were built. > Vela's breast are very nice as well, and bounce accordingly ;) > > The environment themeselves don't push spectacular amounts of polygons, > and its nothing we haven't seen before, but there's a sense of realism > to it. Its difficult to discribe, but the choice of colors, and the > atmospheric fog in the distance seem to enhance the feeling of depth. > My only qualm is that some textures are stretched onto polygons models > that are much too big. But speaking of textures, the pre-rendered > textured feel of the textures RARE pioneered in GoldenEye are back in > full force. The highlights, of the bumps on the textures are shown with > increadible clarity. Some textures look so detailed you won't realize > that they are infact just a flat piece of image plastered onto a flat > polygon until you walk right next to them. > > Slowdown is noticable in some areas. You'll be walking down a hallway > and notice the movements jerk / and slow down a few frames. But its > hardly the unmanagable slowdown seen in Turok 2. The designers are > also quite imaginative. The locales, and designs are simply stunning, > with quite a few music tracks and level designs showing clear influences > from Star Wars, more specifically, Yoda's swamp planet of Degobah and > the Ewok Village :-) > > There's some increadible environment reflection done in the game. And > JFG probably takes the cake as one of the first shooter/adventure game > use use environment mapping on a large scale. THere's an level in the > game where the player enters a wide open courtyard. In the far side, is > a hi-tech looking pyramid and behind that is a huge moon. But that's > not what is amazing about it. The entire courtyard floor is reflecting > everything around it! everything! including the insenct drones, the > courtyard walls, the reflections of the characters, and even Floyd (a > flying robot character who tags along, like the fairy in Zelda) What's > even more beautiful is the sheer grandeur of some of the locales. You > think Zelda's temples were big? Wait till you see some of JFG's > levels. There are some huge cathedral like areas, although quite a few > of the levels are confined to narrow tunnels and hallways. The > cinematic sequences are equally well done. Very nice camera work, and > RARE knows how to funnel polygon savings into producing much better > environments that is slightly better looking than the stuff we see in > the actual game. > > Whew! Amazing visuals. Trust me, i think you'll see even more amazing > stuff next year. RARE has stated in their JFG team interview with Dojo > they don't believe N64's full potential has been tapped yet. the N64's > Donkey Kong Country might not be Donkey Kong 64, and there might not be > a game so far apart from the rest that its unlike any other N64 game > we've seen before. But I'm really really looking forward to the kind of > environmental immersion Perfect Dark will offer. > > Not to speak ill of PlayStation, but while games like Final Fantasy > series might provide some truly awe inspiring full motion video > sequences, the rest of the games seems to pale in comparison, not to > mention the load time. What RARE, and many N64 developers are doing in > this last few years of the N64's lifespan is pushing the limits of the > machine to produce pseudo-FMV quality visuals in real-time. Its a > compromiseI can live with, and for people who can't afford a DC right > now, what the N64 is doing, especially in these highlight games, will > truly give you a taste of what is to come! Dolphin anyone :) > > Wow, i can't believe I just wrote that. But its late, and I don't want > to read some stupid academic texts i'm suppose to be doing, so I'm doing > this. If you think I am acting strangely, blame it on university. > > Dexter > > > > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Amazing audio/visuals on JFG and Beyond! Date: 01 Nov 1999 18:13:22 EST In a message dated 11/1/99 2:16:44 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Wow, i can't believe I just wrote that. But its late, and I don't want to read some stupid academic texts i'm suppose to be doing, so I'm doing this. If you think I am acting strangely, blame it on university. Dexter >> Very well written, Dex. I don't know what Next Gen was thinking when they reviewed this gem. A definite must buy. And if anyone thinks that's acting strangely, I once cleaned my room to avoid school work. I can't imagine what college is like. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] List alive? Date: 31 Oct 1999 17:51:41 -0600 I just noticed in JFG that the characters don't have joints in their legs... so it looks like they move by 'bending' their legs like someone would bend a piece of metal. Dexter Sy wrote: > > wrote: > > > Where is this list? Everyone trick or treating? :-) > > I got Hersheys Chocolate Bars! woo hoo! > > > > > > > Okay, is it me or are the character upgrades in JFG really lame? I mean, Juno > > looks okay, Vela still has nothing on, and Lupus is a damn tank. Maybe they > > grow on you, but right now the characters look very lame. > > I'd have to see. Been too busy with school work to get any gaming done lately. > Although the graphics in JFG is a sight to behold. (read my next post) :-) > > > > > > > ~Matt > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Amazing audio/visuals on JFG and Beyond! Date: 01 Nov 1999 17:43:23 -0800 > > Very well written, Dex. I don't know what Next Gen was thinking when they > reviewed this gem. A definite must buy. And if anyone thinks that's acting > strangely, I once cleaned my room to avoid school work. I can't imagine what > college is like. Thanks for the response. Well University is ok. But its a lot of work, a lot of reading, and if you're someone who takes things lightly, it will be several weeks of light work (less work than highschool) and one week of absolute hell as you scramble to finish term papers that are worth like 50% of your total mark. I'm the more concerend type, and it gets annoying since I'm trying to do research for a paper that is due in 29 days and i really don't want to do it, but i know i will have to do it. dex > > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Amazing audio/visuals on JFG and Beyond! Date: 01 Nov 1999 17:44:28 -0800 "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." wrote: > Great review of your best yet which says alot. I also go to a > University..where do you do? I assume you're asking me which University I attend. Its Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. Most well know for our electronic engineering programs. The V-chip for TVs was invented here. Dexter > > > On Mon, 1 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > > I've played quite a bit of JFG in this past week so I thought I should > > share with the list my exhileration with regards to its music and > > visuals. > > > > The music is simply stunning. Just so orchestral, and clear. Its > > obviously MIDI, the N64 can't do music any other way, short of > > streaming off a mono track or an MPEG track. But with full dolby > > support, only the flexibility and small memory requirements of MIDI > > could have allowed JFG to support such variety and quality of sound on a > > moderately large 256 megabit cartridge. But that's my informed > > opinion. Without knowing the cartridge limitations, I can't tell the > > difference between JFGs MIDI tracks from redbook or mpeg audio. its is > > simply stunning. What is even more spectacular is each level has a > > unique theme. While the theme in the first level (a very ethnic > > drumbeat theme reminiscent of Turok's) didn't impress me simply because > > I've heard it for so long and hated it! But I stuck with the game. > > After the first level, the music for the other levels just get better > > and better. > > > > With regards to graphics, I noticed the chracters seem rounder than > > normal. Their poly count is not increadibly huge (Juno's torso is a > > boxy four sided polygon) but the gourard shading seems to cure the > > angular polygons and make all the characters much more rounded than they > > are. I'm guessing there might be the use of real-time ray tracing RARE > > talked about for Perfect Dark. But even if its not used, i can't ingore > > the fact that its just beutiful, the way the polygon models were built. > > Vela's breast are very nice as well, and bounce accordingly ;) > > > > The environment themeselves don't push spectacular amounts of polygons, > > and its nothing we haven't seen before, but there's a sense of realism > > to it. Its difficult to discribe, but the choice of colors, and the > > atmospheric fog in the distance seem to enhance the feeling of depth. > > My only qualm is that some textures are stretched onto polygons models > > that are much too big. But speaking of textures, the pre-rendered > > textured feel of the textures RARE pioneered in GoldenEye are back in > > full force. The highlights, of the bumps on the textures are shown with > > increadible clarity. Some textures look so detailed you won't realize > > that they are infact just a flat piece of image plastered onto a flat > > polygon until you walk right next to them. > > > > Slowdown is noticable in some areas. You'll be walking down a hallway > > and notice the movements jerk / and slow down a few frames. But its > > hardly the unmanagable slowdown seen in Turok 2. The designers are > > also quite imaginative. The locales, and designs are simply stunning, > > with quite a few music tracks and level designs showing clear influences > > from Star Wars, more specifically, Yoda's swamp planet of Degobah and > > the Ewok Village :-) > > > > There's some increadible environment reflection done in the game. And > > JFG probably takes the cake as one of the first shooter/adventure game > > use use environment mapping on a large scale. THere's an level in the > > game where the player enters a wide open courtyard. In the far side, is > > a hi-tech looking pyramid and behind that is a huge moon. But that's > > not what is amazing about it. The entire courtyard floor is reflecting > > everything around it! everything! including the insenct drones, the > > courtyard walls, the reflections of the characters, and even Floyd (a > > flying robot character who tags along, like the fairy in Zelda) What's > > even more beautiful is the sheer grandeur of some of the locales. You > > think Zelda's temples were big? Wait till you see some of JFG's > > levels. There are some huge cathedral like areas, although quite a few > > of the levels are confined to narrow tunnels and hallways. The > > cinematic sequences are equally well done. Very nice camera work, and > > RARE knows how to funnel polygon savings into producing much better > > environments that is slightly better looking than the stuff we see in > > the actual game. > > > > Whew! Amazing visuals. Trust me, i think you'll see even more amazing > > stuff next year. RARE has stated in their JFG team interview with Dojo > > they don't believe N64's full potential has been tapped yet. the N64's > > Donkey Kong Country might not be Donkey Kong 64, and there might not be > > a game so far apart from the rest that its unlike any other N64 game > > we've seen before. But I'm really really looking forward to the kind of > > environmental immersion Perfect Dark will offer. > > > > Not to speak ill of PlayStation, but while games like Final Fantasy > > series might provide some truly awe inspiring full motion video > > sequences, the rest of the games seems to pale in comparison, not to > > mention the load time. What RARE, and many N64 developers are doing in > > this last few years of the N64's lifespan is pushing the limits of the > > machine to produce pseudo-FMV quality visuals in real-time. Its a > > compromiseI can live with, and for people who can't afford a DC right > > now, what the N64 is doing, especially in these highlight games, will > > truly give you a taste of what is to come! Dolphin anyone :) > > > > Wow, i can't believe I just wrote that. But its late, and I don't want > > to read some stupid academic texts i'm suppose to be doing, so I'm doing > > this. If you think I am acting strangely, blame it on university. > > > > Dexter > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > sx > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Harvest Moon 64 Date: 01 Nov 1999 17:47:49 -0800 I'm a big harvest moon fan. I got hooked after playing the Game Boy version This is one RPG all N64 fans will want to give a try Dexter [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] List alive? Date: 01 Nov 1999 21:44:20 EST In a message dated 99-10-31 21:27:29 EST, you write: > Where is this list? Everyone trick or treating? :-) > > Okay, is it me or are the character upgrades in JFG really lame? I mean, > Juno > looks okay, Vela still has nothing on, and Lupus is a damn tank. Maybe they > grow on you, but right now the characters look very lame. > > ~Matt Um, I've been trying to have fun with Crash Team Racing (rented) but not having any luck. It tries to be Mario Kart 64, but if alls sort on a few points; cornering isn't as precise, multi-player levels (battle mode) are bland, and besides Crash the charaters aren't very exciting. I've also beenplaying a lot of Gran Turismo since I bought a NeGcon. And, of course, still playing Horse in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (finally got all tapes & gold medals) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Amazing audio/visuals on JFG and Beyond! Date: 01 Nov 1999 21:48:22 EST In a message dated 99-11-01 03:16:44 EST, you write: > Not to speak ill of PlayStation, but while games like Final Fantasy > series might provide some truly awe inspiring full motion video > sequences, the rest of the games seems to pale in comparison, not to > mention the load time. We all know how you feel about Final Fantasy 8, just say it, it's less than spectacular. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Amazing audio/visuals on JFG and Beyond! Date: 01 Nov 1999 18:56:38 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-01 03:16:44 EST, you write: > > > Not to speak ill of PlayStation, but while games like Final Fantasy > > series might provide some truly awe inspiring full motion video > > sequences, the rest of the games seems to pale in comparison, not to > > mention the load time. > > We all know how you feel about Final Fantasy 8, just say it, it's less than > spectacular. Heheheh. Still having a blast with Anthology tho. Man, this is what Final Fantasy should be all about. Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Redbook & MIDI Date: 01 Nov 1999 21:58:05 EST In a message dated 99-11-01 03:16:44 EST, you write: > Its > obviously MIDI, the N64 can't do music any other way, short of > streaming off a mono track or an MPEG track. But with full dolby > support, only the flexibility and small memory requirements of MIDI > could have allowed JFG to support such variety and quality of sound on a > moderately large 256 megabit cartridge. But that's my informed > opinion. Without knowing the cartridge limitations, I can't tell the > difference between JFGs MIDI tracks from redbook or mpeg audio. You know, if you ask me, I think there's nothing wrong with MIDI for music over Redbook Audio. That's just my opinion. Especially when the MIDI is created so that it "reacts" to the current situation in the game, like in Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Need For Speed 3: Hot Pursuit (PSX). I'm not saying Redbook audio is bad, in some games it fits really well (for example Jet Moto, Sonic R, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater) but after playing a game so many times I find myself turning the music off (or wishing I could) and iumporting my own, but with MIDI that changes according to the situation I never find myself (or rarely) switiching off the music (retaining sound effects), re-routing the game sound effects through the TV speakers and turning on the CD player. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] List alive? Date: 01 Nov 1999 22:00:58 EST In a message dated 99-11-01 18:49:12 EST, you write: > I just noticed in JFG that the characters don't have joints in their > legs... so it looks like they move by 'bending' their legs like someone > would bend a piece of metal. > I bet that they don't have skeletons under their "skin" either, or accuarte lip syncing either. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Amazing audio/visuals on JFG and Beyond! Date: 01 Nov 1999 22:03:16 EST In a message dated 99-11-01 20:38:32 EST, you write: > I assume you're asking me which University I attend. Its Simon Fraser > University in British Columbia. Most well know for our electronic > engineering > programs. The V-chip for TVs was invented here. > > Dexter And you support such a place? Wait, I thought Al Gore invented the V-Chip, along with the Internet. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Redbook & MIDI Date: 01 Nov 1999 19:23:39 -0800 > > You know, if you ask me, I think there's nothing wrong with MIDI for music > over Redbook Audio. That's just my opinion. Especially when the MIDI is > created so that it "reacts" to the current situation in the game, like in > Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Need For Speed 3: Hot Pursuit (PSX). I'm not saying > Redbook audio is bad, in some games it fits really well (for example Jet > Moto, Sonic R, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater) but after playing a game so many > times I find myself turning the music off (or wishing I could) and iumporting > my own, but with MIDI that changes according to the situation I never find > myself (or rarely) switiching off the music (retaining sound effects), > re-routing the game sound effects through the TV speakers and turning on the > CD player. True. But you're more enlightened. MIDI has always been negatively attached to the blip and blops as well as the clearly synthesized material from the 8 and 16 bit days. The negative connotations remain, but what people have to remember that MIDI (at least the part i understand) uses sampled instruments to produce music. That is why SNES games have the same sound, because it has a soundchip which has samples of instruments that developers can use. The N64 doesn't have a soundchip, nor a chip that stores general samples, and some developers have just fallen down in terms of bringing good solid sound for the N64. The samples in JFGare very well done. There's even choruses. Its hard to tell if its a synthesized human voice, or a recorded one, although I am leaning toward synthesized. But sorry to disappoint you Trey, as far as I noticed, the music in JFG is not interactive, and if it is, its not noticable enough. One thing I give it credit for is the music is fitting and very cinematic, without appearinging like RARE is trying to make it sound cinematic. It flows naturally. I have had great fun co-ordinating my moves based on the music. Like waiting for the chorus to enter before opening fire etc. etc. :-) Dex > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Redbook & MIDI Date: 01 Nov 1999 22:19:31 EST In a message dated 99-11-01 22:17:16 EST, you write: > I have had great fun co-ordinating my moves based on the music. Like > waiting for > the chorus to enter before opening fire etc. etc. :-) > > Dex It's nice to know that I'm not the only demented soul that does that. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] List alive? Date: 01 Nov 1999 22:21:27 -0500 So it's basically DKR for the PSX? -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-10-31 21:27:29 EST, you write: > >> Where is this list? Everyone trick or treating? :-) >> >> Okay, is it me or are the character upgrades in JFG really lame? I mean, >> Juno >> looks okay, Vela still has nothing on, and Lupus is a damn tank. Maybe >they >> grow on you, but right now the characters look very lame. >> >> ~Matt > >Um, I've been trying to have fun with Crash Team Racing (rented) but not >having any luck. It tries to be Mario Kart 64, but if alls sort on a few >points; cornering isn't as precise, multi-player levels (battle mode) are >bland, and besides Crash the charaters aren't very exciting. I've also >beenplaying a lot of Gran Turismo since I bought a NeGcon. And, of course, >still playing Horse in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (finally got all tapes & gold >medals) > >Dave > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] CTR Date: 01 Nov 1999 22:25:12 EST In a message dated 99-11-01 22:23:47 EST, you write: > So it's basically DKR for the PSX? In a nutshell, yes, but without the sickening cuteness. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Redbook & MIDI Date: 01 Nov 1999 22:26:42 -0500 Except you can't have real voice in MIDI, which is a bit limiting. Plus with most console MIDI the processor can't handle that many voices *cough* no sound chip *cough*, so the music sounds very artificial. JFG seemed to do a good job of masking that. Also the lack of load times is fantastic. Like Dex said, JFG does some ground-breaking work in real-time cinema, it really helps you to see how annoying the FF load times are. -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-11-01 03:16:44 EST, you write: > >> Its >> obviously MIDI, the N64 can't do music any other way, short of >> streaming off a mono track or an MPEG track. But with full dolby >> support, only the flexibility and small memory requirements of MIDI >> could have allowed JFG to support such variety and quality of sound on a >> moderately large 256 megabit cartridge. But that's my informed >> opinion. Without knowing the cartridge limitations, I can't tell the >> difference between JFGs MIDI tracks from redbook or mpeg audio. > >You know, if you ask me, I think there's nothing wrong with MIDI for music >over Redbook Audio. That's just my opinion. Especially when the MIDI is >created so that it "reacts" to the current situation in the game, like in >Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Need For Speed 3: Hot Pursuit (PSX). I'm not saying >Redbook audio is bad, in some games it fits really well (for example Jet >Moto, Sonic R, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater) but after playing a game so many >times I find myself turning the music off (or wishing I could) and iumporting >my own, but with MIDI that changes according to the situation I never find >myself (or rarely) switiching off the music (retaining sound effects), >re-routing the game sound effects through the TV speakers and turning on the >CD player. > >Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Redbook & MIDI Date: 01 Nov 1999 19:37:15 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-01 22:17:16 EST, you write: > > > I have had great fun co-ordinating my moves based on the music. Like > > waiting for > > the chorus to enter before opening fire etc. etc. :-) > > > > Dex > > It's nice to know that I'm not the only demented soul that does that. No, it just means there is more than one demented soul out there. doesn't make you any less demented :-) Dex > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] List alive? Date: 01 Nov 1999 19:37:56 -0800 Eddy Wu wrote: > So it's basically DKR for the PSX? CTR's graphics look enticing, although, I'd probably get Raindbow Six or Winback instead. Dex > > > -----Original Message----- > From: > To: > Date: Monday, November 01, 1999 9:45 PM > Subject: Re: [N64] List alive? > > >In a message dated 99-10-31 21:27:29 EST, you write: > > > >> Where is this list? Everyone trick or treating? :-) > >> > >> Okay, is it me or are the character upgrades in JFG really lame? I mean, > >> Juno > >> looks okay, Vela still has nothing on, and Lupus is a damn tank. Maybe > >they > >> grow on you, but right now the characters look very lame. > >> > >> ~Matt > > > >Um, I've been trying to have fun with Crash Team Racing (rented) but not > >having any luck. It tries to be Mario Kart 64, but if alls sort on a few > >points; cornering isn't as precise, multi-player levels (battle mode) are > >bland, and besides Crash the charaters aren't very exciting. I've also > >beenplaying a lot of Gran Turismo since I bought a NeGcon. And, of course, > >still playing Horse in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (finally got all tapes & gold > >medals) > > > >Dave > > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > >[ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Redbook & MIDI Date: 01 Nov 1999 22:31:27 EST In a message dated 99-11-01 22:29:02 EST, you write: > Except you can't have real voice in MIDI, which is a bit limiting. Plus with > most console MIDI the processor can't handle that many voices *cough* no > sound chip *cough*, so the music sounds very artificial. JFG seemed to do a > good job of masking that. Also the lack of load times is fantastic. Like Dex > said, JFG does some ground-breaking work in real-time cinema, it really > helps you to see how annoying the FF load times are. Well you could dedicate some sound channels for real voice (or processor space for those COUGH systems withou sound chips). Wait, but the NES had games with voice in them, remember Blades of Steel? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Redbook & MIDI Date: 01 Nov 1999 19:49:25 -0800 Eddy Wu wrote: > Except you can't have real voice in MIDI, which is a bit limiting. Plus with > most console MIDI the processor can't handle that many voices *cough* no > sound chip *cough*, so the music sounds very artificial. JFG seemed to do a > good job of masking that. Also the lack of load times is fantastic. Like Dex > said, JFG does some ground-breaking work in real-time cinema, it really > helps you to see how annoying the FF load times are. Texturing is key. Watch some of the cut scenes with the Jet Force ships landing and its very hard to believe that its actually a polygon model. Also, the textures on them are well done. There are parts of the game where I know its a polygon model, but i can't seem to grasp the fact that what I'm looking at is so damn well rounded without a hint of angular polygons. Dexter > > > -----Original Message----- > From: > To: > Date: Monday, November 01, 1999 9:59 PM > Subject: Re: [N64] Redbook & MIDI > > >In a message dated 99-11-01 03:16:44 EST, you write: > > > >> Its > >> obviously MIDI, the N64 can't do music any other way, short of > >> streaming off a mono track or an MPEG track. But with full dolby > >> support, only the flexibility and small memory requirements of MIDI > >> could have allowed JFG to support such variety and quality of sound on a > >> moderately large 256 megabit cartridge. But that's my informed > >> opinion. Without knowing the cartridge limitations, I can't tell the > >> difference between JFGs MIDI tracks from redbook or mpeg audio. > > > >You know, if you ask me, I think there's nothing wrong with MIDI for music > >over Redbook Audio. That's just my opinion. Especially when the MIDI is > >created so that it "reacts" to the current situation in the game, like in > >Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Need For Speed 3: Hot Pursuit (PSX). I'm not > saying > >Redbook audio is bad, in some games it fits really well (for example Jet > >Moto, Sonic R, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater) but after playing a game so many > >times I find myself turning the music off (or wishing I could) and > iumporting > >my own, but with MIDI that changes according to the situation I never find > >myself (or rarely) switiching off the music (retaining sound effects), > >re-routing the game sound effects through the TV speakers and turning on > the > >CD player. > > > >Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Thornado Audio Date: 01 Nov 1999 19:59:01 -0800 Most of you have undoubtedly downloaded the Thornado Mpeg clip from ign64. While Factor 5 didn't say which console it is for, we know that it is not for N64, at least according to IGN64. That leaves, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2 or Dolphin. Taking note that Factor 5 refuses to let Sony or Sega license its propriety sound technology and want it for us only on Dolphin, it seems likely they will also produce tour de force game to show how MusyX and Mort technologies could be used for Dolphin. Anyways, you guys have any thoughts on the audio track? Dexter [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] JFG's downside Date: 01 Nov 1999 20:08:53 -0800 The manual was poorly designed. It was clear that it was rushed. Its informative, but it is utterly boring. You'd expect RARE to put in some artwork, but they just keep repeating the same one... eeek! dex [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Thornado Audio Date: 02 Nov 1999 15:11:08 +1100 At 19:59 01-11-99 -0800, you wrote: >Most of you have undoubtedly downloaded the Thornado Mpeg clip from >ign64. While Factor 5 didn't say which console it is for, we know that >it is not for N64, at least according to IGN64. That leaves, Dreamcast, >PlayStation 2 or Dolphin. Taking note that Factor 5 refuses to let Sony >or Sega license its propriety sound technology and want it for us only >on Dolphin, it seems likely they will also produce tour de force game to >show how MusyX and Mort technologies could be used for Dolphin. > >Anyways, you guys have any thoughts on the audio track? > >Dexter It was good from a technical point of view; lots of high quality instruments and some nice effects. However it's nothing I enjoy listening to. Even technically it was nothing mind blowing. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] JFG's downside Date: 01 Nov 1999 23:15:16 EST It's a manual -- since when have they been designed to be entertaining? I can't recall getting excited by a single manual. But on the thought of JFG, has anyone beaten Mizar? Talk about friggin' hard... Aldo Merino -Nintendojo EIC [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] JFG's downside Date: 02 Nov 1999 15:26:18 +1100 At 23:15 01-11-99 EST, you wrote: >It's a manual -- since when have they been designed to be entertaining? I >can't recall getting excited by a single manual. But on the thought of JFG, >has anyone beaten Mizar? Talk about friggin' hard... > >Aldo Merino >-Nintendojo EIC > The best videogame booklet I've ever read was the one that came with Unirally (Uniracers) for SNES. Very amusing I thought. Videogame booklets are part of the package. If something is worth doing, it's worth doing properly. There is no excuse for crappy booklets. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] JFG's downside Date: 02 Nov 1999 00:03:24 EST In a message dated 99-11-01 23:15:44 EST, you write: > t's a manual -- since when have they been designed to be entertaining? I > can't recall getting excited by a single manual. But on the thought of JFG, > has anyone beaten Mizar? Talk about friggin' hard... > > Aldo Merino What about the manual for Donkey Kong Country? "You're only reading this becasue you're bored!" Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] List alive? Date: 02 Nov 1999 07:00:50 EST In a message dated 11/1/99 9:23:47 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << So it's basically DKR for the PSX? >> I think if it was, Dave would've had to say something like,"It's a little more innovative than Mario Kart 64, with an overworld and some cool exploration elements, but it also tries to be DKR, and it just doesn't match up." It sounds like more of a mediocre attempt at Mario Kart. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Redbook & MIDI Date: 02 Nov 1999 07:06:17 EST In a message dated 11/1/99 9:32:03 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Wait, but the NES had games with voice in them, remember Blades of Steel? >> Yeah, that game was great. The voices didn't add anything, though, and sounded like old men talking through a static filled intercomm system. Since we're talking about NES games, what was your favorite NES game? If any of you want to know, mine is Mario Bros. 3. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: editor - hotgames Subject: [N64] - Coolnews Nintendo 64 Date: 03 Nov 1999 00:18:47 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS NINTENDO 64: Gamedate October 29, 1999 The newsletter of! BOO! Are you scared yet? Well you probably should be, or at least make me happy and pretend, because Hallowenn is here and there's never been a better time to stay indoors and play Nintendo games all day (that's the lamest excuse I've ever heard - Ed). Just take a look at the spooky goings on at your favorite Nintendo 64 web site... Ed. Today's Coolnews is sponsored by: ++++++ FREE SOFTWARE TO SPICE UP YOUR NET LIFE ++++++ You can be one of the first to send cool e-mail with heaps of multimedia content using your own COMPLETELY FREE copy of Siterave (5 minute download). With Siterave you can - Make and send Greeting Cards and Photo Albums. - Capture and send a web site to a friend - Capture online articles and web sites for offline browsing. +++++++ +++++++ FEATURE REVIEW - ARMY MEN: SARGE'S HEROES How completely frightening is the concept of your toys coming to life and blowing each other up in your backyard. Actually it's not frightening at all but we're going for a really tenuous Halloween link here. Anyway, this game has lots of fun shooting action, but don't put any money down until you read our new review! LATEST 5 NINTENDO 64 GAME REVIEWS: Jet Force Gemini: Lego Racers: Knockout Kings 2000: Jet Force Gemini: BattleTanx Global Assault: FEATURE EDITORIAL - A TRIBUTE TO RARE A quick look at will instantly tell you that we love Rare and everything they do! But who are they? What are they doing? What do they want with your garden gnomes? All is revealed (well, most of it anyway) in our well-done feature! CHEAT OF THE WEEK - JET FORCE GEMINI Rainbow Blood - Collect 100 ant heads to unlock the "Rainbow Blood" option on the cheat menu. Remember, strangers with candy are no good...strangers with Nintendo games are absolute legends! Cameron D. To unsubscribe to Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject field. Do you have friends who are also keen N64 gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Thornado Audio Date: 02 Nov 1999 09:52:30 -0500 I thought the music was very nice.. it was very, um, stirring, and I can imagine running around shooting things to it =) -----Original Message----- >Most of you have undoubtedly downloaded the Thornado Mpeg clip from >ign64. While Factor 5 didn't say which console it is for, we know that >it is not for N64, at least according to IGN64. That leaves, Dreamcast, >PlayStation 2 or Dolphin. Taking note that Factor 5 refuses to let Sony >or Sega license its propriety sound technology and want it for us only >on Dolphin, it seems likely they will also produce tour de force game to >show how MusyX and Mort technologies could be used for Dolphin. > >Anyways, you guys have any thoughts on the audio track? > >Dexter > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] List alive? Date: 02 Nov 1999 10:00:43 EST In a message dated 99-11-02 07:01:30 EST, you write: > I think if it was, Dave would've had to say something like,"It's a little > more innovative than Mario Kart 64, with an overworld and some cool > exploration elements, but it also tries to be DKR, and it just doesn't match > > up." It sounds like more of a mediocre attempt at Mario Kart. > -Eric- Actually I didn't even bother with the Adventure mode. I guess if you can't get enough of Mario Kart 64 and DKR then CTR would be a good game to get, but it's nothing new. I'll probably get it as a Greatest Hits next year, it's worth $20, but not $40. How's that? Besides, I spending too much time on Gran Turismo with this NeGcon, why didn't I get one of these years ago. This probably would have made Ridge Racer Type 4 worth keeping. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] NES games Date: 02 Nov 1999 10:06:58 EST In a message dated 99-11-02 07:06:51 EST, you write: > Yeah, that game was great. The voices didn't add anything, though, and > sounded like old men talking through a static filled intercomm system. > Since > we're talking about NES games, what was your favorite NES game? If any of > you want to know, mine is Mario Bros. 3. > -Eric- It's hard to narrow down, but any of the great two player Co-ops by Konami. Jackal & Life Force are probably my favourites. It's hard to choose one between Jackal & Life Force. Contra is also a worthy mention. But as far as single player games go then my favourite NES game is RARE's Wizards & Warriors. That game deserves a 64-Bit update. It's too bad it got worse as far as the sequels went. Iron Sword was OK, and Wizards & Warriors 3, hmm never really played it, came out after I got my Turbo Grafx-16. Wizards & Warriors X: Fortress of Fear for the Game Boy was downright horrible. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] Dave's Little Fun Device Date: 02 Nov 1999 15:55:15 -0500 > Besides, I spending too much time on Gran > Turismo with this NeGcon, why didn't I get one of these years ago. This > probably would have made Ridge Racer Type 4 worth keeping. > Dave Hm...hopefully I don't sound stupid, but what is a NeGcon? I can honestly and surprisingly say I don't know what you are talking about. Wes [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dave's Little Fun Device Date: 02 Nov 1999 16:08:10 EST In a message dated 11/2/99 3:57:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > > Besides, I spending too much time on Gran > > Turismo with this NeGcon, why didn't I get one of these years ago. This > > probably would have made Ridge Racer Type 4 worth keeping. > > > Dave > > Hm...hopefully I don't sound stupid, but what is a NeGcon? I can honestly > and > surprisingly say I don't know what you are talking about. > > Wes The NeGcon, as well as the JoGcon (?), is a controller for the PSX that has a wheel on it. The controller was developed by Namco specifically (one or the other) for use with Ridge Racer Type 4 or something like that but is also compatible with other controllers. Nuff said. * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dave's Little Fun Device (Namco NeGcon) Date: 02 Nov 1999 18:00:50 EST In a message dated 99-11-02 15:57:38 EST, you write: > Hm...hopefully I don't sound stupid, but what is a NeGcon? I can honestly > and > surprisingly say I don't know what you are talking about. > > Wes It's a specialty controller for the PlayStation by Namco. It mimics a steering wheel (actually PSX steering wheels mimic the NeGcon). The controller has a digital pad and seven buttons. It doesn't have L2, R2, or Select. What it does have makes up for those in spades. The controller is an analog (analogue) controller at its finest. The NeGcon twists at the center, like wringing out a towel, to simulate the effects of a steering wheel. Twist forward on the left side and you'll turn left, twist forward on the right side and you'll turn right. (Although I keep the right side netural and twist forward on the left side for left and twist backwards on the left side for right turns). But that's not all it does, oh no, there's more. The four face buttons, labeled I, II, A, B instead of X, Square, Circle, Triangle respectively also come into play. Whereas the A & B buttons are standard buttons, I & II are analog buttons, those are used in just about every racer that supports the NeGcon are (I) gas and (II) brakes. (On steering wheels like the Interact V3 the gas pedal is I and the brake pedal is II.) The L & R buttons are also analog, but I don't have any games that support those, alI suspect that perhaps Ace Combat 2 or even WipeOut XL uses those. All in all the NegCon is my favorite specialty controller ever, but since its uses are limited I put off buying one long ago. That was when they were $35 to $40 a piece. But now with them being $4.99 each I saw no reason not to get one (I got two). It takes a while to get used to the NeGcon but once you do you'll never want to go back to Dual Shock for racers. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dave's Little Fun Device Date: 02 Nov 1999 18:10:45 EST In a message dated 99-11-02 16:08:38 EST, you write: > The NeGcon, as well as the JoGcon (?), is a controller for the PSX that has > a > wheel on it. The controller was developed by Namco specifically (one or the > > other) for use with Ridge Racer Type 4 or something like that but is also > compatible with other controllers. Nuff said. > > * Eric * The JogCon has a wheel in the center of the controller for analog steering with force feedbcak (think coin-op Hard Drivin'), the NeGcon twists on its center without any force feedback. The NeGcon also has four Analog buttons but lacks L2, R2, and Select. The JogCon I'm not sure about it if it has analog buttons since I have never seen one besides the photo on the Ridge Racer Type 4 combo pack. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: [N64] List Archive Date: 02 Nov 1999 17:00:49 -0700 Back to March 2, 1999 at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Redbook & MIDI Date: 02 Nov 1999 19:04:12 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 11/1/99 9:32:03 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Wait, but the NES had > games with voice in them, remember Blades of Steel? >> > > Yeah, that game was great. The voices didn't add anything, though, and > sounded like old men talking through a static filled intercomm system. Since > we're talking about NES games, what was your favorite NES game? If any of > you want to know, mine is Mario Bros. 3. Jackal, Super Mario, Super Mario 3 Dexter > > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Elliot Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] Redbook & MIDI Date: 02 Nov 1999 20:08:12 PST Super Dodge Ball, SMB 2, Tecmo Bowl. Metal Gear was fun too... Elliot ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: wrote: > In a message dated 11/1/99 9:32:03 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Wait, but the NES had > games with voice in them, remember Blades of Steel? >> > > Yeah, that game was great. The voices didn't add anything, though, and > sounded like old men talking through a static filled intercomm system. Since > we're talking about NES games, what was your favorite NES game? If any of > you want to know, mine is Mario Bros. 3. Jackal, Super Mario, Super Mario 3 Dexter > > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: [N64] DK64 Date: 01 Nov 1999 23:49:10 -0600 How long exactly has Rare been working on this game? I sure hope the music is as good as it was in BK. Also, who is planning on getting this game? I am definately going to be there first thing on the day it comes out... oh yeah, anyone want to buy an expansion pack real cheap (hehehhh....) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Everyone Show Your love for the N64 Date: 03 Nov 1999 02:37:21 EST I don't write often on this mailing list, I would love to get more involved, I haven't had much time lately, but one thing gets me...When I check message boards and I look at sites, you would think that the N64 failed or something. True, it did lose out in total sales to the bsx..i mean psx, but 20 million units sold is a good amount of systems. I am new to the N64, but I love the thing to death. Can some people here just share with me your opinions on the N64, what it did right and wrong, and what you think of the future of nintendo. Not with rosey Nintendo colored glasses on, but what you really think will happen. I find this interesting! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Jet Force Gemini Date: 03 Nov 1999 02:39:26 EST Being new to the N64 scene, I passed up on all the hype for Jet Force Gemini, I have seen some posts on this mailing list about it, all of them good, but I have no idea what this game is supposed to be or how it plays. Can some of you give out little reviews on it for me. I mean, I was going to skip this one, but it seems to have me intrigued right now. I just wanted to know a little more before I spent my hard earned $$ to buy it! Thanks!! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] Everyone Show Your love for the N64 Date: 03 Nov 1999 06:47:39 -0500 We actually just did this a very short time ago. ;) Wes wrote: > I don't write often on this mailing list, I would love to get more involved, > I haven't had much time lately, but one thing gets me...When I check message > boards and I look at sites, you would think that the N64 failed or something. > True, it did lose out in total sales to the bsx..i mean psx, but 20 million > units sold is a good amount of systems. I am new to the N64, but I love the > thing to death. Can some people here just share with me your opinions on the > N64, what it did right and wrong, and what you think of the future of > nintendo. Not with rosey Nintendo colored glasses on, but what you really > think will happen. I find this interesting! > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] The best NES game Date: 03 Nov 1999 09:13:23 -0700 The Lone Ranger was by far the best game on the NES, I'm still kicking myself for selling it (sold all my NES stuff to buy my SNES). It had voice, every time you beat a level you would see The Lone Ranger on his horse (silver was his name) as he shouted " HI HO SILVER, AWAY" On Tue, 2 Nov 1999 07:06:17 EST writes: > In a message dated 11/1/99 9:32:03 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Wait, but the NES had > games with voice in them, remember Blades of Steel? >> > > Yeah, that game was great. The voices didn't add anything, though, > and > sounded like old men talking through a static filled intercomm > system. Since > we're talking about NES games, what was your favorite NES game? If > any of > you want to know, mine is Mario Bros. 3. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Everyone Show Your love for the N64 Date: 03 Nov 1999 11:40:48 EST In a message dated 99-11-03 02:37:58 EST, you write: > I don't write often on this mailing list, I would love to get more involved, > > I haven't had much time lately, but one thing gets me...When I check message > > boards and I look at sites, you would think that the N64 failed or something. > > True, it did lose out in total sales to the bsx..i mean psx, but 20 million > units sold is a good amount of systems. I am new to the N64, but I love the > thing to death. Can some people here just share with me your opinions on the > > N64, what it did right and wrong, and what you think of the future of > nintendo. Not with rosey Nintendo colored glasses on, but what you really > think will happen. I find this interesting! It didn't fail... completely, it just didn't live up to past expectations like the NES, Game Boy, and SNES. Mostly it had to do with Nintendo's insistance on using carts and the cost Nintendo charged third parties for using carts. CDs had more room for data and Sony & SEGA didn't charge huge royalties to produce games on their systems. The lack of a dedicated sound chip in the N64 (making music and sound effects take away from the N64's graphical powers) probabaly make things any more rosy for third parties. What the N64 did do is give RARE the opportunity to show the world that they are a world class developer. RARE carried the N64 through two Christmas seasons that without them would have doomed the N64. In 1997 RARE's Goldeneye and, although I hate to admit it, Diddy Kong Racing were the flagship N64 titles. In 1999 RARE's Jet Force Gemini (I don't care for it, but many others do) and Donkey Kong 64 will be the big N64 sellers whereas Nintendo EAD has nothing really to show. But it's not all RARE, there has also been a strong presence from Acclaim and Midway on the N64. If it wasn't for the N64 I don't think Acclaim could have got its thunder back. Konami, on the other hand, has made some pretty good games on the N64, but nothing mind blowing and some (Castlevania) that just stunk. They seemed to have saved their best designers for the PlayStation. Back to RARE though, I doubt that without their N64 pesesnce that Capcom would have commited to the N64. Sure Resident Evil 2 is old by anybody with a PSX, but it's still good to see them onboard, I hope the N64 RE2 does well so maybe there can be an original RE game on the N64. I'll probably get RE2 on the N64 in 2000, once I tire of RE3. Can't get enough Resident Evil. Also without the N64 there wouldn't be Factor 5's brilliant sound compression thingy, sorry if that's too technical ;), Mosy FX (or whatever they call it now). I can't wait to see how that could be played out on the Dolphin. But that's for another rant. The N64 isn't a failure, if it was I'd have boxed mine up long ago, or (gasp) even hae sold it. But if I had to choose to either have just an N64 or just a PlayStation it'd be tough. Even though I have more PSX games than N64 (28 to 7) and really don't see any N64 games I want this year it would be really freaking hard to part with Zelda. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] List Archive Date: 03 Nov 1999 11:47:25 EST While going through the lisy archive and my 494 odd messages I noticed something. What happened to Ogre Batlle 3? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 03 Nov 1999 14:12:34 -0500 (EST) ARE YOU KIDDING?! Super Mario Brothers 3 by far!! The only game that has eclipsed its brilliance is Mario64 On Wed, 3 Nov 1999 wrote: > The Lone Ranger was by far the best game on the NES, I'm still kicking > myself for selling it (sold all my NES stuff to buy my SNES). It had > voice, every time you beat a level you would see The Lone Ranger on his > horse (silver was his name) as he shouted " HI HO SILVER, AWAY" > > On Tue, 2 Nov 1999 07:06:17 EST writes: > > In a message dated 11/1/99 9:32:03 PM Central Standard Time, > > writes: > > > > << Wait, but the NES had > > games with voice in them, remember Blades of Steel? >> > > > > Yeah, that game was great. The voices didn't add anything, though, > > and > > sounded like old men talking through a static filled intercomm > > system. Since > > we're talking about NES games, what was your favorite NES game? If > > any of > > you want to know, mine is Mario Bros. 3. > > -Eric- > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > ___________________________________________________________________ > Get the Internet just the way you want it. > Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! > Try Juno Web: > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Jet Force Gemini Date: 03 Nov 1999 15:31:40 EST Very cool game indeed. This combines the controls of Turok and Goldeneye. Alot of huge levels. Three characters to play with. (Only one in the beginning) Smart enemies that you'll learn to hate very much. Awesome weapons that makes a big bang will be available for you to unleash on the insects. And buckets and buckets of bug splatters. The only problem I've had with this game is it's inconsistent frame rate. But it still moves at a pretty fast pace even in large areas. A must buy for action/shooter fans. I give it a 9 out of 10. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 03 Nov 1999 17:02:40 EST In a message dated 11/3/1999 11:17:24 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << Since > we're talking about NES games, what was your favorite NES game? >> Favorite Game?? that's a toughy...i have favorites in each category, puzzle = Wario's Woods, Racer = R.C. ProAM Platform = Ducktales Action = MegaMan 3 RPG = Battle Of Olympus Sports = Punch Out Sim = Top Gun fighting = TMNT 2: The Arcade Game those are my picks Peace Out C\SSgt Jason Frye [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 03 Nov 1999 17:07:05 EST Best NES game? I don't know, that's tough with SMB2, SMB3, Zelda and all. But I will never forget my play time with Wizards and Warriors, and I've been humming the music from Iron Sword: Wizards and Warriors 2 for the past two days. I just wish I knew what the other Wizards and Warriors games were like, as I've just recently heard about them. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 03 Nov 1999 17:11:46 EST In a message dated 11/3/1999 5:07:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << Best NES game? I don't know, that's tough with SMB2, SMB3, Zelda and all. But I will never forget my play time with Wizards and Warriors, and I've been humming the music from Iron Sword: Wizards and Warriors 2 for the past two days. I just wish I knew what the other Wizards and Warriors games were like, as I've just recently heard about them. >> EASY!! one word = EMULATION!!!! (this should be a good discution starter) What do you guys think of emulation?? Yay, or Nay?? Peace Out C\SSgt Jason Frye [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK64 Date: 03 Nov 1999 17:43:15 EST In a message dated 11/2/99 11:46:36 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << How long exactly has Rare been working on this game? I sure hope the music is as good as it was in BK. Also, who is planning on getting this game? I am definately going to be there first thing on the day it comes out... oh yeah, anyone want to buy an expansion pack real cheap (hehehhh....) >> Got it on reserve at EB right now. The music should be pretty cool. I think it was IGN that said the music on the DK64 promo video (if anyone on the list besides me got it) was in game music. It did resemble BK's music, so I'm not too worried. Besides that, it's RARE. How can it be bad? (don't answer that one with a "Well, it could be DKR." I think everyone knows how I feel about that game.) -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Everyone Show Your love for the N64 Date: 03 Nov 1999 17:56:43 EST In a message dated 11/3/99 1:37:58 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << I don't write often on this mailing list, I would love to get more involved, I haven't had much time lately, but one thing gets me...When I check message boards and I look at sites, you would think that the N64 failed or something. True, it did lose out in total sales to the bsx..i mean psx, but 20 million units sold is a good amount of systems. I am new to the N64, but I love the thing to death. Can some people here just share with me your opinions on the N64, what it did right and wrong, and what you think of the future of nintendo. Not with rosey Nintendo colored glasses on, but what you really think will happen. I find this interesting! >> Although we wrote about this numerous times already, I think that N64 would've been better off with CD's. Even if it had load times, it's CPU is faster than PSX. I hate the fact that something like this gives these PSX people at my school a reason to put the system down. One thing they did right was investing in RARE and making them a 2nd party player for their system. RARE is my favorite developer (since Goldeneye and DKR at least) and I'm glad that they still pump out all those great games. The next generation? Who can tell? Sony is the king of advertising, so they'll definitely build up a lot of hype for PS2. Of course, there's the matter of the $300 price tag that just seems like it won't be too attractive to many people. If Nintendo plays their cards right and gets a low price tag and packaged modem, I'm sure they would beat Sony. Oh, and there is also the matter of having the 4 controller ports, but then again, that's a given. I mean, seriously, I can't think of any developer that would be stupid enough not to include that feature. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Jet Force Gemini Date: 03 Nov 1999 17:59:04 EST In a message dated 11/3/99 1:39:58 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Being new to the N64 scene, I passed up on all the hype for Jet Force Gemini, I have seen some posts on this mailing list about it, all of them good, but I have no idea what this game is supposed to be or how it plays. Can some of you give out little reviews on it for me. I mean, I was going to skip this one, but it seems to have me intrigued right now. I just wanted to know a little more before I spent my hard earned $$ to buy it! Thanks!! >> If you read Dex's review of the game, there's not much more I can say than he already did. If you're still skeptical, rent it. Also, definitely give it some time. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Jet Force Gemini Date: 03 Nov 1999 18:04:56 EST Two words: MUST HAVE. This game is AWESOME. The one-player mode is deep and rich, with awesome graphics, sound, and gameplay. All the levels combined are bigger than Zelda; as big as at least 5 Super Mario 64s. The multiplayer mode has a wide variety of options and mode, although it's no Goldeneye. This is one of the greatest games I've ever played, plus there's a 3-D Mr. Pants in it. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] W&W Date: 03 Nov 1999 18:15:10 EST In a message dated 99-11-03 17:07:43 EST, you write: > I just wish I knew what the other Wizards and Warriors games were > like, as I've just recently heard about them. > There's four of them all together. Wizards & Warriors - NES Iron Sword: Wizards & Warriors 2 - NES Wizards & Warriors 3 - NES Wizards & Warriors X: Fortress of Fear - Game Boy Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 03 Nov 1999 18:16:58 EST In a message dated 99-11-03 17:12:30 EST, you write: > EASY!! one word = EMULATION!!!! (this should be a good discution > starter) What do you guys think of emulation?? Yay, or Nay?? > > Peace Out > C\SSgt Jason Frye But emulation discussion is not welcome on this list I believe. I have nothing against it though, for dead systems. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Nov. 23rd: Doomsday Date: 03 Nov 1999 18:19:26 EST Get your wallets ready guys: Turok Rage Wars, Harvest Moon 64, that little game, Donkey Kong 64 all hit your N64 on the 23rd, and Rare's Mickey Racing Adventure, Capcom's 1942 and Ghouls n' Goblins hit for your GBC on the same day. Anyone else sensing anorexic wallets? And I haven't even looked at the DC list...ack! Aldo Merino -Gaming Whore [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 03 Nov 1999 16:30:18 -0700 SMB 3 is a great game, but it's nowhere near TLR as far as "brilliance" goes. Have you even played TLR? There is a pretty good review at On Wed, 3 Nov 1999 14:12:34 -0500 (EST) "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." writes: > > ARE YOU KIDDING?! Super Mario Brothers 3 by far!! The only game that > has > eclipsed its brilliance is Mario64 > > > On Wed, 3 Nov 1999 wrote: > > > The Lone Ranger was by far the best game on the NES, I'm still > kicking > > myself for selling it (sold all my NES stuff to buy my SNES). It > had > > voice, every time you beat a level you would see The Lone Ranger > on his > > horse (silver was his name) as he shouted " HI HO SILVER, AWAY" > > > > On Tue, 2 Nov 1999 07:06:17 EST writes: > > > In a message dated 11/1/99 9:32:03 PM Central Standard Time, > > > writes: > > > > > > << Wait, but the NES had > > > games with voice in them, remember Blades of Steel? >> > > > > > > Yeah, that game was great. The voices didn't add anything, > though, > > > and > > > sounded like old men talking through a static filled intercomm > > > system. Since > > > we're talking about NES games, what was your favorite NES game? > If > > > any of > > > you want to know, mine is Mario Bros. 3. > > > -Eric- > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe > n64" ] > > > [ (without the quotes) to > ] > > > > > ___________________________________________________________________ > > Get the Internet just the way you want it. > > Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! > > Try Juno Web: > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" > ] > > [ (without the quotes) to > ] > > > > sx > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 03 Nov 1999 19:00:07 EST yo man u right punch out was a phat game---and gettin off the subject punchout for SNES was really good too...what do u guys think about the dreamcast and the rumers about N2000?? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 03 Nov 1999 19:16:45 EST In a message dated 99-11-03 19:01:10 EST, you write: > yo man u right punch out was a phat game---and gettin off the subject > punchout for SNES was really good too...what do u guys think about the > dreamcast and the rumers about N2000?? The Dreamcast is great. I love it. It needs more games though, but with Street Fighter Alpha 3 coming out in one week I'll be fine. But the games I can't wait for are Crazy Taxi (Feb 2000), Resident Evil: Code Veronica and Street Fighter 3. I just hope my DreamStation comes in soon. As for Dolphin, it's hard to get pumped about it with no concrete information. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 03 Nov 1999 18:54:54 -0600 no nono, the best NES game was Dragon Warrior III. My god, if I had a nickel for each time I played that game I could buy a house... a very small house... wrote: > > The Lone Ranger was by far the best game on the NES, I'm still kicking > myself for selling it (sold all my NES stuff to buy my SNES). It had > voice, every time you beat a level you would see The Lone Ranger on his > horse (silver was his name) as he shouted " HI HO SILVER, AWAY" > > On Tue, 2 Nov 1999 07:06:17 EST writes: > > In a message dated 11/1/99 9:32:03 PM Central Standard Time, > > writes: > > > > << Wait, but the NES had > > games with voice in them, remember Blades of Steel? >> > > > > Yeah, that game was great. The voices didn't add anything, though, > > and > > sounded like old men talking through a static filled intercomm > > system. Since > > we're talking about NES games, what was your favorite NES game? If > > any of > > you want to know, mine is Mario Bros. 3. > > -Eric- > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > ___________________________________________________________________ > Get the Internet just the way you want it. > Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! > Try Juno Web: > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] List Archive Date: 03 Nov 1999 18:55:33 -0600 Its still coming out to my knowledge. Damn I'm mad at Nintendo for delaying it. By the sounds of it, taht was a great game. wrote: > > While going through the lisy archive and my 494 odd messages I noticed > something. > > What happened to Ogre Batlle 3? > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 03 Nov 1999 17:52:59 -0700 Emulations---just got one thing to say...why would they make a " System" just for the games if they could make it in the pc, ding ding ding maybe because they dont work right...just think about it.. o ya i dont remember when i signed up for this mail list cause i sign up for almost every mailing list i see but never get the mails from then...But this iam really interested in so hi everyone.. -"nickname"-Rick [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] List Archive Date: 03 Nov 1999 19:54:22 EST In a message dated 11/3/99 7:53:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << Ogre Batlle 3? >>delaying what---i never heARD of tha game... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Jet Force Gemini Date: 03 Nov 1999 18:42:32 -0800 wrote: > Being new to the N64 scene, I passed up on all the hype for Jet Force Gemini, > I have seen some posts on this mailing list about it, all of them good, but I > have no idea what this game is supposed to be or how it plays. Can some of > you give out little reviews on it for me. I mean, I was going to skip this > one, but it seems to have me intrigued right now. I just wanted to know a > little more before I spent my hard earned $$ to buy it! Thanks!! It is an action game, a returning to the roots so the speak. Many 3-D games offer pretty graphics and 1 bad guy to kill. JFG throws tons of enemies at you, sometimes in confined corridors other times in wide open spaces. If you like a lot of shooting, jumping, and running, exploring, then this will be fun. Dex > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 03 Nov 1999 21:58:48 EST never played it...but i might buy it for 5$ because of all the hype... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] List Archive Date: 03 Nov 1999 22:14:20 EST In a message dated 11/3/1999 4:55:13 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << << Ogre Batlle 3? >>delaying what---i never heARD of tha game... >> I hope that you are being sarcastic. And anyways, if your going to slaughter words atleast don't screw up the spelling of the word the. Jeremiah [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: [N64] Metroid 64 Date: 03 Nov 1999 21:23:41 -0600 We haven't heard anything about this one in a while... Do you think it's ever going to be released? What are your expectations? Could it ever be as good as Ocarina of Time? Will it be the same without Yokoi-san? Should Miyamoto be directing the project (if he's not already; I've forgotten)? If and when it is out, would it possibly be the one final classic to solidify the 64's place in history in this console generation? Personally, I think nothing would be cooler than guiding Samus in her 3-D polygonal space suit with full analog control through rich cavernous levels filled with Nintendo's classic gameplay. Just imagine the bosses... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Metroid 64 Date: 03 Nov 1999 21:32:03 -0800 Armitage wrote: > We haven't heard anything about this one in a while... Do you think it's > ever going to be released? What are your expectations? Could it ever be as > good as Ocarina of Time? Metroid was never competition to Zelda. But with the move to 3-D, the two genres have sort of merged. At a lot of temples in Ocarina of Time are like giant mazes, which of course, Metroid is most well know for. But I'd expect Metroid for Dolphin (yes, it probably going there) to be more action oriented than a Dolphin Zelda, which will undoubtedly Top Ocarina of Time many times over in the "IMMERSION" department... > > > Will it be the same without Yokoi-san? Should Miyamoto be directing the > project (if he's not already; I've forgotten)? It probably won't be the same. But the people who work under Yokoi aren't dead, at least not yet. Yokoi, as far as I know, is an engineer, not a game designer. I think his involvement would have been preffered, but the project won't live or die without his input. I'm sure his friends will carry on. No, Miyamoto will probably not be involved with development. He's fast becoming the Walt Disney of Nintendo. He's moving back into the visonary position and letting new blood take over more and more of the directorial tasks even in his own EAD team. And I head they are hiring a crop of young programmers from companies like Namco.... hmmmm.... > > > If and when it is out, would it possibly be the one final classic to > solidify the 64's place in history in this console generation? It could still arrive on N64, but with Jet Force Gemini, I'm satisfied. Metroid will likely be a launch title for Dolphin. > > > Personally, I think nothing would be cooler than guiding Samus in her 3-D > polygonal space suit with full analog control through rich cavernous levels > filled with Nintendo's classic gameplay. Just imagine the bosses... Don't worry. Play Jet Force Gemini and get a warm up run before you take control of Samus. May the metroids be with you. Dekisuta :0) > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 04 Nov 1999 02:43:32 EST In a message dated 99-11-03 19:56:40 EST, you write: > no nono, the best NES game was Dragon Warrior III. My god, if I had a > nickel for each time I played that game I could buy a house... a very > small house... With two cats in the yard, life used to be so hard...? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The best e-mail program ever Date: 04 Nov 1999 02:46:31 EST In a message dated 99-11-03 21:59:55 EST, you write: > never played it...but i might buy it for 5$ because of all the hype... While you're at it, buy yourself a mouse, makes highlighting text you want to reply to a whole lot eaiser. C'mon, you're on AOL, the easiest E-Mail program in the world, even a drunk could use it. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Metroid 64 Date: 04 Nov 1999 02:48:28 EST In a message dated 99-11-03 22:27:06 EST, you write: > We haven't heard anything about this one in a while... Do you think it's > ever going to be released? What are your expectations? Could it ever be as > good as Ocarina of Time? > > Will it be the same without Yokoi-san? Should Miyamoto be directing the > project (if he's not already; I've forgotten)? > > If and when it is out, would it possibly be the one final classic to > solidify the 64's place in history in this console generation? > > Personally, I think nothing would be cooler than guiding Samus in her 3-D > polygonal space suit with full analog control through rich cavernous levels > filled with Nintendo's classic gameplay. Just imagine the bosses... I highly doubt there will be a Metroid 64. Dave --That's drunk talk... sweet sweet drunk talk. - Barney Gumble (The Simpsons) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Gumpei Yokoi Date: 04 Nov 1999 02:50:19 EST In a message dated 99-11-04 00:26:55 EST, you write: > Yokoi, as far as I know, is an engineer, not a game > designer. I think his involvement would have been preffered, but the > project > won't live or die without his input. I guess you didn't know that Gumpei Yokoi was the Director of Super Mario Land for the Game Boy. A great game for anybody who loves Super Mario Bros. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Metroid 64 Date: 04 Nov 1999 02:51:11 EST In a message dated 99-11-04 00:26:55 EST, you write: > No, > Miyamoto will probably not be involved with development. He's fast > becoming > the Walt Disney of Nintendo. Yeah, but did Miyamoto ever kill an owl? ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dekisuta Date: 04 Nov 1999 02:52:18 EST In a message dated 99-11-04 00:26:55 EST, you write: > Dekisuta :0) Dekisuta ????? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris Conway" Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 04 Nov 1999 21:22:51 +1100 hey, you know that the DC is 128MB, what's the Dolphin? I haven't heard anywhere the offical size of the Dolphin. It is because there isn't a memory card of that sort? What's the situation? Chris ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 11:00 AM > yo man u right punch out was a phat game---and gettin off the subject > punchout for SNES was really good too...what do u guys think about the > dreamcast and the rumers about N2000?? > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Metroid 64 Date: 04 Nov 1999 07:42:49 EST In a message dated 11/3/99 10:27:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << We haven't heard anything about this one in a while... Do you think it's ever going to be released? What are your expectations? Could it ever be as good as Ocarina of Time? Will it be the same without Yokoi-san? Should Miyamoto be directing the project (if he's not already; I've forgotten)? If and when it is out, would it possibly be the one final classic to solidify the 64's place in history in this console generation? Personally, I think nothing would be cooler than guiding Samus in her 3-D polygonal space suit with full analog control through rich cavernous levels filled with Nintendo's classic gameplay. Just imagine the bosses... >> I never heard Miyamoto say what system it was being developed for. He just said there would be another Metroid game for a Nintendo System. This could mean on GBC, GBA, N64, Dolphin or even SNES and NES if they wanted to. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Metroid 64 Date: 04 Nov 1999 08:40:08 EST [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Dreamcast and N2000 Date: 04 Nov 1999 08:49:29 EST I had a dreamcast, and I know a lot of people in here probably think I am stupid for getting rid of it, but in my opinion, I made a mistake. Yes, the N64 has cartriges instead of cd's, yes, nintendo releases less games. BUT, the games that nintendo releases are usually incredible epic type games, not epic in the RPG sense, but games that really draw you in, even if they are cute. I bet everyone wanted to hate Banjo-Kazooie because it was so damn cute, but the game was incredible. And I don't get the whole label of the N64 being a kids system, with games like Turok, Doom, Goldeneye, Mortal Kombat, Shadowman, Resident Evil, etc... Yeah, they make kids games, but if they didn't, then who would be playing games when we don't anymore? Nintendo is the disney of video games, when they release something, it sells, and it's usually gold. Everyone wants to hate them, but ends up loving them. Never bet against nintendo. The dreamcast is a 'stop gap' system. It came out too soon, believe it or not. Remember the Jaguar, it was a system that was brought out by a company that nobody trusted which had technology that blew away what was already out, but everyone was still into what was out, and knew that what was coming soon would eclipse it. I think that the dreamcast is the Jaguar2000. It may sell more, and deserves to sell more, hell, it may survive, but the real war is now nintendo and sony...And I truly beleive nintendo can pull the upset. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Justin Smith-Williams" Subject: [N64] Show love to your 64.I love it to death. Date: 04 Nov 1999 09:45:05 EST Can I get a Oh Hell No the 64 isn't or wasn't afailure.Yea sure it didn't sell 50 million like that other system but shoot 20 million also considering the circumstances they were in from the begginning is incredibile.The 64 saw many different people step up to the plate and show just how good they are.Companies like Acclaim, Midway, Ubi Soft, Sucker Punch, and ThQ and the companie that blew the entire gaming world away in 97 RARE.The 64 even saw Nintendo even step up to the plate.Prior to the 64 and RARE Nintendo didn't want to deal to much with that many American development companies but with the 64 Nintendo has put together themselve's a nice little team af developers over here like LeftField, Retro, Nts, Factor5, and continued support of RARE.Everybody claims the 64 is a "kiddie" system but I see it differntly sure it has it's Banjo's but I feel the 64 has a good selection of both cute and mature games:Turok2, Starfox, Shadowman, Resident Evil2,WCW/NWO Revenge, Turok Rage Wars, Mario 64, and Zelda just to name and these are games that are so good that I would sell my playstation.Yeah I know the playstation releases more games than the 64 but the way I see it that game or 2 the 64 releases last just as long as those 10 games playstation last in fact to me the station only has the Rpg's for me and I can only play them so many times over and over but the 64 games I can just go back to time and time again.Me personaly I have had more fun with the 64 more than any other system before and that's because of the awsome ond untouched splendor of ther multiplayer gems games like Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye, Revenge, Mario Party,and Smash Brothers to the also up and comig games like Donkey Kong64, Turok Rage Wars, the Xena fighter,and Wrestlemania 2000 the 4 controllers was just a brillant idea and I don't think I'm going to tire of my 64 any time soon in fact this holiday season I think I'll have a 64 gaming party.The 64 also provided me and will continue to do so with the greatest single player experiences ever with:Mario64, Zelda, Goldeneye, my favorite 2-d game Mischief Makers, Jet Force Gemini, Rayman2, Winback, and Donkey Kong64.Next year is also shaping up to be the best year ever for the 64 with the release of such potential hits as Zelda:Gaiden, Perfect Dark, Kirby, Mario RPG, Starcraft, Pokemon Stadium, and many others I can't think of at the moment I will enjoy my 64 to no end.This is also due to the fact that I just got a job and have been able to buy more games for it than any other system now I can go and pick-up some of the old classics Imissed and but all the good games coming out this year (there are over 30 coming out this month alone) I plan to have atlest 47 64 games buy the end of this year.Well that's how I feel about my 64. J.Smith The Great One The Don Juan Himself If You Smell What ColdJUCE is Cookin ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: editor - hotgames Subject: [N64] - Coolnews Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:20:48 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS: Gamedate November 3, 1999 The Newsletter of GRINS ABOUND! Well, it's hard to smile if you don't have any teeth after eating all that candy over the Halloween weekend, but that shouldn't stop you from being overcome with joy by today's Hot Games! Now is the perfect time to use your sugar- powered energies to get some quality time with your PC... Cameron D. GERMAN-SPEAKING GAMERS!!! Do you speak fluently in German? Can you seemlessly translate English text to German and the other way around? Are you a die hard gamer with a good knowledge of the games industry? If so, would like to hear from you! Email the Publishers and let them know all about yourself: THE LATEST AT 1. OMIKRON: THE NOMAD SOUL 2. TOTAL ANNIHILATION: KINGDOMS 3. DUNGEON KEEPER 2 4. AGE OF EMPIRES 2 1. OMIKRON: THE NOMAD SOUL So we have games about racing, games about sport, games about table tennis...but do we have games about David Bowie? Well, we do now, thanks to this brand new 3D adventure! Get down and dead with the thin white duke in our free playable demo! 2. TOTAL ANNIHILATION: KINGDOMS The long-awaited sequel to the majorly popular real time strategy epic is here on ready for you to download and play right now! So what are you waiting for, there's a new review for you to read! 3. DUNGEON KEEPER 2 The sequel to the most evil computer game of all time is here and we're giving away the free playable demo on the one and only! Has the magical formula been wrecked or have Bullfrog managed to make the best even better? Our review tells all... 4. AGE OF EMPIRES 2 Microsoft's award-winning blend of strategy and, uh, more strategy has gone and spawned itself a sequel, so of course we played the demo until the small hours of the morning and then reviewed it for you. How nice. Chomp chomp chomp... Cameron D. To unsubscribe to Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject field. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Nubbie 69" Subject: Re: [N64] Dreamcast and N2000 Date: 04 Nov 1999 09:54:47 PST I think you put that very well! ---------------- I had a dreamcast, and I know a lot of people in here probably think I am stupid for getting rid of it, but in my opinion, I made a mistake. Yes, the N64 has cartriges instead of cd's, yes, nintendo releases less games. BUT, the games that nintendo releases are usually incredible epic type games, not epic in the RPG sense, but games that really draw you in, even if they are cute. I bet everyone wanted to hate Banjo-Kazooie because it was so damn cute, but the game was incredible. And I don't get the whole label of the N64 being a kids system, with games like Turok, Doom, Goldeneye, Mortal Kombat, Shadowman, Resident Evil, etc... Yeah, they make kids games, but if they didn't, then who would be playing games when we don't anymore? Nintendo is the disney of video games, when they release something, it sells, and it's usually gold. Everyone wants to hate them, but ends up loving them. Never bet against nintendo. The dreamcast is a 'stop gap' system. It came out too soon, believe it or not. Remember the Jaguar, it was a system that was brought out by a company that nobody trusted which had technology that blew away what was already out, but everyone was still into what was out, and knew that what was coming soon would eclipse it. I think that the dreamcast is the Jaguar2000. It may sell more, and deserves to sell more, hell, it may survive, but the real war is now nintendo and sony...And I truly beleive nintendo can pull the upset. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Enix Date: 04 Nov 1999 15:50:35 EST IGN has their 'wish list' of developers they want to see on Dolphin. All the ones you'd expect like Square are there, but Enix is missing. Am I the only one that would like to see Enix develop for Dolphin? What is everyone else's opinions, and what developers do you want to see on Dolphin? This message will self-destruct in 3 seconds. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 04 Nov 1999 16:14:07 EST I would like to see Enix [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tetris Gameboy" Subject: [N64] PSX shortages this Xmas Date: 04 Nov 1999 15:22:25 CST Posted 04/11/99 5:03pm by Linda Harrison All work and no PlayStation -- make do with a dull toy Sony is warning that there will be shortages of PlayStations in the run up to Christmas. The Japanese manufacturer of the wonder console said yesterday it would not be able to meet demand during the festive season, according to Bloomberg. The statement came less than three months after Sony cut the price of PlayStations from $129 to $99, causing sales to rocket. Jack Tretton, a vice president for sales in Sony's US video games division, said the company had shifted more than 1 million of the consoles since the price reduction. "We're going to do absolutely everything we can to get product to the market, but it's painfully obvious that it's going to be hard to find on shelves this year," said Tretton. The US is expected to suffer the worst of the shortages. On Monday, Sony said it was expecting PlayStation sales to top $1 billion for the Christmas season. This was followed on Wednesday by rival Sega upping its own forecast of sales of its Dreamcast console from 1 million to 1.5 million by the end of 1999. Sony is spending $75 million during the fourth quarter on marketing the PlayStation by dishing out demonstration CD-ROMs at Pizza Hut and Tricon Global Restaurants. The PlayStation first showed its shiny face in 1995, and since then over 65 million homes have acquired one. ® ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] List Archive Date: 04 Nov 1999 16:29:02 EST mybad but i really never played or heard of tha game......what it be about? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Metroid 64 Date: 04 Nov 1999 16:31:14 EST first of all Orcania Of time Want all the hype was all about..but i have to admit that atfirst the game " Was " but never before i have seen a game which totally gets off the subject from gettin the triforce to just saving the princess...By the way anybody find the triforce yet????/ [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The best e-mail program ever Date: 04 Nov 1999 16:34:58 EST ok ok i i do have a mouse and ill remember to what do u think about he dreamcast? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 04 Nov 1999 16:37:09 EST ie like to hear something about dolphin too, i have on Question for u guys out there to confirm onre of my sources...when is the psx coming out? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Metroid 64 Date: 04 Nov 1999 16:37:49 EST GBC GBA...? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tetris Gameboy" Subject: Re: [N64] PSX vs N64 fights... Date: 04 Nov 1999 15:48:04 CST >I subscribed in July of 1997. And I am like 15th on the list of oldest >members. That was over two years ago. I subscribed when messing around on >Nintendojo I found a N64 Mailing List signup page. > >Wes Derek Kalweit first introduced me to the list, and I think I remember Stryder from back then too. I thought I joined on July 22, 1997, but looking back it doesn't make sense: I remember telling about my initial impressions playing the in-store demo of Star Fox 64 a few days before I bought it on July 2, 1997. A couple days before (American) Indepencance Day. There was a bad storm the night before and on my way to the store I saw several big trees knocked down. I also remember it was this list's hype that made me buy GoldenEye that August... otherwise I wouldn't have given it a second glance. Best thing this list has ever done for me ;) JUSTIN BAILEY ------ ------ known as Mike Meyer when I joined sometime in 1997. :) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Metroid 64 Date: 04 Nov 1999 16:56:23 EST In a message dated 11/3/99 9:27:06 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << We haven't heard anything about this one in a while... Do you think it's ever going to be released? What are your expectations? Could it ever be as good as Ocarina of Time? Will it be the same without Yokoi-san? Should Miyamoto be directing the project (if he's not already; I've forgotten)? If and when it is out, would it possibly be the one final classic to solidify the 64's place in history in this console generation? Personally, I think nothing would be cooler than guiding Samus in her 3-D polygonal space suit with full analog control through rich cavernous levels filled with Nintendo's classic gameplay. Just imagine the bosses... >> I'm betting on Dolphin with this one. Although, if it did come out for 64, I think that the ideal control style would have to be the one used in JFG. Anyone agree? -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 04 Nov 1999 16:57:42 EST In a message dated 11/4/99 2:51:11 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << What is everyone else's opinions, and what developers do you want to see on Dolphin? >> As long as they have RARE, I'm happy. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Metroid 64 Date: 04 Nov 1999 17:02:01 EST In a message dated 11/4/99 4:38:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << GBC GBA...? >> Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance This message will self-destruct in 3 seconds. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 04 Nov 1999 17:04:02 EST In a message dated 11/4/99 4:59:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << As long as they have RARE, I'm happy. >> That's what Nintendo thought for N64, and look, now we have a lot less games because of it. Nintendo and Rare won't keep the Dolphin afloat (Pardon the pun). This message will self-destruct in 3 seconds. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] PSX Date: 04 Nov 1999 17:04:08 EST In a message dated 11/4/99 3:37:57 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << ie like to hear something about dolphin too, i have on Question for u guys out there to confirm onre of my sources...when is the psx coming out? >> Estimation: negative 4 years. Help any? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Winback & PSX Date: 04 Nov 1999 14:20:51 -0800 (PST) On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 wrote: > Well, I guess this past month was an exception on the PlayStation. In the > first week there was Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, then in the second week there > was Final Fantasy Anthology, the third week saw Pac Man World, and the fourth > week saw Crash Team Racing, Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions, and Grandia. FFA sounds good. As for the rest... um, whats Gransia? that might be decent =) As for the rest, i couldn't care less =) I was interested in the Metal Gear solid things when i thought they would make a "super" game that included the original stuff. When i heard they nixed that idea, i decided not to bother. I got to play Metal Gear Solid at Crave, and although it seemed fairly interesting, it wasn't interesting enough to get once i'd already beaten it, and the expansion stuff wouldn't be worth too much without the original game. Static on your frequency Electrical storm in your veins Raging at unreachable glory Straining at invisible chains --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 04 Nov 1999 17:39:14 EST In a message dated 11/4/99 4:04:33 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << In a message dated 11/4/99 4:59:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << As long as they have RARE, I'm happy. >> That's what Nintendo thought for N64, and look, now we have a lot less games because of it. Nintendo and Rare won't keep the Dolphin afloat (Pardon the pun). >> The discussion for this mail was not what developers will keep the system going, but which ones you'd like to see. I know that Nintendo NEEDS more developers in the coming generation. What I meant in the previous letter was that "I" don't care what developers go to Nintendo, as long as there's RARE. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 04 Nov 1999 17:48:20 EST nintendo needs konami for castlevania and metal gear, capcom for resident evil and hopefully street fighter and dino crisis, midway for gauntlet legends and others, akklaim for turok, thq for wwf games, enix for rpg's, and rare for practically anything they put out. if they have this, they have a shot no matter what. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Clobie" Subject: [N64] IBM? Date: 04 Nov 1999 17:52:43 -0500 Did IBM ever market any voice recognition software for the PC...I vaguely remember a piece of software named ViaVoice, but do not remember who made it. My point is that although IBM will may not market any games for Dolphin, they could theoretically license out the viavoice technology engine to other Dolphin developers. I mean, isn't that the more Dolphins that sell, the more $ IBM makes from the gekko chips? And you could sell a lot more systems if you have "voicified" games.. Follow the white rabbit... SVN aka Clobie AIM: Clobie ICQ: 50214841 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IBM? Date: 04 Nov 1999 18:00:38 EST In a message dated 11/4/99 5:50:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << Did IBM ever market any voice recognition software for the PC...I vaguely remember a piece of software named ViaVoice, but do not remember who made it. My point is that although IBM will may not market any games for Dolphin, they could theoretically license out the viavoice technology engine to other Dolphin developers. I mean, isn't that the more Dolphins that sell, the more $ IBM makes from the gekko chips? And you could sell a lot more systems if you have "voicified" games.. >> There was an editorial at (Ugh) about it. You should go read it if you are nterested. This message will self-destruct in 3 seconds. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: Re: [N64] Dekisuta Date: 04 Nov 1999 17:57:46 -0600 At 02:52 AM 11/04/1999 -0500, you wrote: >In a message dated 99-11-04 00:26:55 EST, you write: > >> Dekisuta :0) > > >Dekisuta ????? > >Dave > I believe that is the Japanese pronounciation of 'Dexter'. >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Amazing audio/visuals on JFG and Beyond! Date: 04 Nov 1999 17:36:53 -0800 (PST) On Mon, 1 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > wrote: > > > In a message dated 99-11-01 03:16:44 EST, you write: > > > > > Not to speak ill of PlayStation, but while games like Final Fantasy > > > series might provide some truly awe inspiring full motion video > > > sequences, the rest of the games seems to pale in comparison, not to > > > mention the load time. > > > > We all know how you feel about Final Fantasy 8, just say it, it's less than > > spectacular. > > Heheheh. Still having a blast with Anthology tho. > > Man, this is what Final Fantasy should be all about. Hopefully they will be like that again. GIA has been posting a lot of character sketches and interviews and stuff over the past several months. There seem to be a lot of indications that FF9 will be heading back towards it's fantasy roots, and hopefully get that same old feel back to it. All of us get lost in the darkness Dreamers learn to steer by the stars All of us do time in the gutter Dreamers turn to look at the cars --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Dekisuta Date: 04 Nov 1999 19:38:05 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-04 00:26:55 EST, you write: > > > Dekisuta :0) > > Dekisuta ????? My Japanese alter ego. Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 04 Nov 1999 22:46:38 EST <<<< As long as they have RARE, I'm happy. >>>> No, no no, Rare's all fine and dandy, but i'm convinced that N64 would have blown the jock straps off of PSX if they had SquareSoft. and i think the same for the Dolphin, The Biggest mistake the big "N" ever made was not signing with SquareSoft Peace Out C\TSgt Jason Frye (i got promoted!!!) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 04 Nov 1999 20:05:37 -0800 Nintendo's VP of sales and marketing, Peter Main (a fellow Canadian I might add) spoke in a news conference yesterday. You can find the full text here But I want to focus on some interesting tidbits. Hope you guys will read through all the points because they are very fascinating. Peter: "We debuted the Nintendo 64 in the fall of 1996. Since then, it has sold very well in America. Over 13 million machines. But in those same three years, the 16-bit Super NES has sold through a very respectable four million machines. These coming in years six, seven and eight of its existence. " Heh, amazing eh? And that's not counting people picking up used SNES games for cheap. No wonder why so many videogame stores still sell popular SNES games for an arm and a leg. Peter: ,"Yet our industry tends to reduce support just when we've established big installed hardware bases and created millions of avid players demanding new games for their consoles. Specifically, there's something magical about a machine's fifth year on the market. The so-called tie ratios matching game sales to system sales in any given year have always peaked in year five. It was true for the genesis=85the Super NES, and is proving true for the PlayStation The Nintendo 64, which debuted here a year after the PlayStation, reaches year five next year. We expect our tie ratio, which grew to about nine games per hardware unit sold this year, to expand to the 12 or 13 to one range in 2000. For us, this year five, high water mark happily coincides with the best lineup of home console games Nintendo has ever produced." Translation: No Dolphin in 2000. Its getting clearer by the minute Peter "we have taken the appropriate steps to boost early game development for Dolphin. Our internal software resources have grown to incorporate the work of our teams in Kyoto, Rare in England, Retro Studios and Left Field in the U.S, and the work of our new Nintendo software development group at home in Redmond. " Well, it just means compnaies close to Nintendo are already starting work on Dolphin, but it also vaguely hints at Nintendo's hiring of new people to staff its expansion. --Dekisuta [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dreamcast and Genesis & Jaguar Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:22:05 EST In a message dated 99-11-04 08:49:56 EST, you write: > The dreamcast is a 'stop gap' system. It came out too soon, > believe it or not. Remember the Jaguar, it was a system that was brought > out > by a company that nobody trusted which had technology that blew away what > was > already out, but everyone was still into what was out, and knew that what > was > coming soon would eclipse it. I think that the dreamcast is the Jaguar2000. Many people said the same thing about the Genesis. The Jaguar died from lack of software support just like the Lynx. Damn those Tramiels. The Dreamcast came out earlier than the PSX2 and Dolphin, that doesn't make it less of a system. SEGA is still a major player, they understand that great software is needed to keep a system alive. The people at Atari Corp. (Tramiel) who released the Jaguar belived that stong hardware was all that was needed to keep a console alive. You'd think that they'd learn that lesson with the Lynx, but they are idiots, anybody who passed up distrobution rights to the NES isn't playing with a full deck. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:25:16 EST In a message dated 99-11-04 15:51:11 EST, you write: > IGN has their 'wish list' of developers they want to see on Dolphin. All the > > ones you'd expect like Square are there, but Enix is missing. Am I the only > one that would like to see Enix develop for Dolphin? What is everyone else's > > opinions, and what developers do you want to see on Dolphin? > I'd love to see Enix develop for the Dolphin. Heck, I'd like so an Enix game in America on any system, be it Dreamcast, N64, PlayStation, PSX2, or Dolphin. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] PSX shortages this Xmas Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:26:42 EST In a message dated 99-11-04 16:23:27 EST, you write: > All work and no PlayStation -- make do with a dull toy I wonder what that could mean. That could be read on so many levels. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] List Archive Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:27:15 EST In a message dated 99-11-04 16:29:40 EST, you write: > mybad but i really never played or heard of tha game......what it be about? PLEASE COPY AND PASTE WHAT YOU ARE REPLYING TO! Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:28:45 EST In a message dated 99-11-04 16:33:18 EST, you write: > first of all Orcania Of time Want all the hype was all about..but i have to > admit that atfirst the game " Was " but never before i have seen a game > which > totally gets off the subject from gettin the triforce to just saving the > princess...By the way anybody find the triforce yet????/ Yeah, in the sequel to Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. You get the Tri-Force after you totally destroy Ganon. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] silly question Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:29:41 EST In a message dated 99-11-04 16:37:57 EST, you write: > ie like to hear something about dolphin too, i have on Question for u guys > out there to confirm onre of my sources...when is the psx coming out? > The PlayStation is stated for an American release on Sept 9th, 1995. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Metroid 64 Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:30:04 EST In a message dated 99-11-04 16:38:35 EST, you write: > GBC GBA...? Game Boy Color Game Boy Advanced Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Metroid 64 Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:31:42 EST In a message dated 99-11-04 16:57:04 EST, you write: > I'm betting on Dolphin with this one. Although, if it did come out for 64, > I > think that the ideal control style would have to be the one used in JFG. > Anyone agree? > -Eric- > I think the game should remain 2-D with digital pad control. Give it a sort of Symphony of the Night update. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Winback & PSX Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:34:52 EST In a message dated 99-11-04 17:21:27 EST, you write: > FFA sounds good. As for the rest... um, whats Gransia? that might be > decent =) As for the rest, i couldn't care less =) > Grandia. a 3-D RPG (turn based) with 2-D characters. It's by Game Arts (they made Lunar) It came out on the Saturn in Japan in 1997. Haven't played it yet. Oh, and even if you don't care for skateboarding, give Tony Hawk a rent, it's one of the best PSX games this year, heck it's one of the best console games this year. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Everyone Show Your love for the N64 Date: 04 Nov 1999 21:35:54 -0800 (PST) On Wed, 3 Nov 1999 wrote: > I don't write often on this mailing list, I would love to get more involved, > I haven't had much time lately, but one thing gets me...When I check message > boards and I look at sites, you would think that the N64 failed or something. > True, it did lose out in total sales to the bsx..i mean psx, but 20 million > units sold is a good amount of systems. I am new to the N64, but I love the > thing to death. Can some people here just share with me your opinions on the > N64, what it did right and wrong, and what you think of the future of > nintendo. Not with rosey Nintendo colored glasses on, but what you really > think will happen. I find this interesting! Given that i'm running a couple of days behind on this list, this has probably been hashed over a lot, but i might as well throw in my two cents. The N64 had two big problems, it was cartridge based, and it didn't have enough third party support. Part of the second problem is probably due to the first problem, and part of it is probably the fact that Sony has a more liberal policy towards third party developers. The Dolphin is correcting the first problem by using DVDs, but the original choice is leaving a "legacy problem" in the fact that the Dolphin cannot be backwards compatible. and therefore will not have the huge starting library that the PSX2 will. This means that the second problem is going to be compounded for the Dolphin. If it has a starting lineup like the N64 did, it's going to be screwed. It needs a _big_ starting lineup, and a fairly regular release of games over the next few months. _If_ it can do that, then with the technological lead it will presumably have over the PS2, i think iit can take the lead in the next geenration. However even with a cartridge system it was still conceivable that the N64 might take the lead in this generation, but although Nintendo didn't exactly botch it, they certainly didn't do a stelar job either. If we need too much attention Not content with being cool We must throw ourselves wide open And start acting like a fool If we need too much approval Then the cuts can seem too cruel --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] mistajkes Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:38:08 EST In a message dated 99-11-04 22:47:13 EST, you write: > No, no no, Rare's all fine and dandy, but i'm convinced that N64 would > have blown the jock straps off of PSX if they had SquareSoft. and i think > the > same for the Dolphin, > The Biggest mistake the big "N" ever made was not signing with > SquareSoft It wasn't up to Nintendo to decide where Square went, so ppl don't understand what a 3rd party is yet. The biggest mistake Big N ever made was the Virtual Boy, carts on the N64 is a close second. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:39:29 EST In a message dated 99-11-04 22:58:58 EST, you write: > Translation: No Dolphin in 2000. Its getting clearer by the minute I have just one thing to say. Well, duh! Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris Conway" Subject: Re: [N64] PSX Date: 05 Nov 1999 16:50:52 +1100 The PSX2 is expected to be released March 15th in the US ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, November 05, 1999 9:04 AM > In a message dated 11/4/99 3:37:57 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << ie like to hear something about dolphin too, i have on Question for u guys > out there to confirm onre of my sources...when is the psx coming out? >> > > Estimation: negative 4 years. Help any? > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] PSX2 Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:53:11 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 00:51:35 EST, you write: > The PSX2 is expected to be released March 15th in the US I wish. They're going for March 4th 2000 in Japan, they'll get everything traslated before the 15th? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 04 Nov 1999 22:20:09 -0800 > > I'd love to see Enix develop for the Dolphin. Heck, I'd like so an Enix game > in America on any system, be it Dreamcast, N64, PlayStation, PSX2, or Dolphin. > > Dave Enix recently set up offices in Seattle. Dekisuta > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 04 Nov 1999 22:22:11 -0800 > > I have just one thing to say. > > Well, duh! Well, Nintendo has pulled surprises before. Conventional thinking said it won't go with DVD, conventional thinking said it won't update the Game Boy brand so soon after the release of Game Boy Color. None of the conventions were true. So while conventional thinking says they will delay, we can't write it off. But we can use hints the company gives us on its plans for 2000 to see if it will launch or not. Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 17:28:41 +1100 At 22:22 04-11-99 -0800, you wrote: >> >> I have just one thing to say. >> >> Well, duh! > >Well, Nintendo has pulled surprises before. Conventional thinking said it >won't go with DVD, conventional thinking said it won't update the Game Boy >brand so soon after the release of Game Boy Color. > >None of the conventions were true. So while conventional thinking says >they will delay, we can't write it off. But we can use hints the company >gives us on its plans for 2000 to see if it will launch or not. > >Dexter > I think there is a slight chance it may launch in Japan christmas 2000. The N64 is not in a good way there, Nintendo would want to release it's successor as soon as possible. Of course, although they may want to bring it out in 2000 their main problem is going to be getting the software ready. I think launching a console with no games may be a convention Nintendo wants to break. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 04 Nov 1999 22:40:58 -0800 Alex wrote: > At 22:22 04-11-99 -0800, you wrote: > >> > >> I have just one thing to say. > >> > >> Well, duh! > > > >Well, Nintendo has pulled surprises before. Conventional thinking said it > >won't go with DVD, conventional thinking said it won't update the Game Boy > >brand so soon after the release of Game Boy Color. > > > >None of the conventions were true. So while conventional thinking says > >they will delay, we can't write it off. But we can use hints the company > >gives us on its plans for 2000 to see if it will launch or not. > > > >Dexter > > > > I think there is a slight chance it may launch in Japan christmas 2000. The > N64 is not in a good way there, Nintendo would want to release it's > successor as soon as possible. Of course, although they may want to bring it > out in 2000 their main problem is going to be getting the software ready. I > think launching a console with no games may be a convention Nintendo wants > to break. They definately are going after third parties as ign matt pointed out. Dex > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 18:57:40 +1100 At 22:40 04-11-99 -0800, you wrote: > > >Alex wrote: > >> At 22:22 04-11-99 -0800, you wrote: >> >> >> >> I have just one thing to say. >> >> >> >> Well, duh! >> > >> >Well, Nintendo has pulled surprises before. Conventional thinking said it >> >won't go with DVD, conventional thinking said it won't update the Game Boy >> >brand so soon after the release of Game Boy Color. >> > >> >None of the conventions were true. So while conventional thinking says >> >they will delay, we can't write it off. But we can use hints the company >> >gives us on its plans for 2000 to see if it will launch or not. >> > >> >Dexter >> > >> >> I think there is a slight chance it may launch in Japan christmas 2000. The >> N64 is not in a good way there, Nintendo would want to release it's >> successor as soon as possible. Of course, although they may want to bring it >> out in 2000 their main problem is going to be getting the software ready. I >> think launching a console with no games may be a convention Nintendo wants >> to break. > >They definately are going after third parties as ign matt pointed out. > >Dex > Sure, but are the dev kits out yet? I don't think there is enough time to make games ready for a christmas 2000 release. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:13:47 -0800 > > Sure, but are the dev kits out yet? I don't think there is enough time to > make games ready for a christmas 2000 release. I'm not arguing the 2000 release. Didn't I just say its going to get delayed? Alex my man, you're too combative. Chill Dexter > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 19:23:12 +1100 At 00:13 05-11-99 -0800, you wrote: >> >> Sure, but are the dev kits out yet? I don't think there is enough time to >> make games ready for a christmas 2000 release. > >I'm not arguing the 2000 release. Didn't I just say its going to get delayed? > >Alex my man, you're too combative. Chill > >Dexter > Too combative?? Oh, I disagree! :) I think maybe I sound more hostile than I intend to be, but if I was following things correctly... You said Main's comments have made the delay clear; Then Trey said well duhh; You then said well before now there wasn't really anyway to tell if they'd make 2000 or not; Then I said well hang on, using the art of mathematics we could have known that there isn't enough time to make games for 2000. It's not an argument, just an exchange of ideas.:) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 00:32:21 -0800 > > > Too combative?? Oh, I disagree! :) :-) > > > I think maybe I sound more hostile than I intend to be, but if I was > following things correctly... > > You said Main's comments have made the delay clear; > Then Trey said well duhh; > You then said well before now there wasn't really anyway to tell if they'd > make 2000 or not; > Then I said well hang on, using the art of mathematics we could have known > that there isn't enough time to make games for 2000. > > It's not an argument, just an exchange of ideas.:) Well I guess. All I'm saying is that Nintendo can pull of things beyond our realm of understanding because we know so little. Chances are, it will be delayed, and today's announcements only reinforces that idea. However, to count out something completely, isn't right, and I'm ever more weary given Nintendo's recent surprise record. Dexter > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Edinam Konu Subject: Re: [N64] Dreamcast and N2000 Date: 05 Nov 1999 07:23:25 +0000 You the man! I absolutely agree with cha. Nubbie 69 wrote: > I think you put that very well! > > ---------------- > I had a dreamcast, and I know a lot of people in here probably think I am > stupid for getting rid of it, but in my opinion, I made a mistake. Yes, the > N64 has cartriges instead of cd's, yes, nintendo releases less games. BUT, > the games that nintendo releases are usually incredible epic type games, not > epic in the RPG sense, but games that really draw you in, even if they are > cute. I bet everyone wanted to hate Banjo-Kazooie because it was so damn > cute, but the game was incredible. And I don't get the whole label of the > N64 > being a kids system, with games like Turok, Doom, Goldeneye, Mortal Kombat, > Shadowman, Resident Evil, etc... Yeah, they make kids games, but if they > didn't, then who would be playing games when we don't anymore? Nintendo is > the disney of video games, when they release something, it sells, and it's > usually gold. Everyone wants to hate them, but ends up loving them. Never > bet > against nintendo. The dreamcast is a 'stop gap' system. It came out too > soon, > believe it or not. Remember the Jaguar, it was a system that was brought > out > by a company that nobody trusted which had technology that blew away what > was > already out, but everyone was still into what was out, and knew that what > was > coming soon would eclipse it. I think that the dreamcast is the Jaguar2000. > It may sell more, and deserves to sell more, hell, it may survive, but the > real war is now nintendo and sony...And I truly beleive nintendo can pull > the > upset. > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] NES games Date: 05 Nov 1999 04:38:39 -0800 (PST) On Tue, 2 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-02 07:06:51 EST, you write: > > > Yeah, that game was great. The voices didn't add anything, though, and > > sounded like old men talking through a static filled intercomm system. > > Since > > we're talking about NES games, what was your favorite NES game? If any of > > you want to know, mine is Mario Bros. 3. > > -Eric- Thats really tough to call For RPGs, Final Fantasy and Crystalis would be at the top of the list. Legacy of the Wizard is about the hardest adventure game i've ever played on any system =) All of us get lost in the darkness Dreamers learn to steer by the stars All of us do time in the gutter Dreamers turn to look at the cars --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 05 Nov 1999 04:52:58 -0800 (PST) On Thu, 4 Nov 1999 wrote: > I would like to see Enix Plane fare to japan is a tad expensive, but if that's what you really want, go for it! ;) Hold the flame til the dream ignites A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 05:10:17 -0800 (PST) On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, Alex wrote: > > Too combative?? Oh, I disagree! :) > > I think maybe I sound more hostile than I intend to be, but if I was > following things correctly... > > You said Main's comments have made the delay clear; > Then Trey said well duhh; > You then said well before now there wasn't really anyway to tell if they'd > make 2000 or not; > Then I said well hang on, using the art of mathematics we could have known > that there isn't enough time to make games for 2000. That's not quite true. If a team was well organized and worked hard, they could get a game out in less than a year. It wouldn't be a huge game, given that the programers would have had to learn the system while programing the game, they would not be the best the system could do (but then, what first gen games are?) but if nintendo got the dev kits out to some well motivated companies by january or febuary, they could launch in December 2000 with games. I'm not sure if that would be the wisest of ideas, but it would be possible. It's the motor of the western world Spinning off to every extreme Pure as a lover's desire Evil as a murderer's dream --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 08:17:36 EST In a message dated 11/05/1999 8:10:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << You said Main's comments have made the delay clear; > Then Trey said well duhh; > You then said well before now there wasn't really anyway to tell if they'd > make 2000 or not; > Then I said well hang on, using the art of mathematics we could have known > that there isn't enough time to make games for 2000. That's not quite true. If a team was well organized and worked hard, they could get a game out in less than a year. It wouldn't be a huge game, given that the programers would have had to learn the system while programing the game, they would not be the best the system could do (but then, what first gen games are?) but if nintendo got the dev kits out to some well motivated companies by january or febuary, they could launch in December 2000 with games. I'm not sure if that would be the wisest of ideas, but it would be possible. >> maybe they stated it at another time or something, and i am totally wrong, but how does anyone know if the developers don't already have development kits and just have to keep it quiet. nintendo is known for secrets and surprises. i mean that company factor 5 has already released the music for the first level of their dolphin game thornado. how do we know that they already haven't finished programming the first level. you never know with nintendo, they are unpredictable. more than likely the system will be delayed, but... just because they are making "official" announcements now, doesn't mean that the insiders haven't had the scoop for a while. i could be wrong, so don't kill me. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 06:11:30 -0800 (PST) On Fri, 5 Nov 1999 wrote: > maybe they stated it at another time or something, and i am totally wrong, > but how does anyone know if the developers don't already have development > kits and just have to keep it quiet. nintendo is known for secrets and > surprises. i mean that company factor 5 has already released the music for > the first level of their dolphin game thornado. how do we know that they > already haven't finished programming the first level. you never know with > nintendo, they are unpredictable. more than likely the system will be > delayed, but... just because they are making "official" announcements now, > doesn't mean that the insiders haven't had the scoop for a while. i could be > wrong, so don't kill me. Out of boredom at 5:30 in the morning, i'm going to try and work this out in as much detail as i can, given that i actually know very little =) According to IGN, Acclaim claims to have the "tools, game engines and other technologies for next generation consoles like the PS2 and Dolphin." So there may be dev kits out there. And theoretically, Nintendo could have been planing some super secretive coup that last few months. They could have started recruting companies in July or August under cover of darkness, and made deals for them to start producing games for the launch in 2000. However we're not hearing about the dev kits now, we were hearing about them in october, if there was a secret agreement, Acclaim seems to have no qualms in breaking it, so why didn't we hear about them earlier? Fine, the devkits just came out, but Nintendo made a deal with these companies back in July, and they've been working on stuff like storylines, character design, 3D modeling, and pseudocode, so they're all primed and ready to get the dev kits and get a game out in 13 months. So how many games is the Dolphin going to launch with? A half dozen games at launch certainly wouldn't be excesive, and another half dozen over the next three or four months would be at least decent. So there would have to be about a dozen companies working on these games. And we've heard form Acclaim and, um, well, Acclaim. Good job Nintendo! You've managed to keep hundreds of people on a dozen different teams in as many companies completly silent about what they're working on without leaking a single word. Accept for Acclaim which released a press statement talking about it. THis sounds really likely =) Oh, and this company that already has the "tools" and has already started working on the games plans on having it's games ready for Dolphin's launch. Those games are right on schedule for completion on 2001. Say what? =) Of course i suppose it is within the realm of possibility (though probably not feasability) that Acclaim is the sacrificial lamb, while the _twelve_ companies more important and better equiped than Acclaim are hard at work behind their leak-proof shields, and will be ready for that Christmas 2000 release =) If we need too much attention Not content with being cool We must throw ourselves wide open And start acting like a fool If we need too much approval Then the cuts can seem too cruel --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 05 Nov 1999 11:02:33 EST In a message dated 11/4/99 4:49:02 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << capcom for resident evil and hopefully street fighter and dino crisis >> Don't leave out Mega Man. Before Pokemon, Mega Man was my favorite video game franchise. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 05 Nov 1999 11:10:04 EST In a message dated 11/4/99 9:47:13 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << <<<< As long as they have RARE, I'm happy. >>>> No, no no, Rare's all fine and dandy, but i'm convinced that N64 would have blown the jock straps off of PSX if they had SquareSoft. and i think the same for the Dolphin, The Biggest mistake the big "N" ever made was not signing with SquareSoft >> Let me repeat myself. This is not about what developer will blow away the competition. I know that Nintendo needs many developers (especially Square), but as long as I know RARE is with Nintendo, I'm fine with it. They can sign up as many developers as they need to blow away the competition. The only one "I" really pay attention to is RARE. -Eric- hates repeating himself. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 05 Nov 1999 11:18:58 EST In a message dated 11/4/99 11:29:35 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Yeah, in the sequel to Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. You get the Tri-Force after you totally destroy Ganon. >> Actually, The Legend of Zelda came after Ocarina of Time chronologically. In OoT, the Triforce was split, which explains why it was in the separate pieces in the original. Somewhere before A Link to the Past, it was put back together. I'm hoping that the next Zelda game (after Gaiden), tells how it was put back together. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Metroid 64 Date: 05 Nov 1999 11:21:42 EST In a message dated 11/4/99 11:32:22 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I think the game should remain 2-D with digital pad control. Give it a sort of Symphony of the Night update. Dave >> I thought of that possibility too. Whatever, as long as it's a cool game, I'll be happy. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 11:32:26 EST In a message dated 11/5/99 2:25:33 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << However, to count out something completely, isn't right, and I'm ever more weary given Nintendo's recent surprise record. >> To quote surprises, just think back to early this year when RARE unveiled DK. Now that's what I call surprising. (I know. It's not exactly a Nintendo surprise, but I assume they had to know something about it.) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: [N64] Will Dolphin Online be ready Date: 05 Nov 1999 13:45:54 -0500 (EST) I don't trust Nintendo anymore when it comes to having good timing in delivering software and hardware. Of course the reasons are good but wouldn't it have been cool to have 3 RARE games before Christmas. Wouldn't it be cool to have Dolphin Online to be better than PS2Online or DCOnline...Peter Main hinted that Nintendo is focusing more on 2-4 player online games instead of having 100 people duking it out. I just hope they'll be ready at the most 3 months after launch and not make us wait a year or two before it arrives(RPG equivalent). It would even be better if DolphinOnline came up at launch. On Fri, 5 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/5/99 2:25:33 AM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << However, to count out something > completely, isn't right, and I'm ever more weary given Nintendo's recent > surprise > record. >> > > > To quote surprises, just think back to early this year when RARE unveiled DK. > Now that's what I call surprising. (I know. It's not exactly a Nintendo > surprise, but I assume they had to know something about it.) > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Will Dolphin Online be ready Date: 05 Nov 1999 12:39:27 -0800 (PST) On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr. wrote: > I don't trust Nintendo anymore when it comes to having good timing > in delivering software and > hardware. Of course the reasons are good but wouldn't it have been cool to > have 3 RARE games before Christmas. Wouldn't it be cool to have Dolphin > Online to be better than PS2Online or DCOnline...Peter Main hinted that > Nintendo is focusing more on 2-4 player online games instead of having 100 > people duking it out. I just hope they'll be ready at the most 3 months > after launch and not make us wait a year or two before it arrives(RPG > equivalent). It would even be better if DolphinOnline came up at launch. Adter discovring that there are now a lot OF BBSs nowdays that you can actually telnet to, i've been having a lot of fun rediscovering the joys of BBS door games =) I would actually like Nintendo to be able to recreate en environment like that, though i'm not sure what the best way of doing so would be. Clearly you would need some kind of organization on the level of BBSs, some kind of server you could call up to. I'm not sure how the games themselves would work, id you would buy complete games at forty or fifty dollars per, or if you would get collections of simple games all on one disk, or if you eould have to register to play each game online for a fee. Of course given the focus on graphics the Dolphin is going to have, they'd never make games like the real doro games, and i'd probably end up disapointed with whatever they came out with. However if they sold a disk with BRE, TW2002, FE, Pit, and a couple other games like that, all in basically text format with somegraphical buttons to repalce the keys you normall yhave to press, i would snatch it up in an instant. One question for this and a lot of other online games, is how are players going to communicate with each other? Will they make a keyboard so people can type messages? Will they have microphones and good compresion so you can just talk to the others? (This would work well for realtime games, but not turn based ones like i was thinking of) What does everyone else think about this? If we need too much attention Not content with being cool We must throw ourselves wide open And start acting like a fool If we need too much approval Then the cuts can seem too cruel --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Clobie" Subject: Re: [N64] IBM? Date: 05 Nov 1999 15:59:50 -0500 << Did IBM ever market any voice recognition software for the PC...I vaguely remember a piece of software named ViaVoice, but do not remember who made it. My point is that although IBM will may not market any games for Dolphin, they could theoretically license out the viavoice technology engine to other Dolphin developers. I mean, isn't that the more Dolphins that sell, the more $ IBM makes from the gekko chips? And you could sell a lot more systems if you have "voicified" games.. >> <> __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Clobie" Subject: Re: [N64] Everyone Show Your love for the Date: 05 Nov 1999 16:05:42 -0500 <> It may not be as big as backward compatibilty, but Dolphin probably would have a GB adaptor released soon sometime in its life span. I'm hoping it will be somehow built into the unit... Follow the white rabbit... SVN aka Clobie AIM: Clobie ICQ: 50214841 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Goelzer Subject: RE: [N64] Will Dolphin Online be ready Date: 05 Nov 1999 15:12:23 -0600 Oh, please. Don't give them any (bad) ideas. Using your Dolphin + modem to play BBS text games would be even sillier than playing Hangman on an Atari 2600 (yes, there really was a Hangman cart). As long as they use that S3 texture-compression technology to render the text, maybe it'd be cool... nah... JG -----Original Message----- Sent: Friday, November 05, 1999 2:39 PM Of course given the focus on graphics the Dolphin is going to have, they'd never make games like the real doro games, and i'd probably end up disapointed with whatever they came out with. However if they sold a disk with BRE, TW2002, FE, Pit, and a couple other games like that, all in basically text format with somegraphical buttons to repalce the keys you normall yhave to press, i would snatch it up in an instant. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] NES games Date: 05 Nov 1999 16:40:18 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 07:39:06 EST, you write: > Legacy of the Wizard is about the hardest adventure game i've ever played > on any system =) > Legacy of the Wizard only got tough (I think) when you had to play as the father. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 05 Nov 1999 16:55:47 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 11:21:55 EST, you write: > Actually, The Legend of Zelda came after Ocarina of Time chronologically. > In > OoT, the Triforce was split, which explains why it was in the separate > pieces > in the original. Somewhere before A Link to the Past, it was put back > together. I'm hoping that the next Zelda game (after Gaiden), tells how it > was put back together. > I guess you could look at it that way. But I think that witle Zelda 1 and 2 are nice games, they really don't add much to the story, but more like different takes on the same theme. At the end of Zelda 5 Ganon, with the Triforce of Power in his possession, in the Sacred Realm, which Princess Zelda calls the "Evil Ream". I believe that with the Triforce of Power Ganon shapes the Sacred Realm into the Dark World. Later on in Zelda 3 Ganon is trying to kill off the decendants of the seven sages, the ones who sealed him in the Dark World. Doing this through his doppelganger Aghanim (sp?) he is able to trap the seven girls (Zelda included) in crystals (Like in Zelda 5) but not destoy them. (Why, I don't know). Ganon had also attained all three pieces of the Tri-Force. He started off with Power. But where did the other two come from? My guess is that the decendants of Link & Zelda (from Zelda 5); namely the King of Hyrule and Link's Uncle had them. And when they died Aghanim sent the pieces to the Dark World, or they entered themselves. I'm not sure which is right. Then the complete Tri-Force is yours after you totally destroy Ganon in the Dark World. That's how I see it. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 16:56:51 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 11:33:21 EST, you write: > To quote surprises, just think back to early this year when RARE unveiled DK. > > Now that's what I call surprising. (I know. It's not exactly a Nintendo > surprise, but I assume they had to know something about it.) But somehow I want surprised, somehow I knew RARE had been working on a DK game for just about ever. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Will Dolphin Online be ready Date: 05 Nov 1999 16:58:53 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 13:46:54 EST, you write: > Wouldn't it be cool to have Dolphin > Online to be better than PS2Online or DCOnline...Peter Main hinted that > Nintendo is focusing more on 2-4 player online games instead of having 100 > people duking it out. I just hope they'll be ready at the most 3 months > after launch and not make us wait a year or two before it arrives(RPG > equivalent). It would even be better if DolphinOnline came up at launch. > It'd be really easy to be better than the Dreamcast Network, the way it is currently. Gee, hope there will be a Thanksgiving, and Christmas theme for Station Square. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 16:59:32 EST In a message dated 11/5/99 4:57:33 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << > To quote surprises, just think back to early this year when RARE unveiled DK. > > Now that's what I call surprising. (I know. It's not exactly a Nintendo > surprise, but I assume they had to know something about it.) But somehow I want surprised, somehow I knew RARE had been working on a DK game for just about ever. >> Just like KI3, eh? =) This message will self-destruct in 3 seconds. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Will Dolphin Online be ready Date: 05 Nov 1999 17:00:40 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 15:40:06 EST, you write: > Of course given the focus on graphics the Dolphin is going to have, they'd > never make games like the real doro games, and i'd probably end up > disapointed with whatever they came out with. However if they sold a disk > with BRE, TW2002, FE, Pit, and a couple other games like that, all in > basically text format with somegraphical buttons to repalce the keys you > normall yhave to press, i would snatch it up in an instant. > Yeah, Legend of the Red Dragon would be so nice on the Dolphin. Actually with 128-Bit graphics and a 3-D world it'd be pretty cool. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Will Dolphin Online be ready Date: 05 Nov 1999 17:01:51 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 15:40:06 EST, you write: > One question for this and a lot of other online games, is how are players > going to communicate with each other? Will they make a keyboard so people > can type messages? Will they have microphones and good compresion so you > can just talk to the others? (This would work well for realtime games, but > not turn based ones like i was thinking of) What does everyone else think > about this? > I'd say a keyboard would be the way to go. Anybody can type fast with two figers if they have to. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Everyone Show Your love for the Date: 05 Nov 1999 17:03:53 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 16:03:53 EST, you write: > It may not be as big as backward compatibilty, but Dolphin probably would > have a GB adaptor released soon sometime in its life span. I'm hoping it > will be somehow built into the unit... > > > Follow the white rabbit... You know, given Nintendo's history I don't see that happening. The Super Game Boy is cool, why doesn't Nintendo make a Game Boy Color 64 device? Remember the Wide Boy Color IGN64 showed? Why doesn't Nintendo mass market that? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bob Rollybug" Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 05 Nov 1999 16:03:59 CST ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: In a message dated 99-11-05 11:21:55 EST, you write: > Actually, The Legend of Zelda came after Ocarina of Time chronologically. > In > OoT, the Triforce was split, which explains why it was in the separate > pieces > in the original. Somewhere before A Link to the Past, it was put back > together. I'm hoping that the next Zelda game (after Gaiden), tells how it > was put back together. > I guess you could look at it that way. But I think that witle Zelda 1 and 2 are nice games, they really don't add much to the story, but more like different takes on the same theme. At the end of Zelda 5 Ganon, with the Triforce of Power in his possession, in the Sacred Realm, which Princess Zelda calls the "Evil Ream". I believe that with the Triforce of Power Ganon shapes the Sacred Realm into the Dark World. Later on in Zelda 3 Ganon is trying to kill off the decendants of the seven sages, the ones who sealed him in the Dark World. Doing this through his doppelganger Aghanim (sp?) he is able to trap the seven girls (Zelda included) in crystals (Like in Zelda 5) but not destoy them. (Why, I don't know). Ganon had also attained all three pieces of the Tri-Force. He started off with Power. But where did the other two come from? My guess is that the decendants of Link & Zelda (from Zelda 5); namely the King of Hyrule and Link's Uncle had them. And when they died Aghanim sent the pieces to the Dark World, or they entered themselves. I'm not sure which is right. Then the complete Tri-Force is yours after you totally destroy Ganon in the Dark World. That's how I see it. Dave Is it just me or does that stuff about the tri-force being hidden in OoT a bunch of bull? (It would be cool though...) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Will Dolphin Online be ready Date: 05 Nov 1999 17:05:40 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 16:13:07 EST, you write: > Oh, please. Don't give them any (bad) ideas. Using your Dolphin + modem to > play BBS text games would be even sillier than playing Hangman on an Atari > 2600 (yes, there really was a Hangman cart). > Really? I only have Hangman on Cassette for my Atari 410 Program Recorder, hooked up to my Atari 1200XL. I also have States & Capitals, that ruled. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 05 Nov 1999 17:08:10 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 17:04:29 EST, you write: > Is it just me or does that stuff about the tri-force being hidden in OoT a > bunch of bull? The tri-force isn't hidden in Zelda 5. It's in plain sight. It's on Ganondorf's hand, Link's hand, and Zelda's hand. Try playing with your eyes open. Everytime I play Zelda 5 I always manage to get the Tri-Force of Courage. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: [N64] The best NES game Date: 05 Nov 1999 17:09:47 -0500 (EST) Man I loved my NES! Actually though, the SNES had more great games even though I never owned a SNES and have played only a few of the games..i hear great things about it *sad* On Wed, 3 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-03 19:01:10 EST, you write: > > > yo man u right punch out was a phat game---and gettin off the subject > > punchout for SNES was really good too...what do u guys think about the > > dreamcast and the rumers about N2000?? > > The Dreamcast is great. I love it. It needs more games though, but with > Street Fighter Alpha 3 coming out in one week I'll be fine. But the games I > can't wait for are Crazy Taxi (Feb 2000), Resident Evil: Code Veronica and > Street Fighter 3. I just hope my DreamStation comes in soon. > > As for Dolphin, it's hard to get pumped about it with no concrete information. > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 17:28:20 -0500 OK, it's maybe feasible that some companies will have Dolphin games by Holiday 2000. But, IGN yesterday announced that Zelda: Gaiden will be delayed to Holiday 2000... do you really think Nintendo would release Gaiden and a new system at the same time? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: RE: [N64] Will Dolphin Online be ready Date: 05 Nov 1999 14:54:40 -0800 (PST) On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, John Goelzer wrote: > Oh, please. Don't give them any (bad) ideas. Using your Dolphin + modem to > play BBS text games would be even sillier than playing Hangman on an Atari > 2600 (yes, there really was a Hangman cart). > > As long as they use that S3 texture-compression technology to render the > text, maybe it'd be cool... nah... Someone seems to have been sucked into the graphics is everything hype =) I suppose you could add graphics to BRE and such, but unles you were really changing the gameplay, it would be completly extraneous, and personally i think the gameplay of BRE is pretty good. Despite what you say, i'd rather have a text based game with great gameplay and a massive multiuser base than a pretty piece of eyecandy that's really just a piece of trash. I'm sure that sooner or later someone is going to release poker/card games collection for one of the online systems, and it will probably sell fairly well, and somehow i dobut it will cut to a FMV scene every time someone draws a card just to make sure it has the prerequisite amount of pretty graphics =) It's the motor of the western world Spinning off to every extreme Pure as a lover's desire Evil as a murderer's dream --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 17:58:17 EST In a message dated 11/5/99 5:31:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << OK, it's maybe feasible that some companies will have Dolphin games by Holiday 2000. But, IGN yesterday announced that Zelda: Gaiden will be delayed to Holiday 2000... do you really think Nintendo would release Gaiden and a new system at the same time? >> That would be 2 systems, and a huge game, because don't forget GBA is targetted for August 2000 release... This message will self-destruct in 3 seconds. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 05 Nov 1999 19:58:11 EST In a message dated 11/5/99 3:57:34 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I guess you could look at it that way. But I think that witle Zelda 1 and 2 are nice games, they really don't add much to the story, but more like different takes on the same theme. At the end of Zelda 5 Ganon, with the Triforce of Power in his possession, in the Sacred Realm, which Princess Zelda calls the "Evil Ream". I believe that with the Triforce of Power Ganon shapes the Sacred Realm into the Dark World. Later on in Zelda 3 Ganon is trying to kill off the decendants of the seven sages, the ones who sealed him in the Dark World. Doing this through his doppelganger Aghanim (sp?) he is able to trap the seven girls (Zelda included) in crystals (Like in Zelda 5) but not destoy them. (Why, I don't know). Ganon had also attained all three pieces of the Tri-Force. He started off with Power. But where did the other two come from? My guess is that the decendants of Link & Zelda (from Zelda 5); namely the King of Hyrule and Link's Uncle had them. And when they died Aghanim sent the pieces to the Dark World, or they entered themselves. I'm not sure which is right. Then the complete Tri-Force is yours after you totally destroy Ganon in the Dark World. That's how I see it. Dave >> Good arguement, but in an IGN interview, Miyamoto himself said that 5 1 2 3 4 is the order they go in. Originally, I thought that it went OoT, then Link to the Past, but I can't go against the guy who set the stage for the games. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The best NES game Date: 05 Nov 1999 22:00:25 -0500 Date sent: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 17:09:47 -0500 (EST) Send reply to: > Man I loved my NES! Actually though, the SNES had more great games even > though I never owned a SNES and have played only a few of the games..i > hear great things about it *sad* > > I can't say I agree with that statement. Don't get me wrong, the SNES was an excellent system (quite a bit better than the N64), but the NES had so many more classics on it. The Mario Bros. series, Punchout, Contra, Excitebike, Wrecking Crew, Lone Ranger, Jackal, Metal Gear, Battletoads, Darkwing Duck, G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor, Mission: Impossible, the Megaman series, Tecmo Super Bowl and tons more. Definately the best gaming console of all time, IMO. Tim [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 14:17:50 +1100 At 19:58 05-11-99 EST, you wrote: >Good arguement, but in an IGN interview, Miyamoto himself said that 5 1 2 3 4 >is the order they go in. Originally, I thought that it went OoT, then Link >to the Past, but I can't go against the guy who set the stage for the games. >-Eric- > I'm not sure about that. I don't think Miyamoto actually writes the stories for the games. He's main interest is making the games play well. When you play TooT it is obvious that the story was though up to fit the gameplay. Which is the way it should be. I think it makes more sense if the series goes like this: 5 6 3 4 1 2. Either way there are a lot of plot holes to fill. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 06 Nov 1999 14:27:44 +1100 At 05:10 05-11-99 -0800, you wrote: >On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, Alex wrote: > >> >> Too combative?? Oh, I disagree! :) >> >> I think maybe I sound more hostile than I intend to be, but if I was >> following things correctly... >> >> You said Main's comments have made the delay clear; >> Then Trey said well duhh; >> You then said well before now there wasn't really anyway to tell if they'd >> make 2000 or not; >> Then I said well hang on, using the art of mathematics we could have known >> that there isn't enough time to make games for 2000. > >That's not quite true. > >If a team was well organized and worked hard, they could get a game out in >less than a year. It wouldn't be a huge game, given that the programers >would have had to learn the system while programing the game, they would >not be the best the system could do (but then, what first gen games are?) >but if nintendo got the dev kits out to some well motivated companies by >january or febuary, they could launch in December 2000 with games. I'm not >sure if that would be the wisest of ideas, but it would be possible. > It depends if you think Nintendo is about to start rushing their games. They won't launch the system without a Mario title. Would they make a rushed Mario game? All though the N64's life when they could have opted to forget perfectionism and put out games as fast as possible, they choose to stick to their quality over quantity philosophy. Maybe that says something about artistic integrity but from a business sense it worked out fairly well for them too. BTW Zelda Gaiden comes out in the USA christmas 2000, the Japanese date could be earlier. And it probably will be since Perfect Dark will not do well there. So Zelda Gaiden doesn't neccessarily disprove a Japanese Dolphin launch in 2000. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 20:55:58 -0800 (PST) On Sat, 6 Nov 1999, Alex wrote: > It depends if you think Nintendo is about to start rushing their games. They > won't launch the system without a Mario title. Would they make a rushed > Mario game? All though the N64's life when they could have opted to forget > perfectionism and put out games as fast as possible, they choose to stick to > their quality over quantity philosophy. Maybe that says something about > artistic integrity but from a business sense it worked out fairly well for > them too. Heh =) Funny, in my cynical attitude, i always figured that was a bunch of PR bull to cover the fact that they were incapable of coming out with games at a decent rate =) > BTW Zelda Gaiden comes out in the USA christmas 2000, the Japanese date > could be earlier. And it probably will be since Perfect Dark will not do > well there. So Zelda Gaiden doesn't neccessarily disprove a Japanese Dolphin > launch in 2000. Well if you believe that speach, then it doesn't really matter when Gaiden is coming out. Nintendo is planing to keep supporting the N64 while they introduce the Dolphin. If thats true, then theres going to be at least one big N64 game coming out no matter which christmas or whichever the Dolphin is released. Let's just hope that big title isn't Giaden 2 in 2002 =) each emotional injury leaves behind its mark sometimes they come tumbling out like shadows in the dark --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 05 Nov 1999 23:30:38 -0600 I keep thinking about what the next installment of Zelda will be like on Nintendo's next system. When will systems start using Nurbs as opposed to polygons anyway (or have they already?). Geoff Finger wrote: > > On Sat, 6 Nov 1999, Alex wrote: > > > It depends if you think Nintendo is about to start rushing their games. They > > won't launch the system without a Mario title. Would they make a rushed > > Mario game? All though the N64's life when they could have opted to forget > > perfectionism and put out games as fast as possible, they choose to stick to > > their quality over quantity philosophy. Maybe that says something about > > artistic integrity but from a business sense it worked out fairly well for > > them too. > > Heh =) Funny, in my cynical attitude, i always figured that was a bunch of > PR bull to cover the fact that they were incapable of coming out with > games at a decent rate =) > > > BTW Zelda Gaiden comes out in the USA christmas 2000, the Japanese date > > could be earlier. And it probably will be since Perfect Dark will not do > > well there. So Zelda Gaiden doesn't neccessarily disprove a Japanese Dolphin > > launch in 2000. > > Well if you believe that speach, then it doesn't really matter when Gaiden > is coming out. Nintendo is planing to keep supporting the N64 while they > introduce the Dolphin. If thats true, then theres going to be at least one > big N64 game coming out no matter which christmas or whichever the Dolphin > is released. Let's just hope that big title isn't Giaden 2 in 2002 =) > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > each emotional injury > leaves behind its mark > sometimes they come tumbling out > like shadows in the dark > --Rush > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Will Dolphin Online be ready Date: 06 Nov 1999 08:34:23 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 17:55:28 EST, you write: > I'm sure that sooner or later someone is going to release poker/card games > collection for one of the online systems, and it will probably sell fairly > well, Isn't SEGA planning that with the Dreamcast? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda games Date: 06 Nov 1999 08:39:59 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 19:58:44 EST, you write: > Good arguement, but in an IGN interview, Miyamoto himself said that 5 1 2 3 > 4 > is the order they go in. Originally, I thought that it went OoT, then Link > to the Past, but I can't go against the guy who set the stage for the games. > -Eric- I must have missed that. But what Miyamoto says, goes. Speaking of Zelda games, I've recently been playing my old copy of LKink's Awakening on the Game Boy Color, it's so nice not playing with a blurry screen. But I was wondering, is Link's Awakening DX worth a purchase for a Link's Awakening veteran such as I? I'm sure full color is nice, but is the color dungeon really worth it? And also is the slowdown gone? Also, has anybody used the Worm Light for the Game Boy Color? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 08:46:06 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 22:12:29 EST, you write: > I'm not sure about that. I don't think Miyamoto actually writes the stories > for the games. He's main interest is making the games play well. When you > play TooT it is obvious that the story was though up to fit the gameplay. > Which is the way it should be. I think it makes more sense if the series > goes like this: > 5 6 3 4 1 2. Either way there are a lot of plot holes to fill. > I sort of agree with Alex on this one, mostly. I still look at it as 5, 6, 3 are one story, 1 & 2 are another take at the same story, and 4 can be placed after either story. In The Legend of Zelda at the end Ganon is totally destroyed, which doesn't make much sense if it already happened in Zelda 3. Although for some reason in The Legend of Zelda the Tri-Force of Power looked more like a mystical martini, but that must be just me. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Filling in the empty spaces Date: 06 Nov 1999 08:50:23 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 23:56:47 EST, you write: > Heh =) Funny, in my cynical attitude, i always figured that was a bunch of > PR bull to cover the fact that they were incapable of coming out with > games at a decent rate =) > Nintendo has always been like that, it's just this time they didn't have the third party support to fill in the empty spaces. Dave -------- What shall we use To fill in the empty Spaces where we used to talk -- Pink Floyd [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 06 Nov 1999 08:52:27 EST In a message dated 99-11-05 23:56:47 EST, you write: > Well if you believe that speach, then it doesn't really matter when Gaiden > is coming out. Nintendo is planing to keep supporting the N64 while they > introduce the Dolphin. If thats true, then theres going to be at least one > big N64 game coming out no matter which christmas or whichever the Dolphin > is released. Let's just hope that big title isn't Giaden 2 in 2002 =) > Yeah, Super Mario RPG came out in Winter of 1996. Although that was more Square than Nintendo. But still it was a big SNES game directly competeting with Super Mario 64. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 05:56:16 -0800 (PST) On Sat, 6 Nov 1999 wrote: > I sort of agree with Alex on this one, mostly. I still look at it as 5, 6, 3 > are one story, 1 & 2 are another take at the same story, and 4 can be placed > after either story. In The Legend of Zelda at the end Ganon is totally > destroyed, which doesn't make much sense if it already happened in Zelda 3. > Although for some reason in The Legend of Zelda the Tri-Force of Power looked > more like a mystical martini, but that must be just me. So for those of us who only got a C+ in zelda folklore 101, zelda 1 is pretty obvious, as is zelda 2, and zelda 3 is Link to the past? or did some gameboy ones come first? Presumably since the list only goes up to 6, 6 must be TOoT. So there were two zelda gameboy games? Or am i forgeting something really obvious? Static on your frequency Electrical storm in your veins Raging at unreachable glory Straining at invisible chains --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Polygons Date: 06 Nov 1999 08:56:18 EST In a message dated 99-11-06 00:27:48 EST, you write: > I keep thinking about what the next installment of Zelda will be like on > Nintendo's next system. When will systems start using Nurbs as opposed > to polygons anyway (or have they already?). > The future is Voxels. Like in that PC game where you're using a sniper rifle in the tall grass, oh, what is it called? What's a Nurb anyway? And what's really wrong with polygons? I still think polygons will be a staple for at least the next generation (PSX2 & Dolphin) and it already is for Dreamcast. When a game like Soul Calibur only uses 500,000 Polygons I still think we've got a long way to go until polygons seem as unpopular as sprites. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 09:03:04 EST In a message dated 99-11-06 08:56:37 EST, you write: > So for those of us who only got a C+ in zelda folklore 101, zelda 1 is > pretty obvious, as is zelda 2, and zelda 3 is Link to the past? or did > some gameboy ones come first? Presumably since the list only goes up to 6, > 6 must be TOoT. > > So there were two zelda gameboy games? Or am i forgeting something > really obvious? You goof. ;) This is from an American POV 1. The Legend of Zelda - NES 2. Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link - NES 3. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - SNES 4. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - Game Boy (DX - Game Boy Color) 5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - N64 6. Zelda: Gaiden - N64 That's what we're saying. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] State of N64 in Japan Date: 06 Nov 1999 09:33:23 EST Does anybody know why a person can't rent video games in Japan, or why yuou can buy used games? Geeze, playing videogames in Japan must really suck. They can keep their big head baseball & girlfriend simulators. I find this highly amusing. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 06 Nov 1999 10:25:56 EST In a message dated 11/6/99 7:52:55 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Yeah, Super Mario RPG came out in Winter of 1996. Although that was more Square than Nintendo. But still it was a big SNES game directly competeting with Super Mario 64. Dave >> Mario RPG was on the March '96 issue of Nintendo Power. That's the time it came out. Mario 64 came out in late September '96. In other words, Mario RPG had a bit of a head start on M64. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 10:27:23 EST In a message dated 11/6/99 7:56:37 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Presumably since the list only goes up to 6, 6 must be TOoT. So there were two zelda gameboy games? Or am i forgeting something really obvious? >> I think you're forgetting Gaiden, which comes directly after OoT. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] State of N64 in Japan Date: 06 Nov 1999 10:31:13 EST In a message dated 11/6/99 8:33:52 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Does anybody know why a person can't rent video games in Japan, or why yuou can buy used games? Geeze, playing videogames in Japan must really suck. They can keep their big head baseball & girlfriend simulators. I find this highly amusing. Dave >> I wondered about this too. No wonder N64 is doing so crappy. Not only did they get off to a horrible start, but people can't even try the games they're slightly interested, but still skeptical of. That really sucks. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Clobie" Subject: Re: [N64] Polygons Date: 06 Nov 1999 12:12:36 -0500 >The future is Voxels. Like in that PC game where you're using a sniper rifle >in the tall grass, oh, what is it called? >What's a Nurb anyway? And what's really wrong with polygons? I still think >polygons will be a staple for at least the next generation (PSX2 & Dolphin) >and it already is for Dreamcast. When a game like Soul Calibur only uses >500,000 Polygons I still think we've got a long way to go until polygons seem >as unpopular as sprites. Hmm..imagine Soul Caliber one day using up to 1 billion polygons...of course, I think thats only currently planned for computer's using 3dfx's Napalm thingy...then again...I am an idiot... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Stop sending me mail Date: 06 Nov 1999 13:47:02 EST stop sending me mail [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Stop sending me mail Date: 06 Nov 1999 13:47:02 EST stop sending me mail [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Polygons Date: 06 Nov 1999 18:01:07 -0500 I think the PC game you are thinking of is Delta Force, since Novalogic is basically the only developer that uses voxels. For those of you wondering what voxels are, it stands for "volumetric pixels." Basically it means that every pixel, besides having a color attribute, also has a volume, or something like that. I don't understand it perfectly. However, I don't think voxels will be successful, since that doesn't seem to be the way the industry is moving. A game that is based on a voxel engine doesn't have the straight edges associated with polygon-based games, but the remedy that it seems that developers are going to stuff like nurb and spline something, instead of voxels. Part of the reason for this is that voxels do not require a special 3D card to run well, just a powerful processor. If games were voxel-based, there would be no use for expensive cards from 3dfx and Nvidia. Hence, voxels will die a horrible death. -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-11-06 00:27:48 EST, you write: > >> I keep thinking about what the next installment of Zelda will be like on >> Nintendo's next system. When will systems start using Nurbs as opposed >> to polygons anyway (or have they already?). >> > >The future is Voxels. Like in that PC game where you're using a sniper rifle >in the tall grass, oh, what is it called? > >What's a Nurb anyway? And what's really wrong with polygons? I still think >polygons will be a staple for at least the next generation (PSX2 & Dolphin) >and it already is for Dreamcast. When a game like Soul Calibur only uses >500,000 Polygons I still think we've got a long way to go until polygons seem >as unpopular as sprites. > >Dave > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 18:32:43 EST In a message dated 11/6/99 10:27:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << I think you're forgetting Gaiden, which comes directly after OoT. >> I thought it was a side story of OoT. Isn't that what Gaiden means? 'Side Story' This message will self-destruct in 3 seconds. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 17:28:17 -0700 I thought gaiden meant sequel. On Sat, 6 Nov 1999 18:32:43 EST writes: > In a message dated 11/6/99 10:27:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > > << I think you're forgetting Gaiden, which comes directly after OoT. > >> > > I thought it was a side story of OoT. Isn't that what Gaiden means? > 'Side > Story' > > > > This message will self-destruct in 3 seconds. > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 06 Nov 1999 19:40:15 EST In a message dated 11/4/99 11:25:47 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I'd love to see Enix develop for the Dolphin. Heck, I'd like so an Enix game in America on any system, be it Dreamcast, N64, PlayStation, PSX2, or Dolphin. Dave >> I thought Enix got into some big law-suit and was shut down? --David [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 19:45:18 EST In a message dated 11/5/99 10:21:55 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << << Yeah, in the sequel to Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. You get the Tri-Force after you totally destroy Ganon. >> Actually, The Legend of Zelda came after Ocarina of Time chronologically. In OoT, the Triforce was split, which explains why it was in the separate pieces in the original. Somewhere before A Link to the Past, it was put back together. I'm hoping that the next Zelda game (after Gaiden), tells how it was put back together. >> Sequal means AFTER. =) --David [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: [N64] Japan Date: 06 Nov 1999 20:10:16 -0500 (EST) I don't think Japan should be that much of a factor..i'm glad Nintendo is focusing more on the US. A good move indeed. Sure Japan has alot of gamers and many of the videogame companies are based over there but I think the videogame industry gives it too much credit. The US market is much larger making up over 50% of the us market and the growing European market will be as large as the Japanese market in a few years. On Sat, 6 Nov 1999 wrote: > Does anybody know why a person can't rent video games in Japan, or why yuou > can buy used games? > > Geeze, playing videogames in Japan must really suck. > > They can keep their big head baseball & girlfriend simulators. I find this > highly amusing. > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Japan Date: 07 Nov 1999 12:57:27 +1100 At 20:10 06-11-99 -0500, you wrote: > >I don't think Japan should be that much of a factor..i'm glad Nintendo is >focusing more on the US. A good move indeed. Sure Japan has alot of gamers >and many of the videogame companies are based over there but I think the >videogame industry gives it too much credit. The US market is much larger >making up over 50% of the us market and the growing European market will >be as large as the Japanese market in a few years. > > Japan is a huge factor. ALl the best game developers are Japanese. Nintendo only focused on the US because they had to. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Stop sending me mail Date: 06 Nov 1999 21:08:11 EST In a message dated 11/6/99 1:35:10 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << stop sending me mail >> Not another one. Read the instrustions already. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 21:09:56 EST In a message dated 11/6/99 5:33:16 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I thought it was a side story of OoT. Isn't that what Gaiden means? 'Side Story' >> But still a completely different game. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 21:22:26 EST In a message dated 11/6/99 9:10:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << << I thought it was a side story of OoT. Isn't that what Gaiden means? 'Side Story' >> But still a completely different game. >> Yes, but in chronological order, wouldn't it fall in at the same time as OoT, therfore having no or little storyline significance? This message will self-destruct in 3 seconds. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 21:25:03 EST In a message dated 11/6/99 8:23:01 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Yes, but in chronological order, wouldn't it fall in at the same time as OoT, therfore having no or little storyline significance? >> It reportedly comes after everything that happened in OoT. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Polygons Date: 06 Nov 1999 21:55:39 EST In a message dated 11/6/1999 3:03:44 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << I think the PC game you are thinking of is Delta Force, since Novalogic is basically the only developer that uses voxels. For those of you wondering what voxels are, it stands for "volumetric pixels." Basically it means that every pixel, besides having a color attribute, also has a volume, or something like that. I don't understand it perfectly. However, I don't think voxels will be successful, since that doesn't seem to be the way the industry is moving. A game that is based on a voxel engine doesn't have the straight edges associated with polygon-based games, but the remedy that it seems that developers are going to stuff like nurb and spline something, instead of voxels. Part of the reason for this is that voxels do not require a special 3D card to run well, just a powerful processor. If games were voxel-based, there would be no use for expensive cards from 3dfx and Nvidia. Hence, voxels will die a horrible death. >> Sorry bud, but voxels are obviously the way things are going. To the developer the idea is grand in that you don't have to rely on a bunch of complex calculatoins to make 3D animations, and their is less to include in API's. Artists may hate them since they synthesize entire environments bit by bit in three dimensions. Anyway, as John Carmack said in Next Generation 52, this linear reliance on complexity with boundary definitions such polygons now and vector graphics in the old days eventually, as it did with vector graphics, gets slow. While we may not have enough RAM and enough processor power right now, the day will come where computers and consoles alike will be able to handle the total graphical environmental synthesis that only voxels can provide. Afterall, we can handle rasterized bitmaps now, and no one thought they could be used until they indeed could be used. Jeremiah [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Polygons Date: 06 Nov 1999 22:39:42 -0500 Voxels as the primary graphics engine for games is still a long way off, if it will ever come. How can you say it is "the way things are going" if less than 1% of all games today use it, and none of the major developers have announced support for it? I don't have anything against voxels, you only have to look at Outkast (a new Novalogic PC game) to see the potential in them, but as history has proven, the better technology doesn't always win out against the system with the better industry support. -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 11/6/1999 3:03:44 PM Pacific Standard Time, > writes: > ><< I think the PC game you are thinking of is Delta Force, since Novalogic is > basically the only developer that uses voxels. For those of you wondering > what voxels are, it stands for "volumetric pixels." Basically it means that > every pixel, besides having a color attribute, also has a volume, or > something like that. I don't understand it perfectly. However, I don't think > voxels will be successful, since that doesn't seem to be the way the > industry is moving. A game that is based on a voxel engine doesn't have the > straight edges associated with polygon-based games, but the remedy that it > seems that developers are going to stuff like nurb and spline something, > instead of voxels. Part of the reason for this is that voxels do not require > a special 3D card to run well, just a powerful processor. If games were > voxel-based, there would be no use for expensive cards from 3dfx and Nvidia. > Hence, voxels will die a horrible death. >> > > Sorry bud, but voxels are obviously the way things are going. To the >developer the idea is grand in that you don't have to rely on a bunch of >complex calculatoins to make 3D animations, and their is less to include in >API's. Artists may hate them since they synthesize entire environments bit >by bit in three dimensions. Anyway, as John Carmack said in Next Generation >52, this linear reliance on complexity with boundary definitions such >polygons now and vector graphics in the old days eventually, as it did with >vector graphics, gets slow. While we may not have enough RAM and enough >processor power right now, the day will come where computers and consoles >alike will be able to handle the total graphical environmental synthesis that >only voxels can provide. Afterall, we can handle rasterized bitmaps now, and >no one thought they could be used until they indeed could be used. > >Jeremiah > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 06 Nov 1999 22:58:15 EST In a message dated 99-11-06 10:26:34 EST, you write: > Mario RPG was on the March '96 issue of Nintendo Power. That's the time it > came out. Mario 64 came out in late September '96. In other words, Mario > RPG had a bit of a head start on M64. > -Eric- Are you sure? I'm certain it came out after that. Hmm. Well one thing I am for certain, Street Fighter Alpha 2 for the SNES came out after the N64. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Stop sending me mail Date: 06 Nov 1999 22:59:21 EST In a message dated 99-11-06 13:47:36 EST, you write: > stop sending me mail Deja Vu anybody? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Stop sending me mail Date: 06 Nov 1999 23:00:07 EST In a message dated 99-11-06 14:35:10 EST, you write: > stop sending me mail Are all Pokemon Masters this silly? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 23:02:02 EST In a message dated 99-11-06 18:33:16 EST, you write: > I thought it was a side story of OoT. Isn't that what Gaiden means? 'Side > Story' > > > Yes, but it still another game. One could call the Second Quest of the original Legend of Zelda, Zelda Gaiden if they wanted to. I don't know where this is leading. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 23:04:31 EST In a message dated 99-11-06 19:45:53 EST, you write: > Sequal means AFTER. =) > > --David So I guess The Phantom Menace is the Sequel to Return of the Jedi? It did come "after". Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda: Sidestory Date: 06 Nov 1999 23:08:02 EST In a message dated 99-11-06 21:23:01 EST, you write: > Yes, but in chronological order, wouldn't it fall in at the same time as OoT, > > therfore having no or little storyline significance? > It couldn't happen at the same time and still have Link as the Hero, that'd be impossible. Actually, I figure it takes place during the seven years Link is asleep in the Sacred Realm, so it probably won't affect the storyline at all, much like Link's Awakening. Hmm. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 23:13:05 EST In a message dated 99-11-06 21:25:25 EST, you write: > It reportedly comes after everything that happened in OoT. Yeah, Link returns to Hyrule as a 10 year old boy again after defeating Ganon in the future. Ganon's still there, I believe, and if I were Link I wouldn't want to stick around. That's one thing that bothers me about the very end of OoT. Young Link, after he returns to his normal time, is seen confronting young Princess Zelda at Hyrule Castle. That makes no sense since he returned to a period in time after ganondoft attacked and took over Hyrule Castle and obtained the Tri-Force of Power. That scene at the end couldn't possibly happen since Zelda was long gone with Impa. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 22:36:26 -0600 At 11:13 PM 11/06/1999 -0500, you wrote: >In a message dated 99-11-06 21:25:25 EST, you write: > >> It reportedly comes after everything that happened in OoT. > >Yeah, Link returns to Hyrule as a 10 year old boy again after defeating Ganon >in the future. Ganon's still there, I believe, and if I were Link I wouldn't >want to stick around. > >That's one thing that bothers me about the very end of OoT. Young Link, after >he returns to his normal time, is seen confronting young Princess Zelda at >Hyrule Castle. That makes no sense since he returned to a period in time >after ganondoft attacked and took over Hyrule Castle and obtained the >Tri-Force of Power. That scene at the end couldn't possibly happen since >Zelda was long gone with Impa. > >Dave We don't know for sure what it was like when the Sages transported Link back to the past, do we? I don't think they would have put him back in a world where Gannondorf was actively looking for him. That's why they sealed him for seven years in the first place... or maybe not... been awhile since I played. But either way, I don't think they would be having a bonfire party if the big G was still around and in control... I'm sure you could see that thing from Hyrule Castle. I think the banishment of Ganon was retroactive... though that gets complicated... But Impa and Zelda could have easily returned... > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 23:45:33 EST In a message dated 99-11-06 23:39:06 EST, you write: > We don't know for sure what it was like when the Sages transported Link > back to the past, do we? I don't think they would have put him back in a > world where Gannondorf was actively looking for him. That's why they sealed > him for seven years in the first place... or maybe not... been awhile since > I played. But either way, I don't think they would be having a bonfire > party if the big G was still around and in control... I'm sure you could > see that thing from Hyrule Castle. If you noticed, the bonfire took place in the future, after Ganon was sealed in the Evil Realm. Malon was an adult, and the fishing pond guy was wearing a hat, or bald if you stole his hat. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 22:52:49 -0600 aah... now I'm going to have to go beat it again just to see the ending... it's still early though... = ) I assumed the Sages tranported Link and Zelda back seven years, after the banishing, with their memories intact ... are you saying they just made them look young again, keeping them in the future? But again, it's been some time since I've played it... this is gonna bug me till I watch it all again... and it still may not help At 11:45 PM 11/06/1999 -0500, you wrote: >In a message dated 99-11-06 23:39:06 EST, you write: > >> We don't know for sure what it was like when the Sages transported Link >> back to the past, do we? I don't think they would have put him back in a >> world where Gannondorf was actively looking for him. That's why they sealed >> him for seven years in the first place... or maybe not... been awhile since >> I played. But either way, I don't think they would be having a bonfire >> party if the big G was still around and in control... I'm sure you could >> see that thing from Hyrule Castle. > >If you noticed, the bonfire took place in the future, after Ganon was sealed >in the Evil Realm. Malon was an adult, and the fishing pond guy was wearing a >hat, or bald if you stole his hat. > >Dave > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 07 Nov 1999 00:00:26 EST In a message dated 99-11-06 23:55:29 EST, you write: > I assumed the Sages tranported Link and Zelda back seven years, after the > banishing, with their memories intact ... are you saying they just made > them look young again, keeping them in the future? > > But again, it's been some time since I've played it... this is gonna bug me > till I watch it all again... and it still may not help Zelda wasn't sent back in time, she was a Sage remember. The only person (not counting Navi) who traveled through time was Link. Link was sent back in time at the end of the game. Is anybody getting this? It would not be possible for Ganon's entrapment into the Evil Realm to affect his status at any moment before he was banished. If it did then It would have been IMPOSSIBLE for Link to have deafeated them if he wasn't there. If you remove the Sunstone from the Sun Cave in 600 AD you can't get it in 1000 AD. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Polygons Date: 06 Nov 1999 23:07:50 -0600 I'm pretty sure a Nurb uses logarithms to replicate smooth curves rather than several polygons to make an image 'appear' smooth. One nurb is even more accurate than thousands of polygons trying to make a curve. wrote: > > In a message dated 99-11-06 00:27:48 EST, you write: > > > I keep thinking about what the next installment of Zelda will be like on > > Nintendo's next system. When will systems start using Nurbs as opposed > > to polygons anyway (or have they already?). > > > > The future is Voxels. Like in that PC game where you're using a sniper rifle > in the tall grass, oh, what is it called? > > What's a Nurb anyway? And what's really wrong with polygons? I still think > polygons will be a staple for at least the next generation (PSX2 & Dolphin) > and it already is for Dreamcast. When a game like Soul Calibur only uses > 500,000 Polygons I still think we've got a long way to go until polygons seem > as unpopular as sprites. > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: [N64] Time Travel Date: 06 Nov 1999 23:18:59 -0600 At 12:00 AM 11/07/1999 -0500, you wrote: >In a message dated 99-11-06 23:55:29 EST, you write: > >> I assumed the Sages tranported Link and Zelda back seven years, after the >> banishing, with their memories intact ... are you saying they just made >> them look young again, keeping them in the future? >> >> But again, it's been some time since I've played it... this is gonna bug me >> till I watch it all again... and it still may not help > >Zelda wasn't sent back in time, she was a Sage remember. The only person (not >counting Navi) who traveled through time was Link. Link was sent back in time >at the end of the game. Is anybody getting this? Yes. But I'm slow because I'm sleepy. > >It would not be possible for Ganon's entrapment into the Evil Realm to affect >his status at any moment before he was banished. If it did then It would have >been IMPOSSIBLE for Link to have deafeated them if he wasn't there. > Just like it would be impossible for John Connor to send his friend back in time to become his father in The Terminator, especially after Cyberdyne's threat is destroyed in the past. Time could be a loop, not a line. > > >If you remove the Sunstone from the Sun Cave in 600 AD you can't get it in >1000 AD. True... but this isn't Chrono Trigger. There are as many different theorizations on time travel as there are theorists. What works for one game or fictional setting may not work for another. We'll see in Gaiden, though, right? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 07 Nov 1999 16:31:53 +1100 At 00:00 07-11-99 EST, you wrote: >Zelda wasn't sent back in time, she was a Sage remember. The only person (not >counting Navi) who traveled through time was Link. Link was sent back in time >at the end of the game. Is anybody getting this? > >It would not be possible for Ganon's entrapment into the Evil Realm to affect >his status at any moment before he was banished. If it did then It would have >been IMPOSSIBLE for Link to have deafeated them if he wasn't there. > > > >If you remove the Sunstone from the Sun Cave in 600 AD you can't get it in >1000 AD. > >Dave It is explainable if you view the passage of time from a non-linear perspective. From Ganon's point of view, he gets the triforce of power, becomes the evil king, is defeated by link, sent back seven years and trapped in the sacred realm. To the Hyrulians, Ganon never became the evil king. Only Link, Ganon and Navi know about what happened in the alternate future. The party at Lon-Lon Ranch also occured in this alternate future. ANyway, I just think Zelda 5 is full of plot holes. They just wanted a cute scene between Zelda and Link where he returns to his original self. Link should be an adult at the end of the game. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Time Travel Date: 06 Nov 1999 23:34:19 -0600 According to Hawking, time travel is possible... but unfeasible. It would require 'negative energy' evivalent to that of Jupiter to keep a one meter wormhole open for a few seconds. Not only that, but it is also thought that time travel prior to when the machine was built is impossible... therefore if we built a time travel machine in the year 3047 then we could only travel to that year and beyond but not before it. Furthermore, using fundamental physics where mathematical properties comply (ie billiards) it seems that nothing in time could be changed which is a remarkable realization! This means that whatever happens in history CAN NOT be changed no matter what and this questions the timetravel possiblity. Would a time traveller go to a parallel universe where his actions would have no effect on the true course of actions... would he be invisible...? Who knows. Why did I just write this? Because its interesting and establishes the foundation of popular games (Zelda, Chrono Trigger, even Earthbound). Armitage wrote: > > At 12:00 AM 11/07/1999 -0500, you wrote: > >In a message dated 99-11-06 23:55:29 EST, you write: > > > >> I assumed the Sages tranported Link and Zelda back seven years, after the > >> banishing, with their memories intact ... are you saying they just made > >> them look young again, keeping them in the future? > >> > >> But again, it's been some time since I've played it... this is gonna > bug me > >> till I watch it all again... and it still may not help > > > >Zelda wasn't sent back in time, she was a Sage remember. The only person > (not > >counting Navi) who traveled through time was Link. Link was sent back in > time > >at the end of the game. Is anybody getting this? > > Yes. But I'm slow because I'm sleepy. > > > > >It would not be possible for Ganon's entrapment into the Evil Realm to > affect > >his status at any moment before he was banished. If it did then It would > have > >been IMPOSSIBLE for Link to have deafeated them if he wasn't there. > > > Just like it would be impossible for John Connor to send his friend back in > time to become his father in The Terminator, especially after Cyberdyne's > threat is destroyed in the past. Time could be a loop, not a line. > > > > > >If you remove the Sunstone from the Sun Cave in 600 AD you can't get it in > >1000 AD. > > True... but this isn't Chrono Trigger. There are as many different > theorizations on time travel as there are theorists. What works for one > game or fictional setting may not work for another. We'll see in Gaiden, > though, right? > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 06 Nov 1999 23:31:44 -0600 >It is explainable if you view the passage of time from a non-linear >perspective. From Ganon's point of view, he gets the triforce of power, >becomes the evil king, is defeated by link, sent back seven years and >trapped in the sacred realm. To the Hyrulians, Ganon never became the evil >king. Only Link, Ganon and Navi know about what happened in the alternate >future. The party at Lon-Lon Ranch also occured in this alternate future. > >ANyway, I just think Zelda 5 is full of plot holes. Thank you. You just summed up my thoughts, pretty much. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: Re: [N64] Time Travel Date: 06 Nov 1999 23:37:05 -0600 At 11:34 PM 11/06/1999 -0600, you wrote: >According to Hawking, time travel is possible... but unfeasible. It >would require 'negative energy' evivalent to that of Jupiter to keep a >one meter wormhole open for a few seconds. Not only that, but it is >also thought that time travel prior to when the machine was built is >impossible... therefore if we built a time travel machine in the year >3047 then we could only travel to that year and beyond but not before >it. Furthermore, using fundamental physics where mathematical >properties comply (ie billiards) it seems that nothing in time could be >changed which is a remarkable realization! This means that whatever >happens in history CAN NOT be changed no matter what and this questions >the timetravel possiblity. Would a time traveller go to a parallel >universe where his actions would have no effect on the true course of >actions... would he be invisible...? Who knows. Why did I just write >this? Because its interesting and establishes the foundation of popular >games (Zelda, Chrono Trigger, even Earthbound). > Oh no. Don't even start on the real-world stuff. You're forgetting that a place named Hyrule doesn't exist, with sword-bearing skeletons and faeries and stuff. And especially *magic*. There's no way on earth you can begin to apply Hawking's metaphysics to a video game. At least not to that degree. Maybe to the water temple... But there were no time machines or wormholes involved in the plot of Oot at ALL. It just doesn't fit. Leave some of it to your imagination, alright? = ) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Time Travel Date: 06 Nov 1999 23:46:57 -0600 Then why are you even bothering to make sense of it all? Why don't you just accept it... after all, according to you, its just a video game... right? Armitage wrote: > > At 11:34 PM 11/06/1999 -0600, you wrote: > >According to Hawking, time travel is possible... but unfeasible. It > >would require 'negative energy' evivalent to that of Jupiter to keep a > >one meter wormhole open for a few seconds. Not only that, but it is > >also thought that time travel prior to when the machine was built is > >impossible... therefore if we built a time travel machine in the year > >3047 then we could only travel to that year and beyond but not before > >it. Furthermore, using fundamental physics where mathematical > >properties comply (ie billiards) it seems that nothing in time could be > >changed which is a remarkable realization! This means that whatever > >happens in history CAN NOT be changed no matter what and this questions > >the timetravel possiblity. Would a time traveller go to a parallel > >universe where his actions would have no effect on the true course of > >actions... would he be invisible...? Who knows. Why did I just write > >this? Because its interesting and establishes the foundation of popular > >games (Zelda, Chrono Trigger, even Earthbound). > > > > Oh no. Don't even start on the real-world stuff. You're forgetting that a > place named Hyrule doesn't exist, with sword-bearing skeletons and faeries > and stuff. And especially *magic*. There's no way on earth you can begin to > apply Hawking's metaphysics to a video game. At least not to that degree. > > Maybe to the water temple... > > But there were no time machines or wormholes involved in the plot of Oot at > ALL. It just doesn't fit. Leave some of it to your imagination, alright? = ) > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: Re: [N64] Time Travel Date: 06 Nov 1999 23:46:57 -0600 I'm not the one who brought up scientific spins. We were talking about plot consistency... for a while, at least... but, you're right, in the end it doesn't really matter why or how the plot occured, but that it did so we can have more games in the series. Like Gaiden, which is what this thread started out as. At 11:46 PM 11/06/1999 -0600, you wrote: >Then why are you even bothering to make sense of it all? Why don't you >just accept it... after all, according to you, its just a video game... >right? > >Armitage wrote: >> >> At 11:34 PM 11/06/1999 -0600, you wrote: >> >According to Hawking, time travel is possible... but unfeasible. It >> >would require 'negative energy' evivalent to that of Jupiter to keep a >> >one meter wormhole open for a few seconds. Not only that, but it is >> >also thought that time travel prior to when the machine was built is >> >impossible... therefore if we built a time travel machine in the year >> >3047 then we could only travel to that year and beyond but not before >> >it. Furthermore, using fundamental physics where mathematical >> >properties comply (ie billiards) it seems that nothing in time could be >> >changed which is a remarkable realization! This means that whatever >> >happens in history CAN NOT be changed no matter what and this questions >> >the timetravel possiblity. Would a time traveller go to a parallel >> >universe where his actions would have no effect on the true course of >> >actions... would he be invisible...? Who knows. Why did I just write >> >this? Because its interesting and establishes the foundation of popular >> >games (Zelda, Chrono Trigger, even Earthbound). >> > >> >> Oh no. Don't even start on the real-world stuff. You're forgetting that a >> place named Hyrule doesn't exist, with sword-bearing skeletons and faeries >> and stuff. And especially *magic*. There's no way on earth you can begin to >> apply Hawking's metaphysics to a video game. At least not to that degree. >> >> Maybe to the water temple... >> >> But there were no time machines or wormholes involved in the plot of Oot at >> ALL. It just doesn't fit. Leave some of it to your imagination, alright? = ) >> >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >> [ (without the quotes) to ] > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Polygons Date: 06 Nov 1999 21:59:46 -0800 > > Sorry bud, but voxels are obviously the way things are going. To the > developer the idea is grand in that you don't have to rely on a bunch of > complex calculatoins to make 3D animations, and their is less to include in > API's. Artists may hate them since they synthesize entire environments bit > by bit in three dimensions. Anyway, as John Carmack said in Next Generation > 52, this linear reliance on complexity with boundary definitions such > polygons now and vector graphics in the old days eventually, as it did with > vector graphics, gets slow. While we may not have enough RAM and enough > processor power right now, the day will come where computers and consoles > alike will be able to handle the total graphical environmental synthesis that > only voxels can provide. Afterall, we can handle rasterized bitmaps now, and > no one thought they could be used until they indeed could be used. I thought NURBS and curved polygons are the dominant features of both psx2 and dolphin??? Dex > > > Jeremiah > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 06 Nov 1999 22:00:35 -0800 > > Are you sure? I'm certain it came out after that. Hmm. Well one thing I am > for certain, Street Fighter Alpha 2 for the SNES came out after the N64. > > Dave i came out after Dekisuta > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Time Travel Date: 06 Nov 1999 22:02:22 -0800 D Fentie wrote: > According to Hawking, time travel is possible... but unfeasible. It > would require 'negative energy' evivalent to that of Jupiter to keep a > one meter wormhole open for a few seconds. Not only that, but it is > also thought that time travel prior to when the machine was built is > impossible... therefore if we built a time travel machine in the year > 3047 then we could only travel to that year and beyond but not before > it. Furthermore, using fundamental physics where mathematical > properties comply (ie billiards) it seems that nothing in time could be > changed which is a remarkable realization! This means that whatever > happens in history CAN NOT be changed no matter what and this questions > the timetravel possiblity. Would a time traveller go to a parallel > universe where his actions would have no effect on the true course of > actions... would he be invisible...? Who knows. Why did I just write > this? Because its interesting and establishes the foundation of popular > games (Zelda, Chrono Trigger, Time Travel is still open to debate. the scientified community is split into two camps, with one saying its impossible (in physical terms) and those who said its possible. The group that says its impossible seems to be in the dominant position. Dex > > > > Armitage wrote: > > > > At 12:00 AM 11/07/1999 -0500, you wrote: > > >In a message dated 99-11-06 23:55:29 EST, you write: > > > > > >> I assumed the Sages tranported Link and Zelda back seven years, after the > > >> banishing, with their memories intact ... are you saying they just made > > >> them look young again, keeping them in the future? > > >> > > >> But again, it's been some time since I've played it... this is gonna > > bug me > > >> till I watch it all again... and it still may not help > > > > > >Zelda wasn't sent back in time, she was a Sage remember. The only person > > (not > > >counting Navi) who traveled through time was Link. Link was sent back in > > time > > >at the end of the game. Is anybody getting this? > > > > Yes. But I'm slow because I'm sleepy. > > > > > > > >It would not be possible for Ganon's entrapment into the Evil Realm to > > affect > > >his status at any moment before he was banished. If it did then It would > > have > > >been IMPOSSIBLE for Link to have deafeated them if he wasn't there. > > > > > Just like it would be impossible for John Connor to send his friend back in > > time to become his father in The Terminator, especially after Cyberdyne's > > threat is destroyed in the past. Time could be a loop, not a line. > > > > > > > > >If you remove the Sunstone from the Sun Cave in 600 AD you can't get it in > > >1000 AD. > > > > True... but this isn't Chrono Trigger. There are as many different > > theorizations on time travel as there are theorists. What works for one > > game or fictional setting may not work for another. We'll see in Gaiden, > > though, right? > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 06 Nov 1999 22:10:22 -0800 (PST) On Sat, 6 Nov 1999 wrote: > I thought Enix got into some big law-suit and was shut down? Yeah, you know those companies, a lawsuit or two and they fold like a deck of cards. =) Speaking of lawsuits, is anyone else as happy as i am about friday's news about microsoft? Anyone want to guestimate the number of lawsuits they're currently involved in? =) Pounding in your temples A surge of adrenaline Every muscle tense To fence the enemy within --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 07 Nov 1999 01:12:08 EST In a message dated 11/07/1999 12:34:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << It is explainable if you view the passage of time from a non-linear >perspective. From Ganon's point of view, he gets the triforce of power, >becomes the evil king, is defeated by link, sent back seven years and >trapped in the sacred realm. To the Hyrulians, Ganon never became the evil >king. Only Link, Ganon and Navi know about what happened in the alternate >future. The party at Lon-Lon Ranch also occured in this alternate future. > >ANyway, I just think Zelda 5 is full of plot holes. >> why do the plots have to intertwine? maybe in all honesty, miamato and the nintendo crew were just trying to make a "legend of zelda" game that had link and zelda in it. there is no mention of any ties to any previous games are there? I mean, the only zelda game that is an actual 'sequel' would be zelda 2 because the origional's plot is brought up in the fact that gannon is dead, and his boys are trying to revive him, and you must stop them. it could be a final fantasy thing where the games aren't related, but all follow a similar theme right? or maybe i am a schmuck....time will tell. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 07 Nov 1999 10:50:23 -0500 Final Fantasy is different in that the games are totally separate from each other, so there's no plot inconsistancy since they have brand new characters in each game. Zelda always features Link, Zelda, and Ganon, so it is expected that there should be some continuity between the games. I used to have some elaborate theory explaining the ending of Zelda 64, but I've forgotten it =). I think the most reasonable answer is the 'alternate dimension' theory. According to some theorists, every time a choice is made, the universe splits in half. For instance, in this universe, I sat down today to write this e-mail. In another universe I sat down, but didn't check my mail. Or I didn't go on the internet. Or I got back up and went to watch TV. Or... etc etc, ad infinitum. If you buy into quantum theory, that means the universe is splitting into infinitely many other universes at any given moment. Lacking any other evidence, it makes sense for plot continuity if Link was sent back into one of those other timelines, one where Ganon didn't decide to kidnap Zelda. One main reason I think this is so is that otherwise all future Zelda games would have to take place in the 7-year period between young Link and adult Link of Zelda 64. -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 11/07/1999 12:34:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > ><< It is explainable if you view the passage of time from a non-linear > >perspective. From Ganon's point of view, he gets the triforce of power, > >becomes the evil king, is defeated by link, sent back seven years and > >trapped in the sacred realm. To the Hyrulians, Ganon never became the evil > >king. Only Link, Ganon and Navi know about what happened in the alternate > >future. The party at Lon-Lon Ranch also occured in this alternate future. > > > >ANyway, I just think Zelda 5 is full of plot holes. >> > >why do the plots have to intertwine? maybe in all honesty, miamato and the >nintendo crew were just trying to make a "legend of zelda" game that had link >and zelda in it. there is no mention of any ties to any previous games are >there? I mean, the only zelda game that is an actual 'sequel' would be zelda >2 because the origional's plot is brought up in the fact that gannon is dead, >and his boys are trying to revive him, and you must stop them. it could be a >final fantasy thing where the games aren't related, but all follow a similar >theme right? or maybe i am a schmuck....time will tell. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Time Travel Date: 07 Nov 1999 10:53:38 -0500 Ah, I also saw that episode of.. what was it, Nova? However, it's not really applicable to Zelda because Zelda exists in a fantasy world, which usually precludes the application of scientific principles. Remember, the time machine we are talking about here is an Ocarina, not a wormhole. -----Original Message----- >According to Hawking, time travel is possible... but unfeasible. It >would require 'negative energy' evivalent to that of Jupiter to keep a >one meter wormhole open for a few seconds. Not only that, but it is >also thought that time travel prior to when the machine was built is >impossible... therefore if we built a time travel machine in the year >3047 then we could only travel to that year and beyond but not before >it. Furthermore, using fundamental physics where mathematical >properties comply (ie billiards) it seems that nothing in time could be >changed which is a remarkable realization! This means that whatever >happens in history CAN NOT be changed no matter what and this questions >the timetravel possiblity. Would a time traveller go to a parallel >universe where his actions would have no effect on the true course of >actions... would he be invisible...? Who knows. Why did I just write >this? Because its interesting and establishes the foundation of popular >games (Zelda, Chrono Trigger, even Earthbound). [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Time Travel Date: 07 Nov 1999 10:57:50 -0600 -----Original Message----- >Ah, I also saw that episode of.. what was it, Nova? However, it's not really >applicable to Zelda because Zelda exists in a fantasy world, which usually >precludes the application of scientific principles. Remember, the time >machine we are talking about here is an Ocarina, not a wormhole. In other words, we are talking about a world that contains 'magic'...which can pretty much be used to throw any law the game makers choose. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Peter main speech Date: 07 Nov 1999 13:39:21 EST In a message dated 99-11-07 00:53:36 EST, you write: > i came out after > > Dekisuta So I take it that Dekisuta is Dexter's gay alter ego? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting the Tri-Force Date: 07 Nov 1999 13:41:39 EST In a message dated 99-11-07 01:12:32 EST, you write: > why do the plots have to intertwine? maybe in all honesty, miamato and the > nintendo crew were just trying to make a "legend of zelda" game that had > link > and zelda in it. there is no mention of any ties to any previous games are > there? Well, during the ending of Zelda 5 Ganon makes a distinct reference to Zelda 3. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting away from the Tri-Force Date: 07 Nov 1999 13:45:50 EST In a message dated 99-11-07 10:53:17 EST, you write: > I think the most reasonable answer is the 'alternate > dimension' theory. According to some theorists, every time a choice is made, > the universe splits in half. For instance, in this universe, I sat down > today to write this e-mail. In another universe I sat down, but didn't check > my mail. Or I didn't go on the internet. Or I got back up and went to watch > TV. Or... etc etc, ad infinitum. If you buy into quantum theory, that means > the universe is splitting into infinitely many other universes at any given > moment. And did this theory come from Leo Frankowski? ;) > Lacking any other evidence, it makes sense for plot continuity if > Link was sent back into one of those other timelines, one where Ganon didn't > decide to kidnap Zelda. One main reason I think this is so is that otherwise > all future Zelda games would have to take place in the 7-year period between > young Link and adult Link of Zelda 64. > You know, Zelda: Gaiden isn't about Ganon & the Tri-Force. I hope that the next Zelda (after Gaiden), be it on Game Boy Color or Dolphin has nothing to do with the Tri-Force as well. I mean there's gotta be somethings else that Link can do. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Time Travel Date: 07 Nov 1999 13:48:27 EST In a message dated 99-11-07 10:56:08 EST, you write: > Ah, I also saw that episode of.. what was it, Nova? However, it's not really > applicable to Zelda because Zelda exists in a fantasy world, which usually > precludes the application of scientific principles. Remember, the time > machine we are talking about here is an Ocarina, not a wormhole. Actually the Temple of Time is the Time Machine. The Ocarina just opens the place up, that at the three pendants. The Temple of Time in the machine and the Master Sword is the key. Yeah. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "George Finch" Subject: Re: [N64] IBM? Date: 08 Nov 1999 06:33:33 EST >From: "Clobie" >Reply-To: >To: "N64" >Subject: Re: [N64] IBM? >Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 15:59:50 -0500 > ><< Did IBM ever market any voice recognition software for the PC...I >vaguely > remember a piece of software named ViaVoice, but do not remember who made > it. My point is that although IBM will may not market any games for > Dolphin, they could theoretically license out the viavoice technology >engine > to other Dolphin developers. I mean, isn't that the more Dolphins that > sell, the more $ IBM makes from the gekko chips? And you could sell a >lot > more systems if you have "voicified" games.. >> > ><read >it if you are nterested.>> > > >__________________________________________________ >it sounds like a good idea because ibm did do via voice but i have >got it >and it doesn't write what you say exactly because it can't >understand u >and even if it does it you have to say the word real slowly ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "George Finch" Subject: Re: [N64] Everyone Show Your love for the Date: 08 Nov 1999 06:38:07 EST >From: "Clobie" >Reply-To: >To: "N64" >Subject: Re: [N64] Everyone Show Your love for the >Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 16:05:42 -0500 > ><original choice is leaving a "legacy problem" in the fact that the Dolphin >cannot be backwards compatible. and therefore will not have the huge >starting library that the PSX2 will.>> > >It may not be as big as backward compatibilty, but Dolphin probably would >have a GB adaptor released soon sometime in its life span. I'm hoping it >will be somehow built into the unit... > > >The dolphin will not be capable of running gameboy games but the new >game >boy advance will be able to connect to the dolphin in some way >and the >game boy advance is backwards compatble with game boy games. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Free GBP with N64 Date: 07 Nov 1999 16:29:41 EST I don't know if this is local or nationwide, but I saw an ad in the Sunday paper that KB Toyworks is giving away a Game Boy Pocket with ever N64 purchased on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. That's a great deal if you ask me. Sure you can't play Super Where the Hell do I jump To Mario Bros. DX on it, but hey, a free Game Boy, gee if I didn't have a N64 I know I'd be buying more PlayStation games. Where is this going? I'm not sure. Is the Negative World even in Super Mario Bros DX? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Time Travel Date: 07 Nov 1999 16:29:44 -0500 I seem to remember at the end of Zelda 64 that Zelda played the Ocarina to send Link back? -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-11-07 10:56:08 EST, you write: > >> Ah, I also saw that episode of.. what was it, Nova? However, it's not really >> applicable to Zelda because Zelda exists in a fantasy world, which usually >> precludes the application of scientific principles. Remember, the time >> machine we are talking about here is an Ocarina, not a wormhole. > >Actually the Temple of Time is the Time Machine. The Ocarina just opens the >place up, that at the three pendants. The Temple of Time in the machine and >the Master Sword is the key. > >Yeah. > > >Dave > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Time Travel Date: 07 Nov 1999 16:33:34 EST In a message dated 99-11-07 16:32:21 EST, you write: > I seem to remember at the end of Zelda 64 that Zelda played the Ocarina to > send Link back? > Looked to me like she sent him to the Temple of Time. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Time Travel Date: 07 Nov 1999 16:34:29 EST In a message dated 99-11-07 16:32:21 EST, you write: > I seem to remember at the end of Zelda 64 that Zelda played the Ocarina to > send Link back? > Cos for Link to travel through time he had to put the Master Sword back in the pedistal. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 07 Nov 1999 17:16:19 -0600 How bout you just tell us? Geoff Finger wrote: > Anyone want to guestimate the number of lawsuits > they're currently involved in? =) > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Pounding in your temples > A surge of adrenaline > Every muscle tense > To fence the enemy within > --Rush > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Everyone Show Your love for the Date: 07 Nov 1999 17:18:53 -0600 Did you even type anything in your last two posts George? George Finch wrote: > > >From: "Clobie" > >Reply-To: > >To: "N64" > >Subject: Re: [N64] Everyone Show Your love for the > >Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 16:05:42 -0500 > > > >< >original choice is leaving a "legacy problem" in the fact that the Dolphin > >cannot be backwards compatible. and therefore will not have the huge > >starting library that the PSX2 will.>> > > > >It may not be as big as backward compatibilty, but Dolphin probably would > >have a GB adaptor released soon sometime in its life span. I'm hoping it > >will be somehow built into the unit... > > > > > >The dolphin will not be capable of running gameboy games but the new >game > >boy advance will be able to connect to the dolphin in some way >and the > >game boy advance is backwards compatble with game boy games. > > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting away from the Tri-Force Date: 07 Nov 1999 18:53:00 -0700 On Sun, 7 Nov 1999 13:45:50 EST writes: > In a message dated 99-11-07 10:53:17 EST, you write: > > > I think the most reasonable answer is the 'alternate > > dimension' theory. According to some theorists, every time a > choice is > made, > > the universe splits in half. For instance, in this universe, I > sat down > > today to write this e-mail. In another universe I sat down, but > didn't > check > > my mail. Or I didn't go on the internet. Or I got back up and > went to watch > > TV. Or... etc etc, ad infinitum. If you buy into quantum theory, > that means > > the universe is splitting into infinitely many other universes at > any given > > moment. > > And did this theory come from Leo Frankowski? ;) > > > > Lacking any other evidence, it makes sense for plot continuity if > > Link was sent back into one of those other timelines, one where > Ganon > didn't > > decide to kidnap Zelda. One main reason I think this is so is > that > otherwise > > all future Zelda games would have to take place in the 7-year > period > between > > young Link and adult Link of Zelda 64. > > > > You know, Zelda: Gaiden isn't about Ganon & the Tri-Force. I hope > that the > next Zelda (after Gaiden), be it on Game Boy Color or Dolphin has > nothing to > do with the Tri-Force as well. I mean there's gotta be somethings > else that > Link can do. > > Dave From Nintendo Power Oct. '99 The Legend Continues... Zelda Gaiden called up images of Ocarina of Time, but it was evident that the framerates and graphics had improved. Between our gameplay and a long chat with Shigeru Miyamoto, Zelda's creater, we determined a nuber of tantalizing details about the story. Mere months afterthe end of Ocarina of Time, Link chases a Skull Kid into another dimension, only to find a doomed world. The moon is falling, and Link has a short time to stop it. It's not as cut and dried as that, though. Mr. Miyamoto made it clear that the world will be in constant motion regardless of whether or not you're witnessing events- the game will require an Expansion Pak to handle this amount of action. Although it was unclear exactly it would work, it seems that as you achieve certain tasks, you push back the timetable to buy the world some time. You must make use of masks, as well. By transforming into a Goron, Link will be able to at high speeds, move heavy objects and walk through lava. As a Zora he'll swim at high speeds, and as a Deku Scrub he'll be able to fire bubbles and hover using huge flowers. There were races, puzzles, and new moves for Link-and that was only on N64. We also saw a Game Boy game, tentatively titled Zelda: Fruit of the Mysterious Tree, that will be one of three related titles (one of which will be the original NES Zelda). The game itself looks exciting-Link wields a Rod of Seasons that changes the landscape through four seasons-but more exciting were veiled hints from Mr. Miyamoto that the three games will be linked somehow... ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Getting away from the Tri-Force Date: 08 Nov 1999 16:29:02 +1100 At 13:45 07-11-99 EST, you wrote: >In a message dated 99-11-07 10:53:17 EST, you write: > >> I think the most reasonable answer is the 'alternate >> dimension' theory. According to some theorists, every time a choice is >made, >> the universe splits in half. For instance, in this universe, I sat down >> today to write this e-mail. In another universe I sat down, but didn't >check >> my mail. Or I didn't go on the internet. Or I got back up and went to watch >> TV. Or... etc etc, ad infinitum. If you buy into quantum theory, that means >> the universe is splitting into infinitely many other universes at any given >> moment. > >And did this theory come from Leo Frankowski? ;) > > >> Lacking any other evidence, it makes sense for plot continuity if >> Link was sent back into one of those other timelines, one where Ganon >didn't >> decide to kidnap Zelda. One main reason I think this is so is that >otherwise >> all future Zelda games would have to take place in the 7-year period >between >> young Link and adult Link of Zelda 64. >> > >You know, Zelda: Gaiden isn't about Ganon & the Tri-Force. I hope that the >next Zelda (after Gaiden), be it on Game Boy Color or Dolphin has nothing to >do with the Tri-Force as well. I mean there's gotta be somethings else that >Link can do. > >Dave > Yeah, the triforce had significance in the first two games, but after that they were basically just included as a hommage. In LOZ you must construct the triforce of wisdom before you can get the triforce of power. In Zelda2 you have to find the triforce of courage to overcome Princess Zelda's terminal condition. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Enix Date: 08 Nov 1999 00:17:54 -0800 (PST) On Sun, 7 Nov 1999, D Fentie wrote: > How bout you just tell us? > > Geoff Finger wrote: > > Anyone want to guestimate the number of lawsuits > > they're currently involved in? =) Um, because i have no idea at all? other than that the number is greater than two =) (for microsoft) Pounding in your temples A surge of adrenaline Every muscle tense To fence the enemy within --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Goelzer Subject: RE: [N64] Enix Date: 08 Nov 1999 11:27:11 -0600 Yeah, since you mention it, I, for one, am thrilled to pieces. Actually, today is a historic day, too... it may not last, but as of right now, Apple's stock price is higher than Microsoft's. Woo-hoo! Things aren't looking too good for Micro$oft. I heard the Caldera suit's going to go in front of a jury. JG -----Original Message----- Sent: Sunday, November 07, 1999 12:10 AM Speaking of lawsuits, is anyone else as happy as i am about friday's news about microsoft? Anyone want to guestimate the number of lawsuits they're currently involved in? =) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: [N64] Enix Date: 08 Nov 1999 13:19:15 EST You know, if they split Microsoft up, you end up with lots of little Microsofts. Looking at companies like Standard Oil, the smaller companies shareholders get end up being worth more than the whole. This could just make Gates even richer than he already is. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Mircrosquish Date: 08 Nov 1999 13:25:41 EST In a message dated 99-11-08 13:20:05 EST, you write: > You know, if they split Microsoft up, you end up with lots of little > Microsofts. Looking at companies like Standard Oil, the smaller companies > shareholders get end up being worth more than the whole. This could just > make Gates even richer than he already is. I'm not really sure how this all word work, but who would be in charge of the Sons Of Microsoft. I'm sure Bill would stay with Microsoft and continue to make Windows Operating systems. But what would the other ones be? I'm still not sure how it could really be a monopoly with Apple in the picture. That never made much sense to me. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Re: [N64] Mircrosquish Date: 08 Nov 1999 11:23:06 -0700 wrote: > I'm still > not sure how it could really be a monopoly with Apple in the picture. That > never made much sense to me. I didn't realize that Apple made operating systems for IBM-compatibles PCs. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Goelzer Subject: RE: [N64] Enix Date: 08 Nov 1999 12:32:53 -0600 That depends entirely on *how* they split up the company, if they go that route. Yes, on one hand, they could create a number of "Baby Bills," each of which would have the Windholes crown jewels, the office apps, internet technologies, etc. And yes, under this scenario, shareholders and Gates could get even richer, although it would go some way toward curbing their evil monopolistic tendencies. The notion that's much more interesting to me is splitting the company up along division lines (made much more difficult after Microsoft's re-org earlier this year), where you have a Windoze company, an Office company, an internet company, etc. This way the Office group gets no "special access" to "secret APIs" within Windows. It'll be interesting to see just how bold the DOJ is in the "suggested remedies" portion of the process... JG -----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 12:19 PM You know, if they split Microsoft up, you end up with lots of little Microsofts. Looking at companies like Standard Oil, the smaller companies shareholders get end up being worth more than the whole. This could just make Gates even richer than he already is. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Mircrosquish Date: 08 Nov 1999 13:36:25 EST In a message dated 99-11-08 13:29:49 EST, you write: > I didn't realize that Apple made operating systems for IBM-compatibles PCs. But they do make operating systems for Apple Computers. This whole thing is silly and a waste of taxpayers money. IBM compatibles arent the ony computers available. If one could olny buy an IBM PC, then this lawsuit would make sense, but they're not and it doesn't. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Goelzer Subject: RE: [N64] Mircrosquish Date: 08 Nov 1999 12:47:20 -0600 No, this is neither silly nor a waste of the taxpayers' money. I found these comments from the judge to be most poignant: "Most harmful of all is the message that Microsoft's actions have conveyed to every enterprise with the potential to innovate in the computer industry," Jackson said. "Through its conduct toward Netscape, IBM, Compaq, Intel, and others, Microsoft has demonstrated that it will use its prodigious market power and immense profits to harm any firm that insists on pursuing initiatives that could intensify competition against one of Microsoft's core products." "Microsoft's past success in hurting such companies and stifling innovation deters investment in technologies and businesses that exhibit the potential to threaten Microsoft," the judge wrote. "The ultimate result is that some innovations that would truly benefit consumers never occur for the sole reason that they do not coincide with Microsoft's self-interest." Still think there's not a problem? Don't kid yourself. JG -----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 12:36 PM In a message dated 99-11-08 13:29:49 EST, you write: > I didn't realize that Apple made operating systems for IBM-compatibles PCs. But they do make operating systems for Apple Computers. This whole thing is silly and a waste of taxpayers money. IBM compatibles arent the ony computers available. If one could olny buy an IBM PC, then this lawsuit would make sense, but they're not and it doesn't. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Justin Smith-Williams" Subject: [N64] Great News Date: 08 Nov 1999 11:48:10 -0700 Did you all hear the grat news from ign64.What news you ask?Only that Ogre Battle # will be coming here next year in march.Yes.Pokemon Stadium and Ogre Battle 3 both in the same month.2000's going to be hype.Nintendo has already announced a great line-up for next year and I just can't wait.Jan:Starcraft64 and Mario Party.Feb:Ridge Racer64. March:Pokemon Stadium and Ogre Battle3.April:the one and only PDiddy itself Perfect Dark.Not only this but us 64 Rpg gamers are finally getting are games w/games like Ogre Battle3, Earthbound, Mario Rpg, NomenQuest, and Zelda Gaiden.PLus more good games plus more mature games are all coming next year:Kirby, Turok3, Tony Hawks, Eternal Darkness, Riqa, with possibilities of Super Smash Brothers2 and Shadowman2.I'm already drooling in anticipation of next year.Who knows what those folks at Angel STudios might be able to give to us next year with there very sweet compression technology 2000 is shaping up to be an even better year for Nintendo than 99 already is.Can't wait to see what happens!!! J.Smith The Great One The Don Juan Himself If You Smell What ColdJUCE is Cookin [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Mircrosquish Date: 08 Nov 1999 13:51:17 EST In a message dated 99-11-08 13:48:35 EST, you write: > "Microsoft's past success in hurting such companies and stifling innovation > deters investment in technologies and businesses that exhibit the potential > to threaten Microsoft," the judge wrote. "The ultimate result is that some > innovations that would truly benefit consumers never occur for the sole > reason that they do not coincide with Microsoft's self-interest." > > Still think there's not a problem? Don't kid yourself. > > JG I'm sure there would be a less expensive way to take care of this, like how much really is a rocket launcher? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Mircrosquish Date: 08 Nov 1999 11:17:30 -0800 (PST) On Mon, 8 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-08 13:20:05 EST, you write: > > I'm not really sure how this all word work, but who would be in charge of the > Sons Of Microsoft. I'm sure Bill would stay with Microsoft and continue to > make Windows Operating systems. But what would the other ones be? I'm still > not sure how it could really be a monopoly with Apple in the picture. That > never made much sense to me. Because Microsoft signs deals with computer manufacturers saying that if they want to instal windows on any computer, they have to instal it on_all_ computers. A few companies are trying to break away from this model, but i'm sure Microsoft is figthing it tooth and nail. I've been thinking about getting a new computer, and i've always wanted to have a linux box. SO i was figuring i could buy a new computer, transfer my Win 95 license over to it, and install Linux on this computer. I've still got the Win 95 instal disks and the little registration certificate. There would still be just one computer using that license, so everything would br fine legally. However i log onto Gateway and they don't have an option to get computers without windows. I tried emailing them, and they said that because of their contract with microsoft, they _could not_ sell me a computer without windows on it. I beleive Dell offers some Linux workstations, but it looks like they're more expensive that what i'm interested, and it doesn't look like thay're standard PC architecture, so I'm not sure if i'd be able to install Win 95 on it like i'd want to. So Microsoft is forcing consumers to buy windows even if they don't want it, even if they don't need it. I can't buy a manufactured PC computer with another OS on it, i can't buy one without any OS on it. I have to buy windows, and i have to pay for windows. Things crawl in the darkness That imagination spins Needles at your nerve ends Crawl like spiders on your skin --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 14:50:33 EST I see this topic on the mailing list today, and I have no background information on why exactly Microsoft is getting sued. Can some of you give me the story on what is going on with The high Commander Bill Gates, or maybe send me a link to an article on it. I was thinking of getting my wife a Mac with my tax return money. We have an IBM, but it sucks big monky ****. Thanks. I would love to see microsoft fold, then what would sega do?? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Getting away from the Tri-Force Date: 08 Nov 1999 14:40:09 -0600 Does this mean that we have to race through Zelda Gaiden? I like to take my time and enjoy the game while it lasts... or is it more like time is wasting but its too slow to effect how long you take and each time you complete a task the cutscenes show the moon a certain percentage closer than it was? wrote: > > On Sun, 7 Nov 1999 13:45:50 EST writes: > > In a message dated 99-11-07 10:53:17 EST, you write: > > > > > I think the most reasonable answer is the 'alternate > > > dimension' theory. According to some theorists, every time a > > choice is > > made, > > > the universe splits in half. For instance, in this universe, I > > sat down > > > today to write this e-mail. In another universe I sat down, but > > didn't > > check > > > my mail. Or I didn't go on the internet. Or I got back up and > > went to watch > > > TV. Or... etc etc, ad infinitum. If you buy into quantum theory, > > that means > > > the universe is splitting into infinitely many other universes at > > any given > > > moment. > > > > And did this theory come from Leo Frankowski? ;) > > > > > > > Lacking any other evidence, it makes sense for plot continuity if > > > Link was sent back into one of those other timelines, one where > > Ganon > > didn't > > > decide to kidnap Zelda. One main reason I think this is so is > > that > > otherwise > > > all future Zelda games would have to take place in the 7-year > > period > > between > > > young Link and adult Link of Zelda 64. > > > > > > > You know, Zelda: Gaiden isn't about Ganon & the Tri-Force. I hope > > that the > > next Zelda (after Gaiden), be it on Game Boy Color or Dolphin has > > nothing to > > do with the Tri-Force as well. I mean there's gotta be somethings > > else that > > Link can do. > > > > Dave > > >From Nintendo Power Oct. '99 > > The Legend Continues... > > Zelda Gaiden called up images of Ocarina of Time, but it was evident that > the framerates and graphics had improved. Between our gameplay and a long > chat with Shigeru Miyamoto, Zelda's creater, we determined a nuber of > tantalizing details about the story. Mere months afterthe end of Ocarina > of Time, Link chases a Skull Kid into another dimension, only to find a > doomed world. The moon is falling, and Link has a short time to stop it. > It's not as cut and dried as that, though. Mr. Miyamoto made it clear > that the world will be in constant motion regardless of whether or not > you're witnessing events- the game will require an Expansion Pak to > handle this amount of action. Although it was unclear exactly it would > work, it seems that as you achieve certain tasks, you push back the > timetable to buy the world some time. You must make use of masks, as > well. By transforming into a Goron, Link will be able to at high speeds, > move heavy objects and walk through lava. As a Zora he'll swim at high > speeds, and as a Deku Scrub he'll be able to fire bubbles and hover using > huge flowers. There were races, puzzles, and new moves for Link-and that > was only on N64. We also saw a Game Boy game, tentatively titled Zelda: > Fruit of the Mysterious Tree, that will be one of three related titles > (one of which will be the original NES Zelda). The game itself looks > exciting-Link wields a Rod of Seasons that changes the landscape through > four seasons-but more exciting were veiled hints from Mr. Miyamoto that > the three games will be linked somehow... > > ___________________________________________________________________ > Get the Internet just the way you want it. > Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! > Try Juno Web: > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 12:30:15 -0800 (PST) On Mon, 8 Nov 1999 wrote: > I see this topic on the mailing list today, and I have no background > information on why exactly Microsoft is getting sued. Can some of you give me > the story on what is going on with The high Commander Bill Gates, or maybe > send me a link to an article on it. I was thinking of getting my wife a Mac > with my tax return money. We have an IBM, but it sucks big monky ****. > Thanks. I would love to see microsoft fold, then what would sega do?? Well for starters, Microsoft is not going to fold, no matter what happens. "Worst" case scenario, if it gets split up like Me' Bell did, well, AT&T, Sprint< MCI and all teh rest are still with us. For offficial news, go to, look under the headlines or in buisness section, or do a search for microsoft. In general however, as i already posted earlier, they have a monopolistic hold on PC OS software, and use that monopoly as leverage. It's not enough that 90% of the people choose to buy windows, they want to force that last 10% to buy it as well if they intend to get a Intel type PC. As a thought experiment, if Kellogg told a grocery store that it could only sell Kellogg products, or they wouldn't sell them thier cereal at all, then the store would tell them to buzz off. There are a dozen different brands of cereal out there, including probably the retailers own cheapo brand. Not being able to sell Kellogg's cereal would hurt the company some, but not as much as not being able to sell all the others. However Microsoft, as a mnopoly, can and does use this tactic successfully because it controls enough of the market that computer manufacturers and other companies would rather give up all the alternatives than give up microsoft. I'm a little less clear on the rest of it, but microsoft uses it's money and influence to buy out or supress things that would be competing with their own products. Also, since microsoft write applications for windows as well as the OS itself, it can use "secret" information about windows APIs to have an advantage over competitors So whats going to happen is either a slap on the wrist if microsoft's money and political power comes through, some kind of ruling that prevents certain buisness practices on tehir part, or spliting up the company. A split up could either be splitting it up into a couple smaller companies that each tries to develop it's own version of the OS, or splitting it up along division lines. One company that develops the OS, one that works on the Office software, another that does IE, another that does games, etc. Or they could even do both. So, any more questions, or have i bored you enough already? =) Freeze this moment a little bit longer Make each sensation a little bit stronger Experience slips away... --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Mircrosquish Date: 08 Nov 1999 18:22:16 EST In a message dated 11/8/1999 10:26:40 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << I'm not really sure how this all word work, but who would be in charge of the Sons Of Microsoft. I'm sure Bill would stay with Microsoft and continue to make Windows Operating systems. But what would the other ones be? I'm still not sure how it could really be a monopoly with Apple in the picture. That never made much sense to me. Dave >> Whats so hard to understand? Apple doesn't own enough of the market since there are all those little pro-Microsoft laymen out there who don't know any better than to buy the memory, processor, and space intensive Microsoft crud. So, as in many cases, the popular vote is dictating who owns the greatest market share, and the consumer is buying Microsoft (or rather getting Microsoft stuff since it is given away on all current machines unless asked otherwise). For those of us who know better it is a shame, since I do think that companies like Apple and even newcomers such as Red Hat should be dominating since they actually have stable operating systems and their software standards don't change constantly. I guess it goes back to the fact that the mainstream screws up the market, and that Bill Gates' plan of making people need his stuff (or others stuff since he copied and reverse engineered other companies' product such as AOL's instant messager) works well. Jeremiah [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 18:36:26 EST In a message dated 11/8/1999 1:47:54 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << I'm a little less clear on the rest of it, but microsoft uses it's money and influence to buy out or supress things that would be competing with their own products. Also, since microsoft write applications for windows as well as the OS itself, it can use "secret" information about windows APIs to have an advantage over competitors >> I doubt that these API's are much of anything if they do indeed exist. There is one thing about Windows, and I'm sure someone will contest me about this, but it is reaking of the problems that the C language can often give you. C and its object-orientated decendent C++ will let you hack stuff together. There is also the matter of a Microsoft BASIC derivative being used in the construction of Win 32, but thats a story for another day. Anyways, since they can hack stuff together they also end up with quirky and often fatal problems. Such problems can lead to persistently occuring blue screens for developers. I use Win32 API in my source code for controls and such and it is by far not perfect, and it is also probably what the Microsoft programmers use when programming such things as wordprocessors for Windows '95, '98, and NT. This makes their "special API's" not worth much. Overall this probably isn't what helped them develop superior products (<-said that with large sarcasm). Jeremiah Barr P.S. Anyone else notice that their Wintel PC goes incredibly slow when on the Microsoft web site. I find this kind of funny since everything should be optimized. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Geoff Taylor" Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 16:55:41 -0800 > As a thought experiment, if Kellogg told a grocery store that it could > only sell Kellogg products, or they wouldn't sell them thier cereal at > all, then the store would tell them to buzz off. There are a dozen > different brands of cereal out there, including probably the retailers own > cheapo brand. Not being able to sell Kellogg's cereal would hurt the > company some, but not as much as not being able to sell all the others. Ahhh, but grocery companies actually do this to a point. Frito-Lay for one. They don't really tell the stores that they can't carry other products but they do insist on having a certain amount of shelf space within the snacks section to the point that there is very little room for other brands. Its done on purpose to squeeze the others out. > So whats going to happen is either a slap on the wrist if microsoft's > money and political power comes through, some kind of ruling that prevents > certain buisness practices on tehir part, or spliting up the company. A > split up could either be splitting it up into a couple smaller companies > that each tries to develop it's own version of the OS, or splitting it up > along division lines. One company that develops the OS, one that works on > the Office software, another that does IE, another that does games, etc. > Or they could even do both. Whatever happens, let's just pray the government brings in someone that actually knows what he's doing. That judge knows squat about technology and has had a very hard time staying awake during the trial. Breaking up Microsoft may be the way to go (In my opinion, it isn't) but they better be very careful in how they do it. They could really screw up things for everyone if they mangle the break up. In my opinion, Intel is the one that needs to be watched. Then again, the government needs to butt out. Most of the justice department hasn't a clue about tech and shouldn't be depended upon to determine the future of anything tech-based. Geoff Taylor [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: ---Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 20:38:24 -0500 (EST) I just hope that when the judge issues his order and Microsoft still dominates not because of anti-competitive practices(which it will discontinue) but because people PREFER MICROSOFT products, other software firms won't come crying to the Justice Dept On Mon, 8 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/8/1999 1:47:54 PM Pacific Standard Time, > writes: > > << I'm a little less clear on the rest of it, but microsoft uses it's money > and influence to buy out or supress things that would be competing with > their own products. Also, since microsoft write applications for windows > as well as the OS itself, it can use "secret" information about windows > APIs to have an advantage over competitors >> > > > I doubt that these API's are much of anything if they do indeed exist. > There is one thing about Windows, and I'm sure someone will contest me about > this, but it is reaking of the problems that the C language can often give > you. C and its object-orientated decendent C++ will let you hack stuff > together. There is also the matter of a Microsoft BASIC derivative being > used in the construction of Win 32, but thats a story for another day. > Anyways, since they can hack stuff together they also end up with quirky and > often fatal problems. Such problems can lead to persistently occuring blue > screens for developers. I use Win32 API in my source code for controls and > such and it is by far not perfect, and it is also probably what the Microsoft > programmers use when programming such things as wordprocessors for Windows > '95, '98, and NT. This makes their "special API's" not worth much. Overall > this probably isn't what helped them develop superior products (<-said that > with large sarcasm). > > Jeremiah Barr > > P.S. Anyone else notice that their Wintel PC goes incredibly slow when on the > Microsoft web site. I find this kind of funny since everything should be > optimized. > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting away from the Tri-Force Date: 08 Nov 1999 19:47:32 -0700 I think you get to race on Epona. On Mon, 08 Nov 1999 14:40:09 -0600 D Fentie writes: > Does this mean that we have to race through Zelda Gaiden? I like to > take my time and enjoy the game while it lasts... or is it more like > time is wasting but its too slow to effect how long you take and > each > time you complete a task the cutscenes show the moon a certain > percentage closer than it was? > > wrote: > > > > On Sun, 7 Nov 1999 13:45:50 EST writes: > > > In a message dated 99-11-07 10:53:17 EST, you write: > > > > > > > I think the most reasonable answer is the 'alternate > > > > dimension' theory. According to some theorists, every time a > > > choice is > > > made, > > > > the universe splits in half. For instance, in this universe, > I > > > sat down > > > > today to write this e-mail. In another universe I sat down, > but > > > didn't > > > check > > > > my mail. Or I didn't go on the internet. Or I got back up and > > > went to watch > > > > TV. Or... etc etc, ad infinitum. If you buy into quantum > theory, > > > that means > > > > the universe is splitting into infinitely many other > universes at > > > any given > > > > moment. > > > > > > And did this theory come from Leo Frankowski? ;) > > > > > > > > > > Lacking any other evidence, it makes sense for plot continuity > if > > > > Link was sent back into one of those other timelines, one > where > > > Ganon > > > didn't > > > > decide to kidnap Zelda. One main reason I think this is so is > > > that > > > otherwise > > > > all future Zelda games would have to take place in the 7-year > > > period > > > between > > > > young Link and adult Link of Zelda 64. > > > > > > > > > > You know, Zelda: Gaiden isn't about Ganon & the Tri-Force. I > hope > > > that the > > > next Zelda (after Gaiden), be it on Game Boy Color or Dolphin > has > > > nothing to > > > do with the Tri-Force as well. I mean there's gotta be > somethings > > > else that > > > Link can do. > > > > > > Dave > > > > >From Nintendo Power Oct. '99 > > > > The Legend Continues... > > > > Zelda Gaiden called up images of Ocarina of Time, but it was > evident that > > the framerates and graphics had improved. Between our gameplay and > a long > > chat with Shigeru Miyamoto, Zelda's creater, we determined a nuber > of > > tantalizing details about the story. Mere months afterthe end of > Ocarina > > of Time, Link chases a Skull Kid into another dimension, only to > find a > > doomed world. The moon is falling, and Link has a short time to > stop it. > > It's not as cut and dried as that, though. Mr. Miyamoto made it > clear > > that the world will be in constant motion regardless of whether or > not > > you're witnessing events- the game will require an Expansion Pak > to > > handle this amount of action. Although it was unclear exactly it > would > > work, it seems that as you achieve certain tasks, you push back > the > > timetable to buy the world some time. You must make use of masks, > as > > well. By transforming into a Goron, Link will be able to at high > speeds, > > move heavy objects and walk through lava. As a Zora he'll swim at > high > > speeds, and as a Deku Scrub he'll be able to fire bubbles and > hover using > > huge flowers. There were races, puzzles, and new moves for > Link-and that > > was only on N64. We also saw a Game Boy game, tentatively titled > Zelda: > > Fruit of the Mysterious Tree, that will be one of three related > titles > > (one of which will be the original NES Zelda). The game itself > looks > > exciting-Link wields a Rod of Seasons that changes the landscape > through > > four seasons-but more exciting were veiled hints from Mr. Miyamoto > that > > the three games will be linked somehow... > > > > > ___________________________________________________________________ > > Get the Internet just the way you want it. > > Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! > > Try Juno Web: > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" > ] > > [ (without the quotes) to > ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ---Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 22:02:32 EST In a message dated 11/8/1999 5:39:06 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << I just hope that when the judge issues his order and Microsoft still dominates not because of anti-competitive practices(which it will discontinue) but because people PREFER MICROSOFT products, other software firms won't come crying to the Justice Dept >> This is probably pretty obvious, but I'm not a big Microsoft fan. Windows is just DOS with a shell, and they pirate and reverse engineer a ton of software. There is also the matter of the co-existence of 16 bit and 32 bit stuff in Windows 95, 98, and NT, creating all sorts of quirky bugs. I don't know, maybe I expect too much. Jeremiah [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 21:59:31 EST In a message dated 11/8/1999 4:56:34 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << > As a thought experiment, if Kellogg told a grocery store that it could > only sell Kellogg products, or they wouldn't sell them thier cereal at > all, then the store would tell them to buzz off. There are a dozen > different brands of cereal out there, including probably the retailers own > cheapo brand. Not being able to sell Kellogg's cereal would hurt the > company some, but not as much as not being able to sell all the others. Ahhh, but grocery companies actually do this to a point. Frito-Lay for one. They don't really tell the stores that they can't carry other products but they do insist on having a certain amount of shelf space within the snacks section to the point that there is very little room for other brands. Its done on purpose to squeeze the others out. > So whats going to happen is either a slap on the wrist if microsoft's > money and political power comes through, some kind of ruling that prevents > certain buisness practices on tehir part, or spliting up the company. A > split up could either be splitting it up into a couple smaller companies > that each tries to develop it's own version of the OS, or splitting it up > along division lines. One company that develops the OS, one that works on > the Office software, another that does IE, another that does games, etc. > Or they could even do both. Whatever happens, let's just pray the government brings in someone that actually knows what he's doing. That judge knows squat about technology and has had a very hard time staying awake during the trial. Breaking up Microsoft may be the way to go (In my opinion, it isn't) but they better be very careful in how they do it. They could really screw up things for everyone if they mangle the break up. In my opinion, Intel is the one that needs to be watched. Then again, the government needs to butt out. Most of the justice department hasn't a clue about tech and shouldn't be depended upon to determine the future of anything tech-based. >> I agree with the most part except for the last paragraph. When you buy a new computer you have a choice of AMD, Intel, or in some cases even others (Evergreen, ect.). Microsoft, on other hand, has made it to where you can hardly buy a machine without Windows. As a matter of fact it is pretty hard to find adequate software for other OS's. Besides, the case is about a monoply, and monoplies go under the juristiction of the law, a.k.a the justice department. If someone is going to keep Microsoft in check it should be the goverment after all. Jeremiah [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 22:06:54 EST In a message dated 99-11-08 14:51:08 EST, you write: > We have an IBM, but it sucks big monky ****. > Thanks. I would love to see microsoft fold, then what would sega do?? Keep making great games I hope. Microsoft wouldn't disappear from the face of the earth, but it there would be a bunch of smaller companiesand a smaller Microsoft, like with what happened to Ma Bell. Bell Telephone was broken up into a few smaller companies like Bell Atlantic, AT&T, and some others. But that was long before I was interested in world affairs so I don't know the details. I think Legos were my main interest at that time. Well, Legos and my Atari 2600. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting away from the Tri-Force Date: 08 Nov 1999 22:08:37 EST In a message dated 99-11-08 16:05:42 EST, you write: > Does this mean that we have to race through Zelda Gaiden? I like to > take my time and enjoy the game while it lasts... or is it more like > time is wasting but its too slow to effect how long you take and each > time you complete a task the cutscenes show the moon a certain > percentage closer than it was? You've seen the screenshots of Zelda Gaiden, right? That odd meter in the bottom center measures the Moon's progression towards impact. Although I bet it falls really slow. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 22:14:18 EST In a message dated 99-11-08 18:37:15 EST, you write: > P.S. Anyone else notice that their Wintel PC goes incredibly slow when on > the > Microsoft web site. I find this kind of funny since everything should be > optimized. Did not notice, although right now I'm using a PC with an AMD K6. What would that be? A WinMD? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ---Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 22:21:24 EST In a message dated 99-11-08 20:39:06 EST, you write: > I just hope that when the judge issues his order and Microsoft still > dominates not because of anti-competitive practices(which it will > discontinue) but because people PREFER MICROSOFT products, other software > firms won't come crying to the Justice Dept But many people prefer Microsquish becasue they don't know anything else except the Apple computers which are so much more expensive. When you can get a new (IBM Compatible) PC for $130 or a new iMac for $900 more people will get the PC. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 22:18:25 EST In a message dated 99-11-08 19:56:34 EST, you write: > In my opinion, Intel is the one that needs to be watched. Then again, the > government needs to butt out. Most of the justice department hasn't a clue > about tech and shouldn't be depended upon to determine the future of > anything tech-based. > > Geoff Taylor Ah, Intel is crap, especailly that Celery garbage. Although I just hope that the Dreamcast Zip Drive (or better yet, a Harddrive) comes to America and the browser gets better so I don't even have to use a computer (PC). Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ---Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 22:23:45 EST In a message dated 99-11-08 22:03:46 EST, you write: > This is probably pretty obvious, but I'm not a big Microsoft fan. > Windows is just DOS with a shell, and they pirate and reverse engineer a ton > > of software. There is also the matter of the co-existence of 16 bit and 32 > bit stuff in Windows 95, 98, and NT, creating all sorts of quirky bugs. I > don't know, maybe I expect too much. > > Jeremiah Well it odes have to be backwards compatible. That's part of the problem right there. I think that there's not enough time between OS'. If they went the 5 year plan like consoles I bet PCs would be much better. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 23:25:18 -0500 Any processor that you can (semi) safely overclock to somthing like 1.5 times it's normal speed is not crap ;-). -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-11-08 19:56:34 EST, you write: > >> In my opinion, Intel is the one that needs to be watched. Then again, the >> government needs to butt out. Most of the justice department hasn't a clue >> about tech and shouldn't be depended upon to determine the future of >> anything tech-based. >> >> Geoff Taylor > >Ah, Intel is crap, especailly that Celery garbage. Although I just hope that >the Dreamcast Zip Drive (or better yet, a Harddrive) comes to America and the >browser gets better so I don't even have to use a computer (PC). > >Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin memory cards Date: 08 Nov 1999 23:37:24 EST I was just thinking. Since that's a rare function I thought that I should share my thought. You know what'd be great to be used as a memory card for Dolphin? Game Boy carts. That's it. Now you may resume with you normal lives already in progress. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: editor - hotgames Subject: [N64] - Coolnews Nintendo 64 Date: 10 Nov 1999 00:28:34 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS NINTENDO 64: Gamedate November 9, 1999 The newsletter of! THE PLATFORM OF CHOICE Right now on you can't swing a monkey without hitting a cartoon-style 3D platform game, which may or may not be a bad thing depending on how much you love that particular genre! Fans of Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie will be overjoyed at the current selection but for those strange folk who thought they performed in a very vacuum cleaner-like fashion...well, there's always next week! Ed. FEATURE REVIEW - RAYMAN 2 Hooray for Rayman! Just to prepare you for the upcoming multimedia assault this no-limbed creation is about to take on the world with is the brand new sequel to his cute and cuddly action game! Before you jump in, you better check out what we have to say about it all! LATEST 5 NINTENDO 64 GAME REVIEWS: Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko: Earthworm Jim 3D: Jet Force Gemini: Lego Racers: Knockout Kings 2000: FEATURE EDITORIAL - A TRIBUTE TO RARE A quick look at will instantly tell you that we love Rare and everything they do! But who are they? What are they doing? What do they want with your garden gnomes? All is revealed (well, most of it anyway) in our well-done feature! CHEAT OF THE WEEK - KNOCKOUT KINGS 2000 Big gloves mode - Pause the game and press C-Up, C-Down, C-Up(2), C-Down. Until they make a 3D Solitaire game... Cameron D. To unsubscribe to Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject field. Do you have friends who are also keen N64 gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: editor - hotgames Subject: [N64] - Coolnews Date: 10 Nov 1999 00:30:56 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS: Gamedate November 9, 1999 The Newsletter of TOO MUCH IS NEVER ENOUGH One thousand games. One thousand! That's a huge number and one that's guaranteed to worry anyone who wants you to spend your time on other things like getting outside of the house or having a shower. But for you and I this is a great challenge - can you play each and everyone of them before the turn of the millennium? Cameron D. THE LATEST AT 1. EDGAR TORRENTERAS EXTREME BIKER 2. G-SECTOR 3. BIG BANG 4. HOT WHEELS CRASH! 1. EDGAR TORRENTERAS EXTREME BIKER Extreme Biker, a game for everyone that's too scared to actually drive one of those two-wheeled death traps for themselves! As always, a free demo and full review await you... 2. G-SECTOR You remember those super cool hoverboards from Back To The Future? Well this is a game all about these cool pieces of make-believe technology, and it's yours for completely free! Download the full game and read our review now! 3. BIG BANG Shooting, blasting, zzaping...if it involves lasers and explosions, chances are that it's in Big Bang! Find out if this game is worth having a shot at by checking out our new review... 4. HOT WHEELS CRASH! Many driving games promote safety above all else, but not this one! Play around with your favorite Hot Wheels vehicles then laugh like a mad man while you watch them crash into each other. Check it out, you sickos... Here's to the next thousand... Cameron D. To unsubscribe to Coolnews send an email message to with the word unsubscribe in the subject field. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Johno?= Subject: Re: [N64] Mircrosquish Date: 09 Nov 1999 17:22:37 +0000 (GMT) --- wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-08 13:48:35 EST, you write: > > > "Microsoft's past success in hurting such > companies and stifling innovation > > deters investment in technologies and businesses > that exhibit the potential > > to threaten Microsoft," the judge wrote. "The > ultimate result is that some > > innovations that would truly benefit consumers > never occur for the sole > > reason that they do not coincide with Microsoft's > self-interest." > > > > Still think there's not a problem? Don't kid > yourself. > > > > JG > > I'm sure there would be a less expensive way to take > care of this, like how > much really is a rocket launcher? > There is and it's called Linux. (it's cheaper that a rocket launcher and is more likely to make microsoft break into a sweat) ===== ____________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at or your free address at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Johno?= Subject: Re: [N64] Mircrosquish Date: 09 Nov 1999 17:26:46 +0000 (GMT) --- Geoff Finger wrote: > On Mon, 8 Nov 1999 wrote: > > > In a message dated 99-11-08 13:20:05 EST, you > write: > > > > I'm not really sure how this all word work, but > who would be in charge of the > > Sons Of Microsoft. I'm sure Bill would stay with > Microsoft and continue to > > make Windows Operating systems. But what would the > other ones be? I'm still > > not sure how it could really be a monopoly with > Apple in the picture. That > > never made much sense to me. > > Because Microsoft signs deals with computer > manufacturers saying that if > they want to instal windows on any computer, they > have to instal it > on_all_ computers. A few companies are trying to > break away from this > model, but i'm sure Microsoft is figthing it tooth > and nail. > > I've been thinking about getting a new computer, and > i've always wanted to > have a linux box. SO i was figuring i could buy a > new computer, transfer > my Win 95 license over to it, and install Linux on > this computer. I've > still got the Win 95 instal disks and the little > registration certificate. > There would still be just one computer using that > license, so everything > would br fine legally. > > However i log onto Gateway and they don't have an > option to get computers > without windows. I tried emailing them, and they > said that because of > their contract with microsoft, they _could not_ sell > me a computer without > windows on it. I beleive Dell offers some Linux > workstations, but it looks > like they're more expensive that what i'm > interested, and it doesn't look > like thay're standard PC architecture, so I'm not > sure if i'd be able to > install Win 95 on it like i'd want to. > > So Microsoft is forcing consumers to buy windows > even if they don't want > it, even if they don't need it. I can't buy a > manufactured PC computer > with another OS on it, i can't buy one without any > OS on it. I have to buy > windows, and i have to pay for windows. > you could buy a machine with Windows 95 and then set it up as a dual boot machine with linux. It fairly easy to do with the red hat distribution. Then you get the best of both worlds > > Things crawl in the darkness > That imagination spins > Needles at your nerve ends > Crawl like spiders on your skin > --Rush > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message > "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to > ] > ===== ____________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at or your free address at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: ---Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 09 Nov 1999 10:19:18 -0800 (PST) On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr. wrote: > I just hope that when the judge issues his order and Microsoft still > dominates not because of anti-competitive practices(which it will > discontinue) but because people PREFER MICROSOFT products, other software > firms won't come crying to the Justice Dept If i can go to the gateway website, and order a computer _without_ a Windows OS and _without_ Microsoft Office in some format, why should I complain? The people who run these companies are inteligent, and they have lawyers to let them know when they're not acting so. Most companies will bite the bullet if they go under, and aren't going to try to sue their competitors, not unless their competitors used illegal and unfair buisness practices. (Yes, unfair is _really_ hazy, but in this case we've got a law defining what's unfair or not) It's usually the average american public which makes stupid lawsuits for spilling hot coffee in their own lap or things like that. =) Where would you rather be? Anywhere but here When will the time be right? Anytime but now The doubt and the fear I know would all disappear Anywhere but here --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 09 Nov 1999 10:29:51 -0800 (PST) On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Geoff Taylor wrote: > Ahhh, but grocery companies actually do this to a point. Frito-Lay for one. > They don't really tell the stores that they can't carry other products but > they do insist on having a certain amount of shelf space within the snacks > section to the point that there is very little room for other brands. Its > done on purpose to squeeze the others out. Yes, but none of them has the power to force all the others out of the industry. And actually, from what i've heard, it's not a matter of the popular copabies using that popularity to leverage a deal, the grocery stores _charge_ companies for space on the middle shelves. If it is the companies using market share to cut deals, tehn it is unfair, but not enough so that the justice department needs to get involved. If frito-lay tried to exclude all other potato chips from major grocery store chains and succeded, the department of justice would get involved in no time at all. > In my opinion, Intel is the one that needs to be watched. Then again, the > government needs to butt out. Most of the justice department hasn't a clue > about tech and shouldn't be depended upon to determine the future of > anything tech-based. Well teh whole idea of capitalism is that all companies/products will compete fairly and the best/most efficient companies will prosper. What's his name ("the invisible hand" guy who started the whole thing) either did not forsee or did not take into account that companies will lie cheat and steal to gain or hold onto market share, despite the fact that it works against the ideals of capitalism. Given that we've decided that we want to live in a free market system (except not really, we'll still set tarriffs on foreign goods and such) we need a way to make companies stick to these ideals. For better or worse the only people with the authority to do this and have even a pretense of impartiality is the government. Wilderness of mirrors World of polished steel Gears and iron chains Turn the grinding wheel I run between the shadows Some are phantoms, some are real --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Mircrosquish Date: 09 Nov 1999 10:43:49 -0800 (PST) On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, [iso-8859-1] Johno wrote: > you could buy a machine with Windows 95 and then set > it up as a dual boot machine with linux. It fairly > easy to do with the red hat distribution. Then you > get the best of both worlds Except for the buying an extra copy of windows and microsoft offive for a few hundred dollars which i don't need. (the software, not the money, i need the money =) I have a licensed copy of Win 95, i have a copy of Linux. I have one computer. I need a new computer with no software on it that i can move Win 95 over to. And in an attempt to make this have something to do with games, what do you all think of Window's up and comign system? (winbox? x-box? my mind for soem reason is blanking on the name) Personally i'm hoping it crashes and burns. I think Sega Sony and Nintendo are aenough to keep us occupied, i don't really want to have to deal with a 4th system that i need to keep track of and possibly buy if it comes out with a really good RPG. Fortunatly, i don't see any real way Microsoft can use it's monopoly on this one. It certainly can't blackmail the big three in any way. (But then, i'm not microsoft, let's see if they come up with any briliant sneaky moves) And it's got a _lot_ of competition, with systems ranging from the Dreamcast to the Dolphin coming out over the next few years. (yes, i know the dreamcast is already out, i just couldn't think of a better tense to sue there =) Two of which already have a fairly well established fan base (or whatever you choose to call it) already. Anyone else got two cents? I'm old enough not to care too much About what you think of me But I'm young enough to remember the future And the way things ought to be --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Justin Smith-Williams" Subject: Re: [N64] Show love to your 64.I love it to death. Date: 09 Nov 1999 13:43:56 EST >From: "Justin Smith-Williams" >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [N64] Show love to your 64.I love it to death. >Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 09:45:05 EST > >Can I get a Oh Hell No the 64 isn't or wasn't afailure.Yea sure it didn't >sell 50 million like that other system but shoot 20 million also >considering >the circumstances they were in from the begginning is incredibile.The 64 >saw >many different people step up to the plate and show just how good they >are.Companies like Acclaim, Midway, Ubi Soft, Sucker Punch, and ThQ and the >companie that blew the entire gaming world away in 97 RARE.The 64 even saw >Nintendo even step up to the plate.Prior to the 64 and RARE Nintendo didn't >want to deal to much with that many American development companies but with >the 64 Nintendo has put together themselve's a nice little team af >developers over here like LeftField, Retro, Nts, Factor5, and continued >support of RARE.Everybody claims the 64 is a "kiddie" system but I see it >differntly sure it has it's Banjo's but I feel the 64 has a good selection >of both cute and mature games:Turok2, Starfox, Shadowman, Resident >Evil2,WCW/NWO Revenge, Turok Rage Wars, Mario 64, and Zelda just to name >and >these are games that are so good that I would sell my playstation.Yeah I >know the playstation releases more games than the 64 but the way I see it >that game or 2 the 64 releases last just as long as those 10 games >playstation last in fact to me the station only has the Rpg's for me and I >can only play them so many times over and over but the 64 games I can just >go back to time and time again.Me personaly I have had more fun with the 64 >more than any other system before and that's because of the awsome ond >untouched splendor of ther multiplayer gems games like Mario Kart 64, >Goldeneye, Revenge, Mario Party,and Smash Brothers to the also up and comig >games like Donkey Kong64, Turok Rage Wars, the Xena fighter,and >Wrestlemania >2000 the 4 controllers was just a brillant idea and I don't think I'm going >to tire of my 64 any time soon in fact this holiday season I think I'll >have >a 64 gaming party.The 64 also provided me and will continue to do so with >the greatest single player experiences ever with:Mario64, Zelda, Goldeneye, >my favorite 2-d game Mischief Makers, Jet Force Gemini, Rayman2, Winback, >and Donkey Kong64.Next year is also shaping up to be the best year ever for >the 64 with the release of such potential hits as Zelda:Gaiden, Perfect >Dark, Kirby, Mario RPG, Starcraft, Pokemon Stadium, and many others I can't >think of at the moment I will enjoy my 64 to no end.This is also due to the >fact that I just got a job and have been able to buy more games for it than >any other system now I can go and pick-up some of the old classics Imissed > and but all the good games coming out this year (there are over 30 >coming out this month alone) I plan to have atlest 47 64 games buy the end >of this year.Well that's how I feel about my 64. > >J.Smith The Great One >The Don Juan Himself >If You Smell What ColdJUCE is Cookin > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Justin Smith-Williams" Subject: [N64] great news Date: 09 Nov 1999 13:46:19 EST Did you all hear the grat news from ign64.What news you ask?Only that Ogre Battle # will be coming here next year in march.Yes.Pokemon Stadium and Ogre Battle 3 both in the same month.2000's going to be hype.Nintendo has already announced a great line-up for next year and I just can't wait.Jan:Starcraft64 and Mario Party.Feb:Ridge Racer64. March:Pokemon Stadium and Ogre Battle3.April:the one and only PDiddy itself Perfect Dark.Not only this but us 64 Rpg gamers are finally getting are games w/games like Ogre Battle3, Earthbound, Mario Rpg, NomenQuest, and Zelda Gaiden.PLus more good games plus more mature games are all coming next year:Kirby, Turok3, Tony Hawks, Eternal Darkness, Riqa, with possibilities of Super Smash Brothers2 and Shadowman2.I'm already drooling in anticipation of next year.Who knows what those folks at Angel STudios might be able to give to us next year with there very sweet compression technology 2000 is shaping up to be an even better year for Nintendo than 99 already is.Can't wait to see what happens!!! J.Smith The Great One The Don Juan Himself If You Smell What ColdJUCE is Cookin ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: [N64] Westwood Date: 09 Nov 1999 10:48:54 -0800 (PST) This doesn't have much to do with Nintendo, but i'm too excited to care =) I just got an offer from Westwood studios to come work for them! =) It's a fairly decent offer too, not as good as i was hoping, but a little better than i was getting at Crave. Unfortunatly, it won't be involving the PS2 or Dolphin like i was hoping when i started this job search, but at least it's a decent job at a good company, and i can hope for something on a console next time =) Who knows? Maybe i'll be working on something that will end up being a port to the Dolphin in a few years? =) each emotional injury leaves behind its mark sometimes they come tumbling out like shadows in the dark --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Justin Smith-Williams" Subject: Re: [N64] Westwood Date: 09 Nov 1999 13:57:35 EST Congratulation's.If only I could work at Nintendo or have a company that became a 2nd party to them just like RARE and Left Field. Good Luck with job. >From: Geoff Finger >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [N64] Westwood >Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 10:48:54 -0800 (PST) > > >This doesn't have much to do with Nintendo, but i'm too excited to care =) > >I just got an offer from Westwood studios to come work for them! =) It's a >fairly decent offer too, not as good as i was hoping, but a little better >than i was getting at Crave. Unfortunatly, it won't be involving the PS2 >or Dolphin like i was hoping when i started this job search, but at least >it's a decent job at a good company, and i can hope for something on a >console next time =) > >Who knows? Maybe i'll be working on something that will end up being a >port to the Dolphin in a few years? =) > > >-------------------------------------------------------------- >each emotional injury >leaves behind its mark >sometimes they come tumbling out >like shadows in the dark >--Rush > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Justin Smith-Williams" Subject: [N64] review of Wrestlemania 2000 Date: 09 Nov 1999 14:25:17 EST Wrestlemania 2000 When I was but a wee little Wanderer, one NES game always found its way into the system’s awkward cartridge bay – Pro Wrestling. This little game had it all; outlandish character design (can anyone forget the original people’s champ, Star Man?), well-grounded game play, and the first true multi-player mode available on the NES. Ask any old-school gamer and they’ll tell you that no wrestling game has ever come close to that old cartridge’s greatness... until now. A mere fifteen years later, a new king has been born: WWF Wrestlemania 2000. As you can see from the score I’ve given this bone-crusher, I think very kindly about this game. In fact, it’s the first perfect score I’ve given out since arriving in the offices of GameFan. So instead of giving you the ‘bread and butter’ review that you were probably expecting, I’d rather tell you why you must own this game. THQ Has Done it Again! Wrestlemania 2000 is an inter-promotional sequel (of sorts) to last year’s critically-acclaimed WCW vs NWO Revenge. Not satisfied with just recycling last year’s engine with a new lineup of grapplers, THQ has somehow improved a game that many considered the perfect N64 wrestling title. With the help of AKI, a world-famous Japanese developer, THQ is once again the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. Hand-animated wrestlers! One glaring problem that always seems to rear its ugly head in today’s wrestling games is motion capture. A gimmick first used in Acclaim’s arcade version of Wrestlemania, motion capturing may be the one reason Wrestlemania 2000’s competition looks so clunky. The wrestler’s moves in Wrestlemania 2000 are beautifully hand-animated, and this time-consuming process really puts Wrestlemania 2000 head and shoulders above the rest. Take, for example, the People’s Elbow, the most electrifying move in sports entertainment today. Ever noticed that the "other" roody-poo WWF wrestling series by Acclaim has never been able to pull off this move correctly? It can all be blamed on motion capture technology. However, because the animators at AKI took their time emulating the ‘elbow’ frame-by-frame, it’s executed perfectly – straight down to the slight pause before you lay the Smackdown on the poor jabronie laying helpless in the middle of the People's ring. Electrifying Game Play. If you’ve played THQ’s previous WCW titles on the N64 (we all try to block out the memories of Nitro), you’ll feel right at home with Wrestlemania 2000’s controls. If fact, it doesn’t matter if you’ve never played THQ’s past wrestlers (and yes, I own the ‘I Learned Everything I Need to Know from The Rock' poster). The grappling system is once again extremely simple to learn, yet extraordinarily effective in execution. Rookies will love the innovative weak/strong grapple moves, while seasoned veterans will gravitate towards the game’s reversal techniques. This perfectly balanced game play not only leads to a fun single-player experience, but also paves the way as the ultimate party game. Realism. With today’s vast amount of video game storage (CD's, 256 Meg carts, etc.), you’d think the realism of the ring would have been captured a long time ago. Well, it hasn’t been - and while most video game publishers claim that they've finally contained the magic of the ring, the truth is... only one has. THQ has made a game that is just as entertaining (if not more entertaining) than the Monday night wrestling shows we have all grown to love. Wrestlemania 2000 is just about as close as you can get to the real thing. The cart really pushes the limits of the N64 this time around, and while it still misses the annoying antics of ring announcers, the game makes up for the lack of speech with larger than life TitanTron video screens, realistic tag partners and factions. When The Godfather, the resident pimp of the WWF organization, comes down to the squared circle, not only is his regiment of hoes (or should I say ho... there's only one) following him to the ring, but his video and entrance music also accompanies the Ho Train. This is the prefect example on why Wrestlemania 2000 provides the realism of the WWF’s TV personalities like no other game before it. Options! Never before has a wrestling game had the sheer number of options that Wrestlemania 2000 boasts. The standard one-on-one, tag teams, handicap matches and battle royal modes all return, along with some new entries such as Road to Wrestlemania and Pay Per View creation. While the Pay Per View mode is pretty much predictable in modern day grapplers, it’s the Road to Wrestlemania that ends up being the solid gold addition to Wrestlemania 2000. In R2W, you control the future of your favorite superstar. Players start off at the bottom of the organization and have to ‘do the time’ against a few no-name jobbers and wrestling has-beens – but don’t worry, it’s all uphill from there. Before you know it, you’ve earned cage matches with Mankind and title bouts against Triple-H, and finally you'll reach the real reward... when the millions upon millions of fans are chanting your name, in the main event of Wrestlemania 2000! Create a Wrestler. While you could change the clothes of last year’s Revenge wrestlers, I was a little disappointed that a true Create a Wrestler mode was omitted. This year, THQ not only added the now-standard mode, but also refined it so that you can edit each and every one of the wrestler’s moves. Have you ever wanted to see Steve Austin pull off the people’s elbow or have Triple-H chokeslam Kane? Thanks to the new edit-wrestler mode, you can... and a whole lot more! Factions can be changed (Kane in DeGeneration X, baby!), finishing moves can be messed with, and even taunts can be transformed… talk about a complete wrasslin’ experience! Know Your Role, Jabronie... after reading my review I hope you caught the one and only real reason to buy Wrestlemaina 2000… and no, it's not the clever acronym. Wrestlemania 2000 is fun. It’s the type of game I’d trade my whole video game collection for. So get off your Roody Poo Candy Ass and buy this game! - The Wanderer Copyright ©1999 GameFan. All rights reserved. (Terms of Use) (Privacy Statement) As you can already tell this game got a perfect score!Just though you might want to know. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ---Re: [N64] Rayman 2 Date: 09 Nov 1999 14:27:30 EST In a message dated 99-11-09 13:20:08 EST, you write: > It's usually the > average american public which makes stupid lawsuits for spilling hot > coffee in their own lap or things like that. =) Hey, that old lady did need the money though. ;) Has anybody played Rayman 2 yet? I'm thinking about getting it.. for the Dreamcast. But the N64 version looks pretty darn sweet. I was going to rent it but I had to get a nail removed from my hoof. Speaking of which, does anybody know if there's a shortage of new Dreamcast titles like Speed Devils & Toy Commander? I'm been to some stores around my area (Erie, PA) and have not seen hide nor hair of these titles, same with the new King of Fighters titles. You know, I'm just so darn tooting peeved that I'm gonna have to wait another year from now for Zelda: Gaiden, I knew it was gonna be delayed, but I was thinking to Nintendo's big summer title, but not to their Thanksgiving title. But I'm even more bummed with both Sony & Capcom pulling a Nintendo with Gran Turismo 2 & Code Veronica. Although that's nothing comapred to what SEGA's doing, sitting on a complete Dreamcast Crazy Taxi holding it over for Februrary. I know it's a PlayStation 2 counter measure but I think if it became their Thanksgiving title the Dreamcast userbase would grow even bigger. Ugh. Everybody's pulling a Nintendo. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 09 Nov 1999 14:29:08 EST In a message dated 99-11-09 13:30:54 EST, you write: > Given that we've decided that we want to live in a free market system > (except not really, we'll still set tarriffs on foreign goods and such) we > need a way to make companies stick to these ideals. For better or worse > the only people with the authority to do this and have even a pretense of > impartiality is the government. I still say Rocket Launchers. They work well in Goldeneye. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Mircrosquish Date: 09 Nov 1999 14:30:38 EST In a message dated 99-11-09 13:44:22 EST, you write: > I have a licensed copy of Win 95, i have a copy of Linux. I have one > computer. I need a new computer with no software on it that i can move > Win 95 over to. No you don't, do you? Why just get another harddrive and then after the reansfer remove the Hard Drive. Win 95 can't be that big. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] X-Box Date: 09 Nov 1999 14:35:01 EST In a message dated 99-11-09 13:44:22 EST, you write: > And in an attempt to make this have something to do with games, what do > you all think of Window's up and comign system? (winbox? x-box? my mind > for soem reason is blanking on the name) > The X-Box. I doubt it will surface, and even if it does, who will make games for it? I doubt PC game companies will like having to use standardized equipment. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Getting away from the Tri-Force Date: 09 Nov 1999 14:36:04 -0600 Is that a joke? If you don't know, or are not smart enough to understand my simple question, dont attempt answering it. wrote: > > I think you get to race on Epona. > > On Mon, 08 Nov 1999 14:40:09 -0600 D Fentie writes: > > Does this mean that we have to race through Zelda Gaiden? I like to > > take my time and enjoy the game while it lasts... or is it more like > > time is wasting but its too slow to effect how long you take and > > each > > time you complete a task the cutscenes show the moon a certain > > percentage closer than it was? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 09 Nov 1999 15:53:13 -0500 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-09 13:20:08 EST, you write: > > > It's usually the > > average american public which makes stupid lawsuits for spilling hot > > coffee in their own lap or things like that. =) > > Hey, that old lady did need the money though. ;) > > Has anybody played Rayman 2 yet? I'm thinking about getting it.. for the > Dreamcast. But the N64 version looks pretty darn sweet. I was going to rent > it but I had to get a nail removed from my hoof. Same here, but for DC. At worst it would be only slightly better than the N64 version...but hopefully it will be much superior. > > > Speaking of which, does anybody know if there's a shortage of new Dreamcast > titles like Speed Devils & Toy Commander? I'm been to some stores around my > area (Erie, PA) and have not seen hide nor hair of these titles, same with > the new King of Fighters titles. Here in good ol NW Ohio, there aren't many video game stores, so I can't comment. In my town, Wal Mart and KMart are the only stores, and lately, they've only carried like 3 games, all the low selling launch titles (like Blitz). But I did purchase Speed Devils from and got it last Thursday. Superb game I must say, been playing it constantly. > > > You know, I'm just so darn tooting peeved that I'm gonna have to wait another > year from now for Zelda: Gaiden, I knew it was gonna be delayed, but I was > thinking to Nintendo's big summer title, but not to their Thanksgiving title. > But I'm even more bummed with both Sony & Capcom pulling a Nintendo with Gran > Turismo 2 & Code Veronica. > Ditto. Sure irked me when I found out Veronica was delayed a YEAR. hm. > Although that's nothing comapred to what SEGA's doing, sitting on a complete > Dreamcast Crazy Taxi holding it over for Februrary. I know it's a PlayStation > 2 counter measure but I think if it became their Thanksgiving title the > Dreamcast userbase would grow even bigger. Ugh. Everybody's pulling a > Nintendo. > Damn straight. Give me Crazy Taxi. Now. > Dave > > Wes [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Goelzer Subject: RE: [N64] X-Box Date: 09 Nov 1999 15:00:39 -0600 > The X-Box. I doubt it will surface Think again. See: Don't get me wrong; I hope it *doesn't* surface. But there are more recent developments than those originally reported in Next Gen. > even if it does, who will make games > for it? That's easy: all the companies that make PC games. They're already talking about how easy it is to port from a PC game to Dreamcast; how much easier do you suppose it'll be to port to x-box? > I doubt PC game companies will like having to use > standardized equipment. The developers may not like it, but the accountants will *love* it. JG [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting away from the Tri-Force Date: 09 Nov 1999 16:55:30 EST In a message dated 11/8/99 9:09:05 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << You've seen the screenshots of Zelda Gaiden, right? That odd meter in the bottom center measures the Moon's progression towards impact. Although I bet it falls really slow. Dave >> It was also said that you can somehow buy time so the moon will take longer. I'm not sure how it works, but it does sound odd. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 09 Nov 1999 17:01:00 EST I own Rayman 2 -- and you should too. Let me make this much clear: IGN didn't do a good enough job giving this title the praise it deserves. At least from a techincal perspective, it's better than Mario 64. This is by far one of my favorite games for the console so far. If you like Mario 64 or Banjo-Kazooie, do yourself a favor and get it. And if you didn't, rent really is every bit as good as it sounds and then some. No shortages of Toy Commander or Speed Devils here either. Check Toys R Us -- they had it here. And I managed to pick up a copy of TC while I was at it. Another recommended game for all you DC players. Note: Toys R Us is offering $5 off any videogame title over $30 with the coupon they posted in their Sunday ad -- you can also get one at the store. Offer expires 11/20. So far, I've saved $10 in the last 3 days...and it's only going to get worse with NBA2K and company coming around. Aldo Merino -Nintendojo EIC [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 14:48:23 -0600 What would the implications of microsoft folding be anyway? Also, do any of you see a rise in the apple computer again? wrote: > > I see this topic on the mailing list today, and I have no background > information on why exactly Microsoft is getting sued. Can some of you give me > the story on what is going on with The high Commander Bill Gates, or maybe > send me a link to an article on it. I was thinking of getting my wife a Mac > with my tax return money. We have an IBM, but it sucks big monky ****. > Thanks. I would love to see microsoft fold, then what would sega do?? > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Getting away from the Tri-Force Date: 08 Nov 1999 14:40:09 -0600 Does this mean that we have to race through Zelda Gaiden? I like to take my time and enjoy the game while it lasts... or is it more like time is wasting but its too slow to effect how long you take and each time you complete a task the cutscenes show the moon a certain percentage closer than it was? wrote: > > On Sun, 7 Nov 1999 13:45:50 EST writes: > > In a message dated 99-11-07 10:53:17 EST, you write: > > > > > I think the most reasonable answer is the 'alternate > > > dimension' theory. According to some theorists, every time a > > choice is > > made, > > > the universe splits in half. For instance, in this universe, I > > sat down > > > today to write this e-mail. In another universe I sat down, but > > didn't > > check > > > my mail. Or I didn't go on the internet. Or I got back up and > > went to watch > > > TV. Or... etc etc, ad infinitum. If you buy into quantum theory, > > that means > > > the universe is splitting into infinitely many other universes at > > any given > > > moment. > > > > And did this theory come from Leo Frankowski? ;) > > > > > > > Lacking any other evidence, it makes sense for plot continuity if > > > Link was sent back into one of those other timelines, one where > > Ganon > > didn't > > > decide to kidnap Zelda. One main reason I think this is so is > > that > > otherwise > > > all future Zelda games would have to take place in the 7-year > > period > > between > > > young Link and adult Link of Zelda 64. > > > > > > > You know, Zelda: Gaiden isn't about Ganon & the Tri-Force. I hope > > that the > > next Zelda (after Gaiden), be it on Game Boy Color or Dolphin has > > nothing to > > do with the Tri-Force as well. I mean there's gotta be somethings > > else that > > Link can do. > > > > Dave > > >From Nintendo Power Oct. '99 > > The Legend Continues... > > Zelda Gaiden called up images of Ocarina of Time, but it was evident that > the framerates and graphics had improved. Between our gameplay and a long > chat with Shigeru Miyamoto, Zelda's creater, we determined a nuber of > tantalizing details about the story. Mere months afterthe end of Ocarina > of Time, Link chases a Skull Kid into another dimension, only to find a > doomed world. The moon is falling, and Link has a short time to stop it. > It's not as cut and dried as that, though. Mr. Miyamoto made it clear > that the world will be in constant motion regardless of whether or not > you're witnessing events- the game will require an Expansion Pak to > handle this amount of action. Although it was unclear exactly it would > work, it seems that as you achieve certain tasks, you push back the > timetable to buy the world some time. You must make use of masks, as > well. By transforming into a Goron, Link will be able to at high speeds, > move heavy objects and walk through lava. As a Zora he'll swim at high > speeds, and as a Deku Scrub he'll be able to fire bubbles and hover using > huge flowers. There were races, puzzles, and new moves for Link-and that > was only on N64. We also saw a Game Boy game, tentatively titled Zelda: > Fruit of the Mysterious Tree, that will be one of three related titles > (one of which will be the original NES Zelda). The game itself looks > exciting-Link wields a Rod of Seasons that changes the landscape through > four seasons-but more exciting were veiled hints from Mr. Miyamoto that > the three games will be linked somehow... > > ___________________________________________________________________ > Get the Internet just the way you want it. > Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! > Try Juno Web: > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 08 Nov 1999 14:48:23 -0600 What would the implications of microsoft folding be anyway? Also, do any of you see a rise in the apple computer again? wrote: > > I see this topic on the mailing list today, and I have no background > information on why exactly Microsoft is getting sued. Can some of you give me > the story on what is going on with The high Commander Bill Gates, or maybe > send me a link to an article on it. I was thinking of getting my wife a Mac > with my tax return money. We have an IBM, but it sucks big monky ****. > Thanks. I would love to see microsoft fold, then what would sega do?? > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Avery Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 09 Nov 1999 19:27:58 -0600 (EST) On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, D Fentie wrote: > What would the implications of microsoft folding be anyway? Also, do > any of you see a rise in the apple computer again? > I hate to say it. But Microsoft isn't going to fold. They have tons of money to fight this lawsuit. They will eventually win or it will become a moot point. Without Microsoft investing in Apple, I personally think Apple would be gone. |Chris Avery | Computer Services Lab Manager | |email | Computer Science Major | | | Arkansas State University | [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 09 Nov 1999 21:28:42 EST In a message dated 11/9/1999 3:48:27 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << What would the implications of microsoft folding be anyway? Also, do any of you see a rise in the apple computer again? >> What do you mean rise? They have their own niche selling computers to schools, and even if they don't like that market position there are still the loyal Apple fanatics out there. In my opinion, they never went under, just started selling less. Jeremiah [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 09 Nov 1999 22:11:37 -0500 Well, actually Apple's profits don't derive solely from schools. Recently more and more schools have been moving towards PCs, especially once you get to high school and beyond. Apple's strength has always been in desktop publishing and graphics design, where they are actually standard. -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 11/9/1999 3:48:27 PM Pacific Standard Time, > writes: > ><< What would the implications of microsoft folding be anyway? Also, do > any of you see a rise in the apple computer again? >> > > What do you mean rise? They have their own niche selling computers to >schools, and even if they don't like that market position there are still the >loyal Apple fanatics out there. In my opinion, they never went under, just >started selling less. > >Jeremiah > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Getting away from the Tri-Force Date: 09 Nov 1999 22:17:42 -0500 I don't think this is something you have to worry about. I remember hearing that you can purchase more time or something, and I think it will end up working something like the rupee system, where you do have to save them up, but given enough time you can buy anything you want. Um.. let me try to explain better. If you wanted to buy something for 500 rupees, but you only had 300, it was only a matter of going to a regenerating rupee spot and slowly gathering rupees. It wasn't like you might have to accomplish some difficult task to earn the rupees. I think that will be pretty much the way it works with time and Gaiden. Of course, this is entirely speculation. Have some faith in Nintendo ;-) -----Original Message----- >Does this mean that we have to race through Zelda Gaiden? I like to >take my time and enjoy the game while it lasts... or is it more like >time is wasting but its too slow to effect how long you take and each >time you complete a task the cutscenes show the moon a certain >percentage closer than it was? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting away from the Tri-Force Date: 09 Nov 1999 20:19:57 -0700 Yes, it was a joke. I'll have to work on sounding more sarcastic. On Tue, 09 Nov 1999 14:36:04 -0600 D Fentie writes: > Is that a joke? If you don't know, or are not smart enough to > understand my simple question, dont attempt answering it. > > wrote: > > > > I think you get to race on Epona. > > > > On Mon, 08 Nov 1999 14:40:09 -0600 D Fentie > writes: > > > Does this mean that we have to race through Zelda Gaiden? I > like to > > > take my time and enjoy the game while it lasts... or is it more > like > > > time is wasting but its too slow to effect how long you take and > > > each > > > time you complete a task the cutscenes show the moon a certain > > > percentage closer than it was? > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 09 Nov 1999 22:45:47 EST In a message dated 11/9/1999 7:14:32 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << Well, actually Apple's profits don't derive solely from schools. Recently more and more schools have been moving towards PCs, especially once you get to high school and beyond. Apple's strength has always been in desktop publishing and graphics design, where they are actually standard. >> I didn't say that they received most of their money from schools. I just said that write now they do have a good place to sell computers, and that is to schools. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 09 Nov 1999 23:17:58 EST In a message dated 99-11-09 18:48:27 EST, you write: > What would the implications of microsoft folding be anyway? Also, do > any of you see a rise in the apple computer again? When exactly did Apple rise before? This is a serious question. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 09 Nov 1999 23:23:36 EST In a message dated 99-11-09 22:46:32 EST, you write: > I didn't say that they received most of their money from schools. I just > said that write now they do have a good place to sell computers, and that is > > to schools. > You must live in a really nice area. Schools that can buy their own computers.. for students to use even. A very interesting concept. ;) I remember the computer lab from high school, 8088s and Apple II Es & II Cs as far as the eye could see. Well, to the walls anyway. Although the nice thing about using the old Apples was it was easier to hook a Super NES up to the monitor. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Quarter Billion For Dolpin Ads Date: 09 Nov 1999 20:32:59 -0800 According to Nintendo's vice president of marketing George Harrison, the company will not be pulling any stops when it comes to positioning its next-generation hardware, codenamed Dolphin, and 2000 software line-up. The console and its software, which Nintendo insists will launch in time for the holiday season 2000, will be backed by considerable advertising and brand recognition campaigns. A 10% increase in money flow will be devoted to the marketing of Dolphin and the firm's 2000 lineup -- or, in cold cash terms, $250 million. Comparatively, Sega shelled out roughly $100 million to kick off the launch of its Dreamcast in the US. The fact that Nintendo anticipates spending $150 million more for its next-generation hardware and line-up, well, speaks for itself. From -------------- Two things A. Nintendo is giving out what its marketing department is projecting how much it will cost to market Dolphin , but Dolphin will still likely launch in 2001 B. Its really going to hit in 2000 and Nintendo's got third parties signing non disclosure agreements up to wazoo. ** Also note Dolphin and Nintendo 2000 line up, which could mean N64 titles as well. This gets kind of tricky. I don't want to jump in and make some gung ho analysis of that last bit, so we'll have to wait. Sai Dekisuta [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Off topic: Waiting for on-line gaming Date: 09 Nov 1999 20:35:52 -0800 A really good, solid on-line game I might interest you in is its an on-line real-time shooter, with top/down Star Craft graphics, only this time, instead of controlling an army, players control one unit (they get to choose which one -- engineer, medic, infantry, armored personell) Each team consist of roughly 25 units, and team work is required to capture enemy flags and then building a base to guard it. The program itself is about 14 megs. if you have a fast connection and is itching for a good game, try this out. Dex [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Off topic: Waiting for on-line gaming Date: 09 Nov 1999 20:37:39 -0800 Dexter Sy wrote: > A really good, solid on-line game I might interest you in is > > > > its an on-line real-time shooter, with top/down Star Craft graphics, > only this time, instead of controlling an army, players control one unit > (they get to choose which one -- engineer, medic, infantry, armored > personell) Each team consist of roughly 25 units, and team work is > required to capture enemy flags and then building a base to guard it. > > The program itself is about 14 megs. if you have a fast connection and > is itching for a good game, try this out. > > Dex Oh and its absolutely free > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Off topic: Waiting for on-line gaming Date: 09 Nov 1999 23:31:23 EST In a message dated 99-11-09 23:30:44 EST, you write: > Oh and its absolutely free define fast connection [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Off topic: Waiting for on-line gaming Date: 09 Nov 1999 20:49:12 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-09 23:30:44 EST, you write: > > > Oh and its absolutely free > > define fast connection 56K is adequate. set aside about 1 hr for dling and initial testing of the game :-) > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] just my luck Date: 09 Nov 1999 23:54:07 EST Why is it that when there's a whole bunch of great games that I must get I end up having to spend my $$$ on everything else but games? For the Dreamcast there's SFA3, Speed Devils, and Slave Zero, on the PSX there's RE3, Medal of Honor, and finally this year there's an N64 game that I really want, Rayman 2, but I can't afford any of it. Argh. My inspection was due, I had to get new snow tires, i had to replace front & rear brake pads, I had to just today get a tire repaired (nail damage) geeze, I had to get that Din & 1/2 car CD player I had to get those new car speakers. it just ain't right. sure my car is in tip top condition and my CDs have never sounded better, but I'm still playing Soul Calibur. this greed is driving me nuts. well not that far. it's wierd, I really really want Rayman 2, and I never played it, I just got this feeling, ya know, that it's gonna be great. Dave is so wierd, I really want this game. perhaps i'm finally getting tired of Zelda. nah. Rayman.. of all things. I really thought I'd break down and buy a racing game. hnnh. oh well [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: ---Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 10 Nov 1999 12:19:01 +0000 on 9/11/99 1:38, Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr. at wrote: > I just hope that when the judge issues his order and Microsoft still > dominates not because of anti-competitive practices(which it will > discontinue) but because people PREFER MICROSOFT products, other software > firms won't come crying to the Justice Dept > Wow you are seriously deluded if you think people prefer MS products :) I would imagine that the majority of home PC owners are relative newbies to computing and office PCs are there because of management rather than user choice, simply because if they did have any experience they would choose anything over a PC. I'm sure you can come up with a list of reasons why a person should choose a PC ( such as games, commercial software etc) but at the end of the day my Mac outshines on all fronts. I'm 32 years old and have been involved with computing and gaming for over 20 years ( I well remember the TIME article about the young Bill Gates making his first million and watched with joy as Woz and Jobs developed the Apple in their garage and bought an Apple IIe when it first arrived) and using Windows makes me gag. Remember the technically inferior VHS beat out the superior Betamax for the home market and yet Beta is still in use by all major TV and movie studios as the preferred format for storage. Garrett [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Goelzer Subject: RE: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 10 Nov 1999 08:27:52 -0600 Sheesh Dave/Trey... you're OK with videogame history and current events, but you're pretty clueless about computer history and current events. In 1977, the year Microsoft was founded, Apple was already setting the standard for these newfangled "personal computers" with the Apple II series. I won't even mention the fact that the Lisa and then the Macintosh brought the whole GUI concept into the mainstream, well before Windholes was even at version 1.0. It took Microsoft until 1995 to get certain GUI concepts right that Apple had right from the beginning, hence all the t-shirts in 1995 that said "Windows95 = Macintosh87." And they *still* haven't really gotten some of it right, even with their 30,000 employees and billions in the bank. Go figure. The Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 interface is still an ugly, ugly mess, compared with the simple, easy-to-use elegance of the MacOS. Anyway, there are plenty of resources online where you could find a decent "computer history timeline," to fill in these apparent gaps in your knowledge. "When did Apple rise before," indeed... JG -----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 10:18 PM In a message dated 99-11-09 18:48:27 EST, you write: > What would the implications of microsoft folding be anyway? Also, do > any of you see a rise in the apple computer again? When exactly did Apple rise before? This is a serious question. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Quarter Billion For Dolpin Ads Date: 10 Nov 1999 11:04:19 -0500 (EST) Isn't that $6 billion warchest everybody's talking about just about run out. On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > According to Nintendo's vice president of marketing George Harrison, > the > company will not be pulling any stops when it comes to > positioning its > next-generation hardware, codenamed Dolphin, and 2000 > software > line-up. The console and its software, which Nintendo > insists will launch in time for the holiday season 2000, will be backed > by considerable advertising and brand recognition campaigns. A 10% > increase in money flow will be devoted to the marketing of Dolphin and > the firm's 2000 lineup -- or, in cold cash terms, $250 million. > > Comparatively, Sega shelled out roughly $100 million > to kick off the > launch of its Dreamcast in the US. The fact that > Nintendo anticipates > spending $150 million more for its next-generation > hardware and line-up, well, speaks for itself. > > >From > > -------------- > > Two things > > A. Nintendo is giving out what its marketing department is projecting > how much it will cost to market Dolphin , but Dolphin will still likely > launch in 2001 > > B. Its really going to hit in 2000 and Nintendo's got third parties > signing non disclosure agreements up to wazoo. > > ** Also note Dolphin and Nintendo 2000 line up, which could mean N64 > titles as well. This gets kind of tricky. I don't want to jump in and > make some gung ho analysis of that last bit, so we'll have to wait. > > Sai Dekisuta > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Quarter Billion For Dolpin Ads Date: 10 Nov 1999 11:04:19 -0500 (EST) Isn't that $6 billion warchest everybody's talking about just about run out. On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > According to Nintendo's vice president of marketing George Harrison, > the > company will not be pulling any stops when it comes to > positioning its > next-generation hardware, codenamed Dolphin, and 2000 > software > line-up. The console and its software, which Nintendo > insists will launch in time for the holiday season 2000, will be backed > by considerable advertising and brand recognition campaigns. A 10% > increase in money flow will be devoted to the marketing of Dolphin and > the firm's 2000 lineup -- or, in cold cash terms, $250 million. > > Comparatively, Sega shelled out roughly $100 million > to kick off the > launch of its Dreamcast in the US. The fact that > Nintendo anticipates > spending $150 million more for its next-generation > hardware and line-up, well, speaks for itself. > > >From > > -------------- > > Two things > > A. Nintendo is giving out what its marketing department is projecting > how much it will cost to market Dolphin , but Dolphin will still likely > launch in 2001 > > B. Its really going to hit in 2000 and Nintendo's got third parties > signing non disclosure agreements up to wazoo. > > ** Also note Dolphin and Nintendo 2000 line up, which could mean N64 > titles as well. This gets kind of tricky. I don't want to jump in and > make some gung ho analysis of that last bit, so we'll have to wait. > > Sai Dekisuta > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Justin Smith-Williams" Subject: Re: [N64] Quarter Billion For Dolpin Ads Date: 10 Nov 1999 11:09:50 EST My friend do ye not know that each year Nintendo continues to make atleast a couple billion dollars.That warchest will probaly not ever run out because when they release a good game it sells like crazy all over the world.Never underestimate Nintendo's wallet. >From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." >Reply-To: >To: >CC: N64 mailing list >Subject: Re: [N64] Quarter Billion For Dolpin Ads >Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 11:04:19 -0500 (EST) > > >Isn't that $6 billion warchest everybody's talking about just about run >out. > > >On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > > According to Nintendo's vice president of marketing George Harrison, > > the > > company will not be pulling any stops when it comes to > > positioning its > > next-generation hardware, codenamed Dolphin, and 2000 > > software > > line-up. The console and its software, which Nintendo > > insists will launch in time for the holiday season 2000, will be backed > > by considerable advertising and brand recognition campaigns. A 10% > > increase in money flow will be devoted to the marketing of Dolphin and > > the firm's 2000 lineup -- or, in cold cash terms, $250 million. > > > > Comparatively, Sega shelled out roughly $100 million > > to kick off the > > launch of its Dreamcast in the US. The fact that > > Nintendo anticipates > > spending $150 million more for its next-generation > > hardware and line-up, well, speaks for itself. > > > > >From > > > > -------------- > > > > Two things > > > > A. Nintendo is giving out what its marketing department is projecting > > how much it will cost to market Dolphin , but Dolphin will still likely > > launch in 2001 > > > > B. Its really going to hit in 2000 and Nintendo's got third parties > > signing non disclosure agreements up to wazoo. > > > > ** Also note Dolphin and Nintendo 2000 line up, which could mean N64 > > titles as well. This gets kind of tricky. I don't want to jump in and > > make some gung ho analysis of that last bit, so we'll have to wait. > > > > Sai Dekisuta > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > >sx > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 10 Nov 1999 14:54:39 EST In a message dated 99-11-10 09:29:06 EST, you write: > Anyway, there are plenty of resources online where you could find a decent > "computer history timeline," to fill in these apparent gaps in your > knowledge. "When did Apple rise before," indeed... > > JG Excuse me for not knowing. Geeze, it's a bit before my time. I'm terribly sorry that I spent the late 70s & early 80s with the only things on my mind being Atari, Lego, and Transformers. ;) Yes I am pretty clueless about personal computer history. Your information was really helpful, but the tone of your reply seemed a bit hostile. So what's a GUI? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Getting away from the Tri-Force Date: 10 Nov 1999 12:12:46 -0800 (PST) On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Eddy Wu wrote: > I don't think this is something you have to worry about. I remember hearing > that you can purchase more time or something, and I think it will end up > working something like the rupee system, where you do have to save them up, > but given enough time you can buy anything you want. Um.. let me try to > explain better. If you wanted to buy something for 500 rupees, but you only > had 300, it was only a matter of going to a regenerating rupee spot and > slowly gathering rupees. It wasn't like you might have to accomplish some > difficult task to earn the rupees. I think that will be pretty much the way > it works with time and Gaiden. Of course, this is entirely speculation. Have Ah yes, i keep forgetting, like all other acts of nature, a catastrophic decay of the moon's orbit can be counteracted by a bribe. Say what???? I'm wondering wha the local millionaires are doing sitting ontheir butts while you're running around scraping up spare change. The rich and powerful can be blind to a lot of problems, thinking that they don't really apply to them, but a moon falling on your head?? =) Scars of pleasure Scars of pain Atmospheric changes Make them sensitive again --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Goelzer Subject: RE: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 10 Nov 1999 14:19:47 -0600 > Your information was really helpful, but > the tone of your reply seemed a bit hostile. Yeah, well, we Mac users are a sensitive lot. As you might be if your fave company or technology had been among the first and most notable victims of Microsoft's heavy-handed anti-competitive tactics. I guess that's a semi-apology and semi-explanation. > I'm terribly sorry that I spent the late > 70s & early 80s with the only things on my > mind being Atari, Lego, and Transformers. ;) Hey, I was right there with you. Until I got my hands on an Apple II in a school lab in around 1981... > So what's a GUI? Graphical User Interface. Mouse, icons, menu bars, pointer, desktop, etc. JG [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Geoff Taylor" Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 10 Nov 1999 12:20:12 -0800 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 10:29 AM > > In my opinion, Intel is the one that needs to be watched. Then again, the > > government needs to butt out. Most of the justice department hasn't a clue > > about tech and shouldn't be depended upon to determine the future of > > anything tech-based. > > Well teh whole idea of capitalism is that all companies/products will > compete fairly and the best/most efficient companies will prosper. What's > his name ("the invisible hand" guy who started the whole thing) either did > not forsee or did not take into account that companies will lie cheat and > steal to gain or hold onto market share, despite the fact that it works > against the ideals of capitalism. > > Given that we've decided that we want to live in a free market system > (except not really, we'll still set tarriffs on foreign goods and such) we > need a way to make companies stick to these ideals. For better or worse > the only people with the authority to do this and have even a pretense of > impartiality is the government. I was referring to Intel's strong-arm tactics to keep mainboard manufacturers from producing mainboards compatible with AMD's products. Sure, these companies can produce AMD compatible mainboards but Intel has strongly hinted that if they do that they can expect to be placed on the bottom of Intel's list for recieving information and prototypes for developing future mainboards for Intel CPUs. Intel has also begun work to move into other hardware areas, such as sound, graphics, I/O, etc built into future CPUs cutting out the need for 3rd party devices. They're not there yet and may not accomplish what they desire (their attempts at 3D graphics have sucked so far) but the point is, they are attempting to do so. They want to be the single source for everything hardware inside your PC. Geoff [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 10 Nov 1999 12:20:28 -0800 (PST) On Wed, 10 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-10 09:29:06 EST, you write: > > > Anyway, there are plenty of resources online where you could find a decent > > "computer history timeline," to fill in these apparent gaps in your > > knowledge. "When did Apple rise before," indeed... > > > > JG > > Excuse me for not knowing. Geeze, it's a bit before my time. I'm terribly > sorry that I spent the late 70s & early 80s with the only things on my mind > being Atari, Lego, and Transformers. ;) > > Yes I am pretty clueless about personal computer history. Your information > was really helpful, but the tone of your reply seemed a bit hostile. So > what's a GUI? A GUI is a Graphical User Interface. An inferior mode of interacting with a computer compared to the glory of text based OSs like Linux ;) GUIs were first developed by Xerox, then Apple stole it from Xerox, then Windows stole it from Apple =) If we need too much attention Not content with being cool We must throw ourselves wide open And start acting like a fool If we need too much approval Then the cuts can seem too cruel --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Geoff Taylor" Subject: Re: [N64] Mircrosquish Date: 10 Nov 1999 12:33:21 -0800 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 10:43 AM > On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, [iso-8859-1] Johno wrote: > And in an attempt to make this have something to do with games, what do > you all think of Window's up and comign system? (winbox? x-box? my mind > for soem reason is blanking on the name) > > Personally i'm hoping it crashes and burns. I think Sega Sony and Nintendo > are aenough to keep us occupied, i don't really want to have to deal with > a 4th system that i need to keep track of and possibly buy if it comes out > with a really good RPG. > > Fortunatly, i don't see any real way Microsoft can use it's monopoly on > this one. It certainly can't blackmail the big three in any way. (But > then, i'm not microsoft, let's see if they come up with any briliant > sneaky moves) I think the X-Box is a good idea but then I'm an avid PC gamer. I upgrade my PC every 18 months or so because of games. Rarely is it the case that I need a new computer because of my OS or applications. If I can buy an X-Box for $300 just for games the lifetime of my PC is extended greatly, maybe another 12 months if not more. Overall, this will save me money. The X-Box also gurantees developers a closed-box standard. They don't have to worry about the many different possible PC hardware configurations which means that they can fully optimize the games for the features of the hardware inside the X-Box. With this deal my costs are down I get a better PC gaming experience. Sounds good to me... Geoff [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Getting away from the Tri-Force Date: 10 Nov 1999 16:16:57 EST In a message dated 99-11-10 15:17:17 EST, you write: > Ah yes, i keep forgetting, like all other acts of nature, a catastrophic > decay of the moon's orbit can be counteracted by a bribe. Say what???? Yeah, didn't you know that? I thought that was common knowledge. The local millionarire must be too busy betting on Goron races. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 10 Nov 1999 17:50:42 -0500 N64 gamers are like the Mac users of the console world ;-) -----Original Message----- >> Your information was really helpful, but >> the tone of your reply seemed a bit hostile. > >Yeah, well, we Mac users are a sensitive lot. As you might be if your fave >company or technology had been among the first and most notable victims of >Microsoft's heavy-handed anti-competitive tactics. I guess that's a >semi-apology and semi-explanation. >JG [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: ---Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 10 Nov 1999 17:51:47 -0500 Not to start a system war or anything, but you must have had lots of fun gaming on your Apple/Mac. Those 1-2 year lag times behind PCs for games must have been very pleasant. -----Original Message----- >on 9/11/99 1:38, Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr. at wrote: > >> I just hope that when the judge issues his order and Microsoft still >> dominates not because of anti-competitive practices(which it will >> discontinue) but because people PREFER MICROSOFT products, other software >> firms won't come crying to the Justice Dept >> >Wow you are seriously deluded if you think people prefer MS products :) >I would imagine that the majority of home PC owners are relative newbies to >computing and office PCs are there because of management rather than user >choice, simply because if they did have any experience they would choose >anything over a PC. I'm sure you can come up with a list of reasons why a >person should choose a PC ( such as games, commercial software etc) but at >the end of the day my Mac outshines on all fronts. I'm 32 years old and have >been involved with computing and gaming for over 20 years ( I well remember >the TIME article about the young Bill Gates making his first million and >watched with joy as Woz and Jobs developed the Apple in their garage and >bought an Apple IIe when it first arrived) and using Windows makes me gag. >Remember the technically inferior VHS beat out the superior Betamax for the >home market and yet Beta is still in use by all major TV and movie studios >as the preferred format for storage. >Garrett [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] X-box Date: 10 Nov 1999 17:55:15 -0500 That's if you believe that the X-box will really have a "closed-box standard." Let me remind you, this thing is Microsoft's brainchild, and the primary purpose of it is to promote their DirectX API for games. The theory is that if the Xbox is basically a PC, then DirectX games can be ported over from the PC almost immediately. However, the companies that will actually be making the system, Dell and Gateway, reportedly, are PC makers. There's no chance in hell that they will make a closed-box standard. It might be a little better than the PC situation today, as in all the components will be standard, but my guess is that they'll release a new upgraded X-box at least once a year, if not more. >I think the X-Box is a good idea but then I'm an avid PC gamer. I upgrade >my PC every 18 months or so because of games. Rarely is it the case that I >need a new computer because of my OS or applications. If I can buy an X-Box >for $300 just for games the lifetime of my PC is extended greatly, maybe >another 12 months if not more. Overall, this will save me money. The >X-Box also gurantees developers a closed-box standard. They don't have to >worry about the many different possible PC hardware configurations which >means that they can fully optimize the games for the features of the >hardware inside the X-Box. With this deal my costs are down I get a better >PC gaming experience. Sounds good to me... > >Geoff [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Goelzer Subject: RE: ---Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 10 Nov 1999 16:58:25 -0600 That's why I play the consoles, baby. Seriously, though, to each his own, but I realized after having my Mac for a few years (and playing endless hours of Myst, Dark Forces, Full Throttle, SimCity 2000, etc.) that I prefer the sitting-in-the-living-room-in-front-of-the-TV-with-friends vibe to the lone-gamer-hunched-over-a-keyboard-in-a-dark-room-lit-only-by-the-computer-m onitor vibe. I use my Mac for work (graphic design) and web surfing. I play games on game consoles. Simple, eh? JG -----Original Message----- Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 4:52 PM Not to start a system war or anything, but you must have had lots of fun gaming on your Apple/Mac. Those 1-2 year lag times behind PCs for games must have been very pleasant. -----Original Message----- >on 9/11/99 1:38, Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr. at wrote: > >> I just hope that when the judge issues his order and Microsoft still >> dominates not because of anti-competitive practices(which it will >> discontinue) but because people PREFER MICROSOFT products, other software >> firms won't come crying to the Justice Dept >> >Wow you are seriously deluded if you think people prefer MS products :) >I would imagine that the majority of home PC owners are relative newbies to >computing and office PCs are there because of management rather than user >choice, simply because if they did have any experience they would choose >anything over a PC. I'm sure you can come up with a list of reasons why a >person should choose a PC ( such as games, commercial software etc) but at >the end of the day my Mac outshines on all fronts. I'm 32 years old and have >been involved with computing and gaming for over 20 years ( I well remember >the TIME article about the young Bill Gates making his first million and >watched with joy as Woz and Jobs developed the Apple in their garage and >bought an Apple IIe when it first arrived) and using Windows makes me gag. >Remember the technically inferior VHS beat out the superior Betamax for the >home market and yet Beta is still in use by all major TV and movie studios >as the preferred format for storage. >Garrett [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Quarter Billion For Dolpin Ads Date: 10 Nov 1999 15:18:54 -0800 They have 5 billion in the Bank and no anti-trust suit :-) Dexter Justin Smith-Williams wrote: > My friend do ye not know that each year Nintendo continues to make atleast a > couple billion dollars.That warchest will probaly not ever run out because > when they release a good game it sells like crazy all over the world.Never > underestimate Nintendo's wallet. > > >From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." > >Reply-To: > >To: > >CC: N64 mailing list > >Subject: Re: [N64] Quarter Billion For Dolpin Ads > >Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 11:04:19 -0500 (EST) > > > > > >Isn't that $6 billion warchest everybody's talking about just about run > >out. > > > > > >On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > > > > According to Nintendo's vice president of marketing George Harrison, > > > the > > > company will not be pulling any stops when it comes to > > > positioning its > > > next-generation hardware, codenamed Dolphin, and 2000 > > > software > > > line-up. The console and its software, which Nintendo > > > insists will launch in time for the holiday season 2000, will be backed > > > by considerable advertising and brand recognition campaigns. A 10% > > > increase in money flow will be devoted to the marketing of Dolphin and > > > the firm's 2000 lineup -- or, in cold cash terms, $250 million. > > > > > > Comparatively, Sega shelled out roughly $100 million > > > to kick off the > > > launch of its Dreamcast in the US. The fact that > > > Nintendo anticipates > > > spending $150 million more for its next-generation > > > hardware and line-up, well, speaks for itself. > > > > > > >From > > > > > > -------------- > > > > > > Two things > > > > > > A. Nintendo is giving out what its marketing department is projecting > > > how much it will cost to market Dolphin , but Dolphin will still likely > > > launch in 2001 > > > > > > B. Its really going to hit in 2000 and Nintendo's got third parties > > > signing non disclosure agreements up to wazoo. > > > > > > ** Also note Dolphin and Nintendo 2000 line up, which could mean N64 > > > titles as well. This gets kind of tricky. I don't want to jump in and > > > make some gung ho analysis of that last bit, so we'll have to wait. > > > > > > Sai Dekisuta > > > > > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > > > >sx > > > > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > >[ (without the quotes) to ] > > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 10 Nov 1999 15:19:56 -0800 Eddy Wu wrote: > N64 gamers are like the Mac users of the console world ;-) Yes, but Macs have few killer-aps, N64 do. The analogy is actually pretty weak. I'd say N64 is N64, there's nothing quite like it. Dexter > > > -----Original Message----- > From: John Goelzer > To: '' > Date: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 3:20 PM > Subject: RE: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. > > >> Your information was really helpful, but > >> the tone of your reply seemed a bit hostile. > > > >Yeah, well, we Mac users are a sensitive lot. As you might be if your fave > >company or technology had been among the first and most notable victims of > >Microsoft's heavy-handed anti-competitive tactics. I guess that's a > >semi-apology and semi-explanation. > >JG > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] X-box Date: 10 Nov 1999 15:24:21 -0800 Eddy Wu wrote: > That's if you believe that the X-box will really have a "closed-box > standard." Let me remind you, this thing is Microsoft's brainchild, and the > primary purpose of it is to promote their DirectX API for games. The theory > is that if the Xbox is basically a PC, then DirectX games can be ported over > from the PC almost immediately. However, the companies that will actually be > making the system, Dell and Gateway, reportedly, are PC makers. There's no > chance in hell that they will make a closed-box standard. It might be a > little better than the PC situation today, as in all the components will be > standard, but my guess is that they'll release a new upgraded X-box at least > once a year, if not more. Well, Daily Radar interviewed a developer about X-box. The gist of the interview is that X-box will be archaic (in terms of its 20 year old intel chip designs) compared to the fresher EE chip by Sony and Flipper/Gekko Chip from IBM andArt-X. Microsoft is villified in the hardcore community so early support in that crucial sector is likely to be very weak. And kids and casual users know microsoft only as that Windows maker. The developer also said the PC architecture of the console will likely result in frequent crashes and system errors, as most windows users are aware. Go to the site and see what they have to say. One good thing that came out of the unidentitfied developer is that they think pc gamers who are fed up with pcs will likely want it, and a version 1.1 of the console might do well. However, the core console business doesn't seemed the least bit threatened. Dexter > > > >I think the X-Box is a good idea but then I'm an avid PC gamer. I upgrade > >my PC every 18 months or so because of games. Rarely is it the case that I > >need a new computer because of my OS or applications. If I can buy an > X-Box > >for $300 just for games the lifetime of my PC is extended greatly, maybe > >another 12 months if not more. Overall, this will save me money. The > >X-Box also gurantees developers a closed-box standard. They don't have to > >worry about the many different possible PC hardware configurations which > >means that they can fully optimize the games for the features of the > >hardware inside the X-Box. With this deal my costs are down I get a better > >PC gaming experience. Sounds good to me... > > > >Geoff > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] X-box Date: 10 Nov 1999 15:30:56 -0800 Eddy Wu wrote: > That's if you believe that the X-box will really have a "closed-box > standard." Let me remind you, this thing is Microsoft's brainchild, and the > primary purpose of it is to promote their DirectX API for games. The theory > is that if the Xbox is basically a PC, then DirectX games can be ported over > from the PC almost immediately. However, the companies that will actually be > making the system, Dell and Gateway, reportedly, are PC makers. There's no > chance in hell that they will make a closed-box standard. It might be a > little better than the PC situation today, as in all the components will be > standard, but my guess is that they'll release a new upgraded X-box at least > once a year, if not more. An upgrade every year won't fly in the mainstream. Nintendo sold 4 million 16-bit Super Nintendos from 1996 to 1999,. with almost zero marketing dollars. Those 4 million likely went to low to lower middle class income homes who still want to share in the wealth of gaming, but can't afford high end next gen consoles or pcs. That is why price is so important for Nintendo. If they can go mainstream pricing within 12 to 18 months of Dolphin launching, it will destroy the class structure that exists today, which goes much like this. Year 1 (hardcore and affluent gamers), Year 2 (high end casual gamers, and middle class gamers enter) Year 3 (more middle class gamers enter, prices drops, more casual gamers enter) Year 4 / 5 ( $99 range, true mass market price, new console on the horizon) As Nintendo of America's VP of marketing Peter main pointed out in his lengthy speech (check for highlights or for full transcript) , mainstream gamers are ignored and dropped just as they get ready to enter the market. Nintendo is committed to keep them around for a while longer. Dekisuta > > > >I think the X-Box is a good idea but then I'm an avid PC gamer. I upgrade > >my PC every 18 months or so because of games. Rarely is it the case that I > >need a new computer because of my OS or applications. If I can buy an > X-Box > >for $300 just for games the lifetime of my PC is extended greatly, maybe > >another 12 months if not more. Overall, this will save me money. The > >X-Box also gurantees developers a closed-box standard. They don't have to > >worry about the many different possible PC hardware configurations which > >means that they can fully optimize the games for the features of the > >hardware inside the X-Box. With this deal my costs are down I get a better > >PC gaming experience. Sounds good to me... > > > >Geoff > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] off topic: More in infantry Date: 10 Nov 1999 15:46:16 -0800 Let me rephrase. 56K is more than adequate. 28.8K connection can still hold out pretty well, albiet there will be the occasionnal lag. I'm not sure where the game takes you after you sign on, but I usually hang out at Callisto Crossfire where 100 units, or 4 teams of 25 units each battle it out for superirority ;-) To get there you might need to change the ip addy in the options. There are also 3 areas to play in, just surf around and hopefully you'll find me :-) When you click on infantry.exe, go to view, and then option, and under the first box that says Directory Server Address, replace what's there with "" hopefully you'll find the game enjoyable. Dexter [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Quarter Billion For Dolpin Ads Date: 11 Nov 1999 10:55:00 +1100 At 11:04 10-11-99 -0500, you wrote: > >Isn't that $6 billion warchest everybody's talking about just about run >out. > Why would it have? Nintendo makes huge profits every year. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 11 Nov 1999 00:00:16 +0000 on 10/11/99 20:20, Geoff Finger at wrote: > A GUI is a Graphical User Interface. An inferior mode of interacting with > a computer compared to the glory of text based OSs like Linux ;) > > GUIs were first developed by Xerox, then Apple stole it from Xerox, then > Windows stole it from Apple =) Well I wouldn't have put it in those terms, one of the steve's (not sure which, possibly Wozniak) was visiting PARC back in the mid 70's and he saw a demonstration of a new type of interface commonly referred to as a GUI, now this was a very early development and as such wouldn't look much like anything we are used to today and I don't think it had a mouse ( I think Apple may have developed that, but I'm not sure) and so Steve was so impressed he went home and started to develop his own. The GUI of today's MacOS is very similar to the very first one used on the original Apples ( but of course it is much more refined) and so when MS felt it was time to adopt a GUI and abandon the DOS prompt they engineered a version that was similar to the Mac's in appearance but still markedly different in it's operation ( most notably the multibutton mouse) so as to avoid potential legal complications ( which Apple still pursued up until last year). Xerox never pursued their course of action and so Apple didn't really steal anything ( if a friend of mine has an idea but doesn't do anything with it and I choose to develop something along similar lines, does that make me a thief) but MS has a history of this from before the GUI decision ( DOS wasn't developed by Gates you know, but acquired surreptitiously by Gates to sell to IBM. This was after the original developer told IBM that he wasn't interested in selling them the program). this could drag on so I'll end Garrett [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Clobie" Subject: Re: [N64] Quarter Billion For Dolpin Ads Date: 10 Nov 1999 20:22:34 -0500 Anti-trust suit or not, weren't aren't they styil being sued? I mean, a while back I read that a group of angry parents are suing Nintendo and Wizards of the Coast because they think that the Pokemon card game is an addictive form of gambling for kids. Gee, all my old basketball cards and baseball cards must have warped my mind :) Anyway, I'm sure the Big N and WotC must be contesting that suit in court. I mean, considering the Pokemon craze, the card game alone must be making both companies a fortune. >>They have 5 billion in the Bank and no anti-trust suit :-) >>Dexter __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Quarter Billion For Dolpin Ads Date: 10 Nov 1999 20:37:51 -0500 (EST) Yeah but a billion has been spent on 64DD R&D alone. I'm sure Nintendo has recouped that money but with all the money spent on Dolphin and all the money it won't make with Dolphin(b/c of partnerships) perhaps that warchest will shrink in the years to come. I hope not. On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Clobie wrote: > > Anti-trust suit or not, weren't aren't they styil being sued? > > I mean, a while back I read that a group of angry parents are suing Nintendo > and Wizards of the Coast because they think that the Pokemon card game is an > addictive form of gambling for kids. Gee, all my old basketball cards and > baseball cards must have warped my mind :) > > Anyway, I'm sure the Big N and WotC must be contesting that suit in court. > I mean, considering the Pokemon craze, the card game alone must be making > both companies a fortune. > > >>They have 5 billion in the Bank and no anti-trust suit :-) > > >>Dexter > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Bid and sell for free at > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 10 Nov 1999 20:42:44 -0500 (EST) Thanks for the review I'll rent it(i love platformers but with no deathmatch mode i wouldn't consider buying the game since it lacks replay value). Is the game better than Banjo graphics wise? Is the game larger than Mario64 as far as geometry? Also how do the graphics compare to the 1st gen games? On Tue, 9 Nov 1999 wrote: > I own Rayman 2 -- and you should too. Let me make this much clear: IGN didn't > do a good enough job giving this title the praise it deserves. At least from > a techincal perspective, it's better than Mario 64. This is by far one of my > favorite games for the console so far. If you like Mario 64 or Banjo-Kazooie, > do yourself a favor and get it. And if you didn't, rent really is > every bit as good as it sounds and then some. > > No shortages of Toy Commander or Speed Devils here either. Check Toys R Us -- > they had it here. And I managed to pick up a copy of TC while I was at it. > Another recommended game for all you DC players. > > Note: Toys R Us is offering $5 off any videogame title over $30 with the > coupon they posted in their Sunday ad -- you can also get one at the store. > Offer expires 11/20. So far, I've saved $10 in the last 3 days...and it's > only going to get worse with NBA2K and company coming around. > > Aldo Merino > -Nintendojo EIC > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Quarter Billion For Dolpin Ads Date: 10 Nov 1999 18:54:26 -0800 "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." wrote: > Yeah but a billion has been spent on 64DD R&D alone. I'm sure Nintendo has > recouped that money but with all the money spent on Dolphin and all the > money it won't make with Dolphin(b/c of partnerships) perhaps that > warchest will shrink in the years to come. I hope not. Ummm.. the company spent 125 million on R&D total last year. Don't make up fake figures to back up arguments. Dexter > > > On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Clobie wrote: > > > > > Anti-trust suit or not, weren't aren't they styil being sued? > > > > I mean, a while back I read that a group of angry parents are suing Nintendo > > and Wizards of the Coast because they think that the Pokemon card game is an > > addictive form of gambling for kids. Gee, all my old basketball cards and > > baseball cards must have warped my mind :) > > > > Anyway, I'm sure the Big N and WotC must be contesting that suit in court. > > I mean, considering the Pokemon craze, the card game alone must be making > > both companies a fortune. > > > > >>They have 5 billion in the Bank and no anti-trust suit :-) > > > > >>Dexter > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > > Do You Yahoo!? > > Bid and sell for free at > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > sx > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Is Pokemon Evil? Date: 10 Nov 1999 22:45:48 EST In a message dated 99-11-10 20:20:44 EST, you write: > I mean, a while back I read that a group of angry parents are suing Nintendo > and Wizards of the Coast because they think that the Pokemon card game is an > addictive form of gambling for kids. Gee, all my old basketball cards and > baseball cards must have warped my mind :) Two parents make it. Suing Nintendo cos they can't control their children. If they really think Pokemon is bad for their kids, why don't the just take away the Pokemon cards? Cos they're in it for the money. Face [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Quarter Billion For Dolpin Ads Date: 10 Nov 1999 22:47:04 EST In a message dated 99-11-10 20:38:28 EST, you write: > Yeah but a billion has been spent on 64DD R&D alone. I'm sure Nintendo has > recouped that money but with all the money spent on Dolphin and all the > money it won't make with Dolphin(b/c of partnerships) perhaps that > warchest will shrink in the years to come. I hope not. Not as long as Nintendo has the Game Boy they won't see any money problems Give [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 10 Nov 1999 22:51:04 EST In a message dated 99-11-10 20:43:22 EST, you write: > Thanks for the review I'll rent it(i love platformers but with no > deathmatch mode i wouldn't consider buying the game since it lacks replay > value). That's the funniest thing I heard all day. Besides that letter I got from Square EA. Since there's no multi-player it has no replay value? I can't understand that kind of logic. I say if the game is good enough, another run through it is just as fun as the first time. Even more fun since you know what to do at the really hard points. You must really hate races that last more than a lap. ;) Rest [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Is Pokemon Evil? Date: 10 Nov 1999 23:23:06 EST In a message dated 11/10/99 9:46:32 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Two parents make it. Suing Nintendo cos they can't control their children. If they really think Pokemon is bad for their kids, why don't the just take away the Pokemon cards? Cos they're in it for the money. Face >> Thank you, Dave. I'm glad there are people who realize the truth behind this Pokemon lawsuit thing. Speaking of Pokemon, I just saw the movie today, and I'm probably going back (more than once is likely). What can I say, I'm obsessed. -Eric- is addicted to Pokemon big time. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 11 Nov 1999 00:36:06 EST In a message dated 11/10/99 7:43:22 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Is the game better than Banjo graphics wise? Is the game larger than Mario64 as far as geometry? Also how do the graphics compare to the 1st gen games? >> Rayman 2 is easily on par with Banjo-Kazooie in terms of graphical finesse, only with a totally different (and more cartoon) look to it. Instead of the usual water textures for example, the water texture is a transparent swirl pattern that really makes the water more appealing visually; the whole game is full of excellent animation and textures that really add personality visually. One great example is when you lure an otherwise indestructible enemy off a ledge -- his eyes open wide, he runs in place in the air, flails his arms madly, and then falls to his demise. Wonderful stuff. In comparison to Mario 64, techincally, it really outshines it for a lot of the aforementioned reasons. Even the level design is superb -- it's not all jumping and stomping enemies. They're some really refreshing and challenging puzzles in there complete with mini-games that only be access completing a level (and they're tons of levels...), and better yet, a wide variety in the way levels are done. One of my favorites has Rayman being hunted by a large floating prison ship firing canon balls and running bullets (part of the game's weird enemies!); the level makes great use of Rayman's abilities as you won't always be running and jumping, control is tight all the way through, and the action is always intense. In short, this one game you really ought to have in your collection if you think you're remotely interested. I'll have a full review on NDojo asap if you want to read all my rantings there=) Aldo Merino -ND EIC [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Quarter Billion For Dolpin Ads Date: 11 Nov 1999 16:51:08 +1100 At 20:37 10-11-99 -0500, you wrote: > >Yeah but a billion has been spent on 64DD R&D alone. I'm sure Nintendo has >recouped that money but with all the money spent on Dolphin and all the >money it won't make with Dolphin(b/c of partnerships) perhaps that >warchest will shrink in the years to come. I hope not. > > I'm probably wrong, but don't they have to report such expences in their reports to the stock market? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Yip Chun Yu Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & rumble ? Date: 10 Nov 1999 22:05:56 -0800 (PST) Yes, I played my own one last night and I can say that it's really amazing. Visually, it should be one of the best in the N64 list (I guess it may even supress the coming DK64). More importantly, the gameplay is top and it simply act as a textbook for company to try to create a funny 3d platform game. I think Mario is amazing as it is the first one in this type of game. Banjo may be good but it simply extend the gameplay element of Mario 64 (however, it's still very very entertaining). However, raymond 2 try to put all the traditional 2d platform funny element in a 3d enviornment. I'm afriad it's gameplay may even better than the DK64. By the way, my own copy can't rumble as it said that the device is not a memory pak. Any one can help? --- wrote: > In a message dated 11/10/99 7:43:22 PM Central > Standard Time, > writes: > > << Is the game better than Banjo graphics wise? Is > the game larger > than Mario64 as far as geometry? Also how do the > graphics compare to the > 1st gen games? >> > > Rayman 2 is easily on par with Banjo-Kazooie in > terms of graphical finesse, > only with a totally different (and more cartoon) > look to it. Instead of the > usual water textures for example, the water texture > is a transparent swirl > pattern that really makes the water more appealing > visually; the whole game > is full of excellent animation and textures that > really add personality > visually. One great example is when you lure an > otherwise indestructible > enemy off a ledge -- his eyes open wide, he runs in > place in the air, flails > his arms madly, and then falls to his demise. > Wonderful stuff. > > In comparison to Mario 64, techincally, it really > outshines it for a lot of > the aforementioned reasons. Even the level design is > superb -- it's not all > jumping and stomping enemies. They're some really > refreshing and challenging > puzzles in there complete with mini-games that only > be access completing a > level (and they're tons of levels...), and better > yet, a wide variety in the > way levels are done. One of my favorites has Rayman > being hunted by a large > floating prison ship firing canon balls and running > bullets (part of the > game's weird enemies!); the level makes great use of > Rayman's abilities as > you won't always be running and jumping, control is > tight all the way > through, and the action is always intense. > > In short, this one game you really ought to have in > your collection if you > think you're remotely interested. I'll have a full > review on NDojo asap if > you want to read all my rantings there=) > > Aldo Merino > -ND EIC > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message > "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to > ] > ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & rumble ? Date: 11 Nov 1999 01:08:20 EST I believe you have to 'hot swap' -- after loading your game, try putting in the Rumble Pak and then put it back when you get to the 'Do you want to save?' screen. If all else fails, consult the instruction manual=) Aldo M. -spending a late nite updating...again. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 11 Nov 1999 00:41:58 -0600 -----Original Message----- > > >Eddy Wu wrote: > >> N64 gamers are like the Mac users of the console world ;-) > >Yes, but Macs have few killer-aps, N64 do. The analogy is actually pretty >weak. I'd say N64 is N64, there's nothing quite like it. Actually, I would say that the N64 has few killer apps as well...but to each his own, right? Stryder > >Dexter > >> >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: John Goelzer >> To: '' >> Date: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 3:20 PM >> Subject: RE: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. >> >> >> Your information was really helpful, but >> >> the tone of your reply seemed a bit hostile. >> > >> >Yeah, well, we Mac users are a sensitive lot. As you might be if your fave >> >company or technology had been among the first and most notable victims of >> >Microsoft's heavy-handed anti-competitive tactics. I guess that's a >> >semi-apology and semi-explanation. >> >JG >> >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >> [ (without the quotes) to ] > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 11 Nov 1999 00:47:26 -0600 -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-11-10 20:43:22 EST, you write: > >> Thanks for the review I'll rent it(i love platformers but with no >> deathmatch mode i wouldn't consider buying the game since it lacks replay >> value). > > >That's the funniest thing I heard all day. Besides that letter I got from >Square EA. Since there's no multi-player it has no replay value? I can't >understand that kind of logic. It is PC gamer logic. Although multiplayer can add a lot to the replay value...platformers are not meant to have multi-player IMO. I personally just enjoy playing through platformers as they are. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 11 Nov 1999 00:56:55 -0600 >Rayman 2 is easily on par with Banjo-Kazooie in terms of graphical finesse, >only with a totally different (and more cartoon) look to it. Instead of the >usual water textures for example, the water texture is a transparent swirl >pattern that really makes the water more appealing visually; the whole game >is full of excellent animation and textures that really add personality >visually. One great example is when you lure an otherwise indestructible >enemy off a ledge -- his eyes open wide, he runs in place in the air, flails >his arms madly, and then falls to his demise. Wonderful stuff. For those of you who had the priveledge of playing the original Rayman, Rayman 2's great graphic detail should come as no surprise. >In short, this one game you really ought to have in your collection if you >think you're remotely interested. I'll have a full review on NDojo asap if >you want to read all my rantings there=) > >Aldo Merino I was scoffed at when I said not too long ago that Ubi Soft could put out some great games. I am proven right :) Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 11 Nov 1999 02:40:26 EST what is it with this pokemon thing. is it hardcore gamers into it too or just little kids. i must have been in a hole somewhere because i just don't get it. what is this whole craze with the pokemon. what the hell is a pokemon. what is the whole craze about. i feel so stupid for not knowing, but i want to be informed. help me, help me pikachu! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: ---Re: [N64] Microsoft's lawsuit. Date: 11 Nov 1999 11:49:42 +0000 on 10/11/99 22:51, Eddy Wu at wrote: > Not to start a system war or anything, but you must have had lots of fun > gaming on your Apple/Mac. Those 1-2 year lag times behind PCs for games must > have been very pleasant. it was never really a problem considering I have 5 working consoles in the house at the moment and over a hundred and fifty games for them all. I have some games for my Mac now ( like Unreal, Quake, Myth II, Future cop LAPD) that are fun to play but like someone else said playing by yourself on a computer isn't as much fun as playing with a console in the living room with your friends Garrett and don't forget we had Quake III arena before anybody in the PC world as the designers found it much easier to code for the Mac's as they all have the same basic design ( no multitude of graphics and sound cards). [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 11 Nov 1999 06:53:31 -0500 > >In short, this one game you really ought to have in your collection if you > >think you're remotely interested. I'll have a full review on NDojo asap if > >you want to read all my rantings there=) > > > >Aldo Merino > > I was scoffed at when I said not too long ago that Ubi Soft could put out > some great games. I am proven right :) > > Stryder Obviously....this and Speed Devils (just a great racing game) prove your theory. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 11 Nov 1999 08:40:40 EST In a message dated 11/11/1999 2:41:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,=20 writes: << what is it with this pokemon thing. is it hardcore gamers into it too or=20 just=20 little kids. i must have been in a hole somewhere because i just don't get=20 it. what is this whole craze with the pokemon. what the hell is a pokemon.=20 what is the whole craze about. i feel so stupid for not knowing, but i want= =20 to be informed. help me, help me pikachu! >> Plain and Simple, Pok=E8mon is great =3D) Pok=E8mon are te US name for P= ocket=20 Monsters, They are many different creatures (151 to be exact, but there are=20 some in the cartoon that aren't in the game, but they'll be in Pok=E8mon=20 Gold\Silver). The story Follows a kid named Ash Ketchum, who needs to beat=20 pokemon masters to ger pokemon badges, so he can compete in the pokemon=20 league...confused yet?? try the game for anyone who hasn't played the Game, i suggest you try it, It's a really=20 innovative, and addicting RPG,=20 And then there's the card game, For anyone who digs "Magic: The Gathering" i= =20 suggest you try Pok=E8mon TCG, It's very fast pace, and a lot of fun I'm a 17 year old Pok=E8freak, and i'm glad to say it Peace out C\TSgt Jason Frye [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Is Pokemon Evil? Date: 11 Nov 1999 11:57:57 EST In a message dated 99-11-10 23:23:59 EST, you write: > Thank you, Dave. I'm glad there are people who realize the truth behind > this > Pokemon lawsuit thing. Speaking of Pokemon, I just saw the movie today, and > > I'm probably going back (more than once is likely). What can I say, I'm > obsessed. > -Eric- is addicted to Pokemon big time. > Animation wise, is it any better than the TV show? At least in Transformers The Movie the Animation was improved over the TV show. And does Ash really die? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 11 Nov 1999 12:03:03 EST In a message dated 99-11-11 01:50:22 EST, you write: > It is PC gamer logic. Although multiplayer can add a lot to the replay > value...platformers are not meant to have multi-player IMO. I personally > just enjoy playing through platformers as they are. > > Stryder Screwy PC gamers. Speaking of multi-player platformers, where is Conker? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 11 Nov 1999 12:05:18 EST In a message dated 99-11-11 01:59:05 EST, you write: > I was scoffed at when I said not too long ago that Ubi Soft could put out > some great games. I am proven right :) > > Stryder > Every company has their good & bad games. We just usually remember the bad over the good. Well, for smaller companies anyway. Speaking of Ubi Soft, woah, Speed Devils, killer game. Long races rule. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 11 Nov 1999 12:09:42 EST In a message dated 99-11-11 02:41:00 EST, you write: > what is it with this pokemon thing. is it hardcore gamers into it too or > just > little kids. i must have been in a hole somewhere because i just don't get > it. what is this whole craze with the pokemon. what the hell is a pokemon. > what is the whole craze about. i feel so stupid for not knowing, but i want > to be informed. help me, help me pikachu! Judgeing from the subject line "Pikachu, I choose you!!" I think you know something about Pokemon. I myself prefer Monster Rancher and to a lesser extent, Digimon over Pokemon. Always too sugar coated. Maybe if Jessie & James ever did something really evil or actually got hurt real bad, Mortal Kombat bad, I'd like Pokemon more. It's obesseion, I guess. If you can't understand it then you probably have never been obsessed with anything ever. I dunno, there's no way to explain it that I can think of. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] From Date: 11 Nov 1999 13:22:00 EST This is an excerpt from However, the greatest revelation during our discussions came as a huge shock to many of us seated next to Mr. Okawa. While this has been hinted at by media and even members of Sega in the past, hearing the chairman of Sega Enterprises officially stating it was very surreal: Sega is moving out of the hardware business. The Dreamcast will likely be the company's final console. Even when asked what Sega's plans will be if the Dreamcast proves to be a major success, Okawa reaffirmed that the company is moving from the hardware market. ------------------------ Let the add-ons begin. So after the Dreamcast, I wonder who SEGA will develop for, Ninteno or Sony? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christopher Watson Subject: [N64] DVD Date: 11 Nov 1999 18:34:54 -0500 (EST) DVD encription has know been properly broken using the European developed DeCSS, this not not only effects the movie industry but also sony's playstation 2 however, due to anti-piracy devices it shouldn't effect the dolphin, which is a major plus for nintendo's anti-piracy devision. If you want a copy of the program its easy to find on altavista, search DeCSS. ---------------------- Chris [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Clobie" Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 11 Nov 1999 14:12:19 -0500 writes: <<<< Is the game better than Banjo graphics wise? Is the game larger than Mario64 as far as geometry? Also how do the graphics compare to the 1st gen games? >>>> More importantly, how will the game stack up agaisnt Donkey Kong 64? I mean, I was all set to pre-order DK64, but as soon as I saw the commericial and read the reviews for Rayman 2, I couldn't decide. Guess I'll have to rent Rayman and check it out... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 11 Nov 1999 15:29:49 -0500 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-11 01:59:05 EST, you write: > > > I was scoffed at when I said not too long ago that Ubi Soft could put out > > some great games. I am proven right :) > > > > Stryder > > > > Every company has their good & bad games. We just usually remember the bad > over the good. Well, for smaller companies anyway. Speaking of Ubi Soft, > woah, Speed Devils, killer game. Long races rule. > > Dave > Finally get a hold of SD, eh? So far, it's looking like the DC may do much better than I expected initially. NBA 2K, although receiving diverse reviews, is great in my opinion too. BTW, anyone see the new DK 64 commercial? Hm.... don't know wheather it's funny...or stupid. Wes [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 11 Nov 1999 17:26:17 -0500 Bah, monster rancher and digimon suck. It's like they took Pokemon, and tried to mold it towards kids that were a little older, resulting in utter crap. Just my opinion, though. Yes, the animation in the movie is better than the show. The battle sequences are also better. At the end there is a huge pokemon battle with dozens of pokemon, which is very cool. -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-11-11 02:41:00 EST, you write: > >> what is it with this pokemon thing. is it hardcore gamers into it too or >> just >> little kids. i must have been in a hole somewhere because i just don't get >> it. what is this whole craze with the pokemon. what the hell is a pokemon. >> what is the whole craze about. i feel so stupid for not knowing, but i >want >> to be informed. help me, help me pikachu! > >Judgeing from the subject line "Pikachu, I choose you!!" I think you know >something about Pokemon. I myself prefer Monster Rancher and to a lesser >extent, Digimon over Pokemon. Always too sugar coated. Maybe if Jessie & >James ever did something really evil or actually got hurt real bad, Mortal >Kombat bad, I'd like Pokemon more. > >It's obesseion, I guess. If you can't understand it then you probably have >never been obsessed with anything ever. I dunno, there's no way to explain it >that I can think of. > >Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2, Sega, and Pokemon Date: 11 Nov 1999 17:31:38 EST On Pokemon, hey, I'm hooked. I haven't forked over my soul or anything, but I do own Pokemon Snap, own a neat little talking Charmander toy, and have recently found a new habit: eating BK's Kids' Meals=) I'm rather impressed with the quality and size of the toys honestly (Gengar is an ultra-cool toy) which come complete with Pokeballs for each critter. McDonalds really blew their chance on this one -- they can cite Pokemon lacking 'family values', if they want to, but what the hell gives Barbie or Hot Wheels family values? Barbie doesn't even wear underwear for gods sake. On Rayman 2, if you have to come down to either DK64 or Rayman 2, I suppose even I would go with DK64; it does after all, have a multiplayer mode to accompany it. Still, it'd be a tough choice. If you can, I wholeheartedly (again) recommend Rayman 2. The news that Sega is moving out of the hardware business is disturbing -- especially since the Dreamcast is such an amazing piece of work. I sincerely hope they don't leave the console business, even if it is just down to software making. I already own 7 games for my 2 month old Dreamcast, and there's two more coming on the way later this month (Sega Rally 2, SFA3) least. I already own more games for it than my GBC, and it's equal to a third of the size of my N64 collection, which has spanned 3 years now. That says something about the software. On Speed Devils, I guess I missed on the discussion about it; perhaps if more people changed the subject lines=) Can anyone give me a brief synopsis on it? I've already read the above average reviews, but can't find more rants to it than that. Thanks, Aldo Merino -Nintendojo Gaming Whore [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Nintendorks Mailing List" Subject: [N64] Nintendorks Newsletter Date: 11 Nov 1999 23:03:45 -0000 Nintendorks Mailing List - Nintendorks Newsletter - Oops, it's been THAT long? *************** Editor's News *************** Ugh, not a good past few weeks, I first apologize that there's been no newsletter, but i've been having problems a good while now. There also would have been a newsletter a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't get it to Jon in time before he headed off to DeHart's wedding. Oh well, all that is behind us and i'm proud to announce that we are now gonna have a guest writer giving his views on not only gaming, but his views on other things as well. Most of you know him as CNA in the chat, but he is an established writer for the University of Kentucky newspaper. I'm gonna keep it short this week, but next week we'll see if we can't get some new additions to the newsletter for ya. ***************** Nintendork News ***************** Big balls that you get to hold... 'nuff said! M64 mouse??? Pokemon news??? Frank Stallone????? Brand New Battlezone movie... Love it as if it Loves you (4.9MB) Acclaim's new Turok: Rage Wars site... linkage? coolage? YES!!! Ubi Update, Pokemon, and Y2K: The Movie thoughts Harvest Moon 64 screens Oh yeah, 64DD information, Micky with a caddle prod up his ass, and Drunk College Students get an award from Acclaim Peter Main and ALL CAPS... ugh... Here lies CJ's essay on Jet Force Gemimi, read it as if it owns you! (which it does!) Daikatana64 delay, Earthworm Jim in stores, and Pokemon with eBay Oh yeah... Resident Evil 2 review right HERE!!! Drew is a preview bastard!!! Ridge Racer64: Fighters Destiny 2: World League Soccer 2000: Big Mountain 2000: Rally Challenge 2000: Release List Updated! Go check to see your favorite game delayed NOW! It's a Fink preview... nice to see he's back! ************************* Something different... ************************* Kevin Smith: The man, the myth, the kiddie gamer. I like Kevin Smith. Waitaminute, Kevin who? You might recognize some of these movies: Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy... anything ring a bell? Oh yeah, THAT Kevin Smith. The young director who can easily sum up generational angst in a two-hour flurry of d--k and fart jokes. A family man who is teaching his baby the most important word in life: the elusive F---. And a supposed video game affectionatto. Last weekend I was presented with an unique opppotunity to preview Smith's latest movie, Dogma, with a copule of hundred excited and somewhat horny journalism college students. After screening what I thought was an absolutely hilareous thesis on organized religion and true faith, Mr. Smith himself calmly walked down to the front of the samll Atlanta theater for a question and answer session. Kevin fielded questions mostly revolving around his latest flick and personal tastes ("I like to film big, meaty c--k"). These little tidbits about the man were interesting but I sought uncovering his lucritive videogaming past. By his looks and interests, one could easily surmise that his videogame tastes are refined and exquisite. He should be just finishing up Final Fantasy VIII and already conquered Zelda. He probably doesn't play too many fighters but he knows enough on Street Fighter Alpha 3 to hold his own. He most likely owns every hockey sim ever made (a pre-resquite for his raising in the Garden State). I believe that Mr. Smith, Ben Afflick, Matt Damen and Chris Rock were sitting around between takes of shooting Dogma playing MarioKart. In fact, I bet that at one point Chris looked over at Ben and said, "Ya better watch out, pretty boy, 'cause I'm da BOMB, and I'm comin' after YO ass!" Okay, maybe that last image was a stretch. So I raised my hand in the crowded theater and Kevin graciously asked for my question. I asked him what videogames he's currently playing, what types of game genres he prefers and what games and/or systems he is looking forward to in the upcoming months. The multitude of journalism students in the theater let up a collective moan. They were looking for Mr. Smith's personal reflections on Dogma, confessions of a mass murdering spree or some other newsworthy material. Despite the mass groaning, I looked down the theater to see Kevin's face light up! Alas, maybe i have struck the videogaming chord in his heart! The look of delight on his face transferred to mine. But then he spoke of his current gaming project: Playstation's "Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time." I was throughly shocked. I didn't expect this supposed gaming guru to be playing some kiddie platformer! He said he liked adventure games with licened characters. After all, it was Bugs Bunny in 3D, he said. (Note to self: lobby Nintendo 64 developers for a good Tazmania or Bugs Bunny game.) He also confessed for little love for most sports sims, even hockey. And I'm not even going to tell you about what next-gen system he's looking forward to purchasing, but here's a hint: it has only TWO controller ports. Obviously you cannot judge a book by its bearded, sweat-shirted roly-poly cover. My views on the writer/director/producer were askewed through my own perseptions and imagination. I shouldn't be disappointed if Kevin Smith doesn't live up to my grand gaming ideals. He has his own life to lead, and he shouldn't lead it for me or anybody else. He could play War Gods eight hours a day for all I care. He will always be cool in my book. Why? He created a walking sh-t monster in Dogma. That's why. Columnist CNE is currently restarting his Zelda: TOoT game over, and you can't stop his wild, wild rolling. His views do not necessarily reflect those at or its staff. He can be reached at, or you could put your letter in a bottle and throw it into the Ohio River, but that almost always never works. ********** Contacts ********** Editors Contributing special writer ______________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe, write to Start Your Own FREE Email List at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 11 Nov 1999 16:34:51 -0800 Anyone here liked Infogrames Mission Impossible? Dex wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-11 01:59:05 EST, you write: > > > I was scoffed at when I said not too long ago that Ubi Soft could put out > > some great games. I am proven right :) > > > > Stryder > > > > Every company has their good & bad games. We just usually remember the bad > over the good. Well, for smaller companies anyway. Speaking of Ubi Soft, > woah, Speed Devils, killer game. Long races rule. > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 11 Nov 1999 16:42:21 -0800 > > > More importantly, how will the game stack up agaisnt Donkey Kong 64? I > mean, I was all set to pre-order DK64, but as soon as I saw the commericial > and read the reviews for Rayman 2, I couldn't decide. Guess I'll have to > rent Rayman and check it out... I've played the demo, and its sweet, sweet , sweet. Rayman 2 is beautiful, but no doubt DK 64, with ram support, will top it. The mine cart level looks almost as good as a cgi rendered movie. Its amazing. Dexter > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Bid and sell for free at > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 11 Nov 1999 20:05:47 -0500 Yes, I really enjoyed it at the time of its release. Dexter Sy wrote: > Anyone here liked Infogrames Mission Impossible? > > Dex > > wrote: > > > In a message dated 99-11-11 01:59:05 EST, you write: > > > > > I was scoffed at when I said not too long ago that Ubi Soft could put out > > > some great games. I am proven right :) > > > > > > Stryder > > > > > > > Every company has their good & bad games. We just usually remember the bad > > over the good. Well, for smaller companies anyway. Speaking of Ubi Soft, > > woah, Speed Devils, killer game. Long races rule. > > > > Dave > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Avery Subject: [N64] Nintendorks and Hotgames Newsletters Date: 11 Nov 1999 19:15:21 -0600 (EST) Why are the Nintendorks and newsletters sent to the mailing list? I find it rather annoying. I delete them as soon as I see them. |Chris Avery | Computer Services Lab Manager | |email | Computer Science Major | | | Arkansas State University | [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 11 Nov 1999 17:58:39 -0800 Wez wrote: > Yes, I really enjoyed it at the time of its release. The "spy" engine the Infogrames team built is quite unique. Still is. The lead designer said they will be doing a sequel or another all new spy game. I hope it happens. Dex > > > Dexter Sy wrote: > > > Anyone here liked Infogrames Mission Impossible? > > > > Dex > > > > wrote: > > > > > In a message dated 99-11-11 01:59:05 EST, you write: > > > > > > > I was scoffed at when I said not too long ago that Ubi Soft could put out > > > > some great games. I am proven right :) > > > > > > > > Stryder > > > > > > > > > > Every company has their good & bad games. We just usually remember the bad > > > over the good. Well, for smaller companies anyway. Speaking of Ubi Soft, > > > woah, Speed Devils, killer game. Long races rule. > > > > > > Dave > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] The past week and a half Date: 11 Nov 1999 23:02:11 EST Hey all! Yes, yes, it's me. Back from a (oh-so) long hiatus from the computer. Gettin' the darn thing fixed took longer then I thought 541 emails? Lord, you've all been busy. So, what did I miss in the past week and a half? Well, good to be back, and Windows 98 sucks. ~Matt PS: With a week and a half of no computer, you'd think I'd finished Jet Force Gemini by now ... now way, man, school is a bitch. But hey, a 93 in AP American History ... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 11 Nov 1999 23:18:34 EST In a message dated 99-11-11 17:29:22 EST, you write: > Bah, monster rancher and digimon suck. It's like they took Pokemon, and > tried to mold it towards kids that were a little older, resulting in utter > crap. Just my opinion, though. No, you suck. You all suck ;) Are we talking about the games or TV shows? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon and McDonalds Date: 11 Nov 1999 23:21:24 EST In a message dated 99-11-11 17:32:18 EST, you write: > McDonalds really blew > their chance on this one -- they can cite Pokemon lacking 'family values', > if > they want to, but what the hell gives Barbie or Hot Wheels family values? > Barbie doesn't even wear underwear for gods sake. McDonalds is under contract to sell Disney realted toys, as far as I heard. I'm sure they'll do fine with their Toy Story 2 stuff. Anybody still have their Super Mario Bros. toys from McDonalds? I only got the bouncing Mario and Luigi riding a cloud. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Sega, Date: 11 Nov 1999 23:24:00 EST In a message dated 99-11-11 17:32:18 EST, you write: > On Speed Devils, I guess I missed on the discussion about it; perhaps if > more > people changed the subject lines=) Can anyone give me a brief synopsis on it? > > I've already read the above average reviews, but can't find more rants to it > > than that. Thanks, > > Aldo Merino Great graphics great control, and long races, what more could you want? The cars aren't real, but they do look nice as well. Did I mention the races are long? Arcade, not sim, racing. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 11 Nov 1999 23:26:43 EST In a message dated 99-11-11 19:29:27 EST, you write: > Anyone here liked Infogrames Mission Impossible? > > Dex No. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] The past week and a half Date: 11 Nov 1999 20:34:29 -0800 With the anti-trust suit against microsoft, lets hope someone sets in and offers us a good alternative. linux is cool, but not enough pc manufacturers are supporting it. Dexter wrote: > Hey all! > > Yes, yes, it's me. Back from a (oh-so) long hiatus from the computer. Gettin' > the darn thing fixed took longer then I thought 541 emails? Lord, you've all > been busy. So, what did I miss in the past week and a half? Well, good to be > back, and Windows 98 sucks. > > ~Matt > > PS: With a week and a half of no computer, you'd think I'd finished Jet Force > Gemini by now ... now way, man, school is a bitch. But hey, a 93 in AP > American History ... > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Nintendorks and Hotgames Newsletters Date: 11 Nov 1999 23:28:00 EST In a message dated 99-11-11 20:16:00 EST, you write: > Why are the Nintendorks and newsletters sent to the mailing > list? I find it rather annoying. I delete them as soon as I see them. > You know, I'm not sure which one is more annoying. Only becasue I never read them. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon and McDonalds Date: 11 Nov 1999 23:37:47 -0500 I still have the little Goomba that flips over... >McDonalds is under contract to sell Disney realted toys, as far as I heard. >I'm sure they'll do fine with their Toy Story 2 stuff. > >Anybody still have their Super Mario Bros. toys from McDonalds? I only got >the bouncing Mario and Luigi riding a cloud. ;) > >Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 11 Nov 1999 23:38:12 -0500 I was referring to the shows.. AFAIK, there's no Digimon game. -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-11-11 17:29:22 EST, you write: > >> Bah, monster rancher and digimon suck. It's like they took Pokemon, and >> tried to mold it towards kids that were a little older, resulting in utter >> crap. Just my opinion, though. > >No, you suck. You all suck ;) > >Are we talking about the games or TV shows? > >Dave > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 11 Nov 1999 23:40:59 EST In a message dated 11/11/99 1:41:00 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << what is it with this pokemon thing. is it hardcore gamers into it too or just little kids. i must have been in a hole somewhere because i just don't get it. what is this whole craze with the pokemon. what the hell is a pokemon. what is the whole craze about. i feel so stupid for not knowing, but i want to be informed. help me, help me pikachu! >> Pokemon is something that I happened upon. I read about it in Nintendo Power and became interested. After I bought the game, I couldn't tell what hit me. I became addicted to the game and thereafter obsessed with the show. I collect cards too, but I've never played the game with them. In short, if you missed the Pokemon craze and are over 12, you have almost no chance of getting into it. I got into it when it had no reputation except for being some popular thing in Japan. Now, it's a common thing to see toys and cards where ever you go. And with that, some might watch the show out of curiosity, but then think it's so stupid and they have no idea why it's so popular. If that happens, they become sick of it and hate its popularity. If you didn't understand a word I just said, sorry 'bout that. I'm very incoherent when I write. Give the game a shot if you haven't. It's a good place to start on Pokemon. Me... I'm beyond the point of possibly being helped. If you need me, I'll be at the nearest movie theater watching Pikachu again and again and a........ -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] The past week and a half Date: 11 Nov 1999 23:41:16 -0500 I dunno.. mostly bashing Microsoft, I guess. Don't worry about it, I haven't finished JFG either. In fact, I only beat Mizar the first time today. As you say, school=bitch ;-). I'm almost through first semester, though.... -----Original Message----- >Hey all! > >Yes, yes, it's me. Back from a (oh-so) long hiatus from the computer. Gettin' >the darn thing fixed took longer then I thought 541 emails? Lord, you've all >been busy. So, what did I miss in the past week and a half? Well, good to be >back, and Windows 98 sucks. > >~Matt > >PS: With a week and a half of no computer, you'd think I'd finished Jet Force >Gemini by now ... now way, man, school is a bitch. But hey, a 93 in AP >American History ... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the Movie Date: 11 Nov 1999 23:47:04 EST In a message dated 11/11/99 10:59:05 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Animation wise, is it any better than the TV show? At least in Transformers The Movie the Animation was improved over the TV show. And does Ash really die? >> Part of the animation is done with computer graphics, so yes, the animation is better. Ash does die, but I won't go into how he is brought back. You have to see the movie to actually get the idea. If I tried to explain it, it would probably only confuse you. Oh, and warning to those going to see it: Pikachu's Vacation is pretty stupid and you will have to sit through 20 minutes of it. Go if you're drunk or are just going to stand outside and play arcade games until Mewtwo Strikes Back begins. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 11 Nov 1999 23:51:32 EST In a message dated 11/11/99 11:10:44 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Always too sugar coated. Maybe if Jessie & James ever did something really evil or actually got hurt real bad, Mortal Kombat bad, I'd like Pokemon more. >> The whole purpose of Jessie and James is comic relief. Ya know, the typical goof-it-up villains of children's television. I admit, though, I had to adapt to their character before I actually came to like the show, as I did with Ash. Overall, it was the video game that drew me into it. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 12 Nov 1999 00:00:30 EST In a message dated 11/11/99 6:29:27 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Anyone here liked Infogrames Mission Impossible? >> Actually, yes. I'm not sure if that was a legitamate question or a sarcastic remark, but I thought the game was pretty cool. You really had to use your head more. Yes, play control was bad, but I didn't have much difficulty with it once I got used to it. Not what I'd call a must-have, but I think it's at least worth checking out. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The past week and a half Date: 12 Nov 1999 00:03:17 EST In a message dated 11/11/99 10:03:43 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << But hey, a 93 in AP American History ... >> Holy sh*t! AP US sucks. You mind giving me some pointers? I've dug a pretty deep hole for myself in that class! -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon and McDonalds Date: 12 Nov 1999 00:05:14 EST In a message dated 11/11/99 10:22:10 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Anybody still have their Super Mario Bros. toys from McDonalds? I only got the bouncing Mario and Luigi riding a cloud. ;) >> I had a bouncing Mario, but there's a crack in the pad, so the suction cup won't stick anymore. I'm not sure if I still have it. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 11 Nov 1999 21:05:42 -0800 (PST) On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Eddy Wu wrote: > Bah, monster rancher and digimon suck. It's like they took Pokemon, and > tried to mold it towards kids that were a little older, resulting in utter > crap. Just my opinion, though. If we're talking about the anime, i would disagree. Pokemon has the coolest creatures and the coolest attacks going for it, but the other two shows do have their own points. One thing that both Digimon and Monster Rancher lacks is the slavery and cockfighting aspects in pokemon that makes me a little uncomfortable. Pokemon is the only one that involves trapping semi-sentient creatures and forcing them to fight each other. I try to view it in terms of battles for honor and the pokemon sticking around mostly voluntarily (it _seems_ that they could leave at any point if they really wanted) but neither Digimon or Monster Rancher has that problem. Monster Rancher is pretty cool, and has a much better developed plot than either Pokemon or Digimon, at least so far. Digimon has a fairly decent plot, certainly better than Pokemon. (It might even turn out better than Monster Rancher's, we'll have to wait and see) it's creatures aren't as cool as the others, but they get to evolve a lot more =) And for some reason i also like the intro to Digimon a lot better than the others =) You and I, we reject these narrow attitudes We add to each other, like a coral reef Building bridges on the ocean floor Reaching for the alien shore --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 00:08:35 EST In a message dated 11/11/99 10:41:19 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << AFAIK, there's no Digimon game. >> Actually, there will be one for Wonderswan in Japan this Christmas. Let's hope it doesn't beat Pokemon like IGN Sci-fi is speculating. Of course, that's on the Digimon movie, so I don't know. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 11 Nov 1999 22:15:01 -0700 On Thu, 11 Nov 1999 16:34:51 -0800 Dexter Sy writes: > Anyone here liked Infogrames Mission Impossible? > > Dex Yes and no. The first time I played it I had just had my wisdom teeth out and was laid up for a few days so it didn't last me that long, I was through with it in less then a week. It has no multiplayer so it's not something I still play much. It was a lot of fun though; I especially liked the face changer. All in all it was well worth my $40. ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 00:14:58 EST In a message dated 11/11/99 11:06:03 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I try to view it in terms of battles for honor and the pokemon sticking around mostly voluntarily (it _seems_ that they could leave at any point if they really wanted) but neither Digimon or Monster Rancher has that problem. >> If anyone saw the episode where they met Atoshi on the way to the Pokemon league, they would know that this statement is true. His Marowak leaves, but returns. << And for some reason i also like the intro to Digimon a lot better than the others =)>> I don't know what is so good about that Digimon intro. I like the Pokemon intro better, and it's even cooler on the CD. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 00:34:38 -0500 Oh please. Slavery? This is a fantasy show. The Pokemon reside inside little balls. The series takes place in a world where 12-year-olds can wander the earth without any problems. The other shows probably aren't really any worse than Pokemon, but I haven't spent countless hours playing Monster Rancher, so Pokemon holds that special place in my heart. -----Original Message----- >One thing that both Digimon and Monster Rancher lacks is the slavery >and cockfighting aspects in pokemon that makes me a little uncomfortable. >Pokemon is the only one that involves trapping semi-sentient creatures and >forcing them to fight each other. I try to view it in terms of battles for >honor and the pokemon sticking around mostly voluntarily (it _seems_ that >they could leave at any point if they really wanted) but neither Digimon >or Monster Rancher has that problem. > >Monster Rancher is pretty cool, and has a much better developed plot than >either Pokemon or Digimon, at least so far. Digimon has a fairly decent >plot, certainly better than Pokemon. (It might even turn out better than >Monster Rancher's, we'll have to wait and see) it's creatures aren't as >cool as the others, but they get to evolve a lot more =) And for some >reason i also like the intro to Digimon a lot better than the others =) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 12 Nov 1999 00:39:58 -0500 (EST) Yeah but after you beat it then what? You go back to it a year later? I'm solely a console gamer so I don't have 'PC Gamer Logic'. I don't want to waste my money with a game that after 1-2 wks it will collect dust on the matter how brilliant that game was. For me, personally, a game must have great multiplayer for me to purchase it. Everybody's different. On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Thraxen wrote: > > -----Original Message----- > From: > To: > Date: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 9:52 PM > Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays > > > >In a message dated 99-11-10 20:43:22 EST, you write: > > > >> Thanks for the review I'll rent it(i love platformers but with no > >> deathmatch mode i wouldn't consider buying the game since it lacks > replay > >> value). > > > > > >That's the funniest thing I heard all day. Besides that letter I got from > >Square EA. Since there's no multi-player it has no replay value? I can't > >understand that kind of logic. > > It is PC gamer logic. Although multiplayer can add a lot to the replay > value...platformers are not meant to have multi-player IMO. I personally > just enjoy playing through platformers as they are. > > Stryder > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon and McDonalds Date: 11 Nov 1999 21:49:36 -0800 I have tons of nintendo stuff, including the bouncing goomba Dexter wrote: > In a message dated 11/11/99 10:22:10 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Anybody still have their Super Mario Bros. toys from McDonalds? I only got > the bouncing Mario and Luigi riding a cloud. ;) >> > > I had a bouncing Mario, but there's a crack in the pad, so the suction cup > won't stick anymore. I'm not sure if I still have it. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 00:44:16 -0500 (EST) I like Pokemon also and I happen to be 20yrs old. It's not just a kids fad. I first started liking it after watching the cartoon show and I was drawn to the fact that there are 150+ characters all different from each other. Very deep world Pokemon is. On Thu, 11 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/11/99 1:41:00 AM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << what is it with this pokemon thing. is it hardcore gamers into it too or > just > little kids. i must have been in a hole somewhere because i just don't get > it. what is this whole craze with the pokemon. what the hell is a pokemon. > what is the whole craze about. i feel so stupid for not knowing, but i want > to be informed. help me, help me pikachu! >> > > Pokemon is something that I happened upon. I read about it in Nintendo Power > and became interested. After I bought the game, I couldn't tell what hit me. > I became addicted to the game and thereafter obsessed with the show. I > collect cards too, but I've never played the game with them. In short, if > you missed the Pokemon craze and are over 12, you have almost no chance of > getting into it. I got into it when it had no reputation except for being > some popular thing in Japan. Now, it's a common thing to see toys and cards > where ever you go. And with that, some might watch the show out of > curiosity, but then think it's so stupid and they have no idea why it's so > popular. If that happens, they become sick of it and hate its popularity. > If you didn't understand a word I just said, sorry 'bout that. I'm very > incoherent when I write. Give the game a shot if you haven't. It's a good > place to start on Pokemon. Me... I'm beyond the point of possibly being > helped. If you need me, I'll be at the nearest movie theater watching > Pikachu again and again and a........ > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: __>Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 00:45:15 -0500 (EST) Don't listen to Aint-it-cool-news. That's where you got the 'slavery and cockfighting' argument didn't you. On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Geoff Finger wrote: > On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Eddy Wu wrote: > > > Bah, monster rancher and digimon suck. It's like they took Pokemon, and > > tried to mold it towards kids that were a little older, resulting in utter > > crap. Just my opinion, though. > > If we're talking about the anime, i would disagree. Pokemon has the > coolest creatures and the coolest attacks going for it, but the other two > shows do have their own points. > > One thing that both Digimon and Monster Rancher lacks is the slavery > and cockfighting aspects in pokemon that makes me a little uncomfortable. > Pokemon is the only one that involves trapping semi-sentient creatures and > forcing them to fight each other. I try to view it in terms of battles for > honor and the pokemon sticking around mostly voluntarily (it _seems_ that > they could leave at any point if they really wanted) but neither Digimon > or Monster Rancher has that problem. > > Monster Rancher is pretty cool, and has a much better developed plot than > either Pokemon or Digimon, at least so far. Digimon has a fairly decent > plot, certainly better than Pokemon. (It might even turn out better than > Monster Rancher's, we'll have to wait and see) it's creatures aren't as > cool as the others, but they get to evolve a lot more =) And for some > reason i also like the intro to Digimon a lot better than the others =) > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > You and I, we reject these narrow attitudes > We add to each other, like a coral reef > Building bridges on the ocean floor > Reaching for the alien shore > --Rush > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 00:46:57 EST In a message dated 11/11/99 11:44:44 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I like Pokemon also and I happen to be 20yrs old. It's not just a kids fad. I first started liking it after watching the cartoon show and I was drawn to the fact that there are 150+ characters all different from each other. Very deep world Pokemon is. >> I agree, it's not just a kids fad (I'm actually questioning whether it's a fad at all). I'll be 17 this Saturday and I love Pokemon to death. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 11 Nov 1999 23:26:48 -0800 Pokemon is the next nintendo franchise, and that's that. It reminds me of mariomania in 1990 when mario 3 came out dex wrote: > In a message dated 11/11/99 11:44:44 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << I like Pokemon also and I happen to be 20yrs old. It's not just a kids > fad. I first started liking it after watching the cartoon show and I was > drawn to the fact that there are 150+ characters all different from each > other. Very deep world Pokemon is. >> > > I agree, it's not just a kids fad (I'm actually questioning whether it's a > fad at all). I'll be 17 this Saturday and I love Pokemon to death. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 01:28:42 -0800 (PST) On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Eddy Wu wrote: > I was referring to the shows.. AFAIK, there's no Digimon game. Is that your final answer! Bzzzt! no points for you. You've heard of tamagotchi? Those little electronic pets on keychains that you raise? (if not, you need to pay more attention =) Digimon are similar to those. I'm not sure if it's the same company or not, but they're little electronic devices on a keychain. You raise a mosnter from egghood on up on a LCD screen, using the buttons to feed them, train them, clean up after them. Training them increases their skill or some such. They evolve into larger more powerful forms though some mechanism. You can then plug your Digimon into a friends Digimon (they have some kind of connector along the top) and have the two of them battle. Basically it's pokemon crossed with Tamagotchi, it's on a keychain, you have to raise it, and you only get one monster each. each emotional injury leaves behind its mark sometimes they come tumbling out like shadows in the dark --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 01:58:42 -0800 (PST) On Thu, 11 Nov 1999 wrote: > Pokemon is something that I happened upon. I read about it in Nintendo Power > and became interested. After I bought the game, I couldn't tell what hit me. > I became addicted to the game and thereafter obsessed with the show. I > collect cards too, but I've never played the game with them. In short, if > you missed the Pokemon craze and are over 12, you have almost no chance of > getting into it. I got into it when it had no reputation except for being > some popular thing in Japan. Now, it's a common thing to see toys and cards > where ever you go. And with that, some might watch the show out of > curiosity, but then think it's so stupid and they have no idea why it's so > popular. If that happens, they become sick of it and hate its popularity. > If you didn't understand a word I just said, sorry 'bout that. I'm very > incoherent when I write. Give the game a shot if you haven't. It's a good > place to start on Pokemon. Me... I'm beyond the point of possibly being > helped. If you need me, I'll be at the nearest movie theater watching > Pikachu again and again and a........ > -Eric- I forget where i first heard/saw of it, but i first got addicted when i saw some of the episodes in Japan two years ago. I forget if it was right after or before Dragonball Gt, but there weren't too many otehr shows on in the afternoon during the times i had to watch, so i kind of became attatched to it. So when it finally started showing in the US, of course i had to watch it, and just by coincidence, the second or third episode i saw here was the first one i'd seen in japan, which was kind of cool =) So after i started watching the show here, i picked up some pokemon toys, stuffed animals and things. I got pokemon snap after that, which is really cool. My girlfriend and i had fun playing it together =) Then i finally bought one of the pokemon games two months ago, which i still need to finish playing =) I haven't bought any of the cards, though i was given a few at E3. I still haven't really looked at them, and i'm not sure how it's played. I _probably_ won't get too involved with them, i have trouble enough finding anyone to play some Magic with =) I may get the GB version of the cards, depending on how it comes out. Once i get some money and i beat Pokemon Red (it is _so_ annoying that Pokemon _Blue_ is the one with cool fire types in it!) i'll probably get Yellow, and Gold and/or SIlver when they come out. I'll probably get Pokemon Stadium also. So pretty, much, i did it all in a screwy reverse order =) Run to light from shadow Sun gives me no rest Promise offered in the east Broken in the west Chase the sun around the world I want to look at life -- In the available light --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] The past week and a half Date: 12 Nov 1999 02:02:16 -0800 (PST) On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > With the anti-trust suit against microsoft, lets hope someone sets in and > offers us a good alternative. linux is cool, but not enough pc manufacturers are > supporting it. The lack of an alternative is why Microsoft is in trouble in the first place. If there were viable alternatives easily available this whole anti-trust thing wouldn't have been necessary =) Linux is growing in support. Although PC manufacturers don't relly need to support it, they just need to be allowed to not support microsoft. The linux companies will take care of supporting the PCs. Mystic rhythms -- capture my thoughts -- and carry them away Nature seems to spin In supernatural ways Mystic rythms -- under city lights -- or a canopy of stars We feel the powers and we wonder what they are We feel the push and pull of restless rythms from afar --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 02:12:44 -0800 (PST) On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/11/99 11:06:03 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << I try to view it in terms of battles for > honor and the pokemon sticking around mostly voluntarily (it _seems_ that > they could leave at any point if they really wanted) but neither Digimon > or Monster Rancher has that problem. >> > > If anyone saw the episode where they met Atoshi on the way to the Pokemon > league, they would know that this statement is true. His Marowak leaves, but > returns. Thats part of what the theory is based on, but like pikachu, marowak doesn't live in a pokeball. I'm not so sure about what a pokemon in a pokeball could do. Charmander(? always get the name of his third stage confused) refuses to fight, but never leaves. If he _can_ leave, why doesn't he if he doesn't want to fight? And what is it like inside a pokeball anyway? Mystic rhythms -- capture my thoughts -- and carry them away Nature seems to spin In supernatural ways Mystic rythms -- under city lights -- or a canopy of stars We feel the powers and we wonder what they are We feel the push and pull of restless rythms from afar --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 02:27:18 -0800 (PST) On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Eddy Wu wrote: > Oh please. Slavery? This is a fantasy show. The Pokemon reside inside little > balls. The series takes place in a world where 12-year-olds can wander the > earth without any problems. I think the idea that violence in video games hurts kids is bull, but i do worry a little about the memes that they might contain sometimes. I find the concept that it's okay to trap sentient beings in small balls and force them to fight each otehr ala cockfights slightly disturbing. Why i don't let it bother me too much is a: as you say, it is a fantasy world, and overall, the pokemon are treated as friends and allies rather than as the salves they could be. b: i'm not sure of the exact demographics of pokemon players, but i would guess that the ones young enough to be impresionalby are also a little hazy on the level of sentience in animals. I'm not sure if they would clearly understand the difference in lelvels of sentience between a dog and pikachu, they're just going to view pokemon as glorified pets, and owning/controlign them as ownership of pets. c: and like i said, i suspect the theery behind it is battles of honor. Pokemon fight for you because you beat them in combat, or the swore fealty to you. Being sentient creatures, battles between them are generally for honor, not for death and/or mutilation. anyway, that's my overanalysis of pokemon =) > The other shows probably aren't really any worse than Pokemon, but I haven't > spent countless hours playing Monster Rancher, so Pokemon holds that special > place in my heart. Like i said in an earlier post, i just recently started playing the actual video game. I got addicted to all three shows before i ever played any pokemon video game other than Snap =) So addiction to the shows does not have to involve prior involvement with the games, just being a little (lot?) weird =) The world weighs on my shoulders But what am I to do? You sometimes drive me crazy But I worry about you --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: __>Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 02:31:08 -0800 (PST) On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr. wrote: > > Don't listen to Aint-it-cool-news. That's where you got the 'slavery and > cockfighting' argument didn't you. Afraid not, i am fortunatly capable of original thought, and the similarities are rather obvious if you stop to think about it for more than five seconds. What's Aint-it-cool-news? each emotional injury leaves behind its mark sometimes they come tumbling out like shadows in the dark --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 11:42:39 EST In a message dated 11/12/99 1:19:40 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Pokemon is the next nintendo franchise, and that's that. It reminds me of mariomania in 1990 when mario 3 came out dex >> That's what I'm hoping. Something like this seems like it will live on with Mario, Zelda, etc. Even if the show goes under (doubtful), Nintendo will continue to reinvent Pokemon again and again. Mario Bros. cartoons didn't last, but their game fame kept them alive. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 11:50:34 EST In a message dated 11/12/99 4:13:09 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Charmander(? always get the name of his third stage confused) refuses to fight, but never leaves. If he _can_ leave, why doesn't he if he doesn't want to fight? >> It's Charizard. His second stage, Charmeleon, also refused to fight. I think that although Charizard is disobediant to Ash, there's still a part of him that cares for Ash. After all, he did save him from Aerodactyl. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: b er Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 10:57:45 -0800 (PST) --- wrote: > In a message dated 11/11/99 11:06:03 PM Central > Standard Time, > writes: > > << I try to view it in terms of battles for > honor and the pokemon sticking around mostly > voluntarily (it _seems_ that > they could leave at any point if they really > wanted) but neither Digimon > or Monster Rancher has that problem. >> > > If anyone saw the episode where they met Atoshi on > the way to the Pokemon > league, they would know that this statement is true. > His Marowak leaves, but > returns. > > << And for some > reason i also like the intro to Digimon a lot better > than the others =)>> > > I don't know what is so good about that Digimon > intro. I like the Pokemon > intro better, and it's even cooler on the CD. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message > "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to > ] > ya Marowak leaves him after he lost to ash went to a grope of traners and remembers all the work and good times they had. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Adrian Ducker Subject: Re: [Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!!] Date: 12 Nov 1999 12:15:46 MST wrote: In a message dated 11/12/99 4:13:09 AM Central Standard Time, = writes: << Charmander(? always get the name of his third stage confused) refuses to fight, but never leaves. If he _can_ leave, why doesn't he if he doesn't want to fight? >> It's Charizard. His second stage, Charmeleon, also refused to fight. I = think that although Charizard is disobediant to Ash, there's still a part= of = him that cares for Ash. After all, he did save him from Aerodactyl. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] In the Pokemon Game Boy games, once you defeat Givionni for the last = badge all Pokemon you own will obey you no matter how high their level is. In the TV show Ash has all of the badges but Charizard = is still disobedient. Was that just overlooked by the producers? ____________________________________________________________________ Get free email and a permanent address at 1 [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 13:08:40 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 11/12/99 1:19:40 AM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Pokemon is the next nintendo franchise, and that's that. > > It reminds me of mariomania in 1990 when mario 3 came out > > dex >> > > That's what I'm hoping. Something like this seems like it will live on with > Mario, Zelda, etc. Even if the show goes under (doubtful), Nintendo will > continue to reinvent Pokemon again and again. Mario Bros. cartoons didn't > last, but their game fame kept them alive. > -Eric- Its been going on in Japan for 5 yrs now. Dexter > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: b er Subject: Re: [Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!!] Date: 12 Nov 1999 13:16:24 -0800 (PST) --- Adrian Ducker wrote: > wrote: > In a message dated 11/12/99 4:13:09 AM Central > Standard Time, > writes: > > << Charmander(? always get the name of his third > stage > confused) refuses to fight, but never leaves. If he > _can_ leave, why > doesn't he if he doesn't want to fight? >> > > It's Charizard. His second stage, Charmeleon, also > refused to fight. I > think that although Charizard is disobediant to Ash, > there's still a part of > him that cares for Ash. After all, he did save him > from Aerodactyl. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message > "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to > ] > > In the Pokemon Game Boy games, once you defeat > Givionni for the last > badge all Pokemon you own will obey you no matter > how high their > level is. In the TV show Ash has all of the badges > but Charizard > is still disobedient. Was that just overlooked by > the producers? > It's the game for it would take days to make it so chaizard will not obay you and they had a dead line so they just didn't do it. ===== See ya Gotta Catch 'em all __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 16:17:32 -0500 But unlike Pokemon and Monster Rancher, the tamagotchi toys are not attached to the Digimon franchise. -----Original Message----- >On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Eddy Wu wrote: > >> I was referring to the shows.. AFAIK, there's no Digimon game. > >Is that your final answer! > >Bzzzt! no points for you. > >You've heard of tamagotchi? Those little electronic pets on keychains that >you raise? (if not, you need to pay more attention =) > >Digimon are similar to those. I'm not sure if it's the same company or >not, but they're little electronic devices on a keychain. You raise a >mosnter from egghood on up on a LCD screen, using the buttons to feed >them, train them, clean up after them. > >Training them increases their skill or some such. They evolve into larger >more powerful forms though some mechanism. You can then plug your Digimon >into a friends Digimon (they have some kind of connector along the top) >and have the two of them battle. > >Basically it's pokemon crossed with Tamagotchi, it's on a keychain, you >have to raise it, and you only get one monster each. > > >-------------------------------------------------------------- >each emotional injury >leaves behind its mark >sometimes they come tumbling out >like shadows in the dark >--Rush > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 16:18:14 -0500 Wow.. I'm turning 17 on the 13th too! -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 11/11/99 11:44:44 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > ><< I like Pokemon also and I happen to be 20yrs old. It's not just a kids > fad. I first started liking it after watching the cartoon show and I was > drawn to the fact that there are 150+ characters all different from each > other. Very deep world Pokemon is. >> > >I agree, it's not just a kids fad (I'm actually questioning whether it's a >fad at all). I'll be 17 this Saturday and I love Pokemon to death. >-Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!!] Date: 12 Nov 1999 16:25:56 EST In a message dated 11/12/99 1:16:23 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << In the Pokemon Game Boy games, once you defeat Givionni for the last badge all Pokemon you own will obey you no matter how high their level is. In the TV show Ash has all of the badges but Charizard is still disobedient. Was that just overlooked by the producers? >> A lot of things changed in the anime. Like Ash battling Sabrina before Erika. I guess they wanted to make it a bit more realistic (how ironic) than to have Charizard magically become obedient to Ash after he collected all the badges. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 16:28:58 EST In a message dated 11/12/99 3:21:02 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Wow.. I'm turning 17 on the 13th too! >> Cool man. All bow down before the ones who turned 16 on Friday the 13th. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: [N64] THIS website will change your life Date: 12 Nov 1999 17:26:21 -0500 (EST) I warned you.. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Avery Subject: [N64] Win Strategy Guides Date: 12 Nov 1999 17:24:34 -0600 (EST) Prima Games and N-Games are giving away 9 strategy guides for Nintendo 64 games. You can pick from strategy guides for the following nine N64 games.: Rayman 2 Knockout Kings 2000 Battle Tanx: Global Assault Gauntlet Legends Hot Wheels Turbo Racer Jet Force Gemini Army Men Sarge's Heroes WCW Mayhem NASCAR 2000 Go to You can enter once a day. Limit of one member of a family, please. -- Chris Avery [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Avery Subject: Re: [N64] THIS website will change your life Date: 12 Nov 1999 17:28:44 -0600 (EST) On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr. wrote: > > I warned you.. > > > > Yeah. It might change you alright. But for the worst. How many times can you send that link to the list? |Chris Avery | Computer Services Lab Manager | |email | Computer Science Major | | | Arkansas State University | [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 19:15:22 EST In a message dated 11/11/99 11:06:03 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Monster Rancher is pretty cool, and has a much better developed plot than either Pokemon or Digimon >> That's what I thought until I saw today's episode. Super civilized race of humans that lived on Pangea (for all of you that don't know, Pangea existed when all 7 Continents of the world were one), and had some great technology that allowed them to create sentient life forms and turn them into huge, stone disks that they CD-ROMs. And what kind of name is "Moo" for a bad guy, anyhow? BTW, I missed the first show. Why did that kid get sucked into the game? --David [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 16:58:05 -0800 (PST) On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/11/99 11:06:03 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Monster Rancher is pretty cool, and has a much better developed plot than > either Pokemon or Digimon >> > > > That's what I thought until I saw today's episode. Super civilized race > of humans that lived on Pangea (for all of you that don't know, Pangea > existed when all 7 Continents of the world were one), and had some great > technology that allowed them to create sentient life forms and turn them into > huge, stone disks that they CD-ROMs. And what kind of name is "Moo" for a > bad guy, anyhow? > BTW, I missed the first show. Why did that kid get sucked into the game? That's still a better plot than pokemon =) I don't think they meant this is taking place on the Earth, just another planet that also had all continents merged at one point in the past. I don't know the etymology of "pan" but pangea is probably a reasonable name for the supercontinent on any world =) As for the disk things, scientists develop the ability to genetically engineer creatures, and incode that information on data disks, yeah, that's really out of this world. Not your normal tech like being able to capture wild animals in small spheres a fraction of the size of the creatures =) It started out with the guy winning a giant competition playing the original Monster Rancher. The prize was to be shipped a prototype copy of Monster Rancher 2000x or some such, He starts playing the prototype right at the point that the girl loads a monster disk at a temple, and instead of summoning a monster, it summons him instead. Whether or not this is a game, or another planet, or an alternate reality or what, is of course unexplaied so far. Cast in this unlikely role Ill-equiped to act With insufficient tact One must put up barriers To keep oneself intact --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:04:23 EST In a message dated 99-11-11 23:41:19 EST, you write: > I was referring to the shows.. AFAIK, there's no Digimon game. Well, there should be. I find the charcters in Digimon the most believable, well, net to Beast Wars. Now that deserves a game, now that they're immune to the energon surges. I missed how that happend, but that CG Optimus Prime was really cool, and I had no idea on how short those new Pedicons & Maximals were. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikapoo, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:05:53 EST In a message dated 99-11-11 23:41:46 EST, you write: > Me... I'm beyond the point of possibly being > helped. If you need me, I'll be at the nearest movie theater watching > Pikachu again and again and a........ > -Eric- Okay, answer me this, what are those z shaped lines under that Ketchum kid's eyes? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the Movie Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:08:20 EST In a message dated 99-11-11 23:47:42 EST, you write: > Oh, and warning to those going to see it: > Pikachu's Vacation is pretty stupid and you will have to sit through 20 > minutes of it. Go if you're drunk or are just going to stand outside and > play arcade games until Mewtwo Strikes Back begins. > -Eric- If I'm gonna go to a movie theater drunk I'd rather see Dogma. Silent Bob is cool. So Ash doesn't stay dead? At least Optimus Prime stayed dead until the end of the third season. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikapoo, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:09:30 EST In a message dated 11/12/99 9:06:26 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Okay, answer me this, what are those z shaped lines under that Ketchum kid's eyes? Dave >> Beats me. Who cares about Ash, anyway? I'm mostly just for Pikachu. The other characters aren't nearly as appealing. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:22:23 EST In a message dated 99-11-12 00:40:39 EST, you write: > Yeah but after you beat it then what? You go back to it a year later? Well, this is how I do it, I usually don't play one game at a time, even with biggies like Zelda, Xenogears, Metal Gear Solid, or Goldeneye. I at least get a new game every two weeks, and maybe a used or bargain game or two a month, so I'm not usually only playing one game. For instance, October found me playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Final Fantasy 5, Namco Museum 1, and Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown (PSX). Those were the games I purchased new that month, well, Namco Museum 1 & Duke were used. But new to me. Usually with RPGs, long ones, once I finish them I don't go back for up to six months to a year. I'm nowhere near finishing Duke, and I got rid of FF Anthology. But I did manage to finish Pro Skater with all 11 characters. But you know what? It's a great game, probably the best PSX game this year.. well, until I get RE3 ;). Regardless, about two days after I finished Pro Skater I started over again from scratch, because it's just a lot of fun. It does have a 2 player mode, which I've played quite a bit. But that's just on one front, I just recently got NFS on the Saturn and hwve been playing a bit of that and let's not forget Speed Devils on the Dreamcast. If the game is good I play it again in single player mode, IMHO multi-player is nice, but usually the real meat in in the single player experience... unless it's co-op multi player, always fun to stick it to the computer. Dave diglet diglet diglet that make sense? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: __>Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:24:14 EST In a message dated 99-11-12 00:45:51 EST, you write: > Don't listen to Aint-it-cool-news. That's where you got the 'slavery and > cockfighting' argument didn't you. One gets that impression from watching the show. Reminds me more of Master & Blaster from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikapoo, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:26:03 EST Pokemon is the next nintendo franchise, and that's that. > > It reminds me of mariomania in 1990 when mario 3 came out > > dex I thought Mario 3 came out in 1988. Actually it reminds me more of Transformers in 1984-85 Dave. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose Mario 3!!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:26:42 EST In a message dated 99-11-12 02:19:40 EST, you write: > Pokemon is the next nintendo franchise, and that's that. > > It reminds me of mariomania in 1990 when mario 3 came out > > dex Oh, wait, it did come out in 1990, in America. So silly of me. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:30:00 EST In a message dated 99-11-12 05:13:09 EST, you write: > And what is it like inside a pokeball anyway? I think it's fridge that never runs out of beer, a toilet, and a big screen TV. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: Re: [N64] Pikapoo, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 21:30:40 -0600 ALL the pokemon, with a few exceptions, repeat their name over and over and over and over. Digimon, on the other hand, are intelligent enough to speak English. Not that pokemon aren't intelligent, it just gets annoying to hear the same stupid phrases over and over again... As to why Pikachu is more appealing... well, I suppose it's because he's the main character of the TV show. At 10:26 PM 11/12/1999 -0500, you wrote: ><-Eric- > >This is my first post so I hope I am doing this correctly because I plan to >be posting regularly. But anyway, when it comes to being appealing, how can >an electric rat that chants the same thing over and over and over and (well >you know what I mean) be more appealing than any other pokemon? I surely do >not hope that the world of gaming, television, and movies are made so that >they are "cute" and are more appealing than others. > >Cy > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:35:38 EST In a message dated 99-11-12 19:16:09 EST, you write: > And what kind of name is "Moo" for a > bad guy, anyhow? > BTW, I missed the first show. Why did that kid get sucked into the game? > > > --David I thought it was Mu. Although Jessie & James really sparks of creativity ;) not. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikapoo, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:37:39 EST In a message dated 99-11-12 22:09:57 EST, you write: > << Okay, answer me this, what are those z shaped lines under that Ketchum > kid's > eyes? > > Dave >> > > Beats me. Who cares about Ash, anyway? I'm mostly just for Pikachu. The > other characters aren't nearly as appealing. > -Eric- And what about that guy who walks around with his eyes closed, you'd think he'd have stepped on Pinachew by now? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikapee, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:38:47 EST In a message dated 99-11-12 22:33:31 EST, you write: > As to why Pikachu is more appealing... well, I suppose it's because he's > the main character of the TV show. So Ash isn't the main character? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikapee, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:41:21 EST In a message dated 11/12/99 8:39:19 PM US Mountain Standard Time,=20 writes: << > As to why Pikachu is more appealing... well, I suppose it's because he'= s > the main character of the TV show. =20 So Ash isn't the main character? =20 Dave >> He is the main character, but Pikachu is alot "cuter" X=DE Cy [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] The past week and a half Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:43:48 EST Well, our teacher rambles a lot. She is this weird nun who goes off on tangents all the time. I er, well, *encourage* these tangents. It limits the note taking to virtually nothing when you spend the whole class period debating what the best fake SNL commercial is. Oh, and study, study, study! ~Matt <> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Elliot Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 20:43:36 PST There's a Beast Wars game for N64 out in japan called Beast Metals 64 Neo or something like that. It's based on the 2nd season of Beast Wars, not the current Beast Machines. It done by Takara and there is or will be a PSX port. I haven't seen any reviews yet. Elliot ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: In a message dated 99-11-11 23:41:19 EST, you write: > I was referring to the shows.. AFAIK, there's no Digimon game. Well, there should be. I find the charcters in Digimon the most believable, well, net to Beast Wars. Now that deserves a game, now that they're immune to the energon surges. I missed how that happend, but that CG Optimus Prime was really cool, and I had no idea on how short those new Pedicons & Maximals were. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Elliot Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 20:50:08 PST or one of those stupid Slim Jim commercials... Elliot ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: In a message dated 99-11-12 05:13:09 EST, you write: > And what is it like inside a pokeball anyway? I think it's fridge that never runs out of beer, a toilet, and a big screen TV. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 12 Nov 1999 22:55:35 -0600 -----Original Message----- > >Yeah but after you beat it then what? You go back to it a year later? I'm >solely a console gamer so I don't have 'PC Gamer Logic'. I don't want to >waste my money with a game that after 1-2 wks it will collect dust on the > matter how brilliant that game was. For me, personally, a game >must have great multiplayer for me to purchase it. Everybody's different. But that is how platformers have always i don't see any point in complaining about it. You said you love platformers, but if you do, you should expect most of them to not have multiplayer. It is nothing new. Stryder >On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Thraxen wrote: > >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: >> To: >> Date: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 9:52 PM >> Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays >> >> >> >In a message dated 99-11-10 20:43:22 EST, you write: >> > >> >> Thanks for the review I'll rent it(i love platformers but with no >> >> deathmatch mode i wouldn't consider buying the game since it lacks >> replay >> >> value). >> > >> > >> >That's the funniest thing I heard all day. Besides that letter I got from >> >Square EA. Since there's no multi-player it has no replay value? I can't >> >understand that kind of logic. >> >> It is PC gamer logic. Although multiplayer can add a lot to the replay >> value...platformers are not meant to have multi-player IMO. I personally >> just enjoy playing through platformers as they are. >> >> Stryder >> >> >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >> [ (without the quotes) to ] >> > >sx > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 20:58:20 -0800 (PST) On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-11 23:41:19 EST, you write: > > > I was referring to the shows.. AFAIK, there's no Digimon game. > > Well, there should be. I find the charcters in Digimon the most believable, > well, net to Beast Wars. Now that deserves a game, now that they're immune to > the energon surges. I missed how that happend, but that CG Optimus Prime was > really cool, and I had no idea on how short those new Pedicons & Maximals > were. Yeah, Beast Wars rocks! Beast Machines, well, it's ok. I've seen about four or five episodes of the new one, and i don't care what anyone else says, the new style just is not as cool as the old one. Black Arachnia, Rattrap, and the Predacons/Vehicons in particular have really suffered from the transition. Black Arachnia has goen from a cool killer lady cyber cyber spider to what looks like a dopey looking spider alien, Rattrap from the Stainless Steel Rat to some kind of demented toy a preschooler would have used before they were old enough for a bicycle. Nightscream (or whatever) is really freaky, but he didn't have a previous incarnation to compare to. I still like the transmetal 2 forms of Cheetor and Optimus Primal a lot better, but at least their current forms aren't completly screwy. And yeah, when you first saw them compared to the autobots and deceticons, wow! When they re-introduced Ravage and i saw him standing next to the others, i thought they must have upgraded his size along with everything else, since i remembered him as one of the smaller decepticons. But then you saw everyone compared to the _real_ autobots and decepticons in the Ark! In retrospect it makese sense, the autobots/maximals usually seem to be scale to their alternate forms. Just about the smallest of the autobots was a VW bug! The maximals are equally in proportion to their animal bodies, Rattrap being the only one who is off from true, and his animal body is as much out of proportion to real rats as he is from the rest of the maximals. The Predacons and decepticons are the ones who are really messed up size wize. Ravage is the right size for a jaquar, but he turns into a four foot long audio tape that fits into a two story boombox! Megatron is a giant _handgun_, while the PRedacons are made of a mixture of tiny dinosaurs and six foot insects. I'm stil trying to catch up on the last season, but apparently they capture megatron and kill/whatever the other predacons? Including Rampage/protoform-x?? Beast Machines better have a _very_ good explanation for how Megatron managed to take over the entire planet all by his lonesome. And even if his own predacon allies were killed or abandoned or whatever back on earth, what happened to the other predacons who were on cybertron? Anyway, i've rambled for more than long enough on this subject =) Don't worry guys, i'll be moving on sunday and mostly incumanicando for a week or two, so you won't have to put up with my ravings for long =) Where would you rather be? Anywhere but here When will the time be right? Anytime but now The doubt and the fear I know would all disappear Anywhere but here --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 21:34:23 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-12 02:19:40 EST, you write: > > > Pokemon is the next nintendo franchise, and that's that. > > > > It reminds me of mariomania in 1990 when mario 3 came out > > > > dex > > I thought Mario 3 came out in 1988. > > Actually it reminds me more of Transformers in 1984-85 Transformers too, man i'm the biggest transformer fan in the world. i always wanted to be that yellow buggy cause i had a yellow toy car. whats his name? bumble bee? I think Mario 3 came out in 1989 or 90 Dexter > > > Dave. > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pikapoo, I choose you!! Date: 12 Nov 1999 21:35:42 -0800 Welcome Cy wrote: > <-Eric- > > This is my first post so I hope I am doing this correctly because I plan to > be posting regularly. But anyway, when it comes to being appealing, how can > an electric rat that chants the same thing over and over and over and (well > you know what I mean) be more appealing than any other pokemon? I surely do > not hope that the world of gaming, television, and movies are made so that > they are "cute" and are more appealing than others. > > Cy > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 13 Nov 1999 17:25:14 +1100 At 21:05 11-11-99 -0800, you wrote: >On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Eddy Wu wrote: > >> Bah, monster rancher and digimon suck. It's like they took Pokemon, and >> tried to mold it towards kids that were a little older, resulting in utter >> crap. Just my opinion, though. > >If we're talking about the anime, i would disagree. Pokemon has the >coolest creatures and the coolest attacks going for it, but the other two >shows do have their own points. > >One thing that both Digimon and Monster Rancher lacks is the slavery >and cockfighting aspects in pokemon that makes me a little uncomfortable. >Pokemon is the only one that involves trapping semi-sentient creatures and >forcing them to fight each other. I try to view it in terms of battles for >honor and the pokemon sticking around mostly voluntarily (it _seems_ that >they could leave at any point if they really wanted) but neither Digimon >or Monster Rancher has that problem. > Pokemon isn't about slavery, on the contrary one of the themes of the show is that Ash is the nice trainer who earns the trust of his Pokemon. Ash always wins the battles because his pokemon want to win for him. Team Rocket treat their pokemon like slaves and they always loose. As for Team Rocket not being evil enough, they may not be as evil as Megatron or Cobra Commander but at least they take themselves seriously. Post-TMNT it is very rare that a cartoon villian will take themselves seriously. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 13 Nov 1999 17:28:13 +1100 At 01:58 12-11-99 -0800, you wrote: > > >So after i started watching the show here, i picked up some pokemon toys, >stuffed animals and things. I got pokemon snap after that, which is really >cool. My girlfriend and i had fun playing it together =) Then i finally Care to elaborate on that emoticon? You weren't playing strip-pokemon were you? :) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 13 Nov 1999 17:34:12 +1100 At 16:18 12-11-99 -0500, you wrote: >Wow.. I'm turning 17 on the 13th too! > Interesting, I turned 17 on the 7th. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Pikapoo, I choose you!! Date: 13 Nov 1999 17:55:58 +1100 At 22:05 12-11-99 EST, you wrote: >In a message dated 99-11-11 23:41:46 EST, you write: > >> Me... I'm beyond the point of possibly being >> helped. If you need me, I'll be at the nearest movie theater watching >> Pikachu again and again and a........ >> -Eric- > >Okay, answer me this, what are those z shaped lines under that Ketchum kid's >eyes? > >Dave > In Japan the Anime industry is really an extention of the manga (comic book). Manga art is designed to be simplistic but expressive. They don't have gimmicks such as colour and computerised shading like American comics. So if they want to make someone's cheek look like a cheek they use lines not shading. Manga art isn't supposed to be realistic. No matter how well cartoons are drawn the viewer is always going to know that images are not real; so why limit the art style to reality? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 13 Nov 1999 04:30:08 -0800 (PST) On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Alex wrote: > Pokemon isn't about slavery, on the contrary one of the themes of the show > is that Ash is the nice trainer who earns the trust of his Pokemon. Ash > always wins the battles because his pokemon want to win for him. Team Rocket > treat their pokemon like slaves and they always loose. > > As for Team Rocket not being evil enough, they may not be as evil as > Megatron or Cobra Commander but at least they take themselves seriously. > Post-TMNT it is very rare that a cartoon villian will take themselves seriously. Sure, Ash is nice, but if you're going to look at it from the slavery standpoint, that doesn't count for a whole lot. You could make a tv show about a southern slave household from teh 1800's, where the master trats his slaves kindly, and his slaves like him. He'll even rescue slaves from neighboring cruel overseers, and put them to work on his own fields. He'll let them take a few days oof if they get sick, and everything happy cheery. But they're still salves, and they're still forced to work for this guy. And i'm betting this show would _not_ get a very popular reception, at least not if you tried to make the kind overseer your protagonist. "Uncle Tom" is almsot a swear word(s) these days. If you want to argue against slavery, your main argument should be that the service rendered is due to loyalty and fealty in exchange for honor, not due to bondage, adn that the pokemon could leave at any point if they so choose. Arguing that most of the salve owners are nice is well, nice, but that alone isn't going to get you very far. Nice or not, they'd still be salve owners. The best view is of each trainer as a Daiymo who must defeat each Samurai (pokemon) in a battle of honor before they will swear fealty to them. These Samurai then battle each other in duels of honor to support their Daiymo, in which no serious harm is usually inflicted. (pokemon are rarely maimed or killed) And i'm not sure that i would say that team Rocket treats itself seriously. How does spending half their time making bad puns count as seriousness? Mystic rhythms -- capture my thoughts -- and carry them away Nature seems to spin In supernatural ways Mystic rythms -- under city lights -- or a canopy of stars We feel the powers and we wonder what they are We feel the push and pull of restless rythms from afar --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 13 Nov 1999 04:39:21 -0800 (PST) On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Alex wrote: > At 01:58 12-11-99 -0800, you wrote: > > > > > >So after i started watching the show here, i picked up some pokemon toys, > >stuffed animals and things. I got pokemon snap after that, which is really > >cool. My girlfriend and i had fun playing it together =) Then i finally > > Care to elaborate on that emoticon? You weren't playing strip-pokemon were > you? :) Er, no =) We did enjoy playing it together however. Actually, one of the most annoying things about Snap is that you can only have one person/game per cartridge. I'm sure all those pictures are memory intensive, but paying a few bucks more and being able to do two people would have been great. My girlfriend started out, so we both had to use her game instead of each having our own. I actually ended up doing most of the playing after awhile, because she decided that although she likes the game, her manual dexterity was too low for it =( So i would play while she was using my comptuer to access the internet, and we'd stop and judge the pictures together every time i finished a round to decide which ones to send to Prof. Oak and which to stick in the album. She'd also look up cool tricks on the net and watch while i tried them out, like getting pikachu to jump on the the electrode thingy =) Freeze this moment a little bit longer Make each sensation a little bit stronger Experience slips away... --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: editor - hotgames Subject: [N64] - Coolnews Nintendo 64 Date: 14 Nov 1999 01:22:23 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS NINTENDO 64: Gamedate November 12, 1999 The newsletter of! JINGLE BELLS As Christmas rapidly looms (aah!), you're no doubt surrounded by eager game players who would just love to have a new Nintendo 64 game under the tree, but which one should you be telling Santa to get? Or maybe you know you've been a good boy or girl all year long and you're thinking hard what game deserves to be stuffed into your stocking! Either way, we're here to help by rating every Nintendo 64 game out there, and inviting you to tell everyone else what you think! Ed. FEATURE REVIEW - ROCKET: ROBOT ON WHEELS 3D platformers are a dime a dozen on the Nintendo 64, so what (if anything) makes Rocket: Robot On Wheels so special? We let you know in our new feature review and remember - you're always welcome to leave your reader reviews online for the entire world to see! LATEST 5 NINTENDO 64 GAME REVIEWS: Rayman 2: The Great Escape: Paperboy 64: NBA Courtside 2 Featuring Kobe Bryant: Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko: Earthworm Jim 3D: FEATURE EDITORIAL - A FUTURE OF NINTENDO'S STARS! Time machines are expensive, cumbersome and always breaking down, so using them to find out what Mario and his friends are going to be up to twenty years down the track is nigh on impossible. Leave it to us then, and we'll give you a sneak preview on the next-next-next generation! CHEAT OF THE WEEK - MARIO GOLF 64 On the first hole you can see a red turtle shell, hit the turtle with your ball and you will get a hole in one. Batman smells... Cameron D. To unsubscribe to Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject field. Do you have friends who are also keen N64 gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: editor - hotgames Subject: [N64] - Coolnews Date: 14 Nov 1999 01:25:10 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS: Gamedate November 12, 1999 The Newsletter of THIS JUST IN... Bugs and gameplay issues are a sadly all too common part of modern PC gaming, but until recently it has been restricted to the retail side of the market. Lately though, many developers are being forced to constantly update their demos due to hardware inconsistencies or other issues. Is this maintenance a neccessary part of daily gaming life, or should the game makers not release anything until it's been completely tested? Rest assured, though, that the games you download from are the latest and greatest versions, ensuring maximum compatibility with your computer! Ed. FEATURE DEMO - INDIANA JONES AND THE INFERNAL MACHINE Indy's back! Lucasarts have been beavering away on their massive 3D adventure game for years and now the fruits of their labor are ready to be tested. Find out if the wait has been worthwhile as you download and play the free demo! LATEST 5 GAME DEMOS AND REVIEWS: Mini Golf Masters: Miniverse Michelle Kwan's Figure Skating Edgar Torronteras Phoenix Dirt Track Racing FEATURE ARTICLE - WELCOME TO WEIRDSVILLE! One of the greatest things about gaming on the PC is that every now and again you come across a game that is completely odd from head to toe. Here's our feature on complete gaming weirdness... WIN PRIZES - DELTA FORCE 2, BUGS BUNNY, ARMORED FIST 3! We know it, you know it, even your mom knows it - has the best prizes on the planet, and it's totally free to enter! Up for grabs are the excellent ground troop simulator Delta Force 2, the looney Bugs Bunny: Lost In Time and last but not least the tank- busting action of Armored Fist 3! CHEAT OF THE WEEK - ARMY MEN: TOYS IN SPACE God Mode And Items - !full monty Wagh, Diablo 2 delayed... Cameron D. To unsubscribe to Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject field. Do you have friends who are also keen gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 13 Nov 1999 12:18:56 -0800 > > Pokemon isn't about slavery, on the contrary one of the themes of the show > is that Ash is the nice trainer who earns the trust of his Pokemon. Ash > always wins the battles because his pokemon want to win for him. Team Rocket > treat their pokemon like slaves and they always loose. > > As for Team Rocket not being evil enough, they may not be as evil as > Megatron or Cobra Commander but at least they take themselves seriously. > Post-TMNT it is very rare that a cartoon villian will take themselves seriously. To elaborate to Alex's statement about slavery, I think Pokemon is not about good vs. evil, it is more about right and wrong. It is interesting how it seems to reflect the moral ambiguity of today's society. Team Rocket isn't evil per se, they are, shall we say, misguided. The viewer gets the sense they can be good people/pokrmon given the proper direction and overall its closer to the truth than the "pure evil" type villian who are passe by now since so many bad guys in cartoons try to be evil they begin to look silly. Dexter > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Gold Bug, I choose you!! Date: 13 Nov 1999 16:56:44 EST In a message dated 99-11-13 00:27:17 EST, you write: > Transformers too, man i'm the biggest transformer fan in the world. i > always wanted to be that yellow buggy cause i had a yellow toy car. > whats his name? bumble bee? > Bigger than Stryder or I? Surely you jest. ;) Perhaps you mean Bumblebee, or his later incarnation, Gold Bug. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Gold Bug, I choose you!! Date: 13 Nov 1999 14:14:57 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-13 00:27:17 EST, you write: > > > Transformers too, man i'm the biggest transformer fan in the world. i > > always wanted to be that yellow buggy cause i had a yellow toy car. > > whats his name? bumble bee? > > > > Bigger than Stryder or I? Surely you jest. ;) > > Perhaps you mean Bumblebee, or his later incarnation, Gold Bug. I love the show :*-) > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Resident Pikachu 64 Date: 13 Nov 1999 17:07:08 EST In a message dated 99-11-13 15:16:04 EST, you write: > The viewer gets the sense they can be good > people/pokrmon given the proper direction and overall its closer to the > truth than > the "pure evil" type villian who are passe by now since so many bad guys in > cartoons > try to be evil they begin to look silly. > > Dexter Speaking of which, are there any new N64 games out or coming out this month? Isn't Resident Evil 2 coming out in a scant few days? You know, I've finally become bored when playing Resident Evil 2 on the PlayStation. Oh where oh where is my Resident Evil 3? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 13 Nov 1999 17:38:57 EST In a message dated 11/12/99 9:26:36 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I thought Mario 3 came out in 1988. Actually it reminds me more of Transformers in 1984-85 Dave. >> '88 was SMB2. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikapoo, I choose you!! Date: 13 Nov 1999 17:42:57 EST In a message dated 11/12/99 9:26:40 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << This is my first post so I hope I am doing this correctly because I plan to be posting regularly. But anyway, when it comes to being appealing, how can an electric rat that chants the same thing over and over and over and (well you know what I mean) be more appealing than any other pokemon? I surely do not hope that the world of gaming, television, and movies are made so that they are "cute" and are more appealing than others. >> Pikachu's appeal is something I can't explain. He's my favorite pokemon, so I find him to be one of the main attractions on Pokemon (anime, game, etc.). If you don't like cute things, go play Resident Evil or Turok. Theme doesn't really make a difference to me. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikapoo, I choose you!! Date: 13 Nov 1999 17:48:20 EST In a message dated 11/12/99 9:33:31 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << ALL the pokemon, with a few exceptions, repeat their name over and over and over and over. Digimon, on the other hand, are intelligent enough to speak English. Not that pokemon aren't intelligent, it just gets annoying to hear the same stupid phrases over and over again... As to why Pikachu is more appealing... well, I suppose it's because he's the main character of the TV show. >> I never really found the repeating names speech so annoying. I kinda like it. Plus, just because pokemon aren't born with the ability to speak English doesn't mean they can't learn. Meowth is a perfect example. Still, I can't imagine what it would be like if Pikachu spoke English. I like him the way he is. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 13 Nov 1999 18:04:41 EST In a message dated 11/13/99 2:16:04 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << To elaborate to Alex's statement about slavery, I think Pokemon is not about good vs. evil, it is more about right and wrong. It is interesting how it seems to reflect the moral ambiguity of today's society. Team Rocket isn't evil per se, they are, shall we say, misguided. The viewer gets the sense they can be good people/pokrmon given the proper direction and overall its closer to the truth than the "pure evil" type villian who are passe by now since so many bad guys in cartoons try to be evil they begin to look silly. Dexter >> Good example is the episode "Holy Matrimony!" James' backround reflects that since his parents didn't understand him, he ran away (also because of Jessiebell) and got involved with the wrong people. Team Rocket and the others do cooperate occasionally (i.e. Pokemon Shipwreck). -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Resident Pikachu 64 Date: 13 Nov 1999 18:54:23 EST There are quite a few games coming out this month. Resident Evil 2 should be coming out any time now. I can't wait! :o) Another game that is coming out is DK64. From the commercials and the hype surrounding this game, it is a MUST HAVE. I know that at least 2 basketball games, NBA Live 2000 and Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside 2. Lastly, I'm not sure about this one, but I think that Harvest Moon 64 comes out this month also. This is about all the games I can think about off the top of my head. Cy In a message dated 11/13/99 3:08:09 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: Subject: Re: [N64] Resident Pikachu 64 Date: 13 Nov 1999 16:15:17 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-13 15:16:04 EST, you write: > > > The viewer gets the sense they can be good > > people/pokrmon given the proper direction and overall its closer to the > > truth than > > the "pure evil" type villian who are passe by now since so many bad guys > in > > cartoons > > try to be evil they begin to look silly. > > > > Dexter > > Speaking of which, are there any new N64 games out or coming out this month? > Isn't Resident Evil 2 coming out in a scant few days? You know, I've finally > become bored when playing Resident Evil 2 on the PlayStation. > > Oh where oh where is my Resident Evil 3? check ign64's games of november Dex > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays Date: 14 Nov 1999 00:18:50 -0500 (EST) I do love platformers yes, but ever since the N64 has spoiled us with multiplayer straight from the cart I have made this a requirement for me PURCHASING the game(not playing it). It's just the way I roll On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Thraxen wrote: > > -----Original Message----- > From: Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr. > To: > Date: Thursday, November 11, 1999 11:41 PM > Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays > > > > > >Yeah but after you beat it then what? You go back to it a year later? I'm > >solely a console gamer so I don't have 'PC Gamer Logic'. I don't want to > >waste my money with a game that after 1-2 wks it will collect dust on the > > matter how brilliant that game was. For me, personally, a game > >must have great multiplayer for me to purchase it. Everybody's different. > > But that is how platformers have always i don't see any point in > complaining about it. You said you love platformers, but if you do, you > should expect most of them to not have multiplayer. It is nothing new. > > Stryder > > > >On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Thraxen wrote: > > > >> > >> -----Original Message----- > >> From: > >> To: > >> Date: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 9:52 PM > >> Subject: Re: [N64] Rayman 2 & Delays > >> > >> > >> >In a message dated 99-11-10 20:43:22 EST, you write: > >> > > >> >> Thanks for the review I'll rent it(i love platformers but with no > >> >> deathmatch mode i wouldn't consider buying the game since it lacks > >> replay > >> >> value). > >> > > >> > > >> >That's the funniest thing I heard all day. Besides that letter I got > from > >> >Square EA. Since there's no multi-player it has no replay value? I can't > >> >understand that kind of logic. > >> > >> It is PC gamer logic. Although multiplayer can add a lot to the replay > >> value...platformers are not meant to have multi-player IMO. I personally > >> just enjoy playing through platformers as they are. > >> > >> Stryder > >> > >> > >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > >> [ (without the quotes) to ] > >> > > > >sx > > > > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > >[ (without the quotes) to ] > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 14 Nov 1999 00:28:44 -0500 (EST) This was Nintendo and Gamefreaks chance to turn over many non-fans to Pokemon. The movie was awful! This is coming from a true Pokemon left me less enthusiastic about the whole Pokemon phenonemon. Even the kids(i was one of the few over 20 in the audience) didn't seem to dig it as much as I thought. The mini-short was painfully nauseating. The editing and plotline were horrible. I wanted to tap the bored parents and tell them 'pokemon is much cooler than this i promise. watch the cartoon' I had high hopes for the film, i heard it was much more serious than the cartoon and sure the lighting was darker and Mewtwo's soliliquies were mature in nature but there was hardly any fighting at all. The mew vs mewtwo fight was just two orbs bouncing into each other. If you were hoping to see bigger action in the film than in the animated series you will be dissappointed. There was not one good fight scene...not one! I give Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back...grade F On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > > wrote: > > > In a message dated 99-11-13 15:16:04 EST, you write: > > > > > The viewer gets the sense they can be good > > > people/pokrmon given the proper direction and overall its closer to the > > > truth than > > > the "pure evil" type villian who are passe by now since so many bad guys > > in > > > cartoons > > > try to be evil they begin to look silly. > > > > > > Dexter > > > > Speaking of which, are there any new N64 games out or coming out this month? > > Isn't Resident Evil 2 coming out in a scant few days? You know, I've finally > > become bored when playing Resident Evil 2 on the PlayStation. > > > > Oh where oh where is my Resident Evil 3? > > check ign64's games of november > > Dex > > > > > > > Dave > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 13 Nov 1999 23:42:57 -0600 I found it turned me over, or at least made me more than just curious. I almost felt Mewtwo's rage, and I thought it was the best part of the movie, though I know many kiddies in the audience were asking their parents, "What's he doing?/Why is he doing that?" I certainly wasn't expecting any of it to be as dark and violent as the first scene was. I have heard that the Pokemon Gold cartoon show is going to be much more mature-type anime. I thought the fighting was somewhat lame, too, but having nothing to base a comparison on, I would say it was adequate. Is the tv show really better? If so, I'll have to try to watch... But do the kids who the short was geared toward really care that much about plotlines and editing? At 12:28 AM 11/14/1999 -0500, you wrote: >This was Nintendo and Gamefreaks chance to turn over many non-fans to >Pokemon. > >The movie was awful! This is coming from a true Pokemon left me >less enthusiastic about the whole Pokemon phenonemon. Even the kids(i was >one of the few over 20 in the audience) didn't seem to dig it as much as I >thought. The mini-short was painfully nauseating. The editing and plotline >were horrible. I wanted to tap the bored parents and tell them 'pokemon is >much cooler than this i promise. watch the cartoon' > I had high hopes for the film, i heard it was much more serious than the >cartoon and sure the lighting was darker and Mewtwo's soliliquies were >mature in nature but there was hardly any fighting at all. The mew vs >mewtwo fight was just two orbs bouncing into each other. If you were >hoping to see bigger action in the film than in the animated series you >will be dissappointed. There was not one good fight scene...not one! I >give Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back...grade F > > >On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > >> >> >> wrote: >> >> > In a message dated 99-11-13 15:16:04 EST, you write: >> > >> > > The viewer gets the sense they can be good >> > > people/pokrmon given the proper direction and overall its closer to the >> > > truth than >> > > the "pure evil" type villian who are passe by now since so many bad guys >> > in >> > > cartoons >> > > try to be evil they begin to look silly. >> > > >> > > Dexter >> > >> > Speaking of which, are there any new N64 games out or coming out this month? >> > Isn't Resident Evil 2 coming out in a scant few days? You know, I've finally >> > become bored when playing Resident Evil 2 on the PlayStation. >> > >> > Oh where oh where is my Resident Evil 3? >> >> check ign64's games of november >> >> Dex >> >> > >> > >> > Dave >> > >> > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >> > [ (without the quotes) to ] >> >> >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >> [ (without the quotes) to ] >> > >sx > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon and McDonalds Date: 14 Nov 1999 00:02:54 -0700 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-11 17:32:18 EST, you write: > > > McDonalds really blew > > their chance on this one -- they can cite Pokemon lacking 'family values', > > if > > they want to, but what the hell gives Barbie or Hot Wheels family values? > > Barbie doesn't even wear underwear for gods sake. > > McDonalds is under contract to sell Disney realted toys, as far as I heard. > I'm sure they'll do fine with their Toy Story 2 stuff. > > Anybody still have their Super Mario Bros. toys from McDonalds? I only got > the bouncing Mario and Luigi riding a cloud. ;) > > Dave i got the goomba that does a back flip > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 14 Nov 1999 11:18:00 EST In a message dated 11/13/99 11:29:04 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << This was Nintendo and Gamefreaks chance to turn over many non-fans to Pokemon. The movie was awful! This is coming from a true Pokemon left me less enthusiastic about the whole Pokemon phenonemon. Even the kids(i was one of the few over 20 in the audience) didn't seem to dig it as much as I thought. The mini-short was painfully nauseating. The editing and plotline were horrible. I wanted to tap the bored parents and tell them 'pokemon is much cooler than this i promise. watch the cartoon' I had high hopes for the film, i heard it was much more serious than the cartoon and sure the lighting was darker and Mewtwo's soliliquies were mature in nature but there was hardly any fighting at all. The mew vs mewtwo fight was just two orbs bouncing into each other. If you were hoping to see bigger action in the film than in the animated series you will be dissappointed. There was not one good fight scene...not one! I give Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back...grade F >> I liked seeing the movie. I did say that Pikachu's Vacation was horrible (what was the animator smoking when he made those tripped out pokemon transition scenes?), but Mewtwo Strikes Back was cool. I think the staff members of IGN (movies, sci-fi, and pocket) stated it best saying that it might leave some kids scratching their heads. Some of the emotions, such as Mewtwo fighting internally with his own terms of existence, might be difficult for them to understand. If you were disappointed, I think it's because this movie was hyped up to be such a cool battle movie. I did my research on the Universal Pokemon Network ( They had the entire storyline of the movie typed out. I read the thing even before the trailers, and also downloaded all the video scenes they had for the Japanese version. So, I knew what the battle scenes were like and was only disappointed by some of the music. Particularly, the "redone" theme song. I guess it was ok, but they should've kept it true to the CD. In addition, just because you're a pokemon fan doesn't mean you MUST like the movie. I think that being a pokemon fan, you either like it or hate it. If you have no backround on pokemon whatsoever, stay the hell away from the theater. If you're trying to make a start on pokemon, this isn't the place to look. This one's for the veterans. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon and McDonalds Date: 14 Nov 1999 12:13:49 EST In a message dated 99-11-14 02:10:49 EST, you write: > i got the goomba that does a back flip Darn it, I always wanted the Goomba. There's Mario, Luigi, Little Goomba,.. what was the fourth one? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 14 Nov 1999 16:17:48 -0500 I actually thought the battle scenes were a lot better than they were in the TV show. Not the final one, where none of the Pokemon could use any special attacks, but the other ones were definitely better. -----Original Message----- >This was Nintendo and Gamefreaks chance to turn over many non-fans to >Pokemon. > >The movie was awful! This is coming from a true Pokemon left me >less enthusiastic about the whole Pokemon phenonemon. Even the kids(i was >one of the few over 20 in the audience) didn't seem to dig it as much as I >thought. The mini-short was painfully nauseating. The editing and plotline >were horrible. I wanted to tap the bored parents and tell them 'pokemon is >much cooler than this i promise. watch the cartoon' > I had high hopes for the film, i heard it was much more serious than the >cartoon and sure the lighting was darker and Mewtwo's soliliquies were >mature in nature but there was hardly any fighting at all. The mew vs >mewtwo fight was just two orbs bouncing into each other. If you were >hoping to see bigger action in the film than in the animated series you >will be dissappointed. There was not one good fight scene...not one! I >give Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back...grade F > > >On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > >> >> >> wrote: >> >> > In a message dated 99-11-13 15:16:04 EST, you write: >> > >> > > The viewer gets the sense they can be good >> > > people/pokrmon given the proper direction and overall its closer to the >> > > truth than >> > > the "pure evil" type villian who are passe by now since so many bad guys >> > in >> > > cartoons >> > > try to be evil they begin to look silly. >> > > >> > > Dexter >> > >> > Speaking of which, are there any new N64 games out or coming out this month? >> > Isn't Resident Evil 2 coming out in a scant few days? You know, I've finally >> > become bored when playing Resident Evil 2 on the PlayStation. >> > >> > Oh where oh where is my Resident Evil 3? >> >> check ign64's games of november >> >> Dex >> >> > >> > >> > Dave >> > >> > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >> > [ (without the quotes) to ] >> >> >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >> [ (without the quotes) to ] >> > >sx > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Can I get some help on Jet Force Gemini? Date: 14 Nov 1999 17:59:05 EST Just how do I switch a character to play on the same stage? Like I want to switch from Juno to Vela or Lupus in Goldwood? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Can I get some help on Jet Force Gemini? Date: 14 Nov 1999 18:17:07 EST In a message dated 11/14/99 4:59:54 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Just how do I switch a character to play on the same stage? Like I want to switch from Juno to Vela or Lupus in Goldwood? >> You first have to get everyone to Mizar's Palace and get the jet pack upgrades. Then, use whatever character you want and switch to map on the pause menu. Then pick a planet/ship and press A. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 14 Nov 1999 15:31:56 -0800 Pok=E9mon fever spread like an epidemic throughout theaters from coast to coast as the animated film Pok=E9mon : The First Movie dominated the weekend box office with a staggering $32.4M opening over the Friday-to-Sunday period, according to studio estimates. Launching on Wednesday, the Warner Bros. title made off with a jaw-dropping $52.1M in its first five days of release setting a new five-day opening weekend record for the month of November. The previous benchmark was held by Disney's A Bug's Life which grossed $45.7M over the Wednesday-to-Sunday Thanksgiving frame a year ago. Playing in 3,043 theaters, the hit film averaged a sizzling $10,642 per venue. What makes Pok=E9mon's enormous debut even more impressive is the fact that it opened on a regular weekend as opposed to the Turkey Day holiday when school children and their parents have a long weekend off so they can trek to the local cinema more easily. Based on the Japanese cartoon, video game, and trading card sensation, Pok=E9mon has taken over America as kids everywhere have become addicted to the pop culture phenomenon. Helping fuel sales, Warner Bros. added on the animated short Pikachu's Vacation to each show and gave each obsessed fan a Pok=E9mon trading card making a trip to see the movie a real value for both parents and children. Unlike other feature films derived from popular kids items, Pok=E9mon arrived in theaters as interest in the franchise was still red hot and growing. The sequel, Pok=E9mon : Revelation Lugia, was a huge box office hit in Japan last summer and will be released domestically by Warner Bros. next summer. source: box office guru heheh, the detractors will hate it even more now :-) Dexter [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 14 Nov 1999 20:24:14 -0500 (EST) I agree Eric..if you want to see what this whole Pokemon thing is about then STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE...IT'LL TURN U OFF. Watch the cartoon, it represents what's so cool about Pokemon..if you don't like it after watching a few episodes then you probably will never get into it. On Sun, 14 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/13/99 11:29:04 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << This was Nintendo and Gamefreaks chance to turn over many non-fans to > Pokemon. > > The movie was awful! This is coming from a true Pokemon left me > less enthusiastic about the whole Pokemon phenonemon. Even the kids(i was > one of the few over 20 in the audience) didn't seem to dig it as much as I > thought. The mini-short was painfully nauseating. The editing and plotline > were horrible. I wanted to tap the bored parents and tell them 'pokemon is > much cooler than this i promise. watch the cartoon' > I had high hopes for the film, i heard it was much more serious than the > cartoon and sure the lighting was darker and Mewtwo's soliliquies were > mature in nature but there was hardly any fighting at all. The mew vs > mewtwo fight was just two orbs bouncing into each other. If you were > hoping to see bigger action in the film than in the animated series you > will be dissappointed. There was not one good fight scene...not one! I > give Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back...grade F >> > > I liked seeing the movie. I did say that Pikachu's Vacation was horrible > (what was the animator smoking when he made those tripped out pokemon > transition scenes?), but Mewtwo Strikes Back was cool. I think the staff > members of IGN (movies, sci-fi, and pocket) stated it best saying that it > might leave some kids scratching their heads. Some of the emotions, such as > Mewtwo fighting internally with his own terms of existence, might be > difficult for them to understand. If you were disappointed, I think it's > because this movie was hyped up to be such a cool battle movie. I did my > research on the Universal Pokemon Network ( They had the > entire storyline of the movie typed out. I read the thing even before the > trailers, and also downloaded all the video scenes they had for the Japanese > version. So, I knew what the battle scenes were like and was only > disappointed by some of the music. Particularly, the "redone" theme song. I > guess it was ok, but they should've kept it true to the CD. In addition, > just because you're a pokemon fan doesn't mean you MUST like the movie. I > think that being a pokemon fan, you either like it or hate it. If you have > no backround on pokemon whatsoever, stay the hell away from the theater. If > you're trying to make a start on pokemon, this isn't the place to look. This > one's for the veterans. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 14 Nov 1999 20:26:11 -0500 (EST) It was so anticlimatic...the regular pokemon were no match for Mewtwo's pokemon. The only one who gave Mewtwo's pokemon a run 4 it's money was Ash's Charizard and even that lasted all of 30 secs. On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Eddy Wu wrote: > I actually thought the battle scenes were a lot better than they were in the > TV show. Not the final one, where none of the Pokemon could use any special > attacks, but the other ones were definitely better. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr. > To: > Date: Sunday, November 14, 1999 12:28 AM > Subject: [N64] Pokemon Movie > > > >This was Nintendo and Gamefreaks chance to turn over many non-fans to > >Pokemon. > > > >The movie was awful! This is coming from a true Pokemon left me > >less enthusiastic about the whole Pokemon phenonemon. Even the kids(i was > >one of the few over 20 in the audience) didn't seem to dig it as much as I > >thought. The mini-short was painfully nauseating. The editing and plotline > >were horrible. I wanted to tap the bored parents and tell them 'pokemon is > >much cooler than this i promise. watch the cartoon' > > I had high hopes for the film, i heard it was much more serious than the > >cartoon and sure the lighting was darker and Mewtwo's soliliquies were > >mature in nature but there was hardly any fighting at all. The mew vs > >mewtwo fight was just two orbs bouncing into each other. If you were > >hoping to see bigger action in the film than in the animated series you > >will be dissappointed. There was not one good fight scene...not one! I > >give Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back...grade F > > > > > >On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > > >> > >> > >> wrote: > >> > >> > In a message dated 99-11-13 15:16:04 EST, you write: > >> > > >> > > The viewer gets the sense they can be good > >> > > people/pokrmon given the proper direction and overall its closer to > the > >> > > truth than > >> > > the "pure evil" type villian who are passe by now since so many bad > guys > >> > in > >> > > cartoons > >> > > try to be evil they begin to look silly. > >> > > > >> > > Dexter > >> > > >> > Speaking of which, are there any new N64 games out or coming out this > month? > >> > Isn't Resident Evil 2 coming out in a scant few days? You know, I've > finally > >> > become bored when playing Resident Evil 2 on the PlayStation. > >> > > >> > Oh where oh where is my Resident Evil 3? > >> > >> check ign64's games of november > >> > >> Dex > >> > >> > > >> > > >> > Dave > >> > > >> > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > >> > [ (without the quotes) to ] > >> > >> > >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > >> [ (without the quotes) to ] > >> > > > >sx > > > > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > >[ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 14 Nov 1999 21:30:37 EST I just saw the Pok=E9mon movie, and I must say, it wasn't bad. The whole=20 Pikachu's Vacation was bizarre and stupid, but the actual film was pretty=20 cool. I like how it illustrated the attacks better, like when Bulbasaur cut=20 down the apple from the tree, it showed that Razor Leaf is actually two=20 brittle leaves spinning like saws. Pretty cool. Though the end was just okay= ,=20 I can finally say there has been a video-game based movie that is true to th= e=20 game.=20 ~Matt PS: Parents were walking out of the theater muttering "I still don't see wha= t=20 the kids see in this whole thing." [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 14 Nov 1999 21:34:18 EST In a message dated 11/14/99 8:31:12 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << PS: Parents were walking out of the theater muttering "I still don't see what the kids see in this whole thing." >> That's the unfortunate attitude I am seeing in most adults. "This is a kid's thing that I don't understand, so I won't try." Oh, well. It's just something us fans have to deal with. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Can I get some help on Jet Force Gemini? Date: 14 Nov 1999 21:35:10 EST Ya can't. If you wanna play Lupus on Goldwood, you have to start the whole level over again as Lupus. Bad idea by Rare. IMO, JFG had too many things in common with Turok 2's structure. I was determined to completely finish the game, but realized my time will be more fruitfully spent completing every last bit of Donkey Kong 64. ~Matt <> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 14 Nov 1999 21:39:38 EST Did anyone get to see a DK64 trailer a their showing of Pok=E9mon? I think t= hat=20 is just about the best time to plug your game, when you have known customers= =20 in the audience. Nintendo missed out big time. ~Matt <> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 14 Nov 1999 22:05:34 -0500 (EST) No, but I enjoyed seeing the big Nintendo logo on a movie screen! On Sun, 14 Nov 1999 wrote: > Did anyone get to see a DK64 trailer a their showing of Pok=E9mon? I thin= k that=20 > is just about the best time to plug your game, when you have known custom= ers=20 > in the audience. Nintendo missed out big time. >=20 > ~Matt >=20 > < kid's=20 > thing that I don't understand, so I won't try." Oh, well. It's just=20 > something us fans have to deal with. > -Eric->> >=20 > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] >=20 sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Can I get some help on Jet Force Gemini? Date: 14 Nov 1999 22:07:46 -0500 (EST) Can't wait for Donkey Kong64 especially after Ken Lobb(i think) said it's bigger than Zelda geometry wise. Which will probably make it larger than JFG. Is JFG larger than Zelda as far as virtual acreage? I love stats like that, that's why i love games like Everquest,Zelda,JFG,etc b/c they're so big On Sun, 14 Nov 1999 wrote: > Ya can't. If you wanna play Lupus on Goldwood, you have to start the whole > level over again as Lupus. Bad idea by Rare. IMO, JFG had too many things in > common with Turok 2's structure. I was determined to completely finish the > game, but realized my time will be more fruitfully spent completing every > last bit of Donkey Kong 64. > > ~Matt > > < switch from Juno to Vela or Lupus in Goldwood?>> > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 14 Nov 1999 21:24:30 -0600 > >No, but I enjoyed seeing the big Nintendo logo on a movie screen! > Stupid projectionists. Had to let the film slip just as the main part of the movie starts. Grr. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 14 Nov 1999 19:46:51 -0800 "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." wrote: > No, but I enjoyed seeing the big Nintendo logo on a movie screen! was it animated? or did the red on white logo just appear? Dex > > > On Sun, 14 Nov 1999 wrote: > > > Did anyone get to see a DK64 trailer a their showing of Pok=E9mon? I = think that > > is just about the best time to plug your game, when you have known cu= stomers > > in the audience. Nintendo missed out big time. > > > > ~Matt > > > > < > kid's > > thing that I don't understand, so I won't try." Oh, well. It's just > > something us fans have to deal with. > > -Eric->> > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > sx > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 14 Nov 1999 23:07:58 -0500 (EST) It was the red logo(black background) it came on screen animated(turning on x-axis); after a couple of turns it stopped and stayed onscreen for a few more seconds.=20 On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: >=20 >=20 > "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." wrote: >=20 > > No, but I enjoyed seeing the big Nintendo logo on a movie screen! >=20 > was it animated? or did the red on white logo just appear? >=20 > Dex >=20 > > > > > > On Sun, 14 Nov 1999 wrote: > > > > > Did anyone get to see a DK64 trailer a their showing of Pok=E9mon? I = think that > > > is just about the best time to plug your game, when you have known cu= stomers > > > in the audience. Nintendo missed out big time. > > > > > > ~Matt > > > > > > < > > kid's > > > thing that I don't understand, so I won't try." Oh, well. It's just > > > something us fans have to deal with. > > > -Eric->> > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > > > > sx > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] >=20 >=20 > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] >=20 sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: [N64] Re: boxofficeguru (fwd) Date: 14 Nov 1999 23:27:57 -0500 (EST) sx ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Cc: Great idea for a battle scene. Actually Palpatine and his minions are the 'rebellion' in the prequels but I know what you mean :) I think what Lucas might do is have a large scale battle with several jedi leading the way. I found out that that is what Samurai did back in the ancient days of Japan. They would lead a charge into battle. You'd see a few Samurai in front of a mass of regular infantry/cavalry. Lucas might do that in Ep2 and 3. Have several jedi lead the fight against the rebellion.=20 A major scene that I could only dream of would be(since Lucas said Palpatine would acquire a new sith in ep2) alternating scenes between Anakin becoming a jedi knight and a sith going through a similar ritual. OR alternating scenes between Anakin becoming a jedi knight and palpatine becoming emperor. I know I've said alot but you have to read this!! :) STAR WARS=20 It is a dangerous time in the republic. Fierce warriors from the outer rim, the Mandalorians, are at war with their=20 neighbors. Lawlessness and disorder are spreading as the Galactic Senate's pleas for peace fall on deaf ears.=20 A team of Senate negotiators, sent to the region to find a solution, was trapped on Ulta-6 after a sudden=20 Mandalor assault. The Mandalorians hold the planet and refuse to release the meddlers.=20 Chancellor Palpatine, fearful that the situation will only worsen, has dispatched a team of jedi knights to rescue=20 the senators=20 (Cool shot of exterior of the jedi battle cruiser is required). Of course, Obi-Wan is heading up this mission, with= =20 padawan Anakin (now 20 yrs old) at his side. Anakin is intensely studying a holovision of Amidala, some secret=20 moment between them. Obi-Wan enters: they talk about focusing on the moment, even if in love. They run=20 through some jedi mental exercise to clear thoughts, because a dangerous battle is just ahead. Anakin doesn't=20 understand why they just don't engage the Mandalorians and stop their agression - i.e. they should use the=20 power they have. Obi is amazed at Anni's ability, but concerned because he is still so emotional and impulsive,=20 not at peace with himself. A jedi craves not war - they will react to save the innocent and help to find peace.=20 Annie replies that he won't be at peace as long as part of him remains a slave (Mom).=20 Jedi go planetside and kindly ask for the senators to be freed - no dice. Kickass battle scene follows on a world=20 wrecked by war. We get to see a bunch of jedi in action together against Boba-Fett looking guys. Anakin is a=20 bad-ass and saves the day - they escape.. one of the Mandalorian leaders is actually a sith (Maul's=20 replacement - he did not outwardly reveal self during the battle) and reports to Darth Sideous of the escape=20 and Anakin's enormous abilities.=20 Coruscant in the senate: anger that Palpy used the jedi to intervene, Palpy makes a rousing speech in=20 support of law and order & the need for a stronger military. Amidala arrives for meetings: she and Anni have a=20 romantic interlude, it's obvious that they see each other as often as possible. Palpy corners Anakin, thanks him=20 for heroics and speaks of his mother, encourages him to free her. Jedi council: discovery during mission - the=20 Mandalorians are using clones to fill ranks. Anakin asks to go to Tatooine and is turned down. Again, he is=20 angry that the jedi are passive, and announces he is going anyway. Anni is supported by Amidala, but Obi is=20 extremely worried - feels it is his fate, so he lends some support, but he must go alone. As he leaves, the=20 Republic is gearing for wider war, the rim planets are in turmoil (deepening his worry for Shmi). Palpy contacts=20 sith lord #2, and tells him he has a plan that requires him to go to Tatooine - sith #2 is pissed that Sideous is=20 so interested in Skywalker.=20 Anakin on Tatooine - very unhappy that his return is not so glorious as he dreamed (leading a slave revolt)=20 Shmi now owned by a Hutt - another kickass fight, hopefully involving some critters like a Rancor after refusal=20 to sell her Anni flees with Mom, but she is killed as the are prepping to leave by assassin (sith) - Anakin wigs=20 out and wreaks some havoc, but sith escapes.=20 Back to Coruscant. Mandalorians have declared war on entire sectors - the senate is in turmoil as Palpy calls=20 for martial rule. Anakin meets with Amidala for a very romantic scene, she is the only thing that calms him, she=20 helps to bring him back a bit. Palpy catches them together and gives a great deal of sympathy to Anni, but=20 impresses on him that he is still needed, he has to get back in the saddle. Jedi called on by Senate to help, b-c=20 war is getting vicious. Jedi council very worried, events spinning out of control and the future is suddenly very=20 unclear. Majority agrees to send the jedi into battle against a large fleet that is crushing the opposition.=20 As the jedi prepare to leave, Sideous and sith #2 meet on Coruscant - Sideous orders sith to abduct Amidala=20 and take her away in his vessel.=20 Great space battle follows - all space, all super jedi stunt flying! General Kenobi and the boys win the day -=20 Anakin again is impressive. Right after the fight, Palpy contacts Anakin with the alarming news that Amidala has=20 been taken, and he has found out by whom and to where. Anakin WILL NOT lose the only other woman in his=20 life, and streaks off in a captured Mandalorian ship, friggin' mad. Leaving a worried Obi behind.=20 Anakin boards the sith starship in Mandy armor and starts wielding the sabre. Sideous feigns shock when sith=20 #2 reports in, and tells him to get rid of Skywalker. Awesome sabre fight follows, Anni wins with a rush of=20 agression, and saves the babe for some lovey-dovey.=20 Return to Coruscant Jedi council fearful of Anni's dark side. Palpy sticks up for poor Skywalker, b-c he lost=20 his Mom and all some jedi feel compassion, others clearly worried.. for now, Anni has found some happiness=20 marriage follows.. then the credits.=20 On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: >=20 >=20 > "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." wrote: >=20 > > You're not the only one. You can see my posts on > > discussion forum about 'your fantasy scene for ep2' > > > > of course there's the braveheartesque jedi vs mandalorians battle > > everybody's been clamoring for(highly doubtful that jedi fight enmasse > > since it's ineffective and very dangerous seeing they only number in th= e > > thousands) >=20 > I don't like the idea of large scales battle, but I do forsee a big battl= e between > the rebulic and Palpatine when he takes over. I want to see a scene wher= e the > leaders of the rebellion and whisked out of coruscant under fire, actuall= y, given > its high action and dramatic element, its likely that scene might be in t= he movie > :-) >=20 > > > > > > my scene that i would love to see is during the jedi purge. a jedi(long > > hair in ponytail w/ robes) quietly eats with his family in his home in = th > > e middle of a forest. he senses an evil presence and within 2 seconds h= e > > grabs his lightsaber and dashes out the house immediately engaging a si= th > > out to kill him. this happens so quickly his family's is in a daze all > > they see is a flash of robes exiting the home. the jedi and his family = are > > killed of course by the sith.' >=20 > Love that idea. its cool. What would be really heart wrenching is to wa= tch each > of the jedi council members hunted down by vader and killed in separate a= ctions. > That would be a very dark scene, an utter disaster for the republic. >=20 > > > > > > i would love to see a female jedi. she would have those small ninja > > weapons what are they called. >=20 > Shirukens? those ninja darts? >=20 > > they look like small pitchforks you carry 1 > > in each hand. that would be cool. >=20 > nevermind? >=20 > > i also wanna see yoda fight. i'm sure > > he'll just use the force. >=20 > yeah too old... >=20 > > > > > > I have a question: Doesn't the powers of a jedi match Jean Grey's(X-men= ) > > powers??!! She has a form of force-push,can lift/throw objects without > > using arms or legs, has mental powers. Only thing she has that jedi don= 't > > is the ability to create a forcefield(weak one) around her. maybe jedi = do > > have that. >=20 > Well, Jedi powers are not entirely original, yet the concept of jedi is d= eeply > rooted in zen, and the martial arts to be more exact. People see it as s= piritual, > but actually, the training involved, the mentality of sacrifice and patie= nce and > stuff martial arts texts are made of. And indeed, in ancient China, th= ere were > sects of Jedi like warriors who do deeds as vigilantes or as representati= ves of > the emperor. The most popular of these sects of course was Shao lin. Li= ke > Samurai's the Chinese warriors are sought after by the peasant population= for > protection and are revered. I think that is what George wanted to do wit= h the > Jedis. >=20 > Dexter >=20 > > > > > > On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." wrote: > > > > > > > i like did you find out about it? > > > > > > I was tracking star wars episode one's box office take when i stubled= into > > > it. As you may or may not knowm I'm a big Star Wars fan, still am. > > > > > > Dexter > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Pok=E9mon fever spread like an epidemic throughout theaters from = coast to > > > > > coast as the animated film Pok=E9mon : The First > > > > > Movie dominated the weekend box office with a staggering $32.4M o= pening > > > > > over the Friday-to-Sunday period, according to > > > > > studio estimates. Launching on Wednesday, the Warner Bros. title = made > > > > > off with a jaw-dropping $52.1M in its first five days > > > > > of release setting a new five-day opening weekend record for the = month > > > > > of November. The previous benchmark was held by > > > > > Disney's A Bug's Life which grossed $45.7M over the Wednesday-to-= Sunday > > > > > Thanksgiving frame a year ago. Playing in > > > > > 3,043 theaters, the hit film averaged a sizzling $10,642 per venu= e. What > > > > > makes Pok=E9mon's enormous debut even more > > > > > impressive is the fact that it opened on a regular weekend as opp= osed to > > > > > the Turkey Day holiday when school children and > > > > > their parents have a long weekend off so they can trek to the loc= al > > > > > cinema more easily. > > > > > > > > > > Based on the Japanese cartoon, video game, and trading card sensa= tion, > > > > > Pok=E9mon has taken over America as kids everywhere > > > > > have become addicted to the pop culture phenomenon. Helping fuel = sales, > > > > > Warner Bros. added on the animated short Pikachu's > > > > > Vacation to each show and gave each obsessed fan a Pok=E9mon trad= ing card > > > > > making a trip to see the movie a real value for > > > > > both parents and children. Unlike other feature films derived fro= m > > > > > popular kids items, Pok=E9mon arrived in theaters as > > > > > interest in the franchise was still red hot and growing. The sequ= el, > > > > > Pok=E9mon : Revelation Lugia, was a huge box office hit in > > > > > Japan last summer and will be released domestically by Warner Bro= s. next > > > > > summer. > > > > > > > > > > source: box office guru > > > > > > > > > > heheh, the detractors will hate it even more now :-) > > > > > > > > > > Dexter > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64= " ] > > > > > [ (without the quotes) to = ] > > > > > > > > > > > > > sx > > > > > > > > > > sx >=20 >=20 sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: [N64] oops - Date: 14 Nov 1999 23:29:17 -0500 (EST) i'm still getting used to telnet here so disregard that errant message about StarWars as it has nothing to do with videogames. my apologies. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 15 Nov 1999 00:07:40 EST In a message dated 99-11-14 18:24:57 EST, you write: > Helping fuel sales, > Warner Bros. added on the animated short Pikachu's > Vacation to each show I thought that was added cos the movie was too short. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon The First Movie #1 Date: 15 Nov 1999 00:09:37 EST In a message dated 99-11-14 18:24:57 EST, you write: > Pokémon arrived in theaters as > interest in the franchise was still red hot and growing. The sequel, > Pokémon : Revelation Lugia, was a huge box office hit in > Japan last summer and will be released domestically by Warner Bros. next > summer. > If it was renamed "Revelation Luigi" I'd go see it. Not another one. I hope it's a CG movie. Speaking of which, when is the Final Fantasy movie supposed to come out? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Date: 15 Nov 1999 00:10:40 EST In a message dated 99-11-14 20:25:52 EST, you write: > I agree Eric..if you want to see what this whole Pokemon thing is about > then STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE...IT'LL TURN U OFF. Watch the cartoon, it > represents what's so cool about Pokemon..if you don't like it after > watching a few episodes then you probably will never get into it. Cos those Game Boy & N64 games could never get somebody into Pokemon if they didn't like the 22 minute commercial? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 15 Nov 1999 00:12:43 EST In a message dated 99-11-14 21:31:12 EST, you write: > I just saw the Pokémon movie, and I must say, it wasn't bad. The whole > Pikachu's Vacation was bizarre and stupid, but the actual film was pretty > cool. I like how it illustrated the attacks better, like when Bulbasaur cut > down the apple from the tree, it showed that Razor Leaf is actually two > brittle leaves spinning like saws. Pretty cool. Though the end was just okay, > > I can finally say there has been a video-game based movie that is true to > the > game. > > ~Matt And Super Mario Bros. and Double Dragon weren't? I'm kidding about the SMB movie, but the Double Dragon movie seemed pretty close to the idea of the game. Not that it was a good movie. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Can I get some help on Jet Force Gemini? Date: 15 Nov 1999 00:14:25 EST In a message dated 99-11-14 22:08:10 EST, you write: > Is JFG larger than Zelda as far as virtual acreage? I love stats like > that, that's why i love games like Everquest,Zelda,JFG,etc b/c they're so > big > You should play Xenogears, it's huge. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 15 Nov 1999 00:15:14 EST In a message dated 99-11-14 22:26:56 EST, you write: > Stupid projectionists. Had to let the film slip just as the main part of > the movie starts. Grr. > It was probably a non union cinema. That happens a lot at those places. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Can I get some help on Jet Force Gemini? Date: 14 Nov 1999 21:24:41 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-14 22:08:10 EST, you write: > > > Is JFG larger than Zelda as far as virtual acreage? I love stats like > > that, that's why i love games like Everquest,Zelda,JFG,etc b/c they're so > > big > > > > You should play Xenogears, it's huge. Well yeah, but your comparing apples and oranges. RPGs have always been big by virtue of being repetitive :-) Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] produce Date: 15 Nov 1999 00:28:46 EST In a message dated 99-11-15 00:21:31 EST, you write: > Well yeah, but your comparing apples and oranges. RPGs have always been big > by > virtue of being repetitive :-) > > Dexter But isn't Everquest an RPG? I was looking up on that, Everquest, by 989 Studios, on the PC. Still not sure what it is, but it seems like comparing an RPG (Xenogears) to an RPG (Everquest) is like apples & apples. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] produce Date: 14 Nov 1999 22:01:18 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-15 00:21:31 EST, you write: > > > Well yeah, but your comparing apples and oranges. RPGs have always been big > > by > > virtue of being repetitive :-) > > > > Dexter > > But isn't Everquest an RPG? > > I was looking up on that, Everquest, by 989 Studios, on the PC. Still not > sure what it is, but it seems like comparing an RPG (Xenogears) to an RPG > (Everquest) is like apples & apples. Yes, but they were talking about Zelda and JFG. By their very nature, not rpgs, not to mention both games were set in 3-D worlds down in Xenogears > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon Movie Date: 15 Nov 1999 03:03:51 -0500 (EST) uhhhh mortal kombat anyone. great movie On Mon, 15 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-14 21:31:12 EST, you write: >=20 > > I just saw the Pok=E9mon movie, and I must say, it wasn't bad. The whol= e=20 > > Pikachu's Vacation was bizarre and stupid, but the actual film was pre= tty=20 > > cool. I like how it illustrated the attacks better, like when Bulbasau= r=20 > cut=20 > > down the apple from the tree, it showed that Razor Leaf is actually tw= o=20 > > brittle leaves spinning like saws. Pretty cool. Though the end was jus= t=20 > okay, > > =20 > > I can finally say there has been a video-game based movie that is true= to=20 > > the=20 > > game.=20 > > =20 > > ~Matt >=20 > And Super Mario Bros. and Double Dragon weren't?=20 >=20 > I'm kidding about the SMB movie, but the Double Dragon movie seemed prett= y=20 > close to the idea of the game. Not that it was a good movie. >=20 > Dave >=20 > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] >=20 sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon The First Movie #1 Date: 15 Nov 1999 03:05:20 -0500 (EST) FF Movie is scheduled for Summer 2001 On Mon, 15 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-14 18:24:57 EST, you write: >=20 > > Pok=E9mon arrived in theaters as > > interest in the franchise was still red hot and growing. The sequel, > > Pok=E9mon : Revelation Lugia, was a huge box office hit in > > Japan last summer and will be released domestically by Warner Bros. ne= xt > > summer. > > =20 >=20 > If it was renamed "Revelation Luigi" I'd go see it. Not another one. I ho= pe=20 > it's a CG movie. Speaking of which, when is the Final Fantasy movie suppo= sed=20 > to come out? >=20 > Dave >=20 > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] >=20 sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] produce Date: 15 Nov 1999 03:16:52 -0500 (EST) It's true that some RPG's are repetitive as far as environments go so if i were compiling a list of the biggest games I wouldn't include games such as Star Ocean. Take Daggenfall for example, that game was touted as being 'as large as Great Britain in virtual area' but that's because the hundreds of towns in the game were all alike, little variety so I see your point :) On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > > wrote: > > > In a message dated 99-11-15 00:21:31 EST, you write: > > > > > Well yeah, but your comparing apples and oranges. RPGs have always been big > > > by > > > virtue of being repetitive :-) > > > > > > Dexter > > > > But isn't Everquest an RPG? > > > > I was looking up on that, Everquest, by 989 Studios, on the PC. Still not > > sure what it is, but it seems like comparing an RPG (Xenogears) to an RPG > > (Everquest) is like apples & apples. > > Yes, but they were talking about Zelda and JFG. By their very nature, not rpgs, > not to mention both games were set in 3-D worlds down in Xenogears > > > > > > > Dave > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 15 Nov 1999 13:35:28 EST In a message dated 11/12/99 9:05:00 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Well, there should be. I find the charcters in Digimon the most believable, well, net to Beast Wars. Now that deserves a game, now that they're immune to the energon surges. I missed how that happend, but that CG Optimus Prime was really cool, and I had no idea on how short those new Pedicons & Maximals were. Dave >> I think I like the new Beast Machines better than the old Beast Wars. Beast Machines is by far my favorite cartoon to watch on Saturday, followed up by Digimon, and then Big Guy and Rusty, but the idiots took that off the air. --David [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the Movie Date: 15 Nov 1999 13:36:39 EST In a message dated 11/12/99 9:09:06 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << At least Optimus Prime stayed dead until the end of the third season. Dave >> I wish Transformers would get big again. I miss the old Transformer cartoons. --David [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] words, man, more words. Date: 15 Nov 1999 14:11:50 EST In a message dated 99-11-15 00:54:16 EST, you write: > Yes, but they were talking about Zelda and JFG. By their very nature, not > rpgs, > not to mention both games were set in 3-D worlds down in Xenogears > Gee, Xenogears looks 3-D to me. With its mix of 2-D & 3-D characters. I wouldn't call it "top-down", that's misleading. Top-down is games like Zelda 3 or Soul Blazer (both must have action RPGs on the Super NES) with static 2-D worlds that apper to have depth but is only an illusion and everything is catually flat. Xenogears has fully rotateable (for a good portion of the game) 3-D areas but is looked at for somewhat a top-down way, but it is still 3-d, although not in the same way Zelda 5 and JFG are presented, except for when you're flying around in the Yggdrasil (the airship in Xenogears, actually it's a flying submarine, but that's another story). Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Videogame Movies Date: 15 Nov 1999 14:15:06 EST In a message dated 99-11-15 03:04:34 EST, you write: > uhhhh mortal kombat anyone. great movie I didn't care for Mortal Kombat (movie). The second Mortal Kombat movie, Mortal Kombat: Annhilation (excuse my speeling) was actually not bad, it was worth seeing at the Dollar Theater, although I did go on Fifty Cent Tuesday. Now Street Fighter The Movie, stay away at all costs. I don't know about you, but when a Videogame movie has the title with "The Movie" right after it you're pretty sure it's gonna be a stinko. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] produce Date: 15 Nov 1999 14:25:23 EST In a message dated 99-11-15 03:17:21 EST, you write: > It's true that some RPG's are repetitive as far as environments go so if > i > were compiling a list of the biggest games I wouldn't include games such > as Star Ocean. Take Daggenfall for example, that game was touted as being > 'as large as Great Britain in virtual area' but that's because the > hundreds of towns in the game were all alike, little variety so I see your > point :) Okay, but any game that takes 64 to 70 hours to beat (Xenogears) is wqhat I consider to be big. As far as virtual acreage I think it's far bigger than Zelda 5. But I have no facts to back up my claim so that's just opinion, folks. Heck, I'm playing it again with the Gameshark (well equipped at the start of the game, quick level up codes don't work) and it took me 40 hours just to get to Disc 2. Very long game. If you like RPGs with great stories, great battles, minimal load times (not like FF8), huge quest, incredible music; get this game. I bet if Square would have called Xenogears Final Fantasy 8 I wouldn't have to tell anybody about it. Oh, and Xenogears isn't saturated with FMV. The FMV is few & far between. Althogh the prologue & ending are huge. And for the most part it's hand drawn. Xenogears is a shining example of why I think Square is much better off without Nintendo. I would of hate to have seen what would happen if the N64 was a CD system and Square stayed with Nintendo. I doubt Xenogears would ever get out of Japan. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 15 Nov 1999 14:27:06 EST In a message dated 99-11-15 13:37:49 EST, you write: > I think I like the new Beast Machines better than the old Beast Wars. > Beast Machines is by far my favorite cartoon to watch on Saturday, followed > up by Digimon, and then Big Guy and Rusty, but the idiots took that off the > air. > > --David I never saw the Beast Machines. I've seen a few commercials & it looks like American style hand drawn animation, geeze i hate that. The words poor production values comes to mind. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the Movie Date: 15 Nov 1999 14:27:53 EST In a message dated 99-11-15 13:38:11 EST, you write: > I wish Transformers would get big again. I miss the old Transformer > cartoons. > > --David Whenever Cartoon Network launces theit Toonami Channel you'll be able to see them again. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: b er Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 15 Nov 1999 11:37:30 -0800 (PST) --- wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-12 19:16:09 EST, you write: > > > And what kind of name is "Moo" for a > > bad guy, anyhow? > > BTW, I missed the first show. Why did that > kid get sucked into the > game? > > > > > > --David > > I thought it was Mu. Although Jessie & James really > sparks of creativity ;) > not. > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message > "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to > ] > not mu or moo it's MUW!!! I think. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose moo!! Date: 15 Nov 1999 14:42:07 EST In a message dated 99-11-15 14:38:02 EST, you write: > not mu or moo it's MUW!!! > I think. > Actaully, I think it's really Moo. And Moo is nothing but a giant cow. Or a cow worshiper. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: b er Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 15 Nov 1999 12:59:41 -0800 (PST) --- b er wrote: > > > --- wrote: > > In a message dated 99-11-12 19:16:09 EST, you > write: > > > > > And what kind of name is "Moo" for a > > > bad guy, anyhow? > > > BTW, I missed the first show. Why did that > > kid get sucked into the > > game? > > > > > > > > > --David > > > > I thought it was Mu. Although Jessie & James > really > > sparks of creativity ;) > > not. > > > > Dave > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message > > "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to > > > ] > > > not mu or moo it's MUW!!! > I think. sorry about the mistak but it's MEW!! ===== See ya Gotta Catch 'em all __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Elliot Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 15 Nov 1999 14:09:12 PST Actually, it's mew. elliot ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: --- wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-12 19:16:09 EST, you write: > > > And what kind of name is "Moo" for a > > bad guy, anyhow? > > BTW, I missed the first show. Why did that > kid get sucked into the > game? > > > > > > --David > > I thought it was Mu. Although Jessie & James really > sparks of creativity ;) > not. > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message > "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to > ] > not mu or moo it's MUW!!! I think. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 15 Nov 1999 19:05:43 EST In a message dated 11/14/99 11:08:11 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I thought that was added cos the movie was too short. Dave >> That's the only explanation I could think of to put that God awful cartoon in the movie. That one alone could make people want to leave the theater. Thank God for Mewtwo Strikes Back. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Videogame Movies Date: 15 Nov 1999 19:13:01 EST In a message dated 11/15/99 1:15:41 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I don't know about you, but when a Videogame movie has the title with "The Movie" right after it you're pretty sure it's gonna be a stinko. >> Of course, "The First Movie" is a little different. Should've just stuck with MSB. Not such a lame title. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 15 Nov 1999 20:49:20 EST NO NO NO NO NO! First of all, it's Mew, he's the good guy. Mewtwo is the bad= =20 guy. And Ash never got sucked into the game, the first episode deals with ho= w=20 Ash lives in a world where Pok=E9mon and battles and gyms, etc., are all the= =20 norm. Like some planet similar to earth where kids have no school and just=20 wander fighting Pok=E9mon all day. ~Matt <<> And what kind of name is "Moo" for a=20 > > bad guy, anyhow? > > BTW, I missed the first show. Why did that > kid get sucked into the=20 > game? > >=20 > > =20 > > --David >=20 > I thought it was Mu. Although Jessie & James really > sparks of creativity ;)=20 > not. >=20 > Dave >=20 > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message > "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to =20 > ] >=20 not mu or moo it's MUW!!! I think.>> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: Re: [N64] Mew/Moo Date: 15 Nov 1999 20:17:21 -0600 I don't think they were talking about Pokemon. The subject was Digimon or Monster Rancher, I thought... At 08:49 PM 11/15/1999 -0500, you wrote: >NO NO NO NO NO! First of all, it's Mew, he's the good guy. Mewtwo is the= bad=20 >guy. And Ash never got sucked into the game, the first episode deals with how=20 >Ash lives in a world where Pok=E9mon and battles and gyms, etc., are all= the=20 >norm. Like some planet similar to earth where kids have no school and just= =20 >wander fighting Pok=E9mon all day. > >~Matt > > <<> And what kind of name is "Moo" for a=20 >> > bad guy, anyhow? >> > BTW, I missed the first show. Why did that >> kid get sucked into the=20 >> game? >> >=20 >> > =20 >> > --David >>=20 >> I thought it was Mu. Although Jessie & James really >> sparks of creativity ;)=20 >> not. >>=20 >> Dave >>=20 >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message >> "unsubscribe n64" ] >> [ (without the quotes) to =20 >> ] >>=20 >not mu or moo it's MUW!!! >I think.>> > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] >=20 [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 15 Nov 1999 21:07:58 -0600 PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT POKEMON, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. wrote: > > NO NO NO NO NO! First of all, it's Mew, he's the good guy. Mewtwo is the bad > guy. And Ash never got sucked into the game, the first episode deals with how > Ash lives in a world where Pokémon and battles and gyms, etc., are all the > norm. Like some planet similar to earth where kids have no school and just > wander fighting Pokémon all day. > > ~Matt > > <<> And what kind of name is "Moo" for a > > > bad guy, anyhow? > > > BTW, I missed the first show. Why did that > > kid get sucked into the > > game? > > > > > > > > > --David > > > > I thought it was Mu. Although Jessie & James really > > sparks of creativity ;) > > not. > > > > Dave > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message > > "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to > > ] > > > not mu or moo it's MUW!!! > I think.>> > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] produce Date: 15 Nov 1999 22:15:51 EST In a message dated 11/15/1999 11:26:23 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << Xenogears is a shining example of why I think Square is much better off without Nintendo. I would of hate to have seen what would happen if the N64 was a CD system and Square stayed with Nintendo. I doubt Xenogears would ever get out of Japan. >> Why do you say that? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] produce Date: 15 Nov 1999 21:37:39 -0600 Yeah but we would probably have a better Final Fantasy series since Nintendo wouldn't pressure them to release 2 games a month. FFIII was so awesome that I bought the CD-rom version on my computer and MY GOD did it suck in comparison. Sure the graphics and FMV were good, heck, the music wasn't half bad but I just can't get it out of my head how much it doesn't seem like a 'Final Fantasy' game anymore. As far as I'm concerned, it would be better off if Square developed for Nintendo. I mean, another 'decent' Mario RPG my god what I would give for that. wrote: > > In a message dated 11/15/1999 11:26:23 AM Pacific Standard Time, > writes: > > << Xenogears is a shining example of why I think Square is much better off > without Nintendo. I would of hate to have seen what would happen if the N64 > was a CD system and Square stayed with Nintendo. I doubt Xenogears would > ever > get out of Japan. >> > > Why do you say that? > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] words, man, more words. Date: 15 Nov 1999 19:45:45 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-15 00:54:16 EST, you write: > > > Yes, but they were talking about Zelda and JFG. By their very nature, not > > rpgs, > > not to mention both games were set in 3-D worlds down in Xenogears > > > > Gee, Xenogears looks 3-D to me. With its mix of 2-D & 3-D characters. I > wouldn't call it "top-down", that's misleading. Top-down is games like Zelda > 3 or Soul Blazer (both must have action RPGs on the Super NES) with static > 2-D worlds that apper to have depth but is only an illusion and everything is > catually flat. Xenogears has fully rotateable (for a good portion of the > game) 3-D areas but is looked at for somewhat a top-down way, but it is still > 3-d, although not in the same way Zelda 5 and JFG are presented, except for > when you're flying around in the Yggdrasil (the airship in Xenogears, > actually it's a flying submarine, but that's another story). That's getting awfully technical, it is like splitting hairs. But Ok Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Mister Rancher Date: 16 Nov 1999 00:06:03 EST In a message dated 99-11-15 16:00:34 EST, you write: > sorry about the mistak but it's MEW!! No, we were talking about the big bad guy in Monster Rancher, the t'tton, not the game. Mu Two [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Ubi Soft Date: 16 Nov 1999 00:11:29 EST In a message dated 99-11-15 22:04:52 EST, you write: > PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT POKEMON, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. I was wondering if anybody knows about Ubi Soft, like where they're from. I decided to view the credits for Speed Devils (DC) today and a good portion of the names are French. So I wonder, is Ubi Soft a French, Canadian, or some other French speaking company. Speaking of Ubi Soft, I had been all set to get Rayman 2 for the N64, but today I read that Rayman 2 is coming out for the Dreamcast in January. I just wonder, should I get the N64 version, which looks darn good for N64, or wait a month & a half for the Dreamcast version. My mind is already made up, I just want some feedback. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Shiny Happy Nintendo Date: 16 Nov 1999 00:16:59 EST In a message dated 99-11-15 22:16:26 EST, you write: > << Xenogears is a shining example of why I think Square is much better off > without Nintendo. I would of hate to have seen what would happen if the N64 > > was a CD system and Square stayed with Nintendo. I doubt Xenogears would > ever > get out of Japan. >> > > Why do you say that? > Xenogears' main plotline revolves around organized religon and killing God. Nintendo wouldn't allow Jesus in N64 South Park, I doubt they'd let a game like Xenogears pass. Also the languge can be quite colorful, not as profound as Blue Stinger (DC) but still very suggestive. And some little things, like stopping at the fair in Aveh to have a few beers. And then having the screen get all wavy to simulate being drunk. Like in Chrno Trigger, for some reason I highly doubt that in the Super FamiCom version there was a Soda Pop drinking contest at the Millenial Fair. The contest was probably still there but I bet it wasn't Soda Pop. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Ubi Soft Date: 16 Nov 1999 00:21:24 EST In a message dated 11/15/99 11:12:02 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I was wondering if anybody knows about Ubi Soft, like where they're from. I decided to view the credits for Speed Devils (DC) today and a good portion of the names are French. So I wonder, is Ubi Soft a French, Canadian, or some other French speaking company. Speaking of Ubi Soft, I had been all set to get Rayman 2 for the N64, but today I read that Rayman 2 is coming out for the Dreamcast in January. I just wonder, should I get the N64 version, which looks darn good for N64, or wait a month & a half for the Dreamcast version. My mind is already made up, I just want some feedback. Dave >> I think I remember hearing that it's a French developer from France, although I don't know for sure. I got Rayman 2 for my birthday and was just playing it. It's a very good game and God, do I love platformers! I'm not sure if the play control would be easier for N64 or DC. The DC controller is just so awkward in design (not so much as PSX), but it depends. If you want the most flashy graphics, by all means, buy it on DC. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 16 Nov 1999 00:24:29 EST In a message dated 99-11-15 22:34:20 EST, you write: > Yeah but we would probably have a better Final Fantasy series since > Nintendo wouldn't pressure them to release 2 games a month. FFIII was > so awesome that I bought the CD-rom version on my computer and MY GOD > did it suck in comparison. Sure the graphics and FMV were good, heck, > the music wasn't half bad but I just can't get it out of my head how > much it doesn't seem like a 'Final Fantasy' game anymore. As far as I'm > concerned, it would be better off if Square developed for Nintendo. I > mean, another 'decent' Mario RPG my god what I would give for that. I don't think Sony is pressuring Square to release 2 games a month, and besides, Square is a much bigger company than they were in the 16-Bit days. For another decent Super Mario RPG? You'd definately be giving up Xenogears, Parasite Eve, and Parasite Eve 2. Actually I think for all of 1999 Square will release 12 games in America, the most they have ever done in America. I remember reading that on IGNPSX. Hardly two games a month. Actually I doubt that Sony would force that kind of pressure on any of its third parties. That would be foolish. The third party companies can exist without Sony, but Sony couldn't exist without them. Well, they could, but it's be in third or fourth place. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 15 Nov 1999 23:25:00 -0600 -----Original Message----- >PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT POKEMON, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. I agree completely! Stryder > wrote: >> >> NO NO NO NO NO! First of all, it's Mew, he's the good guy. Mewtwo is t= he bad >> guy. And Ash never got sucked into the game, the first episode deals w= ith how >> Ash lives in a world where Pok=E9mon and battles and gyms, etc., are a= ll the >> norm. Like some planet similar to earth where kids have no school and just >> wander fighting Pok=E9mon all day. >> >> ~Matt >> >> <<> And what kind of name is "Moo" for a >> > > bad guy, anyhow? >> > > BTW, I missed the first show. Why did that >> > kid get sucked into the >> > game? >> > > >> > > >> > > --David >> > >> > I thought it was Mu. Although Jessie & James really >> > sparks of creativity ;) >> > not. >> > >> > Dave >> > >> > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message >> > "unsubscribe n64" ] >> > [ (without the quotes) to >> > ] >> > >> not mu or moo it's MUW!!! >> I think.>> >> >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >> [ (without the quotes) to ] > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Ubi Soft Date: 16 Nov 1999 00:30:25 EST In a message dated 99-11-16 00:22:20 EST, you write: > The DC controller is just so > awkward in design (not so much as PSX), but it depends. If you want the > most > flashy graphics, by all means, buy it on DC. > -Eric- I used to think that too, the Dreamcast controller was akward, but really I think that applies to Capcom style 2-D fighters. I have no problems with the DC controller with Sonic Adventure and nearly insignifigant problems with Soul Calibur, but on Speed Devils the Dreamcast controller is like, well, dreamy. Using the shoulder triggers (they're analog, incase anybody didn't know) for Gas & Brake really adds a lot to the game. I like the Dreamcast controller for racing ever better than the NeGcon & Dual Shock. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 16 Nov 1999 00:31:10 EST In a message dated 99-11-16 00:27:27 EST, you write: > >PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT POKEMON, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. > > I agree completely! > > Stryder Stryder agrees with D. Fentie??? Has this ever happened before? ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Shiny Happy Nintendo Date: 15 Nov 1999 21:46:50 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-15 22:16:26 EST, you write: > > > << Xenogears is a shining example of why I think Square is much better off > > without Nintendo. I would of hate to have seen what would happen if the > N64 > > > > was a CD system and Square stayed with Nintendo. I doubt Xenogears would > > ever > > get out of Japan. >> > > > > Why do you say that? > > > > Xenogears' main plotline revolves around organized religon and killing God. > Nintendo wouldn't allow Jesus in N64 South Park, I doubt they'd let a game > like Xenogears pass. Also the languge can be quite colorful, not as profound > as Blue Stinger (DC) but still very suggestive. Yes. > And some little things, like > stopping at the fair in Aveh to have a few beers. And then having the screen > get all wavy to simulate being drunk. Like in Chrno Trigger, for some reason > I highly doubt that in the Super FamiCom version there was a Soda Pop > drinking contest at the Millenial Fair. The contest was probably still there > but I bet it wasn't Soda Pop. Your argument about content is agreed, but in this time of high sensitivity against video games, they are safe staying out of the water all together. Even pokemon is getting attacked. go figure. Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 15 Nov 1999 21:49:57 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-15 22:34:20 EST, you write: > > > Yeah but we would probably have a better Final Fantasy series since > > Nintendo wouldn't pressure them to release 2 games a month. FFIII was > > so awesome that I bought the CD-rom version on my computer and MY GOD > > did it suck in comparison. Sure the graphics and FMV were good, heck, > > the music wasn't half bad but I just can't get it out of my head how > > much it doesn't seem like a 'Final Fantasy' game anymore. As far as I'm > > concerned, it would be better off if Square developed for Nintendo. I > > mean, another 'decent' Mario RPG my god what I would give for that. > > I don't think Sony is pressuring Square to release 2 games a month, and > besides, Square is a much bigger company than they were in the 16-Bit days. > > For another decent Super Mario RPG? You'd definately be giving up Xenogears, > Parasite Eve, and Parasite Eve 2. Xenogears is a good game, but to advertise Parasite Eve as something that we shouldn't miss is pushing it. > > > Actually I think for all of 1999 Square will release 12 games in America, the > most they have ever done in America. I remember reading that on IGNPSX. > Hardly two games a month. > > Actually I doubt that Sony would force that kind of pressure on any of its > third parties. That would be foolish. The third party companies can exist > without Sony, but Sony couldn't exist without them. Well, they could, but > it's be in third or fourth place. > Stop defending Sony. A false statement will crumble by itself :-) you just sound so desparate. > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 15 Nov 1999 21:50:23 -0800 Thraxen wrote: > -----Original Message----- > From: D Fentie > To: > Date: Monday, November 15, 1999 9:05 PM > Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! > > >PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT POKEMON, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. > > I agree completely! This is a nintendo list isnt it? if people tire of pokemon they will sto= p. :-) > > > Stryder > > > wrote: > >> > >> NO NO NO NO NO! First of all, it's Mew, he's the good guy. Mewtwo is= the > bad > >> guy. And Ash never got sucked into the game, the first episode deals= with > how > >> Ash lives in a world where Pok=E9mon and battles and gyms, etc., are= all > the > >> norm. Like some planet similar to earth where kids have no school an= d > just > >> wander fighting Pok=E9mon all day. > >> > >> ~Matt > >> > >> <<> And what kind of name is "Moo" for a > >> > > bad guy, anyhow? > >> > > BTW, I missed the first show. Why did that > >> > kid get sucked into the > >> > game? > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > --David > >> > > >> > I thought it was Mu. Although Jessie & James really > >> > sparks of creativity ;) > >> > not. > >> > > >> > Dave > >> > > >> > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message > >> > "unsubscribe n64" ] > >> > [ (without the quotes) to > >> > ] > >> > > >> not mu or moo it's MUW!!! > >> I think.>> > >> > >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > >> [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > >[ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Ubi Soft Date: 15 Nov 1999 23:45:06 -0600 -----Original Message----- >decided to view the credits for Speed Devils (DC) today and a good portion of >the names are French. So I wonder, is Ubi Soft a French, Canadian, or some >other French speaking company. I believe they are French. >Speaking of Ubi Soft, I had been all set to get Rayman 2 for the N64, but >today I read that Rayman 2 is coming out for the Dreamcast in January. I just >wonder, should I get the N64 version, which looks darn good for N64, or wait >a month & a half for the Dreamcast version. My mind is already made up, I >just want some feedback. I am waiting for the DC version. I want Rayman 2 really bad, but I can wait a few months for what will likely be a better version. I have plenty of games to keep me busy until then (currently CTR and Grandia). Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 16 Nov 1999 00:50:00 EST In a message dated 99-11-16 00:42:45 EST, you write: > Xenogears is a good game, but to advertise Parasite Eve as something that we > shouldn't miss is pushing it. I'm talking about content wise, umm, how can I say this, those are games that would not have come to America on the N64 if Saqure was with Nintendo, at least Parasite Eve wouldn't make it until late 1999 (after RE2) if at all. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Ubi Soft Date: 15 Nov 1999 23:51:04 -0600 -----Original Message----- >I used to think that too, the Dreamcast controller was akward, but really I >think that applies to Capcom style 2-D fighters. I have no problems with the >DC controller with Sonic Adventure and nearly insignifigant problems with >Soul Calibur, but on Speed Devils the Dreamcast controller is like, well, >dreamy. Using the shoulder triggers (they're analog, incase anybody didn't >know) for Gas & Brake really adds a lot to the game. I like the Dreamcast >controller for racing ever better than the NeGcon & Dual Shock. Yeah, a lot of people gripe about the DC controllers, but few have actually used them more than a few minutes. I was worried at first because of all the negatives I had heard, but after playing with them for a while, they are really quite adequate. They are a little cramped underneath...but if it bothers you that much, Interact has their Astro pad out which is quite a bit wider. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 16 Nov 1999 00:54:43 EST In a message dated 99-11-16 00:42:45 EST, you write: > Stop defending Sony. A false statement will crumble by itself :-) you just > sound so desparate. > Well, it wasn't made to sound defensive. I just wanted to counter his hearsay with my conjecture. ;) If somebody says something that isn't true about Sony (or Nintendo, SEGA, Atari, NEC, SNK, etc...) I think I have the right, since I have the oppurtunity, to give a counter statement. Dave Oh, Dex, by the way, stop promoting Nintendo. ;) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 15 Nov 1999 22:04:02 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-16 00:42:45 EST, you write: > > > Xenogears is a good game, but to advertise Parasite Eve as something that we > > shouldn't miss is pushing it. > > I'm talking about content wise, umm, how can I say this, those are games that > would not have come to America on the N64 if Saqure was with Nintendo, at > least Parasite Eve wouldn't make it until late 1999 (after RE2) if at all. Ya, we wouldn't get crap like Final Fantasy 8 either. Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 15 Nov 1999 23:55:12 -0600 -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-11-16 00:27:27 EST, you write: > >> >PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT POKEMON, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. >> >> I agree completely! >> >> Stryder > >Stryder agrees with D. Fentie??? Has this ever happened before? ;) Well, I know I agreed that we need to stop all this talk about Pokeman...but I have to make one observation. I'm sure most of you have seen the Pokeman Yellow TV commercial, right? I noticed that in the commercial you see a (I don't know hardly any of their names) a dragon like creature in cage in which it barely fits and it seems to be looking around like it wants out. You also see Pokeman getting trapped under a box from which they try to run out from under and stuffed in the back of a trailor....HMMMM...slavery you say? Might indeed appear to be so. Just an observation....hehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!! Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Videogame Movies Date: 16 Nov 1999 16:58:40 +1100 At 14:15 15-11-99 EST, you wrote: >In a message dated 99-11-15 03:04:34 EST, you write: > >> uhhhh mortal kombat anyone. great movie > >I didn't care for Mortal Kombat (movie). The second Mortal Kombat movie, >Mortal Kombat: Annhilation (excuse my speeling) was actually not bad, it was >worth seeing at the Dollar Theater, although I did go on Fifty Cent Tuesday. > >Now Street Fighter The Movie, stay away at all costs. > >I don't know about you, but when a Videogame movie has the title with "The >Movie" right after it you're pretty sure it's gonna be a stinko. > >Dave Street Fighter: The Movie wasn't that bad. It had all the signature moves. Raol Julia (sp?) played a good Bison. Van Damm was a good laugh as Guile. Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game was crap though. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 15 Nov 1999 22:05:41 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-16 00:42:45 EST, you write: > > > Stop defending Sony. A false statement will crumble by itself :-) you just > > sound so desparate. > > > > Well, it wasn't made to sound defensive. I just wanted to counter his hearsay > with my conjecture. ;) > > If somebody says something that isn't true about Sony (or Nintendo, SEGA, > Atari, NEC, SNK, etc...) I think I have the right, since I have the > oppurtunity, to give a counter statement. Well, its a thin line. People see things from different perspectives, doesn't mean they are wrong. Dexter > > > > Dave > > Oh, Dex, by the way, stop promoting Nintendo. ;) > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 16 Nov 1999 00:59:59 EST In a message dated 99-11-16 00:58:14 EST, you write: > Well, its a thin line. People see things from different perspectives, doesn' > t > mean they are wrong. > > Dexter > But I believe the "forcing Square to make 2 games month" was quite wrong. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 16 Nov 1999 00:02:35 -0600 -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-11-16 00:58:14 EST, you write: > >> Well, its a thin line. People see things from different perspectives, >doesn' >> t >> mean they are wrong. >> >> Dexter >> > >But I believe the "forcing Square to make 2 games month" was quite wrong. > >Dave Dex probably has a 'different' (i.e. Nintendo slanted) perspective on that too :) Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 15 Nov 1999 22:13:59 -0800 > > a dragon like creature in cage in > which it barely fits and it seems to be looking around like it wants out. > You also see Pokeman getting trapped under a box from which they try to run > out from under and stuffed in the back of a trailor....HMMMM...slavery you > say? Might indeed appear to be so. > > Just an observation....hehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya, you'll find Jesus too if you look hard enough Dexter > > > Stryder > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 16 Nov 1999 00:11:25 -0600 -----Original Message----- >> > >> a dragon like creature in cage in >> which it barely fits and it seems to be looking around like it wants out. >> You also see Pokeman getting trapped under a box from which they try to run >> out from under and stuffed in the back of a trailor....HMMMM...slavery you >> say? Might indeed appear to be so. >> >> Just an observation....hehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!! > >Ya, you'll find Jesus too if you look hard enough > >Dexter Hey, it is quite obvious....I especially couldn't help but notice after having to endure that Pokeman slavery debate. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 15 Nov 1999 22:26:23 -0800 Thraxen wrote: > -----Original Message----- > From: > To: > Date: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 12:01 AM > Subject: Re: [N64] Square > > >In a message dated 99-11-16 00:58:14 EST, you write: > > > >> Well, its a thin line. People see things from different perspectives, > >doesn' > >> t > >> mean they are wrong. > >> > >> Dexter > >> > > > >But I believe the "forcing Square to make 2 games month" was quite wrong. > > > >Dave > > Dex probably has a 'different' (i.e. Nintendo slanted) perspective on that > too :) > > Stryder How long did it take you to figure that out :-) Dex > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 15 Nov 1999 22:29:05 -0800 > > Hey, it is quite obvious....I especially couldn't help but notice after > having to endure that Pokeman slavery debate. Pokemon are like pets in a sense, if we go by that train of thought, pets would be slaves too. besides the extreme way of catching pokemon is just a precurser to putting them in the pokeballs, which are suppose to have healing powers and are comfy. Dexter > > > Stryder > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 16 Nov 1999 01:24:14 EST In a message dated 99-11-16 01:21:47 EST, you write: > Pokemon are like pets in a sense, if we go by that train of thought, pets > would > be slaves too. besides the extreme way of catching pokemon is just a > precurser > to putting them in the pokeballs, which are suppose to have healing powers > and > are comfy. > > Dexter Only Dogs, they get tied up, cats come and go as they please. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 16 Nov 1999 00:25:34 -0600 -----Original Message----- >> >> Hey, it is quite obvious....I especially couldn't help but notice after >> having to endure that Pokeman slavery debate. > >Pokemon are like pets in a sense, if we go by that train of thought, pets would >be slaves too. besides the extreme way of catching pokemon is just a precurser >to putting them in the pokeballs, which are suppose to have healing powers and >are comfy. > >Dexter Hmmm...perhaps. Except I did not catch any of my pets in cages or under boxes or by having my other pets beat them to a pulp :P But other than that, I don't know anything about Pokeballs...I'm not into Pokeman (other than I find Pokeman Pinball quite entertaining) enough to know about them. stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 15 Nov 1999 23:00:05 -0800 > > Hmmm...perhaps. Except I did not catch any of my pets in cages or under > boxes or by having my other pets beat them to a pulp :P But other than > that, I don't know anything about Pokeballs...I'm not into Pokeman (other > than I find Pokeman Pinball quite entertaining) enough to know about them. Oh dear. The game doesn't even have anything to do with catching pokemon in cages, slaveships, or whatever you which to call it. This is just a pointless witch hunt, maybe in response to the fact that Nintendo's pokemon marketing has been brutally successful, regardless of the fact that people like you enjoy to poke fun at their lamer commercials. Dexter > > > stryder > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 16 Nov 1999 06:54:47 EST In a message dated 11/15/99 11:43:10 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << > >PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT POKEMON, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. > > I agree completely! This is a nintendo list isnt it? if people tire of pokemon they will stop. :-) >> Me....tire of Pokemon. Surely, you jest. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Justin Smith-Williams" Subject: Re: [N64] Shiny Happy Nintendo Date: 16 Nov 1999 09:16:58 EST That was then this is now and sometimes there are just somethings you don't have to have in games.Killing God what in the hell is that about and Jesus in South Park I'm glad he wasn't in there, I don't think he's in the psx version either.There are just some things that don't need to be put in games.Besides Nintendo isn't kiddie anymore they're more balanced now in my oppinion have you heard the language in games like South park, Attitude, and Shadowman and the gore in games like Shadowman, the Turok Series, Residen Evil2, and to a lesser extent JFG. >From: >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [N64] Shiny Happy Nintendo >Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 00:16:59 EST > >In a message dated 99-11-15 22:16:26 EST, you write: > > > << Xenogears is a shining example of why I think Square is much better >off > > without Nintendo. I would of hate to have seen what would happen if >the >N64 > > > > was a CD system and Square stayed with Nintendo. I doubt Xenogears >would > > ever > > get out of Japan. >> > > > > Why do you say that? > > > >Xenogears' main plotline revolves around organized religon and killing God. >Nintendo wouldn't allow Jesus in N64 South Park, I doubt they'd let a game >like Xenogears pass. Also the languge can be quite colorful, not as >profound >as Blue Stinger (DC) but still very suggestive. And some little things, >like >stopping at the fair in Aveh to have a few beers. And then having the >screen >get all wavy to simulate being drunk. Like in Chrno Trigger, for some >reason >I highly doubt that in the Super FamiCom version there was a Soda Pop >drinking contest at the Millenial Fair. The contest was probably still >there >but I bet it wasn't Soda Pop. > >Dave > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: editor - hotgames Subject: [N64] - Coolnews Date: 16 Nov 1999 23:39:12 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS: Gamedate November 16, 1999 The Newsletter of HOTGAMES.COM - ACCEPTED THE WORLD OVER - A new sports car to impress the girls with - $70,000 - A month long mountain climbing expedition - $35,000 - Over a thousand playable games and reviews - PRICELESS Cameron D. THE LATEST AT 1. QUAKE 3 ARENA DEMO TEST 2. NATURAL FAWN KILLERS 3. INDIANA JONES AND THE INFERNAL MACHINE 4. WHEEL OF TIME 1. QUAKE 3 ARENA DEMO TEST It's here. You want it. You need it. If you don't get it people will think you're weird and that there's something terribly wrong with you. What are you waiting for, it's the brand new Quake 3 Arena Demo Test! 2. NATURAL FAWN KILLERS Take Deer Hunter, add a series of over the top weapons and a quarter gallon of, paint and you've got the pun-tastic Natural Fawn Killers! Is it any good, though? Read here to find out... 3. INDIANA JONES AND THE INFERNAL MACHINE The man in the hat is back! Indiana Jones And The Infernal Machine marks Lucasarts' long-winded return to the adventure genre and we've got the new review and demo! How amazingly cool is that! 4. WHEEL OF TIME Old games never die, they just have their graphics engine used for totally new titles...and Wheel Of Time is proof of this! Using the Unreal engine, this medieval strategy / role playing epic has plenty of potential...find out more in our review!, never leave home without it! Cameron D. To unsubscribe to Coolnews send an email message to with the word unsubscribe in the subject field. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Goelzer Subject: [N64] I WANT N64 PURSUIT MODE! Date: 16 Nov 1999 10:55:34 -0600 OK, so I bought a used copy of Need for Speed: High Stakes for PSX. I've liked the series for a while; some of you may remember me posting a comparitive review of NFS:HS vs. Beetle Adventure Racing when both games were new. Don't get me wrong, I still think BAR is a great game, but why oh why hasn't EA or some other developer implemented a pursuit mode into a quality racing game on N64? Does EA have a "patent" on pursuit mode or something? I know BAR started out as a NFS game for N64, and can't help but wonder why they didn't include pursuit mode. I mean, they have the cop beetle in the game and everything. Anyone heard anything about EA or anyone else including a 2-player (or, dare I suggest, 4 player) pursuit mode in a good racing game for N64? What about Dreamcast? I WANT PURSUIT MODE! If you've never tried it... trust me, it's a great racing game innovation that should be standard in more games. Why isn't it? JG [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Elliot Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] Ubi Soft Date: 16 Nov 1999 10:35:47 PST The DC controller is bad for platformers and racing games. In fact, I prefer the L and R triggers for gas and brake like Dave suggested. IMO, it made Hydro Thunder a blast to play. The DC controller is garbage for sports games though. NBA2K has it's faults and is fun to play but it the controller (& some of the control setup) distract from the game play. Elliot ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: In a message dated 11/15/99 11:12:02 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I was wondering if anybody knows about Ubi Soft, like where they're from. I decided to view the credits for Speed Devils (DC) today and a good portion of the names are French. So I wonder, is Ubi Soft a French, Canadian, or some other French speaking company. Speaking of Ubi Soft, I had been all set to get Rayman 2 for the N64, but today I read that Rayman 2 is coming out for the Dreamcast in January. I just wonder, should I get the N64 version, which looks darn good for N64, or wait a month & a half for the Dreamcast version. My mind is already made up, I just want some feedback. Dave >> I think I remember hearing that it's a French developer from France, although I don't know for sure. I got Rayman 2 for my birthday and was just playing it. It's a very good game and God, do I love platformers! I'm not sure if the play control would be easier for N64 or DC. The DC controller is just so awkward in design (not so much as PSX), but it depends. If you want the most flashy graphics, by all means, buy it on DC. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Elliot Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] Ubi Soft Date: 16 Nov 1999 10:37:08 PST I meant to say the DC controller is NOT bad for Platformers & racing games. Corrrected post below... Elliot ----- The DC controller is NOT bad for platformers and racing games. In fact, I prefer the L and R triggers for gas and brake like Dave suggested. IMO, it made Hydro Thunder a blast to play. The DC controller is garbage for sports games though. NBA2K has it's faults and is fun to play but it the controller (& some of the control setup) distract from the game play. Elliot ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: In a message dated 11/15/99 11:12:02 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I was wondering if anybody knows about Ubi Soft, like where they're from. I decided to view the credits for Speed Devils (DC) today and a good portion of the names are French. So I wonder, is Ubi Soft a French, Canadian, or some other French speaking company. Speaking of Ubi Soft, I had been all set to get Rayman 2 for the N64, but today I read that Rayman 2 is coming out for the Dreamcast in January. I just wonder, should I get the N64 version, which looks darn good for N64, or wait a month & a half for the Dreamcast version. My mind is already made up, I just want some feedback. Dave >> I think I remember hearing that it's a French developer from France, although I don't know for sure. I got Rayman 2 for my birthday and was just playing it. It's a very good game and God, do I love platformers! I'm not sure if the play control would be easier for N64 or DC. The DC controller is just so awkward in design (not so much as PSX), but it depends. If you want the most flashy graphics, by all means, buy it on DC. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 16 Nov 1999 14:26:34 EST In a message dated 11/15/99 11:57:04 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Ya, we wouldn't get crap like Final Fantasy 8 either. Dexter >> I don't understand how you can call FF8 crap. That is the best game I've played to date, next to Chrono Trigger. --David [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: b er Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 16 Nov 1999 11:37:52 -0800 (PST) --- wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-15 13:37:49 EST, you write: > > > I think I like the new Beast Machines better than > the old Beast Wars. > > Beast Machines is by far my favorite cartoon to > watch on Saturday, > followed > > up by Digimon, and then Big Guy and Rusty, but > the idiots took that off > the > > air. > > > > --David > > I never saw the Beast Machines. I've seen a few > commercials & it looks like > American style hand drawn animation, geeze i hate > that. The words poor > production values comes to mind. > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message > "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to > ] > No It's not "American style" it's made in BC like the other series and reboot. At the end of the shows it seys BC Performers!!! Jcoolerb ===== See ya Gotta Catch 'em all __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Videogame Movies Date: 16 Nov 1999 14:46:41 EST In a message dated 11/15/99 1:15:41 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I didn't care for Mortal Kombat (movie). The second Mortal Kombat movie, Mortal Kombat: Annhilation (excuse my speeling) was actually not bad, it was worth seeing at the Dollar Theater, although I did go on Fifty Cent Tuesday. Now Street Fighter The Movie, stay away at all costs. I don't know about you, but when a Videogame movie has the title with "The Movie" right after it you're pretty sure it's gonna be a stinko. Dave >> I've heard that there is going to be a Final Fantasy Movie. Now if they did that correctly it would be VERY cool. --David [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 16 Nov 1999 14:43:39 -0600 ick, ick, ick. FF8 was not nearly as good as III. Just play III and you will understand. It is impossible to describe but its kind of like comparing Goldeneye in popularity to Quest 64. wrote: > > In a message dated 11/15/99 11:57:04 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Ya, we wouldn't get crap like Final Fantasy 8 either. > > Dexter >> > > I don't understand how you can call FF8 crap. That is the best game I've > played to date, next to Chrono Trigger. > > --David > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] Ubi Soft Date: 16 Nov 1999 15:59:08 -0500 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-15 22:04:52 EST, you write: > > > PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT POKEMON, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. > > I was wondering if anybody knows about Ubi Soft, like where they're from. I > decided to view the credits for Speed Devils (DC) today and a good portion of > the names are French. So I wonder, is Ubi Soft a French, Canadian, or some > other French speaking company. > > Speaking of Ubi Soft, I had been all set to get Rayman 2 for the N64, but > today I read that Rayman 2 is coming out for the Dreamcast in January. I just > wonder, should I get the N64 version, which looks darn good for N64, or wait > a month & a half for the Dreamcast version. My mind is already made up, I > just want some feedback. > > I'd say DC version. I've been playing the N64 version a bit, and it's a good game, although I guess I'm too spoiled by the DC's graphics because I just don't like how it looks. Nevertheless, the DC version should be equal to the N64 version in every way except for graphics, which should be definitely better. I'll be waiting for January. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] Ubi DC controller Date: 16 Nov 1999 16:02:38 -0500 Hm...I have to disagree a bit, because NFL 2K was GREAT with the DC controller. I love the racing setup though, like Dave said, Speed Devils controls like a dream. Wes Elliot Jefferson wrote: > The DC controller isN'T bad for platformers and racing games. In fact, I > prefer the L and R triggers for gas and brake like Dave suggested. IMO, it > made Hydro Thunder a blast to play. The DC controller is garbage for sports > games though. NBA2K has it's faults and is fun to play but it the > controller (& some of the control setup) distract from the game play. > > Elliot [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Videogame Movies Date: 16 Nov 1999 17:02:39 -0500 Yes, a Final Fantasy movie is in the works, and it is being done by the same people who do the game cinematics, so it will be good. However, I don't think it's due out for at least a year. -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 11/15/99 1:15:41 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > ><< I didn't care for Mortal Kombat (movie). The second Mortal Kombat movie, > Mortal Kombat: Annhilation (excuse my speeling) was actually not bad, it was > worth seeing at the Dollar Theater, although I did go on Fifty Cent Tuesday. > > Now Street Fighter The Movie, stay away at all costs. > > I don't know about you, but when a Videogame movie has the title with "The > Movie" right after it you're pretty sure it's gonna be a stinko. > > Dave >> > > > I've heard that there is going to be a Final Fantasy Movie. Now if they >did that correctly it would be VERY cool. > >--David > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 16 Nov 1999 17:05:52 -0500 Never. In fact, I'm a little frightened now, because it could be a sign of the apocalypse ;-). It's alos quite interesting that we can debate endlessly on PSX vs N64 over and over again going over the same points, but we can't stand a few days of Pokemon talk. -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-11-16 00:27:27 EST, you write: > >> >PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT POKEMON, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. >> >> I agree completely! >> >> Stryder > >Stryder agrees with D. Fentie??? Has this ever happened before? ;) > >Dave > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Elliot Jefferson" Subject: [N64] DC controller Date: 16 Nov 1999 14:20:38 PST I haven't palyed NFL2K enough to comment but I have some experience with NBA2K. Maybe it's the setup that Visual Concepts uses for NBA2K. It's just not intuitive, for whatever reason. The game is still fun, but I'm just not 'comfortable' with it on NBA2K yet. Elliot ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: Hm...I have to disagree a bit, because NFL 2K was GREAT with the DC controller. I love the racing setup though, like Dave said, Speed Devils controls like a dream. Wes Elliot Jefferson wrote: > The DC controller isN'T bad for platformers and racing games. In fact, I > prefer the L and R triggers for gas and brake like Dave suggested. IMO, it > made Hydro Thunder a blast to play. The DC controller is garbage for sports > games though. NBA2K has it's faults and is fun to play but it the > controller (& some of the control setup) distract from the game play. > > Elliot [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 16 Nov 1999 15:01:45 -0800 (PST) On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > Thanksgiving frame a year ago. Playing in > 3,043 theaters, the hit film averaged a sizzling $10,642 per venue. What Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) made more than that per theater in it's limited opening on 30 or so screens, why won't they release that nationwide? Hold the flame til the dream ignites A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 16 Nov 1999 18:03:04 -0500 Because Princess Mononoke is a cartoon for adults, and therefore has a very limited audience. -----Original Message----- >On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > >> Thanksgiving frame a year ago. Playing in >> 3,043 theaters, the hit film averaged a sizzling $10,642 per venue. What > >Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) made more than that per theater in it's >limited opening on 30 or so screens, why won't they release that >nationwide? > >-------------------------------------------------------------- >Hold the flame til the dream ignites >A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission >--Rush > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] I WANT N64 PURSUIT MODE! Date: 16 Nov 1999 19:08:41 EST In a message dated 99-11-16 11:56:48 EST, you write: > OK, so I bought a used copy of Need for Speed: High Stakes for PSX. I've > liked the series for a while; some of you may remember me posting a > comparitive review of NFS:HS vs. Beetle Adventure Racing when both games > were new. > Heh, I remember that, so how do you like NFS:HS now that you know it's a Dual Shock game? > Don't get me wrong, I still think BAR is a great game, but why oh why hasn't > EA or some other developer implemented a pursuit mode into a quality racing > game on N64? Does EA have a "patent" on pursuit mode or something? > I don't think they have the patent on it, The Test Drive games, well Test Drive 4 (Accolade) had cops chase you. It was more like the cops in Need For Speed than in NFS:HS. And don't forget Driver (with its sloppy control who could forget it?) I wanted a NFS game with Hot Pusuit on the N64 too, although now I just pray that EA makes one for the Dreamcast. I just love how everybody's headlights work in Speed Devils. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] I WANT N64 PURSUIT MODE! Date: 16 Nov 1999 19:11:03 EST In a message dated 99-11-16 11:56:48 EST, you write: > If you've never tried it... trust me, it's a great racing game innovation > that should be standard in more games. Why isn't it? > > JG I dunno, I remember when I got Need For Speed 3: Hot Pursuit. I must have played Hot Pusuit mode for about 8 months before I even touched tournament mode. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Ubi Soft Date: 16 Nov 1999 19:13:22 EST In a message dated 99-11-16 13:37:16 EST, you write: > The DC controller is bad for platformers and racing games. In fact, I > prefer the L and R triggers for gas and brake like Dave suggested. IMO, it > made Hydro Thunder a blast to play. You mean 'bad' meaning good? Wow, must have entered a timeslip to the mid 1980s. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Avery Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 16 Nov 1999 18:27:53 -0600 (EST) On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Geoff Finger wrote: > On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > > Thanksgiving frame a year ago. Playing in > > 3,043 theaters, the hit film averaged a sizzling $10,642 per venue. What > > Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) made more than that per theater in it's > limited opening on 30 or so screens, why won't they release that > nationwide? I want to see the movie. But it isn't playing near here. I guess I can wait for the vhs or dvd in a few months. |Chris Avery | Computer Services Lab Manager | |email | Computer Science Major | | | Arkansas State University | [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Ubi Soft Date: 16 Nov 1999 19:40:34 EST Well, Dave, I'd go with the N64 version. For one, Rayman 2 looks go no matter what, especially for the N64. And 2, since you don't seem to want any of the Rare games this X-Max, then, I'd buy it to keep your N64 alive. ~Matt <> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 16 Nov 1999 19:24:11 -0600 -----Original Message----- >> >> Hmmm...perhaps. Except I did not catch any of my pets in cages or under >> boxes or by having my other pets beat them to a pulp :P But other than >> that, I don't know anything about Pokeballs...I'm not into Pokeman (other >> than I find Pokeman Pinball quite entertaining) enough to know about them. > >Oh dear. The game doesn't even have anything to do with catching pokemon in >cages, slaveships, or whatever you which to call it. This is just a pointless >witch hunt, maybe in response to the fact that Nintendo's pokemon marketing has >been brutally successful, regardless of the fact that people like you enjoy to >poke fun at their lamer commercials. Hold on Dex...taking it a little too personal, huh? I was merely pointing out how it is being advertised. Nothing more, nothing less. Your witch hunt is against me. Stryder > >Dexter > >> >> >> stryder >> >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >> [ (without the quotes) to ] > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 16 Nov 1999 19:32:53 -0600 -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 11/15/99 11:57:04 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > ><< Ya, we wouldn't get crap like Final Fantasy 8 either. > > Dexter >> > > > I don't understand how you can call FF8 crap. That is the best game I've >played to date, next to Chrono Trigger. > >--David Actually his view of it changes to suit his needs it would seem. Sometimes he says it is good but not great. Sometimes it is 'ok', and sometimes he says it is crap. go figure. Stryder] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 16 Nov 1999 19:36:33 -0600 -----Original Message----- >ick, ick, ick. FF8 was not nearly as good as III. Just play III and >you will understand. It is impossible to describe but its kind of like >comparing Goldeneye in popularity to Quest 64. > It all depends on who you ask....some people hate the direction the FF series has you Fentie. Some people prefer the older FFs, but think the new ones are still myself. And some people love the news David. I still think FF2 (US) is the best personally. Stryder > wrote: >> >> In a message dated 11/15/99 11:57:04 PM Central Standard Time, >> writes: >> >> << Ya, we wouldn't get crap like Final Fantasy 8 either. >> >> Dexter >> >> >> I don't understand how you can call FF8 crap. That is the best game I've >> played to date, next to Chrono Trigger. >> >> --David >> >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >> [ (without the quotes) to ] > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 16 Nov 1999 19:39:51 -0600 -----Original Message----- >On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > >> Thanksgiving frame a year ago. Playing in >> 3,043 theaters, the hit film averaged a sizzling $10,642 per venue. What > >Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) made more than that per theater in it's >limited opening on 30 or so screens, why won't they release that >nationwide? Is that out? I heard that movie is awesome. I desperately want to see it. Stryder > >-------------------------------------------------------------- >Hold the flame til the dream ignites >A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission >--Rush > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 16 Nov 1999 17:46:24 -0800 (PST) On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > > > Hmmm...perhaps. Except I did not catch any of my pets in cages or under > > boxes or by having my other pets beat them to a pulp :P But other than > > that, I don't know anything about Pokeballs...I'm not into Pokeman (other > > than I find Pokeman Pinball quite entertaining) enough to know about them. > > Oh dear. The game doesn't even have anything to do with catching pokemon in > cages, slaveships, or whatever you which to call it. This is just a pointless > witch hunt, maybe in response to the fact that Nintendo's pokemon marketing has > been brutally successful, regardless of the fact that people like you enjoy to > poke fun at their lamer commercials. This isn't a witch hunt, the thing with the Reverend in um, some square state (i forget exactly) saying that pokemon are agents of the devil and that pokemon products should be burned is a witch hunt =) The line between the Samurai model that i wast talking about and the slavery model that my friend was talking about is pretty thin, thin enough to make me a little uncomfortable at times. This doesn't stop me from watching the anime and buying the cartoons though. You can go ahead and say the slavery aspect isn't important or isn't relevant, but i don't think you can say that it doesn't exist at all. (for those of you wondering about my promise to leave you alone for awhile, yes i did move out. However i've stopped at my girlfriend's for a few days on my way to southern california. Unfortunatly she has classes to go to in the middle of the day, but i can occupy myself catching up with email in the meantime =) Cast in this unlikely role Ill-equiped to act With insufficient tact One must put up barriers To keep oneself intact --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 16 Nov 1999 17:52:07 -0800 (PST) On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, b er wrote: > --- wrote: > > In a message dated 99-11-12 19:16:09 EST, you write: > > > > > And what kind of name is "Moo" for a > > > bad guy, anyhow? > > > > I thought it was Mu. Although Jessie & James really > > sparks of creativity ;) > > not. > > > not mu or moo it's MUW!!! > I think. You know, there is a simple way to solve this. Those of us who watch the show just need to pay attention when they do that little song and dance about the monsters before one of the commercials. One of them is about Mu/Moo/Muw/whatever, the phoenix, and the nagas i think. Given that he came from pangea, i'm guessing his name is spelled Mu, which is also the name of a mythical continent that is supposed to have disapeared long ago, similar to, but not the same as, Atlantis. Pounding in your temples A surge of adrenaline Every muscle tense To fence the enemy within --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 16 Nov 1999 18:08:50 -0800 (PST) On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Eddy Wu wrote: > Because Princess Mononoke is a cartoon for adults, and therefore has a very > limited audience. Like i said, they did a test release in just twenty cities, it got great revenue on a per theater basis. The only movie to get better/the same in limited release was Becoming John Malkovich, which is going to be getting wide release soon i believe. They both did better than pokemon per theater, why is Malkovich getting wide release and not Mononoke? We all figure that our homes are set above Other people than the ones we know and love In every place with a name They play the same territorial game Hiding behind lines Sending up warning signs --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 16 Nov 1999 19:53:30 -0800 > > > I don't understand how you can call FF8 crap. That is the best game I've > played to date, next to Chrono Trigger. > Its crap. The gameplay obviously takes a back seat to the impressive cinematics. The problem is, the story is less than appealing, not to mention FF 8 is closely bordering the "FMV type" interactive movies found earlier on in thr 90's, which BTW, requires hours of tedious sitting and watching and a few seconds of actually playing. If you know how tedous the battles are, you'll know what i mean. Besides, Quoting a review from Gamespot, FF 8 is one game which could have benefited from the limitations of cartridges. Dex > > --David > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 16 Nov 1999 19:54:13 -0800 D Fentie wrote: > ick, ick, ick. FF8 was not nearly as good as III. Just play III and > you will understand. It is impossible to describe but its kind of like > comparing Goldeneye in popularity to Quest 64. 3 has a certain feeling. I'm looking forward to FF 9. Dex > > > wrote: > > > > In a message dated 11/15/99 11:57:04 PM Central Standard Time, > > writes: > > > > << Ya, we wouldn't get crap like Final Fantasy 8 either. > > > > Dexter >> > > > > I don't understand how you can call FF8 crap. That is the best game I've > > played to date, next to Chrono Trigger. > > > > --David > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 16 Nov 1999 19:55:24 -0800 Geoff Finger wrote: > On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > > Thanksgiving frame a year ago. Playing in > > 3,043 theaters, the hit film averaged a sizzling $10,642 per venue. What > > Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) made more than that per theater in it's > limited opening on 30 or so screens, why won't they release that > nationwide? Its a niche film. Dexter > > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Hold the flame til the dream ignites > A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission > --Rush > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 16 Nov 1999 19:58:15 -0800 > > Is that out? I heard that movie is awesome. I desperately want to see it. CNN dissed it. Apparently, the major gripe is the inconsistent animation quality and the cheezy feeling you get from dubbed films. I would have preffered subtitles. Life is Beautiful did pretty well with subtitles. I'm more interested in Sleepy Hallow than Monokoke. Dexter > > > Stryder > > > > >-------------------------------------------------------------- > >Hold the flame til the dream ignites > >A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission > >--Rush > > > > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > >[ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 16 Nov 1999 20:02:26 -0800 Geoff Finger wrote: > On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Eddy Wu wrote: > > > Because Princess Mononoke is a cartoon for adults, and therefore has a very > > limited audience. > > Like i said, they did a test release in just twenty cities, it got great > revenue on a per theater basis. The only movie to get better/the same in > limited release was Becoming John Malkovich, which is going to be getting > wide release soon i believe. They both did better than pokemon per > theater, why is Malkovich getting wide release and not Mononoke? Ummmm.. here's a report from Box Office Guru ( which tacks these sorts of things: "The offbeat comedy Being John Malkovich expanded from 175 to 467 theaters and grossed $2.4M, up 26% from last weekend. The Spike Jonze film's cume has hit $6.1M while its average gross of $5,005 per theater remains quite good." Pokemon did 10,000 plus per theatre. Dex > > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > We all figure that our homes are set above > Other people than the ones we know and love > In every place with a name > They play the same territorial game > Hiding behind lines > Sending up warning signs > --Rush > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 16 Nov 1999 20:04:31 -0800 > > Hold on Dex...taking it a little too personal, huh? I was merely pointing > out how it is being advertised. Nothing more, nothing less. Your witch > hunt is against me. > Just annoyed. If you want to be the moral voice on advertising, i'm ok with it. But be consistent. I does seem like you pick stuff to criticize based on your biases. I could be wrong and I'll be glad if you can prove me wrong, but there are a lot of questionable advertising on the videogame industry as a whole that i don't see you ranting on. Dexter > > Stryder > > > > >Dexter > > > >> > >> > >> stryder > >> > >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > >> [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > >[ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Yamanuchi says no dolphin delays Date: 16 Nov 1999 20:09:33 -0800 Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi, in a recent interview with Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun, reiterated the company's plans to sell Dolphin at a cheap price. "A game machine that sells for close to 40000 yen [$380] can be bought by young people old enough to work part-time jobs, but at any rate, is too expensive to be aimed at children," said Yamauchi in a comparison to Sony's next-generation hardware. "The Dolphin will not be that expensive." Meanwhile, the Japanese businessman reaffirmed the company's plans to launch Dolphin shortly after PS2 late 2000. "We would like to release theDolphin closer to the PS2, but since we're aiming for the Christmas 2000 shopping season, I don't think the time difference is that big of a handicap." Yamauchi indicated that strong software on Nintendo's part will make up for Sony's head-start. "What's important is the side that clearly distinguishes itself by the quality of its software." ------------------ Well, this makes things a lot more interesting and confusing.... thoughts? Dexter [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 17 Nov 1999 15:13:17 +1100 At 18:03 16-11-99 -0500, you wrote: >Because Princess Mononoke is a cartoon for adults, and therefore has a very >limited audience. > Huh? There are more adults than there are children. Not to mention adults are the ones with the money. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 16 Nov 1999 20:23:21 -0800 Alex wrote: > At 18:03 16-11-99 -0500, you wrote: > >Because Princess Mononoke is a cartoon for adults, and therefore has a very > >limited audience. > > > > Huh? There are more adults than there are children. Not to mention adults > are the ones with the money. That statement is flawed :-) So i agree w/ alex. but still, Monokoke is very much a niche film, bacause its a foreign film that has supposedly gone through a rather shoddy redubbing process, something which takes away from the movie's appeal. Besides, animation is not often associated with adult filmgoing, and the Japanimation narritive elements will likely turn some people off. Dex > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says no dolphin delays Date: 16 Nov 1999 23:19:03 EST In a message dated 11/16/99 10:03:06 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi, in a recent interview with Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun, reiterated the company's plans to sell Dolphin at a cheap price. "A game machine that sells for close to 40000 yen [$380] can be bought by young people old enough to work part-time jobs, but at any rate, is too expensive to be aimed at children," said Yamauchi in a comparison to Sony's next-generation hardware. "The Dolphin will not be that expensive." Meanwhile, the Japanese businessman reaffirmed the company's plans to launch Dolphin shortly after PS2 late 2000. "We would like to release theDolphin closer to the PS2, but since we're aiming for the Christmas 2000 shopping season, I don't think the time difference is that big of a handicap." Yamauchi indicated that strong software on Nintendo's part will make up for Sony's head-start. "What's important is the side that clearly distinguishes itself by the quality of its software." ------------------ Well, this makes things a lot more interesting and confusing.... thoughts? >> I still think it's unlikely that Dolphin will be released next year. However, Nintendo still insists on the same date. I hope that Yamauchi is right about adequate software. I hope that Nintendo can show Sony up this time. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 16 Nov 1999 23:23:19 EST In a message dated 11/16/99 4:08:49 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << It's alos quite interesting that we can debate endlessly on PSX vs N64 over and over again going over the same points, but we can't stand a few days of Pokemon talk. >> I also can't see why people can't stand Pokemon talk (of course, it's me, the big time Pikachu freak). What I think is amazing is that I was able to sit through Pikachu's Vacation 3 times. The pattern for me is: Pikachu's Vacation gets worse every time I see it, and Mewtwo Strikes Back gets better every time I see it. I can't wait to get MSB on video. I do mean the original, not the dub. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 16 Nov 1999 23:13:00 -0600 -----Original Message----- >> >> Hold on Dex...taking it a little too personal, huh? I was merely pointing >> out how it is being advertised. Nothing more, nothing less. Your witch >> hunt is against me. >> > >Just annoyed. If you want to be the moral voice on advertising, i'm ok with it. >But be consistent. I does seem like you pick stuff to criticize based on your >biases. I could be wrong and I'll be glad if you can prove me wrong, but there >are a lot of questionable advertising on the videogame industry as a whole that >i don't see you ranting on. You seem to miss the point. I just thought that since there had been an ongoing debate about Pokeman that I would point out how the commercial itself advertises the has zero to do with my own feeling about it. I also don't even think it is questionable advertising. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 16 Nov 1999 21:30:51 -0800 > > You seem to miss the point. I just thought that since there had been an > ongoing debate about Pokeman that I would point out how the commercial > itself advertises the has zero to do with my own feeling about > it. I also don't even think it is questionable advertising. OK :-) I can understand that. I don't read all the post so the slavery thing slipped my net. i'm sure you guys don't read all the stuff too. Speaking to all the people in the list, i think it would be helpful if we attach or included relevant posts in our mails for conversation's sake, because people like stryder might come up with a statement that i take the wrong way because i didn't know he was responding to something else. > > > Stryder > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says no dolphin delays Date: 17 Nov 1999 03:35:57 -0500 (EST) I still doubt Nintendo will release Dolphin anywhere next year. GBA? Maybe. On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi, in a recent > interview with Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun, reiterated the company's > plans to sell Dolphin at a > cheap price. > > "A game machine that sells for close to 40000 yen > [$380] can be bought by young people old enough to work part-time jobs, > but at any rate, is too expensive to be aimed at children," said > Yamauchi in a comparison to Sony's next-generation hardware. "The > Dolphin will not be that expensive." > > Meanwhile, the Japanese businessman reaffirmed the > company's plans to launch Dolphin shortly after PS2 late 2000. "We > would like to release theDolphin closer to the PS2, but since we're > aiming for the Christmas 2000 shopping season, I don't think the time > difference is that big of a handicap." > > Yamauchi indicated that strong software on Nintendo's > part will make up for Sony's head-start. "What's important is the side > that clearly > distinguishes itself by the quality of its software." > > > > ------------------ > > Well, this makes things a lot more interesting and confusing.... > > thoughts? > > Dexter > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says no dolphin delays Date: 17 Nov 1999 03:35:57 -0500 (EST) I still doubt Nintendo will release Dolphin anywhere next year. GBA? Maybe. On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi, in a recent > interview with Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun, reiterated the company's > plans to sell Dolphin at a > cheap price. > > "A game machine that sells for close to 40000 yen > [$380] can be bought by young people old enough to work part-time jobs, > but at any rate, is too expensive to be aimed at children," said > Yamauchi in a comparison to Sony's next-generation hardware. "The > Dolphin will not be that expensive." > > Meanwhile, the Japanese businessman reaffirmed the > company's plans to launch Dolphin shortly after PS2 late 2000. "We > would like to release theDolphin closer to the PS2, but since we're > aiming for the Christmas 2000 shopping season, I don't think the time > difference is that big of a handicap." > > Yamauchi indicated that strong software on Nintendo's > part will make up for Sony's head-start. "What's important is the side > that clearly > distinguishes itself by the quality of its software." > > > > ------------------ > > Well, this makes things a lot more interesting and confusing.... > > thoughts? > > Dexter > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says no dolphin delays Date: 17 Nov 1999 03:37:08 -0500 (EST) Sony has over 200 launch games in development. This will surely leave most in the dust. Is there a such thing as too much software. YES On Tue, 16 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/16/99 10:03:06 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi, in a recent > interview with Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun, reiterated the company's > plans to sell Dolphin at a > cheap price. > > "A game machine that sells for close to 40000 yen > [$380] can be bought by young people old enough to work part-time jobs, > but at any rate, is too expensive to be aimed at children," said > Yamauchi in a comparison to Sony's next-generation hardware. "The > Dolphin will not be that expensive." > > Meanwhile, the Japanese businessman reaffirmed the > company's plans to launch Dolphin shortly after PS2 late 2000. "We > would like to release theDolphin closer to the PS2, but since we're > aiming for the Christmas 2000 shopping season, I don't think the time > difference is that big of a handicap." > > Yamauchi indicated that strong software on Nintendo's > part will make up for Sony's head-start. "What's important is the side > that clearly > distinguishes itself by the quality of its software." > > > > ------------------ > > Well, this makes things a lot more interesting and confusing.... > > thoughts? >> > > I still think it's unlikely that Dolphin will be released next year. > However, Nintendo still insists on the same date. I hope that Yamauchi is > right about adequate software. I hope that Nintendo can show Sony up this > time. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] DC controller Date: 17 Nov 1999 03:39:33 -0500 (EST) you can purchase a PSX style controller On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Elliot Jefferson wrote: > I haven't palyed NFL2K enough to comment but I have some experience with > NBA2K. Maybe it's the setup that Visual Concepts uses for NBA2K. It's just > not intuitive, for whatever reason. The game is still fun, but I'm just not > 'comfortable' with it on NBA2K yet. > > Elliot > > > ----Original Message Follows---- > From: Wez > Reply-To: > To: > Subject: Re: [N64] Ubi DC controller > Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 16:02:38 -0500 > > Hm...I have to disagree a bit, because NFL 2K was GREAT with the DC > controller. > I love the racing setup though, like Dave said, Speed Devils controls like a > dream. > > Wes > > Elliot Jefferson wrote: > > > The DC controller isN'T bad for platformers and racing games. In fact, I > > prefer the L and R triggers for gas and brake like Dave suggested. IMO, > it > > made Hydro Thunder a blast to play. The DC controller is garbage for > sports > > games though. NBA2K has it's faults and is fun to play but it the > > controller (& some of the control setup) distract from the game play. > > > > Elliot > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: [N64] Dolphin RPG's - What do you want to see? Date: 17 Nov 1999 03:52:07 -0500 (EST) I found myself visiting DailyRadar earlier this morning and came upon an interesting article on PS2's upcoming RPG's. It made me even more anxious for Dolphin since it will be at least as powerful and should have all of new feature's that 'other' systems games will have. Of all the new stuff mentioned the ones I'm looking most forward to are having more characters in the towns. Imagine Hyrule looking like Times Square!...or being able to follow people in their daily routines.(Shenmue will have this cool feature) Also capitalizing on Rare's ingenuity with GBCamera/Perfect Dark taking your picture and slapping it on a models face. Just imagine the possibilities. What are some other cool stuff you want to have in tomorrow's Rpgs [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris Conway" Subject: [N64] Australian Dreamcast games Date: 17 Nov 1999 22:28:36 +1100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0012_01BF314B.169A9180 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hey everyone, I live in Australia and the Dreamcast was supposed to br = released on the 2nd of November but for some reason it got delayed until = the 30th. Are there any other readers out there from Australia who can tell me = what games will be released with the Dreamcast. Thanks ------=_NextPart_000_0012_01BF314B.169A9180 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hey everyone, I live in Australia and the Dreamcast = was=20 supposed to br released on the 2nd of November but for some reason it = got=20 delayed until the 30th.
Are there any other readers out there from Australia = who=20 can tell me what games will be released with the = Dreamcast.
------=_NextPart_000_0012_01BF314B.169A9180-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christopher Watson Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 17 Nov 1999 13:29:10 -0500 (EST) They've gone for overkill on the FMV with FF8 and thats what they got, unfortunatley the casulty here is game play. Does this mean that FF9 will come out as a movie instead of a game? However, the game has proved very popular so if Nintendo is serious about beating sony in Japan then it must secure square's support. On Tue, 16 Nov 1999 19:54:13 -0800 Dexter Sy wrote: > > > D Fentie wrote: > > > ick, ick, ick. FF8 was not nearly as good as III. Just play III and > > you will understand. It is impossible to describe but its kind of like > > comparing Goldeneye in popularity to Quest 64. > > 3 has a certain feeling. I'm looking forward to FF 9. > > Dex > > > > > > > wrote: > > > > > > In a message dated 11/15/99 11:57:04 PM Central Standard Time, > > > writes: > > > > > > << Ya, we wouldn't get crap like Final Fantasy 8 either. > > > > > > Dexter >> > > > > > > I don't understand how you can call FF8 crap. That is the best game I've > > > played to date, next to Chrono Trigger. > > > > > > --David > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christopher Watson Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says no dolphin delays Date: 17 Nov 1999 13:31:46 -0500 (EST) On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 03:37:08 -0500 (EST) "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." wrote: > > Sony has over 200 launch games in development. This will surely leave most > in the dust. Is there a such thing as too much software. YES 200 games? In such a short time? I smell a rush job, I doubt there combined entertainment value would not last aslong as Goldeneye's > On Tue, 16 Nov 1999 wrote: > > > In a message dated 11/16/99 10:03:06 PM Central Standard Time, > > writes: > > > > << Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi, in a recent > > interview with Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun, reiterated the company's > > plans to sell Dolphin at a > > cheap price. > > > > "A game machine that sells for close to 40000 yen > > [$380] can be bought by young people old enough to work part-time jobs, > > but at any rate, is too expensive to be aimed at children," said > > Yamauchi in a comparison to Sony's next-generation hardware. "The > > Dolphin will not be that expensive." > > > > Meanwhile, the Japanese businessman reaffirmed the > > company's plans to launch Dolphin shortly after PS2 late 2000. "We > > would like to release theDolphin closer to the PS2, but since we're > > aiming for the Christmas 2000 shopping season, I don't think the time > > difference is that big of a handicap." > > > > Yamauchi indicated that strong software on Nintendo's > > part will make up for Sony's head-start. "What's important is the side > > that clearly > > distinguishes itself by the quality of its software." > > > > > > > > ------------------ > > > > Well, this makes things a lot more interesting and confusing.... > > > > thoughts? >> > > > > I still think it's unlikely that Dolphin will be released next year. > > However, Nintendo still insists on the same date. I hope that Yamauchi is > > right about adequate software. I hope that Nintendo can show Sony up this > > time. > > -Eric- > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > sx > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Elliot Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says no dolphin delays Date: 17 Nov 1999 08:24:14 PST The announcement Phil Harrison made was misunderstood, according to He meant to say there are 250 in development, but 25 available at launch. Somehow the press misunderstood. Elliot ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: Sony has over 200 launch games in development. This will surely leave most in the dust. Is there a such thing as too much software. YES On Tue, 16 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/16/99 10:03:06 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi, in a recent > interview with Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun, reiterated the company's > plans to sell Dolphin at a > cheap price. > > "A game machine that sells for close to 40000 yen > [$380] can be bought by young people old enough to work part-time jobs, > but at any rate, is too expensive to be aimed at children," said > Yamauchi in a comparison to Sony's next-generation hardware. "The > Dolphin will not be that expensive." > > Meanwhile, the Japanese businessman reaffirmed the > company's plans to launch Dolphin shortly after PS2 late 2000. "We > would like to release theDolphin closer to the PS2, but since we're > aiming for the Christmas 2000 shopping season, I don't think the time > difference is that big of a handicap." > > Yamauchi indicated that strong software on Nintendo's > part will make up for Sony's head-start. "What's important is the side > that clearly > distinguishes itself by the quality of its software." > > > > ------------------ > > Well, this makes things a lot more interesting and confusing.... > > thoughts? >> > > I still think it's unlikely that Dolphin will be released next year. > However, Nintendo still insists on the same date. I hope that Yamauchi is > right about adequate software. I hope that Nintendo can show Sony up this > time. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says no dolphin delays Date: 17 Nov 1999 11:28:16 -0500 (EST) that's better. 25 is a good number. Nintendo are you listening! On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Elliot Jefferson wrote: > The announcement Phil Harrison made was misunderstood, according to > He meant to say there are 250 in development, but 25 > available at launch. Somehow the press misunderstood. > > Elliot > > > ----Original Message Follows---- > From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." > Reply-To: > To: > Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says no dolphin delays > Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 03:37:08 -0500 (EST) > > > Sony has over 200 launch games in development. This will surely leave most > in the dust. Is there a such thing as too much software. YES > > On Tue, 16 Nov 1999 wrote: > > > In a message dated 11/16/99 10:03:06 PM Central Standard Time, > > writes: > > > > << Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi, in a recent > > interview with Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun, reiterated the company's > > plans to sell Dolphin at a > > cheap price. > > > > "A game machine that sells for close to 40000 yen > > [$380] can be bought by young people old enough to work part-time jobs, > > but at any rate, is too expensive to be aimed at children," said > > Yamauchi in a comparison to Sony's next-generation hardware. "The > > Dolphin will not be that expensive." > > > > Meanwhile, the Japanese businessman reaffirmed the > > company's plans to launch Dolphin shortly after PS2 late 2000. "We > > would like to release theDolphin closer to the PS2, but since we're > > aiming for the Christmas 2000 shopping season, I don't think the time > > difference is that big of a handicap." > > > > Yamauchi indicated that strong software on Nintendo's > > part will make up for Sony's head-start. "What's important is the side > > that clearly > > distinguishes itself by the quality of its software." > > > > > > > > ------------------ > > > > Well, this makes things a lot more interesting and confusing.... > > > > thoughts? >> > > > > I still think it's unlikely that Dolphin will be released next year. > > However, Nintendo still insists on the same date. I hope that Yamauchi > is > > right about adequate software. I hope that Nintendo can show Sony up > this > > time. > > -Eric- > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > sx > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Re: [N64] Australian Dreamcast games Date: 17 Nov 1999 10:08:21 -0700 Please don't reply to this message. The sender has been suspended for off-topic posting. > Chris Conway wrote: > > Hey everyone, I live in Australia and the Dreamcast was supposed to br released on the 2nd of > November but for some reason it got delayed until the 30th. > Are there any other readers out there from Australia who can tell me what games will be released > with the Dreamcast. > > Thanks > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 12:27:13 -0600 (CST) If Dolphin and Playstation 2 have release dates that are very close with each other, which one would you get? I mean I had a choice of getting a Playstation or a N64.My reasoning was that playstation had more games, since then I have matured. I believe that the quality of games a system has is more important than the quanity. I also think that it is cool that you can have the whole collection of games that are provided for a system. Also, with the Playstation having more games which were terrible, probaly half. The thing that I don't like about playstation is that it seems they rush making the games while nintendo is more conservative and takes there time more and have a better quality for there games. I dunno you decide. Let's take a pole. If you have a choice to get a psx2 or a Dolphin, which one would you get. B [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 14:18:06 -0500 (EST) Dude a Dolphin most definitely. I don't want to get a PS2 b/c after just a year I'll be busy playing games for Dolphin which I'm confident will be better on average. I wonder if Mario will have an online component? On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 wrote: > If Dolphin and Playstation 2 have release dates > that are very close with each other, which one would you get? I mean I had a > choice of getting a Playstation or a N64.My reasoning was that playstation had > more games, since then I have matured. I believe that the quality of games a > system has is more important than the quanity. I also think that it is cool > that you can have the whole collection of games that are provided for a system. > Also, with the Playstation having more games which were terrible, probaly > half. The thing that I don't like about playstation is that it seems they rush > making the games while nintendo is more conservative and takes there time more > and have a better quality for there games. I dunno you decide. > > Let's take a pole. If you have a choice to get a psx2 or a Dolphin, which one > would you get. > > B > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 14:18:06 -0500 (EST) Dude a Dolphin most definitely. I don't want to get a PS2 b/c after just a year I'll be busy playing games for Dolphin which I'm confident will be better on average. I wonder if Mario will have an online component? On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 wrote: > If Dolphin and Playstation 2 have release dates > that are very close with each other, which one would you get? I mean I had a > choice of getting a Playstation or a N64.My reasoning was that playstation had > more games, since then I have matured. I believe that the quality of games a > system has is more important than the quanity. I also think that it is cool > that you can have the whole collection of games that are provided for a system. > Also, with the Playstation having more games which were terrible, probaly > half. The thing that I don't like about playstation is that it seems they rush > making the games while nintendo is more conservative and takes there time more > and have a better quality for there games. I dunno you decide. > > Let's take a pole. If you have a choice to get a psx2 or a Dolphin, which one > would you get. > > B > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 17 Nov 1999 14:51:06 EST In a message dated 99-11-16 14:38:44 EST, you write: > No It's not "American style" it's made in BC like the > other series and reboot. At the end of the shows it > seys BC Performers!!! > > Jcoolerb Excuse me, North American style. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 17 Nov 1999 14:53:46 EST In a message dated 99-11-16 18:06:07 EST, you write: > Because Princess Mononoke is a cartoon for adults, and therefore has a very > limited audience. > I bet it would have a much bigger audience if the rest of us knew what iyt was. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Gotta enslave 'em all Date: 17 Nov 1999 14:59:56 EST In a message dated 99-11-16 22:57:23 EST, you write: > I could be wrong and I'll be glad if you can prove me wrong, but there > are a lot of questionable advertising on the videogame industry as a whole > that > i don't see you ranting on. > > Dexter So what you're saying is that my Dreamcast isn't really thinking? ;) Any other examples? Oh how about The Fun Machine? Where did they get that from? ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says no dolphin delays Date: 17 Nov 1999 15:02:45 EST In a message dated 99-11-16 23:03:06 EST, you write: > Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi, in a recent > interview with Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun, reiterated the company's > plans to sell Dolphin at a > cheap price. > > "A game machine that sells for close to 40000 yen > [$380] can be bought by young people old enough to work part-time jobs, > but at any rate, is too expensive to be aimed at children," said > Yamauchi in a comparison to Sony's next-generation hardware. "The > Dolphin will not be that expensive." > > Meanwhile, the Japanese businessman reaffirmed the > company's plans to launch Dolphin shortly after PS2 late 2000. "We > would like to release theDolphin closer to the PS2, but since we're > aiming for the Christmas 2000 shopping season, I don't think the time > difference is that big of a handicap." > > Yamauchi indicated that strong software on Nintendo's > part will make up for Sony's head-start. "What's important is the side > that clearly > distinguishes itself by the quality of its software." > > > > ------------------ > > Well, this makes things a lot more interesting and confusing.... > > thoughts? Yamauchi isn't playing with a full deck. Some delay will pop up. I'll belive it when I hear (read) the Shigeru Miyamoto says Super Mario Bros. 128 (not real title) is finished. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Gotta enslave 'em all Date: 17 Nov 1999 15:05:09 EST In a message dated 99-11-17 00:23:37 EST, you write: > I don't read all the post so the slavery thing slipped my net. i'm sure you > guys don't read all the stuff too. I read every post. Whu SubS(ribe to the list not to read posts? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Gotta enslave Yamauchi Date: 17 Nov 1999 15:07:55 EST In a message dated 99-11-17 03:37:29 EST, you write: > Sony has over 200 launch games in development. This will surely leave most > in the dust. Is there a such thing as too much software. YES > Facts please, where did you read this, URL or Magazine article please. There is no such thing as too much software. I'd rather have too much to choose from than a repeat of the N64 launch or the third year of the Turbo Grafx-16. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says he doesn't like Goldeneye Date: 17 Nov 1999 15:15:52 EST Christopher Watson wrote: > 200 games? In such a short time? I smell a rush job, I > doubt there combined entertainment value would not last > aslong as Goldeneye's First of all I dobt that 200 launch title thing is true, sounds like some D. Fentieism propoganda. Secondly, Goldeneye, while a fun game, is old news. 1997. 1999 is almost over and still every N64 zealot always comes back to Goldeneye. It's getting tired. All you're saying is nothing after Goldeneye on the N64 is worth mentioning. I'm surprised though, you didn't include the two other N64 staples, Zelda & Mario 64. Me (not you) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like Australian Dreamcast games Date: 17 Nov 1999 15:19:28 EST In a message dated 99-11-17 12:15:54 EST, you write: > Please don't reply to this message. The sender has been suspended for off- > topic posting. Was it the Aussie DC games, or something really bad? I'm not telling you how to run the list, but wouldn't a warning been better action taken? So anyway, Quake 2 for the N64 is now $30. Guess it'll never be as good as Goldeneye. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like Decisions on Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 15:27:02 EST In a message dated 99-11-17 13:27:50 EST, you write: > If Dolphin and Playstation 2 have release dates > that are very close with each other, which one would you get? Both. > I mean I had a > choice of getting a Playstation or a N64.My reasoning was that playstation > had > more games, since then I have matured. I believe that the quality of games a > system has is more important than the quanity. You and Yamauchi both. > I also think that it is cool > that you can have the whole collection of games that are provided for a > system. That's usually how it works. I'm not sure what you mean exactly. > Also, with the Playstation having more games which were terrible, probaly > half. The thing that I don't like about playstation is that it seems they > rush > making the games while nintendo is more conservative and takes there time > more > and have a better quality for there games. I dunno you decide. Well, the PlayStation doesn't actually make games. It's a brand name, not a developer. > > Let's take a pole. I want the one outside the Court House. If you have a choice to get a psx2 or a Dolphin, which > one > would you get. > > B It'd be tough to decide since I know nothing useful about Dolphin. So right now it'd be the PSX2 since I know it actually exists. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 17 Nov 1999 16:01:00 EST In a message dated 11/16/99 2:40:45 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << ick, ick, ick. FF8 was not nearly as good as III. Just play III and you will understand. It is impossible to describe but its kind of like comparing Goldeneye in popularity to Quest 64. >> I've played 3, and while I thought it was a good game, I wouldn't call it better than FF8. --David [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 17 Nov 1999 16:02:19 EST In a message dated 11/16/99 7:38:50 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << It all depends on who you ask....some people hate the direction the FF series has you Fentie. Some people prefer the older FFs, but think the new ones are still myself. And some people love the news David. I still think FF2 (US) is the best personally. Stryder >> I've heard that FF9 is going to be more like the older FF games and have more Fantasy and less Science Fiction. --David [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 17:02:02 EST [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 17:03:59 EST Dolphin, definitely. Think of all the nintendo's greatest hits in 128bit glory. Especially Zelda. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like Decisions on Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 16:15:01 -0600 >> I also think that it is cool >> that you can have the whole collection of games that are provided for a >> system. > >That's usually how it works. I'm not sure what you mean exactly. > It's a heck of a lot easier to buy/own the complete library of a system with fewer titles. Not that it's impossible to own all the PS (or whichever system) games, just takes more money and time. He's saying it's cool because it's very possible to own every game for N64, because of its smaller library. I just wonder why anyone would want to... Superman being one reason in particular... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Mononoke Date: 17 Nov 1999 17:28:14 -0500 OK, let me elaborate. Most adults will not go to see a cartoon movie. Some will, but not a lot. Princess Mononoke is an animated movie. It might have done well in a limited release, but that's because the hardcore anime fans will travel to go see it. Especially with all the big holiday movies coming up, I don't think many mainstream theatres have space for it. I guess it's too bad for those of you who don't live near big cities. -----Original Message----- >At 18:03 16-11-99 -0500, you wrote: >>Because Princess Mononoke is a cartoon for adults, and therefore has a very >>limited audience. >> > >Huh? There are more adults than there are children. Not to mention adults >are the ones with the money. > > > > > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 16:55:01 -0600 Dolphin... is this a surprise to those that know me? wrote: > > If Dolphin and Playstation 2 have release dates > that are very close with each other, which one would you get? I mean I had a > choice of getting a Playstation or a N64.My reasoning was that playstation had > more games, since then I have matured. I believe that the quality of games a > system has is more important than the quanity. I also think that it is cool > that you can have the whole collection of games that are provided for a system. > Also, with the Playstation having more games which were terrible, probaly > half. The thing that I don't like about playstation is that it seems they rush > making the games while nintendo is more conservative and takes there time more > and have a better quality for there games. I dunno you decide. > > Let's take a pole. If you have a choice to get a psx2 or a Dolphin, which one > would you get. > > B > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 17 Nov 1999 15:04:58 -0800 (PST) On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > That statement is flawed :-) So i agree w/ alex. but still, Monokoke is very > much a niche film, bacause its a foreign film that has supposedly gone through a > rather shoddy redubbing process, something which takes away from the movie's > appeal. Besides, animation is not often associated with adult filmgoing, and > the Japanimation narritive elements will likely turn some people off. You said a lot of things about Mononoke, so i'm going to squeeze all the semi-off-topic stuff into one message. First, Pokemon made 10,000+ per theater it's opening weekend. Malkovich made 20,000 or 25,000 on 20 or 30 theaters it's opening weekend, a little more than 10,000 it's second weekend, and is now apparently at about 5,000. I doubt that pokemon is going to be doing better than 10,000 a theater next weekend. Mononoke opened in four cities for 15,000+ a theater, the next weekend it opened in 20 more cities averaging 10,000+ Sure, this last weekend it probably made less than that, but that was it's third weekend. It both it's first and second weekend it was as high or higher than pokemon on a per theater basis, you would think that would justify a wide release. I read the CNN article, and about the only thing i agreed with was that the guy with the southern accent should not have been playing the monk (or anyone else in the movie for that matter) I saw a site that collects movie reviews ( or some such?) and it listed about 20 good reviews for Mononoke, and about three bad ones. Good ones included the New York Times, and IGN (okay, that's not a widely publisized one, but should be relevant to people on this list) As for the dubbing, i've had to listen to my fair share of bad dubs. This was an _awesome_ job. I still would have prefered subtitles, but except for the monk, they picked decent people, who did a good job, and the translated script was very good. I was kind of wondering when i head the x-files lady was going to be doing the mother wolf, but even she did a good job. And as for it being a niche film, i dragged my parents to see it the week before i left, practically kicking and screaming. My mom _hates_ anime, of every kind i've shown her so far. About the only animated stuff she likes is Disney movies and Watership Down. When i asked her what she thought of the film afterwards, she'd loved it! She still doesn't want to see any other anime, but there were a lot of things she liked about Mononoke. I'll agree that anime in general is a niche thing, but i think Mononoke could rise above that if they'd just release it in more than thirty or forty theaters. each emotional injury leaves behind its mark sometimes they come tumbling out like shadows in the dark --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Gotta enslave 'em all Date: 17 Nov 1999 18:13:47 EST In a message dated 11/17/99 2:00:36 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << So what you're saying is that my Dreamcast isn't really thinking? ;) >> Nope. Sorry. I personally think it would've done better with that lame yell "SEGA!!!" than some wierd "It's thinking." Wow. I've got to get a system that thinks. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like Decisions on Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 15:16:08 -0800 (PST) On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Armitage wrote: > It's a heck of a lot easier to buy/own the complete library of a system > with fewer titles. Not that it's impossible to own all the PS (or whichever > system) games, just takes more money and time. He's saying it's cool > because it's very possible to own every game for N64, because of its > smaller library. I just wonder why anyone would want to... Superman being > one reason in particular... I can't see why anyone would want to own all the games on any system. Like you said, even a system that stresses quality over quantity comes out with a fair number of lemons. I actually like the N64 a lot, but i have a lot less games for it than i do for the PSX. The problem is that every time i have the money to geta game, or a birthday or christmas coming up, i'd have a list of both n64 and psx games i wanted to get. However, since i'm a big RPG fan, there would always be soem RPG on the psx list that would outweigh the n64 games i'd want to get. By the time i saved up any more money or another present oportunity rolled around, there would be another RPG out (or two, or three, or ...) So i keep accumulating RPGs for the psx (many of which i still need to finish) while the list of n64 games to get gets longer and longer. And after you've been thinking about getting a game for a couple of months, it starts to get kind on old or something. All of us get lost in the darkness Dreamers learn to steer by the stars All of us do time in the gutter Dreamers turn to look at the cars --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Gotta enslave Yamauchi Date: 17 Nov 1999 18:19:43 EST In a message dated 11/17/99 2:08:27 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << There is no such thing as too much software. I'd rather have too much to choose from than a repeat of the N64 launch or the third year of the Turbo Grafx-16. Dave >> I still think that there is such a thing as too much software. The way N64 is right now is perfect for me (with the recent releases). PSX releases games left and right. If I had the system, I would probably have to rent about five games a week to make sure I don't miss anything. That's not what I'd prefer. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says he doesn't like Goldeneye Date: 17 Nov 1999 18:22:51 EST In a message dated 11/17/99 2:16:34 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Secondly, Goldeneye, while a fun game, is old news. 1997. 1999 is almost over and still every N64 zealot always comes back to Goldeneye. It's getting tired. All you're saying is nothing after Goldeneye on the N64 is worth mentioning. I'm surprised though, you didn't include the two other N64 staples, Zelda & Mario 64. Me >> And Banjo-Kazooie, Mario Kart, DKR, Mario Party, Smash Bros., Jet Force Gemini, and soon-to-be DK64. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 18:26:42 EST In a message dated 11/17/99 4:04:36 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Dolphin, definitely. Think of all the nintendo's greatest hits in 128bit glory. Especially Zelda. >> And Pokemon. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 00:10:04 +0000 on 17/11/99 18:27, at wrote: > If Dolphin and Playstation 2 have release dates > that are very close with each other, which one would you get? I mean I had a > choice of getting a Playstation or a N64.My reasoning was that playstation had > more games, since then I have matured. I believe that the quality of games a > system has is more important than the quanity. I also think that it is cool > that you can have the whole collection of games that are provided for a > system. > Also, with the Playstation having more games which were terrible, probaly > half. The thing that I don't like about playstation is that it seems they rush > making the games while nintendo is more conservative and takes there time more > and have a better quality for there games. I dunno you decide. > > Let's take a pole. If you have a choice to get a psx2 or a Dolphin, which one > would you get. Me I'm getting both regardless of whether they get released on the same day. I'll probably be getting the dreamcast after xmas. I doubt very much if we will be seeing the exact same games on both consoles as neither Sony nor Nintendo will like the thought of having no system only killer app's. Sony's best bet is to stick to what they are best at (sports, driving, rpg's) and nintendo makes the best adventure stories and hopefully with RARE at the wheel we will get to see more of their eccentric outlook on video games. Of course with similar system spec's we will finally get some realism in nintendo games (i.e of the level of Gran turismo). my take on the matter is Sega is building up their last gasp effort and will be hoping to sell out to some larger firm ( Sony anyone?) or getting out altogether and just programming for the two market leaders. Garrett [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 19:53:57 -0600 -----Original Message----- Let's take a pole. If you have a choice to get a psx2 or a Dolphin, which one would you get. causes me great pain to have to make such a decision. I plan on getting both...BUT, if I had to decide? Hmmm.....well, based completely on how I feel about the N64 and PSX, I would have to go with the PSX2. But keep in mind that I would miss terribly the Rare and Miyamoto games. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 21:06:37 EST Subject: [N64] Pikachu's vacation: Date: 17 Nov 1999 21:13:09 -0500 (EST) once Pokemon: The first movie hits DVD i predict that the cartoon short will be the best seller among acid heads and hallucinogenics. This movie is more trippy than Half-baked. anybody agree? On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Geoff Finger wrote: > On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > > That statement is flawed :-) So i agree w/ alex. but still, Monokoke is very > > much a niche film, bacause its a foreign film that has supposedly gone through a > > rather shoddy redubbing process, something which takes away from the movie's > > appeal. Besides, animation is not often associated with adult filmgoing, and > > the Japanimation narritive elements will likely turn some people off. > > You said a lot of things about Mononoke, so i'm going to squeeze all the > semi-off-topic stuff into one message. > > First, Pokemon made 10,000+ per theater it's opening weekend. Malkovich > made 20,000 or 25,000 on 20 or 30 theaters it's opening weekend, a little > more than 10,000 it's second weekend, and is now apparently at about > 5,000. I doubt that pokemon is going to be doing better than 10,000 a > theater next weekend. Mononoke opened in four cities for 15,000+ a > theater, the next weekend it opened in 20 more cities averaging 10,000+ > > Sure, this last weekend it probably made less than that, but that was it's > third weekend. It both it's first and second weekend it was as high or > higher than pokemon on a per theater basis, you would think that would > justify a wide release. > > I read the CNN article, and about the only thing i agreed with was that > the guy with the southern accent should not have been playing the monk > (or anyone else in the movie for that matter) I saw a site that collects > movie reviews ( or some such?) and it listed about 20 > good reviews for Mononoke, and about three bad ones. Good ones included > the New York Times, and IGN (okay, that's not a widely publisized one, but > should be relevant to people on this list) > > As for the dubbing, i've had to listen to my fair share of bad dubs. This > was an _awesome_ job. I still would have prefered subtitles, but except > for the monk, they picked decent people, who did a good job, and the > translated script was very good. I was kind of wondering when i head the > x-files lady was going to be doing the mother wolf, but even she did a > good job. > > And as for it being a niche film, i dragged my parents to see it the week > before i left, practically kicking and screaming. My mom _hates_ anime, of > every kind i've shown her so far. About the only animated stuff she likes > is Disney movies and Watership Down. When i asked her what she thought of > the film afterwards, she'd loved it! She still doesn't want to see any > other anime, but there were a lot of things she liked about Mononoke. > > I'll agree that anime in general is a niche thing, but i think Mononoke > could rise above that if they'd just release it in more than thirty or > forty theaters. > > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > each emotional injury > leaves behind its mark > sometimes they come tumbling out > like shadows in the dark > --Rush > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 17 Nov 1999 21:20:26 -0500 (EST) what is EA Square [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 21:35:57 EST In a message dated 11/17/99 9:07:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << Let's take a pole. If you have a choice to get a psx2 or a Dolphin, which one would you get. >> Definitely Dolphin. Sorry PS2 but Nintendo has a long standing track record in excellence, an excellence unparalleled by anything else put forward by another company. Yeah sure the PSX was good but it had its problems and seeing as I have both systems (also the DC) I can say that my favorite is still the good ole N64. That thing is just plain fun. So far, Nintendo's internal rules for games are those that I would have instituted were I in charge and don't know why everyone doesn't do it the most prominent of which is don't put out a game until it's done. The only other companies that come to mind with this golden rule of video game creation are Rare and Square (hey I'm a poet and I don't even know it). But heck, Nintendo has Rare up its sleave, that's two birds with one stone! On the hardware side, I am looking forward very much to the Dolphin's technology. All this talk about DVD-RAM is really exciting expecially when you take into consideration Nintendo's almost incesent nead for writability. Then there's the GBA hookup possibilities, the online gaming which they are probably testing with Randnet, and then the Miyamato games... or at least a new Mario! So as tempting as the PS2's software line up looks, with the samurai and mech games, Nintendo's, I am sure, will be more appealing in the end. I'd gladly take one Mario over the 25 no name titles coming to the PS2. So here's one vote for Dolphin! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 21:38:01 EST In a message dated 11/17/99 9:11:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > I would definitely buy the Dolphin. The games made by Nintendo are better > than the ones made by Playstation. I didn't know that Playstation made games, funny. Heh. * Eric * Oh that one vote for Dolphin was from me! "One mario over all 25 PS2 games" [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 17 Nov 1999 21:43:53 EST In a message dated 11/17/99 9:21:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > what is EA Square Square Electronic Arts: Square out of America? or possibly a merger between EA and Square... * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 17 Nov 1999 19:32:49 -0800 > > You said a lot of things about Mononoke, so i'm going to squeeze all the > semi-off-topic stuff into one message. > > First, Pokemon made 10,000+ per theater it's opening weekend. Malkovich > made 20,000 or 25,000 on 20 or 30 theaters it's opening weekend, a little > more than 10,000 it's second weekend, and is now apparently at about > 5,000. I doubt that pokemon is going to be doing better than 10,000 a > theater next weekend. Mononoke opened in four cities for 15,000+ a > theater, the next weekend it opened in 20 more cities averaging 10,000+ This is from boxofficeguru, which has been the best source for box office stats and analysis on the net so far. "The offbeat comedy Being John Malkovich expanded from 175 to 467 theaters and grossed $2.4M, up 26% from last weekend. The Spike Jonze film's cume has hit $6.1M while its average gross of $5,005 per theater remains quite good." I don't know where you got your numbers from but its irrelevant. Pokemon has wider appeal. > > > Sure, this last weekend it probably made less than that, but that was it's > third weekend. It both it's first and second weekend it was as high or > higher than pokemon on a per theater basis, you would think that would > justify a wide release. It depends. Limited releases mean target markets like New York and LA, and what does well in the big cities don't always do well in mainstream America. Or it could be a marketing ploy on the part of the studio to not incur too much responsibilities. It does look like the film is widening its theatres up to 467 theatres. > > > I read the CNN article, and about the only thing i agreed with was that > the guy with the southern accent should not have been playing the monk > (or anyone else in the movie for that matter) Billy Bob Thornton, great actor BTW. > I saw a site that collects > movie reviews ( or some such?) and it listed about 20 > good reviews for Mononoke, and about three bad ones. Good ones included > the New York Times, and IGN (okay, that's not a widely publisized one, but > should be relevant to people on this list) I'm a Japanimation fan, I will go see monokoke, but I'm upset that they not only redubbled it, but the dubbing job that was done isn't exactly shining with talent as well. I would prefer subtitles. > > > As for the dubbing, i've had to listen to my fair share of bad dubs. This > was an _awesome_ job. I still would have prefered subtitles, but except > for the monk, they picked decent people, who did a good job, and the > translated script was very good. I was kind of wondering when i head the > x-files lady was going to be doing the mother wolf, but even she did a > good job. Gillian Anderson. > > > And as for it being a niche film, i dragged my parents to see it the week > before i left, practically kicking and screaming. My mom _hates_ anime, of > every kind i've shown her so far. About the only animated stuff she likes > is Disney movies and Watership Down. When i asked her what she thought of > the film afterwards, she'd loved it! She still doesn't want to see any > other anime, but there were a lot of things she liked about Mononoke. > > I'll agree that anime in general is a niche thing, but i think Mononoke > could rise above that if they'd just release it in more than thirty or > forty theaters. Ya. Dex > > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > each emotional injury > leaves behind its mark > sometimes they come tumbling out > like shadows in the dark > --Rush > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 17 Nov 1999 19:40:01 -0800 > > I've played 3, and while I thought it was a good game, I wouldn't call it > better than FF8. > > --David Then the graphics and cinematics are getting to you, not the gameplay. Overall FF 8 does have these stunningly powerful moments where i reboot my system to replay a sequence so i can see an FMV scene twice. Case an point is the attempted assasination of Matrim (its actually a collection of sequences) and my favourite so far, the ball room scene, which I thought was absolutely amazing Yet, the game itself, in its execusion has left a sour taste in my mouth. It doesn't gel, the characters are too 'contemporary' and come off as idealized teenages, you know, the teenages with perfect bodies, perfect skin and raging hormones. The darker, more morbid characters of FF 3 was much more engaging . Terra is a Christina Ricci type misfit who's always depressed, and looks like she's about to commit suicide. Locke is a treasure hunter, Cyan is in the team because he lost his wife and son when the 'Empire' poisoned his country's water supply, Shadow is a mercenary that is on and off the game at various points, Gau is an outcast who's monstrous features earned his a place in the desert and away from his shocked family. Although FF 3 is guilty of some corney moments and plot lines, its characters are rounder, generally more human than these MTV posterboys and postergirls that seems to have been pulled from a highschool fabirated by the media. Don't get me started on the lame gameplay and flashback scenes with Laguna, a character I had assumed was a girl until i found out he wasn't. And what's with the Michael Jackson character... I wouldn't mind it if it was a joke by Square and he's used as this weird character on the side, but to make him/her one of the playable characters is appalling. Dexter > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 17 Nov 1999 23:32:15 EST In a message dated 11/17/99 7:56:28 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Let's take a pole. If you have a choice to get a psx2 or a Dolphin, which one would you get. causes me great pain to have to make such a decision. I plan on getting both...BUT, if I had to decide? Hmmm.....well, based completely on how I feel about the N64 and PSX, I would have to go with the PSX2. But keep in mind that I would miss terribly the Rare and Miyamoto games. Stryder >> My AOL screen name should tell you my choice. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu's vacation: Date: 17 Nov 1999 23:38:35 EST In a message dated 11/17/99 8:13:35 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << once Pokemon: The first movie hits DVD i predict that the cartoon short will be the best seller among acid heads and hallucinogenics. This movie is more trippy than Half-baked. anybody agree? >> After about 4 or 5 of those transitional scenes with the creatures running around or marching or saying their names while standing in place, I felt like, ya know, hippies man, they made it. It's all about them. Groovy, man. Alright, my hippie talk sucks, but I hope you realize I agree. (on Pikachu's Vacation, not MSB) I'm probably getting my MSB import this week and am practically bouncing off the walls with anticipation of seeing MSB in its true Japanese native language. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: [N64] Re: Japanese Date: 17 Nov 1999 22:45:08 -0600 > I'm probably getting my MSB import this week >and am practically bouncing off the walls with anticipation of seeing MSB in >its true Japanese native language. Does anyone know of good online resources to help with learning Japanese? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Japanese Date: 17 Nov 1999 21:03:25 -0800 Armitage wrote: > > I'm probably getting my MSB import this week > >and am practically bouncing off the walls with anticipation of seeing MSB in > >its true Japanese native language. > > Does anyone know of good online resources to help with learning Japanese? Nihongo? eeeto :-) Go take a course on it, nothing replaces an instructor who knows the language. Dekisuta-san Dexter > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 00:08:07 -0500 (EST) How many units did the Virtual Boy sell? Did anyone own one? Play one? I played Mario Tennis at a local blockbuster it was very red that's about all i redness. On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/17/99 9:07:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > > << Let's take a pole. If you have a choice to get a psx2 or a Dolphin, which > one would you get. >> > > Definitely Dolphin. Sorry PS2 but Nintendo has a long standing track record > in excellence, an excellence unparalleled by anything else put forward by > another company. Yeah sure the PSX was good but it had its problems and > seeing as I have both systems (also the DC) I can say that my favorite is > still the good ole N64. That thing is just plain fun. So far, Nintendo's > internal rules for games are those that I would have instituted were I in > charge and don't know why everyone doesn't do it the most prominent of which > is don't put out a game until it's done. The only other companies that come > to mind with this golden rule of video game creation are Rare and Square (hey > I'm a poet and I don't even know it). But heck, Nintendo has Rare up its > sleave, that's two birds with one stone! > > On the hardware side, I am looking forward very much to the Dolphin's > technology. All this talk about DVD-RAM is really exciting expecially when > you take into consideration Nintendo's almost incesent nead for writability. > Then there's the GBA hookup possibilities, the online gaming which they are > probably testing with Randnet, and then the Miyamato games... or at least a > new Mario! So as tempting as the PS2's software line up looks, with the > samurai and mech games, Nintendo's, I am sure, will be more appealing in the > end. I'd gladly take one Mario over the 25 no name titles coming to the PS2. > So here's one vote for Dolphin! > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Japanese Date: 18 Nov 1999 00:10:20 EST In a message dated 11/17/99 10:51:31 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << > I'm probably getting my MSB import this week >and am practically bouncing off the walls with anticipation of seeing MSB in >its true Japanese native language. Does anyone know of good online resources to help with learning Japanese? >> That's another thing. I've made it one of my life's goals to learn Japanese. That's another reason I'm getting the import. To help me get used to hearing the language. I've already downloaded many of the MSB clips from Universal Pokemon Network ( and have memorized some of Mewtwo's lines. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 00:12:14 -0500 (EST) On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/17/99 9:07:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > > << Let's take a pole. If you have a choice to get a psx2 or a Dolphin, which > one would you get. >> > > Definitely Dolphin. Sorry PS2 but Nintendo has a long standing track record > in excellence, an excellence unparalleled by anything else put forward by > another company. Yeah sure the PSX was good but it had its problems and > seeing as I have both systems (also the DC) I can say that my favorite is > still the good ole N64. That thing is just plain fun. So far, Nintendo's > internal rules for games are those that I would have instituted were I in > charge and don't know why everyone doesn't do it the most prominent of which > is don't put out a game until it's done. The only other companies that come > to mind with this golden rule of video game creation are Rare and Square (hey > I'm a poet and I don't even know it). But heck, Nintendo has Rare up its > sleave, that's two birds with one stone! > > On the hardware side, I am looking forward very much to the Dolphin's > technology. All this talk about DVD-RAM is really exciting expecially when > you take into consideration Nintendo's almost incesent nead for writability. > Then there's the GBA hookup possibilities, the online gaming which they are > probably testing with Randnet, and then the Miyamato games... or at least a > new Mario! So as tempting as the PS2's software line up looks, with the > samurai and mech games, Nintendo's, I am sure, will be more appealing in the > end. I'd gladly take one Mario over the 25 no name titles coming to the PS2. > So here's one vote for Dolphin! Right and just think..many of the games for ps2 will also be available for dolphin so it's the exclusive software that will give us the advantage. Sony can keep Square...i'm betting Enix will develop for Dolphin and GBA. Good things come to those who wait so if we can have a jedi's patience and discipline 2001 will come in no time :) *lol* > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 18 Nov 1999 00:13:05 -0500 (EST) sooo which one is it? :) On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/17/99 9:21:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > > > what is EA Square > > Square Electronic Arts: Square out of America? or possibly a merger between > EA and Square... > > * Eric * > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Japanese Date: 17 Nov 1999 21:32:26 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 11/17/99 10:51:31 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << > I'm probably getting my MSB import this week > >and am practically bouncing off the walls with anticipation of seeing MSB > in > >its true Japanese native language. > > Does anyone know of good online resources to help with learning Japanese? >> > > That's another thing. I've made it one of my life's goals to learn Japanese. > That's another reason I'm getting the import. To help me get used to > hearing the language. I've already downloaded many of the MSB clips from > Universal Pokemon Network ( and have memorized some of > Mewtwo's lines. A word of advice, focus on the Katakana (the text used to speel foreign words, like Pokemon or Star Wars would be spelled in Katakana) while Japanese words are spelled in hiragana. Both types of writing exist in parallel, they share the same pronounciations. But if you were to write Po-ke-to-Mo-n-su-to in hiragana, the Japanese, upon seeing the script would immediately think you're reffering to something in Japanese and it might take them a while to figure out your talking about Pocket Monsters. note: I know the franchise was created in Japan, but they use english words to name it, so katakana applies Only non foreign words use hiragana. The Katakana text are the highly boxy, stylized writings. Take a look at your Japanese imports and you'll see them beside english words or underneath them. while the hiragana are free flowing scripts writing much like the stuff you see in Chinese calligrafy. There's of course another confusion to all this Kanji, which are the Chinese texts Japanese use to replace hiragana, whereby hiragana becomes a supercript written on the side helping as aide to pronounciation of a particular word. Ni-hon-Jin for example, can be written in Hiragana script, but will mean the same thing to the Japanese if it is replaced with the Chinese characters. The Chinese characters,BTW, is a measure of how well educated a person is. The more chinese characters in an essay or writing means the person knows more, vs someone who usels only hiragan and katakana. Sort of like using big words in North American sense. A person saying narcissit, instead of using the more commonly used word self-centered. Dexter > > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like denial Date: 18 Nov 1999 01:49:11 EST In a message dated 99-11-17 17:24:37 EST, you write: > It's a heck of a lot easier to buy/own the complete library of a system > with fewer titles. Not that it's impossible to own all the PS (or whichever > system) games, just takes more money and time. He's saying it's cool > because it's very possible to own every game for N64, because of its > smaller library. I just wonder why anyone would want to... Superman being > one reason in particular... > I call that denial. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu's vacation: Date: 18 Nov 1999 01:55:12 EST In a message dated 99-11-17 21:13:35 EST, you write: > once Pokemon: The first movie hits DVD i predict that the cartoon short > will be the best seller among acid heads and hallucinogenics. This movie > is more trippy than Half-baked. anybody agree? I happen to disagree. When I was a heavy drug user (I'm just a regualr burnout now) I'd like to watch things that were normal on the surface, not pre-trippy, while under the influence. I don't condome such activity in any way. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 18 Nov 1999 01:58:07 EST In a message dated 99-11-17 21:21:06 EST, you write: > what is EA Square It's Square Electronic Arts. It's a joint venture between Square & Electronic Arts to have EA publish Square's titles in North America under the Squaresoft name. Before Square EA Suare's titles were published by either Sony, Nintendo, or Capcom. Sunsoft did though publish the re-release of the Final Fantasy game Boy titles. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 02:00:46 EST In a message dated 99-11-17 21:36:35 EST, you write: > I'd gladly take one Mario over the 25 no name titles coming to the PS2. > So here's one vote for Dolphin! Yeah, nobody's ever heard of such titles as Tekken, Street Fighter EX, Ridge Racer, and Gran Tursimo. (Those are the ones I can think of now) No name titles indeed. Dave (I'm getting both... eventually) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 18 Nov 1999 02:02:06 EST In a message dated 99-11-17 22:32:53 EST, you write: > Then the graphics and cinematics are getting to you, not the gameplay. The gameplay in FF3 stinks, especially the special moves that don't work. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Japanese Date: 18 Nov 1999 02:04:12 EST In a message dated 99-11-17 23:56:19 EST, you write: > > Does anyone know of good online resources to help with learning Japanese? > > Nihongo? eeeto :-) > > Go take a course on it, nothing replaces an instructor who knows the > language. > > Dekisuta-san > > Dexter > So you really don't know, right? ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Japanese Date: 18 Nov 1999 02:04:58 EST In a message dated 99-11-17 23:56:19 EST, you write: > > Does anyone know of good online resources to help with learning Japanese? > > Nihongo? eeeto :-) > > Go take a course on it, nothing replaces an instructor who knows the > language. > > Dekisuta-san > > Dexter > Not every high school or what not offeres Japanese, and not everybody can afford late teen daycare. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 02:06:29 EST In a message dated 99-11-18 00:08:54 EST, you write: > How many units did the Virtual Boy sell? Did anyone own one? Play one? I > played Mario Tennis at a local blockbuster it was very red that's about > all i > redness. I own one, I feel great with its small library of games. I currently have two, Mario's Tennis & Wario Land (Wario Land VB is the best Wario game ever). That must mean the VB is the greatest Nintendo system ever since it has such a small library. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 02:07:39 EST In a message dated 99-11-18 00:12:52 EST, you write: > Good things come to those who wait so if we can have a jedi's patience and > discipline 2001 will come in no time :) *lol* Good things also come to those who splurge. Dreamcast man, Dreamcast. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bacon Von Raschke Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Japanese Date: 18 Nov 1999 08:13:05 -0600 (CST) > > > I'm probably getting my MSB import this week > >and am practically bouncing off the walls with anticipation of seeing MSB in > >its true Japanese native language. > > Does anyone know of good online resources to help with learning Japanese? no, but I know a good site to go to when you want people to _think_ you know Japanese.. oh, and here's a useful Japanese phrase, spelt phoenetically: "Nome Shuge Mashta" - "I am drunk and about to pass out." hope this helps! -jacques :) > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christopher Watson Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 14:56:46 -0500 (EST) On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 12:27:13 -0600 (CST) wrote: > If Dolphin and Playstation 2 have release dates > that are very close with each other, which one would you get? I mean I had a > choice of getting a Playstation or a N64.My reasoning was that playstation had > more games, since then I have matured. I believe that the quality of games a > system has is more important than the quanity. I also think that it is cool > that you can have the whole collection of games that are provided for a system. > Also, with the Playstation having more games which were terrible, probaly > half. The thing that I don't like about playstation is that it seems they rush > making the games while nintendo is more conservative and takes there time more > and have a better quality for there games. I dunno you decide. > > Let's take a pole. If you have a choice to get a psx2 or a Dolphin, which one > would you get. > > B > I allready have a DVD player so it would be very unlikley that I would buy the more expensive psx2, so with nintendo and Rare exclusivley developing for the Dolphin then i'll definatley be buying one > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christopher Watson Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 14:56:46 -0500 (EST) On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 12:27:13 -0600 (CST) wrote: > If Dolphin and Playstation 2 have release dates > that are very close with each other, which one would you get? I mean I had a > choice of getting a Playstation or a N64.My reasoning was that playstation had > more games, since then I have matured. I believe that the quality of games a > system has is more important than the quanity. I also think that it is cool > that you can have the whole collection of games that are provided for a system. > Also, with the Playstation having more games which were terrible, probaly > half. The thing that I don't like about playstation is that it seems they rush > making the games while nintendo is more conservative and takes there time more > and have a better quality for there games. I dunno you decide. > > Let's take a pole. If you have a choice to get a psx2 or a Dolphin, which one > would you get. > > B > I allready have a DVD player so it would be very unlikley that I would buy the more expensive psx2, so with nintendo and Rare exclusivley developing for the Dolphin then i'll definatley be buying one > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christopher Watson Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 14:58:13 -0500 (EST) On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 18:26:42 EST wrote: > In a message dated 11/17/99 4:04:36 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Dolphin, definitely. Think of all the nintendo's greatest hits in 128bit > glory. Especially Zelda. >> > > And Pokemon. > And RARE's games > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christopher Watson Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says he doesn't like Goldeneye Date: 18 Nov 1999 15:02:05 -0500 (EST) On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 18:22:51 EST wrote: > In a message dated 11/17/99 2:16:34 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Secondly, Goldeneye, while a fun game, is old news. 1997. 1999 is almost > over > and still every N64 zealot always comes back to Goldeneye. It's getting > tired. > > All you're saying is nothing after Goldeneye on the N64 is worth mentioning. > > I'm surprised though, you didn't include the two other N64 staples, Zelda & > Mario 64. > > Me >> > > And Banjo-Kazooie, Mario Kart, DKR, Mario Party, Smash Bros., Jet Force > Gemini, and soon-to-be DK64. > ME again Goldeneye was an example of how great just one game was there are of course many other fantastic games on the n64 but I used Goldeneye as an example of how one brilliantly made game is better than many rushed games. > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christopher Watson Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 15:07:48 -0500 (EST) On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 21:11:13 EST wrote: > I would definitely buy the Dolphin. The games made by Nintendo are better > than the ones made by Playstation. I do think that PS2 will have excellent > sports games, just like that do with PSX. But just imagine the games like > Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, and others, with superior graphics and sound. I > definitely think that the Dolphin system is a better choice. > > DDP The n64 has great sports games too, as ISS 64 is without doubt the best sports game ever made. However most Americans are not to keen on Soccer so it is not as acknoledged as here in the UK. Also just think of how good the Dolphin control pad will be. > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 18 Nov 1999 11:30:32 -0800 (PST) On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/17/99 9:21:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > > > what is EA Square > > Square Electronic Arts: Square out of America? or possibly a merger between > EA and Square... Square made a deal with EA sometime last year or so for Electronic Arts to take care of the distribution on Square games in the US. Actually, i'm not sure if EA is directly responsible for the PSX versions here, but they're taking care of the PC ports at least. Cast in this unlikely role Ill-equiped to act With insufficient tact One must put up barriers To keep oneself intact --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geoff Finger Subject: Re: [N64] Pokemon the movie #1 Date: 18 Nov 1999 11:38:04 -0800 (PST) On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > This is from boxofficeguru, which has been the best source for box office stats and > analysis on the net so far. > > "The offbeat comedy Being John Malkovich expanded from 175 to 467 theaters and grossed > $2.4M, up 26% from last weekend. The Spike Jonze film's > cume has hit $6.1M while its average gross of $5,005 per theater remains quite good." > > I don't know where you got your numbers from but its irrelevant. Pokemon has wider > appeal. I got these numbers both from CNN and, and saw them posted a few other places on the net. The average quoted on boxofficeguru is either for the three(?) week total run, or the average forthe last weekend. The average for the first weekend was 20,000+ as widely reported on CNN and many other sites, the average for the next weekend was a between 10,000 and 20,000 (i don't remember the exact total, i looked at this about a week or two ago) Given that Mononoke isn't being given a wide release, it's hard to tell which has wider appeal. However note that wider appeal doesn not equate with higher box office totals. A movie with narrow appeal, that convinces small children to go see it a dozen times (pokemon) or young female teenagers to see it a dozen times (titanic) is going to gross more than any movie with "wide appeal" where everyone in the country goes to see it once. It's the motor of the western world Spinning off to every extreme Pure as a lover's desire Evil as a murderer's dream --Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 16:37:23 EST In a message dated 11/18/99 2:01:18 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > > I'd gladly take one Mario over the 25 no name titles coming to the PS2. > > So here's one vote for Dolphin! > > Yeah, nobody's ever heard of such titles as Tekken, Street Fighter EX, Ridge > > Racer, and Gran Tursimo. (Those are the ones I can think of now) No name > titles indeed. > > Dave > > (I'm getting both... eventually) Okay, it's becoming a matter of opinion now. When I said "big name titles" I ment REALLY big names that have withstood the test of time and revisions: not like Tekken (which I personally can't stand), Gran Turismo (there's only been one), Street Fighter EX (great, another one of the same thing with prettier graphics), and Ridge Racer (again, another one of the same thing with different tracks). Games like Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, Metroid all have proved themselves worthy of being in anyones game library. In fact, the only game that has withstood the test of time on the Playstation IMHO is Twisted Metal, BUT: only the ones made by SingeTrac (1 & 2). Why does 989 Studios suck so much? Oh well, I think that at least some of the people out there understood what I ment when I said "Big titles." Nuff. * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 16:39:41 EST In a message dated 11/18/99 2:06:59 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > > How many units did the Virtual Boy sell? Did anyone own one? Play one? I > > played Mario Tennis at a local blockbuster it was very red that's about > > all i > > redness. > > I own one, I feel great with its small library of games. I currently have > two, Mario's Tennis & Wario Land (Wario Land VB is the best Wario game ever). > > That must mean the VB is the greatest Nintendo system ever since it has such > > a small library. > > Dave I don't understand your reasoning behind it being the best Nintendo system, because it has the least # of games? Some people would argue that the Gameboy is the best Nintendo system and it has probably the most games of any system, handheld or console. Nuff. * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says he doesn't like Goldeneye Date: 18 Nov 1999 17:58:33 EST In a message dated 99-11-18 10:00:46 EST, you write: > but I used Goldeneye as an example of how one brilliantly > made game is better than many rushed games. > But the same could be said about Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. A brilliant game that wasn't rushed. Me (still) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 18:00:36 EST In a message dated 99-11-18 16:44:41 EST, you write: > I don't understand your reasoning behind it being the best Nintendo system, > because it has the least # of games? Some people would argue that the > Gameboy is the best Nintendo system and it has probably the most games of > any > system, handheld or console. Nuff. > > * Eric * > I was poking fun at the guy who said the N64 was a better system to own since it has a smaller number of games. (Than the PlayStation) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 18 Nov 1999 18:10:07 EST In a message dated 99-11-18 17:18:41 EST, you write: > Games like Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, Metroid all have > proved themselves worthy of being in anyones game library. In fact, the > only > game that has withstood the test of time on the Playstation IMHO is Twisted > Metal, BUT: only the ones made by SingeTrac (1 & 2). Why does 989 Studios > suck so much? Oh well, I think that at least some of the people out there > understood what I ment when I said "Big titles." Nuff. > > * Eric * Nintendo's been making games since 1981, consoles since 1983, whereas Sony has been at it since 1994. So by your logic (D. Fentieism) anything that isn't Nintendo isn't really a big name since it didn't "stand the test of time", but I find that statement flawed. Wether you personally stand them or not (I care not for Tekken or Ridge Racer) is not the point, they are still popular. I hate Pokemon, so I guess it must indeed mot be a Big Name title since they all seem to be the same and I don't like them. Right? Of course not. Why does 989 Studios suck so much? They're new to the game. They do put out some good games as well, like how about Syphon Filter? I'm sure Nintendo wasn't the greatest when they started either. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 18:12:44 -0600 >game that has withstood the test of time on the Playstation IMHO is Twisted >Metal, BUT: only the ones made by SingeTrac (1 & 2). Why does 989 Studios >suck so much? Oh well, I think that at least some of the people out there >understood what I ment when I said "Big titles." Nuff. > >* Eric * Oh man, you could not be more right about Twisted Metal. I hate 989 since they ruined the TM series. I am holding on to hope that they can get it back on track with TM4. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] Good Games Date: 18 Nov 1999 19:21:02 -0500 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-18 10:00:46 EST, you write: > > > but I used Goldeneye as an example of how one brilliantly > > made game is better than many rushed games. > > > > But the same could be said about Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. A brilliant > game that wasn't rushed. > > Me (still) > I've heard you talk about how good that game is along with other people... I'm excited it was announced to be released on DC. [Not him] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 18 Nov 1999 19:25:42 EST In a message dated 11/18/99 6:59:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > Nintendo's been making games since 1981, consoles since 1983, whereas Sony > has been at it since 1994. So by your logic (D. Fentieism) anything that > isn't Nintendo isn't really a big name since it didn't "stand the test of > time", but I find that statement flawed. Wether you personally stand them or > > not (I care not for Tekken or Ridge Racer) is not the point, they are still > popular. I hate Pokemon, so I guess it must indeed mot be a Big Name title > since they all seem to be the same and I don't like them. Right? Of course > not. You forgot Sega. 8-) Sega's been in it for a while too, longer than Nintendo as far as I can remember (I came in when Nintendo was in beginning of its lifespan and I only once saw a Sega Master System at my friends house). Nuff. * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Japanese Date: 18 Nov 1999 18:25:10 -0600 At 09:03 PM 11/17/1999 -0800, you wrote: >Go take a course on it, nothing replaces an instructor who knows the language. I'd love to, but I live in mid-Missouri and the nearest live instructor is probably at least 50 miles away. I've also considered stockpiling undubbed anime to memorize, but that's just not my thing... A >Dekisuta-san > >Dexter > >> >> >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >> [ (without the quotes) to ] > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: Re: [N64] Re: Japanese Date: 18 Nov 1999 20:05:54 -0600 > no, but I know a good site to go to when you want people to >_think_ you know Japanese.. > > > > oh, and here's a useful Japanese phrase, spelt phoenetically: > "Nome Shuge Mashta" - "I am drunk and about to pass out." > > hope this helps! Heh. Kinda like one of the few Japanese phrases I do know -- Tochi shoben o kotowari (I think that was it) You can say it in the right situation and actually be totally serious, and people who don't speak it think you sound like you're intelligent know what you're talking about. But if they knew what it meant, they'd probably be ROTFLTAO... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 18 Nov 1999 22:13:52 EST In a message dated 99-11-18 19:35:28 EST, you write: > You forgot Sega. 8-) Sega's been in it for a while too, longer than > Nintendo as far as I can remember (I came in when Nintendo was in beginning > of its lifespan and I only once saw a Sega Master System at my friends > house). Nuff. > > * Eric * How could I forget SEGA? They've been in it, I think, almost as long as Nintendo. I know the FamiCom came out in 1983 in Japan and the NES came out in 1985 in America. I'm not sure when the Master System made it's American or Japanese debut, I think it was 1987 in America. I remember reading about SEGA releasing whatw as called the "SG 2000" in 1983 in Japan but all I have to go by is that name, no photos and nothing about what it really was or if it was the Master System in different clothes. Although SEGA & Nintendo did support the Colecovisosn, but this is all getting off of the main topic which was big name titles. A new Mario, a new Zelda, a new Donkey Kong. Don't even say Metroid. If Metroid was so big name why is there no N64 Metroid? At least there's two Zeldas on the N64, but only one Mario? If it's such a big name, why only one? Oh well. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Good Games Date: 18 Nov 1999 22:15:42 EST In a message dated 99-11-18 19:49:44 EST, you write: > I've heard you talk about how good that game is along with other people... > I'm excited it was announced to be released on DC. > > [Not him] > > So am I, the PSX version was great. If the ending in the DC version gets cleaned up, I know the graphics will.. and the control & sound can remain the same... really. It'll me great. This isn't who it would be if it wasn't who it is. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 18 Nov 1999 20:22:16 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-17 22:32:53 EST, you write: > > > Then the graphics and cinematics are getting to you, not the gameplay. > > The gameplay in FF3 stinks, especially the special moves that don't work. It sucks royally on the playstation because the Digital pad is button based, instead of the cross shape on the SNES controller. Also, whichever company ported the SNES code to the PSX, (I don't believe it was square) they did a shoddy job. The game has framerate problems throughout, like the psx was struggling to put those bitmaps on screens. Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 18 Nov 1999 22:24:59 -0600 >It sucks royally on the playstation because the Digital pad is button based, >instead of the cross shape on the SNES controller. Uhhh...there are lots of PSX controllers to choose from. >Also, whichever company ported the SNES code to the PSX, (I don't believe it >was square) they did a shoddy job. The game has framerate problems >throughout, like the psx was struggling to put those bitmaps on screens. Funny how you have done nothing but praise anthology until Trey says the special moves in FF3 suck then you just have to say something about the PSX version being worse don't you? Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 18 Nov 1999 20:37:03 -0800 Thraxen wrote: > >It sucks royally on the playstation because the Digital pad is button > based, > >instead of the cross shape on the SNES controller. > > Uhhh...there are lots of PSX controllers to choose from. > > >Also, whichever company ported the SNES code to the PSX, (I don't believe > it > >was square) they did a shoddy job. The game has framerate problems > >throughout, like the psx was struggling to put those bitmaps on screens. > > Funny how you have done nothing but praise anthology until Trey says the > special moves in FF3 suck then you just have to say something about the PSX > version being worse don't you? He was referring specifically to the Sabin blitz moves, which were designed to work on the SNES d-pad ala Street fighter. I didn't thought it was worth mentioning until he brought it up Dex > > > Stryder > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 23:47:18 EST In a message dated 11/18/99 3:44:41 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << In a message dated 11/18/99 2:06:59 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > > How many units did the Virtual Boy sell? Did anyone own one? Play one? I > > played Mario Tennis at a local blockbuster it was very red that's about > > all i > > redness. > > I own one, I feel great with its small library of games. I currently have > two, Mario's Tennis & Wario Land (Wario Land VB is the best Wario game ever). > > That must mean the VB is the greatest Nintendo system ever since it has such > > a small library. > > Dave I don't understand your reasoning behind it being the best Nintendo system, because it has the least # of games? Some people would argue that the Gameboy is the best Nintendo system and it has probably the most games of any system, handheld or console. Nuff. * Eric * >> I think I detected a hint of sarcasm with that post. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 18 Nov 1999 21:01:12 -0800 > > I don't understand your reasoning behind it being the best Nintendo system, > because it has the least # of games? Some people would argue that the > Gameboy is the best Nintendo system and it has probably the most games of > any > system, handheld or console. Nuff. Well, we don't know how many games Dolphin has. Saffire just announced it is already working on a futuristic first person shooter for the console, and it makes me wonder what other development houses are working on dolphin games but are keeping quiet because of Non disclosures, or choose not to and wait until Dolphin is revealed. Note how most of the psx2 games were announced after it was officially unveiled, it didn't mean they weren't in development before that. BTW, I want Koei's PS2 launch title, Kessen. looks like a kick ass samurai strategy game. Dexter > > > * Eric * >> > > I think I detected a hint of sarcasm with that post. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Pokemon: Japanese Date: 18 Nov 1999 23:59:38 EST It finally came! I finally got my copy of Mewtwo Strikes Back. Not to offend the people that make the dubs, but this one puts US song composers to shame. That big battle scene at the end of the US version was practically ruined by the music. Even though I don't understand what everyone is saying, I love this movie. It was worth the extra money. Perhaps I'll still get the American version, but I don't have to think about that for awhile yet. More good news for me, now that I have it, I don't need to go back to the theater and sit through Pikachu's Vacation again. Oh, what a joyful time this is. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] produce Date: 18 Nov 1999 22:28:34 -0700 D Fentie wrote: > Yeah but we would probably have a better Final Fantasy series since > Nintendo wouldn't pressure them to release 2 games a month. FFIII was > so awesome that I bought the CD-rom version on my computer and MY GOD > did it suck in comparison. Sure the graphics and FMV were good, heck, > the music wasn't half bad but I just can't get it out of my head how > much it doesn't seem like a 'Final Fantasy' game anymore. As far as I'm > concerned, it would be better off if Square developed for Nintendo. I > mean, another 'decent' Mario RPG my god what I would give for that. > they are making Super Mario Rpg 2 for the n64 so relax [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 18 Nov 1999 23:51:30 -0600 But it's a fact, the bitmaps are loaded slowly... and oddly enough, its just better to play it when it was first released. Thraxen wrote: > > >It sucks royally on the playstation because the Digital pad is button > based, > >instead of the cross shape on the SNES controller. > > Uhhh...there are lots of PSX controllers to choose from. > > >Also, whichever company ported the SNES code to the PSX, (I don't believe > it > >was square) they did a shoddy job. The game has framerate problems > >throughout, like the psx was struggling to put those bitmaps on screens. > > Funny how you have done nothing but praise anthology until Trey says the > special moves in FF3 suck then you just have to say something about the PSX > version being worse don't you? > > Stryder > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] produce Date: 18 Nov 1999 23:54:13 -0600 My friend, now you see, there was the word 'decent' put in front of the words Mario RPG... The Mario RPG2 sucks crap and thats why it isnt called Mario RPG2 anymore, its called Mario Adventure or something. The games are so different and so far it looks like the original one on the SNES had better graphcis... I mean, at least it was in 3-D (well kinda) wrote: > > D Fentie wrote: > > > Yeah but we would probably have a better Final Fantasy series since > > Nintendo wouldn't pressure them to release 2 games a month. FFIII was > > so awesome that I bought the CD-rom version on my computer and MY GOD > > did it suck in comparison. Sure the graphics and FMV were good, heck, > > the music wasn't half bad but I just can't get it out of my head how > > much it doesn't seem like a 'Final Fantasy' game anymore. As far as I'm > > concerned, it would be better off if Square developed for Nintendo. I > > mean, another 'decent' Mario RPG my god what I would give for that. > > > > they are making Super Mario Rpg 2 for the n64 so relax > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 18 Nov 1999 22:03:17 -0800 D Fentie wrote: > But it's a fact, the bitmaps are loaded slowly... and oddly enough, its > just better to play it when it was first released. Still a good deal. 2 games (FF V and VI) plus bonus CD. Dexter > > > Thraxen wrote: > > > > >It sucks royally on the playstation because the Digital pad is button > > based, > > >instead of the cross shape on the SNES controller. > > > > Uhhh...there are lots of PSX controllers to choose from. > > > > >Also, whichever company ported the SNES code to the PSX, (I don't believe > > it > > >was square) they did a shoddy job. The game has framerate problems > > >throughout, like the psx was struggling to put those bitmaps on screens. > > > > Funny how you have done nothing but praise anthology until Trey says the > > special moves in FF3 suck then you just have to say something about the PSX > > version being worse don't you? > > > > Stryder > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] produce Date: 19 Nov 1999 18:11:30 +1100 At 23:54 18-11-99 -0600, you wrote: >My friend, now you see, there was the word 'decent' put in front of the >words Mario RPG... The Mario RPG2 sucks crap and thats why it isnt >called Mario RPG2 anymore, its called Mario Adventure or something. The >games are so different and so far it looks like the original one on the >SNES had better graphcis... I mean, at least it was in 3-D (well kinda) > It's way too early to tell what Mario Adventure is going to be like. It could go either way but seeing as it's a NCL game I expect it to be decent. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kevin Mapp) Subject: [N64] Resident Evil N64 / $5 OFF COUPON AT TOYS-R-US Date: 19 Nov 1999 02:12 EST Comrades! Have any of you gotten Resident Evil for the N64? If so what are your thoughts on the game? Also, there is a Toys-R-US $5.00 off coupon for any N64 game over (I think) $29 in this past sunday's Toys R Us pullout section. It expires on 11/20, so if your interested you better act fast. Peace out! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Super Mario RPG Date: 19 Nov 1999 04:47:53 EST In a message dated 99-11-19 00:33:49 EST, you write: > they are making Super Mario Rpg 2 for the n64 so relax But it's not being done by Square, like the first one was, and the direction Nintendo is taking SMRPG2 leaves a helluva lot to be desired. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] produce & Holden Special Vehicles Date: 19 Nov 1999 04:53:45 EST In a message dated 99-11-19 02:10:07 EST, you write: > It's way too early to tell what Mario Adventure is going to be like. It > could go either way but seeing as it's a NCL game I expect it to be decent. > > > > Yoshi's Story was an NCL game too. ;) Athough so was Zelda 64. It could go either way, I but I'm not expecting much. So what do you think of Holden Special Vehicles Adventure Racing? Beetles are OK, but a game full of HSVs, I dunno, do Austrailians not like German cars? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christopher Watson Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says he doesn't like Goldeneye Date: 19 Nov 1999 10:22:03 -0500 (EST) On Thu, 18 Nov 1999 17:58:33 EST wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-18 10:00:46 EST, you write: > > > but I used Goldeneye as an example of how one brilliantly > > made game is better than many rushed games. > > > > But the same could be said about Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. A brilliant > game that wasn't rushed. > > Me (still) but did that stay in the top 10 for 30 months? > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says he doesn't like Goldeneye Date: 19 Nov 1999 05:29:51 EST In a message dated 99-11-19 05:24:54 EST, you write: > but did that stay in the top 10 for 30 months? Only from lack of choice I assure you. Me (now and again) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: [N64] produce & Holden Special Vehicles Date: 19 Nov 1999 14:37:30 +0000 on 19/11/99 9:53, at wrote: > > Yoshi's Story was an NCL game too. ;) > Athough so was Zelda 64. It could go either way, I but I'm not expecting much. > > So what do you think of Holden Special Vehicles Adventure Racing? Beetles are > OK, but a game full of HSVs, I dunno, do Austrailians not like German cars? What, where, when did this game get released? what format are we talking here? It's about time that we got a chance to race Aussie cars as they were second only to the US for producing fantastic performing vehicles right up till present day. The Valiant Charger E45 long held the record as the fastest production vehicle ever mass produced and it was a 6 cylinder inline Hemi, then you had the Ford GT's, the Holden Torana's and Commodores and so on. But has anyone ever heard of them outside Australia? Garrett [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Holden Special Vehicles Date: 19 Nov 1999 14:08:42 EST In a message dated 99-11-19 09:42:23 EST, you write: > What, where, when did this game get released? what format are we talking > here? It's about time that we got a chance to race Aussie cars as they were > second only to the US for producing fantastic performing vehicles right up > till present day. The Valiant Charger E45 long held the record as the > fastest production vehicle ever mass produced and it was a 6 cylinder inline > Hemi, then you had the Ford GT's, the Holden Torana's and Commodores and so > on. But has anyone ever heard of them outside Australia? > Garrett I don't know if it's out yet, I read about it on IGN64 on Wednesday (is that Tuesday or Thursday in Austrailia?) But anyway, I saw no screenshots, and didn't get a release date, search for Holden & I'm sure you'll find it. I didn't look, but does anybody know if Gran Turismo 2 has any HSVs in it? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ( Subject: [N64] Check out this link! Date: 19 Nov 1999 11:12:08 -0800 (PST) Check out this link! Holden Special Vehicles Adventure Racing Get customized news like this sent to you daily. It's free. Go to You decide what you want, and when. | | PC games | video games | movies | TV | sci-fi | [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Zelda: Gaiden Date: 19 Nov 1999 14:29:10 EST According to, Zelda: Gaiden has a release date- November 23, 2000. This is exactly 2 years after Ocarina of Time was released. This sequel looks very impressive; what do you think it will be like? DDP [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda: Gaiden Date: 19 Nov 1999 14:31:40 EST In a message dated 99-11-19 14:30:16 EST, you write: > According to, Zelda: Gaiden has a release date- November 23, 2000. > This is exactly 2 years after Ocarina of Time was released. This sequel > looks > very impressive; what do you think it will be like? > > DDP I may be going out on a limb here but I think it'll be another 10. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda: Gaiden Date: 19 Nov 1999 12:55:25 -0800 > > > I may be going out on a limb here but I think it'll be another 10. One of the screens show the use of environment mapping, soI'm optimistic the game, graphic wise will be much improved over Ocarina. On another note, I find the premise of rushing against time to save Hyrule from apocalypse is a neat idea. I haven't played a game that uses time to this extent. There have been several, including Final Fantasy 8, which uses timers for certain areas, but an entire game that is timed to destruction is something completely different. If EAD manages to pull off the same kind of atmosphere present in Ocarina, playing Gaiden would definately give us a doomsday feeling... or maybe we'll be all dead by then?? Dexter > > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Super Mario RPG Date: 19 Nov 1999 16:52:07 EST In a message dated 11/19/99 3:48:38 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << But it's not being done by Square, like the first one was, and the direction Nintendo is taking SMRPG2 leaves a helluva lot to be desired. >> Again, have you played it yet? I don't know how you can tell what direction the game is going in by looking at screen shots. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] produce Date: 19 Nov 1999 16:50:36 EST In a message dated 11/18/99 11:50:35 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << My friend, now you see, there was the word 'decent' put in front of the words Mario RPG... The Mario RPG2 sucks crap and thats why it isnt called Mario RPG2 anymore, its called Mario Adventure or something. The games are so different and so far it looks like the original one on the SNES had better graphcis... I mean, at least it was in 3-D (well kinda) >> sucks based on what? Graphics? C'mon, don't be sooooooo superficial on video games. If SMA is fun and plays well, what is there to complain about? -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] produce & Holden Special Vehicles Date: 19 Nov 1999 16:54:42 EST In a message dated 11/19/99 3:54:26 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Yoshi's Story was an NCL game too. ;) Athough so was Zelda 64. It could go either way, I but I'm not expecting much. So what do you think of Holden Special Vehicles Adventure Racing? Beetles are OK, but a game full of HSVs, I dunno, do Austrailians not like German cars? Dave >> Well, I was going to say something about Dave's post, but I'm getting tired of repeating myself all the time. So, I'll just leave it as "You all know how I feel about Yoshi's Story." That's that. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda: Gaiden Date: 19 Nov 1999 16:58:03 EST In a message dated 11/19/99 1:30:16 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << According to, Zelda: Gaiden has a release date- November 23, 2000. This is exactly 2 years after Ocarina of Time was released. This sequel looks very impressive; what do you think it will be like? >> What will it be like??!!!! It's Zelda, man!!! You know it's gonna be sweet. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Super Mario RPG Date: 19 Nov 1999 17:01:34 EST In a message dated 99-11-19 16:53:41 EST, you write: > Again, have you played it yet? I don't know how you can tell what direction > > the game is going in by looking at screen shots. > -Eric- > 2-D storybook is the direction it seems. Reading previews helps too. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda: Gaiden Date: 19 Nov 1999 17:02:22 EST In a message dated 99-11-19 16:59:49 EST, you write: > What will it be like??!!!! It's Zelda, man!!! You know it's gonna be sweet. > > -Eric- How can you tell? have you played it yet? ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says he doesn't like Goldeneye Date: 19 Nov 1999 17:36:40 -0500 Correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall reading that Soul Reaver WAS rushed, so they decided to split the game into 2. -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-11-18 10:00:46 EST, you write: > >> but I used Goldeneye as an example of how one brilliantly >> made game is better than many rushed games. >> > >But the same could be said about Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. A brilliant >game that wasn't rushed. > >Me (still) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 19 Nov 1999 19:10:54 -0600 Or you could just d/l them and play them for free... but most people bought the games a looong time ago when it first came out. Dexter Sy wrote: > > D Fentie wrote: > > > But it's a fact, the bitmaps are loaded slowly... and oddly enough, its > > just better to play it when it was first released. > > Still a good deal. 2 games (FF V and VI) plus bonus CD. > > Dexter > > > > > > > Thraxen wrote: > > > > > > >It sucks royally on the playstation because the Digital pad is button > > > based, > > > >instead of the cross shape on the SNES controller. > > > > > > Uhhh...there are lots of PSX controllers to choose from. > > > > > > >Also, whichever company ported the SNES code to the PSX, (I don't believe > > > it > > > >was square) they did a shoddy job. The game has framerate problems > > > >throughout, like the psx was struggling to put those bitmaps on screens. > > > > > > Funny how you have done nothing but praise anthology until Trey says the > > > special moves in FF3 suck then you just have to say something about the PSX > > > version being worse don't you? > > > > > > Stryder > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda: Gaiden Date: 19 Nov 1999 19:13:50 -0600 Speaking of us being 'dead' by then, I know that some of you are very fluent with computers... so what do you think? Is this Y2K thing Bull$^%^ or something we really will be in trouble for? Dexter Sy wrote: > > > > > > > I may be going out on a limb here but I think it'll be another 10. > > One of the screens show the use of environment mapping, soI'm optimistic the > game, graphic wise will be much improved over Ocarina. > > On another note, I find the premise of rushing against time to save Hyrule from > apocalypse is a neat idea. I haven't played a game that uses time to this > extent. There have been several, including Final Fantasy 8, which uses timers > for certain areas, but an entire game that is timed to destruction is something > completely different. > > If EAD manages to pull off the same kind of atmosphere present in Ocarina, > playing Gaiden would definately give us a doomsday feeling... or maybe we'll be > all dead by then?? > > Dexter > > > > > > > > > > Dave > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] produce Date: 19 Nov 1999 19:14:22 -0600 Yes, it sucks on graphics and I don't care what you say but graphics do mean SOMETHING. wrote: > > In a message dated 11/18/99 11:50:35 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << My friend, now you see, there was the word 'decent' put in front of the > words Mario RPG... The Mario RPG2 sucks crap and thats why it isnt > called Mario RPG2 anymore, its called Mario Adventure or something. The > games are so different and so far it looks like the original one on the > SNES had better graphcis... I mean, at least it was in 3-D (well kinda) >> > > sucks based on what? Graphics? C'mon, don't be sooooooo superficial on > video games. If SMA is fun and plays well, what is there to complain about? > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda: Gaiden Date: 19 Nov 1999 19:15:13 -0600 HAHAHAHAHA. Eric young man tries to pull the wool over our eyes with his hypocritical views. wrote: > > In a message dated 99-11-19 16:59:49 EST, you write: > > > What will it be like??!!!! It's Zelda, man!!! You know it's gonna be > sweet. > > > > -Eric- > > How can you tell? have you played it yet? ;) > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda: Gaiden Date: 19 Nov 1999 20:57:05 EST Correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall reading that Soul Reaver WAS rushed, > so they decided to split the game into 2. > The ending was rushed, thats all I can think of, the game was delayed for 18 months. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] OT Y2K Date: 19 Nov 1999 21:39:49 EST In a message dated 99-11-19 20:10:17 EST, you write: > Speaking of us being 'dead' by then, I know that some of you are very > fluent with computers... so what do you think? Is this Y2K thing > Bull$^%^ or something we really will be in trouble for? > You don't have to be fluent with computers to put 2 + 2 together. Most computers use a Microsoft OS. Now Bill Gates likes one thing over anything else, to make lots of money. He's smart enough to realize that if the year is only listed in 2 digits and not four things won't work right come 2000. What a better scam the to make everything with two year digits, then people will pay big money to have Y2K compliant computers, I mean to have their existing computers updated. Just another way to make easy money. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Super Mario RPG Date: 19 Nov 1999 23:46:32 EST In a message dated 11/19/99 4:18:43 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << > Again, have you played it yet? I don't know how you can tell what direction > > the game is going in by looking at screen shots. > -Eric- > 2-D storybook is the direction it seems. Reading previews helps too. ;) Dave >> ...which is still not having played it. The game could very well be great. I don't know. I don't have a basis for comparison on SMA. Zelda: Gaiden, however, I can be sure plays about the same, with some extra features, as Ocarina. (Just quoting a previous response by Dave as to not sound hypocritical.) -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Super Mario Adventure Date: 19 Nov 1999 23:51:58 EST In a message dated 99-11-19 23:47:14 EST, you write: > ...which is still not having played it. The game could very well be great. > > I don't know. I don't have a basis for comparison on SMA. Zelda: Gaiden, > however, I can be sure plays about the same, with some extra features, as > Ocarina. (Just quoting a previous response by Dave as to not sound > hypocritical.) > -Eric- Why? Because it looks the same? But Yoshi's Story didn't look that much different from Yoshi's Island, but boy did it play different. Wizards & Warriors X looked a helluva lot like Wizards & Warroirs, but W&W X played a lot different than the original. You're still a hypocrate. I thought nobody could be more irritating than D. Fentie. ;) (Or Dexter) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] SMA Graphics Date: 19 Nov 1999 23:56:02 EST In a message dated 11/19/99 7:10:54 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Yes, it sucks on graphics and I don't care what you say but graphics do mean SOMETHING. >> Something, but not everything. I might be a bit more easily impressed by a game with better graphics, but I still don't buy on the basis of graphics. It seems that people are becoming too spoiled with the current generation's graphic ability. I don't think that one can be labeled a "true" gamer if they put too much emphasis on graphics. That's just my opinion. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda: Gaiden Date: 20 Nov 1999 00:00:43 EST In a message dated 11/19/99 7:11:31 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << HAHAHAHAHA. Eric young man tries to pull the wool over our eyes with his hypocritical views. wrote: > > In a message dated 99-11-19 16:59:49 EST, you write: > > > What will it be like??!!!! It's Zelda, man!!! You know it's gonna be > sweet. > > > > -Eric- > > How can you tell? have you played it yet? ;) >> I'm not basing Zelda on graphics. It's purely knowing that it's coming from the same people that made OoT. I don't know about SMA since it's totally new. Hard to explain, there's just some things I think a game can be judged on prematurely. Graphics is not one of them. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] SMA Graphics Date: 20 Nov 1999 00:02:13 EST In a message dated 99-11-19 23:57:05 EST, you write: > Something, but not everything. I might be a bit more easily impressed by a > game with better graphics, but I still don't buy on the basis of graphics. > It seems that people are becoming too spoiled with the current generation's > graphic ability. I don't think that one can be labeled a "true" gamer if > they put too much emphasis on graphics. That's just my opinion. > -Eric- > I know I'm spolied. Or is it that some poeple are jealous that they can't afford a Dreamcast and another (or more) older system of their choice and lash out by saying the ones of us who put a lot of money in our hobby are just spoiled. I like games that run at 60 fps with no fog popup or draw in at 640 x 480 on my TV. Another Speed Devils reference. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Super Mario Adventure Date: 20 Nov 1999 00:05:19 EST In a message dated 11/19/99 10:53:13 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Why? Because it looks the same? But Yoshi's Story didn't look that much different from Yoshi's Island, but boy did it play different. Wizards & Warriors X looked a helluva lot like Wizards & Warroirs, but W&W X played a lot different than the original. You're still a hypocrate. I thought nobody could be more irritating than D. Fentie. >> But Yoshi's Story/Island were on different systems. I don't expect a game to play very much the same on N64 as on SNES. And I'm not basing it on looks. It comes from the same people and from the same system. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Yamanuchi says he doesn't like Goldeneye Date: 19 Nov 1999 23:05:51 -0600 -----Original Message----- Cc: > >On Thu, 18 Nov 1999 17:58:33 EST wrote: > > >> In a message dated 99-11-18 10:00:46 EST, you write: >> >> > but I used Goldeneye as an example of how one brilliantly >> > made game is better than many rushed games. >> > >> >> But the same could be said about Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. A brilliant >> game that wasn't rushed. >> >> Me (still) > >but did that stay in the top 10 for 30 months? No doubt that Goldeneye is a great game, and likely better than Kain...but your point has holes since Goldeneye (IMO) is one of the few games worth owning for the N64...therefore, it will always sell well. Nothing to compete against. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] SMA Graphics Date: 20 Nov 1999 00:10:52 EST In a message dated 11/19/99 11:02:52 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I know I'm spolied. Or is it that some poeple are jealous that they can't afford a Dreamcast and another (or more) older system of their choice and lash out by saying the ones of us who put a lot of money in our hobby are just spoiled. I like games that run at 60 fps with no fog popup or draw in at 640 x 480 on my TV. Another Speed Devils reference. >> Are you implying something with that one, Dave? I can afford a DC if I wanted one. This just goes back to my view on having too many games can be a bad thing. You might not share that view, but if I owned two systems at once, there would be so much coming out at the same time that I wouldn't have the time for all of it. I barely have time for my N64 right now. Having another system with games I wouldn't have time to play would make the situation worse. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] SMA Graphics Date: 20 Nov 1999 00:16:15 EST In a message dated 99-11-20 00:11:35 EST, you write: > I can afford a DC if I > wanted one. This just goes back to my view on having too many games can be > a > bad thing. You might not share that view, but if I owned two systems at > once, there would be so much coming out at the same time that I wouldn't > have > the time for all of it. I barely have time for my N64 right now. Having > another system with games I wouldn't have time to play would make the > situation worse. > -Eric- > Do what i do, stop buying all the low grade N64 titles. I may have to get Resident Evil 2 though. There I hope besides the better graphics there's new extras on it like was in RE DC DS & RE2 DS. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 RE2 Date: 20 Nov 1999 00:28:55 EST In a message dated 11/19/99 11:16:58 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Do what i do, stop buying all the low grade N64 titles. I may have to get Resident Evil 2 though. There I hope besides the better graphics there's new extras on it like was in RE DC DS & RE2 DS. Dave >> I've heard about the items being randomly placed everytime you play. Of course, you've probably heard about that. I'm not sure what else. I do want to check the game out, since I've heard good things about the PSX version (no, I haven't played it yet). -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] produce Date: 19 Nov 1999 21:46:18 -0800 > > sucks based on what? Graphics? C'mon, don't be sooooooo superficial on > video games. If SMA is fun and plays well, what is there to complain about? > -Eric- That's what many of my friends who "read" up on the game said as well. They said the game sucks based on the cut out style graphics. Although I will be the first to admit that it is somewhat unorthodox, i haven't played the game so I have nothing against the game. At the same time, I'm not madly wanting it either. Perhaps when its playable and magazine editors can write their first impressions, my own impression for Mario Adventure would change as well. Dexter > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda: Gaiden Date: 19 Nov 1999 21:48:27 -0800 > > What will it be like??!!!! It's Zelda, man!!! You know it's gonna be > sweet. > > > > -Eric- > > How can you tell? have you played it yet? ;) We have, its called Ocarina of Time. The beauty of it its taking two years to put in the new content, as opposed to 8 to 12 months on most games which use recycled engines. You can theoretically make a game from scartch with 18 to 24 months of dev time. > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] SMA Graphics Date: 19 Nov 1999 21:52:49 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 11/19/99 11:02:52 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << I know I'm spolied. Or is it that some poeple are jealous that they can't > afford a Dreamcast and another (or more) older system of their choice and > lash out by saying the ones of us who put a lot of money in our hobby are > just spoiled. I like games that run at 60 fps with no fog popup or draw in > at > 640 x 480 on my TV. Another Speed Devils reference. >> > > Are you implying something with that one, Dave? I can afford a DC if I > wanted one. This just goes back to my view on having too many games can be a > bad thing. You might not share that view, but if I owned two systems at > once, there would be so much coming out at the same time that I wouldn't have > the time for all of it. I barely have time for my N64 right now. Having > another system with games I wouldn't have time to play would make the > situation worse. I want a DC, but not badly enough it seems. I checked up on the library is currently has and its not particularly mind blowing. I mean, the sports titles are mind blowing in their own way, but I'm not big on sports. Shenmue remains the holy grail of the console, and disappointingly, Sonic already lost my interest after only one rental, i find the game to be banal, and lacking in any kind of "ummph" punch you feel when you're playing a classic. > > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] produce & Holden Special Vehicles Date: 20 Nov 1999 16:57:52 +1100 At 04:53 19-11-99 EST, you wrote: >In a message dated 99-11-19 02:10:07 EST, you write: > >> It's way too early to tell what Mario Adventure is going to be like. It >> could go either way but seeing as it's a NCL game I expect it to be decent. >> >> >> >> > >Yoshi's Story was an NCL game too. ;) >Athough so was Zelda 64. It could go either way, I but I'm not expecting much. > >So what do you think of Holden Special Vehicles Adventure Racing? Beetles are >OK, but a game full of HSVs, I dunno, do Austrailians not like German cars? > >Dave Personally I don't care what cars the game has, it's just another racing game. Australian cars will make it more appealing to main-stream Australian gamers. Holdans are popular with petrol-heads, and there is the novelty of having an American developer cater for an Australian audience. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] NEW Zelda GAIDEN SHOTS Date: 19 Nov 1999 22:10:00 -0800 We've seen some of the art in IGN64, but those were scanned and these are originals, plus there's some new ones as well. Very interesting pictures. Nothing mind blowing, but the level of detail, expansiveness of the backgrounds and texturing appears to have been upped in this game. I wouldn't be surprised if it arrives on a cartridge that is larger than 256 mbits. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: editor - hotgames Subject: [N64] - Coolnews Nintendo 64 Date: 20 Nov 1999 20:08:59 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS NINTENDO 64: Gamedate November 19, 1999 The newsletter of! MORE FREE STUFF! You might notice a new item on the sidebar menu when you next visit your favorite Nintendo 64gaming website - a rather cool looking item that offers you free home pages! Yes, not only are we all for giving away well over a thousand FREE GAMES, but we're also inviting you to start up your own potentially web site! 20mb of space and all the tools you'll ever need to get you going in minutes - how cool is that? By the way kids - it's my birthday! First person to guess my age wins a mystery prize... :) Ed. FEATURE REVIEW - RESIDENT EVIL 2 The mega-huge PlayStation hit is finally on the Nintendo 64, in the machine's biggest game to date! Has Nintendo managed the impossible in this zombie-filled conversion? You know where you need to go, then... LATEST 5 NINTENDO 64 GAME REVIEWS: WWF Wrestlemania 2000: Ready To Rumble: Toy Story 2: NBA Live 2000: NBA Showtime: FEATURE EDITORIAL - IF NINTENDO WAS CD... Imagine Nintendo came to the conclusion that cartridges were not the answer a few years back and decided the N64 would be a cd format..we did, and we bring you all the consequences, and what could have been! WIN PRIZES - PRINCE OF PERSIA 3D GOODIES! Not only are we giving away 10 copies of Prince Of Persia 3D, but some lucky people are going to walk away with 5 T-shirts and an original piece of art from the game! Don't miss out! CHEAT OF THE WEEK - PAPER BOY 64 Invincibility - Enter INVINC as a code. Free home pages! Get to it! Cameron D. To unsubscribe to Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject field. Do you have friends who are also keen N64 gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] SMA Graphics Date: 20 Nov 1999 09:52:53 -0500 (EST) What's wrong with Super Mario Adventure's graphics? The graphics are as good and 'clean' as a cartoon. sure it's not flashy and vibrant like Yoshi's Story but it's enough to serve its purpose IMHO On Fri, 19 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/19/99 7:10:54 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Yes, it sucks on graphics and I don't care what you say but graphics do > mean SOMETHING. >> > > Something, but not everything. I might be a bit more easily impressed by a > game with better graphics, but I still don't buy on the basis of graphics. > It seems that people are becoming too spoiled with the current generation's > graphic ability. I don't think that one can be labeled a "true" gamer if > they put too much emphasis on graphics. That's just my opinion. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: editor - hotgames Subject: [N64] - Coolnews Date: 20 Nov 1999 20:06:11 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS: Gamedate November 19, 1999 The Newsletter of MORE FREE STUFF! You might notice a new item on the sidebar menu when you next visit your favorite PC gaming website - a rather cool looking item that offers you free home pages! Yes, not only are we all for giving away well over a thousand FREE GAMES, but we're also inviting you to start up your own potentially web site! 20mb of space and all the tools you'll ever need to get you going in minutes - how cool is that? By the way kids - it's my birthday! First person to guess my age wins a mystery prize... :) Ed. FEATURE DEMO - TYRIAN 2000 In the need for a super cool blaster in the old fashioned mold? Looks like Tyrian 2000 might be for you - but not before you check out the review! LATEST 5 GAME DEMOS AND REVIEWS: Flanker 2.0 PBA Bowling 2 Close Combat: Battle Of The Bulge Quake 3: Arena Professional Bull Rider FEATURE ARTICLE - COPY PROTECTED? Copy protection and CD keys - a games company dream come true in stamping out piracy, or an extra annoyance for gamers that only causes more problems? We tackle the issue from every corner in our latest column! WIN PRIZES - PRINCE OF PERSIA 3D GOODIES! Not only are we giving away 10 copies of Prince Of Persia 3D, but some lucky people are going to walk away with 5 T-shirts and an original piece of art from the game! Don't miss out! CHEAT OF THE WEEK - TOTAL ANNIHILATION Simply press enter, type in the code, then press enter. +ATM - Supplies an instant 5,000 mana. See you in the funny web pages... Cameron D. To unsubscribe to Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject field. Do you have friends who are also keen gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Hello? Date: 21 Nov 1999 14:03:09 EST Boy, this is a strange list. We can go on non-stop for about two weeks, then everything goes dead. Oh well, guess I'd better say something. Anyone got DK on reserve? Mine should be in by Tuesday. Can't wait. Maybe then we'll have something to discuss again. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: theman mike Subject: Re: [N64] Hello? Date: 21 Nov 1999 11:29:05 -0800 (PST) --- wrote: > Boy, this is a strange list. We can go on non-stop > for about two weeks, then > everything goes dead. Oh well, guess I'd better say > something. Anyone got > DK on reserve? Mine should be in by Tuesday. Can't > wait. Maybe then we'll > have something to discuss again. > -Eric- > i'm getting DK 64 on Weds. I heard it is going to be very good,also it includes an expansion pack which will enhance the graphics if your didn't know. Well, E-mail me if find anymore information! > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message > "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to > ] > ===== Michael Amos __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Hello? Date: 21 Nov 1999 14:33:10 EST In a message dated 11/21/99 1:31:00 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << --- wrote: > Boy, this is a strange list. We can go on non-stop > for about two weeks, then > everything goes dead. Oh well, guess I'd better say > something. Anyone got > DK on reserve? Mine should be in by Tuesday. Can't > wait. Maybe then we'll > have something to discuss again. > -Eric- > i'm getting DK 64 on Weds. I heard it is going to be very good,also it includes an expansion pack which will enhance the graphics if your didn't know. Well, E-mail me if find anymore information! >> All I got right now is this address: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: [N64] DK 64 Date: 21 Nov 1999 14:11:10 -0600 Is it going to be available without the Expansion Pack for those who already have one? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] DK 64 Date: 21 Nov 1999 12:27:33 -0800 Armitage wrote: > Is it going to be available without the Expansion Pack for those who > already have one? nope/ you just get another expansion pak to keep or giveaway, whichever that works Dexter > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: theman mike Subject: Re: [N64] DK 64 Date: 21 Nov 1999 12:30:49 -0800 (PST) --- Armitage wrote: > Is it going to be available without the Expansion > Pack for those who > already have one? > No. You will have to keep it or sell it. Maybe you could rip some kid off and add a pokemon card and he would buy it {the expansion pack} for $60 dollars and buy perfect dark in April. > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message > "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to > ] > ===== Michael Amos __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Hello? Date: 21 Nov 1999 20:30:51 -0600 -----Original Message----- >Boy, this is a strange list. We can go on non-stop for about two weeks, then >everything goes dead. Oh well, guess I'd better say something. Anyone got >DK on reserve? Mine should be in by Tuesday. Can't wait. Maybe then we'll >have something to discuss again. >-Eric- I don't have one reserved, but I plan on getting one. I think it will be fairly easy to get when it first comes out because there does not seem to be a lot of hype around it. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Hello? Date: 21 Nov 1999 23:22:24 EST In a message dated 11/21/99 8:34:43 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I don't have one reserved, but I plan on getting one. I think it will be fairly easy to get when it first comes out because there does not seem to be a lot of hype around it. Stryder >> Kinda like DKC. Wasn't too hard to find when it came out. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK 64 Date: 21 Nov 1999 23:59:05 EST In a message dated 99-11-21 14:31:00 EST, you write: > i'm getting DK 64 on Weds. I heard it is going to be > very good,also it includes an expansion pack which > will enhance the graphics if your didn't know. Well, > E-mail me if find anymore information! The Expansion Pak doesn't enhance the graphics on DK 64, not in a hi-res way anyway. It allows for more characters on screen and keeps the framerate at a consistent speed. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK 64 Date: 22 Nov 1999 00:01:40 EST In a message dated 99-11-21 15:13:36 EST, you write: > Is it going to be available without the Expansion Pack for those who > already have one? Yeah, all you have to do is when you get your copy of DK 64 take the Expansion Pak that comes with it and smash it with a hammer. No worries about two Expansion Paks. Every copy of DK 64 comes with an Expansion Pak. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] DK 64 Date: 21 Nov 1999 21:24:01 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-21 15:13:36 EST, you write: > > > Is it going to be available without the Expansion Pack for those who > > already have one? > > Yeah, all you have to do is when you get your copy of DK 64 take the > Expansion Pak that comes with it and smash it with a hammer. No worries about > two Expansion Paks. > > Every copy of DK 64 comes with an Expansion Pak. No ifs, ands, or buts about > it. I'm keeping mine or giving it away to someone who needs it. I have a heart :-) Dex > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 00:18:39 EST "In the end, Donkey Kong 64 feels more like a super-sized version of Banjo-Kazooie than it does anything else" It sounmds good, but yet, it doesn't. I doubt I'll be able to find this game to rent, so when you listies get this title, I gotta know, how is the control, does it have tight control like Super Mario 64 & Zelda OoT, or really icky loose control like Banjo-Kazooie. I tried playing it at TRU & Media Play, but those N64 kiosks, with controllers that heven't been replaced since 1996, it was darn near impossible to play. Let me know. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK 64 Date: 22 Nov 1999 00:19:55 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 00:16:32 EST, you write: > I'm keeping mine or giving it away to someone who needs it. I have a heart : > -) > > Dex If I get DK 64 I'll probably sell the extra Exp Pak to JD's Music & Video, I'd probably at least get an older PSX title out of it. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 16:38:34 +1100 At 00:18 22-11-99 EST, you wrote: >"In the end, Donkey Kong 64 feels more like a super-sized version of >Banjo-Kazooie than it does anything else" > >It sounmds good, but yet, it doesn't. I doubt I'll be able to find this game >to rent, so when you listies get this title, I gotta know, how is the >control, does it have tight control like Super Mario 64 & Zelda OoT, or >really icky loose control like Banjo-Kazooie. I tried playing it at TRU & >Media Play, but those N64 kiosks, with controllers that heven't been replaced >since 1996, it was darn near impossible to play. > >Let me know. > >Dave As a suspected DK64 will not be comparable to DKC on the SNES. It's just more Banjo-Kazooie. IGN64 did everything they could to give it a bad review without actually giving it a bad review. Why must they be so pollitically correct? Reviews are supposed to be oppinionated. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 00:42:29 EST In a message dated 11/21/99 11:19:07 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << "In the end, Donkey Kong 64 feels more like a super-sized version of Banjo-Kazooie than it does anything else" It sounmds good, but yet, it doesn't. I doubt I'll be able to find this game to rent, so when you listies get this title, I gotta know, how is the control, does it have tight control like Super Mario 64 & Zelda OoT, or really icky loose control like Banjo-Kazooie. I tried playing it at TRU & Media Play, but those N64 kiosks, with controllers that heven't been replaced since 1996, it was darn near impossible to play. Let me know. Dave >> If it plays as well as B-K (I still don't realize why people think it's bad), then it's definitely a keeper. A platform junkie like me, I'm sure, is going to eat this one up. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 00:04:12 -0600 -----Original Message----- > >As a suspected DK64 will not be comparable to DKC on the SNES. It's just >more Banjo-Kazooie. IGN64 did everything they could to give it a bad review >without actually giving it a bad review. Why must they be so pollitically >correct? Reviews are supposed to be oppinionated. > As far as I'm concerned, if it is just more BK, then I'm happy. I thought BK rocked. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 00:05:56 -0600 -----Original Message----- > >If it plays as well as B-K (I still don't realize why people think it's bad), >then it's definitely a keeper. A platform junkie like me, I'm sure, is going >to eat this one up. >-Eric- Exactly...platformers are likely my favorite genre...hence I loved BK. If DK64 is the same, I'll love it. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 02:10:30 -0500 (EST) I agree Banjo-Kazooie is the best platformer behind Mario64(didn't include zelda) not even Rayman2 can take the 2nd place crown. It oozed innovation in sound,graphics, and gameplay(switchable characters) and for that reason if DK64 is even remotely as great it's a definite buy! I happen to love big games(geometry wise) and DK64 is huge! On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Thraxen wrote: > > -----Original Message----- > From: > To: > Date: Sunday, November 21, 1999 11:43 PM > Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review > > > > > >If it plays as well as B-K (I still don't realize why people think it's > bad), > >then it's definitely a keeper. A platform junkie like me, I'm sure, is > going > >to eat this one up. > >-Eric- > > Exactly...platformers are likely my favorite genre...hence I loved BK. If > DK64 is the same, I'll love it. > > Stryder > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 02:12:11 EST You think IGN64's was bad? Read Gamefan's review. Can we say 75? Ouch. Someone let me know when the world decides to review games accurately. Oi. Aldo Merino -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 18:28:12 +1100 At 02:10 22-11-99 -0500, you wrote: >I agree Banjo-Kazooie is the best platformer behind Mario64(didn't include >zelda) not even Rayman2 can take the 2nd place crown. It oozed innovation >in sound,graphics, and gameplay(switchable characters) and for that reason >if DK64 is even remotely as great it's a definite buy! I happen to love >big games(geometry wise) and DK64 is huge! > > > Where is the innovation in Banjo-Kazooie? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 02:26:56 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 1:26:16 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Where is the innovation in Banjo-Kazooie? >> It comes in the tag-team gameplay mechanics. !! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 18:45:43 +1100 At 02:26 22-11-99 EST, you wrote: >In a message dated 11/22/99 1:26:16 AM Central Standard Time, > writes: > ><< > Where is the innovation in Banjo-Kazooie? > >> > >It comes in the tag-team gameplay mechanics. > >!! You don't switch players in BK, you control the clumsy, noisy, awkward entity that is Banjo-Kazooie. Switching players for different abilities is not innovative at all. That idea has been around so long, I can't pinpoint the first implementation. SMB2? TMNT (NES)? Konami World (famicom)? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 21 Nov 1999 23:59:44 -0800 > > As a suspected DK64 will not be comparable to DKC on the SNES. It's just > more Banjo-Kazooie. IGN64 did everything they could to give it a bad review > without actually giving it a bad review. Why must they be so pollitically > correct? Reviews are supposed to be oppinionated. There's a difference between opinionated is fair. Gene Siskel of Siskel and Ebert is an opinionated reviewer, but a fair one. He does use venom to attach films he hate or to promote an agenda. The recent Star Wars movie drove a lot of critic nuts, some called it a pile of shit, quite literally, and you see those reviewers giving the film an "F" and you know they are out to get Star Wars, and do not care how far they are from the truth. The truth of course was somewhere in the middle. Read Gene Siskel's review and you'll get what i mean. Anyways, I thought ign64's reviews of late have been brutally fair. JFG got what it got because of a serious design flaw midway through the game -- gamers have to go back and collect every single friggin tribal in the game to move on. Sure, new levels are unlocked along the way, but its damn annoying. Anyways, i agree with their review. a 9.0 rating deserves those words. Its not like matt gave the game an 8.0 and try to write it up like its a better game. Dexter > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 00:01:20 -0800 Dexter Sy wrote: > > > > As a suspected DK64 will not be comparable to DKC on the SNES. It's just > > more Banjo-Kazooie. IGN64 did everything they could to give it a bad review > > without actually giving it a bad review. Why must they be so pollitically > > correct? Reviews are supposed to be oppinionated. > > There's a difference between opinionated is fair. Gene Siskel of Siskel and Ebert > is an opinionated reviewer, but a fair one. He does use venom to attach films he > hate or to promote an agenda. I mean he "does not" sorry for the boo boo. Dex > > > The recent Star Wars movie drove a lot of critic nuts, some called it a pile of > shit, quite literally, and you see those reviewers giving the film an "F" and you > know they are out to get Star Wars, and do not care how far they are from the > truth. The truth of course was somewhere in the middle. Read Gene Siskel's review > and you'll get what i mean. > > Anyways, I thought ign64's reviews of late have been brutally fair. JFG got what > it got because of a serious design flaw midway through the game -- gamers have to > go back and collect every single friggin tribal in the game to move on. Sure, new > levels are unlocked along the way, but its damn annoying. > > Anyways, i agree with their review. a 9.0 rating deserves those words. Its not > like matt gave the game an 8.0 and try to write it up like its a better game. > > Dexter > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 02:53:31 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 1:43:45 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << You don't switch players in BK, you control the clumsy, noisy, awkward entity that is Banjo-Kazooie. Switching players for different abilities is not innovative at all. That idea has been around so long, I can't pinpoint the first implementation. SMB2? TMNT (NES)? Konami World (famicom)? >> SMB 2 featured 4 selectable charaters -- as did TMNT. It is innovative, contrary to what you think. For one, it's 3D, unlike any older title mentioned. Secondly, it's done well (clumsy execution never amounts to true innovation). Control is tight, responsive and well done and the innovative feature is exploited and implemented very well in the game. So, yes, it is innovative. Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 00:03:41 -0800 > > SMB 2 featured 4 selectable charaters -- as did TMNT. It is innovative, > contrary to what you think. For one, it's 3D, unlike any older title > mentioned. Secondly, it's done well (clumsy execution never amounts to true > innovation). Control is tight, responsive and well done and the innovative > feature is exploited and implemented very well in the game. So, yes, it is > innovative. The question of innovation is really very subjective. I hope we don't get caught in the trap again :-) One person's innovation is another's misinformation. Dexter > > > Aldo M. > -NDojo > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 19:35:01 +1100 At 23:59 21-11-99 -0800, you wrote: >> >> As a suspected DK64 will not be comparable to DKC on the SNES. It's just >> more Banjo-Kazooie. IGN64 did everything they could to give it a bad review >> without actually giving it a bad review. Why must they be so pollitically >> correct? Reviews are supposed to be oppinionated. > >There's a difference between opinionated is fair. Gene Siskel of Siskel and Ebert >is an opinionated reviewer, but a fair one. He does use venom to attach films he >hate or to promote an agenda. > >The recent Star Wars movie drove a lot of critic nuts, some called it a pile of >shit, quite literally, and you see those reviewers giving the film an "F" and you >know they are out to get Star Wars, and do not care how far they are from the >truth. The truth of course was somewhere in the middle. Read Gene Siskel's review >and you'll get what i mean. > >Anyways, I thought ign64's reviews of late have been brutally fair. JFG got what >it got because of a serious design flaw midway through the game -- gamers have to >go back and collect every single friggin tribal in the game to move on. Sure, new >levels are unlocked along the way, but its damn annoying. > >Anyways, i agree with their review. a 9.0 rating deserves those words. Its not >like matt gave the game an 8.0 and try to write it up like its a better game. > >Dexter > See, I don't think reviews should be fair, just well reasoned opinions. Matt's review was poorly written. Throughout it he is saying it's okay... it's not too bad... it works fine... An okay game does not deserve 9 out of 10. He gives it an 8 for gameplay, then a 9 overall. Gameplay should be the most important factor in the overall rating. Read Matt's "conclusion". The inverted commas are there because this is no conclusion. Read it and think to yourself, what is this guy's point? Did he like it or not? He doesn't say. He leaves it open to interpretation. Why be so pollitically correct? Either he is conceited and he thinks IGN64 is so influencial that a bad DK64 review might destroy Nintendo's holiday sales. Or he realises that DK64 is going to be a popular game, because of the DK name and because it is a big Nintendo holiday title. He doesn't want to diss the title because he fears the readership would loose faith. He hints at the game being a Banjo rehash because he doesn't want to loose the hardcore gamers. He should have just been honest and told us his personal opinion. I enjoyed Gamefan's review a lot more, and although I've never played the game, it seemed to be more accurate. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: [N64] JFG flaws Date: 22 Nov 1999 20:10:40 +1100 At 23:59 21-11-99 -0800, you wrote: >Anyways, I thought ign64's reviews of late have been brutally fair. JFG got what >it got because of a serious design flaw midway through the game -- gamers have to >go back and collect every single friggin tribal in the game to move on. Sure, new >levels are unlocked along the way, but its damn annoying. > >Dexter > I bought JFG when it came out here, on the 11th. So I've been playing it on and off for eleven days. So far I've found all the tribals the game will tell me about, but since there has been no cinema sequence, I assume I've missed a secret level somewhere along the way. The main flaw in the game is it has no direction. Developers need to make up their minds "Is this a twitch game, or an exploration game?" They needed to make the player go back to find the tribals for a simple reason: weapon upgrades. By forcing the player to do the levels in a particular order, Rare have some control over the amount of ammo the player has. Once you get a decent amount of Rocket and Machine Gun ammo, you don't need to worry about playing the AI, you just point and shoot. All the time Rare spent perfecting their AI would have been wasted. So what they've got is a twitch game until you beat Mizar the first time, then an exploration game. It could have worked out, but the twitch elements are too easy and the exploration elements are too monotonous. Finding the tribals isn't too bad, the game tells you exactly how many are left in each level. Finding keys, items, weapon upgrades, secret levels etc. are another story. With those, the player is left to their own devices. It is very unforgiving that you are forced to replay a level at least three or four times. I don't think there are many people who would bother finding all the weapon upgrades. Some of the upgrades can be picked up by any character, meaning that Juno might end up with a much larger supply of grenades than Vela. There is no maximum ammo limit, no clear paradigm for collecting ammo upgrades. Game collectables should have definate paradigms like 100 Skulltulas in Zelda, or 120 Stars in Mario. The twitch parts of the game could have been better if Rare restricted the weapons even more so the player couldn't "cheat" with rockets and other over-powered weapons. Many of the weapons are too gimicky. You only need to use a couple of weapons to get through the game. This is connected with problem of all the enemies being too similar. Doom had a much better weapon system, you had to chose the right gun for the situation. The control system is a little too powerful. Maybe I'm just a really good player, but the enemies themselves never caused me to die in this game. It's too easy just to strafe around their poorly aimed fire and shoot them in the back of the head. Maybe there is a hard mode once you beat the game. I didn't see the point of having the floyd and racing mini games. Games don't need to be so eclectic. Pick an idea and stick to it. If you went to see a romantic comedy and there was no chase scene, would you be disappointed? I would have rathered Rare put more bosses in the game. Fighting Lupus's boss was probably the high point of the game for me. I liked the graphics and music. The music is probably some of the highest quality on the N64. The graphics are quite nice from a technical point of view but they get most of their prettiness from putting large textures on chunky polygons. I preferred Zelda's method of creating beutiful environments using polygonal archetecture. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 20:13:43 +1100 At 02:53 22-11-99 EST, you wrote: >In a message dated 11/22/99 1:43:45 AM Central Standard Time, > writes: > ><< > You don't switch players in BK, you control the clumsy, noisy, awkward > entity that is Banjo-Kazooie. Switching players for different abilities is > not innovative at all. That idea has been around so long, I can't pinpoint > the first implementation. SMB2? TMNT (NES)? Konami World (famicom)? >> > >SMB 2 featured 4 selectable charaters -- as did TMNT. It is innovative, >contrary to what you think. For one, it's 3D, unlike any older title >mentioned. Secondly, it's done well (clumsy execution never amounts to true >innovation). Control is tight, responsive and well done and the innovative >feature is exploited and implemented very well in the game. So, yes, it is >innovative. > >Aldo M. >-NDojo You never switch characters in Banjo-Kazooie. You are always playing as a single entity, a combination of Banjo and Kazooie. So it's really just the same as Mario except you have more abilities. The only problem is that many of those abilities are pointless and clumsy to use. I really don't consider Banjo-Kazooie to be innovative in any way. It's just a Mario64 clone. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] JFG flaws Date: 22 Nov 1999 20:20:01 +1100 Oh yeah, my overall opinion of JFG is that it is a nice game that has a number of things going for it. It's one of the better games on the system but it is not a classic nor a must-buy. It's main problem is that the developers didn't have a clear idea of what they wanted to archieve, they just wanted to make something fun. (Last line paraphrased from their own words.) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 10:58:00 -0700 Dexter Sy wrote: > > > There's a difference between opinionated is fair. Gene Siskel of Siskel and Ebert > > is an opinionated reviewer, but a fair one. was > He does use venom to attach films he > > hate or to promote an agenda. > > I mean he "does not" did not > sorry for the boo boo. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 12:41:15 -0600 -----Original Message----- >At 02:26 22-11-99 EST, you wrote: >>In a message dated 11/22/99 1:26:16 AM Central Standard Time, >> writes: >> >><< >> Where is the innovation in Banjo-Kazooie? >> >> >> >>It comes in the tag-team gameplay mechanics. >> >>!! > >You don't switch players in BK, you control the clumsy, noisy, awkward >entity that is Banjo-Kazooie. Switching players for different abilities is >not innovative at all. That idea has been around so long, I can't pinpoint >the first implementation. SMB2? TMNT (NES)? Konami World (famicom)? Maybe your just inept? I found the control to be dead on (except in water). I was quite adept at the controls. If you want to get technical, where was the innovation in Mario64? Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 14:01:58 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 02:26:16 EST, you write: > Where is the innovation in Banjo-Kazooie? > > No other platformer hero had Banjo's uncanny ability to annoy after only one jump. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 14:02:39 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 02:33:56 EST, you write: > It comes in the tag-team gameplay mechanics. > > !! > Yeah, cause we never saw that in Castlevania 3, right? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IBanjo Date: 22 Nov 1999 14:04:37 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 02:54:07 EST, you write: > Control is tight, responsive and well done and the innovative > feature is exploited and implemented very well in the game. So, yes, it is > innovative. Until ya start swimming, sure it's not as bad as Blue Stinger, but it is bad. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64]Mario 64 Date: 22 Nov 1999 14:08:28 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 13:43:51 EST, you write: > Maybe your just inept? I found the control to be dead on (except in water). > I was quite adept at the controls. If you want to get technical, where was > the innovation in Mario64? > > Stryder It was the butt stomp, wasn't it? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IBanjo Date: 22 Nov 1999 14:12:30 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 1:05:16 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Until ya start swimming, sure it's not as bad as Blue Stinger, but it is bad. Dave >> Oh yeah, it was awful. What was with the camera following behind you all the time and how the analog let you manuever accordingly? What I would have given for some superb Resident Evil control mechanics... Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 14:14:54 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 1:04:55 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << > It comes in the tag-team gameplay mechanics. > > !! > Yeah, cause we never saw that in Castlevania 3, right? Dave >> Was Castlevania 3 set in 3D...or are we shafting down a dimension here? Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: b er Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 22 Nov 1999 11:26:45 -0800 (PST) --- Geoff Finger wrote: > On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, b er wrote: > > > --- wrote: > > > In a message dated 99-11-12 19:16:09 EST, you > write: > > > > > > > And what kind of name is "Moo" for a > > > > bad guy, anyhow? > > > > > > I thought it was Mu. Although Jessie & James > really > > > sparks of creativity ;) > > > not. > > > > > not mu or moo it's MUW!!! > > I think. > > You know, there is a simple way to solve this. Those > of us who watch the > show just need to pay attention when they do that > little song and dance > about the monsters before one of the commercials. > One of them is about > Mu/Moo/Muw/whatever, the phoenix, and the nagas i > think. > > Given that he came from pangea, i'm guessing his > name is spelled Mu, which > is also the name of a mythical continent that is > supposed to have > disapeared long ago, similar to, but not the same > as, Atlantis. > > > Pounding in your temples > A surge of adrenaline > Every muscle tense > To fence the enemy within > --Rush > > The spelling of the one that we're talking about is spelled "MEW" And sorry not writing for the last week. ===== See ya Gotta Catch 'em all __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: b er Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 22 Nov 1999 11:53:51 -0800 (PST) --- Thraxen wrote: > > -----Original Message----- > From: > To: N64@MAIL.XMISSION.COM > Date: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 12:28 PM > Subject: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 > > > Let's take a pole. If you have a choice to get a > psx2 or a Dolphin, which > one > would you get. > > causes me great pain to have to make such > a decision. I plan on > getting both...BUT, if I had to decide? > Hmmm.....well, based completely on > how I feel about the N64 and PSX, I would have to go > with the PSX2. But > keep in mind that I would miss terribly the Rare and > Miyamoto games. > > Stryder > > If it was up to me to set the standed I'd go with The Dolphin for the game will be a part of the system. Jcoolerb ===== See ya Gotta Catch 'em all __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: b er Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 22 Nov 1999 11:55:21 -0800 (PST) --- wrote: > I would definitely buy the Dolphin. The games made > by Nintendo are better > than the ones made by Playstation. I do think that > PS2 will have excellent > sports games, just like that do with PSX. But just > imagine the games like > Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, and others, with superior > graphics and sound. I > definitely think that the Dolphin system is a better > choice. > > DDP > And the down load time is only nanoseconds!!! ===== See ya Gotta Catch 'em all __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 22 Nov 1999 15:00:07 EST As if there were a choice. The PSX2 offers more of the same of what the PSX currently offers -- shoddy software graced with only some solid 3rd party titles here and there. Coincidentally, it offers the near identical same controller and hardware with upgraded power behind it. I'd like to see the retailer who's going to give Sony extra shelf space for the mass library of PSX games and upcoming PS2 software -- it ain't happening. In any case, my vote goes clearly to the Dolphin. Rare and EAD are more than enough reason for me. Ahhh, quality. btw, it's 'poll'. Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 22 Nov 1999 15:29:00 EST In a message dated 11/18/99 10:42:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > A new Mario, a new Zelda, a new Donkey Kong. Don't even say > Metroid. If Metroid was so big name why is there no N64 Metroid? At least > there's two Zeldas on the N64, but only one Mario? If it's such a big name, > why only one? Oh well. > > Dave I will now answer your probably rhetorical questoins: Q: "... why is there no N64 Metroid?" A: Because Metroid was NOT a big hit in Japan, it didn't do well therefore they saw no reason to bring one to the N64. In America, though, most if not all my friends remember and often still play their Metroid games (I can't believe I sold the gameboy version...) Q: "If [Mario] is such a big name, why only one?" A: (This is my belief) Miyamato has been too busy with other games to even consider another Mario. If I remember correctly, there was supposed to be another one but it was canned, either because Miyamato didn't like how the game was progressing or because it was dropped for development on the Dolphin. Mario has, though, shown up in numerous other N64 games including Smash Brothers, Mario Party, Mario Golf, and the soon to be Mario's Adventure (or whatever it's called now). What person on this list hasn't heard of Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, or Metroid? You brought up Ridge Racer and Tekken 3, I had completely forgotten that those existed when I was writing the message. I guess what I ment by "Big Name Titles", to clarify once again, are titles that you just can't forget, the titles that are ever-present in the back of your mind and when you think of video games, you think of them. Anyway, Nuff said 8-). * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 22 Nov 1999 15:32:54 EST In a message dated 11/19/99 12:55:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > > But it's a fact, the bitmaps are loaded slowly... and oddly enough, its > > just better to play it when it was first released. > > Still a good deal. 2 games (FF V and VI) plus bonus CD. > It was a better deal in Japan 3 games (FF IV, FF V, and FF VI). I'm not sure if it had the bonus soundtrack CD though, that thing's cool! * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] OT Y2K Date: 22 Nov 1999 15:45:28 EST In a message dated 11/19/99 9:40:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > You don't have to be fluent with computers to put 2 + 2 together. Most > computers use a Microsoft OS. Now Bill Gates likes one thing over anything > else, to make lots of money. He's smart enough to realize that if the year > is > only listed in 2 digits and not four things won't work right come 2000. What > > a better scam the to make everything with two year digits, then people will > pay big money to have Y2K compliant computers, I mean to have their existing > > computers updated. Just another way to make easy money. > > Dave > It's not just Bill Gates' team but the programmers of different companies as well. I've talked to some about the Y2K problem and they said that it's the fault of the programmers; they try to take too many short cuts and one of their favorites was to make years two digets. Though I like your hypothesis. Anyway, what's in this about Nintendo? Oh right, is the N64 or even the NES Y2K compliant ;-] Nuff said. * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 15:56:41 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 12:19:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > I tried playing it at TRU & > Media Play, but those N64 kiosks, with controllers that heven't been > replaced > since 1996, it was darn near impossible to play. Actually where I live they aren't even old: just the crappy no name brand of stupid, shoddy controllers. Real good way to demo a game ;-) * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo Date: 22 Nov 1999 17:06:17 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 14:13:33 EST, you write: > Oh yeah, it was awful. What was with the camera following behind you all the > > time and how the analog let you manuever accordingly? What I would have > given > for some superb Resident Evil control mechanics... > > Aldo M. I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, but the Resident Evil games do have great control. Also Shadows of the Empire has great control. I think Banjo moved too slow and Kazooie moved too fast. Also you think that Banjo's fists could extend a little farther. And for a bear banjo seemed surprsingly weak. It woul;d have been nice f you could jump on those big ants too. I thought that was really stupid. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 22 Nov 1999 17:07:41 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 14:15:30 EST, you write: > Was Castlevania 3 set in 3D...or are we shafting down a dimension here? > > Aldo M. > -NDojo 3-D & 2-D have nothing to do with it. Face it Dojo-boy, the tag-team concept wasn't new. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! (but we were talking about Monster Date: 22 Nov 1999 17:09:09 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 14:27:27 EST, you write: > The spelling of the one that we're talking about is > spelled "MEW" > > And sorry not writing for the last week. > > ===== > See ya > Gotta Catch 'em all You should read the entire thread before responding. Or is Mew in Monster Rancher? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 22 Nov 1999 17:10:40 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 14:56:00 EST, you write: > And the down load time is only nanoseconds!!! You do mean the N64, right? Or are you from the future? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 22 Nov 1999 17:12:59 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 4:08:32 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << > Was Castlevania 3 set in 3D...or are we shafting down a dimension here? > > Aldo M. > -NDojo 3-D & 2-D have nothing to do with it. Face it Dojo-boy, the tag-team concept wasn't new. Dave >> 3D and 2D have a lot to do with innovation respectively. Unless you consider the original SMB the same as Mario 64; in which case, that's your beef. My point was the tag-team concept is innovative in execution -- in respects to the third dimension. Bzzzzt, no million dollars for you. Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 22 Nov 1999 17:21:58 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 15:29:52 EST, you write: > What person on this list hasn't heard of Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, or > Metroid? You brought up Ridge Racer and Tekken 3, I had completely > forgotten > that those existed when I was writing the message. I guess what I ment by > "Big Name Titles", to clarify once again, are titles that you just can't > forget, the titles that are ever-present in the back of your mind and when > you think of video games, you think of them. Anyway, Nuff said 8-). > > * Kingpriest of Istar * Oh, you mean like Xenogears, Soul Edge/Blade/Calibur, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, Need For Speed, Street Fighter, Mario, Castlevania? Or perhaps you mean just the titles that narrow-minded Nintendo Nerds like yourself think of? But you know, there are people out there who play videogames, who just love videogames with a passion that think platformers & adventure games are a waste of time. Their big names titles would probably be like Madden, EA's NHL, NFL Game Day, etc. What you really mean is what you like and only what you like and anybody who thinks different must be wrong. That's what you mean. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] OT Y2K (internal clocks) Date: 22 Nov 1999 17:26:24 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 15:49:06 EST, you write: > It's not just Bill Gates' team but the programmers of different companies as > > well. I've talked to some about the Y2K problem and they said that it's the > > fault of the programmers; they try to take too many short cuts and one of > their favorites was to make years two digets. That was forgiveable back in the punch card days, but I'm sure somebody noticed the problem before 1998. > Though I like your hypothesis. > > Anyway, what's in this about Nintendo? Oh right, is the N64 or even the > NES > Y2K compliant ;-] Nuff said. > > * Eric * Anything without an internal clock is Y2K compliant, but even those that do like the Saturn & Dreamcast are Y2K compliant, but even if they weren't consoles don't control ATMs & crap like that so it's really a non issue. I hope the Dolphin has an internal clock. More like that was in the Saturn than Dreamcast though. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 22 Nov 1999 17:29:31 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 17:13:38 EST, you write: > 3D and 2D have a lot to do with innovation respectively. Unless you consider > > the original SMB the same as Mario 64; in which case, that's your beef. My > point was the tag-team concept is innovative in execution -- in respects to > the third dimension. Bzzzzt, no million dollars for you. > > Aldo M. > -NDojo Waddaya mean? I left after I got the $64,000. I fail to see how doing something that had already been done almost 10 years before be innovative. That's like saying Windos 95 was an innovation in a GUI. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 22 Nov 1999 17:42:36 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 5:22:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > > What person on this list hasn't heard of Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, or > > Metroid? You brought up Ridge Racer and Tekken 3, I had completely > > forgotten > > that those existed when I was writing the message. I guess what I ment > by > > "Big Name Titles", to clarify once again, are titles that you just can't > > forget, the titles that are ever-present in the back of your mind and > when > > you think of video games, you think of them. Anyway, Nuff said 8-). > > > > * Kingpriest of Istar * > > Oh, you mean like Xenogears, Soul Edge/Blade/Calibur, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, > > Need For Speed, Street Fighter, Mario, Castlevania? Or perhaps you mean just > > the titles that narrow-minded Nintendo Nerds like yourself think of? > > But you know, there are people out there who play videogames, who just love > videogames with a passion that think platformers & adventure games are a > waste of time. Their big names titles would probably be like Madden, EA's > NHL, NFL Game Day, etc. > > What you really mean is what you like and only what you like and anybody who > > thinks different must be wrong. That's what you mean. > > Dave > Excuse me? Sorry if I misinterperet what you are saying here but that is quite superficial of you to say. In fact that is extremely superficial. So I'm a Nintendo Nerd, huh? Sorry, but you know nothing about me. Where the heck do you get off calling someone a Nintendo Nerd if they're on a NINTENDO mailing list. Geez, I have had all the systems it's been in my power to posess. Not to brag, seriously just to prove a point, I own a Playstation, I own a Dreamcast, I own a Game Gear, I own a Game Boy, I own a SNES, and I own a N64. So how is it that I'm a Nintendo Nerd? I like Nintendo, big whoop! I also like Sega for what they've accomplished but because this is a NINTENDO mailing list I like to keep things NINTENDO oriented. Sure, I've heard of those games and I've played many of them but my point was (every time I posted) that Nintendo has a history of making memorable titles. Sure, I could sit here and list off a million titles to a system that I thought were good. The titles I listed above, if you hadn't noticed, were all recent titles that unanimously were loved. I like almost any kind of video game. It just so happens that the kinds I listed were platformers / action titles. Big deal. Sorry but it just seems that those games have a way of sticking into ones mind. It seems, Dave, that you keep changing your list and if I count correctly, this time there are 5 out of 8 titles that have had incarnations on Nintendo systems. Thank you for proving my point. If you want my honest OPINION (or not), NFS series is getting old, Soul Calibur is a great game (didn't like the others) and it's already out, and Xenogears was a sleeper hit of an RPG. And what the heck is up with changing my name? "Kingpriest of Istar?" You may think me ignorant because of this but I don't know what the heck that's supposed to mean. Just to clarify, no personal harm is ment during any of my posts to anyone out there, and it never is, including this one. Some people, on the other hand, like to call others Nintendo Nerds because they list Nintendo titles on a Nintendo mailing list when stating their opinion. It is my belief that if we are to keep a civilized list here, we must forget the vulgarities of words and actions and just have discussions: not arguments. Nuff said. * Eric * Oh and Dave, when you said: "What you really mean is what you like and only what you like and anybody who thinks different must be wrong. That's what you mean." I think it was you who was wrong: I was stating my opinion on games that I liked and knew others liked; you were listing off some of your favorite titles, it seems, just to 'prove me wrong.' Looks like there's a new hypocrit on the block. 8-) Remember, don't take any of this as detrimental to your character... I was just clarifying what I was saying and proving myself correct. 8-) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64]Mario 64 Date: 22 Nov 1999 15:43:16 -0700 On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 14:08:28 EST writes: > In a message dated 99-11-22 13:43:51 EST, you write: > > > Maybe your just inept? I found the control to be dead on (except > in water). > > I was quite adept at the controls. If you want to get technical, > where was > > the innovation in Mario64? > > > > Stryder > > It was the butt stomp, wasn't it? Wasn't there a butt stomp in Yoshi's Island? ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 17:44:22 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 3:12:02 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << You never switch characters in Banjo-Kazooie. You are always playing as a single entity, a combination of Banjo and Kazooie. So it's really just the same as Mario except you have more abilities. The only problem is that many of those abilities are pointless and clumsy to use. I really don't consider Banjo-Kazooie to be innovative in any way. It's just a Mario64 clone. >> It also improved over Mario 64 in many ways. Bigger levels, more to collect (or at least required to collect), metamorphosis (being a gator or a bee). The only thing I liked about Mario better was that you could replay all the levels and bosses. Kinda stinks that B-K can't. Oh well, I still liked it better. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 22 Nov 1999 17:45:26 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 5:43:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > The titles I listed above, if you hadn't noticed, were all recent > titles that unanimously were loved. Let me clarify, I ment "recently discussed titles", those discussed on the list. Sorry bout the mistake. * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IBanjo Date: 22 Nov 1999 17:48:56 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 1:13:33 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << In a message dated 11/22/99 1:05:16 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Until ya start swimming, sure it's not as bad as Blue Stinger, but it is bad. Dave >> Oh yeah, it was awful. What was with the camera following behind you all the time and how the analog let you manuever accordingly? What I would have given for some superb Resident Evil control mechanics... Aldo M. -NDojo >> Swimming was pretty bad, but not unbearable (sorry 'bout the pun). If you practice enough, you can get used to it. For the record, I will say that Mario's swimming controls were much better. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Pikachu, I choose you!! Date: 22 Nov 1999 17:50:56 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 1:27:27 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << > Given that he came from pangea, i'm guessing his > name is spelled Mu, which > is also the name of a mythical continent that is > supposed to have > disapeared long ago, similar to, but not the same > as, Atlantis. > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Pounding in your temples > A surge of adrenaline > Every muscle tense > To fence the enemy within > --Rush > > The spelling of the one that we're talking about is spelled "MEW" And sorry not writing for the last week. >> I caught a glimpse of a commercial once for whatever it is (Monster Rancher? Digimon?) It is spelled Moo. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Square Date: 22 Nov 1999 15:25:18 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 11/19/99 12:55:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > > > > But it's a fact, the bitmaps are loaded slowly... and oddly enough, its > > > just better to play it when it was first released. > > > > Still a good deal. 2 games (FF V and VI) plus bonus CD. > > > > It was a better deal in Japan 3 games (FF IV, FF V, and FF VI). I'm not sure > if it had the bonus soundtrack CD though, that thing's cool! Supposedly, bugs in FF IV prevented a smooth translation. judging from the shoddy porting work done on V and VI, i don't think it would be a good sight. Dexter > > > * Eric * > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 20:22:55 -0500 (EST) regardless of its innovation or lack thereof it was FUN and isn't that all that matters? On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/22/99 1:26:16 AM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << > Where is the innovation in Banjo-Kazooie? > >> > > It comes in the tag-team gameplay mechanics. > > !! > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 22 Nov 1999 19:24:23 -0600 -----Original Message----- >As if there were a choice. The PSX2 offers more of the same of what the PSX >currently offers -- shoddy software graced with only some solid 3rd party >titles here and there. Coincidentally, it offers the near identical same >controller and hardware with upgraded power behind it. I'd like to see the >retailer who's going to give Sony extra shelf space for the mass library of >PSX games and upcoming PS2 software -- it ain't happening. I have to disagree. I think the PSX has tons of good software. Right now I am playing Grandia and Crash Team Racing (both good games). I also need to get Medal of Honor and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis...both of which were just recently released and both are great games. I'm still deciding on Twisted Metal 4. They improved the control from TM3, but it still does not have quite the same feel as when Single Trac made TM2. But it seems fairly solid. There are other like Spyro 2, Vandal Hearts 2, various racing titles, etc, etc, that I will be passing on because they either don't interest me personally or I don't have the time with all the other games. I am backed up as it is. BTW, all those games are just in the past few weeks. So..well....your comments about 'shoddy software' and 'here and there' are BS. Oh yeah, and that comment about shelf space is a pretty pathetic attempt at saying that lots of software (i.e. choice and variety) is bad. I like software myself. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo Date: 22 Nov 1999 20:30:53 -0500 (EST) SOTE had great control? Perhaps in the Hoth level but not in the 3rd person levels. It's a game where bad camera control allowed for bad control mechanics. Also what was the purpose of the 'movie' camera mode? On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-22 14:13:33 EST, you write: > > > Oh yeah, it was awful. What was with the camera following behind you all > the > > > > time and how the analog let you manuever accordingly? What I would have > > given > > for some superb Resident Evil control mechanics... > > > > Aldo M. > > I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, but the Resident Evil games do have > great control. Also Shadows of the Empire has great control. I think Banjo > moved too slow and Kazooie moved too fast. Also you think that Banjo's fists > could extend a little farther. And for a bear banjo seemed surprsingly weak. > It woul;d have been nice f you could jump on those big ants too. I thought > that was really stupid. > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 18:07:03 -0800 "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." wrote: > regardless of its innovation or lack thereof it was FUN and isn't that all > that matters? There are those who will say if its not innovative, it can be fun, but still deserves an B or whatever score they see fit. How videogame of entertainment are rated, i think, is something we as gamers will have to set up someday. If videogames is to grow out of its purely fan based community into say, a more academic community where people who are interested can take a course on videogame aesthetics, design, and criticsm... heh, maybe i'll be the prof :-) Dex > > > On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 wrote: > > > In a message dated 11/22/99 1:26:16 AM Central Standard Time, > > writes: > > > > << > > Where is the innovation in Banjo-Kazooie? > > >> > > > > It comes in the tag-team gameplay mechanics. > > > > !! > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > sx > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Armitage Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 22 Nov 1999 20:06:10 -0600 > Remember, don't take any of this as >detrimental to your character... Oh, don't worry. He will... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 22 Nov 1999 20:55:35 -0600 -----Original Message----- > > >"Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." wrote: > >> regardless of its innovation or lack thereof it was FUN and isn't that all >> that matters? > >There are those who will say if its not innovative, it can be fun, but still >deserves an B or whatever score they see fit. > >How videogame of entertainment are rated, i think, is something we as gamers >will have to set up someday. If videogames is to grow out of its purely fan >based community into say, a more academic community where people who are >interested can take a course on videogame aesthetics, design, and criticsm... > >heh, maybe i'll be the prof :-) > >Dex > Hey, then I could come and take your class....I bet you would love that :) Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64]Mario 64 Date: 22 Nov 1999 23:16:41 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 17:45:01 EST, you write: > > > the innovation in Mario64? > > > > > > Stryder > > > > It was the butt stomp, wasn't it? > > Wasn't there a butt stomp in Yoshi's Island? > > Yeah, msut have forgot about that. Maybe blue coins? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo, Star Wars, & Rayman 2 Date: 22 Nov 1999 23:25:28 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 20:31:25 EST, you write: > SOTE had great control? Perhaps in the Hoth level but not in the 3rd > person levels. It's a game where bad camera control allowed for bad > control mechanics. Also what was the purpose of the 'movie' camera mode? I was talking about the the 3rd person scenes. The top down camera for jumping was like a godsend. The movie camera mode was for showing of your nrw N64 I believe. I think the 3rd person level controls were great. Very precice, unlike something like Banjo Kazooie. I rented Rayman 2 today, well, it's an okay game. It's not a bad game but it's not really a must have game. The control is good, not great.. and the camera gets stuck sometimes.. , but this isn't the N64 game I want to get this year. I don't know if it's just me, but I can't tell any difference between the high resolution and normal resolution in Rayman 2, it's not as profound as in Turok 2 or Rogue Squadron. (Or maybe it is and the Dreamcast has spoiled me) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 22 Nov 1999 23:36:02 EST In a message dated 99-11-22 21:08:41 EST, you write: > > Remember, don't take any of this as > >detrimental to your character... > > Oh, don't worry. He will... First I have to look up "detrimental". ;) This is going nowhere, the wole thing is that Pokeboy claims that there are no big name series or titles on the PlayStation as opposed to Nintendo 64 (or all Nintendo systems, maybe that was it). I completely disagreed with it. When i backed up my statement with two amazingly popular PSX only series' (what's a plural for "series"?) that are making it to the PlayStation 2, Tekken & Ridge Racer, he countered by saying what sounded to me like since he doesn't like those games they can't be "big names". I personally don't like the Tekken series or Ridge Racer series but I'm not going to delude of the truth of the matter just becasue of my personal opinion. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 23 Nov 1999 00:37:27 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 7:27:04 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Oh yeah, and that comment about shelf space is a pretty pathetic attempt at saying that lots of software (i.e. choice and variety) is bad. I like software myself. Stryder >> Actually, it's just true. If you think you're going to have those 300+ titles at launch, you will -- but only in theory. You ever note how limited the space for Gameboy titles is? Ever note how the GBC software takes priority? The same thing goes for the PSX and PS2. You want those titles, you're going to have to dig through the bargain bins of the unsold titles or still manufactured ones. I like a lot of software, no question about it. I just prefer good software=) Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 23 Nov 1999 01:13:06 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 7:23:58 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << regardless of its innovation or lack thereof it was FUN and isn't that all that matters? >> Amen, McCoy Jr. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 23 Nov 1999 01:22:58 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 7:27:04 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I am backed up as it is. BTW, all those games are just in the past few weeks. So..well....your comments about 'shoddy software' and 'here and there' are BS. Oh yeah, and that comment about shelf space is a pretty pathetic attempt at saying that lots of software (i.e. choice and variety) is bad. I like software myself. Stryder >> Backed up? That is the main reason that I think that too much software is bad. For those like me that don't have the time to play the games they have right now, the N64, releasing fewer games at a time, is perfect. If I owned PSX, the system for which games are pumped out at such a rapid pace, I would probably have suffocated by now. Not that all PSX games are must-buy, but if I was even remotely interested in some, I wouldn't even have time to rent them all to see if they're good or they suck. Plus, most of the really killer titles have the same waiting period as 64's killers, there's just a bunch of small ones in between. And also, the N64 is the platform-genre king of all consoles, so I'm very happy with my current choice. The PSX may have more titles, I just think that their rate of production is one of the downsides. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo Date: 23 Nov 1999 01:24:56 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 7:31:25 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << SOTE had great control? Perhaps in the Hoth level but not in the 3rd person levels. It's a game where bad camera control allowed for bad control mechanics. Also what was the purpose of the 'movie' camera mode? >> I don't know what person in their right mind would use the movie view, but the control was pretty good. Jumping was really annoying, though. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Banjo, Star Wars, & Rayman 2 Date: 23 Nov 1999 01:28:06 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 10:35:26 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << > SOTE had great control? Perhaps in the Hoth level but not in the 3rd > person levels. It's a game where bad camera control allowed for bad > control mechanics. Also what was the purpose of the 'movie' camera mode? I was talking about the the 3rd person scenes. The top down camera for jumping was like a godsend. The movie camera mode was for showing of your nrw N64 I believe. I think the 3rd person level controls were great. Very precice, unlike something like Banjo Kazooie. >> SOTE's controls better than B-K's. Now that's just crazy, man. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 23 Nov 1999 18:22:28 +1100 At 12:41 22-11-99 -0600, you wrote: > >-----Original Message----- >From: Alex >To: >Date: Monday, November 22, 1999 1:44 AM >Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review > >>You don't switch players in BK, you control the clumsy, noisy, awkward >>entity that is Banjo-Kazooie. Switching players for different abilities is >>not innovative at all. That idea has been around so long, I can't pinpoint >>the first implementation. SMB2? TMNT (NES)? Konami World (famicom)? > >Maybe your just inept? I found the control to be dead on (except in water). >I was quite adept at the controls. If you want to get technical, where was >the innovation in Mario64? > >Stryder > Heh, where isn't there innovation in Mario64? Before Mario64 everyone wanted to make a 3d platformer. The technology was there, but nobody could make a decent 3d platformer. Mario64 showed how it was done. It established the genre and as far as I'm concerned it has yet to be surpassed (keep in mind I have yet to play Rayman2, Rocket or DK64). To be more specific, Mario64 is the first game with a completely controllable camera. First game to use analogue controls. It used interactive midi in a unique way. It established countless 3d platformer components such as the butt stomp, the re-use of levels, the control scheme. I'm not completely inept. Like I said last time we had this discussion, I've beaten Banjo-Kazooie and gotten all the items. The controls are functional but they are not as well designed as Mario64's more elegant simplicity. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 23 Nov 1999 18:27:37 +1100 At 15:29 22-11-99 EST, you wrote: >Q: "If [Mario] is such a big name, why only one?" >A: (This is my belief) Miyamato has been too busy with other games to even >consider another Mario. If I remember correctly, there was supposed to be >another one but it was canned, either because Miyamato didn't like how the >game was progressing or because it was dropped for development on the >Dolphin. Mario has, though, shown up in numerous other N64 games including >Smash Brothers, Mario Party, Mario Golf, and the soon to be Mario's Adventure >(or whatever it's called now). > >* Eric * > I agree, just because there is only one MArio64 doesn't mean Mario is a big name. Miyamoto is only prepared to make a new Mario game when he has a new idea for a Mario game. He won't churn out rehashes and let them sell on the brand name. Nintendo are content to capitalise on the Mario name with spin-offs like Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Mario Golf etc. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 23 Nov 1999 18:33:34 +1100 At 17:12 22-11-99 EST, you wrote: >In a message dated 11/22/99 4:08:32 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > ><< > Was Castlevania 3 set in 3D...or are we shafting down a dimension here? > > > > Aldo M. > > -NDojo > > 3-D & 2-D have nothing to do with it. Face it Dojo-boy, the tag-team concept > wasn't new. > > Dave >> > >3D and 2D have a lot to do with innovation respectively. Unless you consider >the original SMB the same as Mario 64; in which case, that's your beef. My >point was the tag-team concept is innovative in execution -- in respects to >the third dimension. Bzzzzt, no million dollars for you. > >Aldo M. >-NDojo How? Changing characters and having 3d graphics are entirely mutually exclusive. In no way does having 3d characters inhibit the swaping of characters. I realise that more characters means more data has to be stored in RAM, but 2d characters are in the same situation. It's not innovative unless it made other developers stop and go "Oh yeah, we can swap characters in 3d, wow, we never would have thought of that". [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 23 Nov 1999 18:39:58 +1100 >In a message dated 11/22/99 5:22:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > >> > What person on this list hasn't heard of Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, or >> > Metroid? You brought up Ridge Racer and Tekken 3, I had completely >> > forgotten >> > that those existed when I was writing the message. I guess what I ment >> by >> > "Big Name Titles", to clarify once again, are titles that you just >can't >> > forget, the titles that are ever-present in the back of your mind and >> when >> > you think of video games, you think of them. Anyway, Nuff said 8-). >> > >> > * Kingpriest of Istar * >> >> Oh, you mean like Xenogears, Soul Edge/Blade/Calibur, Zelda, Chrono >Trigger, >> >> Need For Speed, Street Fighter, Mario, Castlevania? Or perhaps you mean >just >> >> the titles that narrow-minded Nintendo Nerds like yourself think of? >> >> But you know, there are people out there who play videogames, who just >love >> videogames with a passion that think platformers & adventure games are a >> waste of time. Their big names titles would probably be like Madden, EA's >> NHL, NFL Game Day, etc. >> >> What you really mean is what you like and only what you like and anybody >who >> >> thinks different must be wrong. That's what you mean. >> >> Dave >> > Nintendo has worked hard to build its brand names with quality products. THey won't release sub-par products if it will hurt the brand. Do you think characters like Lara Croft, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot etc will be around as long as Mario, Link and Samus already have and will continue to? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64]Mario 64 Date: 23 Nov 1999 18:50:46 +1100 At 15:43 22-11-99 -0700, you wrote: >On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 14:08:28 EST writes: >> In a message dated 99-11-22 13:43:51 EST, you write: >> >> > Maybe your just inept? I found the control to be dead on (except >> in water). >> > I was quite adept at the controls. If you want to get technical, >> where was >> > the innovation in Mario64? >> > >> > Stryder >> >> It was the butt stomp, wasn't it? > >Wasn't there a butt stomp in Yoshi's Island? > Here is a situation where the 3rd dimension makes a difference in implementation. The butt stomp was in Yoshi's Island to add a different way of interacting with the environment, as well as more variety. In Mario64 it's more important because it makes it much easier to jump on an enemy in a 3d playing field. You just position yourself above the enemy and press Z instead of having to time the parabola of your jump. Judging 3d depth on a 2d screen can get difficult. Especially for beginner players. Anyway, other developers didn't start to copy the butt-stomp until post-Mario64. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 23 Nov 1999 18:54:13 +1100 At 17:44 22-11-99 EST, you wrote: >In a message dated 11/22/99 3:12:02 AM Central Standard Time, > writes: > ><< You never switch characters in Banjo-Kazooie. You are always playing as a > single entity, a combination of Banjo and Kazooie. So it's really just the > same as Mario except you have more abilities. The only problem is that many > of those abilities are pointless and clumsy to use. I really don't consider > Banjo-Kazooie to be innovative in any way. It's just a Mario64 clone. >> > >It also improved over Mario 64 in many ways. Bigger levels, more to collect >(or at least required to collect), metamorphosis (being a gator or a bee). >The only thing I liked about Mario better was that you could replay all the >levels and bosses. Kinda stinks that B-K can't. Oh well, I still liked it >better. >-Eric- > The levels weren't that much bigger, Banjo just runs too slow. Mario64 had more levels anyway. More to collect and metamorphosis are advantages, but remember Mario64 was an eight megabyte cartridge and the first title on the system. PLus Mario get powerups like the hats and the turtle shell. Overall Mario64's advantages far outweigh Banjo's. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 23 Nov 1999 18:56:39 +1100 Sure it's fun, but there are other games out there which are much more fun. When you analyse what makes one game more fun than another it's time to get technical and talk about things like innovation. At 20:22 22-11-99 -0500, you wrote: >regardless of its innovation or lack thereof it was FUN and isn't that all >that matters? > > >On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 wrote: > >> In a message dated 11/22/99 1:26:16 AM Central Standard Time, >> writes: >> >> << >> Where is the innovation in Banjo-Kazooie? >> >> >> >> It comes in the tag-team gameplay mechanics. >> >> !! >> >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >> [ (without the quotes) to ] >> > >sx > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 23 Nov 1999 19:18:35 +1100 At 23:36 22-11-99 EST, you wrote: >In a message dated 99-11-22 21:08:41 EST, you write: > >> > Remember, don't take any of this as >> >detrimental to your character... >> >> Oh, don't worry. He will... > >First I have to look up "detrimental". ;) > >This is going nowhere, the wole thing is that Pokeboy claims that there are >no big name series or titles on the PlayStation as opposed to Nintendo 64 (or >all Nintendo systems, maybe that was it). I completely disagreed with it. >When i backed up my statement with two amazingly popular PSX only series' >(what's a plural for "series"?) that are making it to the PlayStation 2, >Tekken & Ridge Racer, he countered by saying what sounded to me like since he >doesn't like those games they can't be "big names". I personally don't like >the Tekken series or Ridge Racer series but I'm not going to delude of the >truth of the matter just becasue of my personal opinion. > >Dave PS2 will certainly launch with big names like SFEX3, Ridge Racer, Tekken, BeMani etc. However there is something to be said for the enduring properties Nintendo has built up over the years. Banjo-Kazooie not being one of them. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: editor - hotgames Subject: [N64] - Coolnews Date: 23 Nov 1999 22:08:56 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS: Gamedate November 23, 1999 The Newsletter of HOLDING BREATH Today marks the eventual release of some of PC gaming's most long awaited titles - as per usual you can download the FREE demos and read their reviews on the one and only - but it prompts the question of whether or not these huge development periods are worth the wait... Cameron D. THE LATEST AT 1. MESSIAH 2. URBAN CHAOS 3. LINKS LS 2000 4. DEER HUNTING CHALENGE 1. MESSIAH Shiny's soul-saving action adventure game is finally here, and we've got the demo ready for you to check out! Is this the second coming of computer gaming or a post apocalyptic nightmare? Find out... 2. URBAN CHAOS There's been a lot of secrecy and hype surrounding this millennium- based brawling game - but has managed to bring you the free demo and review! We're amazing like that, you know. 3. LINKS LS 2000 It's golf. You know, that sport where a couple of people walk around a field hitting a small white ball into a small hole and earn a billion dollars in the process? Well, you can play it for FREE right now on! 4. DEER HUNTING CHALLENGE Another deer hunting game to add to the collection, then - but is this better than everything that's come along so far? There's only one sure way to find out, you know... Until next time... Cameron D. To unsubscribe to Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject field. Do you have friends who are also keen gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 23 Nov 1999 07:38:26 EST In a message dated 11/23/99 1:52:25 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << The levels weren't that much bigger, Banjo just runs too slow. Mario64 had more levels anyway. More to collect and metamorphosis are advantages, but remember Mario64 was an eight megabyte cartridge and the first title on the system. PLus Mario get powerups like the hats and the turtle shell. Overall Mario64's advantages far outweigh Banjo's. >> Alright, why don't we just drop this discussion. It's getting nowhere like last time. say something about Mario, I say something about B-K and it just keeps going back and forth. We're not going to settle this, so I don't want to waste space in my mailbox if it's not going to go anywhere. I'll leave by saying that I like B-K better. Its worlds were cooler and it had tighter controls than Mario (except when swimming). Good day to you, Alex. That's it for me. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 23 Nov 1999 08:49:41 EST Hello I am an owner of I was wondering if you would like to work for us doing things as reviews, previews, codes, walkthru's, etc. Please reply. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 23 Nov 1999 09:09:00 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 10:44:43 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I completely disagreed with it. When i backed up my statement with two amazingly popular PSX only series' (what's a plural for "series"?) that are making it to the PlayStation 2, Tekken & Ridge Racer, he countered by saying what sounded to me like since he doesn't like those games they can't be "big names". >> I personally dont see Tekken as a "Big Series." A lot of gamers haven't even heard of this title. All of the hardcore gamers that go around the internet know about it but people that just rent games from BlockBuster or whatever never hear about title such as Tekken. NiKoN -GFS [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] w2k Date: 23 Nov 1999 09:35:37 -0600 (CST) Any of you guys play Wrestlemania 2000 yet. If you have tell me what you think of it. I think the Road to w2k is pretty kwel. Towards the end it gets kinds of difficult. When you start of the opponents are very simple.Once I have the belt against Stone Cold and I couldn't beat him. I made it a double count out. Then a could weeks later in the game Vince can out with the Undertaker and striped my belt from me and gave it to Undertaker. So I had every belt except that one.Atleast I unlocked four characters so far. B [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 23 Nov 1999 15:18:52 EST In a message dated 11/22/99 11:44:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > 'm not going to delude of the > truth of the matter just becasue of my personal opinion. I hope this is the last statement. I only wanted to clarify that "he countered by saying what sounded to me like since he doesn't like those games they can't be "big names"" is not what I said at all. It was misunderstood. What I said and hoped to get across was that the "big names" I was talking about were those universally accepted in the videogaming community. It just so happened that the first that came to mind were Nintendo titles. Sorry but, at least a little while ago, whenever anyone thought of videogames (who didn't play them much) the first image that they'd think of was Mario. Now it's probably Pokemon but that's besides the point... I was just clarifying something misunderstood. Hopefully this will be the last post on the subject and we can all get on with our regular lives 8-). Nuff said. * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 23 Nov 1999 14:39:07 -0600 Yeah, I thought BK was one of the best N64 games to date. Thraxen wrote: > > -----Original Message----- > From: Alex > To: > Date: Sunday, November 21, 1999 11:38 PM > Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review > > > > >As a suspected DK64 will not be comparable to DKC on the SNES. It's just > >more Banjo-Kazooie. IGN64 did everything they could to give it a bad review > >without actually giving it a bad review. Why must they be so pollitically > >correct? Reviews are supposed to be oppinionated. > > > > As far as I'm concerned, if it is just more BK, then I'm happy. I thought > BK rocked. > > Stryder > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bacon Von Raschke Subject: Re: [N64] w2k Date: 23 Nov 1999 15:23:53 -0600 (CST) > Any of you guys play Wrestlemania 2000 yet. If you have tell me what > you think of it. I think the Road to w2k is pretty kwel. Towards the end it > gets kinds of difficult. When you start of the opponents are very simple.Once I > have the belt against Stone Cold and I couldn't beat him. I made it a double > count out. Then a could weeks later in the game Vince can out with the > Undertaker and striped my belt from me and gave it to Undertaker. So I had > every belt except that one.Atleast I unlocked four characters so far. > i went to a friend's house to play it last Sunday around 3pm. next thing i knew, it was 11:30! hehe. i love the game. best wressling game to yet come out for the n64, IMO. i had a blast creating new guys in Edit Mode and using them to MAKE AUSTIN BLEED. as for road to wrestlemania, didn't get too far into it before i quit out and did the king of ring tournament with a friend. that's good stuff. and Steve Blackman's one tough cookie. At any rate, WM2K's a definite must have for wrestling fans :) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 23 Nov 1999 17:52:05 EST In a message dated 99-11-23 00:47:32 EST, you write: > Actually, it's just true. If you think you're going to have those 300+ > titles > at launch, you will -- but only in theory. You ever note how limited the > space for Gameboy titles is? Ever note how the GBC software takes priority? It depends on where you go. Like at the local TRU in the "R Zone" (what does R mean here?, I have no clue) the Game Boy section is anything but limited. There's proabaly about 70 to 90 games available on the shelves with the GB & GBC mixed together and still more in bins shared with Genesis titles. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] King Date: 23 Nov 1999 17:53:30 EST In a message dated 99-11-23 01:33:17 EST, you write: > And also, the N64 is the platform-genre king > of all consoles, so I'm very happy with my current choice. The PSX may have > > more titles, I just think that their rate of production is one of the > downsides. > -Eric- I thought the Super NES was the platformer king. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] jumping Date: 23 Nov 1999 17:57:08 EST In a message dated 99-11-23 01:35:04 EST, you write: > I don't know what person in their right mind would use the movie view, but > the control was pretty good. Jumping was really annoying, though. > -Eric- I thought the jumping was perfect, the top down camera made it perfect, if only more games would have the top down camera view selectable. Now jumping in Turok , thatw as annoying, especially since Turon has no feet. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 23 Nov 1999 18:04:40 EST In a message dated 99-11-23 02:38:09 EST, you write: > Nintendo has worked hard to build its brand names with quality products. > THey won't release sub-par products if it will hurt the brand. Do you think > characters like Lara Croft, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot etc will be around as > long as Mario, Link and Samus already have and will continue to? > > Lara and Spyro, no, I think Crash will be around for a while though. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 23 Nov 1999 18:07:01 EST In a message dated 99-11-23 03:16:53 EST, you write: > > PS2 will certainly launch with big names like SFEX3, Ridge Racer, Tekken, > BeMani etc. However there is something to be said for the enduring > properties Nintendo has built up over the years. Banjo-Kazooie not being one > of them. > > Yes, and never did I say that Mario, Link, and Donkey Kong are not big names. But they are also not the only names. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 23 Nov 1999 18:12:27 EST In a message dated 99-11-23 08:50:42 EST, you write: > Hello I am an owner of I was wondering if you would > like to work for us doing things as reviews, previews, codes, walkthru's, > etc. Please reply. > Sure, i'll do it. Here's my review on every N64 game. Every game except for Mario 64, Zelda 64, Blast Corps, Star Wars: SotE, Star Fox 64, Wave Race 64, and Mario Kart 64 is either junk or average. ;) Just kidding, I liked Resident Evil 2 64 & Battletanx: Global Assault a lot also. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 23 Nov 1999 18:14:57 EST In a message dated 99-11-23 09:09:49 EST, you write: > I personally dont see Tekken as a "Big Series." A lot of gamers haven't > even > heard of this title. All of the hardcore gamers that go around the internet > > know about it but people that just rent games from BlockBuster or whatever > never hear about title such as Tekken. > > NiKoN > -GFS I guess we can see who's hardcore an who's not. ;) Oh where's that slaes sheet when I need it. A lot of gamers indeed. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] King Date: 23 Nov 1999 18:48:09 EST In a message dated 11/23/99 4:54:21 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I thought the Super NES was the platformer king. Dave >> In terms of systems that are getting new games. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] jumping Date: 23 Nov 1999 18:50:38 EST In a message dated 11/23/99 4:58:19 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << > I don't know what person in their right mind would use the movie view, but > the control was pretty good. Jumping was really annoying, though. > -Eric- I thought the jumping was perfect, the top down camera made it perfect, if only more games would have the top down camera view selectable. Now jumping in Turok , thatw as annoying, especially since Turon has no feet. ;) Dave >> Good point. Couldn't tell where you're going or how close you are to the edge. The practice pays off, though. Or, at least in Turok 2. Haven't exactly played through the first one that much. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] jumping and control Date: 23 Nov 1999 20:09:41 -0500 (EST) Am I the only one who prefers the 1.1Honey way of controlling a character as opposed to Turok-style(Solitaire). I concede that Solitaire is probably the best way to play Goldeneye MP but ever since I learned Honey I cannot master Solitaire even after much practice. I revert back to Honey and get my butt plastered just about every time. Anybody else have the same problem..honestly? Severely Plussed Panakin Anakin On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 11/23/99 4:58:19 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << > I don't know what person in their right mind would use the movie view, > but > > the control was pretty good. Jumping was really annoying, though. > > -Eric- > > I thought the jumping was perfect, the top down camera made it perfect, if > only more games would have the top down camera view selectable. Now jumping > in Turok , thatw as annoying, especially since Turon has no feet. ;) > > Dave >> > > Good point. Couldn't tell where you're going or how close you are to the > edge. The practice pays off, though. Or, at least in Turok 2. Haven't > exactly played through the first one that much. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 23 Nov 1999 19:15:46 -0600 Retarded >"R Zone" (what does > R mean here? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 23 Nov 1999 19:17:38 -0600 Where the heck did that post come from? wrote: > > In a message dated 99-11-23 08:50:42 EST, you write: > > > Hello I am an owner of I was wondering if you would > > like to work for us doing things as reviews, previews, codes, walkthru's, > > etc. Please reply. > > > > Sure, i'll do it. Here's my review on every N64 game. Every game except for > Mario 64, Zelda 64, Blast Corps, Star Wars: SotE, Star Fox 64, Wave Race 64, > and Mario Kart 64 is either junk or average. ;) > > Just kidding, I liked Resident Evil 2 64 & Battletanx: Global Assault a lot > also. > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] jumping Date: 23 Nov 1999 19:18:47 -0600 I can honestly say, Turok 2 was the hardest game I have ever played. I don't know why, maybe its the 2 hour playing sessions but it really seemed impossible to me. wrote: > > In a message dated 11/23/99 4:58:19 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << > I don't know what person in their right mind would use the movie view, > but > > the control was pretty good. Jumping was really annoying, though. > > -Eric- > > I thought the jumping was perfect, the top down camera made it perfect, if > only more games would have the top down camera view selectable. Now jumping > in Turok , thatw as annoying, especially since Turon has no feet. ;) > > Dave >> > > Good point. Couldn't tell where you're going or how close you are to the > edge. The practice pays off, though. Or, at least in Turok 2. Haven't > exactly played through the first one that much. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Decisions Dolphin or Psx2 Date: 23 Nov 1999 19:40:07 -0600 -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 11/22/99 7:27:04 PM Central Standard Time, >writes: > ><< I > am backed up as it is. BTW, all those games are just in the past few weeks. > So..well....your comments about 'shoddy software' and 'here and there' are > BS. > > Oh yeah, and that comment about shelf space is a pretty pathetic attempt at > saying that lots of software (i.e. choice and variety) is bad. I like > software myself. > > Stryder >> > >Backed up? That is the main reason that I think that too much software is >bad. For those like me that don't have the time to play the games they have >right now, the N64, releasing fewer games at a time, is perfect. If I owned >PSX, the system for which games are pumped out at such a rapid pace, I would >probably have suffocated by now. Not that all PSX games are must-buy, but if >I was even remotely interested in some, I wouldn't even have time to rent >them all to see if they're good or they suck. Plus, most of the really >killer titles have the same waiting period as 64's killers, there's just a >bunch of small ones in between. And also, the N64 is the platform-genre king >of all consoles, so I'm very happy with my current choice. The PSX may have >more titles, I just think that their rate of production is one of the >downsides. >-Eric- Well, yeah you can get swamped sometimes, but i don't mind. For me personally, the N64 does not have enought titles that interest me, so I would end up waiting weeks (months) between titles I wanted. Right now things are getting hectic though. I'm still playing Crash Team Racing, Grandia, and Twisted Metal 4. Then today DK64 and Unreal Tournament were released (both of which I have already bought). Then I still want to get RE3 and Medal of Honor. But hey, I'm enjoying myself. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review Date: 23 Nov 1999 19:42:57 -0600 -----Original Message----- >At 12:41 22-11-99 -0600, you wrote: >> >>-----Original Message----- >>From: Alex >>To: >>Date: Monday, November 22, 1999 1:44 AM >>Subject: Re: [N64] IGN64 DK 64 Review >> >>>You don't switch players in BK, you control the clumsy, noisy, awkward >>>entity that is Banjo-Kazooie. Switching players for different abilities is >>>not innovative at all. That idea has been around so long, I can't pinpoint >>>the first implementation. SMB2? TMNT (NES)? Konami World (famicom)? >> >>Maybe your just inept? I found the control to be dead on (except in water). >>I was quite adept at the controls. If you want to get technical, where was >>the innovation in Mario64? >> >>Stryder >> > >Heh, where isn't there innovation in Mario64? Before Mario64 everyone wanted >to make a 3d platformer. The technology was there, but nobody could make a >decent 3d platformer. Mario64 showed how it was done. It established the >genre and as far as I'm concerned it has yet to be surpassed (keep in mind I >have yet to play Rayman2, Rocket or DK64). That is my point. Innovation is subjective. You're saying that it was not necessarily first, but established the way to do it. Therefore innovative. Which I agree with, but you could get technical and say that if it was not first, it was not innovative. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 23 Nov 1999 19:45:13 -0600 -----Original Message----- >How? Changing characters and having 3d graphics are entirely mutually >exclusive. In no way does having 3d characters inhibit the swaping of >characters. I realise that more characters means more data has to be stored >in RAM, but 2d characters are in the same situation. > >It's not innovative unless it made other developers stop and go "Oh yeah, we >can swap characters in 3d, wow, we never would have thought of that". > Wait...they did do the swapping of characters in an innovative that you never truly swap, but act as a single entity. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 23 Nov 1999 19:48:33 -0600 -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 11/22/99 10:44:43 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > ><< I completely disagreed with it. > When i backed up my statement with two amazingly popular PSX only series' > (what's a plural for "series"?) that are making it to the PlayStation 2, > Tekken & Ridge Racer, he countered by saying what sounded to me like since >he > doesn't like those games they can't be "big names". >> > >I personally dont see Tekken as a "Big Series." A lot of gamers haven't even >heard of this title. All of the hardcore gamers that go around the internet >know about it but people that just rent games from BlockBuster or whatever >never hear about title such as Tekken. A lot of gamers who don't know anything about games. If you are a fan of fighters at all..and the fighter fanbase is quite have heard of Tekken whether you like it or not. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 23 Nov 1999 22:26:10 EST I'm going to get this for the holidays and just wanted to hear what people thought of it so far. I've read reviews but they all talk about how the game is too big. Possibly more on stuff like fun factor, graphics level, is it actually like BK as Matt from ign64 said it was? Things like that and basic overall opinions and impressions. Thanks. * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] jumping and control Date: 23 Nov 1999 22:27:50 EST In a message dated 11/23/99 7:10:10 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Am I the only one who prefers the 1.1Honey way of controlling a character as opposed to Turok-style(Solitaire). I concede that Solitaire is probably the best way to play Goldeneye MP but ever since I learned Honey I cannot master Solitaire even after much practice. I revert back to Honey and get my butt plastered just about every time. Anybody else have the same problem..honestly? >> Believe me, you're not alone. I think that Honey was the way Goldeneye was meant to be played. The reason is that it's easier to change weapons and open doors while walking. On the other hand, I tried Turok 2's arcade control, and that stunk. The reason there is that there's no targeting button and the only way to accurately target an enemy is to use the control stick. I think that the games should be played in their own default style every time. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] T2 difficult Date: 23 Nov 1999 22:30:06 EST In a message dated 11/23/99 7:15:14 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I can honestly say, Turok 2 was the hardest game I have ever played. I don't know why, maybe its the 2 hour playing sessions but it really seemed impossible to me. >> I bought it about a month after its release, bought Acclaim's player's guide, and still haven't beat the game. I'm stuck on the Lair of the Blind One's and just can't figure it out. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 23 Nov 1999 22:32:38 EST In a message dated 11/23/99 9:26:46 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I'm going to get this for the holidays and just wanted to hear what people thought of it so far. I've read reviews but they all talk about how the game is too big. Possibly more on stuff like fun factor, graphics level, is it actually like BK as Matt from ign64 said it was? Things like that and basic overall opinions and impressions. Thanks. * Eric * >> I'm signing off right now to play (just got mine). I'll let ya know. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 23 Nov 1999 20:17:33 -0800 The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) But i'd like to know about the rest. Dexter [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 23 Nov 1999 22:47:30 -0600 -----Original Message----- >The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, >Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > >I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) >But i'd like to know about the rest. > >Dexter Honestly, I have not played it once since I beat it. It was a fantastic game to be sure, but I rarely play games of that type more than once through. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 23 Nov 1999 21:06:16 -0800 Thraxen wrote: > -----Original Message----- > From: Dexter Sy > To: N64 mailing list > Date: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 10:10 PM > Subject: [N64] Zelda, year one > > >The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, > >Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > > >I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) > >But i'd like to know about the rest. > > > >Dexter > > Honestly, I have not played it once since I beat it. It was a fantastic > game to be sure, but I rarely play games of that type more than once > through. keep em coming... Dex > > > Stryder > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris Conway" Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 15:59:58 +1100 I too would like to know what people think about Donkey Kong 64. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 2:26 PM > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris Conway" Subject: [N64] Dreamcast games Date: 24 Nov 1999 16:01:30 +1100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_003D_01BF3695.2BE94C80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I am getting a DC at christmas and I was hoping that someone could give = me some ideas as to what games I should get with it and what = accessories.=20 I would really appriciate it. Thanks Chris ------=_NextPart_000_003D_01BF3695.2BE94C80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I am getting a DC at christmas and I was hoping that = someone=20 could give me some ideas as to what games I should get with it and what=20 accessories.
I would really appriciate it.
------=_NextPart_000_003D_01BF3695.2BE94C80-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:06:09 EST Having bought it and played it through most of level 2 already, I can say it's big -- but the big factor seems exagerrated so far. The first level can be beaten in probably a little more than an hour with adjusting to the game included. Of course, you have to go back, but I don't see it as being any different than going back in the levels in Banjo-Kazooie with new abilities to get the rest of the objects. And yes, there are a lot of items to collect; but again, it's not THAT only have to collect a certain amount of plain bananas with all the characters to gain access to the boss (relatively simple task), and the only things left really are banana medals, crowns, blueprints, and the special bananas. Considering the first three are all earned through some simple mini games, and those special bananas are emphasized in the first place, a lot of your collecting quest is limited to just bananas. The rest are just extras through mini-games really. Graphically, DK64 is a step up from BK, but it's not too much different. Objects still fade in and out, lighting effects are far improved, and some of the textures are nicer too. And acoustically, it's just as good as BK so far. So in the end, it's worth it. I have no complaints so far...besides, where else can you see Diddy bust out dual pistols? Heck if I know what IGN and Gamefan are whining about. "It's too much for us...9.0." Oi. *BAM* Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 23 Nov 1999 21:19:26 -0800 wrote: > Having bought it and played it through most of level 2 already, I can say > it's big -- but the big factor seems exagerrated so far. The first level can > be beaten in probably a little more than an hour with adjusting to the game > included. Of course, you have to go back, but I don't see it as being any > different than going back in the levels in Banjo-Kazooie with new abilities > to get the rest of the objects. > > And yes, there are a lot of items to collect; but again, it's not THAT > only have to collect a certain amount of plain bananas with > all the characters to gain access to the boss (relatively simple task), and > the only things left really are banana medals, crowns, blueprints, and the > special bananas. Considering the first three are all earned through some > simple mini games, and those special bananas are emphasized in the first > place, a lot of your collecting quest is limited to just bananas. The rest > are just extras through mini-games really. > > Graphically, DK64 is a step up from BK, but it's not too much different. > Objects still fade in and out, lighting effects are far improved, and some of > the textures are nicer too. And acoustically, it's just as good as BK so far. > > So in the end, it's worth it. I have no complaints so far...besides, where > else can you see Diddy bust out dual pistols? > > Heck if I know what IGN and Gamefan are whining about. "It's too much for > us...9.0." Oi. *BAM* Gamespot gave DK64 a 9.0 as well. ought to read the review but i'm too lazy, i know i'll get it soon. dex > > > Aldo M. > -NDojo > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dreamcast games Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:12:26 EST Soul Caliber. Trust me, just get it -- it's one of the single best games put out. Honestly, you just can't go wrong. Some of the other better titles out (you'll have to go by what you enjoy): Sonic Adventure NFL 2K NBA 2K Toy Commander Speed Devils Sega Rally 2 Marvel vs Capcom Some of the other fairly good, but not as good titles: Bass Fishing (short lived...) Ready 2 Rumble (shallow, multi-player game) Power Stone (multi-player) Virtua Fighter 3tb (techincally not as impressive) Titles to avoid: Slave Zero Pyschic Force 2012 And get a VMU. You'll need it. That's about all you'll beed aside from an extra controller. Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:13:31 EST In a message dated 11/23/99 11:11:41 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Gamespot gave DK64 a 9.0 as well. ought to read the review but i'm too lazy, i know i'll get it soon. dex >> Gamespot also claimed the game to be in high-res and the music was superb but rated it a 7 in Sound. Yay for inconsistancy and being misinformed! Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] King Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:13:40 EST In a message dated 99-11-23 18:49:03 EST, you write: > In terms of systems that are getting new games. Well the N64 is the champ in that, well, 3-D platformers. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] jumping and control Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:21:26 EST In a message dated 99-11-23 20:10:10 EST, you write: > Am I the only one who prefers the 1.1Honey way of controlling a character > as opposed to Turok-style(Solitaire). I concede that Solitaire is probably > the best way to play Goldeneye MP but ever since I learned Honey I cannot > master Solitaire even after much practice. I revert back to Honey and get > my butt plastered just about every time. Anybody else have the same > problem..honestly? Hrmmm. You know, without my N64 right in front of me I can't say I know exatly what you're saying. I prefer the defualt controls on Goldeneye the best. I did sort of like the 2.1 setting with two contollers, but with 4 player battle it's not very esay to play like that, well since you can't at all. I don't care for the Turok style contols, in Goldeneye that is, they're fine though for Turok & Slave Zero. Speaking of which, this is a bit off the side but what was up with IGN's review of Slave Zero? (DC), I got to play the first level & I never saw what "horrible" framerates, the ones they said that were worse than Turok 2. It ran smooth to me, Althogh the enemy AI was pretty pathetic, and, ohe well. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] TRU Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:24:08 EST In a message dated 99-11-23 20:11:58 EST, you write: > Retarded > >"R Zone" (what does > > R mean here? No, unless that's talking about the employees. "Do you have Resident Evil 2 for the N64 yet?" 'Sorry sir, but Resident Evil 2 is a PlayStation title.' And if I see one more sign that says "Dream Cast". ohh. Yup I guess it is retarded. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:25:18 EST In a message dated 11/23/99 10:09:56 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) But i'd like to know about the rest. Dexter >> Haven't played it for a while, but so far it's still the best game in existence. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] jumping Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:25:33 EST In a message dated 99-11-23 20:15:14 EST, you write: > I can honestly say, Turok 2 was the hardest game I have ever played. I > don't know why, maybe its the 2 hour playing sessions but it really > seemed impossible to me. > It was the lack of save points. Although I couldn't beat the last boss even with all cheats. The framerate didn't help much either. But it was mostly lack of save points. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:27:26 EST In a message dated 11/23/99 11:00:45 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I too would like to know what people think about Donkey Kong 64. >> OK, guys. If you want a cool platformer with a loooooooooooooong life span, this is it. I've been playing it for an hour 40 so far and am a whooping 3% of the way complete. I may never see the sun again. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:31:50 EST In a message dated 99-11-23 23:09:56 EST, you write: > The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, > Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) > But i'd like to know about the rest. > > Dexter Also it has been now seven years since the release of Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (11/24/92). How is Sonic 2 holding up for those who own it? ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:31:44 -0500 It took me until after Christmas vacation to beat it, if I remember correctly. After I saw the ending, I went back and beat Ganondorf like 7 more times, because I thought the battle was really cool. Then I stopped playing it for a while. Then I picked it up again over the summer, and basically played it all the way through again. Maybe it's just my short memory span, but it was still fun on the second time. I haven't put the game in my N64 since August, but then again there have been other games to take up what little time I have. -----Original Message----- >The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, >Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > >I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) >But i'd like to know about the rest. > >Dexter [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:33:18 EST In a message dated 99-11-23 23:58:27 EST, you write: > > >But i'd like to know about the rest. > > > > > >Dexter > > > > Honestly, I have not played it once since I beat it. It was a fantastic > > game to be sure, but I rarely play games of that type more than once > > through. > > keep em coming... > > Dex > > > You know, the minute I saw this letter but before I read it I was wondering, how is Dexter going to make an argument out of this? ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:33:41 EST In a message dated 11/23/99 11:32:19 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Also it has been now seven years since the release of Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (11/24/92). How is Sonic 2 holding up for those who own it? ;) Dave >> Great game. I still do own it, although I got rid of my Genesis. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:34:50 -0500 Y'know, it takes TWO to make an argument ;-) -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-11-23 23:58:27 EST, you write: > >> > >But i'd like to know about the rest. >> > > >> > >Dexter >> > >> > Honestly, I have not played it once since I beat it. It was a fantastic >> > game to be sure, but I rarely play games of that type more than once >> > through. >> >> keep em coming... >> >> Dex >You know, the minute I saw this letter but before I read it I was wondering, >how is Dexter going to make an argument out of this? ;) > >Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] rocket Date: 23 Nov 1999 21:46:17 -0800 A highl underrate game is Rocket by Sucker Punch. Dexter wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-23 18:49:03 EST, you write: > > > In terms of systems that are getting new games. > > Well the N64 is the champ in that, well, 3-D platformers. > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 23 Nov 1999 21:47:01 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-23 23:09:56 EST, you write: > > > The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, > > Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > > > I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) > > But i'd like to know about the rest. > > > > Dexter > > Also it has been now seven years since the release of Sonic The Hedgehog 2 > (11/24/92). How is Sonic 2 holding up for those who own it? ;) ok i gues. Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 23 Nov 1999 21:49:17 -0800 Eddy Wu wrote: > It took me until after Christmas vacation to beat it, if I remember > correctly. After I saw the ending, I went back and beat Ganondorf like 7 > more times, because I thought the battle was really cool. Then I stopped > playing it for a while. Then I picked it up again over the summer, and > basically played it all the way through again. Maybe it's just my short > memory span, but it was still fun on the second time. I haven't put the game > in my N64 since August, but then again there have been other games to take > up what little time I have That's what I find with most Miyamoto games. they are very fun to go over again. somthing whih i suppose keeps the nostalgia factor high for so many people ??? Dexter > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Dexter Sy > To: N64 mailing list > Date: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 11:09 PM > Subject: [N64] Zelda, year one > > >The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, > >Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > > >I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) > >But i'd like to know about the rest. > > > >Dexter > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 23 Nov 1999 21:52:14 -0800 > > > You know, the minute I saw this letter but before I read it I was wondering, > how is Dexter going to make an argument out of this? ;) And now you have the answer. > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] rocket Date: 24 Nov 1999 00:45:37 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 00:38:38 EST, you write: > A highl underrate game is Rocket by Sucker Punch. > > Dexter I thought it was Ubi Soft...? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Elliot Jefferson" Subject: Re: [N64] Dreamcast games Date: 23 Nov 1999 21:48:46 PST Make that a bunch of VMUs, esp. if you're getting NFL2K & NBA2K, and any other game with mini-games you'll want to play. Elliot ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: Soul Caliber. Trust me, just get it -- it's one of the single best games put out. Honestly, you just can't go wrong. Some of the other better titles out (you'll have to go by what you enjoy): Sonic Adventure NFL 2K NBA 2K Toy Commander Speed Devils Sega Rally 2 Marvel vs Capcom Some of the other fairly good, but not as good titles: Bass Fishing (short lived...) Ready 2 Rumble (shallow, multi-player game) Power Stone (multi-player) Virtua Fighter 3tb (techincally not as impressive) Titles to avoid: Slave Zero Pyschic Force 2012 And get a VMU. You'll need it. That's about all you'll beed aside from an extra controller. Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] rocket Date: 23 Nov 1999 22:03:57 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-24 00:38:38 EST, you write: > > > A highl underrate game is Rocket by Sucker Punch. > > > > Dexter > > I thought it was Ubi Soft...? sucker punch developed it. Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 24 Nov 1999 01:01:47 EST In a message dated 11/23/99 7:50:52 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << A lot of gamers who don't know anything about games. If you are a fan of fighters at all..and the fighter fanbase is quite have heard of Tekken whether you like it or not. Stryder >> When I said I thought Tekken is not a big series I didnt say it because I dont like it. Some friends and I played for hours at a time at it. I just can't seeing going out to some on-off gamers and all of them knowing of the Tekken series. Sorry but that Is my opinion. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 24 Nov 1999 01:09:31 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 01:02:27 EST, you write: > When I said I thought Tekken is not a big series I didnt say it because I > dont like it. Some friends and I played for hours at a time at it. I just > > can't seeing going out to some on-off gamers and all of them knowing of the > Tekken series. Sorry but that Is my opinion. But seeing Zelda or Donkey Kong 64 at an on-off gamer is even rarer. Usually you'll see Tiger Woods '99, Game Day 2000, and NHL '99. At an on-ff N64 gmers house it's probably Madden 2000, All Star Baseball 2000, and Mario Kart 64 (everybody loves Mario Kart 64), and at a Dreamcast house I'd probably NFL & NBA 2K. That's what I see. Dave Does anybody else think that is an idiot? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 01:10:59 EST PEOPLE if you are gonna make 2 word reply emails dont do it cause it is crowding up my frickin MAILBOX! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 23 Nov 1999 22:23:20 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-24 01:02:27 EST, you write: > > > When I said I thought Tekken is not a big series I didnt say it because I > > dont like it. Some friends and I played for hours at a time at it. I > just > > > > can't seeing going out to some on-off gamers and all of them knowing of > the > > Tekken series. Sorry but that Is my opinion. > > But seeing Zelda or Donkey Kong 64 at an on-off gamer is even rarer. Usually > you'll see Tiger Woods '99, Game Day 2000, and NHL '99. At an on-ff N64 gmers > house it's probably Madden 2000, All Star Baseball 2000, and Mario Kart 64 > (everybody loves Mario Kart 64), and at a Dreamcast house I'd probably NFL & > NBA 2K. That's what I see. I'm not too sure about that. Time did a feature on videogames in the family after the columbine shooting. the family they featured had Zelda. and i doubt its a hard core gaming family. Dexter > > > Dave > > Does anybody else think that is an idiot? > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 24 Nov 1999 01:17:50 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 01:15:47 EST, you write: > I'm not too sure about that. Time did a feature on videogames in the family > after the columbine shooting. the family they featured had Zelda. and i > doubt > its a hard core gaming family. > > Dexter Well, that's a family thing, I'm talking more like mid 20s single males who live alone, or with other single males.. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 24 Nov 1999 19:43:08 +1100 At 19:45 23-11-99 -0600, you wrote: > >-----Original Message----- >From: Alex >To: >Date: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 1:33 AM >Subject: Re: [N64] tag team > > >>How? Changing characters and having 3d graphics are entirely mutually >>exclusive. In no way does having 3d characters inhibit the swaping of >>characters. I realise that more characters means more data has to be stored >>in RAM, but 2d characters are in the same situation. >> >>It's not innovative unless it made other developers stop and go "Oh yeah, >we >>can swap characters in 3d, wow, we never would have thought of that". >> > >Wait...they did do the swapping of characters in an innovative that >you never truly swap, but act as a single entity. > >Stryder > That's one way to look at it. If you strip away superficial things like Bears, Breegulls, blue eggs etc, you see that whether you have have a single character, or have two characters acting as a single entity makes no difference at all to the gameplay mechanics. If you replaced Banjo-Kazooie with one character who could do all their manouvers, you'd have the exact same game wouldn't you? The only reason to have two characters is marketing. Some person in marketing thought that a bear with a bird in his backpack would sell. I guess Banjo-Kazooie is semi-innovative (or at least original) from the character design perspective. I was refering to innovation in game design, which Banjo-Kazooie has none. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] jumping and control Date: 24 Nov 1999 19:52:04 +1100 At 00:21 24-11-99 EST, you wrote: >In a message dated 99-11-23 20:10:10 EST, you write: > >> Am I the only one who prefers the 1.1Honey way of controlling a character >> as opposed to Turok-style(Solitaire). I concede that Solitaire is probably >> the best way to play Goldeneye MP but ever since I learned Honey I cannot >> master Solitaire even after much practice. I revert back to Honey and get >> my butt plastered just about every time. Anybody else have the same >> problem..honestly? > >Hrmmm. You know, without my N64 right in front of me I can't say I know >exatly what you're saying. I prefer the defualt controls on Goldeneye the >best. I did sort of like the 2.1 setting with two contollers, but with 4 >player battle it's not very esay to play like that, well since you can't at >all. I don't care for the Turok style contols, in Goldeneye that is, they're >fine though for Turok & Slave Zero. Speaking of which, this is a bit off the >side but what was up with IGN's review of Slave Zero? (DC), I got to play the >first level & I never saw what "horrible" framerates, the ones they said that >were worse than Turok 2. It ran smooth to me, Althogh the enemy AI was pretty >pathetic, and, ohe well. > >Dave > Goldenye must be played in Solitaire, how else are you meant to circle-strafe? It is not at all difficult to move your thumb for opening doors/changing guns/reloading. I don't like Turok's controls, jumping is unneccessary. Just because you can jump in real life doesn't mean you should be able to jump in videogames. They are designing the game, why not make levels that don't require jumping? Rare made that right decision by eliminating jumping in Goldeneye. Turok also has a stupid aiming system, you should be able to move a cross-hair across the screen a la Goldeneye. Making the entire screen rotate is unneccessary and hurts the frame rate right when you need it for aiming. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Geof Pejsa" Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 04:16:23 -0500 My first reaction to DKC64 is that the game looks and plays very well. The only issue I have so far is that the camera is a bit of a challenge during the gameplay, but I feel that is the price for a complicated 3D environment. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 11:59 PM > I too would like to know what people think about Donkey Kong 64. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: > To: > Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 2:26 PM > Subject: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris Conway" Subject: [N64] DK64 Music Date: 24 Nov 1999 21:07:10 +1100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0035_01BF36BF.DF45A4C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Remember the mine theme from DKC2 Diddy's Kong Quest on SNES? Well the = name for the tune is Kannon's Klaim and I was wondering if that theme is = included in Donkey Kong 64. I hope someone can help me. Thanks=20 Chris ------=_NextPart_000_0035_01BF36BF.DF45A4C0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Remember the mine theme from DKC2 Diddy's Kong Quest = on SNES?=20 Well the name for the tune is Kannon's Klaim and I was wondering if that = theme=20 is included in Donkey Kong 64.
I hope someone can help me.
------=_NextPart_000_0035_01BF36BF.DF45A4C0-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 07:09:24 EST In a message dated 11/24/1999 1:11:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << PEOPLE if you are gonna make 2 word reply emails dont do it cause it is crowding up my frickin MAILBOX! >> oh, sorry Peace Out C\TSgt Pete Frye [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Watson Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 12:46:48 -0500 (EST) On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 20:17:33 -0800 Dexter Sy wrote: > The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, > Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) > But i'd like to know about the rest. > > Dexter It was superb while it lasted especially the battles with the huge bosses But After completing it fully Ive not played it that much, only going back now and again to play some of the sub-games. It would have been a good option if theyed put in an option to fight all the big dungeon bosses once you completed the game as that was great fun. > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Watson Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 12:46:48 -0500 (EST) On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 20:17:33 -0800 Dexter Sy wrote: > The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, > Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) > But i'd like to know about the rest. > > Dexter It was superb while it lasted especially the battles with the huge bosses But After completing it fully Ive not played it that much, only going back now and again to play some of the sub-games. It would have been a good option if theyed put in an option to fight all the big dungeon bosses once you completed the game as that was great fun. > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 09:31:20 -0500 (EST) I'm one of the few who has never beaten Zelda: TOot as a matter of fact I've played very little of it until recently. Last week I decided to give it a try and it is a superb game. Definitely one of the best I've played ever..the personality,graphics,gameplay, and story of the game is first rate. It's also a huge game I've played for about 5 hours and still haven't figured out how to reach Dodongo's Cavern(or how to make that annoying rolling Goron stop) I'll get it though..sometime next year. Where oh Where will I find the time to play JFG,DK64,Rainbow6,Madden2k,NBA Courtside2, and Rayman. On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Chris Watson wrote: > > On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 20:17:33 -0800 Dexter Sy > wrote: > > > > The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, > > Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > > > I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) > > But i'd like to know about the rest. > > > > Dexter > > It was superb while it lasted especially the battles > with the huge bosses But After completing it fully Ive not > played it that much, only going back now and again to play > some of the sub-games. It would have been a good option if > theyed put in an option to fight all the big dungeon bosses > once you completed the game as that was great fun. > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > ---------------------- > Christopher Watson > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 09:31:20 -0500 (EST) I'm one of the few who has never beaten Zelda: TOot as a matter of fact I've played very little of it until recently. Last week I decided to give it a try and it is a superb game. Definitely one of the best I've played ever..the personality,graphics,gameplay, and story of the game is first rate. It's also a huge game I've played for about 5 hours and still haven't figured out how to reach Dodongo's Cavern(or how to make that annoying rolling Goron stop) I'll get it though..sometime next year. Where oh Where will I find the time to play JFG,DK64,Rainbow6,Madden2k,NBA Courtside2, and Rayman. On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Chris Watson wrote: > > On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 20:17:33 -0800 Dexter Sy > wrote: > > > > The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, > > Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > > > I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) > > But i'd like to know about the rest. > > > > Dexter > > It was superb while it lasted especially the battles > with the huge bosses But After completing it fully Ive not > played it that much, only going back now and again to play > some of the sub-games. It would have been a good option if > theyed put in an option to fight all the big dungeon bosses > once you completed the game as that was great fun. > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > ---------------------- > Christopher Watson > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 09:32:56 -0500 (EST) Sonic2 is stil one of the best games ever made...definitely one of the high ranking Non-nintendo(which dominates my list) games. On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-23 23:09:56 EST, you write: > > > The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, > > Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > > > I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) > > But i'd like to know about the rest. > > > > Dexter > > Also it has been now seven years since the release of Sonic The Hedgehog 2 > (11/24/92). How is Sonic 2 holding up for those who own it? ;) > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: - i have yet to play Zelda Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 09:33:41 -0500 (EST) On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr. wrote: This isn't a joke...i'm serious I haven't played Zelda until now. > > I'm one of the few who has never beaten Zelda: TOot as a matter of fact > I've played very little of it until recently. Last week I decided to give > it a try and it is a superb game. Definitely one of the best I've played > ever..the personality,graphics,gameplay, and story of the game is first > rate. It's also a huge game I've played for about 5 hours and still > haven't figured out how to reach Dodongo's Cavern(or how to make that > annoying rolling Goron stop) I'll get it though..sometime next year. Where > oh Where will I find the time to play JFG,DK64,Rainbow6,Madden2k,NBA > Courtside2, and Rayman. > > > On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Chris Watson wrote: > > > > > On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 20:17:33 -0800 Dexter Sy > > wrote: > > > > > > > The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, > > > Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > > > > > I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) > > > But i'd like to know about the rest. > > > > > > Dexter > > > > It was superb while it lasted especially the battles > > with the huge bosses But After completing it fully Ive not > > played it that much, only going back now and again to play > > some of the sub-games. It would have been a good option if > > theyed put in an option to fight all the big dungeon bosses > > once you completed the game as that was great fun. > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > ---------------------- > > Christopher Watson > > > > > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > sx > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: - i have yet to play Zelda Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 09:33:41 -0500 (EST) On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr. wrote: This isn't a joke...i'm serious I haven't played Zelda until now. > > I'm one of the few who has never beaten Zelda: TOot as a matter of fact > I've played very little of it until recently. Last week I decided to give > it a try and it is a superb game. Definitely one of the best I've played > ever..the personality,graphics,gameplay, and story of the game is first > rate. It's also a huge game I've played for about 5 hours and still > haven't figured out how to reach Dodongo's Cavern(or how to make that > annoying rolling Goron stop) I'll get it though..sometime next year. Where > oh Where will I find the time to play JFG,DK64,Rainbow6,Madden2k,NBA > Courtside2, and Rayman. > > > On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Chris Watson wrote: > > > > > On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 20:17:33 -0800 Dexter Sy > > wrote: > > > > > > > The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, > > > Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > > > > > I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) > > > But i'd like to know about the rest. > > > > > > Dexter > > > > It was superb while it lasted especially the battles > > with the huge bosses But After completing it fully Ive not > > played it that much, only going back now and again to play > > some of the sub-games. It would have been a good option if > > theyed put in an option to fight all the big dungeon bosses > > once you completed the game as that was great fun. > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > ---------------------- > > Christopher Watson > > > > > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > sx > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 09:51:36 EST In a message dated 11/24/1999 9:33:20 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << > Also it has been now seven years since the release of Sonic The Hedgehog 2 > (11/24/92). How is Sonic 2 holding up for those who own it? ;) >> The entire Sonic Series is Superfly, Sonic the HedgeHog is my hero, i still sit and play all the way through each of the genesis games, with each of the Characters (`except Sonic 1, there's only 1 Character) I've got every sonic game released in the US, except Sonic Jam, which i really need, cuz it's superfly Sonic1, 2, and Choas, and Triple Trouble (GG/SMS) Dr."Ro-Butt-nick"'s Mean Bean Machince (Gen/GG) Sonic 1, 2, 3 and Knuckles (Genesis) Sonic CD (Sega CD) Sonic R (Saturn) Sonic 3D Blast (Gen, Saturn) Sonic Spinball (Gen, GG) And of Course Sonic Adventure (DC) Peace Out C\TSgt Pete Frye But my very best friends call me Superfly [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: [N64] *** ALL READ *** Date: 24 Nov 1999 11:17:34 -0700 & Elliot Jefferson are receiving warnings for replying to off-topic postings. Please, if someone starts a new thread which isn't N64-related, ignore it. The originator of the thread will never see the replies, anyway, because he/she'll be suspended. Greg wrote: > > Soul Caliber. Trust me, just get it -- it's one of the single best games put > out. Honestly, you just can't go wrong. Some of the other better titles out > (you'll have to go by what you enjoy): > > Sonic Adventure > NFL 2K > NBA 2K > Toy Commander > Speed Devils > Sega Rally 2 > Marvel vs Capcom > > Some of the other fairly good, but not as good titles: > Bass Fishing (short lived...) > Ready 2 Rumble (shallow, multi-player game) > Power Stone (multi-player) > Virtua Fighter 3tb (techincally not as impressive) > > Titles to avoid: > Slave Zero > Pyschic Force 2012 > > And get a VMU. You'll need it. That's about all you'll beed aside from an > extra controller. > > Aldo M. > -NDojo > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] innovation, dreams etc Date: 24 Nov 1999 14:06:13 EST So this morning I had a most wonderful videogame related dream, that could be a new game idea. It was a weird mix of Street Fighter, Bushido Blade, & Twisted Metal. It started out by myself see what appead to be Ken fighting Akuma in a weird Bushido Blade type environment, free run of the grounds, but Ken & Akuma lookd different, for one thing they had a metalic look and extra (parts?) on them. Akuma was seriously kick Ken's butt when Ken ran off, jumped into the air and transformed into a car, that' when it struck me that Ken was also Hot Rod, and Ken proceeded to drive off. Akuma game chase, first on foot, and then as a panel van. Unfotuantaly Akuma has a large gun mounted on the side of himself but he was much slower than Ken. Ken avoided Akuma's blasts, and sideswiped Akuma into a ditch with much force, which dizzied (a Street Fighter thing) Akuma. Ken the changed back to his humanoid form, ripped the gun off of Akuma (still a van) and Shu Reppa'd Akuma. Now that would make a good style of game. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] jumping and control Date: 24 Nov 1999 15:41:04 EST Not really. When Turok 2 came out, I find that I was pretty adept to its controls. But even after many months away from GoldenEye, I can still kick ass using its control style. Maybe I' just good, but I think that the way each game is designed allows for a certain type on control. ~Matt <> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 14:46:09 -0600 Why do people call it 'country'? I thought it was without that word since the SNES days. Chris Conway wrote: > > I too would like to know what people think about Donkey Kong 64. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: > To: > Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 2:26 PM > Subject: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] TRU Date: 24 Nov 1999 14:49:08 -0600 I phoned them a few days ago and asked them when they were getting DK64 in and they said at least a month... I flipped out and phoned back the next day and then they said they had it in... verrrrry stupid. wrote: > > In a message dated 99-11-23 20:11:58 EST, you write: > > > Retarded > > >"R Zone" (what does > > > R mean here? > > No, unless that's talking about the employees. "Do you have Resident Evil 2 > for the N64 yet?" 'Sorry sir, but Resident Evil 2 is a PlayStation title.' > > And if I see one more sign that says "Dream Cast". ohh. Yup I guess it is > retarded. > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 24 Nov 1999 15:45:31 EST I agree with Stryder. And remember, most casual gamers who buy maybe 2 games a year were first introduced to (or at least kept in contact with) games via the arcade. And wouldn't ya believe it, but Tekken is a very popular arcade game, which translates into almost assured console sales. ~Matt <> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] PS3? Date: 24 Nov 1999 15:57:56 EST Real quick, just an excerpt from the latest Next Generation (the feature is the console war between PS2, Dreamcast, N64/Dolphin, and possibly the X-Box). On the first news page, I get this: the PlayStation 3? Already under design by Kutaragi himself? Jeeze. This kind of cockiness isn't healthy for Sony. To plan a console so far in advance of another one that print magazines actually report on it just seems to me to be putting too many eggs in one basket. What if the PS2 gets its ass handed to it by the Dolphin/Dreamcast combo? It's very likely, considering SEGA is off the a great start and it's a fact that the Dolphin will be technically superior to the PS2. It's almost annoying to see a company so damn sure of its self ... ~Matt [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 16:04:43 EST Excellently. I just whupped Ganon then other day, and damn, you just really appreciate that game. It's so well designed. And the Forest Temple ... damn, it's the best atmosphere for any action/adventure RPG I've ever played. A masterpiece. ~Matt <> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 16:09:17 EST One thing Aldo ... is the item collecting as tedious as those damn Tribals? ~Matt <> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Replaying bosses and cinemas in DK64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 16:17:18 EST I think you'll like DK64 in this respect. Once you take pictures of a certain number of faries, you open the DK Theater, which lets you see any cinema in the game again. Also, you open up a mode where you can replay all the bosses. ~Matt <> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] rocket Date: 24 Nov 1999 16:24:03 EST In a message dated 11/23/99 11:38:38 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << A highl underrate game is Rocket by Sucker Punch. Dexter >> That's one on my rental list. From what I've heard from IGN, it should be good. Plus, I'm a platform freak. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] rocket Date: 24 Nov 1999 16:25:53 EST In a message dated 11/23/99 11:46:15 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << > A highl underrate game is Rocket by Sucker Punch. > > Dexter I thought it was Ubi Soft...? Dave >> I think Sucker Punch is a lower division of Ubi Soft. Either that or it was a joint deal. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 24 Nov 1999 16:39:02 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 2:41:17 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << That's one way to look at it. If you strip away superficial things like Bears, Breegulls, blue eggs etc, you see that whether you have have a single character, or have two characters acting as a single entity makes no difference at all to the gameplay mechanics. If you replaced Banjo-Kazooie with one character who could do all their manouvers, you'd have the exact same game wouldn't you? The only reason to have two characters is marketing. Some person in marketing thought that a bear with a bird in his backpack would sell. I guess Banjo-Kazooie is semi-innovative (or at least original) from the character design perspective. I was refering to innovation in game design, which Banjo-Kazooie has none. >> What about the puzzles and the game board near the end? Not only were they and the main characters original, but the game was neat in that you also could interact with other characters. For example, Boggy the Polar Bear. You cured his stomach ache, raced against him with a sled, and gave presents to his children. There were a lot more than just that, too. I have to say that this added some extra innovation. Oh, I'm almost forgetting enemies, like the Flibbits you have to fight to earn a jiggie. They talk to you before the battle begins. It's what makes them a lot more interesting than the enemies of Mario, which are repeated a lot. B-K had (for the most part) different enemies in each stage. It gave you more of a feeling that you were doing something different with each passing moment of the game. I definitely consider that to be innovative. -Eric- thought this arguement was over [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 16:41:14 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 8:15:22 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << << PEOPLE if you are gonna make 2 word reply emails dont do it cause it is crowding up my frickin MAILBOX! >> oh, sorry Peace Out C\TSgt Pete Frye >> Good one. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 16:45:57 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 2:44:07 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Why do people call it 'country'? I thought it was without that word since the SNES days. >> It is. Maybe people just like to tie it in with the DKC series. Which one is your favorite. Mine is DKC2. 3 was ok, but sometimes a bit boring. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] TRU Date: 24 Nov 1999 16:47:11 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 2:45:27 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I phoned them a few days ago and asked them when they were getting DK64 in and they said at least a month... I flipped out and phoned back the next day and then they said they had it in... verrrrry stupid. >> I'd question whether video game store employees actually PLAY games. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 24 Nov 1999 16:50:05 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 2:58:33 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Real quick, just an excerpt from the latest Next Generation (the feature is the console war between PS2, Dreamcast, N64/Dolphin, and possibly the X-Box). On the first news page, I get this: the PlayStation 3? Already under design by Kutaragi himself? Jeeze. This kind of cockiness isn't healthy for Sony. To plan a console so far in advance of another one that print magazines actually report on it just seems to me to be putting too many eggs in one basket. What if the PS2 gets its ass handed to it by the Dolphin/Dreamcast combo? It's very likely, considering SEGA is off the a great start and it's a fact that the Dolphin will be technically superior to the PS2. It's almost annoying to see a company so damn sure of its self ... >> Really? Boy, I'd like to see them fall on their faces now. Let me guess, this one doubles as a microwave oven and clock. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 16:51:42 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 3:11:33 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << One thing Aldo ... is the item collecting as tedious as those damn Tribals? ~Matt >> So far it doesn't seem to be. But at the start of the game you find out about a hell of a lot that you must find. I'll be playing for awhile. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 17:26:42 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 3:11:33 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << One thing Aldo ... is the item collecting as tedious as those damn Tribals? ~Matt >> Let me put this in perspective: a lot of the things collect you don't really need -- that is, you'll need to get them and use them, but you won't really need more than just a few to get by. A good example of this is your ammo for your weapons; you only need so much to get around. Or the crystal coconuts to use your special only need so many for that too. Or coins -- these are just used to buy instruments, weapons, and potions that earn you new moves. All of the above are extremely easy to gather. Your main goal is to go after the golden bananas which are used to open new levels -- there are 25 of these in each level, 5 for each character. Most of these you'll gather as you go around naturally (you may activate a switch and, well, you get one for that for example); others will be gained in mini-games -- and lemme emphasize there a lot, and they're rather fun. If you liked those mini-games in Blast Corps...get ready for more. You can swat flies, have various little shooting games, spelling out things, numerical puzzles, races, and even one of those great slide races a la Mario 64. The regular bananas result in more little things: these grant you access to the bosses (and these can be compiled across all 5 characters -- that's 500 bananas per level), and if you get more than 85 or so, you'll earn a banana medal; which I have yet to figure out what they do. All I know is Cranky wants 'em to show me something...god knows what. And about the only thing left to gather are crowns -- more mini-games. These are done through a special Kremling pad where you have to fight in a small arena against certain types of enemies that regenerate for a limited amount of time. It's something like playing King of the Hill: just keep 'em off. I also don't know what these do. Among other mini-games that earn you stuff: the barrel blast, which is found in each level, where you have to shoot DK out an increasingly more challening series of barrels to earn various prizes. And then there's the original DK arcade machine -- I haven't beaten it yet (I did on the ladder to the princess....argh!), but I can only imagine it's a Golden Banana. One interesting note is Candy Kong -- the entire dialogue is full of sexual innuendos. Great stuff. For the record, I didn't find the Tribals to be as of a pain in the butt as I thought it'd be. It was almost fun....especially, when you lost one of the furballs; then you can justify shooting the rest. Odd thing is, you can even collect their heads... In any case, this IS the DK series; something that ever since the SNES series has been all about completing the game 100% (or more); for the hardcore gamers anywho. For the record, I've spent 7 hours and 45 minutes on the game -- and I'm already 22% of the way done and on Level 4. Not bad for a day and a half=) Aldo Merino -NDojo "Come a little closer and I'll show you how to use your instrument." -- from DK64 [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] innovation, dreams etc Date: 24 Nov 1999 19:14:45 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 2:07:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > So this morning I had a most wonderful videogame related dream, that could be > > a new game idea. It was a weird mix of Street Fighter, Bushido Blade, & > Twisted Metal. It started out by myself see what appead to be Ken fighting > Akuma in a weird Bushido Blade type environment, free run of the grounds, > but > Ken & Akuma lookd different, for one thing they had a metalic look and extra > > (parts?) on them. Akuma was seriously kick Ken's butt when Ken ran off, > jumped into the air and transformed into a car, that' when it struck me > that > Ken was also Hot Rod, and Ken proceeded to drive off. Akuma game chase, > first > on foot, and then as a panel van. Unfotuantaly Akuma has a large gun mounted > > on the side of himself but he was much slower than Ken. Ken avoided Akuma's > > blasts, and sideswiped Akuma into a ditch with much force, which dizzied (a > Street Fighter thing) Akuma. Ken the changed back to his humanoid form, > ripped the gun off of Akuma (still a van) and Shu Reppa'd Akuma. Now that > would make a good style of game. ;) > > Dave You have weird dreams.... 8-) * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 19:23:28 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 4:47:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > It is. Maybe people just like to tie it in with the DKC series. Which one > is your favorite. Mine is DKC2. 3 was ok, but sometimes a bit boring. > -Eric- > Definitely DKC1. It had all the greatest levels, graphics, layout, enemies, bosses, music, etc. Quite a clever game. The whole thing was new too and it was fresh. Two was pretty good and I don't think I ever finished three. I just got too bored. One is definitely the best though. * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 25 Nov 1999 12:20:46 +1100 At 16:39 24-11-99 EST, you wrote: >In a message dated 11/24/99 2:41:17 AM Central Standard Time, > writes: > ><< That's one way to look at it. If you strip away superficial things like > Bears, Breegulls, blue eggs etc, you see that whether you have have a single > character, or have two characters acting as a single entity makes no > difference at all to the gameplay mechanics. If you replaced Banjo-Kazooie > with one character who could do all their manouvers, you'd have the exact > same game wouldn't you? The only reason to have two characters is marketing. > Some person in marketing thought that a bear with a bird in his backpack > would sell. I guess Banjo-Kazooie is semi-innovative (or at least original) > from the character design perspective. I was refering to innovation in game > design, which Banjo-Kazooie has none. >> > >What about the puzzles and the game board near the end? Not only were they >and the main characters original, but the game was neat in that you also >could interact with other characters. For example, Boggy the Polar Bear. >You cured his stomach ache, raced against him with a sled, and gave presents >to his children. There were a lot more than just that, too. I have to say >that this added some extra innovation. Oh, I'm almost forgetting enemies, >like the Flibbits you have to fight to earn a jiggie. They talk to you >before the battle begins. It's what makes them a lot more interesting than >the enemies of Mario, which are repeated a lot. B-K had (for the most part) >different enemies in each stage. It gave you more of a feeling that you were >doing something different with each passing moment of the game. I definitely >consider that to be innovative. >-Eric- thought this arguement was over > The boardgame at the end was really good as well as being original. Shame you couldn't play it again once it was beaten. Talking to the characters was something but it doesn't really add to the gameplay. They were all predetermined sequences. Once you've jumped on gobi a couple of times, it's not funny anymore. Having NPCs is certainly not innovative. I'd rather mess around with the monster in the underground lake than make Boggy burp. The AI in Mario doesn't just charge at you, so it is more fun to interact with. There are more enemies in Banjo but that's due to a larger cartridge size, not innovation. Many of the enemies in Banjo are identical in behaviour, varying only in design. Mario's enemies all behave differently. And there are enemies that trash talk you in Mario, the catapilla on Big Little Island for example. I'm quite bemused that people actually like Banjo more than Mario. No one seems to be able to explain why. Maybe because.... better graphics? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 25 Nov 1999 12:23:19 +1100 At 16:45 24-11-99 EST, you wrote: >In a message dated 11/24/99 2:44:07 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > ><< Why do people call it 'country'? I thought it was without that word > since the SNES days. >> > >It is. Maybe people just like to tie it in with the DKC series. Which one >is your favorite. Mine is DKC2. 3 was ok, but sometimes a bit boring. >-Eric- > Definately DKC2 is the best. DKC was an okay game but it had it's flaws. Most notably simplistic level design. DKC2 was a much better playing game and it even had better music and graphics. DKC3 was very boring, worse than DKC1. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the DKC3 team were responsible for Rare's 64bit platformers. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 24 Nov 1999 20:27:38 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 7:18:48 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I'm quite bemused that people actually like Banjo more than Mario. No one seems to be able to explain why. Maybe because.... better graphics? >> Sure, it had better graphics, but is that the reason I like it better? Nope. As I've said, I don't base the games I like on graphics. All it comes down to is that B-K was more fun for me than Mario. Why? I can't give a straight out answer. I just thought that RARE took a kick arse game to a new level. Plus, the bigger cart size made it possible for all the innovations. Maybe it needed the bigger size for the designers' ideas. Either way, B-K is one of those games that I think is a must-own. I loved Mario 64. It did influence B-K. And I'm very pleased with the end product. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 20:33:27 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 7:21:38 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << >It is. Maybe people just like to tie it in with the DKC series. Which one >is your favorite. Mine is DKC2. 3 was ok, but sometimes a bit boring. >-Eric- > Definately DKC2 is the best. DKC was an okay game but it had it's flaws. Most notably simplistic level design. DKC2 was a much better playing game and it even had better music and graphics. DKC3 was very boring, worse than DKC1. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the DKC3 team were responsible for Rare's 64bit platformers. >> Alex and I actually agree on something? Who knew? -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 20:58:35 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 15:44:07 EST, you write: > Why do people call it 'country'? I thought it was without that word > since the SNES days. > Maybe becasue it's not Donkey Kong Country 64, It's Donkey Kong 64. I think it would have been better if RARE called it Donkey Kong Country 4. Speaking of DK64, I got a chance to play it today with a good controller. I only played for a half hour, didn't get very far, but you know what? Next payday I'm getting this game. What a difference a new controller can make. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 24 Nov 1999 21:03:39 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 15:58:33 EST, you write: > Real quick, just an excerpt from the latest Next Generation (the feature is > the console war between PS2, Dreamcast, N64/Dolphin, and possibly the X-Box). > > On the first news page, I get this: the PlayStation 3? Already under design > by Kutaragi himself? Jeeze. This kind of cockiness isn't healthy for Sony. > To > plan a console so far in advance of another one that print magazines > actually > report on it just seems to me to be putting too many eggs in one basket. Actually the PlayStation2 was in the design stages as early as 1995. The Dolphin was being designed not long after 1997. The Nintendo 64 was being worked on as early as 1993, remember Project Reality? Sony's working on a PlayStation 3, but it will probably be at least a few years before they even build a prototype. Teachers don't plan Tuesday's lessons until after Monday's homework is turned. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 24 Nov 1999 21:06:56 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 15:58:33 EST, you write: > . What > if the PS2 gets its ass handed to it by the Dolphin/Dreamcast combo? It's > very likely, considering SEGA is off the a great start and it's a fact that > the Dolphin will be technically superior to the PS2. It's almost annoying to > > see a company so damn sure of its self ... > > ~Matt Then it would be a good idea to have the next generation ready if the PSX2 does a Saturn. If SEGA didn't have the Dreamcast ready when they did they would be in really really bad shape. If SEGA didn't start to work on the Dreamcast until after the demise of the Saturn there'd be a huge spot for Nintendo, Sony, and possible a fourth console to edge SEGA into oblivion, for consoles anyway. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 21:08:44 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 16:41:51 EST, you write: > << << PEOPLE if you are gonna make 2 word reply emails dont do it cause it > is > crowding up my frickin MAILBOX! >> > > oh, sorry > > Peace Out > C\TSgt Pete Frye >> > > Good one. I say. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 24 Nov 1999 21:10:21 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 16:50:55 EST, you write: > Really? Boy, I'd like to see them fall on their faces now. Let me guess, > this one doubles as a microwave oven and clock. > -Eric- I hear it's a microwave that doubles as a console game system. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong 64.. Blast Corps Date: 24 Nov 1999 21:12:28 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 17:27:19 EST, you write: > If you > liked those mini-games in Blast Corps...get ready for more. You can swat > flies, have various little shooting games, spelling out things, numerical > puzzles, races, and even one of those great slide races a la Mario 64. What about a Bulldozer on a giant pool table in outer space? That had to be the greatest mini game ever, at least the wierdest. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 24 Nov 1999 21:15:35 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 20:18:48 EST, you write: > I'm quite bemused that people actually like Banjo more than Mario. No one > seems to be able to explain why. Maybe because.... better graphics? > > Maybe it's the better camera? (I still don't like Banjo) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 24 Nov 1999 21:19:48 -0500 It's longer, and there is more stuff to do. What's not to like? PS: I really don't want to get into a long debate on this, since it's just my opinion and obviously you have a different one. -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-11-24 20:18:48 EST, you write: > >> I'm quite bemused that people actually like Banjo more than Mario. No one >> seems to be able to explain why. Maybe because.... better graphics? >> >> > >Maybe it's the better camera? > >(I still don't like Banjo) > >Dave > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 24 Nov 1999 21:26:21 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 8:21:40 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << It's longer, and there is more stuff to do. What's not to like? PS: I really don't want to get into a long debate on this, since it's just my opinion and obviously you have a different one. >> That's what I said before. Let's end the repeat B-K debate. It's not going anywhere and it never will. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Zelda, in three years... Date: 24 Nov 1999 18:56:12 -0800 Chris Watson wrote: > On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 20:17:33 -0800 Dexter Sy > wrote: > > > The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went yesterday, > > Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > > > I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) > > But i'd like to know about the rest. > > > > Dexter > > It was superb while it lasted especially the battles > with the huge bosses But After completing it fully Ive not > played it that much, only going back now and again to play > some of the sub-games. It would have been a good option if > theyed put in an option to fight all the big dungeon bosses > once you completed the game as that was great fun. > > This is something I've been struggling with. A dolphin Zelda. N-gamer recently reported that Miyamoto is supposedly developing a dolphin multi-player game, and hinted that it could be based on the Zelda universe, but regardless of whether such a title is in development or not, it is likely that Nintendo will develop some sort of on-line community based around the Zelda universe. How that game would play is up in the air, or perhaps its not a game at all.. it could be Nintendo's hub for their on-line players where people can chat with each other, trade information and files :0D Dexter [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 24 Nov 1999 18:59:31 -0800 wrote: > Real quick, just an excerpt from the latest Next Generation (the feature is > the console war between PS2, Dreamcast, N64/Dolphin, and possibly the X-Box). > On the first news page, I get this: the PlayStation 3? Already under design > by Kutaragi himself? Jeeze. This kind of cockiness isn't healthy for Sony. To > plan a console so far in advance of another one that print magazines actually > report on it just seems to me to be putting too many eggs in one basket. What > if the PS2 gets its ass handed to it by the Dolphin/Dreamcast combo? It's > very likely, considering SEGA is off the a great start and it's a fact that > the Dolphin will be technically superior to the PS2. It's almost annoying to > see a company so damn sure of its self ... Technically superirority isn't the be all and end all of console wars. However, you miss the very important point that Nintendo now uses the same format as Sony, and therefore, they have roughly the same business model. It could turn into a real ugly Genesis/Snes type match up where the two consoles will share an increadible amount of games with ports left and right appearing at the same time. Only this time, there's a third console in the picture, Dreamcast. It could turn into an interesting scenario. Dexter > > > ~Matt > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] TRU Date: 24 Nov 1999 19:00:18 -0800 D Fentie wrote: > I phoned them a few days ago and asked them when they were getting DK64 > in and they said at least a month... I flipped out and phoned back the > next day and then they said they had it in... verrrrry stupid. Store clerks are stupid by nature. Even those who work in specialty stores such as EB suck sometimes. Dexter > > > wrote: > > > > In a message dated 99-11-23 20:11:58 EST, you write: > > > > > Retarded > > > >"R Zone" (what does > > > > R mean here? > > > > No, unless that's talking about the employees. "Do you have Resident Evil 2 > > for the N64 yet?" 'Sorry sir, but Resident Evil 2 is a PlayStation title.' > > > > And if I see one more sign that says "Dream Cast". ohh. Yup I guess it is > > retarded. > > > > Dave > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 19:04:38 -0800 D Fentie wrote: > Why do people call it 'country'? I thought it was without that word > since the SNES days. Its Donkey Kong 64, but i can see why people would add 'country'. DK Country essentially revived the Donkey Kong Franchise and introduced the Donkey Kong franchise to "modern" platforming elements. Before that, Dokey Kong was a single screen platformer with Donkey Kong playing the enemy in the first installment. It was among the first in a movement away from the militaristic arcade games of the time which feature spaceships battling aliens or humans killing robots, robots killing robots.... so it was a biggie for its time. Then, the series faded away after Nintendo moved to the console arena, only returing once or twice with the re-release of the arcade games on the NES. It took roughly 8 years before DK reappeared in that fateful Winter CES show in 1994 and the rest is history. BTW, it was also pretty cool to see the old mokey make cameo appearances in the Simpsons :-) Dex > > > Chris Conway wrote: > > > > I too would like to know what people think about Donkey Kong 64. > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: > > To: > > Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 2:26 PM > > Subject: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 > > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 24 Nov 1999 19:09:27 -0800 wrote: > I agree with Stryder. And remember, most casual gamers who buy maybe 2 games > a year were first introduced to (or at least kept in contact with) games via > the arcade. And wouldn't ya believe it, but Tekken is a very popular arcade > game, which translates into almost assured console sales. But arcades have been in decline... the arcades i use to hang out in closed down due to lack of business. Not trying to start an argument, and I agree popular arcade games will have a built in audience when it comes out on consoles. But i question how much impact a popular arcade really have. If the console publisher manages to do a good job og adapting the arcade game to a console, and launches a marketing campaign plus media coverage to back it up, the console port will definately sell well, but then you'll have to ask yourself whether or not it was the arcade game itself which did the selling, or the quality of the conversion (new features, faithfulness to the original etc. et.c) or the marketing... as you can see, its a multi-layered issue and its not very clear cut. Dexter > > > ~Matt > > < fighters at all..and the fighter fanbase is quite have heard of > Tekken whether you like it or not. > > Stryder>> > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 19:11:55 -0800 wrote: > Excellently. I just whupped Ganon then other day, and damn, you just really > appreciate that game. It's so well designed. And the Forest Temple ... damn, > it's the best atmosphere for any action/adventure RPG I've ever played. A > masterpiece. I love the forest temple. I'm going to get killed for this :-) but i'll go out on a limb and say its one of the first levels i would consider as art in a videogame. It is something people later on can break apart and analyze, much like Escher's work, which quite clearly inspired the designers of the forest temple. Dexter > > > ~Matt > > < Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now :-) > But i'd like to know about the rest. > > Dexter>> > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Replaying bosses and cinemas in DK64 Date: 24 Nov 1999 19:12:31 -0800 wrote: > I think you'll like DK64 in this respect. Once you take pictures of a certain > number of faries, you open the DK Theater, which lets you see any cinema in > the game again. Also, you open up a mode where you can replay all the bosses. > > ~Matt That's good. I had a hard time recording the JFG cinemas... Dexter > > > < with the huge bosses But After completing it fully Ive not > played it that much, only going back now and again to play > some of the sub-games. It would have been a good option if > theyed put in an option to fight all the big dungeon bosses > once you completed the game as that was great fun.>> > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] rainbow six/ winback Date: 24 Nov 1999 19:15:13 -0800 > > > That's one on my rental list. From what I've heard from IGN, it should be > good. Plus, I'm a platform freak. > -Eric- If you're tired of platformers, try rainbow six or Winback. Both run well on the N64 and having played the playstation version of Rainbow Six first (i thought the extra memory would make a more compelling game) i finally realized its either N64 or PC version you'll want. PC version is the original, but the N64 has a pretty decent co-op 2 player mode, it raises the level of co-op modes for the N64. Dreamcast is a maybe, since its suppose to be coming out but its still not out yet. Dex > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 24 Nov 1999 22:10:54 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 21:52:07 EST, you write: > Only this time, there's a third console in the picture, Dreamcast. It could > turn > into an interesting scenario. > > Dexter > Unless the the Dreamcast goes wayof the Turbo Grafx-16. Geeze I hope not. dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country Date: 24 Nov 1999 22:13:17 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 21:56:55 EST, you write: > It took roughly 8 years before DK reappeared > in that fateful Winter CES show in 1994 and the rest is history. BTW, it > was also pretty cool to see the old mokey make cameo appearances in the > Simpsons :-) > > Dex Winter CES? (I know what that is) But Donkey Kong Country was released in November 1994, when was the Winter CES in 1994, Are you sure it wasn't the Summer CES? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 24 Nov 1999 22:16:32 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 22:02:54 EST, you write: > But arcades have been in decline... the arcades i use to hang out in closed > down > due to lack of business. > I've noticed that too, but one arcdae around here that closed down (they put a pizza place in there) said it was becasue that not very many people came ther but they refused to get new games. They still had Street Fighter 2 CE out in front and Galaga in the back. And the switch to tokens (I hate tokens) didn't help much. dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dexter Sy" Subject: RE: [N64] Donkey Kong Country Date: 24 Nov 1999 19:26:41 -0800 -----Original Message----- []On Behalf Of Sent: November 24, 1999 7:13 PM In a message dated 99-11-24 21:56:55 EST, you write: > It took roughly 8 years before DK reappeared > in that fateful Winter CES show in 1994 and the rest is history. BTW, it > was also pretty cool to see the old mokey make cameo appearances in the > Simpsons :-) > > Dex Winter CES? (I know what that is) But Donkey Kong Country was released in November 1994, when was the Winter CES in 1994, Are you sure it wasn't the Summer CES? ------ You're right. its summer CES. But by Winter CES, i was referring to Jan/Feb 1994. There used to be two CES shows, a winter version at the beginning of the year and a summer version in the middle of the year. Dex [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dexter Sy" Subject: RE: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 24 Nov 1999 19:29:36 -0800 -----Original Message----- []On Behalf Of Sent: November 24, 1999 7:17 PM In a message dated 99-11-24 22:02:54 EST, you write: > But arcades have been in decline... the arcades i use to hang out in closed > down > due to lack of business. > I've noticed that too, but one arcdae around here that closed down (they put a pizza place in there) said it was becasue that not very many people came ther but they refused to get new games. They still had Street Fighter 2 CE out in front and Galaga in the back. And the switch to tokens (I hate tokens) didn't help much. dave -------- The smaller mall arcade scene have been replaced by the amusement park type mega arcades like GameWorks. There's a new arcade where I live called PlayDium. its huge, its extravegant, but its also expensive and far away. It does seem that arcades are now more about amusement where people go for a day or two to have fun then come home and forget all about it.... Dexter [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 22:25:09 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 22:04:18 EST, you write: > I love the forest temple. I'm going to get killed for this :-) but i'll go > out > on a limb and say its one of the first levels i would consider as art in a > videogame. It is something people later on can break apart and analyze, > much > like Escher's work, which quite clearly inspired the designers of the forest > temple. > > Dexter MUST... KILL... DEXTER.... MUST ... Yeah, hmm, I thought that too, but I figured nobody would know who I was talking about, sometimes I don't know what I'm talikng about. I take it you're thinking of "House of Stairs" (1951) dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Nev Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 24 Nov 1999 22:24:16 -0500 damn we got some Haters here.. we should all be happy to hear people are planning great hardware like that for us.. give peace a try.. Nev wrote: > In a message dated 11/24/99 2:58:33 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Real quick, just an excerpt from the latest Next Generation (the feature > is > the console war between PS2, Dreamcast, N64/Dolphin, and possibly the > X-Box). > On the first news page, I get this: the PlayStation 3? Already under design > by Kutaragi himself? Jeeze. This kind of cockiness isn't healthy for Sony. > To > plan a console so far in advance of another one that print magazines > actually > report on it just seems to me to be putting too many eggs in one basket. > What > if the PS2 gets its ass handed to it by the Dolphin/Dreamcast combo? It's > very likely, considering SEGA is off the a great start and it's a fact that > the Dolphin will be technically superior to the PS2. It's almost annoying to > see a company so damn sure of its self ... >> > > Really? Boy, I'd like to see them fall on their faces now. Let me guess, > this one doubles as a microwave oven and clock. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 24 Nov 1999 22:29:22 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 22:27:05 EST, you write: > The smaller mall arcade scene have been replaced by the amusement park type > mega arcades like GameWorks. There's a new arcade where I live called > PlayDium. its huge, its extravegant, but its also expensive and far away. > It does seem that arcades are now more about amusement where people go for a > day or two to have fun then come home and forget all about it.... > > Dexter I miss the small dark smoke filled arcades of old. You never ever see an ashtray on a coin-op these days. :( dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country Date: 24 Nov 1999 22:40:33 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 22:39:05 EST, you write: > You're right. its summer CES. But by Winter CES, i was referring to Jan/Feb > 1994. There used to be two CES shows, a winter version at the beginning of > the year and a summer version in the middle of the year. > > Dex it's been while. but yes, i do remember the CES schedule now.. okay dokay [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] rainbow six/ winback /others Date: 24 Nov 1999 22:54:56 -0500 Dexter Sy wrote: > > > > > > That's one on my rental list. From what I've heard from IGN, it should be > > good. Plus, I'm a platform freak. > > -Eric- > > If you're tired of platformers, try rainbow six or Winback. Both run well on > the N64 and having played the playstation version of Rainbow Six first (i > thought the extra memory would make a more compelling game) i finally realized > its either N64 or PC version you'll want. PC version is the original, but the > N64 has a pretty decent co-op 2 player mode, it raises the level of co-op > modes for the N64. Dreamcast is a maybe, since its suppose to be coming out > but its still not out yet. > > Dex > I haven't had a chance to play DK yet, but Rocket: Robot on Wheels (formerly Sprocket) is certainly a big sleeper of the year. I've got a few hours into it and its a really good platformer from Sucker Punch... if I'm not mistaken is this SP's first game (or one of the first)? It certainly is impressive. I played Ready 2 Rumble for a few minutes also... ouch. Naturally, the DC version completely blows it out of the water in control, graphics, sound, etc. Also toyed around with Rainbow 6, NBA Showtime, NBA Live 2K, and NBA Courtside 2...not really long enough for impressions of them, but Courtside is the better b-ball game out of the bunch. Currently my playing time has shifted from Speed Devils on DC (which after non stop play I finally whooped Driver X's ass) to Rocket and Rayman 2 on N64. Wez [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Allan Hegedus Subject: [N64] Donkey Kong Question Date: 24 Nov 1999 22:10:19 -0600 Does Donkey Kong 64 have any friends for the Kong family that aid them in their quest like they did in thew Donkey Kong Country games for the SNES? Allan [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Question Date: 24 Nov 1999 23:15:09 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 10:11:21 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Does Donkey Kong 64 have any friends for the Kong family that aid them in their quest like they did in thew Donkey Kong Country games for the SNES? Allan >> You bet. Cranky gives you new abilities, reminiscent of Bottles the Mole (Banjo-Kazooie). Candy gives you musical instruments, Wrinkly's ghost (she's dead now) gives you tips for the level, Funky supplies the weapons, and this weasel guy (forgot his name) puts together a blueprint of the weapon he made for K. Rool. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dexter Sy" Subject: RE: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 24 Nov 1999 20:47:16 -0800 MUST... KILL... DEXTER.... MUST ... Yeah, hmm, I thought that too, but I figured nobody would know who I was talking about, sometimes I don't know what I'm talikng about. I take it you're thinking of "House of Stairs" (1951) dave ---------- That's probably it Dexter [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Poked-out? Date: 24 Nov 1999 23:42:36 EST I saw a commercial today for that really lame animated spin-off from the lame Anastasia movie, called Bartok the Bat. it ran during Good Morning America. It started with a lame "Tired of trading cards? Poked-out?" And Pikachu's ears would show up on the screen. "Well, why not try Fox's new ..." [insert crappy product here]. I tell ya, it's just sad how badly others exploit popular things ... and you know something is popular when Fox actually has to direct an ad AGAINST it... ~Matt [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Question Date: 25 Nov 1999 00:09:35 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 23:11:21 EST, you write: > Does Donkey Kong 64 have any friends for the Kong family that aid them > in their quest like they did in thew Donkey Kong Country games for the > SNES? > > Allan > When you say friends do you mean like the ostrich & the rhino? Or like Diddy & Dixie? dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Poked-out? Date: 25 Nov 1999 00:11:30 EST In a message dated 99-11-24 23:46:15 EST, you write: > I saw a commercial today for that really lame animated spin-off from the > lame > Anastasia movie, called Bartok the Bat. it ran during Good Morning America. > It started with a lame "Tired of trading cards? Poked-out?" And Pikachu's > ears would show up on the screen. "Well, why not try Fox's new ..." [insert > crappy product here]. I tell ya, it's just sad how badly others exploit > popular things ... and you know something is popular when Fox actually has > to > direct an ad AGAINST it... > > ~Matt I think the real question is why were you watching "Good Morning America'? dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Poked-out? Date: 25 Nov 1999 00:45:04 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 10:46:15 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I saw a commercial today for that really lame animated spin-off from the lame Anastasia movie, called Bartok the Bat. it ran during Good Morning America. It started with a lame "Tired of trading cards? Poked-out?" And Pikachu's ears would show up on the screen. "Well, why not try Fox's new ..." [insert crappy product here]. I tell ya, it's just sad how badly others exploit popular things ... and you know something is popular when Fox actually has to direct an ad AGAINST it... ~Matt >> Yeah, I saw it this evening. Pretty stupid way to go against Pokemon. Plus, I don't know one person that would even think about buying that movie. Better than Pokemon? Sure. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Poked-out? Date: 25 Nov 1999 00:51:08 EST In a message dated 99-11-25 00:45:45 EST, you write: > Yeah, I saw it this evening. Pretty stupid way to go against Pokemon. Plus, > > I don't know one person that would even think about buying that movie. > Better than Pokemon? Sure. > -Eric- That commercial wasn't being directed at people who are into Pokemon, but the parents of those people, mostly at stay at home mothers with young children who instead of speaking English just keep chanting, "Pika Pika!". That's who the commercial was for. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Donkey Kong Question Date: 24 Nov 1999 23:13:04 EST In the second level of DK64 I am trying to I think open this door. There are 2 lizard guys that move around in barrels which I killed and I see a little arrow in the ground and I tried stopming on it but nothing happens. Does anyone know where to go from here? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Edinam Konu Subject: Re: [N64] the 128-Bit Generation Date: 25 Nov 1999 12:57:25 +0000 I don't agree that Nintendo will lose out to Sony the second time around, because if you remember correctly, the snes still beat the genesis even though the genesis came out earlier. Ladies and Gentlemen, I think history will repeat itself, and Sony will learn who is boss. Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr. wrote: > Yeah I was comparing Sony to SNES success and Dolphin to Sega Genesis' > success. SNES won, but Genesis was close. I think the next generation will > be that close, it won't happen within the first year of Dolphins > release(PSX2's 2nd) but Dolphin will seriously start encroaching on Sony's > market share in it's 2nd year. My prediction. > > On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, Dexter Sy wrote: > > > > > > > D Fentie wrote: > > > > > I thought for sure the SNES won. I mean, I thought the Genesis was > > > crushed when DK came out... well there were other factors: Nintendo > > > mascot-type games, Final Fantasy (and other Square games), RPG's... the > > > only thing that Genesis did really well was sports games but I've never > > > really cared for them. > > > > The SNES won. Really. > > > > Dex > > > > > > > > > > > wrote: > > > > > > > > In a message dated 99-10-25 17:13:21 EDT, you write: > > > > > > > > > I > > > > > think the upcoming generation will mirror the Genesis vs SNES battle. Sony > > > > > will win but Nintendo will make a stronger showing this time around. Fine > > > > > with me. > > > > > > > > > > > > > Hmm. So who is Sony then? Will Sony be the Genesis or SNES? Because in the > > > > 16-Bit days there was no clear winner between the Genesis & Super NES. I'm > > > > not going to make any predictions until one of two things happen. Either when > > > > Shenmue is spinning in my Dreamcast or when the PlayStation 2 and Dolphin > > > > take their rightful places where my PlayStation & N64 sit right now. > > > > > > > > Dave > > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > sx > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Poked-out? Date: 25 Nov 1999 09:43:12 EST In a message dated 11/24/99 11:51:50 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << That commercial wasn't being directed at people who are into Pokemon, but the parents of those people, mostly at stay at home mothers with young children who instead of speaking English just keep chanting, "Pika Pika!". That's who the commercial was for. Dave >> You mean like my mom? -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Watson Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 25 Nov 1999 16:23:00 -0500 (EST) On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:57:56 EST wrote: > Real quick, just an excerpt from the latest Next Generation (the feature is > the console war between PS2, Dreamcast, N64/Dolphin, and possibly the X-Box). > On the first news page, I get this: the PlayStation 3? Already under design > by Kutaragi himself? Jeeze. This kind of cockiness isn't healthy for Sony. To > plan a console so far in advance of another one that print magazines actually > report on it just seems to me to be putting too many eggs in one basket. What > if the PS2 gets its ass handed to it by the Dolphin/Dreamcast combo? It's > very likely, considering SEGA is off the a great start and it's a fact that > the Dolphin will be technically superior to the PS2. It's almost annoying to > see a company so damn sure of its self ... > > ~Matt This just goes to show that Sony really don't care about their customers as they are just in it for profit. Where as Nintendo support there consoles for years as they care about the customer as well as the money. ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 25 Nov 1999 16:03:49 EST I'm a bit confused as to how this qualifies as Nintendo related after my=20 little warning (oops=3D=DE), but in any case, it all comes to money any way=20= you=20 cut it. Nintendo, Sony, Sega -- all love money. However, I'd argue that Sega= =20 cares more about its customers, Nintendo more about its games and audience i= n=20 general, and Sony about market share. Proof? Look how long it takes Nintendo= =20 to respond to fans' demand (Smash Bros, anyone? Metroid...?) but they keep=20 catering to their main audience of family oriented gaming. Sega has catered=20 directly to customer's interests (with the Dreamcast in any case) which has=20 come with a packed in modem and other things. Of course, they have yet to (i= f=20 ever) to come out with the gun (which I suspect would've come out if only th= e=20 circumstances were different) and a improved controller. Sony....well, just=20 look at the plethora of titles and their recent marketing decisions. That's=20 all you need to know. Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 25 Nov 1999 23:44:10 +0000 on 25/11/99 3:24, Nev Jr. at wrote: > damn we got some Haters here.. we should all be happy to hear people are > planning great hardware like that for us.. give peace a try.. > > Nev Exactly, I would hope that all the companies are gearing up for the next leap into possibly true VR as well as the fact that cabinet games systems were always more advanced than the home equivalent and so the company the produces the best cabinet game is set to earn beacoup income. So the technology on the arcade floor becomes the home console of the tomorrow and it isn't hard to imagine Sony wanting to stay abreast of current development. I suppose it also pays to understand how a research and development department works, Team A is given a task of getting a home console prepared for release in 2 years time, Team B is given a task of preparing the successor to Team A's project but with a 6 year development phase as opposed to Team A's 2 years. now unless Team B makes a major developmental jump within the first two years Team A will develop and market a console. 3 - 4 years after that Team B will deliver the new version and Team C will have begun developing model 3 and so on. and even if Team B makes a radical development within the first two years the architecture of Team A's project may make it impossible to implement and it will just have to wait until the second console arrives. I look forward to the continual growth of the gaming market and can't wait until someone develops a Holodeck ala Star Trek as that is feasible using just holograms as far as I can tell. Garrett [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 25 Nov 1999 19:14:57 -0600 I couldn't stand 2 or 3 but 1 was the best. wrote: > > In a message dated 11/24/99 2:44:07 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Why do people call it 'country'? I thought it was without that word > since the SNES days. >> > > It is. Maybe people just like to tie it in with the DKC series. Which one > is your favorite. Mine is DKC2. 3 was ok, but sometimes a bit boring. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 25 Nov 1999 17:26:37 -0800 DK Country 1 was fresh, no one had ever seen a game quite like it before. But don't write-off DK Country 2 and 3. They are technically brilliant in their own right, and 2 really blew my socks off. The psuedo 3-D stuff the were doing really helped the game. Dexter D Fentie wrote: > I couldn't stand 2 or 3 but 1 was the best. > > wrote: > > > > In a message dated 11/24/99 2:44:07 PM Central Standard Time, > > writes: > > > > << Why do people call it 'country'? I thought it was without that word > > since the SNES days. >> > > > > It is. Maybe people just like to tie it in with the DKC series. Which one > > is your favorite. Mine is DKC2. 3 was ok, but sometimes a bit boring. > > -Eric- > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 26 Nov 1999 12:52:29 +1100 At 16:23 25-11-99 -0500, you wrote: > >This just goes to show that Sony really don't care about >their customers as they are just in it for profit. Where >as Nintendo support there consoles for years as they care >about the customer as well as the money. > >---------------------- >Christopher Watson > > Nintendo supports it's consoles because they make money that way. Nintendo next machine after Dolphin is likely also in very early stages of development. Nintendo are just more clandestine than Sony. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 26 Nov 1999 12:55:18 +1100 At 16:03 25-11-99 EST, you wrote: >I'm a bit confused as to how this qualifies as Nintendo related after my=20 >little warning (oops=3D=DE), but in any case, it all comes to money any way= you=20 >cut it. Nintendo, Sony, Sega -- all love money. However, I'd argue that= Sega=20 >cares more about its customers, Nintendo more about its games and audience= in=20 >general, and Sony about market share. Proof? Look how long it takes= Nintendo=20 >to respond to fans' demand (Smash Bros, anyone? Metroid...?) but they keep= =20 >catering to their main audience of family oriented gaming. Sega has catered= =20 >directly to customer's interests (with the Dreamcast in any case) which has= =20 >come with a packed in modem and other things. Of course, they have yet to= (if=20 >ever) to come out with the gun (which I suspect would've come out if only= the=20 >circumstances were different) and a improved controller. Sony....well, just= =20 >look at the plethora of titles and their recent marketing decisions. That's= =20 >all you need to know. > >Aldo M. >-NDojo Sega's modem and other DC add-ons are probably aimed at bringing investors on board. Internet companies are trendy. I don't know if Nintendo cares about their customers on a personal level, but certainly artistic people like Miyamoto care about the work they produce. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 25 Nov 1999 18:06:16 -0800 > > > Nintendo supports it's consoles because they make money that way. Nintendo > next machine after Dolphin is likely also in very early stages of > development. Nintendo are just more clandestine than Sony. Most companies start thinking about their next consoles immediately after they release a console, or else their engineers would sit around and do nothing. The trick is to design enough to get ahead but not lock yourself in a position where you anticipate a trend, work very hard on something and by year 3, find out what you're working on is not where the industry is heading. I have a lot of respect for Sony in their engineering abilities, but I worry their arrogance and their conviction to become the new leader would lead them down the wrong path and against the grain of the industry. If indeed Ken is already working on Ps3, more power to Sony, but if he's already drawing up the chip design for his next chip, i'd be a little worried. Dexter > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 26 Nov 1999 13:06:05 +1100 At 17:26 25-11-99 -0800, you wrote: >DK Country 1 was fresh, no one had ever seen a game quite like it before. > >But don't write-off DK Country 2 and 3. They are technically brilliant in their >own right, and 2 really blew my socks off. The psuedo 3-D stuff the were doing >really helped the game. > >Dexter It doesn't matter how fresh the games may have been, as from our current perspective, they're both stale. So I can say objectively that DKC2 is the better game. I suspect that people who say DKC3 was alright never really put much play into it. The N64 was out that year for you North Americans. I didn't get my N64 till March 1997. I played DKC3 all the way through, and it's a terrible game. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 25 Nov 1999 20:09:07 -0600 -----Original Message----- > >On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:57:56 EST wrote: > > >> Real quick, just an excerpt from the latest Next Generation (the feature is >> the console war between PS2, Dreamcast, N64/Dolphin, and possibly the X-Box). >> On the first news page, I get this: the PlayStation 3? Already under design >> by Kutaragi himself? Jeeze. This kind of cockiness isn't healthy for Sony. To >> plan a console so far in advance of another one that print magazines actually >> report on it just seems to me to be putting too many eggs in one basket. What >> if the PS2 gets its ass handed to it by the Dolphin/Dreamcast combo? It's >> very likely, considering SEGA is off the a great start and it's a fact that >> the Dolphin will be technically superior to the PS2. It's almost annoying to >> see a company so damn sure of its self ... >> >> ~Matt > >This just goes to show that Sony really don't care about >their customers as they are just in it for profit. Where >as Nintendo support there consoles for years as they care >about the customer as well as the money. what the heck are either of you talking about? So it is wrong for Sony to plan ahead? And what does planning ahead have to do with not caring about customers? Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 25 Nov 1999 18:50:23 -0800 > > It doesn't matter how fresh the games may have been, as from our current > perspective, they're both stale. That's a revisionist approach and its very dangerous thinking in those terms. Star Wars: A New Hope (1977) is not that impressive compared to the numerous clones it inspired so it must be stale and therefore not as good? I think not. Dexter [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 26 Nov 1999 14:31:09 +1100 At 18:50 25-11-99 -0800, you wrote: >> >> It doesn't matter how fresh the games may have been, as from our current >> perspective, they're both stale. > >That's a revisionist approach and its very dangerous thinking in those terms. >Star Wars: A New Hope (1977) is not that impressive compared to the numerous clones >it inspired so it must be stale and therefore not as good? I think not. > > >Dexter I realise that the original innovation can often seem cliche in hindsight. I meant stale more in terms of hype. DKC had the best graphics in it's time. DKC2 came out a year later and it had better graphics. Many of the faults in DKC were corrected in DKC2. I don't think of DKC2 as a cash-in or a clone, it's a sequel and they were trying to finish what they started with DKC. DKC3 was the cash-in. Coincidently, most people consider ESB to be better than ANH, and ROTJ to be crap. Does that mean DK64 is like The Phantom Menace...? Jar Jar is analogous to the Rap music I guess. But where's Padme? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] the 128-Bit Generation Date: 25 Nov 1999 22:37:17 EST In a message dated 99-11-25 08:00:11 EST, you write: > I don't agree that Nintendo will lose out to Sony the second time around, > because if > you remember correctly, the snes still beat the genesis even though the > genesis came > out earlier. Ladies and Gentlemen, I think history will repeat itself, and > Sony will > learn who is boss. > But the SNES only beat the Genesis by a very small margin. I think the PlayStation 2 will gain a lot of ground with that many of owners who have PlayStations will buy a PlayStation 2. By the time the PlayStation 2 comes out (this is for North America) I think the Dreamcast will have a rather large userbase but it will still play secobd fiddle to the PlayStation 2. And when the PlayStation 2 does come out the Nintendo 64 will look very unappealing compared to the PSX 2 & Dreamcast, and if Nintendo doesn't get a 2000 release date (not a chance) I bet that the Dreamcast will cut into Nintendo 64 sales. By the time the Dolphin does come out both the Dreamcast & PlayStation 2 will both have very large userbases and it will be quite an uphill battle for Dolphin. I mean if Soul Calibur only uses 500,000 polygons of the Dreamcast's 3 million, can you imagine what Dreamcast games will look like in September of 2001? Dave That's just my opinion and prediction. I'd like to see what others think. (Oh, too much turkey) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] the 128-Bit Generation Date: 25 Nov 1999 22:41:57 EST In a message dated 11/25/99 9:37:45 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << By the time the Dolphin does come out, both the Dreamcast & PlayStation 2 will both have very large userbases and it will be quite an uphill battle for Dolphin. >> I agree very much. If you think abut it this way, the only reason Dreamcast is doing so good is because of it's tech specs. If it had bascily the same tech specs as Playstation [one], then dreamcast would do bad, just because of the user base of sony and nintendo system(s). [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] the money Date: 25 Nov 1999 22:43:10 EST In a message dated 99-11-25 11:22:36 EST, you write: > This just goes to show that Sony really don't care about > their customers as they are just in it for profit. Where > as Nintendo support there consoles for years as they care > about the customer as well as the money. > > ---------------------- > Christopher Watson Yeah that Project Reality/Ultra 64 announcemet in 1993 showed how much Nintendo cared about the Super FamiCom/NES. (uhh) Any company that does r&d will begin working on the next big thing as soon as the latest big thing comes out. That goes for Nintendo, Sony, SEGA, Capcom, RARE, Square, etc. If Sony really didn't care about their customers why did they make the PSX2 backwards compatible. Nintendo could have at least made a "Power Base Converter" for NES on SNES, and SNES on N64. Oh, they care a lot. I'm gonna let you in on a little secrect, about every comany... they're in it for the money. That may not be the bottom line, but rest assured, that is a high priority. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] star trek Date: 25 Nov 1999 22:45:42 EST In a message dated 99-11-25 18:44:36 EST, you write: > I look forward to the continual growth of the gaming market and can't wait > until someone develops a Holodeck ala Star Trek as that is feasible using > just holograms as far as I can tell. > Garrett > What about those SEGA hologram games? lol. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] the money Date: 25 Nov 1999 22:45:49 EST In a message dated 11/25/99 9:43:34 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Yeah that Project Reality/Ultra 64 announcemet in 1993 showed how much Nintendo cared about the Super FamiCom/NES. (uhh) >> Super Famicom games came out long after the 1993 announcement. Infact, 1993 was when the last regular Famicon (NES) game came out. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] PS3? Date: 25 Nov 1999 22:48:31 EST In a message dated 99-11-25 20:58:29 EST, you write: > If indeed Ken is > already working on Ps3, more power to Sony, but if he's already drawing up > the > chip design for his next chip, i'd be a little worried. > > Dexter You know how Japanese to English translations go. ;) Maybe he's getting soused on Sonic beer and drawing it up on karaoke bar napkins. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] the money Date: 25 Nov 1999 22:52:29 EST In a message dated 11/25/99 9:43:34 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Yeah that Project Reality/Ultra 64 announcemet in 1993 showed how much Nintendo cared about the Super FamiCom/NES. (uhh) >> Not to disagree about the nature of that statement, but didn't SNES come out in '91? Sony has announced PS3 before it's next console is even released. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 25 Nov 1999 22:53:42 EST In a message dated 99-11-25 22:29:04 EST, you write: > Coincidently, most people consider ESB to be better than ANH, and ROTJ to be > crap. Does that mean DK64 is like The Phantom Menace...? Jar Jar is > analogous to the Rap music I guess. But where's Padme? > > I find that highly amusing, my fav is still ROTJ. Speaking of which, has anybody ever played Super Return of the Jedi on the SNES? Super Star Wars was pretty good, but the jumping needed some work. It wasn't correct in Super ESB, and the exteme difficulty didn't help. I was wondering about Super ROTJ? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] the money Date: 25 Nov 1999 22:55:03 EST In a message dated 11/25/99 9:46:23 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Super Famicom games came out long after the 1993 announcement. Infact, 1993 was when the last regular Famicon (NES) game came out. >> Good point, but unfortunately the SNES went pretty quickly after N64 came out. Since Nintendo announced that they plan to still support 64 with the release of Dolphin, let's hope they keep it around at least as long as the original NES. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] the 128-Bit Generation Date: 25 Nov 1999 22:57:43 EST In a message dated 99-11-25 22:42:30 EST, you write: > I agree very much. If you think abut it this way, the only reason Dreamcast > is doing so good is because of it's tech specs. If it had bascily the same > tech specs as Playstation [one], then dreamcast would do bad, just because > of > the user base of sony and nintendo system(s). Doing good just because of its specs? Cos it has nothing to to with the great games? I'm sure everybody who is thinking about getting a Dreamcast wants it because of the tech jargon written on the box (is it on the box? like the Saturn? I never looked) instead of the pretty pictures & SC & NFL2K on the kiosks. The rest of you statement just makes no sense. Of course it would do bad if it was a 33 MHz 32-Bit system with 2 Megs of RAM with first generation games. BUT WHAT IS YOUR POINT? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] the money Date: 25 Nov 1999 22:59:40 EST In a message dated 99-11-25 22:46:23 EST, you write: > << Yeah that Project Reality/Ultra 64 announcemet in 1993 showed how much > Nintendo cared about the Super FamiCom/NES. (uhh) >> > > Super Famicom games came out long after the 1993 announcement. Infact, 1993 > was when the last regular Famicon (NES) game came out. Thank you for adding to my point. But the last regular FamiCom games came out in 1994. It was a new FamiCom (top loading) bundle with Final Fantasy 1 & 2 included. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] the money Date: 25 Nov 1999 23:01:39 EST In a message dated 99-11-25 22:54:01 EST, you write: > Not to disagree about the nature of that statement, but didn't SNES come out > > in '91? Sony has announced PS3 before it's next console is even released. > -Eric- > Yes, the SNES did come out in 1991. 1990 in Japan. Sony talked of the PlayStation 2 before the PlayStation came out. This is nothing new. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] the money Date: 25 Nov 1999 23:04:05 EST In a message dated 11/25/99 10:02:13 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Yes, the SNES did come out in 1991. 1990 in Japan. Sony talked of the PlayStation 2 before the PlayStation came out. This is nothing new. Dave >> The point was that Nintendo started talk on the N64 a couple years after the SNES showed up. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] the 128-Bit Generation Date: 25 Nov 1999 23:06:05 EST In a message dated 11/25/99 9:58:12 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << BUT WHAT IS YOUR POINT? >> My point is that user base makes about as much difference as games and tech specs. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] the money Date: 25 Nov 1999 23:06:49 EST In a message dated 99-11-25 23:04:31 EST, you write: > The point was that Nintendo started talk on the N64 a couple years after the > > SNES showed up. > -Eric- > I guess Sony is just the blabber mouth then. But talking about something, especially in the videogame industry, doesn't really amount to much, not until tech demos are shown (or beta versions of games) do I really believe it. Especially coming from Nintendo. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] the money Date: 25 Nov 1999 23:09:02 EST In a message dated 11/25/99 10:02:13 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Sony talked of the PlayStation 2 before the PlayStation came out. >> Great. Too bad Nintendo is barely talking about Dolphin, not even MENTIONING there system after that. (I did not mean that is a sarcastic way, if it sounds like that). [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Allan Hegedus Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Question Date: 25 Nov 1999 08:39:06 -0600 Sorry, I meant the rhino, swordfish, ostrich etc. Allan wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-24 23:11:21 EST, you write: > > > Does Donkey Kong 64 have any friends for the Kong family that aid them > > in their quest like they did in thew Donkey Kong Country games for the > > SNES? > > > > Allan > > > > When you say friends do you mean like the ostrich & the rhino? Or like Diddy > & Dixie? > > dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] tech specs Date: 25 Nov 1999 23:14:30 EST In a message dated 99-11-25 23:06:42 EST, you write: > My point is that user base makes about as much difference as games and tech > specs. > games bring the userbase. the tech specs really don't matter all that much. The Nintendo 64 is more powerful than the PlayStation, but who sold more? (hint, it begins with S and ends with Y) The Genesis had a much faster clock speed than the SNES and was also 16-Bit when the PC Engine was only 8-Bit. The tech specs point to the the Genesis, don't they? But the SNES beat out the Genesis (by a small margin, but it did) and the PC Engine beat out the Mega Drive, not a huge margin either, but it still did. The SEGA Master System was more powerful than the NES, who beat who there? The Atari 2600 was greatly inferior to the Colecovision. Hmm, wonder why it is known as "The Atari Age"? But the ultimate exapmle on why it's not tech specs that matter but the games is the Nintendo Game Boy. Technically inferior to every blasted thing on the market for the past 10 years but still alive & kicking. It's the games that matter, it's the games that fuel the userbase, not tech specs. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Question Date: 25 Nov 1999 23:14:49 EST In a message dated 11/25/99 10:12:04 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Sorry, I meant the rhino, swordfish, ostrich etc. >> I've only played as Rambi so far, but I also have a promo tape showing Engarde (I'm sure I spelled that one wrong). -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] the money Date: 25 Nov 1999 23:15:24 EST In a message dated 99-11-25 23:09:26 EST, you write: > << Sony talked of the > PlayStation 2 before the PlayStation came out. >> > > Great. Too bad Nintendo is barely talking about Dolphin, not even MENTIONING > > there system after that. (I did not mean that is a sarcastic way, if it > sounds like that). > Like I said, Sony is a blabber mouth. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 25 Nov 1999 20:46:10 -0800 > > I realise that the original innovation can often seem cliche in hindsight. I > meant stale more in terms of hype. DKC had the best graphics in it's time. > DKC2 came out a year later and it had better graphics. Many of the faults in > DKC were corrected in DKC2. I don't think of DKC2 as a cash-in or a clone, > it's a sequel and they were trying to finish what they started with DKC. > DKC3 was the cash-in. > > Coincidently, most people consider ESB to be better than ANH, and ROTJ to be > crap. Does that mean DK64 is like The Phantom Menace...? Jar Jar is > analogous to the Rap music I guess. But where's Padme? Yes, but the American Film Institude list Star Wars as one of the 250 American films worth preserving, not Empire, Return or Phantom. The point is, history is 50% of the significance and by taking things out of their time people lose sight of why we even talk about a particular game at all. Dexter > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] the 128-Bit Generation Date: 25 Nov 1999 23:40:03 -0500 wrote: > In a message dated 11/25/99 9:37:45 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << By the time the Dolphin does come out, both the Dreamcast & > PlayStation 2 will both have very large userbases and it will be quite an > uphill battle for Dolphin. >> > > I agree very much. If you think abut it this way, the only reason Dreamcast > is doing so good is because of it's tech specs. If it had bascily the same > tech specs as Playstation [one], then dreamcast would do bad, just because of > the user base of sony and nintendo system(s). Yes, its success so far has nothing to do with the fact that it is the first home video game system with online capabilities, is putting out a steady flow of good software, and has arguably the best fighting and football games on it. Right. Wez (the way it overpowers both N64 and PSX so much doesn't hurt, either) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions Date: 25 Nov 1999 21:42:41 -0800 Nintendo will win it, if you say otherwise, you're insane..... hehehehe... on to the real stuff Sony (Soh-nee) Sony's got its current userbase it is hoping will carry over to PS2, it has the DVD playback capability that it is touting. Both strong points and being a new DVD convert myself, I'm looking forward to it. Very very much. However, there's a nagging feeling on my part that its not going far enough? Analysts are saying its the convergence of digital appliances. PS2 as the set top box for internet, dvd moves and games. Yet, the same can be said for Dreamcast, who has built-in modem, but no DVD features. Conversely, PlayStation2 has DVD movie playback but no built in modem. Sony is pursuing broadband, something they admit will have a limited market, even during Ps2's lifespan. The DVD movie playback also sounds eerily similar to 8-track, a format which was the evolutionary predecessor to the cassette tape. If DVD is to replace the VCR, the machines ought to be able to read and write. At this point in time, all consumer DVD movie machines are read-only and IF DVD is indeed the future, there's no doubt in my mind that writability will be key. When those writable machines come out, the read only machines (machines i own) will be the butt of jokes much like 8-track is today. And from what Sony is saying, PS2 is definately a read only device, there's a chance the much touted potential could be squashed in a few years time when those writable DVD machines make it to the consumer market. Wall Street is very bullish on PS2 because Sony is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, but in that repect, i think PS2 gets more hype than it deserves and it is not out of the realm of possibility that the actual product might be below expectations. like...cough... the Phatom Menace. Sega (Se-ga) Sega's got a lot going for it. built-in modem and a powerful hardware at a very reasonable price. But Sega's problem is that the software so far is doing more of what the N64 and PSX is doing, only upgrading the graphics to the next level. Furthermore, Sega's software is very much arcade oriented. Not to brag, but while even the most optimistic Sega fans were hoping for DC to sell 1 million (hopefully) by early next year, I correctly predicted 1 million plus DC units would be sold and it seems to have come true. Here's another prediction. DC sales will drop off by the middle of next year if all we see is the same old arcade style games or graphically sperior ports of exisiting N64 and PSX games. Another miss so far is that fact that Dreamcast's on-line capabilities won't be exploited for quite some time, and even when it does, the games may be rather limited depending on how strong the network membership is, something that Sega has yet to guarantee. 1 million installed base doesn't = 1 million users, Sega would be luckly is 10,000 signed up for its network, but then again, pc gaming networks have about the same amount of people, I believe the largest network has a100 K membership. Either way, its on-line capabilities is its trump over Sony, and some form of on-line gaming is guaranteed. Furthemore, there's a real chance it will be more of the same. But given its consumer appeal, it might not be that way at all. Nintendo (Nin-ten-do) I'm a Nintendo fan but i'll try not to be biased at all. Hopefully, my synopsis of Sony and Sega proves that. Nintendo in this case is in a nuetral position. On one hand, it stands a real chance of being squeezed out of the console market by Sega and Sony but at the same time, it is the perceived underdog which has surprised us once already. Dolphin could really surprise again. And you'll notice I'm being vague here, and that's because we know very little. The 4 major announcements on Dolphin have apparently been pushed back until 2000 so what I am able to work with now are of a highly speculative nature. What we know thus far is that Nintendo is obsessed with: The console's Sound, RAM (lots of it), Development ease, Price and Beating Sony. The price point is really what's interesting to me. Nintendowants to release this thing at a mass market price ($199 - $99). With PCs going down to the sub- $1000 price range, Nintendo wants something that can say cutting edge, but still sell at the traditional "cheap" price range that makes the machines attractive to the consumers. I've said this many times, but if Nintendo truly delivers on its promise on a low price machine, it has the potential to shake things up (too much for me to go into detail). The company's weakness is the fact that it is seen to have been beaten by Sony. Third parties might prefer to work with Sony instead, and of course, Namco and Square may never work with Nintendo again. At the same time, the basic matter of fact is that Nintendo is working on the same medium as Sony is, which equates into roughly similar business models. With Nintendo ditching the 'dream team' stance, first party software ensuing an easly beachead landing for the console, and the apparent ease of development for the console, Dolphin might just be too lucrative to pass up for developers. Lastly, on-line is a hit against Nintendo. Miyamot seem to indicate the company has yet to formulate a strategy. If price is to be kept low, a pack in modem might be out of the question, which leaves us all wondering, what the heck will Nintendo do??? Whew.... Discuss. Dexter > > > Wez > > (the way it overpowers both N64 and PSX so much doesn't hurt, either) > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 26 Nov 1999 16:39:23 +1100 At 20:46 25-11-99 -0800, you wrote: >> >> I realise that the original innovation can often seem cliche in hindsight. I >> meant stale more in terms of hype. DKC had the best graphics in it's time. >> DKC2 came out a year later and it had better graphics. Many of the faults in >> DKC were corrected in DKC2. I don't think of DKC2 as a cash-in or a clone, >> it's a sequel and they were trying to finish what they started with DKC. >> DKC3 was the cash-in. >> >> Coincidently, most people consider ESB to be better than ANH, and ROTJ to be >> crap. Does that mean DK64 is like The Phantom Menace...? Jar Jar is >> analogous to the Rap music I guess. But where's Padme? > >Yes, but the American Film Institude list Star Wars as one of the 250 American >films worth preserving, not Empire, Return or Phantom. The point is, history is >50% of the significance and by taking things out of their time people lose sight >of why we even talk about a particular game at all. > >Dexter > They'd be preserving it due to its historical significance, and not because of its quality. DKC was an okay game but it primarily owes its success to its graphics. DKC2 wouldn't exist without DKC, but it is the better game. DKC may or may not be more worthy of being preserved for the ages but DKC2 is the game I'd rather play. Do you own a lot of poor games just because of their historical signficance, Mortal Kombat for example? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong Country 64 Date: 25 Nov 1999 21:54:09 -0800 > > > They'd be preserving it due to its historical significance, and not because > of its quality. DKC was an okay game but it primarily owes its success to > its graphics. DKC2 wouldn't exist without DKC, but it is the better game. > DKC may or may not be more worthy of being preserved for the ages but DKC2 > is the game I'd rather play. OK > > > Do you own a lot of poor games just because of their historical signficance, > Mortal Kombat for example? Well, Mortal Kombat's quality can be argued. but yes, i do own a Genesis and Super NES versions of MK Dexter > > > > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions Date: 26 Nov 1999 01:24:19 -0600 -----Original Message----- >time, all consumer DVD movie machines are read-only and IF DVD is indeed the future, >there's no doubt in my mind that writability will be key. When those writable >machines come out, the read only machines (machines i own) will be the butt of jokes >much like 8-track is today. And from what Sony is saying, PS2 is definately a read >only device, there's a chance the much touted potential could be squashed in a few >years time when those writable DVD machines make it to the consumer market. One, read only CD players are not the butt of jokes and writeable/re-writable CD players are widely available are fairly cheap proces. Two, it is a moot point since no one else is using or planing on using a writable medium at this point. If the PS2 was to become the butt of jokes, so would the Dolphin. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions DVD Date: 26 Nov 1999 03:23:14 EST In a message dated 99-11-26 00:34:58 EST, you write: > If DVD is to > replace the VCR, the machines ought to be able to read and write. I see DVD as the sucessor to Laserdisc, not the Video cassette. Up until recently consumer CD-Rs have been too expensive for the everyday joe, but they are now affordable, they cost about as much as a good 5 disc changer or a good car CD player/tuner. But regular read only CD players still sell very well. Explain that. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions Date: 26 Nov 1999 03:24:05 EST In a message dated 99-11-26 00:34:58 EST, you write: > Sega (Se-ga) More like (Say-gah) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions Date: 26 Nov 1999 03:27:01 EST In a message dated 99-11-26 00:34:58 EST, you write: > Not to brag, but while > even the most optimistic Sega fans were hoping for DC to sell 1 million ( > hopefully) > by early next year, I correctly predicted 1 million plus DC units would be > sold and > it seems to have come true. Well not to brag, I predicted that too. I also created the 3-D idea of Super Mario 64 (in 1991) and SEGA's three screen driving game F355 (in 1993). How Nintendo & SEGA stole my ideas, I can only think of special chips inside their consoles that read brainwave activity and relay it back to HQ. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions Date: 26 Nov 1999 03:29:09 EST In a message dated 99-11-26 00:34:58 EST, you write: > Nintendowants to release this thing at a mass market price > ($199 - $99). Like Shigeru Miyamoto said (paraphrased), "yeah, maybe if we remove the DVD drive!" Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions Date: 26 Nov 1999 03:31:10 EST In a message dated 99-11-26 00:34:58 EST, you write: > and of course, Namco and Square may > never work with Nintendo again. Oh, ya never know about Namco. Soul Calibur & Namco Museum 64 show that they're not all Sony. But that's not saying I bet that Tekken would ever be on a SEGA or Nintendo system. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 26 Nov 1999 03:34:19 EST In a message dated 99-11-26 00:37:48 EST, you write: > Do you own a lot of poor games just because of their historical signficance, > Mortal Kombat for example? > > > > What games do have historical signifigance? Really, I mean would this just be videogame history or like pop culture history or what? What games would anybody on this list define as having historical signifigance? Well, aside from Super Mario Bros. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions Date: 26 Nov 1999 00:46:24 -0800 > > One, read only CD players are not the butt of jokes and > writeable/re-writable CD players are widely available are fairly cheap > proces. Two, it is a moot point since no one else is using or planing on > using a writable medium at this point. If the PS2 was to become the butt of > jokes, so would the Dolphin. I'm talking about its much tauted, movie playback feature. Dexter > > > Stryder > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions Date: 26 Nov 1999 00:49:29 -0800 > > Well not to brag, I predicted that too. I also created the 3-D idea of Super > Mario 64 (in 1991) and SEGA's three screen driving game F355 (in 1993). How > Nintendo & SEGA stole my ideas, I can only think of special chips inside > their consoles that read brainwave activity and relay it back to HQ. Well i never said anyone stole my ideas. You're taking this way too personally. Sorry but DC's got its weakness. face it. Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions DVD Date: 26 Nov 1999 00:57:10 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-26 00:34:58 EST, you write: > > > If DVD is to > > replace the VCR, the machines ought to be able to read and write. > > I see DVD as the sucessor to Laserdisc, not the Video cassette. Up until > recently consumer CD-Rs have been too expensive for the everyday joe, but > they are now affordable, they cost about as much as a good 5 disc changer or > a good car CD player/tuner. But regular read only CD players still sell very > well. Explain that. Laser Dics never had much of a market. And in terms of DVD technology, the digital revolution is about making things digital. video casettes are analog, and DVD is its successor. The industry makes that very clear, and keeps a running count on how many DVD players have been sold. Casettes have several stages of evolution, one of which was a stag gap stage called 8 track. DVD's ultimate goal is to become the primary storage medium for video, that's why CDs didn't take over Video cassette's job, simple because they are too small to store the movies. DVDs can hold enough data to challange video and allow for the seamless intertwining of commentary w/ the film and added footage. To say "oh, DVD will just create a new market" is absurd. The music and video industry aren't quite alike. The music industry have always focused on consumption, recording wasn't too important, and cassette tapes were able to fill the gap that needed filled. MP3 is the hi-tech answer of the music industry for those who wants more control over the music they consume. Video is much different story. More people are into watching than listening, and by its visual nature, people would want to record their favourite programs, shows, pornos or whatever on tape. the demand for recordable video material is a lot higher than the demand for recordable music material. That's why you see more blank video tapes on display in any given store than you see blank casettes. What i'm getting here is that if DVD is going to big, which it looks to be and Sony is betting on it getting big with the inclusion of movie playback, then the ability to record would have to be key, or else it would be a niche product. Stryder and Dave, you two responded the most violently to what i see as a fair analysis of the DVD situation so i assume you think its an attack on playstation 2? Its an analysis man. Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions Date: 26 Nov 1999 00:57:52 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-26 00:34:58 EST, you write: > > > Nintendowants to release this thing at a mass market price > > ($199 - $99). > > Like Shigeru Miyamoto said (paraphrased), "yeah, maybe if we remove the DVD > drive!" Ummmm... Whatever dave. you're being very childlike. you drunk again? > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions Date: 26 Nov 1999 03:51:02 EST In a message dated 99-11-26 03:41:28 EST, you write: > Well i never said anyone stole my ideas. You're taking this way too > personally. > Sorry but DC's got its weakness. face it. > > Dexter > I was kidding, I must have forgot the ;) What they have to do is get Shen Mue to America before the PlayStation 2 gets here. And hope that it's as good as we all hope it is. Okay here's my prediction. September 9th 2000 will be a very busy day. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions DVD Date: 26 Nov 1999 03:54:43 EST In a message dated 99-11-26 03:49:09 EST, you write: > Stryder and Dave, you two responded the most violently to what i see as a > fair > analysis of the DVD situation so i assume you think its an attack on > playstation > 2? Its an analysis man. > > > > > Dexter We just look at things differently. I don't see DVD recorders coming anytime soon at an affordable price. I just don't I see DVDs more as an update to Laser Discs, that's all. If I thought of this as an attack on the PlayStation 2 you'd know for sure. ;-) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions Date: 26 Nov 1999 03:57:04 EST In a message dated 99-11-26 03:49:51 EST, you write: > > Like Shigeru Miyamoto said (paraphrased), "yeah, maybe if we remove the > DVD > > drive!" > > Ummmm... Whatever dave. you're being very childlike. you drunk again? > No, I think my typing is at it's normal speed and accuracy. (A sure sign of me being drunk is no error correction) But that quote, well, it's like a quote, is true, I think it was in last months (or the month before) Next Generation. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 26 Nov 1999 10:40:12 EST In a message dated 11/26/99 2:34:41 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << What games would anybody on this list define as having historical signifigance? Well, aside from Super Mario Bros. >> How about DK and Zelda? -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions DVD Date: 26 Nov 1999 10:43:44 EST In a message dated 11/26/99 2:49:09 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Stryder and Dave, you two responded the most violently to what i see as a fair analysis of the DVD situation so i assume you think its an attack on playstation 2? Its an analysis man. >> I agree. DVD seems to be what will take over VHS. In a few years owning a VCR might be like owning a Beta VCR in the mid to late 80's. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Watson Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions Date: 26 Nov 1999 15:46:47 -0500 (EST) On Fri, 26 Nov 1999 03:31:10 EST wrote: > Oh, ya never know about Namco. Soul Calibur & Namco Museum 64 show that > they're not all Sony. But that's not saying I bet that Tekken would ever be > on a SEGA or Nintendo system. ;) > > Dave Why doesn't Nintendo throw a few bags a cash at Namco and square to get them to commit to the Dolphin. ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: [N64] Yamauchi doesn't like the test of time Date: 26 Nov 1999 16:06:38 +0000 on 24/11/99 20:45, Bastion007 wrote: > I agree with Stryder. And remember, most casual gamers who buy maybe 2 games > a year were first introduced to (or at least kept in contact with) games via > the arcade. And wouldn't ya believe it, but Tekken is a very popular arcade > game, which translates into almost assured console sales. I find it hard to believe that there are many gamers out there who buy only 2 games a year, if there were many the gaming industry wouldn't be in the powerful position it currently holds. I buy on average 40 games or more a year ( both legitimate and pirate) and play roughly 1/2 of them to conclusion each year. the others for one reason or another might never get played or get played further down the track. Garrett [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: [N64] TRU Date: 26 Nov 1999 16:06:39 +0000 on 24/11/99 21:47, at wrote: > In a message dated 11/24/99 2:45:27 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << I phoned them a few days ago and asked them when they were getting DK64 > in and they said at least a month... I flipped out and phoned back the > next day and then they said they had it in... verrrrry stupid. >> > > I'd question whether video game store employees actually PLAY games. > -Eric- Well I started work in a video game store about 2 months ago and myself and everyone else working there are all big gamers, PC, DC, N64, and PSX are all played by someone on staff. the only things we sell that aren't heavily subscribed to are Gameboy and NeoGeo handhelds ( I have one but an original and unplayed for several years now). the only problem we have is we are part of a chain of stores and are not responsible for ordering, so we get what we are sent and irregardless of a release date things sometimes don't appear ( for example Tomb Raider IV was due for release today and usually we get them in on a wednesday or thursday and get put out on friday, but TR has not arrived so a lot of people will be quite annoyed after we've been telling them it was due today). It's possible that stores that sell more than games and accessories ( like TRU and Walmart) will assign people to a department who know nothing about that particular dept and thus are unable to fully assist people. Garrett [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong 64.. Blast Corps Date: 26 Nov 1999 16:06:39 +0000 on 25/11/99 2:12, at wrote: >> If you >> liked those mini-games in Blast Corps...get ready for more. You can swat >> flies, have various little shooting games, spelling out things, numerical >> puzzles, races, and even one of those great slide races a la Mario 64. > > What about a Bulldozer on a giant pool table in outer space? That had to be > the greatest mini game ever, at least the wierdest. I thought the Pacman mini game was cool as it offered one of the newest perspectives on the old pacman world. it was a lot more claustrophobic as you couldn't see the whole screen and the enemy were so much larger. I'm sorry a sequel to blast corps never appeared, maybe they have something planned for the dolphin. Garrett [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 26 Nov 1999 16:06:36 +0000 on 23/11/99 23:12, TreyTable wrote: > Sure, i'll do it. Here's my review on every N64 game. Every game except for > Mario 64, Zelda 64, Blast Corps, Star Wars: SotE, Star Fox 64, Wave Race 64, > and Mario Kart 64 is either junk or average. ;) > > > > > > > Just kidding, I liked Resident Evil 2 64 & Battletanx: Global Assault a lot > also. Seriously you didn't like Goldeneye or Shadowman, what about World Driver Championship? Garrett [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 26 Nov 1999 12:00:34 EST How much would you pay for dolphin? If it had a DVD and CD player, 4 controler ports, 1 controler included, graphics as good (or better than) the N64 with expantion pack, internet capabilitys, and good games? I think it'd be cool if you could trade in your perfect condition N64 plus $50-100 for a dolphin. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 26 Nov 1999 13:56:45 EST In a message dated 11/26/99 11:01:19 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << How much would you pay for dolphin? If it had a DVD and CD player, 4 controler ports, 1 controler included, graphics as good (or better than) the N64 with expantion pack, internet capabilitys, and good games? I think it'd be cool if you could trade in your perfect condition N64 plus $50-100 for a dolphin. >> Any amount of money!!!! I must have it. (returning to the level of sanity) OK. I'll say that I would pay just about any price tag amount for Dolphin, since (to me) Nintendo = quality games. I would, however, still be mad if Nintendo put it out at a price tag the size of PSX2, since it's a helluva lot to spend and it would also kill their chances of beating Sony. Of course, though, that's not going to happen. And also, trade in my N64 for a discount on Dolphin? No thanks. I've kept every Nintendo system I've ever owned, a library which only excludes Virtual Boy. I did sell my Genesis, but that doesn't count. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 26 Nov 1999 13:59:55 EST umm... I'd probably pay $150-$250 [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Dolphin Date: 26 Nov 1999 14:00:35 EST Does Anyone know anything abotu 3rd party licenses with the dolphin?? i Know Rare is a must, but anything else (if it's a cd\dvd, then maybe Square??) Also, i';ve been reading up on Chrono Cross, and does anyone know if the Chrono Trigger PSX Port will be in the US?? If so, when?? Peace Out C\TSgt Jason Frye [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: LAWRENCE J LURRIE Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 25 Nov 1999 21:48:27 -0800 sonic 2 was a graet game, i havn't played in like a year but it was a great game On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 00:31:50 EST writes: > In a message dated 99-11-23 23:09:56 EST, you write: > > > The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went > yesterday, > > Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > > > I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by > now :-) > > But i'd like to know about the rest. > > > > Dexter > > Also it has been now seven years since the release of Sonic The > Hedgehog 2 > (11/24/92). How is Sonic 2 holding up for those who own it? ;) > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: LAWRENCE J LURRIE Subject: Re: [N64] Zelda, year one Date: 25 Nov 1999 21:49:30 -0800 definetly the best game i've ever played On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 00:25:18 EST writes: > In a message dated 11/23/99 10:09:56 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << The 1st annversary of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came and went > yesterday, > Nov. 23rd. So, how is the game holding up for those who own it? > > I think Trey's and my positon on this game are pretty clear by now > :-) > But i'd like to know about the rest. > > Dexter >> > > Haven't played it for a while, but so far it's still the best game > in > existence. > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] innovation, dreams etc Date: 26 Nov 1999 15:04:48 EST Speaking of which, wouldn't it be cool if there is a fighting game (doesn't matter about the system) that gave you the option of using several different fighting configurations that come from different games? (i.e. A character from Tekken with the controls of SF Alpha and Mega Man of SF vs. Capcom with a tekken fighting control) I mean, if games like Turok, Goldeneye, and South Park can have different configurations why can't a fighting game have one? It would really add on to the gameplay if there could be such a thing ~Cy In a message dated 11/24/99 12:07:00 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: < So this morning I had a most wonderful videogame related dream, that could be < a new game idea. It was a weird mix of Street Fighter, Bushido Blade, & < Twisted Metal. It started out by myself see what appead to be Ken fighting < Akuma in a weird Bushido Blade type environment, free run of the grounds, but < Ken & Akuma lookd different, for one thing they had a metalic look and extra < (parts?) on them. Akuma was seriously kick Ken's butt when Ken ran off, < jumped into the air and transformed into a car, that' when it struck me that < Ken was also Hot Rod, and Ken proceeded to drive off. Akuma game chase, first < on foot, and then as a panel van. Unfotuantaly Akuma has a large gun mounted < on the side of himself but he was much slower than Ken. Ken avoided Akuma's < blasts, and sideswiped Akuma into a ditch with much force, which dizzied (a < Street Fighter thing) Akuma. Ken the changed back to his humanoid form, < ripped the gun off of Akuma (still a van) and Shu Reppa'd Akuma. Now that < would make a good style of game. ;) < Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] rainbow six Date: 26 Nov 1999 15:19:29 EST Is Rainbow Six for the 64 a duplicate of the PC version or have they added (or subtracted) things from the PC version? And if they have, what are the more visible differences? ~Cy In a message dated 11/24/99 8:07:44 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: < If you're tired of platformers, try rainbow six or Winback. Both run well on < the N64 and having played the playstation version of Rainbow Six first (i < thought the extra memory would make a more compelling game) i finally realized < its either N64 or PC version you'll want. PC version is the original, but the < N64 has a pretty decent co-op 2 player mode, it raises the level of co-op < modes for the N64. Dreamcast is a maybe, since its suppose to be coming out < but its still not out yet. < Dex [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Star Wars Date: 26 Nov 1999 15:37:25 EST SROTJ for the SNES improved a little bit on the jumping but it would become difficult with particular characters. The difficulty is VERY hard. It would be suprising to even make it past the second level and I still haven't even beaten the game yet. I have a fighter-esque joystick where there are 3 on top and 3 below that and it gets sort of hard to turn left and right, and move left and right, and hold the B button for turbo while flying out of the death star. To think, and I'm playing the game on easy mode!! ~Cy In a message dated 11/25/99 8:55:37 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: < I find that highly amusing, my fav is still ROTJ. Speaking of which, has < anybody ever played Super Return of the Jedi on the SNES? Super Star Wars was < pretty good, but the jumping needed some work. It wasn't correct in Super < ESB, and the exteme difficulty didn't help. I was wondering about Super ROTJ? < Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: [N64] Anyone finished JFG? Date: 26 Nov 1999 18:10:06 -0500 I was curious if anyone had actually completed Jet Force Gemini, and how long it took them? Right now I've played for about 11 hours (yes, I got it when it came out, but I've been busy, ok? ;-), and I've just finished collecting all the tribals for Goldwood (and it's moon), and I have two spaceship parts. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 26 Nov 1999 18:10:58 -0500 I'd pay up to $250. -----Original Message----- >How much would you pay for dolphin? If it had a DVD and CD player, 4 >controler ports, 1 controler included, graphics as good (or better than) the >N64 with expantion pack, internet capabilitys, and good games? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 26 Nov 1999 18:57:48 EST I would pay up to $275 In a message dated 11/26/99 4:13:07 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: < I'd pay up to $250. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 26 Nov 1999 19:00:25 EST In a message dated 11/26/99 5:58:27 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I would pay up to $275 >> I would pay up to at least $300. If its over $300 I would still buy it anyway. Whos to say what another $50 is to me? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] rainbow six Date: 26 Nov 1999 16:19:08 -0800 wrote: > Is Rainbow Six for the 64 a duplicate of the PC version or have they added > (or subtracted) things from the PC version? And if they have, what are the > more visible differences? > > ~Cy Its a superb port of the PC game built to take advantage of the fact that you can't play N64 rainbox six on-line. But still, its got that "team" feeling to it, especially in 2-player mode. Instead of playing a co-op game with someone in a different room somewhere in the world, the co-op person you're playing with is sitting beside you and its a lot better because the messanging system is spoken speech :-) The biggest beef i have against pc multiplayer is the fact that i have to pause (stop playing) while i hurridly rush to type a message to my teammates, it makes communication difficult. Dexter > > > In a message dated 11/24/99 8:07:44 PM US Mountain Standard Time, > writes: > > < If you're tired of platformers, try rainbow six or Winback. Both run well > on > < the N64 and having played the playstation version of Rainbow Six first (i > < thought the extra memory would make a more compelling game) i finally > realized > < its either N64 or PC version you'll want. PC version is the original, but > the > < N64 has a pretty decent co-op 2 player mode, it raises the level of co-op > < modes for the N64. Dreamcast is a maybe, since its suppose to be coming out > < but its still not out yet. > > < Dex > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions Date: 26 Nov 1999 16:19:44 -0800 > > > Why doesn't Nintendo throw a few bags a cash at Namco and > square to get them to commit to the Dolphin. They just might. Or in other words, anything is possible. we like in a capitilatist system. Dexter > > > ---------------------- > Christopher Watson > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 26 Nov 1999 19:49:05 -0500 It would depend, but probably nothing (by your description). I already own DVD/CD players, and the N64 which has four controller ports and graphics as good as the N64...I mean, get real. If the Dolphin has equal graphics to the 64 (even with expansion pack), forget it.. I'm not buying a new system with the same hardware as one I already own. Good games and internet capability is nice, but can be found elsewhere if necessary. Eddy Wu wrote: > I'd pay up to $250. > > -----Original Message----- > From: > To: > Date: Friday, November 26, 1999 12:01 PM > Subject: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin > > >How much would you pay for dolphin? If it had a DVD and CD player, 4 > >controler ports, 1 controler included, graphics as good (or better than) > the > >N64 with expantion pack, internet capabilitys, and good games? > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] movie playback Date: 26 Nov 1999 17:14:42 -0800 Wez wrote: > It would depend, but probably nothing (by your description). I already own > DVD/CD players, and the N64 which has four controller ports and graphics as > good as the N64...I mean, get real. If the Dolphin has equal graphics to the > 64 (even with expansion pack), forget it.. I'm not buying a new system with > the same hardware as one I already own. Good games and internet capability > is nice, but can be found elsewhere if necessary. Good point, which brings up another point. is DVD playback really necessary if DVD players are going to take off? you don't see consoles with VHS tapes do you? Of course, there's the possibility of having DVD movies with built in games so people can watch the movie then play the game.... but how realistic is that? will the games made by these hollywood studios be any good? Thoughts? Dex > > > Eddy Wu wrote: > > > I'd pay up to $250. > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: > > To: > > Date: Friday, November 26, 1999 12:01 PM > > Subject: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin > > > > >How much would you pay for dolphin? If it had a DVD and CD player, 4 > > >controler ports, 1 controler included, graphics as good (or better than) > > the > > >N64 with expantion pack, internet capabilitys, and good games? > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 26 Nov 1999 20:26:55 EST In a message dated 99-11-26 10:40:56 EST, you write: > How about DK and Zelda? > -Eric- > Could you be a bit more specific? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] tag team Date: 26 Nov 1999 20:30:22 EST In a message dated 99-11-26 11:07:15 EST, you write: > Seriously you didn't like Goldeneye or Shadowman, what about World Driver > Championship? > Garrett I wrote that late, I knew I was forgetting something. I do like Goldeneye, a lot. Funny think, shows how out of prcatice I am, my nine year old cousin wiped the floor with me on Goleneye multiplayer over thanksgiving. And with pistols even. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin Date: 26 Nov 1999 20:32:02 EST In a message dated 99-11-26 14:00:59 EST, you write: > Also, i';ve been reading up on Chrono Cross, and does anyone know if the > Chrono Trigger PSX Port will be in the US?? If so, when?? > > Peace Out As far as I know Square is NOT bringing Chrono Trigger to America. What a bunch of MORONS if you ask me. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 26 Nov 1999 20:34:42 EST In a message dated 99-11-26 18:13:07 EST, you write: > -Original Message----- > From: > To: > Date: Friday, November 26, 1999 12:01 PM > Subject: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin > > > >How much would you pay for dolphin? If it had a DVD and CD player, 4 > >controler ports, 1 controler included, graphics as good (or better than) > the > >N64 with expantion pack, internet capabilitys, and good games? I'd pay $300. No system is worth more than $300. Bring back the pack in game for the launch. That's what Nintendo could use to really one up Sony & SEGA, have Dolphin have a Pack-In game from the start. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] movie playback Date: 26 Nov 1999 20:51:32 -0500 Dexter Sy wrote: > Wez wrote: > > > It would depend, but probably nothing (by your description). I already own > > DVD/CD players, and the N64 which has four controller ports and graphics as > > good as the N64...I mean, get real. If the Dolphin has equal graphics to the > > 64 (even with expansion pack), forget it.. I'm not buying a new system with > > the same hardware as one I already own. Good games and internet capability > > is nice, but can be found elsewhere if necessary. > > Good point, which brings up another point. is DVD playback really necessary if > DVD players are going to take off? you don't see consoles with VHS tapes do you? > > Of course, there's the possibility of having DVD movies with built in games so > people can watch the movie then play the game.... but how realistic is that? will > the games made by these hollywood studios be any good? > > Thoughts? > > Dex I personally feel DVD playback is not necessary. Even stupid, considering we're buying a game machine, and the movie playback would increase the price. If someone really would use the DVD movie feature, then they would probably buy an actual player. That idea about movies with games is great. I don't know what all it would have to go through with the film makers and game makers to get licensed, but I mean, think of the possibilites. Games like Goldeneye where you could actually watch the movie before playing the game, all on the same disc. But again, I don't know if that is possible.. interesting idea I never thought of though. Wez [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] movie playback Date: 26 Nov 1999 18:10:54 -0800 Wez wrote: > Dexter Sy wrote: > > > Wez wrote: > > > > > It would depend, but probably nothing (by your description). I already own > > > DVD/CD players, and the N64 which has four controller ports and graphics as > > > good as the N64...I mean, get real. If the Dolphin has equal graphics to the > > > 64 (even with expansion pack), forget it.. I'm not buying a new system with > > > the same hardware as one I already own. Good games and internet capability > > > is nice, but can be found elsewhere if necessary. > > > > Good point, which brings up another point. is DVD playback really necessary if > > DVD players are going to take off? you don't see consoles with VHS tapes do you? > > > > Of course, there's the possibility of having DVD movies with built in games so > > people can watch the movie then play the game.... but how realistic is that? will > > the games made by these hollywood studios be any good? > > > > Thoughts? > > > > Dex > > I personally feel DVD playback is not necessary. Even stupid, considering we're > buying a game machine, and the movie playback would increase the price. If someone > really would use the DVD movie feature, then they would probably buy an actual > player. I believe its $20 per unit to be paid to the DVD comission or something with that name. > > That idea about movies with games is great. I don't know what all it would have to > go through with the film makers and game makers to get licensed, but I mean, think of > the possibilites. Games like Goldeneye where you could actually watch the movie > before playing the game, all on the same disc. But again, I don't know if that is > possible.. interesting idea I never thought of though. Yep, it is very interesting and has potential. > > > Wez > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Watson Subject: Re: [N64] Star Wars Date: 27 Nov 1999 04:19:30 -0500 (EST) I have to say out of the 3 great star wars games fro the SNES, The Empire Strikes Back was the best. I still have the codes for each level and I still love taking down those AT-AT's on the Hoth level On Fri, 26 Nov 1999 15:37:25 EST wrote: > SROTJ for the SNES improved a little bit on the jumping but it would > become difficult with particular characters. The difficulty is VERY hard. > It would be suprising to even make it past the second level and I still > haven't even beaten the game yet. I have a fighter-esque joystick where > there are 3 on top and 3 below that and it gets sort of hard to turn left and > right, and move left and right, and hold the B button for turbo while flying > out of the death star. > To think, and I'm playing the game on easy mode!! > > ~Cy > > In a message dated 11/25/99 8:55:37 PM US Mountain Standard Time, > writes: > > < I find that highly amusing, my fav is still ROTJ. Speaking of which, has > < anybody ever played Super Return of the Jedi on the SNES? Super Star Wars > was > < pretty good, but the jumping needed some work. It wasn't correct in Super > < ESB, and the exteme difficulty didn't help. I was wondering about Super > ROTJ? > > < Dave > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 26 Nov 1999 23:23:04 EST Id pay up to $350 [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Watson Subject: Re: [N64] movie playback Date: 27 Nov 1999 04:25:08 -0500 (EST) On Fri, 26 Nov 1999 17:14:42 -0800 Dexter Sy wrote: > > > Wez wrote: > > > It would depend, but probably nothing (by your description). I already own > > DVD/CD players, and the N64 which has four controller ports and graphics as > > good as the N64...I mean, get real. If the Dolphin has equal graphics to the > > 64 (even with expansion pack), forget it.. I'm not buying a new system with > > the same hardware as one I already own. Good games and internet capability > > is nice, but can be found elsewhere if necessary. > > Good point, which brings up another point. is DVD playback really necessary if > DVD players are going to take off? you don't see consoles with VHS tapes do you? > > Of course, there's the possibility of having DVD movies with built in games so > people can watch the movie then play the game.... but how realistic is that? will > the games made by these hollywood studios be any good? > > Thoughts? > > Dex I'm sorry but those games that are rushed out to be released at the same time as the film generaly tend to be crap, so DVD's with games might not be such a good idea. Unless the decide to release a new Super Mario Bros 2 the movie, of course. ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Watson Subject: [N64] Soccer Date: 27 Nov 1999 04:39:29 -0500 (EST) I don't know about you guys but I live in the UK so Soccer or football as it's properly known is very important to the European market, if Nintendo, hopefully with the help of Konami can churn out a very good football game exclusivley for the Dolphin then the new Nintendo console will have a great head start. ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Soccer Date: 26 Nov 1999 23:43:27 EST In a message dated 99-11-26 23:38:16 EST, you write: > I don't know about you guys but I live in the UK so Soccer > or football as it's properly known is very important to the > European market, if Nintendo, hopefully with the help of > Konami can churn out a very good football game exclusivley > for the Dolphin then the new Nintendo console will have a > great head start. > > ---------------------- > Christopher Watson But it's hard to heave a head start since it's coming out after the Dreamcast (obviously) and the PlayStation 2. Me [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Watson Subject: Re: [N64] Soccer Date: 27 Nov 1999 04:59:27 -0500 (EST) On Fri, 26 Nov 1999 23:43:27 EST wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-26 23:38:16 EST, you write: > > > I don't know about you guys but I live in the UK so Soccer > > or football as it's properly known is very important to the > > European market, if Nintendo, hopefully with the help of > > Konami can churn out a very good football game exclusivley > > for the Dolphin then the new Nintendo console will have a > > great head start. > > > > ---------------------- > > Christopher Watson > > But it's hard to heave a head start since it's coming out after the Dreamcast > (obviously) and the PlayStation 2. > > Me I know but if it did have a killer European sports title then it would gain alot of ground very quickly in europe at least. There is also the problem that Nintendo spend very litle money on advertising in Europe, I live in the UK and today saw the new 007 film, there were 2 playstation adverts before the film, yet there were no adverts from either Nintendo or Sega, Nintendo is a very respected name here yet they give the impression that they don't care about the home of RARE so the people here but other systems instead, which is a shame as the N64 is generally better than the playstation but it looses out to advertiseing. ---------------------- Christopher Watson [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] movie playback Date: 27 Nov 1999 00:06:58 EST In a message dated 11/26/99 7:07:06 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Good point, which brings up another point. is DVD playback really necessary if DVD players are going to take off? you don't see consoles with VHS tapes do you? Of course, there's the possibility of having DVD movies with built in games so people can watch the movie then play the game.... but how realistic is that? will the games made by these hollywood studios be any good? Thoughts? Dex >> Heck, I'm a video game nut. If it plays games, I'm happy. If it plays movies, cool for an extra feature. Either way, I get a Nintendo system that promises to be awesome. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 27 Nov 1999 00:10:13 EST In a message dated 11/26/99 7:27:37 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << > How about DK and Zelda? > -Eric- > Could you be a bit more specific? Dave >> You said that the only game we consider to have historical value is SMB. Donkey Kong introduced Mario and was one of Nintendo's first big hits. Zelda 1 was, to my best knowledge, one of the first games to use battery back-up for saving game files and introduced a new style of video games. That specific enough for ya? -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 27 Nov 1999 00:12:58 EST In a message dated 11/26/99 7:35:11 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I'd pay $300. No system is worth more than $300. Bring back the pack in game for the launch. That's what Nintendo could use to really one up Sony & SEGA, have Dolphin have a Pack-In game from the start. Dave >> Well, what if PSX2 comes to the US higher than $300? We all know that you're getting it as soon as possible, but you say that "no" system is worth it? -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Star Wars Date: 27 Nov 1999 00:15:36 EST In a message dated 11/26/99 10:18:08 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I have to say out of the 3 great star wars games fro the SNES, The Empire Strikes Back was the best. I still have the codes for each level and I still love taking down those AT-AT's on the Hoth level >> Yeah, that was a great game. Even though I can still only beat it on easy without cheats. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 27 Nov 1999 00:16:12 EST In a message dated 99-11-27 00:13:24 EST, you write: > Well, what if PSX2 comes to the US higher than $300? We all know that you' > re > getting it as soon as possible, but you say that "no" system is worth it? > -Eric- > Unless it has some great must have gotta get it mind blowing life changing and makes coffee too title I'll prooably wait until the price is reasonable. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 26 Nov 1999 23:52:53 -0600 Whats the point in having a new system if you don't have any games???? May as well wish for Nintendo's 45th video game machine, its just as good as a brick without software. wrote: > > In a message dated 11/26/99 5:58:27 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << I would pay up to $275 >> > > I would pay up to at least $300. If its over $300 I would still buy it > anyway. Whos to say what another $50 is to me? > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 27 Nov 1999 00:50:19 EST In a message dated 11/26/99 11:48:59 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Whats the point in having a new system if you don't have any games???? May as well wish for Nintendo's 45th video game machine, its just as good as a brick without software. wrote: > > In a message dated 11/26/99 5:58:27 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << I would pay up to $275 >> > > I would pay up to at least $300. If its over $300 I would still buy it > anyway. Whos to say what another $50 is to me? >> OK, what was the point of this post? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 26 Nov 1999 23:56:40 -0600 If you want to know what the point of this post is, read the subject. wrote: > > In a message dated 11/26/99 11:48:59 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Whats the point in having a new system if you don't have any games???? > May as well wish for Nintendo's 45th video game machine, its just as > good as a brick without software. > > wrote: > > > > In a message dated 11/26/99 5:58:27 PM Central Standard Time, > > writes: > > > > << I would pay up to $275 >> > > > > I would pay up to at least $300. If its over $300 I would still buy it > > anyway. Whos to say what another $50 is to me? >> > > OK, what was the point of this post? > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Anyone finished JFG? Date: 27 Nov 1999 00:55:38 EST I have -- I just haven't beaten Mizar yet. For the record, he's one helluva=20 boss. No health refills, no ammo refills during battle, and so on. One day,=20 I'll beat him. One day... And speaking of Rare games and finishing them, I'm 53% done with DK64 and=20 only about 16 hours through. Proof IGN sucks (stated they played 20 hours an= d=20 were only 29% done)=3D=DE And yes, it IS fun! Especially Jetpac and the '81=20= DK --=20 ohhh, those retro classics. Bring on Banjo-Tooie and Conker!! Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 26 Nov 1999 22:11:58 -0800 > > You said that the only game we consider to have historical value is SMB. > Donkey Kong introduced Mario and was one of Nintendo's first big hits. Zelda > 1 was, to my best knowledge, one of the first games to use battery back-up > for saving game files and introduced a new style of video games. That > specific enough for ya? > -Eric- Stop it This is pointless. History is history. You can't rewrite history. If MK is the worse game in history but it managed to give Sega an edge over Nintendo for a period of time, then its a game that's going to go down into history no matter what. This whole line of thinking about "well i didn;t like the game so i don't think its history" crap is pointless. Dexter > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] movie playback Date: 26 Nov 1999 22:14:10 -0800 > > I'm sorry but those games that are rushed out to be > released at the same time as the film generaly tend to be > crap, so DVD's with games might not be such a good idea. > Unless the decide to release a new Super Mario Bros 2 the > movie, of course. > > ---------------------- > Christopher Watson > If they release another Mario movie, chances are, its going to be animated :-) Dexter > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Anyone finished JFG? Date: 27 Nov 1999 01:30:58 EST I've about given up on that game. Getting the Tribals is too menial a task, and after the first boss I have no desire to go rescue every damn tribal. I plan on spending my time with the likes of DK64 now ... ~Matt PS: For anyone who cares, my football team is in the Delaware State Championships! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] READ: Dexter's 128-bit predictions DVD Date: 27 Nov 1999 00:30:26 -0600 >In a message dated 99-11-26 03:49:09 EST, you write: > >> Stryder and Dave, you two responded the most violently to what i see as a >> fair >> analysis of the DVD situation so i assume you think its an attack on >> playstation >> 2? Its an analysis man. >> >> >> >> >> Dexter Violently? Give me a break. It analysis man. stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Dolphin First Person Date: 27 Nov 1999 00:48:25 -0800 This little piece of info slipped my mind. But a few weeks back, IGN64 reported Rainbox Six (N64) , Top Gear Rally 2 and Xena (N64) developer called Saffire has began working on a futuristic first-person shooter for Dolphin. Any thoughts? Dex [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: editor - hotgames Subject: [N64] - Coolnews Nintendo 64 Date: 27 Nov 1999 22:48:43 +1100 (EST) COOLNEWS NINTENDO 64: Gamedate November 26, 1999 The newsletter of! THE BIG SEASON Well, you know that that time of year is upon us again, as Nintendo are bringing out their show stoppers to the world in time for Christmas! But that's not all, every third party publisher who knows where it's at is gearing up for the holiday season...and you can check out what's going on in! Ed. FEATURE REVIEW - DONKEY KONG 64 It's here! It's out! It comes with a free Expansion Pak to make the graphics cooler than anything you can imagine! Check out what the monkey-loving editors (and your fellow readers!) have to say in our review... LATEST 5 NINTENDO 64 GAME REVIEWS: Turok: Rage Wars: Rainbow Six: Namco Museum 64: Resident Evil 2: Toy Story 2: FEATURE EDITORIAL - IF NINTENDO WAS CD... Imagine Nintendo came to the conclusion that cartridges were not the answer a few years back and decided the N64 would be a cd format..we did, and we bring you all the consequences, and what could have been! WIN PRIZES - PRINCE OF PERSIA 3D GOODIES! Not only are we giving away 10 copies of Prince Of Persia 3D, but some lucky people are going to walk away with 5 T-shirts and an original piece of art from the game! Don't miss out! CHEAT OF THE WEEK - READY TO RUMBLE Bronze class - Select "Championship Mode" from the main menu. Then, choose "New Game" and enter "BRONZE" as a gym name to unlock all class bronze boxers in championship mode. It's happy time again! Cameron D. To unsubscribe to Coolnews send an email message to with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject field. Do you have friends who are also keen N64 gamers? Why not FORWARD this cool newsletter email to them NOW! They can subscribe all for themselves at: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong 64 questions Date: 27 Nov 1999 08:30:58 EST In a message dated 99-11-27 00:58:58 EST, you write: > And speaking of Rare games and finishing them, I'm 53% done with DK64 and > only about 16 hours through. Proof IGN sucks (stated they played 20 hours > and > were only 29% done)=Þ And yes, it IS fun! Especially Jetpac and the '81 DK -- > > ohhh, those retro classics. Bring on Banjo-Tooie and Conker!! > > Aldo M. > -NDojo So I take it that Donkey Kong 64 is a simplistic game in its nature? Actually from what I read (or didn't read ) on the list I'm assuming that much. Remember this time last year? Everyday there was about twenty posts with the subject "Zelda Question... Spoiler" every darn day. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin First Person Date: 27 Nov 1999 08:34:51 EST In a message dated 99-11-27 03:40:38 EST, you write: > This little piece of info slipped my mind. But a few weeks back, IGN64 > reported Rainbox Six (N64) , Top Gear Rally 2 and Xena (N64) developer > called Saffire has began working on a futuristic first-person shooter > for Dolphin. Any thoughts? > > Dex > Nope not yet. Show me the Dolphin controller, system hardware, and some tech demos and maybe some feedback could be written up. Hear that Saffire is developing a FPS for the Dolphin, at this stage in the game, is about as meaningless as saying they're developing a FPS for a big stack of waffles. mmmm. waffles Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 08:51:47 EST A few days ago Dex was talking about how the Dreamcast is really nothing new, that all it is really doing is doing everyting the N64 & PlayStation does but with better graphics (and framerates) and better sound. Which is very much true. But it seems he is suggesting that Dolphin, and maybe PSX2?, could be different? Any ideas how? Really I don't see that happening, what could be done with technology of today, or even 6 years from now do to go beyond 3-D? The 16-Bit systems really did nothing new, they (Super NES, Genesis, 3D0, PC Engine [i know it was 8-Bit really], and Neo-Geo) didn't really do anything new but just perfected the style of games found in the 8-Bit times. The big change was with the PlayStation, Nintendo 64, and to a lesser extent the Saturn. (The Saturn was split between mostly borderline good/bad 3-D and perfection in 2-D) But with first the PlayStation and then the Niontendo 64 they brought videogames into 3-D. I see systems like the Dreamcast and the upcoming PlayStation 2, and one can only assume Dolphin, as what will become perfection in 3-D. Any thoughts? Espcially on what the Dolphin will do? I believe that it will do, as Dexter said of the Dreamcast, more of the same, but just do it better. Dave --------------- Well, I can see what you mean It just takes me longer And I can feel what you feel It just makes you stronger -- Rush [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Anyone finished JFG? Date: 27 Nov 1999 10:30:03 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 12:31:30 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << I've about given up on that game. Getting the Tribals is too menial a task, and after the first boss I have no desire to go rescue every damn tribal. I plan on spending my time with the likes of DK64 now ... ~Matt >> I have every tribal and I still must get two pieces of the spaceship. But, I probably won't be playing it until the Christmas season (I hate high school). Plus, any bit of time I get for games I'm spending on DK. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin First Person Date: 27 Nov 1999 10:32:03 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 2:40:38 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << This little piece of info slipped my mind. But a few weeks back, IGN64 reported Rainbox Six (N64) , Top Gear Rally 2 and Xena (N64) developer called Saffire has began working on a futuristic first-person shooter for Dolphin. Any thoughts? Dex >> If it's like Goldeneye or Turok 1 and 2, I'm getting it. If it's like Quake 2, forget it. End of story. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Clobie" Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 27 Nov 1999 11:48:21 -0500 Honestly, I wouldn't pay more than 250, and thats w/o a pack in game and only one controller. Anymuch more and I would atleast want them to pack in a game. Even if they gave a free month of "" online playing or whatever, with usually so few games at launch, whats the point? If I wanted to spend more that 250 for playing games and get an online service, I'd just get some serious upgrades for my comp and get a nice cable modem. Sanjay Nair; AIM: Clobie ICQ: 50214841 *Bart: Don't look in my closet. In fact, stay out of my room altogether. *Lisa: If the pets die, don't replace them, I'll know! -- Leaving for ``Kamp Krusty'' __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one place. Yahoo! Shopping: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong 64 questions Date: 27 Nov 1999 15:10:16 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 7:31:35 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << So I take it that Donkey Kong 64 is a simplistic game in its nature? >> Yep. I'm now 67% done and 19 hours through -- but the game is nowhere near as complicated as some reviews make it. You don't have to collect anything more than a handful of coins, some ammo and crystal coconuts to execute more advanced moves, and, of course, bananas. All the other stuff is a bunch of extra stuff really -- so if you don't want extra characters in the multiplayer mode, or don't want to view the cinemas or replay bosses, you'll be okay. The game is basically set somewhat similar to Banjo-Kazooie -- the levels are large in themselves, but they're broken down into little areas where you compete in mostly mini-games, races, and so on to earn prizes. And for the record, you really don't need to collect that many bananas -- as it is, I have enough golden bananas to open the last few levels I imagine: I'm well ahead of the last required count by about 40. And just like BK, the overworld through where you enter levels has some secrets as well...essentially, DK64 takes all of Rare's previous N64 efforts (sans KI Gold) and blends them into one large platformer. My only complaint so far is the camera -- during some rare times (more often in complex areas) it can take an unfavorable angle, causing some unnecessary damage. Thankfully, this is rather uncommon and just one of the small prices to pay for a more advanced platformer. As for anything being tedious, I'd say no. Collecting the Tribals in JFG was probably a bit less entertaining (I didn't find it to be a total pain in the ass) due to the general lack of clues to help you; which frustrated on more than once occasion. So to that end, I had the aid of some online help when I got really stuck....let's face it, if you're spending three days tracking down two Tribals in a small level (Hallway on the SS Anubis), well, you need the help. Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 15:35:52 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 7:52:29 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Really I don't see that happening, what could be done with technology of today, or even 6 years from now do to go beyond 3-D? >> Precisely. Chances are we're not going to see much more than a refinement of the 3D area with expanding gameplay as the technology increases. Not to mention much more communicative oriented play with networking and other things like the VMU feature which will no doubt reappear somewhere down the line. What was once just your console will, I believe, become a whole lot more with as it'll be able to play movies (I'm looking beyond the Dolphin and PS2 for reference), surf the Internet (although it may never reach the PC level, and I don't think it will), and so on. Now then, if you're talking portable consoles....that's a whole other cookie. Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 15:41:53 EST Well, Dave said something earlier about the next step may be the absence of=20 boundaries. You know, like the flat walls laid with textures that keep you i= n=20 a solid environment. In JFG, the walls are covered with tress, making it loo= k=20 like your in a clearing. I think a truly awesome game would be where your in= =20 a forest of tress, each made up of it's own polygon count, and there being a= n=20 actual forest, not some path with tree textures on the side. ~Matt PS: I also think we should see time a more important factor in games. Hell,=20 Pok=E9mon Gold and Silver have this feature, why not other games? PPS: Is the Game boy Advance going to be a cart-based system? <> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 17:58:30 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 2:42:26 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << PPS: Is the Game boy Advance going to be a cart-based system? >> That would be hella tight if the Game Boy Advance games were like little mini CDs. Can they develope something like that? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 18:16:27 -0500 LOL.. yes. They're made by Sony, and they're called Minidiscs. -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 11/27/99 2:42:26 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > ><< PPS: Is the Game boy Advance going to be a cart-based system? >> > >That would be hella tight if the Game Boy Advance games were like little mini >CDs. Can they develope something like that? > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 18:19:39 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 5:18:34 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << They're made by Sony >> My god. Sony is a peice of ... High Quality paper!!!! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 18:21:13 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 5:18:34 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << LOL.. yes. They're made by Sony, and they're called Minidiscs. >> No I am talking about ones that are the size of a quarter. A little bigger though [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 27 Nov 1999 18:47:58 EST maybe you right man 250 dollors for wha the dreamcast? i might buy it any way man the games gonna be cool! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] o for a new for a new dolphin Date: 27 Nov 1999 18:51:36 EST oooo the dolphin well i dont know if i would but that cause the mulla man i dont knwo if i would wanna spend that much.....Well online gaming...huh maybe.. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:08:06 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 5:21:39 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << No I am talking about... [the CDs] that are the size of a quarter. A little bigger though >> Those are just as common as full sized CD's nowdays. AOL sends me '100 HOURS FREE' CDs on them all the time. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] GBA format Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:25:06 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 2:42:26 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Is the Game boy Advance going to be a cart-based system? >> Most likely. Nintendo is supposed to be making it backward compatable. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] GBA format Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:43:56 EST writes, about GB Advance: << Nintendo is supposed to be making it backward compatable >> GBAdvance should be backwards compadable with only GBC games, not GB games, too. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:47:03 EST whats made by sony? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:47:27 EST o ok [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] GBA format Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:48:06 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 6:44:24 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << GBAdvance should be backwards compadable with only GBC games, not GB games, too. >> Well, the GBC is backward compatable with GB. I think it should be a given. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] high quality paper huh Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:48:18 EST all those trees man think of the Trees STELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] ok rather than all the subjecyts named RE Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:49:32 EST why dont we lable them so they staand out rather than all the boring Re:how can the Dolphin be different...u know.. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] high quality paper huh Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:49:52 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 6:48:50 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << all those trees man think of the Trees STELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! >> This guy's beginning to scare me. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] GBA format Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:51:47 EST what the gameboy to the 64...? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] high quality paper huh Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:53:36 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 6:50:18 PM Central Standard Time, writes: This guy's beginning to scare me. Me too [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] high quality paper huh Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:54:04 EST well the doctor said i was ok... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] GBA format Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:54:33 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 6:52:18 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << what the gameboy to the 64...? >> Maybe not GBC to N64 But GBA to Dolphin [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Ok... Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:57:25 EST Your docter said you were ok? your DOCTOR is starting to scare me. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Ok... Date: 27 Nov 1999 20:00:53 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 6:57:57 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Your docter said you were ok? your DOCTOR is starting to scare me. >> dont send crap mails like this. Stay to the n64 subject. thats what this list is for! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Ok... Date: 27 Nov 1999 20:08:31 EST In a message dated 11/27/99 7:01:20 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << dont send crap mails like this. Stay to the n64 subject. thats what this list is for! >> How 'bout we tell that to IFistsofFury? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 18:22:07 -0800 wrote: > A few days ago Dex was talking about how the Dreamcast is really nothing new, > that all it is really doing is doing everyting the N64 & PlayStation does but > with better graphics (and framerates) and better sound. Which is very much > true. But it seems he is suggesting that Dolphin, and maybe PSX2?, could be > different? Any ideas how? Look at the Dreamcast library. It is full of ports of existing N64 and PSX games. That is not the ideal game library i want to have. I'm sure it will change very soon, but there is a need to keep making the same game thrice on the part of the developers and i don't think its necessary. And you might ask why I'm attacking Dremacast, maybe why I didn't put it this way: If Nintendo continue to receive graphically worse ports of existing DC games, it would be in trouble. but there's a logic to it. N64 and PSX have rather large user bases and therefore, it seems like a lot of the games made today are target to these two consoles, the developers don't want to invest on Dreamcast so its getting a lot of what the psx and n64 are already getting, with better graphics, but no guarantees of better gameplay. Hydro Thunder is one example. > > Any thoughts? Espcially on what the Dolphin will do? I believe that it will > do, as Dexter said of the Dreamcast, more of the same, but just do it better. Dolphin will do more of the same, and do them better. That is unless Nintendo reveals something radical in one of their major announcemnts. Dexter > > > Dave > > --------------- > Well, I can see what you mean > It just takes me longer > And I can feel what you feel > It just makes you stronger > > -- Rush > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 21:48:07 EST I'm not too sure of that, Dex. Look at the main genres. Sports: NFL2K and NBA2K, DC exclusive Platformers: Sonic Adventure, DC exclusive Fighters: Soul Caliber, DC exclusive I'm sure there are others, but for a system nary 3 months old, it's not to bad to have 3 major bases covered. ~Matt < > Any thoughts? Espcially on what the Dolphin will do? I believe that it will > do, as Dexter said of the Dreamcast, more of the same, but just do it better. Dolphin will do more of the same, and do them better. That is unless Nintendo reveals something radical in one of their major announcemnts. Dexter>> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 00:24:00 EST In a message dated 99-11-27 18:21:39 EST, you write: > No I am talking about ones that are the size of a quarter. A little bigger > though What is this? Men in Black? ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] o for a new for a new dolphin Date: 28 Nov 1999 00:24:40 EST In a message dated 99-11-27 18:52:06 EST, you write: > oooo the dolphin well i dont know if i would but that cause the mulla man i > dont knwo if i would wanna spend that much.....Well online gaming...huh > maybe.. please copy & paste to what you're repling to. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] GBA format Date: 28 Nov 1999 00:27:05 EST In a message dated 99-11-27 19:44:24 EST, you write: > GBAdvance should be backwards compadable with only GBC games, not GB games, > too. Now whay would that be? The Game Boy Color is essentailly the orginal Game Boy architechure with some added goodies. The the PC Engine to the Super Grafx. If the Game Boy Advanced can play Game Boy Color titles you'd think that it would laso be able to play Game Boy titles. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 00:30:57 EST In a message dated 99-11-27 19:47:29 EST, you write: > whats made by sony? Electronic products. They make computers, DVD players, CD-Players, Cassette players (ever hear of the Walk Man?). They also make movies & TV shows. Sony makes Mini Dics & MD players as well as CR burners & CR-R(W) discs as well as prerecorded CDs & DVDs themselves. Sony makes TVs, VCRs, and micro processors too. Sony also has a device called the PlayStation, it's a game console. It taught Nintendo & SEGA the meaning of hubris. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] high quality paper huh Date: 28 Nov 1999 00:31:41 EST In a message dated 99-11-27 19:48:50 EST, you write: > all those trees man think of the Trees > STELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! I take it Nintendojo didn't post list rules yet? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] GBA format Date: 28 Nov 1999 00:32:23 EST In a message dated 99-11-27 19:52:18 EST, you write: > what the gameboy to the 64...? Cousins, I think. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 00:34:05 EST In a message dated 99-11-27 21:17:39 EST, you write: > Look at the Dreamcast library. It is full of ports of existing N64 and PSX > games. That is not the ideal game library i want to have. Besides Mortal Kombat Gold (4) what are the other ports? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 00:35:39 EST In a message dated 99-11-27 21:17:39 EST, you write: > Dreamcast so its getting a lot > of what the psx and n64 are already getting, with better graphics, but no > guarantees of better gameplay. Hydro Thunder is one example. But that's a bad example since Hydro Thunder appeard first on the Dreamcast (not counting arcade). A better example is Mortal Kombat Gold (4). Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 22:06:41 -0800 wrote: > I'm not too sure of that, Dex. Look at the main genres. > > Sports: NFL2K and NBA2K, DC exclusive > Platformers: Sonic Adventure, DC exclusive > Fighters: Soul Caliber, DC exclusive > > I'm sure there are others, but for a system nary 3 months old, it's not to > bad to have 3 major bases covered. I'm not going to get into an argument over technicalities and who thinks which game is better than which other game. The bottom line we can all agree on is that PSX and N64 have the widest userbases and DC indeed does get a lot of ports, as if the developers are too lazy to work on anything else and just decided to make a DC port of whatever they are working on the other platforms. Also note that I said "it could change in the future" and i'm working on hypothetical scenarios here. no one said its set in stone. Again, this is started in my rather fair analysis of the 3 companies in an e-mail i wrote called "dexter's 128-bit predictions" or something like that. please reread it if you still have it. Dex > > > ~Matt > > < games. That is not the ideal game library i want to have. I'm sure it will > change very soon, but there is a need to keep making the same game thrice on > the > part of the developers and i don't think its necessary. And you might ask why > I'm attacking Dremacast, maybe why I didn't put it this way: > > If Nintendo continue to receive graphically worse ports of existing DC games, > it > would be in trouble. > > but there's a logic to it. N64 and PSX have rather large user bases and > therefore, it seems like a lot of the games made today are target to these two > consoles, the developers don't want to invest on Dreamcast so its getting a > lot > of what the psx and n64 are already getting, with better graphics, but no > guarantees of better gameplay. Hydro Thunder is one example. > > > > > Any thoughts? Espcially on what the Dolphin will do? I believe that it will > > do, as Dexter said of the Dreamcast, more of the same, but just do it > better. > > Dolphin will do more of the same, and do them better. That is unless Nintendo > reveals something radical in one of their major announcemnts. > > Dexter>> > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 22:08:37 -0800 > > Besides Mortal Kombat Gold (4) what are the other ports? Suffering from a case of mental block? I'm not going to list anything for you and this thread is just going to lead into another bickering over technicalities and who said what type of crap. go check the sega release list and see for yourself. And yes, Rayman 2 is a port :-) Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 22:09:47 -0800 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-27 21:17:39 EST, you write: > > > Dreamcast so its getting a lot > > of what the psx and n64 are already getting, with better graphics, but no > > guarantees of better gameplay. Hydro Thunder is one example. > > But that's a bad example since Hydro Thunder appeard first on the Dreamcast > (not counting arcade). A better example is Mortal Kombat Gold (4). True, but I belive the N64 project started first and will be finish last, and according to ign64, it would probably be the superior version as it had more dev time and now features a 4-player mode. The DC version was rushed to meet deadlines. Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 00:05:55 -0600 -----Original Message----- >Look at the Dreamcast library. It is full of ports of existing N64 and PSX >games. That is not the ideal game library i want to have. I'm sure it will >change very soon, but there is a need to keep making the same game thrice on the >part of the developers and i don't think its necessary. And you might ask why >I'm attacking Dremacast, maybe why I didn't put it this way: What? How about all those that are not ports? NFL2K, NBA2K, Vitua Fighter 3tb, Power Stone, Sonic Adventure, Trickstyle, etc... Those are, overall, some dang good games and some of the best sellers for the DC. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 22:20:12 -0800 > > What? How about all those that are not ports? NFL2K, NBA2K, Vitua Fighter > 3tb, Power Stone, Sonic Adventure, Trickstyle, etc... Those are, overall, > some dang good games and some of the best sellers for the DC. Yep, and I;ve got nothing against them. Dave took what i said as an insult to DC or something. Read my original post called dexter 128bit predictions to get the full picture. It was never meant to be demeaning. Dexter > > > Stryder > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 00:13:42 -0600 -----Original Message----- > > > wrote: > >> I'm not too sure of that, Dex. Look at the main genres. >> >> Sports: NFL2K and NBA2K, DC exclusive >> Platformers: Sonic Adventure, DC exclusive >> Fighters: Soul Caliber, DC exclusive >> >> I'm sure there are others, but for a system nary 3 months old, it's not to >> bad to have 3 major bases covered. > >I'm not going to get into an argument over technicalities and who thinks which >game is better than which other game. How freaking lame can you get Dex? He said nothing about which games are better than other games. You said that the DC library is packed full of ports and he was pointing out that it's big name titles are exclusives. get it???? >The bottom line we can all agree on is that PSX and N64 have the widest userbases >and DC indeed does get a lot of ports, as if the developers are too lazy to work >on anything else and just decided to make a DC port of whatever they are working >on the other platforms. Yeah, it has a number of ports....but it does have a good selection of exclusive titles. Plus porting is not always a bad idea...especially when it is the more powerful system right now. For example, look at Rayman 2 and Vigilante 8: 2nd offense. Those are 2 games that are coming out on multiple systems and I intend to buy both...but since they are both coming out for the DC, I am waiting to get both for the DC since there is a good chance they will run/look better on the DC. Hence, porting helps the DC in this case. Stryder >Also note that I said "it could change in the future" and i'm working on >hypothetical scenarios here. no one said its set in stone. Again, this is >started in my rather fair analysis of the 3 companies in an e-mail i wrote called >"dexter's 128-bit predictions" or something like that. please reread it if you >still have it. > >Dex > >> >> >> ~Matt >> >> <> games. That is not the ideal game library i want to have. I'm sure it will >> change very soon, but there is a need to keep making the same game thrice on >> the >> part of the developers and i don't think its necessary. And you might ask why >> I'm attacking Dremacast, maybe why I didn't put it this way: >> >> If Nintendo continue to receive graphically worse ports of existing DC games, >> it >> would be in trouble. >> >> but there's a logic to it. N64 and PSX have rather large user bases and >> therefore, it seems like a lot of the games made today are target to these two >> consoles, the developers don't want to invest on Dreamcast so its getting a >> lot >> of what the psx and n64 are already getting, with better graphics, but no >> guarantees of better gameplay. Hydro Thunder is one example. >> >> > >> > Any thoughts? Espcially on what the Dolphin will do? I believe that it will >> > do, as Dexter said of the Dreamcast, more of the same, but just do it >> better. >> >> Dolphin will do more of the same, and do them better. That is unless Nintendo >> reveals something radical in one of their major announcemnts. >> >> Dexter>> >> >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >> [ (without the quotes) to ] > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 01:36:32 -0500 Well, Virtua fighter and Powerstone are basically ports of arcade games, which is kind of the same thing. I don't want to get into the whole innovation thing again... in fact, I don't want to get into this at all. Can I make a suggestion? Dex, add Stryder to your ban list. Stryder, you add Dex to your ban list. It would make this list a lot less aggravating ;-) -----Original Message----- > >-----Original Message----- >>Look at the Dreamcast library. It is full of ports of existing N64 and PSX >>games. That is not the ideal game library i want to have. I'm sure it >will >>change very soon, but there is a need to keep making the same game thrice >on the >>part of the developers and i don't think its necessary. And you might ask >why >>I'm attacking Dremacast, maybe why I didn't put it this way: > >What? How about all those that are not ports? NFL2K, NBA2K, Vitua Fighter >3tb, Power Stone, Sonic Adventure, Trickstyle, etc... Those are, overall, >some dang good games and some of the best sellers for the DC. > >Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 27 Nov 1999 22:52:13 -0800 > > Yeah, it has a number of ports....but it does have a good selection of > exclusive titles. Plus porting is not always a bad idea...especially when > it is the more powerful system right now. For example, look at Rayman 2 and > Vigilante 8: 2nd offense. Those are 2 games that are coming out on multiple > systems and I intend to buy both...but since they are both coming out for > the DC, I am waiting to get both for the DC since there is a good chance > they will run/look better on the DC. Hence, porting helps the DC in this > case. I'll ignore the infalamtory remarks for the sake of sanity and civility. Well, I'm sure having good ports on DC is convinient for many people I'm sure, but the whole point of me mentioning it at all was that if DC continues the trend of getting ports, and limiting itself into arcade type games, its sales will slow, which i still believe will be the case. And of course, its an IF dex > > > Stryder > > >Also note that I said "it could change in the future" and i'm working on > >hypothetical scenarios here. no one said its set in stone. Again, this > is > >started in my rather fair analysis of the 3 companies in an e-mail i wrote > called > >"dexter's 128-bit predictions" or something like that. please reread it if > you > >still have it. > > > >Dex > > > >> > >> > >> ~Matt > >> > >> < PSX > >> games. That is not the ideal game library i want to have. I'm sure it > will > >> change very soon, but there is a need to keep making the same game thrice > on > >> the > >> part of the developers and i don't think its necessary. And you might > ask why > >> I'm attacking Dremacast, maybe why I didn't put it this way: > >> > >> If Nintendo continue to receive graphically worse ports of existing DC > games, > >> it > >> would be in trouble. > >> > >> but there's a logic to it. N64 and PSX have rather large user bases and > >> therefore, it seems like a lot of the games made today are target to > these two > >> consoles, the developers don't want to invest on Dreamcast so its > getting a > >> lot > >> of what the psx and n64 are already getting, with better graphics, but no > >> guarantees of better gameplay. Hydro Thunder is one example. > >> > >> > > >> > Any thoughts? Espcially on what the Dolphin will do? I believe that it > will > >> > do, as Dexter said of the Dreamcast, more of the same, but just do it > >> better. > >> > >> Dolphin will do more of the same, and do them better. That is unless > Nintendo > >> reveals something radical in one of their major announcemnts. > >> > >> Dexter>> > >> > >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > >> [ (without the quotes) to ] > > > > > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > >[ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 28 Nov 1999 02:23:39 EST I agree with you, I probably wouldn't pay more that that either. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK64 -- final thoughts Date: 28 Nov 1999 02:54:59 EST For the record, I'd like to point out DK64 is about a 26 hour quest to beat -- having just done it myself, I'm a bit surprised as to how this game qualifies as being HUGE. Turok 2 certainly seems to outshadow DK64 in sheer amount of in-game area, but then again, perhaps the lack of save points and repeating area gave me that impression. One thing's for sure: I spent more time on the the latter than DK64; and that was just to beat T2. Nonetheless, DK64 is an extremely fun ride, but now I get to do what seems no one else has written about yet -- find all those little things. Or... ...maybe I'll try to take on Mizar -- strangley, JFG seems to have been a far harder run through than DK64. Final thought on DK64: Buy the thing. Play it when you have a week off=) Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thraxen" Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 02:18:54 -0600 -----Original Message----- >Well, Virtua fighter and Powerstone are basically ports of arcade games, >which is kind of the same thing. I don't want to get into the whole >innovation thing again... in fact, I don't want to get into this at all. Well, but porting from arcades is different than from other consoles....since those are still DC exclusives in the home console market. >Can >I make a suggestion? Dex, add Stryder to your ban list. Stryder, you add Dex >to your ban list. It would make this list a lot less aggravating ;-) Hehe, but likely much more boring as well. Stryder [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 00:36:23 -0800 > > >Can > >I make a suggestion? Dex, add Stryder to your ban list. Stryder, you add > Dex > >to your ban list. It would make this list a lot less aggravating ;-) > > Hehe, but likely much more boring as well. Yah, we're the entertainers of this list. If we don't do it who will? We provide a service :-) Dexter > > > Stryder > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 09:14:26 EST In a message dated 11/28/99 12:16:11 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Yeah, it has a number of ports....but it does have a good selection of exclusive titles. Plus porting is not always a bad idea...especially when it is the more powerful system right now. For example, look at Rayman 2 and Vigilante 8: 2nd offense. Those are 2 games that are coming out on multiple systems and I intend to buy both...but since they are both coming out for the DC, I am waiting to get both for the DC since there is a good chance they will run/look better on the DC. Hence, porting helps the DC in this case. >> But it's likely that the people that don't own DC will buy them for the N64 or PSX. Then, if they decide to buy a DC, they won't pay for games they already have for better graphics (unless they are incredibly superficial). The point Dex was trying to make, I think, is that the DC needs more exclusive games to get people to buy it than getting ports. I'm not saying the DC doesn't have its originals (most notably Shenmue), but I think I get what Dex is getting at. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 28 Nov 1999 09:17:45 EST In a message dated 11/28/99 1:24:10 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << I agree with you, I probably wouldn't pay more that that either. >> New? You have to paste a quote of what you're replying to. The people on this list WILL get on your case about that. Believe me, I know. *cough* Dave *cough* -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 09:20:39 EST In a message dated 11/28/99 2:21:11 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << >Can >I make a suggestion? Dex, add Stryder to your ban list. Stryder, you add Dex >to your ban list. It would make this list a lot less aggravating ;-) Hehe, but likely much more boring as well. Stryder >> Good point, man. Well, as long as Dex and Dave could still reply to each other..... -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK64 -- final thoughts Date: 28 Nov 1999 10:08:45 EST In a message dated 11/28/99 1:55:36 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << For the record, I'd like to point out DK64 is about a 26 hour quest to beat -- having just done it myself, I'm a bit surprised as to how this game qualifies as being HUGE. Turok 2 certainly seems to outshadow DK64 in sheer amount of in-game area, but then again, perhaps the lack of save points and repeating area gave me that impression. One thing's for sure: I spent more time on the the latter than DK64; and that was just to beat T2. Nonetheless, DK64 is an extremely fun ride, but now I get to do what seems no one else has written about yet -- find all those little things. Or... ...maybe I'll try to take on Mizar -- strangley, JFG seems to have been a far harder run through than DK64. Final thought on DK64: Buy the thing. Play it when you have a week off=) Aldo M. -NDojo >> wELL DID YOU GET EVERY gOLDEN bANNANA? eVERY cOIN? All the stuff you really didnt need? I am sure if you would have spent time to find every single little thing it would have taken longer and thats what they meant by it being pretty big. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] high quality paper huh Date: 28 Nov 1999 10:40:52 EST ok, so u guys think i should either get a Dreamcast, A expensive paintball gun, or a PSX2 for christmas? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Ok...Ctap sub Date: 28 Nov 1999 10:42:22 EST yo dont be startin with me man iam stickin to the sub i dont think a little humor would hurt.. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Ok... Date: 28 Nov 1999 10:43:00 EST fine man ill keep to the sub. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 10:45:27 EST Well the PSX2 i know is gonna have a DVD drive so its like u get a dvd player which deliveres very good graphics for games..internet acess..multiplayer the Dolphin i dont reallt know the specs so can some one fill me in... ifistsoffury [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 10:49:46 EST i think u right amn dreamcast is gettin some exclusive games..i played soul caliber in the arcade and i an say that the graphics are radical..and iv heard that the game in the dreamcast colsole is much about the graphics man.... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 10:53:02 EST Sony Playstation is gonna have a pgradeable dvd right..and i heard some where that u can upgrade th cd-rom drive in the dreamcast into a dvd can someone tell me if this is true? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] GBA format Date: 28 Nov 1999 10:54:51 EST so we are goin to be able t connect the GBC/GB to the 64? and what ever happened to the 64DD that nintendo was makin/. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 10:56:04 EST Man i just have to say it now..Mortal Kombat was good part 1 nice something new part 2 ok new characters/ moves part 3 now its gettin on my nervers you kno.... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 10:59:04 EST Ok now when u say ports u mean the game genras right? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] NEW: [Dreamcast] well what about Marvel vs Campon Date: 28 Nov 1999 11:04:10 EST as you all know the Marvel vs. Campon is now having a tag tourment in dreamcast...whats new as i was readin some review from Game revolution i rad that almost nothing was new..better graphics ok thats nice..2 more people who tis might be a game that might sell some but who in the right mind would buy the same game with almost no if u ant some kinda new game look at Virtua Fighter 3tb [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different?BAN Date: 28 Nov 1999 11:06:13 EST Maybe it would save some tme and reading..but if someone wants to calabrate about a sub i think that they should be open to their options.. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] NEW : just a Small hypo... Date: 28 Nov 1999 11:13:19 EST well the dreamcast is out right now with some good games..but the psx2... when that comes out i think that more people would turn to buy that system...i can say now that with sega's rep not that many peple are goin out to buy it...and unlike the 64 when it was comin out it was eerybodys christmas list..but as the seasons coming out right now look at the corney ads we are seeing bout the dreamcast games they aint the kind that would get my green credits u know.. Dushyant "IFistsOfFury" [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin thank u DEx Date: 28 Nov 1999 11:18:11 EST we are the little people who keep the list goin..Yah and we're the entertainers of this list too. If we don't do it no one will... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 28 Nov 1999 11:20:42 EST O my bad s i gotta cut iam really gonna be doin that a lot now.....whats the big deal if u guys dont mind answering... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK64 -- final thoughts Date: 28 Nov 1999 11:26:41 EST Ya did u get every thing?like Zelda orcina of time u have to get all the golden thingies this and the golden thingies that then u gotta get all suits weapons bottles farries...Man it did take me some time do get it all...but i never found the last Golden skuttala thingie i heard it but never saw it..and i wanted the triforce and they never gave it to us at the end of tat game man iam tellin you they really made a BIG deal about the triforce thing online..o did u guys see the thing in nintendo dojo thing where a girl made fake photos and said she had the triforce..i spend like a week on that game man and for what..just the reconization that i beat it,...,man.. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 11:39:55 EST >> whats made by sony? > >Electronic products. They make computers, DVD players, CD-Players, Cassette >players (ever hear of the Walk Man?). They also make movies & TV shows. Sony >makes Mini Dics & MD players as well as CR burners & CR-R(W) discs as well as >prerecorded CDs & DVDs themselves. Sony makes TVs, VCRs, and micro >processors >too. Sony also has a device called the PlayStation, it's a game console. It >taught Nintendo & SEGA the meaning of hubris. > Dave Sony .... I don't even want to talk about it. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] high quality paper huh Date: 28 Nov 1999 12:02:44 EST In a message dated 11/28/99 9:43:21 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << ok, so u guys think i should either get a Dreamcast, A expensive paintball gun, or a PSX2 for christmas? >> Well, seeing that PSX2 is coming out next year..... [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 12:04:30 EST In a message dated 11/28/99 9:59:27 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Ok now when u say ports u mean the game genras right? >> We mean the exact same game. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: ????--Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 14:02:52 -0500 (EST) I frankly don't see how Nintendo will close in on Sony unless Sony blunders. There are many parallels between the current and future generations. Nintendo will have the superior system but history shows that that doesn't guarantee a 1st place finish. Nintendo will launch a year later than Sony..a disadvantage. Contrary to popular belief, in my opinion, Sony will have more 3rd party support although I'm confident that Nintendo will improve in that area. Nintendo will fend off Sony and Microsoft for sure but as for closing the gap between it and Sony that I'm not so sure of. Anybody disagree? I'm anxious to read your replies,rebuttals,etc. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: ????--Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 16:38:48 -0600 I think that Nintendo did not have a superior system this time around because of the cartridge problem. If they only had affordable carts that were a gigabyte then I definately would have no hesitation in saying that Nintendo would be the leader right now. In the future though, Sony and Nintendo will have a more level playing field and Nintendo will actually have an advantage in the hardware department while maintaining the same medium. All Nintendo really needs are the RPG's now. If they get top names and quality games like Zelda, DK, Metroid, Pokemon etc. they should do just fine. Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr. wrote: > > I frankly don't see how Nintendo will close in on Sony unless Sony > blunders. There are many parallels between the current and future > generations. Nintendo will have the superior system but history shows that > that doesn't guarantee a 1st place finish. Nintendo will launch a year > later than Sony..a disadvantage. Contrary to popular belief, in my > opinion, Sony will have more 3rd party support although I'm confident that > Nintendo will improve in that area. Nintendo will fend off Sony and > Microsoft for sure but as for closing the gap between it and Sony that I'm > not so sure of. Anybody disagree? I'm anxious to read your > replies,rebuttals,etc. > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sean M Fernandez Subject: [N64] HM64 Date: 28 Nov 1999 17:53:13 -0800 Hey, does anyone know when Harvest Moon 64 is coming out? Is it already out? ~Sean ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:11:05 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 01:00:38 EST, you write: > Suffering from a case of mental block? I'm not going to list anything for > you > and this thread is just going to lead into another bickering over > technicalities > and who said what type of crap. go check the sega release list and see for > yourself. > > And yes, Rayman 2 is a port :-) > > Dexter It was late, and yes it was a mental block of sorts. But one nice thing about Dreamcast ports is games that go from PC to Dreamcast.. (Slave Zero, Speed Devils, Soul Reaver, sort of anyway,)nice for those who don't (and probably will never have a high end PC. I'm sure the Dolphin will get its fair shar of those, well the N64 & PlayStation have too... But not being watered down... Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:12:12 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 01:01:55 EST, you write: > True, but I belive the N64 project started first and will be finish last, > and > according to ign64, it would probably be the superior version as it had more > dev > time and now features a 4-player mode. > > The DC version was rushed to meet deadlines. > > Dexter You don't have to say that twice. ;) But then again, it is only Hydro Thunder. (Can' wait for Rush 2049) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:14:13 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 01:38:33 EST, you write: > in fact, I don't want to get into this at all. Can > I make a suggestion? Dex, add Stryder to your ban list. Stryder, you add Dex > to your ban list. It would make this list a lot less aggravating ;-) That would ruin the fun for the rest of us though. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Controller Ports Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:15:48 EST A good feature of the N64 agenst it's opponents was it had 4 controler ports. It went well at partys, or other multi-people places. I hope that the big N puts this feature in Dolphin. Sure, on PSX, you could use those addapters, but that is an extra cost. PS - Does Dreamcast have 2 or 4 controler ports? Travis '64' Estell [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] copy & paste please Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:16:48 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 02:24:10 EST, you write: > I agree with you, I probably wouldn't pay more that that either. Agree with who? Please new ppl on the list, copy & paste what you're repling to. On AOL that means highlight with your mouse what you're replying to. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:19:10 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 09:15:00 EST, you write: > But it's likely that the people that don't own DC will buy them for the N64 > or PSX. Then, if they decide to buy a DC, they won't pay for games they > already have for better graphics (unless they are incredibly superficial). > The point Dex was trying to make, I think, is that the DC needs more > exclusive games to get people to buy it than getting ports. I'm not saying > the DC doesn't have its originals (most notably Shenmue), but I think I get > what Dex is getting at. > -Eric- If he means they need Daytona 2. I agree, and an exclusive Star Wars game. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Controller Ports Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:27:05 EST In a message dated 11/28/99 8:16:18 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << PS - Does Dreamcast have 2 or 4 controler ports? >> 4 [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK64 -- final thoughts Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:27:08 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 10:09:20 EST, you write: > wELL DID YOU GET EVERY gOLDEN bANNANA? eVERY cOIN? All the stuff you > really > didnt need? I am sure if you would have spent time to find every single > little thing it would have taken longer and thats what they meant by it > being > pretty big. Extras don't matter as long as you can beat the game. Like the Ice Arrow & 4th bottle in Zelda 64, those don't really matter for beating the game. Like Xenogears, it took me 71 hours to beat (well, 64 hours but I got cocky and didn't save for a while and had to repeat 7 hours) but that was with not doing everything. Just enough to finish the game by the skin of my teeth. But even if I got ever hidden item (all the wizard rigs, trader card, and beating all the bosses that I didn't have to (like Hammar) it wouldn't have changed the ending much less made the game any bigger. Would have taken longer to complete. But it wouldn't have changed anything in the long run. I think that's what Dojoboy means. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Vi? Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:29:10 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 10:42:58 EST, you write: > yo dont be startin with me man iam stickin to the sub i dont think a little > humor would hurt.. Vi? Wez (Wezman, Wezzer, whoever you are)? Any thoughts? Me (in front of them but beind the other) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] 2000 Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:31:12 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 10:43:21 EST, IFistsOfFury wrote: > ok, so u guys think i should either get a Dreamcast, A expensive paintball > gun, or a PSX2 for christmas? Get a PSX2 ;) And when you find a place that can get them 3 months early and a good Japanese to English guide, let us all know. ;) Or do you mean Christmas 2000? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] COPY & PASTE Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:32:09 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 10:43:24 EST, IFistsOfFury wrote: > fine man ill keep to the sub. Alrighty... last time Sub, copy & paste. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] GBA format Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:34:26 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 10:55:35 EST, you write: > so we are goin to be able t connect the GBC/GB to the 64? > and what ever happened to the 64DD that nintendo was makin/. I thought the 64DD came out already, if not it's really close. For Japan anyway and Japan only. And the way Nintendo is doing the DD it'll be hard to import, or very expensive. The Game Boy Color can hook to the N64, I use Velcro. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] ports Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:38:20 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 10:59:27 EST, IFistsOfFury wrote: > Ok now when u say ports u mean the game genras right? We mean games on one format that is taken and put on a different format. Like Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast is a port of Soul Calibur on the System 12 (with a lot of RAM) Arcade board. What Dexter was talking abou is console to console ports. Like Activision first made Tony Hawk's Pro Skater for the PlayStation and now is putting the same game (minus the FMV music no doubt) on the Nintendo 64. Or like Quake 2 from the PC to Nintendo 64. Both of those mentioned N64 games are ports. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] N64 Disk Drive Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:39:08 EST In a message dated 11/28/99 8:35:20 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I thought the 64DD came out already, if not it's really close. For Japan anyway and Japan only. And the way Nintendo is doing the DD it'll be hard to import, or very expensive. >> 1.) N64DD is not about to come out in Japan, USA, or Mars 2.) N64DD is never going to come out. Nintendo is making NO progress. They might as well offically announce that it is canceled. 3.) Of course it will be hard to import, it doesn't (or won't) exist. Travis '64' Estell [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] NEW: [Dreamcast] well what about Marvel vs Campon Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:39:32 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 11:04:41 EST, you write: > as you all know the Marvel vs. Campon is now having a tag tourment in > dreamcast...whats new as i was readin some review from Game revolution i rad > > that almost nothing was new..better graphics ok thats nice..2 more people > who > tis might be a game that might sell some but who in the right > mind > would buy the same game with almost no if u ant some > kinda > new game look at Virtua Fighter 3tb Did this just make any sense to anybody? Or are my suspicions about IFistsOfFury confirmed? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] [n64] what would you give for a new dolphin Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:41:08 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 11:21:21 EST, you write: > O my bad s i gotta cut iam really gonna be doin that a lot > now.....whats the big deal if u guys dont mind answering... So we know who you're replying to. Simple as that. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 Disk Drive Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:43:29 EST Actually, the 64DD will be released in Japan on Wednesday, December 1st :) --Brian Nintendojo P.S.: Special coverage of the system's release all week, beginning Monday, on 'Dojo :) << << I thought the 64DD came out already, if not it's really close. For Japan anyway and Japan only. And the way Nintendo is doing the DD it'll be hard to import, or very expensive. >> 1.) N64DD is not about to come out in Japan, USA, or Mars 2.) N64DD is never going to come out. Nintendo is making NO progress. They might as well offically announce that it is canceled. 3.) Of course it will be hard to import, it doesn't (or won't) exist. Travis '64' Estell [ To >> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 Disk Drive Date: 28 Nov 1999 21:46:27 EST In a message dated 11/28/99 8:44:04 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Actually, the 64DD will be released in Japan on Wednesday, December 1st :) >> Oh, sorry. My bad. Last time I visited The 'Dojo, they were talking about how it would never be released (About 1 year ago) Forget anything I said on this topic. Travis '64' Estell [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] N64 Disk Drive ... Again Date: 28 Nov 1999 22:09:23 EST If 12-1-99 is the release date for Japan's 64DD, I guess it won't get to the US of A before Christmas. If it will, PLEASE RESPOND, because I GOTTA change my Christmas list. Or is it a Japan-only thing that won't be released in The US? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] Vi? Date: 28 Nov 1999 22:19:26 -0500 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-28 10:42:58 EST, you write: > > > yo dont be startin with me man iam stickin to the sub i dont think a little > > humor would hurt.. > > Vi? Wez (Wezman, Wezzer, whoever you are)? Any thoughts? > Yes? Yes? Yes? Unfortunately I had been away from my PC for a day or so, and came back and saw the million one line messages from a smart new AOLer. Usually I get rid of the people like that after I send a warning and they do it once more. He has been removed now, however. > Me (in front of them but beind the other) > > Me (and all my other me's) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 Disk Drive Date: 28 Nov 1999 23:40:04 EST In a message dated 11/28/99 8:39:48 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << 1.) N64DD is not about to come out in Japan, USA, or Mars 2.) N64DD is never going to come out. Nintendo is making NO progress. They might as well offically announce that it is canceled. 3.) Of course it will be hard to import, it doesn't (or won't) exist. >> Actually, they announced a Decemeber 1st release (something like that). It doesn't seem smart, but who knows? Maybe Nintendo could pull a surprise sales sweep (my @$$). Oh well. Actually, I see this one as a kind of Nintendo-distraction unit to bridge the gap between the 64 and Dolphin. Has anyone else had some theories on what the Virtual Boy was "really" used for. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] NEW: [Dreamcast] well what about Marvel vs Campon Date: 28 Nov 1999 23:41:01 EST In a message dated 11/28/99 8:39:55 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Did this just make any sense to anybody? Or are my suspicions about IFistsOfFury confirmed? >> I don't know what your suspicions are, but probably. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 Disk Drive Date: 28 Nov 1999 23:42:22 EST In a message dated 11/28/99 8:46:52 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Oh, sorry. My bad. Last time I visited The 'Dojo, they were talking about how it would never be released (About 1 year ago) Forget anything I said on this topic. Travis '64' Estell >> Ooops. Too late. Sorry. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Controller Ports Date: 29 Nov 1999 01:20:59 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 21:16:18 EST, you write: > A good feature of the N64 agenst it's opponents was it had 4 controler ports. > > It went well at partys, or other multi-people places. I hope that the big N > puts this feature in Dolphin. Sure, on PSX, you could use those addapters, > but that is an extra cost. > > PS - Does Dreamcast have 2 or 4 controler ports? > > Travis '64' Estell > LOL! Where have you been, yes the Dreamcast has four controller ports. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 Disk Drive Date: 29 Nov 1999 01:23:11 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 21:39:48 EST, you write: > 1.) N64DD is not about to come out in Japan, USA, or Mars > 2.) N64DD is never going to come out. Nintendo is making NO progress. They > might as well offically announce that it is canceled. > 3.) Of course it will be hard to import, it doesn't (or won't) exist. > > Travis '64' Estell Gee, I guess Next Gen & IGN, and Gamespot (Ziff Davis) are all smoking crak where they talk about the 64DD and Randnet service in Japan, eh? You know, everything gets a beige tint after dollar can nights. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 22:32:31 -0800 > > But it's likely that the people that don't own DC will buy them for the N64 > or PSX. Then, if they decide to buy a DC, they won't pay for games they > already have for better graphics (unless they are incredibly superficial). > The point Dex was trying to make, I think, is that the DC needs more > exclusive games to get people to buy it than getting ports. I'm not saying > the DC doesn't have its originals (most notably Shenmue), but I think I get > what Dex is getting at. > -Eric- Yes, that was essentially my point. Dexter > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] N64 Disk Drive ... Again Date: 29 Nov 1999 01:24:30 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 22:09:53 EST, you write: > If 12-1-99 is the release date for Japan's 64DD, I guess it won't get to the > > US of A before Christmas. If it will, PLEASE RESPOND, because I GOTTA change > > my Christmas list. Or is it a Japan-only thing that won't be released in The > > US? The only way it will get to the ZUSA is if you like to import or work for IGN, Next Gen, etc... Dave gave at the office [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] VB Date: 29 Nov 1999 01:26:25 EST In a message dated 99-11-28 23:40:38 EST, you write: > Actually, I see this one as a kind of > Nintendo-distraction unit to bridge the gap between the 64 and Dolphin. Has > > anyone else had some theories on what the Virtual Boy was "really" used for. > -Eric- > I think the VB was used to make Gumpei Yokoi happy. ;) Or it was when Hiroshi Yamauch was spending his free time smoking crack. ;) Dave's not here man [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin thank u DEx Date: 28 Nov 1999 22:36:59 -0800 wrote: > we are the little people who keep the list goin..Yah and we're the > entertainers of this list too. If we don't do it no one will... :-) BTW, if you're into foreign films.... err, foreign games, and I don't mean those french porno games, try Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon and Goemon's Great Adventure. I've played both of these for a while now, but I thought I should share my feelings :-) Both games have received varying reviews, but Mystical Ninja in particular has a lot of heart and humour in it. It immerses gamers in the world of japan and more importantly, it takes many jibes to poke fun at western culture, michael Jackson, and how Hollyowood takes over everything. Very funny. one of the few games that go out of its way to be funny, in a Simpsons sort of way. Dexter > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 01:30:39 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 01:24:22 EST, you write: > > > > But it's likely that the people that don't own DC will buy them for the > N64 > > or PSX. Then, if they decide to buy a DC, they won't pay for games they > > already have for better graphics (unless they are incredibly superficial). > > The point Dex was trying to make, I think, is that the DC needs more > > exclusive games to get people to buy it than getting ports. I'm not > saying > > the DC doesn't have its originals (most notably Shenmue), but I think I > get > > what Dex is getting at. > > -Eric- > > Yes, that was essentially my point. > > Dexter I'm gald there was this reply, besides the other things I was thinking about at the bar tonight (that brunette at the Mega Touch machine) I was also musing about Dreamcast graphics & ports. It's not just graphics, given that the programmers have skills (or skillz, for those who are Z-Men) another big draw would be 60 fps over 30 or less, no slowdown or popup or draw-in. I mean, sure they are the same games, but framerate & frame speed in a big issue, I wonder how fast 4 player N64 hydro thunder will run? Dave (i hope this starts a big argument) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin thank u DEx Date: 29 Nov 1999 01:32:06 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 01:29:00 EST, you write: > :-) BTW, if you're into foreign films.... err, foreign games, and I > don't mean those french porno games, what french porno games are you talking about? are they by Ubi Soft? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: ????--Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 22:41:24 -0800 "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." wrote: > I frankly don't see how Nintendo will close in on Sony unless Sony > blunders. There are many parallels between the current and future > generations. Nintendo will have the superior system but history shows that > that doesn't guarantee a 1st place finish. Nintendo will launch a year > later than Sony..a disadvantage. Contrary to popular belief, in my > opinion, Sony will have more 3rd party support although I'm confident that > Nintendo will improve in that area. Nintendo will fend off Sony and > Microsoft for sure but as for closing the gap between it and Sony that I'm > not so sure of. Anybody disagree? I'm anxious to read your > replies,rebuttals,etc. I disagree on the gounds that videogame history tells us that things can change and they change quickly. Who would have thought Sega would fall so far so fast in 1993? If i had said that back then, I would have bene laughed out of the building. Dexter > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] HM64 Date: 28 Nov 1999 22:42:04 -0800 Sean M Fernandez wrote: > Hey, does anyone know when Harvest Moon 64 is coming out? Is it already > out? Should be out! Its an awesome game! Dexter > > > ~Sean > ___________________________________________________________________ > Get the Internet just the way you want it. > Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! > Try Juno Web: > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ????--Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 01:34:31 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 01:33:25 EST, you write: > I disagree on the gounds that videogame history tells us that things can > change and they change quickly. Who would have thought Sega would fall so > far > so fast in 1993? If i had said that back then, I would have bene laughed > out > of the building. > > Dexter Yes, but what aboutb the french porno videogames? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 22:46:28 -0800 > > I'm gald there was this reply, besides the other things I was thinking about > at the bar tonight (that brunette at the Mega Touch machine) I was also > musing about Dreamcast graphics & ports. It's not just graphics, given that > the programmers have skills (or skillz, for those who are Z-Men) another big > draw would be 60 fps over 30 or less, no slowdown or popup or draw-in. I > mean, sure they are the same games, but framerate & frame speed in a big > issue, I wonder how fast 4 player N64 hydro thunder will run? Framerates and lack of pop ups aren't enough to turn a game around. a port is a port. Eric nailed my point in the head. I'm not really interested in the technicalities of how Rayman 2's 60fps will somehow sell 10,655 DC units based on some mathematical formula. Dexter > > > Dave > > (i hope this starts a big argument) > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin thank u DEx Date: 28 Nov 1999 22:47:42 -0800 > > what french porno games are you talking about? are they by Ubi Soft? Ubi Porn Ltd. a division of Ubi Soft :-) > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 01:40:07 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 01:38:24 EST, you write: > Framerates and lack of pop ups aren't enough to turn a game around. a port > is a > port. Eric nailed my point in the head. I'm not really interested in the > technicalities of how Rayman 2's 60fps will somehow sell 10,655 DC units > based on > some mathematical formula. > > Dexter Turok 2 would have been much better on the Dreamcast. Anybody disagree? where are the french porno videogames? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 28 Nov 1999 22:50:30 -0800 > > > Turok 2 would have been much better on the Dreamcast. Anybody disagree? Given it was released in 1998, Acclaim shouldn't even bother because the game would have be late by 12 months, by that time, they might have solved the problem for the N64 version anyways. > > > where are the french porno videogames? There aren't any, i was poking fun at the foreign film stereotype Dexter > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Watson Subject: Re: ????--Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 13:18:43 -0500 (EST) >Yes, but what aboutb the french porno videogames? > >Dave Sorry, but you'll have to go to France to get them but I do remember a classic on the Atari STe called Pishflaps, where you had to wiggle the joystick as fast as you could in order to get exta points. However, a N64 port seems unlikly Chris [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Justin Smith-Williams" Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 11:02:39 EST What I think Dex is saying porting want help the Dc out in the long run because those who have not bought a Dc yet and have a 64 or psx and they basically just see the same games on the Dc that's on there current system there's no point in spending $250 for a new piede of hardware. >From: >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? >Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999 09:14:26 EST > >In a message dated 11/28/99 12:16:11 AM Central Standard Time, > writes: > ><< Yeah, it has a number of ports....but it does have a good selection of > exclusive titles. Plus porting is not always a bad idea...especially >when > it is the more powerful system right now. For example, look at Rayman 2 >and > Vigilante 8: 2nd offense. Those are 2 games that are coming out on >multiple > systems and I intend to buy both...but since they are both coming out for > the DC, I am waiting to get both for the DC since there is a good chance > they will run/look better on the DC. Hence, porting helps the DC in this > case. >> > >But it's likely that the people that don't own DC will buy them for the N64 >or PSX. Then, if they decide to buy a DC, they won't pay for games they >already have for better graphics (unless they are incredibly superficial). >The point Dex was trying to make, I think, is that the DC needs more >exclusive games to get people to buy it than getting ports. I'm not saying >the DC doesn't have its originals (most notably Shenmue), but I think I get >what Dex is getting at. >-Eric- > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] > ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Justin Smith-Williams" Subject: Re: ????--Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 11:09:57 EST I know that Nintendo could really take it to Sony this time around.DVD check billion dollar franchises check.Shieguru Miyamoto check.RARE check.More 3rd partiescheck.So all Nintendo needs to do is have all the games people want ready at launch like Mario, Smash Brothers sequel, Sports games, and continuous flow of games like that and they'll be set. >From: D Fentie >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: ????--Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? >Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999 16:38:48 -0600 > >I think that Nintendo did not have a superior system this time around >because of the cartridge problem. If they only had affordable carts >that were a gigabyte then I definately would have no hesitation in >saying that Nintendo would be the leader right now. In the future >though, Sony and Nintendo will have a more level playing field and >Nintendo will actually have an advantage in the hardware department >while maintaining the same medium. All Nintendo really needs are the >RPG's now. If they get top names and quality games like Zelda, DK, >Metroid, Pokemon etc. they should do just fine. > >Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr. wrote: > > > > I frankly don't see how Nintendo will close in on Sony unless Sony > > blunders. There are many parallels between the current and future > > generations. Nintendo will have the superior system but history shows >that > > that doesn't guarantee a 1st place finish. Nintendo will launch a year > > later than Sony..a disadvantage. Contrary to popular belief, in my > > opinion, Sony will have more 3rd party support although I'm confident >that > > Nintendo will improve in that area. Nintendo will fend off Sony and > > Microsoft for sure but as for closing the gap between it and Sony that >I'm > > not so sure of. Anybody disagree? I'm anxious to read your > > replies,rebuttals,etc. > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > >[ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] >[ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 13:06:42 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 11:03:26 EST, you write: > What I think Dex is saying porting want help the Dc out in the long run > because those who have not bought a Dc yet and have a 64 or psx and they > basically just see the same games on the Dc that's on there current system > there's no point in spending $250 for a new piede of hardware. But is it any differnt than porting such games from Super NES or Genesis to PlayStation or Saturn? What about this, in 1996 Street Fighter Alpha 2 came out for the Super NES, PlayStation, and Saturn. Now the SNES version wasn't horrible, but the PlayStation and Saturn ports were far more superior, most noticable in graphics but not only, but they were still the same games for the most part, although the Saturn version did have Evil Ryu. The same game, but which would you rather play? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ????--Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 13:09:51 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 11:10:30 EST, you write: > .More 3rd > parties more, yes, but who are they? the main questions. Will Nintendo get AAA tiles from Capcom, Konami, Namco, and/or Electronic Arts? RARE is a given and Square is highly unlikely. But those four others, I think, are very important to have. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 29 Nov 1999 13:14:16 EST You know, it's almost time, wednesday I'll have the money to get Donkey Kong 64, but now I'm undecided.. again. Slave Zero (DC) is just so much fun. It seems like I've been waiting since 1985 (when I first saw Robotech) to have a game where I could contol a gian robot, and have it done right. (And not need a $1500 PC either) and Slave Zero seems to be it. The Turok contol setting is perfect. Ahh. decisions decisions. If only it wasn't the holiday season, then I would be spend most of my game money on other people.. lol. Humbug Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 14:32:48 -0500 Me ;-). A better framerate would not have improved the horribly tedious gameplay and lack of save points. -----Original Message----- >Turok 2 would have been much better on the Dreamcast. Anybody disagree? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: dcRe: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 14:50:55 -0500 (EST) Because many people are waiting for PS2 and Dolphin so I would be surprised if DC hardware sales top 3 million. Am I crazy?...not when you think about the massive amount of publicity that PS2 is enjoying and that Dolphin will be receiving in 8 or months. 90% of people on the internet bulletin boards,chatsites,Yahoo chat,Msnbc/bbs,etc etc are saying they'll pass on the DC and get PS2 and/or Dolphin. 2-3 million units is not THAT bad for Sega financially if top notch games keep coming to the system they can keep their head above water BUT I think Sega should start actively developing software for Nintendo and Sony systems by next year. It's just not good business sense for Sega to release another system after DC(assuming DC doesn't sell at least 10-15million units). WoW that statement just sunk into my head. What would the industry be like without Sega...they'll be missed for sure if they leave the hardware industry. I admire them over Sony for sure. On Mon, 29 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-29 11:03:26 EST, you write: > > > What I think Dex is saying porting want help the Dc out in the long run > > because those who have not bought a Dc yet and have a 64 or psx and they > > basically just see the same games on the Dc that's on there current system > > there's no point in spending $250 for a new piede of hardware. > > But is it any differnt than porting such games from Super NES or Genesis to > PlayStation or Saturn? What about this, in 1996 Street Fighter Alpha 2 came > out for the Super NES, PlayStation, and Saturn. Now the SNES version wasn't > horrible, but the PlayStation and Saturn ports were far more superior, most > noticable in graphics but not only, but they were still the same games for > the most part, although the Saturn version did have Evil Ryu. The same game, > but which would you rather play? > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Justin Smith-Williams" Subject: [N64] W2k review Date: 29 Nov 1999 16:52:13 EST Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving.I recently bought Wrestlemania 2000 and have been playing the mess out of that game.This is the ultimate game for fans of wrestling,fans of revenge,and people who love fighting action.Some of things in this game that put it over the top is the little things take Stone Cold he's one of the most vivrant characters in wrestlingand the game he stomps you in the corner gives you the finger and then stomps you again.When you're down and on the groung he no promblem waving his middle fingers in the air and then dropping an elbow right in your heart.Then D'Lo Brown he is one of the funniest characters in the game his intor and head movements are just to hilarious and this is the first game ever that lets a person moon you for a taunt(Mr.ASS).The game is very detailed too say if you attack a certain part of their body they'll began to hold it and if you put them in submission hold on that part they'll give up and when they put there special move on you for the most part there's no getting up.For people who love wrestling this is a 9.5 for those that can't appreciate wrestling it's an 8.5.Get this game its one of the best this year period and you just gotta love the People"s Elbow and the bronco buster. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] W2k review Date: 29 Nov 1999 16:16:24 -0600 Here in Canada Thanksgiving was many weeks ago... Justin Smith-Williams wrote: > > Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 17:46:58 EST In a message dated 11/29/99 12:40:54 AM Central Standard Time, writes: << Turok 2 would have been much better on the Dreamcast. Anybody disagree? >> Sure, if it came out a year ago with the N64 game. People seem to be very annoyed with T2's framerates, but I didn't even notice anything until I read all this stuff on various websites, with people whining that frames are sooooooo slow. Even after I took notice, I didn't really mind. I guess framerates have some impact on games, but if I decided to buy a DC, I'm not going to buy Rayman 2 for it for better framerates and graphics. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 17:52:14 EST In a message dated 11/29/99 12:07:35 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << But is it any differnt than porting such games from Super NES or Genesis to PlayStation or Saturn? What about this, in 1996 Street Fighter Alpha 2 came out for the Super NES, PlayStation, and Saturn. Now the SNES version wasn't horrible, but the PlayStation and Saturn ports were far more superior, most noticable in graphics but not only, but they were still the same games for the most part, although the Saturn version did have Evil Ryu. The same game, but which would you rather play? Dave >> I don't really know if this qualifies as a port. If the games were all released at the same time, they're new on each system. If they released the SNES version first, then for the Saturn and PSX a few months later, then I consider it a port. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Elliot Jefferson" Subject: Re: dcRe: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 14:52:58 PST Sega making games for Sony & Nintendo next year? No. After next year? Possibly. They've been investing big money into their DC network and hope to make money, not from hardware, but by offering services (online gaming, et al) over the net. If Sega doesn't profit from that THEN they're really in trouble and will probably look at other opportunities. I'm interested to see what Nintendo does with net play on the Dolphin. Sony has left a modem out to save cost, while Sega included one. What about Dolphin? There probably will be some form of network associated with it, but will it be a pack in modem or not? Will Nintendo establish a dedicated gaming network like Sega? Having one ready to support online play out of the box would give the Dolphin and even bigger boost in helping to beat Sony's headstart. It won't happen though. Look at how long it's taking Sega & NCL & NOA are notorioulsy slow in delievering what they promise. Elliot (wondering what came of the Nintendo & Netscape 'talks' during the R&D stages of 'project reality'...) ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: Because many people are waiting for PS2 and Dolphin so I would be surprised if DC hardware sales top 3 million. Am I crazy?...not when you think about the massive amount of publicity that PS2 is enjoying and that Dolphin will be receiving in 8 or months. 90% of people on the internet bulletin boards,chatsites,Yahoo chat,Msnbc/bbs,etc etc are saying they'll pass on the DC and get PS2 and/or Dolphin. 2-3 million units is not THAT bad for Sega financially if top notch games keep coming to the system they can keep their head above water BUT I think Sega should start actively developing software for Nintendo and Sony systems by next year. It's just not good business sense for Sega to release another system after DC(assuming DC doesn't sell at least 10-15million units). WoW that statement just sunk into my head. What would the industry be like without Sega...they'll be missed for sure if they leave the hardware industry. I admire them over Sony for sure. On Mon, 29 Nov 1999 wrote: > In a message dated 99-11-29 11:03:26 EST, you write: > > > What I think Dex is saying porting want help the Dc out in the long run > > because those who have not bought a Dc yet and have a 64 or psx and they > > basically just see the same games on the Dc that's on there current system > > there's no point in spending $250 for a new piede of hardware. > > But is it any differnt than porting such games from Super NES or Genesis to > PlayStation or Saturn? What about this, in 1996 Street Fighter Alpha 2 came > out for the Super NES, PlayStation, and Saturn. Now the SNES version wasn't > horrible, but the PlayStation and Saturn ports were far more superior, most > noticable in graphics but not only, but they were still the same games for > the most part, although the Saturn version did have Evil Ryu. The same game, > but which would you rather play? > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ????--Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 17:55:39 EST In a message dated 11/29/99 12:10:26 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << more, yes, but who are they? the main questions. Will Nintendo get AAA tiles from Capcom, Konami, Namco, and/or Electronic Arts? RARE is a given and Square is highly unlikely. But those four others, I think, are very important to have. Dave >> Well, Capcom is developing some games for the 64 now. I rented RE2 over the weekend, and although the controls are veeeery awkward (I'm a bit better with them now), I must say that this is a kick @$$ game (I've never played it on PSX). So, I think that we could definitely count them in too. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Im Back Date: 29 Nov 1999 16:58:47 -0600 (CST) Im baaaaaaaaaak mwaaaaaaaa [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] When? Date: 29 Nov 1999 17:07:07 -0600 (CST) When is Perfect Dark due out? I havent had any time for n64 till now.Other things have kept me too busy. Also , has fentie ever found the master sword when he replayed Zelda? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Games Date: 29 Nov 1999 17:10:15 -0600 (CST) Is Sarges Hero army men any good? Rent,Buy,or just forget it? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] W2k review Date: 29 Nov 1999 17:12:33 -0600 (CST) --WebTV-Mail-29415-2152 Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit I always Knew you were a little off on your timing. --WebTV-Mail-29415-2152 Content-Disposition: Inline Content-Type: Message/RFC822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Received: from ( by with WTV-SMTP; Mon, 29 Nov 1999 14:12:20 -0800 (PST) Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8-wtv-d/ms.dwm.v7+dul2) with ESMTP id OAA19773; Mon, 29 Nov 1999 14:12:19 -0800 (PST) Received: from domo by with local (Exim 2.12 #2) id 11sZ1U-0002eM-00 for; Mon, 29 Nov 1999 15:11:52 -0700 Received: from [] ( ident=imail) by with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #2) id 11sZ1S-0002eG-00 for; Mon, 29 Nov 1999 15:11:50 -0700 Received: from ([]) by (InterMail v4.01.01.07 201-229-111-110) with ESMTP id <> for ; Mon, 29 Nov 1999 14:11:45 -0800 Message-ID: <> Organization: @Home Network X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en]C-AtHome0404 (Win95; U) MIME-Version: 1.0 References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: Here in Canada Thanksgiving was many weeks ago... Justin Smith-Williams wrote: > > Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] --WebTV-Mail-29415-2152-- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] When? Date: 29 Nov 1999 17:18:59 -0600 What the heck are you talking about? I beat Zelda 4 times over and got all the items. Can you say "lay off the DRUGS?!" wrote: > > When is Perfect Dark due out? I havent had any time for n64 till > now.Other things have kept me too busy. Also , has fentie ever found the > master sword when he replayed Zelda? > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] W2k review Date: 29 Nov 1999 17:21:00 -0600 No, you see, I'm not off my timing, thats the way Canada works. Oh god, I'm not sure if its possible but Little Kathy has found some sort of 'joke' (if you want to call it that) that is lower than the pun. wrote: > > I always Knew you were a little off on your timing. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Subject: Re: [N64] W2k review > Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 16:16:24 -0600 > From: D Fentie > Reply-To: > Organization: @Home Network > To: > References: <> > > Here in Canada Thanksgiving was many weeks ago... > > Justin Smith-Williams wrote: > > > > Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] When? Date: 29 Nov 1999 19:02:27 EST In a message dated 11/29/99 5:07:34 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << When is Perfect Dark due out? I havent had any time for n64 till now.Other things have kept me too busy. Also , has fentie ever found the master sword when he replayed Zelda? >> PD is coming out on April 10, 2000. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: dcRe: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 19:38:25 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 14:52:31 EST, you write: > What would the industry be like without > Sega...they'll be missed for sure if they leave the hardware industry. I > admire them over Sony for sure. > well, if what was said is true, and I'm sure it is, after the DReamcast SEGA is leaving the console hardware industry. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] W2k review Date: 29 Nov 1999 19:40:13 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 17:12:13 EST, you write: > Here in Canada Thanksgiving was many weeks ago... Well of course, your harvest comes sonner than ours. Dave Foley (Kids in the Hall) talked about it on Late Night last week. We know all about Canadian Thanksgiving. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 19:51:41 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 17:52:46 EST, you write: > I don't really know if this qualifies as a port. If the games were all > released at the same time, they're new on each system. If they released the > > SNES version first, then for the Saturn and PSX a few months later, then I > consider it a port. > -Eric- > Yeah, I guess that's right, I was thinking about that after I wrote that, and after I saw the commercial for Vigilante 8 2nd offense for the Dreamcast. That 4 player mode looks fantastic. I wonder, who here who has PlayStations bought Wipe Out 64, Nightmare Creatures for the N64 or Vigilante 8 for the N64. All PSX games that came out a year or so before the N64 versions. But what about when they come out at the same time? Like WWF Warzone when it came out on both the N64 & PSX which version did people want or buy? I bet it was the N64 version with it's better graphics. Or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ????--Re: [N64] Re2, Capcom, ports Date: 29 Nov 1999 19:56:40 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 17:56:28 EST, you write: > Well, Capcom is developing some games for the 64 now. I rented RE2 over the > > weekend, and although the controls are veeeery awkward (I'm a bit better > with > them now), I must say that this is a kick @$$ game (I've never played it on > PSX). So, I think that we could definitely count them in too. > -Eric- > Yeah, but that's a port of a game that came out in January 1998 in America. It took 3 years to get Capcom to make games for the N64 and so far all there has been is Tetris & a port of an older PSX game. i woudn't count them in yet. Now if they brought a Street Fighter game to the N64.. or a new Resident Evil game to the N64, I'd be saying different. But RE2 is a start. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] When? Date: 29 Nov 1999 19:57:18 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 18:07:34 EST, you write: > When is Perfect Dark due out? I havent had any time for n64 till > now.Other things have kept me too busy. Also , has fentie ever found the > master sword when he replayed Zelda? I think it's April 1st 2000 for Perfect Dark Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Games Date: 29 Nov 1999 19:58:28 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 18:11:01 EST, you write: > Is Sarges Hero army men any good? Rent,Buy,or just forget it? I'd forget it. I already have. Unless you like those Army Men games, rent Battle Tanx: Global Assault. or Rayman 2. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] When? Date: 29 Nov 1999 19:59:13 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 18:14:45 EST, you write: > What the heck are you talking about? I beat Zelda 4 times over and got > all the items. Can you say "lay off the DRUGS?!" I thought Little Kathy was a drinker? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 17:08:03 -0800 > > Yeah, I guess that's right, I was thinking about that after I wrote that, and > after I saw the commercial for Vigilante 8 2nd offense for the Dreamcast. > That 4 player mode looks fantastic. > > I wonder, who here who has PlayStations bought Wipe Out 64, Nightmare > Creatures for the N64 or Vigilante 8 for the N64. All PSX games that came out > a year or so before the N64 versions. But what about when they come out at > the same time? Like WWF Warzone when it came out on both the N64 & PSX which > version did people want or buy? I bet it was the N64 version with it's better > graphics. Or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass? You're talking out of your ass. you miss the point entirely on that one. I assume you refuse to let my comment on ports rest so i'll clarify it for you. N64 ports of psx titles are justified because by the time they are released, n64's user base ranged from 8 to 12 million (depending on the year the game is releaseds) so there is indeed a market of n64 users who might want to play those psx games. The dreamcast is a different issue. Sega is using ports to leverage its launch, a dangerous and unstable thing to do. sure, there will those who will be attracted to better graphics, high frame rates and little pop up, but at the same time, the n64 or psx user who sees all these games arriving on DC with playstation and n64 cousions won't feel they should pay $ 200 + cost of games so they can play Hydro Thunder or Rayman 2 with better graphics. Again, this situation will hopefully change for the better and it is by no means a prediction of the future, but this is where DC currently stands. Wallowing in a sea of ports. Dexter > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 29 Nov 1999 17:16:37 -0800 this is one of the better game site nintendo launched. its set up like a tv with various 'programs to warch'. can't wait to see what the DK Gorilla project will be about :-) Dexter [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 29 Nov 1999 20:09:42 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 20:08:39 EST, you write: > > > this is one of the better game site nintendo launched. its set up like > a tv with various 'programs to warch'. > can't wait to see what the DK Gorilla project will be about :-) > > Dexter it's not full of all that java & shockwave crap, is it? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] When? Date: 29 Nov 1999 19:15:43 -0600 Alcohol is a form of drug right dave? wrote: > > In a message dated 99-11-29 18:14:45 EST, you write: > > > What the heck are you talking about? I beat Zelda 4 times over and got > > all the items. Can you say "lay off the DRUGS?!" > > I thought Little Kathy was a drinker? > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 29 Nov 1999 20:12:06 EST In a message dated 11/29/99 7:10:29 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << it's not full of all that java & shockwave crap, is it? >> Yes. Loaded with it. I had to install a new version of Shockwave just to view one of the channels. There some games to be played there, but I personally don't care for the site much -- same with the JFG one. If you ask me it's just a bunch of promo poo. Gimme some substance. Aldo M. -ND [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 29 Nov 1999 17:22:35 -0800 > - > > it's not full of all that java & shockwave crap, is it? Shockwave and real player. no biggie. my old p75 can run em. Dexter > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 29 Nov 1999 19:18:49 -0600 I reeeeeeaaaalllly want to get this game bad but I know that Christmas vacation is only 18 more days away and I'm freeking swamped with homework... so here's the equation: homework+DK=fun+badmarks OR homework+frustration=goodmarks+frustration/agony/pain Ah yes, the life of a frog, thats the life for me. Dexter Sy wrote: > > > > this is one of the better game site nintendo launched. its set up like > a tv with various 'programs to warch'. > can't wait to see what the DK Gorilla project will be about :-) > > Dexter > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D Fentie Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 29 Nov 1999 19:19:14 -0600 Oh, its pumped two ways from tuesday on shockwave. wrote: > > In a message dated 99-11-29 20:08:39 EST, you write: > > > > > > > this is one of the better game site nintendo launched. its set up like > > a tv with various 'programs to warch'. > > can't wait to see what the DK Gorilla project will be about :-) > > > > Dexter > > it's not full of all that java & shockwave crap, is it? > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 29 Nov 1999 17:26:31 -0800 D Fentie wrote: > I reeeeeeaaaalllly want to get this game bad but I know that Christmas > vacation is only 18 more days away and I'm freeking swamped with > homework... so here's the equation: > homework+DK=fun+badmarks > OR > homework+frustration=goodmarks+frustration/agony/pain > > Ah yes, the life of a frog, thats the life for me. Wait till you have to write 4 essays in 2 weeks. Enjoy your life while it lasts. Dexter :-) > > > Dexter Sy wrote: > > > > > > > > this is one of the better game site nintendo launched. its set up like > > a tv with various 'programs to warch'. > > can't wait to see what the DK Gorilla project will be about :-) > > > > Dexter > > > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > > [ (without the quotes) to ] > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ????--Re: [N64] Re2, Capcom, ports Date: 29 Nov 1999 20:19:46 EST Capcom's hardly 'in' as pointed out more in than Namco is at least (Namco Muesum, joy). In any case, I beg to differ on RE2 -- the game, while above average, is hardly worth more than a rental. Having never played the PSX version either myself (other than outside of a brief demo) the same control scheme is rather frustrating (tolerable, but certainly could stand to be improved) and the puzzles are just...well, part of poor designing on the team's part. Nothing beats having to solve endless door puzzles in horror adventure game. But then, I suppose that's where the real horror comes in. Aldo M. -NDojo [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Cool gaming website! Date: 29 Nov 1999 20:20:13 EST Hey I just found this cool gaming website. If you want to visit it, it is at They have all kinds of stuff and giving away some stuff too. They are also soon to start selling games not used for as low as you can get em anywhere else besides wholesale! Check it out. It's a winner. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 29 Nov 1999 20:20:06 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 20:14:32 EST, you write: > Shockwave and real player. no biggie. my old p75 can run em. > > Dexter so can my 486-100, but that's not my point, i like substance over flash when it comes to web sites. or maybe I'm doing this on the Dreamcast? nah, that'd be silly. ;) i just don't like it & find unessassary. ya know, it's like compare with its shockwave crap to the GSCCC with a plain jane web page. you get what I mean? i'd try to explain it better but i feel ill. Dve [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 29 Nov 1999 20:24:27 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 20:18:29 EST, you write: > Wait till you have to write 4 essays in 2 weeks. > > Enjoy your life while it lasts. > > Dexter :-) the 3 essays in one weekend on three sepearte books, those are always fun. i just wanna blow stuff up Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] n64\Dolphin Date: 29 Nov 1999 20:26:29 EST I have a fairly decent question, when the Dolphin comes out, will this list kinda morph from N64 to Dolphin?? Peace Out C\TSgt Pete Frye [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 29 Nov 1999 20:25:47 -0500 Well, I finally picked up DK64 today. Unfortunately, because I have Psych and Comparative Gov't tests tomorrow, I've only played it for about half an hour. More unfortunately, I'm not very impressed. Why does DK walk around so slowly? It makes the controls seem sluggish. Plus, maybe it's just me, but the graphics are not up to Rare standards. I personally think that both BK and JFG better graphics than DK has thus far shown, and they don't even use the expansion pak. The sound effects are, IMO, much more annoying than those in BK. If I hear that sound when you enter one of those training barrels again, it's ape-hunting time. And maybe I've been spoiled by JFG, but the cinematics in DK kind of blow. I don't believe they wasted cartridge space on that intro rap. Hopefully after I've put some more time into it this weekend I'll pull a reverse Trey, but so far it's been pretty disappointing. Just my thoughts. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] DK Expansion Date: 29 Nov 1999 20:29:46 EST Has anyone tried to play DK without the Expansion pack yet?? i wonder what happens?? Peace Out C\TSgt Pete Frye [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: ????--Re: [N64] Dolphin, how can it be different? Date: 29 Nov 1999 20:31:46 -0500 Except that RE2 on the N64 was ported by Angel Studios, a second-party Nintendo developer who also made the Griffey baseball games. Capcom hasn't done any N64 programming yet, to my knowledge. However, they are working with Nintendo on developing games for the Gameboy, I think, so it shows they haven't deserted Nintendo altogether, like certain other companies ;-) -----Original Message----- >Well, Capcom is developing some games for the 64 now. I rented RE2 over the >weekend, and although the controls are veeeery awkward (I'm a bit better with >them now), I must say that this is a kick @$$ game (I've never played it on >PSX). So, I think that we could definitely count them in too. >-Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 29 Nov 1999 20:34:17 EST O and this reminds me of something. I was over 20 hours into the game(rented) and my dad brought it back! I lost over 20 hours he was supposed to rent AGAIN! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK Expansion Date: 29 Nov 1999 20:35:13 EST In a message dated 11/29/99 7:30:19 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Has anyone tried to play DK without the Expansion pack yet?? i wonder what happens?? >> It says this game is required for use of the expansion pack. =) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 29 Nov 1999 20:39:51 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 20:35:10 EST, you write: > O and this reminds me of something. I was over 20 hours into the > game(rented) and my dad brought it back! I lost over 20 hours he was > supposed to rent AGAIN! why didn't you just save your progress to a Memory Card? Or does DK 64 not work with the Gameshark Game Pak to Controller Pak save feature.. like Zelda 64? Or do you not even have a Gameshark? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 29 Nov 1999 20:42:01 EST In a message dated 11/29/99 7:40:29 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << why didn't you just save your progress to a Memory Card? Or does DK 64 not work with the Gameshark Game Pak to Controller Pak save feature.. like Zelda 64? Or do you not even have a Gameshark? >> I have a GameShark but never heard of the Gameshark game pak. and DK64 saves to the cartridge not a memory pak [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: ????--Re: [N64] Re2, Capcom, ports Date: 29 Nov 1999 21:10:02 EST In a message dated 11/29/99 6:57:36 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Yeah, but that's a port of a game that came out in January 1998 in America. It took 3 years to get Capcom to make games for the N64 and so far all there has been is Tetris & a port of an older PSX game. i woudn't count them in yet. Now if they brought a Street Fighter game to the N64.. or a new Resident Evil game to the N64, I'd be saying different. But RE2 is a start. Dave >> I guess, but at least they made a "good" port. How many bad ports has the N64 got so far? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 29 Nov 1999 21:23:25 EST In a message dated 11/29/99 7:14:38 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I reeeeeeaaaalllly want to get this game bad but I know that Christmas vacation is only 18 more days away and I'm freeking swamped with homework... so here's the equation: homework+DK=fun+badmarks OR homework+frustration=goodmarks+frustration/agony/pain Ah yes, the life of a frog, thats the life for me. >> Same hear. I've got the game, but I'll hardly be able to play it until Christmas vacation. Add that to my AP US teacher gave us three chapters to do over the break. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Not that they're so hard to do, just time consuming and I always fall asleep while working on them. Man, I hate that class. Plus, I still have to finish Rayman 2 and JFG, and I might ask for RE2 for Christmas, by which time I will probably have lost every last shred of sanity left in me. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] When? Date: 29 Nov 1999 21:30:35 EST Good gravy, what am I supposed to do till then?!?! ~Cy In a message dated 11/29/99 5:03:23 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: < is coming out on April 10, 2000. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 29 Nov 1999 21:30:53 EST In a message dated 11/29/99 7:28:09 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Why does DK walk around so slowly? It makes the controls seem sluggish. >> I don't like it much either, but you can get used to it. Plus, once you get the other characters (note: I didn't get Chunky yet), they go much faster. This one seems like one Alex will be talking about. The way he goes on about Banjo's speed, it should be pretty painful for him in DK. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK Expansion Date: 29 Nov 1999 21:31:37 EST In a message dated 11/29/99 7:30:19 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Has anyone tried to play DK without the Expansion pack yet?? i wonder what happens?? >> I don't want to find out (although probably nothing serious). -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] When? Date: 29 Nov 1999 21:34:08 EST In a message dated 11/29/99 8:31:17 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Good gravy, what am I supposed to do till then?!?! ~Cy >> Play DK. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 30 Nov 1999 13:43:38 +1100 At 21:30 29-11-99 EST, you wrote: >In a message dated 11/29/99 7:28:09 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > ><< Why does DK walk around > so slowly? It makes the controls seem sluggish. >> > >I don't like it much either, but you can get used to it. Plus, once you get >the other characters (note: I didn't get Chunky yet), they go much faster. >This one seems like one Alex will be talking about. The way he goes on about >Banjo's speed, it should be pretty painful for him in DK. >-Eric- I'm not planning on wasting my money on DK64. I'll rent it when it comes out here, December 10. A game described as "Banjo, only bigger" doesn't appeal to me. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 29 Nov 1999 21:49:57 EST I also agree. I really don't plan on using my money to buy DK64. Unfortunately, the shortened variety of games on the N64 has led me to depend on numerous platform games and I'm beginning to despise them (God forbid). Right now, all I can look forward to is Rainbow 6 and NBA Live 2000 (yes, I picked that over all the other basketball games and its not because MJ is in the game). ~Cy P.S. Which magazine do you guys prefer on gaming reviews and information for the N64? In a message dated 11/29/99 7:41:06 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: < I'm not planning on wasting my money on DK64. I'll rent it when it comes out < here, December 10. A game described as "Banjo, only bigger" doesn't appeal < to me. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 29 Nov 1999 19:06:35 -0800 > > so can my 486-100, but that's not my point, i like substance over flash when > it comes to web sites. or maybe I'm doing this on the Dreamcast? nah, that'd > be silly. ;) > > i just don't like it & find unessassary. ya know, it's like compare > with its shockwave crap to the GSCCC with a plain jane web > page. you get what I mean? i'd try to explain it better but i feel ill. I see your point. but ita an official website, the information, is of course biased. But i like the presentation and the parody on various TV shows. Dexter > > > Dve > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Allan Hegedus Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 26 Nov 1999 09:51:10 -0600 A couple of games I think have historical significance would be Pac Man and Pitfall. Allan wrote: > In a message dated 11/26/99 2:34:41 AM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << What games would > anybody on this list define as having historical signifigance? > > Well, aside from Super Mario Bros. >> > > How about DK and Zelda? > -Eric- > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 29 Nov 1999 22:39:19 EST In a message dated 11/29/1999 10:35:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << What games would > anybody on this list define as having historical signifigance? > >> would you count Pong?? if not, deffinatly the Final Fantasy series, its one of the longest running game series (next to MegaMan, also a classic) Peace Out C\TSgt Pete Frye P.S. was it on this list, or my other list that a guy has a web page with a big FFIII research paper?? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 30 Nov 1999 00:08:44 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 20:42:40 EST, you write: > I have a GameShark but never heard of the Gameshark game pak. and DK64 > saves > to the cartridge not a memory pak With a Gameshark, 2.41 or higher, as far as I know, you can save the game saves on a cartridge to a Controller Pak. The only game that I can't get it to work with was with Zelda OoT. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] When? Date: 30 Nov 1999 00:10:09 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 21:31:17 EST, you write: > Good gravy, what am I supposed to do till then?!?! > > ~Cy Get a Dreamcast and Slave Zero. Or get a PlayStation & Medal of Honor. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 30 Nov 1999 00:11:16 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 21:41:06 EST, you write: > I'm not planning on wasting my money on DK64. I'll rent it when it comes out > here, December 10. A game described as "Banjo, only bigger" doesn't appeal > to me. > > > You could always waste somebody else money on it. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 30 Nov 1999 00:14:26 EST In a message dated 99-11-29 22:40:05 EST, you write: > would you count Pong?? if not, deffinatly the Final Fantasy series, its one > of the longest running game series (next to MegaMan, also a classic) > > Peace Out Ah yes, Pong, Super Pong, and Pong on the PlayStation, I guess that does count as the longest running series ever. And a historical game too, the first really popular coin-op. yeah Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 30 Nov 1999 16:25:26 +1100 At 00:11 30-11-99 EST, you wrote: >In a message dated 99-11-29 21:41:06 EST, you write: > >> I'm not planning on wasting my money on DK64. I'll rent it when it comes out >> here, December 10. A game described as "Banjo, only bigger" doesn't appeal >> to me. >> >> >> > >You could always waste somebody else money on it. > >Dave > If people are prepared to waste money on me, I become the de facto owner of their money, and frankly I'd rather spend it on something more interesting like hookers and drugs. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Gaming mag Date: 30 Nov 1999 00:40:48 -0500 Um, I like EGM, but lately the quality has taken a nosedive. The reviews are still ok, though. I also read the reviews on IGN64, because they are so in-depth, and give you a pretty good idea of what the game is like. I think reviews are most useful for deciding which games to avoid like the plague.. for anything else, I'd really have to rent to find out, since reviewers' opinions usually turn out to be wildly divergent from my own. -----Original Message----- >P.S. Which magazine do you guys prefer on gaming reviews and information for >the N64? [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 30 Nov 1999 00:43:41 -0500 I actually think it's not of as high quality as BK was, but you might have a different opinion, seeing as how I liked BK and you didn't. BTW, is it just me, or is the draw-in distance in DK even shorter than it was in Banjo? It makes it fairly difficult to spot items when it is actually impossible to spot them from far away. I know they did it to preserve the framerate or whatever, but it is ANNOYING. >I'm not planning on wasting my money on DK64. I'll rent it when it comes out >here, December 10. A game described as "Banjo, only bigger" doesn't appeal >to me. > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 30 Nov 1999 00:49:24 -0500 You want a hint about AP US? Just do enough reading to get by in class, forget about taking notes or anything. I remember a lot of the people in my class last year had like 2 notebooks filled with notes by the end of the year, while I had something like 2 pages ;-). Then, in March or April, go out and buy one of those review books. Not the big REA one, which is basically the same length as a textbook, bu the Princeton Review, which summarizes all of the stuff you need to know on the test in about 100 pages =). In fact, it might be a good idea to go out and get that book now, so that you can skip the textbook reading altogether and still be able to sound like you sort of know what you are talking about in class. BTW, don't hold me responsible if you fail the class or test or anything ;-). This is just what my experiences were, and I got an A- for the year and a 5 on the test. (sorry this has been sort of off-topic, but I guess it kind of relates, since hopefully this will clear up more time for him to play DK ;-) >Same hear. I've got the game, but I'll hardly be able to play it until >Christmas vacation. Add that to my AP US teacher gave us three chapters to >do over the break. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Not that they're so >hard to do, just time consuming and I always fall asleep while working on >them. Man, I hate that class. Plus, I still have to finish Rayman 2 and >JFG, and I might ask for RE2 for Christmas, by which time I will probably >have lost every last shred of sanity left in me. >-Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 30 Nov 1999 00:52:12 -0500 What's the name of that new PSX Pong game? The Next Pong, was it? -----Original Message----- >In a message dated 99-11-29 22:40:05 EST, you write: > >> would you count Pong?? if not, deffinatly the Final Fantasy series, its one >> of the longest running game series (next to MegaMan, also a classic) >> >> Peace Out > >Ah yes, Pong, Super Pong, and Pong on the PlayStation, I guess that does >count as the longest running series ever. And a historical game too, the >first really popular coin-op. yeah > >Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eddy Wu" Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 30 Nov 1999 01:01:35 -0500 >In a message dated 11/29/1999 10:35:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > ><< What games would > > anybody on this list define as having historical signifigance? Well, besides the obvious "firsts" like Pong, Donkey Kong (which was the game that really laucnhed Nintendo), and Adventure, there's: Street Fighter (popularized fighting games), Mario (popularized video gaming), Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest (first big RPGs, and FF7 (gulp) mainstreamed RPG games), Virtua Fighter (first 3D fighting game? I might be wrong), Tetris (obviously), Zelda (maybe not the first action-RPG, but the best), Pokemon (anything that launches a global craze has some sort of significance ;-) Mario 64 (maybe Jumping Flash too, I don't want to talk about it anymore) That's all I can come up with off the top of my head. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Garrett Winters Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 30 Nov 1999 14:42:40 +0000 on 26/11/99 15:51, Allan Hegedus at wrote: > A couple of games I think have historical significance would be Pac Man > and Pitfall. I agree with you on that and would also include Donkey Kong as for me anyway they were the three games that kicked off the gaming revolution. Lot's of the ingredients of today's games were present here at the very beginning ( scrolling platforms, enemies that at first glance appear to be random in their nature but are actually following set routines and item collection). I did prefer Ms. Pacman though as it was a lot more graphical and the boards changed at frequent intervals. Garrett [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lapenna, Russ" Subject: [N64] FW: Bouncing email from mailing lists at Date: 30 Nov 1999 11:12:59 -0500 Hey Guys, I'm really sorry for sending this to the list but I've been reieving these letters everyday to my old but still working address for weeks o0n end. The address was which has been changed to Ive followed all of it's instructions including at the bottom "if you want to contact a real person" to whom I've sent umpteen messages for help and have not received a single hello back. Does anyone here know what I can do to get off this bounces list, or know someone who can help me???? Please!!!!!!! I'm going crazy!!!! Thanks Russ -----Original Message----- Sent: 30 November, 1999 5:10 AM Your address has been moved to "" from some other mailing list at because email to you was bouncing. Here is your address as currently subscribed to "": (n64 11/09/99) The comment for the address shows the date it was moved, and the list it was removed from. If you were on multiple lists here, you may have been removed from them as well, but only one list you were removed from will show up in the comment above. If the problem has been fixed, you can get off of "bounces" and back on to the other list by sending the following to "": subscribe list_name unsubscribe bounces To subscribe or unsubscribe an address other than where you're sending the command from, append the other address to the end of the "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" command (for example, "subscribe your_list"). You'll need to access the mailing list archives if you want to catch up on whatever you missed while you were off the main list. If you don't want to keep getting these reminders every day, but don't want to resubscribe to the list, send just the "unsubscribe" command shown above. If you need to contact a human regarding this, send a message to "". [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 30 Nov 1999 16:47:04 EST << I reeeeeeaaaalllly want to get this game bad but I know that Christmas vacation is only 18 more days away and I'm freeking swamped with homework... so here's the equation: homework+DK=fun+badmarks OR homework+frustration=goodmarks+frustration/agony/pain Ah yes, the life of a frog, thats the life for me.>> Yes, I hate homework. Daily homework for me is: Reading 10 minutes a night and filling out a nightly book report (for a grade) Typing up 3-4 poems a day that I wrote in Lauage Arts (I hate the poem unit) Plus other Crap that varies day-to-day [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 30 Nov 1999 16:49:55 EST I don't suppose we could either a) stick to the topic of the thread or b) keep what you do for homework to personal e-mail? Oh, you deceptive subject lines! !! [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 30 Nov 1999 16:50:31 EST << i like substance over flash when it comes to web sites >> Go to the 'LOW BANDWITH' Version on the front page. It's a regular website, using NO FLASH OR SHOCKWAVE. Travis '64' Estell [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "josh betts" Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 30 Nov 1999 14:50:52 PST i just signed up for this email thing, and i just thought you might like to know, my brother and i both bought a DK64 jungle bundle with the green 64's, and donkey kong is awesome!!! its SO huge, and the multiplayer is insane, too. while mechs are nifty to play with, too, i would put my money towards donkey kong, and get Slave Zero later, although you probably don't care what i think... i just like donkey kong. bye ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Awnser: Will DK64 work w/o expantion pack? Date: 30 Nov 1999 17:56:05 EST I got this info from Nintendo's website: "All current N64 games will work fine on N64 systems not equipped with Expansion Pak. However, Donkey Kong 64 will require the Expansion Pak. In the future, other games may require the Expansion Pak." Click here to see the page< /A> [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 30 Nov 1999 18:17:19 EST In a message dated 11/29/99 9:50:28 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > P.S. Which magazine do you guys prefer on gaming reviews and information for > > the N64? EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly) does a great job with all systems and their reviews. I see no bias like other magazines *cough* Gamepro *cough*. If anyone hasn't checked it out yet, take a gander at "Gamers Republic". Damnit that's a good mag. In fact I like it better personally than EGM: it has Anime reviews, what's cool in Japan right now, and a cooler looking layout for pictures and text IMO. Gamers Republic has kept me happy ever since I bought an issue last year on the newsstand. Truly an amazing work of art. I believe the guy at EB told me that it was made up of the editors who left Gamefan. (I sent in money for a subscription to that about two years ago and never got it. I think that's why but I can't be sure, at least that might explain why Gamefan wasn't being printed for several months. On several occasions I have tried contacting them but to no avail. Any ideas on what I should do?). Anyways, EGM, Gamers Republic, and Incite Games (99 cents right now I believe because it's its first issue... only $11.79 or something for a full year. Incite Games is great with its gaming news... reviews and previews are pretty much standard). So if anyone out there doesn't already get EGM, I'd recommend it and if anyone doesn't yet get Gamers Republic, they better get it because it is one darn fine mag! * Eric * [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 30 Nov 1999 18:57:07 EST In a message dated 11/29/99 11:51:32 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << (sorry this has been sort of off-topic, but I guess it kind of relates, since hopefully this will clear up more time for him to play DK ;-) >> Thanks, man. I'll remember that. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lloyd Millard Mccoy Jr." Subject: Re: [N64] Awnser: Will DK64 work w/o expantion pack? Date: 30 Nov 1999 19:03:27 -0500 (EST) Really you don't say! On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 wrote: > I got this info from Nintendo's website: > > "All current N64 games will work fine on N64 systems not equipped with > Expansion Pak. However, Donkey Kong 64 will require the Expansion Pak. In the > future, other games may require the Expansion Pak." > > Click here to see the page< > /A> > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] > sx [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Awnser: Will DK64 work w/o expantion pack? Date: 30 Nov 1999 19:28:53 EST In a message dated 11/30/99 4:56:50 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << I got this info from Nintendo's website: "All current N64 games will work fine on N64 systems not equipped with Expansion Pak. However, Donkey Kong 64 will require the Expansion Pak. In the future, other games may require the Expansion Pak." >> What the hell did you write this for? It was a waste of my time and mail box space. We don't really get anything from that. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Awnser: Will DK64 work w/o expantion pack? Date: 30 Nov 1999 19:33:27 EST In a message dated 11/30/99 6:30:44 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << What the hell did you write this for? It was a waste of my time and mail box space. We don't really get anything from that. >> 1.) Why did you write THIS? It's a waste of MY time and mail space. 2.) Earlier, people were asking if DK64 would work without the Expantion Pack. 3.) I stayed to the topic, so wadda you care? Travis 'I stand behind What I say' Estell (aka Travis '64' Estell) [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Awnser: Will DK64 work w/o expantion pack? Date: 30 Nov 1999 19:35:49 EST In a message dated 11/30/99 6:34:06 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << 1.) Why did you write THIS? It's a waste of MY time and mail space. 2.) Earlier, people were asking if DK64 would work without the Expantion Pack. 3.) I stayed to the topic, so wadda you care? Travis 'I stand behind What I say' Estell (aka Travis '64' Estell) >> Why the hell did YOU right this? This was a TOTAL waste of my time and mail box space! You stop sending junk mail! lol Nikon -GGS www.gamefortress,net [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Awnser: Will DK64 work w/o expantion pack? (Not on topic) Date: 30 Nov 1999 19:54:42 EST In a message dated 11/30/99 6:37:38 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Why the hell did YOU right this? This was a TOTAL waste of my time and mail box space! You stop sending junk mail! >> Can we say 'Anger Manegment Class' ? Travis '64' Estell [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [N64] Little Dolphin tidbit ... Date: 30 Nov 1999 20:16:52 EST "The disk for Nintendo's game system will be 99 percent the same as DVD. The difference will be in the copy-protection scheme, which won't be compatible with other DVD players." This quote is from a business news site linked from Nintendorks. Seems very interesting ... will it be propriatory? Looks like a safe medium when it comes to copying ... ~Matt [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wez Subject: Re: [N64] (Not on topic) Date: 30 Nov 1999 20:21:41 -0500 See ya in a week boys, let's keep the completely useless and/or stupid posts on different newsgroups. wrote: > In a message dated 11/30/99 6:37:38 PM Central Standard Time, > writes: > > << Why the hell did YOU right this? This was a TOTAL waste of my time and > mail > box space! You stop sending junk mail! >> > > Can we say 'Anger Manegment Class' ? > > Travis '64' Estell > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Gaming mag Date: 30 Nov 1999 21:30:05 EST In a message dated 99-11-30 00:43:08 EST, you write: > Um, I like EGM, but lately the quality has taken a nosedive. I was thinking that to, but then I looked through my old EGMs and realized something. I gre up.. well, matured in a way, it seems EGM refused to. At the time in the early 1990s EGM seemed great, greater than it really was cos it was the best source for videogame info, it wasn't that it was a terribly great mag, but it was far better than the Game Pros & Game Players of the day. That's what I think. I recently picked a EGM from time to time, that whole "History of Spiderman" garbage or their highly wrong article about the Resident Evil series was just bad. Real bad. I used to read EGM mostly though becasue of their reviews, four different opinions were nice. But thses days even with it's four opinions those one paragraph reviews don't cut it. Now for four opinions I'll just check IGN, Gamespot, Daily Radar, and a saller site like Nintendojo, Sega Web, or something like that. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 30 Nov 1999 21:31:48 EST In a message dated 99-11-30 00:45:48 EST, you write: > BTW, is it just me, or is the draw-in distance in DK even shorter than it > was in Banjo? It makes it fairly difficult to spot items when it is actually > impossible to spot them from far away. I know they did it to preserve the > framerate or whatever, but it is ANNOYING. Does that happen? I was under the impression that the Expansion Pak was used for both long distance viewing and good framerates. Now i'm unsure again, I was set to go get DK 64 and wait for Slave Zero.. now.. Hrmm. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 30 Nov 1999 21:33:41 EST In a message dated 99-11-30 00:54:19 EST, you write: > What's the name of that new PSX Pong game? The Next Pong, was it? Just plain "Pong" as far as I know. Oh I wish it had JogCon support. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 30 Nov 1999 21:35:52 EST In a message dated 99-11-30 01:03:39 EST, you write: > Well, besides the obvious "firsts" like Pong, Donkey Kong (which was the > game that really laucnhed Nintendo), and Adventure, there's: > Street Fighter (popularized fighting games), Street Fighter didn't do that, I think you mean Street Fighter 2. > Mario (popularized video gaming), One could argue that it was Pac Man or (gulp) Lara Croft. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Donkey Kong TV Date: 30 Nov 1999 21:38:04 EST In a message dated 99-11-30 16:50:29 EST, you write: > I don't suppose we could either a) stick to the topic of the thread or b) > keep what you do for homework to personal e-mail? Oh, you deceptive subject > lines! > > !! When that happens it will be the last of the 13 signs that the world has come to an end. ;) Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] magazines Date: 30 Nov 1999 21:41:15 EST In a message dated 99-11-30 18:18:05 EST, you write: > and Incite Games (99 cents right > now I believe because it's its first issue... only $11.79 or something for a > > full year. Incite Games is great with its gaming news.. And the celebrity profiles and an interview with a wrassler. That ranks up with one of the worst free magazines I ever got. Right up there with Game Pro and PC World. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Awnser: Will DK64 work w/o expantion pack? Date: 30 Nov 1999 21:42:04 EST In a message dated 99-11-30 19:30:44 EST, you write: > What the hell did you write this for? It was a waste of my time and mail box > > space. We don't really get anything from that. > Oh, ok. Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Awnser: Will DK64 work w/o expantion pack? (Not on topic) Date: 30 Nov 1999 21:43:22 EST In a message dated 99-11-30 19:55:32 EST, you write: > Can we say 'Anger Manegment Class' ? > > Travis '64' Estell How do we know that 64 isn't a Commodore thing? Did people at school make fun of you for your middle name being 64? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Little Dolphin tidbit ... Date: 30 Nov 1999 21:43:50 EST In a message dated 99-11-30 20:17:58 EST, you write: > "The disk for Nintendo's game system will be 99 percent the same as DVD. The > > difference will be in the copy-protection scheme, which won't be compatible > with other DVD players." > > This quote is from a business news site linked from Nintendorks. Seems very > interesting ... will it be propriatory? Looks like a safe medium when it > comes to copying ... > > ~Matt > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] Little Dolphin tidbit ... Date: 30 Nov 1999 21:44:49 EST In a message dated 99-11-30 20:17:58 EST, you write: > "The disk for Nintendo's game system will be 99 percent the same as DVD. The > > difference will be in the copy-protection scheme, which won't be compatible > with other DVD players." > > This quote is from a business news site linked from Nintendorks. Seems very > interesting ... will it be propriatory? Looks like a safe medium when it > comes to copying ... > > ~Matt > So did cartriges. Although a 4.7 gig Zip disc.. I dunno. Is that how big DVDs are? 4.7 Gigs? Dave [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [N64] DK help needed Date: 30 Nov 1999 23:05:16 EST In a message dated 11/30/99 8:32:37 PM Central Standard Time, writes: << Does that happen? I was under the impression that the Expansion Pak was used for both long distance viewing and good framerates. Now i'm unsure again, I was set to go get DK 64 and wait for Slave Zero.. now.. Hrmm. Dave >> Truthfully, I'm not that bothered by the long distance view. Of course, that's me, so I'll just say that if you didn't like the way the long distance cuts were in BK, you probably won't like them in DK. It's a fun game, though. Definitely one you should try out. -Eric- [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 30 Nov 1999 21:14:27 -0800 > > > would you count Pong?? if not, deffinatly the Final Fantasy series, its one > of the longest running game series (next to MegaMan, also a classic) Long running series, short running series, one game stints, pure crap.... they all have one thing in common. history. I am surprised at the lack of understanding of what history is in this list. History is essentially a recording of events. That's what you study in history class, events that occur within a time-frame. to study the history of the world for all time will last you forever because you can take World War II for example, and you can either talk about the battles, or go into the generals and people involved, how about go into the individual war stories of each division... etc. etc. world war II alone could take forever to study. Anyways, understand that history everything and in videogaming terms, any game which is released has historical significance, the question is, how much significance. Dexter > > > Peace Out > C\TSgt Pete Frye > > P.S. was it on this list, or my other list that a guy has a web page with a > big FFIII research paper?? > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Little Dolphin tidbit ... Date: 30 Nov 1999 21:19:18 -0800 wrote: > "The disk for Nintendo's game system will be 99 percent the same as DVD. The > difference will be in the copy-protection scheme, which won't be compatible > with other DVD players." > > This quote is from a business news site linked from Nintendorks. Seems very > interesting ... will it be propriatory? Looks like a safe medium when it > comes to copying ... Next generation magazine did a nice feature on piracy protection, which in fact raises some very interesting ways of limiting piracy to those who are able to afford expensive equipments only, killing the gray mod chip psx market all together. i'm all for it. i am against piracy, and all this mod chip crap isn't helping the industry. dEx > > > ~Matt > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dexter Sy Subject: Re: [N64] Little Dolphin tidbit ... Date: 30 Nov 1999 21:21:08 -0800 > > > So did cartriges. Although a 4.7 gig Zip disc.. I dunno. Is that how big > DVDs are? 4.7 Gigs? 4.7 all the way up to 8 or 9 gigs, depending on how many layers you pill on it. i don't know exactly how dvd discs work, but i know my Matrix DVD is supposesly a double layered disk :-) someone care to chime in>? Dex > > > Dave > > [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] > [ (without the quotes) to ] [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alex Subject: Re: [N64] historical signifigance Date: 01 Dec 1999 16:33:58 +1100 At 21:14 30-11-99 -0800, you wrote: >> >> >> would you count Pong?? if not, deffinatly the Final Fantasy series, its one >> of the longest running game series (next to MegaMan, also a classic) > >Long running series, short running series, one game stints, pure crap.... they >all have one thing in common. history. I am surprised at the lack of >understanding of what history is in this list. > >History is essentially a recording of events. That's what you study in history >class, events that occur within a time-frame. to study the history of the >world for all time will last you forever because you can take World War II for >example, and you can either talk about the battles, or go into the generals and >people involved, how about go into the individual war stories of each >division... etc. etc. world war II alone could take forever to study. > >Anyways, understand that history everything and in videogaming terms, any game >which is released has historical significance, the question is, how much >significance. > >Dexter > Originally I was thinking of games people buy even though they may not like them. Not games you perceived as good due to advertising, I mean games you knew you would rarely play but still wanted to add them to your collection. Historical significance is one reason you might acquire a title. Megaman 1 for example wasn't very good, but it was the game that began the Megaman series. Ninja Gaiden 3 wasn't fantastic but it completes the trilogy. Yoshi's Story is crap but it's the sequel to something great. Another reason people buy games they don't like is system loyalty. I suspect many people will buy DK64 for same reason responsible for DKR's popularity; it's a big Nintendo christmas title. There used to be a time when that meant something but now they make games for market reasons, not creative reasons. Unless they're just buying time for Perfect Dark, in which case my faith would be renewed. [ To quit the n64 mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe n64" ] [ (without the quotes) to ]